Hear what God says:
“When the time came
for me to show you favor,
I heard you;
when the day arrived
for me to save you,
I helped you.
Listen! This is the hour
to receive God’s favor;
today is the day to be saved!
2 Corinthians 6:2 (Good News Translation)
Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us,
in order that we might have hope through the patience and
encouragement which the Scriptures give us.
Romans 15:4 (Good News Translation)
Getting the Most Out of Your
Daily Bible Reading
As you read the Bible each day, allow the Scriptures to
speak to you. This daily “dialogue” between you and the
biblical text will reveal new understandings about God,
andabout yourself.
Pray with focus and openness to see what God has
for you.
God, connect with me here, as I seek you in your Word.
Read the selected passage of Scripture slowly. Take note
ofintriguing words and phrases. Read them a second time.
Reect on what strikes you as you read. Think through
whatGod is communicating to you at this point in your life.
Respond to the passage. Speak to God directly about
what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out
what you’ve uncovered.
Enhance your daily Bible reading with a daily devotional
keyed to each day’s reading by visiting
Discover the life-changing impact of God’s Word at work
around the world by visiting AmericanBible.org .
the mission of American Bible Society is to make the Bible
available to every person in a language and format each can
understand and aord so that all people may experience its
life-changing message.
For a free catalog of Scripture publications,
call 800-32-BIBLE or visit Bibles.com
God’s Saving Word:
God’s Saving Word:
Praise and Thanksgiving
God’s Saving Word:
Justice and Peace
God’s Saving Word:
Tell us how reading the Bible has impacted your life.
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Job -
 Proverbs -
 Proverbs -
 Proverbs -
 Proverbs -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
World Communion Sunday
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Micah -
Micah -
 Micah -
 Micah —
 Micah -
 Micah -
 Micah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Jeremiah -
 Jeremiah -
 Jeremiah -
 Jeremiah -
 Jeremiah -
 Deuteronomy -
 Deuteronomy -
Genesis —a
Genesis b-
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
 Chronicles -
 Chronicles -
 Chronicles —
  Chronicles -
 Psalm -
 Psalm -
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Thanksgiving Day
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Mark -
Mark -
First Sunday of Advent
Mark -
Mark -
Zephaniah -
Zephaniah -
Zephaniah -
Jeremiah -
Jeremiah -
Second Sunday of Advent
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
Third Sunday of Advent
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Isaiah -
 Luke -
 Luke -
 Luke -
Fourth Sunday of Advent
 Luke -
Christmas Day
 John -
 John -
 John -
 Luke -
 Luke -
 Revelation -
 Revelation -
Isaiah -
Isaiah -
Isaiah -
Isaiah -
Isaiah -
Isaiah -
Philippians -
Philippians -
Philippians -
 Philippians -
  Thessalonians -
  Thessalonians -
  Thessalonians
  Thessalonians -
  Thessalonians -
  Thessalonians -
  Thessalonians -
  Thessalonians -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
  Timothy -
 Titus -
 Titus -
 Titus -
God’s Saving Word:
Unity in Christ Jesus
God’s Saving Word:
God’s Saving Word:
God’s Saving Word:
God’s Saving Word:
God’s Saving Word:
Spiritual Renewal
God’s Saving Word:
Mercy and Forgiveness
God’s Saving Word:
Hebrews -
Hebrews -
Hebrews -
National Day of Prayer
Psalm 
Psalm 
Hebrews -
Galatians -
Galatians -
Galatians -
 Galatians —
 Galatians -
 Galatians -
 Galatians -
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Ascension Day
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Ephesians -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
Orthodox Christians will observe
Ascension Day on May 25 and
Pentecost on June 4.
Psalm 
Matthew -
Luke -
Exodus -
Exodus -
Exodus -
Exodus -
Exodus -
Exodus -
 Exodus —
 Exodus —
 Leviticus -
 Leviticus -
  Samuel -
 Hosea —
 Hosea -
 Hosea —
 Hosea -
 Hosea —
 Hosea -
 Hosea -
 Hosea —
 Hosea -
 Hosea —
 Hosea -
 Hosea -
 Jonah -
 Jonah -
 Jonah -
 Jonah -
 Psalm 
Hebrews -
Hebrews -
Hebrews -
Hebrews -
Hebrews —
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity Begins
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
Ecumenical Sunday
 Matthew -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts -
 Acts —
The Octave for Christian Unity is
January18–25, 2023.
Leviticus -
Deuteronomy -
Deuteronomy -
Deuteronomy -
Deuteronomy -
Colossians -
Colossians —
Colossians -
Colossians —
 Colossians —
 Colossians -
 John -
 John -
  John —
  John -
  John -
  John -
  John -
  John
  John
 Jude -
Ash Wednesday
 Matthew -
 Matthew -
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
First Sunday in Lent
 Psalm 
Great Lent (Orthodox)
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
World Day of Prayer
Psalm 
Psalm 
Second Sunday in Lent
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Third Sunday in Lent
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Fourth Sunday in Lent
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Fifth Sunday in Lent
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Psalm 
Palm/Passion Sunday
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Matthew -
Maundy Thursday
Matthew -
Good Friday
Matthew -
Matthew -
Easter Sunday
Matthew -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
 Romans -
 Romans -
Pascha (Orthodox Easter)
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
  Peter -
  Peter -
  Peter -
  Peter -
  Peter -
  Peter -
  Peter -
  Peter -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
 Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians —
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians —
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
  Corinthians -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
 Romans -
Orthodox Christians will observe Holy Week from April 9–15 and celebrate
Pascha on April 16 and may wish to substitute the readings from April 2–8 in
place of the readings for April 9–15, and substitute the readings from April
9–15 in place of the readings for April 16–22. This substitution will enable the
Passion and Resurrection readings to coincide with the Orthodox dates.