Post-COVID-19 Transit Ridership Recovery: Does Fare
Capping and Subscription Pricing Have a Role?
As the demand for public transit continues to recover following the end of the pandemic,
attention has been directed at the range of policy levers available to support ridership
In an earlier Executives Insights we addressed the role of free and at fares as potential
strategies to grow transit ridership — but fare capping and subscription-based pricing are
also being considered as a means of unlocking growth.
Fare capping
Fare capping is not new
Although not generally referred to as fare capping, periodical passes that oer unlimited
travel over a xed duration — daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly — are a form of price
Before the emergence of the e-purse, with rst-generation smart-card fare collection
systems, such products were commonplace in the fares product suite. The e-purse
provided the opportunity to mimic the periodical product by deducting a fare until the
price cap was reached.
A daily cap is typically designed to provide free travel at the margin over and above the
daily commute (e.g. inter-peak or o-peak travel) in selected cities. The table in Figure 1
below sets out the daily fare cap multiple (i.e. the number of equivalent-peak single fares). It
shows that, with the exception of Toronto and Paris, a customer making at least three trips
will reach the daily cap; that increases to at least four in Toronto and at least ve in Paris.
Post-COVID-19 Transit Ridership Recovery: Does Fare
Capping and Subscription Pricing Have a Role?
2 L.E.K. Consulting
The weekly periodical pass or a capped weekly fare remains a core product for many
jurisdictions. For example, the seven-day London Travelcard has been an enduring product
oering unlimited travel at any time on bus, Tube, Tram, DLR, London Overground,
Elizabeth line and National Rail services for the zones determined by the customer.
The traditional value proposition of a weekly periodical pass or capped fare is to charge
the customer for the ve days of commuting and provide weekend travel for free —
this change to is a rational economic position to take, given the availability of excess
system capacity on weekends. But in some cases, both lower and higher thresholds are
established. For example, in Chicago, the weekly cap is less than nine times the cost of a
single (peak) ticket. In contrast, in both New York and Amsterdam, the weekly cap is 12
times the cost of a single trip ticket.
Evolving fare capping
The post-pandemic world does of course challenge this product concept. Firstly, exible
working is here to stay, and the number of ve-day-a-week commuters is signicantly
diminished compared to the pre-COVID world. Accordingly, a weekly product concept
priced on a 5+2 basis is simply no longer relevant (on a value-for-money basis) to many
people in full-time employment.
It also needs to be recognised that it may simply not be a case of the now three-day-a-
week commuter moving to a dierent public transit fare product — they may well use their
old weekly commuting budget to pay for parking two or three days per week.
There could be scope for some jurisdictions to reduce their weekly fare caps to a multiple
more like (say) six to seven times the cost of a single trip or three to four times the price
of a daily product (or daily cap) to ensure that existing customers with a choice of mode
Los Angeles
City Daily cap as a multiple of single trip fare
Figure 1
Daily fare cap multiple*
*As at June 2023
Source: L.E.K. research and analysis
Post-COVID-19 Transit Ridership Recovery: Does Fare
Capping and Subscription Pricing Have a Role?
3 L.E.K. Consulting
are retained and that public transit is priced attractively for potential customers. It is of
course acknowledged that demand in some markets, where exible working and working
from home are not as prevalent, may be able to retain a conventional 5+2 pricing model or
something comparable.
There is an additional challenge of the relationship of a single weekly cap to customer
travel patterns, not just trip intensity. Other factors, such as trip patterns, particularly
where jurisdictions use distance-based pricing and time of travel (i.e. peak versus o-
peak), also determine the likelihood of individual customers reaching the weekly cap
compared to the cost of single tickets.
There is of course scope to apply caps at more frequent intervals. The concept of ‘nested
fare caps’ has developed in the smart ticketing era. Essentially, a nested fare cap is a
model of having fare caps within fare caps (e.g. daily, every three days, weekly, monthly,
One such example is the pricing approach adopted by Connecticut Transit (CTtransit).
CTtransit oers one-, three-, ve-, seven- and 31-day caps. Figure 2 below shows the single
trip multiple for each of these caps (i.e. based on a single trip price of US$1.75).
5 days
3 days
31 days
7 days
Multiple of single fare
Figure 2
Single trip cap multiple (US$)
Source: Plan your trip, see schedules, read system alerts and news | CTtransit — Connecticut DOT-owned bus service.
In the example above of the exible worker commuting three consecutive days per week,
they would hit the daily cap on day 1 and 2 and the three-day cap on day 3 — simply by
taking a return trip each day. As such, the third and subsequent trips, on days 1 and 2,
would be free at the margin. Without any travel over and above the return commute, the
trip home on day 3 would be free at the margin. It would of course be possible to make
this model even more attractive, for example by enabling use of the three-day pass over
non-consecutive days in a ve- or seven-day period. Further analysis of eective discounts
provided by the current CTtransit nested caps according to travel intensity is provided in
Hightower et al. (2022).
Post-COVID-19 Transit Ridership Recovery: Does Fare
Capping and Subscription Pricing Have a Role?
4 L.E.K. Consulting
Fare capping schemes also oer potential to protect the transport disadvantaged,
who are oen highly dependent on public transit. Low-income groups are oen over-
represented in terms of their use of periodical products or capped fares. In many cases
a standard discount (say 50%) is applicable to all concession products relative to adult
products, including periodical and capped products. An argument could be made to apply
a deeper discount to the capped fare for concession products to support greater levels
of mobility amongst those who are essentially captive to public transit (i.e. lower the
eective threshold where travel is eectively free at the margin).
Subscription pricing
Subscription pricing has come to the fore with the interest in ‘mobility as a service’ or
MaaS. Under this model, customers pay a set price (i.e. subscription) for a bundle of
mobility services. This could include unlimited use of a given mode(s) for a specied time
period and discounted/promotional rates to use other modes or services — or could simply
oer these modes and services on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Helsinkis Whim app is the most oen-quoted example of a ubiquitous subscription-pricing
model. There have been other attempts at this type of model around the world — both
ongoing and trials that have been completed or discontinued.
Figure 3 below summarises three subscription models to demonstrate how modes and
services can be potentially bundled.
Starting at €62 (US$73) a month,
a Whim subscription allows for an
unlimited number of public
transport trips and bike share
trips under 30 minutes. Whim
includes a cap of €10 on taxi
services and a €55 (US$65) cap
for rental car services. For €499
(US$532) a month, users can use
an unlimited number of taxi rides
within a 5 km radius, along with
unlimited rental car trips.
Helsinki, Finland
A range of monthly options are
available for University of
Queensland students, from
AU$103 to AU$129 including
unlimited public transport
(excluding airport rail) and various
packages of unlimited e-scooters
and e-bikes. University of
Queensland staff can purchase
comparable packages from
AU$165 to AU$215 per month.
Queensland, Australia
Various mobility services are
available through a single
€150-per-month pass, including
public transport, scooters, taxis,
car sharing and car rental.
Turin, Italy
(Italian Ministry of
Ecological Transition)
Figure 3
Overview of transport subscription models
Source: L.E.K. research and analysis
Post-COVID-19 Transit Ridership Recovery: Does Fare
Capping and Subscription Pricing Have a Role?
5 L.E.K. Consulting
In our view, customer acquisition and retention are both signicant challenges to
subscription-based mobility pricing.
The challenge of oering subscription-based pricing on a commercial basis is that typically
a bundle or even a series of bundles cannot be designed at a price point that is attractive
to all but ‘super users’.
Subscription models that target specic market segments with broadly similar mobility
needs oer greater potential in the near term. The Queensland ODIN Pass, which is
specically targeted at the mobility needs of university sta and students, is an example
of this.
Customer retention has emerged as a key issue with subscription-based pricing (i.e.
inability to support value-for-money customer outcomes on a sustainable basis). In an
attempt to address this, behavioural nudges (i.e. reward schemes) have been added
to increase customer retention. These nudges take many forms and can include giving
customers free coees when their train is running late. Another example is providing
workers with co-working space vouchers to incentivise customers to travel o-peak.
Both fare capping and subscription pricing oer substantial potential to help support the
post-COVID recovery of public transit demand. A challenge in both cases is the need to
pivot pricing to align with post-COVID travel. A further issue for subscription-based pricing
is to overcome the challenges of oering a product suite, which might contain a mix of
unlimited travel, discounted modes or services, and pay-as-you-go modes and services,
that supports both customer acquisition and retention.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Post-COVID-19 Transit Ridership Recovery: Does Fare
Capping and Subscription Pricing Have a Role?
6 L.E.K. Consulting
About L.E.K. Consulting
We’re L.E.K. Consulting, a global strategy consultancy working with business leaders to seize competitive advantage and
amplify growth. Our insights are catalysts that reshape the trajectory of our clients’ businesses, uncovering opportunities
and empowering them to master their moments of truth. Since 1983, our worldwide practice — spanning the Americas,
Asia-Pacic and Europe — has guided leaders across all industries, from global corporations to emerging entrepreneurial
businesses and private equity investors. Looking for more? Visit www.lek.com.
L.E.K. Consulting is a registered trademark of L.E.K. Consulting LLC. All other products and brands mentioned in this
document are properties of their respective owners. © 2023 L.E.K. Consulting LLC
Mark Streeting
Mark Streeting is a Partner in L.E.K. Consulting’s Sydney oce and the practice leader of
L.E.K.’s Australian Transport and Travel practice, Mark regularly advises major private and
public sector clients across Australia, New Zealand, North America, Europe, the Middle East
and Asia on all forms of passenger and freight transport. Mark’s elds of expertise include
strategy and policy development; demand analysis and forecasting; nancial and economic
appraisal; regulatory reform and procurement; pricing strategies and development;
strategic marketing and communications; and transport innovation, business and operating
model transformation, and implementation.
About the Authors
Simon Barrett
Simon Barrett is a Partner based in L.E.K. Consulting’s Sydney oce. He is a leader in the
Transport and Travel practice and works across several closely related sectors: transport
and travel, new mobility, infrastructure and major capital projects. He has more than 30
years of experience in strategy consulting across Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe.
Simon regularly advises major corporations on strategy, organisation and performance,
M&A and major capital projects. His clients include major operators and investors in road,
rail (both passenger and freight), light rail, buses, ports, shipping, aviation, airports and
tourism. Simon also works extensively in the public sector on long-term policy and strategy,
organisational design and major capital projects. In this capacity, Simon has been deeply
involved in many of the major transport reforms and innovations in Australia and New
Zealand over the last two decades.
Will Chamberlain
Will Chamberlain is a Principal in L.E.K. Consulting’s Transport and Logistics Practice,
based in our London oce. He has experience in both Europe and Australasia and primarily
advises major private companies and investors regarding all forms of passenger and freight
Will has worked across all modes of transport with expertise in strategy and policy
development and transaction support, including in pricing strategy, demand and revenue
forecasting, synergy assessments, transport infrastructure business case development
and assessments of potential transport infrastructure investments. In this work Will
frequently considers the impact of developments in the mobility landscape (incl. changes
in travel behaviours, energy transition and automation) on demand for transport and for
stakeholders including operators, investors and governments.