U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Clackamas River Bull Trout
Reintroduction Project
2022 Annual Report
Marshall G. Barrows, Timothy J. Blubaugh and T. Nathan Queisser
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Columbia River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office
On the cover: Small adult Bull Trout moving through the Pinhead Creek video weir, Clackamas
River Subbasin (Photo by M. Barrows, USFWS)
The correct citation for this report is:
Barrows, M. G., T. J. Blubaugh and T. N. Queisser. 2023. Clackamas River Bull Trout
Reintroduction Project, 2022 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Columbia River
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, Vancouver, Washington.
Direct funding provided by
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Portland General Electric
other funding provided by
Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) via
The Fish and Wildlife Habitat Protection and Improvement Plan (PIP) fund
Conducted pursuant to
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973
and authored by
Marshall G. Barrows
Timothy J. Blubaugh
T. Nathan Queisser
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Columbia River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office
July 31, 2023
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the views of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The mention of trade names or commercial products in this report does not constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use by the federal government.
Marshall G. Barrows, Timothy J. Blubaugh and T. Nathan Queisser
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Columbia River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, Vancouver, WA
Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) were last documented in the Clackamas River in 1963. Over
four decades later, a 2007 feasibility study determined the Clackamas River Subbasin to be a
promising candidate for Bull Trout reintroduction. In 2011, the first phase of a multi-agency
reintroduction effort began, with the overall goal of re-establishing a self-sustaining population
of spawning adults by the year 2030. Releases of translocated Bull Trout from the Metolius
River Subbasin to the upper Clackamas River and select tributaries began in 2011 and continued
through 2016. The primary objectives during the twelfth year of the project (second phase) were
to monitor and evaluate the reintroduction effort. After multiple years of navigating the
lingering impacts associated with the COVID-19 global pandemic and road access issues
resulting from wide-ranging 2020 forest fires, we made progress toward the project’s goal during
2022. Bull Trout reproduction, movement, seasonal distribution and the potential impacts to
Endangered Species Act-listed salmon and Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the subbasin
were assessed. A video monitoring weir with an adult trap and passive integrated transponder
(PIT) antennas were employed to assess the spawning population in Pinhead Creek. A total of
36 individual Bull Trout were captured or observed while moving upstream of the weir, of which
28 (78%) were female and 8 (22%) were male. Ten (36%) females and six (75%) of the males
possessed PIT tags. PIT-tagged individuals were translocated fish that had been released as
juveniles and subadults in 2012 – 2016, confirming their survival and recruitment into the
spawning adult population. Thirteen migratory fish, ranging in size from 495 – 810 mm in total
length, were subsampled at the weir trap, of which eight were female and five were male. Five
of the females and all five of the males captured were previously PIT-tagged. The three smallest
females were untagged and tissue samples were collected for genetic analysis. Since all
translocated fish were PIT-tagged, the presence of untagged fish may suggest a portion of the
spawners were born locally. Despite 64% of the females lacking PIT tags, the low percentage of
untagged males suggests recruitment of locally-born individuals into the Pinhead Creek
spawning population may be low. However, seven small (300 – 400 mm TL), untagged Bull
Trout adults moved through the weir video chute, supporting the possibility of natural
recruitment into the spawning population. Redd counts increased to a high of 89 during 2017 but
declined to 24 in 2022. Twenty-seven tissue samples from untagged fish collected at the weir
trap from 2017 – 2022 were submitted for parentage analysis and to confirm the recruitment of
locally-born progeny into the spawning population. Recently instituted monthly eDNA sampling
in Pinhead Creek throughout Bull Trout spawning and early rearing areas will help to further
describe temporal and spatial occupancy of Bull Trout in Pinhead Creek. Results will be
compared with monthly eDNA samples from control (Cougar and Jack) creeks to determine how
occupancy patterns are related to instream hatch and post-hatch periods. Thus far, monitoring
efforts have not provided definitive evidence of locally-born post-emergent juveniles, or
recruitment into the spawning population, both of which are major benchmarks for the
reintroduction effort. Implementation and monitoring of the reintroduction project will continue
in 2023 and the reintroduction strategy will be evaluated annually and adaptively managed.
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Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. v
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Study Area .................................................................................................................................... 11
Methods......................................................................................................................................... 12
Pinhead Creek Spawning .......................................................................................................... 12
Video Weir and Adult Trap ................................................................................................... 12
Spawning Population Estimate .............................................................................................. 16
Documenting Natural Production .......................................................................................... 16
Redd Surveys ......................................................................................................................... 19
Movement and Seasonal Distribution ....................................................................................... 19
High Vulnerability Zone ........................................................................................................ 20
Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan Thresholds ........................................................................ 21
Results and Discussion ................................................................................................................. 21
Pinhead Creek Spawning .......................................................................................................... 21
Video Weir and Adult Trap ................................................................................................... 22
Spawning Population Estimate .............................................................................................. 27
Documenting Natural Production .......................................................................................... 29
Redd Surveys ......................................................................................................................... 31
Movement and Seasonal Distribution ....................................................................................... 33
High Vulnerability Zone ........................................................................................................ 33
Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan Thresholds ........................................................................ 35
Findings......................................................................................................................................... 36
Future Plans .................................................................................................................................. 38
Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................... 38
Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................. 39
List of Tables
Table 1. PIT-tagged Bull Trout translocated from the Metolius River Subbasin to the
Clackamas River Subbasin during the first phase of the reintroduction project. Lifestage
was defined by the size classes 70-250 mm (juvenile), 251-450 mm (subadult), 451-650 mm
(adult). Table is from Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project: Characterizing
status and thermal habitat suitability in 2017 with census redd counts, PIT tag technology,
eDNA surveys, and water temperature data loggers (Table 1 in Starcevich 2018). ...................... 9
Table 2. Collection sites for eDNA samples within Pinhead and Last creeks (Clackamas
River Subbasin), Jack Creek (Metolius River Subbasin), and Cougar Creek (Lewis River
Subbasin)...................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 3. PIT detection arrays at the Clackamas Hydro Project. (Information provided by
Portland General Electric) ............................................................................................................ 21
Table 4. Pinhead Creek weir operation periodicity table from 2017 through 2022. .................. 22
Table 5. Video observations of Bull Trout, Coho Salmon and Chinook Salmon passing the
Pinhead Creek video weir during 2022. ....................................................................................... 23
Table 6. Individual Bull Trout observed moving upstream through the video chute at the
Pinhead Creek weir during 2022.................................................................................................. 24
Table 7. Lengths of Bull Trout captured in the trap at the Pinhead Creek weir during 2022. .... 25
Table 8. Release years and locations by life stage of PIT-tagged Bull Trout detected via PIT
antennas at the Pinhead Creek video weir or captured in the adult trap during 2022. ................. 27
Table 9. Tagged and untagged individual male and female Bull Trout captured at the trap
and observed on video at the Pinhead Creek weir in 2022. ......................................................... 28
Table 10. Tagged and untagged male and female Bull Trout captured at the trap and
observed on video at the Pinhead Creek weir from 2017 to 2022. .............................................. 30
Table 11. Caudal fin tissue samples collected from untagged Bull Trout captured at the
Pinhead Creek weir from 2017 to 2022. ...................................................................................... 31
Table 12. The number of Bull Trout detected or observed at PGE facilities from 2016 –
2022.............................................................................................................................................. 34
Table 13. Comprehensive detection history for the Bull Trout detected at PGE facilities
during 2022. ................................................................................................................................. 34
Table 14. Summary of adult, juvenile and smolt/adult counts for Coho Salmon, Spring
Chinook Salmon and Steelhead through the PGE hydro facility on the Clackamas River,
Oregon, relative to thresholds identified in the Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan (USFWS
2011b). ......................................................................................................................................... 35
List of Figures
Figure 1. Historical and current Bull Trout distribution in the Willamette River Basin. ............. 8
Figure 2. Locations of current monitoring sites in the study area. Multiple PIT
monitoring antennas are located throughout PGE’s hydro power facilities. A PIT tag
monitoring site was installed with the Pinhead Creek weir and was operational from
mid-July through early October 2022. ......................................................................................... 11
Figure 3. Schematic of the Pinhead Creek weir and trap. ............................................................ 13
Figure 4. Exclusion gate for video chute. .................................................................................... 13
Figure 5. Photo depicting the aluminum picket leads, video chute and trap box deployed
in Pinhead Creek. ......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6. Photo depicting the camera chamber (right), video chute (middle) and trap box
(left).............................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 7. Channel-spanning HDX PIT tag antenna located 150 meters upstream from the
Pinhead-Clackamas confluence, approximately 10 m below the Pinhead Creek weir. ............... 16
Figure 8. Locations of monthly eDNA sampling sites in Pinhead and Last creeks from
September 2021 through September 2022. .................................................................................. 18
Figure 9. Schematic of PIT antenna array at the Clackamas Hydro Project. FSC =
Floating surface collector; TSS = Tertiary screen structure; RMSC = River Mill surface
collector. (Figure provided by Portland General Electric.) Also see Figure 2 for locations
of these facilities within the Clackamas Subbasin. ...................................................................... 20
Figure 10. Upstream video observations of male and female Bull Trout at the Pinhead
Creek weir during 2022. .............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 11. Bull Trout trapped by date and sex at the Pinhead Creek weir during 2022. ............ 24
Figure 12. Total lengths by sex of Bull Trout captured at the Pinhead Creek weir during
2022.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 13. Mean lengths of tagged and untagged male and female Bull Trout sampled at
the Pinhead Creek weir from 2017 to 2022. ................................................................................ 26
Figure 14. Pinhead Creek spawning population estimates from 2017 through 2022. ................ 28
Figure 15. Pinhead Creek spawning/redd ratios from 2017 through 2022. ................................ 29
Figure 16. Percentage of PIT-tagged adult Bull Trout observed at the Pinhead Creek
weir from 2017 through 2022. ..................................................................................................... 30
Figure 17. Georeferenced redds in Pinhead and Last creeks 2022. Bull Trout redds
observed during 2022 are depicted as yellow circles. (Figure from Clackamas Bull Trout
Update [Starcevich 2023]). .......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 18. Video image of female Bull Trout (PIT ID 0000_0000000177419068) as it
moved upstream through the Pinhead Creek video weir on September 4, 2021. ........................ 34
Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) are native to the Pacific Northwest and Canada. A
widespread decline in abundance across their native range compelled the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS) to list Bull Trout as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in
1999 (64FR 58910). Bull Trout also require very specific habitat conditions including clean and
cold water with complex, connected habitats (Rieman and McIntyre 1995; Selong et al. 2001;
USFWS 2015a). Bull Trout exhibit a very complex continuum of life histories involving
movements, migrations, spawning, rearing and foraging on time scales ranging from daily to
annually or longer, and over different spatial scales (Schaller et al. 2014). A range of human
activities, including but not limited to habitat degradation, migration barriers and the introduction
of non-native species have negatively influenced Bull Trout populations (Fraley and Shepard
1989; Leary et al. 1993; Schaller et al. 2014). At the time of listing in 1999, Bull Trout were
estimated to occupy only 40 percent of their historical range within Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Montana and Nevada (USFWS 2002a).
The primary goal in the USFWS’s Final Bull Trout Recovery Plan (USFWS 2015a) is to
reestablish self-sustaining populations in watersheds where Bull Trout have been extirpated. In
some watersheds, natural recolonization is unlikely or insufficient due to connectivity
impairments (e.g., instream barriers, distance, etc.). In some cases, translocation and
reintroduction efforts from more robust populations may be necessary in some watersheds to
establish populations at sustainable levels (Dunham et al. 2014). Bull Trout have been extirpated
in multiple Willamette River subbasins, including the Clackamas River (Figure 1). As in other
basins, Bull Trout recovery efforts in the Willamette River Basin have focused primarily on
reducing the threats affecting Bull Trout and their habitat. Due to widespread extirpations across
the expansive basin with multiple hydrosystem projects, natural recolonization may be unlikely,
thus necessitating reintroduction in some areas to establish self-sustaining populations. One or
more reestablished Bull Trout local populations through a successful reintroduction effort will
expand Bull Trout distribution and may increase population connectivity within the Coastal
Recovery Unit (USFWS 2015b).
Progress in the twelfth year (2022) of the joint effort between the Oregon Department of Fish
and Wildlife (ODFW), USFWS, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and other collaborators (i.e., the
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation [CTWSR], National Marine Fisheries Service
[NMFS], Portland General Electric [PGE], and the U.S. Geological Survey [USGS)]) to
reintroduce Bull Trout into the Clackamas River is detailed in this report. This project was
implemented following publication of a final rule establishing a nonessential experimental
population of Bull Trout in the Clackamas River under section 10(j) of the ESA (76 FR 35979 on
June 21, 2011). Bull Trout were translocated to the Clackamas River Core Area from healthy
populations in the Metolius River Subbasin from 2011 through 2016 (ODFW 2012; Barrows et
al. 2016). During this timeframe, 2417 juvenile, 371 subadult and 80 adult Bull Trout were
released into the upper Clackamas River and select tributaries (Table 1). No additional Bull
Trout translocations to the Clackamas River Subbasin are currently planned.
Figure 1. Historical and current Bull Trout distribution in the Willamette River Basin.
Table 1. PIT-tagged Bull Trout translocated from the Metolius River Subbasin to the Clackamas River Subbasin
during the first phase of the reintroduction project. Lifestage was defined by the size classes 70-250 mm (juvenile),
251-450 mm (subadult), 451-650 mm (adult). Table is from Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project:
Characterizing status and thermal habitat suitability in 2017 with census redd counts, PIT tag technology, eDNA
surveys, and water temperature data loggers (Table 1 in Starcevich 2018).
Date (Min)
Date (Max)
2011 Clackamas River 0 0 11
30-Jun 30-Jun
Clackamas River 1 0 14 3
30-Jun 30-Jun
Clackamas River 2 0 11 21
30-Jun 15-Jul
Last Creek 42 0 0
30-Jun 15-Jul
Pinhead Creek 16 0 0
21-Jul 21-Jul
2011 Subtotal 58 25 35
2012 Clackamas River 1 0 9 1
14-Jun 14-Jun
Clackamas River 2 2 34 16
14-Jun 12-Jul
Last Creek 151 0 0
3-May 28-Jun
Pinhead Creek 364 0 0
10-May 31-May
2012 Subtotal 517 43 17
2013 Clackamas River 3 30 3
6-Jun 13-Jun
Clackamas River 1 0 60 5
6-Jun 27-Jun
Last Creek 338 0 0
11-Apr 27-Jun
Pinhead Creek 283 0 0
2-May 30-May
2013 Subtotal 624 90 8
2014 Berry Creek 296 0 0
24-Apr 29-May
Clackamas River 1 26 45 7
5-Jun 25-Jun
2014 Subtotal 322 45 7
2015 Berry Creek 287 1 0
10-Apr 5-Jun
Clackamas River 1 13 73 7
15-May 5-Jun
2015 Subtotal 300 74 7
2016 Clackamas River 1 95 94 6
20-May 13-Jun
Clackamas River 5 501 0 0
8-Apr 13-May
2016 Subtotal 596 94 6
Total 2417 371 80
Grand total 2868
The overall goal of the Clackamas River Bull Trout reintroduction is to re-establish a self-
sustaining Bull Trout population of 300 – 500 spawning adults in the Clackamas River Subbasin
by 2030. For this project, a self-sustaining population is defined as one that maintains an annual
spawning abundance greater than 100 adults, exhibits a level of genetic diversity similar to the
donor stock, and requires no additional translocations. The amount of suitable habitat within the
Clackamas River Subbasin suggests there is the necessary habitat to support a population of 300
– 500 spawning adults. However, even in core areas with abundant suitable habitat, distribution
is often patchy; thus, the actual capacity of the Clackamas River Subbasin for Bull Trout is not
known. The goal of 300-500 spawning adults originated with recovery planning targets set in the
Bull Trout Draft Recovery Plan (USFWS 2002b) for the abundance necessary to achieve these
characteristics. Accomplishing this goal will help achieve conservation and recovery goals
within the Coastal Recovery Unit (USFWS 2015b).
This report summarizes the results of operating a video weir, adult trap and PIT detection
antennas to estimate the abundance and composition (tagged or untagged) of the fluvial Bull
Trout spawning population in Pinhead Creek during 2022. The relationship between the
population estimate and 2022 redd counts in Pinhead Creek were used to estimate the spawner to
redd ratio in Pinhead Creek. Additionally, monthly eDNA sampling throughout the spawning
and early rearing area was initiated in September 2021 and completed in 2022 to determine its
efficacy as a tool to document the natural production of Bull Trout.
Study Area
The study area includes the Clackamas River Subbasin upstream of River Mill Dam (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Locations of current monitoring sites in the study area. Multiple PIT monitoring antennas are located
throughout PGE’s hydro power facilities. A PIT tag monitoring site was installed with the Pinhead Creek weir and
was operational from mid-July through early October 2022.
Pinhead Creek Spawning
Throughout the reintroduction effort, Pinhead Creek has been the primary spawning tributary for
Bull Trout in the Clackamas River Subbasin. A video weir and an incorporated adult trap were
operated to monitor and assess the spawning Bull Trout population in Pinhead Creek. Census
redd surveys were also used to monitor the spawning Bull Trout population in Pinhead Creek
and other known spawning tributaries and reaches within the Clackamas River Subbasin in 2022
(Starcevich 2022). During 2022, the following objectives were addressed:
1. Estimate the number of Bull Trout spawners in tributaries and select reaches in the upper
Clackamas River.
2. Determine the spawner/redd ratio for Pinhead and Last creeks.
3. Document natural production in Pinhead Creek.
Video Weir and Adult Trap
Since 2017, a two-way fixed picket weir and underwater video detection system has been
operated in Pinhead Creek, a tributary to the Clackamas River during the spawning season. The
weir was installed between Last Creek and the NF-46 bridge, about 150 m upstream from the
mouth of Pinhead Creek on July 28, 2022 (Figure 2). The weir layout in 2022 closely resembled
the design used from 2017 – 2021 (Barrows et al. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022). The video
chute and upstream trap box were positioned in parallel on river right and both picket leads were
angled to direct fish to the chute and trap box (Figure 3). During periods when fish were not
sampled via the trap box, fish were able to migrate in either direction through the video chute. A
PIT antenna was attached to the upstream opening of the video chute to monitor movements of
individual PIT-tagged fish. A channel-spanning HDX PIT tag antenna was installed just below
the Pinhead Creek video weir as well. When the upstream trap box was set (i.e., open), an
exclusion gate (Figure 4) was added to the video chute to prevent fish from moving upstream
while allowing fish to migrate downstream unimpeded and be monitored. The leads were
constructed using schedule 40 aluminum pipe strung together with two 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) cables
with 19 mm (¾ inch) spacers between each picket (Figure 5). T-posts were used to support the
leads while sandbags were placed along the bottom of each of the leads and along the banks to
make the weir fish-tight. One modification for the 2022 season involved the installation of a
velocity break just downstream of the video chute and trap entrance. This created an area of
slower velocity where a fish could stage before moving into the trap or upstream through the
video chute.
Figure 3. Schematic of the Pinhead Creek weir and trap.
Figure 4. Exclusion gate for video chute.
Velocity Break
Figure 5. Photo depicting the aluminum picket leads, video chute and trap box deployed in Pinhead Creek.
The underwater video system that was used from 2017 through 2021 was again employed in
2022 (Barrows et al. 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). However, the system was upgraded to
incorporate a full HD (1920 x 1080P) stainless steel bullet camera with a Sony Exmor CMOS
image sensor with a 3.6-mm megapixel lens and two 12-V LED pond lights were mounted inside
a video chamber made of aluminum sheeting and attached to the video chute (Figure 6). A pane
of safety glass was sealed to the camera chamber to form the interface between the chamber and
the video chute. The camera chamber was filled with water to provide clear viewing into the
video chute. The backdrop inside the video chute was constructed with white plastic secured to
plywood. Video images were recorded on a Paramont DVR from InVid Technologies (model:
PD1A-42TB) with four channels and two TB of memory. The DVR was equipped with motion
detection calibrated to record fish movement. A color monitor was used to review video footage
when in the field and the office. Video footage was reviewed and PIT antennas were tested
regularly during site visits (from two to five times each week) to ensure the equipment was
functioning properly. The system was powered by two battery banks, one to operate the video
equipment and the other to power the PIT detection antennas. The battery bank for the video
equipment consisted of four 12-V DC batteries (connected in parallel) with a combined 400
Ampere-hours. The PIT detection equipment was powered by a bank of three 12-V DC batteries
with a combined 300 Ampere-hours.
Figure 6. Photo depicting the camera chamber (right), video chute (middle) and trap box (left).
An upstream trap was used to sample a portion of the adult Bull Trout spawners that used
Pinhead Creek during 2022. The fyke of the trap box and the exclusion gate were set every
Monday through Friday between August 29, 2022 and September 30, 2022. The trap was
checked daily to ensure no fish were held in the box more than 24 hours. The Bull Trout were
removed from the trap by dip net and anesthetized for sampling in a river water bath that
contained 40 mg/l of tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) buffered with 80 mg/L sodium
bicarbonate. All Bull Trout were scanned for PIT tags. Sampling consisted of recording their
PIT ID (if previously tagged), determining their sex (phenotypic characteristics) and measuring
their total length to the nearest 1 mm (Barrows et al. 2014). If a Bull Trout without a tag was
encountered, a 23-mm long PIT tag was inserted subcutaneously through a 3-mm incision made
with a surgical scalpel anterior to the pelvic girdle (Barrows et al. 2014). In addition, a tissue
sample (upper lobe of the caudal fin) was collected and preserved in a vial containing alcohol for
DNA analysis. All Bull Trout recovered following sampling in a large cooler circulated with
aerated river water. After recovering to an upright position, Bull Trout were released to an area
with slow water velocity upstream of the weir.
Bull Trout presence and movement was monitored by a channel-spanning HDX PIT tag antenna
installed approximately 150 meters upstream from the Pinhead-Clackamas confluence, 10 meters
downstream of the Pinhead Creek video weir (Figures 2 and 7). In addition to the instream PIT
antenna, a second antenna was installed around the upstream end of the video chute. Operating
these two antennas allowed us to match individual fish images to their unique PIT tag, as well as
confirm passage direction if the video system was not functioning. Both antennas were powered
by a bank of 12-volt batteries and an Oregon RFID Multi-Antenna HDX Reader. Both antennas
became operational on July 28, 2022. The video chute antenna was no longer operational when
the weir was removed on October 4, 2022. However, the channel-spanning antenna remained
operational until October 31, 2022.
Figure 7. Channel-spanning HDX PIT tag antenna located 150 meters upstream from the Pinhead-Clackamas
confluence, approximately 10 m below the Pinhead Creek weir.
Spawning Population Estimate
The abundance of the spawning population in Pinhead Creek has been previously estimated from
2017 through 2021 (Barrows et al. 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). As in past years, data from the
adult trap, video observations and PIT tag monitoring were used to estimate the number of
spawners that moved upstream of the Pinhead Creek weir in 2022.
Documenting Natural Production
Spawning by locally-spawned progeny of translocated individuals is a primary indicator of a
successful translocation project. Locally spawned Bull Trout have not been detected during past
electrofishing and minnow-trapping efforts (Barrows et al. 2017; Barrows et al. 2016; Barry et
al. 2014). Similarly, juveniles have not been observed in previous night snorkel surveys
(Starcevich 2019a, 2019b, 2020). This apparent absence of juvenile Bull Trout in the system
suggests at best very low natural recruitment and has hindered our ability to assess recruitment
into the spawning population. Therefore, we used environmental DNA (eDNA) occupancy
sampling, PIT tag redetection of fish that encountered the weir, and genetic samples to address
the following questions:
1. Is there evidence of locally-spawned progeny rearing in Pinhead Creek?
2. Is there evidence of the recruitment locally-spawned progeny into the spawning
3. Are unknown origin Bull Trout (non-tagged) moving past the weir fish that were
translocated from the Metolius River Subbasin, or locally-spawned progeny recruited into
the spawning population?
4. Which translocation strategy (e.g., life stage, year, location) was the most successful?
5. Which individuals (and release groups) produced offspring?
Monthly eDNA Samples
Fluvial adult Bull Trout have been documented in Pinhead and Last creeks from July through
October (Barrows et al. 2022; Starcevich 2021). However, temporal occupancy of Pinhead and
Last creeks by subadult and juvenile Bull Trout is largely unknown. From September 2021
through September 2022, we collected monthly eDNA samples at multiple strategic locations
within Pinhead and Last creeks when accessible (Figure 8 and Table 2) to observe how patterns
in Bull Trout occupancy change after spawning adults presumably leave the system. Samples
were collected at each location following established methods described in Carim et al. (2015).
A total of five samples were collected at each site to evaluate the variability between samples
taken at each site. Three samples were collected within the river right 1/3 of the stream channel,
the fourth sample was taken from the approximate middle 1/3 of the stream, and the fifth sample
was collected from the river left 1/3 of the channel. Following collection, samples were stored in
a freezer at -15 ℃ before being sent to the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Missoula,
Montana for analysis. In addition, monthly eDNA samples were collected in two control
streams, Jack Creek (Metolius River Subbasin) and Cougar Creek (Lewis River Subbasin) with
stable Bull Trout populations for comparison.
Table 2. Collection sites for eDNA samples within Pinhead and Last creeks (Clackamas River Subbasin), Jack
Creek (Metolius River Subbasin), and Cougar Creek (Lewis River Subbasin).
Stream Site Description Easting Northing
Pinhead Creek Near Clackamas River Confluence 588227 4981461
Pinhead Creek Upstream of Last Creek Confluence 588566 4980251
Last Creek Downstream of NR-42 Bridge 588566 4980251
Jack Creek NF-12 Road Crossing 604712 4927354
Cougar Creek PacifiCorp Property near Cougar, WA 588227 4981461
Figure 8. Locations of monthly eDNA sampling sites in Pinhead and Last creeks from September 2021 through
September 2022.
Tag Retention and Redetection
Monitoring studies of translocated Bull Trout rely heavily upon PIT tag detection. We examined
the proportion of the Bull Trout in the Pinhead Creek spawning population that did not have PIT
tags. Since all translocated fish were PIT-tagged, untagged fish passing through the weir may be
translocated fish that have previously shed their tag, or locally born individuals that were
naturally recruited into the spawning population. We also examined the disparities in tag
encounter rates between male and female fish to understand if tag shedding in translocated fish is
related to the sex of the fish. Relatively high tag encounter rates in male fish could be evidence
that untagged fish are a result of tag shedding in female fish rather than locally produced
offspring, since female spawning often results in shedding of abdominally implanted PIT tags
(Elizabeth et al. 2016).
Genetic Analysis
The goal was to use genetic markers to document natural reproduction of Bull Trout within the
system. Fin clips were collected from every translocated individual prior to release. Tissue
samples were also collected for genetic analysis from untagged Bull Trout captured at the weir
from 2017 through 2022. These samples were analyzed to determine whether genotypes of
untagged individuals matched any of those for translocated individuals. If they match, they are
translocated fish that had simply shed their PIT tag. If they did not match the genotypes of
translocated fish, a parentage analysis was performed to document within-basin reproduction and
to confirm recruitment of locally-born individuals into the spawning population.
Redd Surveys
Census redd surveys were led by ODFW and conducted by experienced personnel in potential
Bull Trout spawning habitat in several major upper Clackamas River tributaries. During 2022,
surveys were conducted every three weeks from the middle of September until the end of
October (Steve Starcevich, ODFW, pers. comm. 2022).
Movement and Seasonal Distribution
Similar to many other Bull Trout populations, Clackamas River Bull Trout exhibit a migratory
life history involving movements, foraging, rearing and spawning over varying temporal and
spatial scales. Due to an abundance of literature noting the piscivorous nature of this species, it
is important to monitor the spatiotemporal distribution of Bull Trout throughout the system,
including their presence where native salmonids may be vulnerable to increased predation.
North Fork Reservoir and other areas within PGE’s Clackamas River hydro project facilities
constitute a High Vulnerability Zone (HVZ). In years following the termination of the radio-
telemetry program in 2014, our ability to monitor Bull Trout movements and seasonal
distribution throughout the subbasin has been limited and we can no longer detect when
translocated Bull Trout have entered the HVZ, nor can we determine the total time each fish
spent in the HVZ. However, detections of Bull Trout at Clackamas Hydro Project PIT antennas
and observations at the adult sorting facility were used to help infer when Bull Trout entered
North Fork Reservoir and other areas within PGE’s hydro project facilities (Figure 2). We used
PGE’s PIT tag monitoring sites to document the behavior, movement and seasonal distribution of
juvenile, subadult and adult fish (see Figures 2 and 9). These data help to address the following
broad questions identified in the IM&E Plan (USFWS 2011a):
1. What are the seasonal movement patterns and distribution of Bull Trout in the Clackamas
River Subbasin?
2. Do translocated Bull Trout remain in the upper Clackamas River Subbasin (above River
Mill Dam), and if they leave the study area, do they return?
3. Do Bull Trout occupy areas in High Vulnerability Zones (HVZs) in which they could
impact listed salmon and Steelhead?
High Vulnerability Zone
Bull Trout in the Clackamas River originated from largely adfluvial populations in the Metolius
River Subbasin and have continued a migratory life history following translocation (Barrows et
al. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). Thirteen PIT detection arrays were operated by PGE at
various facilities associated with the Clackamas Hydro Project (Figure 9). Eight of the arrays (9
antennas) were operated with KarlTek (KLK5000) PIT tag readers and five (12 antennas) with
Oregon RFID readers. Table 3 is a summary of the PIT detection arrays at the Clackamas Hydro
Figure 9. Schematic of PIT antenna array at the Clackamas Hydro Project. FSC = Floating surface collector; TSS =
Tertiary screen structure; RMSC = River Mill surface collector. (Figure provided by Portland General Electric.)
Also see Figure 2 for locations of these facilities within the Clackamas Subbasin.
Table 3. PIT detection arrays at the Clackamas Hydro Project. (Information provided by Portland General Electric)
Array Datalogger
Antennas Site Purpose
A KarlTek KLK5000 Apr 2013 2 Detect fish passing through the River Mill ladder.
B Oregon RFID May 2015/16 2
Detect fish at the entrance of the North Fork fish
C OregonRFID May 2013 4
Detect fish near (upstream and downstream) the
old adult sorting facility (North Fork ladder).
D OregonRFID Apr 2017 2 Detect fish approaching the adult sorting facility
E OregonRFID May 2016 1 Detect fish exiting the adult sorting facility.
F OregonRFID May 2015 3 Detect fish exiting the North Fork ladder.
G KarlTek KLK5000 Oct 2015 1
Detect fish from the FSC just downstream of the
flow control structure.
H KarlTek KLK5000 Oct 2015 1
Detect fish from the FSC just upstream of the
tertiary screen structure.
I KarlTek KLK5000 Oct 2015 1
Detect fish from the North Fork migrant collector
just prior to entering the tertiary screen structure.
J KarlTek KLK5000 Dec 2011 1 Detect fish in flume entering Timber Park.
K KarlTek KLK5000 Dec 2011 1
Detect fish diverted into the sampling box at
Timber Park.
L KarlTek KLK5000 Dec 2011 1
Detect fish bypassed back to the pipeline at
Timber Park.
M KarlTek KLK5000 Jan 2013 1 Detect fish in the River Mill Surface Collector.
Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan Thresholds
In accordance with BiOp Term and Condition 1b (NMFS 2011), through monitoring that PGE
conducts outside the scope of the Bull Trout reintroduction project, counts of adult and juvenile
Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and
Steelhead are annually recorded through the hydro project. Data were summarized and
compared to minimum thresholds identified in Table 2 within the Stepwise Impact Reduction
Plan (USFWS 2011).
Results and Discussion
Pinhead Creek Spawning
Translocated adult Bull Trout in the Clackamas River exhibit a migratory life history and utilize
habitat in the mainstem Clackamas River and lower subbasin reservoirs (e.g., North Fork
Reservoir) for foraging and overwintering before migrating to upper-subbasin tributaries to
spawn (Barrows et al. 2018, 2019, 2021). Video observations, PIT tag detections, trap captures
and redd counts were used to describe Bull Trout spawning in Pinhead Creek.
Video Weir and Adult Trap
The Pinhead Creek weir was installed on July 28, 2022 and fish passing through the video chute
were monitored via video until October 4, 2022 (Table 4). The PIT antenna in the video chute
was operational from July 28, 2022 until the weir was removed on October 4, 2022. However,
the channel spanning PIT antenna was operated from July 28, 2022 through October 31, 2022.
The upstream adult trap was operated Monday through Friday beginning on August 29, 2022 and
ending on September 30, 2022.
Table 4. Pinhead Creek weir operation periodicity table from 2017 through 2022.
During 2022, there were a total of 80 (30 upstream and 50 downstream) video observations of
Bull Trout at the Pinhead Creek weir (Table 5). There were also 86 video observations (44
upstream and 42 downstream) of Chinook Salmon moving through the weir. In addition, there
was one Coho Salmon that passed upstream of the weir. Many individual Bull Trout were
observed moving both upstream and downstream past the weir multiple times. Some fish were
also captured in the trap before or after being observed on video passing the weir. After a single
female Bull Trout moved upstream of the weir in early August, no other Bull Trout were
observed moving upstream of the weir until August 24, 2022. Upstream Bull Trout observations
peaked in mid-September and ended in early October (Figures 10 and 11).
PIT Detection (Chute)
PIT Detection (Instream)
PIT Detection (Chute)
PIT Detection (Instream)
PIT Detection (Chute)
PIT Detection (Instream)
PIT Detection (Chute)
PIT Detection (Instream)
PIT Detection (Chute)
PIT Detection (Instream)
PIT Detection (Chute)
PIT Detection (Instream)
Table 5. Video observations of Bull Trout, Coho Salmon and Chinook Salmon passing the Pinhead Creek video
weir during 2022.
Species (Sex) Upstream Downstream Total
Bull Trout (Male)
Bull Trout (Female)
Coho Salmon
Chinook Salmon
Figure 10. Upstream video observations of male and female Bull Trout at the Pinhead Creek weir during 2022.
Ten individual PIT-tagged Bull Trout were detected passing upstream through the video chute
PIT antenna during 2022 (Table 6). Seventeen individual untagged Bull Trout were observed
passing upstream through the video chute. Seven of the untagged fish were much smaller than
we have typically seen move through the weir in past seasons, approximately 300 – 400 mm in
length. Of these seven smaller individuals, five appeared to be females and two appeared to be
males. No additional PIT-tagged Bull Trout were detected by the instream PIT antenna after the
video weir was removed.
7/28/22 8/4/22 8/11/22 8/18/22 8/25/22 9/1/22 9/8/22 9/15/22 9/22/22 9/29/22
Upstream Bull Trout Observations
Male (N = 11)
Female (N = 24)
Trap Open
Trap Open
Trap Open
Trap Open
Trap Open
Table 6. Individual Bull Trout observed moving upstream through the video chute at the Pinhead Creek weir during
Video Observations
Video Observations
Male 4 2 6
Totals 10 17 27
Thirteen individual Bull Trout were captured in the trap at the Pinhead Creek weir of which three
were captured more than once. The first fish was captured on August 30, 2022 and the last Bull
Trout was captured on September 22, 2022 (Figure 11). Of the 13 unique Bull Trout captured, 8
were females and 5 were males. All five males had been PIT-tagged previously and five of the
eight females had been previously tagged. Tissue samples from the three untagged females were
collected for future genetic analysis.
Figure 11. Bull Trout trapped by date and sex at the Pinhead Creek weir during 2022.
8/30/2022 9/4/2022 9/9/2022 9/14/2022 9/19/2022 9/24/2022 9/29/2022
Number of Bull Trout
Male (N = 9)
Female (N = 8)
Did Not Trap
Did Not Trap
Did Not Trap
Did Not Trap
The Bull Trout captured in the trap were large, migratory fish and ranged in length from 495 –
810 mm TL. Female Bull Trout (mean, 628 mm TL; range, 495 – 810 mm TL) were on average
smaller in length than the males (mean, 683 mm TL; range, 615 – 765 mm TL). All but three of
the females captured in the trap during 2022 had been previously PIT-tagged, indicating they
were either translocated fish or individuals that were tagged at the trap during previous years.
The mean length of the untagged females was notably less than that of the tagged females.
Lengths of Bull Trout captured in the trap are summarized in Figure 12 and Table 7.
Figure 12. Total lengths by sex of Bull Trout captured at the Pinhead Creek weir during 2022.
Table 7. Lengths of Bull Trout captured in the trap at the Pinhead Creek weir during 2022.
Total Length (mm)
Males (Tagged) 615 765 683
Females (Tagged)
Males (Untagged)* * * *
Females (Untagged) *
* No untagged male Bull Trout were captured during 2022.
476 - 500
501 - 525
526 - 550
551 - 575
576 - 600
601 - 625
626 - 650
651 - 675
676 - 700
701 - 725
726 - 750
751 - 775
776 - 800
801 - 825
Number of Bull Trout
Total Length (mm)
Male (N = 5)
Female (N = 8)
Operating a weir and adult trap for multiple years in Pinhead Creek has provided the opportunity
to observe trends in the population. Fish length often correlates with age of individuals in a
population. As a population matures, mean lengths would be expected to trend upward. If
younger (i.e., smaller) individuals were recruited into the adult population, we would expect to
see mean lengths trend downward. We examined mean lengths for tagged and untagged male
and female Bull Trout sampled from 2017 to 2022 in the Pinhead Creek weir trap (Figure 13).
As expected, we found that mean lengths for tagged male and female Bull Trout trended upward,
indicating these fish are primarily older (and therefore larger) translocated individuals. We also
found that mean lengths for untagged fish trended upward. However, in 2022 the mean length
for untagged females was notably lower, not following the trend from previous years. This may
simply be an anomaly, or it may suggest younger, untagged females (i.e., naturally produced
fish) may have been recruited into the spawning population.
Figure 13. Mean lengths of tagged and untagged male and female Bull Trout sampled at the Pinhead Creek weir
from 2017 to 2022.
In 2022, most adult Bull Trout detected passing the weir were released as juveniles (< 251 mm)
and subadults (251 – 450 mm) from 2012 – 2016 into the mainstem Clackamas River, Pinhead
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Mean Length (mm)
Males (Tagged)
Females (Tagged)
Males (Untagged)
Females (Untagged)
Creek or the upper Clackamas River (Table 8). No translocated fish released as adults and no
juveniles released into Berry Creek were detected in 2022. Most fish detected at the weir were
released as subadults (50%) into the mainstem Clackamas and a large portion (50%) of the
translocated fish were from releases in the final year of the translocations (2016). This is not
surprising given that more Bull Trout were translocated during 2016 than in any year of the
reintroduction effort (Starcevich 2021). We also detected three untagged adults (> 450 mm) of
unknown origin that were PIT-tagged and released at the Pinhead Creek adult trap from 2018 –
2019 in addition to the three PIT-tagged adults released at the weir during 2022.
Table 8. Release years and locations by life stage of PIT-tagged Bull Trout detected via PIT antennas at the
Pinhead Creek video weir or captured in the adult trap during 2022.
Lifestage 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Totals
Clack. R. Juvenile 0 0 0 0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1
Clack. R. Subadult 1 0 2 2 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 9
Clack. R. Adult 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0
Pin./Last Cr. Juvenile 0 1 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1
Up.Clack. Juvenile 0 0 0 0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1
Berry Cr. Juvenile 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0
Pin. Weir Adult NA NA NA NA NA 0 1 2 0 0 3 6
Totals 1 1 2 2 6 0 1 2 0 0 3 18
Spawning Population Estimate
A total of 36 individual Bull Trout were captured, observed or detected passing the weir, of
which 28 were female and 8 were male (Table 9). There were two distinctly different size
classes of adults observed moving upstream of the weir in 2022. This dichotomy has not been
observed in the past six years of operating the weir in Pinhead Creek. There were 29 large
adults, of which 6 were male and 23 were female. All of the large males (100%) were previously
tagged and 10 (43%) of the large females were tagged. Of the seven small adults that were
observed, two were determined to be male, five were female and none had PIT tags. It should be
noted that determining the sex of the small adults was difficult in some cases. The spawning
population estimate of 36 was the same as in 2021, but was notably less than estimates for
previous years (Figure 14). Our spawning population estimate and census redd count data
suggest a spawner/redd ratio of 1.5 in 2022, which was higher, but similar to past seasons that
ranged from 1.0 to 1.3 (Figure 15). A reason for the decline in adult spawners from a high of
101 in 2018 was not apparent. However, the number of males in the population is much lower
than the number of females (Table 9) and there continues to be indications that recruitment of
naturally produced fish to the spawning population is low (see Documenting Natural Production
results and discussion).
Table 9. Tagged and untagged individual male and female Bull Trout captured at the trap and observed on video at
the Pinhead Creek weir in 2022.
Large Adults
(> 450 mm)
6 10 0 13 29
Small Adults
(300 – 450 mm)
0 0 2 5 7
Totals 6 10 2 18 36
Figure 14. Pinhead Creek spawning population estimates from 2017 through 2022.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of Bull Trout
Figure 15. Pinhead Creek spawning/redd ratios from 2017 through 2022.
Documenting Natural Production
Monthly eDNA Samples
All eDNA samples were sent to Rocky Mountain Research Station in Missoula, Montana for
analysis. We will report the findings once samples from all months are processed and the
analysis is completed (i.e., 2023 annual report).
Tag Retention
Thirty-six individual Bull Trout were captured in the adult trap or observed on video during
2022. Twenty of these fish were untagged prior to capture or observation. Of the eight males
observed, six (75%) were previously PIT-tagged. This was the first year since 2018 that male
Bull Trout without PIT-tags were observed. It should be noted that both of the untagged males
were from the group of seven very small adults (approximately 300 – 400 mm) observed on
video, which were more difficult to sex than larger adults. Ten of the 28 females (36%)
observed were previously PIT-tagged. All five of the small female adults did not have tags. The
observations of untagged individuals passing the weir suggests locally-born individuals may
have been recruited into the spawning population. However, the disparity in tagged to untagged
ratios for male and female fish observed at the weir between 2017 and 2022 (Barrows et al.
2018, 2019, 2021, 2022), could result from substantially lower tag retention for females. Meyer
et al. (2011) and Prentice et al. (1990) had previously documented significantly lower PIT tag
retention rates in female salmonids. For this reason, the true percentage of locally-born
individuals in the spawning population may be better represented by the males, suggesting very
few locally-born individuals may been recruited into the adult population in Pinhead Creek. The
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Spawner/Redd Raito
proportions of tagged to untagged males and females in 2022 were lower than findings from
2019 through 2021 (Table 10). However, if the seven small untagged adults were excluded from
the analysis, the percentages of tagged males (100%) and females (43%) would be more similar
to past seasons (Figure 16). The lower overall percentage of PIT-tagged individuals observed in
2022 together with the presence of small untagged adults, may indicate the beginning of a trend
toward fewer untagged individuals and the possiblity of natural recruitment into the spawning
Table 10. Tagged and untagged male and female Bull Trout captured at the trap and observed on video at the
Pinhead Creek weir from 2017 to 2022.
(% Tagged)
(% Tagged)
* Monitoring season was shortened due to COVID-19 restrictions and forest fires in the subbasin.
Figure 16. Percentage of PIT-tagged adult Bull Trout observed at the Pinhead Creek weir from 2017 through 2022.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Percentage PIT-tagged (%)
Male Female
Genetic Analysis
Caudal fin tissue samples were collected from the 27 untagged Bull Trout captured at the weir
during from 2017 through 2022 for genetic analysis to determine if they were locally-born
progeny or translocated fish that had shed their tags (Table 11). These samples have been sent to
the Abernathy Fish Technology Center (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service) for genetic analysis. In
future years, if locally-born individuals are captured, genetic analysis would be used to
determine which individuals and release groups produced offspring.
Table 11. Caudal fin tissue samples collected from untagged Bull Trout captured at the Pinhead Creek weir from
2017 to 2022.
Year Males Females Totals
2017 1 5 6
2018 2 3 5
2020 0 4 4
2021 0 0 0
Totals 3 24 27
Redd Surveys
The number of Bull Trout redds recorded in the Clackamas River Subbasin has ranged from just
5 in 2011 to a high of 89 in 2017 (Starcevich 2021). Since the beginning of the reintroduction
project, most of the redds counted during census spawning surveys were recorded in Pinhead
Creek, Last Creek and the upper Clackamas River. However, 13 redds were counted in Berry
Creek during 2019 (Starcevich 2020). Pinhead Creek remained the primary spawning tributary
for Bull Trout during 2022.
A total of 24 presumed Bull Trout redds were observed in 2022, a marked decrease from a total
of 64 redds in 2020 and 38 redds in 2021 (Starcevich 2023; Barrows et al. 2022). All 24 of the
redds were found in Pinhead Creek downstream of the Last Creek confluence (Figure 17). No
redds were found in Last Creek during 2022. The Pinhead Creek spawner/redd ratio for 2022 is
discussed in the Spawning Population Estimate section of this report.
Figure 17. Georeferenced redds in Pinhead and Last creeks 2022. Bull Trout redds observed during 2022 are
depicted as yellow circles. (Figure from Clackamas Bull Trout Update [Starcevich 2023]).
Movement and Seasonal Distribution
High Vulnerability Zone
Bull Trout are known to use North Fork Reservoir and frequent areas in the vicinity of PGE’s
hydro projects (Barrows et al. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). Monitoring efforts have been
limited following the end of the reintroduction project’s radio-telemetry program in 2014 and
occupancy of the HVZ during 2022 is largely unknown. However, the detection histories of
PIT-tagged Bull Trout detected at various PIT antennas at PGE’s hydro project facilities in
recent years have provided some degree of insight into when and where Bull Trout occupy
habitat in the Clackamas River extending from downstream of River Mill Dam to North Fork
Reservoir. As the numbers of PIT-tagged Bull Trout remaining in the system decline, fewer
detections reduce our ability to infer occupancy timing in the HVZ.
Bull Trout opportunistically forage on juvenile Steelhead, salmon and other species when in the
vicinity of PGE’s hydro project facilities, so it is important to know how long Bull Trout reside
there. It is often unclear how long an individual Bull Trout has occupied a given area prior to its
detection at PIT antennas throughout the hydro project, but in some instances, occupancy timing
can be inferred through examining detection histories. There was only a single Bull Trout (PIT
ID 0000_0000000177419068) detected at PGE facilities during late June and early July during
2022. However, data from previous years indicate Bull Trout have encountered PGE facilities
and may occupy the HVZ during all months (Barry et al. 2014; Barrows et al. 2016, 2017, 2018,
2019, 2021, 2022).
From 2016 – 2022 there have been a total of 30 Bull Trout detected or observed at PGE facilities
(Table 12). A comprehensive detection/observation history of the fish detected during 2022 is
summarized in Table 13. This fish had been translocated as a subadult (308 mm TL) and
released in the Clackamas River near the 4650 bridge on June 3, 2016. It was detected and
observed multiple times following release, including presumed spawning runs in 2020, 2021 and
2022 into Pinhead Creek and it was captured in the Pinhead Creek adult trap during 2020 but
was quickly released without being measured due to an advancing forest fire in the area. Pre-
spawn video images of this large, migratory female were recorded as it moved upstream and
downstream of the Pinhead Creek weir during 2021(Figure 18). During 2022, this fish was
detected moving downstream through the North Fork Dam migrant collector on June 30, 2022
before ascending the fish ladder and returning upstream of North Fork Dam on July 4, 2022.
Fifty-three days later, this fish moved upstream of the Pinhead Creek weir to spawn before
returning back downstream of the weir on September 8, 2022.
Table 12. The number of Bull Trout detected or observed at PGE facilities from 2016 2022.
Year Bull Trout Detected/Observed
Total 30
Table 13. Comprehensive detection history for the Bull Trout detected at PGE facilities during 2022.
Size at Tagging
or Recapture
Date Released (*),
Detected or Recaptured
Location Released (*),
Detected, or Recaptured
308 mm
4650 Bridge*
Capture - Pinhead Creek Adult Trap
Video Observation Pinhead Weir (US)
Video Observation Pinhead Weir (DS)
PIT Detect - N. F. Migrant Collector
PIT Detect - River Mill Ladder
PIT Detect N.F. Old Sorting Facility
Observation N.F. Adult Sorting Facility
PIT Detect - North Fork Ladder Exit
Video Observation Pinhead Weir (US)
Video Observation Pinhead Weir (DS)
Figure 18. Video image of female Bull Trout (PIT ID 0000_0000000177419068) as it moved upstream through the
Pinhead Creek video weir on September 4, 2021.
The detection history of this Bull Trout from 2022, together with the multiple detections of fish
from previous years, indicate there have been ample opportunities for Bull Trout to interact with
anadromous salmonids in the HVZ. It should be noted that PIT detections signify a moment in
time at a very specific location. In addition, they may only represent an unknown portion of the
actual number of Bull Trout occupying the HVZ. Bull Trout may be using unmonitored areas or
encountering PGE facilities undetected due to tag loss and the possible existence of untagged,
locally-born individuals.
Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan Thresholds
This summary is not intended to be an analysis of trends in salmon and Steelhead life stage
metrics, given the changes in how monitoring has been conducted by PGE over time (Nick
Ackerman, PGE, pers. comm.), and is not intended to fulfill any reporting requirements of PGE.
Rather, the information provided by PGE is summarized below (Table 11) relative to the
Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan (USFWS 2011) and the minimum thresholds identified in Table
2 therein. During 2022, all metrics for Coho Salmon, Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead
were above thresholds identified in the Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan (Table 14). All counts
have exceeded minimum thresholds in all years since the implementation of the Bull Trout
reintroduction project, suggesting the presence of Bull Trout in the system may not expressively
impact salmon and Steelhead populations.
Table 14. Summary of adult, juvenile and smolt/adult counts for Coho Salmon, Spring Chinook Salmon and
Steelhead through the PGE hydro facility on the Clackamas River, Oregon, relative to thresholds identified in the
Stepwise Impact Reduction Plan (USFWS 2011b).
The adult counts were above the threshold
for the tenth year (2013-2022) since
implementation of this project.
The juvenile counts were above the
threshold and have exceeded the threshold
in all years since implementation of this
The estimated smolts/adults were above the
threshold and have exceeded the threshold
in all years since implementation of this
Spring Chinook
The adult counts were above the threshold
and have exceeded the threshold in all years
since implementation of this project.
The juvenile counts were above the
threshold and have exceeded the threshold
in all years since implementation of this
The estimated smolts/adults were above the
threshold and have exceeded the threshold
in all years since implementation of this
The adult counts were above the threshold
and have exceeded the threshold in all years
since implementation of this project.
The juvenile counts were above the
threshold and have exceeded the threshold
in all years since implementation of this
The estimated smolts/adults were above the
threshold and have exceeded the threshold
in all years since implementation of this
* Annual data provided by Nick Ackerman, PGE.
Bull Trout populations are known to exhibit life histories involving movements, migrations,
spawning, rearing and foraging over a range of temporal and spatial scales (Schaller et al. 2014).
An understanding of these fundamental characteristics is required to inform future management
actions and for continued progress toward the project’s goal of re-establishing a self-sustaining
Bull Trout population in the Clackamas River Subbasin. Since this project’s inception,
numerous important milestones have been achieved. The most notable have been the recruitment
of translocated fish into the spawning population and the confirmation of viable embryos and
healthy alevins in redds (Barrows et al. 2018). Another encouraging finding was the first
observations of redds in Berry Creek during 2019 (Starcevich 2020) However, there continue to
be notable uncertainties and indicators that may be cause for concern. For example, efforts to
provide definitive evidence of post-emergent juveniles have been unsuccessful to date. Adults
without PIT tags have been observed and captured at the weir in Pinhead Creek and at the North
Fork Dam sorting facility, however, data suggest there may be an elevated rate of tag shedding in
the female portion of the translocated population indicating many of the untagged fish may not
be Clackamas-born individuals. Confirmation of locally-born progeny and their recruitment into
the spawning population are benchmarks that are crucial to the overall goal of establishing a self-
sustaining population of Bull Trout in the Clackamas River Subbasin and may be achieved over
time as the reintroduction effort progresses and the population develops. The following is a
summary of findings from monitoring activities conducted during 2022:
Bull Trout began moving into Pinhead Creek to spawn on August 2, 2022, appeared to peak in
mid-September, and the last fish moved upstream on October 1, 2022. Migration timing in 2022
was similar to previous years.
Whenever a weir is operated within a stream, it is safe to assume it will result in some level of
delay as upstream migrating fish search for the passage route. The installation and operation of
the weir during 2022 was nearly identical to past years, so passage was not evaluated in detail.
However, all PIT-tagged Bull Trout that encountered the weir during 2022 successfully passed
upstream, no fish were observed congregating downstream of the weir, no Bull Trout redds were
observed downstream of the weir and each fish captured in the trap was held for less than 24
hours before being passed upstream. For these reasons, we believe passage to upstream
spawning grounds for most fish was minimally influenced by the weir in 2022. Since 2017,
there have been no indications that the Pinhead Creek weir has negatively influenced salmonid
access to upstream spawning grounds (Barrows et al. 2018 – 2022).
Our estimate of the spawning population in 2022 was 36 fish, resulting in an estimated
spawner/redd ratio of 1.5. This value is slightly higher, but similar to estimates from 2017 –
2021 that ranged from 1.0 to 1.3, suggesting consistency in population estimates and census redd
The percentage of females in the Pinhead Creek spawning population has consistently increased
from 52% in 2017 to 78% in 2022. This increasing disparity between the percentage of females
and males was notable and appears to be a continuing trend.
The surviving translocated individuals in the system are currently all mature adults. Increased
redd counts are expected as locally-born offspring (if they exist) continue to mature and recruit
into the spawning population. However, the downward trend in redd counts observed since 2017
in Pinhead and Last creeks runs counter to these expectations.
From 2017 – 2022, mean lengths for tagged (translocated) individuals have trended upward.
Prior to 2022, mean lengths for untagged fish have trended upward as well, suggesting they may
be translocated fish that have shed their PIT tags. However, in 2022 the mean length for
untagged females was notably lower, not following the trend from previous years. This suggests
younger (i.e., naturally produced fish) may have recruited into the 2022 spawning population.
The presence of seven small (approximately 300 – 400 mm), untagged adult Bull Trout, together
with the lower overall percentage of PIT-tagged individuals, may also indicate natural
recruitment into the 2022 spawning population.
Prior to 2022, there had been no untagged male Bull Trout observed at the Pinhead Creek weir
since 2018, strongly suggesting a lack of recruitment of locally-born individuals into the
spawning population. However, the two small, untagged males observed in 2022 again suggest
the possibility of natural recruitment.
The 27 tissue samples from untagged Bull Trout captured at the weir from 2017 through 2022
have been sent to the Abernathy Fish Technology Center for analysis. Results will confirm if the
fish were locally-born individuals, or if they were simply translocated fish that had shed their
Results from the monthly eDNA sampling effort from Pinhead and control (Jack and Cougar)
creeks will help describe how temporal and spatial patterns in Bull Trout occupancy are related
to incubation and post-hatching time periods in these creeks.
The detection history of the PIT-tagged Bull Trout detected at PIT antennas throughout PGE’s
hydro project facilities during 2022 confirmed that Bull Trout were in the vicinity of the hydro
power facilities during June and July. However, data from past years indicate Bull Trout may be
present during all months.
Bull Trout use of the North Fork Reservoir during 2022 was largely unknown, but it is
reasonable to assume they foraged on vulnerable juvenile anadromous salmonids pooling in
forebays while occupying the HVZ. Regardless, minimum passage thresholds for juvenile
salmon and Steelhead were exceeded in 2022.
Only one adult Bull Trout returned to the study area upstream of North Fork Dam during 2022.
It was subsequently detected (and presumably spawned) in Pinhead Creek during the spawning
season. As the population has declined, instances of these migration patterns have become less
common in recent years.
Future Plans
In cooperation with our partners in the Clackamas River Subbasin, we intend to continue
monitoring the effectiveness of the Bull Trout reintroduction program during 2023. We
anticipate that the spawning population will continue to be monitored via redd counts and by
operating a video weir near the mouth of Pinhead Creek in 2023. Continuing these activities will
ensure the goals and objectives of the reintroduction project are met.
We would like to thank and acknowledge the following agencies/organizations for their
assistance in planning, implementation, and monitoring efforts: the Confederated Tribes of the
Warm Springs Reservation, Portland General Electric, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological
Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff at Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office and Lower
Columbia River Fish Health Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Oregon Department of
Fish and Wildlife staff at Round Butte Fish Hatchery, Wizard Falls Hatchery. We would also
like to thank Shaun Clements, Bobby Brunoe, Brad Houslet, Jens Lovtang, Jen Graham, Julie
Keil, Don Ratliff, Tim Shibahara, Megan Hill, Cory Quesada, Nick Ackerman, Garth Wyatt,
Margaret David, Jim Bartlett, Shivonne Nesbit, Tony Amandi, Craig Banner, Rick Stocking,
Susan Gutenberger, Ken Lujan, Matt Stinson, Rollie White, Paul Henson, Tom Horning, Katie
Serres, Brad Goering, Dan Shively, Jason Dunham, Peter Lickwar, Brett Hodgson, Erik
Moberly, Emma Garner, Todd Alsbury, Ben Walczak, Matt Lackey, Jeff Boechler, Jeff Fulop,
Justin Zweifel, Mike Meeuwig, Steve Starcevich, Christine Ford, Ryan Koch, Bill Brignon,
Marci Koski, Joe Skalicky, Tim Whitesel, Jack Williamson, Jeff Johnson, Rikeem Sholes, Brian
Davis, Kari Dammerman, Brook Silver, Paul Sankovich, Will Simpson, Rachel Gugler, Matt
Gibson, Jamie Sprando, Darek Staab, Dick Hollenbeck, Terry Turner, Mike Riehle, Chris Allen,
Ann Gray, Bianca Streif, Rob Walton, Rich Turner, Steve Lazzini, Shona Wilson, Kirk Metzger,
Ben Lee, Jonathan White, Tim Blubaugh, Nate Queisser, Karisma Sexton, Rachel Rule, Hayato
Murai, and many others for their support and assistance. We also thank David Hines for
database creation and management.
Literature Cited
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
July 2023