New frontier, new power: the retail environment in
Australia’s dark market
S M Carter
Correspondence to:
Stacy M Carter, School of
Public Health, Room 128A
Building A27, University of
Sydney NSW 2006,
Tobacco Control 2003;12(Suppl III):iii95–iii101
Objective: To investigate the role of the retail environment in cigarette marketing in Australia, one of the
‘‘darkest’’ markets in the world.
Design: Analysis of 172 tobacco industry documents; and articles and advertisements found by hand
searching Australia’s three leading retail trade journals.
Results: As Australian cigarette marketing was increasingly restricted, the retail environment became the
primary communication vehicle for building cigarette brands. When retail marketing was restricted, the
industry conceded only incrementally and under duress, and at times continues to break the law. The
tobacco industry targets retailers via trade promotional expenditure, financial and practical assistance
with point of sale marketing, alliance building, brand advertising, and distribution. Cigarette brand
advertising in retail magazines are designed to build brand identities. Philip Morris and British American
Tobacco are now competing to control distribution of all products to retailers, placing themselves at the
heart of retail business.
Conclusions: Cigarette companies prize retail marketing in Australia’s dark market. Stringent point of sale
marketing restrictions should be included in any comprehensive tobacco control measures. Relationships
between retailers and the industry will be more difficult to regulate. Retail press advertising and trade
promotional expenditure could be banned. In-store marketing assistance, retail–tobacco industry alliance
building, and new electronic retail distribution systems may be less amenable to regulation. Alliances
between the health and retail sectors and financial support for a move away from retail dependence on
tobacco may be necessary to effect cultural change.
ustralia is a highly restricted marketing environment
for tobacco. Federal Australian law has made most
forms of tobacco marketing illegal, starting in 1976 and
reaching a watershed in the (Federal) Tobacco Advertising
Prohibition (TAP) Act 1992.
On a background of existing
television, radio, and cinema bans, the TAP Act prohibited
print advertising, domestic sponsorships, and billboard
advertising with some exceptions, including ‘‘internationally
significant’’ sponsorships and advertising in retail trade
The TAP Act permits in-store advertising,
although this is overridden if stronger State legislation exists.
Australia’s eight states and territories are inconsistent on
point of sale (POS) advertising and promotions.
This paper was stimulated by a desire to understand how
manufacturers approach the role of retailers in a restricted
market like Australia. Another paper in this supplement
explains the difference between above-the-line marketing
(mass media advertising) and below-the-line marketing
(which includes POS marketing). It also describes the general
trend across industries towards integrated marketing, the
tobacco industry’s increased investment in below-the-line
advertising to prepare consumers for impending restrictions
on above-the-line, and the non-retail marketing strategies
used to promote cigarettes in Australia.
Another relevant
paper in this supplement discusses the three brand categories
operating in Australia—premium, mainstream, and super-
Some international research has considered the role of the
retailer in marketing. US research has shown that retailer
incentive payments (for POS agreements) are growing
retailers receive proportionally more incentives from tobacco
than other industries
; and 81% of industry marketing
expenditure is on these ‘‘promotional allowances’’, through
contracts which stipulate terms such as in-store placement
and reimburse retailers for selling at cheaper prices.
The US
industry’s retail marketing plans reflect the age, race, and
wealth of the retailer’s customers,
and POS promotions are
used more extensively in contexts where other industry
strategies are curbed by regulation.
Retail marketing and
relationship building with retailers in the UK has also been
One small study of retailer compliance with new
marketing restrictions in Western Sydney showed a high
degree of compliance, and suggested that non-compliant
retailers had sometimes been misinformed by industry
Other than this study, there has been little
exploration of the significance of retail marketing in
Australia in the literature.
This paper draws on three sources: tobacco industry docu-
ments, reporting in Australian retail trade publications, and
cigarette advertising in Australian retail trade publications.
Tobacco industry documents came from sites on the world
wide web arising from litigation in the USA.
came from the primary sites of the manufacturers,
Council for Tobacco Research,
and the US Tobacco
and the secondary sites of Tobacco Documents
Online (Bliley, BC, Health Canada and Guildford
Miscellaneous collections),
the Canadian Council for
Tobacco Control site,
the British Columbia Ministry of
Health Services site,
and the Center for Disease Control
Guildford site.
The search string (pagewood or moorabbin
Abbreviations: BATA, British American Tobacco Australia; PML, Philip
Morris Australia Limited; POS, point of sale; TAP Act, Tobacco
Advertising Prohibition Act; TPE, trade promotional expenditure
or granville or australia or sydney or melbourne or brisbane
or hobart or adelaide or perth or canberra or amatil or wills)
has been used throughout the project to gather documents
relating to the Australian market. Six hundred and ninety
two of these were relevant to cigarette branding in Australia,
and of these 172 dealt specifically with issues of transport-
ability of brands and the importance of retailers. This paper
presents only a subset of the evidence: all 172 documents are
available from
way/docs/search.htm. An overview of our approach to
document searching and analysis is available elsewhere.
The three main trade journals—Australian Retail Tobacconist,
Retail World, and Australian Service Station and Convenience Store
News (pre November 2001)/Australian Convenience Store News
(post November 2001)—were searched by hand from 1990 to
the present. All articles and corporate advertisements that
mentioned tobacco products or companies were copied.
Industry documents and articles from retail trade publica-
tions were collected and analysed in the same way. A
materialist, intersubjective position was assumed
23 24
; the aim
was to understand cigarette retailing from the industry and
the retailers’ point of view. All identified statements to
cigarette retailers or about cigarette retailing were annotated
verbatim, organised chronologically, and then grouped
iteratively into emergent themes.
In addition advertisements for ready made cigarettes in
retail trade publications were examined. All advertisements
placed by Philip Morris Australia Limited (PML), British
American Tobacco Australia (BATA), or Imperial Tobacco
Limited for ready made cigarettes from January 2001 to June
2003 were colour copied. One hundred instances of advertis-
ing, comprising 44 unique advertisements for only 13 brands
were identified from the 30 month period of study.
Advertisements were classified into the three brand cate-
gories defined by the Australian cigarette industry: premium
(quality, mostly international brand cigarettes), mainstream
(the ‘‘Aussie’’ brands Peter Jackson and Winfield), and
supervalue (budget cigarettes).
The author further classified each unique advertisement
according to five questions, which are defined in table 1.
A positioning statement is defined as ‘‘the part of the
brand identity and value proposition that is to be actively
communicated to the target audience… [to] demonstrate an
advantage over competitor brands’’.
25 26
Brand identity is
defined as ‘‘a set of associations the brand strategist seeks to
create or maintain… what the organisation wants the brand
to stand for’’ and the ‘‘value proposition’’ is a statement of
the benefits that the brand offers.
25 26
Examples of Australian
positioning statements are ‘‘Anyhow, have a Winfield’’,
‘‘Longbeach 40s: more to enjoy’’, ‘‘Fresh is Alpine’’,
‘‘Medium: when you want a flavourful mid tar cigarette’’,
and ‘‘West Ice cool taste’’.
The POS in Australian cigarette marketing
The Australian industry has always used the retail environ-
ment as a conduit for personal communication with
consumers. As early as 1955 Philip Morris promised retailers
‘‘free, top quality display material’’.
By the 1960s Australia
was ‘‘a lively active market with a great deal of aggressive
advertising and point of sale’’, and Philip Morris employed 44
‘‘salesmen’’. These salesmen serviced retailers and performed
consumer tradeups. In a ‘‘tradeup’’ the salesman exchanged
a packet of Philip Morris cigarettes for the cigarettes a
consumer was smoking, an activity they were expected to
perform opportunistically everywhere they went.
In the 1970s and 1980s manufacturers provided retailers
with everything from signs announcing opening hours, push/
pull door signs, menu boards and clocks, as well as in-store
premiums (gifts with purchase, often linked to branded
sports sponsorship), hostesses, competitions, and ‘‘switch
selling’’ programmes. ‘‘Switch selling’’ occurred when a
customer asked for a competitor brand of cigarettes in a
shop: the company sales representative would offer to buy
the customer a packet of their company’s brand instead.
The rise of retail as marketing was restricted
In 1992, a PML presentation argued: ‘‘new government
restrictions are rapidly increasing the importance of retail
marketing as a part of the overall marketing mix. With this
comes aggressive competition for in-store space and impor-
tantly, cut through* to the consumer…’’.
Previous to the
TAP Act, above-the-line had been the primary vehicle for
building brand image, and below-the-line strategies ‘‘pro-
vid[ed] important support for these established images’’.
The ‘‘net result’’ of the TAP Act, argued PML’s spokesperson,
was that ‘‘we must now extend below the line programs to
encompass the image building role… retail marketing is
therefore no longer the support mechanism, [but] the
primary communication vehicle’’.
In the early 1990s, before and after the TAP Act was
introduced, the industry poured resources into ‘‘big specials
which both reward and involve smokers’’,
gondola end spectaculars (large three dimensional displays
covering the entire end of a grocery aisle), competitions and
sweepstakes, window displays, promotions in unique retail
settings such as cafes and video stores, premiums, and more
frequent changes in imagery, all in search of the holy grail of
consumer attention and awareness.
To create ‘‘over-
powering’’ beach imagery in shops in the early days of
PML’s Longbeach brand, for example, old two dimensional
display units were replaced by ‘‘full 3D representations of the
beach environment’’, including ‘‘beach chairs… sand, sea-
gulls and even footprints on the floor’’, supported by beach
photographs incorporated into the pack, and themed
premiums such as beach bags.
On the eve of local sponsorship bans, PML wrote: ‘‘as of
1996, the primary point of communication between ourselves
and our consumers will be inside a retail outlet… In-store
POS material, discounted stock units, on-pack premium
offers, strategically located stock displays in-store (as well as
in windows and showcases), need to be dominated by PML...
In summary, the spend focus has shifted from media,
outdoor and consumer promotions to in-store [POS manage-
ment], contracting for display space, partnerships with
Table 1 Criteria for analysis of tobacco advertisements
from retail trade publications
Question Yes if:
Was something ‘‘new’’ formally
announced in the advertisement?
The adjective ‘‘new’’ was used to
describe a featured brand or variant
Did a cigarette pack appear? A picture of one or more cigarette
packs appeared
Was imagery (excepting a
cigarette pack or trademark)
Non-text photographs or graphics
appeared portraying something other
than a cigarette pack or trademark
Was retailing information
The advertisement contained text
which actively addressed the retailer,
describing business benefits such as
profit margins, sales figures or brand
Was a positioning statement
The advertisement contained a
positioning statement for the brand
*‘‘Cut through’’ is marketing jargon for getting the consumer’s attention
above the ‘‘noise’’ of a crowded advertising environment.
iii96 Carter
retailers to build business, and international sponsorships.’’
Accordingly, by 1995 PML already had ‘‘long term agree-
ments with retailers to ensure a dominant POS presence’’ in
preparation for restrictions.
Responses to retail marketing restrictions
Given the increased importance of retail in a restricted
marketing environment, it is not surprising that, as various
states limited POS promotions, the industry’s retail strategies
constricted only incrementally and under duress. Mass
displays of cartons were used to ‘‘paint a billboard’’, but
were soon noticed by regulators.
When regulation prevented
POS displays from including brand logos, brand colours were
used instead through balloons and streamers.
The same
occurred for premiums. Originally items selected for their
resonance with a brand’s identity were branded with trade-
marks and offered as gifts with purchase. When trademarks
on gifts were banned, the same gifts continued to be offered,
in the colours of the brand, minus the trademark. In 1995, for
example, smokers who bought two packs of Marlboro were
offered a red cap with an F1 car (rather than a Marlboro
logo) embroidered on it.
When premiums for cigarette
purchases were banned Wills gave retailers cricket bats to
raffle to consumers who bought ‘‘anything to the value of a
carton of Benson & Hedges’’.
Where possible, POS displays capitalised on the long-
standing international sports sponsorships of the cigarette
brands. This was seen by the manufacturers to provide
‘‘unquestionable legitimacy’’ at the POS: the familiarity of
the link between the sport and the product and the synergy
between the display and the sport, making consumers more
comfortable with the marketing.
Manufacturers remain
willing to test the law—for example, with a recently used
custom made silver bar-refrigerator holding Alpine cigarettes
for sale in shops, illegal in NSW
but tested by the
manufacturers anyway. PML believes that legislation for-
cing all cigarette products below the counter is probable
across Australia in the medium term.
The new power of retailers and the industry’s
Retailers are important to tobacco companies, as almost all
cigarettes are sold in retail shops. Conversely, tobacco
products are an extremely important category for many retail
businesses. Unfortunately the retail sector is complex and
availability and quality of data from public sources on retail
cigarette sales is inconsistent, and thus difficult to summar-
ise. The most comprehensive review available suggested that
the margin of sales from cigarettes and tobacco as a
proportion of gross margin was 71% for tobacconists, 20%
for petrol stations, 17% for convenience, 11% for grocery, and
8% for mixed businesses.
AC Nielsen creates an annual ‘‘Top
100 Brands’’ report on the grocery/supermarket sector based
on sales value, and tobacco brands reliably inhabit six out of
the top 10 places in this list, beaten only by Coca Cola. A
report on the convenience store sector based on data from
2000 showed that the ‘‘cigarette’’ category accounted for
34.68% of total sales, far exceeding the next largest
categories, beverages (12.7%), milk (8.03%), and confection-
ery (7.86%).
Although the data are difficult to pin down,
there is no doubt that tobacco is important to the Australian
retail sector.
Despite this apparent dependence on tobacco, a combina-
tion of the disappearance of above-the-line and concentration
of the grocery market in Australia
has put large retailers in
particular in a strong negotiating position, and their loyalty is
not guaranteed. Cigarette manufacturers maintain their
relationships with retailers through five channels:
trade promotional expenditure
in-store display hardware and assistance with POS
corporate advertising and alliance building
brand advertising direct to retailers
a new, innovative electronic distribution system.
Trade promotional expenditure
Trade promotional expenditure (TPE) consists of retailer
rewards, retailer loyalty programmes, rebates, and price
Price support and rebates direct to the retailer
have been important since at least the 1960s and are
increasingly so
; in the absence of above-the-line advertis-
ing, the industry sees such pricing strategies as an increas-
ingly important component of marketing.
programmes, in contrast, provide personal rewards to the
retailer. In 1995, for example, PML ran an incentives scheme
where retailers who placed Longbeach products prominently
received ‘‘Longbeach Dollars’’ that could be spent at special
auction nights.
Such rewards must be sufficient to stimulate
loyalty, as demonstrated by a failed 1994 Rothmans
programme in which the rewards were too low.
Display units and assistance with POS marketing
RJ Reynolds reported that ‘‘[Australian] retailers immedi-
ately realised they were sitting on a ‘‘gold mine’’ at retail
when print and OOH [out of hours] went away’’, and that as
a result ‘‘the cost of the real estate went through the roof for
Australia’’, forcing manufacturers to pay millions of
Australian dollars for entire massive sets of retail display
hardware to ensure ‘‘an advantaged position (the only piece
of 2000 cm advertising)’’.
Presumably this high cost was not
just for the physical manufacture and installation of the
units, but also a large fee for the right to use the only small
piece of advertising space still available. PML has also
acknowledged the importance of providing ‘‘innovative and
customised instore [display] hardware’’
and other mer-
chandising supports, shouldering the financial burden placed
on retailers as a result of regulatory changes to the display of
cigarettes. As RJ Reynolds noted: ‘‘[providing customised
hardware] could play a major role in the future on who is
perceived as the must-have companies. Retailers will be
looking for new and creative ways to sell and merchandise
Personal relationships between company representatives
and retailers certainly appear to be valued in tobacco culture,
as evidenced by awards to staff who excel in developing these
‘‘invaluable’’ relationships,
and RJ Reynold’s concern that
after TAP ‘‘field people [were] totally confused about what
[was] important… morale was five times worse than their
expectations…[and] massive cultural/past behaviour change
‘‘Field people’’ assist retailers with every-
thing from planograms or POGs—diagrams that show how
and where to display products in order to increase customer
purchases—to local area marketing—designing a stock
selection and display tailor made for the demographics of
the area in which the business is situated.
In 1998 a Wills marketing manager illustrated just how
serious the industry is about the minutiae of legal cigarette
displays in regulation sales units. ‘‘We’ve been pushing
retailers to put their cigarettes on the back wall, and we’ve
had some initiatives where we’ve block-stocked our products.
Instead of using a gravity-fed overhead dispenser, we’ve used
a cascade tray to build up a big brand image. That orients the
A picture of this display unit can be viewed at http://www.ashaust.
Retail marketing in Australia iii97
product towards the consumer rather than having it facing
the floor so you see more of the packet. The company has also
changed the packet colours on one of its major brands—
Horizon—so that it’s a uniform blue. The aim of the exercise
is instant recognition: along with Benson and Hedges, that’s
given us full gold and blue blocks on display and that helps
our brands stand out.’’
The maintenance of ‘‘POS dom-
inance’’, the strengthening of brand symbols and colours for
instant recognition (via pack design), and the extension of
these colours and the brands’ personalities into the POS are
continuing, carefully negotiated strategies,
which also offer
benefits to the retailer through highly organised and
professional support for their merchandising.
Alliance building
The manufacturers promote their corporate image direct to
retailers, and work to recruit retailers as political allies.
44 53 54
Retail trade publications contain both editorials consistent
with tobacco rhetoric and photographs of tobacco manufac-
turers’ constant presence at retail trade fairs, seminars, and
award nights.
All three manufacturers take out frequent corporate
advertising in retail trade journals, promising the retailer
better service and support and urging them to work with
company representatives to ‘‘maximize your profits’’.
51 55
Each promotes a slightly different corporate identity. BATA,
the serious industry leader, warns about the penalties for
selling ‘‘chop chop’’ (illegal loose tobacco), promises to
provide important information on its corporate website, and
occasionally promotes the benefits of its brands with dense
pages of text and graphs. PML’s corporate image is more
approachable, promising good service and support, brands
that young people like to smoke, and bigger profits. Imperial,
the new entrant, promises high tech ‘‘younique’’ service
unencumbered by age and tradition, pledging ‘‘at Imperial,
we take a more individual approach to your business. We
listen, we learn and we deliver’’. Tobacco is part of retail
Brand advertising in trade publications
Another important channel of communication between the
industry and retailers is brand advertising in retail trade
publications. A total of 44 such advertisements were
examined as previously described. The results are presented
in table 2.
The advertisements examined did not solely or even
primarily perform an information function. Only a minority
announced something new, such as changes in pack size,
pack style, or tar banding.
Two kinds of imagery appeared in the advertisements:
packs or trademarks, and other imagery. Retailers selling
cigarette products need to be able to identify cigarette packs:
this enables them to make orders and provide customers with
the products they request. It is thus unsurprising that
advertising in retail trade publications frequently contained
pictures of packs. However, it is not necessary for a retailer to
be able to associate, for example, Alpine with deserted
beaches or Winfield with boxing matches. Despite this,
particularly in premium and mainstream advertising, ima-
gery in addition to the trademark or pack was also used to
Table 2 Content of brand advertising in retail trade publications*
Premium Mainstream Value Total
Number of unique advertisements 23 11 10 44
Number of brand families represented 8 2 3 13
New things announced 8 5 4 17
Cigarette pack appears 19 11 9 39
Imagery other than pack or trademark used 20 9 6 35
Text schools in retailing 6 9 8 23
Positioning statement used 15 6 7 28
*Number of unique advertisements January 2001 to June 2003 containing the listed content.
Figure 1 Mainstream advertisement,
featuring positioning statement and
imagery to build brand identity as well
as retail information regarding sales
iii98 Carter
build these associations, attempting to create brand identities
in the retailers’ minds.
25 26
Imagery used included 1950s-style
photographs; carefree beach scenes; abstract compositions
based on electrical wires and computer chips; scenes of
fishing, playing billiards or doing woodwork; nightclub-style
lights; calm lakes; and tablecloths holding soothing cups of
The function of text in the advertisements also differed
between the brand categories premium, mainstream, and
supervalue. Positioning statements for high profit premium
brands in particular were relatively abstract and focused on
building brand identity,
25 26
including ‘‘WHEN YOU’RE READY’’,
‘‘Fresh is Alpine’’,
‘‘LIVE&WIRED’’, ‘‘CONNECT&COMMIT’’, ‘‘The spirit
of Marlboro in a light cigarette’’, ‘‘
TEST IT’’, or ‘‘Passion for
Power’’. Positioning statements for mainstream (fig 1) and
supervalue brands more frequently emphasised the value
proposition for the brand, such as ‘‘Australia’s best value’’.
Text which explicitly schooled in retailing was proportionally
far less common for premium brands, consistent with the
strong brand identity building orientation in their advertis-
e-Distribution: placing tobacco companies at the
heart of retail business
A 1994 PML document observed: ‘‘the importance of the
distribution system is growing as more marketing restrictions
are placed on the industry.’’
Accordingly, both BATA and
PML have made globally unique efforts in the area of
distribution in recent years. Both now have associated
companies—e-Orders, established by PML in January 2001,
and Quatro Four, launched by BATA in December 2001—
which operate as major integrated distribution hubs for small
retailers (convenience, newsagents and petrol stations,) not
just for tobacco products, but for a range of fast moving
consumer goods including beverages, confectionery, ice
cream, phone cards, convenience foods, dairy products, and
automotive parts.
e-Orders has 650 retail customers, and
Quatro Four signed more than 2000 in its first nine months of
operation, including both national chains and small inde-
pendent retailers.
56 57
Although at present retailers can use both systems
simultaneously for different products, the trade thinks that
‘‘ultimately, there is only really room for one ordering system.
The two electronic ordering specialists—e-Orders and
Quatro—are scrambling for critical mass, for retailers and
e-Ordering has become a new frontier for
competition and control between the manufacturers. The
systems are currently advertised and editorialised about
extensively in the trade literature, promising increased
efficiency, tailoring, reduced supply chain costs to the
retailer, integration with POS technology to enable auto-
mated stock management, and upcoming financial manage-
ment services such as electronic invoicing and automatic
account payment. Quatro Four offers incentives such as a
years’ free internet access for joining up, and promises
convenience store owners that they will ‘‘help you compete
with the big guys’’ (large grocery supermarket chains) by
providing budget priced POS computer systems and other
It is important to note that these two initiatives are not
centralised systems rolled out to Australia from overseas—
they are local startup enterprises, and may in fact be
implemented in overseas markets by PMI and BAT if they
continue to be successful. Both systems contain tobacco
advertising, position tobacco at the heart of a retailer’s
business along with other more benign product categories,
and according to their spokespeople ‘‘will enable sales reps to
go back to being professional representatives for their
companies, helping retailers to build their sales, rather than
spending inordinate amounts of time as order takers’’.
remains to be seen whether the manufacturers value sales
representatives as they say they do, or whether an increase in
e-ordering will lead to their redundancy.
The POS, always an important marketing environment for
the Australian cigarette industry, has been transformed in
the last five decades. Originally retail marketing was a mere
support mechanism for above-the-line activities. When
above-the-line was banned, the retail environment became
the front line for brand building, absorbing massive resources
and being seen as the primary site for sustaining relation-
ships with the consumer. When retail was restricted by some
states, the industry conceded only incrementally and under
duress. The fact that the law is broken in retail marketing
suggests that the retail promotions, however modest, are still
highly prized in Australia’s dark market.
Given that the industry explicitly defines retail as the new
frontier in a dark market, effective tobacco control regulation
should include stringent control of the retail environment.
Given the industry’s creativity and risk taking, the only way
of preventing promotion of products at retail would be to
require all products to be placed under the counter.
Consumers could make purchases from product listings,
and the law could define and standardise the format of these
listings, allowing only product names and differentiating
information such as pack size. The industry expects tobacco
products to be forced under the counter, and their expecta-
tions should be fulfilled.
Another measure of the importance of the retail environ-
ment is the energy and resources expended by the industry
on their relationships with retailers, demonstrated through
trade promotional expenditure, in-store marketing assis-
tance, alliance building, brand advertising in the trade press,
and the new electronic retail distribution system. Regulating
some of these aspects of the retail environment will be much
more difficult than regulating the display of products.
Elements potentially more amenable to change are
branded advertising in the retail press and TPE. Given that
TPE impacts on price and thus can reduce the effectiveness of
taxation strategies, the possibility of regulating it on
economic as well as marketing grounds could be considered.
Branded product advertising to retailers could potentially be
banned in the upcoming review of the TAP Act. Brand
identities are built in these advertisements by associating
brands with distinctive imagery and by the use of brand
positioning statements. In premium cigarette advertising in
particular, brand identity building is more prominent than
retailing information. It is hard to imagine why the tobacco
industry would continue investing in such brand building
activity if they did not think it was beneficial to the business
of selling more cigarettes. Retailers’ brand recognition
requirements could be fulfilled by simple text lists and
thumbnail package illustrations, a format already used for
presenting information on brand share in some publications.
Retailing information, such as market share and profit
margins, could readily be provided without being associated
with brand identity building imagery.
The tradition of the industry paying for in-store display
hardware provides an opportunity. This precedent means that
regulatory changes in retail displays could in future be
defined as the industry’s financial responsibility, reducing
the burden on individual retailers. In contrast, the industry’s
traditional role in supporting and informing retailers as to the
display of cigarettes should ideally be absorbed by health
authorities, moving the emphasis from maximising sales to
compliance with regulation. If the rise of e-distribution does
Retail marketing in Australia iii99
undermine the role of the sales representative it may provide
a window of opportunity to effect this change.
The major threats to tobacco control in the retail sector
appear to be the strong political alliances between tobacco
and retail, profits that tobacco products offer to retailers, and
the new developments in e-distribution. These will all be
difficult to disrupt. It may be necessary for health groups to
begin traditional alliance building activities with the retail
sector, as has been done to an extent with the sporting sector
in the advent of local sponsorship bans. It may also be
necessary, as occurred in sport and the farming sector, to
commit some proportion of public monies to support the
movement of small businesses away from dependence on
tobacco and into other categories. Given the tobacco tax
windfall that the federal government collects and does not
hypothecate, this seems a reasonable means by which to
acknowledge the genuine financial dependence of some
small businesses on tobacco.
If these regulatory challenges can be met, and other forms
of below the line marketing are also regulated, Australia may,
finally, become a truly dark market for tobacco.
Thanks to Simon Chapman and reviewers for helpful comments and
Fiona Byrne for indispensable information management. The
research reported in this paper was supported by grants from the
National Health and Medical Research Council (2001–2003
#153857) and the US National Institutes of Health (2001–2005 #
R01 CA87110–01A1).
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29 Smith P. WD & HO Wills (Australia) Limited. [Memo to John J. Howley of
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30 Smith P. WD & HO Wills (Australia) Limited. Kent merchandising. 29 Jun
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31 License Agreement—Philip Morris, Australia. 20 Oct 1983. American
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33 Philip Morris. [Presentation notes—slides 1–73 Australian retail market: notes
for a NY Marketing Meeting]. 1992. Philip Morris. Bates No. 2504107172A/
34 Philip Morris. 1991 original budget: Marketing Presentation. 3 Oct 1990. Oct
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35 Goldberg H. 1994 second revised forecast presentation, June 1994, New
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36 Zufic D. [Forms part of a fax from Denis Zufic to Robert Sarmento on the topic
of government restrictions that impede the Australian Tobacco Industry].16
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38 Turner P. Consumer promotions. 21 May 1993. British American Tobacco.
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39 New South Wales Parliament. Public health (tobacco) regulation 1999. New
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40 Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. Anti smoking agenda. 1998. Philip Morris.
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Tobacco Institute of Australia, 1999.
42 C-Store Industry Report Part II. Retail World 2001;Aug 20–31: Report
page 1.
What this paper adds
A small number of studies have investigated point of sale
(POS) and relationships with retailers in international
contexts, showing that the tobacco industry control the
pricing and merchandising of their product by making
substantial payments to retailers, that the industry match
retail marketing to the stores’ clientele, and that retail
marketing increases when other forms of marketing are
Industry documents show that the POS, retailers and
distribution became increasingly important as Australia’s
marketing environment became more restricted. Retailers’
power increased, and as a result manufacturers now use
their representatives, incentives, merchandising support, and
retail publications to maintain retailer loyalty and build brand
identities despite bans. Cigarette manufacturers now control
distribution of tobacco and non-tobacco products to small
retailers in Australia, placing themselves at the heart of retail
iii100 Carter
43 Philip Morris International. Philip Morris Asia/Pacific three year plan, 1992–
1994. Dec 1991. Philip Morris. Bates No. 2500064000/4226. http://
44 Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. 3 year plan, 1996–1998. 1996. Philip
Morris. Bates No. 2047041415/1432.
45 Goldberg H. Australian highlights for the week ending 10 January 1996 and
the month of December 1995. 11 Jan 1996. Philip Morris. Bates No.
46 Philip Morris International—Australia. 1997. Philip Morris. Bates No.
47 Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. Philip Morris Limited minutes of Directors’
Meeting held at the company’s registered office, corner Chesterville and
Cochranes Roads, Moorabbin, on Friday, 1st August 1969, at 12 Noon. 1
Aug 1969. Philip Morris. Bates No. 2015047961/7962. http://
48 Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. Superlights 30’s. 18 Nov 1987. Philip Morris.
Bates No. 2500113068/3074.
49 Goldberg H. Australian highlights for the week ending 22 January, 1997. 23
Jan 1997. Philip Morris. Bates No. 2074162304B/2305. http://
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October 18, 1996. Australia: 18 Oct 1996. Philip Morris.
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58 Anon. New entrant pledges to automate the industry. Australian Convenience
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Retail marketing in Australia iii101