Creation Myth
English 11
Many cultures, including Native Americans, use myths and stories
to help explain human existence, their surroundings, and natural
phenomena. You will be writing a creation myth which helps
explain a natural phenomena. Your myth should follow the style of the creation myths
we have read in class.
You may use one of the myth starters below or come up with your own original idea:
How were the stars created?
Explain the origin of the earth.
What is rain and where does it come from?
Explain the creation of the duckbill platypus.
Explain why our society works and goes to school during the day and sleeps at
How did football become a major sport in the United States? Where did it
Explain the creation of the sun.
Why do Americans watch television?
Explain why so many of our friends and family love Mexican food.
Requirements for the myth:
1. Typed, MLA format
2. 1.5 to 2 pages
3. Include examples of figurative language - i.e. simile, metaphor, personification,
4. Include at least two characters
5. Include at least two of the four elements of creation myths:
Explain the creation of the earth or other natural phenomena
Guide people - teach right from wrong
Explain social customs
6. Submitted to by ________________________________________________
Creation myth prewriting
1. What phenomena or creation are you explaining?
2. What two characters are you going to include? (these can be animals or
people). Include specific character and physical traits. (you may include more
3. What is the setting for your creation myth - both time and place? Describe in
4. What two elements of creation myths will you include? Explain how you will
integrate them into your story.
5. Complete the plot chart below to help organize your story. You may use bullet
Falling Action