City Schools of Decatur: 2021-2022 School Year
COVID Mitigation Strategies: Updated July 27, 2021
City Schools of Decatur will continually monitor all updates and changes in guidance from the CDC regarding mitigation strategies recommended for schools.
Mitigation Strategy /
CSD strongly encourages all eligible individuals to get vaccinated to prevent the spread of COVID and the development of variants. At this time CSD will not
mandate vaccinations for staff or students.
Indoor Masking for
Students should bring several
backup masks to school each day.
Required for all students aged
3 years of age and above while
Required for all students while indoors at all CSD School Buildings regardless of vaccination status.
Indoor Masking for CSD
Correct wearing of face masks is required for all CSD employees when inside all CSD facilities. Fully vaccinated teachers may remove masks for short periods
of time during instruction if needed to ensure the highest quality of instruction is delivered. When staff are alone inside their classroom or office with the door
closed, they may remove their mask. If staff choose to remove their mask while alone in a classroom or office, they must place a sign on their door to notify
others that an unmasked individual is in that room and to knock before entering.
Outdoor Masks
Masks are not required when outdoors
Hand Hygiene
Frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer, including before and after the following activities: eating lunch, taking mask on and off, and when using
communal materials. Handwashing is preferable before and after eating lunch; however, if that is not feasible, hand sanitizer is acceptable.
Staying home when sick
Parents and staff should continue to monitor for symptoms and stay home when showing symptoms of COVID.
Physical Distancing
It is recommended that student seating is arranged to maintain as much physical distancing as possible. However, with a large number of students returning to
in-person learning, CSD will not be able to guarantee 3 feet of distance between all students in every classroom.
Students enrolled in our
infant-toddler program will eat
meals in their classrooms in
their assigned seats.
Students enrolled in our
preschool and pre-K
classrooms will utilize the
Eating outdoors is preferred for lunch. Schools should identify outdoors locations to assign
classes for lunch and develop a backup plan if weather does not permit eating outdoors.
While eating outdoors, 3 feet of distance should be maintained between all students and
If weather does not permit eating outdoors, the time students “actively eat” should be limited
to 15 minutes. Students must wear masks at all times when they are not actively eating or
drinking. Actively eating is defined as the time students are actually eating and chewing.
Eating outdoors is preferred
for lunch. Schools should
identify outdoors locations to
assign classes for lunch and
develop a backup plan if
weather does not permit
eating outdoors. While eating
outdoors, 3 feet of distance
City Schools of Decatur: 2021-2022 School Year
COVID Mitigation Strategies: Updated July 27, 2021
cafeteria on a rotated
schedule: two classrooms at a
time, assigned seating charts,
socially distanced with a limit
of 15 minutes for active eating
On days students are not
eating in the cafeteria teachers
may utilize outdoor spaces or
break children into smaller
groups (i.e. one small group of
children outside while the other
small group is eating inside).
When eating in classrooms
children will be assigned seats
and spread out as much as
Students must wear masks while picking up their lunch, opening contents, clearing up their
area and exiting and entering the location designated for lunch.
Students should wash their hands before and after lunch. If hand washing is not feasible, use
of hand sanitizer is permissible. Students should also use hand sanitizer before taking their
mask off and putting it back on.
The School Nutrition team will continue to provide pre-packaged lunches for at least the first
6 weeks of school.
When eating indoors, seats or tables should be assigned to assist in contact tracing if
When eating indoors, 6 feet of physical distancing should be maintained to the greatest extent
Schools should also discuss with staff the most appropriate schedule to allow staff to eat
should be maintained
between all students and
If weather does not permit
eating outdoors, the time
students “actively eat” should
be limited to 15 minutes.
Students must wear masks at
all times when they are not
actively eating or drinking.
Actively eating is defined as
the time students are actually
eating and chewing.
Students must wear masks
while picking up their lunch,
opening contents, clearing up
their area and exiting and
entering the location
designated for lunch.
Students should wash their
hands before and after lunch.
If hand washing is not
feasible, use of hand sanitizer
is permissible. Students
should also use hand
sanitizer before taking their
mask off and putting it back
The School Nutrition team
will continue to provide
City Schools of Decatur: 2021-2022 School Year
COVID Mitigation Strategies: Updated July 27, 2021
pre-packaged lunches for at
least the first 6 weeks of
When eating indoors, physical
distancing should be
maintained to the greatest
extent possible.
Visitor Guidelines
CSD will continue with our no
visitor policy during school
hours for the start of the
school year.
Parents of students in the 0-3
program will be permitted to
drop their student off at the
classroom door Parents will
not be permitted in
CSD will continue with our no visitor policy during school hours for the start of the school year.
Collaborating partners are encouraged to review the in-person activity request form to submit proposals for review when
supporting class activities.
CSD sponsored events no longer need to submit in-person activity requests when scheduling school events outside of the
normal school day.
School Assemblies
When gathering more students in one indoor area than would be in a regularly scheduled class or classroom the gathering must occur outdoors when possible.
Masks are required when larger group gatherings are held.
CSD will continue with current mitigation strategies including limiting seat sharing to the greatest extent possible, cleaning the bus between routes, hand
sanitizer, mandatory masks for students of all ages regardless of vaccination status, open windows and roof top vents.
Classroom Setup Guidance
Classes should be arranged to maintain the greatest distance between students as possible.
Plexiglass shields at student desks should be removed.
Staff can continue to use shields at the teacher desk if preferred. Shield should still be used in high traffic areas such as at the receptionist’s desk.
Cohorting should be used to the greatest extent possible, but should not be a limiting factor in
providing special services for students. When students from different classrooms are pulled
Cohorting at the secondary school level is not feasible so
other mitigation strategies as identified in this plan will be
City Schools of Decatur: 2021-2022 School Year
COVID Mitigation Strategies: Updated July 27, 2021
for small group instruction, 3 feet of distance should be maintained.
used. Also, as students from age 12 and above have the
opportunity to be vaccinated the need for cohorting is
decreased at this level.
Staff to Student Exposure
If staff are exposed to more students than the average grade level classroom teacher on a daily or weekly basis, additional PPE will be provided as requested.
CSD will continue to provide additional PPE to all staff as requested.
School Based Staff and
Parent Meetings
Principals are granted autonomy to determine the meeting venue that best fits the need and desired outcome of the event.
In person meetings must follow all other mitigation strategies including mandatory masks, maintaining 6ft distance between individuals, and health screening.
HEPA Filters have been provided for every classroom and large group gathering areas such as the cafeteria. HEPA filters can also be provided for other office
areas as requested.
Recess / Mask Breaks
Recess and outdoor breaks are encouraged.
Playgrounds do not need to be cleaned or fogged between student groups
Outdoor breaks are encouraged.
Cleaning Procedures
Enhanced cleaning procedures will continue.
Music Classes that involve
singing or wind instruments
Continue with current mitigation measures, and use of outdoor spaces to the greatest extent possible. Band - During periods of universal masking, all students
will utilize bell covers. Wind players will wear masks when not actively engaged in music making processes. Students may also purchase/create and wear
slitted performance masks, if desired. When universal masking is not required, unvaccinated students must utilize bell covers.
Athletics and
Extracurricular Activities
Continue with current mitigation procedures as we expand
and add middle school athletics
Contact Tracing, Isolation &
Classroom teachers must
maintain seating charts to
assist with contact tracing.
CSD will contact tracing within classes where a person who tests positive for COVID-19 has been identified.
Quarantine and Isolation: To minimize disruption to student’s learning, we are adopting a modified quarantine procedure for students.
a. Should a student exhibit any sign of illness, s/he will be assessed by the school nurse and if symptoms are related to COVID-19, a BinaxNOW test
will be offered.
b. Any person who is positive for COVID-19 will be isolated (at home) and may return to school when CDC guidelines are met
City Schools of Decatur: 2021-2022 School Year
COVID Mitigation Strategies: Updated July 27, 2021
c. Any unvaccinated person who was in close contact (less than 3’ for 15 min or longer within a 24-hour period) will have two options for
i. Any asymptomatic, unvaccinated person who is identified as being in close contact with a person with COVID-19 in the CSD environment
in consultation with CSD Contract tracers can select one of two (2) quarantine options:
1. Quarantine Option 1: Home quarantine for the duration of their quarantine period with virtual instruction for students.
a. Quarantine may be discontinued after day 10 without testing OR
b. After day 7 after receiving a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later)
2. Quarantine Option 2: Continue physically attending school during normal school hours during their quarantine period.
a. Parents must agree for their child to undergo a point of care COVID-19 test between 5-7 days after exposure.
b. Students and staff who develop symptoms and test positive for SARS-CoV-2 must inform the CSD Contact Tracing Team
immediately for guidance and isolate.
c. This option is not available for high school students as universal masking is not being implemented in that building.
All of the following apply to both of the quarantine options.
CSD Contact Tracers will provide guidance about the start and end dates for students and staff at the time of notification. In most
All people in quarantine may not participate in afterschool activities and athletics, including after-school care, for the duration of
their quarantine period
All people in quarantine will have the option to undergo point of care testing for SARS-CoV-2 with the BinaxNow test at their home
school five days after exposure to an individual diagnosed with COVID-19
All people in quarantine will be required to report the onset of symptoms and/or a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 to the CSD
Contact Tracing Team at the time of symptom onset and/or test result, if not performed by the CSD Contact Tracing Team
ii. Fully vaccinated individuals will not need to be quarantined if they are not showing any symptoms.
Viral Testing
Symptomatic staff and students will be given the opportunity to take a rapid COVID test. Those in close contact with a COVID positive staff or student will also
be offered the opportunity to take a rapid COVID test 5 days after exposure.
*As the district has developed robust mitigation strategies and now has a cadre of options to use, if there is a need to revert back to more strict protocols, we will increase
mitigation layers by increasing physical distancing, eliminating any indoor eating, and strict adherence to cohorts.