Flag Football Penalty Enforcement
5 YARD PENALTIES- Offside (defensive), False Start (offense), Illegal Procedure,
delay of game, too many players on the field (offensive or defensive), Putting
ball in play before declared in play by Official (quick snap), Intentional
Grounding, Crossing Routes
**Any penalty that the offense commits before the play starts (offside,
delay of game, too many players on the field, illegal procedure), call it
immediately! It’s a dead ball and there should be no play. The penalty is marked
off 5 yards from line of scrimmage and the down remains the same.
**If defensive team is offside or has too many players on the field, throw
the flag, but let the play continue! After the play is complete, then you will
announce the penalty. Often times, the offense will end up advancing past 5
yards anyway, so they will decline the penalty. If accepted, the penalty is marked
off 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and the down is repeated.
**Illegal Procedure is an infraction by the offense when a player or
players is/are not lined up correctly. The offense must have four players on the
line of scrimmage to begin each play. Two players may never be in motion at on
time. If there are not four players on the line to begin the play, if an offensive
player lines up in front of the line of scrimmage, or if two offensive players
motion at one time, a flag should be thrown and the official will stop play.
** Intentional Grounding- If the QB is being rushed and intentionally
throws the ball either into the ground, or not in the vicinity of another offensive
player a flag should be thrown. This penalty is five yards from the spot of the
foul, and a loss of down.
** Quick Snap- The official will always bring the ball into play. If the
offensive team begins play before the official sets, a penalty will be assessed.
(official sets ball by communicating with the center on the spot of the ball,
before every play)
** Crossing Routes- A cross pattern is in fact LEGAL, however if the
crossing pattern interferes with the defenders ability the guard the receiver in
his route, a crossing penalty should be enforced.
10 YARD PENALTIES- Offensive holding, Defensive holding, illegal blocking,
illegal forward pass, pass interference (offensive or defensive), flag guarding,
Hurdling (offense), Tripping (defense)
** All of these penalties will be enforced from the spot of the foul and
the down will be repeated.
**Pass Interference Rules: Defensive pass interference is ruled a
complete pass at the point of the infraction and an automatic first down is
awarded, but no penalty yardage will be added. Offensive pass interference is
penalized from the line of scrimmage plus a loss of down.
** Flag guarding shall be defined as the ball carrier blocking the defender
in any way from his/her flags. i.e. arms/hands going below the ball carrier’s
15 YARD PENALTIES- Stiff arming, lowering of shoulder, unnecessary
roughness, unsportsmanlike conduct
** DURING PLAY- Stiff arming/lowering of shoulder/unnecessary
roughness/unsportsmanlike conduct- Penalty will be assessed from spot of the
foul, but play continues. Once play has ended, penalty will be enforced from spot
of foul/where the flag lays.
**AFTER PLAY- unnecessary roughness/unsportsmanlike conduct-
Offense- penalty enforced after play (15 yards from end of run)
Defense-penalty enforced after play (extra 15 yards)
**If in the case that the offense picks up a first down on a play, and then
is penalized downfield, the penalty will be marked off from the spot of the foul
and the offense keeps the first down. So, what results is a first and very long.