Submodule 1: Introduction and Overview
(Module 8 is mandatory for Contractors having Corps of Engineer contracts. It
is optional for Contractors having NAVFAC contracts since some QCS - QC
functions may be similar to NAVFAC jobs. Module 8 serves as an overview of
a typical computer based construction information management.)
Objectives: After completing this submodule, you will be able to:
List the benefits of the RMS and QCS applications for controlling Contract
Administration and Construction Quality Management.
List major output products of the QCS and RMS applications.
A. Introduction and Background:
Resident Management System (RMS) is a construction information management
(CIM) system the Corps of Engineers developed to control construction quality
management and contract administration. It has two modules; “RMS” used by
Contracting Officer and “QCS” used by Contractor. RMS started in late 1980s
developed by a Resident Engineer, Mr. Haskell Barker, Los Angeles District.
Early DOS based RMS used a simple database to provide simple automated
methods to use desk top PCs for Resident Office construction quality
management and contract administration. As computers became more powerful
and “windows” made construction applications more “user friendly,” RMS
transformed to an integrated Construction Management Information system used
at Resident Office, Contractor Offices and Corps District-level Management. In
2001 RMS was mandated by USACE for use Corps-wide.
RMS is maintained by the RMS Center and has become a powerful CIM
application. RMS uses an inter-relational database that feeds project construction
phase data into Corps financial (CEFMS) and project management (Promise 2
(P2)) applications. RMS can import contractor generated CPM schedules and
resource data from a commercial application like P3 using the Standard Data
Exchange Format.
"RMS” has a network-based module, used by Corps Resident Engineer and
“QCS” module used by Contractor. Both are simple to learn and use. When QCS
and RMS are used from the very start of the contract and maintained current,
users have found it to be an outstanding tool to increase productivity, improve
contract administration and help document construction quality.
Corps Software System
Data Flow
CEFMS – Corps of
Engineers Financial
Management System
(accounting software)
PD2 – contract
acquisition software
(Contracting Officer)
Resident Management
System (RMS) CIM
(District and Resident
Office network database)
QCS Contractor CIM
stand alone PC at site and
Commercial CPM
CIM software
Standard Date Exchange
SpecsIntact- design
specification software
(A/Es & Corps Design
Teams )
Promise (P2) Project
Management Software
District and USACE
Construction management functions QCS Supports - QCS module of RMS
supports following:
Project Construction Activity Planning and Scheduling
Quality Control
QC and Production Reports
Procurement Reports
Submittal and RFI Management
Contract Administration
Progress Payments
Correspondence Tracking
Safety Administration and Accident Reporting
Contract Modification Processing
Management Reporting
Single-Entry Data Communications with CEFMS and P2
QCS IN CONTRACTS - Quality Control System (QCS) is the Contractor’s Quality
Control module of the Government’s Resident Management System (RMS). This
software has been implemented as Corps’ standard worldwide. QCS is to be used
on a daily basis by Contractor while performing his normal duties. QCS is specified
in Corps contracts in Section 01312 where required computer hardware and detailed
execution instructions are described. QCS has templates of most required forms
and required reports. Data entry for these are described in detail in the QCS and
RMS User’s Guides. Two primary screens of QCS, “ADMINISTRATION” and
“QUALITY CONTROL” show major QCS functions.
Correspondence Management – QCS / RMS indexes and tracks all
incoming and outgoing correspondence related to a contract. This feature
allows Contractor and Contracting Officer to maintain a complete historical
record of correspondence and effectively relate it to contract and
construction management activities over the life of the contract.
Submittal Register and Transmittal Control - A powerful feature of
QCS/RMS is it imports the submittal register data file generated by designers
from SpecsIntact specifications software. After contract award Contractor can
import this data file for the start of his procurement and submittal planning.
Once QCS submittal register is completed by Contractor it is exported to the
Government RMS database and submittal status can be tracked by
Contractor QC Staff, Submittal Reviewers, Contractor and Contracting
Officer’s Management. Used correctly it ensures more timely review and
transmittal turn around.
Construction Schedules - QCS facilitates schedule analysis showing
proposed schedule and effect of logic changes. QCS makes maintaining a
current schedule and analysis cross-reference among past schedules for
delay analysis much easier. RMS contains a Standard Data Exchange
(SDEF) module and a Schedule Analysis module. The SDEF provides a
capability to import and export scheduling and work activity data with
several commercial scheduling systems such as Primavera and Open
Plan. It is an independent piece of software, which also enables
conforming commercial system to communicate with each other. Use of
this feature will not only speed up a complex task, but will also help reduce
number and size of construction-related disputes and claims.
Quality Control Data - Contractor QC Staff can easily input data for
Quality Control daily reports, Phase Checklists, Subcontractor List,
Testing Schedules, On-site Equipment Lists, Deficiency Tracking List,
Request For Information. Formats built in and once input are available for
Contractor management use. Export of updated quality control data on a
daily basis to the Government provides Area Engineer and District-level
managers with construction-related data for decisions and monitoring at
levels above Resident Office.
Cost Control and Payment - Contractor can use QCS payment item
features for cost control, and tracking of invoices and progress payment
requests. Since QCS integrates with RMS and CEFMs, it allows faster
quality assurance and contract administration activities by Corps field
construction personnel to facilitate prompt payment.
Contract Administration – QCS supports construction contract
administration by importing government furnished RMS start data. This
allows Contractor and Contracting Officer field construction staffs input
construction contract payment and modification data. RMS allows contract
change requests and contract modifications tracking during the contract.
Construction Management Uses - QCS payment, schedule and QC data
exported to RMS is standardized for integration with CEFMs and P2 and allows
higher levels of Contractor and Corps Management to track a contract’s status
and allows earlier identification of project-related issues. Contract status data
consists of budget and schedule information plus a field report.
(Note - This portion can be used by QC Managers to train Staff using the QCS
QCS is Government furnished to Contractors without cost. Contractor needs to
access http
:// User’s Guides and installation instructions
available on Internet website maintained by the RMS Center. Training
necessary to learn QCS program usually requires ½ day of instruction and
demonstration. QCS setup file is available from the website
QCS program directly benefits Contractor QC Staff in:
Daily QC Report. Provides fully integrated Daily Reporting for Quality
Control personnel as required by the contract.
Punch List Items. Provides the mandated Deficiency Tracking System
required by the contract.
Scheduling. Provides an easy means to import schedule Activities by
importing from commercial scheduling packages (e.g., Primavera).
Submittals. Provides a comprehensive program to submit, process and
track Transmittal of Submittal items required by the contract (e.g., ENG
Forms 4288 and 4025).
Payment. Automates the Payment Request Process (ENG Form 93) for
monthly progress updates.
Subcontractors. Provides comprehensive information on items requiring
action by Subcontractors, including work items not yet complete,
outstanding submittal actions required, status of Insurances and payrolls,
QC Requirements. Provides complete tracking for Transfer Property,
Installed Property, Quality Control Testing, and User Schooling as
required by contract.
Three-Phase Inspection. Provides a tool to alert the contractor of prior
similar difficulties and challenges from current and previous contracts for
use in the Preparatory, Initial, and Follow-up inspection process (Lessons
Learned, Safety Checks, Inspection techniques, etc.).
Action Items. Provides a comprehensive report mechanism itemizing
outstanding items or items requiring attention covering all area of the
contract administration process.
Reports. The QCS reports are available in each major area and many can
be sorted or tailored for desired output.
B. Approach to Data Management:
Corps and Contractor fully integrate QCS/RMS by update data exchanges.
Corps provides QCS software package and RMS start data to Contractor’s
jobsite field office and company office for contract administration and quality
control uses. Contractor exports data updates to Corps Resident office on a
regular basis by E-mail or on disk.
C. Benefits:
Reduces input. Once data is entered one time on easy to use input
screens, the computer draws on that data for a wide variety of input-output
products. Many items are either drawn from other databases (such as
Network Analysis data), or selected through “look-up tables" eliminating
the need to completely type them.
Merges data drawn from the RMS and QCS databases to produce useful
tools to perform QC and QA functions.
Provides reports for key suspense items and data.
D. Major CQM Output Products of QCS and RMS:
Preconstruction Conference and Coordination Meeting minutes and
Submittal Registers, submittal tracking, and completed (filled in)
Transmittal Forms.
Three-Phase Control checklists, agenda, and meeting minutes.
A deficiency tracking system.
Daily QC Reports and QA Reports.
Various closeout documents (including Installed Property, Transfer
Property, User Schooling, etc.).
E. Other QCS and RMS Features:
Tracks pay estimate data, and generates pay requests. Carries scheduling
activities and resource data input from commercial scheduling packages
(i.e., Primavera©).
Track variety of personnel data, subcontractor listings, correspondence,
RFI, and safety items.
Once start data is input, QCS / RMS automatically prints heading data
onto numerous reports and forms at correct place. Most contracts will
include some CQM forms but as QCS versions are updated forms may
slightly change. Current forms and reports are available from Resident
Office office.
Because data is being entered and a contract QCS/RMS data base is built
early in a job, software allows QC and QA staff to effectively manage an
assortment of QC/QA items.
Submodule 8.1
1. What is the Corps’ standard software package used on construction
2. What are the benefits of RMS and QCS?
3. What are the major output products of QCS?
Submodule 2: Quality Control Components
Objective: After completing this submodule, you will be able to:
Describe three major QC components included in QCS.
A. Preparatory and Initial Phase Meeting Agendas and “Check” Databases:
Preparatory, Initial, and Follow-up Control phases provide common
structure for CQM System in Corps contracts. Included in QCS and RMS
is a large database (+/- 12,000 items) of useful quality control data:
(1) Repetitive deficiencies list developed from lessons learned on past
similar Corps contracts
(2) “Checks,” requirements that are “flagged” as being worth special
Past deficiencies and Checks are linked to definable features of work or
specification section number. Once Definable Features of Work are
agreed to by QC and QA, a feature of work is selected by Contractor
from an available list; QCS then generates an agenda for preparatory or
initial control phase meetings. This agenda includes a comprehensive
checklist on the definable feature of work to review at the meetings.
In addition, QC and QA staffs can review contract drawings and
specifications to make additions to the special interest “Checks” on any
definable feature of work. QCS application will generate information on
appropriate form or meeting agenda.
For QC Manager’s use, QCS also automatically generates on meeting
agenda forms required applicable tests, submittal status, and relevant
contract data, such as schedule activities.
B. Submittal Process in QCS and RMS:
Using QCS linked with RMS makes transmittal tracking and submittal item
managing easier. Once data for a submittal item is entered in the system, it
never needs to be re-described. By entering dates and action codes
promptly, QCS output documents make procurement, submittal tracking and
material control easy for QC personnel. QCS integrates important submittal
dates to corresponding work break down activities in the construction
schedule. Submittal items not yet approved or materials not yet received can
be easily identified during Preparatory Phase reports generated by QCS.
Outstanding submittal items will be reflected as Outstanding on Pay Estimate
Worksheets. QCS automatically generates and numbers transmittal forms
ENG 4025, complete with contract data and items selected for transmittal.
C. QC/QA Deficiency Tracking System:
QCS includes Punch List Items that represent a data management feature
for entering and keeping track of deficiencies found on the project.
Deficiencies can be sorted by various categories for managing correction
status. Corps’ RMS software has a similar function for tracking government
Punch List Items during the contract. Contractor by contract requirements
and Corps QA Staff (by Engineering Regulation) must maintain formal
deficiency tracking. QCS fulfills this by using software tools. Punch list
process involves using entering data in easy to understand input screens
and offers a variety of output reports.
D. Summary:
The submodules only provide Contractor and Corps management level
overview of QCS and RMS software with general descriptions of major QCS
components. QCS and RMS are like any commercial CIM application, data
must be entered daily and maintained current. As new users learn QCS and
work with it they will find ways that QCS makes their job easier. To be
successfully used to best advantage QCS and RMS requires a partnering
effort between Contractor and Corps’ field office staffs and may require
District level support. Each District is responsible for training Corps
employees in RMS and to assist Contractor staff use QCS at Corps jobsites.
Submodule 8.2
What are three major QC components included in RMS?