Attach to Facility Use Agreement along with each approved Request
_____________ United Methodist Church
Facility Use Policy
The Facility Use Policy (the “Policy”) stated here applies to all persons using __________ United
Methodist Church (the “Church”) buildings, grounds, furnishings, and equipment (the Facility” or
Premises”). Users, including individuals, groups, entities, and organizations (the “Useror “Users)
other than official church ministry groups are required to fill out a Request for Facility Use and to sign an
additional Facility Use Agreement (the “Agreement”), if approved. Agreement to comply with these
policies is mandatory.
1. Compliance with the Book of Discipline and with tax-exempt status. All approved activities must
comply with the mandatory Social Principles of the United Methodist Church and relevant guidelines
in The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and must be consistent with IRS,
Minnesota, and the Church’s guidelines for activities consistent with the Churchs tax-exempt status.
2. Children and Youth Safety. If children will be present, enough responsible and properly trained and
screened adult leaders to comply with the Minnesota Conference’s approved Safe Gatherings policy
must be present prior to and during the time when children/minors will be present and Safe
Gatherings policies must be followed. The Safe Gatherings policy is available from the church office.
3. Emergency, Premises Security, Lights/Electrical Equipment, Health Policies, HVAC System
3.1. The contact person should familiarize themselves with the emergency exits. Outside doors
may not be propped open or blocked due to security and fire codes.
3.2. All exterior windows shall be closed and locked; all outside doors shall be locked.
3.3. Upon departure, all lights and electrical equipment shall be turned off in the bathrooms,
hallways and other space used.
3.4. No open flames are permitted at any time.
3.5. If the Church has in place a current COVID or other health-related policy affecting your use of
the premises, your group’s compliance is mandatory. Check with the pastor or church office
prior to use.
3.6. User may not modify any settings or operations of the Church’s heating, ventilation, or air
conditioning systems, including the settings on programmable thermostats.
4. Permitted Uses.
4.1. All uses are non-exclusive. The Church reserves the right to schedule other activities and
events in other parts of the Church facilities.
4.2. All uses incompatible with the Church’s own use are impermissible.
4.3. Only the room(s), space(s), and equipment specified on the agreement may be used. It is the
group’s responsibility to see that the room(s) or area that has been used is left clean and neat.
4.4. Compliance with Minnesota, U.S., and local laws and ordinances, including zoning and noise
ordinances, is required. Help us be good citizens and neighbors!
4.5. All furniture and equipment must stay on the church premises.
4.6. Groups are not permitted to attach anything to walls or windows without written permission.
4.7. Tables, Chairs, and Kitchen Equipment stay on the premises, except as specifically approved by
the Church. Non-members will not be permitted to remove tables and chairs from the
premises under any circumstances.
Attach to Facility Use Agreement along with each approved Request
4.8. Kitchen equipment must stay in the Church kitchen unless specifically approved by the Church.
4.9. Tobacco & Alcohol Prohibited. The use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and controlled
substances is prohibited in the building and on the grounds of the Church.
4.10. Food and Beverages. All refreshments (food and drink products) shall be dispensed only in the
approved dining room. Exceptions may be allowed if prior permission is received.
4.11. Weapons Prohibited. No weapons of any kind, including firearms, are permitted on Church
premises unless advance written permission was given by the Church.
4.12. Persons Excluded from the Premises. The Church may at any time and for any reason allowed
by law, exclude any identified person(s) from the Premises and require the User also to
exclude the identified person(s).
5. Agreement Regarding Damage to the Premises, Users Assumption of Responsibility and Liability,
Indemnity, Insurance, and Disclaimer
5.1. Damage to the Premises. In the event of damage to the church facilities, those using any
church facility shall accept the amount of repair and replacement costs as estimated, or
otherwise directed, by the church Board of Trustees, or their designee, and shall pay the
church for such repair and replacement upon demand.
5.2. Assumption of Responsibility, Liability, Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement--The User and
any responsible person on behalf of the User agree to assume all responsibility for injury,
damage, or liability of any kind to any person, and further agrees to indemnify and hold the
Church and its members, individually, harmless from any liability and/or expense, in
connection with the use of the Premises under this agreement, whether caused by the User or
any of User’s employees, contractors, agents, guests, invitees, and participants.
5.3. Insurancethe User is responsible for providing adequate insurance to indemnify the Church,
the User and its employees, contractors, agents, guests, invitees, participants, and any third
parties for injuries to person or property in relation to or arising from the use of our Premises.
Each non-member User is required to complete and deliver to the church office a signed
agreement and certificate of insurance as required by the Agreement.
5.4. Express Disclaimer and Releasethe User, on behalf of itself and its employees, contractors,
agents, guests, invitees, and participants, agrees it has inspected or waived inspection of the
Premises and accepts them in “AS IS” condition and that the Church and its members are
hereby released from all potential liability and responsibility for injuries that may occur to
persons or property in relation to use of the Premises to the fullest extent permitted by
Minnesota law.
6. Modifications to the Policy and the Agreement
6.1. To meet ministry needs (i.e. funeral, emergency), the Church will change dates, modify or
cancel the Agreement, notifying the User when the conflicting use is known.
6.2. The Church has an absolute right to change its Policy and Agreement at any time, for any
7. Use Deposit, Damage Deposit, Other Fees
7.1. The Church requires a use deposit and use fee from any non-member User and, for
extraordinary events, may require them from a member User.
7.2. In addition, the Church may require advance payment of a garbage disposal fee and/or a
damage deposit.
Attach to Facility Use Agreement along with each approved Request
7.3. Required deposits and fees may vary based on the use.
7.4. After inspection by the Church, deposits will be returned, less any deductions to pay for
damages or costs to the Premises.
8. Departure Procedures:
8.1. Sanitizing Expectations/Trash/Health Policy.
Upon leaving you will need to disinfect the room(s), space(s), and equipment you used.
Trash should be put in appropriate containers and lights turned off.
8.2. Emergency, Premises Security, Lights/Electrical Equipment, Health Policies, HVAC System
precautions (Section 3 above) must be followed exactly.
8.3. Return Keys and other Church Property.
8.4. Notification to the Church. Notify the Church of your departure from the Premises and
compliance with the policies immediately upon departure and please, also, notify the Church
of any observed problems or concerns on the Premises.
Standard Fees and Deposits Schedule:
1. Standard Fees (non-refundable)
$_______ Use fees for these events: ____________________________________
$_______Garbage disposal fees:________________________________________
Note: fees are to reimburse the Church for anticipated normal paperwork costs and wear and
tear, consistent with non-profit and tax-exempt status of the Church
2. Use deposits for specified events (weddings, showers, anniversaries, funerals, special groups, and
family gatherings)
Members: No charge for the use of the building.
o $_______for the use of the Sanctuary
o $_______for the use of the dining room
o $_______to the UMW if a lunch or meal is served as per UMW guidelines
o $_______other specified uses.
3. Use deposits for continuing events or meetings by non-member groups
Members: No charge for the use of the building.
o $_______small meeting for use of the Sanctuary
o $_______large meeting for use of the Sanctuary
o $_______small meeting for use of the dining room
o $_______large meeting for use of the dining room
o $_______small meeting for use of the kitchen
o $_______large meeting for use of the kitchen
o $_______other continuing events or meetings
4. Damage deposits, if any are required:
Members: _____________________________________
Attach to Facility Use Agreement along with each approved Request
Non-members: _____________________________________