Eighth Edition
January 2018
January 2018
Copyright © 2018, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.
220 Leigh Farm Road, Durham, NC 27713
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
150 4th Avenue, North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417
All rights reserved. For information about the procedure for requesting permission to make copies of any
part of this work, please contact the AICPA at copyright@aicpa.org, or NASBA at NASBA-
UAA@nasba.org. Otherwise, requests should be written and mailed to the Rights and Permissions
Department, AICPA, 220 Leigh Farm Road, Durham, NC, 27707-8110, or to NASBA-UAA, 150 4th
Avenue, North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SR 9 9 8
January 2018
December 2017
Dear Interested Parties:
We are pleased to release the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA), Eighth Edition, January 2018.
This new edition contains important updates to the Act, designed both to ensure protection of the
public interest and to respond to evolving changes in the practice of accountancy. It is the
culmination of numerous meetings of the committees and task forces of the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of
Accountancy (NASBA) as well as the discussions and comments developed by State Boards of
Accountancy, State CPA Societies and other interested parties. We’d like to thank all of those
individuals who offered their thoughts, expertise and helpful suggestions along the way.
The first of the major changes to the Act is providing for a retired CPA category. This appears in
Section 6(d) and acknowledges that CPAs who are at least 55 years of age may place their license
in inactive status and not continue with CPE requirements. For those CPAs at the end of their
careers, this provision offers an exception to ensure that they can continue to offer a limited number
of volunteer, uncompensated services to the public.
The second major change can be found in Section 6(g) which allows for the awarding of a
certificate to a holder of a substantially equivalent foreign designation without the need for mutual
recognition of US CPAs. The objective is to provide international reciprocity to qualified
Also found in the Eighth Edition of the UAA in Section 3 are definitions of “compilation” and
“preparation of financial statements” which serve to clarify other provisions of the Act.
In the Model Rules, published separately at www.nasba.org, there are significant changes to
Articles 3 and 6 which relate to continuing professional education. These rules are directed to the
licensee and are in accord with the revised “Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional
Education,” found in Appendix A. The “Legislative Policy (Annotated) of the American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants” (Appendix A in earlier editions of the UAA) has been deleted, as
has the NASBA Model Code of Conduct (Rule 10-4 in earlier editions of the Model Rules), since
neither of those represented joint statements of the AICPA and NASBA.
Changes were made to Article 5 to clarify the testing window and other exam policies.
To keep the UAA “evergreen,” a continuous process of refreshing the document is necessary.
The AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act Committee continues to make modifications
that we believe positively impact the ability of the State Boards of Accountancy to effectively
January 2018
Interested Parties
December 2017
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regulate the evolving profession and to therefore meet the public’s needs. Given the pace of this
evolution, we anticipate releasing interim editions of the UAA more frequently than editions have
been previously released. Check the NASBA or AICPA websites for the most recent versions.
J. Coalter Baker, CPA Debbie Lambert, CPA
Chair, NASBA UAA Committee Chair, AICPA UAA Committee
A Note About Format……………………………………………………….UAA-I-3
The Fundamental Principles That Should Govern the Regulation of
Certified Public Accountants………………………………………………..UAA-I-3
Implementation of the Governing Principles in the
Uniform Accountancy Act…………………………………………………..UAA-I-7
Uniform Accountancy Act
Title .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 1
Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 2-1 2
Definitions........................................................................................................................ 3-1 3
State Board of Accountancy ............................................................................................ 4-1 4
Qualifications for a Certificate as a Certified Public Accountant .................................... 5-1 5
Issuance and Renewal of Certificates, and Maintenance of Competency ....................... 6-1 6
Firm Permits to Practice, Attest and Compilation Competency and Peer Review ......... 7-1 7
Public Accountancy and Firms of Public Accountants.................................................... 8-1 8
Appointment of Secretary of State as Agent.................................................................... 9-1 9
Enforcement – Grounds for Discipline .......................................................................... 10-1 10
Enforcement Investigations ........................................................................................ 11-1 11
Enforcement Procedures Hearings by the Board ........................................................ 12-1 12
Reinstatement ................................................................................................................. 13-1 13
Unlawful Acts ................................................................................................................ 14-1 14
Injunctions Against Unlawful Acts ................................................................................ 15-1 15
Criminal Penalties .......................................................................................................... 16-1 16
Single Act Evidence of Practice .................................................................................... 17-1 17
Confidential Communications ....................................................................................... 18-1 18
Licensees’ Working Papers; Clients Records ............................................................... 19-1 19
Privity of Contract.......................................................................................................... 20-1 20
January 2018
Uniform Statute of Limitations ...................................................................................... 21-1 21
Proportionate Liability ................................................................................................... 22-1 22
Substantial Equivalency ................................................................................................. 23-1 23
Construction; Severability ............................................................................................. 24-1 24
Repeal of Prior Law ....................................................................................................... 25-1 25
Effective Date ................................................................................................................ 26-1 26
A. AICPA/NASBA Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) Programs .................................................................................................. A-1
B. Substantial Equivalency .......................................................................................B-1
INDEX .................................................................................................................................. Index-1
January 2018
Eighth Edition
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
January 2018
The modern public accounting profession originated in Great Britain during the latter half of the
nineteenth century. In 1896 the New York state legislature passed the first law creating the title
“certified public accountant,” thereby setting the pattern for state government regulation of the
public accounting profession in the United States.
As with other professions, the public accounting profession is built upon a statutory foundation
providing for the examination and licensing of members of the profession, and for the regulation of
their professional conduct. All CPAs are examined, licensed, and regulated under state accountancy
laws, and there is such a law in every American jurisdiction.
A model bill to regulate the practice of public accountancy was first published in 1916 by the
American Institute of Accountants, the predecessor of the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA). In 1984, the AICPA and the National Association of State Boards of
Accountancy (NASBA) published the first joint model bill, later renamed the Uniform Accountancy
Act (UAA). Ultimately, a substantial majority of the state accountancy laws followed, in their
principal provisions, the example provided by earlier model accountancy bills and the Uniform Act.
A joint working group made up of representatives from the AICPA’s State Legislation Committee
and from NASBA’s Uniform Accountancy Act Committee was formed to make changes which were
incorporated into the 1992 Uniform Accountancy Act. Those groups, now acting as a joint UAA
Committee, have continued to develop the language for revisions to the UAA, including that found
in this edition.
While past joint efforts at promoting high professional standards, protecting the public and
increasing uniformity of regulation have been important, they had not produced the level of results
either organization felt were satisfactory. Coupled with other significant factors occurring in the
global marketplace for accounting services, this led both AICPA and NASBA to begin to examine
new ways to respond in this area. The AICPA, through the work of the Special Committee on
Regulation and Structure and NASBA through its Reciprocity Committee and Future Licensing,
Litigation and Legislation Committee, each began to explore new regulatory concepts and
approaches that would be responsive to the challenges to the current regulatory system.
In March 1996, the Joint Committee on Regulation of the Profession (Joint Committee) was formed
by AICPA and NASBA to share the concepts and ideas of each organization’s committees and to
work to develop consensus on some significant new regulatory changes for the future. The members
of the Joint Committee were leaders of AICPA and NASBA, as well as the state board Executive
Directors group and the Certified Public Accountants’ Society Executives Association (CPA/SEA).
After a year of meetings and discussions, the Joint Committee reached agreement on a new
regulatory framework that it believed would: enhance interstate reciprocity and practice across state
lines by CPAs, meet the future needs of the profession, respond to the marketplace and, most
important, protect the public that the profession serves. The Joint Committee’s recommendations
were approved by AICPA and NASBA leadership and were incorporated into the Third Edition of
the Uniform Accountancy Act, in 1997.
January 2018
Differing requirements for CPA certification, reciprocity, temporary practice, and other aspects of
state accountancy legislation in the 55 American licensing jurisdictions (the 50 states, Puerto Rico,
the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands) constituted artificial barriers to the interstate practice and mobility of certified
public accountants. The UAA seeks to eliminate such differences and the barriers that they pose to
effective practice of CPAs under modern conditions through the standard of “substantial
equivalency” that was added to the Act in 1998. The mobility and enforcement enhancements that
have been added can assure stronger and more efficient state board enforcement in the context of
modern cross-border and electronic commerce in which state lines are often blurred.
Many of the organizations requiring the professional services of certified public accountants transact
business on an interstate, and even on an international, basis; as a result, the practice of CPAs
typically extends across state lines, and often international boundaries as well. Thus, there is
compelling need for the enactment of uniform state accountancy laws that foster rather than inhibit
interstate professional practice and for laws that provide appropriately for international practice.
This UAA is provided as a single comprehensive piece of legislation that could be adopted in place
of existing state laws. Because there is an accountancy law now in effect in every jurisdiction,
however, the UAA is also designed to the extent possible with severable provisions, so that particular
parts of this Act could, with appropriate amendments, be added to existing laws instead of replacing
such laws entirely. In the interest of uniformity and to promote mobility through the substantial
equivalency standard, the AICPA and NASBA strongly urge states to adopt the entire UAA.
Appendix A now contains the new Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) Programs approved by AICPA and NASBA. Appendix B sets out guidelines as to the
substantial equivalency standard.
The Uniform Accountancy Act is designed to achieve several objectives. As the name of the Act
suggests, the Act advances the goal of uniformity. In addition, the Act’s provisions protect the public
interest and promote high professional standards.
January 2018
Introductory Comments
A Note About Format
Beginning with the 1992 edition, the Uniform Accountancy Act has been designed as an “evergreen”
The UAA comprises the complete text of a statute (in boldface type) that could be adopted in place
of any accountancy law now in effect, with explanatory comments (not intended to be enacted as
part of the law) following some provisions printed in regular type. It may happen that a particular
legislature will be interested in considering not a complete new law but only certain provisions, to
be substituted for or added to provisions of the law already in effect.
An effort has been made to make the provisions of the UAA readily adaptable for this purpose.
However, in the event of piecemeal adoption, it is likely that changes in particular provisions will
be required in order to tailor them to the terminology and structure of the existing legislation. The
comments attempt to identify important matters that might need to be considered in such
circumstances, but no effort has been made to identify every point regarding which adaptation might
be required; that can better be done (and in any event would have to be done) when particular
legislation is actually under consideration.
Whether the UAA is considered for adoption wholly or only in part, adjustments may also be
appropriate in light of other laws in effect in the particular state in question. Some provisions
included in the UAA may be unnecessary, for example, because they are covered by other laws of
general applicability, such as a state administrative procedure act. Other provisions may be at odds
with the way a particular matter is generally dealt with in the state, for example, the authority of
licensing Boards, or their procedures, or their composition. Again, the comments attempt to identify
the principal points requiring consideration in this regard. Provisions, such as the one related to the
size of the Board (Section 4(a)) on which this UAA presents specific choices, are flagged by
The Fundamental Principles That Should Govern the Regulation of Certified Public
The fundamental principles of the AICPA’s and NASBA’s legislative policies, and of the resulting
Uniform Act, are few, and can be simply stated.
First, statutory regulation of CPAs, as of any other profession or occupation, is justified only by
considerations of the public interest. The public interest must be a substantial one, since regulation
necessarily involves restrictions on who can perform certain services and the manner in which they
are performed. The conventional formulation is that regulatory legislation must be reasonably
designed to protect the public health, safety, or welfare; the practice of CPAs has a significant impact
on the public welfare.
January 2018
Second, appropriately designed regulation of CPAs serves to protect the public welfare in two
principal ways: (a) by providing reasonable assurance of competence on the part of persons and
entities that perform those services that require a substantial degree of skill and competence for
proper performance and regarding which the consequences of inadequate performance may be of
serious dimension; and (b) by preventing deception of the public regarding the level of competence
that may reasonably be expected of a given practitioner. A central element in the protection of the
public welfare through the regulation of CPAs is prevention of circumstances in which persons who
are not themselves in a position to judge the competence of a particular practitioner or the reliability
of particular financial information may be induced to rely on assurances of such competence or
reliability (explicit or implied) that are not reasonably supported in fact. Third-party reliance-
reliance by persons not themselves clients of the certified public accountants whose professional
work is relied on-is an example of the need for regulating CPAs in the public interest.
Third, although an expectation of some minimal level of competence is involved when a person or
entity is engaged to perform services for hire, whatever the services may be, the degree to which
such an expectation involves a substantial public interest and, in consequence, the degree to which
it justifies legal regulation, varies significantly with both the level of skill required for adequate
performance of the service, and the range and severity of adverse consequences that may derive
from inadequate performance. Among the many different professional services that CPAs perform,
one is, to a far greater degree than any other, affected by considerations of competence, namely, the
attest function.
Not only does the attest function call for the greatest breadth and most intense development of the
professional skills employed by CPAs, but it invites the highest degree of reliance by the widest
segment of the public. When attest and compilation services are not competently and properly
performed, the breadth and severity of the possible adverse consequences are far greater than those
attendant upon other services performed by CPAs. For these reasons, the keystone of the Uniform
Act reserves the issuance of reports in standard form on audited, reviewed and compiled financial
statements and other attest information to licensees who have demonstrated qualifications to perform
attest and compilation services.
A professional service similar in nature to the audit function, although differing in the level of
assurance implied, is the conduct of “reviews” of financial statements and the issuance of reports
upon such reviews. Formal standards have been promulgated by the AICPA in a series of Statements
on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS), and reviews conducted in accordance
with such standards may call upon the same level of knowledge as does an audit. Although the
degree of assurance (explicit and implied) in reports upon reviews purporting to
comply with the AICPA’s formal standards is less than that expressed and implied by reports
represented to be based upon an audit, the issuance of such reports is restricted to persons who have
demonstrated the qualifications necessary to perform the audit function.
Still another professional service, founded on the same array of skills and the same level of
knowledge as audits, but not involving any explicit assurance, is the issuance of reports on
“compilations” of financial statements. Again, formal standards have been promulgated in the
SSARS pronouncements for the conduct of such compilations and for reports thereon. A danger of
innocent reliance on the implicit representations of skill and assurances of reliability of such reports
exists if they are issued by persons not having the professional qualifications that such reports imply.
January 2018
Included in attest services, because of the public’s reliance, are services defined in the Statements
on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE). The skills necessary to perform such services
are at least as demanding as the level of knowledge necessary to perform the audit process.
Accordingly, this Uniform Accountancy Act includes the definition and reservation of attest and
compilation services to include audits, reviews and compilations of financial statements and
engagements performed under the SSAEs when the reports on those services are in standard form,
and prescribed by authoritative pronouncements, so as to imply assurances and the professional
qualifications underlying such assurances. And, because of the especially great need for public
protection in connection with these services, only licensees (or individuals with practice privileges)
may perform these services and must do so only through firms registered with a state board.
Fourth, the requirements for licensing persons to perform the professional services thus reserved
should be designed to provide significant assurance that those who undertake to perform such
services have at least a minimum level of professional qualification for adequate performance. Two
means are commonly employed to provide this kind of assurance of competence (not only with
respect to the CPA profession, but other professions as well): (a) reserve the performance of the
services in question to persons licensed to do so; and (b) require, as a condition of such licensing,
demonstration of skill and knowledge, typically by means of examinations, education requirements
and experience or competency requirements. Uniformity of the required demonstration of skill and
competence among licensees within a given state and those of different states is obviously desirable
from the public interest point of view. Nevertheless, in the interest of equity, legislatures of most
jurisdictions have made provisions for “grandfathering” persons who, though they had not met the
requirements for issuance of a certificate as a certified public accountant, were nonetheless engaged
in unregulated attest and compilation services when the licensing law became effective. Because
relatively few jurisdictions exist without “grandfathering” provisions, this UAA does not include a
provision for a new “grandfathered” entitlement to perform attest and compilation services. It does,
however, contain provisions to deal with such a class of public accountants where the prior law
established such a class.
Fifth, an effective regulatory plan will also prohibit persons who have not met the licensing
requirements from representing to the public that they have done so, thus protecting the public
against incompetence and deception. Provisions should be designed to prevent would-be
practitioners from representing to the public, directly or indirectly, that they have a higher degree of
competence than they in fact command.
Sixth, the need to assure the public of reasonable competence and the need to protect the public
against deception combine to support regulation of the conduct of all licensees, even in their
performance of work which unlicensed persons may also perform. If a given person has
demonstrated the high level of competence required for licensure, even though the license has its
central justification and purpose in the performance of attest and compilation services, nonetheless
the qualifications required to be demonstrated in order to merit such a license will reasonably support
public expectations that the licensee has special competence and higher professional conduct in other
areas of practice as well and that the licensee adheres to a higher level of professional conduct than
unlicensed persons. Such a reasonable expectation of special competence in other areas than the one
for which a license is specifically required calls for regulation of the professional conduct of all
licensees who promote themselves to the public as such.
January 2018
Seventh, the need to assure the public of reasonable competence supports the requirement that all
licensees maintain professional competence in their area of responsibility through continuing
professional education. The provisions for such education should allow for wide latitude in selection
of continuing education and should prescribe appropriate credit for any approved CPE offering that
contributes to the general professional competence of the licensee.
Eighth, it is desirable that there be, to the maximum extent feasible, uniformity among jurisdictions
with regard to those aspects of the regulatory structure that bear upon the qualifications required of
licensees. Because many of the clients or employers of CPAs are multistate enterprises, much of the
practice of CPAs has an interstate character; consequently, CPAs must be able to move freely
between states. The need for interstate mobility and maintenance of high minimum standards of
competence in the public interest requires uniform licensing qualifications, insofar as possible,
among the states.
Ninth, and finally, it is essential that mobility for individual CPAs and CPA Firms be enhanced.
With respect to the goal of portability of the CPA title and mobility of CPAs across state lines, the
cornerstone of the approach recommended by this Act is the standard of “substantial equivalency”
set out in Section 23. Under substantial equivalency, a CPA’s ability to obtain reciprocity is
simplified and they have the privilege to practice in another state without the need to obtain an
additional license in that state unless it is where their principal place of business is located, as
determined by the licensee. Individuals are not denied reciprocity or practice privileges because of
minor or immaterial differences in the requirements for CPA certification from state-to-state.
Substantial equivalency is a determination by a Board of Accountancy, or NASBA, that the
education, examination and experience requirements contained in the statutes and administrative
rules of another jurisdiction are comparable to, or exceed, the education, examination and experience
requirements contained in the Uniform Accountancy Act. If the state of licensure does not meet the
substantial equivalency standard, individual CPAs may demonstrate that they personally have
education, examination and experience qualifications that are comparable to or exceed those in the
Uniform Accountancy Act.
For purposes of individual practice privileges, an applicant that has an active certificate as a certified
public accountant from any jurisdiction that has obtained from a Board of Accountancy or NASBA
a determination of substantial equivalency with the Uniform Accountancy Act’s CPA certificate
requirements shall be presumed to have qualifications substantially equivalent to those of the
practice privilege jurisdiction. Individual CPAs from states that are not substantially equivalent may
qualify under the substantial equivalency standard on an individual basis. Any CPA that wants to
obtain a reciprocal certificate under substantial equivalency must personally possess qualifications
that are substantially equivalent to, or exceed, the CPA licensure provisions in the Uniform
Accountancy Act.
Additionally, CPA firm mobility has been enhanced because even though an individual using
practice privileges must render attest services through a CPA firm licensed in some state, if the firm
complies with the ownership (Section 7(c)) and peer review (Section 7(h)) requirements, the firm
would only need a permit in the states in which it has an office, regardless of the type of service or
where such service is performed. The ownership and peer review requirements would protect the
January 2018
practice privilege state through firm quality standards comparable to substantial equivalency for
practice privilege individuals. For purposes of firm mobility, a firm holding a valid permit from a
U.S. jurisdiction, complying with the firm ownership and peer review requirements, would be able
to perform any professional service (including attest) in any other state so long as it does so through
individuals with practice privileges who can lawfully do so in the state where said individuals have
their principal place of business. A firm not meeting both the ownership and peer review
requirements could provide nonattest services and use the “CPA” title in any other state so long as
it does so through individuals with practice privileges, and so long as the firm can lawfully do so in
the state where said individuals with practice privileges have their principal place of business.
Indeed, a firm complying with Section 7(a)(1)(C) would only have to obtain permits in states where
it has offices.
In the interest of obtaining maximum uniformity and interstate mobility, and assuring that CPAs are
subject to only one type of regulatory scheme, the Uniform Act should be the standard of regulation
for certificate holders in the U.S. and its jurisdictions. All states and jurisdictions should seek to
adopt the Uniform Act to provide uniformity in accountancy regulation. Uniformity will become
even more essential in the future as international trade agreements continue to be adopted causing
the accounting profession to adopt a global focus.
Implementation of the Governing Principles in the Uniform Accountancy Act
Reflecting the fundamental principles just discussed, the following are the key features of the UAA.
1. The only kinds of professional services for which licensing is required are attest services defined
as (a) the audit function--the expression of opinions on financial statements; (b) the issuance of
reports in standard form upon reviews of financial statements; and (c) the examination of prospective
financial information and any examination, review, or agreed upon procedures engagement to be
performed in accordance with the SSAE; and any engagement to be performed in accordance with
the standards of the PCAOB. Licensure is also required to perform compilations of financial
statements in accordance with SSARS. (See Section 3(s), defining the term “report;” and Section
14(a) prohibiting unlicensed persons or persons without practice privileges from issuing reports on
audits, reviews, and compilations of financial statements.) These services are restricted to licensees
under the Act. Other attestation services are not restricted to licensees, however, when licensees
perform those services they are regulated by the state board of accountancy. Anyone, whether
licensed or not, may offer and perform any other kind of accounting service, including tax services,
management advisory services, and the preparation of financial statements as permitted under
Section 14(a).
2. In order to perform attest services, a CPA firm or sole practitioner must meet certification
requirements (under Section 6) for individuals and permit requirements (under Section 7) for firms
unless otherwise exempted. The Uniform Accountancy Act involves a regulatory system in which
applicants obtain and renew a license. Certain attest services may only be rendered through firms
holding permits from this state. All licensees who are responsible for supervising attest or
compilation services and sign or authorize someone to sign reports on financial statements on behalf
of their firm must meet the competency requirements contained in professional standards before
January 2018
they may perform attest or compilation services. All active licensees, whether in private industry,
education, government, or public practice, must meet continuing education requirements. Only
licensed individuals may perform compilations of financial statements in accordance with SSARS,
but they need not do so through a firm that holds a permit under Section 7.
3. In order to facilitate interstate practice and free movement of practitioners between states, a
provision is made for reciprocal recognition of licenses issued by other states. Those individual
licensees who meet the substantial equivalency standard may freely practice across state lines
without the need for additional licensure. Under Section 23, they need not provide notice to the state
board of the state in which they want to practice. In cases in which the requirements of the other
state are not in compliance with the Uniform Accountancy Act and the individual does not personally
meet its standard for education, the Act allows the individual to demonstrate professional experience
as a substitute for the education qualifications (See Section 6(c)).
Reciprocity for those CPAs who establish their principal place of business in another state requires
an application process; however, upon a demonstration that the individual’s qualifications for the
other state’s certificate were in compliance with the standards set out in this Uniform Act, a
reciprocal license will be issued (Sections 6, 23).
4. The Uniform Act includes provisions that would preserve a class of “grandfathered” practitioners
licensed to use the title “public accountant” and to perform the audit function, where an existing
accountancy law to be superseded by the Uniform Act has provided for such licensing (Section 8),
but would not provide for the creation of any new such class where it had not existed under prior
law. There are a few states where the accountancy law currently in effect, though providing for the
issuance of CPA certificates, does not restrict unlicensed persons from performing any sort of
professional accounting service, including the audit function so long as the unlicensed persons do
not trade upon the CPA title. If those states should decide to change to a form of accountancy law
that restricts the compilation and attest function to licensees, like all other American jurisdictions,
the recommendation implicit in this Uniform Act is that they not create any second class of licensees,
“grandfathered” or other. There are some states where a provision is currently made for a second
class of licensees, given exclusive right to use a particular title but not the right to perform the audit
function. Because no public interest is served by such a second class of licensees, this Uniform Act
contains no such provision.
5. Licensees are subject to regulation of their professional conduct in their performance of any
professional service including those services for which a license is not required and regarding which,
in consequence, other persons are entirely unregulated under the Act.
6. In order to prevent misleading the public regarding the qualifications or licensure status of persons
who are not licensed, the Uniform Act contains a series of prohibitions on the use by unlicensed
persons or firms of titles restricted to licensees under the Act, or titles misleadingly similar to such
titles (see Section 14(c)-(h)).
7. The Uniform Act contemplates that, as with most accountancy laws now in effect, responsibility
for administration and implementation will be vested in a State Board of Accountancy (Section 4).
January 2018
(Section 4). The Board adopts and administers examinations and issues certificates (Sections 5 and
6); issues permits to firms (Section 7); promulgates rules that govern the conduct of licensees and
that otherwise implement the Act (Section 4(h)); and has principal responsibility for disciplinary
enforcement (Sections 10-13, 15) and prevention of unauthorized practice (Sections, 14, 15, 16 and
8. The desirability of uniformity among jurisdictions, mentioned above as one of the fundamental
principles of both the AICPA’s and NASBA’s legislative policies, is recognized in the Uniform Act
provisions dealing with such matters as examinations, education and experience requirements for
the initial granting of a certificate (Section 5), and the continuing professional education
requirements for the renewal of certificates (Section 6). As mentioned in the comments following
several of these provisions, they are framed in a substantially more detailed fashion than might
otherwise be expected (dealing with matters that might often be addressed by regulation rather than
statute) in order to encourage uniformity among the various states.
9. The proposal for regulatory change which is included in this Act seeks to accomplish the broad
objectives of mobility and uniformity and public protection within today’s state-based regulatory
model. It includes implementation of a “substantial equivalency” standard to simplify reciprocity
and to provide a no notice, no fee, and no escape approach for granting practice privileges across
state lines for CPAs and CPA firms from states meeting UAA standards as well as for CPAs who
individually meet UAA standards.
January 2018
This Act may be cited as the “Accountancy Act of 20__.” 4
January 2018
It is the policy of this State, and the purpose of this Act, to promote the reliability of 4
information that is used for guidance in financial transactions or for accounting for or 5
assessing the financial status or performance of commercial, noncommercial, and 6
governmental enterprises. The public interest requires that persons professing special 7
competence in accountancy or offering assurance as to the reliability or fairness of 8
presentation of such information shall have demonstrated their qualifications to do so, and 9
that persons who have not demonstrated and maintained such qualifications, not be 10
permitted to represent themselves as having such special competence or to offer such 11
assurance; that the conduct of persons licensed as having special competence in accountancy 12
be regulated in all aspects of their professional work; that a public authority competent to 13
prescribe and assess the qualifications and to regulate the conduct of licensees be established; 14
and that the use of titles that have a capacity or tendency to deceive the public as to the status 15
or competence of the persons using such titles be prohibited. 16
COMMENT: This statement of legislative purposes reflects the fundamental principles governing 18
the regulation of holders of certificates as certified public accountants. 19
January 2018
When used in this Act, the following terms have the meanings indicated: 4
(a) AICPAmeans the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 6
(b) “Attest” means providing the following services: 8
(1) any audit or other engagement to be performed in accordance with the 10
Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS); 11
(2) any review of a financial statement to be performed in accordance with the 13
Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS); 14
(3) any examination of prospective financial information to be performed in 16
accordance with the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements 17
(SSAE); 18
(4) any engagement to be performed in accordance with the standards of the 20
PCAOB; and 21
(5) any examination, review, or agreed upon procedures engagement to be 23
performed in accordance with the SSAE, other than an examination described 24
in subsection (3). 25
The standards specified in this definition shall be adopted by reference by the Board 26
pursuant to rulemaking and shall be those developed for general application by 27
recognized national accountancy organizations, such as the AICPA, and the 28
COMMENT: Subject to the exceptions set out in Sections 7, 14, and 23(a)(4), these services are 30
restricted to licensees and CPA firms under the Act and licensees can only perform the attest 31
services through a CPA firm. Individual licensees may perform the services described in Section 32
3(f) as employees of firms that do not hold a permit under Section 7 of this Act, so long as they 33
comply with the peer review requirements of Section 6(j). Other professional services are not 34
restricted to licensees or CPA firms; however, when licensees perform those services they are 35
regulated by the state board of accountancy. See also the definition of Report. The definition also 36
includes references to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) which make 37
it clear that the PCAOB is a regulatory authority that sets professional standards applicable to 38
engagements within its jurisdiction. 39
Regarding SSAE engagements, subsections 3(b)(3) and (5) include SSAE engagements 40
pertaining to the examination of prospective financial information, as well as other SSAE 41
engagements. Thus, like other services included in this definition of “attest,” they are all restricted 42
to licensees and CPA firms. Although these respective services have been bifurcated in the 43
definition of “attest,” only CPAs can provide the services, and they must do so only through firms 44
that either have a permit or comply with Section 7(a)(1)(C). 45
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This definition of “attest” includes both examinations of prospective financial information to be 1
performed in accordance with the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) 2
as well as “any examination, review, or agreed upon procedures engagement, to be performed in 3
accordance with SSAE. 4
(c) “Board” means the Board of Accountancy established under Section of this Act or its 6
predecessor under prior law. 7
COMMENT: The general purpose of references to prior law, in this provision and others below, is 9
to assure maximum continuity in the regulatory system, except where particular changes are 10
specifically intended to be brought about by amendment of the law. 11
(d) “Certificate” means a certificate as “Certified Public Accountant” issued under 13
Section 6 of this Act or corresponding provisions of prior law, or a corresponding 14
certificate as Certified Public Accountant issued after examination under the law of 15
any other state. 16
COMMENT: The term here defined is used in Section 3(n), defining the term “peer review”; 18
Section 4(a), regarding the composition of the Board of Accountancy; Section 4(h)(6), regarding 19
Board rules governing use of the titles “Certified Public Accountant” and “CPA”; Section 10(a), 20
regarding enforcement proceedings; and Section 14(c), prohibiting use of the titles “certified 21
public accountant” and “CPA” by persons not holding certificates. 22
In a few states the law allows for the issuance of certificates to certain practitioners who have not 24
passed the examination ordinarily required and provided for by Section 5 of this Uniform Act. 25
The definition of the term “certificate,” insofar as it has reference to those issued by other states, 26
excludes any certificate for which an examination was not required. 27
(e) “Client” means a person or entity that agrees with a licensee or licensee's employer 29
to receive any professional service. 30
COMMENT: This term is used in a number of Sections throughout this Act including the 32
provisions related to acceptance of commissions and contingent fees, client records and 33
confidential communications. For that reason it is useful to include a definition of the term. 34
(f) Compilationmeans providing a service of any compilation engagement to be 36
performed in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review 37
Services (SSARS). 38
(g) “CPA Firm” means a sole proprietorship, a corporation, a partnership or any other 40
form of organization issued a permit under Section 7 of this Act. 41
COMMENT: This defined term is used in Section 7, concerning permits to practice for firms, in 43
such a way as to allow the UAA, unlike some accountancy laws now in effect, to treat both 44
partnerships and corporations in a single provision rather than in two separate but parallel 45
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provisions for the two different forms of organization. It is also used in Section 12(j), on rights 1
of appeal from an adverse Board decision in an enforcement proceeding; Section 14(a), 2
prohibiting issuance of reports on financial statements or attest services by unlicensed persons 3
and firms; Sections 14(d), (f), (g) and (h), regarding use of certain titles by unlicensed persons 4
and firms; Section 14(i), regarding misleading firm names; and Section 14(j), defining certain 5
rights of foreign licensees to serve foreign clients. The definition of “firm” is designed to be broad 6
enough to include any type of business entity or combination of business entities, recognized by 7
the state. 8
Inclusion of sole proprietorships in the definition of the term “firm” has the effect of requiring 10
sole practitioners to secure both individual certificates under Section 6 and firm permits to 11
practice under Section 7. This will assure that all practice units have firm permits. The Board 12
would have the power to alleviate the burden of duplicate applications (where the same person 13
must secure both an individual certificate and a firm permit) by providing for joint application 14
forms. 15
(h) “License” means a certificate issued under Section 6 of this Act, a permit issued under 17
Section 7 or a registration under Section 8; or, in each case, a certificate or permit 18
issued under corresponding provisions of prior law. 19
COMMENT: See commentary to Section 3(1) below. 21
(i) “Licensee” means the holder of a license as defined in Section 3(h). 23
COMMENT: This term is intended simply to allow for briefer references in provisions that apply 25
to holders of certificates, holders of permits and holders of registrations: See Section 4(h), 26
regarding rules to be promulgated by the Board of Accountancy; Section 5(b), regarding the 27
meaning of “good moral character” in relation to the professional responsibility of a licensee; 28
Sections 11(c) and (d), regarding Board investigations; Sections 12(a)-(c), (i), and (k), relating to 29
hearings by the Board; Section 18, relating to confidential communications; and Sections 19(a) 30
and (b), regarding licensees’ working papers and clients’ records. Pursuant to Section 14(p), 31
individuals and firms using practice privileges in this State are treated as “Licensees” for purposes 32
of other requirements and restrictions in Section 14. 33
(j) “Manager” means a manager of a limited liability company. 35
(k) “Member” means a member of a limited liability company. 37
COMMENT: The two defined terms “manager” and “member” assume that the state has adopted 39
a limited liability company law, and that these terms are used in that law. If this is not the case, 40
then these terms should not be included in the Act, either here, or in the substantive provisions of 41
the Act: Sections 7(c), 7(f), 12(c), 14(h), 14(i), 19(a). The point is an important one, since the two 42
terms are in general use in circumstances where their meaning is different from what is intended 43
here. 44
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(l) "NASBA" means the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. 1
(m) “PCAOB” means the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. 2
(n) “Peer Review” means a study, appraisal, or review of one or more aspects of the 4
professional work of a certificate holder or CPA firm that issues attest or 5
compilation reports, by a person or persons who hold certificates and who are not 6
affiliated with the certificate holder or CPA firm being reviewed. 7
COMMENT: This defined term is employed in Section 4(h)(7), which empowers the Board to 9
issue rules prescribing how such reviews are to be performed; Section 7(h), contemplating such 10
reviews in connection with renewals of firm permits; Section 10(b)(1), specifying that such 11
reviews are available as remedies in enforcement proceedings; Section 13(c), providing that the 12
Board may require such reviews as a condition of reinstatement after a suspension or revocation 13
of a certificate or permit; and Section 18, on confidential communications, which recognizes an 14
exception for peer review. The rules issued by the Board under Section 4(h)(7) would presumably 15
prescribe, among other things, how the requirement of independence, or non-affiliation, of the 16
reviewer to the person or firm being reviewed is to be implemented. See also Sections 6(j), 14(k) 17
and 14(l) with regard to certificate holders who perform compilations other than through a CPA 18
firm. 19
(o) “Permit” means a permit to practice as a CPA firm issued under Section 7 of this Act 21
or corresponding provisions of prior law or under corresponding provisions of the 22
laws of other states. 23
(p) Preparation of Financial Statements” means providing a service of any preparation 25
of financial statements engagement to be performed in accordance with Statements 26
on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS). 27
(q) Principal place of business” means the office location designated by the licensee for 29
purposes of substantial equivalency and reciprocity. 30
COMMENT: “Principal place of business” has been defined to assure consistency in the use of 32
that term. Under substantial equivalency, a licensee must obtain a certificate from the state board 33
in the state where the licensee has an office and establishes it as the principal place of business. 34
Because states have adopted more than one statutory definition of “principal place of business,” 35
both AICPA and NASBA agree that the simple definition above will not only enhance mobility, 36
but also be easier to implement and enforce. 37
(r) “Professional” means arising out of or related to the specialized knowledge or skills 39
associated with CPAs. 40
(s) “Report,” when used with reference to any attest or compilation service, means an 42
opinion, report, or other form of language that states or implies assurance as to the 43
reliability of the attested information or compiled financial statements and that also 44
includes or is accompanied by any statement or implication that the person or firm 45
issuing it has special knowledge or competence in accounting or auditing. Such a 46
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statement or implication of special knowledge or competence may arise from use by 1
the issuer of the report of names or titles indicating that the person or firm is an 2
accountant or auditor, or from the language of the report itself. The term “report” 3
includes any form of language which disclaims an opinion when such form of language 4
is conventionally understood to imply any positive assurance as to the reliability of the 5
attested information or compiled financial statements referred to and/or special 6
competence on the part of the person or firm issuing such language; and it includes 7
any other form of language that is conventionally understood to imply such assurance 8
and/or such special knowledge or competence. 9
COMMENT: As has been explained in the introductory comments, the audit function, which this 11
term is intended to define, is the principal kind of professional accounting service for which a 12
license would be required under the Uniform Act. The term has its most important operative use 13
in Section 14(a) of the Act, which prohibits persons not licensed from performing that function 14
as well as any attest or compilation services as defined above. 15
It is a point of fundamental significance that the audit function is defined, not in terms of the work 17
actually done, but rather in terms of the issuance of an opinion or a report--that is, the making of 18
assertions, explicit or implied--about work that has been done. It is such reports, or assertions, 19
upon which persons using attested information (whether clients or third parties) rely, reliance 20
being invited by the assertion, whether explicit or by implication, of expertise on the part of the 21
person or firm issuing the opinion or report. Thus, this definition is sought to be drawn broadly 22
enough to encompass all those cases where either the language of the report itself, or other 23
language accompanying the report, carries both a positive assurance regarding the reliability of 24
the information in question, and an implication (which may be drawn from the language of the 25
report itself) that the person or firm issuing the report has special competence which gives 26
substance to the assurance. 27
The definition includes disclaimers of opinion when they are phrased in a fashion which is 29
conventionally understood as implying some positive assurance, because authoritative accounting 30
literature contemplates several circumstances in which a disclaimer of opinion in standard form 31
implies just such assurances. The same reasoning that makes it appropriate to include disclaimers 32
of opinion in conventional form within the definition of this term makes it appropriate to apply 33
the prohibition on the issuance by unlicensed persons of reports, as so defined, on “reviews” and 34
“compilations” and other communications with respect to “compilations” within the meaning of 35
the AICPA’s Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS), when the 36
language in which the report or other compilation communication is phrased is that prescribed by 37
SSARS or any report that is prescribed by the AICPA’s Statements on Standards for Attestation 38
Engagements (SSAE). This is done in Section 14(a). These prohibitions, again, do not apply to 39
the services actually performed--which is to say that there is no prohibition on the performance 40
by unlicensed persons of either reviews or compilations, in the sense contemplated by SSARS, 41
but only on the issuance of reports or other compilation communications asserting or implying 42
that their author has complied or will comply with the SSARS standards for such reviews and 43
compilations and has the demonstrated capabilities so to comply. 44
(t) Rule” means any rule, regulation, or other written directive of general application 46
duly adopted by the Board. 47
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(u) “State” means any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and
Guam; except that “this State” means the State of ________.
(v) “Substantial Equivalency” is a determination by the Board of Accountancy or its 2
designee that the education, examination and experience requirements contained in 3
the statutes and administrative rules of another jurisdiction are comparable to, or 4
exceed the education, examination and experience requirements contained in the 5
Uniform Accountancy Act or that an individual CPA’s education, examination and 6
experience qualifications are comparable to or exceed the education, examination 7
and experience requirements contained in the Uniform Accountancy Act. In 8
ascertaining substantial equivalency as used in this act the Board shall take into 9
account the qualifications without regard to the sequence in which experience, 10
education, or examination requirements were attained. 11
COMMENT: For purposes of practice privileges, an applicant that has an active certificate as a 13
certified public accountant from any jurisdiction that has obtained from the Board of Accountancy 14
or NASBA a determination of substantial equivalency with the Uniform Accountancy Act’s CPA 15
licensure requirements shall be presumed to have qualifications substantially equivalent to those 16
of this jurisdiction. An individual who has obtained from the Board of Accountancy or NASBA 17
a determination of substantial equivalency with the Uniform Accountancy Act’s CPA licensure 18
requirements shall be entitled to reciprocity under the substantial equivalency standard. 19
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(a) There is hereby created the ________ Board of Accountancy, which shall have 4
responsibility for the administration and enforcement of this Act. The Board shall 5
consist of members, appointed by the Governor, all of whom shall be residents of this 6
State. At least [a majority plus one] of such members shall be holders of currently 7
valid certificates issued under Section 6 of this Act or corresponding provisions of 8
prior law; and any members of the Board not having such qualifications shall have 9
had professional or practical experience in the use of accounting services and financial 10
statements, so as to be qualified to make judgments about the qualifications and 11
conduct of persons and firms subject to regulation under this Act. The term of each 12
member of the Board shall be years, the term of each to be designated by the Governor. 13
[Alternatively: except that members of the __________ Board of Accountancy 14
appointed and serving as such under prior law at the effective date of this Act shall 15
serve out the terms for which they were appointed, as members of the Board created 16
by this Section.] Vacancies occurring during a term shall be filled by appointment by 17
the Governor for the unexpired term. Upon the expiration of the member’s term of 18
office, a member shall continue to serve until a successor shall have been appointed 19
and taken office. Any member of the Board whose certificate under Section 6 of this 20
Act is revoked or suspended shall automatically cease to be a member of the Board, 21
and the Governor may, after a hearing, remove any member of the Board for neglect 22
of duty or other just cause. No person who has served two successive complete terms 23
shall be eligible for reappointment, but appointment to fill an unexpired term shall not 24
be considered a complete term for this purpose. 25
COMMENT: A number of decisions have to be made with regard to the structure and composition 27
of licensing bodies such as State Boards of Accountancy, and these decisions will vary from state 28
to state according to the patterns prevailing in the different states with respect to other licensing 29
Boards. This provision of the Uniform Act is intended to identify the principal decision points 30
and to suggest, on the basis of general experience, what seem to be the preferable solutions. 31
With respect to the number of Board members, it is suggested that the appropriate range is from 33
five to nine, and that the number should be an odd one, so as to minimize the likelihood of tie 34
votes. 35
This provision assumes that, as is ever more widely the case, one or more members of the Board 37
will be other than licensees (sometimes called “public” members). It also reflects the view that, 38
in light of the technical nature of much of the Board’s responsibilities, it is desirable that an 39
effective majority of the Board be certificate holders: This would be achieved by the requirement 40
that one more than a majority of the Board be certificate holders. Regarding the terms of Board 41
members, it is desirable that the terms be staggered; that they be long enough to allow effective 42
service, though not so long that a Board member who proves ineffective remains in office any 43
longer than necessary; and that they be renewable, but that there be a limit on the number of times 44
they may be renewed. 45
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(b) The Board shall elect annually from among its members a Chair and such other 1
officers as the Board may determine to be appropriate. The Board shall meet at such 2
times and places as may be fixed by the Board. Meetings of the Board shall be open 3
to the public except insofar as they are concerned with investigations under Section 4
11 of this Act and except as may be necessary to protect information that is required 5
to be kept confidential by Board rules or by the laws of this State. A majority of the 6
Board members then in office shall constitute a quorum at any meeting duly called. 7
The Board shall have a seal which shall be judicially noticed. The Board shall retain 8
or arrange for the retention of all applications and all documents under oath that 9
are filed with the Board and also records of its proceedings, and it shall maintain a 10
registry of the names and addresses of all licensees under this Act. In any proceeding 11
in court, civil or criminal, arising out of or founded upon any provision of this Act, 12
copies of any of said records certified as true copies under the seal of the Board shall 13
be admissible in evidence as tending to prove the contents of said records. 14
COMMENT: This subsection, like the preceding one, presents a number of decision points that 16
may vary according to state practice, and it includes some provisions (notably the ones regarding 17
open meetings and confidential information) that may be unnecessary in the accountancy law 18
because they are covered by state laws of general application. Subject to such variances, the 19
provisions recommended appear to be desirable ones in the light of general experience. 20
(c) Each member of the Board shall be paid an amount established by law for each day 22
or portion thereof spent in the discharge of the member’s official duties and shall be 23
reimbursed for the member’s actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge 24
of the member’s official duties. 25
(d) All monies collected by the Board from fees authorized to be charged by this Act shall 27
be received and accounted for by the Board and shall be deposited in the State 28
Treasury to the credit of the Board. Appropriation shall be made for the expenses of 29
administering the provisions of this Act, which may include, but shall not be limited 30
to, the costs of conducting investigations and of taking testimony and procuring the 31
attendance of witnesses before the Board or its committees; all legal proceedings 32
taken under this Act for the enforcement thereof; and educational programs for the 33
benefit of the public and licensees and their employees. 34
COMMENT: A provision of this kind, effectively providing that at least a substantial portion of 36
the revenues raised from fees required to be paid by applicants and licensees will be applied to 37
defraying the expenses of administering the law, has proved a desirable one in those jurisdictions 38
where the statute contains such a provision. The typical pattern is that the regulation of public 39
accountancy is, from the state’s point of view, self-supporting. The extent to which the Board has 40
adequate staff to assist it (as provided in subsection (f) below) and other resources necessary to 41
do its job effectively may well depend on the extent to which such revenues are available for use 42
in the administration of the Act. 43
(e) The Board shall file an annual report of its activities with the Governor and the
legislature, which report shall include a statement of all receipts and disbursements
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and a listing of all current licensees under this Act. The Board shall mail a copy of the 1
annual report to any person requesting it and paying a reasonable charge therefor. 2
(f) The Board may employ an executive director and such other personnel as it deems 4
necessary in its administration and enforcement of this Act. It may appoint such 5
committees or persons, to advise or assist it in such administration and enforcement, 6
as it may see fit. It may retain its own counsel to advise and assist it in addition to 7
such advice and assistance as is provided by the Attorney General of this State. 8
COMMENT: Adequate staffing can be an important determinant of how effective a Board of 10
Accountancy is in discharging its statutory obligations. The same is true of the ability of a Board 11
to employ independent counsel from time to time for special purposes, in addition to the counsel 12
normally provided to it by the state attorney general’s office. With regard to the financing 13
necessary to implement such provisions, see the comment following subsection (d). 14
An additional way for a Board to increase its effectiveness, which does not involve significant 16
expense, is the appointment of committees or individuals not on the Board or its staff, to advise 17
and assist it in various ways, including disciplinary investigations (see Section 11(b)). 18
(g)(1) The Board shall have the power to take all action that is necessary and proper to 20
effectuate the purposes of this Act, including the power to sue and be sued in its 21
official name as an agency of this State. The Board shall also have the power to issue 22
subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents; 23
to administer oaths; to take testimony, to cooperate with the PCAOB and the 24
appropriate state and federal regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the 25
professional conduct in question in investigation and enforcement concerning 26
violations of this Act and comparable acts of other states; to cooperate in 27
enforcement with appropriate foreign regulatory authorities in instances which have 28
or may result in criminal conviction, loss of license or suspension, admonishment or 29
censure; and to receive evidence concerning all matters within the scope of this Act. 30
In case of disobedience of a subpoena, the Board may invoke the aid of any court or 31
other appropriate regulatory authority in requiring the attendance and testimony of 32
witnesses and the production of documentary evidence. For purposes of this 33
subsection, “appropriate foreign regulatory authorities” shall be those foreign 34
authorities granting substantially equivalent foreign designations in accordance with 35
Section 6(g) of this Act. 36
(2) The Board, its members, and its agents shall be immune from personal liability for 38
actions taken in good faith in the discharge of the Board’s responsibilities, and the 39
State shall hold the Board, its members, and its agents harmless from all costs, 40
damages, and attorneys’ fees arising from claims and suits against them with respect 41
to matters to which such immunity applies. 42
COMMENT: In many accountancy laws now in effect, the provisions regarding subpoenas and 44
testimony that are included in this paragraph dealing with Board powers generally are found 45
instead in the section dealing with hearings, which is Section 12 in this Uniform Act, or are 46
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specified in the state’s administrative procedure act. Subsection 4(g)(1) has been strengthened to 1
facilitate greater multistate enforcement cooperation. 2
(h) The Board may adopt rules governing its administration and enforcement of this Act 4
and the conduct of licensees, including but not limited to-- 5
(1) Rules governing the Board’s meetings and the conduct of its business; 7
(2) Rules of procedure governing the conduct of investigations and hearings by the 9
Board; 10
(3) Rules specifying the educational and experience qualifications required for the 12
issuance of certificates under Section 6 of this Act and the continuing 13
professional education required for renewal of certificates under Section 6; 14
(4) Rules of professional conduct directed to controlling the quality and probity of 16
services by licensees, and dealing among other things with independence, 17
integrity, and objectivity; competence and technical standards; responsibilities 18
to the public; and responsibilities to clients; 19
(5) Rules governing the professional standards applicable to licensees; 21
(6) Rules governing the manner and circumstances of use of the titles “certified 23
public accountant” and “CPA”; 24
(7) Rules regarding peer review that may be required to be performed under 26
provisions of this Act; 27
(8) Rules on substantial equivalence to implement Section 23; and 29
(9) Such other rules as the Board may deem necessary or appropriate for 31
implementing the provisions and the purposes of this Act. 32
COMMENT: See the comment following Section 3(n) regarding paragraph (7). Some states may 34
have laws requiring that state boards expressly adopt by reference the applicable professional 35
standards. 36
(i) At least 60 days prior to the proposed effective date of any rule or amendment thereto 38
under subsection (h) of this Section or any other provision of this Act, the Board shall 39
publish notice of such proposed action and of a public hearing to be held no more than 40
30 days prior to such effective date, in [the State Register or 1 equivalent official 41
publication]. 42
COMMENT: The provision for publication of proposed rules and amendments thereto in an 44
official state register, and for public hearings thereon, may be covered in some states by a state 45
statute of general application, such as an Administrative Procedures Act; but where this is not the 46
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case, it appears a desirable provision for a state accountancy law. Some existing laws also have a 1
provision requiring separate notice by mail to all licensees of any proposed rule or amendment; 2
but, no such provision is included here because the expense of notice by mail seems unjustified 3
when adequate notice by publication is available. 4
(j) Records, papers, and other documents containing information collected or compiled 6
by the Board, its members, employees, contractors or agents, including its legal 7
counsel, as a result of a complaint, investigation, inquiry, or interview in connection 8
with an application for examination, certification, or registration, or in connection 9
with a licensee’s professional ethics and conduct, shall not be considered public 10
records within the meaning of this State’s public records laws. Additionally, any 11
record, paper, or other document received by the Board as a result of a self-reporting 12
requirement shall not be considered public records within the meaning of this State’s 13
public records laws. When any such record, paper, or other document is admitted into 14
evidence in a hearing held by the Board, it shall then be a public record within the 15
meaning of this State’s public records laws. However, upon a showing of good cause, 16
the presiding officer at such a hearing may order that confidential or privileged 17
information be redacted or admitted under seal. 18
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, information protected by this 20
confidentiality provision shall not be disclosed to other authorities unless the 21
recipient confirms in writing that it will assure preservation of confidentiality 22
and the licensee has been given reasonable notice that the information will be 23
provided to another entity. 24
(2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision in the State's Public Records law, 26
disclosures to law enforcement and regulatory authorities and, only to the 27
extent deemed necessary to conduct an investigation, to the subject of the 28
investigation, persons whose complaints are being investigated and witnesses 29
questioned in the course of investigation, as provided in Section 11(b), shall not 30
be considered public disclosures and shall not deprive such records of their 31
confidential status. 32
(3) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as a waiver of any privilege, such 34
as attorney-client privilege, which may also apply to any records covered by 35
this subsection. 36
(4) Nothing in this subsection shall confer confidential status on any record 38
collected under this subsection which was a public record when collected or 39
thereafter becomes a public record through other lawful means. 40
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(a) The certificate of “certified public accountant” shall be granted to persons of good 5
moral character who meet the education, experience and examination requirements 6
of the following subsections of this Section and rules adopted thereunder and who 7
make application therefor pursuant to Section 6 of this Act. 8
COMMENT: As mentioned in the introductory comments, this Uniform Act, like many 10
accountancy laws now in effect, involves a licensure system that eliminates questions as to who 11
may use the CPA title. All individuals who wish to use the CPA title in a state must have a 12
certificate from that state or have practice privileges pursuant to Section 23. 13
It may be noted that this provision contemplates that there will be no certificate requirements with 15
respect to citizenship, age, or residency. A citizenship requirement would not be constitutional; 16
in view of the education requirement, a separate age requirement seems without utility; and in 17
light of the desirability, explained in the introductory comments, of achieving maximum 18
uniformity and reciprocity among the various states, a residency requirement seems not merely 19
useless but counterproductive. 20
(b) Good moral character for purposes of this Section means the propensity to provide 22
professional services in a fair, honest, and open manner. The Board may refuse to 23
grant a certificate on the ground of failure to satisfy this requirement only if there is 24
a substantial connection between the lack of good moral character of the applicant 25
and the professional responsibilities of a licensee and if the finding by the Board of 26
lack of good moral character is supported by clear and convincing evidence. When 27
an applicant is found to be unqualified for a certificate because of a lack of good moral 28
character, the Board shall furnish the applicant a statement containing the findings 29
of the Board, a complete record of the evidence upon which the determination was 30
based, and a notice of the applicant’s right of appeal. 31
COMMENT: The precise meaning of a good moral character” is difficult to prescribe, but the 33
definition offered in this section has been understood and sustained by courts. This provision is 34
intended both to assure that the requirement of good moral character will be narrowly and 35
precisely construed, avoiding problems of both vagueness and over breadth and to assure 36
procedural fairness in any instance where a certificate is denied on the basis of lack of good moral 37
character. The right of appeal referred to would presumably be prescribed by a statute of general 38
application, such as an Administrative Procedures Act. 39
(c) The education requirement for a certificate, which must be met before an applicant 41
is eligible to apply for the examination prescribed in subsection (d), shall be at least 42
150 semester hours of college education including a baccalaureate or higher degree 43
conferred by a college or university acceptable to the Board, the total educational 44
program to include an accounting concentration or equivalent as determined by 45
Board rule to be appropriate. 46
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(d) The examination required to be passed as a condition for the granting of a certificate 1
shall be held regularly throughout the year, and shall test the applicant’s knowledge 2
of the subjects of accounting and auditing, and such other related subjects as the 3
Board may specify by rule, including but not limited to business law and taxation. 4
The Board shall prescribe by rule the methods of applying for and conducting the 5
examination, including methods for grading and determining a passing grade 6
required of an applicant for a certificate provided, however, that the Board shall to 7
the extent possible see to it that the examination itself, grading of the examination, 8
and the passing grades, are uniform with those applicable in all other states. The 9
Board may make such use of all or any part of the Uniform Certified Public 10
Accountant Examination and Advisory Grading Service of the American Institute of 11
Certified Public Accountants and may contract with third parties to perform such 12
administrative services with respect to the examination as it deems appropriate to 13
assist it in performing its duties hereunder. 14
COMMENT: The Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and Advisory Grading 16
Service, referred to in this provision, has for some years been consistently used by the Board of 17
Accountancy (or its equivalent) of every American jurisdiction. Although the grading provided 18
by that service is, as the name implies, only advisory, with each state Board retaining ultimate 19
authority to determine grades and passing requirements, it is obvious that uniformity among 20
jurisdictions in these matters is a matter of considerable importance. Uniformity respecting the 21
examination is essential to ensuring interstate mobility for the certificate holders of this state. 22
Provisions related to conditioning are set out in the Uniform Accountancy Act Rules. 23
(e) The Board may charge, or provide for a third party administering the examination 25
to charge, each applicant a fee, in an amount prescribed by the Board by rule. 26
(f) An applicant for initial issuance of a certificate under this Section shall show that the 28
applicant has had one year of experience. This experience shall include providing any 29
type of service or advice involving the use of accounting, attest, compilation, 30
management advisory, financial advisory, tax or consulting skills all of which was 31
verified by a licensee, meeting requirements prescribed by the Board by rule. This 32
experience would be acceptable if it was gained through employment in government, 33
industry, academia or public practice. 34
COMMENT: Before an applicant may obtain a certificate, the applicant must obtain actual 36
experience; however, that experience can be obtained in any area of employment involving the 37
use of accounting or business skills. In addition, experience should be acceptable whether it is 38
gained through employment in government, industry, academia or public practice. The experience 39
may be supervised by a non-licensee but must be verified by a licensee. 40
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(a) The Board shall grant or renew certificates to persons who make application and 4
demonstrate (1) that their qualifications, including where applicable the qualifications 5
prescribed by Section 5, are in accordance with the following subsections of this 6
Section or (2) that they are eligible under the substantial equivalency standard set out 7
in Section 23(a)(2) of the Act which requires licensure for those CPAs that establish 8
their principal place of business in another state. The holder of a certificate issued 9
under this Section may only provide attest services, as defined, in a CPA firm that 10
holds a permit issued under Section 7 of this Act. 11
COMMENT: Section 5 sets out the requirements for initial issuance of a certificate; this section 13
provides for the process of application for the initial certificate, as well as for renewal of 14
certificates. It also outlines the process for the issuance of reciprocal certificates for applicants 15
that do not meet the substantial equivalency standard. Applicants that meet the substantial 16
equivalency standard set out in Section 23 receive reciprocity upon complying with the 17
application procedure in Section 6(c)(2). This section also makes it clear that certificate holders 18
may only provide attest services in licensed firms. 19
(b) Certificates shall be initially issued, and renewed, for periods of not more than three 21
years but in any event shall expire on the [specified date] following issuance or 22
renewal. Applications for such certificates shall be made in such form, and in the case 23
of applications for renewal, between such dates, as the Board shall by rule specify, 24
and the Board shall grant or deny any such application no later than _______ days 25
after the application is filed in proper form. In any case where the applicant seeks the 26
opportunity to show that issuance or renewal of a certificate was mistakenly denied, 27
or where the Board is not able to determine whether it should be granted or denied, 28
the Board may issue to the applicant a provisional certificate, which shall expire 29
ninety days after its issuance or when the Board determines whether or not to issue 30
or renew the certificate for which application was made, whichever shall first occur. 31
COMMENT: This provision reflects the pattern of some laws now in effect in contemplating a 33
biennial or triennial rather than an annual renewal. The purpose of this is to make it possible to 34
tie the renewal period to the period for completion of the maintenance of competency 35
requirements, as provided by subsection (d) below. 36
(c) (1) With regard to applicants that do not qualify for reciprocity under the substantial 38
equivalency standard set out in Section 23(a)(2) of this Act, the Board shall issue a 39
certificate to a holder of a certificate, license, or permit issued by another state upon a 40
showing that: 41
(A) The applicant passed the uniform CPA examination; 43
(B) The applicant had four years of experience of the type described in Section 45
5(f) or meets comparable requirements prescribed by the Board by rule, 46
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after passing the examination upon which the applicant’s certificate was 1
based and within the ten years immediately preceding the application; and 2
(C) If the applicant’s certificate, license, or permit was issued more than four 4
years prior to the application for issuance of an initial certificate under this 5
Section, that the applicant has fulfilled the requirements of continuing 6
professional education that would have been applicable under subsection (d) 7
of this Section. 8
(2) As an alternative to the requirements of Section 6(c)(1) of this Act, a certificate 10
holder licensed by another state who establishes their principal place of business in 11
this state shall request the issuance of a certificate from the Board prior to 12
establishing such principal place of business. The Board shall issue a certificate to 13
such person who obtains from the NASBA National Qualification Appraisal Service 14
verification that such individual’s CPA qualifications are substantially equivalent 15
to the CPA licensure requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy 16
Act. 17
(3) An application under this Section may be made through the NASBA Qualification 19
Appraisal Service. 20
COMMENT: Subsection 6(c)(1) of this section offers a means of providing for reciprocal 22
recognition of licensees of other states who are not eligible under the substantial equivalency 23
standard set out in Section 23 of this Act. Paragraph 6(c)(1)(B) requires a determination that the 24
certificate of the other state has been issued on the basis of education and examination 25
requirements comparable to those of this state, but makes allowance for an experience 26
requirement as a substitute for these. The reciprocity so offered would be limited to CPAs-that is, 27
it would exclude “grandfathered” PAs of other jurisdictions-since it rests upon the applicant 28
having a certificate in the other jurisdiction, and, although there are a few jurisdictions where 29
certificates have been issued to “grandfathered” public accountants, the term “certificate” is 30
defined in Section 3(d) to refer only to certificates issued after successful completion of the 31
examination prescribed in Section 5 of this Act. 32
Subsection 6(c)(1)(C) is intended to assure that, where an extended period has passed between 34
issuance of a certificate, license, or permit and the certificate holder’s first application for a 35
certificate in this state, the applicant has fulfilled at least a substantial portion of the CPE 36
requirements that were applicable to licensees practicing in this state during the same period. 37
Subsection 6(c)(3) makes the NASBA Qualification Appraisal Service available to individuals 39
who apply for reciprocity under Section 6(c). 40
Subsection 6(c)(2) deals with reciprocity under the substantial equivalency standard. Under 42
substantial equivalency, licensure is required where the CPA has his or her principal place of 43
business. If a CPA relocates to another state and establishes a principal place of business in that 44
state then the CPA would be required to obtain a certificate in that state. With substantial 45
equivalency established, however, this application process for an individual would essentially be 46
routine and just a matter of filing an application and paying an appropriate fee. 47
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(d) For renewal of a certificate under this Section each licensee shall participate in a 1
program of learning designed to maintain professional competency. Such program of 2
learning must comply with rules adopted by the Board. The Board may by rule create 3
an exception to this requirement for certificate holders who do not perform or offer 4
to perform for the public one or more kinds of services involving the use of accounting 5
or auditing skills, including issuance of reports on financial statements or of one or 6
more kinds of management advisory, financial advisory or consulting services, or the 7
preparation of tax returns or the furnishing of advice on tax matters. Licensees 8
granted such an exception by the Board must place the word “inactive” adjacent to 9
their CPA title or PA title on any business card, letterhead or any other document or 10
device, with the exception of their CPA certificate or PA registration, on which their 11
CPA or PA title appears. In addition, inactive CPAs, at least 55 years of age, may, in 12
lieu of "inactive", place the word “retired” adjacent to their CPA title or PA title on 13
any business card, letterhead or any other document or device, with the exception of 14
their CPA certificate or PA registration, on which their CPA or PA title appears. 15
Nothing in this section shall preclude an inactive CPA, at least 55 years of age, from 16
providing the following volunteer, uncompensated services: tax preparation services, 17
participating in a government sponsored business mentoring program, serving on the 18
board of directors for a nonprofit or governmental organization, or serving on a 19
government-appointed advisory body. Licensees may only convert to inactive status 20
if they hold a license in good standing. 21
COMMENT: A licensee is deemed competent to serve the public when he or she initially meets 23
the requirements for licensure. However, a dynamic professional environment requires a licensee 24
to continuously maintain and enhance his or her knowledge, skills and abilities. The board of 25
accountancy may specify any reasonable approach to meeting this requirement using as a 26
guideline the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs 27
jointly approved by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) and the 28
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Furthermore, this section 29
acknowledges that CPAs may, for a number of different reasons, place their license in inactive 30
status and not continue with CPE requirements. In order to protect the public, these CPAs should 31
not use their “inactive CPA” status to continue to perform or offer to perform professional 32
services. However, for CPAs who go inactive because they are at the end of their careers, this 33
provision offers an exception to ensure that they can continue to offer a limited number of 34
volunteer, uncompensated services to the public (such as participation in the Internal Revenue 35
Service’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and the Small Business 36
Administration’s SCORE program). These services are narrow in scope, may be offered by non-37
CPAs, and the provision acknowledges that these CPAs still have much to contribute to their 38
communities during retirement. In order to protect the public the Board of Accountancy may 39
consider requiring these CPAs to affirm their understanding of the limited types of activities in 40
which they may engage while in inactive CPA status and their understanding that they have a 41
professional duty to ensure that they hold the professional competencies necessary to offer these 42
limited services. 43
(e) The Board shall charge a fee for each application for initial issuance or renewal of a 45
certificate under this Section in an amount prescribed by the Board by rule. 46
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(f) Applicants for initial issuance or renewal of certificates under this Section shall in 1
their applications list all states in which they have applied for or hold certificates, 2
licenses, or permits and list any past denial, revocation or suspension of a certificate, 3
license or permit, and each holder of or applicant for a certificate under this Section 4
shall notify the Board in writing, within 30 days after its occurrence, of any issuance, 5
denial, revocation, or suspension of a certificate, license or permit by another state. 6
(g) The Board shall issue a certificate to a holder of a substantially equivalent foreign 8
designation, provided that: 9
(1) The Board determines that the foreign designation: 11
(A) was duly issued by a foreign authority that regulates the practice of 13
public accountancy and the foreign designation has not expired or 14
been revoked or suspended; 15
(B) entitles the holder to issue reports upon financial statements; and 17
(C) was issued upon the basis of educational, examination, and experience 19
requirements established by the foreign authority or by law; and 20
(D) In making its determination regarding compliance with this Section 22
6(g)(1), the Board may rely on the recommendations of the 23
International Qualifications Appraisal Board jointly established by the 24
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy and the American 25
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 26
(2) The applicant: 28
(A) received the designation, based on educational and examination 30
standards substantially equivalent to those in effect in this State, at the 31
time the foreign designation was granted; 32
(B) completed an experience requirement, substantially equivalent to the 34
requirement set out in Section 5(f), in the jurisdiction which granted 35
the foreign designation or has completed four years of professional 36
experience in this State; or meets equivalent requirements prescribed 37
by the Board by rule, within the ten years immediately preceding the 38
application; and 39
(C) passed a uniform qualifying examination in national standards [and an 41
examination on the laws, regulations and code of ethical conduct in 42
effect in this State] acceptable to the Board. 43
(h) An applicant under subsection (g) shall in the application list all jurisdictions, 45
foreign and domestic, in which the applicant has applied for or holds a designation 46
to practice public accountancy, and each holder of a certificate issued under this 47
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subsection shall notify the Board in writing, within thirty days after its occurrence, 1
of any issuance, denial, revocation or suspension of a designation or commencement 2
of a disciplinary or enforcement action by any jurisdiction. 3
(i) The Board has the sole authority to interpret the application of the provisions of 5
subsections (g) and (h). 6
COMMENT: Sections 6(g), 6(h) and 6(i) are designed to allow granting of reciprocal certificates 8
as certified public accountants to foreign accountants who meet standards equivalent to those in 9
this state. They are based on professional competence and its objective is to provide international 10
reciprocity to qualified individuals without imposing arbitrary or unnecessary restrictions. The 11
requirement set out in subsection 6(h) parallels the requirement set out in Section 6(f) for 12
applicants from other states. 13
(j) The Board shall by rule require as a condition for renewal of a certificate under this 15
Section, by any certificate holder who issues compilation reports for the public other 16
than through a CPA firm, that such individual undergo, no more frequently than 17
once every three years, a peer review conducted in such manner as the Board shall 18
by rule specify, and such review shall include verification that such individual has 19
met the competency requirements set out in professional standards for such services. 20
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(a) The Board shall grant or renew permits to practice as a CPA firm to applicants that 5
demonstrate their qualifications therefor in accordance with this Section. 6
(1) The following must hold a permit issued under this Section: 8
(A) Any firm with an office in this state performing attest services as defined 10
in Section 3(b) of this Act; or, 11
(B) Any firm with an office in this state that uses the title “CPA” or “CPA 13
firm;” or, 14
(C) Any firm that does not have an office in this state but offers or renders 16
attest services as described in Section 3(b) of this Act in this state, unless 17
it meets each of the following requirements: 18
(i) it complies with the qualifications described in Section 7(c); 20
(ii) it complies with the qualifications described in Section 7(h); 22
(iii) it performs such services through an individual with practice 24
privileges under Section 23 of this Act; and 25
(iv) it can lawfully do so in the state where said individuals with practice 27
privileges have their principal place of business. 28
(2) A firm which is not subject to the requirements of Section 7(a)(1) may perform 30
services described in Section 3(f) and other nonattest professional services 31
while using the title “CPA” or “CPA firm” in this state without a permit issued 32
under this Section only if: 33
(A) it performs such services through an individual with practice privileges 35
under Section 23 of the Act; and 36
(B) it can lawfully do so in the state where said individuals with practice 38
privileges have their principal place of business. 39
COMMENT: This Uniform Act departs from the pattern of some accountancy laws now in effect 41
in eliminating any separate requirement for the registration of firms and of offices. The 42
information-gathering and other functions accomplished by such registration should be equally 43
easily accomplished as part of the process of issuing firm permits under this section. The 44
difference is, again, one of form more than of substance but one that should be kept in mind if 45
consideration is given to fitting the permit provisions of this Uniform Act into an existing law. 46
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As pointed out in the comment following Section 3(g), above, because a CPA firm is defined to 1
include a sole proprietorship, the permits contemplated by this section would be required of sole 2
practitioners as well as larger practice entities. To avoid unnecessary duplication of paperwork, a 3
Board could, if it deemed appropriate, offer a joint application form for certificates and sole 4
practitioner firm permits. 5
This provision also makes it clear that firms with an office in this state may not provide attest 7
services as defined, or call themselves CPA firms without a license in this state. Certified Public 8
Accountants are not required to offer services to the public, other than attest services, through a 9
CPA firm. CPAs may offer non-attest services through any type of entity they choose and there 10
are no requirements in terms of a certain percentage of CPA ownership for these types of entities 11
as long as they do not call themselves a “CPA firm” or use the term “CPA” in association with 12
the entity’s name. These non-CPA firms are not required to be licensed by the State Board. 13
Out-of-state firms without an office in this state may provide services other than those described 15
in Section 3(b) for a client in this state, and call themselves CPA firms in this state without having 16
a permit from this state so long as they do so through a licensee or individual with practice 17
privileges and so long as they are qualified to do so under the requirements of Section 7(a)(2). In 18
addition, if the firm is exempt from the permit requirement pursuant to Section 7(a)(1)(C), no 19
permit is required regardless of the type of attest services or where the services are performed. 20
Any firm practicing pursuant to this provision must, as required by Section 23(a)(3), comply with 21
the practice privilege state’s statutes and rules such as all those related to peer review including 22
disclosures and on all other matters. 23
A firm that does not comply with ownership (Section 7(c)) and peer review (Section 7(h)) 25
requirements must obtain a permit in a state before offering or rendering any attest service in that 26
state. 27
Depending on the services provided, and if the firm calls itself a CPA firm, such a firm is subject 29
to the requirements described in revised subsection 7(a)(2)(A). 30
(b) Permits shall be initially issued and renewed for periods of not more than three years 32
but in any event expiring on [specified date] following issuance or renewal. 33
Applications for permits shall be made in such form, and in the case of applications 34
for renewal, between such dates as the Board may by rule specify, and the Board shall 35
grant or deny any such application no later than _____ days after the application is 36
filed in proper form. In any case where the applicant seeks the opportunity to show 37
that issuance or renewal of a permit was mistakenly denied or where the Board is not 38
able to determine whether it should be granted or denied, the Board may issue to the 39
applicant a provisional permit, which shall expire ninety days after its issuance or 40
when the Board determines whether or not to issue or renew the permit for which 41
application was made, whichever shall first occur. 42
COMMENT: See the comment following Section 6(b) regarding the renewal period. 44
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(c) An applicant for initial issuance or renewal of a permit to practice under this Section 1
shall be required to show that: 2
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a simple majority of the 4
ownership of the firm, in terms of financial interests and voting rights of all 5
partners, officers, shareholders, members or managers, belongs to holders of 6
a certificate who are licensed in some state, and such partners, officers, 7
shareholders, members or managers, whose principal place of business is in 8
this state, and who perform professional services in this state hold a valid 9
certificate issued under Section 6 of this Act or the corresponding provision 10
of prior law or are public accountants registered under Section 8 of this Act. 11
Although firms may include non-licensee owners the firm and its ownership 12
must comply with rules promulgated by the Board. For firms of public 13
accountants, at least a simple majority of the ownership of the firm, in terms 14
of financial interests and voting rights, must belong to holders of registrations 15
under Section 8 of this Act. An individual who has practice privileges under 16
Section 23 who performs services for which a firm permit is required under 17
Section 23(a)(4) shall not be required to obtain a certificate from this state 18
pursuant to Section 6 of this Act. 19
COMMENT: The limitation of the requirement of certificates to partners, officers, shareholders, 21
members and managers who have their principal place of business in the state is intended to allow 22
some latitude for occasional visits and limited assignments within the state of firm personnel who 23
are based elsewhere. If those out-of-state individuals qualify for practice privileges under Section 24
23 and do not have their principal places of business in this state, they do not have to be licensed 25
in this state. In addition, the requirement allows for non-licensee ownership of licensed firms. 26
(2) Any CPA or PA firm as defined in this Act may include non-licensee owners 28
provided that: 29
(A) The firm designates a licensee of this state, or in the case of a firm 31
which must have a permit pursuant to Section 23(a)(4) a licensee of 32
another state who meets the requirements set out in Section 23(a)(1) 33
or in Section 23(a)(2),who is responsible for the proper registration of 34
the firm and identifies that individual to the Board. 35
(B) All non-licensee owners are of good moral character and active 37
individual participants in the CPA or PA firm or affiliated entities. 38
(C) The firm complies with such other requirements as the Board may 40
impose by rule. 41
(3) Any individual licensee and any individual granted practice privileges under 43
this Act who is responsible for supervising attest or compilation services and 44
signs or authorizes someone to sign the accountant’s report on behalf of the 45
firm, shall meet the competency requirements set out in the professional 46
standards for such services. 47
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(4) Any individual licensee and any individual granted practice privileges under 1
this Act who signs or authorizes someone to sign the accountants’ report on 2
behalf of the firm shall meet the competency requirement of the prior 3
subsection. 4
COMMENT: Because of the greater sensitivity of attest and compilation services, professional 6
standards should set out an appropriate competency requirement for those who supervise them 7
and sign attest or compilation reports. However, the accountant's report in such engagements may 8
be supervised, or signed, or the signature authorized for the CPA firm by a practice privileged 9
individual. 10
(d) An applicant for initial issuance or renewal of a permit to practice under this Section 12
shall be required to register each office of the firm within this State with the Board 13
and to show that all attest and compilation services as defined herein rendered in this 14
state are under the charge of a person holding a valid certificate issued under Section 15
6 of this Act or the corresponding provision of prior law or the law of some other 16
state. 17
(e) The Board shall charge a fee for each application for initial issuance or renewal of a 19
permit under this Section in an amount prescribed by the Board by rule. 20
(f) Applicants for initial issuance or renewal of permits under this Section shall in their 22
application list all states in which they have applied for or hold permits as CPA firms 23
and list any past denial, revocation or suspension of a permit by any other state, and 24
each holder of or applicant for a permit under this Section shall notify the Board in 25
writing, within 30 days after its occurrence, of any change in the identities of partners, 26
officers, shareholders, members or managers whose principal place of business is in 27
this State, any change in the number or location of offices within this State, any 28
change in the identity of the persons in charge of such offices, and any issuance, 29
denial, revocation, or suspension of a permit by any other state. 30
(g) Firms which fall out of compliance with the provisions of the section due to changes 32
in firm ownership or personnel, after receiving or renewing a permit, shall take 33
corrective action to bring the firm back into compliance as quickly as possible. The 34
State Board may grant a reasonable period of time for a firm to take such corrective 35
action. Failure to bring the firm back into compliance within a reasonable period as 36
defined by the Board will result in the suspension or revocation of the firm permit. 37
(h) The Board shall by rule require as a condition for renewal of permits under this 39
Section, that applicants undergo, no more frequently than once every three years, 40
peer reviews conducted in such manner as the Board shall specify, and such review 41
shall include a verification that individuals in the firm who are responsible for 42
supervising attest and compilation services and sign or authorize someone to sign the 43
accountant’s report on the financial statements on behalf of the firm meet the 44
competency requirements set out in the professional standards for such services, 45
provided that any such rule -- 46
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(1) shall be promulgated reasonably in advance of the time when it first becomes 1
effective; 2
(2) shall include reasonable provision for compliance by an applicant showing 4
that it has, within the preceding three years, undergone a peer review that is 5
a satisfactory equivalent to peer review generally required pursuant to this 6
subsection (h); 7
(3) shall require, with respect to any organization administering peer review 9
programs contemplated by paragraph (2), that it be subject to evaluations by 10
the Board or its designee, to periodically assess the effectiveness of the peer 11
review program under its charge, and 12
(4)* may require that organizations administering peer review programs provide 14
to the Board information as the Board designates by rule; and 15
(5)* shall require with respect to peer reviews contemplated by paragraph (2) that 17
licensees timely remit such peer review documents as specified by Board Rule 18
or upon Board request and that such documents be maintained by the Board 19
in a manner consistent with Section 4(j) of this Act. 20
* Due to its 1988 commitment to its members, the AICPA cannot support this 22
provision at this time. The AICPA, however, supports the voluntary 23
submission of a licensee’s peer review documents through a secure website 24
such as the AICPA’s Facilitated State Board Access. 25
COMMENT: The AICPA and NASBA both agree that periodic peer reviews are an important 27
means of maintaining the general quality of professional practice. 28
In the interests of providing flexibility where appropriate or desirable, this provision would give 30
the Board latitude when to require reviews. Paragraph (2) is intended to recognize that there are 31
other valid reasons besides state regulation for which firms may undergo peer reviews (for 32
example, as a condition to membership in the AICPA). It is also intended to avoid unnecessary 33
duplication of such reviews, by providing for the acceptance of peer reviews performed by other 34
groups or organizations whose work could be relied on by the Board. If a peer review requirement 35
is established by the Board, paragraph (3) requires that the Board assure that there is an evaluation 36
of the administration of the peer review program(s) which is accepted by the Board, which is 37
performed either by the Board or its designee. Paragraph (4) would require the administering 38
entities of peer review programs to provide the Board information, as required by rule. Paragraph 39
(5) requires that licensees remit peer review documents to the Board, as specified by rule, and 40
that these documents would be maintained subject to the confidentiality provision in Section 4(j) 41
of the Act. 42
Paragraphs (4) and (5) primarily address the ability of the Board to have direct access to peer 44
review results. While the AICPA supports the voluntary submission of a licensee’s peer review 45
documents, it currently cannot support mandatory submission due to its 1988 commitment to its 46
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membership to maintain the confidentiality of peer review materials generated through the 1
AICPA peer review program. For that reason, paragraphs (4) and (5) are marked with an asterisk 2
(*). The AICPA, however, supports the voluntary submission of a licensee’s peer review 3
documents through a secure website such as the AICPA’s Facilitated State Board Access. 4
The term “peer review” is defined in section 3(n). 6
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Persons who on the effective date of this Act hold registrations as public accountants issued 4
under prior law of this State shall be entitled to have their registrations renewed upon 5
fulfillment of the continuing professional education requirements for renewal of certificates 6
set out in Section 6 of this Act, and on the renewal cycle and payment of fees there prescribed 7
for renewal of certificates. Any registration not so renewed shall expire three years after the 8
effective date of this Act. Firms of public accountants holding permits to practice as such 9
issued under prior law of this State shall be entitled to have their permits to practice 10
renewed pursuant to the procedures, and subject to the requirements for renewal of permits 11
to practice for firms of Certified Public Accountants, set out in Section 7 of this Act. So long 12
as such public accountant licensees hold valid registrations and permits to practice, they 13
shall be entitled to perform attest and compilation services to the same extent as holders of 14
certificates, and other holders of permits, and in addition they shall be entitled to use the 15
title “public accountants” and “PA,” but no other title. The holder of a registration issued 16
under this Section may only perform attest services in a firm that holds a permit issued 17
under Section 7 of this Act. 18
COMMENT: This provision would be of use in jurisdictions where under the previous law a class 20
of “grandfathered” public accountants was licensed to perform the audit function. Many 21
accountancy laws now in effect have substantially more elaborate provisions to deal with public 22
accountants, but a comparatively simple provision such as this one should be sufficient. Those 23
coming within this provision would, like holders of certificates, be required to have a currently 24
valid registration in order to provide attest and compilation services, and they would be subject 25
to the same continuing professional education requirements as apply for renewal of certificates 26
and the same rules, as holders of certificates. They would in fact be treated the same as holders 27
of certificates for virtually all purposes, the principal differences being in the titles they and their 28
firms would be permitted to use, and in a lack of reciprocity to comparable licensees of other 29
states (see comments following Sections 6(c) and 7(c)). This section also makes it clear that public 30
accountants may only perform attest services in licensed firms. 31
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Application by a person or a firm not a resident of this State for a certificate under Section 4
6 of this Act or a permit to practice under Section 7 shall constitute appointment of the 5
Secretary of State as the applicant’s agent upon whom process may be served in any action 6
or proceeding against the applicant arising out of any transaction or operation connected 7
with or incidental to services performed by the applicant while a licensee within this State. 8
COMMENT: In many laws now in effect, a provision of this kind appears in each of the Sections 10
dealing with the issuance of a certificate or any form of permit. Since there are several such 11
provisions in this UAA (as there are in many existing laws), repetition is here avoided by having 12
this single comprehensive provision. This Section pertains to applicants for licensure. Since 13
persons using practice privileges are not required to apply or provide notice, Section 23(a)(3)(D) 14
requires that individuals and firms using practice privileges consent to the appointment of the 15
State Board which issued their license as their agent upon whom process may be served in any 16
action or proceeding by this Board against them. 17
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(a) After notice and hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, the Board 4
may revoke any license issued under Sections 6, 7 or 8 of this Act or corresponding 5
provisions of prior law or revoke or limit privileges under Section 23 of this Act; 6
suspend any such license or refuse to renew any such license for a period of not more 7
than ___ years; reprimand, censure, or limit the scope of practice of any licensee; 8
impose an administrative fine not exceeding ____, or place any licensee on probation, 9
all with or without terms, conditions, and limitations, for any one or more of the 10
following reasons: 11
(1) Dishonesty, fraud or deceit in obtaining a license; 13
(2) Cancellation, revocation, suspension or refusal to renew a license or 15
privileges under Section 23 for disciplinary reasons in any other state for any 16
cause; 17
(3) Failure, on the part of a licensee under Sections 6 or 7 or registration under 19
Section 8, to maintain compliance with the requirements for issuance or 20
renewal of such certificate, permit or registration or to report changes to the 21
Board under Sections 6(f) or 7(f); 22
(4) Revocation or suspension of the right to practice by any state or federal 24
regulatory authority or by the PCAOB; 25
(5) Dishonesty, fraud, deceit or gross negligence in the performance of services as 27
a licensee or individual granted privileges under Section 23 or in the filing or 28
failure to file one's own income tax returns; 29
(6) Violation of any provision of this Act or rule promulgated by the Board under 31
this Act or violation of professional standards; 32
(7) Violation of any rule of professional conduct promulgated by the Board under 34
Section 4(h)(4) of this Act; 35
(8) Conviction of a felony, or of any other crime an element of which is dishonesty, 37
fraud or deceit, under the laws of the United States, of this State, or of any other 38
state if the acts involved would have constituted a crime under the laws of this 39
State; 40
(9) Performance of any fraudulent act while holding a license or privilege issued 42
under this Act or prior law; 43
(10) Any conduct reflecting adversely upon the licensee’s fitness to perform services 45
while a licensee, or individual granted privileges under Section 23; 46
UAA-10-1 47
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(11) Making any false or misleading statement or verification, in support of an 1
application for a license filed by another. 2
COMMENT: This provision departs from the typical corresponding provision of some 4
accountancy laws now in effect in two respects. One of these is the provision for an administrative 5
fine, in addition to other possible penalties. There is such a provision in some accountancy laws; 6
whether such a provision is permissible in the laws of other states is a matter for individual 7
determination in each jurisdiction. 8
The other departure from the prior common pattern is in paragraph (10), a catch-all provision 10
which is phrased in terms of conduct reflecting adversely on the licensee’s fitness to perform 11
services rather than the broader and vaguer conventional phrase, “conduct discreditable to the 12
accounting profession.” This narrower provision is intended to avoid problems of vagueness and 13
overbreadth. A similar change is involved in the requirement of “good moral character” in Section 14
5(b). 15
(b) In lieu of or in addition to any remedy specifically provided in subsection (a) of this 17
Section, the Board may require of a licensee-- 18
(1) A peer review conducted in such fashion as the Board may specify; and/or 20
(2) Satisfactory completion of such continuing professional education programs as 22
the Board may specify. 23
COMMENT: This subsection is intended to provide rehabilitative remedies for enforcement 25
proceedings against licensees, in addition to (or in place of) the more traditional punitive remedies 26
provided in subsection (a). The term “peer review” is defined in Section 3(n). 27
(c) In any proceeding in which a remedy provided by subsections (a) or (b) of this Section 29
is imposed, the Board may also require the respondent licensee to pay the costs of the 30
proceeding. 31
COMMENT: This provision appears appropriate in terms of both equity and the economics of 33
Board operations. 34
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(a) The Board may, upon receipt of a complaint or other information suggesting violations 4
of this Act or of the rules of the Board, conduct investigations to determine whether 5
there is probable cause to institute proceedings under Sections 12, 15, or 16 of this Act 6
against any person or firm for such violation, but an investigation under this Section 7
shall not be a prerequisite to such proceedings in the event that a determination of 8
probable cause can be made without investigation. In aid of such investigations, the 9
Board or the Chair thereof may issue subpoenas to compel witnesses to testify and/or 10
to produce evidence. 11
(b) The Board may designate a member, or any other person of appropriate competence, 13
to serve as investigating officer to conduct an investigation. Upon completion of an 14
investigation, the investigating officer shall file a report with the Board. The Board 15
shall find probable cause or lack of probable cause upon the basis of the report or shall 16
return the report to the investigating officer for further investigation. Unless there has 17
been a determination of probable cause, the report of the investigating officer, the 18
complaint, if any, the testimony and documents submitted in support of the complaint 19
or gathered in the investigation, and the fact of pendency of the investigation shall be 20
treated as confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any person except law 21
enforcement authorities and, to the extent deemed necessary in order to conduct the 22
investigation, the subject of the investigation, persons whose complaints are being 23
investigated, and witnesses questioned in the course of the investigation. 24
(c) Upon a finding of probable cause, if the subject of the investigation is a licensee or an 26
individual with privileges under Section 23 of this Act, the Board shall direct that a 27
complaint be issued under Section 12 of this Act, and if the subject of the investigation 28
is not a licensee or an individual with privileges under Section 23, the Board shall take 29
appropriate action under Sections 15 or 16 of this Act. Upon a finding of no probable 30
cause, the Board shall close the matter and shall thereafter release information 31
relating thereto only with the consent of the person or firm under investigation. 32
(d) The Board may review the publicly available professional work of licensees or an 34
individual with privileges under Section 23 of this Act on a general and random basis, 35
without any requirement of a formal complaint or suspicion of impropriety. In the 36
event that as a result of such review the Board discovers reasonable grounds for a 37
more specific investigation, the Board may proceed under subsections (a) through (c) 38
of this Section. 39
COMMENT: This provision contemplates “positive enforcement,” which is to say review of the 41
professional work of licensees without any triggering requirement of receipt of complaints. 42
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(a) In any case where probable cause with respect to a violation by a licensee or an 4
individual with privileges granted under Section 23 of this Act has been determined 5
by the Board, whether following an investigation under Section 11 of this Act, or upon 6
receipt of a written complaint furnishing grounds for a determination of such probable 7
cause, or upon receipt of notice of a decision by the Board of Accountancy of another 8
state furnishing such grounds, the Board shall issue a complaint setting forth 9
appropriate charges and set a date for hearing before the Board on such charges. The 10
Board shall, not less than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing, serve a copy of the 11
complaint and notice of the time and place of the hearing upon the licensee or an 12
individual with privileges granted under Section 23 of this Act, together with a copy 13
of the Board’s rules governing proceedings under this Section, either by personal 14
delivery or by mailing a copy thereof by registered mail to the licensee at the licensee’s 15
address last known to the Board. In the case of an individual exercising privileges 16
under Section 23, service shall be by registered mail to the address last known to the 17
Board, or pursuant to Section 23(a)(3)(c). 18
(b) A licensee or an individual with privileges under Section 23, against whom a complaint 20
has been issued under this Section shall have the right, reasonably in advance of the 21
hearing, to examine and copy the report of investigation, if any, and any documentary 22
or testimonial evidence and summaries of anticipated evidence in the Board’s 23
possession relating to the subject matter of the complaint. The Board’s rules governing 24
proceedings under this Section shall specify the manner in which such right may be 25
exercised. 26
COMMENT: Although the procedures followed by many Boards of Accountancy nor include on 28
either a formal or an informal basis, prehearing disclosure to the respondent of the evidence that 29
will be offered in support of a complaint, it seems desirable to embody so fundamental a 30
procedural right in the governing statute. 31
(c) In a hearing under this Section the respondent licensee or an individual with privileges 33
granted under Section 23 may appear in person (or, in the case of a firm, through a 34
partner, officer, director, shareholder, member or manager) and/or by counsel, 35
examine witnesses and evidence presented in support of the complaint, and present 36
evidence and witnesses on the licensee’s or an individual's own behalf. The licensee or 37
an individual granted privileges under Section 23 shall be entitled, on application to 38
the Board, to the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the 39
production of documentary evidence. 40
(d) The evidence supporting the complaint shall be presented by the investigating officer, 42
by a Board member designated for that purpose, or by counsel. A Board member who 43
presents the evidence, or who has conducted the investigation of the matter under 44
Section 11 of this Act, shall not participate in the Board’s decision of the matter. 45
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COMMENT: The provision disqualifying a Board member who presents the evidence or who has 1
investigated the case from participating in the Board’s decision of the case again reflects common 2
practice, but like subsection (b) it appears to involve a sufficiently fundamental point to merit 3
explicit mention in the statute. The purpose is, of course, to separate the prosecutorial and 4
adjudicative functions of the Board. 5
Some or all of the procedural matters of this kind included in this UAA may be dealt with by 7
statutes of general applicability, such as Administrative Procedure Acts, and so be unnecessary 8
for inclusion in an accountancy law. 9
(e) In a hearing under this Section the Board shall be advised by counsel, who shall not 11
be the same counsel who presents or assists in presenting the evidence supporting the 12
complaint under subsection (d) of this Section. 13
COMMENT: The comments under subsection (d) are applicable here also. It should be noted that 15
this provision would not require two lawyers in all cases: It simply requires that if there is counsel 16
involved in presenting the complaint, in addition to counsel advising the Board, it must not be the 17
same counsel. If there were two counsel, they might both be provided by the state attorney 18
general’s office, so long as they were firmly insulated from each other. 19
(f) In a hearing under this Section the Board shall not be bound by technical rules of 21
evidence. 22
(g) In a hearing under this Section an electronic record shall be made and filed with the 24
Board. A transcript need not be prepared unless review is sought under subsection 25
(j) of this Section or the Board determines that there is other good cause for its 26
preparation. 27
(h) In a hearing under this Section a recorded vote of a majority of all members of the 29
Board then in office (excluding members disqualified by reason of subsection (d) of 30
this Section) shall be required to sustain any charge and to impose any penalty with 31
respect thereto. 32
(i) If, after service of a complaint and notice of hearing as provided in subsection (a) of 34
this Section, the respondent licensee fails to appear at the hearing, the Board may 35
proceed to hear evidence against the licensee or an individual granted privileges 36
under Section 23 and may enter such order as it deems warranted by the evidence, 37
which order shall be final unless the licensee or an individual granted privileges under 38
Section 23 petitions for review thereof under subsection (j) of this Section, provided, 39
however, that within thirty days from the date of any such order, upon a showing of 40
good cause for the licensee’s or an individual's failure to appear and defend, the 41
Board may set aside the order and schedule a new hearing on the complaint, to be 42
conducted in accordance with applicable subsections of this Section. 43
(j) Any person or firm adversely affected by any order of the Board entered after a 45
hearing under this Section may obtain review thereof by filing a written petition for 46
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review with the ______ Court within thirty days after the entry of said order. The 1
procedures for review and the scope of the review shall be as specified in [State 2
Administrative Procedure Act, or other statute providing for judicial review of 3
actions of administrative agencies]. 4
COMMENT: This provision would depart from the pattern of some accountancy laws now in 6
effect in providing that, where a decision of the Board is appealed to a court, the court will not 7
conduct a trial de novo but rather will review the Board’s decision on the same basis as ordinarily 8
applies in cases of judicial review of decisions by administrative agencies: That is, reversal will 9
be based on errors of law or procedure, or on a lack of substantial evidence to support factual 10
determinations. If in a given state there is no Administrative Procedure Act or analogous statute, 11
it will be necessary to spell out the standards and procedures in this provision. 12
The right of appeal is not limited to persons or firms against whom disciplinary proceedings are 14
specifically directed but includes anyone who is “adversely affected.” Thus, for example, a 15
partner in a firm that was subjected to discipline in a given case, or a firm of which a partner was 16
disciplined, might be adversely affected by the Board’s order so as to be entitled to appeal it. 17
(k) In any case where the Board renders an order imposing discipline against a licensee 19
or an individual granted privileges under Section 23 of this Act, the Board shall 20
examine its records to determine whether the individual or firm holds a license or 21
practice privilege in any other state or is subject to the PCAOB’s authority; and if so, 22
the Board shall notify the State Boards of Accountancy and any other regulatory 23
authorities, including the PCAOB if applicable, of its decision immediately in the case 24
of a consent order and in all other cases when the time for giving notice of an appeal 25
from the Board’s order has expired. Such notice shall indicate whether or not the 26
subject order has been appealed and whether or not the subject order has been 27
stayed. In the alternative, the Board may report such disciplinary actions to a 28
multistate enforcement information network. Subject to Section 4(j) [Board Records 29
Confidential] of this Act, the Board may also furnish investigative information and 30
the hearing record relating to proceedings resulting in disciplinary action in such 31
cases to such other regulatory authorities upon request. 32
January 2018
(a) In any case where the Board has suspended or revoked a certificate or a permit or 4
registration or revoked or limited privileges under Section 23 or refused to renew a 5
certificate, permit, or registration, the Board may, upon application in writing by the 6
person or firm affected and for good cause shown, modify the suspension, or reissue 7
the certificate, permit, or registration or remove the limitation or revocation of 8
privileges under Section 23. 9
(b) The Board shall by rule specify the manner in which such applications shall be made, 11
the times within which they shall be made, and the circumstances in which hearings 12
will be held thereon. 13
(c) Before reissuing, or terminating the revocation, suspension or limitation of a 15
certificate, permit or registration under this Section or of privileges under Section 23, 16
and as a condition thereto, the Board may require the applicant therefor to show 17
successful completion of specified continuing professional education; and the Board 18
may make the reinstatement of a certificate, permit or registration or of privileges 19
under Section 23 conditional and subject to satisfactory completion of a peer review 20
conducted in such fashion as the Board may specify. 21
COMMENT: The term “peer review” is defined in Section 3(n). 23
January 2018
(a) Only licensees and individuals who have practice privileges under Section 23 of this 4
Act may issue a report on financial statements of any person, firm, organization, or 5
governmental unit or offer to render or render any attest or compilation service, as 6
defined herein. This restriction does not prohibit any act of a public official or public 7
employee in the performance of that person’s duties as such; or prohibit the 8
performance by any non-licensee of other services involving the use of accounting 9
skills, including the preparation of tax returns, management advisory services, and 10
the preparation of financial statements without the issuance of reports thereon. Non-11
licensees may prepare financial statements and issue non-attest transmittals or 12
information thereon which do not purport to be in compliance with the Statements 13
on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS). 14
COMMENT: This provision, giving application to the definition of attest in Section 3(b) and 16
report in Section 3(r) above, is the cornerstone prohibition of the UAA, reserving the performance 17
of those professional services calling upon the highest degree of professional skill and having 18
greatest consequence for persons using attested information--namely, the audit function and other 19
attest and compilation services as defined herein -- to licensees. It is so drafted as to make as clear 20
and emphatic as possible the limited nature of this exclusively reserved function and the rights of 21
unlicensed persons to perform all other functions. Consistent with Section 23, individuals with 22
practice privileges may render these reserved professional services to the same extent as licensees. 23
This provision is also intended to extend the reservation of the audit function to other services 25
that also call for special skills and carry particular consequence for users of such other services, 26
albeit in each respect to a lesser degree than the audit function. Thus, reserved services include 27
the performance of compilations and reviews of financial statements, in accordance with the 28
AICPA’s Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, which set out the 29
standards to be met in a compilation or review and specify the form of communication to 30
management or report to be issued. Also reserved to licensees are attestation engagements 31
performed in accordance with Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements which set 32
forth the standards to be met and the reporting on the engagements enumerated in the SSAEs. 33
The subsection is intended to prevent issuance by non-licensees of reports or communication to 34
management using that standard language or language deceptively similar to it. Safe harbor 35
language which may be used by non-licensees is set out in Model Rule 14-2. 36
(b) Licensees and individuals who have practice privileges under Section 23 of this Act 38
performing attest services, or compilation services, or preparation services, as defined 39
in this Act, must provide those services in accordance with applicable professional 40
standards. 41
(c) No person not holding a valid certificate or a practice privilege pursuant to Section 23 43
of this Act shall use or assume the title “Certified Public Accountant,” or the 44
abbreviation “CPA” or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation, sign, 45
card, or device tending to indicate that such person is a Certified Public Accountant. 46
January 2018
COMMENT: This subsection prohibits the use by persons not holding certificates, or practice 1
privileges, of the two titles, “certified public accountant” and “CPA,” that are specifically and 2
inextricably tied to the granting of a certificate as certified public accountant under Section 6. 3
(d) No firm shall provide attest services or assume or use the title “Certified Public 5
Accountants,” or the abbreviation “CPAs,” or any other title, designation, words, 6
letters, abbreviation, sign, card, or device tending to indicate that such firm is a CPA 7
firm unless (1) the firm holds a valid permit issued under Section 7 of this Act, and 8
(2) ownership of the firm is in accord with this Act and rules promulgated by the 9
Board. 10
COMMENT: Like the preceding subsection, this one restricts use of the two titles “Certified 12
Public Accountants” and “CPAs,” but in this instance by firms, requiring the holding of a firm 13
permit to practice unless they qualify for exemption as explained in Section 14(p). It also restricts 14
unlicensed firms from providing attest services. 15
(e) No person shall assume or use the title “public accountant,” or the abbreviation “PA,” 17
or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation, sign, card, or device 18
tending to indicate that such person is a public accountant unless that person holds a 19
valid registration issued under Section 8 of this Act. 20
COMMENT: This subsection, and the one that follows, reserve the title “public accountant” and 22
its abbreviation in the same fashion as subsections (c) and (d) do for the title “certified public 23
accountant” and its abbreviation. The two provisions would of course only be required in a 24
jurisdiction where there were grandfathered public accountants as contemplated by Section 8. 25
(f) No firm not holding a valid permit issued under Section 7 of this Act shall provide 27
attest services or assume or use the title “public accountant,” the abbreviation “PA,” 28
or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation, sign, card, or device 29
tending to indicate that such firm is composed of public accountants. 30
COMMENT: See the comments following subsections (d) and (e). 32
(g) No person or firm not holding a valid certificate, permit or registration issued under 34
Sections 6, 7, or 8 of this Act shall assume or use the title “certified accountant,” 35
“chartered accountant,” “enrolled accountant,” “licensed accountant,” “registered 36
accountant,” “accredited accountant,” or any other title or designation likely to be 37
confused with the titles “Certified Public Accountant” or “public accountant,” or use 38
any of the abbreviations “CA,” “LA,” “RA,” “AA,” or similar abbreviation likely to 39
be confused with the abbreviations “CPA” or “PA.” The title “Enrolled Agent” or 40
“EA” may only be used by individuals so designated by the Internal Revenue Service. 41
COMMENT: This provision is intended to supplement the prohibitions of subsections (c) 44 43
through (f) on use of titles by prohibiting other titles that may be misleadingly similar to the titles 44
specifically reserved to licensees or that otherwise suggest that their holders are licensed. 45
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(h) (1) Non-licensees may not use language in any statement relating to the financial 1
affairs of a person or entity which is conventionally used by licensees in reports 2
on financial statements or any attest service as defined herein. In this regard, the 3
Board shall issue safe harbor language non-licensees may use in connection with 4
such financial information. 5
(2) No person or firm not holding a valid certificate, permit or registration issued 7
under Sections 6, 7, or 8 of this Act shall assume or use any title or designation 8
that includes the words “accountant,” “auditor,” or “accounting,” in connection 9
with any other language (including the language of a report) that implies that 10
such person or firm holds such a certificate, permit, or registration or has special 11
competence as an accountant or auditor, provided, however, that this subsection 12
does not prohibit any officer, partner, member, manager or employee of any firm 13
or organization from affixing that person’s own signature to any statement in 14
reference to the financial affairs of such firm or organization with any wording 15
designating the position, title, or office that the person holds therein nor prohibit 16
any act of a public official or employee in the performance of the person’s duties 17
as such. 18
COMMENT: This provision clarifies the language and titles that are prohibited for non-licensees. 20
Like the preceding subsection, subsection (h)(2) of this provision is intended to supplement the 21
prohibitions of subsections (c) through (f), by prohibiting other titles which may be misleadingly 22
similar to the specifically reserved titles or that otherwise suggest licensure. In the interest of 23
making the prohibition against the issuance by unlicensed persons of reports on audits, reviews, 24
compilations and reports issued under the SSAE as tight and difficult to evade as possible, there 25
is also some overlap between this provision and the prohibitions in subsection (a). Safe harbor 26
language is set out in Rule 14-2. 27
(i) No person holding a certificate or registration or firm holding a permit under this 29
Act shall use a professional or firm name or designation that is misleading about the 30
legal form of the firm, or about the persons who are partners, officers, members, 31
managers or shareholders of the firm, or about any other matter, provided, however, 32
that names of one or more former partners, members, managers or shareholders may 33
be included in the name of a firm or its successor. A common brand name, including 34
common initials, used by a CPA Firm in its name, is not misleading if said firm is a 35
Network Firm as defined in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (“Code”) in 36
effect July 1, 2011 and, when offering or rendering services that require independence 37
under AICPA standards, said firm complies with the Code’s applicable standards on 38
independence. 39
COMMENT: With regard to use of a common brand name or common initials by a Network Firm, 41
this language should be considered in conjunction with Rules 14-1 (c) and (d), which provide 42
further clarity and guidance. 43
(j) None of the foregoing provisions of this Section shall have any application to a person 45
or firm holding a certification, designation, degree, or license granted in a foreign 46
January 2018
country entitling the holder thereof to engage in the practice of public accountancy 1
or its equivalent in such country, whose activities in this State are limited to the 2
provision of professional services to persons or firms who are residents of, 3
governments of, or business entities of the country in which the person holds such 4
entitlement, who performs no attest or compilation services as defined in this Act and 5
who issues no reports as defined in this Act with respect to information of any other 6
persons, firms, or governmental units in this State, and who does not use in this State 7
any title or designation other than the one under which the person practices in such 8
country, followed by a translation of such title or designation into the English 9
language, if it is in a different language, and by the name of such country. 10
COMMENT: The right spelled out in this provision, of foreign licensees to provide services in 12
the state to foreign-based clients, looking to the issuance of reports only in foreign countries, is 13
essentially what foreign licensees have a right to do under most laws now in effect, simply 14
because no provision in those laws restricts such a right. The foreign titles used by foreign 15
licensees might otherwise run afoul of standard prohibitions with respect to titles (such as one on 16
titles misleadingly similar to “CPA”) but this provision would grant a dispensation not found in 17
most laws now in force. 18
(k) No holder of a certificate issued under Section 6 of this Act or a registration issued 20
under Section 8 of this Act shall perform attest services through any business form 21
that does not hold a valid permit issued under Section 7 of this Act unless exempt 22
pursuant to Section 7(a)(1)(C). 23
COMMENTS: See the comments following Sections 6(a), 7(a) and 8. 25
(l) No individual licensee shall issue a report in standard form upon a compilation of 27
financial information through any form of business that does not hold a valid permit 28
issued under Section 7 of this Act unless the report discloses the name of the business 29
through which the individual is issuing the report, and the individual: 30
(1) signs the compilation report identifying the individual as a CPA or PA, 32
(2) meets the competency requirement provided in applicable standards, and 34
(3) undergoes no less frequently than once every three years, a peer review conducted 36
in such manner as the Board shall by rule specify, and such review shall include 37
verification that such individual has met the competency requirements set out in 38
professional standards for such services. 39
(m) Nothing herein shall prohibit a practicing attorney or firm of attorneys from 41
preparing or presenting records or documents customarily prepared by an attorney 42
or firm of attorneys in connection with the attorney’s professional work in the practice 43
of law. 44
(n) (1) A licensee shall not for a commission recommend or refer to a client any product 46
or service, or for a commission recommend or refer any product or service to be 47
January 2018
supplied by a client, or receive a commission, when the licensee also performs for 1
that client, 2
(A) an audit or review of a financial statement; or 4
(B) a compilation of a financial statement when the licensee expects, or 6
reasonably might expect, that a third party will use the financial 7
statement and the licensee’s compilation report does not disclose a lack of 8
independence; or 9
(C) an examination of prospective financial information. This prohibition 11
applies during the period in which the licensee is engaged to perform any 12
of the services listed above and the period covered by any historical 13
financial statements involved in such listed services. 14
(2) A licensee who is not prohibited by this section from performing services for or 16
receiving a commission and who is paid or expects to be paid a commission shall 17
disclose that fact to any person or entity to whom the licensee recommends or 18
refers a product or service to which the commission relates. 19
(3) Any licensee who accepts a referral fee for recommending or referring any 21
service of a licensee to any person or entity or who pays a referral fee to obtain 22
a client shall disclose such acceptance or payment to the client. 23
(o) (1) A licensee shall not: 25
(A) perform for a contingent fee any professional services for, or receive such 27
a fee from a client for whom the licensee or the licensee’s firm performs, 28
(j) an audit or review of a financial statement; or 30
(ii) a compilation of a financial statement when the licensee expects, or 32
reasonably might expect, that a third party will use the financial 33
statement and the licensee’s compilation report does not disclose a 34
lack of independence; or 35
(iii) an examination of prospective financial information; or 37
(B) Prepare an original or amended tax return or claim for a tax refund for a 39
contingent fee for any client. 40
(2) The prohibition in (1) above applies during the period in which the licensee is 42
engaged to perform any of the services listed above and the period covered by 43
any historical financial statements involved in any such listed services. 44
(3) Except as stated in the next sentence, a contingent fee is a fee established for the 46
performance of any service pursuant to an arrangement in which no fee will be 47
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charged unless a specified finding or result is attained, or in which the amount 1
of the fee is otherwise dependent upon the finding or result of such service. 2
Solely for purposes of this section, fees are not regarded as being contingent if 3
fixed by courts or other public authorities, or, in tax matters, if determined 4
based on the results of judicial proceedings or the findings of governmental 5
agencies. A licensee’s fees may vary depending, for example, on the complexity 6
of services rendered. 7
COMMENT: Section 14(n) on commissions is based on Rule 503 of the AICPA Code of 9
Professional Conduct. Section 14(o) on contingent fees is based on Rule 302 of the AICPA Code 10
of Professional Conduct. 11
(p) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, it shall not be a violation of 13
this Section for a firm which does not hold a valid permit under Section 7 of this Act 14
and which does not have an office in this state to use the title “CPA” or “Certified 15
Public Accountants” as part of the firm’s name and to provide its professional 16
services in this state, and licensees and individuals with practice privileges may 17
provide services on behalf of such firms so long as the firm complies with the 18
requirements of Section 7(a)(1)(C) or Section 7(a)(2), whichever is applicable. An 19
individual or firm authorized under this provision to use practice privileges in this 20
state shall comply with the requirements otherwise applicable to licensees in Section 21
14 of this Act. 22
COMMENT: Section 14(p) has been added along with revisions to Sections 23 and 7, to provide 24
that as long as an out-of-state firm complies with the requirements of Section 7(a)(1)(C) or 25
7(a)(2), whichever is applicable, it can do so through practice privileged individuals without a 26
CPA firm permit from this state. The addition of the last sentence of this Section 14(p) makes 27
certain other provisions of Section 14 that otherwise pertain only to “licensees” (specifically, 28
Sections 14 (h), (k), (l), (n), and (o)) directly applicable to individuals and firms which are exempt 29
from licensing or permit requirements in this state. 30
January 2018
Whenever, as a result of an investigation under Section 11 of this Act or otherwise, the 4
Board believes that any person or firm has engaged, or is about to engage, in any acts or 5
practices which constitute or will constitute a violation of Section 14 of this Act, the Board 6
may make application to the appropriate court for an order enjoining such acts or practices, 7
and upon a showing by the Board that such person or firm has engaged, or is about to 8
engage, in any such acts or practices, an injunction, restraining order, or other order as 9
may be appropriate shall be granted by such court. 10
January 2018
(a) Whenever, by reason of an investigation under Section 11 of this Act or otherwise, the 4
Board has reason to believe that any person or firm has knowingly engaged in acts or 5
practices that constitute a violation of Section 14 of this Act, the Board may bring its 6
information to the attention of the Attorney General of any State (or other appropriate 7
law enforcement officer) who may, in the officer’s discretion, cause appropriate 8
criminal proceedings to be brought thereon. 9
(b) Any person or firm who knowingly violates any provision of Section 14 of this Act shall 11
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of 12
not more than $__________ or to imprisonment for not more than one year, or to both 13
such fine and imprisonment. 14
COMMENT: The word “knowingly” is included in this provision to assure that criminal penalties 16
will not be applied in the absence of conscious wrongdoing. 17
January 2018
In any action brought under Sections 12, 15, or 16 of this Act, evidence of the commission, 4
of a single act prohibited by this Act shall be sufficient to justify a penalty, injunction, 5
restraining order, or conviction, respectively, without evidence of a general course of 6
conduct. 7
January 2018
Except by permission of the client for whom a licensee performs services or the heirs, 4
successors, or personal representatives of such client, a licensee under this Act, shall not 5
voluntarily disclose information communicated to the licensee by the client relating to and 6
in connection with services rendered to the client by the licensee. Such information shall be 7
deemed confidential, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as 8
prohibiting the disclosure of information required to be disclosed by the standards of the 9
public accounting profession in reporting on the examination of financial statements or as 10
prohibiting compliance with applicable laws, government regulations or PCAOB 11
requirements, disclosures in court proceedings, in investigations or proceedings under 12
Sections 11 or 12 of this Act, in ethical investigations conducted by private professional 13
organizations, or in the course of peer reviews, or to other persons active in the organization 14
performing services for that client on a need to know basis or to persons in the entity who 15
need this information for the sole purpose of assuring quality control. 16
COMMENT: This provision is similar to those found in a number of accountancy laws as well as 18
ethical codes recognizing the confidentiality of client communications to accountants without, 19
however, extending it to the point of being an evidentiary privilege (which would prevent its 20
disclosure in court in certain circumstances--essentially, those in which the licensee is not a party, 21
such as divorce proceedings where one of the parties is a client of the licensee). The term “peer 22
review” is defined in Section 3(n). The term “licensee” as used in this Section also includes those 23
using practice privileges inasmuch as Section 23 grants “all the privileges of licensees of this 24
state” and requires that anyone using practice privileges automatically consents “to comply with 25
this Act and the Board’s rules.” 26
January 2018
(a) Subject to the provisions of Section 18, all statements, records, schedules, working 4
papers, and memoranda made by a licensee or a partner, shareholder, officer, 5
director, member, manager or employee of a licensee, incident to, or in the course of, 6
rendering services to a client while a licensee except the reports submitted by the 7
licensee to the client and except for records that are part of the client’s records, shall 8
be and remain the property of the licensee in the absence of an express agreement 9
between the licensee and the client to the contrary. No such statement, record, 10
schedule, working papers, or memorandum shall be sold, transferred, or bequeathed, 11
without the consent of the client or the client’s personal representative or assignee, to 12
anyone other than one or more surviving partners, stockholders, members or new 13
partners, new stockholders, or new members of the licensee, or any combined or 14
merged firm or successor in interest to the licensee. Nothing in this Section should be 15
construed as prohibiting any temporary transfer of working papers or other material 16
necessary in the course of carrying out peer reviews or as otherwise interfering with 17
the disclosure of information pursuant to Section 18. 18
COMMENT: It should be noted that this provision, which is a fairly standard one in accountancy 20
laws, prohibits the transfer of working papers relating to a particular client without that client’s 21
consent in connection with the sale of a practice. The language regarding peer review is intended 22
to harmonize this section with Section 18 and make it clear that no licensee, partner, shareholder, 23
officer, director, member, manager or employee of a licensee may withhold any material that 24
might be needed to perform a peer review nor interfere with any other disclosure not prohibited 25
by Section 18. 26
(b) A licensee shall furnish to a client or former client, upon request and reasonable 28
notice- 29
(1) A copy of the licensee’s working papers, to the extent that such working papers 31
include records that would ordinarily constitute part of the client’s records and 32
are not otherwise available to the client; and 33
(2) Any accounting or other records belonging to, or obtained from or on behalf of, 35
the client that the licensee removed from the client’s premises or received for the 36
client’s account; the licensee may make and retain copies of such documents of 37
the client when they form the basis for work done by the licensee. 38
COMMENT: This subsection reflects a commonly recognized ethical obligation. It seems of 40
sufficient importance to deserve incorporation in the statute. 41
(c) Nothing herein shall require a licensee to keep any working papers beyond the period 43
prescribed in any other applicable statute. 44
COMMENT: This subsection is designed to make clear that Section 19 does not impose any new 46
January 2018
record retention requirement. The retention period may be based on the licensee’s professional 1
judgment and any existing law. The term “licensee” as used throughout this Section also includes 2
those using practice privileges inasmuch as Section 23 grants “all the privileges of licensees of 3
this state” and requires that anyone using practice privileges automatically consents “to comply 4
with this Act and the Board’s rules.” 5
January 2018
(a) This Section applies to all causes of action of the type specified herein filed on or after 4
the effective date. 5
(b) This Section governs any action based on negligence brought against any accountant 7
or firm of accountants practicing in this State by any person or entity claiming to have 8
been injured as a result of financial statements or other information examined, 9
compiled, reviewed, certified, audited or otherwise reported or opined on by the 10
defendant accountant or in the course of an engagement to provide other services. 11
(c) No action covered by this Section may be brought unless: 13
(1) The plaintiff (1) is issuer (or successor of the issuer) of the financial statements 15
or other information examined, compiled, reviewed, certified, audited or 16
otherwise reported or opined on by the defendant and (2) engaged the defendant 17
licensee to examine, compile, review, certify, audit or otherwise report or render 18
an opinion on such financial statements or to provide other services; or 19
(2) The defendant licensee or firm: (1) was aware at the time the engagement as 21
undertaken that the financial statements or other information were to be made 22
available for use in connection with a specified transaction by the plaintiff who 23
was specifically identified to the defendant accountant, (2) was aware that the 24
plaintiff intended to rely upon such financial statements or other information in 25
connection with the specified transaction, and (3) had direct contact and 26
communication with the plaintiff and expressed by words or conduct the 27
defendant accountant’s understanding of the reliance on such financial 28
statements or other information. 29
COMMENT: This section embodies the common law rule that only persons in a relationship of 31
privity of contract (i.e., a direct contractual relationship), or a relationship so close as to approach 32
that of privity, may sue an accountant for negligence. This rule is derived from the seminal 33
decision of Chief Justice Cardozo of the N.Y. Court of Appeals in Ultramares Corporation v. 34
Touche, 255 N.Y. 170 (1931), which was reaffirmed by that court in Credit Alliance v. Arthur 35
Andersen & Co., 65 N.Y. 2D 536 (1985). The provision above is specific to licensees and for that 36
reason it has been included in this UAA, which is intended to be comprehensive. In some states, 37
it may be more appropriate to include the above provision in some other chapter of state law 38
rather than in the accountancy statute. 39
January 2018
(a) This Section applies to all causes of action of the type specified herein filed on or after 4
the effective date. 5
(b) This Section governs any action based on negligence or breach of contract brought 7
against any licensee, or any CPA or PA firm practicing in this State by any person or 8
entity claiming to have been injured as a result of financial statements or other 9
information examined, compiled, reviewed, certified, audited or otherwise reported 10
or opined on by the defendant licensee as a result of an engagement to provide 11
services. 12
(c) No action covered by this Section may be brought unless the suit is commenced on or 14
before the earlier of: 15
(1) one year from the date the alleged act, omission or neglect is discovered or 17
should have been discovered by the exercise of reasonable diligence; 18
(2) three years after completion of the service for which the suit is brought has 20
been performed; or 21
(3) three years after the date of the initial issuance of the accountant’s report on 23
the financial statements or other information. 24
COMMENT: This section establishes a uniform statute of limitations for accountants’ negligence 26
and breach of contracts actions of one year from the date of discovery of the claim, but in no 27
event more than three years from the date of the completion of the accounting services that are 28
the subject of complaint or date of the initial issuance of the accountant’s report, whichever is 29
earliest. It is intended to reduce the uncertainty attending potential liability exposure under 30
differing state limitations periods. The provision above is specific to licensees and for that reason 31
it has been included in this UAA, which is intended to be comprehensive. In some states, it may 32
be more appropriate to include the above provision in some other chapter of state law rather than 33
in the accountancy statute. 34
January 2018
(a) This Section applies to all causes of action of the type specified herein filed on or after 4
the effective date. 5
(b) This Section governs any claim for money damages brought against any licensee; or 7
any CPA or PA firm registered, licensed, or practicing in this State; or any employee 8
or principal of such firm by any person or entity claiming to have been injured by the 9
defendant licensee or other person or entity. 10
(c) No judgment for money damages may be entered against any licensee, firm, 12
employee, or principal described in subsection (b) in an action covered by this Section 13
except in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. 14
(1) If the party seeking a judgment for damages against the licensee proves that the 16
licensee acted with the deliberate intent to deceive, manipulate or defraud for 17
the licensee’s own direct pecuniary benefit, the liability of the licensee shall be 18
determined according to the principles that generally apply to such an action. 19
(2) If the licensee is not proven to have acted with the deliberate intent to deceive, 21
manipulate or defraud for the accountant’s own direct pecuniary benefit, the 22
amount of the accountant’s liability in damages shall be determined as follows: 23
(A) The trier of fact shall determine the percentage of responsibility of the 25
plaintiff, of each of the defendants, and of each of the other persons or 26
entities alleged by the parties to have caused or contributed to the harm 27
alleged by the plaintiff. In determining the percentages of responsibility, 28
the trier of fact shall consider both the nature of the conduct of each person 29
and the nature and extent of the causal relationship between that conduct 30
and the damage claimed by the plaintiff. 31
(B) The trier of fact shall next determine the total amount of damage suffered 33
by the plaintiff caused in whole or in part by the plaintiff, the defendants, 34
and other persons alleged to have caused or contributed to the damage. 35
(C) The trier of fact shall then multiply the percentage of responsibility of the 37
licensee (determined under (A)) by the total amount of damages 38
(determined under (B)) and shall enter a judgment or verdict against the 39
licensee in an amount no greater than the product of those two factors. 40
(D) In no event shall the damages awarded against or paid by a licensee exceed 42
the amount determined under (C). The licensee shall not be jointly liable 43
on any judgment entered against any other party to the action. 44
January 2018
(E) Except where a contractual relationship permits, no defendant shall have a 1
right to recover from a licensee any portion of the percentage of damages 2
assessed against such other defendant. 3
COMMENT: This section establishes a general principle of proportionate liability in all actions 6
for money damages (both common law and statutory) against accountants except fraud actions. 7
(Fraud actions would continue to be governed by generally applicable rules.) A licensee would 8
be liable for the portion of the plaintiff’s injury caused by the licensee’s conduct; the accountant 9
would not be required to compensate the plaintiff for harm caused by others. Accountants’ 10
liability cases frequently involve situations in which a licensee issues a report on the financial 11
statements of a company that subsequently becomes insolvent or has serious financial difficulties. 12
Investors or creditors who allegedly relied on the audit report sue the accountant and the company. 13
Because the company is often either bankrupt or has no available assets, the licensee is--in a 14
disproportionately large number of cases--the only solvent defendant left to answer the damages 15
claim. Under a rule of joint and several liability, the accountant would be required to bear the 16
burden of the entire damages award, even if the harm was caused principally by others such as 17
the company’s management. This provision is intended to prevent that unfair result. The provision 18
above is specific to licensees and, for that reason, it has been included in this UAA which is 19
intended to be comprehensive. In some states, it may be more appropriate to include the above 20
provision in some other chapter of state law rather than in the accountancy statute. 21
January 2018
(a) (1) An individual whose principal place of business is not in this state and who holds 4
a valid license as a Certified Public Accountant from any state which the NASBA 5
National Qualification Appraisal Service has verified to be in substantial 6
equivalence with the CPA licensure requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform 7
Accountancy Act shall be presumed to have qualifications substantially 8
equivalent to this state’s requirements and shall have all the privileges of licensees 9
of this state without the need to obtain a license under Sections 6 or 7. 10
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual who offers or renders 11
professional services, whether in person, by mail, telephone or electronic means, 12
under this section shall be granted practice privileges in this state and no notice 13
or other submission shall be provided by any such individual. Such an individual 14
shall be subject to the requirements in Section 23(a) (3). 15
(2) An individual whose principal place of business is not in this state and who holds 17
a valid license as a Certified Public Accountant from any state which the NASBA 18
National Qualification Appraisal Service has not verified to be in substantial 19
equivalence with the CPA licensure requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform 20
Accountancy Act shall be presumed to have qualifications substantially equivalent 21
to this state’s requirements and shall have all the privileges of licensees of this state 22
without the need to obtain a license under Sections 6 or 7 if such individual obtains 23
from the NASBA National Qualification Appraisal Service verification that such 24
individual’s CPA qualifications are substantially equivalent to the CPA licensure 25
requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act. Any individual 26
who passed the Uniform CPA Examination and holds a valid license issued by any 27
other state prior to January 1, 2012 may be exempt from the education 28
requirement in Section 5(c) for purposes of this Section 23 (a)(2). Notwithstanding 29
any other provision of law, an individual who offers or renders professional 30
services, whether in person, by mail, telephone or electronic means, under this 31
section shall be granted practice privileges in this state and no notice or other 32
submission shall be provided by any such individual. Such an individual shall be 33
subject to the requirements in Section 23(a) (3). 34
(3) An individual licensee of another state exercising the privilege afforded under this 36
section and the firm which employs that licensee hereby simultaneously consents, 37
as a condition of the grant of this privilege: 38
(A) to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction and disciplinary authority of 40
the Board, 41
(B) to comply with this Act and the Board’s rules; 43
(C) that in the event the license from the state of the individual’s principal place 45
of business is no longer valid, the individual will cease offering or rendering 46
professional services in this state individually and on behalf of a firm; and 47
January 2018
(D) to the appointment of the State Board which issued their license as their 1
agent upon whom process may be served in any action or proceeding by this 2
Board against the licensee. 3
(4) An individual who has been granted practice privileges under this Section who 5
performs any attest service described in Section 3(b) may only do so through a firm 6
which meets the requirements of Section 7(a)(1)(C) or which has obtained a permit 7
issued under Section 7 of this Act. 8
COMMENT: Subsection 23(a)(3) is intended to allow state boards to discipline licensees from 10
other states that practice in their state. If an individual licensee is using these practice privileges 11
to offer or render professional services in this state on behalf of a firm, Section 23(a)(3) also 12
facilitates state board jurisdiction over the firm as well as the individual licensee even if the firm 13
is not required to obtain a permit in this state. Under Section 23(a), State Boards could utilize the 14
NASBA National Qualification Appraisal Service for determining whether another state’s 15
certification criteria are “substantially equivalent” to the national standard outlined in the 16
AICPA/NASBA UAA. If a state is determined to be “substantially equivalent,” then individuals 17
from that state would have ease of practice privileges in other states. Individuals who personally 18
meet the substantial equivalency standard may also apply to the National Qualification Appraisal 19
Service if the state in which they are licensed is not substantially equivalent to the UAA. 20
Individual CPAs who practice across state lines or who service clients in another state via 22
electronic technology, would not be required to obtain a reciprocal certificate or license if their 23
state of original certification is deemed substantially equivalent, or if they are individually 24
deemed substantially equivalent. However, licensure is required in the state where the CPA has 25
his or her principal place of business. If a CPA relocates to another state and establishes his or 26
her principal place of business in that state or if a firm performs any of the services described in 27
Section 23(a)(4) and does not qualify for exemption under Section 7(a)(1)(C), then the licensee 28
would be required to obtain a license in that state. 29
The provision provides that practice privileges shall be granted and that there shall be no 31
notification. With the strong Consent requirement (subsection 23(a)(3)), (i) there appears to be 32
no need for individual notification since the nature of an enforcement complaint would in any 33
event require the identification of the CPA, (ii) online licensee databases have greatly improved, 34
and (iii) both the individual CPA practicing on the basis of substantial equivalency as well as the 35
individual’s employer will be subject to enforcement action in any state under Section 23 (a)(3) 36
regardless of a notification requirement. Implementation of the “substantial equivalency” 37
standard and creation of the National Qualification Appraisal Service have made a significant 38
improvement in the current regulatory system and assist in accomplishing the goal of portability 39
of the CPA title and mobility of CPAs across state lines. Section 23(a)(4) clarifies situations in 40
which the individual could be required to provide services through a CPA firm holding a permit 41
issued by the state in which the individual is using practice privileges in providing attest services. 42
Section 23(a)(4) in conjunction with companion revisions to Sections 3, 7 and 14, provide 44
enhanced firm mobility by allowing the individual to use practice privileges in providing attest 45
services through a firm with a permit from any state so long as the firm complies with the 46
January 2018
ownership and peer review requirements. Such firms would only need to obtain permits from 1
states in which they have an office. The types of attest services and where the services are 2
performed would not matter. Any firm that does not satisfy both requirements (ownership and 3
peer review) would have to obtain a permit in the state in which the firm is providing attest 4
services. In order to be deemed substantially equivalent under Section 23(a)(1), a state must adopt 5
the 150-hour education requirement established in Section 5(c). Section 23(a)(2) provides that an 6
individual who has passed the Uniform CPA examination and holds an active license from a state 7
may be individually exempt from the 150-hour education requirement and may be allowed to use 8
practice privileges in this state if the individual was licensed prior to January 1, 2012. 9
Section 23(a)(3)(D) simplifies State Board enforcement against out-of-state persons using 11
practice privileges by requiring consent to appointment of the State Board of the person’s 12
principal place of business for service of process. This important provision facilitates the 13
prerogative of the State Board to administratively discipline or revoke the practice privilege. This 14
provision supplements Section 9 which provides for the appointment of the Secretary of State as 15
the agent upon whom process may be served in any action or proceeding against the applicant 16
arising out of any transaction or operation connected with or incidental to services performed by 17
the applicant while a licensee within this State. 18
(b) A licensee of this state offering or rendering services or using their CPA title in another 20
state shall be subject to disciplinary action in this state for an act committed in another 21
state for which the licensee would be subject to discipline for an act committed in the 22
other state. Notwithstanding Section 11(a), the Board shall be required to investigate 23
any complaint made by the Board of Accountancy of another state. 24
COMMENT: This section ensures that the Board of the state of the licensee’s principal place of 26
business, which has power to revoke a license, will have the authority to discipline its licensees 27
if they violate the law when performing services in other states and to ensure that the State Board 28
of Accountancy will be required to give consideration to complaints made by the Boards of 29
Accountancy of other jurisdictions. This subsection combined with subsection 23(a)(3)(C) 30
(enabling the State Board of the practice privilege state to protect its citizens through 31
administrative proceedings) assures that the State Board has comprehensive disciplinary powers 32
to protect its state’s citizens regarding anyone rendering professional services into or from its 33
state. 34
January 2018
If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any person or entity or in any 4
circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of such provision 5
to others or in other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 6
January 2018
__________ (existing legislation) and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby 4
repealed, provided, however, that nothing contained in this Act shall invalidate or affect any 5
action taken or any proceeding instituted under any law in effect prior to the effective date hereof. 6
January 2018
This Act shall take effect on ___________. 4
January 2018
January 2018
The Statement on Standards for
Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) Programs
Revised August 2016
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. v
Preamble ...................................................................................................................................... vi
Article IDefinitions ..................................................................................................................... 1
Article II General Guidelines for CPAs ................................................................................................ 4
Professional Competence ............................................................................................ 4
CPE Compliance ......................................................................................................... 4
CPE Credits Record Documentation ........................................................................... 5
Reporting CPE Credits ................................................................................................ 5
Independent Study ....................................................................................................... 6
Article III Standards for CPE Program Sponsors ......................................................................... 7
General Standards ........................................................................................................ 7
Standard No. 1: CPE Program Sponsor Responsibility ................................................. 7
S1-01: CPE requirements of licensing bodies and others ..................................... 7
Standards for CPE Program Development .................................................................. 7
Standard No. 2: Learning Activities Based on Learning Objectives ............................ 7
S2-01: Program knowledge level ........................................................................... 7
Standard No. 3: Learning Activities Consistent With Experience
of Participant ............................................................................................................. 7
S3-01: Prerequisite education and experience ...................................................... 7
Standard No. 4: Learning Activities and Materials Current and
Technically Accurate .................................................................................................. 7
S4-01: Developed by subject matter expert ......................................................... 8
Standard No. 5: Learning Activities Reviewed by Independent Person ...................... 8
S5-01: Qualifications of reviewers ........................................................................ 8
S5-02: Review responsibilities if content purchased from another entity ........... 8
Standard No. 6: Independent Study Learning Activities ............................................. 9
S6-01: Requirements of independent study sponsor ........................................... 9
Standard No. 7: Group Live Programs ......................................................................... 9
S7-01: Required elements of engagement ........................................................... 9
S7-02: Real time instructor during program presentation ................................... 9
S7-03: No real time instructor during recorded program presentation ............. 10
Standard No. 8: Group Internet Based Programs ..................................................... 10
S8-01: Real time instructor during program presentation.................................. 10
S8-02: No real time instructor during recorded program presentation ............. 10
Standard No. 9: Self Study Programs ........................................................................ 10
S9-01: Guide participant through a program of learning ................................... 11
S9-02: Use of review questions and other content reinforcement tools ........... 11
S9-03: Evaluative and reinforcement feedback on review questions ................ 11
S9-04: Qualified assessment requirements ........................................................ 11
S9-05: Feedback on qualified assessment .......................................................... 13
S9-06: Program or course expiration date .......................................................... 13
S9-07: Based on materials developed for instructional use ............................... 13
Standard No. 10: Nano Learning Programs ............................................................... 14
S10-01: Qualified assessment requirements ...................................................... 14
S10-02: Feedback on qualified assessment ........................................................ 14
S10-03: Program or course expiration date ........................................................ 14
S10-04: Based on materials developed for instructional use ............................. 14
Standard No. 11: Blended Learning Programs .......................................................... 15
S11-01: Guide participant through a program of learning ................................. 15
S11-02: Primary component of blended learning program is
a group program............................................................................................... 15
S11-03: Primary component of blended learning program is a
self study program ........................................................................................... 15
S11-03.1: Qualified assessment requirements ................................................... 15
Standards for CPE Program Presentation .................................................................. 16
Standard No. 12: Descriptive Materials for Participant to Assess
Learning Activities .................................................................................................... 16
S12-01: Disclose significant features of program in advance .............................. 16
S12-02: Disclose advance preparation and prerequisites ................................... 16
Standard No. 13: Instructors Qualified in Program Content
and Instructional Method ........................................................................................ 17
S13-01: Qualifications of instructors .................................................................. 17
S13-02: Evaluation of instructors’ performance ................................................. 17
Standard No. 14: Evaluation of Learning Activities ................................................... 17
S14-01: Required elements of evaluation ........................................................... 17
S14-02: Evaluation results ................................................................................... 17
Standard No. 15: Instructional Methods Appropriate for
Learning Activities .................................................................................................... 18
S15-01: Assess instructional method in context of
program presentation ....................................................................................... 18
S15-02: Facilities and technology appropriateness ............................................. 18
Standards for CPE Program Measurement ................................................................ 18
Standard No. 16: Program Length Measured in CPE Credits .................................... 18
S16-01: Learning activities with individual segments ......................................... 18
S16-02: Responsibility to monitor attendance .................................................... 19
S16-03: Monitoring mechanism for group Internet based programs ................. 19
S16-04: Small group viewing of group Internet based programs ........................ 19
S16-05: University or college credit course ......................................................... 19
S16-06: University or college noncredit course .................................................. 19
S16-07: Participant preparation time .................................................................. 19
S16-08: Committee or staff meetings qualification for CPE credits .................... 20
Standard No. 17: Self Study CPE Credits Based on Pilot Testing
or Word Count Formula .......................................................................................... 20
S17-01: Method 1 - Sample group of pilot testers .............................................. 20
S17-02: Method 1 - CPE credit based on representative
completion time ................................................................................................ 20
S17-03: Method 1 - Requirement for re-pilot testing ......................................... 20
S17-04: Method 1 - Pilot testing when course purchased
from vendor or other developer ....................................................................... 21
S17-05: Method 2 - Basis for word count formula .............................................. 21
S17-06: Method 2 - Consideration of CPE credit using word
count formula ................................................................................................... 21
S17-07: Method 2 - Calculation of audio and video segments in
word count formula .......................................................................................... 22
S17-08: Method 2 - Word count formula when course purchased from
vendor or other developer ............................................................................... 22
Standard No. 18: CPE Credit for Nano Learning Programs ....................................... 22
Standard No. 19: CPE Credit for Blended Learning Programs .................................. 22
Standard No. 20: Instructor or Technical Reviewer CPE Credit for
Preparation and Presentation Time ....................................................................... 22
S20-01: Instructor CPE credit parameters ........................................................... 22
S20-02: Presenting a program ............................................................................. 23
S20-03: Technical reviewer CPE credit parameters ............................................. 23
Standard No. 21: Author CPE Credit ......................................................................... 23
S21-01: Requirement for review from independent party ................................. 23
S21-02: Authoring a program .............................................................................. 23
Standard No. 22: CPE Credit for Independent Study ................................................ 23
S22-01: CPE credits agreed to in advance .......................................................... 23
Standards for CPE Program Reporting ....................................................................... 23
Standard No. 23: Documentation of Participation in Program ................................. 23
S23-01: Entity to award CPE credits and acceptable documentation ................ 24
S23-02: Certificate issuance for simultaneous delivery of a group
live and group Internet based program ........................................................... 24
Standard No. 24: Program and Participant Documentation Maintenance ............... 24
S24-01: Required documentation elements ....................................................... 25
S24-02: Maintenance of documentation as basis for CPE credit for
self study programs .......................................................................................... 25
S24-03: Maintenance of documentation of element of engagement for
group live programs .......................................................................................... 25
S24-04: Maintenance of documentation of instructions and information
to participants regarding the components comprising a blended
learning program .............................................................................................. 26
Effective dates ........................................................................................................... 26
Back to Table of Contents
Continuing professional education is required for CPAs to maintain their professional competence
and provide quality professional services. CPAs are responsible for complying with all applicable
CPE requirements, rules, and regulations of boards of accountancy, as well as those of membership
associations and other professional organizations.
The Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards)
is published jointly by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) to provide a framework for the
development, presentation, measurement, and reporting of CPE programs. The Standards were
last revised in 2012.
The Standards are periodically reviewed in their entirety by the CPE Standards Working Group
(Working Group). The Working Group comprises 13 members representing the various
stakeholders in the CPE arena, including boards of accountancy, state societies, educators, CPE
providers, and the AICPA. If the Working Group determines that revisions or modifications are
required, then the Working Group will make its recommendations to NASBA’s CPE Committee
(CPE Committee), which, in turn, makes recommendations to the Joint AICPA/NASBA CPE
Standards Committee (Joint Committee). The Joint Committee will then make its
recommendation to the respective AICPA and NASBA Boards of Directors. Any revisions or
modifications to the Standards will be posted to the AICPA and NASBA websites for comment.
The Standards are intended to be an “evergreen document. As questions arise related to
implementation and application of the Standards, the questions will be presented to the Working
Group. The Working Group meets quarterly, and scheduled meeting dates are posted on the
NASBA website at www.nasbaregistry.org. NASBA will communicate the findings of the Working
Group to the specific CPE program sponsor. Authoritative interpretations will only be issued by
the CPE Committee in limited cases when the matter is not addressed in the Standards, cannot
be addressed specifically with the CPE program sponsor, or cannot be addressed in the “Best
Practices” web pages. All interpretations issued by the CPE Committee will be reviewed and
considered by the Joint Committee upon the next revision of the Standards.
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The right to use the title “Certified Public Accountant” (CPA) is regulated by each state’s
board of accountancy in the public interest and imposes a duty to maintain public confidence by
enhancing current professional competence, as defined in the Statement on Standards for
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards), in all areas in which they provide
services. CPAs must accept and fulfill their ethical responsibilities to the public and the profession
regardless of their fields of employment.
The profession of accountancy is characterized by an explosion of relevant knowledge,
ongoing changes and expansion, and increasing complexity. Advancing technology, globalization
of commerce, increasing specialization, proliferating regulations, and the complex nature of
business transactions have created a dynamic environment that requires CPAs to continuously
maintain and enhance their professional competence.
The continuing development of professional competence involves a program of lifelong
educational activities. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is the term used in these Standards
to describe the educational activities that assist CPAs in achieving and maintaining quality in
professional services.
The following Standards have been broadly stated in recognition of the diversity of practice
and experience among CPAs. They establish a framework for the development, presentation,
measurement, and reporting of CPE programs and thereby help to ensure that CPAs receive the
quality CPE necessary to satisfy their obligations to serve the public interest. The spirit of the
Standards is to encourage high-quality learning with measurable objectives by providing baseline
requirements. These Standards may also apply to other professionals by virtue of employment or
membership. Boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses
for CPE credit.
Advances in technology, delivery, and workplace arrangements may lead to innovative
learning techniques. Learning theory is evolving to include more emphasis on outcome-based
learning. These Standards anticipate innovation in CPE in response to these advances. Sponsors
must ensure innovative learning techniques are in compliance with the Standards. CPE program
sponsors are encouraged to consult with NASBA regarding questions related to compliance with
the Standards when utilizing innovative techniques.
These Standards create a basic foundation for sound educational programs. Sponsors may
wish to provide enhanced educational and evaluative techniques to all programs.
The term “CPA” is used in these Standards to identify any person who is licensed or regulated, or both, by boards of accountancy.
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Article I Definitions
Advanced. Program knowledge level most useful for individuals with mastery of the particular
topic. This level focuses on the development of in-depth knowledge, a variety of skills, or a broader
range of applications. Advanced level programs are often appropriate for seasoned professionals
within organizations; however, they may also be beneficial for other professionals with specialized
knowledge in a subject area.
Asynchronous. A learning activity in which the participant has control over time, place and/or
pace of learning.
Basic. Program knowledge level most beneficial to CPAs new to a skill or an attribute. These
individuals are often at the staff or entry level in organizations, although such programs may also
benefit a seasoned professional with limited exposure to the area.
Blended learning program. An educational program incorporating multiple learning formats.
Continuing professional education (CPE). An integral part of the lifelong learning required to
provide competent service to the public. The set of activities that enables CPAs to maintain and
improve their professional competence.
CPE credit. Fifty minutes of participation in a program of learning.
CPE program sponsor. The individual or organization responsible for issuing the certificate of
completion and maintaining the documentation required by the Statement on Standards for
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards). This term may include associations
of CPAs, whether formal or informal, as well as employers who offer in-house programs.
Evaluative feedback. Specific response to incorrect answers to questions in self study programs.
Group Internet based program. Individual participation in synchronous learning with real time
interaction of an instructor or subject matter expert and built-in processes for attendance and
Group live program. Synchronous learning in a group environment with real-time interaction of
an instructor or subject matter expert that provides the required elements of attendance
monitoring and engagement.
Group program. Any group live or group Internet based programs.
Independent study. An educational process designed to permit a participant to learn a given
subject under a learning contract with a CPE program sponsor.
Instructional methods. Delivery strategies such as case studies, computer-assisted learning,
lectures, group participation, programmed instruction, use of audiovisual aids, or work groups
employed in group, self-study, or independent study programs or other innovative programs.
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Intermediate. Program knowledge level that builds on a basic program, most appropriate for CPAs
with detailed knowledge in an area. Such persons are often at a mid-level within the organization,
with operational or supervisory responsibilities, or both.
Learning activity. An educational endeavor that maintains or improves professional competence.
Learning contract. A written contract signed by an independent study participant and a qualified
CPE program sponsor prior to the commencement of the independent study.
Learning objectives. Measurable outcomes that participants should accomplish upon completion
of a learning activity. Learning objectives are useful to program developers in deciding appropriate
instructional methods and allocating time to various subjects.
Nano learning program. A tutorial program designed to permit a participant to learn a given
subject in a 10-minute time frame through the use of electronic media (including technology
applications and processes and computer-based or web-based technology) and without
interaction with a real-time instructor. A nano learning program differs from a self study program
in that it is typically focused on a single learning objective and is not paper-based. A nano learning
program is not a group program. Nano learning is not a substitute for comprehensive programs
addressing complex issues.
Overview. Program knowledge level that provides a general review of a subject area from a broad
perspective. These programs may be appropriate for professionals at all organizational levels.
Pilot test. A method to determine the recommended CPE credit for self study programs that
involves sampling of at least three individuals independent of the development team and
representative of the intended participants to measure the representative completion time.
Pre-program assessment. A method of measuring prior knowledge that is given before the
participant has access to the course content of the program.
Professional competence. Having requisite technical competence, professional skills, values,
ethics, and attitudes to provide quality services as defined by the technical and ethical standards
of the profession. The expertise needed to undertake professional responsibilities and to serve
the public interest.
Program of learning. A collection of learning activities that are designed and intended as
continuing education and that comply with these Standards.
Qualified assessment. A method of measuring the achievement of a representative number of
the learning objectives for the learning activity.
Reinforcement feedback. Specific responses to correct answers to questions in self study
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Self study program. An educational program completed individually without the assistance or
interaction of a real-time instructor.
Social learning. Learning from one’s peers in a community of practice through observation,
modeling, and application.
Synchronous. A group program in which participants engage simultaneously in learning
Tutorial. A method of transferring knowledge that is more interactive and specific than a book,
lecture, or article. A tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete
a certain task.
Word count formula. A method, detailed under S17-05 method 2, to determine the recommended
CPE credit for self study programs that uses a formula, including word count of learning material,
number of questions and exercises, and duration of audio and video segments.
Update. Program knowledge level that provides a general review of new developments. This level
is for participants with a background in the subject area who desire to keep current.
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Article II General Guidelines for CPAs
2.1 Professional Competence. All CPAs should participate in learning activities that maintain
or improve, or both, their professional competence.
Selection of learning activities should be a thoughtful, reflective process addressing the individual
CPA’s current and future professional plans, current knowledge and skill level, and desired or
needed additional competence to meet future opportunities or professional responsibilities, or
CPA’s fields of employment do not limit the need for CPE. CPAs performing professional services
need to have a broad range of professional competence. Thus, the concept of professional
competence may be interpreted broadly. Accordingly, acceptable continuing education
encompasses programs contributing to the development and maintenance of professional skills.
The fields of study, as published on NASBA’s website, www.nasbaregistry.org, represent the
primary knowledge and skill areas that CPAs need to perform professional services in all fields of
To help guide their professional development, CPAs may find it useful to develop a learning plan.
Learning plans are structured processes that help CPAs guide their professional development.
They are dynamic instruments used to evaluate and document learning and professional
competence development. They may be reviewed regularly and modified as CPAs’ professional
competence needs change. Plans include a self-assessment of the gap between current and
needed professional competence; a set of learning objectives arising from this assessment; and
learning activities to be undertaken to fulfill the learning plan.
2.2 CPE Compliance. CPAs must comply with all applicable CPE requirements.
CPAs are responsible for compliance with all applicable CPE requirements, rules, and regulations
of state licensing bodies, other governmental entities, membership associations, and other
professional organizations or bodies. CPAs should contact each appropriate entity to which they
report to determine its specific requirements or any exceptions it may have to the standards
presented herein.
Periodically, CPAs participate in learning activities that do not comply with all applicable CPE
requirements, for example, specialized industry programs offered through industry sponsors. If
CPAs propose to claim credit for such learning activities, they must retain all relevant information
The terms “should” and “must” are intended to convey specific meanings within the context of this Joint AICPA/NASBA Statement
on Standards for Continuing Professional Education Programs (Standards). The term “must” is used in the Standards and applies
to CPAs and CPE program sponsors to convey that CPAs and CPE program sponsors are not permitted any departure from those
specific Standards. The term “should” is used in the Standards and applies to both CPAs and CPE program sponsors and is
intended to convey that CPAs and CPE program sponsors are encouraged to follow such Standards as written. The term “may” is
used in the Standards and applies to both CPAs and CPE program sponsors and is intended to convey that CPAs and CPE program
sponsors are permitted to follow such Standards as written.
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regarding the program to provide documentation to state licensing bodies and all other
professional organizations or bodies that the learning activity is equivalent to one that meets all
these standards.
2.3 CPE Credits Record Documentation. CPAs are responsible for accurate reporting of the
appropriate number of CPE credits earned and must retain appropriate documentation of their
participation in learning activities.
To protect the public interest, regulators require CPAs to document maintenance and
enhancement of professional competence through periodic reporting of CPE. For convenience,
measurement is expressed in CPE credits. However, the objective of CPE must always be
maintenance and enhancement of professional competence, not attainment of credits.
Compliance with regulatory and other requirements mandates that CPAs keep documentation of
their participation in activities designed to maintain or improve, or both, professional
competence. In the absence of legal or other requirements, a reasonable policy is to retain
documentation for a minimum of five years from the end of the year in which the learning
activities were completed.
Participants must document their claims of CPE credit. Examples of acceptable evidence of
completion include the following:
For group, blended learning, and independent study programs, a certificate or other
verification supplied by the CPE program sponsor.
For self-study and nano learning programs, a certificate supplied by the CPE program
sponsor after satisfactory completion of a qualified assessment.
For instruction credit, appropriate supporting documentation that complies with the
requirements of the respective state boards subject to the guidelines in Standard No. 20 in
Standards for CPE Program Measurement.
For a university or college course that is successfully completed for credit, a record or
transcript of the grade the participant received.
For university or college noncredit courses, a certificate of attendance issued by a
representative of the university or college.
For published articles, books, or CPE programs:
A copy of the publication (or in the case of a CPE program, course development
documentation) that names the CPA as author or contributor,
A statement from the writer supporting the number of CPE hours claimed, and
The name and contact information of the independent reviewer(s) or publisher.
2.4 Reporting CPE Credits. CPAs who complete sponsored learning activities that maintain
or improve their professional competence must claim no more than the CPE credits recommended
by CPE program sponsors subject to the state board regulations.
CPAs may participate in a variety of sponsored learning activities. Although CPE program sponsors
determine credits, CPAs must claim credit only for activities through which they maintained or
improved their professional competence. CPAs who participate in only part of a program must
claim CPE credit only for the portion they attended or completed.
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2.5 Independent Study. CPAs may engage in independent study under the direction of a CPE
program sponsor who has met the applicable standards for CPE program sponsors when the subject
matter and level of study maintain or improve the CPAs’ professional competence.
Independent study is an educational process designed to permit a participant to learn a given
subject under the guidance of a CPE program sponsor. Participants in an independent study
program must
enter into a written learning contract with a CPE program sponsor that must comply with the
applicable standards for CPE program sponsors. A learning contract
specifies the nature of the independent study program and the time frame over which it
is to be completed, not to exceed 15 weeks.
specifies that the output must be in the form of
a written report that will be reviewed by the CPE program sponsor or a qualified
person selected by the CPE program sponsor or
a written certification by the CPE program sponsor that the participant has
demonstrated application of learning objectives through
successful completion of tasks or
performance of a live demonstration, oral examination, or presentation
to a subject matter expert.
outlines the maximum CPE credit that will be awarded for the independent study
program, but limits credit to actual time spent.
accept the written recommendation of the CPE program sponsor regarding the number of
credits to be earned upon successful completion of the proposed learning activities. CPE credits
will be awarded only if
all the requirements of the independent study as outlined in the learning contract are
the CPE program sponsor reviews and signs the participant’s report;
the CPE program sponsor reports to the participant the actual credits earned; and
the CPE program sponsor provides the participant with contact information.
The maximum credits to be recommended by an independent study CPE program sponsor
must be agreed upon in advance and must be equated to the effort expended to improve
professional competence. The credits cannot exceed the time devoted to the learning activities
and may be less than the actual time involved.
retain the necessary documentation to satisfy regulatory requirements regarding the content,
inputs, and outcomes of the independent study.
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Article III - Standards for CPE Program Sponsors
3.1 - General Standards
Standard No. 1. CPE program sponsors are responsible for compliance with all applicable
Standards and other CPE requirements.
S1 01. CPE requirements of licensing bodies and others. CPE program sponsors may have to
meet specific CPE requirements of state licensing bodies, other governmental entities,
membership associations, and other professional organizations or bodies. Professional guidance
for CPE program sponsors is available from NASBA; state-specific guidance is available from the
boards of accountancy. CPE program sponsors should contact the appropriate entity to determine
3.2 - Standards for CPE Program Development
Standard No. 2. Sponsored learning activities must be based on relevant learning objectives
and outcomes that clearly articulate the professional competence that should be achieved by
participants in the learning activities.
S2-01. Program knowledge level. Learning activities provided by CPE program sponsors for the
benefit of CPAs must specify the knowledge level, content, and learning objectives so that
potential participants can determine if the learning outcomes are appropriate to their professional
competence development needs. Knowledge levels consist of basic, intermediate, advanced,
update, and overview.
Standard No. 3. CPE program sponsors must develop and execute learning activities in a
manner consistent with the prerequisite education, experience, and advance preparation of
S3-01. Prerequisite education and experience. To the extent it is possible to do so, CPE program
sponsors should make every attempt to equate program content and level with the backgrounds
of intended participants. All programs identified as intermediate, advanced or update must clearly
identify prerequisite education, experience, and advance preparation in precise language so that
potential participants can readily ascertain whether they qualify for the program. For courses
with a program knowledge level of basic and overview, prerequisite education or experience and
advance preparation must be noted, if any, otherwise, state “none” in course announcement or
descriptive materials.
Standard No. 4. CPE program sponsors must use activities, materials, and delivery systems that
are current, technically accurate, and effectively designed. Course documentation must
contain the most recent publication, revision, or review date. Courses must be revised as soon
as feasible following changes to relative codes, laws, rulings, decisions, interpretations, and so
on. Courses in subjects that undergo frequent changes must be reviewed by an individual with
subject matter expertise at least once a year to verify the currency of the content. Other
courses must be reviewed at least every two years.
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S4-01. Developed by a subject matter expert. Learning activities must be developed by individuals
or teams having expertise in the subject matter. Expertise may be demonstrated through practical
experience or education, or both.
Standard No. 5. CPE program sponsors of group, self study, nano learning, and blended learning
programs must ensure that learning activities are reviewed by qualified persons other than
those who developed the programs to assure that the program is technically accurate and
current and addresses the stated learning objectives. These reviews must occur before the first
presentation of these materials and again after each significant revision of the CPE programs.
The participation of at least one licensed CPA (in good standing and holding an active license
or the equivalent of an “active” CPA license in a U.S. jurisdiction) is required in the
development of every program in accounting and auditing. The participation of at least one
licensed CPA, tax attorney, or IRS enrolled agent (in good standing and holding an active
CPA license or the equivalent of an “active” license in a U.S. jurisdiction) is required in the
development of each program in the field of study of taxes. In the case of the subject matter
of international taxes, the participation of the equivalent of an “active” licensed CPA for the
international jurisdiction involved is permitted. As long as this requirement is met at some
point during the development process, a program would be in compliance. Whether to have
this individual involved during the development or the review process is at the CPE program
sponsor’s discretion.
S5-01. Qualifications of reviewers. Individuals or teams qualified in the subject matter must
review programs. When it is impractical to review certain programs in advance, such as lectures
given only once, greater reliance should be placed on the recognized professional competence
of the instructors or presenters. Using independent reviewing organizations familiar with these
Standards may enhance quality assurance.
S5-02. Review responsibilities if content purchased from another entity. CPE program
sponsors may purchase course content from other entities and developers. The organization that
issues the certificate of completion under its name to the participants of the program is responsible
for compliance with all Standards and other CPE requirements.
If a CPE program sponsor plans to issue certificates of completion under its name, then the CPE
program sponsor must first consider whether the content was purchased from an entity registered
with NASBA on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
If the content is purchased from a sponsor registered with NASBA on the National Registry
of CPE Sponsors, then the CPE program sponsor may maintain the author/developer and
reviewer documentation from that sponsor in order to satisfy the content development
requirements of the Standards. The documentation should be maintained as prescribed in
Standard No. 24.
If the content is purchased from an entity not registered with NASBA on the National
Registry of CPE Sponsors, then the CPE program sponsor must independently review the
purchased content to ensure compliance with the Standards. If the CPE program sponsor
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does not have the subject matter expertise on staff, then the CPE program sponsor must
contract with a qualified individual to conduct the review. The CPE program sponsor must
maintain the appropriate documentation regarding the credentials and experience of
both the course author/developer(s) and reviewer(s) as prescribed in Standard No. 24.
Standard No. 6. CPE program sponsors of independent study learning activities must be qualified
in the subject matter.
S6-01. Requirements of independent study sponsor. A CPE program sponsor of independent
study learning activities must have expertise in the specific subject area related to the independent
study. The CPE program sponsor must also
review, evaluate, approve, and sign the proposed independent study learning contract,
including agreeing in advance on the number of credits to be recommended upon successful
evidence program completion by
reviewing and signing the written report developed by the participant in
independent study.
certifying in writing that the applicant has demonstrated application of learning
objectives through successful completion of tasks.
certifying in writing that the applicant has performed a live demonstration, oral
examination, or presentation to a subject matter expert.
retain the necessary documentation to satisfy regulatory requirements regarding the
content, inputs, and outcomes of the independent study.
Standard No. 7. Group live programs must employ instructional methods that clearly define
learning objectives, guide the participant through a program of learning, and include elements
of engagement within the program.
Whether a program is classified as group live or group Internet based is determined by how the
participant consumes the learning (in a group setting or on an individual basis) and not by the
technology used in program delivery. Group live examples include but are not limited to:
classroom setting with a real time instructor, participation in a group setting calling in to a
teleconference, and participation in a group setting watching a rebroadcast of a program with a
real time subject matter expert facilitator.
S7-01. Required elements of engagement. A group live program must include at least one
element of engagement related to course content during each credit of CPE (for example, group
discussion, polling questions, instructor-posed question with time for participant reflection, or
use of a case study with different engagement elements throughout the program).
S7-02. Real time instructor during program presentation. Group live programs must have a real
time instructor while the program is being presented. Program participants must be able to
interact with the real time instructor while the course is in progress (including the opportunity to
ask questions and receive answers during the presentation). Once a group live program is
recorded for future presentation, it will continue to be considered a group live program only
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when a real time subject matter expert facilitates the recorded presentation. CPE credit for a
recorded group live program facilitated by a real time subject matter expert will be equal to the
CPE credit awarded to the original presentation.
S7-03. No real time instructor during recorded program presentation. A group live program that
is recorded for future presentation that does not include a real time subject matter facilitator is
no longer a group live program and will be classified as a self study program only if it meets all self
study delivery method requirements with the exception of the basis for CPE credit. CPE credit for
a recorded group live program not facilitated by a real time subject matter expert will be equal to
the CPE credit awarded to the original presentation, or it may be determined by either of the two
self study credit determination methodologies described in Standard No. 17: pilot testing or the
prescribed word count formula, at the sponsor’s discretion.
Standard No. 8. Group Internet based programs must employ instructional methods that clearly
define learning objectives, guide the participant through a program of learning, and provide
evidence of a participant’s satisfactory completion of the program.
Whether a program is classified as group live or group Internet based is determined by how the
participant consumes the learning (in a group setting or on an individual basis) and not by the
technology used in program delivery. Group Internet based examples include but are not limited
to: participation in a webcast individually, participation in a broadcast of a group live presentation
on an individual basis, and participants calling in to a conference call on an individual basis.
S8-01. Real time instructor during program presentation. Group Internet based programs must
have a real time instructor while the program is being presented. Program participants must be
able to interact with the real time instructor while the course is in progress (including the
opportunity to ask questions and receive answers during the presentation). Once a group Internet
based program is recorded for future presentation, it will continue to be considered a group
Internet based program only when a real time subject matter expert facilitates the recorded
presentation. CPE credit for a recorded group Internet based program facilitated by a real time
subject matter expert will be equal to the CPE credit awarded to the original presentation.
S8-02. No real time instructor during recorded program presentation. A group Internet based
program that is recorded for future presentation that does not include a real time subject matter
facilitator is no longer a group Internet based program and will only be classified as a self study
program if it meets all self study delivery method requirements, with the exception of the basis
for CPE credit. CPE credit for a recorded group Internet based program not facilitated by a real
time subject matter expert will be equal to the CPE credit awarded to the original presentation,
or it may be determined by either of the two self study credit determination methodologies
described in Standard No. 17: pilot testing or the prescribed word count formula, at the sponsor’s
Standard No. 9. Self study programs must use instructional methods that clearly define learning
objectives, guide the participant through a program of learning, and provide evidence of a
participant’s satisfactory completion of the program.
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S9-01. Guide participant through a program of learning. To guide participants through a program
of learning, CPE program sponsors of self study programs must elicit participant responses to test
for understanding of the material. Appropriate feedback must be provided. Satisfactory
completion of the program must be confirmed during or after the program through a qualified
S9-02. Use of review questions or other content reinforcement tools. Review questions must be
placed at the end of each learning activity throughout the program in sufficient intervals to allow
the participant the opportunity to evaluate the material that needs to be re-studied. If objective
type questions are used, at least three review questions per CPE credit must be included or two
review questions if the program is marketed for one-half CPE credits. Simulations and other
innovative tools that guide participants through structured decisions can be used in lieu of review
After the first full credit and the minimum of three review questions, additional review questions
are required based on the additional credit measurement amount of the program as follows:
Additional Credit:
Additional Review
0.2 0
0.4 1
0.5 2
0.6 2
0.8 3
Next full credit 3
S9-03. Evaluative and reinforcement feedback on review questions. If the multiple choice
method is used, evaluative feedback for each incorrect response must explain specifically why
each response is wrong, and reinforcement feedback must be provided for correct responses
even when the minimum number of review questions requirement has otherwise been exceeded.
If rank order or matching questions are used, then it is permissible to provide single feedback to
explain the correct response. Simulations and other innovative tools that guide participants
through structured decisions could provide feedback at irregular intervals or at the end of the
learning experience. In those situations, single feedback would be permissible. “True or false
questions or review questions that do not meet the evaluative and reinforcement feedback
requirements are allowed as review questions, other than when using the multiple choice
method. Noncompliant questions are not included in the number of review questions required
per CPE credit. Forced choice questions, when used as part of an overall learning strategy, are
allowed as review questions and can be counted in the number of review questions required per
CPE credit. There is no minimum passing rate required for review questions.
S9-04. Qualified assessment requirements. To provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the
course, CPE program sponsors of self study programs must require participants to successfully
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complete a qualified assessment during or after the program with a cumulative minimum passing
grade of at least 70 percent before issuing CPE credit for the course. Assessments may contain
questions of varying format (for example, multiple choice, essay, and simulations). At least 5
questions and scored responses per CPE credit must be included on the qualified assessment or 3
assessment questions and scored responses if the program is marketed for one-half CPE credits.
For example, the qualified assessment for a 5-credit course must include at least 25 questions and
scored responses. Alternatively, a 5 ½ credit course must include at least 28 questions and scored
responses. Except in courses in which recall of information is the learning strategy, duplicate
review and qualified assessment questions are not allowed. “True or false” questions are not
permissible on the qualified assessment.
After the first full credit and the minimum of five questions and scored responses per CPE credit,
additional qualified assessment questions and scored responses are required based on the
additional credit measurement amount of the program as follows:
Additional Credit:
Additional Questions/Scored
0.2 1
0.4 2
0.5 3
0.6 3
0.8 4
Next full credit 5
If a pre-program assessment is used in the course, then the pre-program assessment cannot be
included in the determination of the recommended CPE credits for the course. If a pre-program
assessment is used and feedback is provided, then duplicate pre-program assessment and qualified
assessment questions are not permitted. If a pre-program assessment is used and feedback is
not provided, then duplicate pre- program assessment and qualified assessment questions are
permissible. Feedback may comply with the feedback for review questions as described in S9-03
or take the form of identifying correct and incorrect answers.
A qualified assessment must measure a representative number of the learning objectives for the
program. A representative number of the learning objectives is 75 percent or more of the learning
objectives for the program. The representative number of the learning objectives can be less than
75 percent of the learning objectives for the program only if a randomized question generator is
used, and the test bank used in the creation of the assessment includes at least 75 percent of the
learning objectives for the program. Assessment items must be written to test the achievement
of the stated learning objectives of the course.
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S9-05. Feedback on qualified assessment. Providing feedback on the qualified assessment is at
the discretion of the CPE program sponsor. If the CPE program sponsor chooses to provide
feedback and
utilizes a test bank, then the CPE program sponsor must ensure that the question test bank is of
sufficient size to minimize overlap of questions on the qualified assessment for the typical
repeat test taker. Feedback may comply with the feedback for review questions as described in
S9-03 or take the form of identifying correct and incorrect answers.
does not utilize a test bank, whether or not feedback can be given depends on whether the
participant passes the qualified assessment, then
on a failed assessment, the CPE program sponsor may not provide feedback to the test
on assessments passed successfully, CPE program sponsors may choose to provide
participants with feedback. This feedback may comply with the type of feedback for review
questions as described in S9-03 or take the form of identifying correct and incorrect answers.
S9-06. Program or course expiration date. Course documentation must include an expiration
date (the time by which the participant must complete the qualified assessment). For individual
courses, the expiration date is no longer than one year from the date of purchase or enrollment.
For a series of courses to achieve an integrated learning plan, the expiration date may be longer.
S9-07. Based on materials developed for instructional use. Self study programs must be based
on materials specifically developed for instructional use and not on third-party materials. Self
study programs requiring only the reading of general professional literature, IRS publications, or
reference manuals followed by a test will not be acceptable. However, the use of the publications
and reference materials in self study programs as supplements to the instructional materials
could qualify if the self-study program complies with each of the CPE standards.
Instructional materials for self study include teaching materials that are written for instructional
educational purposes. These materials must demonstrate the expertise of the author(s). At a
minimum, instructional materials must include the following items:
An overview of topics
The ability to find information quickly (for example, an index, a detailed menu, or key
word search function)
The definition of key terms (for example, a glossary or a search function that takes a
participant to the definition of a key word)
Instructions to participants regarding navigation through the course, course components,
and course completion
Review questions with feedback
Qualified assessment
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Standard No. 10. Nano learning programs must use instructional methods that clearly define a
minimum of one learning objective, guide the participant through a program of learning, and
provide evidence of a participant’s satisfactory completion of the program. Satisfactory
completion of the program must be confirmed at the conclusion of the program through a
qualified assessment.
S10-01. Qualified assessment requirements. To provide evidence of satisfactory completion of
the course, CPE program sponsors of nano learning programs must require participants to
successfully complete a qualified assessment with a passing grade of 100 percent before issuing
CPE credit for the course. Assessments may contain questions of varying format (for example,
multiple choice, rank order, and matching). Only two questions must be included on the qualified
assessment. “True or false” questions are not permissible on the qualified assessment. If the
participant fails the qualified assessment, then the participant must re-take the nano learning
program. The number of re-takes permitted a participant is at the sponsor’s discretion.
S10-02. Feedback on qualified assessment. Providing feedback on the qualified assessment is at
the discretion of the CPE program sponsor. If the CPE program sponsor chooses to provide
feedback and
utilizes a test bank, then the CPE program sponsor must ensure that the question test bank
is of sufficient size for no overlap of questions on the qualified assessment for the typical
repeat test taker. If the multiple choice method is used, evaluative feedback for each incorrect
response must explain specifically why each response is wrong, and reinforcement feedback
must be provided for correct responses. If rank order or matching questions are used, then it
is permissible to provide single feedback to explain the correct response. Feedback may also
take the form of identifying correct and incorrect answers.
does not utilize a test bank, whether or not feedback can be given depends on whether the
participant passes the qualified assessment, then
on a failed assessment, the CPE program sponsor may not provide feedback to the test
on assessments passed successfully, CPE program sponsors may choose to provide
participants with feedback. This feedback may comply with the type of feedback
described in the preceding paragraph or take the form of identifying correct and
incorrect answers.
S10-03. Program or course expiration date. Course documentation must include an expiration
date. The expiration date is no longer than one year from the date of purchase or enrollment.
S10-04. Based on materials developed for instructional use. Nano learning programs must be
based on materials specifically developed for instructional use and not on third-party materials.
Nano learning programs requiring only the reading of general professional literature, IRS
publications, or reference manuals followed by an assessment will not be acceptable.
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Acceptable instructional materials for a nano learning program include intentional, engaged
learning activities developed for focused content delivery. Nano learning programs may
incorporate techniques such as visuals, slide reinforcements, role play, demonstrations, or use of
a white board. The intent of a nano learning program is to transfer knowledge that is interactive
seeking to teach by exampleto supply information to understand a specific concept, complete a
certain task or computation or to problem-solve or make decisions through role play or
demonstration. At a minimum, nano learning programs must include the following items:
The learning objective(s) of the program
Any instructions that participants need to navigate through the program
A qualified assessment
Standard No. 11. Blended learning programs must use instructional methods that clearly define
learning objectives and guide the participant through a program of learning. Pre-program, post-
program, and homework assignments should enhance the learning program experience and
must relate to the defined learning objectives of the program.
S11-01. Guide participant through a program of learning. The blended learning program includes
different learning or instructional methods (for example, lectures, discussion, guided practice,
reading, games, case studies, and simulation); different delivery methods (group live, group
Internet based, nano learning, or self study); different scheduling (synchronous or asynchronous);
or different levels of guidance (for example, individual, instructor or subject matter expert led,
or group and social learning). To guide participants through the learning process, CPE program
sponsors must provide clear instructions and information to participants that summarize the
different components of the program and what must be completed or achieved during each
component in order to qualify for CPE credits. The CPE program sponsor must document the
process and components of the course progression and completion of components by the
S11-02. Primary component of blended learning program is a group program. If the primary
component of the blended learning program is a group program, then CPE credits for pre-program,
post- program, and homework assignments cannot constitute more than 25 percent of the total CPE
credits available for the blended learning program.
S11-03. Primary component of blended learning program is an asynchronous learning
activity. If the primary component of the blended learning program is an asynchronous learning
activity, then the blended learning program must incorporate a qualified assessment in which
participants demonstrate achievement of the learning objectives of the program.
S11-03.1. Qualified assessment requirements. A qualified assessment must measure a
representative number of learning objectives for the program. A representative number of the
learning objectives is 75 percent or more of the learning objectives for the program.
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3.3 - Standards for CPE Program Presentation
Standard No. 12. CPE program sponsors must provide descriptive materials that enable
CPAs to assess the appropriateness of learning activities. For CPE program sponsors whose
courses are developed for sale or for external audiences, or both (that is, not internal
training), CPE program sponsors must make the following information available in advance:
Learning objectives
Instructional delivery methods
Recommended CPE credit and recommended field of study
Program level
Advance preparation
Program description
Course registration and, where applicable, attendance requirements
Refund policy for courses sold for a fee or cancellation policy
Complaint resolution policy
Official NASBA sponsor statement, if an approved NASBA sponsor (explaining
final authority of acceptance of CPE credits)
For CPE program sponsors whose courses are purchased or developed for internal training
only, CPE program sponsors must make the following information available in advance:
Learning objectives
Instructional delivery methods
Recommended CPE credit and recommended field of study
Advance preparation
Program level (for optional internal courses only)
Program description (for optional internal course only)
S12-01. Disclose significant features of program in advance. For potential participants to
effectively plan their CPE, the program sponsor must disclose the significant features of the
program in advance (for example, through the use of brochures, websites, electronic notices,
invitations, direct mail, or other announcements). When CPE programs are offered in conjunction
with non- educational activities or when several CPE programs are offered concurrently,
participants must receive an appropriate schedule of events indicating those components that are
recommended for CPE credit. The CPE program sponsor’s registration and attendance policies and
procedures must be formalized, published, and made available to participants and include refund
and cancellation policies as well as complaint resolution policies.
S12-02. Disclose advance preparation and prerequisites. CPE program sponsors must distribute
program materials in a timely manner and encourage participants to complete any advance
preparation requirements. All programs must clearly identify prerequisite education, experience,
and advance preparation requirements, if any, in the descriptive materials. Prerequisites, if any,
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must be written in precise language so that potential participants can readily ascertain whether
they qualify for the program.
Standard No. 13. CPE program sponsors must ensure that instructors are qualified with respect
to both program content and instructional methods used.
S13-01. Qualifications of instructors. Instructors are key ingredients in the learning process for
any group or blended learning program. Therefore, it is imperative that CPE program sponsors
exercise great care in selecting qualified instructors for all group or blended learning programs.
Qualified instructors are those who are capable, through training, education, or experience, of
communicating effectively and providing an environment conducive to learning. They must be
competent and current in the subject matter, skilled in the use of the appropriate instructional
methods and technology, prepared in advance, and must strive to engage participants.
S13-02. Evaluation of instructor’s performance. CPE program sponsors should evaluate the
instructor’s performance at the conclusion of each program to determine the instructor’s suitability
to serve in the future.
Standard No. 14. CPE program sponsors must employ an effective means for evaluating learning
activity quality with respect to content and presentation, as well as provide a mechanism for
participants to assess whether learning objectives were met.
S14-01. Required elements of evaluation. The objectives of evaluation are to assess
participant and instructor satisfaction with specific programs and to increase subsequent
program effectiveness. Evaluations, whether written or electronic, must be solicited from
participants and instructors for each program session, including self study and nano learning
programs, to determine, among other things, whether
stated learning objectives were met.
stated prerequisite requirements were appropriate and sufficient.
program materials, including the qualified assessment, if any, were relevant and
contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives.
time allotted to the learning activity was appropriate.
individual instructors were effective. (Note: This topic does not need to be included in
evaluations for self study and nano learning programs.)
If the instructor is actively involved in the development of the program materials, then it is not
necessary to solicit an evaluation from the instructor.
S14- 02. Evaluation results. CPE program sponsors must periodically review evaluation results to
assess program effectiveness and should inform developers and instructors of evaluation results.
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Standard No. 15. CPE program sponsors must ensure that instructional methods employed are
appropriate for the learning activities.
S15-01. Assess instructional method in context of program presentation. CPE program
sponsors must assess the instructional methods employed for the learning activities to determine
if the delivery is appropriate and effective.
S15-02. Facilities and technology appropriateness. Learning activities must be presented in a
manner consistent with the descriptive and technical materials provided. Integral aspects in the
learning environment that should be carefully monitored include the number of participants and
the facilities and technologies employed in the delivery of the learning activity.
3.4 - Standards for CPE Program Measurement
Standard No. 16. Sponsored learning activities are measured by actual program length, with
one 50-minute period equal to one CPE credit. Sponsors may recommend CPE credits under
the following scenarios:
Group programs, independent study, and blended learning programs A minimum
of one full credit must be awarded initially, but after the first credit has been earned,
credits may be awarded in one-fifth increments or in one-half increments (1.0, x.2,
x.4, x.5, x.6, x.8, and so on).
Self study A minimum of one-half credit must be awarded initially, but after the
first full credit has been earned, credits may be awarded in one-fifth increments or in
one- half increments (0.5, 1.0, x.2, x.4, x.5, x.6, x.8, and so on).
Nano learning Credits must be awarded only as one-fifth credit (0.2 credit). A 20-
minute program would have to be produced as two stand-alone nano learning
Sponsors may round down CPE credits awarded to the nearest one-fifth, one-half, or whole
credit at their discretion and as appropriate for the instructional delivery method; however,
the CPA claiming CPE credits should refer to respective state board requirements regarding
acceptability of one-fifth and one-half CPE credits.
Only learning content portions of programs (including pre-program, post-program, and
homework assignments, when incorporated into a blended learning program) qualify toward
eligible credit amounts. Time for activities outside of actual learning content, including, for
example, excessive welcome and introductions, housekeeping instructions, and breaks, is not
accepted toward credit.
S16-01. Learning activities with individual segments. For learning activities in which individual
segments are less than 50 minutes, the sum of the segments would be considered one total
program. For example, five 30-minute presentations would equal 150 minutes and would be
counted as three CPE credits. When the total minutes of a sponsored learning activity are greater
than 50, but not equally divisible by 50, the CPE credits granted must be rounded down to the
nearest credit basis depending on the instructional delivery method of the program. For example,
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a group live program must be rounded down to the nearest one-fifth, one-half, or whole credit.
Thus, learning activities with segments totaling 140 minutes would be granted two and four-fifths
CPE credits if using one-fifth increments and two and one-half credits if using one-half increments.
For learning activities in which segments are classified in multiple fields of study, the CPE credits
granted should first be computed based on the content time of the total program. Next, the CPE
credits granted should be allocated to the fields of study based on the field of study content time.
If the sum of the individual segments by field of study content time does not equal the CPE credits
computed based on the content time for the total program, then the difference should be
allocated to the primary field of study for the program.
S16-02. Responsibility to monitor attendance. Although it is the participant’s responsibility to
report the appropriate number of credits earned, CPE program sponsors must maintain a process
to monitor individual attendance at group programs to assign the correct number of CPE credits.
A participant’s self-certification of attendance alone is not sufficient.
S16-03. Monitoring mechanism for group Internet based programs. In addition to meeting all
other applicable group program standards and requirements, group Internet based programs
must employ some type of real time monitoring mechanism to verify that participants are
participating during the course. The monitoring mechanism must be of sufficient frequency and
lack predictability to ensure that participants have been engaged throughout the program. The
monitoring mechanism must employ at least three instances of interactivity completed by the
participant per CPE credit. CPE program sponsors should verify with respective boards of
accountancy on specific interactivity requirements.
S16-04. Small group viewing of group Internet based programs. In situations in which small
groups view a group Internet based program such that one person logs into the program and asks
questions on behalf of the group, documentation of attendance is required in order to award CPE
credits to the group of participants. Participation in the group must be documented and verified
by the small group facilitator or administrator in order to authenticate attendance for program
S16-05. University or college credit course. For university or college credit courses that meet
these CPE Standards, each unit of college credit shall equal the following CPE credits:
Semester system 15 credits
Quarter system 10 credits
S16-06. University or college noncredit course. For university or college noncredit courses that
meet these CPE standards, CPE credit shall be awarded only for the actual classroom time spent
in the noncredit course.
S16-07. Participant preparation time. Credit is not granted to participants for preparation time,
unless the program meets the criteria for blended learning in Standard No. 11.
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S16-08. Committee or staff meetings qualification for CPE credits. Only the portions of
committee or staff meetings that are designed as programs of learning and comply with these
Standards qualify for CPE credit.
Standard No. 17. CPE credit for self study learning activities must be based on one of the
following educationally sound and defensible methods:
Method 1: Pilot test of the representative completion time
Method 2: Computation using the prescribed word count
If a pre-program assessment is used, the pre-program assessment is not included in the CPE
credit computation.
S17-01. Method 1 Sample group of pilot testers. A sample of intended professional participants
must be selected to test program materials in an environment and manner similar to that in
which the program is to be presented. The sample group must consist of at least three qualified
individuals who are independent of the program development group.
For those courses whose target audience includes CPAs, the sample group must be licensed
CPAs in good standing, hold an active CPA license or the equivalent of an “active” CPA
license in a U.S. jurisdiction, and possess the appropriate level of knowledge before taking
the program.
For those sponsors who are subject to various regulatory requirements that mandate a
minimum number of CPE credits and offer courses to non-CPAs, those courses do not have
to be pilot tested by licensed CPAs.
For those courses whose target audience includes CPAs and non-CPAs, the sample group
must be representative of the target audience and contain both CPAs, as defined previously,
and non-CPAs.
S17-02. Method 1 CPE credit based on representative completion time. The sample does not
have to ensure statistical validity; however, if the results of pilot testing are inconsistent, then the
sample must be expanded or, if the inconsistent results are outliers, the inconsistent results must
be eliminated. CPE credit must be recommended based on the representative completion time
for the sample. Completion time includes the time spent taking the final examination and does
not include the time spent completing the course evaluation or pre-program assessment. Pilot
testers must not be informed about the length of time the program is expected to take to
complete. If substantive changes are subsequently made to program materials, whether in one
year or over a period of years, further pilot tests of the revised program materials must be
conducted to affirm or amend, as appropriate, the representative completion time.
S17-03. Method 1 Requirement for re-pilot testing. If, subsequent to course release, actual
participant completion time warrants a change in CPE credit hours, re-pilot testing is required to
substantiate a change in CPE credit prospectively.
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S17-04. Method 1 Pilot testing when course is purchased from vendor or other developer. CPE
program sponsors may purchase courses from other vendors or course developers. For purchased
courses in which pilot tests were conducted and provided, CPE program sponsors must review
results of the course developer’s pilot test results to ensure that the results are appropriate. For
purchased courses in which no pilot tests were conducted or provided, CPE program sponsors
must conduct pilot testing or perform the word count formula as prescribed in method 2.
S17-05. Method 2 Basis for prescribed word count formula. The prescribed word count
formula begins with a word count of the number of words contained in the text of the required
reading of the self-study program and should exclude any material not critical to the achievement
of the stated learning objectives for the program. Examples of information material that is not
critical and, therefore, excluded from the word count are course introduction, instructions to the
participant, author/course developer biographies, table of contents, glossary, pre-program
assessment, and appendixes containing supplementary reference materials.
Again, only course content text that is critical to the achievement of stated learning objectives
should be included in the word count formula. If an author/course developer determines, for
example, that including the entire accounting rule or tax regulation is beneficial to the
participant, the accounting rule or tax regulation should be included as an appendix to the course
as supplementary reference material and excluded from the word count formula. Only pertinent
paragraphs or sections of the accounting rule or tax regulation required for the achievement of
stated learning objectives should be included in the actual text of the course and, therefore,
included in the word count formula.
Review questions, exercises, and qualified assessment questions are considered separately in the
calculation and should not be included in the word count.
S17-06. Method 2 Calculation of CPE credit using the prescribed word count formula. The word
count for the text of the required reading of the program is divided by 180, the average reading
speed of adults. The total number of review questions (including those above the minimum
requirements), exercises, and qualified assessment questions is multiplied by 1.85, which is the
estimated average completion time per question. These two numbers plus actual audio/video
duration time (not narration of the text), if any, are then added together and the result divided by
50 to calculate the CPE credit for the self study program. When the total minutes of a self-study
program are not equally divisible by 50, the CPE credits granted must be rounded down to the
nearest one-half credit, one-fifth credit, or whole credit using the guidelines of Standard No. 16.
[(# of words/180) + actual audio/video duration time + (# of questions × 1.85)] /50 =
CPE credit
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S17-07. Method 2 Consideration of audio and video segments in word count formula. If audio
and video segments of a self study program constitute additional learning for the participant (that
is, not narration of the text), then the actual audio/video duration time may be added to the time
calculation as provided in the prescribed word count formula. If the entire self-study program
constitutes a video, then the prescribed word count formula in S17-06 would consist of the actual
video time plus the total number of review questions (including those above the minimum
requirements), exercises, and qualified assessment questions multiplied by 1.85, divided by 50
(that is, there would be no word count for text used in the formula).
[actual audio/video duration time + (# of questions × 1.85)] /50 = CPE credit
S17-08. Method 2 Word count formula when course is purchased from vendor or other
developer. CPE program sponsors may purchase courses from other vendors or course developers.
For purchased courses in which the word count formula was calculated, CPE program sponsors
must review the results of the course developer’s word count formula calculation to ensure that
results are appropriate. For purchased courses in which the word count formula calculation was
not performed or provided, CPE program sponsors must perform the word count formula
calculation or conduct pilot testing as described in method 1.
Standard No. 18. CPE credit for nano learning programs must be based on duration of the
program plus the qualified assessment, which, when combined, should be a minimum of 10
minutes. However, one-fifth (0.20 credit) CPE credit is the maximum credit to be awarded for a
single nano learning program.
Standard No. 19. CPE credit for blended learning programs must equal the sum of the CPE
credit determinations for the various completed components of the program. CPE credits
could be determined by actual duration time (for example, audio/video duration time or
learning content delivery time in a group program) or by a pilot test of the representative
completion time as prescribed in S17-01 or word count formula as prescribed in S17-06 (for
example, reading, games, case studies, and simulations).
Standard No. 20. Instructors and discussion leaders of learning activities may receive CPE
credit for their preparation, review, and presentation time to the extent the activities maintain
or improve their professional competence and meet the requirements of these Standards.
Technical reviewers of learning activities may receive CPE credit for actual review time up
to the actual number of CPE credits for the program, subject to the regulations and
maximums established by boards of accountancy.
S20-01. Instructor CPE credit parameters. Instructors, discussion leaders, or speakers who
present a learning activity for the first time may receive CPE credit for actual preparation time up
to 2 times the number of CPE credits to which participants would be entitled, in addition to the
time for presentation, subject to regulations and maximums established by the boards of
accountancy. For example, for learning activities in which participants could receive 8 CPE credits,
instructors may receive up to 24 CPE credits (16 for preparation plus 8 for presentation). For
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repeat presentations, CPE credit can be claimed only if it can be demonstrated that the learning
activity content was substantially changed, and such change required significant additional study
or research.
S20-02. Presenting a program. The CPA claiming CPE credits should refer to respective state
board requirements.
S20-03. Technical reviewer CPE credit parameters. Technical reviewers who review a learning
activity for the first time may receive CPE credit for actual review time up to the actual number
of CPE credits for the program, subject to regulations and maximums established by boards of
accountancy. For repeat technical reviews, CPE credit can be claimed only if it can be demonstrated
that the learning activity content was substantially changed, and such change required significant
additional study or research.
Standard No. 21. Writers of published articles, books, or CPE programs may receive CPE credit
for their research and writing time to the extent it maintains or improves their professional
S21-01. Requirement for review from independent party. Writing articles, books, or CPE programs
for publication is a structured activity that involves a process of learning. For the writer to receive
CPE credit, the article, book, or CPE program must be formally reviewed by an independent party.
CPE credits should be claimed only upon publication.
S21-02. Authoring a program. As a general rule, receiving CPE credits for authoring and presenting
the same program should not be allowed. The CPA claiming CPE credits should refer to respective
state board requirements.
Standard No. 22. CPE credits recommended by a CPE program sponsor of independent study
must not exceed the time the participant devoted to complete the learning activities specified
in the learning contract.
S22-01. CPE credits agreed to in advance. The maximum credits to be recommended by an
independent study CPE program sponsor must be agreed upon in advance and must be equated
to the effort expended to improve professional competence. The credits cannot exceed the time
devoted to the learning activities and may be less than the actual time involved.
3.5 - Standards for CPE Program Reporting
Standard No. 23. CPE program sponsors must provide program participants with
documentation (electronic or paper) of their participation (certificate of completion), which
includes the following:
CPE program sponsor name and contact information
Participant’s name
Course title
Course field of study
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Date offered or completed
If applicable, location
Type of instructional and delivery method used
Amount of CPE credit recommended
Verification by CPE program sponsor representative
Sponsor identification number or registration number, if required by the state boards
NASBA time statement stating that CPE credits have been granted on a 50-minute
Any other statements required by boards of accountancy
The documentation should be provided as soon as possible and should not exceed 60 days (so
that participants can report their earned CPE credits in a timely manner).
S23-01. Entity to award CPE credits and acceptable documentation. The CPE program sponsor is
the individual or organization responsible for issuing the certificate of completion and maintaining
the documentation required by these Standards. The entity whose name appears on the certificate
of completion is responsible for validating the CPE credits claimed by a participant. CPE program
sponsors must provide participants with documentation (electronic or paper) to support their
claims of CPE credit. Acceptable evidence of completion includes the following:
For group, blended learning and independent study programs, a certificate or other
verification supplied by the CPE program sponsor
For self study and nano learning programs, a certificate supplied by the CPE program
sponsor after satisfactory completion of a qualified assessment
For instruction or technical review credit, appropriate supporting documentation that
complies with the requirements of the respective state boards subject to the guidelines in
Standard No.20 in Standards for CPE Program Measurement
For a university or college course that is successfully completed for credit, a record or
transcript of the grade the participant received
For university or college noncredit courses, a certificate of attendance issued by a
representative of the university or college
For published articles, books, or CPE programs:
A copy of the publication (or in the case of a CPE program, course development
documentation) that names the CPA as author or contributor
A statement from the writer supporting the number of CPE hours claimed
The name and contact information of the independent reviewer(s) or publisher
S23-02. Certificate issuance for simultaneous delivery of a group live and group Internet based
program. In circumstances in which the CPE program sponsor is providing simultaneous delivery
of a group live and group Internet based program, the CPE program sponsor, at its discretion,
may issue the certificate of completion to all program participants by awarding CPE credits under
the instructional delivery method attended by the majority of the participants. The delivery and
attendance monitoring requirements of the respective instructional delivery methods still apply.
Standard No. 24. CPE program sponsors must retain adequate documentation (electronic or
paper) for a minimum of five years to support their compliance with these standards and the
reports that may be required of participants.
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S24-01. Required documentation elements. Evidence of compliance with responsibilities set
forth under these Standards that is to be retained by CPE program sponsors includes the following:
Records of participation.
Dates and locations.
Author/instructor, author/developer, and reviewer, as applicable, names and credentials. For
the CPA and tax attorney acting as an author/instructor, author/developer, and reviewer for
accounting, auditing, or tax program(s), the state of licensure, license number, and status of
license should be maintained. For the enrolled agent acting in such capacity for tax
program(s), information regarding the enrolled agent number should be maintained.
Number of CPE credits earned by participants.
Results of program evaluations.
Program descriptive materials (course announcement information).
Information to be retained by CPE program sponsors includes copies of program materials,
evidence that the program materials were developed and reviewed by qualified parties, and a
record of how CPE credits were determined.
S24-02. Maintenance of documentation as basis for CPE credit for self study programs. For
CPE program sponsors using method 1 (pilot tests) as the basis for CPE credit for self study
programs, appropriate pilot test records must be retained regarding the following:
When the pilot test was conducted
The intended participant population
How the sample of pilot testers was selected
Names and credentials and relevant experience of sample pilot test participants
For CPA pilot testers, the state of licensure, license number, and status of license should
be maintained
A summary of pilot test participants’ actual completion time
Statement from each pilot tester to confirm that the pilot tester is independent from the
course development group and that the pilot tester was not informed in advance of the
expected completion time
For CPE program sponsors using method 2 (word count formula) as the basis for CPE credit for self-
study programs, the word count formula calculation, as well as the supporting documentation for
the data used in the word count formula (for example, word count; number of review questions,
exercises, and final examination questions; duration of audio or video segments, or both, if
applicable; and actual calculation), must be retained.
S24-03. Maintenance of documentation of element of engagement for group live programs.
In addition to the requirements in S24-01, group live CPE program sponsors must retain the
program outline, agenda, speaker notes or other documentation that evidences the element of
engagement related to course content during each credit of CPE planned for the group live
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S24-04. Maintenance of documentation of instructions and information to participants
regarding the components comprising a blended learning program. In addition to the
requirements in S24-01, blended learning CPE program sponsors must retain clear instructions
and information that summarizes the different components of the blended learning program
and what must be completed or achieved during each component in order to qualify for CPE
credits. The CPE program sponsor must also retain documentation of the course progression and
what CPE credits were earned by participants upon the completion of the components.
Effective dates:
Unless otherwise established by state licensing bodies or other professional organizations,
these Standards are to be effective on September 1, 2016, provided however that:
CPE program sponsors have until December 31, 2016 to comply with the Standards
for programs currently under development.
The Standards must be implemented at the next CPE program review or revision date
for all other programs.
This appendix sets out guidelines with regard to the substantial equivalency standard that will be
administered by the NASBA Qualification Appraisal Service. In determining whether there is substantial
equivalency, the keynote is flexibility. The criteria is whether the broad outlines and concepts in this Act
have been satisfied rather than a “checkmark” approach that examines whether the state’s law includes all
of the detailed provisions in the UAA. Any other approach would not carry out the intention of the historic
agreement reached by the AICPA and NASBA with regard to the substantial equivalency standard. The
goal is to promote mobility for qualified CPAs. Because the substantial equivalency standard is based on
the standards set out in the UAA, the standard also protects the public. The Sections below provide
additional detail with regard to the substantial equivalency standard.
A. Substantially Equivalent States
The criteria for determining whether a state’s CPA qualification requirements are substantially equivalent
to the UAA include: good character, completion of the 150 hour education requirement, passage of the
Uniform CPA examination and compliance with a one year general experience requirement. A state will
be considered substantially equivalent as long as the effective implementation date for the 150 hour
education requirement is to occur within six years after the date on which the requirement is enacted.
B. Individuals
Individual CPAs who personally meet the substantial equivalency standard can personally apply for and
utilize the standard even if the CPA qualification requirements in their state are not substantially
equivalent. This will maximize mobility for qualified professionals. In reviewing individual applicants,
the Qualification Appraisal Service should utilize the same flexible approach that is used with regard to
determining whether a state is substantially equivalent to the UAA. For those who cannot use the
substantial equivalency standard, if they have four years of experience of the type outlined in Section 5(f)
of the UAA they would be eligible for reciprocity under Section 6(c)(1) of the UAA.
C. Grandfathering
All CPAs licensed as of the date that the state receives its notice of substantial equivalency from the
NASBA Qualification Appraisal Service will be eligible to use the substantial equivalency provision with
regard to interstate practice. This will promote the substantial equivalency standard, promote mobility for
CPAs and enhance adoption of UAA provisions by the states.
Appendix B-1
Because the CPAs are already considered competent by their state of licensure, the public is adequately
protected under this system of grandfathering CPAs. Those CPAs who wish to obtain reciprocity under
the substantial equivalency standard must personally have qualifications substantially equivalent to the
With regard to individual applicants to the NASBA Qualification Appraisal Service from nonsubstantially
equivalent states, anyone who passed the CPA examination before January 1, 2012 will be eligible
personally to obtain substantial equivalency for the purpose of interstate practice even if they have not
completed 150 hours of education. Individuals who pass the Uniform CPA examination after January 1,
2012 must complete the 150 hour education requirement in order to be eligible for substantial equivalency.
Appendix B-2
January 2018
Uniform Accountancy Act
Defined [UAA 3(a)] ................................................................................................................... UAA-3-1
Board orders in enforcement proceedings [12(j)] ......................................................... UAA-12-2 - 12-3
Defined [3(b)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-1
Competency [7(c)(3-4)] ....................................................................................................... UAA-7-3-7-4
Relation to Unlawful Acts [14(a)-(b), 14(d), 14(f), 14(j)-(l), 14 (n)-(o)] ...................... UAA-14-1 - 14-5
Attorney General
Adviser to Board of Accountancy [4(f)] .................................................................................... UAA-4-3
Initiation of criminal proceedings [16(a)] ................................................................................ UAA-16-1
Auditing, Auditor
Use of titles prohibited in certain circumstances
[14(h)(2)] .......................................................................................................................... UAA-14-3
Board of Accountancy
Annual reports [4(e)] .................................................................................................................. UAA-4-2
Appointment of board members [4(a)] ...................................................................................... UAA-4-1
Cooperate in investigations with PCAOB [4(g)(1)] ................................................................... UAA-4-3
Committees [4(f)] ........................................................................................................................ UAA-4-3
Confidentiality of material during investigation [4(j)]…………………………………… ........ UAA-4-5
Counsel [4(f)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-4-3
Defined [3(c)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-2
Disposition of fees [4(d)] ........................................................................................................... UAA-4-2
Election of Officers [4(b] ........................................................................................................... UAA-4-2
Employees [4(f)] ........................................................................................................................ UAA-4-3
Established [4(a)] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-4-1
Immunity from personal liability [4(g)(1)] ................................................................................. UAA-4-3
Meetings 4(b), 4(h)(1) ......................................................................................................... UAA-4-2, 4-4
Members who conduct investigations
[11(b), 12(d)] ........................................................................................................... UAA-11-1, 12-1
Members who present evidence [12(d)] ................................................................................... UAA-12-1
Officers 4(b) .............................................................................................................................. UAA- 4-2
Power to sue and be sued [4(g)(1)] ............................................................................................. UAA-4-3
Publication of rules [4(i)] .......................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Qualifications of Board members [4(a)] .................................................................................... UAA-4-1
Removal of Board members [4(a)] ............................................................................................ UAA-4-1
Remuneration of Board members [4(c)] .................................................................................... UAA-4-2
Requisites for membership on Board [4(a)] ............................................................................... UAA-4-1
Term of office [4(a)] ................................................................................................................. UAA-4-1
Applications 6(a) ........................................................................................................................ UAA-6-1
As condition to use of title “certified public accountant” [14(c)] .......................................... UAA-14-1
January 2018
Continuing professional education requirements
for renewal 6(d) ......................................................................................................................... UAA-6-3
Defined [3(d)] ........................................................................................................................ UAA-3-2
Educational qualifications for issuance
5(c) .................................................................................................................................. UAA-5-1
Examination requirement for issuance
5(d) .................................................................................................................................. UAA-5-2
Experience requirement for issuance
5(f) ................................................................................................................................. .UAA-5-2
6(a)-(c), 6(e)-(i) ...................................................................................... UAA-6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5
Issuance to holders of certificates in other states
6(c); ......................................................................................................................... UAA-6-1 – 6-2
Issuance to holders of certificates in other
countries 6(g)-(i) ....................................................................................................... UAA-6-4 - 6-5
Qualifications for granting [5] .......................................................................................... UAA-5-1 - 5-2
Reinstatement (after suspension or revocation)
[13] ................................................................................................................................ UAA-13-1
6(a)-(b), 6(d)-(f), 6(j) .................................................................................... UAA-6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5
Requirement of good moral character [5(b)] ............................................................................. UAA-5-1
Rules governing use of titles by holders of
certificates [4(h)(6)] ........................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Substantial equivalency standard [6(c)(2), 23] .............................................. UAA-6-1 - 6-2, 23-1 – 23-3
Suspension or revocation [10(a)] .................................................................................. UAA-10-1 – 10-2
Certified Public Accountant, CPA
CPA firm defined [3(g)] .............................................................................................................. UAA-3-2
Performance of Compilation services by those not in a CPA firm
3(f), 3(n), 6(j), 14 (k), 14(l) ......................................................................... UAA 3-2, 3-4, 6-5, 14-4
Relation to definition of “certificate” [3(d)] ............................................................................... UAA-3-2
Use of these titles or misleadingly similar ones, by
unlicensed persons, prohibited
[14(c)-(d), 14(g)-(h)] ...................................................................................... UAA-14-1, 14-2, 14-3
Confidential communications to licensee [18] ......................................................................... UAA-18-1
Complying with applicable laws, regulations or PCAOB requirements .................................. UAA-18-1
Defined [3(e)] .............................................................................................................................. UAA-3-2
Records [19] .................................................................................................................. UAA-19-1 - 19-2
Rights regarding licensees’ working papers [19(b)] ................................................................ UAA-19-1
Circumstances under which licensee may accept
[14(n)] ............................................................................................................................... UAA-14-4
Competency Requirement
Relation to attest and compilation services and peer review
6(j), 7(c) (3-4), 7(h), 14 (k)-(l) ................................................................. UAA- 6-5, 7-3 – 7-4, 14-4
Compilations of Financial Statements
Defined [3(f)] .............................................................................................................................. UAA-3-2
Relation to Experience Requirement [5(f)]…………………………………….........................UAA-5-2
Relation to Unlawful Acts
[14(a)-(b), 14(j), 14(k)-(l)]… ......................................................................... UAA-14-1, 14-3, 14-4
January 2018
Relation to Peer Review
[3(n), 6(j), 7(c), 7(h), 14(k)-(l)] .......................................................... UAA-3-4, 6-5, 7-3 – 7-5, 14-4
Confidential Communications
(from client to licensee) [18] .................................................................................................... UAA-18-1
Complying with applicable laws, regulations or PCAOB requirements ................................... UAA-18-1
Confidential Information
[4(b), 4(j), 7(h)(4), 11(b) ........................................................................... UAA-4-2, 4-5, 7-4 - 7-5, 11-1
Construction (of the Act) [24] ..................................................................................................... UAA-24-1
Consulting Services
Relation to experience requirement [5(f)] ................................................................................... UAA-5-2
Contingent Fees
Circumstance under which a licensee may accept
[14(o)] .................................................................................................................... UAA-14-5 – 14-6
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Condition for reinstatement of suspended
or revoked certificate [13(c)] ........................................................................................... UAA-13-1
Exception for “inactive” CPAs [6(d)]…………………………. ... …………………………….UAA-6-3
Remedy in enforcement proceeding [10(b)(2)]......................................................................... UAA-10-2
Requisite for renewal of a certificate
[4(h)(3), 6(d)] ............................................................................................................... UAA-4-4, 6-3
Rules governing [4(h)(3)] ........................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Relation to definition of CPA firm [3(g)] ......................................................................... UAA-3-2 – 3-3
Of enforcement proceeding; Board’s authority
to require respondent to pay [10(c)] ................................................................................. UAA-10-2
Board advised by counsel in enforcement proceedings [12(e)] ............................................... UAA-12-2
Board’s authority to retain [4(f)] ................................................................................................ UAA-4-3
Presentation of evidence supporting the complaint
by counsel in enforcement proceedings
[12(d)] .................................................................................................................. UAA-12-1 – 12-2
Respondent licensee’s right to be represented by
counsel in enforcement proceedings
[12(c)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-12-1
Conviction of, as ground for penalty [10(a)(8)] ....................................................................... UAA-10-1
Criminal Penalties
(for violation of prohibitions of the Act) [16] .......................................................................... UAA-16-1
Definitions [3] ............................................................................................................................... UAA-3-1
Director [12(c), 19(a)] ......................................................................................................... UAA-12-1, 19-1
Disclaimers (of opinion)
Relation to Definition of “Report” [3(s)] .......................................................................... UAA-3-4 – 3-5
Educational Requirements for Certificate
For certificates [4(h)(3), 5(c)] ............................................................................................. UAA-4-4, 5-1
For foreign accountants seeking reciprocity [6(g)] .................................................................... UAA-6-4
Effective Date of Act [26]............................................................................................................ UAA-26-1
Employee [14(h)(2), 19(a)] ................................................................................................. UAA-14-3, 19-1
Actions against licensees and those with privileges under
substantial equivalency [10] ......................................................................... …….UAA-10-1 – 10-2
January 2018
Examination and copying of documents in
enforcement proceedings [12(b)-(j)] ...................................................................... UAA 12-1 - 12-3
Grounds for action against licensee and those with
Privileges under substantial equivalency [10(a)] .............................................................. UAA-10-1
Procedures--Hearings by the Board
[12] ..................................................................................................................... UAA-12-1 – 12-3
Procedures--Investigations [11] ............................................................................................... UAA-11-1
Review of professional work product
[11(d)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-11-1
Enrolled Agent
Authorized use of title [14(g)] ................................................................................................. UAA-14-2
Application [5(d)] ...................................................................................................................... UAA-5-2
As requirement for granting of certificate;
contents thereof [5(d)]........................................................................................................ UAA-5-2
Determining and Reporting Examination Grades;
Contents thereof [5(d)] ....................................................................................................... UAA-5-2
Fees [5(e)] ............................................................................................................................... UAA-5-2
Content [5(d)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-5-2
Time and place [5(d)] ................................................................................................................. UAA-5-2
Examination of Prospective Financial Information
As part of definition of attest [3(b)] ............................................................................................ UAA-3-1
For issuance of a certificate [5(f)] ............................................................................................... UAA-5-2
Disposition of [4(d)] ................................................................................................................... UAA-4-2
For firm permits to practice [7(e)] .............................................................................................. UAA-7-4
For certificates [6(e)] .................................................................................................................. UAA-6-3
Conviction of, as grounds for penalty [10(a)(8)] ...................................................................... UAA-10-1
Financial Advisory Services
Relation to Experience Requirement [5(f)] ................................................................................. UAA-5-2
Firms of CPAs
Defined [3(g)]….. .............................................................................................................. UAA-3-2 – 3-3
Investigations [11(a), 11(c)] ..................................................................................................... UAA-11-1
Notification of changes in firm [7(f)] ........................................................................................ UAA-7-4
Ownership requirement [7(c)] ........................................................................................... UAA-7-3 – 7-4
Permits to practice [7] ................................................................................................................ UAA-7-1
Prohibition on use of titles “certified public
accountant” and “CPA” without permit [14(d)] .............................................................. UAA-14-2
Substantial equivalency [23(a)(4)] ............................................................................... UAA-23-1 - 23-2
Time period for firms to return to compliance
with requirements for permit [7(g)] .................................................................................... UAA-7-4
Unlawful acts
[14(a)-(b), (f), (g)-(i), (n)-(o)] ................................................................................ UAA-14-1 - 14-6
Firm Name
Network Firm [14(i)] ................................................................................................................ UAA-14-3
Use of misleading or fictitious name prohibited
[14(i)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-14-3
January 2018
Foreign Country
Rights of holder of certificate or other entitlement
issued in a foreign country to serve
foreign-based clients [14(j)] ................................................................................... UAA-14-3 – 14-4
Issuance of certificate to holder of designation
granted in foreign country [6(g)-(i)] ......................................................................... UAA-6-4 – 6-5
Element of crime on which convicted [10(a)(8)] ..................................................................... UAA-10-1
In obtaining certificate or permit
[10(a)(1)] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
In performance of professional services
[10(a)(5)] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Performance of fraudulent act while holding
certificate or permit [10(a)(9)] ......................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Good Moral Character
Requirement for certificate [5(a)-(b)] ........................................................................................ UAA-5-1
Requirement as to non-licensee owners of CPA firms [7(c)(2)(B)] .......................................... UAA-7-3
By Board in enforcement proceedings [12] .................................................................. UAA-12-1 – 12-3
Complaints and notices [12(a)-(b)] .......................................................................................... UAA-12-1
Conduct of hearing [12(c)-(i)] ....................................................................................... UAA-12-1 - 12-2
Evidentiary rules [12(f)]........................................................................................................... UAA-12-2
Examination and copying of documents
[12(b)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-12-1
Injunctions (against unlawful acts) [15] ...................................................................................... UAA-15-1
Generally [11] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-11-1
Rules of procedure governing conduct of [4(h)(2)] ................................................................... UAA-4-4
License defined [3(h)] .................................................................................................................... UAA-3-3
Complaints against [12(a)] ....................................................................................................... UAA-12-1
Confidential communications [4(j),18] .............................................................................. UAA-4-5, 18-1
Defined [3(i)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-3-3
Inactive/retired [6(d)]………………………………………………………………………. UAA-6-3
Enforcement against [10(a)].......................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Notices to [4(i)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Registry [4(b)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-4-2
Right to examine investigative reports
[12(b)] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-12-1
Rights in hearing [12(c)] .......................................................................................................... UAA-12-1
Working papers [19] ..................................................................................................... UAA-19-1 – 19-2
Management Advisory Services
Relation to experience requirement [5(f)] ................................................................................... UAA-5-2
Defined [3(j)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-3
In relation to firm permits to practice [7(c), 7(f)] ............................................................... UAA-7-3, 7-4
In relation to unlawful acts [14(h)-(i)] ...................................................................................... UAA-14-3
In relation to work papers [19(a)] ............................................................................................ UAA-19-1
Defined [3(k)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-3
In relation to confidential communications [18] ...................................................................... UAA-18-1
January 2018
In relation to firm permits to practice
[7(c), 7(f)] ............................................................................................................... UAA-7-3 - 7-4
In relation to hearings [12(c)] .................................................................................................. UAA-12-1
In relation to unlawful acts [14(h)-(i)] ...................................................................................... UAA-14-3
In relation to workpapers [19(a)] ............................................................................................. UAA-19-1
Conviction of as Ground for Penalty [16(b)] ........................................................................... UAA-16-1
Names, Professional or Firm [14(i)] .......................................................................................... UAA-14-3
See also “Firm Name
Defined [3(l)] .............................................................................................................................. UAA 3-4
[7(c), 7(f), 12(c), 14(h)(2)-14(i), 19(a)] ................................................... UAA-7-3, 7-4, 12-1, 14-3, 19-1
Offices (of licensees) [7(d), 7(f)] .................................................................................................... UAA-7-4
Principal Place of Business [3(q)]……………………………………………………………. UAA-3-4
Opinions (on financial statements)
Preparation of financial statements without
issuance of reports [14(a)] ............................................................................................... UAA-14-1
Prohibition on issuance of a report together with use of term “accountant” or “auditor”
or “accounting” and language implying permit or competence [14(h)]........................... UAA-14-3
Relation to definition of “report” [3(s)] ............................................................................. UAA-3-4 - 3-5
Organization [14(a), 14(h)(2)]............................................................................................ UAA-14-1, 14-3
Requirement for CPA Firms [7(c)] ............................................................................................. UAA-7-3
Relationship to definition of CPA firm [3(g)] …………………………………………… ........ UAA-3-2
PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
Defined [3(m)] …………………………………………………………………..……………..UAA-3-4
Relation to definition of attest [3(b)(4)]…...……………………………...…………………....UAA-3-1
Board cooperation with investigations and enforcement [4(g)(1)].………………………........UAA-4-3
Revocation or suspension of license [10(a)(4)]………………………………………….....UAA-10-1
Enforcement Procedure.[12(k)] ……………………………………………………………UAA-12-3
Confidential Communications [18] ………………………………………………………...UAA-18-1
Peer Review
As condition for reinstatement of suspended or
revoked certificate or permit [13] .................................................................................... UAA-13-1
As remedy in enforcement proceeding [10(b)(1)] ................................................................... UAA-10-2
As requirement for renewal of firm permits to
practice [7(h)] ........................................................................................................... UAA-7-4 – 7-5
As requirement for CPAs providing compilation
reports other than through a CPA firm
[3(n), 6(j), 14(k-l)] ............................................................................................. UAA-3-4, 6-5, 14-4
Confidentiality [7(h)(5)]………………………………………………………………….. UAA-7-4, 7-5
Defined [3(n)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-3-4
Equivalent review [7(h)] ................................................................................................... UAA-7-4 - 7-5
Rules governing [4(h)(7)] .......................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Unlawful Acts [14(k)-(l)] .......................................................................................................... UAA 14-4
Verification as to attest and compilation competency
[6(j), 7(c-d), 7(h)] ......................................................................................... UAA 6-5, 7-3 - 7-4, 7-5
January 2018
Administrative fines [10(a)] ...................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Censure [10(a)] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Criminal [16] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-16-1
Limitation of scope of practice [10(a)] ..................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Probation [10(a)] ...................................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Reprimand [10(a)] .................................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Revocation, suspension, or refusals to renew a license [10(a)] ................................................ UAA-10-1
Applications [7(a)] ..................................................................................................................... UAA-7-1
Defined [3(o)] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-4
Firm permits; issuance and renewal [7] ..................................................................................... UAA-7-1
Notification of change [7(f)] ...................................................................................................... UAA-7-4
Provisional permit [7(b)] ............................................................................................................. UAA-7-2
Peer review as condition to renewal [7(h)] ............................................................................... UAA-7-4
Regular permit [7(b)] .................................................................................................................. UAA-7-2
Reinstatement [13] ................................................................................................................... UAA-13-1
Relation to attest services [7(a)(1)(A), 7(a)(1)(C)] ..................................................................... UAA-7-1
Relation to definition of “license” [3(h)] .................................................................................... UAA-3-3
Requirement that holder of certificate or registration
perform attest services in firm that holds permit [14(k)] .................................................. UAA-14-4
Requisite for use of certain titles [14(d), 14(f)-(h)] ....................................................... UAA-14-2 - 14-3
Revocation, suspension, and refusal to renew,
as penalties [10(a)1] ......................................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Policy of State [2] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-2-1
Practice of Law
Exemption from unlawful acts [14(m)] .................................................................................... UAA-14-4
Principal Place of Business
Defined [3(q)] .... ………………………………………………………………………………UAA-3-4
In relation to reciprocity [6(c)(2)] .............................................................................................. UAA-6-2
In relation to Substantial Equivalency [23(a)(1)-(2)] ............................................................... UAA-23-1
Privity [20] ................................................................................................................................ UAA-20-1
Defined [3(r)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-3-4
Professional Conduct
Regulation of, as purpose of the Act [2] .................................................................................... UAA-2-1
Rules governing, Board’s authority to promulgate
[4(h)(4)] ............................................................................................................................ UAA-4-4
Professional Name (see Firm Name)
Professional Standards
Power of the Board to promulgate rules [4 (h)(5)] .................................................................... UAA-4-4
Requirement that licensees follow [14(b)] ................................................................................ UAA-14-1
Proportionate Liability [22] ....................................................................................................... UAA-22-1
In relation to the definition of CPA firm [3(g)] ................................................................ UAA-3-2 - 3-3
Public Accountant, PA
Entitlement to provide attest and compilation services [8] ......................................................... UAA-8-1
Use of title by unlicensed person or firm prohibited [14(e)-(g)] ............................................. UAA-14-2
January 2018
Public Official
Excepted from prohibition on issuance of reports
[14(a)] ............................................................................................................................ UAA-14-1
Excepted from prohibition on use of titles [14(h)(2)] .............................................................. UAA-14-3
Purpose of Act (see Policy of State)
Certificates granted to holders of certificates of other states where
substantial equivalency standard is not applicable
[6(c)(1)] ................................................................................................................ UAA-6-1 - 6-2
Certificates granted to holders of foreign
designations [6(g)-(1)] ...................................................................................................... UAA- 6-4
Under substantial equivalency standard [6(c)(2), 23] .................................... UAA-6-1 - 6-2, 23-1 - 23-3
Records (of client) [19] ..................................................................................................... UAA-19-1 – 19-2
Registry (of licensees) [4(b)] ......................................................................................................... UAA-4-2
Applications for relief from disciplinary penalties
[13(a)-(b)] ....................................................................................................................... UAA-13-1
Action by the Board [13(c)] ..................................................................................................... UAA-13-1
Following suspension or revocation of certificate,
permit or of privileges under substantial equivalency
[13] ................................................................................................................................ UAA-13-1
Repeal (of prior law insofar as superseded by the UAA) [25] ..................................................... UAA-25-1
Reports (on financial statements)
Defined [3(s)] .................................................................................................................. UAA-3-4, 3-5
Prohibition on making reports
while using certain titles [14(h)(2)] .................................................................................. UAA-14-3
Restricted to licensees [14(a)] ................................................................................................... UAA 14-1
Reviews of Financial Statements
Included within definition of attest [3(b)] ................................................................................... UAA-3-1
Of licenses under substantial equivalency [10] .............................................................. UAA-10-1 – 10-2
Of permits of other states
[6(f), 7(f), 10(a)(3)] ............................................................................................ UAA-6-4, 7-4, 10-1
Of right to practice before state and federal
agencies or PCAOB [10(a)(4)] ......................................................................................... UAA-10-1
Rules (Board of Accountancy authority to implement)
Applications for individual permits [6(b)] ................................................................................. UAA-6-1
Board authority generally [4(h)] .............................................................................................. UAA - 4-4
Board meetings [4(h)(1)] ........................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Continuing professional education requirements
[4(h)(3)] .............................................................................................................................. UAA-4-4
Defined [3(t)] .............................................................................................................................. UAA-3-5
Educational qualifications [4(h)(3)] ........................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Experience requirement [4(h)(3)] .............................................................................................. UAA-4-4
Investigations and hearings
[4(h)(2), 12(a)-(b)] ..................................................................................................... UAA-4-4, 12-1
Peer review as condition to renewal of firm
permits [4(h)(7), 7(h)] ....................................................................................... UAA-4-4, 7-4 – 7-5
Procedures for adoption of rules [4(i)] ........................................................................................ UAA-4-4
January 2018
Professional conduct [4(h)(4)] .................................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Professional Standards [4(h)(5)] ................................................................................................. UAA-4-4
Substantial Equivalency [4(h)(8)] ............................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Use of titles, by certificate holders [4(h)(6)] .............................................................................. UAA-4-4
Violation of, as grounds for penalty [10(a)(6)] ........................................................................ UAA-10-1
Secretary of State
Appointment of, by applicants for certificates and
permits to practice [9] ....................................................................................................... UAA-9-1
Severability (of provisions of the Act, in the event
any provision is held invalid) [24] ................................................................................... UAA-24-1
Shareholders [7(c), 7(f), 12(c), 14(i), 19(a)] ............................................ UAA-7-3 – 7-4, 12-1, 14-3, 19-1
Defined [3(u)] .......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-6
Statute of Limitations [21] .......................................................................................................... UAA-21-1
Subpoenas (Authority of Board of Accountancy to issue)
[4(g)(1)]...................................................................................................................................... UAA-4-3
Substantial Equivalency
Board authority to promulgate rules [4(h)(8)] ............................................................................ UAA-4-4
Board hearings, confidentiality [12(a-c), 12(i), 12(k)]............................................ UAA 12-1, 12-2, 12-3
Defined [3(v)] .......................................................................................................................... UAA-3-6
Enforcement [10(a)] ...................................................................................................... UAA 10-1 – 10-2
Investigations [11]..................................................................................................................... UAA 11-1
Issuance of reciprocal certificate [6(c)(2)] ......................................................................... UAA-6-1 - 6-2
Reinstatement [13] .................................................................................................................... UAA-13-1
Standard [23] .......................................................................................................................... UAA-23-1
With relation to discipline [23(a)(3)-23(b)] ................................................................... UAA-23-1 - 23-3
Suspension (see Revocation)
Tax (preparation of returns, furnishing of advice)
Not prohibited to unlicensed persons and firms
[14(a)] ............................................................................................................................. UAA-14-1
Relation to the experience requirement [5(f)] ............................................................................. UAA-5-2
Title of Act [1] ............................................................................................................................... UAA-1-1
Titles, Use of
“Accountant,” “auditor,” and “accounting,” in
connection with language implying certificate,
permit, registration or expertise [14(h)(2)] ...................................................................... UAA-14-3
“Certified public accountant,” “CPA” [14(c)-(d)] ........................................................ UAA-14-1 - 14-2
Foreign titles [14(j)] ...................................................................................................... UAA-14-3 – 14-4
Public accountant,” “PA” [14(e)-(f)] ..................................................................................... UAA-14-2
Regulation of use of misleading titles, as purpose
of Act [2] ......................................................................................................................... UAA-2-1
Rules governing use of titles “certified public
accountant” and “CPA” [4(h)(6)] ...................................................................................... UAA-4-4
Titles misleadingly similar to “certified public
accountant,” “public accountant,”
“CPA” and “PA” [14(g)] ................................................................................................. UAA-14-2
Unlawful Acts
Injunctions against [15] ............................................................................................................ UAA-15-1
Prohibitions [14] ...................................................................................................................... UAA-14-1
Working Papers [19] ........................................................................................................ UAA-19-1 – 19-2