Task Force to Study PointofCare Testing for
Lead Poisoning
Dr. Clifford S. Mitchell
January 16, 2014
The Honorable Martin O’Malley
State of Maryland
Annapolis, MD 21401-1991
The Honorable Thomas M. Middleton The Honorable Peter A. Hammen
Senate Finance Committee House Health and Government Operations
3 East Committee
Miller Senate Building Room 241
Annapolis, MD 21401 House Office Building
Annapolis, MD 21401
RE: Final Report of the Task Force to Study Point–of–Care Testing for
Lead Poisoning
Dear Governor O’Malley, Chair Middleton, and Chair Hammen:
Pursuant to House Bill 303, Chapter 365 of the Acts of 2013, the Task Force to Study Point–
of–Care Testing for Lead Poisoning submits this report on the findings and recommendations of
the Task Force related to point-of-care testing for lead poisoning.
I hope this information is useful. If you have questions about this report, please contact
me at 410-767-7438 or cliff.mitchell@maryland.gov.
Dr. Clifford S. Mitchell
cc: Christi Megna, JD
Laura Herrera, MD, MPH
Donna Gugel, MHS
Sarah Albert, MSAR #9606
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
January 2014
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................3
Background and Introduction ......................................................................................................4
Lead Poisoning and Lead Testing in Maryland ............................................................................4
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments and the Waiver Process .....................................5
Technology of Point of Care Lead Testing ..................................................................................5
Potential Benefits of Point of Care Testing in Maryland ..............................................................7
Barriers to Point of Care Testing in Maryland .............................................................................8
Technological Barriers ............................................................................................................8
Economic Barriers ...................................................................................................................9
Regulatory Barriers .................................................................................................................9
Barriers and Opportunities at the Level of Providers .............................................................. 10
Use of Point of Care Testing in Other States.............................................................................. 10
Reimbursement for Point of Care Testing .................................................................................. 12
Findings and Recommendations ................................................................................................ 13
Appendix 1. Membership of the Task Force on Point of Care Testing for Lead Poisoning ........ 17
Appendix 2. Meeting Schedule of the Task Force ..................................................................... 18
Appendix 3. Testing Rates for Children Ages 0 72 Months by Jurisdiction, 2012. ................. 19
Appendix 4. Economic Analysis of POC Lead Testing ............................................................. 21
Chapter 365 (House Bill 303), enacted by the Maryland General Assembly in 2013, established a
Task Force to Study Point of Care Testing for Lead Poisoning (the Task Force). The goal of the
Task Force was to study and make recommendations regarding the use of and reimbursement for
point-of-care (POC) testing to screen and identify children with elevated blood-lead levels. The
following information was to be included in the study:
(1) The benefits of point-of-care testing waived under the federal Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments (CLIA);
(2) The use of point-of-care testing in other states;
(3) Barriers to point-of-care testing, including regulatory barriers related to licensing of
medical laboratories;
(4) Determining appropriate reimbursement for point-of-care testing and reporting; and
(5) Any other items the task force considers important relating to point-of-care testing.
The recommendations adopted by the Task Force are:
(1) Maryland should encourage the use of POC testing for lead;
(2) The Task Force encourages the Laboratories Administration to consider ways of
promoting the wider use of POC tests for lead, particularly by making it easier for
providers to implement POC testing using either a LeadCare II CLIA-waived test, a
filter paper Tamarac™ test, or any other future approved POC test;
(3) The Task Force urges the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and
the Department of the Environment (MDE) to consider additional practices to
increase testing rates;
(4) Any decision to promote more widespread use of POC testing should be accompanied
by an active outreach to providers, parents, members of the public, payors and others,
to actively promote the use of the POC testing to increase testing rates, and to explain
why increased testing is important in eradicating lead exposure and lead poisoning.
Chapter 365 (House Bill 303), enacted by the Maryland General Assembly in 2013, established a
Task Force to Study Point of Care Testing for Lead Poisoning. Exposure to lead remains the
most significant and widespread environmental hazard for children in Maryland (MD). While
the prevalence of elevated blood lead levels in children has declined significantly over the years,
there are still children who continue to be exposed to lead through a variety of exposure sources.
With the recognition that there are no “safe levels” of lead in the body, and in light of the US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new recommendations making 5
micrograms per deciliter a level of concern, the challenge is how best to target testing of MD
children. The goal of the Task Force was to study and make recommendations regarding the use
of and reimbursement for point-of-care (POC) testing to screen and identify children with
elevated blood-lead levels. The following information was to be included in the study:
The benefits of point-of-care testing waived under the federal Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments (CLIA);
The use of point-of-care testing in other states;
Barriers to point-of-care testing, including regulatory barriers related to licensing of
medical laboratories;
Determining appropriate reimbursement for point-of-care testing and reporting; and
Any other items the task force considers important relating to point-of-care testing.
The membership and meeting schedule of the Task Force are shown in Appendices 1 and 2.
Lead poisoning and lead exposure remain significant public health problems in Maryland. In
2011, 110,539 Maryland children aged 0 72 months were tested for blood lead levels, of whom
364 (0.3%) were identified with a blood lead level ≥10micrograms per deciliter (μg/dL).
Overall, this represents a testing rate of 21.7% of the children born during this period who would
be in the eligible age-range, state-wide. The highest testing rates for children 0-72 months were
found in jurisdictions that require testing of all children at age 1 and 2 years, including Somerset
County (34.3%), Baltimore City (33%), Allegany County (27.2%), and Worcester County
(26.4%). A detailed breakdown of testing rates by jurisdiction is provided in Appendix 3.
A statute enacted by the Maryland General Assembly in 2000 requires testing of children at 12
and 24 months of age residing in “at risk” areas of the State.
Additionally, all children living in
Baltimore City or children receiving Medicaid services, regardless of their residence in the State,
are designated as “at risk” and are required to be tested. A lead exposure risk assessment
questionnaire, assessing children for exposures to known sources of lead is also required of all
children at their 12 and 24-month visits. Under MD law, a child under six years of age must
Source: Maryland Department of the Environment. Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance in Maryland, Annual
Report 2012 (“MDE Annual Surveillance Report”). Accessed November 28, 2013 at:
Md. Code Ann., Health-General § 18-106
have evidence of appropriate screening within 30 days of entering a child care center, family
child care home, or nonpublic nursery school. In addition, the parent of a child who resides in or
previously lived in an “at risk” area must provide documentation of lead testing at first
enrollment into pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade.
Concern about the overall state testing rate, and about testing rates in specific areas and
populations, have been the focus of discussions in the Maryland Lead Poisoning Prevention
Commission, and have also prompted DHMH to reassess the targeting strategy used to identify
“at risk” areas.
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is responsible for the regulation of all non-
research laboratory testing on humans through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
Amendments process (commonly known as CLIA). CLIA requires that all entities that perform
even one test, including a waived test on, "materials derived from the human body for the
purpose of providing information for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease or
impairment of, or the assessment of the health of, human beings" meet certain federal
requirements. If any entity performs tests for these purposes, it is considered under CLIA to be a
laboratory and must register with the CLIA program.
In accordance with COMAR, a person is required to possess a license before
offering to perform or performing a medical laboratory test or examination in this State.
Individuals performing such tests must apply for both the CLIA and Maryland lab license
through the Office of Health Care Quality. The fees are $150 and $200 every two years for the
CLIA and Maryland license respectively. Both are renewed every two years.
Currently in Maryland, blood lead testing in a clinical laboratory is a permitted, not excepted
test, and requires enrollment in a proficiency testing program per COMAR To have
a test added to the excepted list requires recommending excepted test status to the Secretary's
Laboratory Advisory Committee. The Laboratory Advisory Committee's responsibilities include
making a recommendation to the Secretary in favor of or against granting a test excepted status.
The pertinent regulation explaining this process can be found at COMAR (E).
Lead exposure and lead poisoning are classically measured through the blood lead level (BLL).
This test measures the amount of lead in blood. The test involves the following components:
Sample collectionblood is obtained through a venipuncture sample (venous), which
generally takes place in a provider office or commercial laboratory site; a collection with
a capillary tube (again typically in a provider’s office, it has the advantage of requiring a
much smaller blood sample); or the collection of a blood spot on filter paper, which can
Maryland Family Law Article 5-556.1
take place in virtually any setting. A key factor in test accuracy at this stage is the use of
appropriate cleaning techniques, to prevent lead dust on the surface of either the skin or
the sample collection equipment from contaminating and falsely elevating the reported
lead result.
Sample analysis lead in the blood is measured by various techniques, commonly in
commercial diagnostic laboratories by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.
Important aspects of the test are the laboratorys internal quality analysis and quality
control (QA/QC), as well as proficiency testing, which refers to a program in which an
external agency sends an unknown sample periodically to the diagnostic laboratory for
testing, thus providing a source of external quality checks on the diagnostic laboratory.
ReportingOnce analyzed, the results must be reported to the health care provider. This
can be done in some cases electronically directly from the instrument to a provider
through electronic messaging; typically, it is through a fax or mailed (paper) report.
Alternatively, the results may be displayed by the instrument and require transcription.
In addition to reporting to the provider, in Maryland all blood lead tests for children must
be reported to the Childhood Lead Registry, based at the Maryland Department of the
Environment (MDE).
Point of care (POC) testing commonly refers to testing in which the test takes place in the
location where the patient is being seen, although a distinction must be made between the
collection of a sample and the processing of the test to determine the results of the test.
Generally, POC testing refers to a system whereby the sample is collected, analyzed, and the
results delivered all in the same location and same time that the patient is being evaluated. An
example would be a urine dipstick test done in the provider’s office while the patient is in the
In the case of blood lead tests, there are two systems commonly used for POC testing, although
one only involves collection of the sample at the site, and so is not a true POC test as described
above. This test, available from Tamarac Medical, Inc., involves collection of a small amount of
blood on a filter paper, which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis and reporting. In this
respect, although sample collection is simplified compared with either venous or capillary
samples, there are still test attributes that resemble other non-POC tests the sample must be
sent to an offsite laboratory for analysis, then reported back to the provider.
The only US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -approved POC test for blood lead in use
today in the United States is manufactured by Magellan Diagnostics of Billerica, MA, currently
being marketed as the LeadCare II. This device is a CLIA-waived POC test that involves
collection of a blood sample (either capillary or venous), testing of a drop of blood by anodic
stripping voltammetry (a technique to measure the amount of lead in blood by measuring the
electric current needed to oxidize lead in the blood), and direct reporting to the operator by a
visual display panel. Blood is collected either in a capillary tube or by venipuncture, then mixed
with reagents and placed in the machine. The results are displayed directly by the machine.
It is important to recognize that the LeadCare II test is intended as a screening test only; if an
elevated BLL is detected on screening, the provider must confirm the results through a venous
blood level using a different approved laboratory method.
The Task Force heard from a number of health care providers and others about some of the
advantages of POC testing. These included:
Providers uniformly reported that the likelihood of getting a blood lead test is much
higher with POC testing, due to the ease of testing in the office, the ability to provide
immediate feedback to the patient and family, and the ability to perform a capillary blood
draw, rather than a venous sample. In the absence of POC testing, patients receive a
provider order for a lab test, go to the lab, have blood drawn, and wait for the sample to
be sent to the lab, processed, and the results reported to the provider, and then wait for the
provider to contact them or see them back again.
With POC testing, the entire process takes place during one office visit, so if the BLL is
not at or above the level of concern, and the patient and family learn the results
immediately. If the BLL is below the reference value (5µgldL), the family is advised
about the importance of prevention; if the BLL is of concern, the family is informed
immediately and the patient is referred immediately for a confirmatory test. This also
improves follow-up and reduces the time required to act on a confirmed elevated BLL.
Because the number of separate provider and lab visits is fewer, the cost to the patient
and family should be less. Less administrative staff time is needed to contact
patients/families and arrange for follow-up visits. It is not clear whether insurers would
realize savings from POC testing, however, because this depends on the rate of
confirmatory testing needed, how many repeat office visits could be avoided in the
alternative scenarios, the cost of commercial laboratory tests versus POC testing, and
other variables.
Improved compliance for blood lead testing.
The effect of POC testing on patient flow through clinics and emergency departments
may depend on whether the tests are incorporated as part of overall testing and
vaccination. One provider reported to the Task Force that POC testing did not
significantly affect the overall clinic flow, but this may depend on the frequency of
testing and other factors.
Technological Barriers
The Task Force identified a number of potential technical barriers, although it appears there are
solutions for all of them. With respect to the accuracy of the lead POC test, it appears that the
test has sufficient accuracy under normal operating conditions to serve as a valid screening
device, when used as recommended by the manufacturer. The issues identified by the Task
Force include:
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/AC) The reagent test kits come with
sufficient reagent to do two QA/QC tests per 48-test kit. Questions were raised by Task
Force members about whether the two QA/QC tests would be sufficient if the test kits
were used slowly over a long period of time. Nothing was offered by other states or
presenters that indicated this was a problem, but it might be an issue to be addressed in
standard operating procedures or laboratory guidance.
Proficiency Testing Proficiency testing is a way of ensuring the ongoing reliability of
testing procedures. FDA’s CLIA waiver means that proficiency testing is not required
for the lead POC device. However, a number of states do require proficiency testing,
and Maryland has previously approved other CLIA-waived tests for the Excepted list but
required proficiency testing. A proficiency test requirement might slightly alter the
economic and practice decisions of some providers, but probably not a large number.
Reporting –The Task Force noted that there is no direct electronic reporting capacity
which would allow the test results to be reported directly to the Maryland Childhood
Lead Registry (CLR). The software package developed by the manufacturer has a
number of limitations which may make it problematic for practices to use, and this raises
an issue for the expansion of POC tests. MDE currently allows providers to fax lead
POC reports to the CLR. However, if use of lead POC devices increases, this would
entail a significant data entry increase for the CLR, requiring additional personnel and
increasing the opportunity for data entry errors.
Another possibility for reporting would be for the State to provide a direct data entry
platform for provider offices, similar to Immunet, the immunization registry where
providers enter and access vaccination information for their patients directly. This would
also be an advantage for patients who may switch providers. The Task Force heard that
the use of an Immunet-like system, or the direct coupling of blood lead test results with
Immunization data was being done in a number of states, including Rhode Island,
Wisconsin, Michigan, and New Jersey. The Task Force also heard from the CLR that
there could be some issues of reporting accuracy with a direct coupling of the systems,
but the concept was worthy of discussion. Another possibility, integration of lead
reporting within provider electronic health records (EHRs) which could then be accessed
directly by the CLR, would require a series of technological and statutory innovations
that are not yet available.
Economic Barriers
The Task Force heard that Medicaid rates for lead tests, which are based on Medicare, are not
necessarily what all insurers will pay to reimburse practices for POC tests. The reimbursement
rates vary considerably, from no additional reimbursement for some insurers that bundle
payments for testing, to separate reimbursement for sample collection, POC test, and counseling
provided by other MCOs.
The Task Force also had a discussion regarding value-based purchasing (VBP) and the metrics
applied to Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to assess their performance. Some
Medicaid MCOs have expressed concern about differences between Healthcare Effectiveness
Data and Information Set (HEDIS) quality measures they report, and the measures for lead
testing rates in place in Maryland Medicaid for VBP. According to Medicaid, the measures for
VBP are more specific to Maryland, which has more lead poisoning and lead exposure than
many other parts of the country. While this might not constitute an economic barrier for POC
testing, it was raised by MCOs in the context of the Task Force’s discussion, and is included here
for consideration in that context.
Another potential barrier is that reimbursement for counseling based on the blood lead test may
be different for health care providers providing the counseling in an obviously clinical location,
than reimbursement for counseling that occurs in other locations such as a WIC clinic. The Task
Force heard that in some cases where the counseling occurs in such a location, there may be
difficulty in obtaining reimbursement for counseling services. The Task Force also heard that in
some locations providers can charge a well-child care office visit, but are not permitted to use
other evaluation and management (E/M) codes at the same time.
Regulatory Barriers
As noted in the section on CLIA and the waiver process (page 5), this POC test can be placed on
the Excepted List for Maryland based on an assessment and recommendation from the
Laboratory Advisory Committee to the Laboratories Administration. To date, the Laboratory
Advisory Committee has not considered this issue. Task Force members and others raised a
number of issues that might be considered by the Laboratory Advisory Committee, including:
Quality control and proficiency testing the Task Force heard from both members and
others that FDA (or some other entity) should hold manufacturers accountable for
incorporating QC and PT into waived test device design.
Proper device use Task Force members had questions about how to assure that
providers complied with the manufacturers’ instructions for device operation, particularly
for quality assurance and quality control.
Reporting to the Maryland Childhood Lead RegistryTask Force members want to
ensure appropriate mechanisms to provide test results to surveillance programs, as
required by Maryland law.
Challenges in how to code tests for billing and mandatory reporting purposes.
Barriers and Opportunities at the Level of Providers
The Task Force heard that other states use a number of strategies to encourage the use of POC
testing by providers. One such strategy involves integration of POC testing with the Women,
Infants, and Children (WIC) program, which already does blood collection to assess hemoglobin
levels. Wisconsin and several other states have been able to increase screening by integrating
POC testing with WIC blood collection.
Another strategy was described by Wisconsin, in which MCOs created “opportunity reports” for
providers, quality reports that summarized the experience of the provider compared to external
and/or internal MCO benchmarks, or other appropriate internal/external comparisons. Each
provider was periodically supplied with an “opportunity reportthat tracked how the provider
was doing in lead testing.
Finally, there was also discussion of whether lead testing would be considered a “standard of
care” measure.
The Task Force dedicated an entire meeting to hearing from other states, and also looked at
publically available data from other states. The experience of these states is instructive.
Wisconsin-- In 2005, less than one-third of Wisconsin Medicaid children received their
mandatory tests for lead at one and two years of age. In 2008, heath care providers in Wisconsin
started to use POC testing for lead and Medicaid MCOs worked together with WIC to pay for
lead testing at WIC clinics. Some of the considerations that went into WIC’s decision to adopt
POC testing:
1. The WIC clinics were able to bill for the POC lab test, although this required discussions
with Medicaid. They were also able to bill separately for blood draws for lead tests,
doubling their reimbursement.
2. They were not always able to participate in proficiency training.
3. Transmitting all of the lead test results to the state lead registry was a hurdle that had to
be overcome. The eventual solution involved incorporating the lead registry with the
immunization registry.
Wisconsin has ongoing challenges, but overall results have been extremely positive and their
Medicaid testing rates have increased by 40%. One of the biggest factors in improving testing
rates has been to issue individual “report cards” with testing rates to every Medicaid provider. In
addition, Wisconsin found it very helpful to “marry” lead test data to their immunization registry,
so that providers had access to both registries in a single application.
TexasTexas also conducts blood lead POC testing through the WIC program; the regulations
to do so were only changed within the past year. Medicaid has also put in an amendment related
to POC test reimbursement rates. Although all providers are supposed to report their test results
to the lead registry, billing data shows that providers are billing for more tests than they are
reporting to the registry. Medicaid is planning corrective actions related to reporting, but the
Task Force does not have the details of these proposals. The Texas Health Department sends a
letter to providers using LeadCare II about the requirement to report all blood lead results.
Providers send in paper reports, and many agencies (such as Head Starts) send a big batch of
results for July October during school enrollment. The Texas Health Department lead program
is working with Texas Medicaid to increase reporting, but this remains problematic. They have
seen an increase in higher blood lead levels, but don’t know whether levels of 15 µg/dL and
above levels are real or a result of user error in performing the test. One issue they have noted is
that some POC tests are being confirmed with the same venous sample used for the original POC
test (rather than a separate venipuncture). Texas does not require proficiency testing, but they do
encourage staff training.
MassachusettsMassachusetts has approximately 60 lead POC users. Very few are using POC
testing for screening in the office; in most cases samples are batch tested at a central location.
Massachusetts is confident about reporting, but requires proficiency testing. The test is currently
considered to be a moderately complex test by the State Laboratory, similar to Maryland. Their
experience with reporting of blood lead test results to the lead registry is similar to that of other
POC systems. One problem they have identified is that it is difficult to distinguish a clinical lab
with a LeadCare II device from a commercial laboratory provider. Massachusetts has also
identified the need for a universal laboratory reporting system for electronic reporting. The free
software currently available for the LeadCare II system has limitations. For example, the field
for lead test results allowed only three characters, which in some cases required rounding of
decimal results: for example, 24.7 became 24. Ordinarily, Massachusetts would consider that a
result of 24.7 to be 25µg/dL, but it was rounded down in data base. Magellan, the LeadCare II
manufacturer, was not interested in expanding or updating the software. Adding data by
providers is a burden, so software upgrades would be very helpful. Generally, Massachusetts’s
experience is that 75% – 80% of children tested are between the age of 9 – 48 months (the state
screening requirement). Massachusetts has very good compliance, in part because children
cannot be enrolled in group or family day care without lead testing. Massachusetts uses a
standard that is different from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC
recommendations because they determined that enough children were lead poisoned after age 2
to require testing up to age 4. Massachusetts is not necessarily supporting the use of POC testing
with the LeadCare II, because of concerns about the lack of proficiency testing.
New JerseyNew Jersey requires testing at 12 months, 24 months, and any child between three
and six years of age who has never previously been screened. With respect to POC lead tests,
New Jersey is moving cautiously because of costs of testing and a desire to have administrative
procedures in place. Currently, they are not treating the lead POC test as CLIA-waived, and
require three rounds of proficiency tests. New Jersey is considering a waiver after two
successful rounds of required proficiency tests, and started a pilot project in May 2012, when
they were able to trade Lead Care I for Lead Care II machines. New Jersey State Laboratories
have also provided some standard operating procedures (SOPs), which they are reviewing with
clinical laboratories. New Jersey is also doing memorandas of understanding (MOUs) with some
local health department (LHD) pilot sites. According to these MOUs, a medical director must
be onsite at the LHD and all elevated test results must have venous confirmation. New Jersey
has been working with the manufacturer (Magellan) regarding reagent expiration. They also
have some issues with reporting, involving de-duplication of test results by date of birth. In
addition, they are working with the New Jersey Medicaid program on reimbursement rates and
confirmation of Medicaid participants. Generally, they have found the provider community to be
very receptive to lead POC testing, and are planning to expand their pilot to look at children
under 6 and adults participating in recovery/reconstruction using post-hurricane Sandy funds. In
summary, New Jersey is planning to expand the use of lead POC testing, but is working on
specific issues/requirements:
Proficiency testing they currently require three rounds, but are moving towards
requiring two rounds of testing;
Results reporting to the State registry they do know roughly where the machines are,
but don’t always know who is doing the testing or who is getting a test (name, DOB
confirmation are issues).
The Task Force members solicited input from the provider community and other stakeholders to
develop some rough cost figures for analysis of implementing and maintaining a POC testing
program within a clinical practice. According to this information, an estimate of costs for
running a lead POC testing program within a practice would include the following:
Table 1. Estimated operational costs for point of care testing for lead in Maryland.
Program Component
LeadCare II device
$1,850 - $2,059
CLIA waiver registration
Every 2 years
Maryland fee for lead testing
Every 2 years
Maryland application fee for
lead test
Every 2 years
Test kits
Based on 144 tests free with
machine purchase, then 366
tests at $8/test
Staff time
Based on 2 tests/day/provider,
or 510 tests/year
Proficiency testing (if
Based on data from Wisconsin
Total costs
$6,581 - $6,790
Based on these assumptions, the Task Force estimates that with current Medicaid reimbursement
rates of $12.52 per test, a practice would break even with 434 tests in the first year and 429 tests
in the second year. With either a higher reimbursement rate or additional reimbursement for the
sample collection, the breakeven point would occur even sooner. Additional details of the
economic analysis are presented in Appendix 4.
Based on input from Task Force members, other states, and clinical practitioners, the testing
could be incorporated in typical practices without significant difficulty or alteration of patient
flow. One clinician noted that he was able to send all of his POC test results to the Maryland
Childhood Lead Registry by fax, and the CLR was then able to enter the data manually. It
should be noted that while it is likely that practices would be able to submit faxed reports to the
CLR, it is not clear that the CLR has sufficient personnel to enter the additional test results, and
there is also the issue of additional transcription/data entry errors with manual data entry.
The Task Force considered a number of options in making its recommendations. The options
Option 1: No changes to the current status of POC testing, which would leave it off the
Excepted List, but still allowed.
Option 2: Encourage POC testing by urging the Laboratory Advisory Committee and
the Laboratories Administration to place the LeadCare II test (or similar POC
tests, if available in the future) on the Excepted List.
Option 3: Encourage POC testing by urging the Laboratory Advisory Committee and
the Laboratories Administration to place the LeadCare II test (or similar POC
tests, if available in the future) on the Excepted List, but with qualifications
related to proficiency testing, quality assurance and quality control, and
reporting to the Maryland Childhood Lead Registry, discussed above.
In addition, the Task Force noted some of the reimbursement issues that were raised in the
course of the meetings and discussed potential recommendations related to those issues.
Based on evidence reviewed by the Task Force, the following findings and recommendations are
Finding 1: Point of care testing has been used successfully in Maryland and other states.
When used in conjunction with other incentives, POC testing appears to encourage testing of
children for lead exposure.
The Task Force heard consistently that POC testing has been used successfully in other states
and in Maryland as a test to screen patients for lead exposure. There appear to be no significant
issues regarding its reliability or validity, and it has obtained approval from the FDA as a CLIA-
waived test. The Task Force heard from other states about some striking examples of programs
that successfully used POC testing, in combination with other measures (outreach to providers,
use of POC tests in WIC clinics, alterations in reimbursement formulas, report cards to providers
on their individual testing rates), to increase the rate of lead testing for children. There is no
reason to assume the same measures would not have similar effects in Maryland.
Recommendation 1: Maryland should encourage the use of POC testing for lead.
The Task Force heard consistent evidence from health care providers and other states
that use of lead POC testing had led to increased testing rates, without any evidence that
patient safety had been compromised. POC testing appears to make for a better
experience for patients and their families through more immediate connection between
test results, patient education and intervention, and improved satisfaction. To encourage
lead POC testing, Maryland should consider reducing barriers discussed in Finding 2.
Finding 2: Administrative and technological barriers to the expanded use of POC testing for
lead in Maryland include: (1) The current regulatory status of the LeadCare II device as a
non-excepted CLIA-waived test, which is more restrictive than necessary to assure patient
safety, and serves as a deterrent to increased use of the device; and (2) The lack of an easy
mechanism with which to report POC test results to the Maryland Childhood Lead Registry.
According to the Laboratories Administration, the Laboratory Advisory Committee has not
previously had a request to consider whether the LeadCare II device (or any other lead POC test)
should be on the Excepted List.
Recommendation 2: The Task Force encourages the Laboratories Administration to
consider ways of promoting the wider use of POC tests for lead, particularly by making
it easier for providers to implement POC testing using either a LeadCare II CLIA-
waived test, a filter paper Tamarac™ test, or any other future approved POC test. Any
decision to encourage the wider use of POC testing for lead with the LeadCare II or
another approved POC test should be made in conjunction with policies that address
quality assurance/quality control, proficiency testing, the use of standard operating
procedures and mandatory reporting to the Maryland Childhood Lead Registry.
The Task Force heard from experts, other states, practitioners, and the industry, that
several issues should be considered in deciding whether to adopt widespread use of POC
testing. The Task Force feels particularly strongly that in deciding whether to promote
wider use of the LeadCare II device, the Laboratory Advisory Committee and
Laboratories Administration should strongly consider the following:
(1) Users of the device should have standard operating procedures to supplement
manufacturer’s recommendations that guide issues such as quality control and
quality assurance, transportation and location of the device, temperature control
for reagents, etc.;
(2) Proficiency testing should be required as a condition of being on the Excepted
list; and
(3) The manufacturer should be required or encouraged to address the issue of
direct reporting of results to the Maryland Childhood Lead Registry, or there
should be some other mechanism to ensure reporting to the Childhood Lead
Finding 3: It appears that with current reimbursement rates, health care providers should be
able to recover the costs of lead POC tests with moderate testing frequency. However, there
are potential economic barriers for certain providers, particularly those providers with small
practices, and those whose managed care organization contracts do not specifically reimburse
for either lead testing or sample collection. There may be additional disincentives if lead POC
testing is carried out outside of provider offices.
Recommendation 3: The Task Force urges DHMH and MDE to consider additional
practices to increase testing rates, including:
Promotion of lead testing in WIC clinics;
Working with Medicaid and private insurers to make testing easier through
examining reimbursement rates and costs including reimbursement for sample
collection; and
Creation of “opportunity reports” for each provider, showing how that provider is
doing relative to appropriate internal and external benchmarks.
Recommendation 4: Any decision to promote more widespread use of lead POC testing
should be accompanied by an active outreach to providers, parents, members of the
public, payors and others, to actively promote increased testing, and to explain why
increased testing is important in eradicating lead exposure and lead poisoning.
The use of lead POC testing would make it easier for federally qualified health centers
and other ambulatory care centers to extend testing to other at-risk populations, including
older children not previously tested and pregnant women. The Task Force noted that the
Maryland State Legislature might want to consider revising Marylands requirements for
blood lead testing in children up to age 6 for children who have not previously been
tested. If testing takes place by age 2, no further testing is required.
The Task Force gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following individuals who
provided information about their state programs:
Paul Hunter, Director, Childhood Lead Poisoning
Prevention Program, Environmental Health Bureau
Francine Medaglia, Clinical Coordinator, Childhood
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Environmental
Health Bureau
Crystal Owensby, Coordinator, Child Health Program
Dr. Peter Simon, MD, MPH, Assistant Medical Director
Rhode Island Department of Health
Teresa Willis, Blood Lead Surveillance, Environmental and
Injury Epidemiology and Toxicology Unit
Charles Warzecha, Director of Environmental Health
Margie Coons, Director, Lead Screening Program
Appendix 1. Membership of the Task Force on Point of Care Testing for
Lead Poisoning
Clifford S. Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH (Chairman) Director, Environmental Health Bureau,
Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, Maryland Department of Health and Mental
Paul Celli Coordinator for Laboratory Licensing and Surveying, Office of Health Care Quality,
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Shaketta Denson, Esquire. Family Advocate Attorney, Coalition to End Childhood Lead
Michael J. Ichniowski, MDMaryland Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Pat McLaine, DrPH, MPH, RNAssistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Nursing,
and Chairperson, Maryland Lead Poisoning Prevention Commission
Mary Mussman, MD, MPHPhysician Advisor, Office of the Deputy Secretary for Health Care
Financing, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Honorable Shirley Nathan-Pulliam Maryland House of Delegates
Honorable Nathaniel Oaks Maryland House of Delegates
Amy Richardson, MD, MBA Medical Director, Johns Hopkins HealthCare
Tina Wiegand Manager, Childhood and Newborn Screening Program, Laboratories
Administration, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Meeting Dates:
September 26, 2013
October 1 9:00 AM
*October 3 Joint Meeting with Maryland Lead Poisoning
Prevention Commission
October 10 9:00 AM
October 24 9:00 AM
November 14 9:00 AM
December 2 2:00 PM
Start-up Expense
Lead Care II device
(Based on current price quote)
CLIA waiver registration
(every 2 years)
MD fee for lead testing
(every 2 years)
MD Application fee
(every 2 years)
Proficiency testing
(from Wisconsin's cost)
Test kits
(Test per kit, based on current price quote)
Alternative 1
Assumes $12.52/test reimbursement and first
3 test kits free (144 free tests)
Alternative 2:
Assumes $12.52 and $10 collection fee/test
reimbursement and first 3 test kits free (144
free tests)
Testing reimbursement/expense
Less staff time cost @$1.75/test -252.00
At this reimbursement rate, the start-up expense is fully covered after performing the initial 144 tests.
Each 48-test kit would reimburse $1080.96, with an expense of $336.68 for the kit and staff time of an
additional $84 for a total expense of $420.68. This would net a practice $660.28 for every test kit at this
level of reimbursement.