Blinn College Administrative Regulation Payment of Medical Care for Student Athletes Page 1 of 2
Payment of Medical Care Costs for Student Athletes
November 16, 1993; amended January 15, 2009
Definition of Student Athlete: A student athlete is one who participates on an intercollegiate level in any
one of the certified sports of the NJCAA, or is a member of the Drill Team or the Cheerleaders, while
maintaining full-time (12 credit hours) status during the season of the sport(s) or activity or school year
in which they are participating.
Sec. I. The college does not pay for the medical or dental expenses of its student athletes for medical
and dental problems that: (1) do not relate to athletic injuries and which occur during the day-to-day
activities of the student, e.g., sinus infections, cold or flu symptoms, migraines, stomachaches, etc.; (2)
existed prior to the student’s participation in the Blinn College intercollegiate program; or (3) occurred
during summer breaks or school holidays unless such injuries occurred during an official authorized
practice session supervised by college officials. Such expenses are the sole responsibility of the student
Sec. II. Blinn College athletic and administrative personnel will arrange for initial medical (including
dental) emergency and necessary follow-up care for its student athletes who are participating as a
certified member of one of the college’s intercollegiate athletic teams. This process will occur when the
student athlete sustains an injury or illness during the course of an authorized athletic event or practice
session, or while traveling in college provided transportation as part of the team to such an event or
practice session.
Sec. III. The student athlete and/or his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) health insurance (including dental)
coverage is considered the primary coverage for all medical/dental expenses incurred for such treatment.
As a condition of participation as a member of an intercollegiate athletic team, the student athlete and/or
his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) must agree to disclose this coverage to the college. They must also agree
to facilitate the filing, on a timely basis, of a claim against that insurance coverage for the payment of
incurred emergency and necessary follow-up medical costs. Payment of related emergency medical
expenses which cannot be covered by the student athlete’s insurance will be paid in accordance with
Blinn College's Excess and/or Catastrophic policies as secondary to the student athlete’s insurance
Blinn College Administrative Regulation Payment of Medical Care for Student Athletes Page 2 of 2
Sec. IV. The student athlete will bring to the attention of the official athletic trainer immediately or as
soon thereafter as is reasonable under the circumstances any injury for which he/she believes he/she
needs medical treatment or other health services arising out of participation as a certified member of the
Blinn College Intercollegiate Athletic Team Activities.