Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393
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Performance of hurricane shutters under impact by roof tiles
George Fernandez, Forrest J. Masters
, Kurtis R. Gurley
Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, 365 Weil Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611, United States
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 6 April 2010
Received in revised form
4 July 2010
Accepted 5 July 2010
Available online 11 August 2010
Windborne debris
Missile impact
Roof tile
Storm panels
Window protection
a b s t r a c t
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the performance of shutter systems designed to
protect windows from windborne debris. Observations from post hurricane damage investigations have
found that a wide variety of windborne debris types cause damage to buildings, including roof tiles
in residential neighborhoods. This investigation subjected steel and aluminum storm panel shutters to
impact from concrete roof tiles commonly used in hurricane prone regions. 4.1 kg (9 lb) tiles were
launched at 15.25 m/s (50 fps) using a custom apparatus, duplicating the 2× 4 (in.) lumber impact product
certification test in both missile weight and impact speed. The tests were then repeated using 2×4 lumber,
providing a comparison of performance as a function of debris type. The test matrix included steel panels
of three different thicknesses and aluminum panels of two different thicknesses. Three manufacturers
of each of the five storm panel types were tested, each using two common installation methods. Tests
were conducted with tiles impacting on their edge and impacting flat. Results demonstrate a significant
difference in both total and plastic shutter deflection for tile impacts vs. 2 × 4 lumber. With regard to
the vulnerability of the glass being protected, the results suggest that the current standards may not be
conservative under circumstances likely to occur in tile roof residential neighborhoods.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Windborne debris can cause significant damage to building
envelopes in high wind events. Post storm investigation studies
have noted a high degree of roof cover loss, indicating that roof
cover is a primary source of potentially damaging windborne
debris in residential areas (e.g. [1–8]). Building codes along much
of the world’s hurricane prone coastline have evolved to address
debris impact on the building envelope, requiring the testing of
window protection systems, fenestration, wall and roof claddings
in order to certify a minimum impact resistance standard.
Although it was recognized by the developers that roof cover
material is a primary debris source, US and Australian standards
(e.g. [9–13]) specify testing with 2×4 (in.) lumber and/or steel balls
as the debris for the purpose of maintaining a repeatable procedure
with controlled representative impact momentum [14]. Due to
the limited relationship between the debris used in certification
tests and that most commonly observed after hurricane events,
the actual level of protection being evaluated by the existing
certification methods is not well defined.
The design-level event Hurricane Charley (2004) produced
statistical evidence that the use of window protection systems is an
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 352 392 9537x1508; fax: +1 352 392 3394.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F.J. Masters), [email protected]
(K.R. Gurley).
Tel.: +1 352 392 9537x1505.
effective mitigation, reducing the probability of window damage
by at least a factor of 2.5 relative to unprotected windows [1].
However, evidence collected during this same study demonstrated
that some code approved opening protection systems experienced
failures due to debris impact from roofing tiles. Tile is a commonly
used roof cover in many hurricane prone regions in the US,
Australia and elsewhere. For example, the proportion of residential
roofs with tile exceeds 20% in some Florida counties [15].
Methods to model probable losses and to determine the cost
effectiveness of various mitigation measures can benefit from
specific information about the frequency and severity of damage
to the building envelope, with the latter being the focus of this
study. For example, risk models that project losses from hurricane
winds address the vulnerability of both protected and unprotected
glazed openings to windborne debris [16,17]. Recent advances in
debris flight and impact probability modeling (e.g. [18–29]) can
be enhanced with test data quantifying the vulnerability of the
building envelope to debris typical of the hurricane environment.
The body of knowledge concerning the vulnerability of fenes-
tration to impact includes numerous studies on the impact resis-
tance of annealed, tempered, and laminated glass [30–43], includ-
ing a recent study presenting the momentum threshold required
to damage unprotected annealed residential window glazing when
impacted by asphalt roof shingles and wooden dowels [44]. The
current study continues this focus on physical testing of the build-
ing envelope with realistic debris by documenting the performance
of metal shutter systems impacted by concrete roof tiles. The study
also provides results from impact testing using 2 × 4 lumber as a
0141-0296/$ see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393 3385
benchmark representing current certification methods. This origi-
nal contribution to the body of knowledge presents a clear contrast
between building envelope protection performance as evaluated
via (a) current test standards, and (b) experiments that better rep-
resent field conditions with regard to debris type.
All tests were conducted at a speed of 15.25 m/s to provide
a direct comparison to the speed currently used in certification
standards. At an elevation of 10 m, a 33.1 m/s sustained (one
minute average) marine exposure wind speed defines the lower
bound of a Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale Category 1
event [45,46]. In overland open exposure conditions the expected
three second gust is approximately ten percent higher than the
sustained marine winds [47], or 36.4 m/s. The speed of 15.25 m/s,
used for certification standards and for all tests in this study, is 42%
of the 36.4 m/s three second gust of a minimal category 1 hurricane,
and less than 33% of the gusts associated with a minimal category
2 hurricane. Recent studies (e.g. [26–29]) suggest that 0.33 is less
than the median for the ratio of debris to gust wind speed, and
post storm damage studies did not commonly find roof tile debris
in regions that experienced less than category 2 winds. Therefore,
winds strong enough to generate roof tile debris are likely to impart
a speed to that debris that is higher than the 15.25 m/s used for the
current standard and duplicated in this study. The 15.25 m/s test
speed represents a lower bound of speeds likely to occur in real
2. Description of impact test methods and test matrix
This investigation subjected steel and aluminum panel shutters
to impact from concrete roof tiles. 4.1 kg (9 lb) tiles were launched
at 15.25 m/s (50 fps) using a custom apparatus, duplicating the 2×4
lumber impact test used for product certification in both missile
weight and impact speed.
Permanent (plastic) and total (plastic and elastic) deflections
were recorded using a high speed camera. These tests were
then repeated using 2 × 4 lumber, providing a comparison of
performance as a function of debris type. The test matrix included
steel panels of three different thicknesses and aluminum panels of
two different thicknesses. Products from three manufacturers of
each of the five shutter types were tested, each using two common
installation methods. Tests were conducted with tiles impacting on
edge and impacting flat. Each tile impact test was conducted twice.
A total of 180 tile impact and 60 2× 4 impact tests were conducted.
New specimens were used for every test.
Apparatuses were constructed to launch roof tile debris with
controlled accuracy, flight mode and speed, and to launch 4.1 kg
2 × 4 lumber in a manner consistent with current debris impact
certification standards. Both apparatuses are based upon the same
air cannon platform. All testing was performed at the Powell
Family Structures and Materials Laboratory located on the Eastside
Campus of the University of Florida.
2.1. Launching apparatus
The tile launching apparatus is comprised of four major
components; the pneumatic ram that propels the tile projectile
along a guided track toward the target, the air reservoir tank
and barrel that supply the propulsion force to the ram, the
electronic butterfly valve that releases the pressure from the tank
to the barrel, and the integrated electronic system which monitors
projectile speed and maintains the desired tank pressure. Fig. 1
presents an illustration of the launching apparatus.
The air reservoir is coupled to a 10.16 cm diameter schedule 40
steel pipe connected to a 120 V AC electronic valve with a 7.62 cm
diameter inlet and outlet. The ram fits within the barrel and
harnesses the released pressure. The far end of the ram is located
at the exit end of the barrel, and bears against the tile projectile. A
launch deck (guided track) supported by extruded T-slot aluminum
rails extends from the exit of the barrel towards the target. The tile
projectile sits upon this deck and is propelled toward the target
via the ram. The deck is lined with a polyoxymethylene sheet to
reduce sliding friction. The ram forward motion is arrested as the
tile and ram approach the end of the deck, putting the tile in free
flight towards the target.
The electronic system includes feedback control for filling,
purging, monitoring and maintaining air reservoir pressure, con-
trol of the electronic valve for projectile launch, and measure-
ment of the projectile speed using two infrared beams. This
system is controlled from a custom National Instruments LabVIEW
A wood frame bolted to the strong floor supports the storm
panels (impact targets) during testing. The frame is constructed of
4 × 4 (in.) timber and is 1.70 m high and 1.52 m wide. The frame
is sheathed with 1.9 cm thick plywood to act as both a diaphragm
for stability and a barrier to stop any debris that penetrates the
storm panels. All joints of the frame were reinforced by metal
brackets. The inner dimensions of the frame opening are 160.02 cm
(63 in.) wide by 156.84 cm (61.75 in.) tall. The span of the shutter
system varied due to different keyhole spacing and the sheet metal
stamping process; however the number of panels and the number
of studs used to fasten all systems remained constant.
The 2×4 lumber testing was conducted after the tile testing was
completed. The same apparatus described above was modified to
accommodate 2 × 4 lumber. The launch deck and pneumatic ram
were removed, resulting in a traditional air cannon lumber launch
configuration, with the lumber missile taking the place of the push
ram within the barrel.
2.2. Tile projectile
A nominal 4.1 kg (9 lb) common concrete S-shape roofing tile
was used as the projectile (Fig. 2). Each test used a new undamaged
tile. Every test was conducted at a launch speed of 15.25 m/s (50
fps). Thus, every tile test has a nominally equivalent momentum
to a standard 2 × 4 impact test. The speed of the tile launch was
controlled via air reservoir pressure and a series of calibrations
using infrared sensors and a high speed camera to document
launch speed.
2.3. Impact orientation of tile projectile
The flight mode of the tile, and therefore its orientation upon
target impact, can be controlled by a combination of launch deck
length and free flight distance to the target. The two impact
orientations considered were edge impact and flat impact. For edge
impact, the plane of the tile is perpendicular to the plane of the
target, the normal to the tile plane is vertical, and the short edge
of the tile impacts the target. For flat impact the tile and target
are in parallel planes upon impact, with the long edge of the tile
vertical. These repeatable flight modes are imparted by controlling
the length of the launch deck. When the pneumatic ram motion is
arrested prior to the tile exiting the deck, the tile travels toward
the target normal to the tile plane vertical (edge impact). When
the launch deck is shortened such that the front end of the tile
exits the launch deck prior to arresting the push ram motion, a
forward rotation is imparted to the tile. A calibration of the free
flight distance to the target allows this rotation to result in a flat
impact of the tile with the target. The free flight distance for the
tile was 3.92 m for edge impact and 4.39 m for flat impact.
2.4. Impact location of tile and 2 × 4 projectiles
The shutter systems were impacted in one of two locations, in
the center of the shutter assembly (opening mid-span) and in the
3386 G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393
Pressure Relief
Speed Monitor
2×4 Configuration
Guided Track/
Launch Deck
Speed Monitor
Tile Configuration
Storm Shutter Pannel
Target Frame
Fig. 1. Testing apparatus illustration.
Fig. 2. Concrete tile used as windborne debris.
upper corner within 15.24 cm (6 in.) of either edge. Both flat and
edge tile orientations were used for center impacts. Only edge tile
orientation was used for corner impacts to avoid striking the frame.
2 × 4 testing was conducted at both center and corner locations.
Each shutter sample was only impacted once.
2.5. Data recorded from impact tests
Multiple variables were recorded for each impact test, including
shutter and mounting type. The speed of the projectile was
recorded. Photographs of the test specimen before and after impact
were taken. The post-impact condition of the installation was
recorded (tearing, pulling out of track, etc.). Missile impact location
and orientation (for tile) was recorded. The maximum permanent
(plastic) deflection of the panel was measured and recorded. A high
speed camera was used to view the backside plane of the shutter,
and recorded the total deflection (elastic plus plastic). Thus, the
potential damage to glass behind the shutter was determined for
every impact test.
2.6. Velocity sensor
The velocity sensor system consists of photoelectric diodes and
a National Instruments USB data acquisition unit. The photoelectric
diodes have a response time that exceeds the 0.15 m/s required
by ASTM E 1886-05 [9]. The diodes are mounted at the end of the
guided track for the tile launch configuration, and near the barrel
for the 2 × 4 launch configuration. In both cases, the system is
triggered after the pressure cap on the pneumatic ram or 2 × 4
has passed the pressure relief ports at the end of the cannon barrel
(see Fig. 1). This ensures that the speed is measured after the ram or
2×4 has stopped accelerating and has reached its peak velocity. For
both configurations the sensor system was calibrated using both a
high speed camera and radar gun monitoring the launch speed of
the projectile. Thus, the impact speeds were carefully controlled
and independently validated.
2.7. Shutter type and mounting
Steel shutters of three thicknesses (20, 22, and 24 gauge) and
aluminum shutters of two thicknesses (0.050 and 0.060 in., or
0.127 and 0.152 cm) were tested. For each of these five shutter
types, products from three different manufacturers were tested.
Shutters were purchased from seven different manufacturers, and
all products are approved for use in Florida. Panels measured
between 33.02 and 37.78 cm wide and each was 167.64 cm
(66 in.) tall. Four overlapping panels were installed in a vertical
orientation, bearing against the frame at the top and bottom with
no bearing along the vertical edges.
Each of the five shutter types were tested using both direct
mount and track mount installation methods. In the direct mount
configurations, the wood frame has threaded studs installed at a
spacing of 15.24 cm (6 in.) on center or 15.87 cm (6.25 in.) on
center across the top and bottom horizontal framing boarders. The
studs pass through the panels and the panel is fastened by a 1/4-
20 washered wing nut on each stud (Fig. 3). For track mounting
a 5.1 cm (2 in.) wide h-header track guide is installed along the
top border of the frame. The panels are slid into position with
the track along the top restraining motion and studs and wing
nuts along the bottom similar to the direct mount (Fig. 4). All
installation hardware was purchased from an independent third
party vendor, including the ‘‘h’’ headers and studded angles for the
top and bottom installations of the track mount.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Results presentation
All impact data are presented in a series of six graphs
(Figs. 6–11). Each graph presents either edge tile impact and 2 × 4
impact, or edge tile impact and flat tile impact, represented by wide
and thin bars, respectively. Each graph presents the results for each
of the three manufacturers for every product tested (three steel
thicknesses, two aluminum thicknesses). All tile and 2 × 4 impacts
were performed using a nominal 4.1 kg (9 lb) object traveling at
G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393 3387
Fig. 3. Direct mount installation.
Fig. 4. Track mount installation using h-header along the top and stud mount along
the bottom.
15.25 m/s (50 fps). Every tile test was conducted twice for every
condition, and each graph presents the results of both tests. Every
2 × 4 test was conducted once. In the four graphs that present
2 × 4 impact tests (Figs. 8–11), the 2 × 4 results are repeated
for direct comparison to both tile tests. The horizontal axis in
each graph indicates the anonymous manufacturer designator
(A-G), product type, and test number using the key provided in
Fig. 5. Fig. 5 also illustrates the proper interpretation of the plastic
(permanent), elastic (recovered) and total (plastic plus elastic)
deflections presented in Figs. 6–11.
In many tests, damage occurred at the installation (the interface
between the panel and frame). For direct mount installation,
damage is defined as the stud tearing through the panel at one
stud or more. For track mount installation, damage is defined as
either a pull-out or push-through of the panel from the track, such
that the top edge of the panel is partially or fully separated from
the track. Examples of tearing for direct mount and pull-out and
push-through for track mount installation are shown in Fig. 12.
Installation interface damage occurred for a small number of 2 × 4
tests, and a larger portion of the tile tests. In most cases, damage
at the interface is associated with a more severe panel deflection.
Each of the individual tests that resulted in installation damage
is indicated in the six graphs (Figs. 6–11) with an icon above the
deflection results for a given test. These icons are defined in Fig. 5.
3.2. Discussion: tile edge vs. tile flat impact (Figs. 6 and 7)
Fig. 6 provides the results of the flat tile and edge tile impacting
the center of the direct mounted panel system, and Fig. 7 presents
the results of the flat tile and edge tile impacting the center of the
track mounted panel system. Flat tile impacts were not conducted
for corner shots. These two figures contrast the deflection caused
by a tile impacting on edge (wide bars) and flat (thin bars). In
Fig. 6 the missing thin bar for the second 24 gauge steel product
indicates that the high speed camera did not function for that test.
Notable observations from Figs. 6 and 7 are provided below. Refer
to the accompanying figures for specific values that support these
For any given product, the two repeated tests yield very
similar results in most cases, while results among different
manufacturers of the same product type vary widely. For
example, the 20 gauge steel product (first 6 columns in Fig. 6)
shows strong repeatability of results for a given manufacturer,
while the results among manufacturers varied.
The total deflection from edge tile impact is larger than that
from flat tile impact in most cases.
In every case, the edge tile impact total deflection exceeded
7.62 cm (3 in.). This is significant, as the tested products
required a minimum distance of 7.62 cm between product
and window glass for installation based on the results of the
certification testing.
The remaining four results’ figures each compare deflection from
2 × 4 and edge tile impacts. Figs. 6 and 7 provide a means to
compare 2 × 4 with flat tile impact results.
3.3. Discussion: direct mount impact with edge tile and 2 × 4 (Figs. 8
and 9)
Fig. 8 presents the results of the 2 × 4 (thin bars) and edge
tile (wide bars) impacting the corner of the direct mounted panel
system, and Fig. 9 presents the results of the 2 × 4 and edge tile
impacting the center of the direct mounted panel system. Notable
observations are provided below. Refer to the accompanying
figures for specific values that support these observations:
Deflections are larger in almost all cases for the center shots
compared to corner shots.
As was the case for Figs. 6 and 7, the two repeated tile tests
yield very similar results in most cases, with exceptions for the
22 gauge steel corner impacts (attributable to pull-out of the
shutter from its track in the second test).
In most cases the edge tile impact yielded considerably larger
deflection than the 2 × 4 impact.
Plastic deflection from the 2 × 4 tests did not exceed the critical
setback value of 7.62 cm for any test in Figs. 8 and 9, and in only
a few cases the total deflection from 2 × 4 impact exceeded that
value. This seems to conform to the setback recommendations
based on plastic deflection from certification tests.
3388 G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393
Fig. 5. Guide for Fig. 6 through 11: horizontal axis labels (top left), icons indicating installation damage (bottom left), and a guide to interpreting deflection results (right).
Fig. 6. Center impact, direct mount, tile edge and tile flat.
In contrast, plastic deflection from edge tile impact in the corner
(Fig. 8) exceeded 7.62 cm for the thinnest steel and aluminum
products, while total deflection exceeded this value in more
than half of the corner tests.
Tile impacts at the center of the direct mount panels (Fig. 9)
produced plastic deflections in excess of 7.62 cm for half of the
tests, while total deflection exceeded this value in almost every
3.4. Discussion: track mount impact with edge tile and 2 × 4 (Figs. 10
and 11)
Fig. 10 presents the results for the 2 × 4 and edge tile impacting
the corner of the track mounted panel system, and Fig. 11 presents
the results for the 2 × 4 and edge tile impacting the center of
the track mounted panel system. Tile impacts are the wide bars,
and 2 × 4 impacts are the thin bars. For the track mounted
system, it can be observed that many corner shots yielded more
deflection than the center shots. This is attributable to the pull-
out of the shutter from the upper track mount, which was more
common for corner shots than center shots, and permitted more
deflection. Other notable observations are provided below. Refer
to the accompanying figures for specific values that support these
The two repeated tests typically yield similar results in most
cases, with a few exceptions.
In most cases the edge tile impact yielded considerably larger
deflection than the 2 × 4 impact.
Plastic and total deflection from the 2×4 tests exceeded 7.62 cm
for a minority of tests.
In contrast, plastic deflection from edge tile impact in the corner
(Fig. 10) exceeded 7.62 cm for the thinnest steel and aluminum
products, while total deflection exceeded this value in more
than half of the corner tests.
G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393 3389
Fig. 7. Center impact, track mount, tile edge and tile flat.
Fig. 8. Corner impact, direct mount, tile edge and 2 × 4.
Tile impacts at the center of the track mount panels (Fig. 11)
produced plastic deflections in excess of 7.62 cm for more than
half of the tests, while total deflection exceeded this value in
every test.
3.5. Discussion: track and direct mount installations
Typically the deflections in the track mount installation (Figs. 10
and 11) were greater than the deflection in the direct mount
installation (Figs. 8 and 9). This difference is minor for 2 × 4
impacts, but much more pronounced for tile impacts. This is mainly
attributable to the much higher rate of occurrence of installation
damage for tile impacts. Installation damage is strongly associated
with greater deflection, as observed by the icons above the
individual tests. Ten percent of the tile tests produced installation
damage to the direct mount systems for both corner and center
impacts, while the tile tests damaged 73% and 33% of the track
mount installations from corner and center impacts, respectively.
3.6. Average statistics: ratio of tile to 2 × 4 deflection and total to
plastic deflection
The results in Figs. 8–11 were analyzed to provide some
statistical quantification of shutter deflection. Table 1 presents the
ratio of total deflection from edge tile impact to total deflection
from 2×4 impact, stratified by product type, mounting, and impact
location. The total deflection from each edge tile test is taken in
ratio with that of the comparable 2 × 4 test, and these ratios are
then averaged over the given stratification. Each value in the table
is therefore an average from six tile tests (three manufacturers,
two tests each). As an example to aid in interpretation, the direct
mount corner impact ratio value of 11.32 for 22 ga steel in
3390 G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393
Fig. 9. Center impact, direct mount, tile edge and 2 × 4.
Fig. 10. Corner impact, track mount, tile edge and 2 × 4.
Table 1 can be seen graphically in Fig. 8, columns 7 through 12, by
comparing the wide bars to the thin bars. In particular the product
by manufacturers C & D (columns 9 through 12) shows a very large
ratio due to small deflections from the 2 × 4 tests. In all cases in
Table 1 the average ratio exceeds 1.0. The deflection from edge tile
impact is more severe than deflection from a 2 × 4 of identical
weight and speed, regardless of impact location, mounting type,
or product material or thickness. Referring to Figs. 8–11, only 7.5%
of the individual test cases produced a 2×4 induced deflection that
exceeded the tile induced deflection.
The dark and light stacked bars in Figs. 6–11 visually
demonstrate that for any given test the ratio of total to plastic
deflection varies with test conditions and product. Interpretation
of the ASTM test [10] is based upon measured plastic deflection and
some assumptions about the total deflection (recording the total
deflection is not required in the test standard). Table 2 presents
Table 1
Average ratio of total deflection from edge tile to 2 × 4 impacts.
Mount Location 20 ga
22 ga
24 ga
.05 alum
Corner 1.45 11.32 1.45 5.66 5.15
Center 3.95 3.58 5.10 1.88 2.88
Corner 2.53 1.80 2.74 3.68 3.22
Center 3.75 4.18 5.98 2.53 1.72
the ratio of the total deflection to plastic deflection, stratified by
debris type, product type, mounting, and impact location. The ratio
of total to plastic deflection for each impact test is calculated, and
these values are then averaged over the given stratification. Each
value in the table is the average from either six or three tests for
tile or 2 × 4 results, respectively. For the 2 × 4 tests the average
ratio ranges from 1.28 to 5.22. The average of the 2 × 4 ratios for
G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393 3391
Fig. 11. Center impact, track mount, tile edge and 2 × 4.
Fig. 12. Examples of direct mount tear (left) and track mount pull-out (right).
Table 2
Average ratio of total to plastic deflection for edge tile and 2 × 4 impacts.
Mount Location 20 ga steel 22 ga steel 24 ga steel .06 alum .05 alum
Tile 2 × 4 Tile 2 × 4 Tile 2 × 4 Tile 2 × 4 Tile 2×4
Corner 2.34 1.96 1.46 2.43 1.57 3.14 1.56 5.22 1.43 2.32
Center 2.63 1.28 2.16 1.43 1.80 1.34 1.94 1.59 1.79 1.81
Corner 2.36 3.23 1.33 1.79 1.28 1.56 1.24 2.09 1.11 2.06
Center 2.29 3.34 1.90 2.88 1.20 1.92 1.63 1.67 1.60 1.57
direct mount is 2.25, and the average of the 2 × 4 ratios for track
mount is 2.21. For the edge tile tests the average ratio ranges from
1.11 to 2.63. The average of the edge tile ratios for direct mount is
1.87, and the average of the edge tile ratios for track mount is 1.59.
The ratios reported in Table 2 are not consistently higher for
one debris type, mounting, or impact location, but it is clear
that the elastic portion of the deflection is significant. For the
products tested, the total deflection can exceed the permanent
deflection by a factor of more than two. With regard to the existing
2 × 4 standard, setback recommendations based on permanent
deflection measurements should account for the elastic portion
of the deflection to prevent glass breakage. The measurement of
elastic deflection may be cost prohibitive for test certification labs.
These results provide some guidance for the development of a
multiplication factor for the permanent deflection.
3.7. Significance of results
The focus of this study is on the performance of certified
window protection systems when impacted by roof tiles at a mo-
mentum value that corresponds to the current standards that use
lumber as the debris. The results clearly demonstrate a statistically
significant difference in deflection as a function of debris types
with identical mass, speed and impact location. As a complement
to these findings, recent studies (e.g. [26–29]) present evidence
that roof cover debris speeds are very likely to exceed 15.25 m/s.
3392 G. Fernandez et al. / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3384–3393
The results in this study indicate that the current 2 × 4 lumber
based test standards do not offer a performance evaluation that is
conservative with regard to the protection of windows from debris
commonly observed in post hurricane damage studies. This is by no
means a rejection of the value of using window protection. Studies
clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of window protection [1],
and even damaged shutters can continue to provide resistance to
envelope failure. Much of the debris documented in post storm
studies are lighter and more flexible than a 4.1 kg roof tile, such
as roof shingles, and much less likely to cause severe deflections.
However, the study presents evidence that questions the efficacy
of applying the current debris impact test standard to evaluate
shutter systems intended for use in neighborhoods where tile roof
cover is dominant.
Field studies have documented that tile debris is often released
from rooftops in fragments, which presents an additional mode
of failure for window protection via puncture. Puncture failures
were not observed in the current study using full tiles. A follow-
up experimental study will quantify momentum thresholds for
puncture of window protection from tile fragments.
4. Conclusions
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the
performance of shutter systems designed to protect windows
from windborne debris. Steel and aluminum storm panel shutters
were subjected to impact from concrete roof tiles and 2 × 4
lumber. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant
difference in the plastic and total deflection of the tested panels
when impacted by roof tiles and 2 × 4 lumber of identical weight
and speed. The major implication is that impact momentum
alone is not a sufficient metric on which to base performance
criteria. The deflection of the metal panel window protection
system is highly sensitive to impact location (which is currently
addressed in product approval testing), and also to debris type
and impact orientation. In most tests, the deflection imparted
by a tile impacting on its edge exceeded the specified setback
from the glass, while only a few such cases were found for the
2 × 4 tests. Although the tested products did conform to the
performance requirements for product certification, it is evident
that the current product testing using a 2 × 4 missile does
not provide an adequate evaluation of the expected performance
of shutter systems subjected to tile debris. The tested window
protection products are likely to allow glass breakage if impacted
by roof tiles. This is by no means a rejection of the value of
using window protection. Rather, the study presents evidence
that questions the efficacy of applying the current debris impact
test standard to evaluate shutter systems intended for use in
neighborhoods where tile roof cover is dominant.
The authors thank the Florida Building Commission for
sponsoring this research. The contributions of Mr. Jim Austin and
Mr. Scott Bolton are gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to
Jaime D. Gascon and Helmy Makar at the Miami-Dade Building
Code Compliance Office for their review of the manuscript prior
to submission.
[1] Gurley K, Davis R, Ferrera S-P, Burton J, Masters F, Reinhold T, Abdullah M.
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