Article 5: Direct Assessment Competency-Based Education
§ 55260 Scope and Intent.
The purpose of this article is to support the implementation of direct assessment
competency-based education programs to better serve the diversity of California
community college students, ensure access to educational pathways and opportunities
for academic and career success, and to achieve more equitable student outcomes. The
intent of this article is to ensure program quality and to provide learning opportunities
that are meaningful and authentic, particularly for students from minoritized
communities, and those identified by the college as being disproportionately impacted
pursuant to California Education Code 78220.
The goal of competency-based education is to empower students in their learning journey
by providing a personalized, flexible, adaptive, and culturally responsive curriculum with
which students can engage. Competency-based education allows students to
demonstrate mastery of learning and the achievement of competencies at their own pace,
aided by customized instructional and support services.
§55260.1. Definitions.
For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply:
a. An “assessment” in direct assessment competency-based education is a means for
determining either a student's progress towards mastery or a student's demonstration of
mastery of competencies. A "formative assessment" measures student progress; a
"summative assessment" measures mastery of a competency. Formative assessments
include, but are not limited to, quizzes or drafts of a project or writing assignment such as
outlines or rough drafts. Summative assessments include, but are not limited to, final
examinations, presentations, portfolios, and reports.
b. “Competencies” are the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in complex
ways that require multiple elements of learning. Competencies represent the acquisition
of knowledge, skills, abilities and intellectual behaviors that reflect the balancing of
theory and application present in a demonstration of mastery.
c. “Competency-Based Education Program Map” means a description of the direct
assessment competency-based education program and shall specify all elements defined
in this article.
d. “Direct assessment competency-based education” in the California community
colleges is an intentional outcomes-based and equity-minded approach to earning a
Proposed Title 5 Regulations for Direct Assessment
Competency-based Education
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Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 6, Subchapter 3, is amended to add Article 5, as follows:
college degree in which the expectations of learning are held constant, but time is
variable through a flexible, self-paced, high-touch and innovative learning practice.
e. “Direct assessment program” has the same meaning as in section 668.10 of Title 34
of the Code of Federal Regulations.
f. “Direct assessment of student learning” has the same meaning as in section 668.10
of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
g. Equity” is the condition under which individuals are provided the resources they
need to have access to the same opportunities as the general population. Equity accounts
for systematic inequalities, meaning the distribution of resources provides more for those
who need it most. Conversely, equality indicates uniformity where everything is evenly
distributed among people.
h. “Mastery” means a student has mastered the competency by meeting or exceeding
the minimum requirement of 80 percent or higher on the summative assessment.
i. “Minoritized” describes the process of “minoritization” whereby individuals are
afforded less power and representation based on their social identities. These social
identities, such as race and ethnicity, are socially constructed concepts that have been
created and historically accepted by society.
j. “Module” means a curriculum framework for the delivery of learning and
assessments tied to measurable competencies leading to mastery. Modules are
organized, bundled, and sequenced within a program.
k. “Underrepresented students” are students who have not been afforded the same
educational opportunities and equitable resources as some of their peers or as other
students in the academic pipeline. This group of students includes low-income,
minoritized, non-traditional, disabled, and first-generation students.
55260.2. Approval of Direct Assessment Competency-Based Education Programs.
(a) All direct assessment competency-based education programs must obtain the
Chancellor’s approval prior to a district claiming state apportionment, pursuant to this
section and the Chancellor's Office Program and Course Approval Handbook prepared,
distributed, and maintained by the Chancellor consistent with subdivision 55000.5(a).
(b) To obtain approval of a direct assessment competency-based program, the college
must submit to the Chancellor a Direct Assessment Competency-Based Education
Program Map. The program map shall include the following components:
(1) The name of the proposed program.
(2) The catalog description of the proposed program.
(3) A list of all modules to be included in the program, related competencies, and credit
hour equivalencies.
(4) A description of each module within a program that includes the field, subfield,
competency outcome statements, competency description, learning objectives, topics of
study, learning activities, method for substantive faculty interaction, and documentation
of the method of assessment including any formative assessment assignments and
summative assessment rubrics.
(5) A description of faculty and staff roles and responsibilities.
(6) The methodology used to develop competencies.
(7) The educational outcomes and specific objectives of the proposed program.
(8) An explanation of how the program is appropriate to the objectives and conditions of
community college education in California and how it is consistent and aligns with
system-wide goals.
(9) The need for and availability of the following resources shall be determined in relation
to the proposed program:
(A) Adequate or proposed financial support;
(B) Qualified faculty consistent with the published disciplines list;
(C) Library and media center resources; and
(D) Access to technology and low- to no-cost digital content.
(10) An explanation of how student success support services will be adapted and
integrated within competencies and modules to be delivered in-person or online.
(11) An outreach strategy that demonstrates a commitment to enroll historically
underserved and minoritized students, particularly those identified in the college or
districts’ Student Equity Plan as being disproportionately impacted pursuant to
Education Code section 78220.
(12) An evaluation plan which includes review, assessment, and evaluation of the
outreach strategy required in subparagraph (11), and of student outcomes that focuses on
closing historical equity gaps.
(13) A professional development plan for faculty and staff designed to foster effective
implementation of competency-based education, in accordance with equity-oriented and
culturally responsive principles and practices determined in consultation with equity
practitioners; and
(14) All approved documentation submitted to the regional accrediting agency, and to the
US Department of Education in accordance with section 668.10 of Title 34 of federal
regulations (where applicable).
(c) The Chancellor's approval of a direct assessment competency-based education
program is effective until the program or implementation of the program is discontinued
or modified in any substantial way in accordance with 34 CFR § 602.22. The Chancellor’s
Office may evaluate a direct assessment competency-based educational program, after its
approval, on the basis of the program map components listed in this section. If, on the
basis of such an evaluation, the Chancellor determines that a direct assessment
competency-based education program should no longer be offered, the Chancellor may
terminate the approval and determine the effective date of termination.
(d) The Chancellor shall provide guidance on the process and timeline for approval of
direct assessment competency-based education programs.
55260.3 Modality.
The educational modality for the delivery of direct assessment competency-based
education programs shall consist of fully or partially online modules. All modules
developed for direct assessment competency-based education programs are subject to
the general requirements of this chapter as well as the specific requirements of this
55260.4 General Academic Standards and Module Approval
Academic standards for modules of direct assessment competency-based education
programs shall meet the criteria specified below:
(a) Direct assessment competency-based education modules are a set of degree-
applicable credit modules which have been designated as appropriate to the associate
degree in accordance with the requirements of section 55062.
(1) Curriculum Committee. The college and/or district curriculum committee
recommending a module shall be established by the mutual agreement of the college or
district administration and the academic senate. The committee shall be either a
committee of the academic senate or a committee that includes faculty and is otherwise
comprised in a way that is mutually agreeable to the college and/or district
administration and the academic senate.
(2) Modules are created and adopted as part of a direct assessment competency-based
education program and shall meet the following standards:
(A) Grading Policy. The modules shall provide for measurement of student performance in
terms of the stated module outcomes and culminate in a formal, permanently-recorded
grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with section 55260.8. The grade is
based on demonstrated mastery in the subject matter through successful completion of a
summative assessment.
(B) Units. The modules shall grant units of credit in a manner consistent with the
provisions of section 55260.12. The competency-based education program map shall
record the number of units and credit hour equivalencies for direct assessment
competency-based education modules.
(C) Intensity. The modules shall treat subject matter in a way that requires students to
regularly engage with the instructional materials.
(D) Difficulty. The modules shall require an attainment of outcomes in the areas of critical
thinking, and the understanding and application of concepts determined by the
curriculum committee to be appropriate for a college-level course.
(E) Level. The modules shall require learning skills and a vocabulary determined by the
curriculum committee to be appropriate for a college-level course.
(3) Conduct of Module. Each module shall be taught by a qualified instructor in
accordance with a set of objectives and with other specifications defined in the
competency-based education program map.
55260.5 Direct Assessment Competency-Based Education Faculty Selection and Workload
(a) Instructors of direct assessment competency-based education programs and modules
shall be selected by the same procedures used to determine all instructional assignments.
Instructors shall possess the minimum qualifications for the discipline into which the
module's subject matter most appropriately falls, in accordance with article 2
(commencing with section 53410), of subchapter 4, of chapter 4, and with the list of
discipline definitions and requirements found in section 53407, as such list may be
amended from time to time.
(b) Instructors of direct assessment competency-based education programs and modules,
for which any portion of the module is offered through distance education, shall be
prepared to teach in a distance education modality pursuant to section 55208 consistent
with district policies.
(c) The district governing board shall adopt faculty workload policies for the number of
students assigned to a module within a direct assessment competency-based education
program. District policies should allow for:
(1) Flexible class sizes as they differ from credit hour programs;
(2) Faculty assignment within the program in lieu of, or in addition to, instruction; and
(3) Flexible faculty scheduling across and within terms.
55260.6 Instructor Contact
(a) Instructors in direct assessment competency-based education programs shall be at
least as available for student-initiated contact as are instructors in courses conducted by
other instructional methods in addition to instructor-initiated contact.
(b) District governing boards shall ensure that all district policies governing direct
assessment competency-based education programs provide that any portion of a direct
assessment competency-based education module conducted through distance education
includes regular and substantive interaction between instructor and students.
(c) Regular and substantive interaction in a direct assessment competency-based
education program between instructors and students may occur through, but is not
limited to, participation in regularly scheduled learning sessions; the provision of and
participation in interactive tutorials and computer-assisted instruction; the provision of
opportunities for content-specific dialogue with and between students; substantive
faculty feedback on formative and summative assessments; participation in instructor-led
study groups; consultation with the instructor to discuss academic course content;
participation in instructor-facilitated online discussions about substantive academic
matters; and other faculty-facilitated educational activities.
55260.7 Program Development, Instruction, and Student Support
Direct assessment competency-based education faculty shall be responsible for program
design and curriculum development, instruction, and integrating student success
support. In performing these functions, faculty shall adopt an equity mindset aimed at
reducing bias and stereotypical assumptions in their design, delivery, and
implementation of direct assessment competency-based education. Direct assessment
competency-based education program faculty shall take on the following functions:
(a) Development of direct assessment competency-based education programs by:
(1) creating and redesigning instructional content that is culturally responsive;
(2) identifying and designing formative and summative assessments consistent with the
federal definition of student learning assessments that are designed to measure a
student’s knowledge, skills, abilities and proficiency in the relevant subject area. The
assessment must be consistent with accrediting agency requirements. The Program and
Course Approval Handbook, required by section 55000.5, shall include a description of
allowable summative and formative assessments.
(3) aligning competencies to the outcomes of the direct assessment competency-based
education program;
(4) writing competency outcome statements and objectives;
(5) scaffolding and sequencing competencies for program completion;
(6) utilizing chancellor’s office approved methodology to determine the number of credit
or clock hours to which the program is equivalent consistent with the accrediting agency
(7) providing content expertise to determine an appropriate pedagogical approach for the
direct assessment competency-based education program;
(8) aligning learning activities, resources, and content to competencies and learning
outcomes within a module; and
(9) providing content expertise for individualized adaptive learning.
(b) Provision of culturally responsive instructional content designed by faculty and
tracking student progress towards mastery of competencies which can include the
following activities:
(1) guiding students through the sequence of competencies;
(2) utilizing technology-based instructional tools to facilitate the varied learning needs of
diverse students with differing academic and career goals;
(3) being responsible for helping students achieve mastery of competencies through a
student-focused program delivery strategy that integrates competencies and scaffolds
learning throughout the program;
(4) providing customized instruction as needed to help the student achieve mastery; and
(5) facilitating student-to-student interaction.
(c) Facilitation of student success and support services embedded within the module
design in coordination with student support classified staff.
(d) The duties and functions outlined in this article may be distributed among
competency-based education faculty to meet student needs.
55260.8 Academic Record Symbols and Grade Point Average
(a) Direct assessment competency-based education modules shall adhere to the following
grading system:
Mastery - obtaining at minimum 80 percent on the summative assessment
Mastery with Distinction - obtaining at minimum 90 percent on the summative
(b) Community college districts may authorize the use, under the provisions specified
below, of only the following non-evaluative symbols, in addition to those outlined in
section 55023, subdivision (e):
Progress Withdrawal - demonstration of mastery not met after the maximum
number of summative assessments attempted
(c) To determine grade point average, community college districts shall adhere to the
following grade equivalency standards:
(1) Mastery shall be denoted as a range of excellence.
(2) A letter grade of M will be translated into evaluative symbol of “B” with a grade point
of 3.0.
(3) A letter grade of M+ will be translated into the evaluative symbol of “A” with a grade
point of 4.0.
(d) Community college districts shall adopt the credit hour equivalency methodology
outlined in section 55260.12 of this article for the purpose of calculating grade point
(e) Community college districts shall provide students in direct assessment competency-
based education programs with dual transcripts, as described below.
(1) The competency-based transcript shall use the evaluative and non-evaluative symbols
described in subdivisions (a) and (b).
(2) The credit-hour equivalency transcript shall use the methodology outlined in
subdivision (c) to translate competencies into the traditional credit-hour units to
calculate grade point average.
55260.9 Repetition
(a) The district policy on module repetition adopted pursuant to section 55040 may
permit a student to repeat a direct assessment competency-based education module
consistent with section 58161; attendance of a student repeating a direct assessment
competency-based education module pursuant to this subdivision may be claimed for
state apportionment.
(b) The district policy on summative assessment repetition adopted pursuant to section
55040 may permit a student to attempt a summative assessment a maximum of three
times before assigning a student the non-evaluative symbol “PW” pursuant to sections
55260.8. The district policy shall establish guidelines for when a student can repeat
modules for which the non-evaluative symbol “PW” is assigned.
(c) District policy shall include guidelines for redirecting students to credit-hour programs
when satisfactory academic progress within the direct assessment competency-based
education program is not achieved.
55260.10 District Evaluation Plans
(a) The district evaluation plan for direct assessment competency-based education
programs shall include, at minimum:
(1) An assessment of the effectiveness of direct assessment competency-based education
programs and a plan for continuous improvement based on college procedures. To
remediate disparities and inequalities in educational experiences and subsequent
outcomes for minoritized students, evaluation plans shall be based on an equity
framework and shall include a plan to collect and disaggregate data by race and ethnicity
for student access and outcomes.
(2) A review, assessment, and evaluation of outreach strategies for historically
underserved and minoritized students.
55260.11 Academic Calendar
(a) A community college district will determine the academic calendar for direct
assessment competency-based education programs which must, at a minimum, provide
students with sufficient flexibility to demonstrate mastery of competencies at their own
pace. An academic calendar may utilize the following schedule configurations:
(1) Standard term. A standard term is a semester, trimester, or quarter where all classes
are scheduled to commence and conclude within a set time frame. Districts who wish to
use a standard term for direct assessment competency-based education programs must
design modules to be completed within a term.
(2) Nonstandard term. A nonstandard term is not a semester, trimester, or quarter.
Nonstandard terms have a fixed start and end date for modules, but the terms may be
unequal in length.
(3) Nonterm. A nonterm is a term where modules overlap terms and do not commence or
conclude within a term.
(b) The community college district shall consult with the college or district academic
senate in accordance with section 53203, and determine the appropriate time span for
completing direct assessment competency-based education modules. District polices
shall adhere to the following requirements:
(1) A student may progress through the competency-based education module at their own
(2) Modules will remain open until the student demonstrates mastery, until the student
has exhausted the number of attempts pursuant to 55260.9, or until the end of the
designated term as determined by the college, whichever comes first.
§55260.12 Direct Assessment Competency-Based Education Credit
(a) In accordance with federal regulations, a credit hour is an amount of work represented
in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an
institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than the
standard used for credit instruction.
(b) In adherence with the federal definition for credit hour (2) under section 600.2 of Title
34 of federal regulations, the determination of credit hours awarded for a competency-
based education module is a curricular matter that includes consideration and review of
the following:
(1) The level of learning;
(2) The types of educational activities;
(3) The formative assessments;
(4) The complexity and rigor of the summative assessment; and
(5) Alignment to existing credit courses.
§55260.13 Eligibility for State Apportionment
In order for attendance in a module of direct assessment competency-based education to
be eligible for state apportionment pursuant to the provisions of this article, the module
must be reported as required by this article, and meet all other requirements of statute
and regulation relative to eligibility for state apportionment.
Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 6, Subchapter 1, Article 1, Section 55002.5 is amended as follows:
§ 55002.5. Credit Hour Definition.
(a) One credit hour of community college work (one unit of credit) shall require a
minimum of 48 semester hours of total student work or 33 quarter hours of total student
work, which may include inside and/or outside-of-class hours.
(b) A course requiring 96 hours or more of total student work at colleges operating on the
semester system or 66 hours or more of total student work at colleges operating on the
quarter system shall provide at least two units of credit.
(c) Cooperative work experience courses defined in section 55252 shall adhere to the
formula for credit hour calculations identified in section 55256.5.
(d) Direct assessment competency-based education modules defined in section 55260
shall adhere to the formula for credit hour calculations identified in section 55260.12.
(e)(d) For programs designated by the governing board as clock hour programs, units of
credit shall be awarded in a manner consistent with the provisions of 34 Code of Federal
Regulations part 600.2.
(f) (e) Credit hours for all courses may be awarded in increments of one unit or less.
(g) (f) The governing board of each community college district shall establish policy,
consistent with the provisions of this section, defining the standards for credit hour
calculations. District policy shall specify the credit hour calculation method for all academic
activities, expected ratios of in-class to outside-of-class hours for each type of academic
activity, standards for incremental award of credit, standard term length, calculation
methods for short term and extended term courses, and provisions for monitoring
compliance with state and federal regulations related to credit hour calculations.
Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 6, Subchapter 1, Article 4, Section 55040 is amended as follows:
§ 55040. District Policy for Course Repetition.
(a) The governing board of each community college district shall adopt and publish
policies and procedures pertaining to the repetition of credit courses. Such policies and
procedures shall not conflict with section 55025 or Education Code section 76224,
pertaining to the finality of grades assigned by instructors, or with subchapter 2.5
(commencing with section 59020) of chapter 10 of this division, pertaining to the retention
and destruction of student records.
(b) The policies and procedures adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) may,
(1) designate certain types of courses as “repeatable courses” consistent with the
requirements of section 55041.
(2) permit a student to repeat a course in an effort to alleviate substandard academic
work consistent with the requirements of section 55042.
(3) permit or require a student to repeat a course due to significant lapse of time
consistent with the requirements of section 55043.
(4) permit a student to repeat a portion of a course, other than a physical education,
visual arts, or performing arts course, offered for variable units on an open-entry/open-
exit basis which the student previously completed only under the circumstances
described in section 55044.
(5) permit a student to repeat a course which is not designated as a repeatable course,
regardless of whether substandard academic work was previously recorded, where the
district determines, consistent with section 55045, that there are extenuating
circumstances which justify the repetition.
(6) permit a student to repeat a course in cooperative work experience under the
circumstances described in section 55253. When a cooperative work experience course is
repeated pursuant to that section, the grade received each time shall be included for
purposes of calculating the student's grade point average.
(7) permit a student to repeat a direct assessment competency-based education module
under the circumstances described in section 55260.9. Set a limit on the number of
times a student can take a summative assessment for direct assessment competency-
based education modules as described in section 55260.9.
(8) (7) permit a student with a disability to repeat a special class for students with
disabilities any number of times based on an individualized determination that such
repetition is required as a disability-related accommodation for that particular student
for one of the reasons specified in section 56029. The district policy may allow the
previous grade and credit to be disregarded in computing the student's GPA each time the
course is repeated.
(9) (8) permit a student to repeat a course determined to be legally mandated as defined
in section 55000, regardless of whether substandard academic work has been recorded.
Such courses may be repeated for credit any number of times. The governing board of a
district may establish policies and procedures requiring students to certify or document
that course repetition is legally mandated.
(10) (9) permit a student to petition the district to repeat a course as a result of a
significant change in industry or licensure standards such that repetition of the course is
necessary for the student's employment or licensure. Such courses may be repeated for
credit any number of times. The governing board of the district may establish policies and
procedures requiring students to certify or document that there has been a significant
change in industry or licensure standards necessitating course repetition.
(c) The policies and procedures adopted by the governing board of each community
college district pursuant to subdivision (a) may not permit student enrollment in active
participatory courses, as defined in section 55000, in physical education, visual arts or
performing arts that are related in content, as defined in section 55000, more than four
times for semester courses or six times for quarter courses. This limitation applies even if
a student receives a substandard grade or “W” during one or more of the enrollments in
such a course or petitions for repetition due to extenuating circumstances as provided in
section 55045.
(d) When course repetition occurs pursuant to this section, the student's permanent
academic record shall clearly indicate any courses repeated using an appropriate symbol
and be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible, ensuring a true and
complete academic history.
(e) Notwithstanding the limits set forth above, apportionment will be limited as set forth
in section 58161.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700 and 70901, Education Code. Reference: Sections
70901 and 70902, Education Code.
Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 6, Subchapter 1, Article 6, Section 55062 is amended as follows:
§ 55062. Types of Courses Appropriate to the Associate Degree.
The criteria established by the governing board of a community college district to
implement its philosophy on the associate degree shall permit only courses that conform
to the standards specified in section 55002(a) or section 55260, and that fall into the
following categories to be offered as degree-applicable credit courses:
(a) All lower division courses accepted toward the baccalaureate degree by the California
State University or University of California or designed to be offered for transfer.
(b) Courses that apply to the major or area of emphasis in non-baccalaureate career
technical fields.
(c) English composition or reading courses not more than one level below the first transfer
level course. Each student may count only one such course below transfer level for credit
toward the associate degree, except that reading courses which also satisfy the
requirements of subdivision (a) are not subject to this limit. English as a Second Language
(ESL) courses which teach composition or reading skills are not considered to be English
composition or reading courses for purposes of this subdivision.
(d) All mathematics courses above and including Elementary Algebra.
(e) Credit courses in English and mathematics taught in or on behalf of other departments
and which, as determined by the district local governing board require entrance skills at a
level equivalent to those necessary for the courses specified in subdivisions (c) and (d) above.
Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 9, Subchapter 2, Article 5, Section 58161 is amended as
§ 58161. Apportionment for Course Enrollment.
(a) A community college district may claim the attendance of students for enrollments in
credit courses for state apportionment only if so, authorized by this section and if all
other requirements of this division are satisfied. For purposes of this section, the
definition of enrollment found in section 55000 shall apply.
(b) A district may claim state apportionment for an enrollment in a credit course for the
attendance of a student who receives a satisfactory grade, as defined in section 55000,
one time unless an exception applies.
(c) A district may claim state apportionment for the attendance of students for
enrollments totaling a maximum of three times per credit course and if all other
requirements of this division are satisfied.
(d)(1) Notwithstanding subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section, a district may claim state
apportionment for the attendance of students for enrollments in credit courses
designated as repeatable, as provided in section 55041, as defined in section 55000, for no
more than four times for semester courses or six times for quarter courses. This limitation
applies even if a student receives a substandard grade or “W” during one or more of the
enrollments in such a course.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section, a district may claim state
apportionment for the attendance of students in active participatory credit courses that
are related in content, in physical education, visual arts, or performing arts, as provided in
section 55040(c), for no more than four times for semester courses or six times for quarter
courses. This limitation applies even if a student receives a substandard grade or “W”
during one or more of the enrollments in such a course.
(e) Notwithstanding subdivisions (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this section, a district may claim
state apportionment for one additional enrollment if all other requirements of this
division are met and only in the following circumstances:
(1) The attendance of a student for an enrollment in a credit course resulting in that
student's repetition of the credit course because the district determines pursuant to
section 55043 that there has been a significant lapse of time of no less than 36 months
since the student previously successfully completed the course, unless an exception to
the 36 month requirement applies.
(2) The attendance of a student for an enrollment in a credit course which is a repetition
of the credit course pursuant to section 55045 due to extenuating circumstances, if such
credit course is not designated as repeatable pursuant to section 55041.
(f) Notwithstanding subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section, a district may claim state
apportionment for the attendance of students in credit courses for enrollments in the
credit courses without limitation if all other requirements of this division are met and in
the following circumstances:
(1) The attendance of a student in legally mandated training as provided in section
(2) The attendance of a student with a disability may be claimed for state apportionment
for each enrollment by that student in a credit special class as a disability-related
accommodation which is justified by one of the circumstances described in section 56029.
(3) Except for active participatory courses in physical education, visual arts, or performing
arts, the attendance of a student for each enrollment in a portion of a variable unit open
entry/open exit credit course, that is necessary for the student to complete one time the
entire curriculum of the course as described in the course outline of record, may be
counted for state apportionment only to the extent that repetition of such courses is
permitted pursuant to section 55044.
(4) The attendance of a student for each enrollment in a cooperative work experience
course pursuant to section 55253.
(5) The attendance of a student for each enrollment in a direct-assessment competency-
based education module pursuant to 55260.
(6) (5) The attendance of a student withdrawing as a result of extraordinary conditions
pursuant to section 55024(a)(10).
(7) (6) The attendance of a student receiving a military withdrawal (“MW”) pursuant to
section 55024(d)(1).
(8) (7) The attendance of a student withdrawing as a result of discriminatory treatment
pursuant to section 55024(a)(8).
(9) (8) The attendance of a student in a course as a result of a change in industry or
licensure standards such that repetition of the course is necessary for employment or
licensure as set forth in section 55040(b)(10).
(g) To the extent permitted by article 4 of subchapter 1 of chapter 6, a district may permit
enrollment in credit courses beyond the limits set forth in this section, but such additional
enrollments may not be claimed for state apportionment.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700 and 70901, Education Code. Reference: Section
70901, Education Code.