Consolidated Bylaw No. 6163C
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972
Bylaw No. 6163
Purpose: to manage, maintain and oversee signage in the City of Burnaby
The following document is a copy of the above-named parent Bylaw in which every
current enforceable amendment made to that Bylaw has been CONSOLIDATED FOR
CONVENIENCE only. This consolidation is not a legal document. Certified copies of the
original bylaws should be consulted for all interpretations and applications of the bylaws
on this subject.
To view an amendment bylaw made to Bylaw No. 6163, click on the link below:
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972
Bylaw No.
Final Adoption
(or Repeal)
2022 Nov 07
update official staff titles; Amend
Comprehensive Sign Plan
2022 Oct 03
Fee for sign removal
2021 Nov 08
Update Schedule I to VIII
2021 Sep 20
Add Handheld Election Sign definitions
2019 Sep 16
Amend Election sign definitions and removal
fees and rules
2015 Sep 28
Amend offense and contravention rules
2009 Jul 20
Amend rules regarding placement of
temporary signs on public property
2006 Mar 27
Amend various free standing sign definitions
2001 May 07
To permit freestanding illuminated signs on
properties in Zone P3
1998 Sep 28
To Permit posting of notices on public
property on designated posted cylinders
1998 May 11
To add temporary signs on roads during
1997 Jun 02
With respect to animated signs in CD Zones
1996 Jan 15
Add additional definitions; change Schedule I
1995 Jan 16
Amend Signs in Zone C8
1987 Dec 14
Canopy Sign amendment
1984 Mar 19
Add stipulations for Poster Panels and
conditions; Amend Permitted Signs
1983 Nov 28
Amend various definitions; amend various
provisions and height restrictions
1983 Aug 22
Add lines concerning illuminated signs at
neighborhood convenience stores
1980 Feb 25
Amend Temporary Sign Rules; Add Parks &
Recreation stipulation
1979 May 14
Amend Temporary Sign Rules
1978 May 29
Amend permissions for Zones C6a, C3 and
1978 Apr 24
Add definitions: bus shelter, non-accessory
signs. Edit Schedule VI: no non-accessory
signs within 500 feet of various streets.
1977 Dec 12
Add definition: Sign-Facia, Temporary sign
illumination, and sign cleanliness stipulation
1974 Apr 08
Add Sign, Area Of and Sign, Multi-Face and
Sign, Minimum Height definitions
1972 Oct 16
To manage maintain and oversee signage in
the City of Burnaby
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 1
Disclaimer: The City of Burnaby documents contained in this system are for convenience reference
only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
BYLAW NO. 6163
(Consolidated for convenience with BYLAW Nos. 6472, 7107, 7195, 7218, 7365, 7465, 8097,
8115, 8179, 8870, 10165, 10324, 10581, 10752, 10802, 11232, 12071, 12680, 13511, 14055,
14369, 14380, 14506 and 14522)
The Council of The Corporation of the District of Burnaby ENACTS as follows:
This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the “BURNABY SIGN BYLAW 1972”.
In this bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires:
Awning means a retractable hood or cover which projects from the wall of a
building.(BYLAW 8115)
bike rack means a free standing structure designed or intended to be used for the
parking of bicycles in an upright position. (BYLAW 10324)
Building Inspector means the Chief Building Inspector of The Corporation of the
District of Burnaby or such other person as may be duly authorized from time to time by
the Chief Building Inspector. (BYLAW 8115)
Bus Shelter means a covered structure within or above public property which is
approved by the Corporation located at a bus stop for the purpose of providing weather
protection for bus patrons.” (BYLAW 7195)
“Campaign Period” means the:
(a) “election period” as defined in the Canada Elections Act for an election subject to
that act;
(b) “campaign period” as defined in the Election Act for an election subject to that act;
(c) “election period” as defined in the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act for an
election subject to that act.
(BYLAW 14055)
Canopy or Marquee means a non-retractable hood or cover which projects from the
wall of a building but does not include a projecting roof. (BYLAW 8115)
“Corporation” means the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the District of
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 2
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
“District” means Zoning District, as designated on the Official Zoning Map of the
Corporation, and described in BYLAW No. 4742 being the "Burnaby Zoning Bylaw
“Election Temporary Sign” means a sign promoting or opposing, directly or indirectly:
(a) a candidate in an election; or
(b) a party or organization that endorses a candidate in an election. (BYLAW 14055)
“General Manager Planning and Development” means the General Manager of Planning
and Development of the City of Burnaby (BYLAW 14522)
“Grade” means the average finished ground level directly underneath the sign. Where a
sign is located over a street, the average finished grade shall mean the elevation
established by the Director Engineering for the surface of the public sidewalk or
boulevard. (BYLAW 8115)
“Handheld Election Sign” means an election temporary sign physically held by a
candidate or supporter of a candidate in a Federal, Provincial or local election. (BYLAW
“Lane” means a public thoroughfare or way which affords only a secondary means of
access to a lot, at the side or rear.
“Municipality” means the Municipality of Burnaby.
“Person” includes an association corporation, firm, individual, organization, partnership,
party, society or trust company.
“Principal Use” means the main purpose for which land, buildings or structures are
ordinarily used.
“Residential Use Building” means a dwelling, boarding, lodging or rooming house,
dormitory unit, fraternity or sorority house.
“Roof Line” means the horizontal line made by the intersection of the wall of the
building with the roof of the building. In the case of a building with a pitched roof, the
roof line shall be at the eaves level.
“Sign” means any structure, device, advertisement, advertising device or visual
representation that is visible from any street, highway, lane or from any property other
than the one on which it is located, and that is intended to advertise, identify, or
communicate information or attract the attention of the public for any purpose and
without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes any symbols, letters, figures,
illustrations or painted forms. (BYLAW 8115)
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 3
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
“Sign, Animated” means an illuminated or non-illuminated sign that exhibits moving
letters or symbols, changing or moving colour effects, including multi-panel copy
changers, but does not include illuminated changing message system signs or signs that
display only the time, temperature or date. (BYLAW 8115)
“Sign, Area of” means the total area within the outer edge of the frame or border of a
sign. Where a sign has no frame, border or background the area of the sign shall be the
area contained within the shortest line surrounding the whole group of letters, figures or
symbols of such sign. Except as hereinafter provided, each side or face of a multi face
sign shall be counted in computing the sign area thereof. If a side or face of a multi face
sign cannot be seen by a person not on the site of the sign it shall not be counted in
computing the sign area thereof. (BYLAW 6472)
“Sign, Awning” means a non-illuminated identification sign affixed flat to the surface of
an awning and which does not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of such
“Sign, Billboard” means an exterior structure displaying advertising material of a
non-accessory nature, pasted or otherwise affixed flat to the face of such structure and
which exceeds an area of 200 square feet.
“Sign, Business” means a sign used for identification purposes, which directs attention to
a business or profession conducted upon the premises at which the sign is located, and
which may also refer to goods or services produced, offered for sale or obtainable at such
“Sign, Canopy” means a sign suspended from or forming part of a canopy or marquee
and which does not extend horizontally beyond the limits of such canopy or marquee.
“Sign, Facia” means a flat sign, including a permanent window sign, which does not
project more than one foot from the face or wall of the building upon which it is affixed,
painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the
building, and which does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such building. A
facia sign that is an illuminated changing message system sign may project to a
maximum distance of 15 inches from the face or wall of the building upon which it is
attached. (BYLAW 8115)
“Sign, Flashing” means an illuminated sign which contains flashing lights, exhibits
pronounced changes in light intensity or exhibits rapid repetition of illumination but does
not include illuminated changing message system signs or signs that display only the
time, temperature or date. (BYLAW 8115)
“Sign, Freestanding” means a sign not attached to or forming part of a building, but does
not include a billboard sign.
“Sign, Identification” means a sign which contains no advertising but is limited to the
name, address and number of a building, institution or person and to the activity carried
on in the building or institution or the occupation of the person.
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 4
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
“Sign, Illuminated” means a sign designed to give forth any artificial light, either directly
from a source of light incorporated in or connected with such sign, or indirectly from an
artificial source, so shielded that no direct illumination from it is visible elsewhere than
on the site and in the immediate proximity thereof.
“Sign, Illuminated Changing Message System” means an illuminated sign, excluding
manually operated signs and multi-panel copy changers, which is capable of displaying
changing or moving messages, effected through the automatic switching of lamps, but
which is not used to exhibit rapid repetition of changes in light intensity. (BYLAW
“Sign, Maximum Height of” means the vertical distance measured from the grade as
defined in this BYLAW to the top of such sign. In the case of a roof sign, the maximum
height shall be measured from the roof or parapet level at the location of such sign.
(BYLAW 8115)
“Sign, Minimum Height of” means the vertical distance measured from the grade as
defined in this BYLAW to the lower limit of such sign. (BYLAW 8115)
“Sign, Multi-Face” means a sign with more than one side or face, any side or face of
which may be used or is capable of being used for advertising, identifying,
communicating, informing, visual representation, or similar thing, or contains any
symbols, letters, figures, illustrations, painted forms, or similar things and may be seen by
a person not on the site of the sign. (BYLAW 6472)
“Sign, Non-Accessory” means a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity,
service or entertainment, not exclusively related to the premises at which the sign is
located, or to a business, commodity, service or entertainment which is conducted, sold
or offered elsewhere than on the premises at which the sign is located.
“Sign, Portable” means a sign not permanently attached to the ground or a building.
(BYLAW 8115)
“Sign, Projecting” means a sign which projects from the face or wall of a building, but
does not include an awning sign, canopy sign or facia sign.
“Sign, Revolving” means any sign, all or part of which revolves or rotates, or partly
revolves or rotates, but does not include animated signs.
“Sign, Roof” means a sign erected upon the roof or parapet of a building, the entire face
of which is situated above the roof level of the building to which it is attached.
“Sign, Special Purpose” means any sign other than a business, non-accessory or
identification sign.
“Sign, Window” means a sign affixed to the inside of a window in view of the general
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 5
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
“Street” means a public highway, road or thoroughfare which affords the principal means
of access to abutting lots.
“Street Line” means the boundary between a street and a lot.
“Wall Surface of Building”, with reference to sign area, means the total horizontal
surface area of the building face to which the sign is attached, including window and door
areas, measured to the extreme outer limits of such wall surface.
(1) No sign shall be erected, placed, altered, displayed or moved within the
Municipality unless in conformity with this bylaw, and the contrary shall be
unlawful. (BYLAW 8115)
(2) Any sign lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this bylaw, although
such sign does not conform with the provisions of this bylaw may, provided it is
maintained in safe condition, continue to be used, and copy changes, painting and
minor repairs may be made to such sign. (BYLAW 8172)
(3) Any sign lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this bylaw shall not
be rebuilt, reconstructed, or moved unless in conformity with the provisions of
this bylaw, and the contrary shall be unlawful. (BYLAW 8179)
(4) Nothing in this bylaw shall be taken to relieve any person from complying with
the provisions of any other bylaw of the Corporation.
Signs shall be permitted as set forth in Sign Schedules I to VIII inclusive, which are
hereby made and declared to be an integral part of this bylaw. (BYLAW 14380)
5.1 General Requirements:
(1) Every sign shall be maintained at all times in a safe condition.
(2) No sign permitted by this bylaw shall, by reason of its location, colour or
intensity, create a hazard to the safe, efficient movement of vehicular or
pedestrian traffic.
(3) Every sign shall have its weight and the maker's name permanently attached to or
painted on the exterior of the sign, except in the case of special purpose and
temporary signs permitted under Schedule No. I of this bylaw, and signs painted
directly on the face of a building. (BYLAW 7107)
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 6
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(4) No sign shall be attached to or hung from any building until all necessary wall
and roof attachments have been approved by the Building Inspector.
(5) Every sign shall be of such a design that all framework and other rigid devices
required for the lateral support of the sign shall be contained within the sign's
body or within the structure or building to which it is attached, in such a manner
as not to be visible to any person.
(6) Where necessary, the projecting cantilever system shall be used to support signs,
and in no case shall the "A" frame system be used.
(7) No sign, nor any guy, stay, or attachment thereto shall be erected, placed or
maintained by any person on rocks, fences or trees, except in the case of
temporary signs complying with the requirements of Schedule No. I and
decorative logo designs painted upon or affixed to a temporary construction fence
or hoarding erected on a construction site only, for a time period not exceeding
the period of construction. No sign, guy, stay or attachment thereto shall interfere
with any electric light, power, telephone or telegraph wires, or the supports
thereof. (BYLAW 7107)
(8) Signs that are not specifically permitted in this bylaw are hereby prohibited, and,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following signs are
prohibited: (BYLAW 10581)
(a) Animated signs, except where the animated sign is architecturally
integrated with the development, is included as part of a comprehensive
development plan for land that is zoned Comprehensive Development
District, and does not carry any text, titles or direct advertising;
(b) Balcony signs and signs mounted or supported on a balcony;
(c) Billboard signs;
(d) Any sign that obstructs any part of a doorway or fire escape;
(e) Flashing signs;
(f) Portable signs, except those listed in Schedule No. 1 of this BYLAW;
(g) Revolving signs.
(9) Temporary signs may be illuminated provided they are served by underground
electrical service and do not involve any overhead wiring or service poles.
(BYLAW 7107)
(10) No person shall erect, place or maintain a sign on private property without the
consent of the owner or occupier of the property and in the case of a sign placed
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 7
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
on a property that does not contain any inhabited buildings, such consent must be
in writing and be produced to the City promptly upon request. (BYLAW 14055)
5.2 Site Maintenance Standards:
Every sign and the immediate surrounding premises shall be maintained by the owner or
person in charge thereof in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition and free and clear
of all obnoxious substances, rubbish and weeds, except in the case of temporary signs
under the provisions of Section 11 of Schedule No. I. (BYLAW 7107)
5.3 General Siting and Location Standards
(1) No business Sign, non-accessory Sign, special purpose sign, or identification sign
shall be displayed on, within or above public property, except in the following
cases: (BYLAW 8115)
(a) facia signs provided that they project not more than one foot over public
property, except that an illuminated changing message system sign may
project a maximum distance of 15 inches over public property,
(b) special purpose or other signs under the provisions of subsection (1), (2),
(3), (9), (15) and (16) of Schedule No. I, (Bylaw 10324)
(c) awning signs.
(d) canopy signs that are suspended from or form part of a street canopy, as
defined by Burnaby zoning bylaw 1965, constructed in accordance with a
building permit and approved by the Director Engineering. (Bylaw 8870)
(e) posters or handbills that are placed on a poster cylinder or kiosk provided
or authorized by the Director Engineering of the City of Burnaby
specifically to be used by the general public for the posting of notices.
(BYLAW 10802)
(2) No business sign, non-accessory sign or identification sign shall be placed on,
within or above a required yard, except as otherwise provided for in this bylaw.
(3) No sign, other than a roof sign, shall extend or project above the parapet of a
building or, where there is no parapet, above the roof line of the building to which
it is attached. The support structure of a projecting sign may extend vertically to a
maximum height of one foot above the parapet of a building, or where there is no
parapet, above the roof line; but the support structure shall be fully enclosed and
the enclosure shall not be used for any message or display nor be counted in the
area measurement of the sign. (BYLAW 8115)
5.4 Sign Specifications;
(1) Canopy Signs:
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 8
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(a) The minimum height of a canopy sign shall be not less than nine feet.
(BYLAW 8115)
(b) No canopy sign shall extend or project above the upper edge of a canopy
or marquee by more than two feet.
(2) Freestanding Signs:
(a) The minimum height of a freestanding sign shall be not less than nine feet,
except where such sign does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular
traffic.(BYLAW 8115)
(b) A freestanding sign may be located in a required yard, provided that such
sign is not closer than five feet:
(i) to the point of intersection of the intersecting street lines on a
corner lot;
(ii) to any adjoining lot.
(3) Projecting Signs:
(a) The minimum height of a projecting sign shall be not less than nine feet.
(b) The area of a projecting sign shall not exceed 80 square feet. (BYLAW
(4) Roof Signs:
(a) Roof signs shall be used as business signs only.
(b) The length of a roof sign shall not exceed 50 percent of the dimension of
the roof parallel to the face of the sign.
(c) No roof sign shall project beyond any face of the building upon which it is
(d) The maximum height of a roof sign shall not exceed four feet. (BYLAW
6.1 Administration:
This bylaw shall be administered by the Chief Building Inspector or any other official of
the Corporation who may be appointed by the Council.
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
6.2 Permits and Approvals:
(1) Every person shall, before erecting, placing, displaying, rebuilding,
reconstructing, altering or moving any sign, make application for and obtain all
necessary permits and approvals as required by Section 5(1) of BYLAW No.
6333, being the "Burnaby Building BYLAW 1973" and by Section 7.3 of
BYLAW No. 4742, being the "Burnaby Zoning BYLAW 1965" - except in the
following cases: (BYLAW 7107)
(i) Signs permitted under Sections (1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (9) and (10) of
Schedule No. I.
(ii) Temporary on-site signs permitted under Section 11(b) of Schedule No. I,
but only in the case of a single lot in a Residential District (R), designated
as such in said BYLAW No. 4742.
(iii) Temporary signs advertising residential, commercial, or industrial
properties for rent to a maximum area of four square feet.
(iv) Copy changes, painting and minor repairs permitted under Section 3(2) of
this BYLAW.
(2) (A) Except in the case of temporary on-site signs permitted under Sections
(11) and (13) of Schedule No. I, and except signs set out in Section 6.2(1)
(i), (ii) and (iii),every application shall be accompanied by:
(a) Plan or plans of the sign drawn to scale.
(b) The dimensions, maker's name and weight of the sign and, where
applicable, the dimensions of the wall surface of the building to which it is
to be attached.
(c) The dimensions and weight of the sign's supporting members.
(d) The maximum and minimum height of the sign.
(e) The proposed location of the sign in relation to the face of the building, in
front of which or above which it is to be erected.
(f) The proposed location of the sign in relation to the boundaries of the lot
upon which it is to be situated.
(g) If the sign is to be illuminated or animated, the colours to be used and the
technical means by which this is to be accomplished.
(h) Where the sign is to be attached to an existing building, a current
photograph of the face of the building to which the sign is to be attached.
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 10
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(B) In the case of temporary on-site signs permitted under Section (11) and
Section (13) of Schedule No. I, except signs set out in Section 6.2(1)(i),
(ii) and (iii), every application shall be accompanied by: (Bylaw 7107)
(a) Name and address of applicant.
(b) Name and address of property owner.
(c) Legal description and address of the lot on which the signs are to be
(d) Net area of the lot on which the signs are to be located.
(e) An indication of the section of this bylaw under which approval is being
(f) A written indication of the number, size, type and face area of signs
related to each of the streets abutting the lot on which the signs are to be
(g) Where an application for sign approval is made under Section (11)(a) of
Schedule No. I, a suitable letter of credit or certified cheque in an amount
as set out in Section (11)(a)(iv) of Schedule No.
(h) The date upon which the signs are proposed to be installed.
6.3 Comprehensive Sign Plan:
Where a comprehensive sign plan is required or provided under Schedule No. VI it shall
include the location, size, height, lighting and orientation of all signs, and be submitted
for preliminary plan approval to the General Manager Planning and Development.
Unless otherwise noted in this bylaw, a comprehensive plan is subject to the sign area and
density requirements of this bylaw, and shall result in an improved relationship between
the various parts of the plan. (BYLAW 8115, 14522)
6.4 Inspection:
The Building Inspector, or any other official of the Corporation who may be appointed by
the Council, is hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times, upon any property or
premises to ascertain whether the provisions of this bylaw are being complied with.
6.5 Enforcement:
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, place, display, rebuild, reconstruct,
alter or move any sign or to do any act contrary to or in a manner contrary to any
direction, instruction, specification or provision contained in or adopted by this
bylaw or any notice lawfully given or posted pursuant to the provisions of this
bylaw or without any permit hereby required or contrary to the conditions upon
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 11
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
which any permit has been issued pursuant to this bylaw; or to refrain from doing
or taking or to fail to do or take any act or precaution required to be done or taken
prior to or in doing anything permitted, as in this bylaw or in any regulation or
specification adopted by this bylaw provided or by any notice lawfully given or
posted pursuant to the provisions of this bylaw; and whether or not in any such
case it is expressly stated that the doing of or failure to do the thing mentioned,
shall be unlawful. (BYLAW 8115)
(2) Every person who violates any of the provisions of this bylaw, or who causes,
suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention or in violation of
any of the provisions of this bylaw, or who neglects or refrains from doing
anything required to be done by any of the provisions of this bylaw, or who
carries out or who suffers, causes or permits to be carried out any development in
a manner prohibited by or contrary to any of the provisions of this bylaw or who
fails to comply with any order, direction or notice given under this bylaw shall be
deemed to be guilty of an infraction of this bylaw and shall be liable to the
penalties hereby imposed. For each day that a violation is permitted to exist, it
shall constitute a separate offence.
(3) Where any sign or part thereof contravenes this bylaw or where any sign is in
such a condition as to be in danger of falling or is a menace to the safety of
persons or property, the Building Inspector shall give to the owner or person in
charge of the sign written notice specifying the danger or the violation, ordering
the cessation thereof and requiring either the removal of the sign or the carrying
out of remedial work in the time and in the manner that the notice shall specify.
In the event of failure to comply, the Building Inspector may remove the sign or
cause such remedial work to be done and the cost thereof shall be recoverable by
the Corporation by summary process at law in any court of competent
jurisdiction. In the event of default of payment of such assessed costs, then a
charge shall be placed upon the property and the said costs, when certified by the
Treasurer, shall be entered in the Collector's Roll and collected in the same
manner as the taxes shown thereon.
6.6 Penalties:
Every person who commits an offence against this bylaw is liable to a fine and penalty
not exceeding $10,000 and in default of payment to imprisonment not exceeding six (6)
months and each day that the offence is continued shall constitute a separate offence.
(Bylaw No. 13511)
6.7 Removal of Signs:
A bylaw enforcement officer appointed to enforce this bylaw may:
(a) remove and impound any sign placed unlawfully on any portion of highway
as defined in the Community Charter or other public place;
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(b) order, either orally or in writing, an owner or occupier of a private property
to remove a sign that contravenes this bylaw from the property or otherwise
remedy the contravention within a reasonable time as specified by the bylaw
enforcement officer; and
(b) if a person fails to comply with an order issued under this bylaw in relation
to a sign on a private property, enter onto the property and remove and
impound the sign. (BYLAW 14055)
6.8 Fee for Removal of Signs:
If the City removes a sign pursuant to this bylaw, the owner of the sign shall be liable to
pay the City a removal fee as specified in the Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges
Bylaw, and such fee must be paid when the owner claims the sign from the City.
(BYLAW 14055, 14506)
6.9 Claiming and Disposal of Removed Signs:
An owner of sign removed by the City may claim it by contacting the City’s Engineering
Department. If the owner does not claim the sign and pay the applicable fee under this
bylaw within 3 business days of the sign’s removal, the City will deem the sign as
abandoned and will dispose of the sign. (BYLAW 14055)
This bylaw shall come into force and take effect upon the adoption thereof.
Read a first time this Tenth day of October, 1972.
Read a second time this Tenth day of October, 1972.
Read a third time this Tenth day of October, 1972.
Reconsidered and adopted this Sixteenth day of October, 1972.
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
The following special purpose, temporary signs and other signs hereinafter in this Schedule
specifically described shall be permitted in all districts, subject to the limitations set forth below:
(1) Traffic control signs as defined in the "Motor Vehicle Act", subject to the provisions of
the said act.
(2) Signs required to be maintained or posted by law or governmental order, rule or
regulation, and signs required to be posted on the premises describing hours of operation,
prohibiting smoking on the premises, or for similar public notification purposes.
(BYLAW 7107)
(3) Memorial plaques, cornerstones, historical tablets and the like.
(4) On-site directional signs, not exceeding six square feet in area, intended to facilitate the
movement of pedestrians and vehicles within the site upon which such signs are located,
and regulatory signs, not exceeding six square feet in area, intended to control or prohibit
parking within the site upon which such signs are located. (BYLAW 8115)
(5) Informational signs not more than two in number identifying the access location and
nature of a building, structure or use which is not readily visible from the street, serving
such building, structure or use, on lands forming part of the site of such building,
structure or uses, provided that each such sign is not more than ten square feet in area.
(BYLAW 7107)
(6) Signs not exceeding six square feet in area located upon private property and directed
toward the prevention of trespassing. (BYLAW 8115)
(7) Temporary window signs.(BYLAW 7107)
(8) (formerly "awning signs") (BYLAW 8115)
(9) Temporary signs pertaining to campaigns, drives or events of political, civic,
philanthropic, educational or religious organizations with the following exceptions:
(i) no such signs shall be erected or placed on park land under the jurisdiction of the
Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission, on public property in front of a
flower or shrub bed or along the 60 m portions of Nelson Avenue and Imperial
Street fronting the Cenotaph located at the northwest corner of the intersection;
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 14
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(ii) no such signs shall be erected or placed on public boulevards without the prior
consent of City Council and the written agreement of the applicant to remove the
signs within three days after the campaign, drive or event has concluded; and
(iii) no political or election temporary signs, or temporary signs relating to a public
referendum, shall be erected or placed on any public property except as otherwise
permitted in this Bylaw. (BYLAW 12680)
(iv) no election temporary signs shall be erected, placed or maintained on private
property at any time other than during the campaign period and the four days that
immediately follow the campaign period; and (BYLAW 14055)
(v) no temporary signs relating to a public referendum may be erected, placed or
maintained on private property more than four days after the public referendum
has been held. (BYLAW 14055)
(9A) Handheld election signs on a City sidewalk during a campaign period, provided that:
(i) the signs are held by hand and not placed on the ground or structure on the
(A) within 15.24 metres (50 feet) of the nearest track of a railway crossing;
(B) on a multi-use or bicycle path or travel lane of a street; and
(ii) individuals holding the signs must not obstruct ramps, street crossings, crosswalks
and other portions of a sidewalk providing access for pedestrians, bicycles,
scooters, handcarts and other transport modes permitted on sidewalks.
(BYLAW 14369)
(10) Flags or emblems of political, civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organizations.
(11) Temporary on-site signs advertising the sale, lease, or rental of a building, portion of a
building, lot, group of lots within a subdivision, or group of houses within a housing
project upon which such signs are situated, subject to the provisions of either (a) or (b)
hereinafter set out in this section: (BYLAW 7107)
(a) During an initial period of six months from the date of issuance of sign permit
approval, any number of signs fronting each street abutting the site, provided that:
(i) the combined area of such signs on the site shall not exceed a ratio of one
square foot of sign area for each 100 square feet of lot area, or 1,000
square feet total sign area, whichever is the lesser;
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 15
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(ii) no freestanding sign shall have any face dimension in excess of 16 feet,
nor a face area greater than 64 square feet;
(iii) No facia or roof sign shall have a vertical face dimension greater than four
(iv) Repealed. (BYLAW 14506)
(b) During any period when a permit issued under Section (11)(a) of Schedule No. I
is not current and in effect, or, upon the expiry of the six month period described
for a permit issued under Section 11(a) of Schedule No. I, a maximum of one
temporary on-site sign along each street frontage which bounds the site, provided
that: (BYLAW 7107)
(i) the combined area of such signs on the site shall not exceed a ratio of one
square foot per 1,000 square feet of lot area, but need not be less than six
square feet;
(ii) No individual sign shall have any face dimension in excess of 16 feet nor a
face area greater than 64 square feet;
(iii) no facia or roof sign shall have a vertical face dimension greater than four
(12) Repealed by BYLAW 7107.
(13) Temporary on-site signs indicating the name and nature of a construction or demolition
project, plus the names of the contractors, sub-contractors and professional advisers,
provided that the combined area of such signs fronting upon each street which bounds
such project shall not exceed a ratio of two square feet of sign area for each 1,000 square
feet of lot area. In no case shall the combined area of such signs fronting upon each
street exceed 60 square feet with no single dimension in excess of 12 feet. The display of
such signs shall be limited to a period not to exceed the duration of the said construction
or demolition project, at which time such signs shall he removed.
(14) One temporary on-site freestanding non-illuminated changeable copy panel sign on a
property located in a C, M or P District, provided that no such sign shall exceed an area
of 40 square feet.
(15) Changeable copy non-accessory signs on bus shelters subject to provisions
hereinafter set out in this section: (BYLAW 7195)
(a) This section shall only be applicable to public property located in a C or M
District or within 150 feet of a C or M District zoning boundary.
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 16
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(b) Any bus shelter sign shall be designed as an integral part of the bus shelter
structure, and shall consist of not more than two (2) faces.
(c) (i) If any single faced sign is used, the total sign area permitted for any bus
shelter shall not exceed 25 square feet, OR
(ii) If a double faced sign is used, the total sign area permitted for any bus
shelter shall not exceed 25 square feet for each face.
(16) Changeable copy non-accessory signs on bike racks subject to the following limitations:
(a) such signs shall be permitted only on bike racks located on public property in a
Commercial District or a Industrial District;
(b) any such sign shall have not more than tow faces, shall be designed as an integral
part of the bike rack and shall not exceed 22.86 cm (9 inches) in height or in
width the lesser of:
(i) 91.44 cm (36 inches); or
(ii) the width of the bike rack;
(c) each bike rack shall include or have attached to it not more than one such
sign. (BYLAW 10324)
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 17
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
1. Permitted Signs:
(1) Signs permitted in clauses (1) to (13) inclusive of Schedule I of this bylaw, as
regulated therein.
(2) One facia sign of not more than two square feet in area giving the name and
occupation of the occupant of a building carrying on a home occupation as
defined in the Burnaby Zoning BYLAW.
(3) One business or identification facia or freestanding sign of not more than eight
square feet in area, fronting on each street which bounds a lot in an A District.
(4) One facia or freestanding identification sign of not more than eight square feet in
area for an apartment building, dormitory unit, fraternity or sorority house in an
RM District.
(5) One illuminated business or identification canopy or facia sign fronting on each
street that bounds the property on which is located an existing retail store catering
to the day-to-day shopping needs of the residents of the local neighbourhood.
(BYLAW 8097)
(6) Awning signs (BYLAW 8115)
2. Requirements:
(1) The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed eight feet. (BYLAW
(2) No illuminated sign shall be permitted other than those at existing retail stores
catering to the day to-day shopping needs of the residents of the local
neighbourhood; and the total area of such a permitted illuminated sign shall not
exceed a ratio of one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage
of the building to which the sign is attached. (BYLAW 8097)
(3) The total area of an awning sign shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each
lineal foot of street frontage of the building to which the sign is attached. (BYLAW 8115)
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 18
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
1. Permitted Signs:
(1) Signs permitted in Schedule I of this bylaw, as regulated therein.
(2) One sign fronting each street bounding the property. Such sign may be either a
business or an identification sign, and may be selected from the following types:
(a) canopy,
(b) facia, or
(c) freestanding sign. (BYLAW 8115)
(3) In P2 Districts, a permitted facia sign may be an illuminated changing message
system sign. (BYLAW 8115)
(4) Awning signs (BYLAW 8115)
(5) In a P3 District corresponding to a major park complex of city-wide significance
and fronting an arterial road, a permitted freestanding sign may be an illuminated
changing message system sign. (BYLAW 11232)
(6) For multiple family dwelling developments in the P11 District the provisions of
Schedule No. II shall apply in place of the provisions of this Schedule No. III.
(BYLAW 12071)
2. Requirements:
(1) The total area of an awning sign, a canopy sign or a facia sign shall not exceed a
ratio of one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage of the
building to which the sign is attached.
(2) The total area of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 40 square feet.
(3) The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be not exceed 20 feet.
(4) Repealed. (BYLAW 8115)
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 19
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(5) An illuminated changing message system component in a freestanding sign in a
P3 District:
(a) shall be part of a Comprehensive Sign Plan,
(b) shall be restricted to event and facility information and public service
(c) shall have static messages capable of instantaneous change from one
message to another, and
(d) shall not exceed a maximum changing message component area of 3.72
m2 (40 sq.ft) per side and a maximum of two sides (BYLAW 11232)
3. For P3 zoned properties, the General Manager Planning and Development may accept a
Comprehensive Sign Plan that varies the number, size, location, distribution, type and
appearance of signs permitted, including sign area and density requirements, in order to
support the uses on the property. (BYLAW 14522)
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
B1, B2, C2, C5, C6, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7 AND M8 DISTRICTS (Bylaw 12071)
1. Permitted Signs:
(1) Signs permitted in Schedule I of this bylaw, as regulated therein.
(2) Two signs fronting each street bounding the property. Both of the signs may be
business signs or one may be a business sign and one a non-accessory sign. The
signs may be selected from the following types:
(a) canopy,
(b) facia,
(c) freestanding, or
(d) projecting sign,
but no non-accessory sign shall be permitted within 50 feet of any property in an
A, R, RM or P3 District.
(2A) Awning signs. (BYLAW 8115)
(3) Where a property bearing a C6a or C6b designation was zoned either C3 General
Commercial District or C4 Service Commercial District on 1977 January 01,
signs permitted shall be those permitted under Schedule No. V of this bylaw.
(BYLAW 7218)
2. Requirements:
(1) The total area of an awning sign, a canopy sign or a facia sign shall not exceed a
ratio of two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage of the
building to which the sign is attached.
(2) The total area of a freestanding or projecting sign shall not exceed 60 square feet.
(3) The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 20 feet. (BYLAW
Burnaby Sign Bylaw 1972 (2022.2) Page 21
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
C3, C4, C7, C8 AND C9 DISTRICTS (Bylaw 12071)
1. Permitted Signs: (BYLAW 8115)
(1) Signs permitted in Schedule I of this bylaw, as regulated therein.
(2) Two signs fronting each street bounding the property. Both of the signs may be
business signs or one may be a business sign and one a non-accessory sign. The
signs may be selected from the following types:
(a) canopy,
(b) facia,
(c) freestanding,
(d) projecting, or
(e) roof sign,
but no non-accessory sign shall be permitted within 50 feet of any property in an
A, R, RM or P3 District.
(3) In CD Districts based on C3 guidelines and in C3 and C4 Districts, a permitted
facia sign may be an illuminated changing message system sign.
(4) In shopping centres consisting of a group of retail stores in one or more buildings
designed as an integrated unit located in a C3 zoning district on a site with a
minimum lot area of 5 acres, a permitted freestanding sign may be an illuminated
changing message system sign.
(5) Awning signs.
2. Requirements:
(1) The total area of an awning sign or a canopy sign shall not exceed a ratio of two
square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage of the building to
which the sign is attached. (BYLAW 8115)
(2) The total area of facia signs shall not exceed 20 percent of the wall surface to
which the signs are attached.
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
(3) The area and height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed the following:
Lot Area Maximum Sign Area Maximum Height
less than 6,000 sq. ft. 100 sq. ft. 20 ft.
6,000 sq. ft. to 1 acre 150 sq. ft. 25 ft.
More than 1 acre 200 sq. ft. 30 ft.
(BYLAW 8115)
(4) The requirements for projecting signs and roof sings shall be as set forth in
Section 5.4 of this bylaw.
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
1. Shopping centres, as defined in the Burnaby Zoning BYLAW, shall be subject to the
submittal of a Comprehensive Sign Plan as regulated by Section 6.3 of this bylaw.
2. Comprehensive Development Districts as provided for in Section 700 of the Burnaby
Zoning BYLAW, shall be subject to the submittal of a Comprehensive Sign Plan as
regulated by Section 6.3 of this bylaw.
(2A) A comprehensive sign plan may be provided for groups of business premises in
buildings on individual lots that together occupy one or more block fronts as regulated
by section 6.3 of this BYLAW and for a major park complex.(BYLAW 8115)
3. No non-accessory signs with the exception of those permitted under Section (15) of
Schedule No. I shall be permitted within 500 feet of the right-of-way of the following
streets: (BYLAW 7195)
(1) Gaglardi Way
(2) Marine Drive
(3) Canada Way, East of the Gilmore Avenue - Canada Way intersection.
(4) Barnet Highway, East of Cliff Avenue - Hastings Street intersection.
4. Where a property fronts two or more streets, the General Manager Planning and
Development may accept a comprehensive sign plan that varies the number of signs that
face each of those streets provided that the total number of signs permitted for that
property under this Bylaw is not exceeded. (BYLAW 12071, 14522)
5. For P3 zoned properties, the General Manager Planning and Development may accept a
Comprehensive Sign Plan that varies the number, size, location, distribution, type and
appearance of signs permitted, including sign area and density requirements, in order to
support the uses on the property. (BYLAW 14522)
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only and their accuracy and currency is not guaranteed. To verify the accuracy and currency of
this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 AND M7 DISTRICTS
In this Schedule "poster panel sign" means a flat, non-accessory sign having an area less
than 200 square feet and a maximum height that is the least of:
(a) the height of adjacent buildings on the site,
(b) where there are no buildings on the property on which the sign is located, the
height of buildings on abutting sites, or
(c) 20 feet.
The owner of a roof-top billboard sign who intends to remove it may make application
under Section 6.2 to erect one poster panel sign, but no building permit to erect the poster
panel sign shall be issued
(a) unless the location of the proposed poster panel sign has been approved by
(b) unless the roof-top billboard sign has been removed, and
(c) after the expiry of this Schedule.
(1) A poster panel sign shall not be reconstructed, rebuilt or moved.
(2) The limitations and requirements contained in Schedules IV, V and VI with
respect to siting and numbers of non-accessory signs apply to poster panel signs,
but the restrictions on size of sign do not apply.
4. This Schedule shall expire on the 5th day of March, 1989.
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this information please contact the City of Burnaby at 604-294-7290.
1. Wayfinding signage, as defined in the Deer Lake Precinct Wayfinding Plan, shall be
subject to Section 6.2 Permits and Approvals.