(Continued on page 16)
The Michigan Riparian Winter 2017
A formal nal title insurance policy is usually issued (and
sent) to the buyer a few months aer the closing. e buyer
should take great care to preserve the original of the title
insurance policy forever. Furthermore, it is oen prudent
to make copies of the actual original title insurance policy
and to store the copies at a dierent location than the actual
original document for safe keeping (that is also true with
the deed or land contract aer closing and recording). Title
insurance insures good title, lack of encumbrances, etc.,
apart from those items which are expressly “carved out
or exempted in the title insurance commitment and title
insurance policy. Normally, the title insurance will pay for
attorney fees and costs for an attorney provided by the title
insurance company to the buyer to defend the buyer’s title if
challenged as well as any damages that might be incurred by
the buyer resulting from a title defect or other matter covered
by the title insurance policy.
It has also become very common for real estate closings
in Michigan to occur at the oces of the title insurance
company (or its agent or aliate) and for the title insurance
company to provide many of the closing documents (the
deed or land contract, any mortgage, a closing statement,
etc.) for additional fees.
Why is it so important for title insurance to be provided
for riparian properties? ere are multiple reasons. First,
title insurance veries that the prospective purchaser will
have good and marketable title for the waterfront property
Attorney Writes
"Title Insurance"
In Michigan, it is foolish to purchase riparian or waterfront
property without having a title insurance commitment done
by a title insurance company for the prospective purchaser
to review before closing and for the purchaser to have title
insurance on the property once the closing occurs.
In the “old days,” there was no title insurance for purchasers
of real property in Michigan. Rather, real estate buyers (or
their attorneys) reviewed abstracts or attorney opinions
regarding title. An abstract was generally just a listing of all
prior recorded documents regarding the property involved
going back a certain number of years. Abstracts told lay
people very little. A lawyers opinion dealt with whether
or not the seller had proper title and any limitations upon
that title. Neither the old abstracts or attorney title opinions
were insurance as such, nor did they really constitute reliable
guarantees of proper title to the purchaser.
Insurance companies eventually introduced a product
oen referred to as “title insurance.” Title insurance is
very important for almost all real property purchases, but
particularly so where a waterfront property is involved. e
issuance of title insurance is a two-step process. Almost all
real estate purchase/sales agreements require the seller to
provide to the buyer a “title insurance commitment” before
closing and a title insurance policy aer closing. Typically,
both are issued in an amount equal to the purchase price.
A title insurance commitment is usually issued by a title
insurance company before closing and allows the prospective
purchaser (and potentially, his or her attorney) to see whether
the seller has good title, whether there are any encumbrances
on the property, what the property taxes are annually, any
requirements for closing, and similar matters. Before issuing
a title insurance commitment, the title company does a title
search of the property, looking for relevant documents
recorded with the local county register of deeds regarding
the property. Once a title insurance commitment is issued,
the title company is arming that it will issue a nal title
insurance policy in favor of the buyer aer closing with all
of the requirements, exceptions and limitations contained in
the title insurance commitment. Typically, the seller pays
for both the title insurance commitment and the eventual
title insurance (although there is generally one overall fee
for both), unless the purchase/sales agreement provides
By Cliord H. Bloom, Esq.
Bloom Sluggett Morgan, PC
Grand Rapids, Michigan
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The Michigan Riparian Winter 2017
involved. Second, it is not uncommon for waterfront
properties to have encumbrances such as deed restrictions or
an easement, which a prospective purchaser of a waterfront
property should know before closing. ird, if the waterfront
property is not located on a public road, it is always best to
have the title insurance cover and insure any private road
or access easement for the property. Fourth, title insurance
insures the legal description involved and quite oen legal
descriptions are proof that a property is waterfront. Finally,
title insurance helps give the prospective purchaser “peace
of mind.
Unfortunately, title insurance policies almost never
warrant or guarantee riparian rights or the riparian nature
of the parcel involved. On occasion, a special rider on an
insurance policy can be purchased to cover riparian issues,
but those riders tend to be fairly rare and can be quite
In Michigan, one should almost never buy waterfront
property without obtaining a title commitment prior to
closing and title insurance for the property that becomes
eective at and aer closing.
"Title Insurance"
(Continued from page 13)