Short-term memory stores organized by information domain
Abigail L. Noyce
& Nishmar Cestero
& Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham
David C. Somers
The Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2016
Abstract Vision and audition have complementary affinities,
with vision excelling in spatial resolution and audition excel-
ling in temporal resolution. Here, we investigated the relation-
ships among the visual and auditory modalities and spatial and
temporal short-term memory (STM) using change detection
tasks. We created short sequences of visual or auditory items,
such that each item within a sequence arose at a unique spatial
location at a unique time. On each trial, two successive se-
quences were presented; subjects attended to either space (the
sequence of locations) or time (the sequence of inter item
intervals) and reported whether the patterns of locations or
intervals were identical. Each subject completed blocks of
unimodal trials (both sequences presented in the same modal-
ity) and crossmodal trials (Sequence 1 visual, Sequence 2
auditory, or vice versa) for both spatial and temporal tasks.
We found a strong interaction between modality and task:
Spatial performance was best on u nimodal visual trials,
whereas temporal performance was best on unimodal auditory
trials. The order of modalities on crossmodal trials also
mattered, suggesting that perceptual fidelity at encoding is
critical to STM. Critically, no cost w as attributable to
crossmodal comparison: In both tasks, performance on
crossmodal trials was as good as or better than on the weaker
unimodal trials. STM representations of space and time can
guide change detection in either the visual or the auditory
modality, suggesting that the temporal or spatial organization
of STM may supersede sensory-specific organization.
Keywords Attention: Interactions with memory
short-term memory
Visual working memory
Short-term (or working) memory is the remarkable ability to
observe and encode information from the surrounding environ-
ment, maintain an internal representation of that information,
ments about future events (Voytek & Knight, 2010). An exten-
sive previous literature has described the capacity and precision
of visual short-term memory (STM; for reviews, see Brady,
Konkle, & Alvarez, 201 1; Luck & Vogel, 2013;Ma,Husain,
&Bays,2014), verbal span (reviewedinHurlstone,Hitch,&
Baddeley, 2014), and nonverbal auditory memory (e.g.,
Parmentier & Jones, 2000; Visscher, Kaplan, Kahana, &
Sekuler , 2007). Several groups have compared perceptual and
memory effects in the visual and auditory modalities (e.g.,
Balch & Muscatelli, 1986; Guttman, Gilroy, & Blake, 2005;
McAuley & Henry, 2010; Shih, Kuo, Yeh, Tzeng, & Hsieh,
2009; Tremblay, Parmentier, Guérard, Nicholls, & Jones,
2006), but only a few researchers have investigated how easy
it is to use the information encoded in one sensory modality to
make judgments about information presented in another modal-
ity (Collier & Logan, 2000; Harrington, Castillo, Fong, &
Reed, 2011). Descriptions of crossmodal judgments are valu-
able because they shed light on the processes by which sensory-
specific episodic information is transformed into more abstract
representations, accessible to multiple perceptual streams. Here
we investigated STM performance on spatial and temporal
tasks for information presented in the visual and auditory sen-
sory modalities, and explored whether there are costs to STM
performance when comparisons are made across modalities.
* Abigail L. Noyce
Boston University, 2 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Atten Percept Psychophys
DOI 10.3758/s13414-015-1056-5
Specialization of sensory modalities
Sensory modalities are specialized for different information
domains, as well as for different forms of environmental en-
ergy. Visual input is intrinsically spatial, comprising a two-
dimensional array of luminances across the retina, and vision
has a corresponding affinity for spatial information. Spatial
characteristics define the features to which the visual system
is most sensitive, such as edges and texture (Hubel & Wiesel,
1959). Spatiotopic cortical maps are found throughout the
visual processing pathway (Silver & Kastner, 2009; Swisher,
Halko, Merabet, McMains, & Somers, 2007). Auditory per-
ception of spac e, on the other ha nd, is relatively po or
(Jackson, 1953), and spatiotopic maps have not been identi-
fied at any stage of the mammalian cortical auditory pathway
(Barrett & Hall, 2006).
Auditory sensory inputs comprise a series of fluctuating
pressure oscillations; the frequency of these oscillations and
how the energy at each frequency changes through time are
what convey information to the auditory sense. Audition has
an affinity for temporal information, with exquisite sensitivity
to temporal features such as onset and frequency, and primary
auditory cortex displays a tonotopic organization (Da Costa
et al., 2011; Merzenich & Brugge, 1973; Wessinger,
Buonocore, Kussmaul, & Mangun, 1997). The auditory sys-
tem is able to make very fine discriminations in the judgment
of time intervals (Creelman, 1962; Ivry & Hazeltine, 1995;
Lhamon & Goldstone, 1974), with precision at least an order
of magnitude better than in the visual modality (Lhamon &
Goldstone, 1974).
These complementary sensory affinities have perceptual
consequences, often described as modality appropriateness
(Welch & Warren, 1980). Vision tends to dominate when the
cognitive task at hand is spatial. For instance, when reporting
the location of an auditory stimulus source, observers are bi-
ased toward the spatial location of a visual stimulus presented
at a similar time, a phenomenon known as the ventriloquism
effect (Bertelson & Aschersleben, 1998;I.P.Howard&
Templeton, 1966). Conversely, audition tends to dominate
when the cognitive task is temporal, resulting in a temporal
ventriloquism effect: When reporting the time at which a vi-
sual event occurred, participants are biased toward the time
(temporal location) of a nearby audito ry stimulus (Bizley,
Shinn-Cunningham, & Lee, 2012; Burr, Banks, & Morrone,
2009; Fendrich & Corballis, 2001; M orein-Zamir, Soto-
Faraco, & Kingstone, 2003; Shams, Kamitani, & Shimojo,
2000). Welch and Warren (1980) hypothesized that these ef-
fects arise from the innate correspondence between sensory
modalities and information domains. More recently, these ef-
fectshavebeenattributedtoeachmodalitys reliability in the
information domain at hand. If the reliability of input in one
sensory modality is reduced, that modalitys contribution to
the final percept is also reduced; analyzed on the basis of the
reliability of information, the brain comes remarkably close to
optimally combining information across sensory modalities
(Alais & Burr, 2004).
Similar effects of modality occur in STM. Memory for
spatial locations is superior when those locations are presented
visually rather than through sound (Lehnert & Zimmer, 2008
d the abstraction of the updown contour of a sequence of
sensory events is more efficient from visuospatial than from
melodic stimuli (Balch & Muscatelli, 1986). On the other
hand, memory for rhythms and time intervals is superior when
stimuli are presented to the ears rather than the eyes (Collier &
Logan, 2000). Indeed, auditory distractors interfere with
memory for visual rhythms, hinting that both may be held in
a common store (Guttman et al., 2005). The perceptual reli-
ability of visual and auditory inputs may shape STM for spa-
tial and temporal information.
Nature of STM stores
The dominant model of STM is Baddeley and Hitchs(1974)
working memory description, in which discrete visuospatial
and verbal stores are both linked to a central executive com-
ponent. Early evidence for this separation of two stores came
from studies that crossed visuospatial or verbal STM tasks
with concurrent visuospatial or verbal secondary tasks. These
studies consistently identified modality-specific interference
effects. For example, STM for visual imagery, but not for
verbal lists, is disrupted by a simultaneous visual pursuit task
(Baddeley, Grant, Wight, & Thomson, 1975) or a spatial ma-
nipulation task (Alloway, Kerr, & Langheinrich, 2010;
Guérard & Tremblay, 2008; Logie, Zucco, & Baddeley,
1990). Conversely, the maintenance of auditory STM is im-
paired by simultaneous verbal articulation, but visual STM is
not (Alloway et al., 2010; Guérard & Tremblay, 2008;Kroll,
Parks, Parkinson, Bieber, & Johnson, 1970), and verbal, but
not visuospatial, STM is disrupted by a simultaneous arith-
metic task (Logie et al., 1990). Further evidence for two
discrete stores has come from distraction effects. Unex-
pected, task-irrelevant events in the spatial or verbal infor-
mation domain impair, respectively, spatial or verbal mem-
ory performance and reasoning (Farmer, Berma n, &
Fletcher, 1986; L ange, 2005). Syncopated tapping also
disrupts verbal STM, suggesting that rhythm draws on
the verbal STM store (Larsen & Baddeley, 2003). Addi-
tional support for the separate-stores account has come
from lesion patients with impaired digit span but normal
spatial span, and other patients with the converse pattern
of impairment (Hanley, Young, & Pearson, 1991; Vallar &
Baddeley, 1984).
Previous work on nonverbal auditory information and
STM has been sparser. Verbal STM is disrupted by vocal
and nonvocal music, but not by auditory noise, implying that
some nonverbal auditory information shares an STM store
Atten Percept Psychophys
with verbal information (Salamé & Baddeley, 1989). Memory
for pitch is disrupted by intervening tones or words of similar
pitch (Deutsch, 1972; Semal, Demany, Ueda, & Hallé, 1996),
but not by visual patterns (Pechmann & Mohr, 1992). Mem-
ory for timbre is also disrupted by similar intervening items
(Starr & Pitt, 1997). Nonverbal auditory information is thus
believed to share an STM store with verbal information, sep-
arate from that for visuospatial information (Baddeley, 2012).
Intriguingly, visual and auditory rhythms seem to share an
STM stor e, although pe rforman ce when j udging auditory
rhythms is superior (Collier & Logan, 2000).
A few studies have pointed to a shared memory pro-
cess t hat is r ecruited by both visual and auditory or verbal
STM. Verbal STM is impaired for words that are visually
and phonologically similar, as compared to words that are
phonologically similar but visually different (Logie, Della
Sala, Wynn, & Baddeley, 2000). Visual and auditory STM
are influenced by many of the same factors, such as serial
position, retention interval, and load (Visscher et al.,
2007). STM capacity for mixed auditory and visual arrays
is larger than capacity for either visual or auditory infor-
mation, but smaller than their sum, suggesting that some
portion of STM capacity is shared between modalities
(Fougnie, Zughni, Godwin, & Marois, 2014;Saults&
Cowan, 2007).
Crossmodal memory-guided cognition
In daily life, humans frequent ly work with inform ation in
multiple sensory modalities; we use visual information to
predict forthcoming auditory input, and vice versa. For
a noise behind him and, on turning around, expect to see a
family member at the kitchen door. A different person or a
different location would be quite unexpected. O nly a few
studies have investigated memory performance when
using visual stimuli to probe auditory encoding, or vice
versa (crossmodal memory). Both examples that we know
of have been investigations in the temporal domain, one
into the representation of single intervals (Harrington
et al., 2011), the other into the representation of rhythms
(Collier & Logan, 2000). Both studi es showed that sub-
jects performance in unimodal auditory conditions was
superior to their performance in unimodal visual condi-
tions. Crossmodal comparison of single intervals is better
than either auditory or visual unimodal comparison when
the auditory interval is prese nted first, but worst than both
auditory and visual unimodal comparison when the visual
interval is presented first (Harrington et al., 2011), while
crossmodal comparison of rhythms is better than visual
but worse than auditory comparison (Collier & Logan,
The present work
Here, we measured STM for visual or auditory stimuli using a
sequence change detection task that required storage of either
spatial locations or temporal intervals. Subjects performed
both unimodal change detection (comparing either two visual
sequences or two auditory sequences) and crossmodal change
detection (comparing a visual to an auditory sequence, or vice
versa). We tested four hypotheses:
H1: STM modality appropriateness The visual and audi-
tory modalities differ in thei r abilities to extract and
represent spatial and temporal information. Unimodal
change detection performance for spatial tasks will be
superior for visual relative t o auditory trials, whereas
perform anc e on tempora l tasks will show the opposite
H2: Shared domain-specific memory stores If STM repre-
sentations are stored according to task demands (i.e., informa-
tion domain, rather than input modality) and these task-based
STM stores can be accessed by both modalities, then perfor-
mance on crossmodal change detection will be as good as or
better than performance in the weaker unimodal case. That is,
the costs of crossmodal STM come only from m odality-
specific limitations, rather than from any additional cost of
translating between modalities.
H3: Dependence on STM encoding
Observers likely mini-
STM load by encoding only the first sequence into
STM; they then perform an online comparison between
the memory representation and the incoming second se-
quence to determine whether each sequence element
matches the memory representation. If so, the fidelity
of the STM representation of the first sequence is cru-
cial, dominating performance. In crossmodal tasks, per-
formance on spatial tasks will be better on visual-first
trials than on auditory-first trials; performance on t em-
poral tasks will be better on auditory-first than on
visual-first trials.
H4: Interference from task-irrelevant changes If the spatial
and temporal information domains interact, it may be easy to
detect that a change has occurred, but difficult to discrimi-
nate changes in timing from changes in spatial location.
Some authors have hypothesized that either the location
(e.g., Johnston & Pashler, 1990; Treisman & Gelade,
1980) or the time of occurrence (e.g., Dixon & Spitz,
1980; M.W. Howard & Kahana, 2002) is an ess ential
cue for binding features in different modalities or different
information domains into a coherent percept and a shared
memory representation. Therefore, if there are task-
irrelevant changes between the first and second sequences
Atten Percept Psychophys
(i.e., while subjects a re performing the spatial task, se-
quence timing changes), it will disrupt the ability to detect
change in the task-relevant information domain.
Our results supported H1, H2, and H3, but not H4.
All protocols were approved by the Institutional Review
Board of Boston University.
Twenty-five young adults enrolled in the Introduction to
Psychology course at Boston University participated in
this study for partial course credit (ages 1822, 16
women, nine men). We computed mean change detec-
tion sensitivity, which we used to screen out participants
with very low performance. We selecte d, a priori, an
arbitrary threshold of d = 0.5, and five subjects whose
performance was below this threshold were excluded.
All results presented here are from the remaining 20
subjects. Our sample size (20 subjects passing a mini-
mum performance criterion) was selected a priori using
effect size estimates from pilot data.
Experimental task
We adapted the change detection paradigm ( Phillips,
1974; Vogel et al. 2001) to require subjects to compare
two short sequences. Subjects first observed a sequence
in one modality (visual or auditory), followed by a brief
delay (0.5 s). After the delay, subjects observed a sec-
ond sequence and were asked to report whether it was
identical to or different from t he first in either its se-
quence of spatial locations (space task) or its sequence
of temporal intervals (time task). Note that the proper-
ties of the stimuli were identical in both tasks; only the
instructions given to the subjects differed.
Each subject performed both the space and the time tasks in
both unimodal and crossmodal forms. On each trial of
unimodal change detection, subjects encountered either two
visual s equenc es or two auditory sequences, and decided
whether the sequences were identical in the task-relevant in-
formation domain (either space or time). We will denote these
unimodal trials as VV and AA, respectively. On each trial of
crossmodal change detection, subjects encountered two se-
quences in different modalities, either visual first and auditory
second or vice versa, and compared across modalities to de-
termine w hether the two sequences matched in the task-
relevant information domain. We will denote these types of
trials as VA and AV, respectively.
A third factor was the presence or absence of changes in the
task-irrelevant information domain, allowing us to test wheth-
er such changes affected performance. That is, while
performing the space task, were subjects impaired by irrele-
vant changes in the time domain? To investigate this, we con-
structed blocks of trials in which the task-irrelevant informa-
tion domain was always fixed between the first and second
sequences of each trial, and blocks of trials in which the task-
irrelevant information domain had a 50% probability of con-
taining a change. The order of blocks within the space and
time tasks was randomized for each subject.
The visual and auditory stimuli were constructed to contain
both spatial and temporal information. Each item in a se-
quence had a unique spatial location; each pair of items was
separated by a unique temporal interval. Figure 1 shows sche-
matics of the visual and auditory stimuli used in this
For visual sequences (Fig. 1A), subjects observed a semi-
circular array of five images presented on a CRT monitor.
Each sequence item consisted of the instantaneous leftright
mirror flip of one image. Each item thus had a spatial location
within the array, and a temporal interval separating it from the
previous flip. The images were drawn from a collection of
animal images (e.g., drawings, photographs) against white
backgrounds, retrieved from a Web search and scaled so that
the images were clearly visible and approximately the same
size. On each trial, five copies of a single image were used.
Whether each copy was in the original orientation or was
mirror-flipped at initial onset was randomly assigned, so that
the instantaneous orientations of the images provided no in-
formation about whether or not that item had already flipped.
This stimulus paradigm was originally designed for a long-
term memory experiment and was adapted for the presen t
STM purposes; here, the identity of the animals was irrele-
vant, but the animal images may have increased subject inter-
est and vigilance in the task.
These stimuli are not perfectly parallel to their auditory
equivalents (described below). All five images were visible
on the screen throughout the entire sequence, whereas the
auditory items were presented one at a time. We had three
reasons for this decision. First, sudden, discrete onsets and
offsets of visual stimuli are unusual among natural visual
inputs, whereas changes in state of an already-present item
are more common. Second, i n piloting, we found that
onsetting and offsetting visual stimuli drove a strong subjec-
tive experience of an internal auditory representation, regard-
less of the task. Finally, the persistent images acted as visual
masks, making the visual tasks more attentionally
Atten Percept Psychophys
For the auditory sequences (Fig. 1B), subjects listened to a
stream of complex tones. The tones were presented via stereo
headphones at a subject-adjusted, comfortable, clearly audible
listening level (between 65 and 85 dB SPL). A sequence item
consisted of a single tone, lateralized by interaural time differ-
ence. Each item thus had a spatial location in azimuth, and a
temporal interval separating it from the previous tone. We gen-
erated complex tones by first selecting one of ten base frequen -
cies (logarithmically spaced between 200 Hz and 400 Hz). Two
other frequencies were then selected at 1.33 and 1.59 times the
base frequency. The tones included these three fundamental
frequencies and their first three harmonics at equal intensities,
and offset. This process generated a set of tones with similar
timbres and varying pitches. All tones within a trial were com-
posed of the same frequencies. Each tone had an interaural time
differ ence drawn from the set of 1,000, 350, 0, 350, and 1,
000 μs (selected randomly, as noted below), producing tones
whose lateral angle corresponded roughly to the five spatial
locations in the visual display.
The stimulus sequences in both modalities comprised four
sequence items with three inter item intervals. At the start of
each trial, a sequence of locations was drawn without replace-
ment from the set of far-left, left, center, right, and far-right
locations. Similarly, a sequence of inter item intervals was
drawn from the set of 250.0-ms, 404.5-ms, 654.5-ms, and 1,
059.0-ms intervals. This order of locations and intervals spec-
ified that trials first sequence.
This family of intervals was selected to comply with three
constraints. We sel ected intervals that were not integer
multiples of each other, to reduce the rhythmicity of the stim-
uli. Then we selected intervals that were approximately 1 s in
duration and below, because longer interval timing disrupts
performance (Collier & Logan, 2000). Finally, pilot testing
showed that intervals shorter than 250 ms are nearly impossi-
ble to track in the visual modality.
During blocks of trials in which the task-irrelevant in-
formation domain was fixed, the second sequence was
either identical to the first or, with 50% probability,
contained a change in the task-relevant information do-
main, with two locations or two intervals swapping serial
positions (with the stipulation that the first itemslocation
never changed, in an attempt to equate the memory loads
between the space and time tasks). During blocks of trials
that included task-irrelevant changes, su ch changes oc-
curred with 50% probability and were independent of the
presence or absence of a change in the task-relevant in-
formation domain. The second sequence could thus con-
tain changes in locations, intervals, both, or neither, each
with 25% probability.
Design and procedures
As we described above, this study had a 2 (Task: space, time)
× 4 (Modality Permutation: VV, VA, AV, AA) × 2 (Task-Irrel-
evant Changes: yes, no) within-subjects design. Pilot data
suggested that intermixed conditions dramatically impaired
subjects ability to discriminate changed from unchanged tri-
als, possibly due to the demands of shifting cognitive sets. We
250 ms
1060 ms
655 ms
250 ms
1060 ms
655 ms
Fig. 1 Visual and auditory stimuli for the sequence change detection
task. (A) The visual stimuli comprised an array of mostly static images.
Across the ensuing sequence, four of these images were replaced by their
mirror-flipped counterparts (one at a time). When performing the space
task, subjects were to remember the sequence of locations of these four
replacements; when performing the time task, they were to remember the
sequence of intervals between successive replacements. (B) The auditory
stimuli comprised a s eries of 50-ms complex t ones, lateralized by
interaural time difference. When performing the space task, subjects were
to remember the sequence of lateral locations; when performing the time
task, they were to remember the sequence of intervals between successive
Atten Percept Psychophys
subject completed one block (48 trials) of each condition.
Response identities and reaction times were recorded; because
subjects were not prompted to answer until after the second
sequence was complete, the reaction times are minimally in-
formative, and only the response identities (i.e., Bsame^ or
Bdifferent^) are analyzed here.
After giving informed consent and completing a basic de-
mographic questionnaire, subjects received instructions on ei-
ther the space task or the time task. They then completed all
eight blocks of trials in that task. After a brief break, subjects
received instructions on the remaining task, and again they
completed eight blocks of trials in that task. The order of tasks
was counterbalanced across subjects; the order of conditions
within each task was randomized for each subject.
Performance was operationalized as change detection sen-
sitivity, measured by d. We chose to measure sensitivity rather
than accuracy because d is not affected by subjects criteria
for reporting Bdifferent,^ and we suspected that those criteria
might differ between conditions.
Subjects were able to discriminate changed from unchanged
sequences (overall mean d =1.02,SD = 0.26). A two-way
repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the
factors Modality Permutation (VV, VA, AV, and AA) and Task
(space and time) identified a significant main effect of modal-
ity [F(3, 57) = 13.47, p < .0001], a significant main effect of
task [F(1, 19) = 7.76, p = .012], and a significant interaction
between them [F(3, 217) = 69.34, p <.0001].
Figure 2 shows performance on the space and time tasks for
each modality permutation, collapsed across blocks in which
the task-irrelevant information domain was fixed and blocks
in which it could change. As we predicted, there was a sub-
stantial STM modality appropriateness effect, with perfor-
mance being higher on VV than on AA for the space task
[t(19) = 12.30, p <.0001,Cohens d = 2.78], but lower on
VV for the time task [t(19) = 7.64, p < .0001, Cohens d =
The two crossmodal conditions were consistently as good
as or better than the weaker unimodal condition. In the space
task, performance was better on VA than on AA [t(19) = 3.32,
p = .004, Cohens d = 0.76], and we found no significant
difference between performance on AV and on AA [t(19) =
0.45, p =.66,Cohens d = 0.10]. Similarly, in the time task,
performance was better on AV than on VV [t(19) = 2.90,
p = .009, Cohens d = 0.66], and we found no significant
difference between performance on VA and on VV [t(19) =
0.20, p =.84,Cohens d =0.05].Thisisconsistentwithan
STM store that can be freely accessed by both modalities, with
no additional cost of switching between them.
Finally, in the crossmodal conditions, the order of modali-
ties mattered. In the space task, there was a substantial advan-
tage to encounterin g the v isual sequence first [VA > AV,
t(19) = 4.02, p =.0007,Cohens
d =
0.93); in the time task,
there was a moderate advantage to encountering the auditory
sequence first [AV > VA, t(19) = 2.41 , p = .03, Cohens
d = 0.54]. This highlights the importance of STM encoding
of the initial sequence in this paradigm.
Using multiple linear regression, we quantified the influ-
ences of task, modality, and task-appropriateness on change
detection performance. To reduce the effects of individual
differences in memory capacity and motivation, we first stan-
dardized each subjects d scores over the 16 blocks of trials.
Then we fit a linear model using five binary predictors: the
task-appropriateness of the modalities in which the first and
second sequences were presented (β1andβ2); the task (β3;
time > space); and the modalities of the first and second se-
quences (β4andβ5; V > A). (Note that all predictors were
binary, with mean 0.5.) The model also included a constant
Figure 3 shows the resulting beta weights. The single stron-
gest predictor is whether the modality of the first sequence
was appropriate to the task the subject was performing (i.e.,
visual for the space task and auditory for the time task; β1=
1.00, SE = 0.09). This factor alone accounted for .26 of the
variance in standardized scores. The task-appropriateness of
the second sequences modality was the next-strongest factor
(β2 = 0.48, SE = 0.09), followed by task (with a benefit for
time; β3 = 0.37, SE = 0.09). The effects of modality alone
were modest. This analysis confirmed and quantified the strik-
ing degree to which the task-appropriateness of the first se-
quence affects change detection performance.
We also assessed whether task-irrelevant changes between
the encoding sequence and the probe sequence had any effect
on behavior. Figure 4 shows performance on the blocks of
trials when the event values in the unattended information
dimension were always the same in the two sequences (fixed
within a block; top panel), as well as in the mixed blocks,
Sensitivity ( )d
Space Task
Time Task
Fig. 2 Change detection sensitivity on the space task (left) and the time
task (right) for all four modality permutations. Performance was best in
the task-appropriate modality, and showed no cost of crossmodal change
detection beyond that attributable to the perceptual weakness of the task-
inappropriate modality.
p < .05;
p < .01;
p < .001.
Atten Percept Psychophys
broken down by whether the task-irrelevant information was
fixed or changed (bottom panel). A three-way ANOVA with
the factors Modality Permutation, Task, and Task-Irrelevant
Information (always fixed, fixed trials in mixed blocks, and
changed trials in mixed blocks) revealed no significant effect
of task-irrelevant information [F(2, 38) = 0.96, p =.391],no
interaction between task-irrelevant information and ei-
ther modality permutation [F(2, 38) = 0.55, p = .584]
or task [F(6, 114) = 0.97, p = .447], and no three-way
interaction [F(6, 114) = 1.29, p = .269]. In short, w e
found no evidence for any effect of the stability or
changeability of the task-irrelevant information domain.
A m ultiple regression similar to the one above that in-
cluded whether each blocks task-irrelevant dimension
was fixed or mixed resulted in very similar beta weights
on all regressors, confirming this result.
We developed a sequence change detection task that allowed
us to probe unimodal and crossmodal STM use of spatial and
temporal information. In both spatial and temporal tasks,
change detection substantially improved when stimulus se-
quences were presented in the modality that was most appro-
priate for the task demands: Spatial task performance was best
in the unimodal visual condition, and temporal task perfor-
mance was best in the unimodal auditory condition. We also
showed that crossmodal change detection has no performance
costs beyond those associated with the poorer perceptual rep-
resentation in the weaker modality, suggesting that the STM
stores for spatial and temporal information are accessible to
both sensory modalities. Furthermore, in crossmodal change
detection, performance depended on the order of the modali-
ties. Spatial change detection was better when the first se-
quence was visual and the second auditory than in the oppo-
site order, and temporal change detection showed the converse
STM modality appropriateness
Demonstrating that audition and vision are uneven in their
abilities to represent spatial and temporal information is con-
sistent with an extensive body of prior work and confirms the
validity of our task, providing confidence that we were prob-
ing spatial and temporal representations in STM. Temporal
information is perceived more accurately and precise ly
through the auditory than through the visual modality
(Lhamon & Goldstone, 1974), and this advantage extends into
STM (Collier & Logan, 2000; Guttman et al., 2005). Con-
versely, spatial information is perceived more accurately and
precisely through the visual than through the auditory modal-
ity (Jackson, 1953), and this advantage also holds in STM
(Lehnert & Zimmer, 2008). These results, along with this prior
work, confirm that the modality appropriateness hypothesis
(Welch & Warren, 1980) can be generalized to describe prop-
erties of STM.
Our results do not separate perceptual limitations in the
weaker modality from STM limitations. We think it very
(T > S)
Seq 1
Seq 2
β weight
(V > A)
β3 β4
Seq 1
Seq 2
Fig. 3 Factor weights from a multiple linear regression comparing the
effects of modality, task appropriateness, and task. The alignment
between the task and the first sequences modality is by far the
strongest predictor, accounting for a full standard deviation in
0% task-irrelevant changes
Sensitivity (d )
Space Task
Time Task
50% task-irrelevant changes
Sensitivity (d )
Fig. 4 Change detection sensitivity on the space task (left) and the time
task (right) for all four modality permutations, broken down by the pres-
ence or absence of task-irrelevant changes. There was no effect of task-
irrelevant changes.
Atten Percept Psychophys
likely that the impaired spatial change detection we observed
in the unimodal auditory condition and the impaired temporal
change detection we observed in the unimodal visual condi-
tion reflect, at least in part, those modalities reduced abilities
to detect and extract the relevant stimulus features. However,
our further study of crossmodal change detection (e.g., AVand
VA conditions) equalized perceptual limitations and isolated
STM processes, particularly retrieval and comparison.
Shared domain-specific memory stores
It was unclear how modalities and task demands would inter-
act if the first and second sequences were presented to differ-
ent modalities. If STM were stored strictly according to sen-
sory modality (as in a naïve implementation of the Baddeley
& Hitch, 1974, model), crossmodal change detection would
require an extra step of translation from one modality-specific
representation to another, which should result in additional
costs to performance. If this were the case, crossmodal change
detection would be even more difficult than change detection
in the weaker unimodal condition. Conversely, if STM were
stored according to the informational requirements of the task,
although a task-appropriate modality might still have a per-
ceptual advantage, there should be no costs of crossmodal
comparison that were not attributable to limitations from the
representation in the less accurate modality for that informa-
tion domain. Our results support the latter interpretation, with
both crossmodal conditions resulting in change detection that
was as good as or better than in the weaker unimodal condi-
tion (although still below the level in the stronger unimodal
condition). Our pattern of results matches that previously ob-
served in STM for temporal sequences (Collier & Logan,
2000); here, weve shown that it holds for the spatial informa-
tion domain, as well.
One alternative interpretation of these data is that STM
stores are strictly segregated according to sensory modality,
but the brain can translate between sensory-specific represen-
tations with perfect fluency. Memory capacity measures in
unimodal and crossmodal STM tasks may provide an avenue
for distinguishing between these interpretations (Fougnie &
Marois, 2011; Saults & Cowan, 2007). Nonetheless, we argue
that memory stores that are fluently accessible to guide judg-
ments in any modality are not meaningfully separated by mo-
dality in the classic sense. Information domain appears to
supersede sensory modality as an organizational principle
for STM stores.
We suspect that crossmodal change detection involves a
process of encoding sensory input into a representation that
is appropriate for the task demands. A number of studies have
suggested that visual temporal processing relies on auditory
mechanisms (e.g., Guttman et al., 2005; Keller & Sekuler,
2015; Van der Burg, Olivers, Bronkhorst, & Theeuwes,
2008), although others have disputed this (McAuley &
Henry, 2010). Similarly, auditory spatial representations seem
to rely on the visuospatial processing pathway (Martinkauppi,
Rämä, Aronen, Korvenoja, & Carlson, 2000). A recent project
investigating the brain networks engaged during unimodal
change detection for spatial and temporal information identi-
fied visual-biased and auditory-biased areas in posterior lateral
frontal cortex (Michalka, Kong, Rosen, Shinn-Cunningham,
& Somers, 2015a). A similar task-specific recruitment occurs
within parietal lobe regions that contain visual maps
(Michalka, Rosen, Kon g, Shinn-Cunningham , & Somers,
2015b). Activity in the visual-biased areas was stronger in
an auditory spatial task than in an auditory temporal task,
suggesting that these areas may be recruited to support pro-
cessing in an information domain that is better-suited to vision
than audition. Auditory-biased areas, conversely, were more
strongly activated in a visual temporal task than in a visual
spatial task, again suggesting recruitment to support process-
ing in the temporal information domain. Given this evidence
for domain recruitment, it is likely that similar processes sup-
port crossmodal change detection.
Dependence on STM encoding
In crossmodal change detection, the modality of the first se-
quence had a strong impact. Subjects performed substantially
better when the first sequence was presented in the task-
appropriate modality than when the first sequence was task-in-
appropriate. In change detection tasks, subjects encode the first
stimulus into STM, and then use the memory representation to
drive a comparison process as they observe the second stimulus
(Collier & Logan, 2000). In a sequential task such as ours, this
comparison likely involves the sequential allocation of attention
to particular locations at particular times (those locations and
times that match the stored memory representation of the initial
sequence). The stronger the memory representation (and thus,
the expectations about forthcoming sequence items), the better
the discrimination between same and different trials
(Summerfield & Egner, 2009). If subjects were, instead,
encoding the entirety of both sequences into memory and
performing comparisons on the memory representations, we
would not expect to see a large asymmetry between performance
for the visual-first and auditory-first crossmodal conditions.
Several possible mechanisms could give rise to the strong
effect of task modality appropriateness at the first stimulus
quence. One mechanis m is the perceptual limitations of
each sensory modality in its weaker information domain. That
is, vision is relatively poor at extracting timing information
from sensory input (Lhamon & Goldstone, 1974), and audi-
tion is relatively poor at extracting spatial information
(Jackson, 1953). The change detection impairment that we
observed when the first sequence was presented in the weaker
modality may be attributable to confusions between locations
(auditory space task) or intervals (visual time task). Another
Atten Percept Psychophys
possible source is differences in modality-specific access to
STM. It may be that, whereas both modalities can freely ac-
cess STM stores, one has an advantage. This privileged access
may result in stronger or more-precise memory representa-
tions when information is presented in the privileged modality
(auditory for temporal information and visual for spatial infor-
mation). Our experiment does not allow us to separate these
two possible explanations; further work will be needed to test
these effects.
A third possible explanation is that memory representations
decay more quickly when the modality and the task are poorly
aligned (Collier & Logan, 2000;Donkinetal.,2014). When
the first sequence is presented in a task-inappropriate modal-
ity, its memory representation may have deteriorated (via
either sudden death or gradual decay; Zhang & Luck, 2009)
by the time that subjects are assessing whether the two se-
quences are the same. Likewise, when the first sequence is
presented in the task-appropriate modality, its memory repre-
sentation may remain more intact and more effectively com-
parable to the second sequence. We find this account less
convincing than the perceptual-limitations or privileged mem-
ory access explanations, because the time scales in our exper-
iment were shorter than those generally identified to increase
memory decay over time, but the study reported here is not
sufficient to disprove this hypothesis. Further work measuring
performance changes at longer or shorter time scales may be
able to tease these two effects apart.
Interference from task-irrelevant changes
Contrary to our interference hypothesis, subjects were not
noticeably affected by changes between Sequences 1 and
2 in the task-irrelevant information domain. That is, sub-
jects were able to consistently separate temporal from spa-
tial information in short visual and auditory sequences.
Previous work has suggested that shared location may be
an essential cue for binding multiple stimulus features into
a single representation (e.g., Johnston & Pashler, 1990;
Treisman & Gelade, 1980). Shared timing has similarly
been proposed as a cue for binding, particularly across
modalities (Dixon & Spitz, 1980), or as an organizing
principle in memory (M. W. Howard & Kahana, 2002).
Our results do not preclude location or timing playing
an important role in perceptual and episodic binding; they
merely highlight an ability to Bunbind^ and separate the
domains. We do not have enough information to assess
whether this separation occurs before memory encoding,
so that only the relevant information domain is stored in
memory, or whether it occurs at memory retrieval, with
subjects selecting the relevant information from the mem-
ory representation in order to guide their comparisons.
This appears to be a promising avenue for further
We should note that the classical tau effect (i.e., changes in
the time intervals between successive stimuli bias t he
perceived spatial distance between them; Helson & King,
1931) and kappa effect (i.e., changes in the spatial distance
between successive stimuli bias the perceived time intervals
between them; Cohen, Hansel, & Sylvester, 1953) also predict
interactions between task-relevant and task-irrelevant infor-
mation domains. However, unlike those earlier studies, our
task included a small number of discrete locations, which were
explicitly identified to subjects, as well as a small number of
discrete time intervals. This may have minimized the bias in
location or interval judgments.
General discussion
Our task required subjects to make at least one explicit trans-
lation between reference frames. The spatial locations in the
visual task comprised five equally spaced locations around the
perimeter of a semicircle on the (vertical) screen in front of
them; the spatial locations in the auditory task comprised five
locations in the azimuth (horizontal) plane, with interaural
differences selected to roughly match the angular separation
of the visual locations (note that the mapping between
interaural time differences and lateral angle is compressive,
rather than linear, explaining our choice of binaural cues).
No subjects reported confusion about this remapping; modern
humans perform such tasks on a regular basis, such as when
mapping from a mouse or touchpad to a computer screen, and
are quite fluent in them.
One key limitation of this study is that we only investi-
gated a single family of intervals, both for the inter item
intervals within sequences and for the interstimulus interval
between the two sequences of a given trial. Crossmodal
memory likely requires some time to be recoded from a
modality-specific representation to a modality-general one,
or from a task-inappropriate to a task-appropriate represen-
tation (see Collier & Logan, 2000, for an extensive
investigation of the effects of rate and timing on a
crossmodal rhythm task). We suspect that if we reduced
the time between paired sequences, or shortened the se-
quence intervals, performance on the task would be de-
creased, especially in visual timing tasks. Conversely, it is
likely that if the intervals were lengthened to suprasecond
ranges, quite different results might occur. Collier and Logan
found that at those longer intervals, rhythm change detection
was generally impaired, and the advantage of auditory pre-
sentation was reduced.
To our knowledge, this is the first study simulta-
neously to investigate the effects of sensory modality
of task demands on change detection performance.
Our results emphasize the importance of memory
encoding and the likelihood that sensory inputs are
recoded into a task-specific rather than a modality-
Atten Percept Psychophys
specific representation, as well as reaffirming the strong
links between sensory modalities and specific informa-
tion domains.
Author note This research was supported in part by NIH Grant No.
R01-EY022229 and by CELEST, an NSF Science of Learning Center
(Grant No. SMA-0835976).
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