Managing the
Emergency Consequences
of Terrorist Incidents
Federal Emergency Management Agency
July 2002
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 1
FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................3
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...............................................................................................................5
A. PURPOSE ...............................................................................................................................7
B. TERRORISM HAZARDS......................................................................................................9
1. WMD Hazard Agents ....................................................................................................9
2. Other Terrorism Hazards .............................................................................................13
C. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS...................................................................................15
1. Situation .......................................................................................................................15
2. Potential Targets ..........................................................................................................17
3. Initial Warning.............................................................................................................17
4. Initial Detection ...........................................................................................................18
5. Release Area ................................................................................................................19
6. Investigation and Containment of Hazards..................................................................19
7. Assumptions.................................................................................................................19
D. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS ............................................................................................21
1. Direction and Control ..................................................................................................21
2. Communications ..........................................................................................................25
3. Warning........................................................................................................................26
4. Emergency Public Information....................................................................................27
5. Protective Actions........................................................................................................27
6. Mass Care.....................................................................................................................28
7. Health and Medical......................................................................................................29
8. Resources Management ...............................................................................................30
9. Recovery ......................................................................................................................30
10. Urban Search and Rescue ............................................................................................31
1. Local Emergency Responders......................................................................................32
2. Interjurisdictional Responsibilities ..............................................................................32
3. State Emergency Responders.......................................................................................32
4. State and Local Public Health Authorities...................................................................32
5. Medical Service Providers ...........................................................................................33
6. Local Emergency Planning Committees, State Emergency Response
Commissions, and Tribal Emergency Response Commissions...................................33
7. Federal Emergency Responders...................................................................................33
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 2
F. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS.............................................................................34
1. Coordination Relationships in Terrorism Incident Response ...............................................24
1. General Indicators of Possible Chemical Agent Use............................................................10
2. General Indicators of Possible Biological Agent Use...........................................................11
3. General Indicators of Possible Nuclear Weapon/Radiological Agent Use...........................12
4. Suggested Emergency Operations Plan Elements ................................................................16
5. Responses to a WMD Incident and the Participants Involved..............................................22
A. Suggested Format for a Terrorist Incident Appendix to a Basic
All-Hazards Emergency Plan.......................................................................................... A-1
B. Potential Participants in the Planning Process.................................................................B-1
C. Federal Departments and Agencies: Counterterrorism-Specific Roles ...........................C-1
D. Hotlines and Online Resources....................................................................................... D-1
E. WMD Incident Indications and First Responder Concerns .............................................E-1
F. Potential Areas of Vulnerability ......................................................................................F-1
G. Emergency Public Information....................................................................................... G-1
H. Intergovernmental Agreements to Enhance Preparedness.............................................. H-1
I. Terrorism-Specific Considerations for Special Events.....................................................I-1
J. Definitions.........................................................................................................................J-1
K. Acronyms........................................................................................................................ K-1
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 3
The guidance included in Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents: A
Planning Guide for State and Local Governments was originally produced in April 2001 as
Attachment G to Chapter 6 of the Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning, State
and Local Guide (SLG) 101. In the months following its publication, planners throughout the
nation used it as a basis for developing Terrorism Incident Appendices to Emergency Operations
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center in New York and the
Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the ensuing anthrax attacks provided an opportunity to gauge
the validity of planning assumptions and to gain a perspective on issues and protocols that need
to be incorporated into the planning process. The updated guidance in this document includes
insights gained from interviews with responders and emergency managers involved in the
response to the September 11 attacks, the anthrax attacks, the 1995 bombing of the Murrah
Federal Building, and the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. The
interviews underscored the validity of the statement by President Dwight D. Eisenhower that
“plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
The guidance in this document is designed to provide State and local emergency management
A framework for developing supplemental emergency operations plans adequate for
addressing the consequences of a terrorist act involving weapons of mass destruction.
A consistent planning approach that will foster efficient integration of State, local,
and Federal terrorism consequence management activities.
The most current information regarding the planning and operational challenges faced
by communities that have dealt with terrorist events.
While the April 2001 guidance provided a starting point, recent reviews of the guidance suggest
a number of additional areas that should be considered as part of the State and local planning
process. One participant in the response to the World Trade Center attack offered this advice to
emergency planners: “Think big; remember the victims’ families and the dislocated; and
understand the Federal role.” Other insights from the interviews and comments from review of
the guidance suggest State and local planners should consider the following elements:
Terrorists thrive on elements of surprise
Planners must consider the unthinkable as possible—not simply plan for what has
happened in the past
Regional approach to planning process
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 4
Coordination of local plans with adjacent jurisdictions, with State plans, and with
Federal plans
Inclusion of nontraditional partners and organizations, such as occupational health
and safety organizations, the U.S. Postal Service, and others
Use of interoperable, backbone communications systems that provide open but
secure communication among all response elements
Personnel protection
Alternate emergency facilities
Loss of emergency responders
Loss of key leadership personnel
Emergency public information and media relations procedures
Terrorist events are highly visible and attract large numbers of national and
international media
Integration of Federal assets into local response
Systems and protocols for requesting Federal assets
Understanding the scope of Federal assistance
Strategies for incorporating Federal assets
Support services
Large influxes of volunteers
Procedures for credentialing
International visitors
Family services
Mental health issues
The updated guidance is structured to raise awareness of these considerations. It also includes
new sections on planning for the consequences of attacks that impact infrastructure, including
cyber systems; on planning for emergency public information; and updated information about
Federal programs and Web sites that have been added or changed since September 11, 2001.
A final consideration — in keeping with Eisenhower’s claim — is that the planning process
cannot move beyond theory until the plans are tested. Without testing, it is very difficult to know
whether the process has resulted in plans that will function operationally. Detailed consideration
of this issue is outside the scope of this document, but in general, testing should consist of
periodic exercises that go beyond table-top exercises to include mobilization of operations center
staff and communications with field personnel.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 5
Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents: A Planning Guide for State and
Local Governments is the result of collaboration and input from experts in the field of emergency
operations planning and response to terrorist events involving weapons of mass destruction. The
updated guidance in this document incorporates the most current information about Federal
programs related to consequence management and addresses operational challenges faced by
responders to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center (WTC) in
New York and the Pentagon near Washington, D.C.
Interviews were conducted with more than twenty representatives of Federal, State, and local
organizations that were involved in the response to recent incidents. The interviewees were
extremely generous with their time, and their efforts and insights are very much appreciated. The
following organizations provided information:
Arlington County, Virginia (Pentagon response)
City of Littleton, Colorado (Columbine response)
District of Columbia Emergency Management Agency (Pentagon response)
Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management, City of New York (WTC response)
New Jersey State Police (WTC response)
New York State Emergency Management Organization (WTC response)
Town of Parker, Colorado (Oklahoma City response)
U.S. Army, Fort Meade, Maryland (Pentagon response)
United States Fire Academy
Virginia Department of Emergency Management (Pentagon response)
We also appreciate the assistance provided by the National Emergency Management
Association, the International Association of Emergency Managers, the International
City/County Managers Association, and the Federal departments and agencies that contributed to
the development of this document, including the Departments of Defense, Energy, Agriculture,
Health and Human Services, Justice, and Veterans Affairs; the Environmental Protection
Agency; and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 6
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 7
This guide is designed to aid State and local emergency planners in developing and
maintaining a Terrorist Incident Appendix (TIA) to an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
for managing the consequences of terrorist incidents that involve weapons of mass
destruction (WMD)
and other terrorism hazards. As demonstrated by the terrorist attacks
on New York City and Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2001, it is now evident that the
potential scope of destruction is limited only by terrorists’ imagination.
Given the creativity of those committed to carrying out acts of terrorism, planners are being
challenged to “think outside the box”—to plan for responding to the unimaginable. This
guide responds by asking planners to consider a broad range of terrorist incidents,
including assaults on infrastructure and electronic information systems that could result in
consequences affecting human life, health, and safety.
State and local governments have primary responsibility in planning for and managing the
consequences of a terrorist incident using available resources in the critical hours before
Federal assistance can arrive. In its capacity as the lead agency responsible for coordinating
the Federal aspects of consequence management, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) has prepared this guide as a means of outreach to State and local
governments that may request Federal assistance in responding to the consequences of
terrorist incidents.
The information presented in this guide should raise awareness of potential challenges and
help planners develop a TIA that facilitates quick integration of the Federal, State, and
local responses. The TIA resulting from this guidance should supplement existing State and
local EOPs. A suggested format for a TIA is shown in Tab A. Some potential participants
in the planning process are identified in Tab B.
Federal departments and agencies have developed plans and capabilities for an integrated
Federal response to terrorist incidents. This document summarizes that response for State
and local planners. Additional information is provided in the Federal Response Plan (FRP),
including its Terrorism Incident Annex, and the United States Government Interagency
Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan (CONPLAN;
Definitions of terms and acronyms used in this document are given in Tabs J and K, respectively.
The FRP and CONPLAN establish policy and guidance concerning how the Federal government would respond
to a potential or actual terrorist threat or incident, particularly one involving WMD. The concept of operations
guidance provided in this document similarly focuses on WMD response, which would require coordination with
the broadest cross section of Federal departments and agencies.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 8
While primarily intended for the use of planners, this guide contains information that may
be of value to first responders. Planners should consider whether, and how best, to
incorporate such information into their plans, procedures, and training materials for first
1. State and Local Role. This guide is designed to provide background information and
a process for both State and local planners. However, it also recognizes the
interrelations and unique roles and responsibilities of local and State governments,
including the following:
First response (911 dispatch, police, fire, hazmat, EMS)
Incident Command
Warning and evacuation
Situation assessment
Local agency coordination
Identification of requirements exceeding local capabilities
Requests for mutual aid
Requests for State assistance
Assistance to supplement local efforts
Coordination among state agencies
Governors’ unique authority to
Issue State Emergency Declaration
Mobilize State National Guard
Redirect State resources
Requests for mutual aid
Requests for Federal assistance
2. Planning Process. The process for developing a Terrorism Incidence Appendix is
similar to that used for developing other emergency operations plans. As is the case
for these other plans, the terrorism planning process must, if possible, begin before an
emergency and prior to any planned special event that could be subject to terrorist
attack. Planners are urged to use this guidance promptly to maximize their available
time to either refine elements of existing terrorism response plans and procedures or
develop new elements based upon the information provided here.
Traditionally, the planning process has consisted of the following six phases:
(1) Initiation
Start-up meetings
Division of tasks
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 9
Identification of response needs and available resources to meet those needs
Establishment of timetables and milestones
(2) Concept development
(3) Plan development
(4) Plan review
(5) Development of supporting plans, procedures, and materials
(6) Validation of plans using tabletop, functional, and full-scale exerises
However, given the unusually intense, treacherous, and multifaceted nature of
terrorist attacks, a seventh phase is recommended here:
(7) Thorough coordination of plans, internally and externally
Each local agency should carefully compare plans for the various response functions
within that agency and revise the plans, if necessary, to remove any discrepancies.
This step will help prevent disconnects between vital functions that support one
another and help ensure that each does what the others expect on a timely basis.
Similarly, the various departments and agencies within a local jurisdiction (e.g.,
police, fire, and medical operations) should also compare their plans, focusing on
issues of consistency and coordination. Again, this review will help ensure that each
organization does what the others expect, when they expect it.
Such reviews are especially important in planning for response to a major terrorist
incident, since a local jurisdiction is likely to be aided during the response by
neighboring communities, its own and neighboring counties, and its own and possibly
neighboring states. Therefore, consistency and coordination reviews, both internal
and external, can be very valuable for the protection of citizens and infrastuctures
throughout the affected area.
The TIA should identify and discuss the nature of the terrorist hazard(s). The hazard may
be WMD (including conventional explosives, secondary devices, and combined hazards) or
other means of attack (including low-tech devices and delivery, attacks on infrastructure,
and cyber terrorism).
1. WMD Hazard Agents. Weapons of mass destruction are defined as any weapon that
is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the release,
dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals; disease organisms;
radiation or radioactivity; or explosion or fire (see Tab J for the statutory definition).
At least two important considerations distinguish these hazards from other types of
terrorist tools. First, in the case of chemical, biological, and radioactive agents, their
presence may not be immediately obvious, making it difficult to determine when and
where they have been released, who has been exposed, and what danger is present for
first responders and medical technicians. Second, although there is a sizable body of
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 10
research on battlefield exposures to WMD agents, there is limited scientific
understanding of how these agents affect civilian populations.
a. Chemical. Chemical agents are intended to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate
people through physiological effects. A terrorist incident involving a chemical
agent will demand immediate reaction from emergency responders—fire
departments, police, hazardous materials (HazMat) teams, emergency medical
services (EMS), and emergency room staff—who will need adequate training
and equipment. Hazardous chemicals, including industrial chemicals and agents,
can be introduced via aerosol devices (e.g., munitions, sprayers, or aerosol
generators), breaking containers, or covert dissemination. Such an attack might
involve the release of a chemical warfare agent, such as a nerve or blister agent
or an industrial chemical, which may have serious consequences. Some
indicators of the possible use of chemical agents are listed in Table 1. Early in
an investigation, it may not be obvious whether an outbreak was caused by an
infectious agent or a hazardous chemical; however, most chemical attacks will
be localized, and their effects will be evident within a few minutes. There are
both persistent and nonpersistent chemical agents. Persistent agents remain in
the affected area for hours, days, or weeks. Nonpersistent agents have high
evaporation rates, are lighter than air, and disperse rapidly, thereby losing their
ability to cause casualties after 10 to 15 minutes, although they may be more
persistent in small, unventilated areas.
Table 1. General Indicators of Possible Chemical Agent Use
Stated Threat to Release a Chemical Agent
Unusual Occurrence of Dead or Dying Animals
For example, lack of insects, dead birds
Unexplained Casualties
Multiple victims
Surge of similar 911 calls
Serious illnesses
Nausea, disorientation, difficulty breathing, or convulsions
Definite casualty patterns
Unusual Liquid, Spray, Vapor, or Powder
Droplets, oily film
Unexplained odor
Low-lying clouds/fog unrelated to weather
Suspicious Devices, Packages, or Letters
Unusual metal debris
Abandoned spray devices
Unexplained munitions
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 11
b. Biological. Recognition of a biological hazard can occur through several
methods, including identification of a credible threat, discovery of bioterrorism
evidence (devices, agent, clandestine lab), diagnosis (identification of a disease
caused by an agent identified as a possible bioterrorism agent), and detection
(gathering and interpretation of public health surveillance data).
When people are exposed to a pathogen such as anthrax or smallpox, they may
not know that they have been exposed, and those who are infected, or
subsequently become infected, may not feel sick for some time. This delay
between exposure and onset of illness, the incubation period, is characteristic of
infectious diseases. The incubation period may range from several hours to a
few weeks, depending on the exposure and pathogen. Unlike acute incidents
involving explosives or some hazardous chemicals, the initial detection and
response to a biological attack on civilians is likely to be made by direct patient
care providers and the public health community.
Terrorists could also employ a biological agent that would affect agricultural
commodities over a large area (e.g., wheat rust or a virus affecting livestock),
potentially devastating the local or even national economy. The response to
agricultural bioterrorism should also be considered during the planning process.
Responders should be familiar with the characteristics of the biological agents
of greatest concern for use in a bioterrorism event (see Tab D for resources).
Unlike victims of exposure to chemical or radiological agents, victims of
biological agent attack may serve as carriers of the disease with the capability of
infecting others (e.g., smallpox, plague). Some indicators of biological attack
are given in Table 2.
Table 2. General Indicators of Possible Biological Agent Use
Stated Threat to Release a Biological Agent
Unusual Occurrence of Dead or Dying Animals
Unusual Casualties
Unusual illness for region/area
Definite pattern inconsistent with natural disease
Unusual Liquid, Spray, Vapor, or Powder
Spraying; suspicious devices, packages, or letters
c. Nuclear/Radiological. The difficulty of responding to a nuclear or radiological
incident is compounded by the nature of radiation itself. In an explosion, the
fact that radioactive material was involved may or may not be obvious,
depending upon the nature of the explosive device used. The presence of a
radiation hazard is difficult to ascertain, unless the responders have the proper
detection equipment and have been trained to use it properly. Although many
detection devices exist, most are designed to detect specific types and levels of
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 12
radiation and may not be appropriate for measuring or ruling out the presence of
radiological hazards. Table 3 lists some indicators of a radiological release.
Table 3. General Indicators of Possible Nuclear Weapon/Radiological
Agent Use
Stated Threat to Deploy a Nuclear or Radiological Device
Presence of Nuclear or Radiological Equipment
Spent fuel canisters or nuclear transport vehicles
Nuclear Placards/Warning Materials Along with Otherwise
Unexplained Casualties
The scenarios constituting an intentional nuclear/radiological emergency
include the following:
(1) Use of an improvised nuclear device (IND) includes any explosive
device designed to cause a nuclear yield. Depending on the type of trigger
device used, either uranium or plutonium isotopes can fuel these devices.
While “weapons-grade” material increases the efficiency of a given
device, materials of less than weapons grade can still be used.
(2) Use of a radiological dispersal device (RDD) includes any explosive
device utilized to spread radioactive material upon detonation. Any
improvised explosive device could be used by placing it in close proximity
to radioactive material.
(3) Use of a simple RDD that spreads radiological material without the use of
an explosive. Any nuclear material (including medical isotopes or waste)
can be used in this manner.
d. Conventional Explosives and Secondary Devices. The easiest to obtain and
use of all weapons is still a conventional explosive device, or improvised bomb,
which may be used to cause massive local destruction or to disperse chemical,
biological, or radiological agents. The components are readily available, as are
detailed instructions on constructing such a device. Improvised explosive
devices are categorized as being explosive or incendiary, employing high or low
filler explosive materials to explode and/or cause fires. Explosions and fires also
can be caused by projectiles and missiles, including aircraft used against high-
profile targets such as buildings, monuments, and special events. Bombs and
firebombs are cheap and easily constructed, involve low technology, and are the
terrorist weapon most likely to be encountered. Large, powerful devices can be
outfitted with timed or remotely triggered detonators and can be designed to be
activated by light, pressure, movement, or radio transmission. The potential
exists for single or multiple bombing incidents in single or multiple
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 13
municipalities. Historically, less than five percent of actual or attempted
bombings were preceded by a threat. Explosive materials can be employed
covertly with little signature and are not readily detectable. Secondary explosive
devices may also be used as weapons against responders and the public in
coincident acts. Other diversionary events or attacks could also be aimed at
e. Combined Hazards. WMD agents can be combined to achieve a synergistic
effect—greater in total effect than the sum of their individual effects. They may
be combined to achieve both immediate and delayed consequences. Mixed
infections or toxic exposures may occur, thereby complicating or delaying
diagnosis. Casualties of multiple agents may exist; casualties may also suffer
from multiple effects, such as trauma and burns from an explosion, which
exacerbate the likelihood of agent contamination. Attacks may be planned and
executed so as to take advantage of the reduced effectiveness of protective
measures produced by employment of an initial WMD agent. Finally, the
potential exists for multiple incidents in single or multiple municipalities.
2. Other Terrorism Hazards. Planners also need to consider the possibility of unusual
or unique types of terrorist attacks previously not considered likely.
Although it is
not realistically possible to plan for and prevent every conceivable type of terrorist
attack, planners should anticipate that future terrorism attempts could range from
simple, isolated attacks to complex, sophisticated, highly coordinated acts of
destruction using multiple agents aimed at one or multiple targets. Therefore, the
plans developed for terrorist incidents must be broad in scope yet flexible enough to
deal with the unexpected. These considerations are particularly important in planning
to handle the consequences of attacks using low-tech devices and delivery, assaults
on public infrastructure, and cyber terrorism, In these cases, the training and
experience of the responders may be more important than detailed procedures.
a. Low-Tech Devices and Delivery. Planning for the possibility of terrorist
attacks must consider the fact that explosives can be delivered by a variety of
methods. Most explosive and incendiary devices used by terrorists would be
expected to fall outside the definition of a WMD. Small explosive devices can
be left in packages or bags in public areas for later detonation, or they can be
attached directly to a suicide bomber for detonation at a time and place when
and where the terrorist feels that maximum damage can be done. The relatively
small size of these explosive devices and the absence of specific security
measures in most areas make these types of terrorist attacks extremely difficult
to prevent. Small explosive devices can also be brought onto planes, trains,
ships, or buses, within checked bags or hand carried. Although present airline
security measures minimize the possibility of explosives being brought on board
airliners, planners will need to consider the level of security presently employed
Prior to the World Trade Center attack, the use of multiple commercial airliners with full fuel loads as explosive,
incendiary devices in well-coordinated attacks on public and governmental targets, was not considered a likely
terrorist scenario.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 14
on ships, trains, and buses within their jurisdictions. Larger quantities of
explosive materials can be delivered to their intended target area by means of
car or truck bombs. Planners need to consider the possible need to restrict or
prohibit vehicular traffic within certain distances of key facilities identified as
potential terrorist targets. Planners may also need to consider the possible use of
concrete barriers to prevent the forced entry of vehicles into restricted areas.
b. Infrastructure Attacks. Potential attacks on elements of the nation’s
infrastructure require protective considerations. Infrastructure protection
involves proactive risk management actions taken to prevent destruction of or
incapacitating damage to networks and systems that serve society, according to
the 1997 report of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure
Protection. This commission was formed in 1996 to evaluate the vulnerability to
disruption of the nation’s infrastructures, including electric power, oil and
natural gas, telecommunications, transportation, banking and finance, and vital
government services. The commission’s report, issued in October 1997,
concluded, “Waiting for disaster is a dangerous strategy. Now is the time to act
to protect our future.”
Infrastructure protection often is more focused on security, deterrence, and law
enforcement than on emergency consequence management preparedness and
response. Nevertheless, planners must develop contingencies and plans in the
event critical infrastructures are brought down as the result of a terrorist
Presidential Decision Directive 63 was issued in May 1998. It established the
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO) and outlined steps to be taken
to protect critical infrastructures from disruptions that could have serious public
health and safety, economic, or national security impacts.
Among other things, the Directive called on the Federal government to engage
in “close cooperation and coordination with state and local governments … for
a robust and flexible infrastructure protection program.” A number of resources
are available to State and local planners, most notably through CIAO and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) National Infrastructure Protection
Center (NIPC).
c. Cyber Terrorism. Cyber terrorism involves the malicious use of electronic
information technology to commit or threaten to commit acts dangerous to
human life, or against a nation’s critical infrastructures in order to intimidate or
coerce a government or civilian population to further political or social
objectives (FBI NIPC, Congressional testimony, August 29, 2001). As with
other critical infrastructure guidance, most cyber protection guidance focuses on
security measures to protect computer systems against intrusions, denial of
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 15
service attacks, and other forms of attack rather than addressing issues related to
contingency and consequence management planning.
However, emergency management planning efforts for the year 2000 (Y2K)
transition provided a real-world exercise and a prototype for developing and
implementing systems to respond to the consequences of massive computer
outages. FEMA’s Y2K guidance, Contingency and Consequence Management
Planning for Year 2000 Conversion: A Guide for State and Local Emergency
Managers (, is relevant for developing
contingency and consequence management plans for cyber terrorism.
Jurisdictions that developed plans for the Y2K transition have an excellent start
in planning for the consequences of cyber terrorism because they have
contingencies to handle interruptions and plans to restore critical services.
FEMA’s Y2K guidance also promotes interdepartmental planning efforts to
ensure that key agencies have both their own consequence management plans as
well as a coordinated overall plan. Cross-jurisdictional planning efforts among
State, county, community, and private-sector jurisdictions and organizations are
The FEMA Y2K guidance includes a list of selected Federal and State Web
sites that can provide additional guidance for responding to systems outages
resulting from computer failures due to cyber terrorism.
1. Situation. The situation section of a TIA should discuss what constitutes a potential
or actual terrorist incident. It should present a concise, clear, and accurate overview of
potential events and discuss a general concept of operations for response. Any
information already included in the EOP need not be duplicated in the TIA but should
be referenced. The situation overview should include as much information as possible
that is unique to terrorism response actions, including the suggested elements listed in
Table 4.
State and local planners need to consider the possibility of unusual or unique types of
terrorist attacks in addition to those that have occurred in the past. Planners need to
think creatively about possible scenarios and reponse needs. The plans developed for
terrorist incidents must be comprehensive in scope yet flexible enough to deal with
the unexpected.
Terrorism emergency response planning should include provisions for working with
Federal crisis and consequence management agencies. The key to successful
emergency response involves smooth coordination among multiple agencies and
See Web sites for organizations such as the nation’s Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO), and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC),
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 16
Table 4. Suggested Emergency Operations Plan Elements
Use detailed, current maps and charts.
Include demographic information.
Use natural and manmade boundaries and structures to identify risk areas.
Annotate evacuation routes and alternatives.
Annotate in-place sheltering locations.
Use geographic information systems (GISs) and analytical tools (e.g., the
Consequence Assessment Tool Set [CATS]) as appropriate.
Determine response routes and times.
Include bodies of water with dams or levees (these could become
Specify special weather and climate features that could alter the effects of a
WMD (strong winds, heavy rains, etc.).
Identify those most susceptible to WMD effects or otherwise hindered or unable
to care for themselves.
Identify areas where large concentrations of the population might be located,
such as sports arenas and major transportation centers.
List areas that may include retirement communities.
Note locations of correctional facilities.
Note locations of hospitals/medical centers/schools/day care centers where
multiple evacuees may need assistance.
Identify non-English-speaking populations.
Identify multijurisdictional perimeters and boundaries.
Identify potentially overlapping areas for response.
Identify rural, urban, suburban, and city (e.g., city-sprawl/surroundings) mutual
risk areas.
Identify mutual aid resources from adjoining municipalities.
Identify terrorism-specific resources from adjoining municipalities.
Identify specific or unique characteristics such as interchanges, choke points,
traffic lights, traffic schemes and patterns, access roads, tunnels, bridges,
railroad crossings, and overpasses and/or cloverleafs.
Identify mutual aid resources.
Identify terrorism-specific resources.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will work with local and State officials on
environmental planning issues.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), in close cooperation with the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), will work with State and local officials on these issues.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 17
officials from various jurisdictions regarding all aspects of the response. Because of
the need to interact with a wide range of organizations and individuals within these
organizations, up-to-date directories of the points of contact need to be maintained in
the course of planning. It is important that those directories be regularly updated to
reflect changes in personnel and telephone numbers. While assistance from Federal
agencies will be needed in a terrorist incident, planning by State and local
jurisdictions should take into account the difficulty that can be experienced in
incorporating the Federal resources into the initial local response. Coordination
among State, local, and Federal officials should take place well in advance of events
that could be targeted so that all response organizations clearly understand the
responsibilities of each organization and how they will be integrated.
2. Potential Targets. In determining the risk areas within a jurisdiction (and in multiple
jurisdictions participating in an emergency response), the vulnerabilities of potential
targets should be identified, and the targets themselves should be prepared to respond
to a WMD incident. In-depth vulnerability assessments are needed for determining a
response to such an incident. For examples of vulnerability areas to be considered,
see Tab F. In addition, reference Risk Management Plans and Emergency Planning
and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Plans, which include potential target
areas and information on industrial chemical facilities, can be obtained from the
area’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). (LEPC contacts are listed at
Various criteria may be used in determining the vulnerability of facilities to terrorist
attack. These include factors such as population, accessibility, criticality to everyday
life, economic impact, and symbolic value. In evaluating the vulnerability of
facilities, State and local planners need to consider the existing security measures in
place and the need, if any, to upgrade security.
In addition, the FBI has a standard vulnerability assessment paradigm that can be
used for evaluating the vulnerabilities of potential targets. Planners should also be
aware that once target lists and vulnerability information are developed, careful
decisions must be made regarding security considerations for handling this
information based upon applicable State and Federal law regarding confidentiality
and public information. Even where laws do not require strict confidentiality,
planners should apply common sense regarding whether information that could be
useful to terrorists should be made available on the Web or distributed widely in other
ways (see also the discussions of critical infrastructure protection [Section B.2] and
special events [Tab I]).
3. Initial Warning. While specific events may vary, the emergency response and the
protocol followed should remain consistent. When an overt WMD incident has
occurred, the initial call for help will likely come through the local 911 center. This
caller may or may not identify the incident as a terrorist incident, but may state only
that there was an explosion, a major “accident,” or a mass casualty event. Information
relayed through the dispatcher prior to arrival of first responders on scene, as well as
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 18
the initial assessment, will provide first responders with the basic data to begin
responding to the incident. With increased awareness and training about terrorist
incidents, first responders should recognize that a terrorist incident has occurred. The
information provided in this document applies where it becomes obvious or strongly
suspected that an incident has been intentionally perpetrated to harm people,
compromise the public’s safety and well-being, disrupt essential government services,
or damage the area’s economy or environment.
Planners need to be aware of the likely occurrence of false warnings or hoaxes (bomb
threats, simulated anthrax powder, etc.). Since these cannot be ignored, they must be
investigated, resulting in wasted resources and psychological stress. Planners should
develop procedures and training to deal with such threats.
4. Initial Detection. The initial detection of a WMD terrorist attack will likely occur at
the local level by either first responders or private entities (hospitals, corporations,
etc.). Consequently, first responders, the business community, and members of the
medical community—both public and private—should be trained to identify
hazardous agents and to take appropriate actions. State and local health departments,
as well as local emergency first responders, will be relied upon to identify unusual
symptoms, patterns of symptom occurrence, and any additional cases of symptoms as
the effects spread throughout the community and beyond.
The detection of a terrorism incident involving covert biological agents (as well as
some chemical agents) will most likely occur through the recognition of similar
symptoms or syndromes by clinicians in hospital or clinical settings. Detection of
biological agents could occur days or weeks after exposed individuals have left the
site of the release. Detection will occur at public health facilities receiving unusual
numbers of patients, the majority of whom will self-transport. Similarly, a biological
attack aimed at agricultural assets might first be detected by veterinarians or
agricultural inspectors.
First responders must be protected from the hazard prior to treating victims. Planning
for response to terrorist acts must include provisions for appropriate personal
protective equipment for emergency responders, especially first responders. This
equipment should include protective clothing and respirators with high-efficiency
particulate air (HEPA) filters. Detection equipment for chemical, biological, nuclear,
or explosive materials will assist in identifying the nature of a potential hazard. State
and local planners should determine the present availability of this protective and
detection equipment within their jurisdictions, determine if additional resources
would be needed to adequately protect their first responders, and identify the funding
needs to upgrade their resources, if needed. Tab E contains an overview of first
responder concerns and indicators related to chemical, biological,
nuclear/radiological, and explosive/incendiary incidents.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 19
5. Release Area. Standard models are available for estimating the effects of a nuclear,
chemical, or biological release, including the area affected and consequences to
population, resources, and infrastructure. Some of these models include databases on
infrastructure that can be useful in preparing the TIA. A good source of information
on available Federal government models is the Directory of Atmospheric Transport
and Diffusion Consequence Assessment Models, published by the Office of the
Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (OFCM). The directory is available both in
print and online on OFCM’s web page, (select “Publications,
then “Publications Available Online,” then the directory). The directory includes
information on the capabilities and limitations of each model, technical requirements,
and points of contact.
Analogous to the area affected by a nuclear, biological, or chemical release is the area
impacted by an explosive device. Models are also available for estimating the blast
effects at various distances for various quantities of explosive material. These models
can be useful in preparing the TIA, especially in regard to determining minimum
setback distances from a potential vehicle bomb to a vulnerable facility or structure. If
a specific minimum distance cannot practically be maintained, then the planning
effort may need to consider the cost and effectiveness of facility hardening to mitigate
the effects of an assumed blast impact. Plannerrs may also consider the removal or
modification of window areas.
6. Investigation and Containment of Hazards. Local first responders will provide
initial assessment or scene surveillance of a hazard caused by an act of WMD
terrorism. The proper local, State, and Federal authorities capable of dealing with and
containing the hazard should be alerted to a suspected WMD attack as soon as first
responders recognize the occurrence of symptoms that are highly unusual or of an
unknown cause. Consequently, State and local emergency responders must be able to
assess the situation and request assistance as quickly as possible. For a list of Federal
departments and agencies with counterterrorism-specific roles, see Tab C; for
telephone and online resources from selected organizations, see Tab D.
7. Assumptions. Although situations may vary, planning assumptions remain the same.
a. The first responder (e.g., local emergency or law enforcement personnel) or
health and medical personnel will in most cases initially detect and evaluate the
potential or actual incident, assess casualties (if any), and determine whether
assistance is required. If so, State support will be requested and provided. This
assessment will be based on warning or notification of a WMD incident that
may be received from law enforcement, emergency response agencies, or the
b. The incident may require Federal support. To ensure that there is one overall
Lead Federal Agency (LFA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) is authorized to support the Department of Justice (DOJ) (as delegated
to the FBI) until the Attorney General transfers the overall LFA role to FEMA
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 20
(Source: Federal Response Plan [FRP], Terrorism Incident Annex). In addition,
FEMA is designated as the lead agency for consequence management within the
United States and its territories. FEMA retains authority and responsibility to
act as the lead agency for consequence management throughout the Federal
response. In this capacity, FEMA will coordinate Federal assistance requested
through State authorities using normal FRP mechanisms.
The Office of Homeland Security, established on October 8, 2001, by Executive
Order 13228, has a mission to develop and coordinate the implementation of a
comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist
threats or attacks. The Office, when operational, has preparedness and response
and recovery coordination functions relevant to state and local EOPs.
c. Federal response will include experts in the identification, containment, and
recovery of WMD (chemical, biological, nuclear/radiological, or explosive).
d. Federal consequence management response will entail the involvement of
FEMA, additional FRP departments and agencies, and the American Red Cross
as required.
e. Jurisdictional areas of responsibility and working perimeters defined by local,
State, and Federal departments and agencies may overlap. Perimeters may be
used to control access to the affected area, target public information messages,
assign operational sectors among responding organizations, and assess potential
effects on the population and the environment. Control of these perimeters may
be enforced by different authorities, which will impede the overall response if
adequate coordination is not established.
f. Response activities may continue for an extended period of days or weeks.
Early emergency responders may be pushed beyond their capabilities, and
regional and Federal resources may be needed. The incident will be extensively
covered by the media. There may be many volunteer responders and donations
of food and material that will require management.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 21
The TIA should include a concept of operations section to explain the jurisdiction’s overall
concept for responding to a WMD incident.
Topics should include division of local, State,
Federal, and any intermediate interjurisdictional responsibilities; activation of the EOP; and
the other elements set forth in Chapter 4 (Basic Plan Content) of State and Local Guide
(SLG) 101. A suggested format for a TIA is given in Tab A.
1. Direction and Control. Local government emergency response organizations will
respond to the incident scene(s) and make appropriate and rapid notifications to local
and State authorities (Table 5).
Control of the incident scene(s) most likely will be
established by local first responders from either fire or police. To assure continuity of
operations, it is important that the Incident Command Post be established at a safe
location and at a distance appropriate for response to a suspected or known terrorist
incident. In addition, in severe terrorist attacks, response operations may last for very
long periods, and there may be more leadership casualties due to secondary or tertiary
attacks or events. Planning should therefore provide for staffing key leadership
positions in depth.
The Incident Command System (ICS) should be used by all responding local fire,
police, and emergency management organizations, and all relevant responder
personnel should be trained in ICS use to prevent security and coordination problems
in a multi-organization response. The ICS that was initially established likely will
transition into a Unified Command System (UCS) as mutual-aid partners and State
and Federal responders arrive to augment the local responders. It is recommended
that local, State, and Federal regional law enforcement officials develop consensus
“rules of engagement” early in the planning process to smooth the transition from ICS
to UCS.
This unified command (UC) structure will facilitate both crisis management
and consequence management activities. The UC structure used at the scene will
expand as support units and agency representatives arrive to support crisis and
consequence management operations. The site of a terrorist incident is a crime scene
as well as a disaster scene, although the protection of lives, health, and safety remains
the top priority. Because of all of these considerations, as well as logistical control
concerns, it is extremely important that this incident site and its perimeter be tightly
controlled as soon as possible. See Section F and Tab B regarding considerations in
identifying planning participants.
This section does not address concept of operations planning for consequence management of cyber attacks or
terrorist attacks on infrastructure. General considerations regarding these types of attacks are identified in
Section B.2.
Table 5 provides an overview of events likely to occur in a WMD incident. It is designed to help planners better
understand the interface that State and local response will likely have with Federal response organizations. The
table includes both crisis management and consequence management activities that would be operating in parallel
and is intended to illustrate the complex constellation of responses that would be involved in a WMD incident.
Developing an effective transition from ICS to UCS can be accomplished most directly with mobilization and
mutual aid agreements that connect jurisdictions and emergency service disciplines. Tab H provides information
and templates useful for developing mutual aid and other intergovernmental agreements to enhance preparedness.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 22
Table 5. Responses to a WMD Incident and the Participants Involved
1. Incident occurs.
2. 911 center receives calls, elicits information, dispatches first
responders, relays information to first responders prior to their
arrival on scene, makes notifications, and consults existing
databases of chemical hazards in the community, as required.
911 Center, first responders.
3. First responders arrive on scene and make initial assessment.
Establish Incident Command and set up Command Post in an
area that is safe from potential secondary hazards/devices.
Determine potential weapon of mass destruction (WMD) incident
and possible terrorist involvement; warn additional responders to
the scene of potential secondary hazards/devices. Perform any
obvious rescues as incident permits. Establish security perimeter
and credentialing. Determine needs for additional assistance.
Begin triage and treatment of victims. Begin hazard agent
Incident Command: Fire, law enforcement,
emergency medical services (EMS), and HazMat
4. Incident Command manages incident response; notifies medical
facility, emergency management (EM), and other local
organizations outlined in Emergency Operations Plan (EOP);
requests notification of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Field Office.
Incident Command.
5. Special Agent in Charge (SAC) assesses information, supports
local law enforcement, and determines WMD terrorist incident
has occurred. Notifies Strategic Information and Operations
Center (SIOC), activates Joint Operations Center (JOC),
coordinates the crisis management aspects of WMD incident, and
acts as the Federal on-scene manager for the U.S. government
while FBI is Lead Federal Agency (LFA).
FBI Field Office: SAC.
6. Local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activated. Supports
Incident Command, as required by Incident Commander (IC).
Coordinates consequence management activities (e.g., mass
care). Local authorities declare state of emergency. Coordinates
with State EOC and State and Federal agencies, as required.
Requests State and Federal assistance, as necessary.
Local EOC: Local agencies, as identified in basic
7. Strategic local coordination of crisis management activities. Brief
President, National Security Council (NSC), and Attorney
General. Provide Headquarters (HQ) support to JOC. Domestic
Emergency Support Team (DEST) may be deployed. Notification
of FEMA by FBI/SIOC triggers FEMA actions.
SIOC: FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ),
Department of Energy (DOE), Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), Department of
Defense (DoD), Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), and Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
8. Manage criminal investigation. Establish Joint Information
Center (JIC). State and local agencies and FEMA ensure
coordination of consequence management activities.
FBI; other Federal, State, and local law enforcement
agencies. Local EM representatives. FEMA, DoD,
DOE, HHS, EPA, and other Federal Response Plan
(FRP) agencies, as required.
9. State EM supports local consequence management. Brief
Governor. Declare state of emergency. Develop/coordinate
requests for Federal assistance through FEMA Regional
Operations Center (ROC). Coordinate State request for Federal
consequence management assistance.
State EOC, State EM, and other State agencies, as
outlined in the basic EOP.
10. DEST provides assistance to FBI SAC. Merges into JOC, as
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 23
Table 5 (Cont.)
11. FEMA representative coordinates Consequence Management
Group. Expedites Federal consequence management activities
and monitors crisis management response to advise on areas of
decision that could impact consequence management response.
FBI, FEMA, EPA, DoD, DOE, HHS, and other FRP
12. Crisis management response activities to incident may continue. FBI, Incident Command System (ICS), Special
Operations, Hazardous Materials Response Unit
(HMRU), Joint Technical Operations Team, Joint
Inter-Agency Intelligence Support, and additional
authorities, as needed.
13. Federal response efforts coordinated and mission assignments
determined. A consequence management support team deploys to
incident site. All EOCs coordinate.
ROC and regional-level agencies.
14. An Emergency Response Team - Advance Element (ERT-A)
deploys to State EOC and incident site, as needed. Base
installation sites identified for mobilization centers. Liaisons
from WMD-related agencies requested for Emergency Support
Team (EST) and ROC. Disaster Field Office (DFO) liaisons as
needed (may be after extended response phase).
ERT-A: Regional-level FEMA and FRP primary
support agencies, as needed.
15. A consequence management support team provides operational
technical assistance to Unified Command (UC).
16. Recovery operations. Transition of LFA from FBI to FEMA.
FEMA may initiate FRP response prior to any FBI/SIOC notification.
State and Local planners must realize that the integration of the Federal response into
the local response efforts can be a difficult and awkward process. Whenever possible,
each entity should involve the others in its planning process so as to facilitate a better
understanding by all parties of the anticipated actions and responsibilities of each
organization. Planners should understand that integration of the Federal response into
an urban setting would be different from that into a rural setting. In an urban area,
there will generally be substantial personpower and equipment resources, and the
local emergency response organization will likely want to retain the direction and
control of the emergency response. The rapid influx of Federal resources can be a
sensitive issue unless properly coordinated. The Federal response should not
overwhelm the local emergency response organization but should provide resources
as needed.
Figure 1 summarizes the coordination relationships between the UC and other
response entities. It is assumed that normal disaster coordination accomplished at
State and local EOCs and other locations away from the scene would be addressed in
the basic EOP. Any special concerns relating to State and local coordination with
Federal organizations should be addressed in the TIA. FEMA is in the process of
developing WMD Incident Support Teams (ISTs) that should help to facilitate this
coordination process.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 24
FIGURE 1 Coordination Relationships in Terrorism Incident
Response (Source: FRP, Figure TI-4, p. TI-9)
Response to any terrorist incident requires direction and control. The planner must
consider the unique characteristics of the event, identify the likely stage at which
coordinated resources will be required, and tailor the direction and control process to
merge these resources into an ongoing public health response. With many
organizations involved, there is the danger of key decisions being slowed by too
many layers of decision making. Planners should be aware of the need to streamline
the decisionmaking process so that key decisions or authorizations regarding public
health and safety can be obtained quickly.
A primary EOC is necessary to properly coordinate response actions within the
jurisdiction and to liaise with other jurisdictions and Federal agencies. The
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) of the City of New York’s Office of Emergency
Management, a new state-of-the art facility, was located at the World Trade Center
and was destroyed. This necessitated establishing an alternative EOC. Therefore,
planning should address the possibility that operations might have to be shifted to an
alternative EOC or even a secondary alternative location.
In considering direction and control as well as continuity of operations, planners must
determine the availability of usable alternate EOC facility locations that can be
brought up to operational level within a reasonable period of time. In a large-scale
terrorist incident, the local EOC might become uninhabitable, especially if it is not a
hardened facility. In identifying and evaluating alternative EOC locations, planners
will need to consider the availability of communications systems, space to
accommodate all key staff, materials and supplies, backup power, kitchen, bathrooms,
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 25
and the overall capability to maintain around-the-clock operations for an extended
Local, State, and Federal interface with the FBI On-Scene Commander (OSC) is
coordinated through the Joint Operations Center (JOC). FEMA (represented in the
command group) will recommend joint operational priorities to the FBI on the basis
of consultation with the FEMA-led consequence management group in the JOC. The
FBI, working with local and State officials in the command group at the JOC, will
establish operational priorities.
2. Communications. In the event of a WMD incident, rapid and secure communication
is important to ensure a prompt and coordinated response. Strengthening communica-
tions among first responders, clinicians, emergency rooms, hospitals, mass care
providers, and emergency management personnel must be given top priority in
planning. Planning should include adding 911 resources when an event requires
extraordinary response.
In addition, terrorist attacks have been shown to overload nondedicated telephone
lines and cellular telephones. In these instances, the Internet has proven more reliable
for making necessary communications connections, although it should be recognized
that computers may be vulnerable to cyber attacks in the form of viruses.
It is
recommended that response organizations both establish relevant Internet connections
with all coordinating emergency response organizations and have the use of these
connections formalized in plans and practiced during training, drills, and exercises.
Responders with different functions within a jurisdiction or from different
jurisdictions may use different radio frequencies, hindering communications.
Use of
800 MHz radios alleviates this problem. Therefore, a “backbone” communications
system to interconnect local, State, and Federal responders is recommended. Also
needed is the establishment of mutually agreed upon communications protocols
during the planning and exercise stages so that all responding organizations will
understand each others’ codes and terminology during response to real events.
Planning should also consider the need for an integrated backbone communications
system for all key State agencies and local emergency response organizations. The
interoperability of such a system would facilitate the integrated response to a terrorist
incident. Planning also needs to consider the importance of reliable backup
communications systems for emergency responders. Terrorist incidents may include
the loss of radio transmission capabilities, and telephone land lines and cellular phone
connections will be overloaded in a large emergency. Satellite telephones, which can
operate when cellular and nondedicated land lines are overloaded, are another option
On September 11, 2001, by coincidence, some Federal computer networks were infested with the Nimda virus,
which adversely affected the operation of these networks.
This lack of interoperability was a significant problem in the response to the September 11, 2001, attack on the
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 26
for backup telephone systems. State and local planners should consider the
distribution of priority emergency access telephone cards (e.g., AT&T ENETS) to
their emergency workers. Planners should determine the existing status of their
emergency communications systems and identify the funding needed to upgrade
3. Warning. Every incident is different. There may or may not be warning of a potential
WMD incident. Factors involved range from intelligence gathered from various law
enforcement or intelligence agency sources to an actual notification from the terrorist
organization or individual. The EOP should have HazMat facilities and transportation
routes already mapped, along with emergency procedures necessary to respond.
a. The warning or notification of a potential WMD terrorist incident could come
from many sources; therefore, open but secure communication among local,
State, and Federal law enforcement agencies and emergency response officials
is essential. The local FBI Field Office must be notified of any suspected
terrorist threats or incidents. Similarly, the FBI informs State and local law
enforcement officials regarding potential threats. An integrated backbone
communications system would be an aid in maintaining these communications
channels and would expedite the dissemination of warnings about suspected
terrorist threats. The interoperability of such a system would eliminate the need
to switch back and forth between different communications systems for
different organizations.
b. Pre-Event Readiness. The FBI operates with a four-tier threat level system that
can be used as a basis for initiating precautionary actions when a WMD terrorist
event is anticipated:
(1) Level Four (Minimal Threat). Received threats do not warrant actions
beyond normal liaison notifications or placing assets or resources on a
heightened alert.
(2) Level Three (Potential Threat). Intelligence or an articulated threat
indicates the potential for a terrorist incident; however, this threat has not
yet been assessed as credible.
(3) Level Two (Credible Threat). A threat assessment indicates that a
potential threat is credible and confirms the involvement of WMD in a
developing terrorist incident. The threat increases in significance when the
presence of an explosive device or WMD capable of causing a significant
destructive event or prior or actual injury or loss is confirmed or when
intelligence and circumstances indicate a high probability that a device
(4) Level One (WMD Incident). A WMD terrorism incident resulting in
mass casualties has occurred that requires immediate Federal planning and
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 27
preparation to provide support to State and local authorities. The Federal
response is primarily directed toward the safety and welfare of the public
and the preservation of human life.
4. Emergency Public Information. Terrorism is designed to be catastrophic. The intent
of a terrorist attack is to cause maximum destruction of lives and property; create
chaos, confusion, and public panic; and stress local, State, and Federal response
resources. Accurate and timely information, disseminated to the public and media
immediately and often over the course of the response, is vital to minimize
accomplishment of these terrorist objectives.
Crisis research and case studies show that accurate, consistent, and expedited
information calms anxieties and reduces problematic public responses such as panic
and spontaneous evacuations that terrorists hope will hamper response efforts.
The news media will be the public’s primary source of information, from both official
and other sources, over the course of the emergency. Ensuring that the media will
receive accurate, consistent, and expedited official information from the outset and
over what may be a rapidly changing and lengthy response requires careful planning
and considerable advance preparation. It is important to build and maintain a strong
working relationship with the media. This relationship should include a clear
commitment that government representatives will be immediately available to
provide information over the course of the emergency.
Local plans should reflect responsibility for emergency information operations during
the crucial initial response until State and Federal personnel and resources can arrive
to provide support. Planning also should reflect (1) a mechanism for sharing and
coordinating information among all responding agencies and organizations,
(2) development and production of information materials, (3) dissemination of
information through various methods, and (4) monitoring and analysis of news media
coverage with rapid response capability to address identified problems.
A strong and ongoing public education program for terrorism response, built upon
outreach and awareness programs for other types of emergencies, can enhance the
response organization’s credibility and benefit both members of the public and first
responder efforts in the event of a terrorist attack. Tab G provides more information
on emergency public information planning and preparedness considerations.
5. Protective Actions. Evacuation may be required from inside the perimeter of the
scene to guard against further casualties from contamination by primary release of a
WMD agent, the possible release of additional WMD, secondary devices, or
additional attacks targeting emergency responders. Temporary in-place sheltering
may be appropriate if there is a short-duration release of hazardous materials or if it is
determined to be safer for individuals to remain in place. Protection from biological
threats may involve coercive or noncoercive protective actions, including isolation of
individuals who pose an infection hazard, quarantine of affected locations,
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 28
vaccination, use of masks by the public, closing of public transportation, limiting
public gatherings, and limiting intercity travel. As with any emergency, State and
local officials are primarily responsible for making protective action decisions
affecting the public. Protocols should be established to ensure that important
decisions are made by persons with the proper decision-making authority. The TIA
should include provision for coordinating protective actions with other affected
jurisdictions. Planning should also address ways of countering irrational public
behavior that can hinder protective actions.
However, planning for evacuation should be flexible to account for difficult
situations. After the attack on the Pentagon, Federal buildings in Washington, D.C.,
were evacuated as a precautionary measure. Evacuation there is complicated by roads
in the Federal area being under the jurisdiction of several Federal agencies and roads
in the rest of the District being under the authority of the District government.
However, the Pentagon is located in Arlington County, Virginia, near a route persons
from Washington, D.C., were using to evacuate. Thus, there was a situation where
some evacuation was toward the incident site rather than away from it. Because of
heavy traffic in the vicinity of the Pentagon, fire vehicles had difficulty reaching the
incident site.
6. Mass Care. The location of mass care facilities will be based partly on the hazard
agent involved. Decontamination, if it is necessary, may need to precede sheltering
and other needs of the victims to prevent further damage from the hazard agent to
either the victims themselves or the care providers. The American Red Cross (the
primary agency for mass care), the Department of Health and Human Services, and
the Department of Veteran Affairs should be actively involved with the planning
process to determine both in-place and mobile mass care systems for the TIA.
A midpoint or intermediary station may be needed to move victims out of the way of
immediate harm. This action would allow responders to provide critical attention
(e.g., decontamination and medical services) and general lifesaving support, then
evacuate victims to a mass care location for further attention. The following are
general issues to consider for inclusion in the TIA:
a. Location, setup, and equipment for decontamination stations, if any.
b. Mobile triage support and qualified personnel.
c. Supplies and personnel to support in-place sheltering.
d. Evacuation to an intermediary location to provide decontamination and medical
e. Determination of safety perimeters (based on agent).
f. Patient tracking/record keeping for augmentation of epidemiological services
and support.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 29
7. Health and Medical. The basic EOP should already contain a Health and Medical
Annex. Issues that may be different during a terrorist incident and that should be
addressed in the TIA include decontamination, safety of victims and responders, in-
place sheltering or quarantine versus evacuation, and multihazard/multiagent triage.
Planning should anticipate the need to handle large numbers of people who may or
may not be contaminated but who are fearful about their medical well-being. In
addition, the TIA should identify the locations and capacities of medical care
facilities within the jurisdiction and in surrounding jurisdictions. The TIA should also
include a description of the capabilities of these medical care facilities, especially
with regard to trauma care. Depending on the nature and extent of a terrorist attack,
the most appropriate medical care facility may not necessarily be the closest facility.
The response to a bioterrorism incident will require the active collaboration of the
clinicians and local public health authorities responsible for disease monitoring,
treatment/immunization, and outbreak investigation. Their activities should be
factored into the response planning. Bioterrorism might involve infectious or
communicable diseases, such as smallpox or plague. Therefore, the TIA should
address powers, if any, given to public health authorities for quarantines and
controlling medical facilities. A Model State Emergency Health Powers Act has been
drafted for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that would give states
broad powers in a crisis to commandeer antibiotics, compel vaccinations, and seize
infection-carrying corpses.
In addition, first responders may be entering an environment rife with biological or
chemical agents, radioactive materials, or hazardous air pollutants from collapsed
buildings, or collapse of buildings might be imminent. Other incidents may pose
environmental or physical risks to responders from a structurally damaged and
potentially deadly pipeline, tank car, tank truck, bridge, or tunnel. The planning
should also address the need for first responders to perform a risk assessment and to
modify standard protocols (e.g., establish plans for inoculating first responders) if the
risk assessment so indicates. The planning should also address how such assessments
are made and what resources they may indicate are needed. The assessment may
indicate monitoring and sampling resources are needed before Federal resources can
arrive. Responders will also need appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE),
including respirators. The planning should also address the availability of regional
monitoring and sampling capability and PPE. Also see Tab B for other potential
medical organizations to consider including in the planning process.
A bioterrorism incident raises several other special issues. Such an incident may
generate an influx of patients requiring specialized care. If an infectious agent is
involved, it may be necessary to isolate the patients and use special precautions to
avoid transmission of the disease to staff and other patients. State planning should
also consider the need to obtain and integrate supplementary medical professionals
and technicians who may be needed to respond to a terrorist incident. In addition to
physiological health considerations, planners should take into account the need for
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 30
mental health considerations in the consequence management planning. Support must
be provided not only to those individuals directly affected by a terrorist attack but
also to those surviving family members experiencing emotional stress.
Planning issues to consider include the following:
a. Immunization and prophylaxis for biological agents.
b. Notification to and receipt of information from doctors/clinics.
c. Augmentation of medical facilities and personnel.
d. Management of medical supplies and equipment.
e. Patient tracking/record keeping for augmentation of epidemiological services
and support.
f. Analytical laboratory support, including memoranda of agreement (MOAs)
specifying special considerations (e.g., testing capabilities) as appropriate.
g. Mental health support services, including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists,
social workers, etc.
8. Resources Management. The following considerations are highly relevant to WMD
incidents and should be addressed, if appropriate, in one or more appendixes to a
resource management annex:
a. Nuclear, biological, and chemical response resources that are available through
interjurisdictional agreements (e.g., interstate pacts).
b. Unique resources that are available through State authorities (e.g., National
Guard units).
c. Unique resources that are available to State and local jurisdictions through
Federal authorities (e.g., the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, a national asset
providing delivery of antibiotics, antidotes, and medical supplies to the scene of
a WMD incident).
d. Unique expertise that may be available through academic, research, or private
e. Trained and untrained volunteer resources and unsolicited donated goods that
arrive at the incident site (see Section F for further discussion).
9. Recovery. The basic EOP should already contain a Recovery Annex. However,
different issues may arise during a WMD incident that should be addressed in the
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 31
TIA. A WMD incident is a criminal act, and its victims or their families may be
eligible for assistance under a State crime victims assistance law. Therefore, State
crime victims assistance staff should be included in the planning process. In addition,
injured victims of a terrorist attack, those put at risk of injury, and the families of
these persons may have suffered psychological trauma as a result of the attack and
may be in need of crisis counseling.
In the event of an incident involving chemical or biological agents or radioactive
materials, large areas or multiple locations may become contaminated.
Decontamination may be required before buildings can safely be reoccupied and
farms can again safely grow crops. While decontamination is taking place, or until
damaged buildings are repaired or replaced, persons must be relocated from
residences and offices, and office equipment must be relocated from office buildings.
Relocation after a terrorist incident tends to be of longer duration and entail greater
costs than relocation following a natural disaster. Planners should take these factors
into account and make appropriate arrangements.
10. Urban Search and Rescue. Urban Search and Rescue (US&R), Emergency Support
Function (ESF) #9 in the FRP, involves rapid deployment of US&R task forces to
provide specialized lifesaving assistance to State and local authorities, including
locating, extricating, and providing on-site medical treatment to those trapped in
collapsed structures. FEMA is the agency with primary responsibility for this ESF.
FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and the National Fire Academy are
integrating US&R more closely into their curriculums.
There are currently 28 US&R task forces throughout the country; they have ability to
deploy within six hours and to sustain themselves for 36 hours. Current deployment
plans rely on commercial air transport. Consequently, in incidents where air traffic is
curtailed, arrival of remote US&R task forces may be delayed.
The capabilities of several US&R task forces are being enhanced to operate in a
collapsed building environment that is contaminated with biological or chemical
agents or radioactive materials. These enhanced task forces will have additional
HazMat specialists and medical personnel and more monitoring and detection
As with any hazard-specific emergency, the organization for management of local response
will probably need to be tailored to address the special issues involved in managing the
consequences of a terrorist incident. This organization should therefore be defined in the
TIA. The consequences of a terrorist act have the potential to overwhelm local resources,
which may require assistance from State or Federal governments. The response by State
and local governments to a terrorist act, as well as the types of support and assistance from
the Federal government, will be different than the response to and support for other natural
and technological emergencies. Because of this, not only must the plans be upgraded to
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 32
include response to terrorist acts, but training and exercising must be expanded to ensure
that the unique aspects of response to terrorist incidents can be carried out in a coordinated,
effective manner. Training needs to be planned for State, local, and Federal staff involved
in the response. State and local planners should identify their training needs, establish
budgets for the training, and determine what funding resources will be required to
implement the training. Periodic integrated exercises must also be conducted to ensure that
the emergency response to a terrorist incident at the local, State, and Federal levels can be
adequately coordinated. The following response roles and responsibilities should be
articulated in the TIA.
1. Local Emergency Responders. Local fire departments, law enforcement personnel,
HazMat teams, and EMS will be among the first to respond to terrorist incidents,
especially those involving WMD. In incidents associated with public transportation
(e.g., airlines, mass transit, railroads, subways), workers and officials from these
transportation organizations may be among the first responders. As response efforts
escalate, the local emergency management agency and health department will help
coordinate needed services.
Primary Duties. The duties of local departments, such as fire, law enforcement, and
EMS, along with those of the local emergency management agency and health
department, should be addressed in their respective EOPs. Any special duties
necessary to respond to a suspected terrorist WMD incident should be set forth in the
local TIA.
2. Interjurisdictional Responsibilities. The formal arrangements and agreements for
emergency response to a terrorist incident among neighboring jurisdictions, State,
Tribal, local, and neighboring States (and those jurisdictions physically located in
those States) should be made prior to an incident (see Tab H). When coordinating
and planning the Risk Assessment and Risk Area sections of the TIA (areas where
potential multiple jurisdictions could overlap and interplay), interjurisdictional
responsibilities should be readily identifiable. Federal response is already predisposed
for interagency and interdepartmental coordination, particularly one involving WMD.
3. State Emergency Responders. If requested by local officials, the State emergency
management agency has capabilities to support local emergency management
authorities and the Incident Commander (IC).
Primary Duties. The duties of all responding State agencies should be addressed in
the State EOP. Any special duties necessary to respond to a WMD incident should be
set forth in the State’s TIA.
4. State and Local Public Health Authorities. State laws grant State and local public
health authorities emergency powers to combat communicable disease. The powers
available, diseases that trigger them, and procedures for enforcement vary from State
to State. Typical powers include the power to isolate or quarantine persons and places
and the power to compel vaccinations and other preventive measures, such as wearing
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 33
of masks. In some states, these measures may be taken whenever there is a threat of
communicable disease, but in other states, the powers apply to only one or more
specific, named diseases. Also, there may be procedural restrictions whereby
someone who objects to a quarantine or vaccination is entitled to a court hearing.
Primary duties. Emergency duties of public health agencies may be outlined in a state
or local EOP or in a separate public health plan.
5. Medical Service Providers. Hospitals generally perform emergency planning both to
protect their own facilities and patients and to respond to disasters in the community.
State licensing and accreditation standards require hospitals to meet certain criteria
for emergency preparedness, which often include participation in local or regional
medical planning for disasters. Hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) must be prepared for a variety of
disaster scenarios, including facilities for biological, radioactive, or chemical isolation
and decontamination where appropriate.
6. Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs), State Emergency Response
Commissions (SERCs), and Tribal Emergency Response Commissions (TERCs).
These entities are established under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
Act of 1986 (SARA), Title III, and the implementing regulations of the EPA. LEPCs
develop and maintain local hazardous material emergency plans and receive
notifications of releases of hazardous substances. SERCs and TERCs supervise the
operation of the LEPCs and administer the community right-to-know provisions of
SARA Title III, including collection and distribution of information about facility
inventories of hazardous substances, chemicals, and toxins. LEPCs will have detailed
information about industrial chemicals within the community. It may be advisable for
LEPCs, SERCs, and TERCs to establish MOAs with agencies and organizations to
provide specialized resources and capabilities for response to WMD incidents. Tab H
provides information on intergovernmental agreements.
Primary Duties. Any responsibilities germane to terrorism preparedness or response
should be outlined in local, State, and Tribal hazardous materials emergency response
plans or the hazardous materials annex to the local emergency plan.
7. Federal Emergency Responders. Upon determination of a credible terrorist threat,
or if such an incident actually occurs, the Federal government may respond through
the appropriate departments and agencies. These departments and agencies may
include FEMA, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI, the Department of Defense
(DoD), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), the EPA, the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC), and possibly the American Red Cross and
Department of Veterans Affairs. Also, the Office of Homeland Security may have a
coordination role. The roles and responsibilities for Federal departments and agencies
participating in both crisis management and consequence management are discussed
in more detail in Tab C. See the United States Government Interagency Domestic
Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan and the Terrorism Incident Annex to the
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 34
Federal Response Plan for information on the roles and responsibilities of Federal
departments and agencies responding to terrorism incidents, particularly ones
involving WMD.
Primary Duties. Upon determining that a terrorist incident is credible, the FBI Special
Agent in Charge (SAC), through the FBI Headquarters, will initiate liaison with other
Federal agencies to activate their operations centers. The responsible FEMA region(s)
may activate a Regional Operations Center (ROC) and deploy a representative(s) to
the affected State(s). When the responsible FEMA region(s) activates a ROC, the
region(s) will notify the responsible FBI Field Office(s) to request a liaison. If the
FBI activates the Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC) at FBI
Headquarters, then other Federal agencies, including FEMA, will deploy a
representative(s) to the SIOC, as required. Once the FBI has determined the need to
activate a Joint Operations Center (JOC) to support the incident site, Federal, State,
and local agencies may be requested by FEMA to support the Consequence
Management Group located at the JOC.
There are many factors that make consequence management response to a terrorist incident
unique. Unlike some natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, winter storms, drought, etc.), the
administration and logistics for response to a terrorist incident require special
considerations. For example, there may be little or no forewarning, and because the release
of a WMD may not be immediately apparent, caregivers, emergency response personnel,
and first responders are in imminent danger themselves of becoming casualties before the
actual identification of the crime can be made. Incidents could escalate quickly from one
scene to multiple locations and jurisdictions.
The types of supplies that are needed to respond to a terrorist incident may differ from
those needed for a natural disaster or other type of technological emergency. For example,
the responders to the September 11, 2001, incidents needed hard hats, steel-toed shoes,
respirators that were appropriate for the hazards, and other personal protective equipment;
these were not stockpiled and had to be purchased. Planning should address administrative
protocols to ensure that proper purchasing procedures are followed and that duplicate
purchases are avoided.
On September 11, 2001, and for a few days afterward, commercial airlines were not
allowed to operate. The shutdown delayed the arrival of supplies and Federal responders
from distant locations. To avoid the inefficiencies of ad hoc purchasing of supplies and of
delays in the arrival of supplies due to air traffic curtailments, consideration should be
given to regional warehousing of supplies and equipment for emergency responders,
including equipment for use of Urban Search and Rescue task forces.
One of the key logistical problems in the initial stages of emergency response to a terrorist
incident is the establishment of an Incident Command Post from which to direct response
activities. In “routine” emergencies such as fires, hazardous materials releases, or police
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 35
actions, the Incident Command Post is established at a point that is close enough to observe
the incident but far enough away to maintain an overview perspective and a safe distance
from the immediate hazards. Because of the unique nature of terrorist activity and the
inherent unpredictability of the incident, planners and emergency responders may need to
rethink the protocol for locating the Incident Command Post (see Section D.1).
One of the key administrative and logistical challenges in managing the emergency
response to the consequences of a terrorist incident is the successful integration of the
Federal response into the initial response by local and State emergency response
organizations. The very nature of a terrorist incident assumes a Federal response.
Depending on the extent of the terrorist incident, the Federal response could be swift and
massive. The application, integration, and coordination of the Federal resources into the
existing local command and control structure can be a sensitive operation. Federal
resources should not overwhelm the local response but should be made available as needed
and requested. State and local planners should involve Federal agencies in their planning
process, to the extent possible, so as to develop a better understanding among all parties
regarding the nature and extent of the Federal response, including the logistical support
needs of Federal agencies. Planners should be aware that nonagricultural terrorist incidents
are more likely to occur in urban areas than rural settings. Urban centers have significantly
greater numbers of emergency personnel and material resources than rural areas, and they
routinely deal with emergency response. Local emergency response organizations will
likely want to maintain the direction and control of the emergency response to the terrorist
Planners should be aware of the potential logistical problems that may be caused by the
unsolicited influx of volunteers and donated goods, as experienced at past disasters and
particularly those caused by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Site and perimeter
control is extremely important to avoid responder casualties and to prevent emergency
operations from being disrupted by uncontrolled movements of such volunteers (see also
Section D.1). Also, enormous quantities of unsolicited goods were sent but not needed. In
preparing the TIA, planners should be aware of the need to coordinate volunteer activities
and storage of donated goods. Planners may want to consider an early public information
message requesting volunteers to stay home unless requested and encouraging cash
donations rather than unsolicited goods.
In developing plans for terrorist incidents in urban centers, planners will need to identify
potential staging areas for personnel and equipment and warehouses for materials,
equipment, and supplies. Although these may not be needed for small-scale terrorist
incidents, an inventory of available warehouse space and potential staging areas would
assist in the response to a large-scale and/or prolonged consequence management response
and recovery effort.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 36
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page A-1
Supplement to a State or Local Basic Emergency Operations Plan
The purpose of the Terrorist Incident Appendix (TIA) is to develop a consequence
management plan for responding to and recovering from a terrorist-initiated incident,
particularly one involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The TIA supplements the
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) already in effect. {Use a format consistent with the
other appendixes to the EOP. The format presented here is intended only as a guide.}
1. Nature of the Hazard {Identify WMD hazards (including conventional explosives,
secondary devices, and combined hazards) or other means of attack (including low-
tech devices and delivery, infrastructure attacks, and cyber terrorism) that could
potentially affect the jurisdiction.}
2. Incident {Statement of the situations that would cause the consequence management
plan for a WMD incident to go into operation.}
3. WMD Hazard Agents {Separate sections for each of the following hazards may be
used, as risk area, treatment, etc., are unique to each incident. The plan for
identification of the hazard agent may be included here, as well as an assessment of
the risk and definition of the risk area.}
a. Chemical {Statement on chemical terrorism. A Tab with the names of
chemicals, composition, reference materials (activation, lethality, treatment,
handling, mixture, etc.) may be created and included in the TIA.}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page A-2
b. Biological {Statement on biological terrorism. Reference material
(identification, handling, treatment, lethality, etc.,) may be created and included
in the TIA in a Tab.}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
c. Nuclear/Radiological {Statement on nuclear terrorism. Reference material can
be listed in a Tab and may include lethality, handling, treatment, etc.}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
d. Explosives/Incendiaries {Statement on explosives/incendiary terrorism. A Tab
with the names of explosives/incendiaries, composition, reference materials
(activation, lethality, treatment, handling, mixture, etc.) may be created and
included in the TIA.}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
e. Combined Hazards {Statement on combined hazards. Reference material
(indentification, handling, treatment, lethality, etc.) may be created and included
in the TIA as a Tab}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
4. Other Terrorism Hazards
a. Low-tech devices and delivery {Statement on low-tech devices and delivery.
Reference material may be created and included in the TIA as a Tab }
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
b. Infrastructure attacks {Statement on infrastructure attacks. Reference material
may be created and included in the TIA as a Tab}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
c. Cyber terrorism {Statement on cyber terrorism. Reference material may be
created and included in the TIA as a Tab}
(1) Assessment of risk
(2) Risk area
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page A-3
1. Situation: Basic information on the terrorist incident threat or potential threat.
A description of the locale for which the plan is being written. Any information listed
below that is already included in the EOP need not be duplicated here. A general
description of the area may be given, with the following information in a Tab.
Consideration should be given to maintaining information in a secure place.
a. Environment
(1) Geographic conditions (terrain).
(2) Weather (climate).
b. Population: General and special needs individuals, retirement communities and
nursing homes, schools, day care centers, correctional facilities, non-English-
speaking communities, etc.
c. Regional: Rural/urban/suburban/city (city-sprawl/surroundings).
d. Critical Infrastructure/Transportation: Major highways, secondary roads,
tertiary roadways, dirt/gravel roads. Details may include interchanges, choke
points, traffic lights, traffic schemes and patterns, access roads, tunnels, bridges,
railroad crossings, overpasses/cloverleafs.
e. Trucking/Transport Activity: Cargo loading/unloading facilities (type of
cargo), waterways (ports, docks, harbors, rivers, streams, lakes, ocean, bays,
reservoirs, pipelines, process/treatment facilities, dams, international roll-
on/roll-off container shipments, HazMat [oil] flagged registry).
f. Airports: Carriers, flight paths, airport layout (air traffic control tower,
runways, passenger terminal, parking).
g. Trains/Subways: Physical rails, interchanges, terminals, tunnels, cargo/
h. Government Facilities: Post office, law enforcement, fire/rescue, town/city
hall, local mayor/governor’s residences, Federal buildings, judicial personnel
(i.e., judges, prosecutors, residences, offices).
i. Recreation Facilities: Sports arenas, theaters, malls, theme parks.
j. Other Facilities: Financial institutions (banking facilities/loan institutions),
universities, colleges, hospitals, other nationally symbolic buildings or
monuments, and research institutes (nuclear, biological, chemical, medical
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page A-4
k. Military Installations
l. HazMat Facilities: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
(EPCRA) sites with Risk Management Plan requirements, Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites,
nonreporting Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities (i.e.,
combustion sites, generating sites, and treatment, storage, and disposal [TSD]
sites), facilities inventoried by the Toxic Release Inventory System (TRIS),
utilities and nuclear facilities, chemical stockpile and/or manufacturing sites.
2. Assumptions: This plan will go into effect when a WMD incident has occurred or a
credible threat has been identified.
1. Direction and Control {Based on the above assessments, provide wiring
diagram/flow chart showing the chain of command and control. These
diagrams/charts may be specific to WMD or more generally pertinent to any terrorist
2. Communications {May elaborate on communications described in the basic EOP.}
a. Security of communications among responding organizations.
b. Coordination of communications with Federal responders.
3. Warning
4. Emergency Public Information {The plan should identify specific methods
(channels) to notify the public that an incident has occurred, direct their actions, and
keep them informed as the situation progresses. Evacuation and sheltering in place
are key actions that may need to be communicated to the public, and continuous
updating will be required.}
5. Protective Actions
a. In-place sheltering.
b. Evacuation routes/means of conveyance should be predetermined based on area
and type of agent.
c. Evacuation support.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page A-5
6. Mass Care
a. Safe location of mass care facilities
b. Structural safety
c. Health and medical services
d. Provisions for food and water
e. Policy and procedures for pet care
7. Health and Medical
8. Resources Management
9. Recovery Operations
10. Urban Search and Rescue
In concert with guidance already in existence, supplementing the EOP, the roles and
responsibilities are outlined here for all jurisdictions and entities.
1. Local
2. Interjurisdictional Responsibilities
3. State
4. Tribal
5. Federal
The administrative framework for WMD response operations is outlined here.
1. General support requirements
2. Availability of services
3. Mutual aid agreements
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page A-6
4. Emergency Management Assistance Compacts
5. Administrative policies and procedures (e.g., financial record keeping)
1. Acronyms.
2. Key definitions.
3. Points of contact.
4. Each of the WMD hazard agents may have a separate Tab with subcategories and
subsets of information specific to each, including the identification of departments
and agencies that have authority and expertise relevant to incidents involving specific
a. Index of chemical agents.
b. Index of biological agents.
c. Index of nuclear/radiological materials.
d. Index of explosive/incendiary materials.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page B-1
Experience gained in responding to and managing the consequences of terrorist incidents
since 1990 shows that problems arise that would not be expected in other types of
emergencies. Planning for a terrorist incident should address these problems. In some
cases, it is not obvious which agency, department, or other organization could address the
problem, and the State or local government would have to identify the appropriate
resources. This Tab addresses problems likely to arise and how they could be solved. It
also identified organizations with resources that are not usually involved but whose
participation could enhance a Terrorist Incident Appendix (TIA).
It is assumed that the departments or functions normally involved in emergency operations
planning include an elected official, or designee, with the authority to act for the elected
officials, as well as personnel involved in emergency management, firefighting, police,
legal counsel, administration (including purchasing), communications, transportation
(including emergency medical), public health, and public information. Depending on the
terrorism threats being addressed in the particular plans being developed, one or more of
the following organizations not usually included in emergency planning should be
considered and included as appropriate.
1. Business Community. There are several reasons to include the business community
in planning. Local businesses might have resources that would be needed in a
response that planners would not otherwise know were available. Businesses and their
employees and customers might be in the target of the terrorist attack or near it.
Businesses that participate in planning would be more likely to have evacuation plans
and exercises for their own premises. Some response decisions might have significant
adverse impacts on the local economy (e.g., closing of Reagan National Airport for an
extended period). Involvement by the business community in terrorism consequence
planning should alert planners and decision makers about such adverse impacts.
2. Colleges and Universities. Colleges and universities might be terrorist targets.
Moreover, they can help if an attack elsewhere displaces a segment of the population,
because they have fieldhouses and other facilities that can be used as shelters. They
may also have parking areas next to sports facilities that can be used as staging areas.
In addition, faculty members may have expertise (e.g., civil engineering, health
physics, public health, agriculture, chemical weapons) that can be used to assist with
the response.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page B-2
3. Charities and Social Service Organizations. Large quantities of food and material
are often received in response to a terrorist attack; they are sometimes (frequently)
not needed but must still managed. Charities and social service organizations that
help clothe and feed the needy often have warehouses and means to distribute the
clothes and food. Also, monetary donations are received in response to terrorist
incidents. Including charities and social service agencies in the planning process
could help alleviate problems associated with managing material donations and
distributing and using monetary donations.
1. Medical Facilities Officials. The planning should consider the adequacy of hospital
and emergency medical transport resources in general and the availability of
specialized facilities in particular, such as those certified to treat injured and
contaminated victims or burn victims. The “golden hour” rule (if trauma victims get
to a Level 1 trauma unit with an hour of injury, the probability of survival increases
by 90%) should be a basis for assessing the adequacy of resources and in triage
procedures. Also, in a biological, chemical, and radiological terrorist incident, some
persons would likely become contaminated and evacuation might be necessary.
Planning should address decontamination resources, trained persons, equipment,
supplies, and facilities, including medical facilities. It should also address the timing
of decontamination. Decontamination before evacuation results in more prompt
treatment and reduces the spread of contamination.
2. Mortuary Services. The attack on the World Trade Center demonstrated that a
terrorism incident can result in the death of a large number of persons in a very short
period of time, which could stress local capabilities for handling remains. If the attack
involves biological or chemical agents or nuclear materials, the remains might be
contaminated, which adds complications. The planning process should include
medical examiners or coroners, morticians, and other persons involved in the
handling of remains.
1. County (regarding perimeter control problems). A major terrorist incident attracts
large numbers of expedient volunteers and media personnel whose access to the site
must be strictly controlled to prevent them from hindering responders or harassing
victims and their families. It is therefore necessary to define a restricted area with
perimeter barriers. Departments that seem to have little relationship to such an
incident may have resources to offer. By including its Parks Department in its
emergency planning, Arlington County, Virginia, knew that it had chain-link fencing,
which was used to promptly erect a barrier around the restricted area at the Pentagon
after the September 11, 2001, attack.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page B-3
2. City (regarding credentialing problems). Credentialing is a problem during a major
terrorist event. There are two aspects to the problem. One aspect is the determining
who prepares the badges and what they signify. The other aspect is determining who
gets credentials. After the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City
determined that its Motor Vehicle Department had the capability to produce
credentials rapidly. It then developed a system in which the badge color signified the
degree of access and a color-coded dot signified whether access was authorized for
the day. In response to the attack on the World Trade Center, the State brought in a
system of preparing and issuing badges. A more difficult task is determining who gets
credentials. Perhaps agencies should submit lists of persons they want to get
credentials. The organization responsible for producing credentials, the system used
to identify the extent of access, and the protocol used to determine who gets
credentials should all be addressed in the planning process.
3. State (regarding aid to victims of crime problems). Terrorist acts are criminal acts.
Therefore, victims of terrorist attacks are victims of crime. If a State has a statute to
assist victims of crime, the agency that administers such a statute should be involved
in the planning so that the plan will incorporate the information about such assistance.
4. State (regarding food and animal health problems). Several terrorism
preparedness advisory panels and reports to the President and Congress have cited
crops and the food supply as a prime target and called for careful emergency planning
at the Federal, State, and local levels. State officials who work with U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA) State Emergency Boards and State warehouses holding
USDA-donated food can provide useful planning input related to responding to
attacks on crops or other elements of the food supply. In addition, the results of a
recent survey of chief State livestock officials regarding bioterrorism preparedness
revealed the following important issues: (1) some high-priority bioterrorism
organisms, such as plague and tularemia, are not reportable in all states; (2) 39% of
State animal health officials have not been involved in bioterrorism planning and
coordination; and (3) 61% did not know of state efforts to educate veterinarians
regarding issues surrounding the impact of bioterrorism. It is recommended that state
animal health officials and veterinarians become involved in bioterrorism response
planning, if they are not already involved.
5. State/City (regarding foreign assistance problems). Offers of assistance from
foreign organizations, such as urban search and rescue units, may be received after a
major terrorist attack. In addition to the practical problems of integrating persons who
may have minimal or no knowledge of English into a response team, protocols
require that such offers should not be accepted by State or local governments
immediately but should referred through FEMA to the State Department for response.
Responsibility for referring such offers should be assigned during the planning
process to intergovernmental affairs departments.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page B-4
1. Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). A governor has the
authority to assign State National Guard troops to response and recovery tasks. If the
State is a member of an EMAC, it can obtain assistance from the National Guards of
EMAC member states. The military is a resource of last resort whose assistance can
only be requested through the Lead Federal Agency (see U.S. Department of Defense
section in Tab C). However, there is an exception if there is a military garrison in the
immediate vicinity of the community. In this case, the garrison commander has the
authority to commit troops to the response if so doing would help save lives.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-1
The Office of Homeland Security (“Office”) was established by Executive Order 13228 on
October 8, 2001. Its mission is to develop and coordinate the implementation of a
comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States. The Office is to perform the
functions necessary to carry out this mission. The Office has functions in the areas of
national strategy, detection, preparedness, prevention, protection, response and recovery,
incident management, continuity of government, and public affairs. In addition, the Office
is to invite and encourage State and local governments to participate in carrying out its
functions. In performing its functions, the Office is to work with State and local agencies as
The functions of the Office that relate most directly to consequence management planning
by State and local agencies are in the preparedness, protection, and response and recovery
areas. In the preparedness area, the Office is to coordinate national efforts to prepare for
and mitigate the consequences of terrorist threats or attacks within the United States. More
specifically, the Office’s preparedness functions include coordinating domestic exercises
and simulations designed to assess and practice using systems that would be called upon to
respond to a terrorist threat or attack and coordinating Federal assistance to State and local
authorities and nongovernmental organizations to prepare for and respond to terrorist
threats or attacks.
In the protection area, the Office is to coordinate efforts to protect the United States and its
critical infrastructure from the consequences of terrorist attacks. More specifically, the
Office’s protection functions include developing criteria for reviewing whether appropriate
security measures are in place at major public and privately owned facilities and
coordinating efforts to protect critical public and privately owned information systems.
In the response and recovery area, the Office’s functions include coordinating efforts to
ensure rapid restoration of critical infrastructure facilities and critical information systems
after disruption by a terrorist attack; coordinating Federal plans and programs to provide
medical, financial, and other assistance to victims of terrorist attacks and their families; and
coordinating containment and removal of biological, chemical, radiological, explosive, or
other hazardous materials in the event of a terrorist threat or attack involving such hazards
and coordinating efforts to mitigate the effects of such an attack.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-2
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead agency for consequence
management and acts in support of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in
Washington, D.C., and on the scene of the crisis until the U.S. Attorney General transfers
the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) role to FEMA. Though State and local officials bear
primary responsibility for consequence management, FEMA coordinates the Federal
aspects of consequence management in the event of a terrorist act. Under Presidential
Decision Directive 39, FEMA supports the overall LFA by operating as the lead agency for
consequence management until the overall LFA role is transferred to FEMA and in this
capacity determines when consequences are “imminent” for purposes of the Stafford Act
(Source: Federal Response Plan Terrorism Incident Annex, April 1999). Consequence
management includes protecting the public health and safety and providing emergency
relief to State governments, businesses, and individuals. Additional information on Federal
response is given in the United States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism
Concept of Operations Plan (
Web site:
1. Office of National Preparedness (ONP). The ONP develops and implements
strategies for FEMA involvement in terrorism-related activities and coordinates
overall relationships with other Federal departments and agencies involved in the
consequence management response to terrorism-related activities.
2. Readiness, Response and Recovery (RRR). The Readiness, Response and Recovery
Directorate is responsible for planning, training, conducting exercises, and leadership
in the Federal consequence management response to terrorist events. The RRR
Directorate develops and produces terrorism consequence management planning
guidance for state and local governments, manages the terrorism consequence
management planning assistance used by State and local governments for terrorism
preparedness, and, in accordance with the Federal Response Plan (FRP), manages
Federal activities required to support State and local governments in the aftermath of
a terrorist incident.
The RRR directorate’s terrorism-related FRP functions include these:
It is responsible for planning, coordination, and operations related to national
security special events.
It provides training for emergency managers, firefighters, and elected officials in
consequence management through the Emergency Management Institute (EMI),
National Fire Academy (NFA), and National Emergency Training Center (NETC)
in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
EMI offers courses for first responders dealing with the consequences of terrorist
incidents through the Comprehensive Exercise Program. These exercises provide
the opportunity to test the ability of different levels of response to interact
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-3
It manages the Rapid Response Information System, which inventories physical
assets and equipment available to State and local officials and provides a database
of chemical and biological agents and safety precautions.
3. Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA). FIMA is responsible
for FEMA’s mitigation programs, which seek to minimize damages and losses from
all hazards, including terrorist attacks. The Building Process Assistance Teams, made
up of engineering and construction professionals, help by providing thorough
analyses of structures as well as information that can be used by communities as they
rebuild. Mitiation programs also provide a variety of technical services, including
verified and validated airborne and waterborne hazardous material models. FIMA is
also responsible for developing new, technologically advanced, remote sensing
capabilities needed to assess the release and dispersion of hazardous materials, both
in air and water, for guiding consequence management response activities.
4. U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). USFA provides training to firefighters and other
first responders through the NFA in conjunction with the Preparedness, Training, and
Exercises Directorate. The NFA offers courses pertaining to preparedness and
response to terrorist events.
5. Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). This Office focuses on strategic
and external matters regarding information technology, including e-government,
homeland security, and cyber security.
Web site:
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI is the lead agency for crisis management and
investigation of all terrorism-related matters, including incidents involving a WMD. Within
FBI’s role as LFA, the FBI Federal On-Scene Commander (OSC) coordinates the overall
Federal response until the Attorney General transfers the LFA role to FEMA.
Web site:
1. FBI Domestic Terrorism/Counterterrorism Planning Section (DTCTPS). Within
the FBI Counter Terrorism Division is a specialized section containing the Domestic
Terrorism Operations Unit, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Operations Unit, the
Weapons of Mass Destruction Countermeasures Unit, and the Special Event
Management Unit. Each of these units has specific responsibilities in investigations of
crimes or allegations of crimes committed by individuals or groups in violation of the
Federal terrorism and/or Weapons of Mass Destruction statutes. The DTCTPS serves
as the point of contact (POC) to the FBI field offices and command structure as well
as other Federal agencies in incidences of terrorism, the use or suspected use of
WMD and/or the evaluation of threat credibility. If the FBI’s Strategic Information
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-4
and Operations Center (SIOC) is operational for exercises or actual incidents, the
DTCTPS will provide staff personnel to facilitate the operation of SIOC.
During an incident, the FBI DTCTPS will coordinate the determination of the
composition of the Domestic Emergency Support Teams (DEST) and/or the Foreign
Emergency Support Teams (FEST). All incidents wherein a WMD is used will be
coordinated by the DTCTPS WMD Operations Unit.
2. FBI Laboratory Division. Within the FBI’s Laboratory Division reside numerous
assets, which can deploy to provide assistance in a terrorism/WMD incident. The
Hazardous Materials Response Unit (HMRU) personnel are highly trained and
knowledgeable and are equipped to direct and assist in the collection of hazardous
and/or toxic evidence in a contaminated environment. Similarly, the Evidence
Response Team Unit (ERTU) is available to augment the local assets and have been
trained in the collection of contaminated evidence. The Crisis Response Unit (CRU)
is able to deploy to provide communications support to an incident. The Bomb Data
Center (BDC) provides the baseline training to public safety bomb disposal
technicians in the United States. BDC is the certification and accreditation authority
for public safety agencies operating bomb squads and is in possession of equipment
and staff that can be deployed to assist in the resolution of a crisis involving
suspected or identified explosive devices. The Explosives Unit (EU) has experts who
can assist in analyzing the construction of suspected or identified devices and
recommend procedures to neutralize those items.
3. FBI Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG). CIRG has developed assets that are
designed to facilitate the resolution of crisis incidents of any type. Notably, the Crisis
Management Unit (CMU), which conducts training and exercises for the FBI and has
developed the concept of the Joint Operations Center (JOC), is available to provide
on-scene assistance to the incident and integrate the concept of the JOC and the
Incident Command System (ICS) to create efficient management of the situation.
CIRG coordinates a highly trained group of skilled negotiators who are adroit in
techniques to de-escalate volatile situations. The Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) is a
tactical asset, trained to function in contaminated or toxic hazard environments, that is
available to assist in the management of the incident.
Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP). This office, within the Office of Justice
Programs (OJP), has a State and Local Domestic Preparedness Technical Assistance
Program that provides technical assistance in three areas: (1) general technical assistance;
(2) State strategy technical assistance, and (3) equipment technical assistance. The purpose
of this program is to provide direct assistance to State and local jurisdictions in enhancing
their capacity and preparedness to respond to WMD terrorist incidents. The program goals
are to:
Enhance the ability of State and local jurisdictions to develop, plan, and
implement a program for WMD preparedness; and
Enhance the ability of State and local jurisdictions to sustain and maintain
specialized equipment.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-5
Technical assistance available from ODP is provided without charge to requesting State or
local jurisdiction. The following organizations are eligible for the State and Local Domestic
Preparedness Technical Assistance Program:
General technical assistance: units and agencies of State and local governments.
State strategy technical assistance: State administrative agencies, designated by
the governor, under the Fiscal Year 1999 State Domestic Preparedness Equipment
Equipment technical assistance: units and agencies of State and local governments
that have received ODP funding to acquire specialized equipment.
Web site:
1. General Technical Assistance. ODP provides general overall assistance to State and
local jurisdictions for preparedness to respond to WMD terrorist incidents. This
technical assistance includes:
Assistance in developing and enhancing WMD response plans.
Assistance with exercise scenario development and evaluation.
Provision of WMD experts to facilitate jurisdictional working groups.
Provision of specialized training.
2. State Strategy Technical Assistance. ODP provides assistance to States in meeting
the needs assessment and comprehensive planning requirements under ODP’s Fiscal
Year 1999 State Domestic Preparedness Equipment Support Program. Specifically,
Assists States in developing their three-year statewide domestic preparedness
Assists States in utilizing the assessment tools for completion of the required
needs and threat assessments.
3. Equipment Technical Assistance. ODP provides training by mobile training teams
on the use and maintenance of specialized WMD response equipment under ODP’s
Domestic Preparedness Equipment Support Program. This assistance will be
delivered on site in eligible jurisdictions. Specifically, ODP:
Provides training on using, sustaining, and maintaining specialized equipment.
Provides training to technicians on maintenance and calibration of test equipment.
Provides maintenance and/or calibration of equipment.
Assists in refurbishing used or damaged equipment.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-6
Web site:
In the event of a terrorist attack or act of nature on American soil resulting in the release of
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear material or high-yield explosive (CBRNE)
devices, the local law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical personnel who are first to
respond may become quickly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the attack. The
Department of Defense (DoD) has many unique warfighting support capabilities, both
technical and operational, that could be used in support of State and local authorities, if
requested by FEMA to support and manage the consequences of such a domestic event.
Due to the increasing volatility of the threat and the time sensitivity associated with
providing effective support to FEMA in domestic CBRNE incident, the Secretary of
Defense appointed an Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Civil Support (ATSD[CS]).
The ATSD(CS) serves as the principal staff assistant and civilian advisor to the Secretary
of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense for the oversight of policy, requirements,
priorities, resources, and programs related to the DoD role in managing the consequences
of a domestic incident involving the naturally occurring, accidental, or deliberate release of
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear material or high-yield explosives.
When requested, the DoD will provide its unique and extensive resources in accordance
with the following principles. First, DoD will ensure an unequivocal chain of
responsibility, authority, and accountability for its actions to ensure the American people
that the military will follow the basic constructs of lawful action when an emergency
occurs. Second, in the event of a catastrophic CBRNE event, DoD will always play a
supporting role to the LFA in accordance with all applicable law and plans. Third, DoD
support will emphasize its natural role, skills, and structures to mass mobilize and provide
logistical support. Fourth, DoD will purchase equipment and provide support in areas that
are largely related to its warfighting mission. Fifth, reserve component forces are DoD’s
forward-deployed forces for domestic consequence management.
All official requests for DoD support to CBRNE consequence management (CM) incidents
are made by the LFA to the Executive Secretary of the Department of Defense. While the
LFA may submit the requests for DoD assistance through other DoD channels,
immediately upon receipt, any request that comes to any DoD element shall be forwarded
to the Executive Secretary. In each instance the Executive Secretary will take the necessary
action so that the Deputy Secretary can determine whether the incident warrants special
operational management. In such instances, upon issuance of Secretary of Defense
guidance to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), the Joint Staff will translate
the Secretary’s decisions into military orders for these CBRNE-CM events, under the
policy oversight of the ATSD(CS). If the Deputy Secretary of Defense determines that
DoD support for a particular CBRNE-CM incident does not require special consequence
management procedures, the Secretary of the Army will exercise authority as the DoD
Executive Agent through normal Director of Military Support, Military Support to Civil
Authorities (MSCA) procedures, with policy oversight by the ATSD(CS).
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-7
As noted above, DoD assets are tailored primarily for the larger warfighting mission
overseas. But in recognition of the unique challenges of responding to a domestic CBRNE
incident, the Department established a standing Joint Task Force for Civil Support (JTF-
CS) headquarters at the United States Joint Forces Command, to plan for and integrate
DoD’s consequence management support to the LFA for events in the continental
United States. The United States Pacific Command and United States Southern Command
have parallel responsibilities for providing military assistance to civil authorities for States,
territories, and possessions outside the continental United States. Specific units with skills
applicable to a domestic consequence management role can be found in the Rapid
Response Information System (RRIS) database maintained by FEMA. Capabilities include
detection, decontamination, medical, and logistics.
Additionally, DoD has established 10 Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams
(WMD-CST), each composed of 22 well-trained and equipped full-time National Guard
personnel. Upon Secretary of Defense certification, one WMD-CST will be stationed in
each of the 10 FEMA regions around the country, ready to provide support when directed
by their respective governors. Their mission is to deploy rapidly, assist local responders in
determining the precise nature of an attack, provide expert technical advice, and help pave
the way for the identification and arrival of follow-on military assets. By Congressional
direction, DoD is in the process of establishing and training an additional 17 WMD-CSTs
to support the U.S. population. Interstate agreements provide a process for the WMD-CST
and other National Guard assets to be used by neighboring states. If national security
requirements dictate, these units may be transferred to Federal service.
Through its Office of Emergency Response, the DOE manages radiological emergency
response assets that support both crisis and consequence management response in the event
of an incident involving a WMD. The DOE is prepared to respond immediately to any type
of radiological accident or incident with its radiological emergency response assets.
Through its Office of Nonproliferation and National Security, the DOE coordinates
activities in nonproliferation, international nuclear safety, and communicated threat
assessment. DOE maintains the following capabilities that support domestic terrorism
preparedness and response.
Web site:
1. Aerial Measuring System (AMS). Radiological assistance operations may require
the use of aerial monitoring to quickly determine the extent and degree of the
dispersal of airborne or deposited radioactivity or the location of lost or diverted
radioactive materials. The AMS is an aircraft-operated radiation detection system that
uses fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters equipped with state-of-the-art technology
instrumentation to track, monitor, and sample airborne radioactive plumes and/or
For facilities or materials regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), or by an NRC Agreement
State, the technical response is led by NRC as the LFA (in accordance with the Federal Radiological Emergency
Response Plan) and supported by DOE as needed.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-8
detect and measure radioactive material deposited on the ground. The AMS
capabilities reside at both Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, Nevada, and
Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C. The fixed-wing aircraft provide a
rapid assessment of the contaminated area, whereas the helicopters provide a slower,
more detailed and accurate analysis of the contamination.
2. Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC). Radiological assistance
operations may require the use of computer models to assist in estimating early phase
radiological consequences of radioactive material accidentally released into the
atmosphere. The ARAC is a computer-based atmospheric dispersion and deposition
modeling capability operated by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
The ARAC’s role in an emergency begins when a nuclear, chemical, or other
hazardous material is, or has the potential of being, released into the atmosphere. The
ARAC’s capability consists of meteorologists and other technical staff using three-
dimensional computer models and real-time weather data to project the dispersion
and deposition of radioactive material in the environment. The ARAC’s computer
output consists of graphical contour plots showing predicted estimates for
instantaneous air and ground contamination levels, air immersion and ground-level
exposure rates, and integrated effective dose equivalents for individuals or critical
populations. The plots can be overlaid on local maps to assist emergency response
officials in deciding what protective actions are needed to effectively protect people
and the environment. Protective actions could impact distribution of food and water
sources and include sheltering and evacuating critical population groups. The
ARAC’s response time is typically 30 minutes to 2 hours after notification of an
3. Accident Response Group (ARG). ARG is DOE’s primary emergency response
capability for responding to emergencies involving United States nuclear weapons.
The ARG, which is managed by the DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, is
composed of a cadre of approximately 300 technical and scientific experts, including
senior scientific advisors, weapons engineers and technicians, experts in nuclear
safety and high-explosive safety, health physicists, radiation control technicians,
industrial hygienists, physical scientists, packaging and transportation specialists, and
other specialists from the DOE weapons complex. ARG members will deploy with
highly specialized, state-of-the-art equipment for weapons recovery and monitoring
operations. The ARG deploys on military or commercial aircraft using a time-phased
approach. The ARG advance elements are ready to deploy within four hours of
notification. ARG advance elements focus on initial assessment and provide
preliminary advice to decision makers. When the follow-on elements arrive at the
emergency scene, detailed health and safety evaluations and operations are performed
and weapon recovery operations are initiated.
4. Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC). For major
radiological emergencies impacting the United States, the DOE establishes a
FRMAC. The center is the control point for all Federal assets involved in the
monitoring and assessment of offsite radiological conditions. The FRMAC provides
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-9
support to the affected states, coordinates Federal offsite radiological environmental
monitoring and assessment activities, maintains a technical liaison with Tribal nations
and State and local governments, responds to the assessment needs of the LFA, and
meets the statutory responsibilities of the participating Federal agency.
5. Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST). NEST is DOE’s program for dealing
with the technical aspects of nuclear or radiological terrorism. A NEST consists of
engineers, scientists, and other technical specialists from the DOE national
laboratories and other contractors. NEST resources are configured to be quickly
transported by military or commercial aircraft to worldwide locations and prepared to
respond 24 hours a day using a phased and flexible approach to deploying personnel
and equipment. The NEST is deployable within four hours of notification with
specially trained teams and equipment to assist the FBI in handling nuclear or
radiological threats. Response teams vary in size from a five person technical
advisory team to a tailored deployment of dozens of searchers and scientists who can
locate and then conduct or support technical operations on a suspected nuclear device.
The NEST capabilities include intelligence, communications, search, assessment,
access, diagnostics, render-safe operations, operations containment/damage
mitigation, logistics, and health physics.
6. Radiological Assistance Program (RAP). Under the RAP, the DOE provides, upon
request, radiological assistance to DOE program elements, other Federal agencies,
State, Tribal, and local governments, private groups, and individuals. RAP provides
resources (trained personnel and equipment) to evaluate, assess, advise, and assist in
the mitigation of actual or perceived radiation hazards and risks to workers, the
public, and the environment. RAP is implemented on a regional basis, with regional
coordination between the emergency response elements of the States, Tribes, other
Federal agencies, and DOE. Each RAP Region maintains a minimum of three RAP
teams, which are comprised of DOE and DOE contractor personnel, to provide
radiological assistance within their region of responsibility. RAP teams consist of
volunteer members who perform radiological assistance duties as part of their formal
employment or as part of the terms of the contract between their employer and DOE.
A fully configured team consists of seven members, to include one Team Leader, one
Team Captain, four health physics survey/support personnel, and one Public
Information Officer. A RAP team may deploy with two or more members depending
on the potential hazards, risks, or the emergency or incident scenario. Multiple RAP
teams may also be deployed to an accident if warranted by the situation.
7. Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS). The
REAC/TS is managed by DOE’s Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education in
Oak Ridge, Tennessee.. The REAC/TS maintains a 24-hour response center staffed
with personnel and equipment to support medical aspects of radiological
emergencies. The staff consists of physicians, nurses, paramedics, and health
physicists who provide medical consultation and advice and/or direct medical support
at the accident scene. The REAC/TS capabilities include assessment and treatment of
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-10
internal and external contamination, whole-body counting, radiation dose estimation,
and medical and radiological triage.
8. Communicated Threat Credibility Assessment. DOE is the program manager for
the Nuclear Assessment Program (NAP) at LLNL. The NAP is a DOE-funded asset
specifically designed to provide technical, operational, and behavioral assessments of
the credibility of communicated threats directed against the U.S. Government and its
interests. The assessment process includes one-hour initial and four-hour final
products which, when integrated by the FBI as part of its threat assessment process,
can lead to a “go/no go” decision for response to a nuclear threat.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as the lead Federal agency for
Emergency Support Function (ESF) #8 (health and medical services), provides coordinated
Federal assistance to supplement State and local resources in response to public health and
medical care needs following a major disaster or emergency. Additionally, HHS provides
support during developing or potential medical situations and has the responsibility for
Federal support of food, drug, and sanitation issues. HHS operational support to FEMA
may include mass immunization, mass prophylaxis, mass fatality management,
pharmaceutical support operations (National Pharmaceutical Stockpile), contingency
medical records, patient tracking, and patient evacuation and definitive medical care
provided through the National Disaster Medical System. Resources are furnished when
State and local resources are overwhelmed and public health and/or medical assistance is
requested from the Federal government.
HHS, in its primary agency role for ESF #8, coordinates the provision of Federal health and
medical assistance to fulfill the requirements identified by the affected State/local
authorities having jurisdiction. Included in ESF #8 is overall public health response; triage,
treatment, and transportation of victims of the disaster; and evacuation of patients out of the
disaster area, as needed, into a network of Military Services, Veterans Affairs, and pre-
enrolled non-Federal hospitals located in the major metropolitan areas of the United States.
ESF #8 utilizes resources primarily available from (1) within HHS, (2) ESF #8 support
agencies, (3) the National Disaster Medical System, and (4) specific non-Federal sources
(major pharmaceutical suppliers, hospital supply vendors, international disaster response
organizations, and international health organizations).
Under federal law, the Secretary of HHS has authority to regulate or prevent travel and
shipments of goods between states in order to control the spread of communicable disease,
including the authority to apprehend, detain, or conditionally release individuals with
particular diseases. Within HHS, CDC has been delegated authority for interstate
quarantine over persons, while FDA has regulatory authority over animals and other
products that may transmit or spread communicable diseases.
Web site:
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-11
1. Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP). OEP manages and coordinates Federal
health, medical, and health-related social service response and recovery to Federally
declared disasters under the Federal Response Plan. The major functions of OEP
a. Coordination and delivery of Department-wide emergency preparedness
activities, including continuity of government, continuity of operations, and
emergency assistance during disasters and other emergencies;
b. Coordination of the health and medical response of the Federal government, in
support of State and local governments, in the aftermath of terrorist acts
involving WMD; and
c. Direction and maintenance of the medical response component of the National
Disaster Medical System, including development and operational readiness
capability of Disaster Medical Assistance Teams and other special teams that
can be deployed as the primary medical response teams in case of disasters.
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC is the Federal agency
responsible for protecting the public health of the country through prevention and
control of diseases and for response to public health emergencies. CDC works with
national and international agencies to eradicate or control communicable diseases and
other preventable conditions. The CDC Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
Program oversees the agency’s effort to prepare State and local governments to
respond to acts of bioterrorism. In addition, CDC has designated emergency response
personnel throughout the agency who are responsible for responding to biological,
chemical, and radiological terrorism. CDC has epidemiologists trained to investigate
and control outbreaks or illnesses, as well as laboratories capable of quantifying an
individual’s exposure to biological or chemical agents. CDC maintains the National
Pharmaceutical Stockpile to respond to terrorist incidents within the United States.
Web site:
3. National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). NDMS is a cooperative asset-sharing
partnership between HHS, DoD, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), FEMA,
State and local governments, and the private sector. The System has three
components: direct medical care, patient evacuation, and the non-Federal hospital bed
system. NDMS was created as a nationwide medical response system to supplement
State and local medical resources during disasters and emergencies, provide backup
medical support to the military and VA health care systems during an overseas
conventional conflict, and to promote development of community-based disaster
medical service systems. This partnership includes DoD and VA Federal
Coordinating Centers, which provide patient beds, as well as 1,990 civilian hospitals.
NDMS is also comprised of over 7,000 private-sector medical and support personnel
organized into many teams across the nation. These teams and other special medical
teams are deployed to provide immediate medical attention to the sick and injured
during disasters, when local emergency response systems become overloaded.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-12
a. Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT). A DMAT is a group of
professional and paraprofessional medical personnel (supported by a cadre of
logistical and administrative staff) designed to provide emergency medical care
during a disaster or other event. During a WMD incident, the DMAT provides
clean area medical care in the form of medical triage and patient stabilization
for transport to tertiary care.
b. National Medical Response Team–Weapons of Mass Destruction (NMRT-
WMD). The NMRT-WMD is a specialized response force designed to provide
medical care following a nuclear, biological, and/or chemical incident. This unit
is capable of providing mass casualty decontamination, medical triage, and
primary and secondary medical care to stabilize victims for transportation to
tertiary care facilities in a hazardous material environment. There are four such
teams geographically dispersed throughout the United States.
c. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT). The DMORT is
a mobile team of mortuary care specialists who have the capability to respond to
incidents involving fatalities from transportation accidents, natural disasters,
and/or terrorist events. The team provides technical assistance and supports
mortuary operations as needed for mass fatality incidents.
EPA is chartered to respond to WMD releases under the National Oil and Hazardous
Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) regardless of the cause of the release. EPA
is authorized by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (CERCLA); the Oil Pollution Act; and the Emergency Planning and Community-
Right-to Know Act to support Federal, State, and local responders in counterterrorism.
EPA will provide support to the FBI during crisis management in response to a terrorist
incident. In its crisis management role, the EPA On-Scene Commander (OSC) may provide
the FBI Special Agent in Charge (SAC) with technical advice and recommendations,
scientific and technical assessments, and assistance (as needed) to State and local
responders. The EPA OSC will support FEMA during consequence management for the
incident. EPA carries out its response according to the FRP, ESF #10, Hazardous Materials.
The OSC may request an Environmental Response Team that is funded by EPA if the
terrorist incident exceeds available local and regional resources. EPA is the chair for the
National Response Team (NRT).
The following EPA reference material and planning guidance is recommended for State,
Tribal, and local planners:
Thinking About Deliberate Releases: Steps Your Community Can Take, 1995
(EPA 550-F-95-001).
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-13
Environmental Protection Agency’s Role in Counterterrorism Activities, 1998
(EPA 550-F-98-014).
Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide (NRT-1), prepared by the National
Response Team, available at
LEPCs and Deliberate Releases: Addressing Terrorist Activities in the Local
Emergency Plan, available at
Web site:
It is the policy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to be prepared to respond
swiftly in the event of national security, natural disaster, technological, and other
emergencies at the national, regional, State, and county levels to provide support and
comfort to the people of the United States. USDA has a major role in ensuring the safety of
food for all Americans. One concern is bio-terrorism and its effect on agriculture in rural
America, namely crops in the field, animals on the hoof, and food safety issues related to
food in the food chain between the slaughter house and/or processing facilities and the
Web site:
1. The Office of Crisis Planning and Management (OCPM). This USDA office
coordinates the emergency planning, preparedness, and crisis management functions
and the suitability for employment investigations of the Department. It also maintains
the USDA Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).
2. USDA State Emergency Boards (SEBs). The SEBs have responsibility for
coordinating USDA emergency activities at the State level.
3. The Farm Service Agency. This USDA agency develops and administers emergency
plans and controls covering food processing, storage, and wholesale distribution;
distribution and use of seed; and manufacture, distribution, and use of livestock and
poultry feed.
4. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). This USDA agency provides food
assistance in officially designated disaster areas upon request by the designated State
agency. Generally, the food assistance response from FNS includes authorization of
Emergency Food Stamp Program benefits and use of USDA-donated foods for
emergency mass feeding and household distribution, as necessary. FNS also
maintains a current inventory of USDA-donated food held in Federal, State, and
commercial warehouses and provides leadership to the FRP under ESF #11, Food.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-14
5. Food Safety and Inspection Service. This USDA agency inspects meat/meat
products, poultry/poultry products, and egg products in slaughtering and processing
plants; assists the Food and Drug Administration in the inspection of other food
products; develops plans and procedures for radiological emergency response in
accordance with the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP); and
provides support, as required, to the FRP at the national and regional levels.
6. Natural Resources Conservation Service. This USDA agency provides technical
assistance to individuals, communities, and governments relating to proper use of
land for agricultural production; provides assistance in determining the extent of
damage to agricultural land and water; and provides support to the FRP under
ESF #3, Public Works and Engineering.
7. Agricultural Research Service (ARS). This USDA agency develops and carries out
all necessary research programs related to crop or livestock diseases; provides
technical support for emergency programs and activities in the areas of planning,
prevention, detection, treatment, and management of consequences; provides
technical support for the development of guidance information on the effects of
radiation, biological, and chemical agents on agriculture; develops and maintains a
current inventory of ARS controlled laboratories that can be mobilized on short notice
for emergency testing of food, feed, and water safety; and provides biological,
chemical, and radiological safety support for USDA.
8. Economic Research Service. This USDA agency, in cooperation with other
departmental agencies, analyzes the impacts of the emergency on the U.S. agricultural
system, as well as on rural communities, as part of the process of developing
strategies to respond to the effects of an emergency.
9. Rural Business-Cooperative Service. This USDA agency, in cooperation with other
government agencies at all levels, promotes economic development in affected rural
areas by developing strategies that respond to the conditions created by an
10. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. This USDA agency protects
livestock, poultry, crops, biological resources, and products thereof, from diseases,
pests, and hazardous agents (biological, chemical, and radiological); assesses the
damage to agriculture of any such introduction; and coordinates the utilization and
disposal of livestock and poultry exposed to hazardous agents.
11. Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES). This
USDA agency coordinates use of land-grant and other cooperating State college, and
university services and other relevant research institutions in carrying out all
responsibilities for emergency programs. CSREES administers information and
education services covering (a) farmers, other rural residents, and the food and
agricultural industries on emergency needs and conditions; (b) vulnerability of crops
and livestock to the effects of hazardous agents (biological, chemical, and
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-15
radiological); and (c) technology for emergency agricultural production. This agency
maintains a close working relationship with the news media. CSREES will provide
guidance on the most efficient procedures to assure continuity and restoration of an
agricultural technical information system under emergency conditions.
12. Rural Housing Service. This USDA agency will assist the Department of Housing
and Urban Development by providing living quarters in unoccupied rural housing in
an emergency situation.
13. Rural Utilities Service. This USDA agency will provide support to the FRP under
ESF #12, Energy, at the national level.
14. Office of Inspector General (OIG). This USDA office is the Department’s principal
law enforcement component and liaison with the FBI. OIG, in concert with
appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, is prepared to investigate any terrorist
attacks relating to the nation’s agriculture sector, to identify subjects, interview
witnesses, and secure evidence in preparation for Federal prosecution. As necessary,
OIG will examine USDA programs regarding counterterrorism-related matters.
15. Forest Service (FS). This USDA agency will prevent and control fires in rural areas
in cooperation with State, local, and Tribal governments, and appropriate Federal
departments and agencies. They will determine and report requirements for
equipment, personnel, fuels, chemicals, and other materials needed for carrying out
assigned duties. The FS will furnish personnel and equipment for search and rescue
work and other emergency measures in national forests and on other lands where a
temporary lead role will reduce suffering or loss of life. The FS will provide
leadership to the FRP under ESF #4, Firefighting, and support to the Emergency
Support Functions, as required, at the national and regional levels. FS will allocate
and assign radio frequencies for use by agencies and staff offices of USDA. FS will
also operate emergency radio communications systems in support of local, regional,
and national firefighting teams. Lastly, the FS law enforcement officers can serve as
support to OIG in major investigations of acts of terrorism against agricultural lands
and products.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), in accordance with the Federal Radiological
Emergency Response Plan, retains Federal lead responsibility for facilities or materials
regulated by the NRC or by an NRC Agreement State. The NRC’s counterterrorism-
specific role, at these facilities or material sites, is to exercise the Federal lead for
radiological safety while supporting other Federal, State and local agencies in Crisis and
Consequence Management.
Web site:
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-16
1. Radiological Safety Assessment. The NRC will provide the facility (or for materials,
the user) technical advice to ensure onsite measures are taken to mitigate offsite
consequences. The NRC will serve as the primary Federal source of information
regarding on-site radiological conditions and off-site radiological effects. The NRC
will support the technical needs of other agencies by providing descriptions of
devices or facilities containing radiological materials and assessing the safety impact
of terrorist actions and of proposed tactical operations of any responders. Safety
assessments will be coordinated through NRC liaison at the Domestic Emergency
Support Team (DEST), Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC),
Command Post (CP), and Joint Operations Center (JOC).
2. Protective Action Recommendations. The licensee and State have the primary
responsibility for recommending and implementing, respectively, actions to protect
the public. They will, if necessary, act, without prior consultation with Federal
officials, to initiate protective actions for the public and responders. The NRC will
contact State and local authorities and offer advice and assistance on the technical
assessment of the radiological hazard and, if requested, provide advice on protective
actions for the public. The NRC will coordinate any recommendations for protective
actions through NRC liaison at the CP or JOC.
3. Responder Radiation Protection. The NRC will assess the potential radiological
hazards to any responders and coordinate with the facility radiation protection staff to
ensure that personnel responding to the scene are observing the appropriate
4. Information Coordination. The NRC will supply other responders and government
officials with timely information concerning the radiological aspects of the event. The
NRC will liaison with the Joint Information Center to coordinate information
concerning the Federal response.
1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Under its mandate to help protect
the safety and health of workers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) can provide resources to help protect rescue and recovery workers following
a terrorist attack. Activities include monitoring and sampling for hazards, analyzing
the resulting air and bulk samples at OSHA’s technical center, and disseminating
sampling results; distributing respirators and conducting quantitative fit testing of
negative pressure respirators; conducting assessments of the hazards and potential
health and safety risks to workers involved in rescue and recovery at a terrorist attack
site; distributing hard hats, safety glasses and goggles, gloves, and other personal
protective equipment at the site of an explosive or incendiary attack; and inspecting
cranes and riggings for hazards.
The Department of Labor can also fund training programs to help protect responders
from biological or chemical hazards. Development of an anthrax/biohazard cleanup
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-17
training program that utilizes OSHA and union expertise has been funded in the wake
of the anthrax attacks in the autumn of 2001.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page C-18
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page D-1
Note: The Internet sites listed here are current as of January
2002. Users of this Tab should be aware that the Internet is a
changing environment. New sites are added frequently. Sites
also may be relocated or discontinued. Updated information on
online resources will be provided through the FEMA web site,
National Response Center Hotline (800-424-8802) A service that receives reports of oil,
chemical, biological, and radiological releases and actual or potential domestic terrorism;
provides technical assistance to emergency responders; and connects callers with
appropriate Federal resources. The hotline operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center (301-816-5100, collect calls accepted)
Accepts reports of accidents involving radiological materials.
Army Training Support Center ( Provides a digital library with
approved training and doctrine information. Files include Field Manuals, Mission Training
Plans, Soldier Training Pubs, and more.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ( Information
regarding infectious diseases.
CBIAC: Chemical and Biological Defense Information and Analysis Center (http://www.cbiac. Collects, reviews, analyzes, and summarizes chemical
warfare/contraband detection (CW/CBD) information.
Chemical and Biological Warfare – Health and Safety (
health.html) Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service (NTIS) site
has references for chemical and biological agents, detoxification, decontamination,
immunizations, etc.
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO) (http://www.epa.
gov/ceppo/) Information on the CEPPO office, upcoming events, publications, legislation
and regulations, and links to outside resources. Also contains information on accident
prevention and risk management planning.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page D-2
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC) ( Source of
technical assistance from chemical product safety specialists, emergency response
coordinators, toxicologists and other hazardous materials (HazMat) specialists.
FEMA – Bio, Toxic Agents, and Epidemic Hazards Reference (
biblo13.html) Emergency management-related bibliography on biological, toxic agents,
and epidemic hazards.
FEMA – Emergency Management – Related Bibliography (
biblo12.htm) Currently 35 links to various emergency management-related bibliographies.
At least 10 of these relate to WMD.
FEMA – Rapid Response Information System ( Extensive
centralized database that can be used as a reference guide training aid, and overall planning
and training resource for response to a chemical, biological, or nuclear terrorism incident.
Comprised of seven databases, consisting of chemical and biological agents’ and
radiological materials’ characteristics, first aid measures, Federal response capabilities,
training course information, and other Federal information sources concerning potential
weapons of mass destruction.
Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (available from the National Archives and
Records Administration:; select
1996 Federal Register, Vol. 61, Notices, May 08, 1996; search on “Radiological
Emergency Response”)
Office of Homeland Security ( Provides latest homeland
security developments.
Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM) (
Information on chemical/biological defense equipment and chemical agents. (1) Planning
Guidance for The Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (at contains
information concerning planning regarding response to releases of chemical agents.
(2) Selecting “Homeland Defense” provides links to WMD responder training courses.
(3) This site also provides the CSEPP Memorandum of Agreement and Memorandum of
Understanding (MOA/MOU) Guide, published jointly by FEMA and SBCCOM in May
1999 (
U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (CHPPM) (http://chppm- Home Page providing links especially requests for CHPPM
services. Links connect to Directorates of Environmental Health Engineering, Health
Promotion and Wellness, Laboratory Sciences, Occupational Health, and Toxicology.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page D-3
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development (R&D) Command (http://MRMC- Links include military infectious disease, chemical and biological links,
scientific and technical reports, and Web site links.
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (
Provides data links to open literature for medical management of chemical casualties and
assay techniques for chemical agents.
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (
Provides links to Medical Command (MEDCOM), Ebola site, outbreak reporting site,
CDC, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), U.S. Army, and more.
1. Federal Departments/Agencies
a. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
(1) EPA’s Chemical Emergency and Prevention Office (CEPPO). CEPPO
provides leadership, advocacy, and assistance to prevent and prepare for
chemical emergencies, respond to environmental crises, and inform the
public about chemical hazards in their community.
(2) EPA’s Environmental Response Team (ERT). The ERT is a group of
skilled experts in environmental emergencies who provide on-scene
assistance on a “round-the-clock” basis to deal with environmental
(3) EPA’s Role in Counterterrorism. This Web site describes EPA’s
counterterrorism efforts and shares relevant counterterrorism information
and resources.
b. Department of Defense (DoD)
(1) DoD’s Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center.
This Web site is DoD’s focal point for chemical and biological warfare
(2) DoD’s Counterproliferation: Chem Bio Defense. This is a DoD
“webnetwork” on nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) defense.
(3) DoD’s Hazardous Technical Information Services (HTIS). HTIS is a
service of the Defense Logistics Agency, located in Richmond, Virginia.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page D-4
(4) DoD’s Medical (Army Surgeon General). This Web site contains
extensive medical documents, training materials, audiovisual clips, a
search engine, and links to other sites.
c. Department of Justice (DOJ)
(1) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
(a) Awareness of National Security Issues and Response Program
(ANSIR). The ANSIR is the “public voice” of the FBI for espionage,
cyber and physical infrastructure protection.
(b) National Domestic Preparedness Office (NDPO). The NDPO Web
site provides a location for information regarding the available
Federal training and programs intended to enhance the capabilities of
the public safety community in dealing with weapons of mass
destruction (WMD). The NDPO mission, members, services,
newsletter, and recommended links are contained on this site.
(2) Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP). ODP provides technical
assistance to States and local jurisdictions to enhance their ability to
develop, plan, and implement a program for WMD preparedness.
d. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
(1) Backgrounder: Terrorism. This FEMA Web site provides basic
background information on terrorism-related issues.
(2) Terrorism Annex to the Federal Response Plan. The site includes the full
text of the Annex in PDF format that can be downloaded and reproduced.
(3) United States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of
Operations Plan. The link provides the full text of the plan, which is
designed to provide information to Federal, State, and local agencies on
how the Federal government will respond to potential or actual terrorism
threats. The document is in PDF format and can be downloaded and
(4) Contingency and Consequence Management Planning for Year 2000
Conversion: A Guide for State and Local Emergency Managers. This
document contains guidance relevant to developing contingency and
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page D-5
consequence management plans for cyber terrorism, e.g., for handling
interruptions and restoring critical services.
FEMA’s Rapid Response Information System (RRIS). This Web site
provides descriptions and links to eight major chemical and biological
agent resources.
(5) National Fire Academy. The National Fire Academy homepage provides
links to the course catalog and to specific courses and job aids relating to
terrorism preparedness.
(6) FEMA’s Emergency Response to Terrorism Self-Study Course. This Web
site provides a link to a self-study course designed to provide basic
awareness training to prepare first responders to respond safely and
effectively to incidents of terrorism.
(7) FEMA Emergency Management Institute. This institute offers a range of
courses on managing the emergency consequences of terrorism.
e. Department of Health and Human Services
(1) Office of Emergency Preparedness / National Disaster Medical System –
The website provides information on current and previous disaster
responses, counter terrorism programs and links to other Federal sites.
(2) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Program – The website provides information
on bioterrorism preparedness issues, response planning and recent
publications related to bioterrorism.
CDC also provides helpful (though not comprehensive) lists of chemical
and biological agents that might be used by terrorists. These lists are
included in “Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Strategic Plan for
Preparedness and Response, in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, April 21, 2000 (Vol. 49, No. RR-4).
CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Web site contains information to help protect the safety and health of
emergency responders, such as guidance for supervisors at disaster rescue
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page D-6
(4) Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) – Although the MMRS
program is locally controlled, this website provides information which will
assist any local, State or Federal planner or responder working with
domestic preparedness issues.
(5) National Library of Medicine. The MEDLINEplus system contains links
to various Web sites addressing chemical and biological weapons.
2. Other Resources
a. Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office. This Web site provides information on
the Administration’s current initiatives in critical infrastructure protection.
b. DOE Office of Civilian Radiation Waste Management. This Web site provides a
range of radiation-related information.
c. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and International Association of Fire
Fighters (IAFF). This Web site presents a course developed by IAFF for DOE,
called Training for Radiation Emergencies. It is intended for emergency
responders who may be called upon to response to radiological transportation
d. National Response Team (NRT). The NRT Web site contains information about
standing NRT committees, the Regional Response Teams (RRTs), upcoming
events, and NRT publications.
e. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The OPCW
was created by Article VIII of the Chemical Weapons Convention to achieve
the object and purpose of the Convention. Fact-finding files contain information
on chemical warfare agents, protection against chemical weapons, and chemical
f. U.S. Department of Agriculture. This Web site on biosecurity contains
information about animal diseases that might be spread by terrorists and
biosecurity measures that can be taken.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page E-1
NOTE: Extensive additional information on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) hazards and
response, including information addressing first responder concerns, is available from various
commercial publishers.
1. Indications. Indicators that a WMD incident involving biological agents has taken
place may take days or weeks to manifest themselves, depending on the biological
toxin or pathogen involved. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
recently developed the following list of epidemiologic clues that may signal a
bioterrorist event:
a. Large number of ill persons with a similar disease or syndrome.
b. Large numbers of unexplained disease, syndrome, or deaths.
c. Unusual illness in a population or workplace.
d. Higher morbidity and mortality than expected with a common disease or
e. Failure of a common disease to respond to usual therapy.
f. Single case of disease caused by an uncommon agent.
g. Multiple unusual or unexplained disease entities coexisting in the same patient
without other explanation.
h. Disease with an unusual geographic or seasonal distribution.
i. Multiple atypical presentations of disease agents.
j. Similar genetic type among agents isolated from temporally or spatially distinct
k. Unusual, atypical, genetically engineered, or antiquated strain of agent.
l. Endemic disease with unexplained increase in incidence.
m. Simultaneous clusters of similar illness in noncontiguous areas, domestic or
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page E-2
n. Atypical aerosol, food, water, or powder transmission.
o. Ill people presenting near the same time.
p. Deaths or illness among animals that precedes or accompanies illness or death
in humans.
q. No illness in people not exposed to common ventilation systems, but illness
among those people in proximity to the systems.
2. First Responder Concerns
a. The most practical method of initiating widespread infection using biological
agents is through aerosolization, where fine particles are sprayed over or
upwind of a target where the particles may be inhaled. An aerosol may be
effective for some time after delivery, since it will be deposited on clothing,
equipment, and soil. When the clothing is used later, or dust is stirred up,
responding personnel may be subject to “secondary” contamination.
b. Biological agents may be able to use portals of entry into the body other than
the respiratory tract. Individuals may be infected by ingestion of contaminated
food and water, or even by direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes
through abraded or broken skin. Use protective clothing or commercially
available Level C clothing. Protect the respiratory tract through the use of a
mask with biological high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.
c. Exposure to biological agents, as noted above, may not be immediately
apparent. Casualties may occur minutes, hours, days, or weeks after an exposure
has occurred. The time required before signs and symptoms are observed is
dependent on the agent used. While symptoms will be evident, often the first
confirmation will come from blood tests or by other diagnostic means used by
medical personnel.
1. Indications. The following may indicate a potential chemical WMD has been
released. There may be one or more of these indicators present.
a. An unusually large or noticeable number of sick or dead wildlife. These may
range from pigeons in parks to rodents near trash containers.
b. Lack of insect life. Shorelines, puddles, and any standing water should be
checked for the presence of dead insects.
c. Considerable number of persons experiencing water-like blisters, weals (like
bee-stings), and/or rashes.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page E-3
d. Numbers of individuals exhibiting serious heath problems, ranging from nausea,
excessive secretions (saliva, diarrhea, vomiting), disorientation, and difficulty
breathing to convulsions and death.
e. Discernable pattern to the casualties. This may be “aligned” with the wind
direction or related to where the weapon was released (indoors/outdoors).
f. Presence of unusual liquid droplets, e.g., surfaces exhibit oily droplets or film or
water surfaces have an oily film (with no recent rain).
g. Unscheduled spraying or unusual application of spray.
h. Abandoned spray devices, such as chemical sprayers used by landscaping
i. Presence of unexplained or unusual odors (where that particular scent or smell
is not normally noted).
j. Presence of low-lying clouds or fog-like condition not compatible with the
k. Presence of unusual metal debris—unexplained bomb/munitions material,
particularly if it contains a liquid.
l. Explosions that disperse or dispense liquids, mists, vapors, or gas.
m. Explosions that seem to destroy only a package or bomb device.
n. Civilian panic in potential high-profile target areas (e.g., government buildings,
mass transit systems, sports arenas, etc.).
o. Mass casualties without obvious trauma.
2. First Responder Concerns. The first concern must be to recognize a chemical event
and protect the first responders. Unless first responders recognize the danger, they
will very possibly become casualties in a chemical environment. It may not be
possible to determine from the symptoms experienced by affected personnel which
chemical agent has been used. Chemical agents may be combined and therefore
recognition of agents involved becomes more difficult.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page E-4
1. Indications. Radiation is an invisible hazard. There are no initial characteristics or
properties of radiation itself that are noticeable. Unless the nuclear/radiological
material is marked to identify it as such, it may be some time before the hazard has
been identified as radiological.
2. First Responder Concerns. While there is no single piece of equipment that is
capable of detecting all forms of radiation, there are several different detectors for
each type of radiation. Availability of this equipment, in addition to protective
clothing and respiratory equipment, is of great concern to first responders.
1. Indications. Explosions and fires are sensate. They are readily seen and heard
2. First Responder Concerns.
a. Emergency response units tend to be thin at the leadership level. Commanders
may be tempted to leave their command posts to participate directly in
lifesaving activities that should be performed by their staffs. Commanders
should show discipline, not put themselves at undue risk, and continue to lead
the response until relieved.
b. Explosions and incendiary devices can cause fires. Thus one concern of first
responders is to extinguish fires and rescue persons endangered by fire without
putting themselves at undue risk Fires may initiate secondary explosions, which
may put secondary responders at risk of harm from blast.
c. The incendiary terrorist attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) demonstrated
that intense heat can cause skyscrapers to collapse. First responders can be
harmed by the collapsing structure or by the consequential spread of debris.
d. In the incendiary attack on the World Trade Center a 42-story building (WTC
Building 7) collapsed although it was not directly struck by an airplane. Some
engineers believe that falling debris from the buildings struck caused ignition of
tank of diesel fuel (for emergency generators) that was a factor in the collapse.
Such diesel generators are common sources of emergency power and in large
buildings may require tanks with tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel.
First responders should be cognizant of possible collapse of adjacent buildings
in defining the area of risk and in locating incident command posts.
e. Terrorist attacks employing explosives, especially those involving suicide
bombers and car bombs may include secondary devices targeted against
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page E-5
e. A number of first responders to the attack on the World Trade Center became ill
from inhalation of health endangering particulates and aerosols. Sampling by
the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) found some
samples of respirable silica to be above OSHA limit and instances of
overexposure to copper, iron oxide, lead, and cadmium
. First responders should
be concerned about being equipped with appropriate personnel protective
equipment (PPE) including respirators.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page E-6
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page F-1
Areas at risk may be determined by several points: population, accessibility, criticality (to
everyday life), economic impact, and symbolic value. The identification of such vulnerable areas
should be coordinated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Determine which roads/tunnels/bridges carry large
volumes of traffic.
Identify points of congestion that could impede response
or place citizens in a vulnerable area.
Note time of day and day of week this activity occurs.
Trucking and Transport Activity
Note location of hazardous materials (HazMat) cargo
loading/unloading facilities.
Note vulnerable areas such as weigh stations and rest
areas this cargo may transit.
Map pipelines and process/treatment facilities (in
addition to dams already mentioned).
Note berths and ports for cruise ships, roll-on/roll-off
cargo vessels, and container ships.
Note any international (foreign) flagged vessels (and
cargo they carry) that conduct business in the area.
NOTE: The Harbor and Port Authorities, normally
involved in emergency planning, should be able to
facilitate obtaining information on the type of vessels and
the containers they carry.
Note information on carriers, flight paths, airport layout,
and types of aircraft that use the facility.
Annotate location of air traffic control (ATC) tower,
runways, passenger terminal, and parking areas.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page F-2
Note location of rails and lines, interchanges, terminals,
tunnels, and cargo/passenger terminals.
Note any HazMat material that may be transported via
Note location of subway stations and ventilation control
Government Facilities
Note location of Federal/State/local government offices.
Include locations of post office, law enforcement
stations, fire/rescue, town/city hall, and local
mayor/governor’s residences.
Note judicial offices and courts as well.
Note locations of monuments memorial structures and
prominent governmental symbols.
Recreation Facilities
Map sports arenas, theaters, malls, special interest group
facilities, and locations of special events.
Symbolic Buildings and Locations
Note national monuments, internationally well known
facilities and locations, etc.
Note potential areas of congestion connected with such
buildings and locations.
Other Facilities
Map location of financial institutions and the business
Make any notes on the schedule business/financial
district may follow.
Determine whether shopping centers or heavily
populated downtown areas are congested at certain
Note location of special event facilities that may have
national importance.
Note location of prominent high-rise buildings.
Military Installations
Note location and type of military installations.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page F-3
HazMat Facilities, Utilities, and
Nuclear Facilities
Map location of these facilities (such as electricity
generating stations, oil refineries, spent nuclear fuel
storage facilities).
Water Supply Facilities
Note the locations of water supply intakes from lakes or
Note the locations of water supply pipelines and holding
areas such as reservoirs and tanks.
Note the locations of water supply treatment plants.
Food and Agriculture
Note the locations of key agricultural facilities such as
large grain elevators and livestock concentrations.
Note the locations of food processing and packing
Computer Systems
Identify governmental and business-related computer
systems located within the jurisdiction and ascertain their
level of protection against terrorist cyber-attack.
NOTE: Security and emergency personnel representing all of the above facilities should work
closely with local and State personnel for planning and response.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page F-4
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-1
The accurate and timely dissemination of critical information to the public in the aftermath
of a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) on other terrorist incident is an integral element
of the emergency response. Emergency information operations must be initiated
immediately following a terrorism attack and continued until external information needs
are fully satisfied. Official information disseminated in the response phase will support and
enhance alert and notification messages, such as those provided on the Emergency Alert
System (EAS). As the operation shifts into the longer term, information will play an
important role in facilitating recovery.
While providing the community with information is paramount, careful consideration must
be given to developing and implementing a strategic media-relations plan. This is because
it is through the news media — local, state, regional, national, and international — that
most communications will take place. Moreover, a terrorist event immediately becomes the
focus of national and international news media. Within hours of a major terrorist event,
hundreds of reporters with satellite trucks, camera equipment and staff will descend on the
affected community.
Following a terrorism event, the news media can be counted on to provide official
announcements as well as other information developed through independent reporting. The
public looks to the news media – newspapers, radio, television and the Internet -- as its
primary source of information. The specific informational focus of each media outlet
depends largely on its audience, with local media providing the most detailed coverage and
national and international media looking at broader story elements. Even with these
different levels of focus, today’s media environment, with its portable satellite technology
and never-ending news cycle, creates a situation in which there is no such thing as strictly
local news in a terrorism situation.
Research and case studies show that accurate, consistent, and expedited information in
crisis situations calms anxieties and reduces problematic public responses, such as fear,
panic, spontaneous evacuation, and antisocial behavior. Lack of information — or a
bombardment of conflicting information from numerous sources — may endanger public
health and safety and encourage some members of the public to act in ways that cause
additional problems for responders. The regular dissemination of official information that
is useful, consistent, and easy to understand contributes to the overall well-being of the
community. Establishment and maintenance of a strong working relationship with the news
media will have positive impacts across the emergency response.
Given the many demands that occur in the immediate aftermath of an emergency event,
there is little time to develop a detailed, post-incident public information program. As with
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-2
each operational aspect of the response, effective emergency information following a
terrorism attack requires careful planning and considerable advance preparation.
Depending upon the nature and location of the WMD incident, local officials, with rapid
support from the State, will have initial responsibility for ensuring that the news media and
public are provided with accurate, timely, and pertinent information. This information may
address topics such as evacuation and sheltering-in-place, road closures, areas to avoid,
bulletins to “stay off the phones” and “be on the lookout,” bulletins, and other information
to protect life and property and assist first responders.
Planning and preparedness considerations are addressed in the following sections.
1. Joint Information System
The mission of the Joint Information System (JIS) is to provide a mechanism for
disseminating uniform, coordinated, and consistent information from government
officials and first responders to the news media and the public.
In establishing a JIS, the first step is development of a comprehensive information
exchange list. The list should identify each agency, office, and organization that
may be part of the emergency response network and note their respective
responsibilities, including the type of information each would be responsible for
or able to provide. The exchange list also should establish specific means for
exchanging information among the participants.
Volunteer agencies (such as the American Red Cross), utilities, hospitals, and
political offices should be included in the list.
The list should include established points of contact and multiple means of
communication (e.g., phone, pager, cell, fax). In this planning stage, it should be
determined whether the JIS member will assign a spokesperson or other staff to a
media center, if established.
Wherever possible, written procedures should be developed, such as memoranda
of agreement or understanding, that detail how information will be exchanged and
coordinated within the JIS and with external audiences. It is helpful for agency
points of contact to meet frequently and work together, even in emergency
situations that require limited JIS participation.
2. Joint Information Center
A Joint Information Center (JIC) is the focal point of Federal, State, and local
response information functions. An effective JIC will coordinate, gather, produce,
and disseminate information by using all available and appropriate means. In
addition, the JIC will monitor and analyze news media coverage of the
emergency, with a rapid response team addressing identified gaps in information,
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-3
misinformation, or unconfirmed information (i.e., rumors or speculation) that may
detrimentally affect the response and recovery effort.
A JIC should have pre-established standard operating procedures, organizational
structure, position descriptions, and memoranda of agreement or understanding
that guide JIS member participation.
In a terrorism situation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and FEMA may
establish one or more JICs that will include state and local representatives, though
this may take at least several hours.
Local authorities should plan to establish their own on-site JIC or media center to
address the immediate information needs of the news media and public. This will
ensure that the public and media will get crucial official information in the early
stages of the emergency when EOCs and Incident Command structure are taxed
with other operational aspects of the response.
As state and federal responders arrive on the scene, coordination and integration
of JIC functions and related emergency public information efforts will occur.
3. News Media Relations
The primary objective of emergency information staff working with the media
should be to establish lines of communication to official, credible sources of
information and inform the media where they can get this information.
It is important that media representatives know where to find accurate and timely
information about the consequences of the terrorist event and the steps people can
take to maximize their safety and move through the recovery process.
It is equally important that the media recognize where they can quickly obtain
official verification of information from other sources to minimize dissemination
of misinformation, rumors, and speculation to the public. During a response, the
news media will gather information, conduct interviews, and offer perspectives
and analyses of the situation from many sources and locations in their pursuit of
the emergency story.
Media monitoring and analysis aids the overall response by:
Providing early warning of incorrect information, gaps in information, and
potential problem areas.
Stopping the spread of rumors that can cause people to take actions that can be
harmful to their recovery.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-4
Providing information to decision-makers that can be useful in developing
operational plans and strategies.
Establishing a strong working relationship with the news media prior to an event
makes it more likely that the public will get accurate, understandable, and
meaningful emergency information when they need it.
News media outlets must have confidence that government representatives
will be immediately available to explain complex issues, share important
public safety messages, and provide a continuing flow of information
throughout the emergency.
Coordination and information sharing among JIS members and with the JIC (or
JICs) assure consistency of official information, enhance credibility of
government response efforts, and encourage public understanding and support.
Media relations activities should use all appropriate tools (e.g., news releases,
briefings, press conferences), to provide clear and focused information.
Contacts with local, state, and regional news media contacts should be established
and maintained — through editorial boards and regular interactions with
reporters, editors, news directors, and producers — during nonresponse periods.
The JIS/JIC concept should be explained to news media representatives, and
contact information exchanged during the planning phase. Plans for dissemination
of emergency information should be put in place with area media before an event.
For example:
Wire services, such as the Associated Press, can provide official information
to all news media outlets in the event that problems with power sources or
Web sites prevent the use of normal tools for emergency disseminations.
Local newspapers can be helpful in distributing inserts with preparedness,
response, and recovery information.
Local radio stations can help to repeat pre-scripted public service
4. Training and Exercises
In preparing for a WMD incident, identified JIS members should train and
exercise extensively, including cross training in the specific JIC functions. (See
first bullet under Joint Information Center.) Exercises provide an opportunity to
test-run the JIS/JIC structure.
JICs should be activated in nonterrorism emergencies whenever possible.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-5
This helps ensure that the JIS/JIC structure, even in limited responses,
becomes a familiar tool. Since the Incident Command and other emergency
response staff will be the primary sources of official information, it is critical
that they understand and support the JIS/JIC mission.
It familiarizes Incident Command and other emergency response organization
staff with the role and benefits of the JIS/JIC and hones staff skills.
It enables officials to identify and address glitches in JIS/JIC procedures and
5. Surge Situations
Planning should address situations where staffing, facilities, equipment, and other
resources may be inadequate to meet the needs of the news media or public.
For example, if more media show up for a news conference than the room can
accommodate, the news conference should be moved to a larger room or taken
In assessing the sound and other staging requirements of the news media for
news conferences and briefings, the media’s own equipment (e.g., sound,
lighting, recording, and communications equipment) needs to be considered.
In the event of surges in calls from the news media or public, emergency
information staff should be prepared to augment personnel and equipment
Discussions with local telephone and cellular phone companies during
nonresponse periods may yield creative solutions.
During surge situations, private-sector public information officers should be
considered as standby resources for staffing news media inquiry lines, and crisis
line staff should be considered for staffing public inquiry lines. They should be
trained in emergency information concepts and JIC functions and procedures to
enhance their existing experience and skills.
6. Flexibility
In preparing for a major terrorism event, a strong element of flexibility in the
public information program should be maintained so that unexpected issues can
be quickly and effectively addressed.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-6
Communications may fail, facilities may be inaccessible, and staff may be
unavailable or unable to reach the JIC. Planning should include contingencies for
all such possibilities.
7. Public Education
Maintain an ongoing public education program to build public confidence in
response organizations and encourage positive public reaction during a WMD
Build WMD public education programs on existing education programs for other
types of emergencies, such as tornadoes and hazardous materials accidents. Work
with Local Emergency Planning Committees and State Emergency Response
Take advantage of existing public outreach materials (including those of other
communities, states, and programs) and emergency preparedness information on
Web sites, (e.g., that can be adapted for terrorism
Make the public aware of emergency plans and procedures (including protective
actions) that will or may be employed to protect public health, safety, and
property in a terrorism situation.
Use fairs, libraries, speaking opportunities before civic and business groups,
public service announcements, media campaigns, community-specific events,
calendars, telephone books, school newsletters, mailings, etc., to get
information and material to the public.
Enlist the help of the media and community, business, and religious organizations
to raise awareness about what individuals, families, and business owners and
managers can do now to prepare for emergencies.
For example, promote information about preparation of family and business
emergency kits (for evacuation and shelter-in-place), the broadcast stations
that will transmit Emergency Alert System messages, evacuation routes, and
mass care facilities that would be set up to help people who are displaced or
Pay particular attention to public outreach efforts related to protecting school
children, so that parents and guardians won’t immediately crowd the roads and
hamper responders in their rush to collect children at schools.
Identify other target audiences such as non-English-speaking populations; pet
owners; residents and families of those in special facilities (e.g., nursing homes,
jails); residents and staff of colleges and universities; employees and visitors of
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-7
shopping malls, large industrial complexes or businesses, and entertainment and
sports facilities who may need tailored information.
Because of the high visibility and the large influx of media, the planning should include
consideration of the following contingencies.
Designated media areas
Where would you locate 100 or more satellite trucks?
What about security for media areas?
Where will you conduct news conferences and media briefings?
Media access
Will you need a system for credentialing members of the media?
What about access to crime scenes or work areas?
How will you handle media pools?
Providing answers to some of these questions will require close coordination with
emergency managers and municipal and law enforcement officials.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page G-8
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-1
Most State and local governments have agreements with nearby jurisdictions to provide
assistance in the event of an emergency. At the State level, there are interstate compacts
such as the Interstate Civil Defense Compact of 1950 and the Emergency Management
Assistance Compact. At the local level, most counties and municipalities are members of
one or more mutual aid agreements, and many have agreements with local hospitals and
other organizations that provide assistance during emergencies. Such agreements can serve
Coordinate planning among organizations.
Multiply the response resources available to any one jurisdiction.
Ensure timely provision of aid in an emergency.
Arrange for specialized resources needed only in rare circumstances.
Minimize administrative conflict and litigation during the post-response period.
The purpose of this tab is to help State and local planners identify agreements that may be
needed in order to prepare for terrorist threats, and provide assistance in developing such
agreements. Sections B and C contain general information to help planners identify the
need for and develop agreements with other organizations to enhance preparedness for
terrorism incidents. Section D contains three examples to illustrate agreement format and
Further information on development of emergency preparedness agreements may be found
in the CSEPP Memorandum of Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding
(MOA/MOU) Guide, May 1999, published jointly by FEMA and the U.S. Army Soldier
and Biological Chemical Command, available at
Response to a terrorism incident can overwhelm local capabilities by (a) the sheer size of
the disaster and intense publicity or (b) a need for specialized technical resources to address
biological, chemical, or radiological aspects of the incident.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-2
A large-scale incident may require support from neighboring jurisdictions for conventional
response functions such as firefighting, search and rescue, and emergency public
information. Assistance may also be needed with administrative support functions such as
Incidents involving a biological, chemical, or radiological component may require
specialized equipment or services for detection and monitoring, cleanup, medical care, and
protection of emergency workers. Such specialized resources are generally available from
federal agencies and can be arranged through FEMA; however, agreements may still be
useful in arranging for State, local, or private suppliers to supplement the federal response.
For example, jurisdictions that contain nuclear power plants have extended capabilities
(trained personnel and equipment) for radiological monitoring. Also, there are several
private laboratories qualified to analyze samples for the presence of chemical nerve agent.
Sometimes the process involved in creating a useful agreement that enhances preparedness,
is as important as the agreement itself. At the beginning of the development process, the
parties should be clear on what they hope to achieve via the agreement. The following
questions should be posed and answered. What is the problem that will be solved? What
parties must be included for that to happen? This may seem obvious, but sometimes
negotiations can drift away from the original purpose of the agreement. The points below
should be considered during the development process to avoid unnecessary conflict or
Perform a “background check” of existing agreements to ensure that a new
agreement will not duplicate or conflict with an existing one.
Include appropriate persons in the negotiations, including operations staff and
technical advisors, where needed. If possible, include responsible officials (who
will have to approve the final agreement) and legal counsel in the negotiations.
Ensure that all terms of the agreement are written down; do not rely on oral side
agreements, understandings, clarifications, or interpretations.
In drafting an agreement, the following topics should be considered for inclusion. Note that
in some areas there may be other topic or format requirements that apply as a result of
federal, state or local regulation.
A statement of the agreement’s purpose and scope.
References and authorities, including state and local laws and regulations and
emergency operating plans as appropriate.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-3
Definitions of key terms. For example, if one party will provide assistance to
another party in event of an emergency, it may be appropriate to define what
exactly is meant by “emergency.”
Roles and responsibilities for each party to the agreement.
Logistical considerations. For example, an agreement might specify a particular
protocol for requesting assistance, or handling of command and communications in
the field.
Limitations on what will be provided. For example, a clause stating that assistance
will be provided only to the extent that it can be spared by the providing
Provision for consistent training, drills, and exercises to ensure that the agreement
can be implemented smoothly.
Costs of response. For example, an agreement may provide that the jurisdiction
requesting aid will pay all reasonable costs of providing it, or alternatively that each
jurisdiction will “pay its own way.”
Liability. Parties to an agreement may agree to waive all claims against each other
for actions performed under the agreement.
Boilerplate. The agreement should specify what approvals are necessary to make it
valid, the duration of the agreement (fixed term or indefinite), and procedures for
changing, withdrawing from, or ending the agreement.
The legal and financial aspects of any agreement should be reviewed by legal counsel on
all sides.
Figures 1 through 3 are example agreements for areas where jurisdictions may need
assistance in responding to a terrorism incident: public information, hazard monitoring, and
medical care. The example agreements are provided as exactly that—as generic examples,
to illustrate what such agreements might look like, and not necessarily as models to follow.
They are not intended to reflect actual practice at any given location, and no claim or
warranty is made that they are legally sufficient in any given jurisdiction. Each agreement
must be evaluated and negotiated in light of local circumstances, laws, and regulations.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-4
FIGURE 1. First Example Agreement
Memorandum Of Agreement among
State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA)
County #1 and County #2
For Coordination and Dissemination of
Emergency Public Information
SUBJECT: Establishment of a cooperative program to coordinate and disseminate
emergency public information in event of a terrorism incident.
PURPOSE: The need exists among all jurisdictions to provide coordinated and consistent
public information in the unlikely event of a terrorism incident. This need can be met by (a)
designating spokespersons to serve as points of contact for the media, public and other
emergency response organizations; (b) following policies and procedures for sharing of
information and cooperation in developing information releases; and (c) operating a joint
information system (JIS) and joint information center (JIC).
DESIGNATION OF SPOKESPERSONS: SEMA and the Counties will each designate a
primary spokesperson to provide emergency public information to the media in event of a
terrorism incident. These spokespersons, and/or their designated staff members, will be the
primary points of contact for providing information to the media during the emergency, and
for coordination and sharing of such information among the response organizations.
COORDINATION OF INFORMATION: SEMA and the Counties will use best efforts to
implement these information coordination policies in event of a terrorism incident:
Share information with the other spokespersons prior to disseminating it to the
media. If that is not possible, share the information as soon as possible.
Cooperate to develop joint releases whenever possible.
Provide information on the operations and policies of their own respective
response organizations only, and refer questions about other organizations’
activities to the appropriate spokesperson.
These policies will apply to all public information activities associated with a terrorism
incident, whether performed at the JIC or from other locations.
Each organization retains the right to issue emergency public information to the media at any
time, without restriction on content or format, in accordance with its own policies and
OPERATION OF THE JIC: A primary JIC will be established at _____ (location of JIC
facility). An alternate JIC site will be established at _____ in the unlikely event that the
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-5
FIGURE 1. (Cont’d)
Management and use of the JIC will be the joint responsibility of each party to this
agreement. JIC activation and operational procedures for a terrorism incident will be in
accordance with a separate JIS/JIC operations plan agreed to by all parties. Use of the JIC
facility for exercises, training sessions, and other related activities will be coordinated among
all parties.
a. Designate a spokesperson to provide information on State emergency response
b. Send a representative or spokesperson to the JIC along with all necessary support
c. Operate in accordance with an approved JIS/JIC operations plan.
d. Provide and maintain necessary furniture, equipment and infrastructure
improvements, as agreed, to outfit the JIC facility. These items will be detailed in the
e. Provide the other parties to this agreement with as much advance notice as possible,
but not less than 10 days, whenever the State wishes to use the JIC facility for
exercises, training, or meetings that require either access to locked areas of the JIC
or use of equipment stored in locked areas.
a. Designate a spokesperson to provide information on County emergency response
b. Either send a representative to the JIC, or else designate a representative at the JIC
to speak for the County.
c. Operate in accordance with an approved JIS/JIC operations plan.
d. Provide and maintain necessary furniture, equipment and infrastructure
improvements, as agreed, to outfit the JIC facility. These items will be detailed in the
e. County #1 (where JIC facility is located) will initially provide security personnel for the
JIC when it is activated. The other Counties and SEMA will relieve County #1 as
provided in the JIS/JIC Plan.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-6
FIGURE 1. (Cont’d)
a. This agreement will be reviewed for adequacy annually on the anniversary of its
effective date. If determined to be adequate, this agreement shall remain in effect for
another year.
b. If this agreement is determined to need revision upon annual review, such revision
shall be made and agreed to by all parties. If such revision is minor, it may be
accomplished through attachment to this original agreement. If such revision is
determined to be major, a new agreement may be prepared to supersede this
c. Any party to this agreement may withdraw upon 30 days written notice to all other
d. This agreement may be terminated by written consent of all parties.
e. Upon termination of this agreement, all property maintained in the JIC will be
removed from the JIC and will revert back to the sole use of the owning jurisdiction.
This Memorandum of Agreement is effective on the date of the last signature.
_____________________________ Date __________
SEMA Director
_____________________________ Date __________
County #1 EMA Director
_____________________________ Date __________
County #2 EMA Director
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-7
FIGURE 2. Second Example Agreement
Memorandum of Agreement Between County #1 and County #2
for Radiological Monitoring Assistance
1. Purpose
The purpose of this agreement is to provide for assistance with radiological monitoring in
event of a terrorism incident involving actual or suspected radioloactive materials. County #1
maintains an extended capability for radiological monitoring due to the presence of
radiological facilities within the county.
2. References and Authorities
a. County #1 Emergency Operations Plan, Section ___ (Concept of Operations), and
Annex ___ (Radiological Incident).
b. County #2 Emergency Operations Plan, Section ___ (Concept of Operations), and
Annex ___ (Radiological Incident).
c. FEMA final rule, 44 CFR 350, Review and Approval of State and Local Radiological
Emergency Plans and Preparedness (1983).
3. Definitions
a. Monitoring: Checking for the presence and levels of radiation.
b. Sampling: The collection of physical materials such as water, soil, and air to be
analyzed for radioactive materials.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
4.1 County #1:
If requested by County #2 in response to a terrorism incident involving actual or
suspected radioactive materials, County #1 will provide monitoring and sampling
capabilities as follows:
a. ___ teams trained and equipped to perform monitoring for ambient radiation and
airborne radioactive particles.
b. ___ teams trained and equipped to collect environmental samples for laboratory
analysis, including water, soil and swipe samples.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-8
FIGURE 2. (Cont’d)
c. Laboratory analysis capabilities able to analyze samples collected by field teams.
County #1 will provide the above resources to the extent that they are not
simultaneously required for protection of the public in County #1 or already pledged
to assist another county.
County #1 will provide a Point of Contact, available 24/7, as follows:
(Point of Contact)
Upon request for assistance, County #1 will promptly respond to County #2 detailing
the assistance that can be provided and expected arrival time.
4.2 County #2:
In event of a terrorism incident involving actual or suspected radioactive materials,
affecting County #2, and if County #2 does not have sufficient resources to
adequately perform radiological monitoring and sampling to protect the public, the
County Board Chairperson or the County Emergency Management Director may
request assistance from County #1. Requests for assistance will be transmitted to
the [County #1 Point of Contact]. Requests will include a designated location and
point of contact to report to.
County #2 will provide logistical and supply assistance to support the operations of
County #1 teams operating within County #2, including, as needed, communications
equipment for coordination with County #2 emergency authorities.
County #2 will provide assistance to County #1 with obtaining access to public and
private property to perform monitoring and sampling tasks, to the extent necessary
and feasible within legal and resource constraints.
4.3 Mutual:
Both parties will ensure that their plans, procedures and training are consistent with
this agreement.
Both parties agree to participate in drills and/or exercises covering the functions
described in this agreement at least annually.
5. Personnel
County personnel furnishing assistance under this agreement will remain under the
direction and control of their employing county.
6. Expenses
County #2 will reimburse County #1 for expenses incurred in carrying out a request for
assistance under this agreement, including supplies furnished, pro-rated salary expenses
for personnel, and travel expenses and per diem for personnel required to travel.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-9
FIGURE 2. (Cont’d)
7. Term and Termination
This agreement will take effect and be implemented upon the date of the last signature
and will remain in effect until terminated by either of the parties. Both parties agree that
this agreement contains the full agreement between the parties and supersedes all
previous communications, either oral or written, pertaining to the subject matter of this
If any provision or provisions of this agreement are held to be invalid, illegal or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected and the
agreement will still be in effect.
Both parties agree to review this agreement at least annually. It may be amended by
mutual written agreement of both parties. It may be terminated by either party upon sixty
days written notice to the other party. Any such notice shall be provided to the following
[Address of County #1 point of contact] [Address of County #2 point of contact]
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
8. Signatures
Chair, County #1 Board of Commissioners: ________________________ Date: _________
Chair, County #2 Board of Commissioners: ________________________ Date: _________
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-10
FIGURE 3. Third Example Agreement
Memorandum of Agreement Between Local Government
and Local Hospital for Medical Assistance in
Terrorism Incidents
1 Purpose and Background
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for cooperation between Local Hospital and
Local Government in preparing for and responding to terrorism incidents.
The parties to this Agreement recognize that terrorism incidents within Local Jurisdiction
may result in large numbers of conventional trauma patients, and/or patients affected by
the use of chemical, biological, or radiological weapons of mass destruction.
The parties to this Agreement further recognize that terrorism incidents may result in
large numbers of patients who self-transport to Local Hospital seeking treatment because
they were, or think they may have been, affected by the incident.
2. References
a. Local Government Disaster Response Plan and Terrorism Annex, updated 2002.
b. Local Hospital Disaster Plan, updated 2002.
c. Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Medical Services Support
Plan for the Federal Response to Acts of Chemical/Biological (C/B) Terrorism (June
d. State Department of Health, Hospital Licensing Regulations, Sections ___ to ___ .
e. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), 42 U.S.C. Sec.
f. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) standards for emergency services, 42
CFR 482.55.
g. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) standard
EC1.4, Emergency Management.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-11
FIGURE 3. (Cont’d)
3. Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Local Hospital
Local Hospital will:
a. Accept patients, to the maximum extent possible, who are brought in or are seeking
care as a result of a terrorism incident within Local Jurisdiction.
b. Maintain capabilities for emergency treatment of terrorism incident victims, as follows:
(i) Emergency plans and procedures, as required under applicable licensing and
accreditation standards.
(ii) Emergency admission and treatment capabilities, as required under applicable
licensing and accreditation standards.
(iii) Capability for handling victims of incidents involving chemical, biological, or
radiological weapons of mass destruction, including:
Staff trained in procedures for handling such patients, as follows:
__________________ .
Facilities and equipment for isolation and decontamination of such patients,
as follows: __________________ .
Stockpiles of supplies for treatment of such patients, including chemical agent
antidotes, drugs to prevent radiological agents uptake, and antibiotics, as
follows: __________________ .
c. Promptly notify Local Government if the Hospital is unable to accept further patients
during an emergency.
d. Within regulations regarding patient privacy, provide copies of treatment records to
Local Government as needed for civil or criminal investigations or determination of
3.2 Local Government
Local Government will:
a. Notify Local Hospital at the earliest possible stage of any terrorism-related
emergency, and provide an estimate of medical assistance needs, to allow time for
necessary preparations.
b. Notify Local Hospital at the earliest possible moment when intending to transport
emergency patients to the Hospital.
c. To the extent possible, disinfect or decontaminate emergency patients transported to
the Hospital.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page H-12
FIGURE 3. (Cont’d)
d. Compensate Local Hospital for expenses of treatment of Local Government
emergency workers, including Local Government employees and volunteers working
under their direction, to the extent those expenses are not paid under patient
insurance policies.
3.3 Mutual
Local Hospital and Local Government will:
a. Maintain plans and procedures consistent with this Agreement.
b. Participate in regular drills and exercises to ensure that the activities provided for in
this Agreement can be carried out in an effective and efficient manner.
c. Maintain communications systems that can be used during an emergency to support
implementation of this Agreement.
d. Cooperate in obtaining and sharing information and training to support
implementation of this Agreement.
e. Meet annually to review this Agreement and mutual preparedness for terrorism
4 Term and Termination
This Agreement will take effect on approval by both parties. It will continue in force until
terminated by either party. Either party may terminate the Agreement by 30 days’ written
notice to the other party.
5. Points of Contact
The points of contact for all notifications and coordination regarding this Agreement are:
Local Hospital Point of Contact Local Government Point of Contact
_________________________ ___________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
6. Approval
_________________________ ___________________________
Local Hospital Director Local Government Chief Executive
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page I-1
The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and Terrorist Incident Appendix (TIA) provide the
basic framework for State and Local response to natural disasters and events involving
terrorist attacks involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Special events provide the opportunity for communities to engage in specific planning
activities with a number of known variables. Unlike most terrorist planning efforts,
planning for a special event involves specific time frames and locations, factors that are
critical unknowns in generic terrorism planning.
This section provides an overview of Federal planning and involvement in special events
and special considerations for State and local planners dealing with high-profile events in
their jurisdictions.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines a special event as “a significant
domestic or international event, occurrence, contest, activity, or meeting, which by virtue
of its profile and/or status represents an attractive target for terrorist attack.”
Relatively few of the many events that occur in a year are designated by the FBI to be
special events. Such notable special events have included the 1996 Summer Olympic
Games, the 1998 papal visit, national political conventions, the 1999 World Trade
Organization conference, and the upcoming 2002 Winter Olympic Games.
Events such as these are classified as national security special events (NSSEs). The
designation provides a framework for determining the extent to which federal agencies will
become involved in supporting local and State hosts of such events. The FBI and an NSSE
Working Group made up of representatives from the Department of Justice, Department of
Transportation, FEMA, FBI, and U.S. Secret Service are responsible for designating
NSEEs according to specified levels that determine the extent to which federal agencies
will become involved.
Once an event is designated an NSSE, the appropriate Federal agencies being working with
State and local partners to outline mission, goals and objectives; develop a concept of
operations; and create Operations Supplements to the Federal Response Plan (FRP) and the
State and local Emergency Operations Plans, as needed.
The purpose of an Operations Supplement is to outline the specific consequence
management roles and responsibilities. The Operations Supplement details event-specific
information, the consequence management precautions, and differences in initial actions by
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page I-2
Federal agencies under the FRP. The special event planning process is designed to achieve
the following outcomes:
Foster a nationwide, intergovernmental, systematic approach to local, State, and
Federal consequence management planning.
Promote uniformity in the operating principles, policies, procedures, and actions of
organizations and systems providing coordinated response.
Facilitate the development of plans for a prompt, coordinated response.
Reduce redundancy in planning.
Based on the State and local assessments, the State may ask FEMA to coordinate the
provision of Federal consequence management assistance from the appropriate Federal
agencies for meeting any shortfalls. In general, the coordination process for requested
Federal assistance from a State or local government in support of a special event to the
following series of steps:
1. The local government has the primary responsibility to assess its level of
preparedness and its capability to respond to a terrorist threat or incident involving a
WMD during the periods leading up to the special event, during the event, and
immediately following the event.
2. If local emergency management officials identify shortfalls, the local government
should make a request to the State government for the additional capabilities and
resources that were identified.
3. In turn, State emergency management officials have the responsibility to verify and
validate the need for the identified shortfalls and determine to what extent the State
can alleviate the shortfalls.
4. If the State determines it cannot adequately provide the requested assistance to satisfy
the local government’s needs, the governor of the State can make a request to the
FEMA Regional Director for the assistance that the State government cannot provide
to fully satisfy the capabilities and resources requested by the local government.
5. FEMA Regional staff will coordinate with the State emergency managers to validate
the need for the requested assistance and forward the request to FEMA Headquarters.
FEMA Headquarters will formally request the identified Federal resources and
capabilities from the requisite Federal agencies at the Headquarters level.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page I-3
State and local planning for an NSSE could involve the development of a Critical
Infrastructure Protection Implementation Plan similar to the one developed for the 2002
Winter Olympic Games by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Critical Infrastructure
Protection. The infrastructure protection planning process focuses on critical assets and
community facilities to prevent and mitigate disruptions. The following is a list of
infrastructures to consider:
Electric power
Natural gas and petroleum
Information systems
Hazardous materials
Public works
Banking and finance
Emergency services
Water supply
Other facilities, such as hospitals, schools, shopping malls, and nursing homes
Figure 1 provides a checklist of elements used for the Utah plan, including a schedule of
phases and tasks. With its emphasis on threat and vulnerability analysis, this plan goes
beyond the standard scope of generic terrorism response planning. However, the process
can be useful in providing advance information for emergency responders.
Developing a Concept of Operations and planning for a National Security Special Event
involves both policy and operational level decisions.
1. Policy-Level Decision Checklist
The following checklists can be helpful to state and local planners in preparing for a
special event.
What Federal regional agencies need to participate?
Is the local FBI Field Office establishing a Joint Operations Center (JOC) or a
command post that can quickly transition into a JOC?
What is the role of the U.S. Secret Service for this event? Will they have a
separate command post? Collocate with the FBI?
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page I-4
FIGURE 1. Schedule of Phases and Tasks for Terrorism Preparedness Planning
for Special Events (Calendar Year)
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q
Task 1: Catalog Existing Information and
Task 2: Conduct Threat Analysis
Subtask 2.1: Identify and Assess Potential Threats
Subtask 2.2: Develop Potential Threat Scenarios
Subtask 2.3: Establish Threat Information Protocol
Task 3: Conduct Critical Infrastructure
Vulnerability Assessments
Subtask 3.1: Establish Criteria for Identifying Critical
Subtask 3.2: Prepare Data Requirements and
Assessment Guidelines for Infrastructure Owners
Subtask 3.3: Characterize Infrastructure
Subtask 3.4: Conduct Infrastructure Vulnerability
Subtask 3.5: Identify and Evaluate Infrastructure
Subtask 3.6 Identify and Evaluate Infrastructure
Disruption Protection and Mitigation Measures
Subtask 3.7 Select and Implement Protection and
Mitigation Measures
Subtask 3.8 Establish Critical Infrastructure Data
Resource for Operations Phase
Task 4: Conduct Critical Community Facilities
Vulnerability Assessments
Subtask 4.1: Establish Criteria for Identifying Critical
Community Facilities
Subtask 4.2: Develop Critical Community Facility
Data Requirements
Subtask 4.3: Conduct Critical Community Facilities
Subtask 4.4: Identify Critical Community Facilities
Subtask 4.5 Identify and Evaluate Infrastructure
Disruption Protection and Mitigation Measures
Subtask 4.6 Select and Implement Mitigation
Subtask 4.7 Establish Critical Facilities Data
Resource for Operations Phase
Task 5: Develop Infrastructure Disruption
Response Plans
Subtask 5.1: Assemble And Review Existing
Emergency Operations Plans
Subtask 5.2: Develop Disruption Response
Subtask 5.3: Develop Recovery Protocols
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page I-5
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q
Task 6: Conduct Training and Exercises
Subtask 6.1 Develop Training Program
Subtask 6.2 Develop Exercise Plan
Subtask 6.3 Implement Training and Exercise Plan
Will foreign dignitaries be attending? How many? What effect will this have on
the consequence management planning (i.e., hotels and security)? Does this affect
the staging locations of assets?
Will FEMA resources be deployed to the State Emergency Operations Center
Dates/times of operations—mobilization/demobilization.
What types of assets/teams are required to be activated, on alert, or on advisory?
Will federal assets be predeployed (Chemical/Biological Incident Response Force
[CBIRF], DMAT, National Medical Response Team [NMRT], Mobile Air
Transportable Telecommunications System [MATTS], Mobile Emergency
Response Support [MERS])?
Will the number and location of venues drive decisions on the amount of assets
required or the prepositioning of those assets?
Based on recent protest events (e.g., World Trade Organization conference), how
will security decisions made by FBI, local law enforcement, and others impact the
consequence management planning?
Will a Continuity of Operations Plan be identified? Staffed?
2. Operational-Level Decision Checklist
The planner can expand on the policy decisions and complete the concept of
operations for the plan using the following checklist. Additional operational-level
decisions may be required based on the specific event.
Identify list of venues.
Determine schedule of events.
Develop personnel schedules.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page I-6
List addresses for venues, operations, participating organizations.
Identify specific annexes needed in the supplement for:
Information and planning.
Work with FEMA region and headquarters special events planning team to:
Identify Department of Defense (DOD) resources required (e.g., Chemical
Biological Incident Response Force, Medical Facilities, Technical Escort
Unit, Global Patient Movement Requirements Center, Liaisons to Emergency
Support Team, Regional Operations Center, JOC. Strategic Information and
Operations Center, WMD-Incident Support Team [WMD-IST]).
Identify Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) resources required
(e.g., Management Support Team, Disaster Medical Assistance Teams
[DMATs], Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams, National Medical
Response Teams-WMD, pharmaceutical cache, WMD-IST member,
Emergency Support Function #8 representative).
Identify Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) resources required
(e.g., EPA Mobile Command Post, Environmental Response Team, U.S.
Coast Guard Response Team, On-Scene Coordinators, liaison officers).
Identify Department of Energy resources required (e.g., liaison officers).
Identify urban search and rescue assets required (e.g., Incident Support Team,
representatives to WMD-IST, number of teams).
Identify potential Disaster Field Office locations.
Identify Base Support Installations (BSIs).
Identify mobilization centers.
Obtain staging area locations from local jurisdiction
Determine point of arrival/point of debarkation for assets.
Determine ingress/egress routes between point of arrival and
Mobilization centers.
Staging areas.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page J-1
Aerosol – Fine liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas, for example, fog or smoke.
Biological Agents – Living organisms or the materials derived from them that cause
disease in or harm to humans, animals, or plants or cause deterioration of material.
Biological agents may be used as liquid droplets, aerosols, or dry powders.
Chemical Agent – A chemical substance that is intended to kill, seriously injure, or
incapacitate people through physiological effects. Generally separated by severity of
effect: lethal, blister, and incapacitating.
Consequence Management – Measures to protect public health and safety, restore
essential government services, and provide emergency relief to governments,
businesses, and individuals affected by the consequences of terrorism. State and local
governments exercise primary authority to respond to the consequences of terrorism
(Source: Federal Response Plan [FRP] Terrorism Incident Annex, page TI-2,
April 1999). The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been
designated the lead agency for consequence management to ensure that the FRP is
adequate to respond to terrorism. Additionally, FEMA supports the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) in crisis management.
Crisis Management – This is the law enforcement aspect of an incident that involves
measures to identify, acquire, and plan the resources needed to anticipate, prevent,
and/or resolve a threat of terrorism. The FBI is the lead agency for crisis management
for such an incident. (Source: FBI) During crisis management, the FBI coordinates
closely with local law enforcement authorities to provide successful law enforcement
resolution to the incident. The FBI also coordinates with other Federal authorities,
including FEMA (Source: Federal Response Plan Terrorism Incident Annex,
April 1999.)
Cyber Terrorism – Malicious conduct in cyberspace to commit or threaten to commit acts
dangerous to human life, or against a nation’s critical infrastructures, such as energy,
transportation, or government operations in order to intimidate or coerce a
government or civilian population, or any sequence thereof, in furtherance of political
or social objectives.
Decontamination – The process of making people, objects, or areas safe by absorbing,
destroying, neutralizing, making harmless, or removing the hazardous material.
Federal Response Plan (FRP) – The FRP establishes a process and structure for the
systematic, coordinated, and effective delivery of Federal assistance to address the
consequences of any major disaster or emergency declared under the Robert T.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page J-2
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended (42 U.S. Code
[USC] et seq.). The FRP Terrorism Incident Annex defines the organizational
structures used to coordinate crisis management with consequence management
(Source: FRP Terrorism Incident Annex, April 1999).
Infrastructure Protection – Proactive risk management actions intended to prevent a
threat from attempting to or succeeding at destroying or incapacitating critical
infrastructures. For instance, threat deterrence and vulnerability defense.
Lead Agency – The Federal department or agency assigned lead responsibility under
U.S. law to manage and coordinate the Federal response in a specific functional area.
The FBI is the lead agency for crisis management, and FEMA is the lead agency for
consequence management. Lead agencies support the overall Lead Federal Agency
(LFA) during all phases of the response.
Lead Federal Agency (LFA) – The agency designated by the President to lead and
coordinate the overall Federal response is referred to as the LFA and is determined by
the type of emergency. In general, an LFA establishes operational structures and
procedures to assemble and work with agencies providing direct support to the LFA
in order to provide an initial assessment of the situation, develop an action plan,
monitor and update operational priorities, and ensure each agency exercises its
concurrent and distinct authorities under U.S. law and supports the LFA in carrying
out the President’s relevant policy. Specific responsibilities of an LFA vary according
to the agency’s unique statutory authorities.
Mitigation – Those actions (including threat and vulnerability assessments) taken to reduce
the exposure to and detrimental effects of a WMD incident.
Nonpersistent Agent – An agent that, upon release, loses its ability to cause casualties
after 10 to 15 minutes. It has a high evaporation rate, is lighter than air, and will
disperse rapidly. It is considered to be a short-term hazard; however, in small,
unventilated areas, the agent will be more persistent.
Persistent Agent – An agent that, upon release, retains its casualty-producing effects for an
extended period of time, usually anywhere from 30 minutes to several days. A
persistent agent usually has a low evaporation rate and its vapor is heavier than air;
therefore, its vapor cloud tends to hug the ground. It is considered to be a long-term
hazard. Although inhalation hazards are still a concern, extreme caution should be
taken to avoid skin contact as well.
Plume – Airborne material spreading from a particular source; the dispersal of particles,
gases, vapors, and aerosols into the atmosphere.
Preparedness – Establishing the plans, training, exercises, and resources necessary to
achieve readiness for all hazards, including WMD incidents.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page J-3
Radiation – High-energy particles or gamma rays that are emitted by an atom as the
substance undergoes radioactive decay. Particles can be either charged alpha or beta
particles or neutral neutron or gamma rays.
Recovery – Recovery, in this document, includes all types of emergency actions dedicated
to the continued protection of the public or promoting the resumption of normal
activities in the affected area.
Response – Executing the plan and resources identified to perform those duties and
services to preserve and protect life and property as well as provide services to the
surviving population.
Terrorism – The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in
furtherance of political or social objectives. Domestic terrorism involves groups or
individuals who are based and operate entirely within the United States and
U.S. territories without foreign direction and whose acts are directed at elements of
the U.S. government or population.
Toxicity – A measure of the harmful effects produced by a given amount of a toxin on a
living organism.
Weapons-Grade Material – Nuclear material considered most suitable for a nuclear
weapon. It usually connotes uranium enriched to above 90 percent uranium-235 or
plutonium with greater than about 90 percent plutonium-239.
Weapon of Mass Destruction – Any destructive device as defined in 18 USC 921; any
weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through
the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their
precursors; any weapon involving a disease organism; or any weapon that is designed
to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life. (Source:
18 USC 2332a). In 18 USC 921, a destructive device is defined, with certain
exceptions, to mean any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, grenade, or
rocket having a propellant charge of more than 4 ounces, or a missile having an
explosive incendiary charge of more than 0.25 ounce, or a mine, or a device similar to
the above; any type of weapon by whatever name known that will, or that may be
readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other
propellant, and that has any barrel with a bore of more 0.5 inch in diameter; any
combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into
any destructive device described above and from which a destructive device may be
readily assembled.
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page J-4
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page K-1
AFB Air Force Base
AMS Aerial Measuring System
ANSIR Awareness of National Security Issues and Response Program
ARAC Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
ARG Accident Response Group
ARS Agriculture Research Service
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATSD(CS) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Civil Support
BDC Bomb Data Center
CATS Consequence Assessment Tool Set
CBIAC Chemical and Biological Defense Information and Analysis Center
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDRG Catastrophic Disaster Response Group
CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CHPPM Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
CIRG Critical Incident Response Group
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CM Consequence Management
CMU Crisis Management Unit (CIRG)
CRU Crisis Response Unit
CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CST Civil Support Teams
CW/CBD Chemical Warfare/Contraband Detection
DEST Domestic Emergency Support Team
DFO Disaster Field Office
DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team
DMCR Disaster Management Central Resource
DMORT Disaster Mortuary Team
DoD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOJ Department of Justice
DPP Domestic Preparedness Program
DTCTPS Domestic Terrorism/Counter Terrorism Planning Section (FBI HQ)
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page K-2
DTIC Defense Technical Information Center
EM emergency management
Emergency Management Assistance Compact
EMI Emergency Management Institute
EMS emergency medical services
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EOP Emergency Operations Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
ERT Emergency Response Team (FBI)
ERT-A Emergency Response Team – Advance Element
ERTU Evidence Response Team Unit
ESF Emergency Support Function
EST Emergency Support Team
EU Explosives Unit
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEST Foreign Emergency Support Team
FNS Food and Nutrition Service
FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan
FRMAC Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
FRP Federal Response Plan
FS Forest Service
GIS Geographic Information System
HazMat hazardous material(s)
HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
HMRU Hazardous Materials Response Unit
HQ Headquarters
HRT Hostage Rescue Team (CIRG)
HTIS Hazardous Technical Information Services (DoD)
IC Incident Commander
ICS Incident Command System
IND Improvised Nuclear Device
IST Incident Support Team
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JIC Joint Information Center
JOC Joint Operations Center
JTF-CS Joint Task Force for Civil Support
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page K-3
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
LFA Lead Federal Agency
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MEDCOM Medical Command
MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support
MMRS Metropolitan Medical Response System
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MSCA Military Support to Civil Authorities
NAP Nuclear Assessment Program
NBC Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NDMS National Disaster Medical System
NEST Nuclear Emergency Search Team
NETC National Emergency Training Center
NFA National Fire Academy
NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center
NMRT National Medical Response Team
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRT National Response Team
NSC National Security Council
NTIS National Technical Information Service
ODP Office for Domestic Preparedness (DOJ)
OEP Office of Emergency Preparedness
OFCM Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology
OHS Office of Homeland Security
OIG Office of the Inspector General (USDA)
ONP Office of National Preparedness (FEMA)
OSC On-Scene Commander
PDD Presidential Decision Directive
PHS Public Health Service
POC Point of Contact
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PT Preparedness, Training, and Exercises Directorate (FEMA)
R&D Research and Development
RAP Radiological Assistance Program
RCRA Research Conservation and Recovery Act
RDD Radiological Dispersion Device
REAC/TS Radiation Emergency Assistance Center – Training Site
ROC Regional Operations Center
RRIS Rapid Response Information System (FEMA)
RRT Regional Response Team
Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page K-4
SAC Special Agent in Charge (FBI)
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (also known as
SBCCOM Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (U.S. Army)
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
SEB State Emergency Board
SERC State Emergency Response Commission
SIOC Strategic Information and Operations Center (FBI HQ)
SLG State and Local Guide
TERC Tribal Emergency Response Commission
TIA Terrorist Incident Appendix
TRIS Toxic Release Inventory System
UC unified command
UCS Unified Command System
USC U.S. Code
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USFA U.S. Fire Administration
US&R Urban Search and Rescue
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
WMD weapon(s) of mass destruction
WMD-CST WMD Civil Support Team
WTC Word Trade Center
Y2K year 2000