As time enriches value, collaboration enhances efficiency.
With 26 years of experience in cross-border investment and
asset management, CEL remains steadfast, resonating with the era and
advancing in harmony with diverse sectors.
Our journey is marked by resilience and a commitment
to excellence, steering us towards new horizons
in cross-border asset management.
93 Independent Auditor’s Report
99 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss
100 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
101 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
103 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
104 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
105 Notes to the Financial Statements
190 Financial Summary
191 Particulars of Major Properties
192 Corporate Information
Company Overview
Risk Management
2023 Business
Development Highlights
Management Discussion
and Analysis
Directors’ Report
2023 Review
Corporate Governance
Directors and
Senior Management
In step with the times, CEL proactively engages with the
new development trend, nurturing innovative productive
forces to fuel high-quality growth with dynamic energy.
Leveraging high-efficiency teamwork and extensive
investment experience, CEL’s esteemed business team
creates enduring value for shareholders and investors.
With robust strategic determination and a visionary
investment approach, CEL focuses on its core business,
navigating through industry cycles and embarking on a
new journey in cross-border asset management.
China Everbright Limited (“CEL” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, collectively the
“Group”) is a leading cross-border asset management and Private Equity (“PE”) investment company in
China, and a listed company in Hong Kong with asset management and investment of private funds as the
core businesses. With more than 26 years of experience in cross-border asset management and PE
investment, CEL has been assessed as one of the top PE firms in China several times. China Everbright
Group Ltd. (“Everbright Group”) is the largest shareholder of the Company, indirectly holding 49.74% of
the shares of CEL.
For Fund Management Business, as at 31 December 2023, total assets under management (“AUM”)
CEL reached approximately HK$126.2 billion with 73 funds. CEL has a diverse assets management
product portfolio covering primary market funds, secondary market funds, Fund of Funds and Secondary
Funds, nurturing many promising enterprises with high growth potential alongside with investors. CEL is
positioned to serve the “Dual Circulation” new development pattern, leveraging its competitive edge on
equity investment to provide direct financing and contribute to the development of the real economy.
For Principal Investments Business, CEL has nurtured China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited
(“CALC”), the largest independent aircraft operating lessor in China; nurtured China Everbright Senior
Healthcare Company Limited (“Everbright Senior Healthcare”), a renowned senior healthcare industrial
group in China with consolidating multiple mid-to-high-end senior healthcare enterprises; and invested in
Chongqing Terminus Technology Co., Ltd. (“Terminus”), a company cultivating in the Artificial Intelligence
(“AI”) and Internet of Things (“IoT”) industry. Meanwhile, CEL also invests in financial assets to achieve a
balance in return and liquidity in its Principal Investments Business in due course. In addition, CEL holds a
portion of the equity interests of China Everbright Bank Company Limited (“China Everbright Bank”) and
Everbright Securities Company Limited (“Everbright Securities”) as Cornerstone Investments.
Total assets under management refer to the committed capital of fund investors (including CEL as an investor) in the case of
primary market investment and Fund of Funds market investment, and refer to the net asset value of funds in the case of
secondary market investment.
Divesied funds including primary market funds (including
real estate private funds under EBA Investments),
secondary market funds and Fund of Funds
Invests in both domestic and overseas markets, including
USD and RMB-denominated products
Total assets under management amounting to
approximately HK$126.2 billion, of which seed capital
committed by CEL accounts for approximately 27%, with an
amount of approximately HK$33.6 billion
Key Investee Companies: focusing on aircraft full life-cycle
services, senior healthcare services and AIoT
Financial Investments: nancial investments in equity,
debts and structured products
Cornerstone Investments: a portion of the equity interests
in China Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities
The total asset value of the Principal Investments Business
amounting to approximately HK$32.1 billion
In 2023, China’s private equity continued to slump under pressures. Amid a complex and volatile internal and external
environment, foreign capital outflow accelerated due to various factors, including high interest rates, and a lack of investor
confidence, resulting in a historic low in the overall market valuation. The slump in the capital market affected the overall
performance of the Company, especially unrealised losses from valuation declines. Despite the depressed market, the
Company actively addressed adverse factors, conducted strategic transformation and advanced layout for future business, and
therefore achieved stabilization and improvements in many aspects. During the reporting period, CEL continued to accelerate
its transformation towards an “Asset-light” strategy, steadily furthering the establishment and fundraising of new funds. CEL
successfully completed the establishment of CEL Yixing Fund () and the registration of CEL Kunshan Fund (
) . Meanwhile, CEL fully exited from projects with exceptional exit opportunities, exiting HK$7.458 billion in aggregate and
recorded overall gains of approximately HK$2.776 billion. Among these, exits from the CEL Global Investment Fund and the
Walden CEL Global Fund brought in performance fee of HK$153 million and HK$175 million, respectively. During the year under
review, with a focus on core responsibilities and business, the Company optimised its investment layout with its principle of
“grasping new developing opportunities, implementing new development concepts, constructing new development patterns
and promoting high-quality development” ( ). As such, CEL was able to adjust its existing portfolio and optimise
incremental investments. During the reporting period, the Company’s Fund Management Business turned losses into profits
due to the improvement in performance and increased valuation of some investment projects. As of the end of 2023, there are
235 post-investment projects among the primary market funds under management, covering high-growth industries such as
healthcare, new energy, semiconductors and high-end manufacturing.
During the reporting period, CEL focused on its core responsibilities and businesses, reinforced in fundraising, investment,
management and exit business, strengthened internal control and continued to improve risk resistance capacity. CEL also
promoted its high-quality development through gradual transformation and achieved significant progress in the following areas:
Core business
Proceeding fundraising steadily: Despite difficulties in fundraising, CEL Yixing Fund
was newly established and raised funds of HK$1.324 billion successfully. The new
fund will mainly focus on industries including energy conservation, environmental
protection, integrated circuit, and new energy, with a vision to serving the economy of
the Yangtze River Delta region.
Achieving a notable gain from exits: Recouped HK$7.458 billion in total from the exit
business including Ambrx, Henan BCCY Environmental Energy, Reactor
Microelectionics, Haitai New Energy, Three’s Company Media and XPENG Motors,
realising an overall gain of approximately HK$2.776 billion against costs, and recorded
a multiple on invested capital (MOIC) of approximately 1.6 x.
Winning multiple authoritative awards: CEL secured several annual industry awards,
including “TOP8 Best Return State-Owned Direct Investment Institutions of 2023”
(2023 TOP8), “TOP10 Private Equity Investment Institutions
Most Coveted by LPs in China”( LP TOP10), “TOP30
Best PE Institutions in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”(
PE TOP30), and “TOP20 Best Market-oriented Fund of Funds in China”
Project reserves
Supporting the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong: The
incubator at China Everbright Hong Kong Innovation Centre introduced 7 new
enterprises and attracted the first foreign enterprise, exceeding the annual target. It
also successfully held the “New Opportunities in Hong Kong’s Innovation and
Technology & Everbright’s New Development Strategy” seminar.
Serving key regional development: CEL strengthened its layouts in key industries
in line with major regional developments. Continuous efforts were made to deepen
the layouts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, driving the high-quality
development of these regions.
Serving national strategies: CEL placed an emphasis on major national strategic
areas such as technology, green development, manufacturing, and strategic
emerging industries, increased investment in the real economy. CEL further
promoted the deep integration of business chains and expanded new economic
growth opportunities.
Operational capability
Optimizing debt structure: In the third quarter of 2023, CEL successfully issued the
first and second tranches of medium-term notes with a total issuance scale of RMB6
billion. The second tranche of medium-term notes represented the Company’s first
perpetual bonds issued domestically, completing the replacement of overseas US
dollar-denominated perpetual capital securities, continuously optimising the capital
Enhancing corporate governance: CEL strengthened and improved various risk
control and corporate governance frameworks, aimed at building a more robust and
effective corporate governance structure. CEL also enhanced efficiency and safety
during decision-making and business processes, ensuring the long-term stable
development of the enterprise.
Environmental, social and
governance (ESG)
Fulfilling social responsibilities: Focused on Hong Kong’s “grassroots families” and
“youth groups”, CEL organised volunteer activities such as “Grassroots School
Sports Fun Day” ( ), “Grassroots Schools STEM Day” (
STEM ), Mid-Autumn Festival gift bag distribution under the theme of “A Joyful
Mid-Autumn Festival for Family Reunion” (), and “Everbright’s Care
for the Community” ( ). CEL fully supported the Hong Kong
delegation’s participation in the first National Student (Youth) Games held in Guangxi,
promoting the development of sports in Hong Kong.
Improving ESG management policy continuously: CEL continued improving and
optimising the ESG management policy by issuing separate and self-contained ESG
reports to disclose information in relation to responsible investment and TCFD. CEL’s
MSCI ESG rating was promoted to BBB level, achieving continuous improvement in
ESG ratings.
The Company’s Panda Bonds insurance terms during the year in 2023 are set out in the table below:
Issuance date Financing arrangements and uses of proceeds Issuance size
September 2023 Issuance of 2023 perpetual medium term notes, the proceeds from which
after deducting the underwriting fees for the first year were used to
redeem the US$300 million senior perpetual capital securities of the
2 billion
August 2023 Issuance of 2023 first tranche medium term notes, the proceeds from
which (after deducting the underwriting fee for the first year) were used
for the repayment of the Company’s indebtedness and the related interest
4 billion
2023 Business Development Highlights | Continued
(HK$ hundred million)
(HK$ hundred million)
(HK$ hundred million)
2019 2020 2021 2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
(HK$ hundred million)
(HK$ hundred million)
2019 2020 2021 2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
It is calculated as interest-bearing debt (including bank loans + notes payable + bonds payable)/total equity.
2019 2020 2021 2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
In 2023, in the face of complex internal and
external environment, CEL took the initiative to
respond and actively develop, achieving stability
while making progress, showing a trend of
stabilization and recovery in many aspects, and
the Company’s foundation for high-quality
development has been further consolidated.
Important Business Developments
Xiao i Robot, a leading Chinese cognitive intelligence company
invested by the Venture Capital and New Energy Fund Department
of CEL, was officially listed on NASDAQ in the United States.
The first phase of Fund-of-Funds (that is Investment Series
Fund-of-Funds) has been fully funded, reflecting a substantial progress of the
cooperation between CEL and the Yixing Municipal Government in the field of funds.
Guangzhou CEL Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Venture
Fund “Guangzhou CEL Fund-of-Funds” managed by CEL Fund-
of-Funds jointly organized the Guangzhou Government and
Enterprise Seminar, “Working Together to Develop the Future
with Technologies”, with the Guangzhou Science and
Technology Bureau, which helped accurately connecting
investment projects with the government investment promotion
policies, implementing the national strategy of the Guangdong-
Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and assisting the high-
quality development of Guangzhou.
CEL successfully issued the first and second tranches of medium-term notes in 2023 and continued to
optimize its capital structure.
“Kunshan Fund”, a fund of ( ) under CEL in Kunshan Development
Zone, has completed the first paid-in capital contribution and registration with the Asset Management
Association of China, marking the completion of the establishment of Kunshan Fund.
4Paradigm, China’s largest platform-centric artificial intelligence solution provider invested by CEL’s New
Economy Fund, was officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Dekon Food and Agricultural Group invested by CEL’s
Consumer Fund was officially listed on the Mainboard of the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
MSCI, the international authoritative index agency, announced the 2023
ESG (environmental, social and governance) rating results of CEL. With
its continued excellent performance in ESG, CEL’ s MSCI ESG jumped to
BBB level, achieving continuous improvement.
CEL sponsored the activity organized by the Hong
Kong Young Scientists Association, “Millions of
Youths Seeing the Motherland — Thousands of
Doctors Travel to China”.
2023 REVIEW | Continued
CEL organized employee representatives to visit the
“Photo Exhibition to Commemorate the 45th Anniversary
of Reform and Opening Up and the 10th Anniversary of
the Joint Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative”
held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.
CEL actively responded to the call of the Hong Kong SAR
government and actively participated in the youth
development program, “Strive and Rise Programme” by
inviting 100 students and mentors to watch the Hong Kong
Ballet’s “La Bayadère” performance to promote art and
culture and expand the horizons of Hong Kong youth.
CEL and HandsOn, a local social enterprise,
organized the first “Grassroots School Sports
Fun Day” and the second “Grassroots Schools
STEM Fun Day” to encourage students to
exercise and study hard, cultivate their interest in
science, and grow up actively and healthily.
CEL continues to care for the community and grassroots
families, and organized a volunteer team to donate
material packages to households in subdivided housing in
Kwun Tong District.
In 2023, CEL and its professional funds won a
number of authoritative awards and honours in
the industry, affirming CEL’ s status as an
industry-leading cross-border asset
management and investment institution.
Awards Received by the Company
CEL was awarded the title of “Top 8 State-owned Direct
Investment Institutions in 2023” by
CEL was awarded the titles of “Top 30 Private Equity Funds in the
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and “Top 100
State-owned Investors” by ChinaVenture for 2023.
CEL was selected among the “Top 50 Influential PE Investment
Institutions in China”, “Top 50 Influential State-owned Investment
Institutions in China” and “Top 100 Influential Investment
Institutions in China” by China Venture Capital Research Institute
(“CVCRI”) for2023.
2023 REVIEW | Continued
CEL was ranked the 7th in “Top 10 Investment Institution Soft Power GP in 2023” by
Received the title of “2023 Best Returns State-owned Market-oriented
FoFs Top 7” by
Awards Received by CEL’s Professional Funds
CEL Fund-of-Funds (“FoF”):
Received the titles of “Top 20 Chinese FoFs”, “Top
30 Most Popular FoFs Among GPs” and “Top 30
Venture Capital LPs in China” from ChinaVenture
in 2023.
Received the title of “China’s most GP-focused market-based
FoF” from
Received the title of “Top 20 Best Market-Based FoFs in
China in 2022-2023” from Chinese Venture.
CEL New Economy Fund received the title of “Soft Power Ranking
of Investment Institutions — New Economy TOP20” from
Funds managed by China Everbright Assets Management Limited, a secondary market fund
management platform:
Everbright Convertible Opportunities Fund received the “Best Asian (excluding Japan) Fixed-
income Hedge Fund (3-year)”, “Best Asian (excluding Japan) Fixed-income Hedge Fund (5-
year)” and “Asian (excluding Japan) Fixed-income Hedge Fund (5-year)” awards from Insights
& Mandates.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resources Awards
CEL and China Everbright Charitable Foundation were
awarded the “Caring Company” and “Caring
Organisation” logos for the 13th consecutive year.
Awarded the “Happy Company 5 years+”
logo for the 9th consecutive year.
Awarded the “Sport-Friendly Action”
Decal for the 4th consecutive year.
Won the Bronze Award of the “Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023” from
the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
for the first time.
decided to transform towards engaging in fund management
business in 2010. This decision enabled the Company to
record a rapid growth as it diligently consolidated its resilient
development cornerstone. In 2023, China’s private equity
investment industry encountered various challenges in terms
of fundraising, investment and exit, with increasing entry
barriers and accelerating sector differentiation and
realignment. Against this backdrop, the operations of the
Company improved compared to 2022, although overall
profitability was still materially impacted. Facing difficulties
and challenges such as insufficient demand from the
macroeconomy and a complex and volatile external
environment, the Company remained confident and
committed. With a focus on its principal asset management
business, the Company adhered to its prudent approach for
serving the “Dual-Circulation” new development pattern,
promoting high-quality development of investee companies
and fully supporting the national strategies and the real
economy. After years of rapid growth, CEL is at a critical
period of adjustment characterised by multiple overlapping
phases. This adjustment involves reviewing and optimising
the sustainable development of existing businesses, and
exploring the inherent and potential expansion of asset
management business.
In 2023, affected by the dampened and unbalanced economic
recovery around the world amidst complicated and ever-
changing regional situations, the global economic
development decelerated for the third consecutive year. It
remains a significant challenge for the world’s major
economies to effectively strike a balance between “curbing
inflation” and “sustaining economic stability”. At the annual
meeting of the World Economic Forum in 2024, Børge
Brende, the president of the World Economic Forum, stated
that China, with its enormous market capacity, would
continue to be a major engine for global economic growth.
Looking back on 2023, China’s economy picked up a steady
development momentum, with stable improvement in supply
and demand, efficient transformation and upgrade, overall
stability in employment and prices, effective protection of
people’s livelihood, and solid progress in high-quality
development. The GDP achieved a year-on-year growth of
5.2%, successfully meeting the main anticipated target.
Being a cross-border asset management and private equity
investment company growing alongside Hong Kong, CEL has
weathered many market cycles and challenges over the past
26 years and continued to enhance its core competitiveness,
laying a solid foundation for its development. The Company
has embarked on the private equity business since 2004 and
Laying the foundation for
development, steering the course of
transformation steadily,
and advancing firmly on the path of
high-quality development
A robust development foundation is key to the Company’s
continuous growth and resilience against market fluctuations.
In 2023, the entire staff of CEL made arduous efforts as the
Company maintained its strategic direction and further
promoted innovations with an aim to remain stable amidst
cyclical changes of the industry. The Company concentrated
its efforts on its asset management business while expanding
its development concepts in 2023. Focusing on developing
fund business, raising proceeds, identifying highlight
performance and branding, the Company strived to refine,
strengthen and optimise its asset management business.
Efforts were made to explored light asset business directions
with development foundations and potential. The Company
also deepened its reforms in the asset management sector
and explored ways to increase the asset management scale
of primary and secondary markets at home and abroad.
Leveraging its advantages in venture capital and equity
investments, the Company expanded the reserve of projects
with core competitiveness. It also guided more financial
resources towards promoting technological innovation,
advanced manufacturing, green development and other areas,
enabling its investment portfolio to focus on industries that
feature competitive advantages and potential for growth.
Operating fundamentally within the asset management
sector, the Company carried out in-depth research on industry
investment strategies and bolstered its analysis of business,
industries and enterprises to enhance its investment and
research capabilities. This approach enabled the Company to
seize long-term investment yields while mitigating risks
associated with cross-cycle investments. Committed to
supporting the implementation of both “bringing in” and
“going out” policies, the Company captured major
opportunities presented by the high level of financial liberation
and the internationalisation of Renminbi. This commitment
was part of a continuous drive of the Company to enhance its
comprehensive financial service capabilities.
Despite the adverse conditions of the asset management
sector, the Company was able to achieve several major
accomplishments. Firstly, the Company overcame significant
fundraising pressure and launched new funds with proceeds
of approximately HK$1.324 billion. It steadily promoted the
establishment of several new funds including the Zhejiang
Manufacturing Sub-Fund and CEL Infrastructure Investment
Fund II. Secondly, the Company prudently captured the
windows of investing in new energy, semiconductors and
other industries and identified high-quality investment
projects such as IOPSILION and Ganzhou HPY, which were
awarded national awards. Thirdly, its three investee
companies, namely Dekon Food and Agriculture, Fourth
Paradigm and Xiao-i Robot, were successfully listed,
strengthening the effectiveness of its financial services for
the real economy. Fourthly, the Company was presented with
a number of authoritative industry awards and continuously
received recognition from the industry, including 2023 Top 8
Best Returns State-owned Direct Investment Institutions,
2023 Top 50 Influential State-owned Investment Institutions
in China and 2023 Top 100 Influential Investment Institutions
in China. Its FoFs business also received the honour of
“China’s most GP-focused market-based FoF”.
In terms of strategic layout in China, CEL has also recorded
satisfactory performance. In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-
Macao Greater Bay Area, China Everbright Hong Kong
Innovation Centre surpassed its annual objective for corporate
integration, which marked a significant milestone with the
settlement of the first foreign enterprise within the zone. The
Company successfully co-hosted the Hong Kong Science and
Technology Seminar ( ) and the Guangzhou
Government and Enterprise Seminar (). It also
established the Hengqin project group, promoting the
construction of the talent training base of China Everbright in
the South China region. In the Yangtze River Delta region, the
CEL Yixing Industrial Investment FoFs (
) was established in collaboration with the Yixing
Government, successfully securing the initial phase of funding
amounting to RMB1.2 billion. The first closing of CEL
Kunshan Fund was also completed, with the initial phase of
funding amounting to RMB300 million. In the central and
western regions, investment deployment for new materials,
lithium batteries, advanced manufacturing and other sectors
was expedited. Along the “Belt and Road” region, CALC, a
key investee company of CEL, delivered two ARJ21 aircraft
from COMAC to Indonesia, supporting the international
business expansion of China’s domestic aircraft industry.
Chairman’s Statement | Continued
For the benefit of the community and with a commitment to
public welfare, CEL coordinates charitable activities and fulfills
its social responsibilities. In terms of charitable activities for
the community, CEL focuses its efforts on grassroots families
and youth groups in Hong Kong. Volunteer teams of the
Company are gathered on a quarterly basis to visit grassroots
schools and communities. Their volunteer activities include
“Grassroots School Sports Fun Day” ( ),
“Grassroots School STEM Day” ( STEM ), Mid-
Autumn Festival gift bag distribution under the theme of “A
Joyful Mid-Autumn Festival for Family Reunion” (“
) and “Everbright’s Care for the
Community” ( ). The Company actively
participates in the Strive and Rise Programme, a youth
development campaign, in which it has recommended its
employees to take part as mentors and invited Hong Kong
students and teachers to watch performances by the Hong
Kong Ballet. It fully supported the Hong Kong delegation
participating in the 1st National Student (Youth) Games held
in Guangxi in November, promoting the development of
sports in Hong Kong. In terms of social responsibility, the
Company continuously deepens assistance for targeted
groups and supports rural revitalisation. Further building on its
achievements in poverty alleviation, the Company has
launched and promoted various rural revitalisation measures,
and organised activities to facilitate the distribution of
agricultural products and enhance the income of farmers.
Regarding its care for employees, the Company organises
cultural activities such as craft making, parent-child activities,
cultural heritage campaigns and other special cultural events
in celebration of major festivals such as Spring Festival,
Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Youth Day, Children’s Day and
Mid-Autumn Festival. To mark the “919” CEL Day (“919”
), the Company hosted celebration activities across
offices in five regions to foster an entrepreneurial spirit.
CEL has always placed great emphasis on sustainable
development and social responsibility. It has published
reports regarding its sustainable development for 12
consecutive years since 2011. Based on the concept of long-
term sustainable development, the Company has established
an ESG committee with a top-down structure to carry out
ESG governance work in an integrated and systematic
manner and incorporate ESG principles into the business
decision-making process of the Company. The ESG
committee also fully participates in fulfilling the goal of
“Green Everbright” of Everbright Group and implementing
the “carbon peak and neutrality” strategy of China. As a
leading cross-border asset management enterprise in China,
the Company has gradually incorporated ESG principles into
its management decision-making process and further
enhanced its ESG management level. Highly recognised by
rating agencies, the Company achieved a two-notch upgrade
in MSCI ESG ratings to BBB. This reflects that the ESG
management of CEL has been regarded highly by the capital
market, and affirms the long-term investment value of the
In 2023, the Company continued to improve its compliance
management capabilities and took the initiative to adapt to
more rigorous and stringent financial regulations in general.
Its structure was further streamlined for better internal
control and compliance management to ensure that its
business development complies with regulations. The
Company strengthened and refined various risk control and
corporate governance frameworks, aiming to build a more
robust corporate governance structure while improving its
decision-making efficiency and the security of its business
procedures. In addition, with optimised organisational
structure, well-established work mechanisms and more
effective information technology initiatives, the Company
maintained an efficient decision-making and organisational
operation mechanism. Project exit measures were also
bolstered to maximise cash flow and increase cash reserves.
strengthen asset-liability maturity alignment management,
develop contingency plans in a timely manner, and enhance
risk resistance capabilities.
2023 was an extraordinary year. The Company has made its
utmost effort to deliver remarkable and hard-earned track
record. Recently, several international organisations and
commercial institutions have successively raised their growth
forecasts for China, casting a “vote of confidence” in the
economy of the China. CEL firmly believes that with the
steady improvement of the Chinese economy and the
continuous optimisation of the capital market environment,
the private equity industry in China will successfully navigate
through the current difficult period. CEL, with its professional
investment team, unique cross-border platform advantages,
sophisticated investment experience in industry and project
reserves, will continue to strictly follow market rules and
policy directions. Striving to closely align with national
strategies, the Company insists on serving the national
strategies and the real economy. It will further enhance its
project management and risk control capabilities in order to
capture opportunities during in the industry’s recovery phase
and achieve high-quality development.
Laying the foundation for development means remaining
resilient amidst changes, staying clear-headed in the face of
challenges, and maintaining sharpness in competition. This
foundation represents the past of CEL and also sets the tone
for future development. The focus of the Company is on
stability, establishing a solid base before making
breakthroughs, adhering to core responsibilities and
businesses, and continuously advancing its transformation
towards light-asset, high-quality development. As a participant
in the capital market, CEL remains firmly optimistic about
China’s economy. It will actively contribute to the financial
strength of the new era and place an emphasis on cross-
border investment and asset management. In pursuit of long-
term growth potential of specific industries from the
perspective of China, the Company will strive to integrate its
business and finance to serve the high-quality development
of China’s economy, share the development benefits of
China, and continuously create greater value for shareholders.
Yu Fachang
22 March 2024
In 2023, CEL actively addressed complex and
volatile market, focused on core
responsibilities and businesses, reinforced in
fundraising, investment, management and
exit, strengthened internal control, improved
risk resistance capacity and conducted
strategic transformation actively, so as to
promote high-quality development.
Macro-economic and Industry Review
Global economy experienced a downshift of growth rate in 2023, with a declining growth rate for two consecutive years.
Developed economies saw a significant slowdown, while growth rates of emerging economies remained at a similar level
compared to 2022. Under the spillover effect of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes, the spot exchange rate of the
Renminbi (“RMB”) against the US dollar (“USD”) fell by 1,406 points in 2023, representing a decline of 2.02%. Benefiting from
the post-pandemic recovery of the supply chain, global inflation is cooling down in an orderly manner. Although the economic
growth has slowed, it remains resilient. Faced with a complex and volatile internal and external environment, China has
tightened its macro-control, adhering to the overall principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability. With various
measures in place, the economic recovery in China has gradually improved. The growth rate of export-oriented economies such
as the Asia-Pacific region has gradually stabilized, providing important support for the global economic recovery. As the effects
of macroeconomic policies gradually unfold, China shows an ongoing economic recovery, driving a revival in trade with relevant
partners with major anticipated goals achieved. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reached RMB126 trillion, representing an
increase of 5.2% compared to 2022.
Reviewing the performance of major global stock markets in 2023, the Nasdaq index showed a gain of 44.2%, the highest
among major global stock indices; the Nikkei 225 gained 28.2% during the year, ranking second with the largest annual increase
since 2013; the Italian FTSE MIB index gained 28.0%, ranking third. The Chinese capital market was relatively weak, affected
by multiple factors such as the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, geopolitical situations, and expectations of internal and
external economic. The Shanghai Composite Index fell by 3.7% during the year, and the ChiNext Index fell by more than 19.4%
during the year; the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index fell by 13.8% for the fourth consecutive year; the Hang Seng Technology
Index fell by 8.8% for the third consecutive year.
The China’s equity investment market continued to slump in 2023 due to macroeconomic influences. According to China
Venture (), the number of funds decreased by 4.7% year-on-year, with the fundraising market continuing its downturn
for years, with the subscribed capital of newly established funds decreasing by 9.4% year-on-year. The expansion and
penetration for the Government guiding funds was accelerated. Investment activities also slowed, decreasing by 12% year-on-
year in 2023. As for sectors that remained active, electronic information segment saw a 35% increase in investment cases. In
terms of exits, 415 Chinese enterprises successfully went public domestically and abroad through IPOs, while the exit rate of
return dropped to 374%.
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
Key income items
(in HK$ hundred million) 2023 2022 Change
Income from contracts with customers,
mainly including: 7.92 8.43 (6%)
— Management fee income 1.82 2.66 (32%)
— Performance fee and
consultancy fee income 3.77 3.90 (3%)
Net loss from investments,
mainly including: (4.89) (58.86) 92%
— Interest income 6.60 5.64 17%
— Dividend income 9.92 21.24 (53%)
— Realised (loss)/gain on investments (0.13) 0.46 N/A
— Unrealised loss on investments (21.28) (86.34) 75%
Income/(loss) from other sources 11.02 (0.75) N/A
Share of profits less losses of associates 2.31 6.17 (63%)
Share of profits less losses of joint ventures 0.25 0.17 47%
Total amount of income 16.61 (44.84) N/A
During the reporting period, the Group’s income from contracts with customers decreased by 6% as a result of, among others,
a decrease in net asset value of secondary market funds and certain funds entering into the exit period. In addition, total
amount of income
of HK$1,661 million in 2023 turned around since net loss from investments decreased significantly, whereas
a loss of HK4,484 million was recorded over the same period last year.
The year-on-year change in income was mainly due to the following factors:
(1) In 2023, the Group’s income from contracts with customers was HK$792 million, representing a decrease of HK$51
million when compared with the same period last year. Specifically, management fee income was HK$182 million,
representing a decrease of HK$84 million when compared with the same period last year. It was mainly because of
newly established funds still in fundraising stage, cessation of management fee from certain funds since entering into
exit period, redemption of secondary market funds from certain investors, and exit of certain funds, leading to the decline
in AUM as well as the decline in management fee income. Additionally, performance fee and consultancy fee income
were HK$377 million, representing a decrease of HK$13 million when compared with the same period last year.
Total amount of income is calculated as income from contracts with customers + net loss from investments + income/(loss) from other
sources + share of profits less losses of associates + share of profits less losses of joint ventures. “Total amount of income” is a measure
used by the management of the Group for monitoring business performance and financial position. It may not be comparable to similar
measures presented by other companies.
(2) The Group’s net loss from investments was HK$489 million, whereas net loss from investments of HK$5,886 million
was recorded during the same period last year. Specifically, dividend income was HK$992 million, representing a year-on-
year decrease of HK$1,132 million, which was mainly due to a non-recurring dividend income of approximately of HK$812
million incurred from exit in early 2022. Realised loss on investments was HK$13 million, whereas realised gain from
investments of HK$46 million was recorded during the same period last year. Unrealised loss on investments was
HK$2,128 million, representing a significant reduction of loss by HK$6,506 million as compared with the same period last
year. The loss was mainly because (i) in Principal Investments Business, the unrealised loss of HK$1,799 million recorded
from financial investments (as at the end of 2022, the carrying value of financial investments was HK$8,640 million)
mainly due to valuation decline of certain investment projects; and recorded an unrealised loss of HK$448 million from
the decrease in valuation of Key Investee Companies (as at the end of 2022, the carrying value of the Key Investee
Companies was HK$2,793 million); (ii) in Fund Management Business, unrealised loss on primary market investments
was HK$93 million which was mainly as a result of decrease in market value or valuation of certain projects invested (as
at the end of 2022, the carrying value of primary market investment was HK$15.509 billion); as affected by the increase
in market price, the secondary market investments recorded an unrealised gain of approximately HK$150 million (as at
the end of 2022, the carrying value of secondary market investments was HK$4,054 million); unrealised gain on FoFs
investments was HK$62 million (as at the end of 2022, the carrying value of FoFs investments was HK$7,646 million).
(3) During the reporting period, the Group’s share of profits less losses of associates was HK$231 million, representing a
decrease of HK$386 million when compared with the same period last year. The loss attributable to Everbright Jiabao
increased by HK$601 million when compared with the same period last year, while the profit attributable to Everbright
Securities increased by HK$193 million when compared with the same period last year.
Income from Key Business Segments
Income from key business segments
(in HK$ hundred million) 2023 2022
— Income/(loss) from Fund Management Business 10.01 (23.49)
— Income/(loss) from Principal Investments Business 6.60 (21.35)
Total amount of income/(loss) 16.61 (44.84)
By business segment, the income from Fund Management Business of the Group during the reporting period was HK$1,001
million, whereas a loss of HK$2,349 million was recorded during 2022. Compared with a floating loss of HK$5,047 million in
2022, an unrealised gain of Fund Management Business of HK$119 million was recorded in 2023, due to the good performance
and increased valuation of certain investment projects held by the funds. Thus the income from Fund Management Business
improved significantly. The income from Principal Investments Business was HK$660 million (a loss of HK$2,135 million in
2022), in which the unrealised loss decreased to approximately HK$2,247 million from HK$3,587 million in 2022, it was
principally due to the further decline in market value and annual valuation of principal investment projects compared with last
year affected by market. In addition, the dividend income from China Everbright Bank and share of profit of Everbright Securities
in 2023 was HK$1,212 million in aggregate, representing an increase of HK$151 million as compared with the same period last
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
Earned Management
Fee Income
(in HK$ hundred million)
presented in
the financial
of management
fee income from
fee income
received by
Fee Income
(a) (b) (c)
Primary market 1.56 0.73 1.57 0.10 3.96
Secondary market 0.13 0.25 0.06 0.44
FoFs 0.13 1.11 0.07 1.31
Management fee income 1.82 2.09 1.57 0.23 5.71
For the purpose of resource allocation and business performance evaluation, the management of the Group adopts Earned
Management Fee Income as an additional financial measurement indicator. Earned Management Fee Income refers to the
management fee income received by the Group as a fund manager in accordance with relevant agreements of fund
During the reporting period, management fee income as presented in the financial report was HK$182 million. After making
between the Earned Management Fee Income recognised by the Group for the reporting period and the
management fee income presented in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (the total amount of three
adjustments was HK$389 million), Earned Management Fee Income of the Group was HK$571 million, representing a year-on-
year decrease of 26.8%. Specifically, Earned Management Fee Income of primary market was HK$396 million, representing a
year-on-year decrease of 32%; Earned Management Fee Income of secondary market was HK$44 million, representing a year-
on-year decrease of 38%; and Earned Management Fee Income of FoFs was HK$131 million, representing a year-on-year
increase of 6%. The decrease in management fee income was mainly due to combined factors, such as newly established
funds still in fundraising stage, cessation of management fee from those funds entering into exit period, decline in AUM of
secondary market funds as a result of decrease in net assets, and the exit of certain funds.
Profit in Key Business Segments
(in HK$ hundred million) 2023 2022 Change
Profit/(loss) from Fund Management Business 2.76 (38.10) N/A
Loss from Principal Investments Business: (1.89) (31.93) 94%
— Key investee companies (5.41) (12.23) 56%
— Financial investments (8.60) (30.45) 72%
— Cornerstone investments 12.12 10.75 13%
Less: Unallocated corporate expenses, taxes and profit
attributable to holders of senior perpetual capital securities (20.10) (4.40) >100%
Loss attributable to shareholders of the Company (19.23) (74.43) 74%
The Earned Management Fee Income is a measure used by the management of the Group for monitoring business performance and
financial position. It may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.
The adjustments between the Earned Management Fee Income recognised by the Group for the current reporting period and the
management fee income presented in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards include (a) elimination of
management fee income from consolidated funds: the Group acts as both the fund manager and the major limited partner in certain funds,
where the management fee paid by the fund and the management fee income received by the fund manager is eliminated when
consolidating into the Group’s consolidated financial statements; (b) management fee income received by associates/joint ventures: (i) the
Group acts as the joint fund manager through the establishment of a joint venture with a third party, and the management fees received
by such joint venture are presented as the Group’s share of profits from the joint venture; (ii) Everbright Jiabao, an associate of the Group,
holds 51% interest in EBA Investments, which is included in Everbright Jiabao’s scope of consolidation. The Group holds the remaining
49% interest in EBA Investments through another subsidiary and such interest is accounted for as financial assets. The management fee
income of EBA Investments is reflected in the share of profits of associates of the Group; and (c) other accounting adjustments.
During the reporting period, the loss attributable to shareholders of the Company was HK$1,923 million, whereas loss of
HK$7,443 million was recorded last year. Reasons for loss:
(1) Gain from Fund Management Business was HK$276 million, whereas loss of HK$3,810 million was recorded last year,
mainly because the income of investment projects held by funds turned around and amounted to HK$119 million
compared with the floating loss of HK$5.047 billion in the same period of 2022 due to increase in the valuation of such
(2) Loss from Principal Investments Business was HK$189 million, whereas loss of HK$3,193 million was recorded last year.
It was mainly due to the decrease of HK$1.340 billion in the unrealised loss of investment projects held by the end of
2023 compared with the same period last year, and an increase in the profit and income contribution from the Group’s
equity interests of Everbright Securities and China Everbright Bank respectively, offsetting the decrease in the valuation
of certain projects invested.
Per share
(HK$) 2023 2022 Change
Loss per share (1.14) (4.42) 74%
Interim dividend per share 0.15 0.15
Final dividend per share 0.10 0.15 (33%)
Total dividend per share 0.25 0.30 (17%)
Loss after tax attributable to shareholders of the Company for the period was HK$1,923 million, and net cash inflow from
operating activities and investing activities was HK$3,177 million and HK$1,704 million, respectively. In the reporting period, the
Group recorded a significant reduction on loss, while the liquidity being sufficient and the overall financial, business and
operating conditions remaining solid. Following the practice of sharing the Company’s operating results with shareholders, the
Board declared final dividend of HK$0.10 per share for 2023 (2022 final dividend: HK$0.15 per share).
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
Key Financial Ratios
Key Financial Data
2023 2022 Change
Gearing ratio
95.0% 86.9% +8.1 ppt
Net gearing ratio
86.4% 81.2% +5.2 ppt
Debt-to-asset ratio
57.1% 55.2% +1.9 ppt
Current ratio
109.5% 109.8% -0.3 ppt
The Group executed refined cost control to reduce carbon emissions at the operation level and boosted operating efficiency
through technological and electronic methods. Operating costs
for 2023 amounted to HK$907 million, representing a year-on-
year decrease of 1.4%.
As at the end of December 2023, the gearing ratio of the Group was 95.0%, representing an increase of 8.1 ppt compared to
the end of 2022. This was mainly attributable to, among others, the exchange difference arising from the translation of financial
statements due to the depreciation of RMB against the HKD, the decline in share price of its holdings in China Everbright Bank
and the distribution of dividends. As at the end of December 2023, cash reserve of the Group increased. If netting off the
available cash of HK$2,927 million (HK$2,143 million of available cash as at the end of 2022), net gearing ratio increased by 5.2
ppt to 86.4% as compared with the end of 2022. As at the end of December 2023, the Group’s total equity decreased to
HK$34.1 billion from HK$37.9billion as at the end of last year, leading to an increase in the gearing ratio passively. Total interest-
bearing liability at the end of December 2023 was HK$32.4 billion, representing a decrease of HK$500 million from HK$32.9
billion at the end of last year.
As at the end of December 2023, the Group had cash and cash equivalents of approximately HK$9.6 billion and unutilised
available bank facilities of approximately HK$14.1 billion, representing sufficient liquidity and a solid financial condition.
Gearing ratio, debt-to-asset ratio and current ratio are the measures used by the management of the Group for monitoring business
performance and financial position. These may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies
The gearing ratio is calculated as interest-bearing debt (including bank loans + bonds payable)/total equity x 100%
Net gearing ratio is calculated as (interest-bearing debt – available cash)/total equity
Debt-to-asset ratio is calculated as total liabilities/total assets x 100%
The current ratio is calculated as current assets/current liabilities x 100%
Operating costs include staff costs, depreciation and amortisation expenses and other operating expenses
Fund Management Business
The total AUM of CEL’s funds reached approximately HK$126.2 billion as at 31 December 2023, representing a decrease of
approximately HK$39.2 billion compared to the end of last year. During the reporting period, one new fund was established,
with proceeds of approximately HK$1.324 billion. The decrease in AUM was mainly attributable to, firstly, the adjustment of
statistical criteria and withdrawal due to maturity of certain funds; secondly, the AUM of secondary market funds decreased
due to the impact of redemptions and the decrease in net asset value; and thirdly, the decline in the exchange rate of RMB
against HKD, resulting in a decrease in AUM in Hong Kong dollar terms.
The source of funding of CEL’s funds is extensive, where external investors are primarily institutional investors, with a
diversified institutions covering commercial banks, insurance companies, family offices, government agencies and others. In
terms of currency, funds denominated in RMB and non-RMB currencies were equivalent to approximately HK$98.832 billion
and HK$27.388 billion, accounting for 78% and 22% of the total amount, respectively. In terms of the nature of funds, the
Company’s Fund Management Business included 43 primary market funds, 21 secondary market funds and discretionary
accounts, and 9 FoFs products.
During the reporting period, CEL tailored to the circumstances to make prudent investment decisions to exit from prevailing
projects. The Fund Management Business made capital contributions of approximately HK$420 million to a total of 17 projects,
and exited, fully or partially, from 82 projects, recording a cash inflow of approximately HK$4.584 billion.
78% 73%
Primary market fund
Secondary market fund
AUM denominated in RMB External capital
CELs seed capital
AUM denominated in
non-RMB currencies
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
Primary Market Funds
As at 31 December 2023, 43 primary market fund products were under the management of CEL, with an aggregate AUM
equivalent to approximately HK$93.3 billion, investing in various industries including semiconductors, industrial internet and
high-end manufacturing. CEL also actively explored potential opportunities in AI, new materials and other sectors. By currency,
amounts equivalent to approximately HK$71.5 billion and approximately HK$21.8 billion were denominated in RMB and other
currencies, accounting for 77% and 23% of the total amount, respectively. During the reporting period, CEL combined transfer,
IPO and other diversified exit channels, exiting projects including Ambrx, Henan BCCY Environmental Energy, Reactor
Microelectronics, Haitai New Energy, Three’s Company Media and XPENG Motors to generate a favorable return on investment
and cash inflow for the Company.
Leveraging the diversified fund structure and leading full value chain capabilities, CEL’s primary market fund maintained a cross-
border portfolio from the “Perspective of China”, and invested in new industries and fields with relative low risk and high
efficiency by collaborating with multiple GPs. During the reporting period, CEL was honored with various awards, including
“2023 TOP50 Influential PE Investment Institutions in China” by China Venture Capital Research Institute, the “TOP50 Best
Hard-Tech Private Equity Investment Institutions ( TOP50)” by Jiazi Gravity, and the “2023 China
Best State-owned investment institutions TOP100” by China Venture.
Secondary Market Funds
As at 31 December 2023, CEL’s secondary market business managed a total of 21 funds and discretionary accounts with AUM
in terms of net worth of approximately HK$6.1 billion. In terms of product categories, fixed-income products and equity
products accounted for 95% and 5% of the total AUM respectively.
By leveraging on its investment capabilities, CEL’s secondary market funds have built a one-stop portfolio with years of cross-
border experience, which covers Asian credit bond hedge funds, Asian convertible bond hedge fund, offshore Greater China
equity hedge fund, onshore A+H shares long-only strategies funds (including private fund managers and institutional investors)
and investment advisory business. CEL has a well diversified fixed income products covering offshore funds, QFII managed
accounts, offshore managed accounts and asset securitization products. Everbright Convertible Opportunities Fund, a flagship
Asian convertible bond product, delivered sound results during the reporting period. The fund received the “Best Asian Ex-
Japan Hedge Fund (5-year)”, “Best Asian Ex-Japan Fixed-Income Hedge Fund (3-year)”, and “Best Asian Ex-Japan Fixed-
Income Hedge Fund (5-year)” awards by the 2023 I&M Professional Investment Award, demonstrating the recognition of the
Company’s investment capability and comprehensive strength by independent ranking agencies. Everbright Income Focus
Fund, a public bond fund in Hong Kong being an investment advisor, which was awarded a five-star rating (the highest rating)
by an authoritative fund rating agency, for overall rating and in five-year rating, for its superior performance and risk-adjusted
Fund of Funds
CEL’s FoFs not only invested in external funds with proven track records and robust governance, but also invested in funds
launched and managed by the Company, and co-invested or directly invested in equity projects. As at 31 December 2023, the
FoFs team managed 9 FoFs with an AUM equivalent to approximately HK$26.816 billion. The Company’s FoFs business has
established an investment matrix primarily targeting information technology, biopharmaceuticals, consumption and
entertainment, and technology manufacturing, with active collaborations with well-established major (white horse) managers,
emerging and promising (dark horse) managers, and leading managers in specialized sectors across both domestically and
internationally. As at 31 December 2023, there were 95 invested projects (sub-funds and direct investment projects) under the
FoFs, and a total of 147 investees in the underlying projects of invested sub-funds and direct investment projects under the
FoFs were listed. During the reporting period, 19 new enterprises were listed, all of which came from the underlying projects of
sub-funds. CEL’s FoFs team also promoted the listing declaration and exit of direct investment projects, dedicating to bring
excellent returns to investors.
CEL’s FoFs won industry recognition and various awards, further enhancing its brand and influence in the industry. During the
reporting period, the Company’s FoFs were awarded the “Most Popular LP among Equity Investment Institutions” by the 7th
Equity Investment Golden Bull Award, “2023 Best Returns State-owned Market-oriented FoFs TOP20” China FoF, “2022-2023
Best Market-Oriented Chinese FoFs TOP20” by China Bridge, and “2023 TOP20 Best Chinese FoFs”, “TOP30 Most Popular
Chinese FoFs Among GPs” and “2023 TOP30 Venture Capital LPs in China” by ChinaVenture.
Real Estate Investment and Asset Management Business
As at 31 December 2023, CEL held 29.17% equity interest in Everbright Jiabao, an A-share listed company (stock code:
600622.SH), as its largest shareholder. Everbright Jiabao managed 54 projects through EBA Investments, including 21
investment management projects with a managed fund scale of approximately RMB24.443 billion (equivalent to approximately
HK$26.97 billion) and AUM of approximately RMB46.756 billion (equivalent to approximately HK$51.59 billion). In 2023,
Everbright Jiabao/EBA Investments adhered to the overall strategy of stable operation and continued to optimise the operating
condition of projects under management and endeavoured to boost the operating and management standards of projects. As at
the end of 2023, EBA Investments and its subsidiaries managed a total of 21 consumption infrastructure projects of IMIX Parks
in mainland China through fund investment or entrusted management, primarily located in consumption center cities in various
municipalities and provinces in China. In addition, EBA Investments continued to expand the business of real estate
construction and management projects under the brand of “”, and expanded and reserved a number of projects during
the year.
In 2023, EBA Investments was ranked first in the “Top 10 Enterprises in terms of Comprehensive Strength among China Real
Estate Funds” jointly appraised by the China Enterprise Evaluation Association, Property Research Institute of Tsinghua
University and Beijing China Index Academy for the ninth consecutive years. It was also honoured as one of the “China’s TOP
10 Real Estate Funds in terms of Competitive Strengthens” by the BRICS Forum for the eighth consecutive years. EBA (Beijing)
Investment Management Co., Ltd. ( ( ) ), a wholly-owned subsidiary of EBA Investments, was
listed for the third time on the Class A list of private equity fund managers by the Insurance Asset Management Association of
Principal Investments Business
CEL strives to achieve the following 3 objectives through its principal investments: (1) Key Investee Companies: investing in
and fostering enterprises with synergy between industry and finance and promising development prospects; (2) Financial
Investments: maintaining flexible liquidity management through investment in structured financing products and obtaining
stable interest income; capitalizing on the co-investment opportunities brought by the Fund Management Business and
participating in equity and related financial investments to obtain investment returns; (3) Cornerstone Investments: holding a
portion of the equity interest in China Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities to obtain stable dividends and investment
As at 31 December 2023, the Principal Investments Business managed 62 post-investment projects with an aggregate carrying
amount of approximately HK$32.1 billion. Among these projects, the total carrying amount of equity interest held in CALC,
Everbright Senior Healthcare and Terminus was approximately HK$4.7 billion; the fair value of Financial Investments was
approximately HK$9.2 billion; the fair value of the Cornerstone Investments in China Everbright Bank was HK$5.0 billion, and
the carrying amount of Everbright Securities accounted as an associate was HK$13.2 billion.
Principal investments
(in HK$ hundred million) 2023 2022
— Key Investee Companies 47 55
— Financial Investments 92 113
— Cornerstone Investments 182 181
Total 321 349
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
Key Investee Companies
As at 31 December 2023, CEL held 38.08% of the equity interest in CALC (stock code: 1848.HK), as the largest shareholder.
CALC is a one-stop full life-cycle solutions provider for global airlines. CALC’s scope of business includes regular operations
such as aircraft operating leasing, leaseback after purchase, aircraft asset portfolio transactions and asset management, and
value-added services such as fleet planning, fleet upgrading, aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul, aircraft disassembling
and recycling and aircraft parts selling. It also elevates aircraft asset value through flexible aircraft asset management. At the
same time, CALC has the advantages of dual-platform financing, leasing and transaction channels, as well as a strong capability
and rich experience in financing both domestically and abroad. As at 31 December 2023, CALC had a fleet of 192 aircraft with
an increase of 16 aircraft from the end of 2022, consisting of 165 owned aircraft and 27 managed aircraft. CALC’s owned and
managed aircraft are leased to 41 airlines in 20 countries and regions.
Everbright Senior Healthcare
Everbright Senior Healthcare seized the development opportunities in China’s healthcare industry. In addition to effectively
responding to the epidemic and fully safeguarding the health of the elderly residents and staff, it constantly optimised the three-
level elderly service model featuring institutional, community-based, and home-based elderly services, improved the ability of
“Medical + Senior Healthcare”, “Insurance + Senior Healthcare” and “Service + Senior Healthcare”, and became a first-class
healthcare service provider in China with strong presence and competitiveness in the senior healthcare segment. During the
reporting period, Everbright Senior Healthcare has 190 institutional and community service centers covering more than 50 cities
across the country, forming a deployment covering the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, and Chengdu-
Chongqing Economic Circle, with approximately 32,000 beds under management. Everbright Senior Healthcare has a good
brand reputation in the market in terms of professional senior healthcare services, stringent quality control, convenient services,
and diversified senior healthcare experiences, has been highly acclaimed by its customers, its peers and the government.
According to the “Integrated Business Enterprises in the Impactful Healthcare Industry for 2023” published by Guandian in
2023, it continued to rank the top position in the industry.
During the reporting period, Terminus focused on high-growth business opportunities, continuously exploring new business
scenarios and models. Its three laboratories made breakthrough research progress, with over twenty papers being included in
top international academic conferences such as CVPR, ICCV and T-PAMI. It also released two new international and group
standards. Furthermore, it joined hands with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) to establish the
Joint Research Center for Digital World, aiming to promote the major research and applications of Artificial Intelligence of things
(AIoT). In partnership with the Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Terminus established the Chongqing key laboratory of big data and intelligent computing. The laboratory focuses on basic and
key technological researches based on an application-oriented approach, driven by the major technological needs of national
and Chongqing’s economic and social development. Terminus was recognised as one of the Top 100 IoT Enterprises in 2023 by
the China Internet Weekly, a key academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the
eNet Research Institute (eNet). It topped the list of the most commercially promising companies in the new energy and
carbon neutrality sector released by the Jazz Year (), a technological business think tank in China. It was also named
among the “Top 50 AIGC Application Scenario Innovations of 2023” ( 2023 AIGC Top50 ) by EqualOcean (
Financial Investments
CEL’s financial investments funded by its own capital cover the following aspects: (1) based on the investment/co-investment
opportunities brought by the Group’s funds and extensive business network, investing in the equity or debt of unlisted
companies; (2) investing in structured financing products with a balance in return and liquidity. As at 31 December 2023, CEL’s
financial investments amounted to HK$9.2 billion in various sectors including real estate, new economy and technology, artificial
intelligence, high-end manufacturing, and green investments, with the aggregate carrying value of the top 10 projects
amounting to HK$6.5 billion.
Cornerstone Investments
As at 31 December 2023, the carrying amount of a certain portion of equity interests in Everbright Securities and China
Everbright Bank held by the Group as cornerstone investments each accounted for more than 5% of the Group’s total assets
and the two investments were regarded as significant investments of the Group. These two cornerstone investments held by
the Group accounted for in aggregate 53.3% and 22.9% of the Group’s net assets and total assets, respectively.
Everbright Securities (601788.SH)
Established in 1996 with headquarters in Shanghai, Everbright Securities is one of the first 3 innovative pilot securities firms
approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. As at 31 December 2023, the Group held 956 million A-shares in
Everbright Securities, representing 20.73% of its total share capital, with an investment cost of HK$1,497 million. Everbright
Securities is accounted for as an associate of the Group. The carrying value of the shares held by the Group was HK$13.2
billion, accounting for 38.6% and 16.5% of the Group’s net assets and total assets respectively. Based on the closing price of
RMB15.42 per share as at 31 December 2023, the fair value of the shares in Everbright Securities held by the Group was
HK$16.3 billion. During the reporting period, the Group’s share of profit from Everbright Securities as an investment in associate
was HK$881 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 28.0%.
China Everbright Bank (601818.SH)
Established in August 1992, China Everbright Bank is a national joint-stock commercial bank approved by the State Council and
the People’s Bank of China. As at 31 December 2023, the Group held 1.57 billion A-shares in China Everbright Bank,
representing 2.66% of the total share capital of China Everbright Bank, with an investment cost of HK$1,407 million. The shares
in China Everbright Bank held by the Group are accounted for as equity investments designated at fair value through other
comprehensive income. Based on the closing price of RMB2.90 per share as at 31 December 2023, the carrying amount and
fair value of the shares in China Everbright Bank held by the Group amounted to HK$5.0 billion, accounting for 14.8% and 6.3%
of the Group’s net assets and total assets respectively. During the reporting period, the Group’s income from China Everbright
Bank was HK$331 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 11.2%.
Looking forward to 2024, as the adverse effects of supply disruption subsiding, the economy is less likely to face a hard landing.
The global economy is expected to demonstrate greater resilience subject to a balanced risk. However, due to factors such as
the slow exit from tight monetary policies, sluggish global trade and intensified geopolitical risks, economic growth is expected
to remain slow. Macroeconomic outlook reports for 2024 from various international institutions generally predict a slowdown in
global economic development. According to latest World Economic Outlook released by the International Monetary Fund in
January, China’s economic growth rate is estimated to be 4.6% for 2024, representing an upward revision of 0.4 percentage
points from its previous forecast. It also reflects the carry-over effect of stronger-than-expected economic growth of China in
2023. This is underpinned by the sustained effects of macroeconomic policies, full implementation of the “14th Five-Year
Plan”, support for the private economy, the development of emerging industries such as new energy, as well as other
favourable factors which may alleviate the downward pressure on China’s macroeconomy. Overall demand of China is expected
to recover and expand while the macroeconomic environment will continue to be subject to relatively relaxed policies, resulting
in the likelihood of normalised growth performance across all sectors. As external and internal positive factors for the currency
market continue to emerge, it may lay the basis and conditions for the appreciation of RMB against the USD. With the
deepening of the new development pattern and the continuous focus on new industry momentum, industries are expected to
enter a phase of balanced growth, driving to an optimistic expectation and promoting a positive economic cycle.
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
In light of the above, CEL will capitalise on the favourable conditions in 2024 to further promote its high-quality growth. With a
focus on its asset management business, the Company will develop in line with the “Dual Circulation” new development
pattern, consistently bolster the core competitiveness of asset management, and persist in transitioning towards “Asset-light”
In terms of fundraising, CEL’s focus will be on establishing a multi-channel financing mechanism catering to
advantageous industries to enhance the quality of fundraising. By establishing diversified sources of funds, optimising the
proportion of paid-in capital and management fee, CEL will be able to improve the efficiency, quality and stability of fundraising.
Expanding the cross-market operations of both USD funds and RMB funds as a strategic priority will lay a solid foundation for
the growth of the CEL’s AUM and revenue, forming a strong market competitiveness. In terms of investments, CEL will
further develop specialised industries, strengthen industry researches and place CEL emphasis on long-term value. With
a focus on industries with competitive advantages, particularly technological innovation companies, specialised and new
enterprises, consumption and environmental companies, CEL will concentrate on the core business growth potential of
investees and conduct in-depth research on policies, business and industries to align with national strategies. Efforts will be
made to enhance research on market trends, improve sensitivity to industry dynamics and expand the project resource pool.
CEL will also step up the due diligence of investment projects to ensure that investment decisions are made in an scientific and
efficient manner in order to capture and nurture enterprises with sustainable growth potential. In terms of management, CEL
will strengthen post-investment management and build solid lines of defence against risks. CEL will refine the
management of investees and invested projects while improving asset management efficiency and transparency, so as to
ensure investment projects to be “clear, manageable and rewarding”. Through regular risk assessment and monitoring, CEL
will effectively prevent and control risks to ensure stable business development and avoid major risks. In terms of exit, CEL
will continue to optimise exit strategies and expedite exit initiatives. Based on market conditions and asset characteristics,
flexible exit choices for IPOs, mergers and acquisitions and equity transfers will be made available to exit from existing
investment projects so as to recover funds. Focusing on the core value of each project and based on professional market
analysis, CEL will capitalise on the long investment cycle of the private equity industry to formulate optimal exit plans.
In the future, CEL will continue to pursue its core business of asset management and PE investment, while actively exploring
the coverage of asset management services. Based on the principle of “grasping new developing opportunities, implementing
new development concepts, constructing new development patterns and promoting high-quality development” (), CEL
will optimise investment layout with a key focus on developing priority areas such as technological innovation, high-end
manufacturing and green development. CEL will fully leverage the adjustment period under the industry policy to carry out
business transformation and upgrade, with a view to facilitating the high-quality development of cross-border asset
management. With entire staff working together with cohesion, CEL will maintain stable development and perseverance to
make progress in the challenging market environment, striving to share the fruits of growth of the Company with shareholders.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s total assets amounted to HK$79.588 billion (31 December 2022: HK$84.477 billion) with
net assets amounting to HK$34.106 billion (31 December 2022: HK$37.877 billion). Equity attributable to the Company’s
shareholders was HK$30.990 billion (31 December 2022: HK$34.489 billion) and equity attributable to shareholders of the
Company per share was HK$18.39 (31 December 2022: HK$20.47).
The Group adopts a prudent approach in liquidity management to ensure liquidity risk control and reduce the cost of funds. The
Group finances its operations primarily with internally generated cash flow and loan facilities from banks. As at 31 December
2023, the Group had cash and bank balances of HK$9.588 billion (31 December 2022: HK$8.236 billion). Currently, most of the
Group’s cash is denominated in Hong Kong dollars and Renminbi.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s interest-bearing borrowings amounted to HK$32.397 billion (31 December 2022:
HK$32.914 billion). The Group will review and ensure sufficient banking facilities to reserve resources to support its business
development. As at 31 December 2023, the Group had banking facilities of HK$32.694 billion (31 December 2022: HK$32.875
billion), of which HK$14.090 billion (31 December 2022: HK$11.958 billion) had not been utilised. The banking facilities were of
one to twelve years terms. The Group had an outstanding bank loan of HK$18.604 billion (31 December 2022: HK$20.917
billion), which decreased by HK$2.313 billion compared with 31 December 2022, of which HK$16.442 billion (31 December
2022: HK$18.591 billion) was unsecured. The Group had issued corporate bonds with an outstanding principal amount of
HK$13.793 billion (31 December 2022: HK$11.997 billion). The interest bearing borrowings were denominated in Renminbi,
Hong Kong dollars and United States dollars, representing 48%, 45%, 7% of the total respectively. As at 31 December 2023,
approximately 56% of the Group’s total principal amount of borrowing were at floating rates and the remaining 44% were at
fixed rates. The maturity profile of the Group’s borrowings is set out in note 35 of the Notes to the Financial Statements in this
As at 31 December 2023, no restricted deposits were pledged to a bank to secure a banking facility granted to the Group (31
December 2022: HK$664 million). Restricted bank balances of HK$57 million (31 December 2022: HK$46 million) were pledged
to the banks for sales of mortgaged properties to customers and interest reserve account on borrowings, and no restricted
bank balances were used to secure certain bonds payable of the Group (31 December 2022: HK$244 million). Investment
properties, inventories and stocks with carrying values of HK$4,542 million (31 December 2022: HK$4,362 million), HK$230
million (31 December 2022: HK$383 million) and HK$1,475 million (31 December 2022: HK$1,563 million), respectively, and
were mortgaged to secure certain bank loans granted to the Group. Pursuant to the prime brokerage agreements entered with
the prime brokers of a fund held by the Group, cash and securities deposited with the prime brokers were secured against
liabilities to the prime brokers. As at 31 December 2023, assets deposited with the prime brokers included HK$1,417 million (31
December 2022: HK$1,514 million) and HK$16.4 million (31 December 2022: HK$0.5 million) which formed part of the Group’s
trading securities and debtors respectively. Analysis on collateral of the Group’s bank loans and bonds payable is set out in note
26 and note 28 of the Notes to the Financial Statements in this report.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s headquarters and wholly owned subsidiaries had 255 (31 December 2022: 273) full-time
employees. The Group ensures that the remuneration packages for employees are fair and competitive and are determined by
position, duties, experience and performance of employees. Other benefits to employees include medical insurance, retirement
scheme and training programmes.
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
In August 2020, Zhuhai EBA Yida Management Centre, L.P. (“EBA Yida”) was established by EBA Investments to use
appropriate channels and methods to invest in real estate projects, primarily for urban renewal, focusing on investing in first-tier
cities in China as well as second- and third-tier cities with a healthy and well-developed real estate market in China. The
following table sets forth information on the major projects invested by EBA Yida during the reporting period:
Name of Key Project Business Type Location Investment Type
Beijing Zhongguancun Project Commercial complex Beijing Convertible bonds
Chongqing Chaotianmen Project Commercial complex Chongqing Fund interest investment
EBA Centre Project Office and integrated commercial Shanghai Fund interest investment
Parkview Place Office and integrated commercial Beijing Fund interest investment
EBA Centre Hongqiao Project Commercial complex Shanghai Fund interest investment
Risk management is of fundamental importance to the business operation of the Group. The major types of risk inherent in the
Group’s business are credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, currency risk and equity price risk. The Group’s risk
management objectives are to maximise shareholders’ value and to reduce volatility in earnings while maintaining risk
exposures within acceptable limits.
The Group’s work in the area of risk management is executed by the Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department and
is led by the Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department. This functional
structure can assess, identify and document the Group’s risk profile to ensure that the business units focus, control and
systematically avoid potential risks in various business areas. The following is a brief description of the Group’s approach in
managing these risks.
(a) Credit risk
The Group’s credit risk is primarily attributable to advances to customers, accounts receivable, debt investments and
unlisted derivative financial instruments.
Credit risk management framework
The Group has formulated a comprehensive set of credit risk management policies and procedures, and appropriate
credit risk limits to manage and control credit risk that may arise. These policies, procedures and credit risk limits are
regularly reviewed and updated to cope with the changes in market conditions and business strategies.
The Group’s organisational structure establishes a clear set of authority and responsibility for monitoring compliance with
policies, procedures and limits.
The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance who reports directly to the Audit
and Risk Management Committee, takes charge of credit risk management and is also responsible for the control of
credit risk exposures of the Group in line with the credit risk management principles and requirements set by the Group.
Credit risk management is embedded within all business units of the Group. The first line of defense against undesirable
outcomes is the business function and the respective line managers. Department heads of their own business areas take
the lead role with respect to implementing and maintaining appropriate credit risk controls. Risk Management, Legal and
Compliance Department, which is independent from the business units, is responsible for the management of credit
risks and it is an ongoing process for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling credit risk to ensure effective
checks and balances, as well as drafting, reviewing and updating credit risk management policies and procedures. It is
also responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the Group’s internal rating system and it ensures that
the system complies with the relevant regulatory requirements. Credit risk is approved by the Vice President of the
Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department and reported to Audit and Risk Management
Committee quarterly.
For advances to customers, the Group requires collateral from customers before advances are granted. The amount of
advances permitted depends on the quality and value of collateral provided by the customer. Any subsequent change in
value as well as quality of collateral is closely monitored in order to determine whether any corrective action is required.
Accounts receivable mainly arise from the Group’s investment activities. Receivables from brokers and counterparties
are normally repayable on demand. The Group has established procedures in the selection of brokers/counterparties with
sound credit ratings and/or reputation.
Investments in debt instruments and unlisted derivative financial instruments are also governed by whether the issuers
and the trade counterparties respectively have sound credit ratings.
The Group has well-defined policies in place on the setting and approval of trading, credit and investment position limits
in order to manage its credit risk exposure and concentration. As at the end of the reporting period, the Group did not
have a significant concentration of credit risk.
The maximum exposure to credit risk without taking into account any collateral held is represented by the carrying
amount of each financial asset, including derivative financial instruments, at the end of the reporting period, deducting
any impairment allowance.
(b) Liquidity risk
The Group’s policy is to regularly assess current and expected liquidity requirements and to ensure that it maintains
reserves of cash, readily realisable marketable securities and adequate committed lines of funding from major financial
institutions to meet its liquidity requirements in the short and longer term.
For subsidiaries with statutory liquidity requirements, the Group closely monitors their liquidity positions. To ensure strict
compliance, the Group maintains adequate cash reserves to prepare for immediate fund injection if required. If there is a
medium to long-term operational need, management would also consider adjusting those subsidiaries’ capital structure.
Subsidiaries with external equity stakeholders are generally responsible for their own liquidity management.
Management Discussion & Analysis | Continued
(c) Interest rate risk
The Group monitors its interest rate exposure regularly to ensure that the underlying risk is monitored within an
acceptable range.
The Group’s interest rate positions arise from treasury and operating activities. Interest rate risk arises from treasury
management, customer financing and investment portfolios. Interest rate risk primarily results from the timing
differences in the repricing of interest-bearing assets, liabilities and commitments. Interest rate risk is managed by the
Finance and Accounting Department under the delegated authority of the Board and is monitored by the Risk
Management, Legal and Compliance Department. The instruments used to manage interest rate risk include time
deposits and interest rate linked derivatives, if necessary.
The Group is exposed to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of its financial instruments will fluctuate as a
result of changes in market interest rates. In respect of the Group’s interest-bearing financial instruments, the Group’s
policy is to mainly transact in financial instruments that mature or reprice in the short to medium term. Accordingly, the
Group would be subject to limited exposure to fair value or cash flow interest rate risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing
levels of market interest rates.
(d) Currency risk
The Group’s exposure to currency risk primarily stems from holding of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies, other than Hong Kong dollars and net investment in foreign operations. As most of the Group’s
monetary assets and liabilities and net investment in foreign operations are denominated in Hong Kong dollars, Renminbi,
United States dollars and Singapore dollars, management is aware of the likely increase in volatility in these currencies
and takes a balanced view when considering the management of currency risk.
Overall, the Group monitors its currency exposure closely and would consider hedging significant currency exposure
should the need arise.
(e) Equity price risk
The Group is exposed to equity price changes arising from equity investments classified as trading securities, equity
investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income (note 18) and financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss (note 19). Other than unlisted securities held for medium to long-term purposes, all of these
investments are listed.
The Group’s investments in listed equity instruments are mainly listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the
Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. Decisions to buy
or sell trading securities rest with assigned investment team professionals and each investment portfolio is governed by
specific investment and risk management guidelines. Independent daily monitoring of each portfolio against the
corresponding guidelines is carried out by the Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department. Listed equity
instruments held in the equity investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income and financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss portfolio have been chosen based on their medium to long-term growth potential
and are monitored regularly for performance against expectations.
The performance of the Group’s investments in unquoted equity instruments is assessed periodically, based on the
information available to the Group.
Through comprehensive corporate
governance and risk management,
CEL is laying a solid foundation for its
sustainable development.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
China Everbright Limited (“CEL” or the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) always aim to comply with established
corporate governance best practices, and the core value of the Company is to protect the interests of its shareholders,
customers, staff and other stakeholders. It is committed to strictly abiding by the laws and regulations of Hong Kong and
observing the rules and guidelines issued by the relevant regulatory authorities such as the Securities and Futures Commission
of Hong Kong and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). The Company also constantly reviews
its corporate governance practices to meet international and local best practices including the Corporate Governance Code (the
“Code”) as set out in Appendix C1 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the “Listing Rules”).
One of the core values of the Company is that the highest standard of integrity is essential to business development.
The Company recognises the importance of high standards of corporate governance and maintains an effective corporate
governance framework which contributes to the long-term success of CEL. The Company is also strongly committed to
embracing and enhancing sound corporate governance principles and practices. The established and well-structured corporate
governance framework directs and regulates the business ethical conduct of the Company, thereby protecting and upholding
the value of its shareholders and stakeholders as a whole in a sustainable manner.
The Company’s board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director(s)”) would like to confirm that, following careful examination and
review, the Company has complied with all code provisions of the Code for the year ended 31 December 2023.
CEL has set out its Purpose, Vision and Values, details of which are available on the Company’s website. The Company’s
purpose is to be “China’s cross-border asset management industry pioneer”. With over 25 years’ experience in cross-border
asset management and PE investments, the Board is committed to maintaining the development requirements of the Company
and promoting a positive and progressive culture to its stakeholders to achieve its purpose. The Company’s Vision is “To
innovate the asset management industry by creating leading-edge investment solutions”. CEL’s understanding of clients’
experience and its long-term investment philosophy provides favourable conditions to achieve higher returns. The Company’s
Value (Corporate Philosophy) is “The Power to Transform – Focus and long-term drive, Transforming challenge into
opportunities”. With a firm footing in Hong Kong – a true bridge between East and West – an international platform, and
specialised sector focused teams, CEL is well-positioned to take advantage of the long-term opportunities presented by
changes in the global markets, to respond flexibly, and to become a pioneer in Chinese cross- border investment and asset
Composition of the Board
The Company is led by the Board that is effective and of quality. The Board is charged with promoting the success of CEL by
directing and supervising its affairs in a responsible and effective manner. Each Director has a duty to act in good faith in the
best interests of the Company, so as to bring maximum value to the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholder(s)”) in the
long term and practically fulfill its obligations to the stakeholders of the Group. The Directors are aware of their collective and
individual responsibilities to all Shareholders for the manner in which the affairs of the Company are managed, controlled and
operated. As at the date of this report, the Board currently has ten Directors, made up of four Executive Directors and six Non-
executive Directors, including four Independent Non-executive Directors (“INED(s)”). The Board members are set out as
Mr. Lin Chun (President) (appointed on 4 January 2024)
Mr. An Xuesong (appointed on 5 April 2024)
Ms. Wang Yun (appointed on 5 May 2023)
Mr. Yin Yanwu
Mr. Zhang Mingao (resigned on 4 January 2024)
Mr. Wang Hongyang (resigned on 5 May 2023)
Mr. Yu Fachang (Chairman)
Dr. Qin Hongyuan (appointed on 4 January 2024)
Ms. Pan Wenjie (resigned on 22 March 2024)
Mr. Fang Bin (resigned on 4 January 2024)
Dr. Lin Zhijun
Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson
Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen
Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund (appointed on 22 March 2024)
All Directors possess extensive experiences in the financial industry. They have abundant professional expertise to fully
understand our business and the necessary skills to deal with our business matters. Each of them is prudent, objective and
diligent and has devoted sufficient time and efforts to handle the Company’s affairs. Each Director confirms to the Company
yearly he/she has spent sufficient time to perform his/her responsibilities as a Director of the Company. Each Director discloses
to the Company (at the time of appointment and in a timely manner for any changes) the numbers and nature of office held in
public companies or organisations and other significant commitments. The relevant content will also be disclosed in the
announcements in relation to his/her appointment and the annual reports of the Company.
With the assistance of the Nomination Committee, the Board reviews its structure, size and composition (including skills,
expertise, experiences and gender diversity) on an annual basis. The Board considers the composition and proportion of its
members reasonable and appropriate, which can fully leverage balance of powers such that the interests of the Company, the
Shareholders and the stakeholders are protected to the maximum extent.
All the existing Directors (including Non-executive Directors and INEDs) have been appointed through formal service contracts
or letters of appointment setting out the key terms and conditions of their appointment.
The appointment of a new Director is a matter for consideration by the Nomination Committee and decision by the full Board.
Pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company (the “Articles”), all Directors shall retire by rotation at least once every
three years at annual general meetings and be eligible for re-election. All new Directors appointed by the Board are subject to
re-election by Shareholders at the next general meeting. At every annual general meeting of the Company, re-election of each
Director has been assigned as a separate resolution for Shareholders’ approval.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
If any substantial Shareholder or Director has a potential conflict of interest in a matter to be considered by the Board, which
the Board has determined to be material, the matter will be dealt with by a physical meeting (rather than a written resolution),
the relevant Directors shall abstain from voting and a Board meeting attended by INEDs who have no material interest in the
matter shall be held to discuss and vote on the resolution. There are no relationships (including financial, business, family or
other material/relevant relationship(s)) among the Board members. Any Director concerned should declare the nature and
extent of his/her interest prior to the relevant meeting agenda of the Board or the Board committees.
Board and Workforce Diversity
According to the Board Diversity Policy of the Company, the Board recognises the importance of having a diverse Board for
enhancing the board effectiveness and corporate governance. A diverse Board should possess and make good use of
differences in the skills, industry knowledge and experience, education, race, age, gender, background and other qualities of
directors. These differences are taken into account in determining the optimum composition of the Board and when possible
should be balanced appropriately.
According to the Nomination Policy of the Company, the Nomination Committee has the responsibility of identifying and
nominating directors for approval by the Board. It takes the responsibility in assessing the appropriate mix of experience,
expertise, skills and diversity required by the Board, assessing the extent to which the required skills are represented on the
Board and overseeing Board succession. It is also responsible for reviewing and reporting to the Board in relation to Board
diversity on an annual basis.
As at 31 December 2023, the Board comprised seven males and two females and the senior management of the Group
(excluding the Executive Directors) comprised one male and one female; and among the 255 full-time employees of the Group’s
headquarters and wholly-owned subsidiaries, the ratio of male to female staff was 1:0.98. The Board considers that the Board,
the Group’s senior management and workforce are all diverse in terms of gender. At present, the Company has not set any
measurable objectives for implementation of the diversity policies in relation to the Board members and the workforce of the
Group (including gender diversity). However, the Company will review the Board Diversity Policy from time to time and will
consider setting of any measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity (if applicable).
Under the current Board structure, all Directors possess extensive experience in financial industry and management, of whom
some are experts in strategic development, financial and/or risk management. Biographical details with the professional
experience, skills and knowledge of the Directors are available in the section of “Directors and Senior Management” on pages
88 to 92 of this Annual Report.
The Board considers that diversity of the Board and the workforce is a vital asset to the business of the Group. Board
appointments and employee recruitments are based on merit, and candidates are considered against objective criteria, having
due regard to the benefits of diversity, including but not limited to gender diversity. Selection of candidates of different genders
depends on the pool of candidates of each gender with the necessary knowledge, experience, skills and educational
background. The final decision is based on merit and contribution that the chosen candidate will bring to the Board or the
Role of Independent Non-executive Directors
The Board believes that the INEDs play an important role in corporate governance. They provide the necessary checks and
balances to ensure that CEL operates in a safe and sound manner and that its interests are protected. The INEDs also bring
external experience and make judgment objectively. They are particularly important in performing a monitoring role. The Board
has received from the INEDs written annual confirmations of their independence pursuant to the requirement under Rule 3.13
of the Listing Rules and considers all the INEDs to be independent. The appointments of Non-executive Directors, including
INEDs, are for a fixed term and all of them are subject to retirement by rotation at least once every three years in accordance
with the Articles and the Listing Rules.
Every year, the Board reviews and assesses the independence of any INED who is in office for more than nine years. His/her
further appointment is subject to a separate resolution to be approved by general meeting. The reasons why the Board believes
that the individual is still independent and should be re-elected, in so far as the independence of each of the Directors is
concerned, this is a matter of fact and the Board is committed to assessing this on an ongoing basis with regard to all relevant
factors concerned and not just limited to where a director whose length of service exceeds 9 years.
Mechanisms to Ensure Independent Views and Input
The Board establishes mechanism(s) to ensure independent views and input are available to the Board. The Nomination
Committee is delegated the responsibility to review the implementation and effectiveness of such mechanism on an annual
The number of INEDs represents not less than one-third of the Board as required under the Listing Rules. All the INEDs
possess appropriate professional qualifications and accounting or related financial management expertise.
INEDs provide CEL with diversified expertise and experience. Their views and participation in the meetings of the Board and
the Board committees bring objective and independent judgments and advice on issues relating to CEL’s strategies,
performance, conflicts of interest and management processes, which ensure that the interests of all Shareholders are taken
into account.
The Company has multiple mechanisms in place to ensure independent views and input are available to the Board. These
include but are not limited to, when reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board, the Nomination Committee
puts emphasis on whether the composition of Executive and Non-Executive Directors (including INEDs) is balanced and
ensures that there is a strong independent element on the Board. All INEDs should be of sufficient calibre and number for their
views to carry weight. All Directors (including INEDs) are given opportunities to include matters in the agenda for regular Board
meetings. If any Director makes a reasonable request, the Company should provide separate independent professional advice
upon request, at the Company’s expense, to the Director(s) to assist such Director(s) or the Board in performing directors’
duties to the Company. Besides, a controversial matter is required to be discussed at a Board meeting rather than being dealt
with by a written resolution so as to ensure that Directors (including INEDs) are given opportunities to exchange their views
instantly with each other. The Chairman at least annually holds a meeting with the INEDs without the presence of other
Directors. Based on the above, the Board considers that the implementation of above mechanisms is effective.
Directors’ Liability Insurance
The Company has in place an appropriate directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policy for each member of the Board to cover
their liabilities on damages arising out of corporate activities. The coverage and the sum insured under the policy are reviewed
on an annual basis by the Company.
Responsibilities of the Board
The Board is at the core of the Company’s corporate governance framework, and there is a clear division of responsibilities
between the Board and the management of the Group (the “Management”). The Board is responsible for providing high-level
guidance and effective oversight of the Management. In general, duties of the Board include:
setting CEL’s values and standards and approving CEL’s long term strategy and monitoring its implementation;
establishing and maintaining the purpose and strategic direction of CEL, and satisfy itself that CEL’s purpose, values and
strategy are aligned with the culture of the Company;
monitoring and controlling CEL’s operations, financial and environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) performance
through reviewing and approving its business plan and financial budget, and ensures CEL has adequate resources, staff
qualification and experience in accounting, financial reporting and internal audit functions, as well as those relating to
CEL’s ESG performance and reporting;
ensuring timely and accurate disclosure to and communication with stakeholders;
approving the annual and interim results to ensure the integrity of CEL’s accounting and financial reporting system and
compliance with the relevant laws and standards;
reviewing and monitoring risk management and internal control of CEL to ensure that appropriate internal control
systems are in place, including systems for risk management, financial and operational control;
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
maintaining an effective governance and oversight of ESG affairs, as well as assessment and management of material
ESG risks, ESG strategy and reporting;
overseeing the management of the business and affairs of CEL, ensuring that a framework of prudent and effective
controls is in place to enable risks to be assessed and managed with due regard to maximizing Shareholders’ value; and
monitoring the performance of the Management, ensuring the financial statements are prepared to give a true, complete
and accurate view of the Company.
The Board authorises the Management to specifically carry out the approved strategies. The Management is responsible for the
day-to-day operation of the Company and is required to report to the Board regularly. The Board has formulated the “Terms of
Reference of the Board” and the “Mandate”, which set out the circumstances under which the Management should report to
and obtain prior approval from the Board before making decisions or entering into any commitments on behalf of the Group.
The Board regularly reviews the Mandate, and will update and amend the Mandate when appropriate.
Non-executive Directors are independent from the Management. Their responsibilities include:
(a) participating in Board meetings and provide independent opinions on matters involving strategy, policies, performance,
accountability, resources, appointment of key personnel and standards of conduct;
(b) promoting strict review and monitoring of management procedures;
(c) dealing with potential conflicts of interest proactively;
(d) serving on the Board committees such as the Audit and Risk Management Committee, Nomination Committee,
Remuneration Committee, Strategy Committee, and ESG Committee by invitation;
(e) contributing to the Board and its Board committees by regularly attending meetings and actively participating, making
good use of their skills, expertise, different backgrounds and qualifications;
(f) attending general meetings and also fully understanding Shareholders’ opinions; and
(g) contributing to the formulation of company strategies and policies, monitor the Company’s performance against
established corporate goals and objectives, and focus on performance reporting.
Corporate Governance Functions
The Board is responsible for performing the corporate governance duties as set out below:
to develop and review the Company’s policies and practices on corporate governance;
to review and monitor the training and continuous professional development of the Directors and senior management;
to review and monitor the Company’s policies and practices on compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
to develop, review and monitor the code of conduct and compliance manual applicable to employees and Directors;
to review the Company’s compliance with the Code and disclosure in the “Corporate Governance Report” under
Appendix C1 to the Listing Rules; and
to review the contribution of Directors in performing their duties to the Company.
During the year, the Board had performed the above duties, including review of the following documents relating to the
corporate governance policies and practices:
Terms of Reference of the Board;
Risk Management Policy;
Corporate Governance Report;
Internal Control Report;
Risk Management Report; and
ESG Report.
Chairman and President
The positions of the Chairman of the Board and the President are held by Mr. Yu Fachang, a non-executive Director, and Mr. Lin
Chun, an executive Director, respectively. The roles of the Chairman and the President are clearly established and stipulated in
the terms of reference of the Board. As the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Yu leads the Board in order to ensure that the Board
discharges its formal responsibilities and conforms to good corporate governance practices and procedures. Besides, the
Chairman is also responsible for making sure that all Directors are properly informed of important issues on which the Company
is focusing and that all Directors receive accurate, timely and clear information. The Chairman also leads the Board in
formulating business objectives and their related strategies. He is also responsible for organising the business of the Board,
setting its agenda to take full account of the important issues facing CEL and the concerns of all Directors, ensuring that
adequate time is available for thorough discussion of critical and strategic issues, and ensuring its effectiveness with the
assistance of the Company Secretary. The Chairman is also taking primary responsibility for ensuring that good corporate
governance practices and procedures are in place. Through the Company Secretary, the Chairman oversees the implementation
of the practices and procedures set out in the Code. The Chairman facilitates the effective contribution of the Directors and the
effective communication with the stakeholders, ensures that timely and adequate information, which must be accurate, clear,
complete and reliable, is delivered to the Directors to fulfill their duties. The Chairman is also overseeing and giving guidance to
the Management in order to enhance the functions of the Board for ensuring the decision of Board are in the best interest of
the Company. Subject to those matters expressly reserved or otherwise stipulated by the Board, the Board grants its powers
and delegates its responsibilities to the Management Decision Committee for the daily administration, operation and
management of the business and affairs of the Group. The Management Decision Committee is the ultimate owner of
responsibilities of daily administration, operation and management of the business and affairs of the Group and is accountable
to the Board. Mr. Lin Chun, the President, serves as the Chairman of the Management Decision Committee. The Vice
Presidents and other Management Decision Committee members assist the President in carrying out the work and are
responsible for the relevant daily management matters of the Group.
The Terms of Reference of the Board, as updated from time to time, are published on the Company’s website and the website of the Stock Exchange. The Terms of Reference of the Board clearly define the terms of
reference of the Board as well as all the Board committees. The Board committees make recommendations to the Board on
relevant matters within their terms of reference, or make decisions under appropriate circumstances within the power
delegated by the Board. Designated secretaries are assigned to all Board committees to provide professional company
secretarial services in order to ensure that the Board committee members have adequate resources to discharge their
responsibilities properly and effectively. According to the Terms of Reference of the Board, the Board and the Board
committees review and evaluate their respective work processes and effectiveness on an annual basis. The Board shall also
promptly update and revise the Terms of Reference according to its needs, and the updated Terms of Reference of the Board
will also be uploaded timely to the Company’s website and the website of the Stock Exchange for public inspection.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
Training and Support for Directors
The Listing Rules require directors to understand their responsibilities as directors of listed companies. To ensure that newly
appointed Directors have adequate understanding of the responsibilities as directors of listed companies as well as the
operations and business of CEL, the Board has set up an induction system for new Directors. The Company Secretary conducts
the induction programme for each of the newly appointed Directors, and the induction includes a description of directors’
duties, the Listing Rules, introduction of the Board and the Board committees’ composition together with the corporate
governance structure, and the introduction of business of the Company. Mr. Lin Chun and Dr. Qin Hongyuan attended the
director induction training of no less than 3 hours on 15 January 2024. Mr. An Xuesong and Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund also
attended the director induction training of no less than 2 hours on 21 March 2024. The Company received written confirmation
from each of the newly appointed Directors that he understood his obligations as a director of a listed company.
To ensure that all Directors can constantly update their knowledge and make informed recommendations and advice to the
Board, the Board has established a guideline on directors’ training. In addition to arranging appropriate directors’ training on an
annual basis, the Company issues “monthly circulars” to the Board members, contents of which include the monthly financial
statements of CEL, to give Directors a balanced and understandable assessment of the Company’s performance, position and
prospects, together with reports to the Directors about latest information on the Company’s operation, investor relations, and
information and training materials in relation to directors’ responsibilities. The said reading materials are mainly used for
providing the Board members with information on significant changes in the regulatory requirements applicable to both the
Directors and the Company, the latest developments in the industry and the latest development in corporate governance
practices in a timely manner, which can update their knowledge and skills associated with directors’ duties. The contents and
information contained in the “monthly circulars” to the Board members are of sufficient details to enable the Directors to
perform the Directors’ duties under Rule 3.08 and Chapter 13 of the Listing Rules.
Apart from the regular Board meetings, the Company Secretary also arranges meetings between the Board members and front-
line business teams in a timely manner, which enable the Board members to enhance understanding of the front-line business
development of the Company and enable Directors obtaining first hand information of the operation of the business of the
Company. In addition to arranging training to Directors regularly, the Board members are also encouraged to participate in
professional training programmes as they consider appropriate, with a view to developing and updating their knowledge and
Apart from the above training offered by the Company, based on the training records provided to the Company by the Directors,
the Directors also participated in the following training during 2023:
Zhang Mingao (resigned on 4 January 2024) A, B, C
Wang Yun (appointed on 5 May 2023) A, C
Yin Yanwu A, C
Yu Fachang A, B, C
Pan Wenjie (resigned on 22 March 2024) A, C
Fang Bin (resigned on 4 January 2024) A, C
Lin Zhijun A, B, C
Chung Shui Ming Timpson A, C
Law Cheuk Kin Stephen A, C
A: attending seminars and/or conferences and/or forums
B: delivering talks at seminars and/or conferences and/or forums
C: reading information, newspapers, journals and materials relating to the latest requirements of the Listing Rules and Stock
Exchange, responsibilities of directors, economy, fiscal and financial matters, investment and business of the Company
Attendance of the Directors at Board, Board Committee and General Meetings
A total of five Board meetings were held during the year. The regular Board meetings and the regular Board committee
meetings were scheduled and approved by the Board in the preceding year. Unscheduled supplementary meetings (if any) may
also take place as and when necessary with reasonable notice. Formal notices have been sent to all Directors at least 14 days
before the regular meetings being held. All Directors are given an opportunity to include matters to be discussed in the agenda
for the Board meeting. In general, the Board agenda and meeting materials have been dispatched to all Board or relevant
committee members for review at least 3 working days before the meetings. According to Article 111 of the Articles of
Association, the Board/Board committee members may participate in Board/Board committee meetings through telephone
conferencing or similar communication equipment.
The agenda has been prepared after sufficient consultation with the Board/Board committee members and the Management
and are then approved by the respective chairmen. The Company Secretary is responsible for submitting the papers of Board
meetings and relevant information to the Directors, who can capture the adequate information timely which is complete and
reliable and which will enable Directors to make an informed decision on matters placed before them. The Board ensures that
Directors, especially Non-executive Directors and INEDs, are provided with sufficient resources in the furtherance of their
duties as Board/Board committee members, including obtaining further information if necessary or seeking independent
professional advice accordingly at the cost of the Company.
The minutes of the Board/Board committee meetings record in sufficient detail of all the issues considered and the decisions
reached, including any concerns raised by the Directors or dissenting view expressed, made by the Directors/respective Board
committee members. The minutes, upon reviewed by all the Directors/respective Board committee members and signed by
the Chairman of the Board/chairman of the respective Board committees in next meeting, are properly kept by the office of the
Company Secretary or the designated secretary. The Company Secretary or the designated secretary has reported matters
arising from the previous Board/Board committees meeting and the relevant follow-up actions taken.
All the Board members can also seek the advice and services from the Company Secretary or the designated secretaries of the
respective Board committees. The Company Secretary is also responsible for ensuring compliance of the procedures of the
Board as well as the applicable laws, rules and regulations. Apart from the regular Board meetings, the Company Secretary also
at least arranges one meeting annually for the Chairman of the Board to meet the INEDs in the absence of other Directors and
the Management. Directors have separate and independent access to the senior management and employees.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
Attendance Rate
The attendance rate of the Directors at Board meetings and various Board committees meetings as well as the general
meetings of the Company in 2023 is set out below:
Yu Fachang 5/5 N/A 2/2 2/2 N/A 1/1
Zhang Mingao 5/5 N/A N/A N/A 1/2 1/1
Wang Yun
3/3 N/A N/A N/A 0/1 1/1
Yin Yanwu 5/5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1/1
Pan Wenjie 5/5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1/1
Fang Bin 5/5 N/A N/A N/A 1/2 1/1
Lin Zhijun 5/5 7/7 2/2 2/2 N/A 1/1
Chung Shui Ming Timpson 5/5 7/7 2/2 2/2 N/A 1/1
Law Cheuk Kin Stephen 5/5 7/7 2/2 2/2 2/2 1/1
Wang Hongyang
1/1 N/A N/A N/A 1/1 N/A
Ms. Wang Yun was appointed as an Executive Director and a member of the ESG Committee with effect from 5 May 2023.
Mr. Wang Hongyang resigned as an Executive Director and also ceased to be a member of the ESG Committee with effect from 5 May
Every Director performs his/her duties as a Director at all times in good faith, objectively, with diligence and in the best interest
of CEL. The Directors have to spend substantial time for the meetings of the Board and the Board committees, including
reading the meeting papers before the meetings, allowing sufficient discussion of the issues in the meetings and having in-
depth understanding of the follow-up issues under the agenda after the meetings. Directors disclosed to the Company each
year the number and nature of offices they held in other public companies or organisations and other significant commitments,
with an indication of the time involved. The Board believes all Directors devoted sufficient time and efforts to deal with matters
of the Group, and other commitments would not affect the effectiveness of their contribution to or the time available for CEL.
Taking into account the market practices and international best practices in corporate governance, the Board established six
Board committees to assist it in carrying out its relevant responsibilities, including the Executive Board Committee, the Audit
and Risk Management Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the ESG Committee and the
Strategy Committee. In addition, the Board will, if necessary, authorise an independent board committee comprising only
INEDs to review, approve and monitor the connected transactions (including continuing connected transactions) in accordance
with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations. The Terms of Reference of the Board clearly define the terms of
reference of the Board committees. The Board committees can make recommendations to the Board on relevant matters
within their terms of reference, or make decisions under appropriate circumstances within the power as delegated by the
Board. The Board committees submit their reports on their work semi-annually. As mentioned, the Terms of Reference of the
Board, which set out the terms of references of all the Board committees, are published on the Company’s website and the
website of the Stock Exchange.
The Management is responsible for providing the Board and Board committees with adequate and timely information which is
complete and reliable and which will enable Directors to make an informed decision on matters placed before them. Where any
Director requires more information than those provided by the Management themselves, he will make further enquiries, to
which the Management must respond quickly and effectively. The Board and individual Directors have separate and
independent access to the senior management.
Executive Board Committee
The Executive Board Committee currently consists of all of the four Executive Directors, including Mr. Lin Chun, Mr. An
Xuesong, Ms. Wang Yun and Mr. Yin Yanwu. Mr. Lin Chun, the President, is the chairman of the Executive Board Committee.
Upon delegation by the Board, the Executive Board Committee makes decisions as delegated by the Board through interactive
communications from time to time, including:
(a) to approve the corporate objectives and business development plans proposed by the management;
(b) to approve material transactions of the Company which are not required to be disclosed under the Listing Rules;
(c) to approve material issues regarding the Company’s interest as a shareholder of Everbright Bank and Everbright
Securities in Mainland China;
(d) to approve bank account opening, change of authorised signatory and other relevant resolutions;
(e) to approve the renewal of bank loan/facilities, replacement of bank loan/facilities and other relevant resolutions;
(f) to propose to the Board the establishment or abolishing of any Board committees; and
(g) to approve other regular procedural matters that the Board agrees to delegate to the Executive Board Committee.
The resolutions passed by the Executive Board Committee have same effect as the resolutions of the Board.
Audit and Risk Management Committee
The Audit and Risk Management Committee (the “Committee”) currently comprises four members, and all members including
the chairman are INEDs. The Committee is chaired by Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson and the other members are Dr. Lin Zhijun,
Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen and Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund. All of them possess appropriate professional qualifications and
experiences in financial matters. Further to the terms of reference required to be performed by the audit committee under the
Listing Rules, it also assists the Board in formulating and monitoring the risk management strategy and related framework and
policy of the Company. The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance affairs assists
the Committee in performing the daily risk management function of the Company in order to ensure that the risk management
and internal control systems have been implemented and complied with. The Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its
responsibilities relating to the supervision of the financial statements, internal control, risk management (including but not
limited to the risks relating to ESG), internal audit and external audit of the Company. The written terms of reference of the
Committee, which were prepared with reference to “A Guide for Effective Audit Committees” published by the Hong Kong
Institute of Certified Public Accountants and updated with reference to the requirement of the Code, were approved and
properly authorised by the Board. The Terms of Reference of the Committee is available for inspection on the Company’s
website. The Committee mainly assists the Board in performing its role in the Company in the following areas, among others:
Internal Audit Function
to supervise the Internal Audit Department implementing the annual audit planning reviews, at the time of which the
Internal Audit Department will review the general adequacy of the accounting system and internal control system and
will outline the indicated internal audit programme in respect of the Company and its subsidiaries for review and guidance
by the Committee;
to discuss and study the highlight of significant events and findings from the Internal Audit Department of which, in their
opinion, require the Committee’s knowledge and/or attention. Representative of Internal Audit Department will be invited
to attend the Committee meetings and present the internal audit reports in respect of the Company and its subsidiaries
for the Committee’s discussion. The Committee will discuss the reports and report the summary of reports as
appropriate to the Board;
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
to ensure that co-ordination between the Internal Audit Department and External Auditor is adequate and that the internal
audit function has adequate resources and appropriate standing within the Company, and to review and monitor its
effectiveness; and
to review and monitor the effectiveness of the internal control system and the internal audit function based on a risk
methodology process.
In addition, pursuant to code provisions D.2 and D.3.3 of the Code, the Committee conducted an annual review of the
effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems of the Company with the assistance of the Vice President of
the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance and the Internal Audit Department. The internal control review
of the Group covered all material aspects, including financial, operational and compliance controls as well as risk management.
Upon completion of the review, the Committee agreed with the review results of the Internal Audit Department that the key
areas of the Company’s risk management and internal control systems were reasonably implemented and were able to prevent
material misstatements or losses, safeguard the Company’s assets, maintain appropriate accounting records, ensure
compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and generally the internal control requirements of the Code have been fulfilled.
Such views were recommended to the Board. Please refer to the section headed “Internal Control” for details about the said
External Auditor
to appoint, retain, dismiss and replace the Company’s External Auditor, subject to endorsement by the Board and final
approval and authorisation by the Shareholders in general meetings, and to approve the remuneration and terms of
engagement of the External Auditor, and any questions of its resignation or dismissal; and monitor the associated fees
and independence of the External Auditor to ensure that the performance of non-audit services does not impair the
independence of the External Auditor in connection with their audit. The non-audit service to be performed by the
External Auditor shall be separately identified in connection with its pre-approval if the total amount of fees exceeds the
annual caps authorised by the Committee;
to meet the External Auditor at least annually, in the absence of the Management, to discuss matters relating to any
issues arising from the audit and any accounting, financial reporting or internal control matters the External Auditor may
wish to raise;
to review and monitor the effectiveness of the audit process in accordance with applicable standards and discuss with
the External Auditor the nature and scope of the audit and reporting obligations before the audit commences;
to review the work of the External Auditor (including the resolution of any disagreement between the Management and
the External Auditor regarding financial reporting) for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or related work,
the scope of their audit and any other services, and approve the fees for and terms of their services;
review with the External Auditor recent or anticipated developments in accounting principles or reporting practices that
may affect the Company or the scope of the audit; and discuss major anticipated audit problems, if any;
to review results of audits performed by the External Auditor including any changes in accounting procedures and/or the
system of internal controls noted or developed during the audit examination along with matters of controversy, if any,
with the Management, determine appropriate actions required on significant control weaknesses, and recommend such
actions to the Board; and
to review the External Auditor’s management letter, any material queries raised by the External Auditor to the
Management about accounting records, financial statements or systems of control and the Management’s response.
Financial Reporting
to review and monitor the completeness, accuracy and fairness of half-year and annual financial statements before
submission to the Board with particular regard to changes in accounting policies and practices, major judgmental areas,
adequacy of disclosure, consistency within the financial statements and with prior disclosures, any significant audit
adjustments, the going concern assumption and any qualifications, compliance with any applicable legal requirements
and accounting standards and compliance with the requirements of the Listing Rules and other legal requirements in
relation to financial reporting.
The Committee invites the Group’s Vice President in charge of Finance, Vice President in charge of Risk Management, Legal
and Compliance, Head of Internal Audit Department and External Auditor to attend all its meetings.
The Committee considers any significant and unusual items that are, or may need to be, reflected in the report and financial
statements, and gives due consideration to any matters that have been raised by the Company’s staff responsible for the
accounting and financial reporting function, compliance officer or auditors.
Risk Management
Pursuant to code provisions D.2.3 and D.2.4 of the Code, with assistance of the Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk
Management, Legal and Compliance, the Committee considers and reports to the Board for its review of:
(a) the changes, since the last review, in the nature and extent of significant risks (including ESG risks), and how the
Company responds to changes in its business and the external environment;
(b) the scope and quality of the Management’s ongoing monitoring of risks (including ESG risks) and of the internal control
system and the work of internal audit;
(c) the monitoring results, which enable it to assess control of the Company and the effectiveness of risk management;
(d) significant control failings or weaknesses identified (if any) and the extent that they have caused unforeseen outcomes or
contingencies that could have material impact on the Company’s financial performance or condition; and
(e) the effectiveness of the processes for financial reporting and Listing Rules compliance.
In addition, the Committee monitors the Company to disclose the following in the Risk Management Report:
(a) the process used to identify, evaluate and manage significant risks;
(b) additional information to explain its risk management processes and internal control system;
(c) an acknowledgement by the Board that it is responsible for the internal control system and reviewing its effectiveness;
(d) the process used to review the effectiveness of the internal control system; and
(e) the process used to resolve material internal control defects for any significant problems disclosed in its annual reports
and financial statements.
A comprehensive analysis of the risks affecting the businesses of the Company and the associated mitigation measures is set
out in the Risk Management Report on pages 67 to 75 in this Annual Report.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
Corporate Governance
reviewing and dealing with the Company’s accounting, financial reporting and internal audit functions, the effectiveness
of the Company’s corporate governance structures and its implementation;
overseeing the Company to abide by any applicable laws and comply with regulations of the relevant regulators and
maintain its business ethics; and
making recommendations to the Board where necessary, and carrying out duties within the delegated authority of the
The Committee is responsible for monitoring the use and effectiveness of the whistleblowing policy for employees and third
parties who deal with the Group, such as the Group’s clients and suppliers that provide products or services to the Group, to
raise concerns, in confidence and anonymity, with the senior management of the Group or the Committee about possible
improprieties in any matter related to the Group, including but not limited to breach of legal or regulatory requirement, breach of
policy or code of conduct of the Group, illegal activity, misconduct or fraud involving internal control, accounting, audit and
financial matters, and misconduct or immoral behavior that may prejudice the reputation of the Group, etc. When employees
and third parties reasonably suspect any misconduct in the Group, they can notify the Vice President of the Group in charge of
Risk Management, Legal and Compliance, who shall investigate the matter and report to the Committee if a prima facie case is
established. If, for any reason, the whistleblower does not wish to report to the Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk
Management, Legal and Compliance, then the whistleblower can report to the chairman of the Committee. The Committee
shall then decide how the investigation is to be proceeded, and ensure that proper arrangements are in place for fair and
independent investigation of these matters for appropriate follow-up action. The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk
Management, Legal and Compliance and the Company Secretary of the Company shall report to the Committee annually at the
Committee’s meeting in respect of all whistleblowing cases received during the year under the whistleblowing policy and the
respective status of handling. The Group’s whistleblowing policy is available on the Company’s website under the
“Sustainability” column.
Seven Committee meetings were held during the year with an attendance rate of 100%. The work performed by the
Committee in 2023 included the review and, where applicable, approval of:
the Company’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 and the annual results announcement thereof,
which were recommended to the Board for approval;
the Company’s interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2023 and the interim results
announcement thereof, which were recommended to the Board for approval;
the audit report and management letter submitted by the external auditor;
the quarterly risk assessment report submitted by the risk management function;
the quarterly internal audit report submitted by the Internal Audit Department;
the re-appointment of external auditor, and the audit fees and non-audit fees payable to external auditor for the annual
audit, interim review and other non-audit services; and
CEL’s internal audit plan and key areas of the internal audit work focus for 2024.
In addition, the Committee also assisted the Board in performing the internal control and risk management function, including:
to review the systems of financial control, internal control and risk management;
to discuss the internal control system with the Management to ensure that the Management has performed its duty to
have an effective internal control system. This discussion should include:
(a) to review annually the adequacy of resources, staff qualifications and experience, training programmes and budget
of accounting, internal audit and financial reporting function, as well as those relating to CEL’s ESG performance
and reporting;
(b) to consider major investigation findings on internal control matters as delegated by the Board or on its own
initiative and the Management’s response to these findings of CEL;
(c) to review financial and accounting policies and practices. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the
chairman or the request of senior management to review significant control or financial issues;
(d) to review the annual general representation letter from the Management; and
(e) to review the effectiveness of internal audit function of the Company and monitor its results.
The Company Secretary will ensure that the Committee is provided with sufficient resources to perform its duties according to
the instruction of the Chairman of the Committee.
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee currently has five members comprising Mr. Yu Fachang, the Chairman of the Board and a Non-
executive Director, and four INEDs, namely Dr. Lin Zhijun, Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson, Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen and Mr.
Wong Chun Sek Edmund. Dr. Lin Zhijun, an INED, is the chairman of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee is
responsible for assisting the Board in nominating the right candidates for directorship and senior management positions as well
as for evaluating the competence of the candidates to ensure that they are in line with the Company’s overall development
directions and related requirements under the Listing Rules. The Nomination Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its
supervisory role over the Company in the following areas, among others:
to review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge and experience) of the Board at least
annually and make recommendations on any proposed changes to the Board to complement the Company’s corporate
to identify individuals suitably qualified to become Board members and select or make recommendations to the Board on
the selection of individuals nominated for directorships;
to assess the independence of INEDs annually;
to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment or re-appointment of Directors and succession planning for
Directors, in particular the Chairman and the President;
to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment or re-appointment of the senior management;
to review the policy for nomination of Directors and make recommendation of amendments to the Board when needed;
to monitor the implementation of Board Diversity Policy of the Company and review and report Board diversity related
matters to the Board annually;
to advise the Board on potential director succession planning to achieve gender diversity on the Board; and
to review the implementation and effectiveness of mechanisms to ensure independent views and input annually.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
For the recruitment of Directors and senior management, the Nomination Committee first takes into account the skills,
knowledge and experiences of the Board and Board committees, and the business requirements of the Company in order to
determine the key requirements for the candidates and objective criteria for selection. Such criteria include relevant expertise,
integrity, industry experiences and independence, etc., taking into account the benefits of diversity, including but not limited to
gender diversity.
The provisions set out in the above paragraphs are the key nomination criteria and principles of the Company for nomination of
directors, and these constitute the Nomination Policy of the Company adopted by the Nomination Committee during the year.
The Nomination Committee monitors and reviews the Nomination Policy annually.
The Nomination Committee held two meetings in the year and passed one resolution in writing to transact its business for
making recommendations to the Board on the appointment of Chairman, Non-executive Director and Vice President, reviewing
the structure, size and composition (including skills, experience and knowledge) of the Board and the Board committees,
reviewing the Board Diversity Policy and the Nomination Policy, assessing the independence of the INEDs and making
recommendations to the Board on the re-election of the retiring Directors at the annual general meeting of the Company, etc.
The attendance rate of the Nomination Committee meetings was 100%.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee currently has five members comprising Mr. Yu Fachang, the Chairman of the Board and a Non-
executive Director, and four INEDs, namely Dr. Lin Zhijun, Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson, Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen and Mr.
Wong Chun Sek Edmund. The Remuneration Committee is chaired by Dr. Lin Zhijun, an INED. The Remuneration Committee,
as delegated by the Board, is responsible for assisting the Board in overseeing the Group’s human resources and remuneration
policies. The Remuneration Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its supervisory role over the Company in the following
areas, among others:
to make recommendations to the Board on the Company’s policy and structure for all Directors’ and senior managements
remuneration and on the establishment of a formal and transparent procedure for developing remuneration policy;
to review and approve the management’s remuneration proposals with reference to the Board’s corporate goals and
to determine, with delegated responsibility, remuneration packages of individual Executive Directors and senior
management, including benefits in kind, pension rights and compensation payments, including any compensation payable
for loss or termination of their office or appointment;
to assess the performance of Executive Directors and to approve the terms of Executive Directors’ services contracts;
to ensure the fairness and reasonableness of the overall human resources and remuneration policies of the Company;
to make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of Non-executive Directors and INEDs;
to consider salaries paid by comparable companies, time commitment and responsibilities and employment conditions
elsewhere in the Company;
to review and approve compensation payable to Executive Directors and senior management for any loss or termination
of office or appointment to ensure that it is consistent with contractual terms and is otherwise fair and not excessive;
to review and approve compensation arrangements relating to dismissal or removal of Directors for misconduct to ensure
that they are consistent with contractual terms and are otherwise reasonable and appropriate;
to ensure that no Director or any of his associates is involved in deciding his own remuneration; and
if the Shareholders approve and adopt the share schemes in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules, the
Remuneration Committee, in accordance with the requirement of the Listing Rules, will be authorized to review and/or
approve matters relating to the share schemes (if applicable).
A total of two meetings were held by the Remuneration Committee during the year with an attendance rate of 100%. The work
performed by the Remuneration Committee in 2023 included the review and, where applicable, approval of:
the performance appraisal of the Executive Directors and senior management for the year 2022;
the proposal on staff bonus (including the senior management) for the year 2022 and salary adjustments for the year
2023 for the Company; and
the remuneration package of newly appointed Executive Director.
Directors’ Remuneration Policy
To ensure that the Directors receive remuneration commensurate with the time and effort they dedicate to the Company,
Directors and senior management’s remuneration should be appropriate and reflect their duty and responsibility to fulfill the
expectations of the Shareholders and meet regulatory requirements. The Board is authorised by a resolution passed at the
annual general meeting each year to fix the remuneration of Directors. The Remuneration Committee, as delegated by the
Board, in proposing the remuneration of Directors, makes reference to companies of comparable business type or scale, and
the nature and quantity of work at both Board and Board committees (including frequency of meetings and nature of agenda
items). The Remuneration Committee also determines the specific remuneration package of Executive Directors and senior
management, including share options and benefits in kind. The Board, based on the recommendations of the Remuneration
Committee, approves the remuneration policy of the Company. Currently the principal components of the Company’s
remuneration package for Executive Directors and senior management include the basic salary, a discretionary bonus and other
benefits in kind. According to the directors’ remuneration policy of the Company, Executive Directors and Non-executive
Directors shall not receive any directors’ emolument and salary for their office of Directors. For the employment of an Executive
Director in any executive position of the Group, such Executive Director is entitled to a basic salary and allowance and a
discretionary bonus, which are determined by the Remuneration Committee with reference to his/her duties and
responsibilities, his/her performance, the performance of the Group and the market conditions. A significant portion of the
Executive Directors’ or senior management’s discretionary bonus is based on the Company’s and the individual’s performance
during the year in order to achieve an appropriate compensation level. INEDs are entitled to a Director’s fee and basic allowance
as well as an allowance for attending each meeting of Board and Board committees, which are determined by the Board with
reference to the market conditions. None of the Directors is entitled to determine his/her own remuneration package. The
Remuneration Committee reviews and approves the annual and long term performance targets for senior management with
reference to corporate goals and objectives approved by the Board from time to time. The Remuneration Committee also
reviews the performance of the senior management against the targets set on an ongoing basis, and reviews and approves the
specific performance- based remuneration of the senior management. The Remuneration Committee seeks professional advice
in appropriate circumstance at the cost of the Company.
The remuneration received by each of the Directors in 2023 is listed in note 8(a) to the financial statements in this Annual
Report. The current Directors’ remuneration approved by the Board as authorised by Shareholders at the general meeting is as
There is no Director’s fee for Executive Directors and Non-executive Directors. The Director’s fee is HK$200,000 per annum for
each INED who has served for one full year and pro-rated for INED who did not serve for one full year. There is no standard fee
for INEDs for acting as member(s) of the Remuneration Committee, Audit and Risk Management Committee, Nomination
Committee, ESG Committee and Strategy Committee. However, an allowance is to be paid to INEDs for attending the following
(a) HK$12,000 for attending a Board meeting;
(b) HK$7,000 for attending a meeting of the Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee, ESG Committee and
Strategy Committee; and
(c) HK$20,000 for the chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee attending its meeting and HK$16,000 for
other members.
A basic allowance in a total amount of HK$100,000 is to be paid to each INED every year, which will be distributed in two equal
installments by 30 June and 31 December of each year.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
Remuneration of Directors and Senior Management
The remuneration of the members of the senior management (including Executive Director) by band for the year ended 31
December 2023 is set out below:
Less than HK$500,000 1
HK$1,000,001 to HK$1,500,000 1
HK$1,500,001 to HK$2,000,000 4
Further particulars regarding Directors’ remuneration and the five highest paid employees as required to be disclosed pursuant
to Appendix D2 to the Listing Rules are set out in note 8 to the financial statements.
Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
In 2021, the ESG Committee was established by the Board and aims to integrate ESG principles into business decision- making
and keep pace with other international enterprises on ESG. The ESG Committee currently has five members comprising three
Executive Directors, namely Mr. Lin Chun, Mr. An Xuesong and Ms. Wang Yun, a non-executive Director, Dr. Qin Hongyuan,
and an INED, Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen. Mr. Lin Chun is the chairman of the ESG Committee. The ESG Committee is
responsible for assisting the Board in and reporting to the Board on the following areas, among others:
to formulate and review the Group’s ESG vision, strategies, targets, governance structure and policies, and to monitor
the incorporation of ESG principles into the business decision-making procedures;
to identify and assess material ESG issues involving the business of the Group and/or other significant stakeholders and
their priority, and to formulate the policy for communication with stakeholders;
to review and monitor the implementation of the Group’s ESG policies and measures and the ESG-related risk
management and internal control system;
to monitor the Group’s ESG performance and effectiveness; and
to review the ESG reports prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules or other applicable laws and
regulations, and to make recommendations to the Board for approval and confirming the issuance of ESG statements of
the Board.
The ESG Committee held two meetings during the year to review the work plan of the ESG working group and adopt the ESG
policies, including the Climate Change Policy, of the Group, etc. The attendance rate of the ESG Committee meeting was
Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee is responsible for studying the long term strategy and planning of the Group and making
recommendations to the Board for the middle and long term development strategies of the Group. The Strategy Committee
currently has seven members comprising, the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director, Mr. Yu Fachang, two
Executive Directors, Mr. Lin Chun and Mr. An Xuesong, and four INEDs Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen, Dr. Lin Zhijun, Dr. Chung
Shui Ming Timpson and Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund. Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen, an INED, is the chairman of the Strategy
Independent Board Committee
An Independent Board Committee will be formed from time to time to make recommendation and give advice to the
independent Shareholders on voting on the Company’s connected transactions and continuing connected transactions or other
transactions of the Group that require independent Shareholders’ approval at general meetings.
CEL aims to ensure that the disclosures provide meaningful information and do not give a misleading impression. As part of the
Company’s system of internal control, the Management Decision Committee formed by the Management submits a
“Representation Letter” to the Board, in which they give their confirmation on the competence of the accounting records, the
compliance of financial reporting, the accuracy of the fair value of the investment projects and that the information provided to
the External Auditor and Board members are of full range, complete, correct and without omission, covering financial and
relevant non-financial information. The letter forms the supporting documents for the Board to sign off the Representation
Letter to the External Auditor.
The Board has the responsibility of ensuring that the Company maintains sound and effective internal control to safeguard the
Company’s assets. The internal control system is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material
misstatement or loss; to manage, but not completely eliminate, the risks of system failure; and to assist in achieving the
Company’s objectives. In addition to safeguarding the Company’s assets, it also ensures the maintenance of proper accounting
records and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
The Company’s risk management and internal control systems include several different functions: business units, operations,
risk management, legal and compliance, institutional sales, brand management, company secretarial, finance and accounting,
human resources, information technology, administration, internal audit, etc., which constitute a comprehensive operating
system for the Company. Riding on the concept of comprehensive risk management and internal control systems, the
Management establishes detailed governing procedures in all levels, which are monitored by qualified professionals with
extensive management experience and continuously updated according to the Company’s latest business development.
The Group’s monitoring structure
In order to fully control the level of risk and to monitor the internal management effectively, the Company integrates the
requirements of risk management and internal control into the corporate management and business processes by setting up
“three lines of defense”:
1st. The risk management performed by frontline departments
In response to the business conditions and its development, the business units perform systematic analysis, verification,
management and monitoring on risk factors from different perspectives, such as strategic risk, market risk, financial risk,
operational risk and ESG risk, etc. The Management sets business goals and the overall risk limits at both the business
unit level and the Company level. Based on the nature of the business activities, the Management sets up approval,
verification and monitoring processes to ensure the business development and risk management complement each
other, and to ensure that the business goals can be achieved by managing risk effectively. By adopting a comprehensive,
systematic and proactive framework of risk management and internal control, the Company’s business can be developed
more effectively and efficiently.
2nd. Continuously monitoring by middle and back office
The middle and back offices, including Finance and Accounting, Operations, Risk Management, Legal and Compliance,
Company Secretary, etc., must set up relevant internal control and management systems to monitor the risk exposures,
supplement and update the internal control and management procedures based on the latest business development and
changes of risk. Meanwhile, middle and back offices and business units work independently to perform financial,
operational and compliance monitoring as well as risk management functions within the Company.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
3rd. The independent review of internal audit
Internal audit is an independent department carrying out objective review and providing advisory service. It uses
systematic and standardised approach to evaluate whether the operating activities, risk management and internal control
are appropriate and effective. The Head of Internal Audit Department reports directly to the Audit and Risk Management
Committee on its work while the daily administrative and human resource matters of the department are reported to the
President of the Group.
Based on the risk oriented principle, Internal Audit compiles annual audit plan and rolling audit plan to make sure that its
audit covers all business and operation processes and their related risks. In accordance with the annual audit plan
approved by the Audit and Risk Management Committee, Internal Audit reviews the effectiveness of the Company’s risk
management and internal control systems, and prepares internal audit reports quarterly for the Audit and Risk
Management Committee to review and the relevant management to follow up. Internal Audit also submits the audit
follow-up reports quarterly to ensure that the management and relevant departments have taken appropriate actions
towards the audit suggestion which aims at improving the risk management and internal control procedures.
Based on the results of the relevant internal audit and assessment of internal control, Internal Audit develops,
implements and updates the internal audit strategy so as to improve the quality of audit.
The review of risk management and internal control by the Board
Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department prepares the risk management report on a quarterly basis and submits it
to the Audit and Risk Management Committee for review. The report outlines the risks faced by CEL, changes in business
activities, compliance issues and recommendations. In addition, the Board reviews the effectiveness of CEL’s risk management
and internal control systems with the assistance of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, which covers all material
control including financial, operational and compliance control, and the risk management (included but not limited to the risk in
relation to ESG) system. The results of the annual review of the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management and internal
control systems were reported to the Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Board by the Internal Audit Department.
The Board acknowledged that the risk management and internal control systems of the Company during the review period
were effective and adequate.
The Board acknowledges that it has the ultimate responsibility to ensure that there are sound and effective financial control,
internal audit and accounting functions. The Board delegates the Audit and Risk Management Committee with the responsibility
of reviewing the adequacy of the resources of accounting and financial report, and internal audit functions, as well as those
relating to ESG performance and reporting on an annual basis, with the assistance of the Management and the Internal Audit
Department. The scope of the review covers the staffing and back-up resources, their relevant working experiences and years
served, recognised professional qualifications, the adequacy of budget for training and the corresponding training. The results of
the annual review were reported to the Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Board.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Board consider that the material aspects of the Company’s risk
management and internal control systems are reasonably implemented and are able to prevent significant misstatements or
losses, whilst safeguarding the Group’s assets, maintaining appropriate accounting records and complying with applicable laws
and regulations. Such internal control system has basically fulfilled the requirements of the Code as set out in Appendix C1 of
the Listing Rules regarding risk management and internal control systems in general.
In addition, CEL has established and implemented the following internal control system:
The Management established an organisational structure with different hierarchies of duties, authorities and
responsibilities of personnel; formulated written policies and procedures to provide checks and balances for the
authorities of different departments; reasonably safeguarded the assets and the implementation of the internal control
measures of the Company; and operated in compliance with laws and regulations under effective risk control.
The Management formulated and continually monitored the implementation of the Company’s development strategies,
business plans and financial budgets. The accounting and management systems were also in place to provide the basis
for evaluating the financial and operational performance.
The Company formulated various risk management and human resource management policies. Specific units and
personnel were responsible for identifying, assessing and managing each of the major risks types. These include
reputation, strategic, legal, compliance, credit, market, operation, liquidity and interest rate risk.
The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance is responsible for the routine risk
management work of the Company and for supporting and assisting the Management in defining and evaluating the risk
exposures of the Company’s businesses and conducting the co-ordination thereof. He assesses, identifies and records
the risk structure of the Company and ensures the relevant business units are aware of such issues. He regularly reports
to the Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Management Decision Committee. The Risk Management, Legal
and Compliance Department assists him in carrying out his duties.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee reviews the letter of recommendation submitted by the External Auditor to
the Management in connection with the annual audit. The Internal Audit Department is responsible for ensuring that the
recommendations are promptly followed, and also periodically reports the status of the implementation thereof to the
Audit and Risk Management Committee and keep the Management informed with updated information.
The Group has established policies and systems that promote and support anti-corruption laws and regulations. Please refer to
the paragraphs headed “Anti-Corruption” in the separate ESG Report for 2023. The ESG report is published on the websites of
the Company at (by clicking “Environmental, Social and Governance Report” under “Sustainability”) and
the Stock Exchange at at the same time as the publication of this Annual Report in compliance with the
ESG Reporting Guide as set out in Appendix C2 to the Listing Rules.
With assistance of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, the Board is responsible for evaluating and determining the
nature and extent of the risks that it is willing to take in achieving the Company’s strategic objectives. With assistance of the
Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department and the Management, the Audit and Risk Management Committee is
responsible for ensuring that the Company establishes and maintains appropriate and effective risk management and internal
control systems. The Management’s written confirmation on the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control
system’s structure, their implementation and monitoring to the Board has been set out in the Risk Management Report on
pages 67 to 75 in this Annual Report.
The Company has adopted its own “Code for Securities Transactions by Directors and Relevant Employees” (the “Code”) on
terms no less exacting than the required standard set out in the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed
Issuers (the “Model Code”) contained in Appendix C3 of the Listing Rules to govern the securities transactions of the Directors
and relevant employees of the Company. Following a specific enquiry made by the Company, all Directors confirmed that they
have complied with the required standard set out in both the Code and the Model Code throughout the year ended 31
December 2023.
During the year, there is no change in the Company’s constitutional documents.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
Pursuant to the responsibility delegated by the Board, the Audit and Risk Management Committee had reviewed and monitored
the independence, objectivity and effectiveness of Ernst & Young (“EY”), the Group’s External Auditor, on their audit
procedures, and the results were satisfactory. Upon the recommendation of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, the
Board had proposed that EY be re-appointed as auditor of the Group for the year of 2023. The re-appointment of EY as auditor
of the Group for the year of 2023 and the authorization of the Board to determine the remuneration for EY were approved at the
Company’s annual general meeting held on 15 June 2023.
For 2023, EY charged total fees of HK$16,000,000 for audit services, HK$2,547,000 for non-audit services (including
HK$1,844,000 for the review of the interim financial statements and HK$703,000 for tax and other services). For 2022, EY
charged total fees of HK$16,129,000 for audit services, HK$2,555,000 for non-audit services (including HK$1,844,000 for the
review of interim financial statements and HK$706,000 for tax and other services).
According to the relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and the State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China regarding the audit
work on financial statements of central state-owned enterprises, there are restrictions in respect of the years of audit services
that an accounting firm can continuously provide to a central state-owned enterprise. The Company is a subsidiary of China
Everbright Group Ltd. which is a central state-owned enterprise. Since the number of years that the Company has continuously
engaged its existing independent auditor, EY, is approaching the prescribed time limit and in order to maintain good corporate
governance and enhance the independence of the auditor, EY will retire as the auditor of the Company with effect from the
conclusion of the 2024 annual general meeting, and will not be re-appointed.
The Company has received a written confirmation letter dated 22 March 2024 from EY confirming that there are no
circumstances connected with its retirement that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders. The Board and the
Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Board further confirmed that there are no disagreements or unresolved matters
between the Company and EY and there are no other matters in connection with the retirement of the auditor that need to be
brought to the attention of the Shareholders.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee has considered a number of factors when recommending KPMG as the auditor of
the Company to the Board. The Board, with the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Management Committee, proposed
to appoint KPMG as the auditor of the Company for the year ending 31 December 2024 following the retirement of EY, and to
hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2025, subject to the approval
of the Shareholders at the 2024 annual general meeting.
The following statement should be read in conjunction with the auditor’s statement of its responsibilities as set out in the
Independent Auditor’s Report contained in the 2023 Annual Report of the Company. The statement sets out for the
Shareholders the respective responsibilities of the Directors and the auditors in relation to the financial statements.
The Directors are required by the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Companies Ordinance”)
to prepare financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company. The financial statements
should be prepared on a going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to do so. The Directors have the responsibility of ensuring
that the Company keeps accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial position of the Company and
which enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the requirements of the Companies Ordinance. The
Directors also have general responsibilities for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the
Company and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.
The Directors consider that in preparing the financial statements in the 2023 Annual Report, the Company has adopted
appropriate accounting policies which have been consistently applied with the support of reasonable and prudent judgments
and estimates, and that all accounting standards which they consider to be applicable have been followed. Directors ensure
that the financial statements are prepared so as to give a true and fair view of the financial status, results and cash flow status
of the reporting period.
The Board reviews and monitors from time to time the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure process for reports,
announcements and inside information. It encourages and takes necessary steps to disclose information in a timely manner and
to ensure the information concerning the Company is expressed and communicated in a clear and objective manner that
enables the Shareholders and the public to appraise the position of the Company to make informed investment decisions.
The Company’s “Inside Information Policy” maintains procedures and internal control for the handling and dissemination of its
inside information. The Board is aware of its obligations under the Listing Rules. The overriding principle is that information
which is expected to be inside information should be announced immediately when it is the subject of a decision. The Company
has stated in its “Inside Information Policy” that it has a strict prohibition on the unauthorised use of confidential or inside
information and has established and implemented procedures for responding to external enquiries about the Company’s affairs.
Annual General Meeting
The Board attaches a high degree of importance to non-interrupted communications with Shareholders, especially direct
dialogue with them at the Company’s annual general meetings. Shareholders are encouraged to actively participate in such
meetings. Directors, including the Chairman and INEDs, and representatives of EY were present at the Company’s 2023 annual
general meeting held on 15 June 2023 to address to questions and comments raised by Shareholders.
In addition, the Company also provided further information on the 2023 annual general meeting in a circular to Shareholders.
This includes background information to the proposed resolutions and information on the retirement and re-election of Directors
in order to enable all Shareholders to understand their rights at the annual general meeting and to make decisions with
sufficient information.
Through the Company Secretary, the Chairman ensures that appropriate steps are taken to provide effective communication
with Shareholders and that their views are communicated to the Board as a whole. All INEDs attended the annual general
meeting. Shareholders could express their concerns to the INEDs. The opinions of INEDs have significant influence on the
Board in the process of making decisions.
Shareholders’ Communication Policy
The Company always advocates that all Shareholders shall be provided with ready, equal and timely access to balanced and
easy-to-understand information about the Company (including its financial summary, business introduction, corporate profile,
introduction of corporate governance, business and contact information of investor relations), which allow the Shareholders to
exercise their rights in an informed manner, and also improve communications between the Shareholders, potential investors
and other stakeholders with the Company.
The Company has adopted a formal Shareholders’ communication policy. The Company believes that communicating with the
Shareholders and investors by electronic means (in particular through the Company’s website ( )) is an
efficient way of delivering information in a timely and convenient manner. The “Investor Relations” section is available on the
Company’s website. Information published on the Company’s website is updated from time to time. Information released by
the Company on the Stock Exchange is also posted on the Company’s website immediately thereafter. Such information
includes financial statements (annual report and interim report), result announcements, circulars, notices of general meetings,
announcements and monthly returns on movements in securities, etc. The briefing materials provided in the annual general
meeting and the result announcement of the Company are posted on the website of the Company as soon as possible once
the materials are published. The contents published by the Company regarding all press releases, corporate profiles, corporate
structure, biographical information of the Directors and the Management, service philosophy and corporate social responsibility
are posted on the website of the Company. Corporate communications are provided to the Shareholders and the public in plain
language and in both English and Chinese versions to facilitate understanding of the Shareholders and other stakeholders of the
Group. Web-casting services are provided on the meetings announcing the interim and final results of the Company.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
Physical or online investor briefings and one-on-one meetings, roadshows (both domestic and international), media interviews,
marketing activities for investors and specialist industry forums are available on a regular basis in order to facilitate
communications between the Company and the Shareholders and other stakeholders.
The general meeting is the principal opportunity and ideal venue for Shareholders to exchange views on the Company’s
business with the Directors and the Management. The Board therefore encourages Shareholders to attend the annual general
meeting, exercise their right to speak and vote, and give valuable advice on the Company’s operational and governance matters.
A Q&A session is held at each general meeting to give opportunities to Shareholders to raise questions and share their views in
relation to the Group’s affairs. Directors (including the Chairman of the Board, the INEDs and the chairman of the Board
committees, or their duly appointed delegates) and the Management should be available at general meetings to respond to the
Shareholders’ questions and comments. The Company also ensures that the representative of the External Auditor attend the
Company’s annual general meetings to answer questions about the conduct of the audit, the preparation and content of the
auditors’ report, the accounting policies and auditor independence, etc.
The Shareholders should direct their questions about their shareholdings to the Company’s Share Registrar, Tricor Secretaries
Limited at 17/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong with contact number of (+852) 2980 1333. The
Company shall ensure effective and timely dissemination of information to the Shareholders and the public at all times. The
Shareholders, potential investors and other stakeholders of the Group may direct their questions to the Corporate
Communications Team by email to [email protected] or by phone at (+852) 2528 9882.
Upon reviewing the implementation and effectiveness of the Shareholders’ communication policy of the Company, the Board
considers the policy and its implementation are effective as the policy has provided effective channels for Shareholders,
potential investors and other stakeholders of the Group to communicate their views with the Company and the Company has
complied with the principles and required practices as set out in the policy as described above during the year.
Dividend Policy
The Board has adopted a dividend policy for the Company. In principle, the policy allows the Shareholders to share the profits of
the Company to obtain reasonable, stable and sustainable dividend returns whilst retaining an adequate cash level to meet
general working capital and future development requirements. Based on the above principle, the Company intends to distribute
an appropriate amount of annual dividends, part of which may be declared in the form of an interim dividend, subject to the
Articles, the Companies Ordinance and other applicable laws and regulations and taking into account any factor that the Board
considers relevant. The dividend policy of the Company is subject to periodic review by the Board. The dividend policy does not
form any commitment on distribution of dividends to the Shareholders and there is no assurance that dividends will be paid in
any particular amount for any given period.
Shareholders’ Rights
Shareholders are entitled to convene an extraordinary general meeting, make any proposals at Shareholders’ meetings and
propose a person for election as a Director. Please see the detailed procedure as follows:
the way in which Shareholders can convene a general meeting:
Shareholder(s) representing at least 5 per cent of the total voting rights of all Shareholders having a right to vote at
general meetings can make a request to call a general meeting pursuant to Section 566 of the Companies Ordinance.
The request –
(a) must state the general nature of the business to be dealt with at the meeting;
(b) may include the text of a resolution that may properly be moved and is intended to be moved at the meeting;
(c) may consist of several documents in like form;
(d) may be sent in hard copy form or in electronic form to the Company Secretary at the Company’s registered office
(46th Floor, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong) or by way of email to [email protected] ; and
(e) must be authenticated by the person or persons making it.
Pursuant to Section 567 of the Companies Ordinance, Directors must call a general meeting within 21 days after the date
on which they become subject to the requirement and the meeting so called must be held on a date not more than 28
days after the date of the notice convening the meeting. If the Directors do not do so, the Shareholders who requested
the meeting, or any of them representing more than one half of the total voting rights of all of them, may themselves
convene a general meeting pursuant to Section 568 of the Companies Ordinance, but the meeting must be called for a
date not more than 3 months after the date on which the Directors become subject to the requirement to call a general
meeting. The Company will reimburse any reasonable expenses incurred by the Shareholders requesting the meeting by
reason of the failure of the Directors duly to call a general meeting.
the procedures for making proposals at Shareholders’ meetings:
The following Shareholders are entitled to put forward a proposal (which may properly be put to the meeting) for
consideration at a general meeting of the Company:
(a) Shareholders representing not less than 2.5% of the total voting rights of all Shareholders who have a right to vote
on the resolution at the general meeting to which the requests relate; or
(b) not fewer than 50 Shareholders who have a right to vote on the resolution at the general meeting to which the
requests relate.
The requisition specifying the proposal, duly signed by the Shareholders concerned, together with a statement of not
more than 1,000 words with respect to the matter referred to in the proposal, must be deposited at the registered office
of the Company (46th Floor, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong) not less than six weeks before the
general meeting. The Company will take appropriate actions and make necessary arrangements, and the Shareholders
concerned will be responsible for the expenses incurred in giving effect thereto in accordance with the requirements
under Sections 615 and 616 of the Companies Ordinance once valid documents are received.
the procedure for Director’s nomination and election by Shareholders:
If a Shareholder wishes to propose a person other than a retiring Director for election as a Director at a general meeting,
the Shareholder should lodge at the registered office of the Company (46th Floor, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt
Road, Hong Kong) by reference to the “Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director”
posted on the website of the Company, (a) a notice signed by such Shareholder (other than the proposed person) duly
qualified to attend and vote at the meeting of his/her intention to propose such person for election; and (b) a notice
signed by the proposed person indicating his/her willingness to be elected. The period during which the aforesaid notices
may be given will be at least seven days. Such period will commence on the day after the despatch of the notice of the
general meeting for which such notices are given and end no later than seven days prior to the date of such general
meeting. The Company will take appropriate actions and make necessary arrangements in accordance with the
requirements under Article 122 of the Articles once valid notices are received, and the Shareholder concerned will be
responsible for the expenses incurred in giving effect thereto. Shareholders are welcome to send any written enquiries
to the Board for the attention of the Company Secretary either by post to the registered office of the Company at 46th
Floor, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong or by way of email to [email protected] . The Company
Secretary will direct enquiries received to appropriate Board member(s) or the chairman of the Board Committee(s) who
is in charge of the areas of concern referred therein for further handling. The Board, assisted by the Company Secretary,
would make its best efforts to ensure that all such enquiries are addressed in a timely manner.
Corporate Governance Report | Continued
The Company attaches great importance to corporate social responsibility. The Board is committed to undertaking corporate
social responsibility by strengthening relationship with its stakeholders with a view to contributing to the sustainable
development of the economy, society and environment. The Company consistently supports and participates in activities that
are beneficial to the community. A separate ESG report for 2023 is published on the websites of the Company at (by clicking “Environmental, Social and Governance Report” under “Sustainability”) and the Stock
Exchange at at the same time as the publication of this Annual Report in compliance with the
Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide as set out in Appendix C2 to the Listing Rules.
Ms. Wan Kim Ying Kasina, the Company Secretary of the Company, is a full time employee of the Company who is familiar with
the daily operation of the Company. She is a Fellow of The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute and The Chartered
Governance Institute of the United Kingdom, thereby possessing the relevant professional qualifications as stipulated by the
Listing Rules. In addition, she holds a Master of Business Administration degree of Murdoch University, Western Australia and
a Master of Corporate Governance degree of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and also has more than 15 years of
practical experience in corporate governance and company secretarial practices in listed companies. The Company Secretary is
responsible for advising the Board on all corporate governance matters. The Directors have access to the services provided by
the Company Secretary. The Company Secretary confirmed that during the year, she has taken no less than 15 hours of
relevant professional training.
The Articles states that the appointment and removal of the Company Secretary is a matter for the Board. Changes and
appointment of Company Secretary are dealt with by a physical Board meeting rather than a written resolution.
The Company Secretary plays an important role in supporting the Board and Board Committees by ensuring good information
flow within the Board and that Board policy and procedures are followed. All Directors have access to the advice and services
of the Company Secretary to ensure that Board procedures, and all applicable laws, rules and regulations, are followed. The
Company Secretary also plays an essential role in the relationship between the Company and Shareholders, including by
assisting the Board in the discharge of its obligations to Shareholders pursuant to the Listing Rules. The Company Secretary
also ensures that the Board and Board committee members are provided with sufficient resources and have access to all
employees, Directors, agents or consultants for information, and are able to obtain independent professional opinions at the
cost of the Company to discharge their duties properly.
The Board seeks to achieve an appropriate balance between taking risk and generating returns for shareholders and is
accountable for the Group’s ongoing monitoring of risk and of the internal controls. It considers the most significant risks facing
the Group and the relevant risk management.
INEDs’ overseeing of the risk management process is exercised through the Audit and Risk Management Committee with
respect to standards of integrity, financial reporting, risk management and internal controls.
The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance, who reports directly to the Audit and
Risk Management Committee, has responsibility for the risk and control framework of the Group and the independent
monitoring and reporting of risk reporting and controls.
Risk Management Framework:
The Group’s risk management framework is designed to support the delivery of the Group’s strategic objectives. The key
principles that underpin risk management in the Company are:
the Board and the Management Decision Committee promote a culture in which risks are identified, assessed and
reported in an open, transparent and objective manner; and
the over-riding priority is to protect the Group’s long-term viability and reputation and produce sustainable, medium to
long-term returns.
Risk management is embedded within all areas of the business. The Group expects individual behaviours to mirror the culture
and core values of the Company. All employees undertake the responsibility of upholding the Company’s risk and control
culture and supporting effective risk management to enable the Company to deliver its strategy.
Internal Control Framework:
The Group operates a “three lines of defence” framework for identifying, preventing and controlling risks.
The first line of defence against undesirable outcomes is the business unit and the respective line managers. Department
heads of their own business areas take the lead role with respect to implementing and maintaining appropriate controls.
Line management is supplemented by overseeing unit, such as Risk Management, Legal and Compliance, Operations, Finance
and Accounting, Company Secretarial, which constitute the second line of defence.
Internal Audit can provide retrospective, independent auditing over the operation of controls and is the third line of defence. The
internal audit duty includes reviews of risk management and internal control processes and provides recommendations to
improve the control environment.
Risk events are captured by the business will assess and report through a workflow by the second and third lines of defence,
with continuous follow-up on subsequent improvements. When control failings and inefficient processes are identified, the
second and third line of defence teams also conduct deep dive analyses and reviews to identify potential risks and make or
supervise remediations.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee holds a regular meeting quarterly for assessing internal control of the Group and
the effectiveness of risk management.
Risk Management Report | Continued
The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance, supported by Risk Management, Legal
and Compliance Department and other internal control relevant departments mentioned above, identifies Company’s risk and
internal control profile, continuously supervises and promotes enhancements and improvements to the mechanisms of the risk
control system, and reports to the Audit and Risk Management Committee on the major risks and internal control profile of the
Company on a quarterly basis. Committee members contribute views and raise questions at its meeting to ensure risk
management and internal controls are effective and in place. For further details, please refer to the relevant contents of the
Corporate Governance Report.
With support and input from the External Auditor, the Audit and Risk Management Committee has considered, challenged and
reviewed financial reporting of the Group, assessed whether suitable accounting policies have been adopted, whether
management have been made appropriate estimates and judgments and whether disclosures in published financial statements
are fair, balanced and understandable.
The compliance of regulatory requirements (including Listing Rules) is supported by Company Secretarial Department/Board
Office. The Audit and Risk Management Committee has considered and assessed the relevant regulatory compliance through
the compliance review section in the quarterly risk and internal control review report. The compliance review has summarised
the status of regulatory and compliance matters, corrective actions and the recommendation to the Committee for the
enhancements of the relevant compliance matters.
In regard to the above, the Audit and Risk Management Committee considers the Group’s processes for financial reporting and
Listing Rules’ compliance are effective.
The Group re-examines its risk appetite annually taking into consideration factors such as strategy and financial goals, and
adjusts and revises the nature and degree of various risks willing to assume in order to achieve business development
strategies and goals, and implements them after evaluation and approval by the Board. The Risk Management, Legal and
Compliance Department implements relevant risk monitoring mechanisms to monitor market, operational, legal and compliance
risks on a daily basis, and uses scientific and professional skills to examine whether the overall operation of the Company
meets the standards set by its risk appetite.
Specifically, risk identification and assessment are conducted using both a top down approach and a bottom up approach to
ensure a thorough risk assessment at the macro and micro levels. The top down approach mainly considers the objective
external factors and the strategic planning of the Company to identify and assess the risks having the most significant impact to
the Group resulting from the relevant factors. The bottom up approach ensures that the Company can carry out a
comprehensive examination of internal risks, conduct data analysis to verify key trends, identify and set priorities for key risks,
and provide management with opinions and recommendations on matters that could impact operational development and
business results.
The Group uses the above methods to identify significant risks, evaluates the likelihood and impact of each significant risk, with
reference to associated measures and performance of key indicators, and uses qualitative and quantitative approaches to
describe and report on such risks. Meanwhile, the Group will assess the adequacy of its risk mitigation measures, and review
and formulate additional measures if necessary. The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and
Compliance oversees the overall risk management and reports to the Audit and Risk Management Committee on a quarterly
Terms of Reference
The Board operates within clearly defined terms of reference, and it reserves certain matters for its own consideration and
decision. It has established appropriate committees, such as the Executive Board Committee, the Audit and Risk Management
Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
and the Strategy Committee, to oversee risk and control activities.
These committees also have clearly defined terms of reference. The Board and committee processes are fundamental to the
effectiveness of the Group’s risk management and internal control.
Risk Management & Internal Control
The Group maintains a comprehensive risk management and internal control framework and has clearly defined procedures for
identifying and handling risks and internal control concerns throughout the organisation. This framework helps the Group to
safeguard client assets, protect the interests of all stakeholders and meet the Group’s responsibilities as a Hong Kong listed
company and parent of a number of regulated entities.
The risk management and internal control framework also forms the basis upon which the Board reaches its conclusions on the
effectiveness of the Group’s risk management and internal control.
The Board has overall responsibility for the Group’s system of internal control framework, the ongoing monitoring of risk
management and internal control and reviewing their effectiveness periodically.
The system of control is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve the Group’s business objectives
and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss.
On behalf of the Board, the Audit and Risk Management Committee (“the Committee”) carried out the annual assessment of
the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control during 2023, including those related to the financial reporting
process. In addition, the Committee considered the adequacy of the Group’s risk management arrangements in the context of
the Group’s business and strategy.
In carrying out its assessment, the Committee considered reports from the Vice President in charge of Finance, the Internal
Audit Department and also from the External Auditor which enabled an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Group’s risk
management and internal control, and no significant failings or weaknesses were identified.
The Committee keeps reviewing the Group’s risk management arrangements and internal control through quarterly reports.
The risk and internal control review report sets out changes in the level or nature of the risks faced by the Group, developments
in risk management and operational events, including significant errors and omissions (if any). The report also outlines key
compliance issues and recommendations for the enhancement of regulatory risk mitigation. This independent report allowed
the Committee to consider the key risks and internal control matters faced by the Group and assessments of risk tolerance.
Key topics discussed by the Committee included operational, investment, surveillance & control, legal, counterparty credit,
acquisition integration, technology and financial risks, contingent liabilities and internal control.
Risk Management Report | Continued
Internal Audit Department reviews progress against a rolling plan of internal audits approved by the Committee, and reports
significant findings from audits and their subsequent remediation, and provides recommendations to improve the control
environment to the Committee on a quarterly basis. The Committee has authority to appoint or remove the Department Head
of Internal Audit, who reports directly to the Committee. The Committee is accountable for approving the objectives set by the
Department Head of Internal Audit, appraising his/her performance against those objectives and for recommending his/her
remuneration to the Group. The Committee also has responsibility for approving the Internal Audit budget and being satisfied
that the Internal Audit function has appropriate resources and continues to be effective.
The following table summarises the key risks and uncertainties that are inherent within both the Group’s business model and
the market in which the Group operates along with the sophisticated level of controls and processes through which the Group
aims to mitigate them. The risk factors mentioned below do not purport to be exhaustive as there may be additional risks that
the Group has not yet identified or has deemed to be immaterial and not having a material adverse effect on the business.
Liquidity Risk
Risk of failing to meet the
Group’s contractual or payment
obligations in a timely manner.
Key risk that arises from high
financial leverage occurs when a
company’s return on asset does
not exceed the interest on the
loan, which greatly diminishes a
company’s return on equity and
Additionally, high financial
leverage may raise the risk of
failing to fulfil the relevant
requirements from loan
covenants (if any) and result in
technical default.
The Group has continued
to hold sufficient bank
credit facilities and can use
these facilities appropriately
to maintain liquidity, based
on fund utilisation and cash
inflow conditions.
The Group monitors &
control liquidity risk through
methods such as financial
budgets and stress tests.
Under the objective
circumstances of the
adverse market
environment, the leverage
of the Group has increased,
but liquidity remaining
The Group forecasts the firm-wide cash flows,
return and profitability at least annually. After
consideration from the perspective on financial
control and risk management, the Management
advises the Board regarding the optimised
financial leverage ratio and relevant limits for
The approved financial leverage ratio and
relevant limits are closely monitored by Finance
Department and Risk Management and Legal
Compliance Team regularly.
Finance department closely monitors the
Group’s cash position, available facilities and
performs cash flow forecasting under the
overseeing of Risk Management and Legal
Compliance Team.
The Group regularly performs long term
forecasts and uses stress tests to assess future
liquidity and short term forecasts to closely
monitor any change of liquidity need, and
formulates corresponding plans to ensure the
capability of the Group regarding long and short
term liquidity.
The Group has further enhanced its cash
reserves by stepping up efforts to exit existing
projects and conducting prudent evaluation on
new investment projects.
Key: Risk level increased Risk level decreased No significant change in risk level
Exchange Rate Risk
Risk that the Group’s financial
position is exposed to adverse
movements in exchange rates.
The impact of the
fluctuations in the
exchange rate of RMB
against Hong Kong dollars
on the Group’s financial
position has been reduced.
The Group controls
exchange rate risk through
the counter balancing
method to reduce the
impact of exchange rate
fluctuations on the
Monitor asset exposures by currency and the
foreign currency rate movement regularly.
Improve currency matching between asset and
liability, reducing currency mismatch risk.
Perform stress test and sensitivity analysis on
the effect of change in foreign currency rates.
Interest Rate Risk
Change of the interest rate will
have negative impact on the
Group and its relevant portfolios
if there is an interest rate
mismatch of the assets and
There has been an overall
rise in borrowing costs due
to rising USD/HKD interest
As Panda bonds accounted
for a considerable portion
in the Company’s debt
structure, the impact of
changes in USD/HKD
interest rates on borrowing
costs is under control.
Monitoring on interest rate mismatch and
sensitivity test are performed regularly.
The Group has managed to decrease overall
loan borrowing cost by adjusting the whole loan
structure by monitoring interest rate trends of
The interest rate risk of the Group is expected
to lower gradually as the interest rate cutting
cycle of USD is expected to begin
Market Risk
Risk arises from market
movements, which can cause a
fall in the value of investment
Affected by various factors
such as the
macroeconomic landscape,
geopolitical conflicts and
fluctuations in the capital
market, the value of the
Group’s assets invested is
subject to short-term
volatility. However, the
impact of this volatility is
diminished to a certain
Analysing and estimating market risks on a
forward-looking basis.
Limits on the aggregate amount of seed capital
investment and enhance investment
The Group actively develops fee-based business
so that our return and profitability will be more
stable. The Group continues to strengthen
capital market research and judgement and
tracking of corporate operating conditions, and
strengthens risk control effectively through
various means such as monitoring of market
Key: Risk level increased Risk level decreased No significant change in risk level
Risk Management Report | Continued
Credit Risk
Risk exposed to credit losses if
borrowers are unable to repay
loans and outstanding interest
and fees.
In addition, the Group has
exposure to counterparties with
which it places deposits or
trades, and derivative contracts.
The Group’s provision on
loan in 2023 has increased,
but the overall credit risk is
within controllable level.
The Group’s counterparty
risks are broadly
The Group seeks to minimize our credit risk from
its lending by:
Mainly lending on a secured basis with
significant emphasis placed on quality control of
the underlying security.
Manage to maintain consistent and conservative
loan to value ratios and short-term tenor.
Operating strong control and governance both
within business units and with overseeing by
Risk Management and Legal Compliance Team.
Enhance credit management, expedite the
collection of loan assets, and exercise caution in
extending new loans
The Group’s exposures to counterparties are
mitigated by:
Seek to diversify our exposures across different
Continuous monitoring of credit quality of our
Operational Risk
Risk of losses through
inadequate or failed internal
processes, people or systems or
through external events.
The Group’s Operations
Centre set up in 2015 has
expanded rapidly and the
identification, control and
management on operational
risks enhanced
The Group continuously
boosts employees’
awareness of operational
risk and strengthens
system implementation
through various educational
interactions such as training
on systems and case
The Group’s control systems are designed to
ensure operational risks are mitigated to an
acceptable level.
Three lines of defence model mentioned above
is the key point.
Risk and control assessments are used to
identify and assess key operational risks.
Associated controls are assessed with regard to
their design and performance. Where required,
processes and controls are enhanced/optimized
to improve the supervision and control.
The Group manages risk events through
identification, evaluation, reporting, risk
mitigating resolution and continuous monitoring
with the aim of preventing major operational
Relevant trading/settlement/investment
operation management systems/information
management systems are implemented, and
automation procedures are enhanced and
strengthened continuously to mitigate relevant
operational risks.
Key: Risk level increased Risk level decreased No significant change in risk level
Legal and Regulatory Risk
Changes to the existing legal,
regulatory and tax environments
and failure to comply with
existing requirements may
materially impact the Group.
Failing to treat customers fairly,
safeguard client assets or provide
advice/products that contrary to
clients’ best interest may
damage the Group’s reputation
and may lead to legal or
regulatory consequences
including litigation, regulatory
condemnation and customer
redress. This applies to current,
past and future business.
The changes in legal and
regaulatory requirements in
recent years have led
to additional reporting
requirements, operational
complexity and cost to the
The Group has continued
to improve its legal risk
prevention and control
system, continuously
enhanced the compliance
review process, and
comprehensively prevented
and controlled legal
compliance risk.
Risk Management and Legal Compliance
Department tracks developments of regulatory
matters to offer professional advice to the Group
on the related changes in relevant laws and
regulations, and to advise on developing
policies, delivering training and performing
monitoring checks and to provide advice to
other departments to ensure compliance with
regulatory compliance requirements.
To advise on the approval, monitoring and
review of existing and new funds/products/
Training for relevant staff regarding the
regulatory compliance requirements.
Continuous monitoring of key regulatory
compliance requirements.
Information Technology Risk
Risk of failure to keep up with
changing client expectations or
manage upgrades to existing
technology may impact the
Group’s performance.
The Company continued to
invest and upgrade its IT
infrastructure and systems,
including corporate data
warehouse, investment
management system and
order management system.
The Group continues to invest in its IT
infrastructure, data management system,
reporting system and other software/systems.
The Group has sound governance in place to
oversee our major IT projects.
The Group has in place business continuity and
disaster recovery plans.
Key: Risk level increased Risk level decreased No significant change in risk level
Risk Management Report | Continued
Loss of Key Personnel Risk
Risk of failure to recruit or retain
appropriately skilled and
experienced staff may have a
material adverse effect on the
Group’s operations and
implementation of its strategy.
The Group has continued
to employ professionals in
the field of asset
management to carry out
investment and risk
The Group seeks to develop, attract, motivate
and retain staff through comprehensive human
resource policies.
Comprehensive, systematic and highly
transparent evaluation policies are used to
evaluate staff performance.
Maintains loyalty through appropriate
remuneration and benefit packages.
Contracts for relevant roles have restrictive
covenants and enhanced notice periods are in
place for key staff.
Comprehensive training is offered to all staff to
promote individual and team development.
In order to avoid reliance on any one individual
staff, teams are required to ensure each
individual has another staff as alternative
We have set up promotion policy so that
employees have clear career path to pursue and
are motivated to stay for long term
Reputational Risk
Risk that negative publicity
regarding the Group will lead to
client redemptions and a decline
in AUM and revenue.
The risk of damage to the
Group’s reputation is more likely
as a result from one of the other
key risks but a standalone risk.
Adhering to the principle of
active prudence, the Group
has strengthened
monitoring of public
opinions and maintained a
stable environment in
terms of public opinions.
High standards of conduct and a principled
approach to regulatory compliance are integral
to the Group’s corporate culture and values. The
Group considers reputational risks as a key
factor when initiating changes in strategy or
operating model.
Maintain effective monitoring and guidance of
public opinion, while enhancing the
management and oversight of the Company’s
brand usage.
Reputational risk is primarily mitigated through
the effective mitigation of the other key risks.
The Group’s risk appetite, risk and compliance
policies, governance structures and reward
mechanism include significant focus on issues
and behaviours that could positively affect the
Group’s reputation.
Key: Risk level increased Risk level decreased No significant change in risk level
ESG risks refer to the risks to which an enterprise is exposed in environmental, social and governance terms, which may have
an adverse impact on the Group’s mid- and long-term financial position and enterprise value. The ESG risk control structure
adopted by the Group is as follows:
The Group’s risk management work is mainly led by the Vice President in charge of Risk Management, Legal and
Compliance, and monitored by the Audit and Risk Management Committee. ESG risks are managed by the ESG
Committee under, and overseen by, the Board.
The ESG Committee, under the authorization of the Board, is responsible for formulating the Group’s ESG responsibilities,
policies, strategies and objectives, supervising the performance and effectiveness of the implementation of ESG-related
responsibilities, and regularly reporting to the Board on relevant matters.
The ESG Task Force under the ESG Committee is responsible for the implementation of the responsibilities, policies and
resolutions formulated by the ESG Committee, reporting the work results to the ESG Committee, and proposing work
adjustments and improvements.
Investment teams implement the Group’s ESG policies in daily activities of investment and management.
During the reporting period, the Group effectively managed ESG risks through continuous implementation of policies and
measures related to ESG risk management. In 2023, there were no significant ESG risk events impacting the Group.
The board of directors (the “Director(s)”) (the “Board”) of China Everbright Limited (the “Company”) hereby presents to
shareholders the Annual Report together with the audited financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively
the “Group”) for the year ended 31 December 2023.
The Group is principally engaged in investment holdings and the provision of financial services. The principal activities of the
subsidiaries are set out in note 15 to the financial statements. Further discussion and analysis of these activities and business
review as required by Schedule 5 to the Companies Ordinance, including a discussion of the principal risks and uncertainties
facing the Group and an indication of likely future developments in the Group’s business, can be found in the Management
Discussion and Analysis set out on pages 24 to 40 and the Risk Management Report set out on pages 67 to 75 respectively of
this Annual Report. The discussion on the Group’s environmental policies and performance, the Group’s key relationships with
employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, and the Group’s compliance with the relevant laws and regulations
that have a significant impact on the Group, can be found in the separate Environmental, Social and Governance Report for
2023 which is published on the websites of the Company at (by clicking “Environmental, Social and
Governance Report” under “Sustainability”) and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) at at the same time as the publication of this Annual Report in compliance with the Environmental, Social and
Governance Reporting Guide as set out in Appendix C2 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange
(the “Listing Rules”) . These discussions form part of this Directors’ Report.
The turnover and contribution to operating results of the Group by principal activity and geographical location are set out in
notes 4 and 42 to the financial statements.
The results of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2023 are set out on page 99 of this Annual Report.
The Board has recommended the payment of a final dividend of HK$0.10 per share for the year ended 31 December 2023
(2022: HK$0.15 per share).
Turnover from operations represents the aggregate of service fee income, sales of inventories, interest income, dividend
income, rental income from investment properties, rental income from finance lease and gross sale proceeds from disposal of
trading securities of secondary market investments. Accordingly, it is not practicable to state the percentage of the sales
attributable to the Group’s largest customers and percentage of the purchases attributable to the Group’s largest suppliers.
A summary of the results and assets and liabilities of the Group for the past five financial years is set out on page 190 of this
Annual Report.
Movements in property, plant and equipment and investment properties during the year are set out in note 14 to the financial
Particulars of major properties held by the Group as at 31 December 2023 are set out on page 191 of this Annual Report.
Charitable donation made by the Group for the year ended 31 December 2023 amounted to HK$38,200.
Details of the Company’s principal subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures as at 31 December 2023 are set out in notes 15,
16 and 17 to the financial statements respectively.
Particulars of bank loans of the Group as at 31 December 2023 are set out in note 26 to the financial statements.
Particulars of bonds payable of the Group as at 31 December 2023 are set out in note 28 to the financial statements.
Details of the movement in share capital of the Company during the year are set out in note 31 to the financial statements.
Details of the senior perpetual capital securities issued by the Company are set out in note 32 to the financial statements.
On 27 October 2023, the Company completed the redemption of all of the senior perpetual capital securities in the aggregate
principal amount of US$300,000,000 (the “Securities”). The Securities were issued in October 2020 and listed on the Stock
Exchange and Chongwa (Macao) Financial Asset Exchange Co., Limited.
Save for the redemption of the Securities as disclosed herein, there was no purchase, sale or redemption of the Company’s
listed securities by the Company or any of its subsidiaries during the year ended 31 December 2023.
Distributable reserves of the Company as at 31 December 2023 as calculated under the Companies Ordinance amounted to
HK$2,198,856,000 (2022: HK$1,373,693,000). The movement in the Company’s reserves are set out in note 34 to the financial
Bonds payable and bank loans repayable within one year or on demand are classified as current liabilities in the financial
statements. Bonds payable and bank loans repayable over one year are classified as non-current liabilities. No interest was
capitalised by the Group during the year.
Directors’ Report | Continued
Save as disclosed in this Annual Report, no equity-linked agreements were entered into during the year or subsisted at the end
of the year.
The connected transactions disclosed in accordance with Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules during the year are as follows:
On 4 August 2023, the Company as the issuer, and (i) Bank of China Limited (“BOC”), (ii) China Construction Bank
Corporation (“CCB”), (iii) Agricultural Bank of China Limited (“ABOC”), (iv) China Everbright Bank Company Limited
(“Everbright Bank”), (v) Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. (“SPD Bank”), (vi) Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (“Ping
An Bank”), (vii) Everbright Securities Company Limited (“Everbright Securities”) and (viii) China Minsheng Banking Corp.,
Ltd. (“Minsheng Bank”) entered into the underwriting agreement (as amended and supplemented by a supplemental
agreement signed by the Company, Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities on the same date) (the “Underwriting
Agreement”). Pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement, the Company has engaged BOC, CCB, ABOC, Everbright Bank,
SPD Bank, Pingan Bank, Everbright Securities and Minsheng Bank as the lead underwriters in respect of the proposed
issue of the multiple types of debt financing instruments by the Company with the aggregate amount of not more than
RMB20 billion in the PRC to be traded on the China Interbank Bond Market.
China Everbright Group Ltd.* ( ) (“CE Group”), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, was
interested in approximately 49.74% of the total number of issued shares of the Company and was the controlling
shareholder of the Company. Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities were non-wholly owned subsidiaries of CE
Group, therefore each of Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities was an associate of CE Group and a connected
person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Accordingly, the transactions contemplated under the
Underwriting Agreement (including the payment of any underwriting fee(s) to Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities)
constituted a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
On 21 November 2023, CEL Management Services Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) as the tenant,
entered into the tenancy agreement with Newepoch Group Limited (“Newepoch”), as the landlord, for the renewal of
the tenancy of Rooms 4101, 4105 and 4106, 41st Floor of Far East Finance Centre, No. 16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong for
a term of 3 years commencing on 22 November 2023 and expiring on 21 November 2026 (both days inclusive).
China Everbright Holdings Company Limited (“CE Hong Kong”), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, was interested in
approximately 49.74% of the total number of issued shares of the Company and was the controlling shareholder of the
Company. Newepoch was a wholly-owned subsidiary of CE Hong Kong, therefore was an associate of CE Hong Kong
and a connected person of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Accordingly, the entering into of the
tenancy agreement constituted a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
The aforesaid connected transactions of the Company were subject to the reporting and announcement requirements but
exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Details of the
aforesaid connected transactions of the Company were set out in the announcements of the Company dated 4 August 2023
and 21 November 2023, respectively.
Set out below is the information in relation to certain continuing connected transactions involving the Company and/or its
subsidiaries, particulars of which were previously disclosed in the announcements of the Company and are required under the
Listing Rules to be disclosed in the annual report and financial statements of the Company.
CE Group is the holder of 100% of the equity interest in CE Hong Kong. CE Hong Kong is the indirect controlling shareholder of
the Company which indirectly holds approximately 49.74% equity interest in the Company. Accordingly, CE Group is a
controlling shareholder of the Company, and thus CE Group and its associates are connected persons of the Company. The
ongoing arrangements between the Group and CE Group and its associates entered into (including, among other things, deposit
services, asset management services, brokerage services and custodian services) are continuing connected transactions of the
On 28 December 2020, the Company entered into the following framework agreements (collectively the “Framework
Agreements”) with CE Group:
Deposit services framework agreement;
Asset management services framework agreement;
Brokerage services framework agreement, and;
Custodian services framework agreement
The Framework Agreements set out the basis upon which members of the Group to carry out the transactions contemplated
under the Framework Agreements with CE Group and/or its associates for the three financial years ending 31 December 2023.
The duration of the Framework Agreements was commenced on 28 December 2020 and expires on 31 December 2023. CE
Group, being the controlling shareholder of the Company, is a connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules and
therefore entering into the Framework Agreements by the Company and the transactions contemplated under the Framework
Agreements constitute continuing connected transactions of the Company under the Listing Rules.
(1) Deposit Services
CE Group through its associate Everbright Bank, provides deposit services to the Group, including current and fixed-term
deposits. The deposit services are subject to the standard terms and conditions of CE Group and its associates. The
annual cap for the transactions under the Deposit Services Framework Agreement for the years ended 31 December
2021, 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2023 are all set at HK$850,000,000. During the year ended 31 December
2023, none of the daily aggregate bank balances maintained with Everbright Bank exceeded HK$850,000,000.
Directors’ Report | Continued
(2) Asset Management Services
The Group provides asset management services (including investment advisory services) to relevant members of the CE
Material terms:
The Group shall provide asset management services (including investment advisory services) to CE Group in
respect of assets in the asset management services accounts designated by CE Group.
The asset management services (including investment advisory services) provided shall be on normal commercial
terms which are arrived at upon arm’s length negotiation and are no less favourable than those available to similar
or comparable independent third parties offered by the Group.
The asset management services (including investment advisory services) provided under the Asset Management
Services Framework Agreement shall be non-exclusive. CE Group is at liberty to obtain asset management
services (including investment advisory services) from third parties and the Group is at liberty to provide third
parties with asset management services (including investment advisory services).
The annual cap for the transactions under the Asset Management Services Framework Agreement for the years ended
31 December 2021, 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2023 are all set at HK$360,000,000. The transaction amount
under the Asset Management Services Framework Agreement for the year ended 31 December 2023 was approximately
(3) Brokerage Services
The Group places cash, equity and debt securities in brokerage accounts with CE Group and its associates, and CE Group
and its associates provide brokerage and ancillary services to the Group for customers of the Group, funds established
and/or managed by members of the Group as well as proprietary trading of members of the Group (where such
transactions constitute continuing connected transactions of the Company under the Listing Rules) in accordance with
the relevant rules and regulations, as well as custodianship of the cash, equity and debt securities.
Material terms:
CE Group and its associates shall provide to the Group for customers of the Group, funds established and/or
managed by members of the Group as well as proprietary trading of members of the Group (where such
transactions constitute continuing connected transactions of the Company under the Listing Rules) brokerage and
ancillary services in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations, and custodianship of the cash, equity and
debt securities.
The brokerage services provided shall be on normal commercial terms which are arrived at upon arm’s length
negotiations and are no less favourable than those obtained by the Group from independent third parties, and on
terms no less favourable than the most favourable terms offered by CE Group and its associates to similar or
comparable independent third party customers.
The brokerage services provided under the Brokerage Services Framework Agreement shall be non-exclusive and
the Company is at liberty to obtain brokerage services from third parties.
The annual cap for the transactions under the Brokerage Services Framework Agreement for the years ended 31
December 2021, 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2023 are all set at HK$28,000,000. The transaction amount under
the Brokerage Services Framework Agreement for the year ended 31 December 2023 was approximately HK$28,000.
(4) Custodian Services
CE Group and its associates provide custodian services to the Group, including the safekeeping of assets in custodian
accounts, monitoring of investment activities, and reporting. The transactions are conducted through custodian accounts
opened with CE Group and its associates in the relevant Group company’s name.
Material terms:
CE Group and its associates shall provide the Group custodian services including safekeeping of assets in
custodian accounts, monitoring of investment activities, and reporting.
The custodian services provided shall be on normal commercial terms which are arrived at upon arm’s length
negotiations and are no less favourable than those obtained by the Group from independent third parties, and on
terms no less favourable than the most favourable terms offered by CE Group and its associates to similar or
comparable independent third party customers.
The custodian services provided under the Custodian Services Framework Agreement shall be non-exclusive and
the Company is at liberty to obtain custodian services from third parties.
The annual cap for the transactions under the Custodian Services Framework Agreement for the years ended 31
December 2021, 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2023 are all set at HK$28,000,000. The transaction amount under
the Custodian Services Framework Agreement for the year ended 31 December 2023 was approximately HK$910,000.
Review by the Company’s independent non-executive directors (“INED(s)”) and auditor
The INEDs had reviewed the above continuing connected transactions for the year ended 31 December 2023 and
confirmed that the transactions were:
(a) entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group;
(b) conducted on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favorable to the Group than terms available to or from
independent third parties; and
(c) entered into in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and
in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
The Company’s auditor was engaged to report on the Group’s continuing connected transactions in accordance with
Hong Kong Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised) “Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or
Reviews of Historical Financial Information” and with reference to Practice Note 740 (Revised) “Auditor’s Letter on
Continuing Connected Transactions under the Hong Kong Listing Rules” issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified
Public Accountants. The auditor has issued his unqualified letter containing his findings and conclusions in respect of the
continuing connected transactions disclosed by the Group in accordance with Rule 14A.56 of the Listing Rules.
A summary of the material related party transactions entered into by the Group during the year is contained in note 36 to the
financial statements. Save as disclosed above in the paragraphs headed “Connected Transactions” and “Continuing Connected
Transactions”, no other related party transactions constitute any connected transactions or continuing connected transactions
as defined under the Listing Rules during the year. The Company has complied with the applicable requirements in accordance
with Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules with respect to the connected transactions and continuing connected transactions
entered into by the Group during the year.
Directors’ Report | Continued
The Directors during the year and up to the date of this report are as follows:
Executive Directors:
Mr. Lin Chun (appointed on 4 January 2024)
Ms. Wang Yun (appointed on 5 May 2023)
Mr. Yin Yanwu
Mr. Zhang Mingao (resigned on 4 January 2024)
Mr. Wang Hongyang (resigned on 5 May 2023)
Non-executive Directors:
Mr. Yu Fachang
Dr. Qin Hongyuan (appointed on 4 January 2024)
Ms. Pan Wenjie (resigned on 22 March 2024)
Mr. Fang Bin (resigned on 4 January 2024)
Independent Non-executive Directors:
Dr. Lin Zhijun
Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson
Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen
Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund (appointed on 22 March 2024)
Biographical details of the existing Directors and the senior management of the Company are available in the section of
“Directors and Senior Management” on pages 88 to 92 of this Annual Report.
The Company has received an annual confirmation of independence from each of the three INEDs pursuant to Rule 3.13 of the
Listing Rules and the Company considers all the INEDs to be independent.
According to Articles 120 and 121 of the Company’s Articles of Association (the “Articles”), one-third of the Directors (who
have been longest in office) shall retire from office by rotation at every annual general meeting of the Company provided that
every Director shall retire at least once every three years. A retiring Director shall be eligible for re-election.
In accordance with Articles 120 and 121 of the Articles, Ms. Wang Yun, Mr. Yin Yanwu, Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson and Mr.
Law Cheuk Kin Stephen, being the Directors who have been longest in office since their last re-election, will retire by rotation at
the forthcoming annual general meeting. Ms. Wang Yun, Mr. Yin Yanwu and Mr. Law Cheuk Kin Stephen, being eligible, offer
themselves for re-election. Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson has informed the Company that as he has been an INED for more
than 9 years and with an aim to promote good corporate governance of the Company and healthy development of the Board,
he will not seek re-election and will therefore retire from his position as a Director at the conclusion of the Annual General
Meeting. Dr. Chung Shui Ming has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no matters with
respect to his retirement that needs to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders and the Stock Exchange nor any
information that needs to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2) of the Listing Rules.
In addition, according to Article 87 of the Articles, any Director appointed by the Board either to fill a casual vacancy or as an
addition to the Board shall hold office only until the next following general meeting of the Company and shall then be eligible for
re-election at such meeting.
Mr. Lin Chun and Dr. Qin Hongyuan were appointed by the Board as new Directors on 4 January 2024. Mr. Wong Chun Sek
Edmund was appointed by the Board as a new Director on 22 March 2024. In accordance with Article 87 of the Articles, Mr. Lin
Chun, Dr. Qin Hongyuan and Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund, will retire and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the
forthcoming annual general meeting.
Note : Subsequent to the approval of the Directors’ Report, Mr. An Xuesong has been appointed by the Board as a new Director on 5 April 2024
and will, in accordance with Article 87 of the Articles, retire and, being eligible, offer himself for re-election at the forthcoming annual
general meeting.
Other than certain Directors and senior management named in the section headed “Directors and Senior Management” as set
out on pages 88 to 92 of this Annual Report, the names of persons who have served on the board of the subsidiaries of the
Company during the financial year ended 31 December 2023 and up to the date of this Annual Report are available on the
Company’s website under the “Investor Relations” column.
As at 31 December 2023, the interests and short positions of the Directors and chief executives of the Company in the shares,
underlying shares and debentures of the Company or its associated corporations (as defined by Part XV of the Securities and
Futures Ordinance (the “SFO”)) as recorded in the register of directors’ and chief executives’ interests and short positions of
the Company required to be maintained under section 352 of the SFO were as follows:
Long position in shares of the Company:
Zhang Mingao 205,689 205,689 0.01%
Chung Shui Ming Timpson 50,000 50,000 0.00%
Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2023, none of the Directors and chief executives of the Company had interests or
short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (as defined
under Part XV of the SFO) as recorded in the register of directors’ and chief executives’ interests and short positions of the
As disclosed in the Company’s announcement dated 31 October 2019, based on principles of voluntary participation and self-
acceptance of risks, certain senior management members of the Group (including certain Executive Directors) had subscribed
for the non-voting, participating and redeemable shares of an independently managed fund, which invested in shares of the
Company. Voluntary purchase of the Company’s shares by the senior management members of the Group via the fund made
their interest more aligned with the interest of the shareholders of the Company and reflects their confidence in and recognition
of the Group’s development and long-term investment value, as well as the Group’s business position and prospect in the
industry. Due to the expiry of the term of the independently managed fund, the interests in the fund held by the senior
management members of the Group were compulsorily redeemed by the fund and, among others, relevant shares of the
Company were distributed to the respective senior management members of the Group in January 2023.
Save as disclosed in this Annual Report, no transactions, arrangements or contracts of significance to which the Company, its
holding company, subsidiaries or fellow subsidiaries was a party and in which a Director or his/her connected entities had a
material interest, whether directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any time during the year.
Directors’ Report | Continued
No Director being offered for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract with the Company or
any of its subsidiaries which is not terminable by the employing company within one year without payment of compensation
other than the statutory compensation.
Save as disclosed above, at no time during the year was the Company or any of its subsidiaries, holding companies or fellow
subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the Directors to acquire benefits by means of the acquisition of shares in, or
debentures of, the Company or any other body corporate.
As at 31 December 2023, the following persons were recorded in the register kept by the Company under section 336 of the
SFO as having interests in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company
under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO:
Long Position in Shares and Underlying Shares of the Company:
Central Huijin Investment Ltd. (“Huijin”)
838,306,207 838,306,207 49.74%
CE Group
838,306,207 838,306,207 49.74%
CITIC Group Corporation
152,088,000 152,088,000 9.02%
CITIC Limited
152,088,000 152,088,000 9.02%
Prudential plc
152,088,000 152,088,000 9.02%
CITIC-Prudential Life
Insurance Company Limited
152,088,000 152,088,000 9.02%
Huijin was indirectly wholly-owned by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and held 63.16% equity interest in CE Group. It
was deemed to be interested in the 838,306,207 ordinary shares indirectly held by CE Group pursuant to the SFO.
CE Group held 100% of the issued shares of China Everbright Holdings Company Limited (“CE Hong Kong”). CE Hong Kong held (1)
100% of the issued shares of Honorich Holdings Limited (“Honorich”), and (2) 100% of the issued shares of Everbright Investment &
Management Limited (“EIM”), respectively. Out of the 838,306,207 ordinary shares, 832,273,207 ordinary shares were held by Honorich
and the remaining 6,033,000 ordinary shares were held by EIM. Accordingly, CE Group was deemed to be interested in the 832,273,207
ordinary shares held by Honorich and the 6,033,000 ordinary shares held by EIM pursuant to the SFO.
CITIC-Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited was indirectly owned as to 50% by each of CITIC Limited and Prudential plc. CITIC
Limited was in turn indirectly owned as to 58.13% by CITIC Group Corporation. Accordingly, each of CITIC Group Corporation, CITIC
Limited and Prudential plc was deemed to be interested in the 152,088,000 ordinary shares held by CITIC Prudential Life Insurance
Company Limited pursuant to the SFO.
Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2023, the Company had not been notified of any other person (other than the
Directors or chief executives of the Company) having any interest or short position in the shares or underlying shares of the
Company which would fall to be disclosed under Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or which would be required, pursuant
to section 336 of the SFO, to be entered in the register referred to therein.
The Articles provides that subject to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, every Director or other officer of the Company
shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all costs, charges, expenses, losses and liabilities which he or
they may sustain or incur in or about the execution of his or their office or otherwise in relation thereto.
The Company has taken out insurance against the liabilities and costs associated with defending any proceedings which may
be brought against the Directors and other officers of the Company and its subsidiaries.
As at the date of this Annual Report, and as far as the Directors are aware, none of the Directors or their respective associates
had any interest in a business which competes or may compete, either directly or indirectly, with the business of the Group or
any other conflicts of interest with the Group.
The Company believes that upholding good corporate governance measures is important to ensuring effective internal control
and protecting the long term interest of the shareholders, customers, staff and the Company. The Company strictly complies
with the applicable laws and regulations and codes and guidelines of the regulatory authorities, and strives to follow the best
international and local corporate governance practices and to develop and improve the corporate governance practices of the
Further details are set out in the “Corporate Governance Report” in this Annual Report.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee currently comprises Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson, Dr. Lin Zhijun, Mr. Law Cheuk
Kin Stephen and Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund. The committee is chaired by Dr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson. All members of the
committee are INEDs.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Management have reviewed the accounting policies and practices
adopted by the Group and discussed auditing, internal control and financial reporting matters including the review of the audited
financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2023. The terms of reference of the Audit and Risk
Management Committee and a summary of the duties discharged in 2023 have been set out in the “Corporate Governance
Report” in this Annual Report.
The Company provides retirement benefits to all local eligible employees under an approved defined contribution provident fund
(the “ORSO Scheme”). The ORSO Scheme is administered by trustees, the majority of whom are independent, with its assets
held separately from those of the Company. The ORSO Scheme is funded by contributions from employees and employers at
5% each based on the monthly salaries of employees. Forfeited contributions may be used to reduce the existing level of
contribution by the Company.
Since 1 December 2000, the Group has also operated a Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (the “MPF Scheme”) under the
Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance for employees employed under the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong
Employment Ordinance and not previously covered by the ORSO Scheme. The MPF Scheme is a defined contribution
retirement scheme administered by independent trustees. Under the MPF Scheme, the employer and its employees are each
required to make contributions to the scheme at 5% of the employees’ relevant income, subject to a monthly relevant income
cap of HK$30,000.
Directors’ Report | Continued
The employees of the subsidiaries of the Company established in the People’s Republic of China are members of the
retirement schemes operated by the local authorities. The subsidiaries are required to contribute a percentage of their payroll to
these schemes to fund the benefits. The only obligation of the Group with respect to these schemes is the required
contributions under the schemes.
The Group’s total contributions to these schemes charged to the consolidated statement of profit or loss during the year ended
31 December 2023 amounted to approximately HK$2,074,210 (2022: HK$2,408,000).
Based on the information that is publicly available to the Company and within the knowledge of the Directors as at the date of
this Annual Report, the Company has maintained the prescribed public float under the Listing Rules throughout the year.
The Board has resolved to recommend the payment of a final dividend of HK$0.10 per share for the year ended 31 December
2023 (2022: HK$0.15 per share). Together with the interim dividend of HK$0.15 per share already paid, the aggregate amount
of dividends for the year is HK$0.25 per share (2022: HK$0.3 per share).
The final dividend, subject to approval at the forthcoming annual general meeting, is expected to be paid on Friday, 14 June
2024 to those shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company on Friday, 31 May 2024.
The annual general meeting of the Company will be held on Thursday, 23 May 2024.
The register of members of the Company will be closed from Monday, 20 May 2024 to Thursday, 23 May 2024, both days
inclusive, during which no transfer of shares will be registered. Shareholders are reminded that, in order to qualify for
attendance of the annual general meeting, all completed transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be
lodged for registration at the Company’s Share Registrar, Tricor Secretaries Limited, at 17/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16
Harcourt Road, Hong Kong, not later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 17 May 2024.
The register of members of the Company will also be closed from Thursday, 30 May 2024 to Friday, 31 May 2024, both days
inclusive, during which no transfer of shares will be registered. Shareholders are reminded that, in order to qualify for the
proposed final dividend, all completed transfer forms accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged for
registration at the Company’s Share Registrar, Tricor Secretaries Limited, at 17/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road,
Hong Kong, not later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 29 May 2024.
The changes of Directors’ information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51B(1) of the Listing Rules are as follows:
1. Ms. Wang Yun, an Executive Director, resigned as a non-executive director of Everbright Grand China Assets Limited
(stock code: 3699.HK) with effect from 12 December 2023.
2. Dr. Lin Zhijun, an INED, has ceased to be an independent non-executive director of Dali Foods Group Company Limited
(stock code: 3799.HK, delisted on the Stock Exchange by privatization) with effect from 1 September 2023. He also
resigned as an independent non-executive director of Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited (stock code: 3808.HK) with effect
from 12 March 2024.
In respect of the changes in emoluments of Directors, please refer to note 8 to the financial statements.
Ernst & Young (“EY”) will retire as the auditor of the Company upon expiration of its term of office at the conclusion of the
forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company and will not be re-appointed. The Board, with the recommendation from
the Audit and Risk Management Committee, proposed to appoint KPMG as the new auditor of the Company following the
retirement of EY and such proposed appointment is subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company at the
forthcoming annual general meeting.
There has been no change in auditors of the Company in any of the preceding three years.
By order of the Board
China Everbright Limited
Yu Fachang
Hong Kong, 22 March 2024
Mr. Yu Fachang
Chairman and Non-executive Director
Mr. Yu Fachang, aged 58, is the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director. He is also a member of the Nomination
Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Strategy Committee of the Board. Mr. Yu is currently the Deputy General
Manager of China Everbright Group Ltd. and the Chairman and the President of China Everbright Holdings Company Limited,
the controlling shareholders of the Company. He had served as the Secretary of the Communist Youth League and the Director
of the Advertising Administration Division of the Department of Advertising Supervision of the State Administration for Industry
and Commerce, the Deputy Director-general of the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Tibet Autonomous Region,
the Deputy Director-general of the Department of Market Standard Management of the State Administration for Industry and
Commerce, the Secretary General of China Society of Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Director-general of the
Department of International Cooperation (Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs) and the Director-general of the
General Affairs Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Director-general of the General Affairs
Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation. Mr. Yu holds a Bachelor’s degree of Laws in legal studies from Peking
University and a Master’s degree from the Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party. He joined the Board in June
Mr. Lin Chun
Executive Director and President
Mr. Lin Chun, aged 53, is an Executive Director and the President. He is also the Chairman of the Executive Board Committee,
the Chairman of the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee and a member of the Strategy Committee of the Board.
He is also the Chairman of the Management Decision Committee of the Group and responsible for the overall operation of the
Group. Mr. Lin was the chairman of Everbright Financial Holding Asset Management Co., Ltd. from 2021 to 2023. Since 1993,
Mr. Lin had served as a transaction office trader of the international business department, deputy manager of the treasury
division of the international business department, deputy director of the market trading division of the planning and funding
department, director of the transaction office of the international business department, director of the transaction office of the
treasury department, assistant to the general manager of the treasury department, assistant to the general manager of the
investment banking department, deputy general manager of the investment banking department, deputy general manager of
the investment banking department (in charge), general manager of the investment banking department of China Everbright
Bank Company Limited (stock code: 601818.SH, 6818.HK). He had served as the general manager of the investment and
restructuring department of China Everbright Group Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company, from 2015 to 2021. He
has 30 years of experience in the financial industry and management. Mr. Lin holds a Bachelor’s degree in international finance
from the Department of International Finance of China Institute of Finance and Banking (now known as China School of Banking
and Finance University of International Business and Economics). He joined the Board in January 2024.
Mr. An Xuesong
Executive Director and Vice President
Mr. An Xuesong, aged 53, is an Executive Director and the Vice President of the Group in charge of finance, a member of the
Executive Board Committee, Strategy Committee and Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board, and also
a member of the Management Decision Committee of the Group. Mr. An was the executive director, vice president and chief
financial officer of China Everbright Environment Group Limited (stock code: 257.HK) from October 2021 to March 2024. He
was the executive director and chief executive officer of China Everbright Water Limited (stock code: U9E.SG, 1857.HK) from
December 2014 to October 2021. Prior to that, Mr. An worked at the Municipal General Office of Jingzhou, Hubei Province and
Guangdong Technology Venture Capital Group Ltd. Mr. An has comprehensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, project
investment and management, financial management and risk management. Mr. An holds a Master’s degree in Business
Administration from Jinan University. He is a Certified Public Accountant in the People’s Republic of China and a Certified
International Internal Auditor. He joined the Board in April 2024.
Ms. Wang Yun
Executive Director and Vice President
Ms. Wang Yun, aged 55, is an Executive Director and the Vice President of the Group in charge of the businesses such as
proprietary investments management, asset allocation and investment management centre and operations centre. She is also a
member of the Executive Board Committee and the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board and a
member of the Management Decision Committee of the Group. Ms. Wang is a Non-executive Director of China Aircraft Leasing
Group Holdings Limited (stock code: 1848.HK) and a Non-executive and Non-independent Chairman of Ying Li International Real
Estate Limited (stock code: 5DM.SGX). Ms. Wang was a Non-executive Director of Everbright Grand China Assets Limited
(stock code: 3699.HK) from August 2021 to December 2023. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Wang worked at the National
Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China (currently known as the National Development and Reform Commission
of the People’s Republic of China) from September 1991 to July 1992. From July 1992 to March 1993, Ms. Wang worked as
the finance manager at Beijing Fulanka Digital System Co., Ltd. From March 1993 to May 1998, Ms. Wang worked as the
finance supervisor at China Everbright International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corporation. From May 1998 to
November 1999, Ms. Wang worked as the financial manager at China Everbright (South Africa) Company (Proprietary) Limited
(“Everbright South Africa”) and Everbright International Engineering (Proprietary) Company (“Everbright International
Engineering”). From November 1999 to September 2007, Ms. Wang worked as the chief financial officer of Everbright South
Africa and Everbright International Engineering. From September 2007 to October 2012, Ms. Wang worked as the senior
manager of insurance and non-financial audit division of the audit department at China Everbright (Group) Limited (currently
known as China Everbright Group Limited) (“China Everbright Group”). From October 2012 to April 2014, Ms. Wang was
appointed as the division chief of banking division of the audit department at China Everbright Group. From April 2014 to August
2016, Ms. Wang worked as the senior deputy manager of the audit department and the division chief of insurance and non-
financial audit division at China Everbright Group. From August 2016 to November 2017, Ms. Wang worked as the deputy
general manager of the audit department and the senior manager of industrial and other audit offices at China Everbright Group.
Ms. Wang has been the general manager of the financial management department at China Everbright Holdings Company
Limited (“CE Hong Kong”), a controlling shareholder of the Company, from November 2017 to April 2023. Ms. Wang has been
appointed as a director of CE Hong Kong from January 2018 to May 2023. Ms. Wang has been appointed as a chief
representative of China Everbright Group’s representative office in Macau since March 2022. Ms. Wang graduated from the
Central Institute of Finance and Economics (currently known as the Central University of Finance and Economics) specializing in
foreign financial accounting in 1991. Ms. Wang later received a Master of Business Administration from De Montfort University,
De Montfort South Africa, Sandton Campus in March 2006. Ms. Wang is a non-practicing member of the Chinese Institute of
Certified Public Accountants and holds the qualification of Senior Accountant in China. She joined the Board in May 2023.
Mr. Yin Yanwu
Executive Director and Vice President
Mr. Yin Yanwu, aged 50, is an Executive Director and the Vice President of the Group. He is in charge of the Group’s risk
management, legal and compliance matters and deputises for the head of the Asset Management Department. He is also a
member of the Executive Board Committee of the Board, a member of the Management Decision Committee of the Group, as
well as a director of a number of subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Yin is a Non-executive Director of Everbright Securities
Company Limited (stock code: 601788.SH, 6178.HK). He joined the Group in May 2021. Prior to that, Mr. Yin had served as a
member of the Executive Committee and Business Director of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. (stock code: 601881.SH, 6881.
HK) and concurrently served as the Chairman of the Board, Director of the Executive Committee and Director of the Investment
Decision Committee of Galaxy Jinhui Securities Assets Management Co., Ltd. He had also been responsible for job duties such
as investment analysis and risk management in asset management firms, including China Investment Corporation and
EARNEST Partners, LLC, etc., and had worked in the Economic Crime Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of
China. Mr. Yin holds a Master’s degree of Science in quantitative & computational finance from the Georgia Institute of
Technology in the United States, a Master’s degree in Laws from Peking University and a Bachelor’s degree of Engineering
from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was a member of the 2nd session of the Council and the Vice
Chairman of the Financial Inclusion Cooperation Committee of the Asian Financial Cooperation Association, the Deputy
Secretary-General of China Society for Finance and Banking, a standing member of the 2nd session of the Commission of All-
China Financial System Youth Federation, a member of the International Development Committee of the Shanghai Stock
Exchange as well as the Vice Chairman of the OTC Professional Committee and Beijing Asset Management Committee of the
Securities Association of China. Mr. Yin holds the qualification of fund practitioners from the Asset Management Association of
China. He joined the Board in December 2021.
Dr. Qin Hongyuan
Non-executive Director
Dr. Qin Hongyuan, aged 44, is a Non-executive Director. He is also a member of the Environmental, Social and Governance
Committee. Dr. Qin is currently the Head of Fund Utilization Department and the Deputy General Manager of Investment and
Management Department (in charge) of CITIC-Prudential Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (“CITIC-Prudential Life”). Dr. Qin had served
as a Senior Business Deputy Manager of China Everbright Bank Company Limited (stock code: 601818.SH, 6818.HK), the
Market Risk Manager of the Asset Management Center, the Manager of the Risk Control Department and the Manager of the
Credit Review Department of CITIC-Prudential Life, and the General Manager of the Credit Review Department, the General
Manager of the Financial Institutions Department, and the General Manager of the Product and Marketing Department of CITIC-
Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd.. He has over 15 years of experience in the financial industry and management. Dr.
Qin holds a Bachelor’s degree in computational mathematics and software application from Henan Normal University, a
Master’s degree in computational mathematics from Northwestern Polytechnical University, and a Doctorate degree in applied
economics (financial engineering) from Xiamen University. He joined the Board in January 2024.
Dr. Lin Zhijun
Independent Non-executive Director
Dr. Lin Zhijun, aged 69, is an Independent Non-executive Director and the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and
Remuneration Committee of the Board. He is also a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and Strategy
Committee of the Board. Dr. Lin is a Director of Academic Accreditation Office and Professor of Macau University of Science
and Technology. During August 1998 to December 2014, he was a Professor and Head of the Department of Accountancy and
Law in Hong Kong Baptist University. He is also an Independent Non-executive Director of BOCOM International Holdings
Company Limited (stock code: 3329.HK), all of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Previously, Dr.
Lin once served as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited (stock code: 3808.HK), Dali Foods
Group Company Limited (delisted by privatization on 1 September 2023), South Manganese Investment Limited (stock code:
1091.HK) and Springland International Limited (stock code: 1700.HK). Dr. Lin holds a Master’s degree of Science in Accounting
from University of Saskatchewan in Canada and a Doctoral degree in Economics (Accounting) from Xiamen University. Dr. Lin
worked as a Visiting Professor in The University of Hong Kong and Tenured Professor in the Faculty of Management of
Lethbridge University in Canada. He worked at the Toronto office of an international accounting firm (now known as “Deloitte”).
Dr. Lin is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Chinese Institute of Certified Public
Accountants and the Australian Institute of Certified Management Accountants. He is a member of various educational
accounting associations. Dr. Lin is also an author of a series of professional articles and books. Dr. Lin joined the Board in
September 2005.
Dr. Chung Shui Ming, Timpson, Gold Bauhinia Star, Justice of the Peace
Independent Non-executive Director
Dr. Chung Shui Ming, Timpson, GBS, JP, aged 72, is an Independent Non-executive Director and the Chairman of the Audit and
Risk Management Committee of the Board. He is also a member of the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee
and the Strategy Committee of the Board. Dr. Chung is the Pro-Chancellor of City University of Hong Kong. Besides, Dr. Chung
is an Independent Non-Executive Director of China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited (stock code: 762.HK), Miramar Hotel and
Investment Company, Limited (stock code: 71.HK), China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Limited (stock code: 81.HK), China
Railway Group Limited (stock code: 601390.SH, 390.HK), Orient Overseas (International) Limited (stock code: 316.HK) and
Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. (stock code: 1658.HK). Dr. Chung had served as an Independent Non-Executive Director
of Henderson Land Development Company Limited (stock code: 12.HK), China Construction Bank Corporation (stock code: 939.
HK), Jinmao (China) Hotel Investments and Management Limited (stock code: 6139.HK) and Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited
(stock code: 393.HK) as well as an Independent Director of China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (stock
code: 601668.SH). Previously, Dr. Chung served as member of the National Committee of the 10th to 13th Chinese People’s
Political Consultative Conference. Dr. Chung was also the Chairman of China Business of Jardine Fleming Holdings Limited and
the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of BOC International Limited. He was also the Director-General of Democratic Alliance for
the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, the Chairman of the Council of City University of Hong Kong, the Chairman of the
Hong Kong Housing Society, a member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Vice
Chairman of the Land Fund Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a member of the Managing
Board of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, a member of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and a member of the
Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee. Dr. Chung holds a Bachelor’s degree of Science from The University of Hong Kong
and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also received an Honorary
Doctoral degree in Social Sciences from City University of Hong Kong in 2010. Dr. Chung is a fellow member of the Hong Kong
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He joined the Board in August 2012.
Mr. Law Cheuk Kin, Stephen, Justice of the Peace
Independent Non-executive Director
Mr. Law Cheuk Kin, Stephen, JP, aged 61, is an Independent Non-executive Director and the Chairman of the Strategy
Committee of the Board. He is also a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, the Nomination Committee, the
Remuneration Committee and the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board. Mr. Law is an Independent
Non-executive Director of Somerley Capital Holdings Limited (stock code: 8439.HK), China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. (stock
code: 601881.SH, 6881.HK), CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Limited (stock code: 1093.HK) and Keymed Biosciences Inc. (stock
code: 2162.HK). Mr. Law served as the Finance Director and a member of the Executive Directorate of MTR Corporation
Limited (stock code: 66.HK) (“MTR”) from July 2013 to July 2016. Prior to joining MTR, he was the Chief Financial Officer of
Guoco Group Limited, Hong Kong. Prior to that, Mr. Law had served as the Managing Director of TPG Growth Capital (Asia)
Limited and had also held various senior positions in the Morningside Group and the Wheelock Group. He was also an
Independent Non-Executive Director of Stealth BioTherapeutics Corp. (stock code: MITO.Nasdaq) and Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd.
(stock code: 6199.HK). Mr. Law is currently the Managing Director of ANS Capital Limited. He is also currently a council
member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a member of the Board of Directors of SOW (Asia)
Foundation and a council member of Hong Kong Business Accountants Association. He also served as an adjunct professor of
the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2015 to 2017. He is currently a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified
Public Accountants and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Besides, Mr. Law has been
appointed by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China (the “MOF”) as an expert consultant to provide advice
on finance and management accounting to the MOF. Mr. Law holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science (Civil Engineering) from the
University of Birmingham, the United Kingdom and also received a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the
University of Hull, the United Kingdom. He joined the Board in May 2018.
Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund
Independent Non-executive Director
Mr. Wong Chun Sek Edmund, aged 39, is an independent non-executive Director, a member of each of the Audit and Risk
Management Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Strategy Committee of the Board.
Mr. Wong is an independent non-executive director of Confidence Intelligence Holdings Limited (stock code: 1967.HK), High
Fashion International Limited (stock code: 608.HK), and China Merchants Land Asset Management Co., Limited which is the
manager of China Merchants Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (stock code: 1503.HK). He served as an independent
non-executive director of Deyun Holding Ltd. (now known as Star Shine Holdings Group Limited) (stock code: 1440.HK) from
December 2020 to September 2022 and as an independent non-executive director of InvesTech Holdings Limited (stock code:
1087.HK) from June 2017 to May 2021. Mr. Wong is currently a member of the Legislative Council, Election Committee and
Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mr. Wong has more than 15 years of
experience in accounting, taxation and auditing. He joined Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as an audit associate in September 2007
and left as an audit senior in November 2011. Mr. Wong has joined Patrick Wong C.P.A. Limited as an audit manager since
February 2012 and has been its practicing director since March 2013. Mr. Wong is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Chartered Accountants in Australia
and New Zealand, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the United Kingdom, The Society of Chinese
Accountants and Auditors, The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Independent Non-executive Director
Association, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute and The Chartered Governance Institute. Mr. Wong obtained a
Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from Hong Kong Baptist University in November 2007, a Master’s degree of Science in
Applied Accounting and Finance from Hong Kong Baptist University in November 2013, a Master’s degree in Business
Administration from Hong Kong Metropolitan University (formerly known as The Open University of Hong Kong) in October
2016, a Master’s degree in Corporate Governance from Hong Kong Metropolitan University in August 2017 and a Master’s
degree in Professional Accounting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2021. He joined the Board in March 2024.
Mr. So Hiu Pang Kevin
Vice President
Mr. So Hiu Pang Kevin, aged 48, is the Vice President and a member of the Management Decision Committee of the Group. He
is responsible for the Group’s Consumption Fund Department, Overseas Infrastructure Fund Department, Fund of Funds
Department, Real Estate Fund Investment and Management Centre, Green Fund Department. He is also the Vice Chairman of
Everbright Jiabao Co., Ltd. (stock code: 600622.SH). Mr. So joined the Group in 2006. Mr. So holds a Master’s degree in
Business Administration from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Xiamen
University. He was also a member of the third, the fourth and the fifth Election Committee of Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region and a member of the twelfth session of All-China Youth Federation. Mr. So has extensive knowledge and experience in
the financial industry and management.
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of China Everbright Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the
“Group”) set out on pages 99 to 189, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2023,
and the consolidated statement of profit or loss, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated
statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the
consolidated financial statements, including material accounting policy information.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group
as at 31 December 2023, and of its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended
in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (“HKICPA”) and have been properly prepared in compliance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing (“HKSAs”) issued by the HKICPA. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated
financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the HKICPA’s Code of Ethics
for Professional Accountants (the “Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the
consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our audit addressed the matter is provided in that context.
We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial
statements section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit included the performance of
procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial
statements. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures performed to address the matters below, provide the
basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
Independent Auditor’s Report | Continued
Key audit matters How our audit addressed the key audit matters
Valuation of Level 3 financial investments
Refer to material accounting policies in note 2(ac), sources
of estimation uncertainty in note 43(a)(i), and disclosures of
fair values of financial instruments in note 40 to the financial
The Group has applied valuation techniques to determine
the fair value of financial instruments that are not quoted in
active markets. These valuation techniques, which include
significant unobservable inputs, involve management
making subjective judgements and assumptions. With
different valuation techniques, inputs and assumptions
applied, the valuation results can vary significantly.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s financial assets
measured at fair value, categorised within Level 3 of the fair
value hierarchy, amounted to HK$29,552,778,000.
Given the significant amount of financial assets measured at
fair value and the corresponding level of judgement and
assumptions involved in the valuations, we determined this
to be a key audit matter.
The procedures we performed, on a sample basis, with the
assistance of our internal specialist to address the key audit
matter included, but were not limited to those set out
Our risk-based samples were selected with reference to the
value of the investments, prevailing market conditions and
investment specific risk indicators, with a specific focus on
China real estate exposures.
Evaluated the appropriateness of the financial
instrument valuation policies;
Evaluated the design and tested the operating
effectiveness of key controls related to the valuation
of financial instruments, including independent
verification on the valuation parameters, independent
model validation and approval;
Evaluated the valuation techniques adopted through
comparison with those commonly used in the market;
Evaluated assessments made by the Group, with
respect to the selection of comparable companies,
adjustments to the valuation multiples and other
parameters used in other valuation methods through
independent study, research and back-testing;
Evaluated the observable inputs with reference to
external market data;
Evaluated the unobservable inputs and assumptions
for individually significant items such as the discount
rate and volatility adopted by comparing to pricing
information from similar transactions which were
observable and performed independent valuations;
Assessed the adequacy of the disclosures relating to
financial instruments in Level 3 of the fair value
hierarchy in the financial statements.
Key audit matters How our audit addressed the key audit matters
Accounting for unconsolidated structured entities managed
by the Group
Refer to material accounting policies in note 2(c), critical
accounting judgements in applying the Group’s accounting
policies in note 43(b)(i), and disclosures of involvement with
unconsolidated structured entities in note 38 to the financial
The Group acts as the general partner or investment
manager of several structured entities (such as investment
funds and collective investment schemes). In these
arrangements, the Group has certain powers to govern the
financing and operating policies of these entities. The Group
is also exposed to the variability of returns from these
structured entities’ performance, through its entitlement to
management fees, performance fees, and its interests in
these entities.
Whether the Group has control over these structured
entities requires significant management judgement.
Given the significant amount of unconsolidated structured
entities managed by the Group and the corresponding level
of judgement involved in assessing the Group’s control over
these structured entities, we determined this to be a key
audit matter.
As at 31 December 2023, the carrying value of the Group’s
interests in unconsolidated structured entities managed by
the Group amounted to HK$5,187,996,000 which is
recorded in financial assets at fair value through profit or
loss in the consolidated statement of financial position.
The procedures we performed to address the key audit
matter included, but were not limited to:
Reviewed the legal structures and read the relevant
constituent documents of these structured entities to
assess the power held by the Group in making key
operating and financing decisions and its exposure to
variable returns from these structured entities;
Evaluated the power held by other parties which
allows the removal of the Group as the general
partner or investment manager and assessed whether
the rights held by other parties are substantive;
Identified if any substantive rights held by any other
parties in the structured entities, in combination with
the Group’s decision-making power and its level of
exposure to the variable returns, constituted control
by the Group over these structured entities on a case-
by-case basis; and
Assessed the adequacy of the disclosures relating to
the unconsolidated structured entities in the financial
Independent Auditor’s Report | Continued
Key audit matters How our audit addressed the key audit matters
Impairment of investment in an associate
Refer to material accounting policies in note 2(d), 2(e) and
2(l)(ii), critical accounting judgements in applying the Group’s
accounting policies in note 43(b)(iii), and disclosures of
investments in associates in note 16 to the financial
As at 31 December 2023, the cumulative impairment
allowance and net carrying value of the Group’s investment
in Everbright Jiabao Co., Ltd (“Everbright Jiabao”), an
associate of the Group, amounted to HK$1,598,827,000 and
HK$1,786,636,000 respectively.
As at 31 December 2023, there was an indication that the
investment in Everbright Jiabao may be impaired as the
carrying value of the net assets of Everbright Jiabao was
more than its market capitalisation.
The Group engaged an external specialist to estimate the
value-in-use of Everbright Jiabao, using a discounted cash
flow model. In carrying out the impairment assessment,
significant judgement and assumptions are required to
estimate the value-in-use based on the forecasted cash
flows of Everbright Jiabao and the discount rate applied.
Given the significant amount of investment in Everbright
Jiabao and the corresponding level of judgement and
assumptions involved in calculating the value-in-use, we
determined the impairment assessment of investment in
Everbright Jiabao to be a key audit matter.
The procedures we performed, with the assistance of our
internal specialist, to address the key audit matter included,
but were not limited to:
Assessed the competence, capabilities and objectivity
of the external specialist appointed by management
to estimate the value-in-use;
Understood and challenged the assumptions in the
strategic business plans approved by management of
the associate, including back-testing of the
prospective financial information used in the prior year
against actual results to evaluate the accuracy of
management’s forecasting process;
Reviewed the appropriateness of the valuation
methodology by critically assessing the key
assumptions, including the discount rates and growth
rates, with reference to market information and the
associate’s historical data;
Performed a sensitivity analysis on the results of
impairment assessment using multiple reasonable
alternative assumptions;
Checked the arithmetical accuracy of the value-in-use
calculation; and
Assessed the adequacy of disclosures relating to the
impairment of investment in the associate in the
financial statements.
The directors of the Company are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information
included in the Annual Report, other than the consolidated financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in
doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our
knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we
conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to
report in this regard.
The directors of the Company are responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements that give a true and
fair view in accordance with HKFRSs issued by the HKICPA and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for such internal
control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the directors of the Company are responsible for assessing the Group’s
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern
basis of accounting unless the directors of the Company either intend to liquidate the Group or to cease operations or have no
realistic alternative but to do so.
The directors of the Company are assisted by the Audit and Risk Management Committee in discharging their responsibilities
for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Our report
is made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with section 405 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for no other
purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with HKSAs
will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered
material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with HKSAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism
throughout the audit. We also:
• Identifyandassesstherisksofmaterialmisstatementoftheconsolidatedfinancialstatements,whetherduetofraudor
error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is
higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
Independent Auditor’s Report | Continued
• Obtainanunderstandingofinternalcontrolrelevanttotheauditinordertodesignauditproceduresthatareappropriatein
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.
• Evaluatetheappropriatenessofaccountingpoliciesusedandthereasonablenessofaccountingestimatesand related
disclosures made by the directors.
• Concludeontheappropriatenessofthedirectors’useofthegoingconcernbasisofaccountingand,basedontheaudit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt
on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to
draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such
disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the
date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going
Evaluate theoverallpresentation, structureand contentoftheconsolidatedfinancial statements,includingthe
disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a
manner that achieves fair presentation.
• Obtainsufficientappropriateauditevidenceregardingthefinancialinformationoftheentitiesorbusinessactivitieswithin
the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction,
supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with the Audit and Risk Management Committee regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during
our audit.
We also provide the Audit and Risk Management Committee with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably
be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, actions taken to eliminate threats or safeguards applied.
From the matters communicated with the Audit and Risk Management Committee, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter
or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the
adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such
The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Hau Liang Ping.
Ernst & Young
Certified Public Accountants
27/F, One Taikoo Place,
979 King’s Road,
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
22 March 2024
For the year ended 31 December 2023
2023 2022
Notes HK$’000 HK$’000
Turnover 6,047,280 7,707,730
Income from contracts with customers 4 792,028 843,075
Net loss from investments 4 (489,491) (5,885,695)
Interest income 659,676 563,722
Dividend income 991,866 2,123,973
Realised (loss)/gain on investments (13,158) 46,194
Unrealised loss on investments (2,127,704) (8,633,890)
Others (171) 14,306
Income/(loss) from other sources 4 1,102,323 (75,407)
Impairment losses 5 (731,691) (982,141)
Operating expenses 6 (907,223) (919,767)
Loss from operating activities (234,054) (7,019,935)
Finance costs 7 (1,643,691) (1,109,315)
Impairment losses on investments in associates 5 (64,151) (1,128,501)
Share of profits less losses of associates 16 230,823 616,886
Share of profits less losses of joint ventures 17 25,183 17,123
Loss before taxation (1,685,890) (8,623,742)
Income tax (expenses)/credit 9 (76,379) 923,427
Loss for the year (1,762,269) (7,700,315)
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Company (1,922,639) (7,443,299)
Holders of perpetual capital securities 32 98,066 89,284
Non-controlling interests 62,304 (346,300)
Loss for the year (1,762,269) (7,700,315)
Basic and diluted loss per share 13 HK$(1.141) HK$(4.417)
The notes on pages 105 to 189 form part of these financial statements. Details of dividends payable to equity shareholders of
the Company attributable to the (loss)/profit for the year are set out in note 11.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
2023 2022
Notes HK$’000 HK$’000
Loss for the year (1,762,269) (7,700,315)
Other comprehensive loss for the year:
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
— Net movement in investment revaluation reserve of
equity investments designated at fair value through
other comprehensive income (372,285) (981,160)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
— Share of other comprehensive loss and effect of
foreign currency translation of associates (145,321) (1,419,859)
— Share of other comprehensive loss and effect of
foreign currency translation of joint ventures (13,376) (84,987)
— Other net movement in exchange reserve (466,737) (2,047,737)
12 (997,719) (4,533,743)
Total comprehensive loss for the year (2,759,988) (12,234,058)
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Company (2,973,695) (11,697,447)
Holders of perpetual capital securities 32 98,066 89,284
Non-controlling interests 115,641 (625,895)
Total comprehensive loss for the year (2,759,988) (12,234,058)
The notes on pages 105 to 189 form part of these financial statements.
As at 31 December 2023
31 December
31 December
Note HK$’000 HK$’000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 14 463,967 521,718
Investment properties 14 5,584,819 4,898,173
Investments in associates 16 17,709,713 18,002,564
Investments in joint ventures 17 932,964 926,157
Equity investments designated at fair value through
other comprehensive income 18 5,032,899 5,405,184
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 19 26,496,579 32,898,680
Advances to customers 20 360,891
Finance lease receivables 18,703
56,220,941 63,032,070
Current assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 19 4,315,462 2,176,224
Advances to customers 20 3,070,573 2,902,542
Inventories 21 1,529,339 1,383,814
Debtors, deposits, prepayments and others 22 1,929,105 1,984,185
Trading securities 23 2,916,448 4,098,142
Finance lease receivables 17,976
Restricted deposits 24 664,102
Cash and cash equivalents 24 9,588,078 8,235,532
23,366,981 21,444,541
Current liabilities
Trading securities 23 (237,500) (532,071)
Creditors, deposits received and accrued charges 25 (2,962,495) (3,523,042)
Bank loans 26 (10,995,928) (11,925,501)
Bonds payable 28 (6,069,140) (2,481,148)
Other financial liabilities 27 (472,414) (441,187)
Lease liabilities 30 (13,273) (35,688)
Provision for taxation (582,592) (585,193)
(21,333,342) (19,523,830)
Net current assets 2,033,639 1,920,711
Total assets less current liabilities 58,254,580 64,952,781
As at 31 December 2023
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position | Continued
31 December
31 December
Note HK$’000 HK$’000
Non-current liabilities
Bank loans 26 (7,607,680) (8,991,471)
Bonds payable 28 (7,724,360) (9,515,580)
Other financial liabilities 27 (6,768,868) (6,407,464)
Lease liabilities 30 (10,593) (29,279)
Deferred tax liabilities 29 (2,037,293) (2,131,886)
(24,148,794) (27,075,680)
NET ASSETS 34,105,786 37,877,101
Share capital 31 9,618,097 9,618,097
Reserves 21,371,624 24,871,106
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Company 30,989,721 34,489,203
Holders of perpetual capital securities 32 2,209,566 2,341,083
Non-controlling interests 906,499 1,046,815
TOTAL EQUITY 34,105,786 37,877,101
Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 22 March 2024 and signed on behalf of the Board by:
Lin Chun Wang Yun
Director Director
The notes on pages 105 to 189 form part of these financial statements.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company
earnings Total
Note HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 2022 9,618,097 1,242 4,979,155 (664,792) (96,162) 2,145,494 30,953,291 46,936,325 2,341,161 1,759,044 51,036,530
Net movement by non-controlling
shareholders 18,210 18,210 (86,334) (68,124)
Dividends paid 11 (758,364) (758,364) (758,364)
Distribution to holders of perpetual
capital securities 32 (89,362) (89,362)
Share of capital reserve of associates (9,521) (9,521) (9,521)
Loss for the year (7,443,299) (7,443,299) 89,284 (346,300) (7,700,315)
Other comprehensive loss
for the year (981,160) (3,272,988) (4,254,148) (279,595) (4,533,743)
As at 31 December 2022 and
as at 1 January 2023 9,618,097 1,242 3,997,995 (664,792) (87,473) (1,127,494) 22,751,628 34,489,203 2,341,083 1,046,815 37,877,101
Net movement by non-controlling
shareholders (131) (131) (255,957) (256,088)
Dividends paid 11 (505,576) (505,576) (505,576)
Issuance of perpetual medium term
notes 32 2,184,880 2,184,880
Redemption of senior perpetual
capital securities 32 (21,557) (21,557) (2,325,540) (2,347,097)
Distribution to holders of perpetual
capital securities 32 (88,923) (88,923)
Share of capital reserve of
associates 1,477 1,477 1,477
Loss for the year (1,922,639) (1,922,639) 98,066 62,304 (1,762,269)
Other comprehensive loss
for the year (372,285) (678,771) (1,051,056) 53,337 (997,719)
As at 31 December 2023 9,618,097 1,242 3,625,710 (664,792) (86,127) (1,806,265) 20,301,856 30,989,721 2,209,566 906,499 34,105,786
The notes on pages 105 to 189 form part of these financial statements.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
2023 2022
Notes HK$’000 HK$’000
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (4,618) (4,911)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 291 599
Proceeds from partial disposal of an associate 76,649
Investment in an associate (2,042)
Investments in joint ventures (5,820)
Decrease/(increase) in restricted cash 232,930 (28,723)
Decrease/(increase) in restricted deposits 664,102 (664,102)
Bank interest received 172,695 97,779
Dividends received from investments 330,656 372,497
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures 309,984 485,554
Issuance of shares of subsidiaries to non-controlling shareholders 2,759 145,962
Redemption of non-controlling shareholders’ shares (376,660) (341,327)
Proceeds from bank loans 19,986,431 17,395,279
Proceeds from issuance of bonds and resale of bonds repurchased 4,374,600 4,242,930
Repayment of bank loans (22,276,922) (18,200,113)
Repayment and repurchase of bonds (2,422,404) (4,017,583)
Issuance of perpetual medium term notes 2,184,880
Redemption of senior perpetual capital securities (2,325,540)
Repayment of lease liabilities (38,562) (43,096)
Repayment of notes payable (27,000)
Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders (1,056) (26,260)
Dividends paid (505,576) (758,364)
Distribution to holders of perpetual capital securities (88,923) (89,362)
Interest paid (1,625,732) (1,063,451)
Beginning of year 7,945,641 6,894,260
Exchange rate adjustments (182,745) (555,319)
End of year 9,531,117 7,945,641
Bank balances and cash – general accounts 8,354,387 7,098,486
Non-pledged time deposits with original maturity of less
than three months when acquired 1,233,691 1,137,046
Restricted cash (56,961) (289,891)
End of year 24 9,531,117 7,945,641
The notes on pages 105 to 189 form part of these financial statements.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
China Everbright Limited (the “Company”) is incorporated in Hong Kong with its shares listed on The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited. The Company considers Honorich Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in the British Virgin
Islands, to be the immediate holding company of the Company and Central Huijin Investment Ltd. (“Huijin”) to be the
ultimate holding company of the Company. Huijin is a state-owned investment company incorporated in accordance with
China’s Company Law. Huijin was established in December 2003 and mandated to exercise the rights and the obligations
as an investor in major state-owned financial enterprises, on behalf of the State Council. In September 2007, the Ministry
of Finance issued special treasury bonds and acquired all the shares of Huijin from the People’s Bank of China. The
acquired shares were injected into China Investment Corporation (“CIC”) as part of its initial capital contribution.
However, Huijin’s principal shareholder rights are exercised by the State Council. The members of Huijin’s Board of
Directors and Board of Supervisors are appointed by and are accountable to the State Council. No financial statements
were prepared by these companies available for public use.
The principal activity of the Company is investment holding. The Company, through its subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures, is principally engaged in investment activities and the provision of financial services.
(a) Statement of compliance
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable Hong Kong Financial Reporting
Standards (“HKFRSs”), which include all applicable individual Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, Hong Kong
Accounting Standards (“HKASs”) and Interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(“HKICPA”), and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. These financial statements also comply with the applicable
disclosure provisions of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. A
summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the Group is set out below.
The HKICPA has issued certain amendments to HKFRSs that are first effective or available for early adoption for the
current accounting period of the Group. Note 3 provides information on any changes in accounting policies resulting from
the initial application of these developments to the extent that they are relevant to the Group for the current and prior
accounting periods reflected in these financial statements.
(b) Basis of preparation of the financial statements
The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries
(together referred to as the “Group”) and the Group’s interests in associates and joint ventures.
The measurement basis used in the preparation of the financial statements is the historical cost basis except that the
following assets and liabilities are stated at their fair value as explained in the accounting policies set out below:
investment properties (note 2(h)); and
financial instruments classified as trading securities, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, equity
investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income, financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss and derivative financial instruments (notes 2(f) and 2(n)).
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with HKFRSs requires management to make judgements, estimates
and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(b) Basis of preparation of the financial statements (continued)
Non-current assets and disposal group held for sale are stated at the lower of the carrying amount and fair value less
costs to sell (see note 2(ab)(i)).
The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed
to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgements about the
carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from
these estimates.
The accounting estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting
estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the
period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.
Judgements made by management in the application of HKFRSs that have significant effect on the financial statements
and major sources of estimation uncertainty are discussed in note 43.
(c) Subsidiaries and non-controlling interests
Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. The Group controls an entity when it is exposed, or has rights, to
variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the
entity. When assessing whether the Group has power, only substantive rights (held by the Group and other parties) are
An investment in a subsidiary is consolidated into the consolidated financial statements from the date that control
commences until the date that control ceases. Intra-group balances, transactions and cash flows and any unrealised
profits arising from intra-group transactions are eliminated in full in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
Unrealised losses resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains but only to
the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
Non-controlling interests represent the equity in a subsidiary not attributable directly or indirectly to the Company, and in
respect of which the Group has not agreed any additional terms with the holders of those interests which would result in
the Group as a whole having a contractual obligation in respect of those interests that meets the definition of a financial
liability. For each business combination, the Group can elect to measure any non- controlling interests either at fair value
or at the non-controlling interests’ proportionate share of the subsidiary’s net identifiable assets.
Non-controlling interests are presented in the consolidated statement of financial position within equity, separately from
equity attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company. Non-controlling interests in the results of the Group are
presented on the face of the consolidated statement of profit or loss and the consolidated statement of comprehensive
income as an allocation of the total profit or loss and total comprehensive income for the year between non-controlling
interests and the equity shareholders of the Company. Loans from holders of non- controlling interests are presented as
financial liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position.
Changes in the Group’s interests in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity
transactions, whereby adjustments are made to the amounts of controlling and non-controlling interests within
consolidated equity to reflect the change in relative interests, but no adjustments are made to goodwill, and no gain or
loss is recognised.
(c) Subsidiaries and non-controlling interests (continued)
When the Group loses control of a subsidiary, it is accounted for as a disposal of the entire interest in that subsidiary,
with a resulting gain or loss being recognised in profit or loss. Any interest retained in that former subsidiary at the date
when control is lost is recognised at fair value, and this amount is regarded as the fair value on initial recognition of a
financial asset (see note 2(f)) or, when appropriate, the cost on initial recognition of an investment in an associate or joint
venture (see note 2(d)).
In the Company’s statement of financial position, an investment in a subsidiary is stated at cost less impairment losses
(see note 2(I)), unless classified as held for sale (or included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) (see
note 2(ab)(i)).
A structured entity is an entity that has been designed so that voting or similar rights are not the dominant factor in
deciding who controls the entity, such as when any voting rights relate to administrative tasks only, and key activities are
directed by contractual agreement. Structured entities often have restricted activities and a narrow and well defined
objective. Involvement with unconsolidated structured entities is disclosed in note 38.
(d) Associates and joint ventures
An associate is an entity in which the Group or the Company has significant influence, but not control or joint control,
over its management, including participation in the financial and operating policy decisions.
A joint venture is an arrangement whereby the Group or the Company and other parties contractually agree to share
control of the arrangement, and have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.
An investment in an associate or a joint venture is accounted for in the consolidated financial statements under the equity
method. Under the equity method, the investment is initially recorded at cost and adjusted thereafter for the post
acquisition change in the Group’s share of the investee’s net assets and any impairment loss relating to the investment
(see note 2(I)). Goodwill arising from the acquisition of associates or joint ventures is included as part of the Group’s
investments in associates or joint ventures. The Group’s share of the post-acquisition, post-tax results of the investees
and any impairment losses for the year are recognised in the consolidated statement of profit or loss, whereas the
Group’s share of post-acquisition post-tax items of the investees’ other comprehensive income is recognised in the
consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
When the Group’s share of losses exceeds its interest in the associate or the joint venture, the Group’s interest is
reduced to nil and further losses are not recognised except to the extent that the Group has incurred legal or constructive
obligations or made payments on behalf of the investee. For this purpose, the Group’s interest in the investee is the
carrying amount of the investment under the equity method together with the Group’s long-term interests that in
substance form part of the Group’s net investment in the associate or the joint venture.
Unrealised profits and losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its associates and joint ventures are
eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investee, except where unrealised losses provide evidence of an
impairment of the asset transferred, in which case they are recognised immediately in profit or loss.
If an investment in an associate becomes an investment in a joint venture or vice versa, the retained interest is not
remeasured. Instead, the investment continues to be accounted for under the equity method.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(d) Associates and joint ventures (continued)
When an investment in an associate or a joint venture is held by, or is held indirectly through, an entity that is a venture
capital organisation, or a mutual fund and similar entities, such investment is measured at fair value through profit or loss
in the Group’s consolidated statement of financial position.
In all other cases, when the Group ceases to have significant influence over an associate or joint control over a joint
venture, it is accounted for as a disposal of the entire interest in that investee, with a resulting gain or loss being
recognised in profit or loss. Any interest retained in that former investee at the date when significant influence or joint
control is lost is recognised at fair value and this amount is regarded as the fair value on initial recognition of a financial
asset (see note 2(f)).
In the Company’s statement of financial position, investments in associates and joint ventures are stated at cost less
impairment losses (see note 2(l)), unless classified as held for sale (or included in a disposal group that is classified as
held for sale) (see note 2(ab)(i)).
(e) Goodwill
Goodwill represents the excess of:
(i) the aggregate of the fair value of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the
acquiree and the fair value of the Group’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree; over
(ii) the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets and liabilities measured as at the acquisition date.
When (ii) is greater than (i), then this excess is recognised immediately in profit or loss as a gain on a bargain purchase.
Goodwill is stated at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill arising on a business combination is allocated to
each cash-generating unit, or groups of cash generating units, that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the
combination and is tested annually for impairment (see note 2(l)). In respect of associates or joint ventures, the carrying
amount of goodwill is included in the carrying amount of the interest in the associate or joint venture and the investment
as a whole is tested for impairment whenever there is objective evidence of impairment (see note 2(l)).
On disposal of a cash generating unit, an associate or a joint venture during the year, any attributable amount of
purchased goodwill is included in the calculation of the gain or loss on disposal.
Goodwill on acquisitions that occurred prior to 1 January 2001 was eliminated against goodwill reserves. Such goodwill is
released from goodwill reserves to retained earnings when all or part of the business to which the goodwill is related is
disposed of.
(f) Investments and other financial assets
Initial recognition and measurement
Financial assets are classified, at initial recognition, as subsequently measured at amortised cost, fair value through other
comprehensive income, and fair value through profit or loss.
The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the financial asset’s contractual cash flow
characteristics and the Group’s business model for managing them. With the exception of trade receivables that do not
contain a significant financing component or for which the Group has applied the practical expedient of not adjusting the
effect of a significant financing component, the Group initially measures a financial asset at its fair value, plus in the case
of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs. Trade receivables that do not contain a
significant financing component or for which the Group has applied the practical expedient are measured at the
transaction price determined under HKFRS 15 in accordance with the policies set out for “Revenue recognition” below
(note 2(u)).
In order for a financial asset to be classified and measured at amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive
income, it needs to give rise to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest (“SPPI”) on the principal
amount outstanding. Financial assets with cash flows that are not SPPI are classified and measured at fair value through
profit or loss, irrespective of the business model.
The Group’s business model for managing financial assets refers to how it manages its financial assets in order to
generate cash flows. The business model determines whether cash flows will result from collecting contractual cash
flows, selling the financial assets, or both. Financial assets classified and measured at amortised cost are held within a
business model with the objective to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows, while financial assets
classified and measured at fair value through other comprehensive income are held within a business model with the
objective of both holding to collect contractual cash flows and selling. Financial assets which are not held within the
aforementioned business models are classified and measured at fair value through profit or loss.
All regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the trade date, that is, the date that the Group
commits to purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that
require delivery of assets within the period generally established by regulation or convention in the marketplace.
Subsequent measurement
The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification as follows:
Financial assets at amortised cost (debt instruments)
Financial assets at amortised cost are subsequently measured using the effective interest method and are subject to
impairment. Gains and losses are recognised in the statement of profit or loss when the asset is derecognised, modified
or impaired.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(f) Investments and other financial assets (continued)
Equity investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income
Upon initial recognition, the Group can elect to classify irrevocably its equity investments as equity investments
designated at fair value through other comprehensive income when they meet the definition of equity under HKAS 32
Financial Instruments: Presentation and are not held for trading. The classification is determined on an instrument-by-
instrument basis.
Gains and losses on these financial assets are never recycled to the statement of profit or loss. Dividends are recognised
as Dividend income in the statement of profit or loss when the right of payment has been established, it is probable that
the economic benefits associated with the dividend will flow to the Group and the amount of the dividend can be
measured reliably, except when the Group benefits from such proceeds as a recovery of part of the cost of the financial
asset, in which case such gains are recorded in other comprehensive income. Equity investments designated at fair value
through other comprehensive income are not subject to impairment assessment.
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are carried in the statement of financial position at fair value with net
changes in fair value recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
This category includes derivative instruments and equity investments which the Group had not irrevocably elected to
classify at fair value through other comprehensive income. Dividends on equity investments classified as financial assets
at fair value through profit or loss are also recognised as dividend income in the statement of profit or loss when the right
of payment has been established, it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the dividend will flow to the
Group and the amount of the dividend can be measured reliably. Interest income arising from the financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss is recognised as net gains or net losses in the statement of profit or loss.
A derivative embedded in a hybrid contract, with a financial liability or non-financial host, is separated from the host and
accounted for as a separate derivative if the economic characteristics and risks are not closely related to the host; a
separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a derivative; and the
hybrid contract is not measured at fair value through profit or loss. Embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with
changes in fair value recognised in the statement of profit or loss. Reassessment only occurs if there is either a change
in the terms of the contract that significantly modifies the cash flows that would otherwise be required or a
reclassification of a financial asset out of the fair value through profit or loss category.
A derivative embedded within a hybrid contract containing a financial asset host is not accounted for separately. The
financial asset host together with the embedded derivative is required to be classified in its entirety as a financial asset at
fair value through profit or loss.
(g) Derecognition of financial assets
A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial assets) is primarily
derecognised (i.e., removed from the Group’s consolidated statement of financial position) when:
the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; or
the Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to pay the
received cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a “pass-through” arrangement; and either
(a) the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) the Group has neither
transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.
When the Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from an asset or has entered into a pass-through
arrangement, it evaluates if, and to what extent, it has retained the risk and rewards of ownership of the asset. When it
has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the
asset, the Group continues to recognise the transferred asset to the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement. In
that case, the Group also recognises an associated liability. The transferred asset and the associated liability are
measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that the Group has retained.
Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred asset is measured at the lower of the
original carrying amount of the asset and the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be required to
(h) Investment properties
Investment properties are land and/or buildings which are owned or held under a leasehold interest (see note 2(k)) to
earn rental income and/or for capital appreciation. These include land held for a currently undetermined future use and
property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property.
Investment properties are stated at fair value at the end of the reporting period, unless they are still in the course of
construction or development at the end of the reporting period and their fair value cannot be reliably measured at the
time. Any gain or loss arising from a change in fair value or from the retirement or disposal of an investment property is
recognised in profit or loss. Rental income from investment properties is accounted for as described in note 2(u).
(i) Other property and equipment
The following items of property and equipment are stated in the consolidated statement of financial position at cost less
accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (see note 2(l)):
buildings held for own use which are situated on leasehold land, where the fair value could be measured separately
from the fair value of the leasehold land at the inception of the lease (see note 2(k)); and
other items of equipment comprising leasehold improvements, furniture, fixtures and equipment, and motor
Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment are determined as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the item and are recognised in profit or loss on
the date of retirement or disposal.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(j) Depreciation
Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of items of property, plant and equipment, less their estimated
residual value, if any, using the straight line method over their estimated useful lives as follows:
Interests in leasehold land held for own use under operating leases is depreciated over the unexpired terms of
Buildings situated on leasehold land are depreciated over the shorter of the unexpired terms of leases and their
estimated useful lives, being not more than 50 years after the date of purchase
Leasehold improvements over the shorter of 5 years and the lease terms
Furniture, fixtures and equipment 3 to 20 years
Motor vehicles 5 years
Right-of-use assets over the shorter of the lease terms and the estimated useful lives
Where parts of an item of property and equipment have different useful lives, the cost of the item is allocated on a
reasonable basis between the parts and each part is depreciated separately. Both the useful life of an asset and its
residual value, if any, are reviewed annually.
(k) Leased assets
The Group assesses at contract inception whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. A contract is, or contains, a lease if
the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Group as a lessee
The Group applies a single recognition and measurement approach for all leases, except for short-term leases and leases
of low-value assets. The Group recognises lease liabilities to make lease payments and right-of-use assets representing
the right to use the underlying assets.
(a) Right-of-use assets
Right-of-use assets are recognised at the commencement date of the lease. Right-of-use assets are measured at
cost, less any accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses, and adjusted for any remeasurement of lease
liabilities. The cost of right-of-use assets includes the amount of lease liabilities recognised, initial direct costs
incurred, and lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease incentives received.
Right-of-use assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease terms and the estimated
useful lives of the assets. If ownership of the leased asset transfers to the Group by the end of the lease term or
the cost reflects the exercise of a purchase option, depreciation is calculated using the estimated useful life of the
(k) Leased assets (continued)
Group as a lessee (continued)
(b) Lease liabilities
Lease liabilities are recognised at the commencement date of the lease at the present value of lease payments to
be made over the lease term. The lease payments include fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments)
less any lease incentives receivable, variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, and amounts
expected to be paid under residual value guarantees. The lease payments also include the exercise price of a
purchase option reasonably certain to be exercised by the Group and payments of penalties for termination of a
lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercising the option to terminate the lease. The variable lease
payments that do not depend on an index or a rate are recognised as an expense in the period in which the event
or condition that triggers the payment occurs.
In calculating the present value of lease payments, the Group uses its incremental borrowing rate at the lease
commencement date because the interest rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable. After the
commencement date, the amount of lease liabilities is increased to reflect the accretion of interest and reduced for
the lease payments made. In addition, the carrying amount of lease liabilities is remeasured if there is a
modification, a change in the lease term, a change in lease payments or a change in assessment of an option to
purchase the underlying asset.
(c) Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
The Group applies the short-term lease recognition exemption to its short-term leases of office premises. When
the Group enters into a lease in respect of a low-value asset, the Group decides whether to capitalise the lease on
a lease-by-lease basis. Lease payments on short-term leases and leases of low-value assets are recognised as an
expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Group as a lessor
When the Group acts as a lessor, it classifies at lease inception (or when there is a lease modification) each of its leases
as either an operating lease or a finance lease.
Leases in which the Group does not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset
are classified as operating leases. When a contract contains lease and non-lease components, the Group allocates the
consideration in the contract to each component on a relative stand-alone selling price basis. Rental income is accounted
for on a straight-line basis over the lease terms and is included in revenue in the statement of profit or loss due to its
operating nature. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying
amount of the leased asset and recognised over the lease term on the same basis as rental income. Contingent rents are
recognised as revenue in the period in which they are earned.
Leases that transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset to the lessee
are accounted for as finance leases. At the commencement date, the cost of the leased asset is capitalised at the
present value of the lease payments and related payments, including the initial direct costs, and presented as a receivable
at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(l) Impairment of assets
(i) Impairment of financial assets
The Group recognises an allowance for expected credit losses (“ECLs”) for all debt instruments not held at fair value
through profit or loss. ECLs are based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance with the
contract and all the cash flows that the Group expects to receive, discounted at an approximation of the original effective
interest rate. The expected cash flows will include cash flows from the sale of collateral held or other credit
enhancements that are integral to the contractual terms.
Simplified approach
For trade receivables that do not contain a significant financing component or when the Group applies the practical
expedient of not adjusting the effect of a significant financing component, the Group applies the simplified approach in
calculating ECLs. Under the simplified approach, the Group does not track changes in credit risk, but instead recognises a
loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs at each reporting date. The Group has established a provision matrix that is based
on its historical credit loss experience, adjusted for forward-looking factors specific to the debtors and the economic
For trade receivables that contain a significant financing component, the Group chooses as its accounting policy to adopt
the simplified approach in calculating ECLs with policies as described above.
General approach
For other financial assets recognised at amortised cost, ECLs are recognised in two stages. For credit exposures for
which there has not been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, ECLs are provided for credit losses
that result from default events that are possible within the next 12 months (a 12-month ECL). For those credit exposures
for which there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, a loss allowance is required for credit
losses expected over the remaining life of the exposure, irrespective of the timing of the default (a lifetime ECL).
At each reporting date, the Group assesses whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly
since initial recognition. Depending on the nature of the financial instrument, the assessment of a significant increase in
credit risk is performed on either an individual basis or a collective basis. When the assessment is performed on a
collective basis, the financial instrument is grouped based on similar credit risk characteristics. When making the
assessment, the Group compares the risk of default occurring on the financial instrument as at the reporting date with
the risk of default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition and considers reasonable and
supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort, including historical and forward-looking information.
The Group considers that there has been a significant increase in credit risk when contractual payments are more than 30
days past due.
(l) Impairment of assets (continued)
(i) Impairment of financial assets (continued)
General approach (continued)
The Group considers a financial asset in default when contractual payments are 90 days past due. However, in certain
cases, the Group may also consider a financial asset to be in default when internal or external information indicates that
the Group is unlikely to receive the outstanding contractual amounts in full before taking into account any credit
enhancements held by the Group. A financial asset is written off when there is no reasonable expectation of recovering
the contractual cash flows.
Financial assets at amortised cost are subject to impairment under the general approach and they are classified within
the following stages for measurement of ECLs except for trade receivables and contract assets which apply the
simplified approach as detailed below.
Stage 1 — Financial instruments for which credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition and for which
the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal to 12-month ECLs
Stage 2 — Financial instruments for which credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition but that are not
credit-impaired financial assets and for which the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal to lifetime
Stage 3 — Financial assets that are credit-impaired at the reporting date (but that are not purchased or originated credit-
impaired) and for which the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs
(ii) Impairment of other assets
Internal and external sources of information are reviewed at the end of each reporting period to identify indications that
the following assets may be impaired or, except in the case of goodwill, an impairment loss previously recognised no
longer exists or may have decreased:
Property, plant and equipment, including right-of-use assets (other than properties carried at revalued amount);
Intangible assets;
Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in the Company’s statement of financial position; and
— Goodwill.
If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. In addition, for goodwill, intangible assets that
are not yet available for use and intangible assets that have indefinite useful lives, the recoverable amount is estimated
annually whether or not there is any indication of impairment.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(l) Impairment of assets (continued)
(ii) Impairment of other assets (continued)
Calculation of recoverable amount
The recoverable amount of an asset is the greater of its fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. In assessing
value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that
reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the assets. Where an asset
does not generate cash inflows largely independent of those from other assets, the recoverable amount is determined
for the smallest group of assets that generates cash inflows independently (i.e. a cash-generating unit).
Recognition of impairment losses
An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss if the carrying amount of an asset, or the cash-generating unit to which
it belongs, exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses recognised in respect of cash-generating units are
allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (or group of units) and
then, to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the unit (or group of units) on a pro rata basis, except that the
carrying value of an asset will not be reduced below its individual fair value less costs of disposal (if measurable), or value
in use, (if determinable).
Reversals of impairment losses
In respect of assets other than goodwill, an impairment loss is reversed if there has been a favourable change in the
estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is not reversed.
A reversal of an impairment loss is limited to the asset’s carrying amount that would have been determined had no
impairment loss been recognised in prior years. Reversals of impairment losses are credited to profit or loss in the year in
which the reversals are recognised.
(m) Accounts receivable and other receivables
A receivable is recognised when the Group has an unconditional right to receive consideration. A right to receive
consideration is unconditional if only the passage of time is required before payment of that consideration is due. If
revenue has been recognised before the group has an unconditional right to receive consideration, the amount is
presented as a contract asset (see note 2(v)).
Receivables are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest method less allowance for credit losses (see note
(n) Financial liabilities
(i) Financial liabilities
Initial recognition and measurement
Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition, as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, loans and
borrowings, payables, or as derivatives designated as hedging instruments in an effective hedge, as appropriate.
All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and, in the case of loans and borrowings and payables, net of
directly attributable transaction costs.
The Group’s financial liabilities include trade and other payables, derivative financial instruments and interest- bearing
bank and other borrowings.
Subsequent measurement
The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification as follows:
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Financial liabilities are classified as held for trading if they are incurred for the purpose of repurchasing in the near term.
This category also includes derivative financial instruments entered into by the Group that are not designated as hedging
instruments in hedge relationships. Separated embedded derivatives are also classified as held for trading unless they
are designated as effective hedging instruments. Gains or losses on liabilities held for trading are recognised in the
statement of profit or loss. The net fair value gain or loss recognised in the statement of profit or loss does not include
any interest charged on these financial liabilities.
Financial liabilities at amortised cost (loans and borrowings)
After initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised cost, using the
effective interest rate method unless the effect of discounting would be immaterial, in which case they are stated at
cost. Gains and losses are recognised in the statement of profit or loss when the liabilities are derecognised as well as
through the effective interest rate amortisation process.
Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees or costs that are an
integral part of the effective interest rate. The effective interest rate amortisation is included in finance costs in the
statement of profit or loss.
(ii) Derecognition of financial liabilities
A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled, or expires.
When an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the
terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a derecognition of
the original liability and a recognition of a new liability, and the difference between the respective carrying amounts is
recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(o) Inventories
Inventories are stated at specifically identified cost, including capitalised borrowing costs directly attributable to the
development of the properties, exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings are capitalised to the
extent that they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs, aggregate cost of development, materials and supplies,
wages and other direct expenses, less any allowance considered necessary by the directors.
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is based on estimated selling
prices less any estimated costs to be incurred to completion and disposal.
(p) Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of financial position comprise cash on hand and at banks and short-term
highly liquid deposits with a maturity of generally within three months that are readily convertible into known amounts of
cash, subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value and held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash
For the purpose of the consolidated statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and at
banks, and short-term deposits as defined above, less bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and form an
integral part of the Group’s cash management.
For cash subject to restriction, assessment is made on the economic substance of the restriction and whether they meet
the definition of cash and cash equivalents.
(q) Equity instruments
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its
Perpetual capital securities issued by the Company contain no contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial
asset; or to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially
unfavourable to the Company; and the securities issued are non-derivative instruments that will be settled in the
Company’s own equity instruments, but include no contractual obligation for the Company to deliver a variable number of
its own equity instruments. The Company classifies the securities issued as an equity instrument. Fees, commissions
and other transaction costs of the securities issuance are deducted from equity. The dividends on the securities are
recognised as profit distribution at the time of declaration.
(r) Employee benefits
(i) Short term employee benefits and contributions to defined contribution retirement plans
Salaries, annual bonuses, paid annual leave, contributions to defined contribution plans and the cost of non- monetary
benefits are accrued in the year in which the associated services are rendered by employees. Where payment or
settlement is deferred and the effect would be material, these amounts are stated at their present values.
(ii) Termination benefits
Termination benefits are recognised at the earlier of when the Group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits
and when it recognises restructuring costs involving the payment of termination benefits.
(s) Income tax
Income tax for the year comprises current tax and movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities. Current tax and
movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised in profit or loss except to the extent that they relate to
items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, in which case the relevant amounts of tax are
recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity respectively.
Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively
enacted at the end of the reporting period, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences, respectively, being the
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases.
Deferred tax assets also arise from unused tax losses and unused tax credits.
Apart from certain limited exceptions, all deferred tax liabilities, and all deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable
that future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be utilised, are recognised. Future taxable profits
that may support the recognition of deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences include those that
will arise from the reversal of existing taxable temporary differences, provided those differences relate to the same
taxation authority and the same taxable entity, and are expected to reverse either in the same period as the expected
reversal of the deductible temporary difference or in periods into which a tax loss arising from the deferred tax asset can
be carried back or forward. The same criteria are adopted when determining whether existing taxable temporary
differences support the recognition of deferred tax assets arising from unused tax losses and credits, that is, those
differences are taken into account if they relate to the same taxation authority and the same taxable entity, and are
expected to reverse in a period, or periods, in which the tax loss or credit can be utilised.
The limited exceptions to recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities are those temporary differences arising from
goodwill not deductible for tax purposes, the initial recognition of assets or liabilities that affect neither accounting nor
taxable profit (provided they are not part of a business combination), and temporary differences relating to investments in
subsidiaries to the extent that, in the case of taxable differences, the Group controls the timing of the reversal and it is
probable that the differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future, or in the case of deductible differences, unless it
is probable that they will reverse in the future.
The amount of deferred tax recognised is measured based on the expected manner of realisation or settlement of the
carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting
period. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.
The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at the end of each reporting period and is reduced to the extent
that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow the related tax benefit to be utilised.
Any such reduction is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.
Additional income taxes that arise from the distribution of dividends are recognised when the liability to pay the related
dividends is recognised.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(s) Income tax (continued)
Current tax balances and deferred tax balances, and movements therein, are presented separately from each other and
are not offset. Current tax assets are offset against current tax liabilities, and deferred tax assets against deferred tax
liabilities, if the Company or the Group has the legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax
liabilities and the following additional conditions are met:
in the case of current tax assets and liabilities, the Company or the Group intends either to settle on a net basis, or
to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously; or
in the case of deferred tax assets and liabilities, if they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority
on either:
the same taxable entity; or
different taxable entities, which, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities
or assets are expected to be settled or recovered, intend to realise the current tax assets and settle the
current tax liabilities on a net basis or realise and settle simultaneously.
Dividend and interest income received by the Company or the Group may be subject to withholding tax imposed in the
country of origin. Dividend and interest income is recorded gross of such taxes and the corresponding withholding tax is
recognised as tax expense.
(t) Provisions, contingent liabilities and onerous contracts
Provisions are recognised for liabilities of uncertain timing or amount when the Group or the Company has a legal or
constructive obligation arising as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be
required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made. Where the time value of money is material,
provisions are stated at the present value of the expenditure expected to settle the obligation.
Where it is not probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required, or the amount cannot be estimated
reliably, the obligation is disclosed as a contingent liability, unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is
remote. Possible obligations, whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or
more future events, are also disclosed as contingent liabilities unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is
An onerous contract exists when the Group has a contract under which the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations
under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received from the contract. Provisions for onerous
contracts are measured at the present value of the lower of the expected cost of terminating the contract and the net
cost of continuing with the contract.
(u) Revenue recognition
Revenue from contracts with customers
Revenue from contracts with customers is recognised when control of goods or services is transferred to the customers
at an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or
When the consideration in a contract includes a variable amount, the amount of consideration is estimated to which the
Group will be entitled in exchange for transferring the goods or services to the customer. The variable consideration is
estimated at contract inception and constrained until it is highly probable that a significant revenue reversal in the amount
of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur when the associated uncertainty with the variable consideration is
subsequently resolved.
When the contract contains a financing component which provides the customer with a significant benefit of financing
the transfer of goods or services to the customer for more than one year, revenue is measured at the present value of
the amount receivable, discounted using the discount rate that would be reflected in a separate financing transaction
between the Group and the customer at contract inception. When the contract contains a financing component which
provides the Group with a significant financial benefit for more than one year, revenue recognised under the contract
includes the interest expense accreted on the contract liability under the effective interest method. For a contract where
the period between the payment by the customer and the transfer of the promised goods or services is one year or less,
the transaction price is not adjusted for the effects of a significant financing component, using the practical expedient in
Construction services
Revenue is recognised when the control over the residential and commercial projects has been transferred to the
customer. At contract inception, the Group assesses whether the Group transfers control of the residential and
commercial projects over time or at a point in time by determining if:
its performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the Group;
the Group has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.
The residential and commercial projects undertaken by the Group do not have an alternative use for the Group due to
contractual restriction and the Group does not have an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.
Accordingly, revenue is recognised only when the legal title passes to the buyer or when the equitable interest in the
property vests with the buyer upon signing of the property handover notice by the buyer, whichever is earlier.
Revenue is measured at the transaction price agreed under the contract. Estimates of revenues, costs or extent of
progress towards completion are revised if circumstances change. Any resulting increases or decreases in estimated
revenues or costs are reflected in the profit or loss in the period in the which the circumstances that give rise to the
revision become known by management.
Provision of consultancy and management services
Revenue from the provision of consultancy and management services is recognised over the scheduled period on a
straight-line basis because the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(u) Revenue recognition (continued)
Revenue from other sources
Rental income is recognised on a time proportion basis over the lease terms. Variable lease payments that do not depend
on an index or a rate are recognised as income in the accounting period in which they are incurred.
Other income
Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis using the effective interest method by applying the rate that exactly
discounts the estimated future cash receipts over the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, when
appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset.
Dividend income is recognised when the shareholders’ right to receive payment has been established, it is probable that
the economic benefits associated with the dividend will flow to the Group and the amount of the dividend can be
measured reliably.
(v) Contract assets
A contract asset is the right to consideration in exchange for goods or services transferred to the customer. If the Group
performs by transferring goods or services to a customer before the customer pays consideration or before payment is
due, a contract asset is recognised for the earned consideration that is conditional. Contract assets are subject to
impairment assessment, details of which are included in the accounting policies for impairment of financial assets as
described in note 2(l).
(w) Contract liabilities
A contract liability is the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the Group has received a
consideration (or an amount of consideration that is due) from the customer. If a customer pays the consideration before
the Group transfers goods or services to the customer, a contract liability is recognised when a payment is received or a
payment is due (whichever is earlier) from a customer before the Group transfers the related goods or services. Contract
liabilities are recognised as revenue when the Group performs under the contract.
(x) Contract costs
Other than the costs which are capitalised as inventories, property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, costs
incurred to fulfil a contract with a customer are capitalised as an asset if all of the following criteria are met:
(a) The costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract that the entity can specifically identify.
(b) The costs generate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying (or in continuing to satisfy)
performance obligations in the future.
(c) The costs are expected to be recovered.
The capitalised contract costs are amortised and charged to the statement of profit or loss on a systematic basis that is
consistent with the transfer to the customer if the goods or services to which the asset relates is recognised. Other
contract costs are expensed as incurred.
(y) Translation of foreign currencies
Foreign currency transactions during the year are translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at
the end of the reporting period. Exchange gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss, except those arising from
foreign currency borrowings used to hedge a net investment in a foreign operation which are recognised in other
comprehensive income.
Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using
the foreign exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies that are stated at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates the fair value
was measured.
The results of foreign operations are translated into Hong Kong dollars at the exchange rates approximating to the foreign
exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. Statement of financial position items, including goodwill arising on
consolidation of foreign operations acquired on or after 1 January 2005, are translated into Hong Kong dollars at the
closing foreign exchange rates at the end of the reporting period. The resulting exchange differences are recognised in
other comprehensive income and accumulated separately in equity in the exchange reserve. Goodwill arising on
consolidation of a foreign operation acquired before 1 January 2005 is translated at the foreign exchange rate that applied
at the date of acquisition of the foreign operation.
On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of the exchange differences relating to that foreign operation
is reclassified from equity to profit or loss when the profit or loss on disposal is recognised.
(z) Borrowing costs
Borrowing costs are expensed in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred, except to the extent that they are
capitalised as being directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset which necessarily takes
a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale.
(aa) Government grants
Government grants are recognised at their fair value where there is reasonable assurance that the grant will be received
and all attaching conditions will be complied with. When the grant relates to an expense item, it is recognised as income
on a systematic basis over the periods that the costs, for which it is intended to compensate, are expensed.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(ab) Non-current assets and disposal group held for sale and discontinued operations
(i) Non-current assets held for sale
A non-current asset (or disposal group) is classified as held for sale if it is highly probable that its carrying amount will be
recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use and the asset (or disposal group) is available for
sale in its present condition. A disposal group is a group of assets to be disposed of together as a group in a single
transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction.
When the Group is committed to a sale plan involving loss of control of a subsidiary, all the assets and liabilities of that
subsidiary are classified as held for sale when the above criteria for classification as held for sale are met, regardless of
whether the Group will retain a non-controlling interest in the subsidiary after the sale. The relevant asset can be
classified as current asset if it meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale.
Immediately before classification as held for sale, the measurement of the non-current assets (and all individual assets
and liabilities in a disposal group) is brought up-to-date in accordance with the accounting policies before the
classification. Then, on initial classification as held for sale and until disposal, the non-current assets (except for certain
assets as explained below), or disposal groups, are recognised at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less
costs to sell. The principal exceptions to this measurement policy so far as the financial statements of the Group and the
Company are concerned are deferred tax assets, assets arising from employee benefits, financial assets (other than
investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) and investment properties. These assets, even if held for sale,
would continue to be measured in accordance with the policies set out elsewhere in note 2.
Impairment losses on initial classification as held for sale, and on subsequent remeasurement while held for sale, are
recognised in profit or loss. As long as a non-current asset is classified as held for sale, or is included in a disposal group
that is classified as held for sale, the non-current asset is not depreciated or amortised.
(ii) Discontinued operations
A discontinued operation is a component of the Group’s business, the operations and cash flows of which can be clearly
distinguished from the rest of the Group and which represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of
operations, or is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of
operations, or is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.
Classification as a discontinued operation occurs upon disposal or when the operation meets the criteria to be classified
as held for sale (see (i) above), if earlier. It also occurs if the operation is abandoned.
Where an operation is classified as discontinued, a single amount is presented on the face of the consolidated statement
of profit or loss, which comprises:
the post-tax profit or loss of the discontinued operation; and
the post-tax gain or loss recognised on the measurement of fair value less costs to sell, or on the disposal, of the
assets or disposal group(s) constituting the discontinued operation.
(ac) Fair value measurement
The Group measures its investment properties, trading securities, derivative financial instruments, financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss and equity investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income at fair
value at the end of each reporting period. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer
a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value measurement is
based on the presumption that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place either in the principal
market for the asset or liability, or in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market for the asset or
liability. The principal or the most advantageous market must be accessible by the Group. The fair value of an asset or a
liability is measured using the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability,
assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest.
A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s ability to generate economic
benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that would use the
asset in its highest and best use.
The Group uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available
to measure fair value, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs.
All assets and liabilities for which fair value is measured or disclosed in the financial statements are categorised within
the fair value hierarchy, described as follows, based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value
measurement as a whole:
Level 1 — Fair value measured using only Level 1 inputs i.e., unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical
assets or liabilities at the measurement date
Level 2 — Fair value measured using Level 2 inputs i.e., observable inputs which fail to meet Level 1, and not using
significant unobservable inputs. Unobservable inputs are inputs for which market data are not available
Level 3 — Fair value measured using significant unobservable inputs
For assets and liabilities that are recognised in the financial statements on a recurring basis, the Group determines
whether transfers have occurred between levels in the hierarchy by reassessing categorisation at the end of each
reporting period.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(ad) Related parties
For the purposes of these financial statements, a party is considered to be related to the Group if:
(a) A person, or a close member of that person’s family, is related to the Group if that person:
(i) has control or joint control over the Group;
(ii) has significant influence over the Group; or
(iii) is a member of the key management personnel of the Group or the Group’s parent.
(b) An entity is related to the Group if any of the following conditions applies:
(i) The entity and the Group are members of the same Group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and
fellow subsidiary is related to the others);
(ii) One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint venture of a member of
a Group of which the other entity is a member);
(iii) Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party;
(iv) One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third entity;
(v) The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the Group or an entity
related to the Group;
(vi) The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a);
(vii) A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management
personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity); and
(viii) The entity, or any member of a group of which it is a part, provides key management personnel services to
the Group or to the Group’s parent.
Close members of the family of a person are those family members who may be expected to influence, or be influenced
by, that person in their dealings with the entity.
(ae) Segment reporting
Operating segments, and the amounts of each segment item reported in the financial statements, are identified from the
financial information provided regularly to the Group’s most senior executive management for the purposes of allocating
resources to, and assessing the performance of, the Group’s various lines of business and geographical locations.
Individually material operating segments are not aggregated for financial reporting purposes unless the segments have
similar economic characteristics and are similar in respect of the nature of products and services, the nature of production
processes, the type or class of customers, the methods used to distribute the products or provide the services, and the
nature of the regulatory environment. Operating segments which are not individually material may be aggregated if they
share a majority of these criteria.
The Group has adopted the following revised HKFRSs for the first time for the current year’s financial statements.
Amendments to HKAS 1 and
HKFRS Practice Statement 2
Disclosure of Accounting Policies
Amendments to HKAS 8 Definition of Accounting Estimates
Amendments to HKAS 12 Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single
Amendments to HKAS 12 International Tax Reform — Pillar Two Model Rules
The nature and the impact of the revised HKFRSs that are applicable to the Group are described below:
(a) Amendments to HKAS 1 require entities to disclose their material accounting policy information rather than their
significant accounting policies. Accounting policy information is material if, when considered together with other
information included in an entity’s financial statements, it can reasonably be expected to influence decisions that
the primary users of general purpose financial statements make on the basis of those financial statements.
Amendments to HKFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements provide non-mandatory guidance on
how to apply the concept of materiality to accounting policy disclosures. The Group has disclosed the material
accounting policy information in the financial statements.
(b) Amendments to HKAS 8 clarify the distinction between changes in accounting estimates and changes in
accounting policies. Accounting estimates are defined as monetary amounts in financial statements that are
subject to measurement uncertainty. The amendments also clarify how entities use measurement techniques and
inputs to develop accounting estimates. Since the Group’s approach and policy align with the amendments, the
amendments had no impact on the Group’s financial statements.
(c) Amendments to HKAS 12 Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction narrow
the scope of the initial recognition exception in HKAS 12 so that it no longer applies to transactions that give rise to
equal taxable and deductible temporary differences, such as leases and decommissioning obligations. Therefore,
entities are required to recognise a deferred tax asset (provided that sufficient taxable profit is available) and a
deferred tax liability for temporary differences arising from these transactions. The amendments had no impact on
the Group’s financial statements.
(d) Amendments to HKAS 12 International Tax Reform — Pillar Two Model Rules introduce a mandatory temporary
exception from the recognition and disclosure of deferred taxes arising from the implementation of the Pillar Two
model rules published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The amendments also
introduce disclosure requirements for the affected entities to help users of the financial statements better
understand the entities’ exposure to Pillar Two income taxes, including the disclosure of current tax related to Pillar
Two income taxes separately in the periods when Pillar Two legislation is effective and the disclosure of known or
reasonably estimable information of their exposure to Pillar Two income taxes in periods in which the legislation is
enacted or substantively enacted but not yet in effect. The Group has applied the amendments retrospectively.
The amendments did not have significant impact to the Group.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
Turnover from operations represents the aggregate of service fee income, sales of inventories, interest income, dividend
income, rental income from investment properties, rental income from finance leases and gross sale proceeds from
disposal of trading securities of secondary market investments, in which the turnover of derivatives is defined as the
absolute net profit or loss.
Income from contracts with customers, investments and other sources recognised during the year is as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Income from contracts with customers
Recognised over time
Management fee income 182,189 266,018
Rental income from investment properties 213,733 185,582
Recognised at a point in time
Consultancy fee and performance fee income 376,838 390,477
Sales of inventories 19,268 998
792,028 843,075
Net loss from investments
Interest income
Financial assets not at fair value through profit or loss
Bank deposits 172,695 97,779
Advances to customers 361,129 350,010
Debt investments 125,852 115,933
Dividend income
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and trading securities 661,210 1,751,476
Equity investments designated at fair value through other
comprehensive income 330,656 372,497
Realised (loss)/gain on investments
Net realised gain on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 129,242 130,419
Net realised loss on trading securities (142,400) (84,225)
Unrealised loss on investments
Change of unrealised loss on financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss (2,317,516) (8,462,156)
Change of unrealised gain/(loss) on trading securities 189,812 (171,734)
Realised gain on partial disposal of an associate 14,306
Realised loss on disposal of a joint venture (171)
(489,491) (5,885,695)
Income/(loss) from other sources
Net gain/(loss) on revaluation of investment properties 760,263 (92,839)
Written back of impairment loss on inventory 179,704
Rental income from finance leases 4,110 5,548
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment 90 99
Exchange differences, net (2,144) (82,204)
Others 160,300 93,989
1,102,323 (75,407)
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Impairment losses on:
— Inventories 606,747
— Advances to customers 367,759 263,930
— Debtors, deposits, prepayments and others 360,245 72,871
— Finance lease receivables 3,687 24,040
— Property, plant and equipment 14,553
731,691 982,141
Impairment losses on:
— Investments in associates 64,151 1,128,501
795,842 2,110,642
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Depreciation and amortisation expenses 55,000 66,597
Lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities 2,433 3,201
Auditor’s remuneration 16,000 16,129
Management fee, consultancy fee, advisor fee and performance fee 72,591 101,595
Office expenses 43,462 41,159
Bank charges 39,383 36,502
Employee expenses (wages, bonuses and allowances) 256,035 272,573
Legal and professional fee 53,834 49,241
Other operating expenses 368,485 332,770
907,223 919,767
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Interest expense on bank loans and other borrowings 1,640,407 1,106,379
Interest expense on lease liabilities 3,284 2,936
1,643,691 1,109,315
The effective interest rate of bank loans and other borrowings was approximately 4.70% (2022: 3.25%) per annum during
the year ended 31 December 2023.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Directors’ emoluments:
Directors’ emoluments disclosed pursuant to section 383(1) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and Part 2 of the
Companies (Disclosure of Information about Benefits of Directors) Regulation are as follows:
For the year ended 31 December 2023
and benefits
in kind
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Executive directors
Zhang Mingao 1,601 64 1,665
Wang Yun (note 1) 1,034 47 1,081
Yin Yanwu 1,516 53 1,569
Wang Hongyang (note 2) 493 6 499
Non-executive directors
Yu Fachang
Pan Wenjie
Fang Bin
Independent non-executive directors
Chung Shui Ming, Timpson 200 328 528
Lin Zhijun 200 300 500
Law Cheuk Kin, Stephen 200 314 514
600 5,586 170 6,356
1. Ms. Wang Yun was appointed as an Executive Director with effect from 5 May 2023.
2. Mr. Wang Hongyang resigned as an Executive Director with effect from 5 May 2023.
(a) Directors’ emoluments: (continued)
For the year ended 31 December 2022
and benefits
in kind
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Executive directors
Zhang Mingao 1,810 64 1,874
Wang Hongyang 2,003 18 2,021
Yin Yanwu 2,292 18 2,310
Zhao Wei (note 1) 2,030 36 2,066
Non-executive directors
Yu Fachang (note 2)
Pan Wenjie
Fang Bin
Independent non-executive directors
Chung Shui Ming, Timpson 200 378 578
Lin Zhijun 200 350 550
Law Cheuk Kin, Stephen 200 371 571
600 9,234 136 9,970
1. Dr. Zhao Wei resigned as the Chairman of the Board and an Executive Director with effect from 21 June 2022.
2. Mr. Yu Fachang was appointed as the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director with effect from 21 June 2022.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(b) Five highest paid individuals’ emoluments
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Salaries and other emoluments 10,475 12,403
Bonuses 2,760
Retirement scheme contributions 90 185
10,565 15,348
2023 2022
Number of directors
Number of employees 5 5
5 5
Their emoluments were within the following bands:
Number of individuals
2023 2022
HK$2,000,001 to HK$2,500,000 5
HK$2,500,001 to HK$3,000,000 3
HK$3,000,001 to HK$3,500,000 1
HK$3,500,001 to HK$4,000,000 1
5 5
During the year, no emoluments were paid to the five highest paid individuals (including directors and employees) as an
inducement to join the Group or as compensation for loss of office (2022: Nil).
Bonus payment is determined pursuant to the incentive schemes and relevant policies of the Group.
The provision for Hong Kong profits tax is calculated at 16.5% (2022: 16.5%) of the estimated assessable profits for the
year. Taxation for overseas subsidiaries is calculated at the appropriate current rates of taxation in the relevant tax
The amount of taxation recognised in the consolidated statement of profit or loss represents:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Current taxation
— Hong Kong profits tax 4,012 10,963
— Overseas taxation 166,461 67,207
— (Over)/under-provision in prior years (4,676) 20,201
Deferred taxation
— Deferred taxation relating to the origination and
reversal of temporary differences (89,418) (1,021,798)
Income tax expenses/(credit) 76,379 (923,427)
Reconciliation between income tax expenses/(credit) and accounting (loss)/profit at applicable tax rates:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Loss before taxation (1,685,890) (8,623,742)
Calculated at the rates applicable to loss in the tax jurisdictions concerned (425,338) (1,839,480)
Tax effect of income not subject to taxation (1,145,444) (812,191)
Tax effect of expenses not deductible for taxation purposes 1,222,756 1,514,982
Tax effect of utilisation of previously unrecognised losses (1,256) (6,159)
Tax effect of tax losses and other deductible temporary
differences not recognised 430,337 199,220
(Over)/under-provision of taxation in prior years (4,676) 20,201
Income tax expenses/(credit) 76,379 (923,427)
Profit for the year of the Company attributable to equity shareholders of the Company of HK$1,352,296,000 (2022: loss
attributable to equity shareholders of the Company of HK$969,812,000) has been dealt with in the financial statements of
the Company.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the year
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
— Interim dividend declared and paid of HK$0.15
(2022: HK$0.15) per share 252,788 252,788
— Final dividend proposed after the end of the reporting
period date of HK$0.10 (2022: HK$0.15) per share 168,525 252,788
421,313 505,576
The Board proposed a final dividend of HK$0.10 per share for the year ended 31 December 2023 (2022: HK$0.15 per
share). The proposed final dividend is not reflected as dividend payable in the financial statements.
(b) Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the previous financial
year, approved and paid during the year
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
— Final dividend in respect of the previous financial year,
approved and paid during the year, of HK$0.15
(2022: HK$0.30) per share 252,788 505,576
Tax effects relating to each component of other comprehensive income
2023 2022
Before tax
Net of tax
Before tax
Net of tax
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Net movement in investment revaluation
reserve of equity investments designated
at fair value through other comprehensive
income (372,285) (372,285) (981,160) (981,160)
Share of other comprehensive loss and
effect of foreign currency translation
of associates (145,321) (145,321) (1,419,859) (1,419,859)
Share of other comprehensive loss and
effect of foreign currency translation
of joint ventures (13,376) (13,376) (84,987) (84,987)
Other net movement in exchange reserve (466,737) (466,737) (2,047,737) (2,047,737)
(997,719) (997,719) (4,533,743) (4,533,743)
Basic and diluted loss per share
The calculation of basic and diluted loss per share for the year ended 31 December 2023 is based on the loss attributable
to equity shareholders of the Company of HK$1,922,639,000 (2022: loss attributable to equity shareholders of the
Company of HK$7,443,299,000) and the weighted average number of 1,685,253,712 shares (2022: 1,685,253,712
shares) in issue during the year.
(a) Reconciliation of carrying amount
Interests in
land held
for own
use under
held for
own use
at cost
and motor
leased for
own use Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Cost or valuation:
At 1 January 2022 506,080 61,854 124,299 92,051 218,464 1,002,748 5,352,758
Additions 3,967 4,870 17,097 25,934 94,279
Disposals (6,282) (31,202) (37,484)
Net loss on revaluation (92,839)
Exchange adjustments (21,849) (6,934) (1,700) (10,204) (40,687) (456,025)
As at 31 December 2022 484,231 61,854 121,332 88,939 194,155 950,511 4,898,173
Cost 484,231 61,854 121,332 88,939 194,155 950,511
Professional valuation 4,898,173
484,231 61,854 121,332 88,939 194,155 950,511 4,898,173
Cost or valuation:
At 1 January 2023 484,231 61,854 121,332 88,939 194,155 950,511 4,898,173
Additions 1,116 2,143 15,156 18,415
Disposals (9,367) (1,483) (90,714) (101,564)
Net gain on revaluation 760,263
Exchange adjustments (3,374) 271 (292) (1,147) (4,542) (73,617)
As at 31 December 2023 480,857 61,854 113,352 89,307 117,450 862,820 5,584,819
Cost 480,857 61,854 113,352 89,307 117,450 862,820
Professional valuation 5,584,819
480,857 61,854 113,352 89,307 117,450 862,820 5,584,819
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Reconciliation of carrying amount (continued)
Interests in
land held
for own
use under
held for
own use
at cost
and motor
leased for
own use Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Accumulated depreciation:
At 1 January 2022 138,546 21,527 40,124 74,032 130,977 405,206
Charge for the year 8,115 1,532 7,746 10,769 38,435 66,597
Written back on disposals (5,782) (31,202) (36,984)
Impairment loss recognised
in profit or loss 14,553 14,553
Exchange adjustments (8,990) (101) (433) (4,783) (6,272) (20,579)
As at 31 December 2022 137,671 22,958 61,990 74,236 131,938 428,793
At 1 January 2023 137,671 22,958 61,990 74,236 131,938 428,793
Charge for the year 7,864 1,430 5,989 5,477 34,240 55,000
Written back on disposals (9,367) (1,278) (72,459) (83,104)
Exchange adjustments (1,428) (71) 1,355 (834) (858) (1,836)
As at 31 December 2023 144,107 24,317 59,967 77,601 92,861 398,853
Net book value:
As at 31 December 2023 336,750 37,537 53,385 11,706 24,589 463,967 5,584,819
As at 31 December 2022 346,560 38,896 59,342 14,703 62,217 521,718 4,898,173
(b) The Group’s interests in leasehold land and buildings and investment properties situated in Hong Kong and Mainland
China were appraised as at 31 December 2023 by RHL Appraisal Limited, Savills Real Estate Valuation (Guangzhou)
Limited and Colliers International (Hong Kong) Limited, independent professional valuers who have, among their staff
fellows of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors or the China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents, recent
experience in the location and category of property being valued. These properties were appraised on an open market
basis and investment properties are carried in the consolidated statement of financial position at market value.
As at 31 December 2023, had the Group’s interests in leasehold land and buildings, which were carried at cost less
accumulated depreciation, been carried at fair value, their carrying amount would have been HK$985,759,000 (2022:
HK$1,054,972,000). Since such fair value is determined using significant unobservable inputs, it will be categorised as
Level 3 under the fair value hierarchy as defined in HKFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.
The fair value of the Group’s interests in leasehold land and buildings in Hong Kong and Mainland China is determined
using the direct comparison approach based on prices realised on actual sales and/or asking prices of comparable
properties. The valuations take into account the characteristics of the properties which include the size, scale, nature,
character and location. Premiums or discounts will be applied based on characteristics of the properties.
(b) (continued)
In the opinion of the Directors, the Group’s existing use of its interest in leasehold land and buildings equates to the
highest and best use of the assets.
Investment properties of HK$4,599,631,000 (2022: HK$4,551,165,000) of the Group are rented out under operating
leases; HK$750,366,000 (2022: HK$303,939,000) are under construction and will be rented out upon completion of the
All properties held under operating leases that would otherwise meet the definition of investment properties are
classified as investment properties.
During the years ended 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Group did not acquire any assets through
business combination.
(c) Right-of-use assets
The analysis of the net book value of right-of-use assets by class of underlying asset is as follows:
2023 2022
Note HK$’000 HK$’000
Interests in leasehold land held for own use, carried at
depreciated cost in Hong Kong, with remaining lease term of: (i)
— 50 years or more 231,505 233,679
231,505 233,679
Interests in leasehold land held for own use, carried at
depreciated cost outside Hong Kong, with remaining lease term of: (i)
— between 10 and 50 years 105,245 112,881
105,245 112,881
Other properties leased for own use, carried at depreciated cost 24,589 62,217
24,589 62,217
Interests in leasehold investment properties, at fair value in
Hong Kong, with remaining lease term of:
— 50 years or more 10,700 10,800
10,700 10,800
Interests in leasehold investment properties, at fair value
outside Hong Kong, with remaining lease term of:
— between 10 and 50 years 5,574,119 4,887,373
5,574,119 4,887,373
(i) Interests in leasehold land held for own use
The Group is the registered owner of these property interests. Lump sum payments were made upfront to acquire
leasehold land from their previously registered owners, and no ongoing payments will be made under the terms of the
land leases, other than payments based on rateable values set by the relevant government authorities.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(d) Fair value measurement of properties
(i) Fair value hierarchy
The following table presents the fair value of the Group’s properties measured at the end of the reporting period on a
recurring basis, categorised into the three-level fair value hierarchy as defined in HKFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement. The
levels into which a fair value measurement is classified and determined with reference to the observability and
significance of the inputs used in the valuation technique are as follows:
• Level1valuations:FairvaluemeasuredusingonlyLevel1inputsi.e.,unadjustedquotedpricesinactivemarkets
for identical assets or liabilities at the measurement date
• Level2valuations:FairvaluemeasuredusingLevel2inputsi.e.,observableinputswhichfailtomeetLevel1,and
not using significant unobservable inputs. Unobservable inputs are inputs for which market data are not available
• Level3valuations:Fairvaluemeasuredusingsignificantunobservableinputs
Fair value measurements categorised into
Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Recurring fair value measurement
Investment properties:
As at 31 December 2023 5,584,819 5,584,819
As at 31 December 2022 4,898,173 4,898,173
During the year ended 31 December 2023, there were no transfers into or out of Level 3 (2022: Nil). The Group’s policy
is to recognise transfers between levels of fair value hierarchy as at the end of the reporting period in which they occur.
(ii) Information about Level 3 fair value measurements
Valuation technique Unobservable input Range
Relationship of unobservable
inputs to fair value
Investment property
— Hong Kong
Direct comparison
Premium/(discount) on characteristic
of the properties
-14% to 1%
(2022: -13% to 1%)
The higher the premium,
the higher the fair value.
Investment properties
— Mainland China
Direct comparison
Weighted average price
per square meter
RMB4,640 to
(2022: RMB5,870 to
The higher the weighted average price per
square meter, the higher the fair value.
Income approach Discount rate Nil*
(2022: 6% to 6.7%)
The higher the discount rate,
the lower the fair value.
Occupancy rate Nil*
(2022: 51% to 100%)
The higher the occupancy rate,
the higher the fair value.
Rental growth rate 1%
(2022: 1% to 8%)
The higher the rental growth rate,
the higher the fair value.
Capitalisation rate 3.5% to 4%
(2022: 3.5% to 4%)
The higher the capitalisation rate,
the lower the fair value.
Term and reversion rate 4.8% to 5.8%
(2022: Nil*)
The higher the term and reversion rate,
the lower the fair value.
* Certain investment properties in Mainland China were fully developed at year-end, and the Group has changed its valuation
techniques for these investment properties accordingly.
(d) Fair value measurement of properties (continued)
(ii) Information about Level 3 fair value measurements (continued)
The fair value of investment property in Hong Kong is determined using the direct comparison approach to value the
property in the existing state, and uses the market basis assuming sale with immediate vacant possession and by making
reference to comparable sales evidence. The valuations take into account the characteristics of the property which
included the location, size, shape, view, floor level, year of completion and other factors collectively.
The fair value of investment properties in Mainland China is determined by multiple approaches including direct
comparison approach and income approach, and uses the market basis assuming sale with immediate vacant possession
and by making reference to comparable sales evidence. The valuations take into account the characteristics of the
properties which included the location, size, floor level, year of completion and other factors collectively. Higher
premiums for properties with better characteristics will result in a higher fair value measurement.
The movements during the year in the balance of these Level 3 fair value measurements are as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Investment properties
At 1 January 4,898,173 5,352,758
Additions 94,279
Net gain/(loss) on revaluation of investment properties 760,263 (92,839)
Exchange adjustments (73,617) (456,025)
At 31 December 5,584,819 4,898,173
Net gain on revaluation of investment properties is recognised as part of the “Income from other sources” (note 4) in the
consolidated statement of profit or loss.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
The following list contains only the particulars of subsidiaries which principally affected the results, assets or liabilities of
the Group.
Name of subsidiary
Place of
operation Class of shares
Particulars of
issued and
paid up capital/
Percentage of
equity interest
held by
the Company Principal activities
CEL Venture Capital (Shenzhen)
Not applicable HK$5,170,000,000 100% Provision of investment
advisory services and
CEL Management Services Limited Hong Kong Ordinary 2 Shares
100% Provision of management
China Everbright Assets
Management Limited
Hong Kong Ordinary 5,000,000 Shares
Provision of asset
management services
China Everbright Finance Limited Hong Kong Ordinary 100,000,000 Shares
100% Money lending
China Everbright Financial
Investments Limited
Hong Kong Ordinary 1,000,000 Shares
100% Investment
China Everbright Industrial
Investment Holdings Limited
Cayman Islands Ordinary 10,000 Shares
100% Investment
China Everbright Investment
Management Limited
Hong Kong Ordinary 5,000,000 Shares
100% Provision of investment
management services
Fortunecrest Investment Limited British Virgin
Ordinary 1 Share
100% Property investment
Janco Development Limited Hong Kong Ordinary 2 Shares
100% Property investment
The PRC* Not applicable RMB125,300,000 100%
Project investment
Not applicable RMB1,202,703,325.05 100% Investment
The PRC* Not applicable RMB3,100,000,000 100%
Project investment
Everbright (Qingdao) Investment
Co., Limited
Not applicable US$160,000,000 100% Investment
The PRC* Not applicable RMB500,000,000 100%
Name of subsidiary
Place of
operation Class of shares
Particulars of
issued and
paid up capital/
Percentage of
equity interest
held by
the Company Principal activities
The PRC* Not applicable RMB100,000,000 100%
Fund management
Not applicable US$50,000,000 100%
The PRC* Not applicable RMB1,835,000,000 100%
CEL Israel Holdings Limited British Virgin
Ordinary 1 Share
Investment holding
China Everbright Global Investment
Advisors Company Limited
Hong Kong Ordinary 5,000,000 Shares
Provision of advisory
Everbright Hero GP Limited Cayman Islands Ordinary 1 Share
Fund management
Everbright Hero, L.P. Cayman Islands Not applicable Not applicable 90.16%
Not applicable RMB200,000,000 100%
Provision of investment
management services
Diamond Wealth Global Limited British Virgin
Ordinary 100 Shares
Investment holding
Pioneer Act Investments Limited British Virgin
Ordinary 1 Share
Investment holding
CEL Global Investment LP Limited Cayman Islands Ordinary 1 Share
Investment holding
CEL Elite Limited Hong Kong Ordinary 1 Share
Treasury management
The PRC* Not applicable RMB310,000,000 100%
Fund management
China Golden Opportunities Fund III,
Cayman Islands Not applicable Not applicable 75.09%
CEL New Economy Fund, L.P. Cayman Islands Not applicable Not applicable 64.84%
Not applicable RMB5,100,000,000 50.94%
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
Name of subsidiary
Place of
operation Class of shares
Particulars of
issued and
paid up capital/
Percentage of
equity interest
held by
the Company Principal activities
Not applicable RMB2,000,000,000 49.91%
Not applicable RMB2,500,000,000 33.31%
Not applicable RMB1,000,000,000 39.8%
Subsidiaries held indirectly.
has been renamed as with effect from 23 February 2023.
Limited liability companies (wholly-foreign-owned enterprise) registered under PRC law.
Limited liability companies (equity joint venture enterprise) registered under PRC law.
* Limited liability companies registered under PRC law.
Limited partnership enterprises registered under PRC law.
The list of subsidiaries above included certain consolidated structured entities of which the Group has capital
commitment of HK$4,868,718,000 (2022: HK$4,762,750,000) to provide capital to support the operating and investing
activities. The Group has no intention and did not provide any other financial support to these consolidated structured
entities during the year.
Acquisition of non-controlling interests
During the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022, there were no material acquisition of non-controlling interests.
(a) Investments in associates
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Carrying value, net (note) 17,709,713 18,002,564
Market value of shares listed in mainland China 17,512,550 17,515,712
Market value of shares listed in Hong Kong 1,028,806 1,227,199
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s net carrying value of its investment in Everbright Jiabao Co., Ltd (“Everbright Jiabao”), an associate
of the Group, amounted to HK$1,786,636,000 (2022: HK$2,475,081,000).
During the year ended 31 December 2023, the Group has engaged an external specialist to estimate the value-in-use of Everbright Jiabao
using a discounted cash flow model. As at 31 December 2023, the accumulated impairment losses charged to profit or loss in prior years
related to Everbright Jiabao amounted to HK$1,598,827,000 (2022: HK$1,598,827,000).
The pre-tax discount rates applied in the cash flow projection of different key business operations of Everbright Jiabao ranged from 8.0%
to 13.0% (2022: 8.0% to 12.8%) and the perpetual growth rate was 1.5% (2022: 2.0%).
(b) As at 31 December 2023, particulars of the principal investments in associates of the Group are as
Name of associate
Place of
operation Principal activities
Percentage of
equity interest
held by
the Company
Everbright Securities Company Limited
(“Everbright Securities”)
The PRC Securities operations (note 1) 20.73%
China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings
Cayman Islands Investment holding (note 2) 38.08%*
Everbright Jiabao
The PRC Real estate development/real estate
asset management (note 3)
China Everbright Senior Healthcare
Company Limited (“Everbright
Senior Healthcare”)
Hong Kong Providing senior health care services
(note 4)
(note 5)
Market value of the listed shares in mainland China as at 31 December 2023 was equivalent to HK$16,267,262,000 (2022:
Market value of the listed shares in Hong Kong as at 31 December 2023 was HK$1,028,806,000 (2022: HK$1,227,199,000).
Market value of the listed shares in mainland China as at 31 December 2023 was equivalent to HK$1,245,288,000 (2022:
* Held indirectly
Note 1: Everbright Securities is the Group’s cornerstone investment, with an investment cost of HK$1,497,149,000 (2022:
HK$1,497,149,000). During the year ended 31 December 2022, the Group’s equity interest in Everbright Securities was
decreased from 20.83% to 20.73% as a result of partial disposal.
Note 2: CALC is the Group’s key investee engaged in providing full life-cycle aircraft leasing solutions. During the year ended 31
December 2022, the Group’s equity interest in CALC was increased from 37.91% to 38.08% as a result of CALC’s share buy-
Note 3: Everbright Jiabao is the Group’s major investee engaged in real estate development and asset management in mainland China.
Note 4: Everbright Senior Healthcare is the Group’s key investee to provide integrated senior health care services including elderly health
care, geriatric treatment, rehabilitation and community services in mainland China.
Note 5: As at 31 December 2023, the Group did not control the board of directors of Everbright Senior Healthcare. Upon the completion
of the procedures of share subscription by an investor with investment amount of RMB50 million, the Group’s equity interest in
Everbright Senior Healthcare stands at 49.29% on a fully diluted basis.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(c) Supplementary financial information of the principal associates
Supplementary financial information in respect of an individually material associate extracted from its financial statements
is as follows:
Everbright Securities
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Gross amounts of the associate
Current assets 239,808,808 247,731,036
Non-current assets 46,404,632 41,491,640
Current liabilities (188,609,201) (178,757,275)
Non-current liabilities (22,749,573) (37,940,517)
Perpetual subordinated bonds (10,472,585) (10,633,877)
Non-controlling interests (889,475) (872,752)
Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the associate 63,492,606 61,018,255
Operating income 11,140,032 12,517,585
Profit from operating activities 4,775,865 3,763,079
Other comprehensive income 195,127 (128,344)
Total comprehensive income 4,970,992 3,634,735
Dividend received from the associate 222,153 253,728
Reconciled to the Group’s interest in the associate
Gross amounts of net assets of the associate 63,492,606 61,018,255
Group’s effective interest 20.73% 20.73%
Group’s share of net assets of the associate 13,159,636 12,649,524
Carrying amount in the Group’s consolidated financial statements 13,159,636 12,649,524
Aggregate information of the associates that are not individually material:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Aggregate carrying amount of associates that are not individually material
in the consolidated statement of financial position 4,550,077 5,353,040
Aggregate amounts of the Group’s share of those associates:
Loss for the year (650,049) (71,339)
Other comprehensive income/(loss) 3,286 (230,675)
Total comprehensive (loss)/income (646,763) (302,014)
(a) Investments in joint ventures
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Carrying value, net 932,964 926,157
(b) As at 31 December 2023, details of the Group’s principal investments in joint ventures are as
Name of joint venture
Place of
operation Principal activities
Percentage of
equity interest
held by the
Wuxi Ronghong Guolian Capital Co., Ltd. The PRC Venture capital and investment advisory
services (note 1)
The PRC Fund management services (note 2) 48.0%*
CEL Capital Prestige Asset Management
Co., Ltd.
The PRC Assets management services (note 3) 49.0%*
* Held indirectly
Note 1: Wuxi Ronghong Guolian Capital Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of the Group to provide investment advisory services to a joint venture
fund in mainland China.
Note 2: is a joint venture of the Group to provide fund management services to an industrial
sector investment fund in mainland China.
Note 3: CEL Capital Prestige Asset Management Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of the Group and an asset management institution established
under approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
All of the above joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method in the consolidated financial statements.
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
At fair value:
Listed equity securities
— outside Hong Kong 5,032,899 5,405,184
The Group designated the investment in China Everbright Bank Company Limited (“China Everbright Bank”) as financial
assets at fair value through other comprehensive income because the Group intends to hold for the long-term strategic
purposes. The investment cost of the Group’s investment in China Everbright Bank is HK$1,407,189,000 (2022:
No disposal was made during the year ended 31 December 2023, and there were no transfers of any cumulative gain or
loss within equity relating to this investment (2022: Nil).
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Non-current assets
At fair value:
Unlisted equity securities/collective investment schemes*
— outside Hong Kong 20,789,666 26,301,921
Unlisted preference shares
— outside Hong Kong 5,361,456 6,250,280
Unlisted debt securities
— outside Hong Kong 345,457 346,479
26,496,579 32,898,680
Current assets
At fair value:
Listed equity securities
— in Hong Kong 1,106,006 596,727
— outside Hong Kong 885,741 735,000
Unlisted equity securities/collective investment schemes*
— outside Hong Kong 2,212,737 391,198
Unlisted debt securities
— outside Hong Kong 110,978 453,299
4,315,462 2,176,224
* Included in the balance of unlisted equity securities/collective investment schemes are the Group’s interests in unconsolidated
structured entities amounting to HK$18,742,839,000 (2022: HK$21,559,069,000).
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s listed and unlisted equity securities amounting to a fair value of
HK$19,346,709,000 (2022: HK$22,011,177,000) were investments in associates and joint ventures. The Group was
exempted from applying the equity method to these investments and they were measured as financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group had certain unlisted financial assets at fair value through profit or loss recorded at a
purchase price which was below the fair value at inception that would be determined at that date using a valuation
technique. According to the Group’s accounting policy, the difference yet to be recognised in the consolidated statement
of profit or loss at the beginning and the end of the year is as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 227,136 251,951
Released during the year (216,855) (4,472)
Exchange adjustment (3,152) (20,343)
As at 31 December 7,129 227,136
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Non-current assets
Term loans to customers
— secured 5,859
— unsecured 458,082
Current assets
Term loans to customers
— secured 1,205,585 1,310,647
— unsecured 2,831,273 2,090,961
4,036,858 3,401,608
Total term loans to customers 4,036,858 3,865,549
Less: Impairment allowance (966,285) (602,116)
Net carrying value 3,070,573 3,263,433
Certain term loans to customers are secured by unlisted securities or leasehold land and properties in Hong Kong and
mainland China with third parties guarantees.
Term loans to customers are categorised into the following internal credit risk grades:
The Group classifies the credit risk levels of term loans to customers into “Low” (credit risk in excellent condition),
“Medium” (credit risk in normal condition), and “High” (credit risk in severe condition), based on the quality of loans. The
credit risk level is used for the purpose of the Group’s internal credit risk management.
“Low” refers to borrowers with excellent credit quality, or bridge loans with tenor less than 6 months. There is no
sufficient reason to doubt the obligations to repay or there are no other behaviours breaching the debt contracts that
would significantly impact on the repayment. “Medium” refers to borrowers who are currently meeting their repayment
obligations and full repayment of interest and principal is not in doubt. “High” refers to borrowers who are vulnerable to
non-payment according to the debt contract terms, or having significant impact on the repayment of debt according to
contract terms. “Default” is triggered when a repayment obligation is in default; or borrowers are in the stage of filing of
a bankruptcy petition or taking of similar action.
Analysis of the gross carrying amount by the Group’s internal credit rating and year end classification are as follows:
As at 31 December 2023
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Internal rating grade HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Medium 5,854 5,854
High 1,697,398 1,697,398
Default 2,333,606 2,333,606
5,854 1,697,398 2,333,606 4,036,858
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
As at 31 December 2022
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Internal rating grade HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Medium 1,661,642 1,661,642
High 262,500 21,484 283,984
Default 1,919,923 1,919,923
1,924,142 21,484 1,919,923 3,865,549
Analysis of the gross carrying amount and the corresponding impairment allowance are as follows:
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 2022 3,415,641 34,515 299,996 3,750,152
New assets originated or purchased 918,900 918,900
Assets derecognised or repaid (607,835) (13,056) (620,891)
Transfer from stage 1 to stage 3 (1,619,927) 1,619,927
Exchange difference (182,637) 25 (182,612)
As at 31 December 2022 and
1 January 2023 1,924,142 21,484 1,919,923 3,865,549
New assets originated or purchased 1,178,812 1,178,812
Assets derecognised or repaid (972,106) (972,106)
Transfer from stage 1 to stage 2 and
stage 3 (2,112,156) 1,675,938 436,218
Exchange difference (12,838) (24) (22,535) (35,397)
As at 31 December 2023 5,854 1,697,398 2,333,606 4,036,858
The movements in the impairment allowance on term loans to customers are as follows:
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 2022 27,050 11,140 299,996 338,186
Other changes (including new assets
and derecognised assets) (15,830) (4,430) 284,190 263,930
As at 31 December 2022 and
1 January 2023 11,220 6,710 584,186 602,116
Other changes (including new assets
and derecognised assets) (11,207) 328,253 50,713 367,759
Exchange difference (8) (40) (3,542) (3,590)
As at 31 December 2023 5 334,923 631,357 966,285
Except for the above impairment allowance of HK$966,285,000 (2022: HK$602,116,000), there were no other significant
loans to customers, that were aged, requiring significant impairment provision as at 31 December 2023 and 2022.
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Properties under development 135,079 137,038
Completed properties 1,394,260 1,246,776
1,529,339 1,383,814
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Accounts receivable 832,251 746,357
Deposits, prepayments, interest and other receivables and others 1,614,138 1,395,422
2,446,389 2,141,779
Less: Impairment allowance (517,284) (157,594)
1,929,105 1,984,185
Accounts receivable are mainly amounts due from brokers, collectable in cash within one year and divestment proceeds
The carrying amount of debtors, deposits, prepayments and others approximated to their fair value as at 31 December
2023 and 31 December 2022.
Their recoverability was assessed with reference to the credit status of the debtors, and impairment allowance of
HK$517,284,000 as at 31 December 2023 (2022: HK$157,594,000).
The movements in the impairment allowance for debtors, deposits, prepayments and others are as follows:
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 2022 84,723 84,723
Other changes (including new assets
and derecognised assets) 1,790 1,634 69,447 72,871
As at 31 December 2022
and 1 January 2023 1,790 1,634 154,170 157,594
Other changes (including new assets and
derecognised assets) (1,790) 28,724 333,311 360,245
Exchange difference (5) (550) (555)
As at 31 December 2023 30,353 486,931 517,284
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Current assets
At fair value:
Listed equity securities
— in Hong Kong 84,316 226,434
— outside Hong Kong 2,970 205,023
Listed debt securities
— in Hong Kong 1,029,391 900,612
— outside Hong Kong 1,688,699 2,589,566
Unlisted debt securities 89,910 137,290
— listed 330
— unlisted 21,162 38,887
2,916,448 4,098,142
Current liabilities
At fair value:
Listed equity securities
— in Hong Kong (87,561) (247,271)
— outside Hong Kong (117,580) (67,638)
Listed debt securities
— in Hong Kong (133,934)
— outside Hong Kong (42,088)
Listed funds (4,421) (4,729)
— listed (22) (127)
— unlisted (27,916) (36,284)
(237,500) (532,071)
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Cash on hand, savings and current accounts 8,354,387 7,098,486
Fixed deposits with banks 1,233,691 1,137,046
Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of
financial position 9,588,078 8,235,532
Less: Restricted cash (56,961) (289,891)
Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of cash flows 9,531,117 7,945,641
Restricted deposits 664,102
Restricted bank balances of HK$56,961,000 (31 December 2022: HK$45,598,000) were pledged to banks for sales of
mortgaged properties to customers and interest reserve account on borrowings.
There were no restricted bank balances (31 December 2022: HK$244,293,000) pledged to bonds payable.
There were no restricted deposits (31 December 2022: HK$664,102,000) pledged to a bank to secure a banking facility
granted to the Group in relation to the litigation as disclosed in note 46.
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Creditors, deposits received and accrued charges 2,962,495 3,523,042
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Maturity details are as follows:
Within 1 year 10,995,928 11,925,501
1 to 2 years 5,701,040 1,657,847
2 to 5 years 1,480,539 6,920,820
Over 5 years 426,101 412,804
18,603,608 20,916,972
As at 31 December 2023, the bank loans were secured as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Bank loans:
— secured 2,161,399 2,325,589
— unsecured 16,442,209 18,591,383
18,603,608 20,916,972
As at 31 December 2023, the bank loans were secured by:
(a) Mortgage over certain investment properties with carrying value of approximately HK$4,542 million (31 December
2022: approximately HK$4,362 million);
(b) There were no mortgage over property, plant and equipment to secure certain bank loans (31 December 2022:
HK$23 million);
(c) Mortgage over certain inventories with carrying value totalling approximately HK$230 million (31 December 2022:
approximately HK$383 million); and
(d) The pledge of equity interests in subsidiaries with carrying value of approximately HK$1,475 million (31 December
2022: approximately HK$1,563 million).
2023 2022
Note HK$’000 HK$’000
Financial liabilities to third party investors (a) 472,414 441,187
Financial liabilities to third party investors (a) 6,768,868 6,407,464
(a) Financial liabilities to third party investors were incurred by the Group’s fund management business. The Group issues fund units to
third party investors to raise funds through the establishment of investment funds. After the end of the exit period of the
investment funds (or the period extended pursuant to the fund agreements and approved by the investors), the Group shall
distribute the principal of the fund units and the return thereof to the investors pursuant to the fund agreements, provided that the
distribution amount shall be determined in accordance with the fund’s performance. The Group does not guarantee the principal
and return of third party investors’ interests in the investment funds.
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 11,996,728 13,037,445
New issuance and resale of bonds repurchased during the year 4,374,600 4,242,930
Repayments and repurchase during the year (2,422,404) (4,017,583)
Exchange adjustment (155,424) (1,266,064)
As at 31 December 13,793,500 11,996,728
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Maturity details are as follows:
Within 1 year 6,069,140 2,481,148
1 to 2 years 3,310,440 6,157,140
2 to 5 years 4,413,920 3,358,440
13,793,500 11,996,728
As at 31 December 2023, the bonds payable were secured as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Bonds payable:
— secured 242,188
— unsecured 13,793,500 11,754,540
13,793,500 11,996,728
As at 31 December 2023, no restricted bank balances were used to secure certain bonds payable (31 December 2022:
approximately HK$244,000,000).
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
The movements in the deferred tax liabilities recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position are as follows:
Fair value adjustment
for financial assets
at fair value through
profit or loss and
investment properties
Withholding tax on
subsidiaries’ and
associates’ profit Total
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
At 1 January (1,709,621) (2,940,885) (422,265) (434,228) (2,131,886) (3,375,113)
Credited/(charged) to profit or
loss 141,844 1,009,835 (52,426) 11,963 89,418 1,021,798
Exchange adjustments 5,175 221,429 5,175 221,429
At 31 December (1,562,602) (1,709,621) (474,691) (422,265) (2,037,293) (2,131,886)
In accordance with the accounting policy set out in note 2(s), the Group has not recognised deferred tax assets, in
respect of tax losses of approximately HK$3,387 million (2022: approximately HK$3,371 million), as it is not probable that
future taxable profits against which the tax losses can be utilised will be available in the relevant entities. The tax losses
do not expire under current tax legislation except for those incurred by entities registered in the PRC where tax losses
can be carried forward for 5 years from the year in which such losses are incurred.
The Group as a lessee
The carrying amount of lease liabilities and the movements during the year are as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 64,967 92,375
Additions 15,156 17,097
Disposal (18,254)
Interest expense 3,284 2,936
Payments (38,562) (43,096)
Exchange adjustments (2,725) (4,345)
As at 31 December 23,866 64,967
Analysed into:
Current portion 13,273 35,688
Non-current portion 10,593 29,279
(a) Share capital
2023 2022
No. of shares No. of shares
(’000) HK$’000 (’000) HK$’000
Ordinary shares issued and fully paid:
At 1 January and at 31 December 1,685,254 9,618,097 1,685,254 9,618,097
The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote
per share at general meetings of the Company. All ordinary shares rank equally with regard to the Company’s residual
(b) Capital management
The Group’s primary objectives in capital management are maximising shareholders’ return, matching of business
funding needs and maintaining the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. Management regularly, or as changes
in circumstances warrant, reviews and manages the Group’s capital structure so as to maintain a proper balance amongst
shareholders’ returns, leveraging and funding requirement.
Adjusted net debt is defined as total debt, which includes interest-bearing loans and borrowings, notes payable and
bonds payable, plus unaccrued proposed dividends less cash and cash equivalents.
Adjusted capital comprises all components of equity, less unaccrued proposed dividends. In order to maintain or adjust
the ratio, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, issue new shares, raise new debt financing
or sell assets to reduce debt.
The adjusted net debt-to-capital ratio at 31 December 2023 and 2022 was as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Current liabilities
Bank loans 10,995,928 11,925,501
Bonds payable 6,069,140 2,481,148
17,065,068 14,406,649
Non-current liabilities
Bank loans 7,607,680 8,991,471
Bonds payable 7,724,360 9,515,580
Total debt 32,397,108 32,913,700
Add: Proposed dividend 168,525 252,788
Less: Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of cash flows (9,531,117) (7,945,641)
Adjusted net debt 23,034,516 25,220,847
Total equity 34,105,786 37,877,101
Less: Proposed dividend (168,525) (252,788)
Adjusted capital 33,937,261 37,624,313
Adjusted net debt-to-capital ratio 68% 67%
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
31. SHARE CAPITAL (continued)
(b) Capital management (continued)
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s liquidity remained healthy. The addition of financial resources is mainly attributable
to returns, through divestments and dividends, from investments. During the year, the Group has also made ongoing
investments over advances to customers, trading securities and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. To
enhance shareholders’ returns, the Group continues to seek new investment opportunities while maintaining a healthy
capital structure.
The Company is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements. Certain subsidiaries of the Company are subject
to regulatory imposed capital and liquid capital requirements (see also note 39(b)). These subsidiaries have complied with
those requirements at all time during both the current and prior financial years.
Principal Distribution Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 2022 2,325,540 15,621 2,341,161
Profit attributable to holders of perpetual
capital securities 89,284 89,284
Distribution to holders of perpetual
capital securities (89,362) (89,362)
As at 31 December 2022 and 1 January 2023 2,325,540 15,543 2,341,083
Issuance of perpetual medium term notes 2,184,880 2,184,880
Redemption of senior perpetual capital securities (2,325,540) (2,325,540)
Profit attributable to holders of perpetual
capital securities 98,066 98,066
Distribution to holders of perpetual
capital securities (88,923) (88,923)
As at 31 December 2023 2,184,880 24,686 2,209,566
In 2020, the Company issued senior perpetual capital securities with the principal amount of US$300,000,000 (equivalent
to approximately HK$2,325,540,000). The distribution rate for the senior perpetual capital securities is 3.80% per annum
3 years from the date of issuance (i.e., 27 October 2023), and subsequently the distribution rate will be reset in every 3
calendar years. On 27 October 2023, the Company redeemed all of the outstanding senior perpetual capital securities of
the principal amount of US$300,000,000. The distribution of senior perpetual capital securities is accrued in accordance
with the distribution rate as set out in the subscription agreement, and such distribution shall be payable semi-annually in
arrears on 27 April and 27 October of each year.
In 2023, the Company issued perpetual medium term notes with the principal amount of RMB 2,000,000,000 (equivalent
to approximately HK$2,184,880,000). The distribution rate for the perpetual medium term notes is 3.60% per annum 3
years from the date of issuance (i.e., 8 September 2026), and subsequently the distribution rate will be reset in every 3
calendar years. The distribution of perpetual medium term notes is accrued in accordance with the distribution rate as set
out in the subscription agreement, and such distribution shall be payable annually in arrears on 11 September of each
The senior perpetual capital securities and perpetual medium term notes have no maturity and the payments of
distribution can be deferred into perpetuity at the discretion of the Company. The instruments could only be redeemed at
the option of the Company. In substance, the senior perpetual capital securities and perpetual medium term notes were
considered as perpetual capital securities.
31 December
31 December
Note HK$’000 HK$’000
Non-current assets
Investments in subsidiaries 15 8,540,862 8,499,236
Amounts due from subsidiaries 13,844,180 15,457,474
Investment in an associate 1,497,149 1,497,149
Investment in a joint venture 1,143 1,143
Equity investments designated at fair value through
other comprehensive income 5,032,899 5,405,184
28,916,233 30,860,186
Current assets
Amounts due from subsidiaries 20,303,466 20,767,371
Debtors, deposits, prepayments and others 336,871 392,493
Cash and cash equivalents 729,323 864,106
21,369,660 22,023,970
Current liabilities
Amounts due to subsidiaries (6,957,286) (12,349,333)
Bank loans (6,020,000) (5,643,762)
Bonds payable (6,069,140) (2,238,960)
Creditors, deposits received and accrued charges (236,706) (230,007)
(19,283,132) (20,462,062)
Net current assets 2,086,528 1,561,908
Total assets less current liabilities 31,002,761 32,422,094
Non-current liabilities
Bank loans (5,292,209) (5,294,063)
Bonds payable (7,724,360) (9,515,580)
Deferred tax liabilities (333,963) (281,583)
(13,350,532) (15,091,226)
NET ASSETS 17,652,229 17,330,868
Share capital 31 9,618,097 9,618,097
Reserves 34 5,824,566 5,371,688
Perpetual capital securities 32 2,209,566 2,341,083
TOTAL EQUITY 17,652,229 17,330,868
Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 22 March 2024 and signed on behalf of the Board by:
Lin Chun Wang Yun
Director Director
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) The movements in the Company’s reserves during the year are as follows:
earnings Total
Note HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 1 January 2022 9,618,097 4,979,155 3,101,869 17,699,121
Dividends paid 11 (758,364) (758,364)
Loss for the year (969,812) (969,812)
Other comprehensive loss for the year (981,160) (981,160)
As at 31 December 2022 and
1 January 2023 9,618,097 3,997,995 1,373,693 14,989,785
Dividends paid 11 (505,576) (505,576)
Profit for the year 1,352,296 1,352,296
Redemption of Senior perpetual
capital securities (21,557) (21,557)
Other comprehensive loss for the year (372,285) (372,285)
As at 31 December 2023 9,618,097 3,625,710 2,198,856 15,442,663
(b) Nature and purpose of reserves
(i) Investment revaluation reserve
The investment revaluation reserve comprises the cumulative net change in the fair value of equity investments
designated at fair value through other comprehensive income held at the end of the reporting period and is dealt with in
accordance with the accounting policies in note 2(f).
(ii) Exchange reserve
The exchange reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements
of foreign operations as well as the effective portion of any foreign exchange differences arising from hedges of the net
investments in these foreign operations. The reserve is dealt with in accordance with the accounting policies set out in
note 2(y).
(iii) Goodwill reserve
The goodwill reserve comprises goodwill on acquisitions that occurred prior to 1 January 2001. The reserve is dealt with
in accordance with the accounting policies set out in note 2(e).
(iv) Capital reserve
The capital reserve comprises specific allocation of amounts transferred from retained earnings due to regulatory
requirements. It also includes the share of statutory reserves of associates.
(v) Distributability of reserves
As at 31 December 2023, the aggregate amount of reserves available for distribution to equity shareholders of the
Company, as calculated under the provisions of Part 6 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622), was
HK$2,198,856,000 (2022: HK$1,373,693,000). After the end of the reporting period, the directors proposed a final
dividend of HK$0.10 per share (2022: HK$0.15 per share), amounting to HK$168,525,000 (2022: HK$252,788,000) (note
11). This dividend has not been recognised as a liability at the end of the reporting period.
The maturity profile of the Group’s certain financial instruments as at the end of the financial year, based on the
contractual discounted payments, is as follows:
As at 31 December 2023
Indefinite On demand
Less than
3 months
3 to
less than
12 months 1 to 5 years
5 years Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
— Bank loans (1,139,468) (9,856,460) (7,181,579) (426,101) (18,603,608)
— Other financial liabilities (436,688) (35,726) (2,766,029) (4,002,839) (7,241,282)
— Trading securities (237,500) (237,500)
— Bonds payable (6,069,140) (7,724,360) (13,793,500)
— Lease liabilities (3,312) (9,961) (10,593) (23,866)
(237,500) (436,688) (1,178,506) (15,935,561) (17,682,561) (4,428,940) (39,899,756)
As at 31 December 2022
Indefinite On demand
Less than
3 months
3 to
less than
12 months 1 to 5 years
5 years Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
— Bank loans (1,097,598) (10,827,903) (8,578,667) (412,804) (20,916,972)
— Other financial liabilities (136,623) (63,038) (241,526) (1,443,359) (4,964,105) (6,848,651)
— Trading securities (356,049) (176,022) (532,071)
— Bonds payable (2,481,148) (9,515,580) (11,996,728)
— Lease liabilities (8,554) (27,134) (29,279) (64,967)
(356,049) (136,623) (1,345,212) (13,577,711) (19,566,885) (5,376,909) (40,359,389)
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Except as disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements, the following transactions were
entered with related parties during the year:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Management fee income from:
— a joint venture 678 647
— associates exempted from applying the equity method and were
recognised as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 80,353 91,497
Consultancy and other service income from an associate* 428 831
Bank interest income from a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank 33,434 50,355
Dividend income from:
— associates exempted from applying the equity method and were
recognised as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 280,847 1,255,199
— a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank 330,656 372,497
Bank loans interest expense to a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank 196,899 89,511
Consultancy fee to an associate and a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank* 11,377 14,733
Custodian services fee to a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank* 221 706
Remuneration of key management personnel
(including the Company’s directors):
— short-term employee benefits 7,996 15,272
— retirement scheme contributions 274 298
* These related party transactions also constitute continuing connected transactions as defined in Rules 14A of the Listing Rules.
(b) Except as disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements, included in the consolidated statement
of financial position are the following balances with related parties:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Amounts due from associates and a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank
(included in debtors, deposits, prepayments and others) 152,881 81,852
Bank deposits with a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank
(including bank deposit in trust accounts) 2,449,018 2,773,125
Advances to:
— associates exempted from applying the equity method and were
recognised as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2,246,484 2,422,940
— an associate 1,048,306 603,400
Bank loans from a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank (3,490,000) (3,260,438)
Interests in collective investment schemes issued by a joint venture
(included in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss) 1,468,987 3,384,805
Amounts due from associates arising in the ordinary course of the securities trading business are unsecured, interest-
bearing and repayable on demand.
Bank deposits and loans with a fellow subsidiary/a related party bank arising from the ordinary course of business for
corporate financing. The bank deposits earn interest at floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates. The loans are
unsecured, interest-bearing, and have a maturity within 1 year.
All advances to associates arising in the ordinary course of the money lending business are interest-bearing and certain of
them are secured and unsecured respectively.
Interests in collective investment schemes are issued on market terms by a joint venture.
(c) Transactions with other PRC state-owned entities
The Group operates in an economic regime currently predominated by entities directly or indirectly owned by the PRC
government through its government authorities, agencies, affiliations and other organisations (“State-owned Entities”).
Transactions with other State-owned Entities include, but are not limited to: lending and deposit taking; insurance and
redemption of bonds issued by other State-owned Entities; purchase, sale and leases of properties and other assets; and
rendering and receiving of utilities and other services. Among the above, transactions on lending and deposit taking,
leases of properties and receiving utilities are continuous throughout the year and were conducted in the ordinary course
of business, while the remaining types of transactions happened occasionally.
The Group is of the opinion that none of these transactions are material related party transactions that require separate
(d) Certain related party transactions above constitute connected transactions or continuing connected transactions as
defined in Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The disclosures required by Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules are provided in
the Directors’ Report.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(e) Loan to a Director
Loan to a director, disclosed pursuant to section 383(1)(d) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and Part 3 of the
Companies (Disclosure of Information about Benefits of Directors) Regulation, is as follows:
Name of Director Wang Hongyang
Term of the loan
— Loan amount 6,000
— Duration and repayment terms Five (5) calendar years after the drawdown date
and subject to repayment on demand
— Interest rate Average amount of the actual external funding cost
of commercial bank debt of the Company which are
reviewed and adjusted in every six months until the
repayment date
— Security Charge over securities account
Balance of loan as at 31 December 2022 3,061
Maximum amount outstanding during 2022 6,164
Mr. Wang Hongyang resigned as an Executive Director with effect from 5 May 2023. Balance of the loan as at the date
of his resignation is HK$nil as the loan had been repaid during the year. The maximum amount outstanding during 2023
amounted to HK$3,063,000. No provision has been made on the balance during the year. Saved as disclosed above,
there were no loans to directors as at 31 December 2023.
(a) Capital commitments
As at 31 December 2023, the Group had capital commitments as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Contracted but not provided for:
— consolidated structured entities 4,868,718 4,762,750
— unconsolidated structured entities 5,520,919 5,449,397
— unlisted equity investments 179,253 324,756
10,568,890 10,536,903
The above amounts included capital commitments to consolidated and unconsolidated structured entities as disclosed in
note 15 and note 38 to the financial statements respectively.
37. COMMITMENTS (continued)
(b) As at 31 December 2023, the undiscounted lease payments receivable by the Group in the future periods under non-
cancellable operating leases with its tenants are as follows:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Within 1 year 183,231 181,900
After 1 year but within 2 years 163,696 148,273
After 2 years but within 3 years 150,809 134,196
After 3 years but within 4 years 105,060 116,991
After 4 years but within 5 years 77,183 75,039
After 5 years 257,732 249,968
937,711 906,367
(c) Off-balance sheet exposure
The fair values and the contractual or notional amounts of the Group’s trading derivatives outstanding at 31 December
2023 are detailed as follows:
Fair value
notional amounts
2023 2022 2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Assets derivative contracts 21,162 39,217 325,369 619,248
Liabilities derivative contracts (27,938) (36,411) 2,241,356 2,464,207
The financial instruments become favourable (assets) or unfavourable (liabilities) as a result of fluctuations in market
prices of the underlying instruments relative to their terms.
Notional amounts of these financial instruments provide a basis for comparison with instruments recognised on the
consolidated statement of financial position but do not necessarily indicate the amount of future cash flows involved or
the current fair value of the instruments and, therefore, are not a representation of the Group’s exposure to the credit or
price risks.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
The table below describes the types of structured entities that the Group does not consolidate but in which it holds an
Type of structured entity Nature and purpose Interest held by the Group
Investment funds To generate fees from managing assets
on behalf of third party investors and
to make investment returns from
co-investing in the funds
• Managementfees
• Investmentsheldintheform
of limited partnership
interest of the funds
Collective investment schemes These vehicles are financed through the
issue of units to investors
• Investmentsinunitsissued
by the structured entity
As at 31 December 2023, the carrying value of interests held by the Group in unconsolidated structured entities
amounted to HK$18,742,839,000 (2022: HK$21,559,069,000), which were recognised in financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss in the consolidated statement of financial position.
As at 31 December 2023, the carrying values of interests held by the Group in unconsolidated structured entities
managed by the Group and not managed by the Group were HK$5,187,996,000 (2022: HK$6,067,597,000) and
HK$13,554,843,000 (2022: HK$15,491,472,000) respectively.
The maximum exposure to loss is the carrying value of the assets held.
Other than the invested and committed capital, the Group has no intention to provide financial or other support to the
structured entities.
Risk management is of fundamental importance to the business operation of the Group. The major types of risk inherent
in the Group’s business are credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, currency risk and equity price risk. The Group’s risk
management objectives are to maximise shareholders’ value and to reduce volatility in earnings while maintaining risk
exposures within acceptable limits.
The Group’s work in the area of risk management is executed by the Risk Management, Legal and Compliance
Department and is led by the Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance
Department. This functional structure can assess, identify and document the Group’s risk profile to ensure that the
business units focus, control and systematically avoid potential risks in various business areas. The following is a brief
description of the Group’s approach in managing these risks.
(a) Credit risk
The Group’s credit risk is primarily attributable to advances to customers, accounts receivable, debt investments and
unlisted derivative financial instruments.
Credit risk management framework
The Group has formulated a comprehensive set of credit risk management policies and procedures, and appropriate
credit risk limits to manage and control credit risk that may arise. These policies, procedures and credit risk limits are
regularly reviewed and updated to cope with the changes in market conditions and business strategies.
The Group’s organisational structure establishes a clear set of authority and responsibility for monitoring compliance with
policies, procedures and limits.
The Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance who reports directly to the Audit
and Risk Management Committee, takes charge of credit risk management and is also responsible for the control of
credit risk exposures of the Group in line with the credit risk management principles and requirements set by the Group.
Credit risk management is embedded within all business units of the Group. The first line of defense against undesirable
outcomes is the business function and the respective line managers. Department heads of their own business areas take
the lead role with respect to implementing and maintaining appropriate credit risk controls. Risk Management, Legal and
Compliance Department, which is independent from the business units, is responsible for the management of credit
risks and it is an ongoing process for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling credit risk to ensure effective
checks and balances, as well as drafting, reviewing and updating credit risk management policies and procedures. It is
also responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the Group’s internal rating system and it ensures that
the system complies with the relevant regulatory requirements. Credit risk is approved by the Vice President of the
Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department and reported to Audit and Risk Management
Committee quarterly.
For advances to customers, the Group requires collateral from customers before advances are granted. The amount of
advances permitted depends on the quality and value of collateral provided by the customer. Any subsequent change in
value as well as quality of collateral is closely monitored in order to determine whether any corrective action is required.
Accounts receivable mainly arise from the Group’s investment activities. Receivables from brokers and counterparties
are normally repayable on demand. The Group has established procedures in the selection of brokers/counterparties with
sound credit ratings and/or reputation.
Investments in debt instruments and unlisted derivative financial instruments are also governed by whether the issuers
and the trade counterparties respectively have sound credit ratings.
The Group has well-defined policies in place on the setting and approval of trading, credit and investment position limits
in order to manage its credit risk exposure and concentration. As at the end of the reporting period, the Group did not
have a significant concentration of credit risk.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Credit risk (continued)
Expected Credit Loss (“ECL”) Methodology
The Group’s policy requires the review of individual outstanding amounts at least quarterly or more regularly depending
on individual circumstances or market conditions.
The Group has adopted HKFRS 9, where the impairment requirements under HKFRS 9 are based on an ECL model. The
Group applies the general approach for impairment of financial assets except for impairment of part of the accounts
receivable (included in debtors and deposits), to which the simplified approach was applied. Under the simplified
approach, the Group measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime ECL. Under the general approach,
financial assets migrate through the following three stages based on the change in credit risk since initial recognition:
Stage 1: 12-month ECL, Stage 2: Lifetime ECL — not credit-impaired and Stage 3: Lifetime ECL — credit-impaired.
When determining whether the risk of default has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group incorporates
both quantitative and qualitative assessment such as number of days past due, the Group’s historical experience, and
market benchmark. When estimating the ECL on term loans to customers, the Group has incorporated forward-looking
economic information through the use of industry trend and experienced credit judgement to reflect the qualitative
factors, and through the use of probability-weighted scenarios. The measurement of ECL is the product of the financial
instrument’s probability of default (“PD”), loss given default (“LGD”) and exposure at default (“EAD”) discounted at the
effective interest rate to the reporting date. As at 31 December 2023, ECL of unsecured financial assets is measured
based on PD at a range of 31.55% to 100% (31 December 2022: 0.15% to 100%) and LGD at a range of 10% to 88% (31
December 2022: 10% to 88%).
ECL is measured at an unbiased and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible
outcomes, the time value of money and reasonable and supportable information about past events, current conditions
and forecasts of future economic conditions. The Group adopts three economic scenarios in the ECL measurement to
meet the requirements of HKFRS 9. The “Base” scenario represents a most likely outcome and the other two scenarios,
referred to as the “Best” scenario and “Worse” scenario, represent less likely outcomes which are more optimistic or
more pessimistic compared to the “Base” scenario.
The probability assigned for each scenario reflects the Group’s view for the economic environment, which implements
the Group’s prudent and consistent credit strategy of ensuring the adequacy of impairment allowance. A higher
probability is assigned to the “Base” scenario to reflect the most likely outcome and a lower probability is assigned to
the “Best” and “Worse” scenarios to reflect the less likely outcomes. The probabilities assigned are updated in each
Audit and Risk Management Committee is responsible for approving ECL methodology. Risk Management, Legal and
Compliance Department is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of ECL methodology including models
review and parameters update on a regular basis. If there is any change in ECL methodology, the Group will go through a
proper approval process.
The maximum exposure to credit risk without taking into account any collateral held is represented by the carrying
amount of each financial asset, including derivative financial instruments, at the end of the reporting period, deducting
any impairment allowance.
(a) Credit risk (continued)
Maximum exposure and year-end staging
The table below shows the credit quality and the maximum exposure to credit risk based on the Group’s credit policy,
which is mainly based on past due information unless other information is available without undue cost or effort, and
year-end staging classification as at 31 December 2023. The amounts presented are gross carrying amounts for financial
As at 31 December 2023
ECLs Lifetime ECLs
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Note HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Advances to customers 20 5,854 1,697,398 2,333,606 4,036,858
Debtors and deposits
— Normal* 566,027 832,251 1,398,278
— Doubtful* 151,215 852,291 1,003,506
Cash and cash equivalents
— Not yet past due 24 9,588,078 9,588,078
Finance lease receivables 62,317 62,317
10,159,959 1,848,613 3,248,214 832,251 16,089,037
As at 31 December 2022
ECLs Lifetime ECLs
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Note HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Advances to customers 20 1,924,142 21,484 1,919,923 3,865,549
Debtors and deposits
— Normal* 1,181,839 746,357 1,928,196
— Doubtful* 5,683 154,194 159,877
Cash and cash equivalents
— Not yet past due 24 8,235,532 8,235,532
Finance lease receivables 58,824 58,824
11,341,513 27,167 2,132,941 746,357 14,247,978
The Group applies the general approach for impairment of financial assets except for impairment of accounts receivable
(included in debtors and deposits), to which the simplified approach was applied.
* The credit quality of the financial assets included in debtors and deposits is considered to be “normal” when they are not past due
and there is no information indicating that the financial assets had a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition.
Otherwise, the credit quality of the financial assets is considered to be “doubtful”.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(b) Liquidity risk
The Group’s policy is to regularly assess current and expected liquidity requirements and to ensure that it maintains
reserves of cash, readily realisable marketable securities and adequate committed lines of funding from major financial
institutions to meet its liquidity requirements in the short and longer term.
For subsidiaries with statutory liquidity requirements, the Group closely monitors their liquidity positions. To ensure strict
compliance, the Group maintains adequate cash reserves to prepare for immediate fund injection if required. If there is a
medium to long-term operational need, management would also consider adjusting those subsidiaries’ capital structure.
Subsidiaries with external equity stakeholders are generally responsible for their own liquidity management.
The following table details the remaining contractual maturities on the reporting date of the Group’s financial liabilities
which are based on contractual undiscounted cash flows (including interest payments computed using contractual rates
or, if floating, based on rates current at the end of the reporting period) and the earliest date the Group can be required to
2023 2022
cash flows
1 year or
on demand
More than
1 year
cash flows
1 year or
on demand
More than
1 year
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Creditors, deposits received and
accrued charges 2,962,495 2,962,495 2,962,495 3,523,042 3,523,042 3,523,042
Bank loans 18,603,608 20,010,435 11,898,621 8,111,814 20,916,972 22,839,215 12,647,722 10,191,493
Bonds payable 13,793,500 14,593,413 6,510,753 8,082,660 11,996,728 12,649,723 2,879,534 9,770,189
Trading securities 237,500 237,500 237,500 532,071 532,071 532,071
Other financial liabilities 7,241,282 7,241,282 472,414 6,768,868 6,848,651 6,848,651 441,187 6,407,464
Lease liabilities 23,866 24,702 13,978 10,724 64,967 67,721 37,631 30,090
42,862,251 45,069,827 22,095,761 22,974,066 43,882,431 46,460,423 20,061,187 26,399,236
(c) Interest rate risk
The Group monitors its interest rate exposure regularly to ensure that the underlying risk is monitored within an
acceptable range.
The Group’s interest rate positions arise from treasury and operating activities. Interest rate risk arises from treasury
management, customer financing and investment portfolios. Interest rate risk primarily results from the timing
differences in the repricing of interest-bearing assets, liabilities and commitments. Interest rate risk is managed by the
Finance and Accounting Department under the delegated authority of the Board and is monitored by the Risk
Management, Legal and Compliance Department. The instruments used to manage interest rate risk include time
deposits and interest rate linked derivatives, if necessary.
The Group is exposed to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of its financial instruments will fluctuate as a
result of changes in market interest rates. In respect of the Group’s interest-bearing financial instruments, the Group’s
policy is to mainly transact in financial instruments that mature or reprice in the short to medium term. Accordingly, the
Group would be subject to limited exposure to fair value or cash flow interest rate risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing
levels of market interest rates.
(c) Interest rate risk (continued)
In respect of interest-bearing financial assets and financial liabilities at variable interest rates, the following table indicates
their effective interest rates at the end of the reporting period. It is estimated that as at 31 December 2023, a general
increase/decrease of 0.5% in interest rates, with all other variables held constant, would have increased/decreased the
Group’s loss before tax, by HK$43,121,038/HK$73,126,317 (2022: increase/decrease of the Group’s loss before tax by
HK$81,696,758/HK$76,590,215 for increase/decrease of 0.5% in the interest rate).
The above increase or decrease in the interest rate represents management’s assessment of a reasonable change in
interest rates over the period until the end of the next reporting period. It is also assumed that all other variables remain
constant. The analysis was performed on the same basis for 2022.
2023 2022
interest rate HK$’000
interest rate HK$’000
Advances to customers 9.8% 3,736,862 9.6% 3,565,553
Cash and cash equivalents 0.3% 9,588,078 0.6% 8,235,532
Total interest-bearing assets 13,324,940 11,801,085
Bank loans 5.64% 18,603,608 5.40% 20,916,972
Total interest-bearing liabilities 18,603,608 20,916,972
(d) Currency risk
The Group’s exposure to currency risk primarily stems from holding of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies, other than Hong Kong dollars and net investment in foreign operations. As most of the Group’s
monetary assets and liabilities and net investment in foreign operations are denominated in Hong Kong dollars, Renminbi,
United States dollars and Singapore dollars, management is aware of the likely increase in volatility in these currencies
and takes a balanced view when considering the management of currency risk.
Overall, the Group monitors its currency exposure closely and would consider hedging significant currency exposure
should the need arise.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(d) Currency risk (continued)
As at the end of the reporting period, the Group’s exposure to currency risk arising from recognised assets and liabilities
denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the entity to which they relate is shown in the table
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Equity investments designated at
fair value through other
comprehensive income 5,032,899 5,405,184
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss 3,082,876 5,313,743 6,779,599 2,388,442
Advances to customers 404,882 492,651
Amounts due from subsidiaries 12,495,417 13,975,175
Debtors, deposits, prepayments
and others 427,377 18,954 12,655 263,128 19,242 3,333
Trading securities 2,970 13,823 185,281
Cash and cash equivalents 693,920 1,365,934 5,645 940,057 410,954 16,876
Bank loans (2,161,653) (2,437,500) (1,544,882)
Bonds payable (13,793,500) (242,188) (11,754,540)
Other financial liabilities (924,714) (381,229) (498,579) (325,796)
Creditors, deposits received and
accrued charges (340,207) (247,355) (328,836) (217,993)
Net exposure arising from recognised
assets and liabilities 1,185,451 9,804,863 18,300 4,982,155 8,541,067 20,209
An analysis of the estimated material change in the Group’s loss before tax and other components of consolidated equity
in response to reasonably possible changes in the Renminbi’s exchange rate to which the Group has significant exposure
at the end of the reporting period is presented in the following table.
2023 2022
in exchange
Effect on
before tax
Effect on
of equity
in exchange
Effect on
before tax
Effect on
of equity
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Renminbi, RMB
1% 47,720 50,329 1% 31,359 54,052
(1%) (47,720) (50,329) (1%) (31,359) (54,052)
The above analysis assumes the change in the Renminbi’s exchange rate had occurred at the end of the reporting period
and had been applied to each of the Group entities’ exposure to currency risk in existence at that date while all other
variables remain constant. The stated changes also represent management’s assessment of reasonably possible changes
in exchange rates until the end of the next reporting period. The analysis excludes differences that would result from the
translation of the financial statements of foreign operations into the Group’s presentation currency. The Hong Kong dollar
is pegged to the United States dollar and it is assumed that this situation will stay materially unaffected by any fluctuation
of the United States dollar against other currencies. The analysis was performed on the same basis for 2022.
(e) Equity price risk
The Group is exposed to equity price changes arising from equity investments classified as trading securities (note 23),
equity investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income (note 18) and financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss (note 19). Other than unlisted securities held for medium to long-term purposes, all of these
investments are listed.
The Group’s investments in listed equity instruments are mainly listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the
Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. Decisions to buy
or sell trading securities rest with assigned investment team professionals and each investment portfolio is governed by
specific investment and risk management guidelines. Independent daily monitoring of each portfolio against the
corresponding guidelines is carried out by the Risk Management, Legal and Compliance Department. Listed equity
instruments held in the equity investments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income and financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss portfolio have been chosen based on their medium to long-term growth potential
and are monitored regularly for performance against expectations.
The performance of the Group’s investments in unquoted equity instruments is assessed periodically, based on the
information available to the Group.
The following table shows the approximate changes in the Group’s loss before tax (and retained earnings) in response to
reasonable change in the value of the relevant listed and unlisted equity investments. The analysis was performed on the
same basis for 2022:
2023 2022
in exchange
Effect on
before tax
Effect on
of equity
in exchange
Effect on
before tax
Effect on
of equity
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Listed equity investments 10% 186,947 503,290 10% 144,355 540,518
(10%) (186,947) (503,290) (10%) (144,355) (540,518)
Unlisted equity investments 5% 1,150,120 5% 1,334,656
(5%) (1,150,120) (5%) (1,334,656)
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(f) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
Financial assets subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements
Financial assets
Gross amounts of
financial assets
Gross amounts of
financial liabilities
set off in
the consolidated
statement of
financial position
Net amounts of
financial assets
presented in
the consolidated
statement of
financial position
amounts not
set off in
the consolidated
statement of
financial position
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 31 December 2023
Trading securities 2,370,202 2,370,202 (199,226) 2,170,976
Debtors, deposits, prepayments
and others 17,394 17,394 17,394
As at 31 December 2022
Trading securities 2,823,631 2,823,631 (239,942) 2,583,689
Debtors, deposits, prepayments
and others 14,897 14,897 14,897
Financial liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements
Financial liabilities
Gross amounts of
financial liabilities
Gross amounts of
financial assets
set off in
the consolidated
statement of
financial position
Net amounts of
financial liabilities
presented in
the consolidated
statement of
financial position
amounts not
set off in
the consolidated
statement of
financial position
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 31 December 2023
Trading securities 237,500 237,500 (199,226) 38,274
Creditors, deposits received and
accrued charges 911,247 911,247 911,247
As at 31 December 2022
Trading securities 361,339 361,339 (239,942) 121,397
Creditors, deposits received and
accrued charges 995,755 995,755 995,755
(f) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities (continued)
Reconciliation to the net amount of financial assets and financial liabilities presented in the consolidated
statement of financial position
Financial assets
Financial assets
in scope of
Carrying amounts
in the consolidated
statement of
financial position
Financial assets
not in scope of
disclosure Note
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 31 December 2023
Trading securities 2,370,202 2,916,448 546,246 23
Debtors, deposits, prepayments and others 17,394 1,929,105 1,911,711 22
As at 31 December 2022
Trading securities 2,823,631 4,098,142 1,274,511 23
Debtors, deposits, prepayments and others 14,897 1,984,185 1,969,288 22
Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities
in scope of
Carrying amounts
in the consolidated
statement of
financial position
Financial liabilities
not in scope of
disclosure Note
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
As at 31 December 2023
Trading securities 237,500 237,500 23
Creditors, deposits received and
accrued charges 911,247 2,962,495 2,051,248 25
As at 31 December 2022
Trading securities 361,339 532,071 170,732 23
Creditors, deposits received and
accrued charges 995,755 3,523,042 2,527,287 25
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
Fair value hierarchy
The following table presents the fair value of the Group’s financial instruments measured at the end of the reporting
period on a recurring basis, categorised into the three-level fair value hierarchy as defined in HKFRS 13 Fair Value
Measurement. The level into which a fair value measurement is classified is determined with reference to the
observability and significance of the inputs used in the valuation technique as follows:
• Level1valuations:FairvaluemeasuredusingonlyLevel1inputsi.e.,unadjustedquotedpricesinactivemarkets
for identical assets or liabilities at the measurement date
• Level2valuations:FairvaluemeasuredusingLevel2inputsi.e.,observableinputswhichfailtomeetLevel1,and
not using significant unobservable inputs. Unobservable inputs are inputs for which market data are not available
• Level3valuations:Fairvaluemeasuredusingsignificantunobservableinputs
The Group engages professional independent valuers to perform valuations of certain financial instruments, including
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss categorised into Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. The professional
valuer reports directly to the Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance and the
Audit and Risk Management Committee. Valuation reports with analysis of changes in fair value measurement are
prepared by the professional valuers at each interim and annual reporting date, and are reviewed and approved by the
Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk Management, Legal and Compliance and the Audit and Risk Management
Committee. Discussion of the valuation process and results with the Vice President of the Group in charge of Risk
Management, Legal and Compliance and the Audit and Risk Management Committee is held twice a year to coincide
with the reporting dates.
In addition to the above valuers, the Group also makes reference to the valuation reports performed by other professional
valuers to ascertain the fair values of certain investments with underlying interests in real estate investments and some
other private equity investments.
Fair value hierarchy (continued)
As at 31 December 2023
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Recurring fair value measurement
Equity investments designated at fair value
through other comprehensive income:
— Listed equity securities 5,032,899 5,032,899
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss:
— Listed equity securities 1,259,263 732,484 1,991,747
— Unlisted equity securities/collective
investment schemes 23,002,403 23,002,403
— Unlisted preference shares 5,361,456 5,361,456
— Unlisted debt securities 456,435 456,435
1,259,263 29,552,778 30,812,041
Trading securities:
— Listed equity securities 87,286 87,286
— Listed debt securities 2,718,090 2,718,090
— Unlisted debt securities 89,910 89,910
— Unlisted derivatives 21,162 21,162
87,286 2,829,162 2,916,448
Trading securities:
— Listed equity securities (205,141) (205,141)
— Listed funds (4,421) (4,421)
— Listed derivatives (22) (22)
— Unlisted derivatives (27,916) (27,916)
(209,584) (27,916) (237,500)
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
Fair value hierarchy (continued)
As at 31 December 2022
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Recurring fair value measurement
Equity investments designated at fair value
through other comprehensive income:
— Listed equity securities 5,405,184 5,405,184
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss:
— Listed equity securities 1,013,060 318,667 1,331,727
— Unlisted equity securities/collective
investment schemes 26,693,119 26,693,119
— Unlisted preference shares 6,250,280 6,250,280
— Unlisted debt securities 799,778 799,778
1,013,060 34,061,844 35,074,904
Trading securities:
— Listed equity securities 431,457 431,457
— Listed debt securities 3,490,178 3,490,178
— Unlisted debt securities 137,290 137,290
— Listed derivatives 330 330
— Unlisted derivatives 38,887 38,887
431,787 3,666,355 4,098,142
Trading securities:
— Listed equity securities (314,909) (314,909)
— Listed debt securities (176,022) (176,022)
— Listed funds (4,729) (4,729)
— Listed derivatives (127) (127)
— Unlisted derivatives (36,284) (36,284)
(319,765) (212,306) (532,071)
All financial instruments including financial instruments measured at amortised cost, were stated at fair value or carried at
amounts not materially different from their fair values as at 31 December 2023 and 2022.
Fair value hierarchy (continued)
As at 31 December 2023, four of the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss with fair values of
HK$348,668,000 was previously determined to be Level 3 under the fair value hierarchy using a valuation technique that
used significant unobservable inputs. As unadjusted quoted prices are available in the active market, the fair value
measurement of these equity securities were accordingly transferred from Level 3 to Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.
As at 31 December 2022, one of the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss with fair values of HK$41,056,000
was previously determined to be Level 3 under the fair value hierarchy using a valuation technique that used significant
unobservable inputs. As unadjusted quoted prices are available in the active market, the fair value measurement of these
equity securities were accordingly transferred from Level 3 to Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.
Besides, as at 31 December 2022, one of the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss with fair values of
HK$230,152,000 was previously determined to be Level 1 under the fair value hierarchy using unadjusted quoted prices
available in the active market was suspended in trading during the year and has been valued using a valuation technique
with significant unobservable inputs. As such, the fair value measurement of these equity securities were accordingly
transferred from Level 1 to Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
During the year ended 31 December 2023 and 2022, there were no transfers of fair value measurements between Level
1 and Level 2.
Valuation techniques and inputs used in Level 2 fair value measurements
The fair value of listed and unlisted debt securities and derivatives in Level 2 is determined using broker quotes.
Information about Level 3 fair value measurements
As at 31 December 2023
Valuation techniques
unobservable inputs Range
(decrease) in
impact on
profit or loss
Market comparable
Discount for lack of
10% to 30% 5% (22,189)
(5%) 22,189
Market multiples 0.8 to 30.6 5% 97,019
(5%) (97,019)
Binomial model and
equity allocation model
Volatility 24.24% to 105.33% 5% (2,268)
(5%) 1,723
Put option model Discount for lack of
marketability for
restricted shares
5.00% to 5.00% 5% (1,928)
(5%) 1,928
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
Information about Level 3 fair value measurements (continued)
As at 31 December 2022
Valuation techniques
unobservable inputs Range
(decrease) in
impact on
profit or loss
Market comparable
Discount for lack of
10% to 30% 5% (42,793)
(5%) 42,793
Market multiples 0.7 to 31.2 5% 161,597
(5%) (161,597)
Binomial model and
equity allocation model
Volatility 28.54% to 94.60% 5% 1,176
(5%) (1,116)
Put option model Discount for lack of
marketability for
restricted shares
5.17% to 8.80% 5% (881)
(5%) 881
Other than using the recent transaction approach as the valuation technique in determining the fair value of Level 3
financial instruments, the valuation techniques in estimating the fair value of other financial instruments are described as
The fair value of unquoted equity investments is estimated using an appropriate combination of:
(1) making reference to capital statements, management information and valuation reports provided by third parties;
(2) deducing from prices recently paid for similar assets, quoted market prices in active markets and the financial
indicators of the transacted assets such as net book value and net operating profit; and
(3) applying, if possible, price to earnings (“P/E”) ratios, price to book (“P/B”) ratios, enterprise value to earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (“EV/EBITDA”) ratios and enterprise value to sales (“EV/
Sales”) ratios for similar listed companies adjusted to reflect the specific circumstances of the investments.
The Group has certain shares listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, which are subject to restriction on
sales for defined periods. The fair value measurement reflected the effect of such restriction with an adjustment to the
quoted price of otherwise similar but unrestricted securities and the adjustment was referenced to put option models.
The fair values of preference shares and debt securities are estimated using the equity allocation model and discounted
future cash flows respectively. Future cash flows are estimated based on management’s best estimate of the amount it
would receive or pay to terminate the contract at the end of the reporting period taking into account current market
conditions. The discount rate used is a market rate for a similar instrument at the end of the reporting period. The fair
value of an option contract is determined by applying an option valuation model such as the Black-Scholes valuation
model. Inputs are based on market related data at the end of the reporting period.
Information about Level 3 fair value measurements (continued)
The movements during the year in the balance of these Level 3 financial instruments are as follows:
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
securities Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
At 1 January 2022 132,910 37,705,211 8,309,392 1,537,058 47,684,571
Purchased 553,494 139,263 692,757
Net unrealised gains or loss
recognised in profit or loss (265,508) (5,787,778) (1,926,925) (262,080) (8,242,291)
Exchange adjustments (11,001) (2,045,038) (490,518) (31,083) (2,577,640)
Disposals (42,641) (3,496,158) (145,850) (3,684,649)
Reclassification 504,907 (236,612) 219,068 (298,267) 189,096
At 31 December 2022 and
1 January 2023 318,667 26,693,119 6,250,280 799,778 34,061,844
Purchased 292,336 22,070 314,406
Net unrealised gains or loss
recognised in profit or loss (156,485) (1,133,025) (757,476) (128,450) (2,175,436)
Exchange adjustments (12,890) (273,197) (63,852) (4,893) (354,832)
Disposals (1,644,970) (89,566) (210,000) (1,944,536)
Reclassification 583,192 (931,860) (348,668)
At 31 December 2023 732,484 23,002,403 5,361,456 456,435 29,552,778
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Reconciliation of loss before taxation to net cash flows from operating activities:
2023 2022
HK$’000 HK$’000
Loss before taxation (1,685,890) (8,623,742)
Interest income on bank deposits (172,695) (97,779)
Interest expenses 1,643,691 1,109,315
Dividend income (330,656) (372,497)
Share of profits less losses of joint ventures (25,183) (17,123)
Share of profits less losses of associates (230,823) (616,886)
Depreciation and amortisation expenses 55,000 66,597
Realised gain on partial disposal of an associate (14,306)
Realised loss on partial disposal of an joint venture 171
Net (gain)/loss on revaluation of investment properties (760,263) 92,839
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (90) (99)
Written back of impairment loss on inventory (179,704)
Impairment loss of investment in associates 64,151 1,128,501
Impairment loss on advances to customers 367,759 263,930
Impairment loss on finance lease receivables 3,687 24,040
Impairment loss of inventories 606,747
Impairment loss of debtors, deposits, prepayments and others 360,245 72,871
Impairment loss of property, plant and equipment 14,553
Cash outflow before working capital changes (890,600) (6,363,039)
Increase in finance lease receivables (2,960) (1,042)
Increase in debtors, deposits, prepayments and others (305,165) (239,913)
Decrease in inventories 34,179 165,581
Decrease/(increase) in trading securities 887,123 (769,337)
Increase in advances to customers (215,047) (328,344)
Decrease in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 3,882,423 12,311,516
Increase/(decrease) in other financial liabilities 538,529 (650,918)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors, deposits received and accrued charges (575,222) 242,157
Hong Kong profits tax refunded/(paid) 6,707 (66,874)
Overseas profits tax paid (183,039) (240,224)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,176,928 4,059,563
(b) Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
1 January
cash flows
declared Other
31 December
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Bank loans 20,916,972 (2,290,491) (22,873) 18,603,608
Dividend payable (505,576) 505,576
Bonds payable 11,996,728 1,952,196 (155,424) 13,793,500
Lease liabilities 64,967 (38,562) (2,725) 186 23,866
Total liabilities from financing activities 32,978,667 (882,433) (181,022) 505,576 186 32,420,974
1 January
cash flows
declared Other
31 December
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Bank loans 21,866,356 (804,834) (144,550) 20,916,972
Notes payable 27,000 (27,000)
Dividend payable (758,364) 758,364
Bonds payable 13,037,445 225,347 (1,266,064) 11,996,728
Lease liabilities 92,375 (43,096) (4,345) 20,033 64,967
Total liabilities from financing activities 35,023,176 (1,407,947) (1,414,959) 758,364 20,033 32,978,667
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
The Group manages and conducts the majority of its business activities by business units. Operating segments are
reported in a manner consistent with the way in which information is reported internally to the Group’s senior
management for the purposes of resource allocation and performance assessment.
Fund Management Business
Fund management business refers to the business that the Group raises funds from external investors and deploys the
Group’s seed capital into specific clients, applies its professional knowledge and experience to make investment
decisions on the capital according to laws, regulations and the fund’s prospectus, while seeking to maximise gains for
investors. The fund management business is comprised of primary market investment, secondary market investment
and Fund of Funds investment (“FoF”).
• Primary marketinvestment:Investmentinunlistedequitysecuritiesorequityderivativeswithequityposition for
participating in the ongoing management of these companies, and with an ultimate objective of capital gain on
investee’s equity listing or through other exit channels. Areas of investments include new economy, artificial
intelligence and advanced manufacturing, new energy, medical care and senior healthcare, overseas acquisition
and infrastructure, real estate, aircraft industry chain, consumer market, wealth management and others.
• Secondarymarket investment:Provides adiversified rangeof financialservices, includingassetmanagement,
investment management and investment advisory activities. Products include absolute return funds, bond funds
and equity funds.
• Fund ofFunds investmentor“FoF”:FoFinvestedinbothfundsinitiatedandmanagedbytheGroupas wellas
external funds with proven track records of performance and governance. FoF can provide one-stop solution that
offers liquidity and potential returns for mega-size institutions.
Principal Investments Business
The Group makes full use of its own capital to make the following three types of investments to promote the
development of the fund management business and to optimise its income structure. They are:
• Keyinvesteecompanies:Focusingonaircraftleasing,artificialintelligenceofthings(AIoT)andelderlycareindustry
• Financialinvestments:Investinginequity,debts,structuredproductsandotherproducts;and
• Cornerstoneinvestments:TheGroup’sstakein ChinaEverbrightBankandEverbrightSecuritiescontributing
relative stable earnings and dividend income.
(a) Business segments
For the year ended 31 December 2023:
Fund Management Business Principal Investments Business
Fund of
total Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Income from contract with customers 455,972 26,588 75,211 234,257 792,028 792,028
Income from investments 689,927 169,906 193,228 (396,881) (1,476,327) 330,656 (489,491) (489,491)
Income from other sources 825 1,567 1,099,931 1,102,323 1,102,323
Total income 1,146,724 198,061 268,439 (396,881) (142,139) 330,656 1,404,860 1,404,860
Segment operating results 667,348 70,126 241,288 (528,002) (887,986) 330,656 (106,570) (106,570)
Unallocated head office and
corporate expenses* (1,835,326)
Share of profits less losses of associates (638,126) (12,616) 693 880,872 230,823 230,823
Share of profits less losses of joint ventures 25,580 31 (428) 25,183 25,183
Loss before taxation 54,802 70,126 241,319 (540,618) (887,721) 1,211,528 149,436 (1,685,890)
Less: Non-controlling interests (1,374) (88,803) 27,873 (62,304)
Segment results 53,428 (18,677) 241,319 (540,618) (859,848) 1,211,528 87,132
Other segment information:
Interest income 234,020 139,379 41,852 51,025 193,400 659,676
Impairment losses recognised in
the statement of profit or loss 335,389 131,121 329,332 795,842
* The unallocated head office and corporate expenses mainly included unallocated finance costs, employee expenses and other
operating expenses. The segment expenses and the unallocated head office and corporate expenses are measured on the same
basis as HKFRS.
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(a) Business segments (continued)
For the year ended 31 December 2022:
Fund Management Business Principal Investments Business
Fund of
total Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Income from contract with customers 557,262 54,146 25,096 206,571 843,075 843,075
Income from investments (2,831,068) (471,352) 378,989 (1,101,161) (2,247,906) 386,803 (5,885,695) (5,885,695)
Income from other sources (28,332) (47,075) (75,407) (75,407)
Total income (2,273,806) (445,538) 404,085 (1,101,161) (2,088,410) 386,803 (5,118,027) (5,118,027)
Segment operating results (3,765,943) (562,777) 376,265 (1,212,175) (3,205,604) 386,803 (7,983,431) (7,983,431)
Unallocated head office and
corporate expenses* (1,274,320)
Share of profits less losses of associates (52,534) (11,128) (7,678) 688,226 616,886 616,886
Share of profits less losses of joint ventures 18,572 (1,449) 17,123 17,123
Loss before taxation (3,799,905) (562,777) 376,265 (1,223,303) (3,214,731) 1,075,029 (7,349,422) (8,623,742)
Less: Non-controlling interests 131,535 45,348 169,417 346,300
Segment results (3,668,370) (517,429) 376,265 (1,223,303) (3,045,314) 1,075,029 (7,003,122)
Other segment information :
Interest income 195,950 116,862 58,485 24,489 167,936 563,722
Impairment losses recognised in
the statement of profit or loss 1,354,134 111,014 645,494 2,110,642
* The unallocated head office and corporate expenses mainly included unallocated finance costs, employee expenses and other
operating expenses. The segment expenses and the unallocated head office and corporate expenses are measured on the same
basis as HKFRS.
(a) Business segments (continued)
Other Information
As at 31 December 2023
Fund Management Business Principal Investment Business
Fund of
total Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Segment assets 20,334,629 3,589,116 9,945,210 2,530,207 19,138,897 5,032,899 60,570,958 60,570,958
Investments in associates 1,850,277 2,217,162 482,638 13,159,636 17,709,713 17,709,713
Investments in joint ventures 927,296 5,668 932,964 932,964
Unallocated head office and corporate assets 374,287
Total assets 79,587,922
Segment liabilities 2,497,268 1,206,826 5,052,041 3,510,386 12,266,521 12,266,521
Unallocated head office and corporate liabilities 30,595,730
Provision for taxation 582,592
Deferred tax liabilities 2,037,293
Total liabilities 45,482,136
As at 31 December 2022
Fund Management Business Principal Investments Business
Fund of
total Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Segment assets 19,397,815 5,224,606 10,111,206 3,210,177 21,767,112 5,451,519 65,162,435 65,162,435
Investments in associates 2,533,808 2,339,330 479,902 12,649,524 18,002,564 18,002,564
Investments in joint ventures 925,780 377 926,157 926,157
Unallocated head office and corporate assets 385,455
Total assets 84,476,611
Segment liabilities 2,508,991 1,704,811 4,820,577 4,152,105 6,717 13,193,201 13,193,201
Unallocated head office and corporate liabilities 30,689,230
Provision for taxation 585,193
Deferred tax liabilities 2,131,886
Total liabilities 46,599,510
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
(b) Geographical segments
The following table sets out information about the geographical location of (i) the Group’s revenue from external
customers and (ii) the Group’s property, plant and equipment and investment properties, right-of-use assets, interests in
associates and joint ventures (“Specified non-current assets”). The geographical location of customers is based on the
location at which the services were provided. The geographical location of the Specified non-current assets is based on
the physical locations of the asset. For interests in associates and joint ventures, the geographical location is based on
the locations of operations.
For the year ended 31 December 2023 For the year ended 31 December 2022
Hong Kong &
China Total
Hong Kong &
China Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Segment Revenue
Income from contracts with customers 291,251 500,777 792,028 491,508 351,567 843,075
Income from investments 223,329 (712,820) (489,491) (401,788) (5,483,907) (5,885,695)
Income from other sources (2,260) 1,104,583 1,102,323 (165,197) 89,790 (75,407)
512,320 892,540 1,404,860 (75,477) (5,042,550) (5,118,027)
31 December 2023 31 December 2022
Hong Kong &
China Total
Hong Kong &
China Total
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Specified non-current assets 2,498,392 22,193,071 24,691,463 2,622,187 21,726,425 24,348,612
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of these financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses for the years presented. Changes in assumptions may
have a significant impact on the financial statements in the periods where the assumptions are changed. The application
of assumptions and estimates means that any selection of different assumptions would cause the Group’s reporting to
differ. The Group believes that the assumptions that have been made are appropriate and that the financial statements
therefore present the financial position and results fairly, in all material respects. Management has discussed with the
Audit and Risk Management Committee on the development, selection and disclosure of the Group’s significant
accounting policies and estimates and the application of these policies and estimates.
(a) Sources of estimation uncertainty
(i) Unlisted investments
The fair values of unlisted financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and other non-trading securities are
significantly affected by the combination of valuation methodologies employed, the parameters used and, if required, the
related comparable companies chosen. The valuation methodologies and the source of parameters adopted by the Group
are discussed in note 40.
(ii) Impairment of advances to customers and debtors, deposits, prepayments and others
The impairment provisions for amortised receivables are based on assumptions about ECLs. The Group uses judgements
in making these assumptions and selecting the inputs to the impairment calculation, based on the number of days that
an individual receivable is outstanding as well as the Group’s historical experience, market benchmark and forward-
looking information at the end of each reporting period. Changes in these assumptions and estimates could materially
affect the results of the assessment and it may be necessary to make an additional impairment charge to profit or loss.
(iii) Tax provision
The Group’s taxation provision is based on management’s assessment of the estimated assessable profits for the year
taking into consideration tax legislations in Hong Kong and the relevant overseas jurisdictions.
(b) Critical accounting judgements in applying the Group’s accounting policies
(i) Structured entities managed by the Group and its affiliates
The Group and its affiliates, acting as the general partners or investment managers to a number of structured entities
(investment funds and collective investment schemes), have provided seed capital for the set up of these structured
entities. When determining whether the Group controls these structured entities, usually the level of aggregate economic
interests of the Group in these funds and the level of investors’ rights to remove the general partners or investment
managers are considered. The Group determines that it has no control over some structured entities since the level of
aggregate economic interests of the Group in those structured entities is not so significant that it gives the Group control
over the structured entities, or the Group cannot control the general partners or investment managers, after taking into
consideration the level of investors’ rights to remove the general managers or investment managers and the power of
other investors over the general partners or investment managers. The Group determines that it has control over some
structured entities and has consolidated them. Further details of unconsolidated structured entities are set out in note 38.
(ii) Involvement with unconsolidated structured entities
Disclosures of interests in unconsolidated structured entities provide information on involvement in these entities which
exposes the Group to variability of returns from the performance of the other entity. Involvement is considered on a case-
by-case basis, taking into account the nature of the entity’s activity. This could include holding debt and equity
instruments, or the provision of structured derivatives, but excludes involvement that exists only because of typical
customer supplier relationships, such as market-making transactions to facilitate secondary trading or senior lending in
the normal course of business.
(iii) Impairment of investment in an associate — Everbright Jiabao
As at 31 December 2023, the cumulative impairment allowance and net carrying value of the Group’s investment in
Everbright Jiabao, an associate of the Group, amounted to HK$1,598,827,000 and HK$1,786,636,000 respectively. For
impairment testing, the Group engaged an external specialist to estimate the value-in-use of Everbright Jiabao, using a
discounted cash flow model. In carrying out the impairment assessment, significant judgement and assumptions are
required to estimate the value-in-use based on the forecasted cash flows of Everbright Jiabao and the discount rate
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Notes to The Financial Statements | Continued
Aggregate banking facilities of the Group as at 31 December 2023 amounted to HK$32.7 billion (2022: HK$32.9 billion).
The Group has utilised HK$18.6 billion (2022: HK$20.9 billion) of these facilities.
As at 31 December 2023, restricted deposits of Nil (31 December 2022: HK$664 million) were pledged to a bank to
secure a banking facility granted to the Group. Restricted bank balances of HK$57 million (31 December 2022: HK$46
million) were pledged to the banks for sales of mortgaged properties to customers and interest reserve account on
borrowings, and Nil (31 December 2022: HK$244 million) were used to secure certain bonds payable of the Group.
Investment properties, inventories and stocks with carrying values of HK$4,542 million (31 December 2022: HK$4,362
million), HK$230 million (31 December 2022: HK$383 million) and HK$1,475 million (31 December 2022: HK$1,563
million), respectively, and were mortgaged to secure certain bank loans granted to the Group. Pursuant to the prime
brokerage agreements entered into with the prime brokers of a fund held by the Group, cash and securities deposited
with the prime brokers were secured against liabilities to the prime brokers. As at 31 December 2023, assets deposited
with the prime brokers included HK$1,417 million (31 December 2022: HK$1,514 million) and HK$16.4 million (31
December 2022: HK$0.5 million) which formed part of the Group’s trading securities and debtors respectively. Analysis
on collateral of the Group’s bank loans and bonds payable is set in note 26 and note 28 of the Notes to the Financial
Statements in this report.
The Group has not applied the following revised HKFRSs, that have been issued but are not yet effective, in these
financial statements. The Group intends to apply these revised HKFRSs, if applicable, when they become effective.
Amendments to HKFRS 16 Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback
Amendments to HKAS 1 Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current (the “2020 Amendments”)
1, 3
Amendments to HKAS 1 Non-current Liabilities with Covenants (the “2022 Amendments”)
1, 3
Amendments to HKAS 7 and
Supplier Finance Arrangements
Amendments to HKAS 21 Lack of Exchangeability
Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024
Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025
As a consequence of the 2020 Amendments and 2022 Amendments, Hong Kong Interpretation 5 Presentation of Financial
Statements — Classification by the Borrower of a Term Loan that Contains a Repayment on Demand Clause was revised to align
the corresponding wording with no change in conclusion
Further information about those HKFRSs that are expected to be applicable to the Group is described below.
Amendments to HKFRS 16 specify the requirements that a seller-lessee uses in measuring the lease liability arising in a
sale and leaseback transaction to ensure the seller-lessee does not recognise any amount of the gain or loss that relates
to the right of use it retains. The amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024 and
shall be applied retrospectively to sale and leaseback transactions entered into after the date of initial application of
HKFRS 16 (i.e., 1 January 2019). Earlier application is permitted. The amendments are not expected to have any
significant impact on the Group’s financial statements.
The 2020 Amendments clarify the requirements for classifying liabilities as current or non-current, including what is
meant by a right to defer settlement and that a right to defer must exist at the end of the reporting period. Classification
of a liability is unaffected by the likelihood that the entity will exercise its right to defer settlement. The amendments also
clarify that a liability can be settled in its own equity instruments, and that only if a conversion option in a convertible
liability is itself accounted for as an equity instrument would the terms of a liability not impact its classification. The 2022
Amendments further clarify that, among covenants of a liability arising from a loan arrangement, only those with which
an entity must comply on or before the reporting date affect the classification of that liability as current or non-current.
Additional disclosures are required for non-current liabilities that are subject to the entity complying with future covenants
within 12 months after the reporting period. The amendments shall be applied retrospectively with early application
permitted. An entity that applies the 2020 Amendments early is required to apply simultaneously the 2022 Amendments,
and vice versa. The Group is currently assessing the impact of the amendments and whether existing loan agreements
may require revision. Based on a preliminary assessment, the amendments are not expected to have any significant
impact on the Group’s financial statements.
Amendments to HKAS 21 specify how an entity shall assess whether a currency is exchangeable into another currency
and how it shall estimate a spot exchange rate at a measurement date when exchangeability is lacking. The amendments
require disclosures of information that enable users of financial statements to understand the impact of a currency not
being exchangeable. Earlier application is permitted. When applying the amendments, an entity cannot restate
comparative information. Any cumulative effect of initially applying the amendments shall be recognised as an adjustment
to the opening balance of retained profits or to the cumulative amount of translation differences accumulated in a
separate component of equity, where appropriate, at the date of initial application. The amendments are not expected to
have any significant impact on the Group’s financial statements.
Reference is made to the announcements of the Company made through The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
dated 2 February 2021, 11 April 2023 and 1 June 2023 (the “Announcements”). As highlighted in the Announcements,
the Group is involving in a legal proceeding (the “Litigation”) and the total amount involved in the first-instance judgment
was approximately RMB1.173 billion. The Company had filed an appeal within the statutory time limit and the first-
instance judgment has not come into legal effect. Besides, certain amount of the Group’s assets insignificant to its daily
operations were preserved under the Litigation. The Company is of the view that any liabilities which may be incurred as
a result of the Litigation will not have a material adverse impact on the operations, financial position and debt-paying
ability of the Group. For more details, please refer to the Announcements. The Company will continue to closely monitor
the progress of the Litigation and advocate its legitimate rights and interests. The Company will provide further
information as and when appropriate in accordance with the applicable listing rules, laws and regulations.
The financial statements on pages 99 to 189 were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 22
March 2024.
For the years ended 31 December
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Turnover 12,617,142 22,682,402 21,785,133 7,707,730 6,047,280
Profit/(loss) from operating activities after
finance costs and impairment losses 1,850,640 2,598,936 2,252,219 (9,257,751) (1,941,896)
Share of profits less losses of associates
and joint ventures 912,167 606,320 1,288,334 634,009 256,006
Profit/(loss) before taxation 2,762,807 3,205,256 3,540,553 (8,623,742) (1,685,890)
Income tax (expenses)/credit (551,037) (948,118) (768,186) 923,427 (76,379)
Profit/(loss) for the year 2,211,770 2,257,138 2,772,367 (7,700,315) (1,762,269)
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Company 2,237,166 2,264,175 2,572,840 (7,443,299) (1,922,639)
Holders of perpetual capital securities 15,736 88,585 89,284 98,066
Non-controlling interests (25,396) (22,773) 110,942 (346,300) 62,304
2,211,770 2,257,138 2,772,367 (7,700,315) (1,762,269)
Earnings/(loss) per share (HK$) 1.327 1.344 1.527 (4.417) (1.141)
As at 31 December
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
Total assets 86,496,483 96,974,800 101,793,561 84,476,611 79,587,922
Total liabilities (42,709,113) (47,541,819) (50,757,031) (46,599,510) (45,482,136)
Perpetual capital securities (2,341,276) (2,341,161) (2,341,083) (2,209,566)
Non-controlling interests (2,196,045) (1,654,688) (1,759,044) (1,046,815) (906,499)
Shareholders’ fund 41,591,325 45,437,017 46,936,325 34,489,203 30,989,721
Location Site area/Gross floor area Tenure Use
Hong Kong
46th Floor, Far East Finance Centre,
16 Harcourt Road
Gross floor area of 10,800 sq. ft. Government lease for 75 years
from 23rd July 1980,
renewable for another 75 years
40th Floor, Far East Finance Centre,
16 Harcourt Road
Gross floor area of 10,800 sq. ft. Government lease for 75 years
from 23rd July 1980,
renewable for another 75 years
Flat A, 27/F, 1 Star Street,
Gross floor area of 655 sq. ft. Government lease for 75 years
from 22nd August 1928,
renewable for another 75 years
Mainland China
Units 1-17, 8th Floor,
Industrial Bank Building,
4013 Shennan Road,
Futian District, Shenzhen
Gross floor area of 1,241.25 sq.m. Land use rights for 50 years from
27th December 2000
Unit 1300, Level 13,
China Overseas International Center,
28 Ping’anli West Street,
Xicheng District, Beijing
Gross floor area of 1,474.42 sq.m. Land use rights for 50 years from
7th March 2004
Level 25, 21 Century Center,
No. 210 Century Road,
Pudong New District, Shanghai
Gross floor area of 1,976.23 sq.m. Land use rights for 50 years from
25th February 1997
Yu Fachang (Chairman)
Lin Chun (President)
An Xuesong
Wang Yun
Yin Yanwu
Qin Hongyuan
Lin Zhijun*
Chung Shui Ming Timpson*
Law Cheuk Kin Stephen*
Wong Chun Sek Edmund*
Non-executive Directors
* Independent Non-executive Directors
Wan Kim Ying Kasina
46th Floor
Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong
China Everbright Bank Company Limited
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
China Construction Bank Corporation
Agricultural Bank of China Limited
Bank of Communications Company, Limited
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd,
Hong Kong Branch
Tricor Secretaries Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
Ernst & Young
Certified Public Accountants
Registered Public Interest Entity Auditor