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Glossary. To provide
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Page i GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Terms and
Appendixes Appendix I: Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget 102
Appendix II: Federal Budget Formulation and
Appropriation Processes 116
Appendix III: The Methods for Tracking Funds
in the Federal Government 120
Appendix IV: Budget Functional Classification 124
Appendix V: Federal Budget Account
Identification Code 152
Appendix VI: Program and Financing Schedule 155
Appendix VII: Object Classification 160
Index of Terms
Table 1: Functional Classification
Table 2: Federal Budget Account
Identification Code
Figure 1: Federal Budget Formulation
Process 117
Figure 2: Federal Budget and Appropriation
Process 118
Figure 3: Federal Budget Account
Identification Code Digits 154
Page ii GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Figure 4: Example of P&F Schedule Preceded
by Appropriations Language for
National Flood Insurance Fund
Account 156
Figure 5: Example of Object Classification for
Department of Defense Program 163
Major Laws Cited
Antideficiency Act, codified in part at 31 U.S.C. §§ 1341,
1342, 1512–1514 & 1517
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of
1985, Pub. L. No. 99–177, title II, 99 Stat. 1037, 1038
(Dec. 12, 1985)
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control
Reaffirmation Act of 1987, Pub. L. No. 100–119, 101
Stat. 754 (Sept. 29, 1987)
Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub. L. No. 105–33, 111
Stat. 251 (Aug. 5, 1997)
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, Pub. L. No. 67–13, 42
Stat. 20 (June 10, 1921)
Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101–508,
title XIII, 104 Stat. 1388, 1388-573 (Nov. 5, 1990)
Budget Enforcement Act of 1997, Pub. L. No. 105–33, title
X, 111 Stat. 251, 677 (Aug. 5, 1997)
Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101–576,
104 Stat. 2838 (Nov. 15, 1990)
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of
1974, Pub. L. No. 93–344, 88 Stat. 297 (July 12, 1974)
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Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1535
Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101–508,
title XIII, subtitle B, 104 Stat. 1388, 1388–609 (Nov. 5,
Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973, Pub. L. No. 93–224,
87 Stat. 937 (Dec. 29, 1973)
Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982, Pub. L.
No. 97–255, 96 Stat. 814 (Sept. 8, 1982)
Government Management Reform Act of 1994, Pub. L.
No. 103–356, 108 Stat. 3410 (Oct. 13, 1994)
Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, Pub.
L. No. 103–62, 107 Stat. 285 (Aug. 3, 1993)
Line Item Veto Act, Pub. L. No. 104–130, 110 Stat. 1200
(Apr. 9, 1996)
Reports Consolidation Act of 2000, Pub. L. No. 106–531,
114 Stat. 2537 (Nov. 22, 2000)
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Page 1 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
The federal budget process is the primary means by which the President and
Congress select among competing demands for federal funds. The President’s budget
is the Administration’s proposed plan for managing funds, setting levels of spending,
and financing the spending of the federal government. It is not only the President’s
principal policy statement but is also the starting point for congressional budgetary
actions. The budget’s importance makes it essential that it be comprehensive and
This fifth edition of A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process replaces
the 1993 Exposure Draft. It fulfills part of GAO’s responsibility (31 U.S.C. § 1112) to
publish standard terms, definitions, and classifications for the government’s fiscal,
budget, and program information. It was developed in cooperation with the Secretary
of the Treasury and the Directors of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and
the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). This glossary is a basic reference document
for the Congress, federal agencies, and others interested in the federal budget-making
process. Like previous editions, this revision emphasizes budget terms, but relevant
economic and accounting terms are also defined to help the user appreciate the
dynamics of the budget process and its relationship to other key activities (e.g.,
financial reporting). It also distinguishes between any differences in budgetary and
nonbudgetary meanings of terms.
For this edition, we reviewed all terms in the 1993 Exposure Draft and made
additions, revisions, or deletions. We added a number of performance budgeting-
related terms and deleted Budget Enforcement Act terms that are no longer relevant.
The Glossary is by no means an exhaustive list of terms related to the budget. We
decided to include only those commonly used terms that are most significant in the
congressional and executive budget processes. Executive, legislative, and other
budget experts participated in the selections and definitions of the Glossary terms.
While every effort was made to resolve differences, the final selections and
definitions were made by GAO. The Glossary can be accessed online at www.gao.gov.
David M. Walker
Comptroller General
of the United States
Page 2 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Terms and Definitions
A separate financial reporting unit for budget, management, and/or accounting
purposes. All budgetary transactions are recorded in accounts, but not all accounts
are budgetary in nature. Some accounts do not directly affect the budget but are used
purely for accounting purposes. Budget accounts are used to record all transfers
within the budget, whereas other accounts (such as deposit fund, credit financing,
and foreign currency accounts) are used for accounting purposes connected with
funds that are nonbudgetary in nature. The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), in consultation with the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), assigns
account identification codes reflecting appropriations as enacted in appropriations
laws. Treasury establishes and maintains a system of accounts that provides the
basic structure for the U.S. Standard General Ledger Chart of Accounts. (See also
Accounts in the President’s Budget; Accounts for Purposes Other Than Budget
Presentation; Credit Reform Act Accounts under Federal Credit; Standard General
Ledger Chart of Accounts.)
Appropriation Account
The basic unit of an appropriation generally reflecting each unnumbered paragraph in
an appropriation act. An appropriation account typically encompasses a number of
activities or projects
and may be subject to restrictions or conditions applicable to
only the account, the appropriation act, titles within an appropriation act, other
appropriation acts, or the government as a whole. (See also Appropriation Rider;
Continuing Appropriation/Continuing Resolution; Line Item; Supplemental
Account in the President’s Budget:
Expenditure/Appropriation and Receipt Accounts
Classified by Fund Types
Accounts used by the federal government to record outlays (expenditure accounts)
and income (receipt accounts) primarily for budgeting or management information
purposes but also for accounting purposes. All budget (and off-budget) accounts are
Terms and Definitions
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classified as being either expenditure or receipt (including offsetting receipt)
accounts and by fund group. Budget (and off-budget) transactions fall within either
of two fund groups: (1) federal funds and (2) trust funds.
All federal fund and trust fund accounts are included within the budget (that is, they
are on-budget) unless they are excluded from the budget by law. Federal and trust
funds excluded from the budget by law are classified as being off-budget. The term
off-budget differs from the term nonbudgetary. Nonbudgetary refers to activities
(such as the credit financing accounts) that do not belong in the budget under
existing concepts, while off-budget refers to accounts that belong on-budget under
budget concepts but that are excluded from the budget under terms of law.
Federal Fund Accounts
Budgetary accounts composed of moneys collected and spent by the federal
government other than those designated as trust funds. Federal fund accounts
include general, special, public enterprise, and intragovernmental fund accounts.
(See also Standard General Ledger Chart of Accounts.)
General Fund Accounts. Accounts in the U.S. Treasury holding all federal money
not allocated by law to any other fund account.
General Fund Receipt Account. A receipt account credited with all collections that
are not earmarked by law for another account for a specific purpose. These
collections are presented in the President’s budget as either governmental (budget)
receipts or offsetting receipts. These include taxes, customs duties, and
miscellaneous receipts.
General Fund Expenditure Account. An appropriation account established to record
amounts appropriated by law for the general support of federal government activities
and the subsequent expenditure of these funds. It includes spending from both
annual and permanent appropriations.
Intragovernmental Fund Accounts. Expenditure accounts authorized by law to
facilitate financing transactions primarily within and between federal agencies.
Intragovernmental Revolving Fund Account. An appropriation account authorized
to be credited with collections from other federal agencies’ accounts that are
earmarked to finance a continuing cycle of business-type operations, including
working capital funds, industrial funds, stock funds, and supply funds. According to
Terms and Definitions
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the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), collections of intragovernmental
revolving fund accounts are derived primarily from within the government. For
example, the franchise fund operations within several agencies provide common
administrative services to federal agencies on a fee-for-service basis. (See also
Working Capital Fund.)
Management Fund Account. An account established by the Department of the
Treasury (Treasury) that is authorized by law to credit collections from two or more
appropriations to finance activity not involving a continuing cycle of business-type
operations. Such accounts do not generally own a significant amount of assets, such
as supplies, equipment, or loans, nor do they have a specified amount of capital
provided—a corpus. The Navy Management Fund is an example of such an account.
Consolidated Working Fund Accounts are a subset of management funds. These are
special working funds established under the authority of Section 601 of the Economy
Act (31 U.S.C. §§ 1535, 1536) to receive advance payments from other agencies or
accounts. Consolidated working fund accounts are not used to finance the work
directly but only to reimburse the appropriation or fund account that will finance the
work to be performed. Amounts in consolidated working fund accounts are available
for the same periods as those of the accounts advancing the funds. Consolidated
working fund accounts are shown as separate accounts on the books of Treasury but
are not separately identified in the President’s budget. Transactions of these
accounts are included in the presentation of the appropriation or fund account
actually performing the service or providing the materials.
Public Enterprise Revolving Fund Account. A type of revolving fund that
conducts cycles of businesslike operations, mainly with the public, in which it
charges for the sale of products or services and uses the proceeds to finance its
spending, usually without requirement for annual appropriations. Most government
corporations are financed by public enterprise funds. (See Revolving Fund.)
Special Fund Accounts. Federal fund accounts earmarked by law for a specific
Special Fund Receipt Account. A receipt account credited with collections that are
earmarked by law but included in the federal funds group rather than classified as
trust fund collections. These collections are presented in the President’s budget as
either governmental (budget) receipts or offsetting receipts. (See also Earmarking.)
Terms and Definitions
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Special Fund Expenditure Account. An appropriation account established to record
appropriations, obligations, and outlays financed by the proceeds of special fund
receipts. (See also Earmarking.)
Trust Fund Accounts
Accounts designated as “trust funds” by law, regardless of any other meaning of the
term “trust fund.” A trust fund account is usually either a receipt, an expenditure, or a
revolving fund account. Except in rare circumstances (for example, Indian Trust
Funds), a trust fund account imposes no fiduciary responsibility on the federal
government. For a fuller discussion of trust funds, see Federal Trust and Other
Earmarked Funds: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (
GAO-01-199SP). (See
also Earmarking.)
Trust Fund Expenditure Account. An appropriation account established to
record appropriated amounts of trust fund receipts used to finance specific purposes
or programs under a trust agreement or statute.
Trust Fund Receipt Account. A receipt account credited with collections
classified as trust fund collections. These collections are recorded as either
governmental receipts or offsetting receipts.
Trust Revolving Fund Account. A trust fund expenditure account that is an
appropriation account authorized to be credited with collections and used, without
further appropriation action, to carry out a cycle of business-type operations in
accordance with statute.
Accounts for Purposes Other Than Budget Presentation
Clearing Accounts
Accounts that temporarily hold general, special, or trust fund federal government
collections or disbursements pending clearance to the applicable receipt or
expenditure accounts.
Deposit Fund Accounts
Nonbudgetary accounts established to account for collections that are either (1) held
temporarily and later refunded or paid upon administrative or legal determination as
Terms and Definitions
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to the proper disposition thereof or (2) held by the government, which acts as banker
or agent for others, and paid out at the direction of the depositor. Examples include
savings accounts for military personnel, state and local income taxes withheld from
federal employees’ salaries, and payroll deductions for the purchase of savings bonds
by civilian employees of the government. Deposit fund balances are accounted for as
liabilities of the federal government. These accounts are not included in the budget
totals because the amounts are not owned by the government. Therefore, the budget
records transactions between deposit funds and budgetary accounts as transactions
with the public. Deposit fund balances may be held in the form of either invested or
uninvested balances. However, since the cash in the accounts is used by the
Department of the Treasury to satisfy immediate cash requirements of the
government, to the extent that they are not invested in federal debt, changes in
uninvested deposit fund balances are shown as a means of financing the deficit in the
Foreign Currency Fund Accounts
Accounts established in the Department of the Treasury for foreign currency that is
acquired without payment of U.S. dollars. Examples of such accounts are those set
up through the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (7 U.S.C. §§ 1691–
Suspense Accounts
Combined receipt and expenditure accounts established to temporarily hold funds
that are later refunded or paid into another government fund when an administrative
or final determination as to the proper disposition is made.
Transfer Appropriation (Allocation) Accounts
Accounts established to receive and disburse allocations. Such allocations and
transfers are not adjustments to budget authority or balances of budget authority.
Rather, the transactions and any adjustments therein are treated as nonexpenditure
transfers at the time the allocations are made. The accounts carry symbols that
identify the original appropriation from which moneys have been advanced. Transfer
appropriation accounts are symbolized by adding the receiving agency’s department
prefix to the original appropriation or fund account symbol. In some cases, a bureau
suffix is added to show that the transfer is being made to a particular bureau within
the receiving department. For budget purposes, transactions in the transfer accounts
are reported with the transactions in the parent accounts. For further information,
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see the Treasury Financial Manual. (See also Allocation; Nonexpenditure Transfer
under Transfer.)
Accounts Listed in the Standard General Ledger
See under Standard General Ledger (SGL) Chart of Accounts.
Accounts Payable
Amounts owed by a federal agency for goods and services received from, progress in
contract performance made by, and rents due to other entities. This is a proprietary
(or financial) accounting term. For balance sheet reporting purposes, according to
OMB Circular No. A-11 “accounts payable” consists of the amount owed by the
reporting entity for goods and services received from other entities, progress in
contract performance made by other entities, and rents due to other entities. (See
also Accounts Receivable; Proprietary Accounting; app. III.)
Accounts Receivable
Amounts due from others for goods furnished and services rendered. Such amounts
include reimbursements earned and refunds receivable. This is a proprietary (or
financial) accounting and not a budget term. Accounts receivable do not constitute
budget authority against which an agency may incur an obligation. For federal
proprietary accounting, accounts receivable are assets that arise from specifically
identifiable, legally enforceable claims to cash or other assets through an entity’s
established assessment processes or when goods or services are provided. (See also
Accounts Payable; Proprietary Accounting; app. III.)
Accrual Accounting
A system of accounting in which revenues are recorded when earned and expenses
are recorded when goods are received or services are performed, even though the
actual receipt of revenues and payment for goods or services may occur, in whole or
in part, at a different time. (See also Cash Accounting; app. III.)
Terms and Definitions
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Administrative Division or Subdivision of Funds
Any apportionment or other distribution of an appropriation or fund made pursuant
to the Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. §§ 1511–1519). The appropriation may be divided
or subdivided administratively within the limits of the apportionment (31 U.S.C. §
1513(d)). The expenditure or obligation of the divided or subdivided appropriation or
fund may not exceed the apportionment (31 U.S.C. § 1517(a)). (See also
Antideficiency Act; Antideficiency Act Violation; Apportionment; Limitation.)
Advance Appropriation
Budget authority provided in an appropriation act that becomes available 1 or more
fiscal years after the fiscal year for which the appropriation act was enacted. For
example, a fiscal year 2005 appropriation act could provide that the budget authority
for a specified activity would not become available until October 1, 2005 (the start of
fiscal year 2006), or later. The amount is not included in the budget totals of the year
for which the appropriation act is enacted but rather in those for the fiscal year in
which the amount will become available for obligation. In the example above, the
budget authority would be recorded in fiscal year 2006. (For a distinction, see
Advance Funding; Forward Funding; Multiple-Year Authority under Duration under
Budget Authority.)
Advance Funding
Budget authority provided in an appropriation act to obligate and disburse (outlay) in
the current fiscal year funds from a succeeding year’s appropriation. Advance
funding is a means to avoid making supplemental requests late in the fiscal year for
certain entitlement programs in cases where the appropriations for the current year
prove to be insufficient. When such budget authority is used (i.e., funds obligated),
the budget records an increase in the budget authority for the fiscal year in which it is
used and a reduction in the budget authority for the following fiscal year. (For a
distinction, see Advance Appropriation; Multiple-Year Authority under Duration
under Budget Authority; Forward Funding.)
Terms and Definitions
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Advance Payment
An amount paid prior to the later receipt of goods, services, or other assets.
Advances are ordinarily made only to payees to whom an agency has an obligation,
and they do not exceed the amount of the obligation.
No one definition of this term has general, governmentwide applicability. “Agency”
and related terms, like “executive agency” or “federal agency,” are defined in different
ways in different laws and regulations. For example, the provisions of the Budget and
Accounting Act of 1921 relating to the preparation of the President’s budget
specifically define “agency” to include the District of Columbia government but
exclude the legislative branch or the Supreme Court (31 U.S.C. § 1101).
Agency Mission
Term used in section 1105(a)(22) of title 31 of the United States Code, which outlines
content requirements for the President’s budget submission to Congress. Section
1105 requires that the President’s budget contain a statement of agency budget
authority in terms of agency missions, but this section offers no definition. The term
is generally accepted to refer to the purpose of the programs of the agency and its
component organizations. In the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) budget
functional classification system, agency missions are distinguished from national
needs. National needs are generally described as major functions, while agency
missions are generally described in the context of subfunctions. (See also Functional
For the purposes of budgeting, an allocation means a delegation, authorized in law, by
one agency of its authority to obligate budget authority and outlay funds to another
agency. (The appropriation or fund from which the allocation is made is generally
referred to as the parent appropriation or fund.) An allocation is made when one or
more agencies share the administration of a program for which appropriations are
made to only one of the agencies or to the President. When an allocation occurs, the
Department of the Treasury establishes a subsidiary account called a “transfer
appropriation account,” and the agency receiving the allocation may obligate up to
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the amount included in the account. The budget does not show the transfer
appropriation account separately. Transactions involving allocation accounts appear
in the Object Classification Schedule, with the corresponding Program and Financing
Schedule, in the President’s budget. For an illustration of the treatment of Object
Classification—With Allocation Accounts, see OMB Circular No. A-11. (See also
Object Classification; Transfer; Transfer Appropriation (Allocation) Accounts under
Account for Purposes Other Than Budget Presentation.)
For purposes of section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 633(a)), an allocation is the distribution of spending
authority and outlays to relevant committees based on the levels contained in a
concurrent resolution on the budget. (See also Committee Allocation.)
For purposes of section 302(b) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 633(b)), an allocation is the distribution of spending
authority and outlays to relevant subcommittees based on the levels contained in the
concurrent resolution on the budget. (See also Subcommittee Allocation.)
For funds control purposes, an allocation is a further subdivision of an
An authorization by either the agency head or another authorized employee to his/her
subordinates to incur obligations within a specified amount. Each agency makes
allotments pursuant to specific procedures it establishes within the general
apportionment requirements stated in OMB Circular No. A-11. The amount allotted
by an agency cannot exceed the amount apportioned by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB). An allotment is part of an agency system of administrative
control of funds whose purpose is to keep obligations and expenditures from
exceeding apportionments and allotments. (See also Administrative Division or
Subdivision of Funds; Apportionment; Reapportionment.)
An amount included in the President’s budget request or included in a projection in a
congressional resolution on the budget to cover possible additional proposals, such
as contingencies for programs whose expenditures are controllable only by statutory
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change and other requirements. As used by Congress in the concurrent resolutions
on the budget, an allowance represents a special functional classification designed to
include an amount to cover possible requirements. An allowance remains
undistributed until the contingency on which it is based occurs; then it is distributed
to the appropriate functional classification. For agency budgetary accounting and
fund control purposes, an allowance is a subdivision of an allotment. For treatment
of undistributed allowances, see function 920 in the table “Outlays by Function and
Subfunction” in the Historical Tables of the President’s budget. (For more details on
the government accounting definition, see Standard General Ledger Chart of
Accounts.) For federal proprietary accounting, an allowance also represents the
estimated uncollectible amount of accounts receivable.
Antideficiency Act
Federal law that
prohibits the making of expenditures or the incurring of obligations in advance of
an appropriation;
prohibits the incurring of obligations or the making of expenditures in excess of
amounts available in appropriation or fund accounts unless specifically authorized
by law (31 U.S.C. § 1341(a));
prohibits the acceptance of voluntary or personal services unless authorized by law
(31 U.S.C. § 1342);
requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via delegation from the
President, to apportion appropriated funds and other budgetary resources for all
executive branch agencies (31 U.S.C. § 1512);
requires a system of administrative controls within each agency (see 31 U.S.C. §
1514 for the administrative divisions established);
prohibits incurring any obligation or making any expenditure in excess of an
apportionment or reapportionment or in excess of other subdivisions established
pursuant to sections 1513 and 1514 of title 31 of the United States Code (31 U.S.C. §
1517); and
specifies penalties for deficiencies (see Antideficiency Act Violation).
The act permits agencies to reserve funds (that is, withhold them from obligation)
under certain circumstances. (See also Administrative Division or Subdivision of
Funds; Antideficiency Act Violation; Apportionment; Budgetary Reserves; Deferral of
Budget Authority; Deficiency Apportionment; Deficiency Appropriation;
Terms and Definitions
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Expenditure; Fund Accounting; Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act
of 1994; Outlay.)
Antideficiency Act Violation
Occurs when one or more of the following happens:
overobligation or overexpenditure of an appropriation or fund account (31 U.S.C. §
entering into a contract or making an obligation in advance of an appropriation,
unless specifically authorized by law (31 U.S.C. § 1341(a));
acceptance of voluntary service, unless authorized by law (31 U.S.C. § 1342); or
overobligation or overexpenditure of (1) an apportionment or reapportionment or
(2) amounts permitted by the administrative control of funds regulations (31 U.S.C.
§ 1517(a)).
Once it has been determined that there has been a violation of the Antideficiency Act,
the agency head must report all relevant facts and a statement of actions taken to the
President and Congress and submit a copy of the report to the Comptroller General.
Penalties for Antideficiency Act violations include administrative discipline, such as
suspension from duty without pay or removal from office. In addition, an officer or
employee convicted of willfully and knowingly violating the law shall be fined not
more than $5,000, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both (31 U.S.C. §§ 1349,
1350, 1518, and 1519). (See also Administrative Division or Subdivision of Funds;
Antideficiency Act; Expenditure.)
The action by which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) distributes
amounts available for obligation, including budgetary reserves established pursuant
to law, in an appropriation or fund account. An apportionment divides amounts
available for obligation by specific time periods (usually quarters), activities,
projects, objects, or a combination thereof. The amounts so apportioned limit the
amount of obligations that may be incurred. An apportionment may be further
subdivided by an agency into allotments, suballotments, and allocations. In
apportioning any account, some funds may be reserved to provide for contingencies
or to effect savings made possible pursuant to the Antideficiency Act. Funds
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apportioned to establish a reserve must be proposed for deferral or rescission
pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. §§ 681–688).
The apportionment process is intended to (1) prevent the obligation of amounts
available within an appropriation or fund account in a manner that would require
deficiency or supplemental appropriations and (2) achieve the most effective and
economical use of amounts made available for obligation. (See also Administrative
Division or Subdivision of Funds; Allotment; Antideficiency Act; Appropriated
Entitlement; Budgetary Reserves; Deferral of Budget Authority; Deficiency
Apportionment; Deficiency Appropriation; Limitation; Reapportionment; Rescission;
Supplemental Appropriation.)
Appropriated Entitlement
An entitlement whose source of funding is in an annual appropriation act. However,
because the entitlement is created by operation of law, if Congress does not
appropriate the money necessary to fund the payments, eligible recipients may have
legal recourse. Veterans’ compensation and Medicaid are examples of such
appropriated entitlements. (See also Entitlement Authority.)
Appropriation Act
A statute, under the jurisdiction of the House and Senate Committees on
Appropriations, that generally provides legal authority for federal agencies to incur
obligations and to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. An
appropriation act fulfills the requirement of Article I, Section 9, of the U.S.
Constitution, which provides that “no money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in
Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” Under the rules of both houses, an
appropriation act should follow enactment of authorizing legislation. (See also
Appropriations under Forms of Budget Authority under Budget Authority;
Authorizing Legislation; Limitation.)
Major types of appropriation acts are regular, supplemental, deficiency, and
continuing. Regular appropriation acts are all appropriation acts that are not
supplemental, deficiency, or continuing. Currently, regular annual appropriation acts
that provide funding for the continued operation of federal departments, agencies,
and various government activities are considered by Congress annually. From time to
time, supplemental appropriation acts are also enacted. When action on regular
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appropriation bills is not completed before the beginning of the fiscal year, a
continuing resolution (often referred to simply as “CR”) may be enacted in a bill or
joint resolution to provide funding for the affected agencies for the full year, up to a
specified date, or until their regular appropriations are enacted. A deficiency
appropriation act provides budget authority to cover obligations incurred in excess of
available budget authority. (See also Continuing Appropriation/Continuing
Resolution; Supplemental Appropriation; Deficiency Appropriation.)
Appropriation Rider
Sometimes used to refer to (1) a provision that is not directly related to the
appropriation to which it is attached or (2) a limitation or requirement in an
appropriation act. (See also Limitation.)
Tangible or intangible items owned by the federal government, which would have
probable economic benefits that can be obtained or controlled by a federal
government entity. (See also Liability.)
Asset Sale
The sale of a physical or financial asset owned in whole or in part by the federal
government to the public. Asset sales are typically large-dollar transactions
($50 million or more) for which advance notification must be provided to the
Department of the Treasury. Revenue from the sale of assets is accounted for in the
budget as offsetting receipts or collections.
In general, asset sales increase current cash payments received by the government at
the expense of a stream of future income that the government would otherwise
receive. (See also Direct Loan under Federal Credit.)
See under Forms of Budget Authority under Budget Authority.
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Authorizing Committee
A standing committee of the House or Senate with legislative jurisdiction over the
establishment, continuation, and operations of federal programs or agencies. The
jurisdiction of such committees extends, in addition to program legislation, to
authorization of appropriations legislation. (Normally, authorization of
appropriations legislation is a prerequisite for making appropriations for the given
programs or agencies.) An authorizing committee also has jurisdiction in those
instances where backdoor authority is provided in the substantive legislation. For
further discussion, see the current rules of the House of Representatives and the
Senate. (See also Authorizing Legislation; Backdoor Authority/Backdoor Spending;
Oversight Committee; Spending Committee.)
Authorizing Legislation
Substantive legislation, proposed by a committee of jurisdiction other than the House
or Senate Appropriations Committees, that establishes and continues the operation
of a federal program or agency either indefinitely or for a specific period or that
sanctions a particular type of obligation or expenditure within a program. This term
is used in two different ways: (1) to describe legislation enacting new program
authority, that is, authorizing the program, and (2) to describe legislation authorizing
an appropriation.
Authorization of appropriations legislation authorizes the enactment of
appropriations of specific amounts for specific programs and activities to be provided
in an appropriation act. An authorization of appropriations is, under congressional
rules, a prerequisite for such an appropriation. Thus, for example, a point of order
may be raised in either house objecting to an appropriation in an appropriation act
that is not previously authorized by law. An authorization of appropriations may be
part of the organic legislation for the agency or program or it may be separate
legislation. Oftentimes, the authorization of appropriation may be inferred from an
appropriation provided in an appropriation act. The authorization of appropriation
may specify the amount of budget authority to be included in the appropriation act or
it may authorize the appropriation of “such sums as may be necessary.” In some
instances, authorizing legislation may contain an appropriation or provide other
forms of budget authority, such as contract authority, borrowing authority, or
entitlement authority. (See also Appropriation Act; Backdoor Authority/Backdoor
Spending; Entitlement Authority; Limitation; Point of Order; Reauthorization.)
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Backdoor Authority/Backdoor Spending
A colloquial phrase for budget authority provided in laws other than appropriations
acts, including contract authority and borrowing authority, as well as entitlement
authority and the outlays that result from that budget authority. (See also
Appropriations and Contract Authority under Forms of Budget Authority under
Budget Authority; Authorizing Legislation; Entitlement Authority; Spending
Balanced Budget
A budget in which receipts equal outlays. (See also Deficit; Surplus.)
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act
of 1985
Also known as the Deficit Control Act, originally known as Gramm-Rudman-Hollings.
Among other changes to the budget process, the law established “maximum deficit
amounts” and a sequestration procedure to reduce spending if those targets were
exceeded. The Deficit Control Act has been amended and extended several times—
most significantly by the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) of 1990. The sequestration
and enforcement mechanisms expired or became ineffective at the end of fiscal year
2002. (
See also Budget Enforcement Act; Gramm-Rudman-Hollings.)
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control
Reaffirmation Act of 1987
Amended the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-
Rudman-Hollings) to extend the date for achieving the goal of a balanced budget until
fiscal year 1993, revise sequestration procedures, and require the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to determine whether a sequester is
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necessary. (See also Budget and Accounting Act of 1921; Budget Enforcement Act;
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings; Sequestration.)
An estimate of spending, revenue, the deficit or surplus, and the public debt expected
during a fiscal year under current laws and current policy. The baseline is a
benchmark for measuring the budgetary effects of proposed changes in revenues and
spending. It assumes that receipts and mandatory spending will continue or expire in
the future as required by law and that the future funding for discretionary programs
will equal the most recently enacted appropriation, adjusted for inflation. Under the
Budget Enforcement Act (BEA), which will expire at the end of fiscal year 2006, the
baseline is defined as the projection of current-year levels of new budget authority,
outlays, revenues, and the surplus or deficit into the budget year and outyears based
on laws enacted through the applicable date. (See also Projections.)
CBO Baseline
Projected levels of governmental receipts (revenues), budget authority, and outlays
for the budget year and subsequent fiscal years, assuming generally that current
policies remain the same, except as directed by law. The baseline is described in the
Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) annual report for the House and Senate Budget
Committees, The Budget and Economic Outlook, which is published in January. The
baseline, by law, includes projections for 5 years, but at the request of the Budget
Committees, CBO has provided such projections for 10 years. In most years the CBO
baseline is revised in conjunction with CBO’s analysis of the President’s budget,
which is usually issued in March, and again during the summer. The “March” baseline
is the benchmark for measuring the budgetary effects of proposed legislation under
consideration by Congress.
Bases of Budgeting
Methods for calculating budget figures. Not all methods are mutually exclusive. For
example, the federal budget includes both net and gross figures and reports both
obligations and cash or cash equivalent spending. As a general rule, budget receipts
and outlays are on a cash or cash equivalent basis; however, interest on public issues
of public debt is recorded on an accrual basis. Under credit reform, the subsidy cost
of both direct loans and guaranteed loans is included in the budget (i.e., the budget
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records the net present value of the estimated cash flows of direct loans and loan
guarantees as outlays). (See also Capital Budget; Direct Loan and Guaranteed Loan
under Federal Credit. For a more detailed presentation of this subject, see app. III.)
Accrual Basis
The basis whereby transactions and events are recognized when they occur,
regardless of when cash is received or paid. (See also Accrual Accounting.)
Budgeting in Relation to Totals
Gross Basis. Budgetary totals from which offsetting collections have not been
deducted. In customary use, “gross” refers to the sum or total value of a transaction
before reduction by applicable offsets. Under this display, totals include obligations
and expenditures from offsetting collections and governmental receipts rather than
as offsets to outlays. (See also Offsetting Collections and Offsetting Receipts under
Net Basis. The use of budgetary totals from which offsetting collections have been
deducted. Under this display, budgetary totals include offsetting collections as
offsets to obligations and outlays rather than as receipts. (See also Offsetting
Collections under Collections.)
Cash or Cash Equivalent Basis
The basis whereby receipts are recorded when received and expenditures are
recorded when paid, without regard to the accounting period in which the receipts
are earned or the costs are incurred. “Cash” generally refers to payment by cash,
checks, or electronic funds transfers. “Cash equivalent” refers to the use of an
instrument or process that creates a substitute for cash. For example, when the
government issues a debt instrument of any kind in satisfaction of claims, the
transaction is recorded as simultaneous outlays and borrowing—the outlays when
the debt instrument is issued, not when it is redeemed.
Obligations Basis
The basis whereby financial transactions involving the use of funds are recorded in
the accounts primarily when goods and services are ordered, regardless of when the
resources acquired are to be received or consumed or when cash is received or paid.
(See also Liability; Obligation.)
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Benefit-Cost Analysis (Economics Term)
See under Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Biennial Budget
A budget covering a period of 2 years. The federal government has an annual budget,
but there have been proposals to shift to a biennial budget. The 2-year period can
apply to the budget presented to Congress by the President, to the budget resolution
adopted by Congress, or to the frequency and period covered by appropriations acts.
The Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1986, Pub. L. No. 99–145, required the
Department of Defense to submit 2-year budgets beginning with the budgets for 1988
and 1989. However, to date, appropriations have been made on an annual basis.
A detailed statement of anticipated revenues and expenditures during an accounting
period. For the federal government, the term “budget” often refers to the President’s
budget submission to Congress early each calendar year
in accordance with the
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended, and represents proposals for
congressional consideration.
The President’s budget includes requests for budget
authority for federal programs and estimates of revenues and outlays for the
upcoming fiscal year and, with respect to budget authority requests in some cases, for
future fiscal years. By law,
elements of the budget, such as the estimates for the
legislative branch and the judiciary, must be included without review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) or approval by the President. In the context of
individual federal agencies and their programs, the term “budget” also may be used to
refer to their budget submissions or, in response to Congress passing laws providing
budget authority, the agencies’ plans for spending the funds they were provided. (See
also President’s Budget; app. I.)
Budget Act
The common name of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of
1974. (See under Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.)
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Budget Activity
A specific and distinguishable line of work performed by a governmental unit to
discharge a function or subfunction for which the governmental unit is responsible.
Activities within most accounts identify the purposes, projects, or types of activities
financed. For example, food inspection is an activity performed in the discharge of
the health function. A budget activity is presented in the Program by Activities
section in the Program and Financing Schedule for each account in the Presidents
budget. (See also Functional Classification; for a partial distinction, see Program,
Project, or Activity.)
Budget Amendment
A revision to a pending budget request that the President submits to Congress before
Congress completes appropriations action.
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921
Enhanced budgetary efficiency and aided in the performance of constitutional checks
and balances through the budget process. It required the President to submit a
national budget each year and restricted the authority of the agencies to present their
own proposals. (See 31 U.S.C. §§ 1104, 1105.) With this centralization of authority for
the formulation of the executive branch budget in the President and the newly
established Bureau of the Budget (now the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB)), Congress also took steps to strengthen its oversight of fiscal matters by
establishing the General Accounting Office, renamed the Government Accountability
Office (GAO) in 2004.
Budget Authority
Authority provided by federal law to enter into financial obligations that will result in
immediate or future outlays involving federal government funds. The basic forms of
budget authority include (1) appropriations, (2) borrowing authority, (3) contract
authority, and (4) authority to obligate and expend offsetting receipts and collections.
Budget authority includes the credit subsidy cost for direct loan and loan guarantee
programs, but does not include the underlying authority to insure or guarantee the
repayment of indebtedness incurred by another person or government.
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Budget authority may be classified by its duration (1-year, multiple-year, or no-year),
by the timing provided in the legislation (current or permanent), by the manner of
determining the amount available (definite or indefinite), or by its availability for new
obligations. (See also Current Level Estimate; Credit Subsidy Cost, Direct Loan, and
Guaranteed Loan under Federal Credit; Offsetting Collections under Collections.)
Forms of Budget Authority
Appropriations. Budget authority to incur obligations and to make payments from
the Treasury for specified purposes. An appropriation act is the most common means
of providing appropriations; however, authorizing and other legislation itself may
provide appropriations. (See also Backdoor Authority/Backdoor Spending.)
Appropriations do not represent cash actually set aside in the Treasury for purposes
specified in the appropriation act; they represent amounts that agencies may obligate
during the period of time specified in the respective appropriation acts. An
appropriation may make funds available from the general fund, special funds, or trust
funds. Certain types of appropriations are not counted as budget authority because
they do not provide authority to incur obligations. Among these are appropriations to
liquidate contract authority (legislation to provide funds to pay obligations incurred
against contract authority), to redeem outstanding debt (legislation to provide funds
for debt retirement), and to refund receipts. Sometimes appropriations are
contingent upon the occurrence of some other action specified in the appropriation
law, such as the enactment of a subsequent authorization or the fulfillment of some
action by the executive branch. (See also Appropriation Act; Discretionary; Expired
Budget Authority under Availability for New Obligations under Budget Authority;
Borrowing Authority. Budget authority enacted to permit an agency to borrow
money and then to obligate against amounts borrowed. It may be definite or
indefinite in nature. Usually the funds are borrowed from the Treasury, but in a few
cases agencies borrow directly from the public. (See also Debt, Federal.)
Contract Authority. Budget authority that permits an agency to incur obligations in
advance of appropriations, including collections sufficient to liquidate the obligation
or receipts. Contract authority is unfunded, and a subsequent appropriation or
offsetting collection is needed to liquidate the obligations. The Food and Forage Act
(41 U.S.C. § 11) and the Price Anderson Act (42 U.S.C. § 2210) are examples of such
authority. (See also Backdoor Authority/Backdoor Spending.)
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Offsetting Receipts and Collections. A form of budget authority that permits
agencies to obligate and expend the proceeds of offsetting receipts and collections.
The Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended by the Budget Enforcement Act
(BEA) of 1990, defines offsetting receipts and collections as negative budget
authority and the reductions to it as positive budget authority. In the President’s
budget, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reports offsetting receipts as
One-Year Authority. Budget authority available for obligation only during a specific
fiscal year that expires at the end of that fiscal year. It is also known as “fiscal year”
or “annual” budget authority.
Multiple-Year Authority (Multiyear). Budget authority available for a fixed
period of time in excess of 1 fiscal year. This authority generally takes the form of 2-
year, 3-year, and so forth, availability but may cover periods that do not coincide with
the start or end of a fiscal year. For example, the authority may be available from July
1 of one fiscal year through September 30 of the following fiscal year, a period of 15
months. This latter type of multiple-year authority is sometimes referred to as
“forward funding.” (For a distinction, see Advance Appropriation; Advance Funding.
See also Full Funding.)
No-Year Authority. Budget authority that remains available for obligation for an
indefinite period of time. A no-year appropriation is usually identified by language
such as “to remain available until expended.”
Reappropriation. Legislation permitting an agency to obligate, whether for the
same or different purposes, all or part of the unobligated portion of budget authority
that has expired or would otherwise expire if not reappropriated. In the President’s
budget, reappropriations of expired balances are counted as new budget authority or
balance transfers depending on the year for which the amounts are reappropriated.
Timing of Legislative Action
Current Authority. Budget authority made available by Congress for the fiscal year
or years during which the funds are available for obligation.
Permanent Authority. Budget authority that is available as the result of previously
enacted legislation and is available without further legislative action. For example,
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authority to retain and use offsetting receipts tends to be permanent authority. Such
budget authority can be the result of substantive legislation or appropriation acts.
Determination of Amount
Definite Authority. Budget authority that is stated as a specified sum at the time
the authority is enacted. This type of authority, whether in an appropriation act or
other law, includes authority stated as “not to exceed” a specified amount.
Indefinite Authority. Budget authority that, at time of enactment, is for an
unspecified amount. Indefinite budget authority may be appropriated as all or part of
the amount of proceeds from the sale of financial assets, the amount necessary to
cover obligations associated with payments, the receipts from specified sources—the
exact amount of which is determinable only at some future date—or it may be
appropriated as “such sums as may be necessary” for a given purpose.
Availability for New Obligations
Expired Budget Authority. Budget authority that is no longer available to incur
new obligations but is available for an additional 5 fiscal years for disbursement of
obligations properly incurred during the budget authority’s period of availability.
Unobligated balances of expired budget authority remain available for 5 years to
cover legitimate obligation adjustments or for obligations properly incurred during
the budget authority’s period of availability that the agency failed to record. (See 31
U.S.C. §§ 1552(a), 1553(a).) (See also Expired Account; Unobligated Balance under
Obligational Authority; Warrant.)
Unexpired Budget Authority. Budget authority that is available for incurring new
Budget Enforcement Act (BEA)
First enacted as Title XIII of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. BEA
amended the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 and related
amendments (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings) and the Congressional Budget and
Impoundment Control Act of 1974. BEA modified procedures and definitions for
sequestration and deficit reduction, reformed budgetary credit accounting,
maintained the off-budget status of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and
Disability Insurance Trust Funds, and removed Social Security trust fund receipts and
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outlays from deficit and sequestration calculations through fiscal year 1995. Public
Law 103–66 (1993) extended the discretionary spending limits, pay-as-you-go
(PAYGO) rules, and sequestration procedures through fiscal year 1998. The BEA of
1997, enacted as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, further extended these
budget enforcement mechanisms through fiscal year 2002. The BEA of 1997 also
added new categories of discretionary spending and made technical and conforming
changes to correct drafting errors in the BEA of 1990.
The sequestration and enforcement mechanisms of the Balanced Budget and
Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended by BEA, expired or became ineffective,
at the end of fiscal year 2002. (All BEA-specific terms are defined in A Glossary of
Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process: Exposure Draft, January 1993,
GAO/AFMD-2.1.1.) (See also Credit Reform; Direct Spending; Gramm-Rudman-
Hollings; Mandatory; Off-Budget.)
Budget Estimates
Estimates of budget authority, outlays, receipts, budget amendments, supplemental
requests from the President, or other budget measures that cover the current, budget,
and future years, as reflected in the President’s budget and budget updates. (See also
Budget Update.)
Budget of the U.S. Government
See under President’s Budget.
Budget Receipts
See Governmental Receipts under Collections.
Budget Resolution
See under Concurrent Resolution on the Budget.
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Budget Update
A revised estimate of budget authority, receipts, and outlays issued subsequent to the
issuance of the President’s budget. The President is required by provisions of the
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (see provisions of 31
U.S.C. §§ 1105(d), 1106) to transmit such statements to Congress by July 15 of each
year; however, the President may also submit budget updates at other times during
the fiscal year. (See also Budget Estimates.)
Budget Year
See under Fiscal Year.
Budgetary Accounting
See under Obligational Accounting.
Budgetary Accounts
See under Standard General Ledger (SGL) Chart of Accounts.
Budgetary Reserves
Portions of budgetary resources set aside (withheld through apportionment) by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) by authority of the Antideficiency Act (31
U.S.C. § 1512) solely to provide for contingencies or to effect savings. Such savings
are made possible through changes in requirements or through greater efficiency of
operations. Budgetary resources may also be set aside if specifically provided for by
particular appropriation acts or other laws.
Except as specifically provided by law, no reserves shall be established other than as
authorized under the Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. § 1512). Reserves established are
reported to Congress in accordance with provisions of the Impoundment Control Act
of 1974 (2 U.S.C. §§ 681–688). (See also Antideficiency Act; Apportionment; Deferral
of Budget Authority; Rescission.)
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Budgetary Resources
An amount available to enter into new obligations and to liquidate them. Budgetary
resources are made up of new budget authority (including direct spending authority
provided in existing statute and obligation limitations) and unobligated balances of
budget authority provided in previous years. (See also Budget Authority.)
Byrd Rule
A rule of the Senate that allows a senator to strike extraneous material in, or
proposed to be in, reconciliation legislation or the related conference report. The
rule defines six provisions that are “extraneous,” including a provision that does not
produce a change in outlays or revenues and a provision that produces changes in
outlays or revenues that are merely incidental to the nonbudgetary components of the
provision. The Byrd Rule was first enacted as section 20001 of the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 and later transferred in 1990 to section
313 of the Congressional Budget Act (2 U.S.C. § 644). The rule is named after its
primary sponsor, Senator Robert C. Byrd. (See also Reconciliation; Reconciliation
Bill; Reconciliation Instruction; Reconciliation Resolution.)
Has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
Physical capital is land and the stock of products set aside to support future
production and consumption. In the National Income and Product Accounts, private
capital consists of business inventories, producers’ durable equipment, and
residential and nonresidential structures. (See National Income and Product
Accounts.) Financial capital is funds raised by governments, individuals, or
businesses by incurring liabilities such as bonds, mortgages, or stock certificates.
Human capital is the education, training, work experience, and other attributes that
enhance the ability of the labor force to produce goods and services.
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Capital assets are land, structures, equipment, intellectual property (e.g., software),
and information technology (including information technology service contracts) that
are used by the federal government and have an estimated useful life of 2 years or
more. Capital assets may be acquired in different ways: through purchase,
construction, or manufacturing; through a lease-purchase or other capital lease
(regardless of whether title has passed to the federal government); through an
operating lease for an asset with an estimated useful life of 2 years or more; or
through exchange.
Capital assets may or may not be recorded in an entitys balance sheet under federal
accounting standards. Capital assets do not include grants to state and local
governments or other entities for acquiring capital assets (such as National Science
Foundation grants to universities or Department of Transportation grants to Amtrak),
intangible assets (such as the knowledge resulting from research and development),
or the human capital resulting from education and training. For more on capital
assets, consult the Capital Programming Guide (June 1997), a supplement to OMB
Circular No. A-11.
Capital Budget
A budget that segregates capital investments from the operating budget’s
expenditures. In such a budget, the capital investments that are excluded from the
operating budget do not count toward calculating the operating budget’s surplus or
deficit at the time the investment is made. States that use capital budgets usually
include only part of their capital expenditures in that budget and normally finance the
capital investment from borrowing and then charge amortization (interest and debt
repayment) to the operating budget.
Capital Lease
A lease other than a lease-purchase that transfers substantially all the benefits and
risks of ownership to the lessee and does not meet the criteria of an operating lease.
(See also Operating Lease.)
Cash Accounting
A system of accounting in which revenues are recorded when cash is actually
received and expenses are recorded when payment is made without regard to the
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accounting period in which the revenues were earned or costs were incurred. (See
also Accrual Accounting; app. III.)
Chain Price Indexes (Economics Term)
Index calculated by linking (chaining) of price indexes based on changing weights to
create a time series. Chain-type indexes are used in the Bureau of Economic Analysis
National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). (See also Chained Dollars; Real
Chained Dollars (Economics Term)
Dollar values calculated by taking the current dollar level of a series in the base
period (or period from which the weights for a measurement series are derived) and
multiplying it by the change in the chain quantity index number for the series
(calculated using chained weights) since the base period. Chained-dollar estimates
correctly show growth rates for a series, but the summed components do not equal
the aggregate in periods other than the period from which the weights for a
measurement series are derived. (See also Chain Price Indexes; Real Dollar.)
Closed (Canceled) Account
An appropriation account whose balance has been canceled. Once balances are
canceled, the amounts are not available for obligation or expenditure for any
purpose. An account available for a definite period (fixed appropriation account) is
canceled 5 fiscal years after the period of availability for obligation ends. An account
available for an indefinite period (no-year account) is canceled if (1) the head of the
agency concerned or the President determines that the purposes for which the
appropriation was made have been carried out and (2) no disbursement has been
made against the appropriation for 2 consecutive fiscal years. (See also Expired
Account; Obligational Authority.)
Amounts received by the federal government during the fiscal year. Collections are
classified into three major categories: (1) governmental receipts (also called budget
receipts or federal receipts), (2) offsetting collections, and (3) offsetting receipts.
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Governmental receipts result from the exercise of the government’s sovereign
powers. Offsetting collections and receipts result from businesslike transactions
with the public or transactions between appropriated activities. Offsetting
collections and offsetting receipts are recorded as offsets to spending. They are
offsetting collections when the collections are authorized by law to be credited to
expenditure accounts. Otherwise, they are deposited in receipt accounts and called
offsetting receipts.
For further discussion, see “Federal Receipts and Collections” in the Analytical
Perspectives of the President’s budget. (See also Account in the President’s Budget;
Off-Budget; On-Budget; Revenue.)
Governmental Receipts
Collections from the public based on the governments exercise of its sovereign
powers, including individual and corporate income taxes and social insurance taxes,
excise taxes, duties, court fines, compulsory licenses, and deposits of earnings by the
Federal Reserve System. Gifts and contributions (as distinguished from payments for
services or cost-sharing deposits by state and local governments) are also counted as
governmental receipts. Total governmental receipts include those specifically
designated as off-budget by provisions of law. Total governmental receipts are
compared with total outlays in calculating the budget surplus or deficit. (See also
Federal Fund Accounts under Account in the President’s Budget; Gross Basis and
Net Basis under Budgeting in Relation to Totals under Bases of Budgeting; Off-
Budget; On-Budget.)
Offsetting Collections
Collections authorized by law to be credited to appropriation or fund expenditure
accounts. They result from (1) businesslike transactions or market-oriented
activities with the public, (2) intragovernmental transfers, and (3) collections from
the public that are governmental in nature but required by law to be classified as
offsetting. Collections resulting from businesslike transactions with the public and
other government accounts are also known as reimbursements.
Laws authorizing offsetting collections make them available for obligation to meet
the account’s purpose without further legislative action. However, it is not
uncommon for annual appropriation acts to include limitations on the obligations to
be financed by these collections. The authority to obligate and spend offsetting
collections is a form of budget authority. The Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as
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amended by the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) of 1990, defines offsetting
collections as negative budget authority and the reductions to it as positive budget
Offsetting collections include reimbursements, transfers between federal and trust
fund accounts, offsetting governmental collections, and refunds.
Reimbursements. When authorized by law, amounts collected for materials or
services furnished to the public or other government accounts. (For accounting
purposes, earned reimbursements are also known as revenues.) These offsetting
collections are netted against gross outlays in determining net outlays from such
appropriations. (See also Unfilled Customer Orders.)
Transfers between Federal and Trust Fund Accounts. Transfers of resources
between federal and trust fund accounts are treated as expenditure transfers
regardless of the nature of the transaction.
The receiving account reports offsetting
collections from federal sources (for offsetting collections) or intragovernmental
receipts (for offsetting receipts).
Offsetting Governmental Collections. A term used by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) to designate offsetting collections from nonfederal sources that
are governmental in nature but are required by law to be credited to expenditure
Refunds. Payments returned to the government that were made in error. They are
credited to the appropriation originally charged. (See also Offsetting Collections
under Collections.)
Offsetting Receipts
Collections that are offset against gross outlays but are not authorized to be credited
to expenditure accounts. Offsetting receipts are deposited in receipt accounts. Like
offsetting collections, they result from (1) businesslike transactions or market-
oriented activities with the public, (2) intragovernmental transfers, and
(3) collections from the public that are governmental in nature but required by law to
be classified as offsetting receipts.
Offsetting receipts are offsets to gross budget authority and outlays, usually at the
agency or subfunction level, but some are undistributed and are offsets to budget
authority and outlays in the aggregate. (See also Undistributed Offsetting Receipts.)
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Unlike offsetting collections, offsetting receipts cannot be used without being
appropriated. Trust fund offsetting receipts are permanently appropriated and,
therefore, can be used without subsequent annual appropriation legislation. (See
Permanent Authority under Timing of Legislative Action under Budget Authority;
Trust Fund Receipt Account under Trust Fund Accounts under Account in the
President’s Budget.) The Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended by the
Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) of 1990, defines offsetting receipts and collections as
negative budget authority and the reductions to it as positive budget authority. (See
also Earmarking; Reimbursement.)
Proprietary Receipts from the Public. Collections from outside the government
that are deposited in receipt accounts that arise as a result of the government’s
business-type or market-oriented activities. Among these are interest received,
proceeds from the sale of property and products, charges for nonregulatory services,
and rents and royalties. Such collections may be credited to general fund, special
fund, or trust fund receipt accounts and are offset against budget authority and
outlays. In most cases, such offsets are by agency and by subfunction, but some
proprietary receipts are deducted from total budget authority and outlays for the
government as a whole. An example of the latter is rents and royalties on the Outer
Continental Shelf. (See Subfunction 953 in app. IV. See also Earmarking.)
Intragovernmental Transfers. Collections from other federal government
accounts, often as payment for goods or services provided. Most offsetting receipts
from intragovernmental transfers are offset against budget authority and outlays of
the agency or subfunction that produced the goods or services. However, two
intragovernmental transfers are classified as undistributed offsetting receipts:
(1) agency payments as employers into employee retirement trust funds and
(2) interest received by trust funds. These offsetting receipts appear as offsets to
budget authority and outlays for the government as a whole, rather than at the agency
Intragovernmental transfers may be (1) intrabudgetary (on-budget), (2) off-budget, or
(3) transfers between on-budget and off-budget accounts. Intrabudgetary transfers
are further subdivided into three categories: (1) interfund transfers, where the
payment is from one fund group, either federal or trust, to a receipt account in the
other fund group; (2) federal intrafund transfers, where the payment and receipt both
occur within the federal fund group; and (3) trust intrafund transfers, where the
payment and receipt both occur within the trust fund group.
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Offsetting Governmental Receipts. A term used by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) to designate receipts that are governmental in nature (e.g., tax
receipts, regulatory fees, and compulsory user charges) but are required by law to be
classified as offsetting.
Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of
the United States Government
The Department of the Treasury’s annual accounting of the (1) unified budget receipts
activities of the federal government, which should be consistent with the aggregated
custodial nonexchange revenues (before net accrual adjustment) reported in federal
agencies’ statements of custodial activity, and (2) unified budget outlays activities of
the federal government, which should be consistent with net outlays reported in
federal agencies’ statements of budgetary resources. This report also provides a
summary accounting of agencies’ budget activities: appropriations, borrowings and
investments, outlays, and balances based on the agencies’ budget execution reports.
(See also Monthly Treasury Statement.)
An administrative reservation of allotted funds, or of other funds, in anticipation of
their obligation. For federal proprietary accounting, a commitment may also
manifest an intent to expend assets (e.g., to provide government social insurance
benefits). See Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) No. 25,
Basis for Conclusions, para. 8, and SFFAS No. 17, Basis for Conclusions, paras. 65
and 94. (See also Allotment; Loan Guarantee Commitment under Federal Credit;
Committee Allocation
The distribution of total proposed new budget authority and outlays, as set forth in
the concurrent resolution on the budget, among the congressional committees
according to their jurisdictions. The allocations are set forth in the joint explanatory
statement of managers included in the conference report on the congressional budget
resolution. House and Senate committees receive allocations of total new budget
authority and total outlays. House committees also receive allocations of total
entitlement authority, and Senate committees also receive allocations of Social
Security outlays. Allocations are committee specific, but not program specific.
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Under section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of
1974 (2 U.S.C. § 633(a)), committee allocations are limits, not simply
recommendations. (See also Allocation; Concurrent Resolution on the Budget;
Entitlement Authority.)
Comparative Statement of New Budget Authority
A table accompanying a regular or supplemental appropriations act in the report of
the House or Senate Appropriations Committee. It compares the appropriation
recommended for each account in that act with the amount requested by the
President in the budget submission and the amount enacted in the preceding fiscal
year. In some cases, such as when a continuing appropriations act is considered, the
statement may be inserted into the Congressional Record.
Concurrent Resolution on the Budget
A concurrent resolution adopted by both houses of Congress as part of the annual
budget and appropriations process, setting forth an overall budget plan for Congress
against which individual appropriations bills, other appropriations, and revenue
measures are to be evaluated. As a plan for Congress, the resolution is not presented
to the President for signature and does not have the force of law. Pursuant to section
301 of the Congressional Budget Act, as amended (2 U.S.C. § 632), the resolution is
expected to establish, for at least 5 fiscal years beginning on October 1 of the year of
the resolution, appropriate levels for the following:
totals of new budget authority and outlays,
total federal revenues,
the surplus or deficit in the budget,
new budget authority and outlays for each major functional category,
the public debt, and
outlays and revenues for Social Security insurance programs.
The concurrent resolution generally contains budget levels for the 5 fiscal years and
may contain reconciliation instructions to specified committees. The concurrent
resolution most recently adopted may be revised or affirmed before the end of the
year to which it applies, as provided in section 304 of the Congressional Budget Act,
as amended (2 U.S.C. § 635). (See also Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974.)
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Congressional Budget
The Concurrent Resolution on the Budget is oftentimes referred to as the
Congressional Budget. (See Concurrent Resolution on the Budget.)
Congressional Budget Act
Titles I–IX of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, as
amended (2 U.S.C. §§ 601–661), are commonly referred to as the Congressional
Budget Act. (See also Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.
For an overview of the federal budget process, see app. I.)
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of
Established a process through which Congress could systematically consider the
total spending policy of the United States and determine priorities for allocating
budgetary resources. The process calls for procedures for coordinating
congressional revenue and spending decisions made in separate tax, appropriations,
and legislative measures. It established the House and Senate Budget Committees,
the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), and the procedures for congressional review
of impoundments in the form of rescissions and deferrals proposed by the President.
(See also Budget Enforcement Act; Deferral of Budget Authority; Gramm-Rudman-
Hollings; Impoundment; Rescission.)
Consolidated Budget
See under Unified Budget.
Consolidated Financial Statement
The financial statements of a parent and its subsidiary or component entities,
presented as if the group were a single entity. In the U.S. government, there is a
consolidated financial statement for the federal government that encompasses the
executive, legislative, and judicial branches as well as consolidated statements for
agencies that encompass all their offices, bureaus, and activities.
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Constant Dollars (Economics Term)
See under Real Dollar.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Economics Term)
A measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for
a market basket of consumer goods and services commonly referred to as “inflation.”
Measures for two population groups are currently published, CPI-U and CPI-W. CPI-
U is based on a market basket determined by expenditure patterns of all urban
households, while the market basket for CPI-W is determined by expenditure
patterns of only urban wage-earner and clerical-worker families. The urban wage-
earner and clerical-worker population consists of clerical workers, sales workers,
craft workers, operatives, service workers, and laborers. Both indexes are published
monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPI is used to adjust for inflation, the
income payments of Social Security beneficiaries, and payments made by other
programs. In addition, the CPI is used to adjust certain amounts defined by the tax
code, such as personal exemptions and the tax brackets.
Contingent Liability
An existing condition, situation, or set of circumstances that poses the possibility of a
loss to an agency that will ultimately be resolved when one or more events occur or
fail to occur. Contingent liabilities may lead to outlays. Contingent liabilities may
arise, for example, with respect to unadjudicated claims, assessments, loan guarantee
programs, and federal insurance programs. Contingent liabilities are normally not
covered by budget authority in advance. However, credit reform changed the normal
budgetary treatment of loans and loan guarantees by establishing that for most
programs, loan guarantee commitments cannot be made unless Congress has made
appropriations of budget authority to cover the credit subsidy cost in advance in
annual appropriations acts. (See also Credit Subsidy Cost under Federal Credit;
Continuing Appropriation/Continuing Resolution (often
referred to simply as “CR”)
An appropriation act that provides budget authority for federal agencies, specific
activities, or both to continue in operation when Congress and the President have not
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completed action on the regular appropriation acts by the beginning of the fiscal year.
Enacted in the form of a joint resolution, a continuing resolution is passed by both
houses of Congress and signed into law by the President. A continuing resolution
may be enacted for the full year, up to a specified date, or until regular appropriations
are enacted. A continuing resolution usually specifies a maximum rate at which the
obligations may be incurred based on levels specified in the resolution. For example,
the resolution may state that obligations may not exceed the current rate or must be
the lower of the amounts provided in the appropriation bills passed in the House or
Senate. If enacted to cover the entire fiscal year, the resolution will usually specify
amounts provided for each appropriation account. (See also Appropriation Act;
Current Rate; Joint Resolution; Seasonal Rate; Supplemental Appropriation.)
The price or cash value of the resources used to produce a program, project, or
activity. This term is used in many different contexts. When used in connection with
federal credit programs, the term means the estimated long-term cost to the
government of a direct loan or loan guarantee, calculated on a net present value basis
over the life of the loan, excluding administrative costs and any incidental effects on
governmental receipts or outlays. (See also Credit Subsidy Cost under Federal Credit;
For federal proprietary accounting, the monetary value of resources used or
sacrificed or the liabilities incurred to achieve an objective.
In economic terms, it is a measure of what must be given up in order to obtain
something, whether by purchase, exchange, or production. Economists generally use
the concept of opportunity cost, which is the value of all of the things that must be
forgone or given up in obtaining something. The opportunity cost measure may, but
will not always, equal the money outlays used to measure accounting costs.
Economists sometimes distinguish between the private costs of a good or activity to
the consumer or producer and the social costs imposed on the community as a whole.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (Economics Term)
An analytic technique that compares the costs and benefits of investments, programs,
or policy actions in order to determine which alternative or alternatives maximize net
benefits (economic efficiency). Cost-benefit analysis attempts to consider all costs
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and benefits to whomever they accrue, regardless of whether they are reflected in
market transactions. The costs and benefits included depend upon the scope of the
analysis, although the standard federal analysis is national in scope. Net benefits of
an alternative are determined by subtracting the present value of costs from the
present value of benefits. (See also Present Value.)
Cost Estimates
Under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, estimates of the impact legislation
under consideration by Congress would have on the federal budget if the legislation
became law. Cost estimates are provided by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
on all legislation of a public character reported by a congressional committee and are,
typically, published in the report accompanying that legislation.
Countercyclical Policy (Economics Term)
Policy aimed at reducing the size and duration of swings in economic activity in order
to keep economic growth closer to a pace consistent with low inflation and high
employment. It includes monetary and fiscal policies affecting the level of interest
rates, money supply, taxes, and government spending.
Credit, Credit Reform
See under Federal Credit.
Current Dollar (Economics Term)
“In current dollars” means valued in the prices of the current year. The current dollar
value of a good or service is its value in terms of prices current at the time the good or
service is acquired or sold.
Current Level Estimate
An estimate of the amounts of new budget authority, outlays, and revenues for a full
fiscal year, based upon enacted law. Current level estimates used by Congress do not
take into account the potential effects of pending legislation. Current level estimates
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include a tabulation comparing estimates with the aggregates approved in the most
recent budget resolution, and they are consistent with the technical and economic
assumptions in that resolution. This means that the current level is not only
compared to the resolution, but the current level estimate’s framework is consistent
with the resolution. Section 308(b) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974, as amended (2 U.S.C. § 639(b)), requires the House and Senate
Budget Committees to make this tabulation at least once a month. The Congressional
Budget Office (CBO) assists these committees by regularly submitting reports of the
budgetary impact of congressional actions. (See also Budget Authority; Committee
Allocation; Congressional Budget Act; Scorekeeping.)
Current Rate
Used in a continuing resolution, the total amount of budget authority that was
available for obligation for an activity during the fiscal year immediately prior to the
one for which the continuing resolution is enacted. Congress often uses the “current
rate” as part of a formula to indicate a level of spending that it desires for a program
for the duration of the continuing resolution. The current rate does not allow
agencies to fund new initiatives, programs, or both requested for the current year
unless Congress specifically authorizes them to be funded. (See also Continuing
Appropriation/Continuing Resolution; Seasonal Rate.)
Current Services Estimates
Estimates submitted by the President of the levels of budget authority and outlays for
the ensuing fiscal year based on the continuation of existing levels of service. These
estimates reflect the anticipated costs of continuing federal programs and activities at
present levels without policy changes. Such estimates ignore all new presidential or
congressional initiatives, including reductions or increases that are not yet law.
With the proposed budget each year, the President must transmit current services
estimates and the economic assumptions upon which they are based. Updated
current services estimates are also included in the Mid-Session Review of the
President’s budget, but are not identified by that title and are confined to those
programs that are essentially automatic (that is, they exclude programs controlled
through annual appropriations). The current services data in the Mid-Session
Review are identified as being for “mandatory and related programs under current
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The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) also prepares similar estimates. For a more
detailed discussion of this term, see “Current Services Estimates” in the Analytical
Perspectives of the President’s budget. (See also Baseline; Multiyear Budget
Current Year
See under Fiscal Year.
Cyclical Surplus/Deficit (Economics Term)
The part of the federal budget surplus or deficit that results from cyclical factors
rather than from underlying fiscal policy. This cyclical component reflects the way in
which the surplus or deficit automatically increases or decreases during economic
booms or recessions.
Cyclically Adjusted Surplus or Deficit (Economics Term)
The portion of surplus or deficit remaining after the impact of the business cycle has
been removed.
Daily Treasury Statement (DTS)
See under Monthly Treasury Statement.
Debt, Federal
Generally, the amount borrowed by the government from the public or from
government accounts. Four ways that federal debt may be categorized for reporting
purposes are (1) gross federal debt, (2) debt held by the public, (3) debt held by
government accounts, and (4) debt subject to statutory debt limit. For a fuller
discussion of federal debt, see Federal Debt: Answers to Frequently Asked
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Questions. An Update (GAO-04-485SP). (See also Borrowing Authority under Forms
of Budget Authority under Budget Authority; Federal Financing Bank; Means of
In the context of federal debt, the Department of the Treasury’s purchases of
marketable Treasury securities from the public prior to their maturity through
competitive redemption processes (as opposed to redemptions prior to maturity
under call provisions) are often referred to as “debt buybacks.” The budget records
buyback premiums and discounts as means of financing a surplus or deficit, rather
than as outlays or offsetting collections or receipts. The buyback premium or
discount is the difference between the reacquisition price of a security and its book
value. (See also Means of Financing.)
Debt Held by Government Accounts (Intragovernmental Debt)
Federal debt owed by the federal government to itself. Most of this debt is held by
trust funds, such as Social Security and Medicare. The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) contrasts it to debt held by the public by noting that it is not a current
transaction of the government with the public; it is not financed by private saving and
thus does not compete with the private sector for available funds in the credit market;
and it does not represent an obligation to make payments to the public.
Debt Held by the Public
That portion of the gross federal debt held outside of the federal government. This
includes any federal debt held by individuals, corporations, state or local
governments, the Federal Reserve System, and foreign governments and central
banks. Debt held by government accounts (intragovernmental debt) is excluded from
debt held by the public. Debt held by the public is not the same as public debt or
Treasury debt.
Debt Subject to Statutory Debt Limit
Debt guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States.
As defined by section 3101 of title 31 of the United States Code, the debt subject to
the statutory debt limit includes debt issued under chapter 31 of that title. This
includes Treasury debt except the securities issued by the Federal Financing Bank
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(FFB) under authority of section 9(a) of the Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 (12
U.S.C. § 2888(a)) upon which there is a separate limit of $15 billion, and a small
amount of agency debt. Agency debt that by law is not guaranteed as to principal and
interest by the United States—for example, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
(under authority of section 15d of the TVA Act of 1933, 16 U.S.C. § 831n-4) and the
United States Postal Service (under authority of 39 U.S.C. § 2005(a))—is not subject
to the ceiling imposed by section 3101, but is usually subject to its own ceiling.
Gross Federal Debt
The total amount of federal government debt comprising debt securities issued by the
Department of the Treasury (including securities issued by the Federal Financing
Bank (FFB) under section 9(a) of the Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 (12 U.S.C. §
2888(a)) and other government agencies. Gross federal debt is the sum of debt held
by the public and debt held by government accounts (intragovernmental debt).
Treasury Debt/Public Debt. That portion of the gross federal debt issued by the
Department of the Treasury to the public or to government accounts (including
securities issued by the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) under section 9(a) of the
Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 (12 U.S.C. § 2888(a)). (See also Debt Held by
Government Accounts under Debt, Federal.)
Agency Debt. That portion of the gross federal debt incurred when a federal agency
other than the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is authorized by law to issue
debt securities directly to the public or to another government account. While an
agency may have authority to borrow directly from the public, agencies usually
borrow from Treasury’s Federal Financing Bank (FFB). Since Treasury borrowing
required to obtain the money to lend to the agency through FFB is already part of the
gross federal debt, to avoid double counting, agency borrowing from FFB is not
included in the gross federal debt. In addition, federal fund advances from Treasury
to trust funds are not included in the gross federal debt to avoid double counting.
Debt of government-sponsored, privately owned enterprises, such as the Federal
National Mortgage Association, is not included in the federal debt.
Statutory Debt Limit
The ceiling on the amount of most Treasury and agency debt established by section
3101 of title 31 of the United States Code, sometimes referred to as the public debt
ceiling or the public debt limit.
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Debt Service
Payment of interest on, and repayment of principal on, borrowed funds. The term
may also be used to refer to payment of interest alone. (See also Means of Financing.)
As used in the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) Budget and Economic Outlook,
debt service refers to a change in interest payments resulting from a change in
estimates of the surplus or the deficit.
Deeming Resolution
An informal term that refers to a resolution or bill passed by one or both houses of
Congress that in the absence of a concurrent resolution, serves for the chamber
passing it as an annual budget resolution for purposes of establishing enforceable
budget levels for a budget cycle. The Congressional Budget and Impoundment
Control Act of 1974 requires the adoption each year of a concurrent resolution on the
budget. (See Concurrent Resolution on the Budget.)
At a minimum, deeming resolutions provide new spending allocations to the
appropriations committees, but they also may set new aggregate budget levels,
provide revised spending allocations to other House and Senate committees, or
provide for other related purposes. A deeming resolution may even declare that a
budget resolution (in its entirety), passed earlier in the session by one house is
deemed to have the force and effect as if adopted by both houses.
Deferral of Budget Authority
Temporary withholding or delaying of the obligation or expenditure of budget
authority or any other type of executive action, which effectively precludes the
obligation or expenditure of budget authority. A deferral is one type of impoundment.
Under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 684), budget authority may
only be deferred to provide for contingencies, to achieve savings or greater efficiency
in the operations of the government, or as otherwise specifically provided by law.
Budget authority may not be deferred
for policy or any other reason.
Deferrals may be proposed by agencies but must be communicated to Congress by
the President in a special message. Deferred budget authority may
be withheld
without further action by Congress. Congress may disapprove a deferral by law. A
deferral may not extend beyond the end of the fiscal year of the budget authority’s
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availability. However, for multiyear funds, the President may re-report the deferral
the next fiscal year. Deferred budget authority that is disapproved by Congress must
be made available immediately. Agencies must release all other deferred budget
authority with sufficient time remaining in the fiscal year to
prudently obligate that
budget authority before the end of the fiscal year.
(See also Apportionment;
Budgetary Reserves; Impoundment; Rescission.)
Deficiency Apportionment
As provided for in the Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. § 1515) an apportionment by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) indicating the need for supplemental
budget authority to permit payment of pay increases to civilian and military
employees and military retirees as required by law. In addition, the head of an
executive branch agency may request a deficiency apportionment if (1) a new law is
enacted requiring unanticipated expenditures beyond administrative control or (2) an
emergency arises involving the safety of human life or the protection of property.
Approval for requests for such an apportionment does not authorize agencies to
exceed available resources within an account. (See also Antideficiency Act;
Apportionment; Deficiency Appropriation; Supplemental Appropriation.)
Deficiency Appropriation
An appropriation made to pay obligations for which sufficient funds are not available.
The need often results from violations of the Antideficiency Act. Though technically
distinct from a supplemental appropriation, Congress has stopped passing separate
deficiency appropriations and the distinction therefore has become obscured since
the 1960s.
The amount by which the governments spending exceeds its revenues for a given
period, usually a fiscal year (opposite of surplus).
Budget Deficit
The amount by which the government’s budget outlays exceed its budget receipts for
a given period, usually a fiscal year. (See also Budget Surplus under Surplus.)
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Unified Deficit/Total Deficit
The amount by which the government’s on-budget and off-budget outlays exceed the
sum of its on-budget and off-budget receipts for a given period, usually a fiscal year.
(See also Budget Surplus under Surplus; Off-Budget.)
Deflation (Economics Term)
A sustained decrease in the general price level.
Deflator (Economics Term)
An index used to adjust a current dollar amount to its real dollar counterpart, that is,
to remove the effects of inflation. (See also Inflator.)
An agency’s cancellation or downward adjustment of previously incurred obligations.
Deobligated funds may be reobligated within the period of availability of the
appropriation. For example, annual appropriated funds may be reobligated in the
fiscal year in which the funds were appropriated, while multiyear or no-year
appropriated funds may be reobligated in the same or subsequent fiscal years. (See
The systematic and rational allocation of the acquisition cost of an asset, less its
estimated salvage or residual value, over its estimated useful life. Depreciation
reflects the use of the asset(s) during specific operating periods in order to match
costs with related revenues in measuring income or determining the costs of carrying
out program activities.
Direct Spending
As defined by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985,
entitlement authority, the Food Stamp Program, and budget authority provided by
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law other than appropriations acts. Direct spending may be temporary or permanent,
definite or indefinite (as to amount) but it is an appropriation or other budget
authority made available to agencies in an act other than an appropriation act. Under
expired Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) provisions, new direct spending was subject
to pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) requirements. (See also Balanced Budget and Emergency
Deficit Control Act of 1985; Entitlement Authority; Mandatory; Pay-as-You-Go. For a
distinction, see Discretionary.)
Amounts paid by federal agencies, by cash or cash equivalent, during the fiscal year to
liquidate government obligations. “Disbursement” is used interchangeably with the
term “outlay.” In budgetary usage, gross disbursements represent the amount of
checks issued and cash or other payments made, less refunds received. Net
disbursements represent gross disbursements less income collected and credited to
the appropriation or fund account, such as amounts received for goods and services
provided. (See also Outlay; Expenditure.)
Discount Rate (Economics Term)
One of the following:
(1) The interest rate used to determine the present value of a future stream of receipts
and outlays, or in cost-benefit analysis, of benefits and costs. This use of the term is
completely distinct from that in monetary policy, and the interest rates involved are
generally not those charged by Federal Reserve Banks.
Discount rate policies of the three major oversight and budget agencies—the
Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)—are consistent with basic
economic principles but vary significantly in their formulations for different analyses.
GAO’s Discount Rate Policy (
GAO/OCE-17.1.1), May 1991, describes different
approaches and their applications.
In estimating net present values under credit reform, discount rate represents the
average interest rate on marketable Treasury securities of similar maturity to the cash
flows of the direct loan or loan guarantee for which the estimate is being made. (See
Credit Subsidy Cost under Federal Credit.)
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(2) The interest rate that a commercial bank pays when it borrows from a Federal
Reserve Bank. The discount rate is one of the tools of monetary policy used by the
Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve customarily raises or lowers the
discount rate to signal a shift toward restraining or easing its monetary and credit
policy. (See also Monetary Policy.)
A term that usually modifies either “spending,” “appropriation,” or “amount.
“Discretionary spending” refers to outlays from budget authority that is provided in
and controlled by appropriation acts. “Discretionary appropriation” refers to those
budgetary resources that are provided in appropriation acts, other than those that
fund mandatory programs. “Discretionary amount” refers to the level of budget
authority, outlays, or other budgetary resources (other than those which fund
mandatory programs) that are provided in, and controlled by, appropriation acts. (See
also Appropriation Act; Appropriations under Forms of Budget Authority under
Budget Authority; One-Year Authority under Duration under Budget Authority;
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings. For a contrast, see Entitlement Authority; Mandatory.)
Either of the following:
(1) Dedicating collections by law for a specific purpose or program. Earmarked
collections include trust fund receipts, special fund receipts, intragovernmental
receipts, and offsetting collections credited to appropriation accounts. These
collections may be classified as budget receipts, proprietary receipts, or
reimbursements to appropriations.
(2) Designating any portion of a lump-sum amount for particular purposes by means
of legislative language. Sometimes, “earmarking” is colloquially used to characterize
directions included in congressional committee reports but not in the legislation
itself. (See also Special Fund Accounts under Federal Fund Accounts under Account
in the President’s Budget; Trust Fund Accounts under Account in the President’s
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Budget; Offsetting Collections under Collections; Proprietary Receipts from the
Public under Offsetting Receipts under Collections; Committee Allocation.)
Economy Act
A common reference to section 1535 of title 31 of the United States Code that
provides general authority for one agency or unit thereof to obtain goods and services
from another agency or unit. Payment may be made in advance or upon the provision
of the goods and services ordered.
A term that usually modifies “appropriation,” “legislation,” or “supplemental.” Under
procedures typically prescribed in concurrent resolutions on the budget, the House
or the Senate, or their respective committees of jurisdiction, may designate proposed
appropriations or other legislation as “emergency legislation” and thereby exempt
any new budget authority, outlays, or receipts resulting from such legislation from
specified enforcement provisions in the Congressional Budget Act, the concurrent
resolution itself, or both. (See also Appropriations under Forms of Budget Authority
under Budget Authority.)
Acts appropriating funds for national or international emergencies such as natural
disasters or urgent national security events are typically designated “emergency
supplemental.” (See also Supplemental Appropriation.)
Entitlement Authority
Authority to make payments (including loans and grants) for which budget authority
is not provided in advance by appropriation acts to any person or government if,
under the provisions of the law containing such authority, the U.S. government is
legally required to make the payments to persons or governments that meet the
requirements established by law (2 U.S.C. § 622(9)).
Under the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA), new entitlement authority was defined as
direct spending and was subject to the pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) provisions. (See also
Appropriated Entitlement; Authorizing Legislation; Backdoor Authority/Backdoor
Spending; Budget Enforcement Act; Mandatory; Pay-as-You-Go.)
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The actual spending of money; an outlay.
Outflow or other depletion of assets or incurrences of liabilities (or a combination of
both) during some period as a result of providing goods, rendering services, or
carrying out other activities related to an entity’s programs and missions, the benefits
from which do not extend beyond the present operating period.
Expired Account
An account within the Department of the Treasury to hold expired budget authority.
The expired budget authority retains its fiscal year (or multiyear) identity for an
additional 5 fiscal years. After the 5-year period has elapsed, all obligated and
unobligated balances are canceled, the expired account is closed, and all remaining
funds are returned to the general fund of the Treasury and are thereafter no longer
available for any purpose. (See Expired Budget Authority under Availability for New
Obligations under Budget Authority.)
The Federal Agencies’ Centralized Trial-Balance System, managed by the Department
of the Treasury’s Financial Management Service (FMS) for the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB). The system gathers quarterly budget execution information
electronically, which is used to prepare Reports on Budget Execution (SF-133), Year-
end Closing Statements (FMS-2108), and portions of the actual column of the
President’s budget.
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Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)
Sponsored under an agreement between the Department of the Treasury, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), and Government Accountability Office (GAO).
FASAB promulgates Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS)
after considering the financial and budgetary information needs of citizens,
congressional oversight groups, executive agencies, and other users of federal
financial information. See
www.FASAB.gov. (For a discussion of the methods for
tracking funds in the federal government, see app. III.)
Federal Credit
Defined by the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA) as federal direct loans and
federal loan guarantees.
Administrative Expense
The cost that is directly related to credit program operations, including payments to
contractors. The Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA) requires that
administrative expenses for both direct loans and loan guarantees be included in
program accounts. Administrative expenses are not included in subsidy costs
appropriations but are separately appropriated.
All direct loans or loan guarantees of a program for which a subsidy appropriation is
provided for a given fiscal year, even when disbursements occur in subsequent fiscal
years. For direct loans and loan guarantees that receive multiyear or no-year
appropriations, the cohort is defined by the year of obligation. Pre-1992 direct loans
that are modified will constitute a single cohort. Likewise, pre-1992 loan guarantees
that are modified constitute a cohort. (See also Direct Loan and Guaranteed Loan
under Federal Credit.)
Credit Reestimates
Recalculation of the estimated cost to the government of a group of direct loans or
loan guarantees. After new direct loans or loan guarantees are made, the Federal
Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA) requires periodic revisions of the subsidy cost
estimate of a cohort (or risk category) based on information about the actual
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performance, estimated changes in future cash flows of the cohort, or both.
Reestimates must generally be made annually (with an associated recalculation of
applicable cumulative interest), as long as any loans in the cohort are outstanding.
These reestimates represent additional costs or savings to the government and are
recorded in the budget. An upward reestimate indicates that insufficient funds had
been paid to the financing account, so the increase (plus interest on reestimates) is
paid from the program account to the financing account to make it whole. Permanent
indefinite budget authority is available for this purpose. A downward reestimate
indicates that too much subsidy had been paid to the financing account. The excess
identified in a downward reestimate (plus interest) may be credited directly to the
program account as offsetting collections for programs classified as mandatory or to
a downward reestimate receipt account for programs classified as discretionary.
Credit Reform
The method of controlling and accounting for credit programs in the federal budget
after fiscal year 1991. The Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA) added title V to
the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. It requires that the credit subsidy cost be
financed from new budget authority and be recorded as budget outlays at the time the
direct or guaranteed loans are disbursed. In turn, it authorizes the creation of
nonbudgetary financing accounts to receive this subsidy cost payment. Agencies
must have appropriations for the subsidy cost before they can enter into direct loan
obligations or loan guarantee commitments. (See also Credit Subsidy Cost, Direct
Loan Obligation, Discount Rate, and Loan Guarantee Commitment under Federal
Credit; Present Value.)
Risk Category. Subdivisions of a cohort of direct loans or loan guarantees that are
relatively homogeneous in cost, given the facts known at the time of obligation or
commitment. Risk categories will group within a cohort all direct loans or loan
guarantees that share characteristics that predict defaults and other costs. They may
be defined by characteristics or combinations of characteristics of the loan, the
project financed, the borrower, or a combination of these.
Statistical evidence must be presented, based on historical analysis of program data
or comparable credit data, concerning the likely costs of defaults, other deviations
from contract, or other costs that are expected to be associated with the loans in that
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Credit Reform Act Accounts
Credit Program Account. A budget account that receives and obligates
appropriations to cover the subsidy cost (on a net present value basis) of a direct loan
or loan guarantee and disburses the subsidy cost to the financing account. Usually, a
separate amount is also appropriated in the program account for administrative
expenses that are directly related to credit program operations. (See also Present
Financing Account. A nonbudgetary account (or accounts) associated with each
credit program account that holds balances, receives the subsidy cost payment from
the credit program account, and includes all other cash flows to and from the
government resulting from direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments
made on or after October 1, 1991. It disburses loans, collects repayments and fees,
makes claim payments, holds balances, borrows from the Department of the
Treasury, earns or pays interest, and receives the subsidy cost payment from the
credit program account.
Liquidating Account. A budget account that includes all cash flows to and from the
government resulting from direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments
made prior to October 1, 1991. The Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA)
requires that such accounts be shown in the budget on a cash basis. Agencies are
required to transfer end-of-year unobligated balances in these accounts to the general
fund as soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal year.
Negative Subsidy Receipt Account. A budget account for the receipt of amounts
paid from the financing account when there is a negative subsidy for the original
estimate. In most cases, the receipt account is a general fund receipt account and
amounts are not earmarked for the credit program. They are available for
appropriation only in the sense that all general fund receipts are available for
appropriation. Separate downward reestimate receipt accounts are used to record
amounts paid from the financing account for downward reestimates.
Credit Subsidy Cost
The estimated long-term cost to the government of a direct loan or loan guarantee,
calculated on a net present value basis and excluding administrative costs.
In estimating the net present value, for loans made, guaranteed, or modified in fiscal
year 2001 and after, the cash flow estimated for each year (or other time period) is
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discounted using the interest rate on a marketable zero-coupon Treasury security
with the same maturity from the date of disbursement as that cash flow. For loans
made or guaranteed prior to fiscal year 2001, the discount rate is the average interest
rate on marketable Treasury securities of similar maturity to the direct loan or loan
guarantee for which the estimate is being made. The rate at which interest will be
paid on the amounts borrowed or held as an uninvested balance by a financing
account for a particular cohort is the same as the financial discount rate for a cohort,
the disbursement-weighted average discount rate (for cohorts before 2001) or a single
effective rate (for cohorts 2001 and after) derived from this collection of interest
rates. (See also Credit Reform, Direct Loan, and Guaranteed Loan under Federal
Credit; Present Value; Subsidy.)
Direct Loan Subsidy Cost. The estimated long-term cost to the government of a
direct loan, excluding administrative costs. Specifically, the subsidy cost of a direct
loan is the net present value, at the time when the direct loan is disbursed from the
financing account, of the estimated loan disbursements, repayments of principal,
payments of interest, recoveries or proceeds of asset sales, and other payments by or
to the government over the life of the loan. These estimated cash flows include the
effects of estimated defaults, prepayments, fees, penalties, and expected actions by
the government and the borrower within the terms of the loan contract.
Guaranteed Loan Subsidy Cost. The estimated long-term cost to the government
of a loan guarantee, excluding administrative costs. The Federal Credit Reform Act
of 1990 (FCRA) specifies that the credit subsidy cost of a loan guarantee is the net
present value, at the time a guaranteed loan is disbursed by the lender, of the
following cash flows: (1) estimated payments by the government to cover defaults,
delinquencies, interest subsidies, or other payments and (2) the estimated payments
to the government, including origination and other fees, penalties, and recoveries.
Direct Loan
A disbursement of funds by the government to a nonfederal borrower under a
contract that requires the repayment of such funds either with or without interest.
The term includes the purchase of or the participation in a loan made by a lender;
financing arrangements that defer payment for more than 90 days, including the sale
of a government asset on credit terms; and loans financed by the Federal Financing
Bank (FFB) pursuant to agency loan guarantee authority. It does not include the
acquisition of federally guaranteed loans in satisfaction of default or other price
support loans of the Commodity Credit Corporation. Under credit reform, the budget
records the credit subsidy cost of direct loans as outlays. The subsidies are paid to
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the direct loan financing accounts, which, in turn, make the loans to the public. For
more information, see Credit and Insurance and accompanying tables in the
President’s budget. (See also Asset Sale; Credit Reform, Credit Subsidy Cost, Direct
Loan Obligation, and Guaranteed Loan under Federal Credit.)
Direct Loan Obligation
A binding agreement by a federal agency to make a direct loan when the borrower
fulfills specified conditions.
Under credit reform, direct loan obligations are composed of obligations for both the
credit subsidy cost and the unsubsidized amounts of the loan. When an agency enters
into a direct loan obligation, it obligates itself to pay the credit subsidy cost to the
direct loan financing account, and the financing account is committed to make the
loan to the borrower. Only the credit subsidy cost is recorded as a budgetary
obligation. (See also Direct Loan under Federal Credit.)
Guaranteed Loan
A nonfederal loan to which a federal guarantee is attached. The loan principal is
recorded as a guaranteed loan regardless of whether the federal guarantee is full or
partial. For the purposes of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA), a loan
guarantee is defined as any guarantee, insurance, or other pledge with respect to the
payment of all or a part of the principal or interest on any debt obligation of a
nonfederal borrower to a nonfederal lender, but does not include the insurance of
deposits, shares, or other withdrawable accounts in financial institutions. Under
credit reform, the budget records the credit subsidy cost of guaranteed loans as
outlays. The subsidies are paid to the guaranteed loan financing accounts, which
hold these uninvested funds to serve as a reserve against future loan defaults or other
payments to lenders. (See also Credit Reform, Direct Loan, and Loan Guarantee
Commitment under Federal Credit.)
Loan Guarantee Commitment
A binding agreement by a federal agency to make a loan guarantee when specified
conditions are fulfilled by the borrower, the lender, or any other party to the
guarantee agreement. (See also Commitment; Credit Reform and Guaranteed Loan
under Federal Credit.)
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Federal Credit Reform Act (FCRA)
See under Federal Credit.
Federal Financing Bank (FFB)
A government corporation created by the Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 under
the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury. FFB was established to
(1) finance federal and federally assisted borrowings in ways that least disrupt private
markets, (2) coordinate such borrowing programs with the government’s overall
fiscal policy, and (3) reduce the costs of such borrowing from the public.
FFB provides financial assistance to or on behalf of federal agencies by (1) making
direct loans to federal agencies to help them fund their programs, (2) purchasing loan
assets from federal agencies, and (3) making direct loans to nonfederal borrowers
(including foreign governments) that are secured by federal agency guarantees
against risk of default by borrowers on loan principal and interest payments. FFB
obtains funds by borrowing from the Department of the Treasury. For more
information, see
Feeder Account
Appropriation and revolving fund accounts whose resources are available only for
transfer to other specified appropriation or revolving fund accounts.
Financial Accounting
See under Proprietary Accounting.
Financial Statements
A document that describes an entity’s financial activity and status for a specified
period. Under federal law and applicable accounting standards, the financial
statements for a federal agency usually include a balance sheet, statement of net cost,
statement of changes in net position, statement of budgetary resources, and
statement of financing.
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Fiscal Policy (Economics Term)
Federal government policies with respect to taxes and spending that affect the level,
composition, and distribution of national income and output. The budget process is a
major vehicle for determining and implementing federal fiscal policy. Many summary
indicators of fiscal policy exist. Some, such as the budget surplus or deficit, are
narrowly budgetary. Others attempt to reflect aspects of how fiscal policy affects the
Fiscal Year
Any yearly accounting period, regardless of its relationship to a calendar year. The
fiscal year for the federal government begins on October 1 of each year and ends on
September 30 of the following year; it is designated by the calendar year in which it
ends. For example, fiscal year 1990 began October 1, 1989, and ended September 30,
1990. (Prior to fiscal year 1977, the federal fiscal year began on July 1 and ended on
June 30. The 3-month period, July 1, 1976, to September 30, 1976, between fiscal
years 1976 and 1977 is called the transition quarter (“TQ”).) (For a more detailed
description of the budget process, see app. I.)
Budget Year
A term used in the budget formulation process to refer to the fiscal year for which the
budget is being considered, that is, with respect to a session of Congress, the fiscal
year of the government that starts on October 1 of the calendar year in which that
session of Congress begins.
Current Year
A term used in the budget formulation process to refer to the fiscal year immediately
preceding the budget year under consideration.
In the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, or in the Presidents budget submission,
any fiscal year (or years) beyond the budget year for which projections are made.
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Prior Year
The fiscal year immediately preceding the current year.
Program Year
Describes the authorized operating period of a particular program. The term is
usually used to distinguish the program’s operating period from the federal
government’s fiscal year. For example, a program year may begin on July 1 of a year
and end on June 30 of the following year. Thus, program year 2003 began on July 1,
2003, and ended on June 30, 2004.
Fixed Appropriation Account
An account in which appropriations are available for obligation for a definite period.
A fixed appropriation account can receive appropriations available for obligation for
1 year (an annual account) or for a specified number of years (a multiyear account).
(For a distinction, see No-Year Authority under Duration under Budget Authority.)
Forward Funding
Budget authority that is made available for obligation beginning in the last quarter of
the fiscal year for the financing of ongoing activities (usually grant programs) during
the next fiscal year. This funding is used mostly for education programs, so that
obligations for grants can be made prior to the beginning of the next school year. (For
a distinction, see Advance Appropriation; Advance Funding; Multiple-Year Authority
under Duration under Budget Authority.)
Franchise Fund
A type of intragovernmental revolving fund that operates as a self-supporting
entrepreneurial entity to provide common administrative services benefiting other
federal entities. These funds function entirely from the fees charged for the services
they provide consistent with their statutory authority. (See also Intragovermental
Revolving Fund Account under Intragovernmental Fund Account under Federal
Fund Accounts under Account in the President’s Budget.)
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FTE (Full-Time Equivalent)
Reflects the total number of regular straight-time hours (i.e., not including overtime
or holiday hours) worked by employees divided by the number of compensable hours
applicable to each fiscal year. Annual leave, sick leave, and compensatory time off
and other approved leave categories are considered to be “hours worked” for
purposes of defining FTE employment.
Full Funding
The provision of budgetary resources to cover the total estimated cost of a program
or project at the time it is undertaken (regardless of when the funds will actually be
obligated). Full funding generally pertains to the acquisition of capital assets, such as
the construction of Navy ships or buildings to house federal agencies. (For a
distinction, see Incremental Funding. See also Multiple-Year Authority under
Duration under Budget Authority; Multiyear Budget Planning.)
The term full funding can sometimes refer to the appropriation of the total amount
authorized by law. A program is said to be “fully funded” when the appropriation
equals the authorized level or when appropriations are sufficient to cover service for
all eligible persons or organizations.
Functional Classification
A system of classifying budget authority, outlays, receipts, and tax expenditures
according to the national needs being addressed. Each concurrent resolution on the
budget allocates budget authority and outlays among the various functions.
Each budget account appears in the single budget function (for example, national
defense or health) that best reflects its major purpose, an important national need. A
function may be divided into two or more subfunctions, depending upon the
complexity of the national need addressed. (See also Budget Activity.)
(For a presentation of the functional classification for the fiscal 2006 budget, see app.
IV. For a distinction, see Object Classification. See also Agency Mission; Budget
Activity; Subfunction.)
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Fund Accounting
Commonly used to refer to the administrative system of funds control that each
agency establishes to ensure compliance with federal fiscal laws. The statutory basis
for fund accounting is found primarily in the requirement of the Antideficiency Act
that the head of each agency prescribe, by regulation, a system of funds control (31
U.S.C. § 1514(a)). (See also Antideficiency Act.)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (Economics Term)
The value of all final goods and services produced within the borders of a country
such as the United States in a given period, whether produced by residents or
nonresidents. The components of GDP are personal consumption expenditures,
gross private domestic investment, net exports of goods and services, and
government consumption expenditures and gross investment. That value is
conceptually equal to the sum of incomes generated within the borders of the country
in the same time period. (See also GNP; National Income and Product Accounts.)
GDP Price Index (Economics Term)
A measure of the price level for the whole economy covering the prices of goods and
services produced in a country such as the United States.
Generational Accounting
Estimates who pays for all that the government buys. Generational accounts
estimate the real (inflation-adjusted) net taxes to be paid by the average member of
each generation (today’s newborns, 1-year-olds, and so on). They also estimate the
net taxes of the average member of the representative future generation (those not
yet born). The accounts project government purchases and net taxes of current
generations and calculate their present values.
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Generational accounts do not try to estimate who benefits from what the government
buys, only who pays for it with their net taxes. They do not try to predict the actual
course of policy. Generational accounts act as a gauge, not a predictor or goal. They
do not try to say how policy will actually evolve. And they cannot say what
distributions are fair; that is a matter of policy, not analysis. The accounts serve only
as a norm by which to evaluate prevailing policy and compare alternative policies.
GNP (Gross National Product) (Economics Term)
The value of all final goods and services produced by labor and capital supplied by
residents of a country such as the United States in a given period, whether or not the
residents are located within the country. That value is conceptually equal to the sum
of incomes accruing to residents of the country in the same time period. GNP differs
from GDP in that GNP includes net receipts of income from the rest of the world
while GDP excludes them. (See also GDP; National Income and Product Accounts.)
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. GPRA, also known as the
Results Act, intends to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal programs
by requiring federal agencies to develop strategic plans, annual performance plans,
and annual program performance reports.
Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE)
A privately owned and operated federally chartered financial institution that
facilitates the flow of investment funds to specific economic sectors. GSEs, acting as
financial intermediaries, provide these sectors access to national capital markets.
The activities of GSEs are not included in the federal budget’s totals because they are
classified as private entities. However, because of their relationship to the
government, detailed statements of financial operations and conditions are presented
as supplementary information in the budget document. For the purposes of the
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended (2 U.S.C. § 622(8)), an entity must
meet certain criteria to qualify as a GSE. (For distinctions, see Mixed-Ownership
Government Corporation; Off-Budget; Wholly-Owned Government Corporation.)
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See under Government Performance and Results Act.
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings (GRH)
The popular name of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of
1985, so named for the Senate sponsors: Senators Phil Gramm, Warren Rudman, and
Ernest F. Hollings. The act, a mechanism for reducing the federal deficit, set
declining deficit targets for the federal government and established an automatic
enforcement mechanism called sequestration. GRH has been amended several times,
most significantly by the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (BEA) and the Balanced
Budget Act of 1997. (See also Budget Enforcement Act; Discretionary; Limitation;
Mandatory; Sequestration.)
A federal financial assistance award making payment in cash or in kind for a specified
purpose. The federal government is not expected to have substantial involvement
with the state or local government or other recipient while the contemplated activity
is being performed. The term “grant” is used broadly and may include a grant to
nongovernmental recipients as well as one to a state or local government, while the
term “grant-in-aid” is commonly used to refer only to a grant to a state or local
government. (For a more detailed description, see the Federal Grant and Cooperative
Agreement Act of 1977, 31 U.S.C. §§ 6301–6308.) The two major forms of federal
grants-in-aid are block and categorical.
Block grants are given primarily to general purpose governmental units in accordance
with a statutory formula. Such grants can be used for a variety of activities within a
broad functional area. Examples of federal block grant programs are the Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974, and the grants to states for social services under title XX of
the Social Security Act.
Categorical grants can be used only for specific programs or for narrowly defined
activities. They may be formula or project grants. Formula grants allocate federal
funds to states or their subdivisions in accordance with a distribution formula
prescribed by law or administrative regulation. Project grants provide federal
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funding for fixed or known periods for specific projects or the delivery of specific
services or products.
Identification Code
Each appropriation or fund account in the President’s budget carries an 11-digit code
that identifies (1) the agency, (2) the account, (3) the nature or timing of the
transmittal to Congress (for example, regular budget cycle or supplemental), (4) the
type of fund, and (5) the account’s functional and subfunctional classifications. (For
a detailed explanation of the account identification code, see app. V.)
Implicit Price Deflator (Economics Term)
Weighted averages of the most detailed price indexes used in estimating real output.
Before 1995, implicit price deflators were calculated as the ratio of current- to
constant-dollar output multiplied by 100. Since 1995, implicit price deflators have
been calculated as the ratio of current- to chained-dollar output multiplied by 100.
For all but the most recent estimates, the implicit price deflators are identical to the
chain-type price indexes because the weights used to aggregate the detailed prices for
the two measures are the same. Implicit price deflators are used in the National
Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). (See also Chain Price Indexes; Chained
Any action or inaction by an officer or employee of the federal government that
precludes obligation or expenditure of budget authority. There are two types of
impoundments: deferrals and proposed rescissions. Not all delays in obligating
funds are deferrals. Sometimes obligation delays are due to legitimate programmatic
reasons or the result of outside forces not under the agency’s control; for example, an
agency administering a grant program receives no grant applications so no grants can
be made. (See also Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974;
Deferral of Budget Authority; Rescission.)
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Incremental Funding
The provision or recording of budgetary resources for a program or project based on
obligations estimated to be incurred within a fiscal year when such budgetary
resources are provided for only part of the estimated cost of the acquisition. (For a
distinction, see Full Funding.)
Inflation (Economics Term)
A rise in the general price level.
Inflator (Economics Term)
An index used to express a current dollar amount in prices of another period.
Internal Control
An integral component of an organization’s management that provides reasonable
assurance that the following objectives are being achieved: (1) effectiveness and
efficiency of operations, (2) reliability of financial reporting, and (3) compliance with
applicable laws and regulations. Safeguarding of assets is a subset of all three of
these objectives.
Joint Resolution
A form of legislation (designated with S.J. Res. or H.J. Res.) that is either:
(1) A congressional action typically used in dealing with matters such as a single
appropriation for a specific purpose, increasing the statutory limit on the public debt,
or continuing appropriations. There is no real difference between a bill and a joint
resolution; both require a majority vote and become law in the same manner, that is,
by bicameral enactment and signature of the President.
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(2) A congressional action used to propose amendments to the Constitution.
Adoption of a joint resolution to propose a constitutional amendment requires a two-
thirds majority vote by both the Senate and the House and is not presented to the
President for approval. A proposed amendment becomes effective only when ratified
by three-fourths of the states.
(See also Continuing Appropriation/Continuing Resolution. For a distinction, see
Concurrent Resolution on the Budget.)
The documents an agency submits to the appropriations committees in support of its
budget request. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prescribes
justification materials, which typically explain changes between the current
appropriation and the amounts requested for the next fiscal year.
An agreement between a lessor and lessee in which the lessee agrees to lease a
building or other property for a specified length of time and then takes title to the
building or other property at the end of the lease period. (See also Capital Lease;
Operating Lease.)
Defined differently for obligational (or budgetary) and proprietary (or financial)
accounting purposes (see app. III).
Obligational (or budgetary) accounting, designed to ensure compliance with fiscal
laws, is based on the concept of legal liability. A legal liability is a claim that may be
legally enforced against the government. It may be created in a variety of ways, such
as by signing a contract, grant, or cooperative agreement or by operation of law. (See
also Obligation.)
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Proprietary (or financial) accounting, designed to generate data for financial
statement purposes, is based on the concept of accounting liability. For federal
financial accounting purposes, a liability is a probable future outflow or other
sacrifice of resources as a result of past transactions or events. Generally, liabilities
are thought of as amounts owed for items or services received, assets acquired,
construction performed (regardless of whether invoices have been received), an
amount received but not yet earned, or other expenses incurred. (See also
Contingent Liability.)
Life-Cycle Costs
The overall estimated cost, both government and contractor, for a particular program
alternative over the time period corresponding to the life of the program, including
direct and indirect initial costs plus any periodic or continuing costs of operation and
A restriction on the amount, purpose, or period of availability of budget authority.
While limitations are most often established through appropriations acts, they may
also be established through authorization legislation. Limitations may be placed on
the availability of funds for program levels, administrative expenses, direct loan
obligations, loan guarantee commitments, or other purposes. (See also
Administrative Division or Subdivision of Funds; Apportionment; Appropriation Act;
Appropriation Rider; Authorizing Legislation; Duration under Budget Authority.)
Line Item
In executive budgeting, a particular expenditure, such as program, subprogram, or
object class. For purposes of the concurrent budget resolution, it usually refers to
assumptions about particular programs or accounts implicit but not explicit in the
budget resolution. In appropriation acts, it usually refers to an individual account or
part of an account for which a specific amount is available. (See also Line Item Veto;
Obligated Balance under Obligational Authority; Appropriation Rider.)
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Line Item Veto
A phrase used to describe an executive power to veto or “cross out” only certain parts
of legislation while allowing the rest of the legislation to become law. At the federal
level, legislation granting the President a line item veto has been declared
unconstitutional. The line item veto exists at the state level because their
constitutions grant the power to the governors in forms that vary from state to state.
Some states only permit line item vetoes in bills appropriating money.
Several legislative initiatives have been introduced in Congress over the years to give
the President expanded or enhanced rescission or line item veto authority. In 1996
the Line Item Veto Act was enacted authorizing the President, after signing a bill into
law, to cancel in whole any dollar amount of discretionary budget authority, any item
of new direct spending, or any limited tax benefit if the President made certain
determinations. In 1998, the United States Supreme Court in Clinton v. City of New
York, 524 U.S. 417 (1998), held that the Line Item Veto Act violated the Presentment
Clause, article 1, section 7, of the U.S. Constitution. Under that clause, the President
must accept or veto in its entirety any bill passed by Congress. Granting the
President line item veto authority would require a constitutional amendment. See
also “Account” in the Department of the Treasury’s Annual Report Appendix. (See
also Discretionary; Enhanced Rescission and Expedited Rescission under
Rescission; Line Item; Mandatory; Separate Enrollment.)
Liquidating Appropriation
An appropriation to pay obligations incurred pursuant to substantive legislation,
usually contract authority. A liquidating appropriation is not recorded as budget
In the budget context, any of several legislative mechanisms that attempt to isolate,
or “lock away,” funds of the federal government for purposes such as reducing federal
spending, preserving surpluses, or protecting the solvency of trust funds.
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A term that usually modifies either “spending” or “amount.” “Mandatory spending,”
also known as “direct spending,” refers to budget authority that is provided in laws
other than appropriation acts and the outlays that result from such budget authority.
Mandatory spending includes entitlement authority (for example, the Food Stamp,
Medicare, and veterans’ pension programs), payment of interest on the public debt,
and nonentitlements such as payments to states from Forest Service receipts. By
defining eligibility and setting the benefit or payment rules, Congress controls
spending for these programs indirectly rather than directly through appropriations
acts. “Mandatory amount” refers to the level of budget authority, outlays, or other
budgetary resources that are controlled by laws other than appropriations acts.
Budget authority provided in annual appropriations acts for certain programs is
treated as mandatory because the authorizing legislation entitles beneficiaries to
receive payment or otherwise obligates the government to make payment. (See also
Appropriated Entitlement; Appropriations under Forms of Budget Authority under
Budget Authority; Multiple-Year Authority and No-Year Authority under Duration
under Budget Authority; Committee Allocation; Direct Spending Authority;
Discretionary; Entitlement Authority; Gramm-Rudman-Hollings.)
Meetings where congressional committees work on language of bills or resolutions.
For example, at Budget Committee mark-ups, the House and Senate Budget
Committees work on the language and numbers contained in budget resolutions and
legislation affecting the congressional budget process.
Means of Financing
Ways in which a budget deficit is financed or a budget surplus is used. A budget
deficit may be financed by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) (or agency)
borrowing, by reducing Treasury cash balances, by the sale of gold, by seigniorage, by
net cash flows resulting from transactions in credit financing accounts, by allowing
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certain unpaid liabilities to increase, or by other similar transactions. It is customary
to separate total means of financing into “change in debt held by the public” (the
government’s debt, which is the primary means of financing) and “other means of
financing” (seigniorage, change in cash balances, transactions of credit financing
accounts, etc.). (See also Debt, Federal; Debt Service; Financing Account under
Credit Reform Accounts under Federal Credit; Seigniorage.)
Mid-Session Review of the Budget
A supplemental summary and update of the budget that the President submitted to
Congress in January or February of that year. Section 1106 of title 31 of the United
States Code requires the mid-session review to contain revised estimates of budget
receipts, outlays, and budget authority and other summary information and that it be
issued by July 15 of each year. (See also Budget Update.)
Mixed-Ownership Government Corporation
An enterprise or business activity designated by the Government Corporation Control
Act (31 U.S.C. § 9101) or some other statute as a mixed-ownership government
corporation. The fiscal activities of some mixed-ownership government corporations
appear in the budget. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an
example of such a corporation. (For distinctions, see Government-Sponsored
Enterprise; Off-Budget; Wholly-Owned Government Corporation.)
Monetary Policy (Economics Term)
A policy affecting the money supply, interest rates, and credit availability that is
intended to achieve maximum sustainable output and employment and to promote
stable prices (interpreted as a low-inflation environment in practice). Monetary
policy is directed by the Federal Reserve System. It functions by influencing the cost
and availability of bank reserves through (1) open-market operations (the purchase
and sale of securities, primarily Treasury securities), (2) changes in the ratio of
reserves to deposits that commercial banks are required to maintain, (3) changes in
the discount rate, and (4) changes in the federal fund rate. (See also Discount Rate;
Fiscal Policy.)
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Money Supply (Economics Term)
Anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the
repayment of debt. Narrow definitions of the money supply include currency and
checking accounts, while broader definitions include other types of assets, such as
savings deposits and money market mutual funds.
Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS)
A summary statement prepared from agency accounting reports and issued by the
Department of the Treasury (Treasury). The MTS presents the receipts, outlays,
resulting budget surplus or deficit, and federal debt for the month and the fiscal year
to date and a comparison of those figures to those of the same period in the previous
year. Treasury also issues the Daily Treasury Statement (DTS), which is published
every working day of the federal government. It provides data on Treasurys cash and
debt operations.
Multiyear Budget Planning
A process—such as the one used to develop the Presidents budget and the
congressional budget resolution—designed to ensure that the longer range
consequences of budget decisions are identified and reflected in the budget totals.
The President’s (or executive) budget includes multiyear planning estimates for
budget authority, outlays, and receipts for 4 years beyond the budget year. As of the
date of this glossary, the congressional budget resolution provided budget totals for
the budget year and, at least, each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years. This process
provides a structure for the review and analysis of long-term program and tax policy
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) planning estimates are either
presidential policy or current services estimates. Presidential policy estimates
represent projections or extrapolations of likely outcomes based upon current law
and enunciated administration policy. In some cases, outyear presidential policy
estimates represent outyear policy rather than an extrapolation from budget-year
policy. Current services estimates represent projections of possible outcomes based
on the continuation of existing levels of service without policy changes. (See also
Current Services Estimates; Full Funding; Outyear under Fiscal Year; Projections.)
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National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA)
(Economics Term)
The comprehensive set of accounts prepared and published by the Department of
Commerce that measures the total value of goods and services (gross domestic
product, or GDP) produced by the U.S. economy and the total income earned in
producing that output.
Net Present Value (Economics Term)
The present value of the estimated future cash inflows minus the present value of the
cash outflows.
Nominal Dollar (Economics Term)
See under Current Dollar.
A term used to refer to transactions of the government that do not belong within the
budget. Nonbudgetary transactions (such as deposit funds, direct loan and loan
guarantee financing accounts, and seigniorage) do not belong in the budget because
they do not represent net budget authority or outlays, but rather are means of
financing. This contrasts with “off-budget,” which refers to activities that are
budgetary in nature but are required by law to be excluded from the budget. (See Off-
Budget; Means of Financing.)
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Object Classification
A uniform classification identifying the obligations of the federal government by the
types of goods or services purchased (such as personnel compensation, supplies and
materials, and equipment) without regard to the agency involved or the purpose of
the programs for which they are used. If the obligations are in a single object
classification category, the classification is identified in the Program and Financing
Schedule in the President’s budget. For the activities distributed among two or more
object classification categories, the budget has a separate object classification
schedule to show the distribution of the obligations by object classification. See also
Explanation of Estimates in the “Detailed Budget Estimates” section of the
President’s budget. General instructions are provided in OMB Circular No. A-11,
revised. (See also Allocation. For a distinction, see Functional Classification.)
A definite commitment that creates a legal liability of the government for the payment
of goods and services ordered or received, or a legal duty on the part of the United
States that could mature into a legal liability by virtue of actions on the part of the
other party beyond the control of the United States. Payment may be made
immediately or in the future. An agency incurs an obligation, for example, when it
places an order, signs a contract, awards a grant, purchases a service, or takes other
actions that require the government to make payments to the public or from one
government account to another. The standards for the proper reporting of
obligations are found in section 1501(a) of title 31 of the United States Code. See also
OMB Circular No. A-11.
Obligation Limitation
See under Limitation.
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Obligational Accounting
The accounting systems, processes, and people involved in collecting financial
information necessary to control, monitor, and report on all funds made available to
federal entities by legislation, including permanent, indefinite appropriations as well
as appropriations enacted in annual and supplemental appropriations laws that may
be available for one or multiple fiscal years. It is through obligational accounting that
agencies ensure compliance with fiscal laws, including the Antideficiency Act and
statutes related to the purpose and period of availability of appropriations.
Obligational accounting rests on the central concepts of the “obligation” and
“disbursement” of public funds, as those terms are defined in this glossary. The
Antideficiency Act, codified in part at sections 1341, 1514, and 1517, and the
provisions of section 1501 (commonly referred to as the recording statute) of the
United States Code provide the fundamental components of obligational accounting.
Obligational accounting is sometimes also referred to as “fund control accounting,”
“appropriation accounting,” and “budgetary accounting.” (For a discussion of the
method for tracking funds in the federal government, see app. III. See also
Administrative Division or Subdivision of Funds; Antideficiency Act; Apportionment;
Disbursements; Obligation.)
Obligational Authority
The sum of (1) budget authority enacted for a given fiscal year, (2) unobligated
balances of amounts that have not expired brought forward from prior years,
(3) amounts of offsetting collections to be credited and available to specific funds or
accounts during that year, and (4) budget authority transferred from other funds or
accounts. The balance of obligational authority is an amount carried over from one
year to the next if the budget authority is available for obligation in the next fiscal
year. Not all obligational authority that becomes available in a fiscal year is obligated
and paid out in that same year. Balances are described as (1) obligated,
(2) unobligated, or (3) unexpended.
Obligated Balance
The amount of obligations already incurred for which payment has not yet been
made. Technically, the obligated balance is the unliquidated obligations. Budget
authority that is available for a fixed period expires at the end of its period of
availability, but the obligated balance of the budget authority remains available to
liquidate obligations for 5 additional fiscal years. At the end of the fifth fiscal year, the
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account is closed and any remaining balance is canceled. Budget authority available
for an indefinite period may be canceled, and its account closed if (1) it is specifically
rescinded by law or (2) the head of the agency concerned or the President determines
that the purposes for which the appropriation was made have been carried out and
disbursements have not been made from the appropriation for 2 consecutive years.
(See also Duration under Budget Authority; Fixed Appropriation Account.)
Unobligated Balance
The portion of obligational authority that has not yet been obligated. For an
appropriation account that is available for a fixed period, the budget authority
expires after the period of availability ends but its unobligated balance remains
available for 5 additional fiscal years for recording and adjusting obligations properly
chargeable to the appropriations period of availability. For example, an expired,
unobligated balance remains available until the account is closed to record previously
unrecorded obligations or to make upward adjustments in previously underrecorded
obligations, such as contract modifications properly within scope of the original
contract. At the end of the fifth fiscal year, the account is closed and any remaining
balance is canceled. For a no-year account, the unobligated balance is carried
forward indefinitely until (1) specifically rescinded by law or (2) the head of the
agency concerned or the President determines that the purposes for which the
appropriation was made have been carried out and disbursements have not been
made from the appropriation for 2 consecutive years. (See also Duration under
Budget Authority; Expired Account; Expired Budget Authority under Availability for
New Obligations under Budget Authority; Fixed Appropriation Account.)
Unexpended Balance
The sum of the obligated and unobligated balances.
Those budgetary accounts (either federal or trust funds) designated by law as
excluded from budget totals. As of the date of this glossary, the revenues and outlays
of the two Social Security trust funds (the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust
Fund and the Disability Insurance Trust Fund) and the transactions of the Postal
Service are the only off-budget accounts. The budget documents routinely report the
on-budget and off-budget amounts separately and then add them together to arrive at
the consolidated government totals. (See also Nonbudgetary; On-Budget; Outlay;
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Trust Fund Expenditure Account under Trust Fund Accounts under Account in the
President’s Budget; Unified Budget.)
OMB Circular No. A-11
Document that provides detailed guidance to executive departments and
establishments by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for preparing and
submitting the President’s budget and executing the budget.
All budgetary accounts other than those designated by law as off-budget. (See also
Operating Budget
A detailed projection of all estimated income and expenses during a given future
Operating Lease
An agreement conveying the right to use property for a limited time in exchange for
periodic payments. Operating lease criteria are ownership of the asset remains with
lessor, the lease does not contain a bargain-price purchase option, the lease term does
not exceed 75 percent of the estimated economic life of the asset, the present value of
the minimum lease payments over the life of the lease does not exceed 90 percent of
the fair market value of the asset at the beginning of the lease term, the asset is a
general purpose asset rather than being for a special purpose of the government and
is not built to the unique specification of the government as lessee, and there is a
private sector market for the asset. (See also Capital Lease.)
The issuance of checks, disbursement of cash, or electronic transfer of funds made to
liquidate a federal obligation. Outlays also occur when interest on the Treasury debt
held by the public accrues and when the government issues bonds, notes, debentures,
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monetary credits, or other cash-equivalent instruments in order to liquidate
obligations. Also, under credit reform, the credit subsidy cost is recorded as an
outlay when a direct or guaranteed loan is disbursed. An outlay is not recorded for
repayment of debt principal, disbursements to the public by federal credit programs
for direct loan obligations and loan guarantee commitments made in fiscal year 1992
or later, disbursements from deposit funds, and refunds of receipts that result from
Outlays during a fiscal year may be for payment of obligations incurred in prior years
(prior-year obligations) or in the same year. Outlays, therefore, flow in part from
unexpended balances of prior-year budgetary resources and in part from budgetary
resources provided for the year in which the money is spent.
Outlays are stated both gross and net of offsetting collections. (See Offsetting
Collections under Collections.) Total government outlays include outlays of off-
budget federal entities. (See also Expenditure; Expense.)
See under Fiscal Year.
Oversight Committee
The congressional committee charged with general oversight of an agency’s or
program’s operations. In most cases, the oversight committee for an agency or
program is also its authorizing committee. The Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Government Reform
also have general oversight on budget and accounting measures other than
appropriations, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. (See
also Authorizing Committee.)
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Pay-as-You-Go (PAYGO)
A budgetary enforcement mechanism originally set forth in the Budget Enforcement
Act (BEA), which effectively expired at the end of fiscal year 2002. Under this
mechanism, proposed changes in, or new permanent, law were expected to be deficit
neutral in the aggregate in the fiscal year of enactment or in a period of years. PAYGO
was intended to control growth in direct spending and tax legislation. The Senate, in
the concurrent resolution on the budget, has established an internal rule enforcing a
requirement that direct spending or receipts legislation under consideration in the
Senate be deficit neutral over certain periods of time. This Senate PAYGO rule is
enforced by points of order. (See also Point of Order; Sequestration.)
Performance Budgeting
Generally understood to refer to the infusion of performance information into the
resource allocation process used to develop budget proposals or to execute an
agreed-upon budget. Also known as results-based budgeting. (See Government
Performance and Results Act.)
Agency Mission Statement
Defines the basic purpose, major functions, and operations of the agency. (See
Strategic Plan under Performance Budgeting.)
Outcome Measure
An assessment of the result, effect, or consequence that will occur from carrying out
a program or activity compared to its intended purpose.
Output Goal
A description of the level of activity or effort that will be produced or provided over a
period or by a specified date, including a description of the characteristics and
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attributes (e.g., timeliness) established as standards in the course of conducting the
activity or effort.
Output Measure
The level of activity or effort of a program (i.e., the products and services delivered)
over a period that can be expressed quantitatively or qualitatively.
Performance and Accountability Report (PAR)
Provides financial and performance information that enables Congress, the President,
and the public to assess the performance of an organization relative to its mission and
for management to be accountable for its actions and resources. The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) provides guidance on the contents of the PARs,
which integrate the reporting requirements of several laws, including (1) the Chief
Financial Officers Act of 1990, (2) the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of
1982, (3) the Government Management Reform Act of 1994, (4) the Government
Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, and (5) the Reports Consolidation Act
of 2000.
Performance Budget
A presentation that links strategic goals with related long-term and annual
performance goals and with the costs of specific activities that contribute to the
achievement of those goals.
Performance Goal
A target level of performance expressed as a tangible, measurable objective, against
which actual achievement can be compared, including a goal expressed as a
quantitative standard, value, or rate.
Performance Measure/Performance Indicator
A particular value or characteristic used to measure output, outcome, or efficiency of
an organization or program. Performance measures are associated with performance
goals in the annual performance plan.
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Performance Plan
A plan that covers each program activity set forth in an agency’s budget. It
establishes performance goals to define the level of performance to be achieved by a
program activity; expresses such goals in an objective, quantifiable, and measurable
form; briefly describes the operational processes, skills, technology, and resources
required to meet the performance goals; establishes performance indicators to be
used in measuring or assessing the relevant outputs, service levels, and outcomes of
each program activity; provides a basis for comparing actual program results with the
established performance goals; and describes the means to be used to verify and
validate measured values.
Performance Report
A report that sets forth the performance indicators established in the agency
performance plan under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of
1993, along with the actual program performance achieved compared with the
performance goals expressed in the plan for that fiscal year.
Program Activity
A specific activity or project as listed in the program and financing schedules of the
President’s budget.
Strategic Goal/Strategic Objective
A statement of aim or purpose included in a strategic plan (required under the
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993) that defines how an
agency will carry out a major segment of its mission over a certain period. The goal is
expressed in a manner that allows a future assessment to be made of whether the
goal was or is being achieved. In a performance budget/performance plan, strategic
goals should be used to group multiple program outcome goals; the program outcome
goals should relate to and in the aggregate be sufficient to influence the strategic
goals or objectives and their performance measures.
Strategic Plan
Federal agency plan containing the organization’s comprehensive mission statement,
general goals and objectives, description of how the goals and objectives are to be
achieved, description of how performance goals are related to the general goals and
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objectives, identification of key external factors, and description of program
evaluations used to establish the general goals and objectives. Strategic plans must
cover a period of not less than 5 years and must be updated and revised at least every
3 years.
Performance Measurement
The ongoing monitoring and reporting of program accomplishments, particularly
progress toward preestablished goals. It is typically conducted by program or agency
Performance measures may address the type or level of program activities conducted
(process), the direct products and services delivered by a program (outputs), or the
results of those products and services (outcomes).
A program may be any activity, project, function, or policy that has an identifiable
purpose or set of objectives. (See also Performance Budgeting; Government
Performance and Results Act.)
Point of Order
An objection raised on the House or Senate floor or in committees to an action being
taken as contrary to that body’s rules. In the House, for example, a point of order may
be raised under Rule XXI objecting to an appropriation in an appropriation bill that
was not previously authorized by law.
Many of the rules established in the Congressional Budget Act and related rules
preclude the consideration of legislation that would violate totals in the budget
resolutions, spending limits, or committee allocations. These rules are typically
enforced through points of order. Points of order may be waived by a majority vote in
the House. In the Senate, only points of order under the Budget Act may be waived
(not points of order against actions that violate the Senate’s standing rules), but the
waiver generally requires a three-fifths vote. (See also Concurrent Resolution on the
Budget; Congressional Budget Act.)
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Present Value (Economics Term)
The worth of a future stream of returns or costs in terms of money paid immediately
(or at some designated date). (Differs from Net Present Value.) A dollar available at
some date in the future is worth less than a dollar available today because the latter
could be invested at interest in the interim. In calculating present value, prevailing
interest rates provide the basis for converting future amounts into their “money now”
equivalents. (See also Discount Rate; Net Present Value.)
President’s Budget
The document sent to Congress by the President in January or February of each year,
as required by law (31 U.S.C. § 1105), requesting new budget authority for federal
programs and estimating federal revenues and outlays for the upcoming fiscal year
and 4 subsequent outyears. Although the title of the document is Budget of the U.S.
Government, it represents proposals for congressional consideration. (See also
Budget; app. I.)
Generally, an organized set of activities directed toward a common purpose or goal
that an agency undertakes or proposes to carry out its responsibilities. Because the
term has many uses in practice, it does not have a well-defined, standard meaning in
the legislative process. It is used to describe an agency’s mission, functions,
activities, services, projects, and processes. (See also Program, Project, or Activity.)
Program Account
See under Credit Program Account under Credit Reform Act Accounts under Federal
Program and Financing Schedule
A schedule published in the President’s budget “Detailed Budget Estimates”
presenting budget data by each appropriation or fund account. The schedule consists
of eight sections: (1) obligations by program activity; (2) budgetary resources
available for obligation; (3) new budget authority (gross), detail; (4) change in
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obligated balances; (5) outlays (gross), detail; (6) offsets to gross budget authority
and outlays; (7) net budget authority and outlays; (8) and memorandum (non add)
entries. (For a detailed discussion of the program and financing schedule, see app. VI.
See also Account in the President’s Budget.)
Program Evaluation
An individual systematic study conducted periodically or on an ad hoc basis to assess
how well a program is working. It is often conducted by experts external to the
program, either inside or outside the agency, as well as by program managers. A
program evaluation typically examines achievement of program objectives in the
context of other aspects of program performance or in the context in which it occurs.
(See also Performance Budgeting; Performance and Accountability Report under
Performance Budgeting; Government Performance and Results Act.)
Program, Project, or Activity (PPA)
An element within a budget account. For annually appropriated accounts, the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) and agencies identify PPAs by reference to
committee reports and budget justifications; for permanent appropriations, OMB and
agencies identify PPAs by the program and financing schedules that the President
provides in the “Detailed Budget Estimates” in the budget submission for the relevant
fiscal year. Program activity structures are intended to provide a meaningful
representation of the operations financed by a specific budget account—usually by
project, activity, or organization.
Estimates of budget authority, outlays, receipts, or other budget amounts extending
several years into the future. Projections are generally intended to indicate the
budgetary implications of existing or proposed programs and legislation. Projections
may include alternative program and policy strategies and ranges of possible budget
amounts. Projections are not firm estimates of what will occur in future years, nor
are they intended to be recommendations for future budget decisions.
The statutory basis for preparing and submitting projections is spelled out (1) for the
President in section 201(a) of the Budget and Accounting Act (31 U.S.C. § 1105) and
(2) for Congress and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in sections 202, 308, and
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402 of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act (2 U.S.C. §§ 601, 639,
and 653). (See also Baseline; Budget Estimates; Multiyear Budget Planning.)
Proprietary Accounting
Involves federal entities recording and accumulating financial information on
transactions and balances for purposes of reporting both internally to management
and externally in an entity’s financial statements. “Proprietary accounting” is also
referred to as “financial accounting” and is usually based on generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP), which follow established conventions, such as the
recognition of the depreciation of capital assets over time as expenses, instead of
recognition on the basis of strict association with the obligation or expenditure of
appropriated funds. Most federal entities are subject to proprietary accounting
standards promulgated through the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
(FASAB). (For a discussion of the methods for tracking funds in the federal
government, see app. III. See also Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.)
Proprietary Accounts
See under Standard General Ledger (SGL) Chart of Accounts.
Public-Private Partnership
An arrangement between a public agency (federal, state, or local) and a for-profit
corporation. Each sector (public and private) contributes skills and assets in
delivering a service or facility for the use of the general public or the parties to the
Real Dollar (Economics Term)
A dollar value adjusted to remove the effects of inflation by dividing the nominal
value (also called the current dollar value) by the appropriate price index. The
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resulting amount can be labeled real or inflation adjusted. Real dollar values can
reflect a measure of purchasing power, such as real income, or a measure of quantity,
such as real GDP. Real dollar is frequently called constant dollar when referring to
measures of purchasing power.
Real Economic Growth (Economics Term)
The increase in GDP, adjusted for inflation.
Real Interest Rate
A measure of an interest rate adjusted to remove the effects of expected general
Real Measures (Economics Term)
Measures of interest rates and prices for specific commodities adjusted to remove the
effects of general inflation (i.e., real interest rates and real prices).
A revision of a previous apportionment of budgetary resources for an appropriation
or fund account. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reapportions just as it
apportions. Agencies usually submit requests for reapportionment to OMB as soon as
a change becomes necessary due to changes in amounts available, program
requirements, or cost factors. For exceptions, see OMB Circular No. A-11, sec. 120.
This approved revision would ordinarily cover the same period, project, or activity
covered in the original apportionment. (See also Allotment; Apportionment.)
Legislation that renews an expiring or expired authorization that was in effect for a
fixed period, with or without substantive change. (See also Authorizing Legislation.)
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See under Governmental Receipts under Collections.
Recession (Economics Term)
A pervasive, substantial decline in overall business activity that is of at least several
months’ duration. The National Bureau of Economic Research identifies recessions
on the basis of several indicators. As a rule of thumb, recessions are commonly
identified by a decline in real GDP for at least two consecutive quarters.
A process Congress uses to reconcile amounts determined by tax, spending, credit,
and debt legislation for a given fiscal year with levels set in the concurrent resolution
on the budget for the year. Section 310 of the Congressional Budget and
Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 641) provides that the resolution may
direct committees to determine and recommend changes to laws and pending
legislation as required to conform to the resolution’s totals for budget authority,
revenues, and the public debt. Such changes are incorporated into either a
reconciliation resolution or a reconciliation bill. (See also Concurrent Resolution on
the Budget; Congressional Budget Act.)
Reconciliation Bill
A bill reported pursuant to reconciliation instructions in a congressional budget
resolution proposing changes in laws that if enacted, would achieve the budgetary
goals set forth in the budget resolution. (See also Congressional Budget Act.)
Reconciliation Instruction
A provision in a concurrent budget resolution directing one or more committees to
report (or submit to the House and Senate Budget Committees) legislation changing
existing laws or pending legislation in order to bring spending, revenues, or debt limit
into conformity with the budget resolution. The instructions specify the committees
to which they apply, indicate the appropriate total dollar changes to be achieved, and
usually provide a deadline by which the legislation is to be reported or submitted.
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Reconciliation Resolution
A concurrent resolution (i.e., a resolution that the President does not sign) reported
pursuant to reconciliation instructions in a congressional budget resolution directing
the Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate to make
specified changes in bills and joint resolutions that have not been enrolled to bring
direct spending or revenue laws into conformity with the budget resolution.
Cancellation of the availability of budgetary resources previously provided by law
before the authority would otherwise lapse. Reductions can be account specific and
across-the-board. (See also Rescission; Sequestration.)
Either (1) the return of money that the government improperly collected or collected
in excess of the amount owed (for example, refund is money owed to taxpayers by
the government when their total tax payments are greater than their total tax) or
(2) money returned as an appropriation by outside sources for payments that the
government made in error, overpayments, or adjustment for previous amounts
disbursed. (See also under Offsetting Collections under Collections.)
A sum (1) that is received by an agency as a payment for commodities sold or services
furnished either to the public or to another government account and (2) that is
authorized by law to be credited directly to specific appropriation and fund accounts.
Reimbursements between two accounts for goods or services are usually expenditure
Anticipated reimbursements are, in the case of transactions with the public,
estimated collections of expected advances to be received or expected
reimbursements to be earned. In transactions between government accounts,
anticipated reimbursements consist of orders expected to be received for which no
orders have been accepted. Agencies cannot obligate against anticipated
reimbursements without specific statutory authority. (See also Offsetting Collections
under Collections; Unfilled Customer Orders.)
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Obligation of deobligated funds for a different authorized use. (See also
Shifting funds within an appropriation or fund account to use them for purposes
other than those contemplated at the time of appropriation; it is the shifting of funds
from one object class to another within an appropriation or from one program
activity to another. While a transfer of funds involves shifting funds from one account
to another, reprogramming involves shifting funds within an account. (For a
distinction, see Transfer.)
Generally agencies may shift funds within an appropriation or fund account as part of
their duty to manage their funds. Unlike transfers, agencies may reprogram without
additional statutory authority. Nevertheless, reprogramming often involves some
form of notification to the congressional appropriations committees, authorizing
committees, or both. Sometimes committee oversight of reprogramming actions is
prescribed by statute and requires formal notification of one or more committees
before a reprogramming action may be implemented.
Legislation enacted by Congress that cancels the availability of budget authority
previously enacted before the authority would otherwise expire.
The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 683) provides for the President to
propose rescissions whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget
authority will not be needed to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for
which the authority was provided. Rescissions of budget authority may be proposed
for fiscal policy or other reasons.
All funds proposed for rescission must be reported to Congress in a special message.
Amounts proposed for rescission may be withheld for up to 45 calendar days of
continuous session while Congress considers the proposals. If both houses have not
completed action on a rescission bill rescinding all or part of the amount proposed by
the President for rescission in his special message within 45 calendar days of
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continuous session, any funds being withheld must be made available for obligation.
Congress may also initiate rescissions. Such congressional action occurs for various
reasons, including changing priorities, program terminations, excessive unobligated
balances, offsets, and program slippage. (See also Apportionment; Budgetary
Reserves; Deferral of Budget Authority; Impoundment; Reduction; Rescission Bill
under Rescission.)
Enhanced Rescission
Legislative initiatives, proposed over the years, that would allow the President to
withhold funds from obligation upon proposing a rescission and to continue
withholding the funds unless and until Congress acts to disapprove the presidential
proposal to rescind funds. The President could then veto the disapproval bill, forcing
each house to muster a two-thirds majority to override the veto. This would be a
reversal of current Impoundment Control Act procedures that require funds proposed
for rescission to be released unless Congress approves, by law, all or part of the
amount proposed to be rescinded by the President. In 1996, Congress enacted a form
of enhanced rescission authority in the Line Item Veto Act, which authorized the
President, after signing a bill into law, to cancel in whole any dollar amount of
discretionary budget authority, any item of new direct spending, or any limited tax
benefit if the President made certain determinations. The act provided that the
cancellation was effective unless Congress enacted a disapproval bill into law to void
the cancellation.
In 1998, the United States Supreme Court in Clinton v. City of New
York, 524 U.S. 417 (1998), held that the Line Item Veto Act violated the Presentment
Clause, Article 1, Section 7, of the U.S. Constitution. (See also Impoundment; Line
Item Veto; Rescission.)
Expedited Rescission
Legislative proposals designed to ensure rapid and formal congressional
consideration of rescissions proposed by the President. An essential element of an
expedited rescission procedure is a prompt up-or-down vote in Congress on the
President’s proposals to reduce enacted spending authority. This would prevent
rescissions from being enacted solely due to absence of action. While such
legislation has been proposed at various times in the past, Congress has not enacted
expedited rescission procedures. (See also Impoundment; Line Item Veto;
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Rescission Bill
A bill or joint resolution to cancel, in whole or in part, budget authority previously
enacted by law. Rescissions proposed by the President must be transmitted in a
special message to Congress. Under section 1012 of the Impoundment Control Act of
1974 (2 U.S.C. § 683), unless both houses of Congress complete action on a rescission
bill within 45 calendar days of continuous session after receipt of the proposal, the
budget authority must be made available for obligation. (See also Rescission.)
Results-Based Budgeting
See under Performance Budgeting.
Either of the following:
(1) As used in the congressional budget process, a synonym for governmental
receipts. Revenues result from amounts that result from the government’s exercise of
its sovereign power to tax or otherwise compel payment or from gifts to the
government. Article I, Section 7, of the U.S. Constitution requires that revenue bills
originate in the House of Representatives.
(2) As used in federal proprietary accounting, an inflow of resources that the
government demands, earns, or receives by donation. Revenue comes from two
sources: exchange transactions and nonexchange transactions. Exchange revenues
arise when a government entity provides goods and services to the public or to
another government entity for a price. Another term for exchange revenue is “earned
revenue.” Nonexchange revenues arise primarily from exercise of the government’s
power to demand payments from the public (e.g., taxes, duties, fines, and penalties)
but also include donations. The term “revenue” does not encompass all financing
sources of government reporting entities, such as most of the appropriations they
receive. Revenues result from (1) services performed by the federal government and
(2) goods and other property delivered to purchasers. (See also Collections.)
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Revolving Fund
A fund established by Congress to finance a cycle of businesslike operations through
amounts received by the fund. A revolving fund charges for the sale of products or
services and uses the proceeds to finance its spending, usually on a self-sustaining
basis. Instead of recording the collections in receipt accounts, the budget records the
collections and the outlays of revolving funds in the same account. A revolving fund
is a form of permanent appropriation. (See also Account.)
Instead of paying off a loan when due, the principal and sometimes accrued interest
outstanding of a borrower is refinanced (rolled over) as a new loan with a new
maturity date. (See also Federal Credit.)
The process of estimating the budgetary effects of pending legislation and comparing
them to a baseline, such as a budget resolution, or to any limits that may be set in law.
Scorekeeping tracks data such as budget authority, receipts, outlays, the surplus or
deficit, and the public debt limit. The process allows Congress to compare the cost of
proposed budget policy changes to existing law and to enforce spending and revenue
levels agreed upon in the budget resolution. Budget Committees and the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score legislation in relation to the levels set by
Congress in concurrent budget resolutions.
Scorekeeping Rules
Guidelines established for use by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), and the Committees on Budget and
Appropriations in the House of Representatives and the Senate in measuring
compliance with the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as
amended by the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA), and with the congressional budget
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process. Though the enforcement mechanisms of BEA expired, or became
ineffective, at the end of fiscal year 2002, OMB continues to use the same
scorekeeping rules developed for use with BEA for purposes of budget execution.
Scorekeepers (OMB, CBO, and budget committees) have an ongoing dialogue and
may revise rules, as required.
See under Scorekeeping.
Seasonal Rate
The average commitments, obligations, and expenses of 1 or more of the last 5 fiscal
years used to determine funding under a continuing resolution. (See also Continuing
Appropriation/Continuing Resolution; Current Rate.)
The difference between the face value of minted circulating coins and the cost of
their production, including the cost of metal used in the minting and the cost of
transporting the coins to Federal Reserve Banks for distribution to the public.
Seigniorage reflects an increase in the value of government assets when coinage
metal is converted to a coin whose face value is higher than the cost of the metal.
Seigniorage arises from the governments exercise of its monetary powers. In
contrast to receipts from the public, seigniorage involves no corresponding payment
by another party. For budget reporting purposes, seigniorage is excluded from
receipts and treated as a means of financing a deficit—other than borrowing from the
public—or as a supplementary amount that can be applied to reduce debt or to
increase the Treasury’s cash. The budget includes an estimate of receipts (offsetting
collections) equal to the cost of manufacturing and distributing circulating coins,
including a charge for capital. (See also Means of Financing.)
Separate Enrollment
A procedure that would require that once an appropriation bill is passed by Congress,
each provision of funding would be separately enrolled as a discrete “bill.” An
enrolled bill is the final, official copy of a bill or joint resolution that both houses have
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passed in identical form to present to the President for signature. Each separately
enrolled provision would be presented independently to the President for signature,
allowing the veto of some “bills” with spending provisions to which the President
objects while allowing signing the others. While such legislation has been proposed
at various times in the past as a way of providing the President with something like a
line item veto, Congress has not enacted separate enrollment procedures. (See also
Impoundment; Line Item Veto; Rescission.)
See under Sequestration.
Sequestration (Budget Enforcement Act Term)
Under Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) provisions, which expired in 2002, the
cancellation of budgetary resources provided by discretionary appropriations or
direct spending laws. New budget authority, unobligated balances, direct spending
authority, and obligation limitations were “sequestrable” resources; that is, they were
subject to reduction or cancellation under a presidential sequester order. (See also
Budgetary Resources; Entitlement Authority; Gramm-Rudman-Hollings;
Impoundment; Rescission.)
Special Fund Accounts
See under Federal Fund Accounts under Accounts in the President’s Budget.
Spending Caps
Overall limits on discretionary spending, which were originally set in the Budget
Enforcement Act (BEA) and the enforcement of which expired at the end of fiscal
year 2002. Congress, however, continues to set limits on discretionary spending,
typically in concurrent budget resolutions, which are enforceable during the
congressional budget process. (See also Discretionary; Concurrent Resolution on the
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Spending Committee
A standing committee of the House or Senate with jurisdiction over legislation
permitting the obligation of funds. The House and Senate Appropriations
Committees are spending committees for discretionary programs. For other
programs, the authorizing legislation itself permits the obligation of funds (backdoor
authority). In that case, the authorizing committees are the spending committees.
(See also Authorizing Committee; Backdoor Authority/Backdoor Spending.)
Spendout Rate/Outlay Rate
The rate at which budget authority becomes outlays in a fiscal year. It is usually
presented as an annual percentage.
Standard General Ledger (SGL) Chart of Accounts
A chart of accounts (and technical guidance) established to support the consistent
recording of financial events as well as the preparation of standard external reports
required by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Department of the
Treasury. Agencies are required by law (31 U.S.C. § 3512) to “implement and maintain
financial management systems that comply substantially with,” among other things,
the Standard General Ledger. It contains two complete and separate, but integrated,
self-balancing sets of accounts—budgetary and proprietary. Budgetary accounts are
used to recognize and track budget approval and execution, whereas proprietary
accounts are used to recognize and track assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
The Standard General Ledger is reproduced in the Treasury Financial Manual
“Standard General Ledger Supplement,” available at
www.fms.treas.gov/ussgl/index.html. OMB policies regarding the Standard General
Ledger are in OMB Circular No. A-127.
Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards
See under Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.
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Structural/Standardized Budget Surplus/Deficit
(Economics Term)
A concept adjusting the surplus/deficit for the effects of the business cycle and other
temporary factors such as sales and spectrum auctions.
Structural Surplus/Deficit (Economics Term)
See under Cyclically Adjusted Surplus or Deficit.
Subcommittee Allocation
As required by section 302(b) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control
Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 633(b)), the distribution of spending authority and outlays by
the appropriations committees of each house of Congress to their relevant
appropriations subcommittees of jurisdiction based on the levels contained in the
concurrent resolution on the budget.
A subdivision of a budget function. For example, health care services and health
research are subfunctions of the health budget function. (For a presentation of the
budget in terms of subfunctions, see app. IV. See also Functional Classification.)
Generally, a payment or benefit made by the federal government where the benefit
exceeds the cost to the beneficiary. Subsidies are designed to support the conduct of
an economic enterprise or activity, such as ship operations. They may also refer to
(1) provisions in the tax laws for certain tax expenditures and (2) the provision of
loans, goods, and services to the public at prices lower than market value. These
include interest subsidies.
Under credit reform, subsidy means the estimated long-term cost to the government
of a direct loan or loan guarantee, calculated on a net present value basis over the life
of the loan, excluding administrative costs and any incidental effects on
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governmental receipts or outlays. (See also Credit Reform and Credit Subsidy Cost
under Federal Credit; Tax Expenditure.)
Subsidy Cost
See under Credit Subsidy Cost under Federal Credit.
Supplemental Appropriation
An act appropriating funds in addition to those already enacted in an annual
appropriation act. Supplemental appropriations provide additional budget authority
usually in cases where the need for funds is too urgent to be postponed until
enactment of the regular appropriation bill. Supplementals may sometimes include
items not appropriated in the regular bills for lack of timely authorizations.
Budget Surplus
The amount by which the government’s budget receipts exceed its budget outlays for
a given period, usually a fiscal year. Sometimes a deficit is called a negative surplus
and is shown in parentheses in budget tables.
Unified Surplus/Total Surplus
Used interchangeably to refer to the amount by which the sum of the government’s
on-budget and off-budget receipts exceed the sum of its on-budget and off-budget
outlays for a given period, usually a fiscal year. (See also Unified Deficit/Total Deficit
under Deficit.)
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A sum that legislation imposes upon persons (broadly defined to include individuals,
trusts, estates, partnerships, associations, companies, and corporations), property, or
activities to pay for government operations. The power to impose and collect federal
taxes is given to Congress in Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution. Collections
that arise from the sovereign powers of the federal government constitute the bulk of
governmental receipts, which are compared with budget outlays in calculating the
budget surplus or deficit. (See also Government Receipts under Collections;
Tax Credit
An amount that offsets or reduces tax liability. When the allowable tax credit amount
exceeds the tax liability and the difference is paid to the taxpayer, the credit is
considered refundable and is considered an increase in outlays in the federal budget.
Otherwise, the difference can be (1) allowed as a carryforward against future tax
liability, (2) allowed as a carryback against taxes paid, or (3) lost as a tax benefit. (See
also Tax Expenditure.)
Tax Deduction
An amount that is subtracted from the tax base before tax liability is calculated.
Tax Expenditure
A revenue loss attributable to a provision of the federal tax laws that (1) allows a
special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or (2) provides a
special credit, preferential tax rate, or deferral of tax liability. Tax expenditures are
subsidies provided through the tax system. Rather than transferring funds from the
government to the private sector, the U.S. government forgoes some of the receipts
that it would have collected, and the beneficiary taxpayers pay lower taxes than they
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would have had to pay. The Congressional Budget Act requires that a list of “tax
expenditures” be included in the President’s budget. Examples include tax
expenditures for child care and the exclusion of fringe benefits, such as employer-
provided health insurance, from taxation.
Technical and Economic Assumptions
Assumptions about factors affecting estimations of future outlays and receipts that
are not a direct function of legislation. Economic assumptions involve such factors
as the future inflation and interest rates. Technical assumptions involve all other
nonpolicy factors. For example, in the Medicare program, estimations regarding
demography, hospitalization versus outpatient treatment, and morbidity all affect
estimations of future outlays.
302(a) Allocation
See under Committee Allocation.
302(b) Allocation
See under Subcommittee Allocation.
Shifting of all or part of the budget authority in one appropriation or fund account to
another. Agencies may transfer budget authority only as specifically authorized by
law. For accounting purposes, the nature of the transfer determines whether the
transaction is treated as an expenditure or a nonexpenditure transfer. (See also
Allocation. For a distinction, see Reprogramming.)
Expenditure Transfer
For accounting and reporting purposes, a transaction between appropriation and
fund accounts, which represents payments, repayments, or receipts for goods or
services furnished or to be furnished.
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Where the purpose is to purchase goods or services or otherwise benefit the
transferring account, an expenditure transfer/transaction is recorded as an
obligation/outlay in the transferring account and an offsetting collection in the
receiving account.
If the receiving account is a general fund appropriation account or a revolving fund
account, the offsetting collection is credited to the appropriation or fund account. If
the receiving account is a special fund or trust account, the offsetting collection is
usually credited to a receipt account of the fund.
All transfers between federal funds (general, special, and nontrust revolving funds)
and trust funds are also treated as expenditure transfers.
Nonexpenditure Transfer
For accounting and reporting purposes, a transaction between appropriation and
fund accounts that does not represent payments for goods and services received or to
be received but rather serves only to adjust the amounts available in the accounts for
making payments. However, transactions between budget accounts and deposit
funds will always be treated as expenditure transactions since the deposit funds are
outside the budget. Nonexpenditure transfers also include allocations. These
transfers may not be recorded as obligations or outlays of the transferring accounts
or as reimbursements or receipts of the receiving accounts. For example, the transfer
of budget authority from one account to another to absorb the cost of a federal pay
raise is a nonexpenditure transfer. (See Allocation; see also Transfer Appropriation
(Allocation) Accounts under Accounts for Purposes Other Than Budget
Transfer Autho rity
Statutory authority provided by Congress to transfer budget authority from one
appropriation or fund account to another.
Transfer Payment (Economics Term)
A payment made for which no current or future goods or services are required in
return. Government transfer payments include Social Security benefits,
unemployment insurance benefits, and welfare payments. Taxes are considered
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transfer payments. Governments also receive transfer payments in the form of fees,
fines, and donations from businesses and persons. (See also National Income and
Product Accounts.)
Treasury Security
A debt instrument of the U.S. Treasury issued to finance the operations of the
government or refinance the governments debt.
Treasury Bill
The shortest term federal debt instrument or security. Treasury bills mature within 1
year after the date of issue.
Treasury Bond
A federal debt instrument with a maturity of more than 10 years.
Treasury Note
A federal debt instrument with a maturity of at least 1 year but not more than 10
Trust Fund Accounts
See under Account in the President’s Budget.
Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources
Orders on hand from other federal government accounts that are recorded as valid
obligations of the ordering account and for which funds or noncash resources have
not yet been collected. The amount represents both accounts receivable from federal
sources and unpaid, unfilled orders from federal sources.
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Undelivered Orders
The value of goods and services ordered and obligated that have not been received.
This amount includes any orders for which advance payment has been made but for
which delivery or performance has not yet occurred. (See also Advance Payments;
Unliquidated Obligations.)
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts
Offsetting receipts that are deducted from totals for the government as a whole rather
than from a single agency or subfunction in order to avoid distortion of agency or
subfunction totals. Offsetting receipts that are undistributed in both agency and
functional tables are the collections of employer share of employee retirement
payments, rents, and royalties on the Outer Continental Shelf, and the sales of major
Interest received by trust funds is undistributed offsetting receipts in the agency
tables, but is distributed by function (i.e., subfunction 950 in functional tables).
Unemployment Rate (Economics Term)
As defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of people who do not
have jobs but have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks and are currently
available for work, expressed as a percentage of the civilian labor force.
Unfilled Customer Orders
The dollar amount of orders accepted from other accounts within the government for
goods and services to be furnished on a reimbursable basis. In the case of
transactions with the public, these orders are amounts advanced or collected for
which the account or fund has not yet performed the service or incurred its own
obligations for that purpose. (See also Reimbursements under Offsetting Collections
under Collections.)
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Unfunded Mandate
Federal statutes and regulations that require state, local, or tribal governments or the
private sector to expend resources to achieve legislative goals without being provided
federal funding to cover the costs.
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 104–4 (2 U.S.C. §§ 658–
658g), generally defines intergovernmental and private sector mandates as “any
provision in legislation, statute, or regulation that imposes an enforceable duty” but
excludes “conditions of federal assistance” and “duties that arise from participation
in a voluntary federal program,” among others. The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) is required to determine whether the costs to the states or private sector of a
mandate in legislation reported from a congressional committee exceeds certain
statutory thresholds. This determination is included in the cost estimate provided to
Congress on that legislation. The act also contains procedures for congressional
consideration of proposed legislation that contains mandates whose costs are
estimated to be over the thresholds unless the legislation also provides funding to
cover those costs.
Unified Budget
Under budget concepts set forth in the Report of the President’s Commission on
Budget Concepts, a comprehensive budget in which receipts and outlays from federal
and trust funds are consolidated. When these fund groups are consolidated to display
budget totals, transactions that are outlays of one fund group for payment to the
other fund group (that is, interfund transactions) are deducted to avoid double
counting. The unified budget should, as conceived by the President’s Commission,
take in the full range of federal activities. By law, budget authority, outlays, and
receipts of off-budget programs (currently only the Postal Service and Social
Security) are excluded from the current budget, but data relating to off-budget
programs are displayed in the budget documents. However, the most prominent total
in the budget is the unified total, which is the sum of the on- and off-budget totals.
(See also Nonbudgetary; Off-Budget; On-Budget.)
Unliquidated Obligations
The amount of outstanding obligations or liabilities. (See also Obligation;
Undelivered Orders.)
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User Fee/User Charge
A fee assessed to users for goods or services provided by the federal government.
User fees generally apply to federal programs or activities that provide special
benefits to identifiable recipients above and beyond what is normally available to the
public. User fees are normally related to the cost of the goods or services provided.
Once collected, they must be deposited into the general fund of the Treasury, unless
the agency has specific authority to deposit the fees into a special fund of the
Treasury. An agency may not obligate against fees collected without specific
statutory authority. An example of a user fee is a fee for entering a national park.
From an economic point of view, user fees may also be collected through a tax such
as an excise tax. Since these collections result from the government’s sovereign
powers, the proceeds are recorded as governmental receipts, not as offsetting
receipts or offsetting collections.
In the narrow budgetary sense, a toll for the use of a highway is considered a user fee
because it is related to the specific use of a particular section of highway. Such a fee
would be counted as an offsetting receipt or collection and might be available for use
by the agency. Alternatively, highway excise taxes on gasoline are considered a form
of user charge in the economic sense, but since the tax must be paid regardless of
how the gasoline is used and since it is not directly linked with the provision of the
specific service, it is considered a tax and is recorded as a governmental receipt in the
budget. (See also Offsetting Collections under Collections; Tax.)
Views and Estimates Report
A report that the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 requires each House and Senate
committee with jurisdiction over federal programs to submit to its respective budget
committees each year within 6 weeks of the submission of the President’s budget, in
advance of the House and Senate Budget Committees’ drafting of a concurrent
resolution on the budget. Each report contains a committee’s comments or
recommendations on budgetary matters within its jurisdiction. (See also Concurrent
Resolution on the Budget.)
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An official document that the Secretary of the Treasury issues upon enactment of an
appropriation that establishes the amount of moneys authorized to be withdrawn
from the central accounts that the Department of the Treasury maintains. Warrants
for currently unavailable special and trust fund receipts are issued when
requirements for their availability have been met. (For a discussion of availability, see
Availability for New Obligations under Budget Authority.)
Wholly-Owned Government Corporation
An enterprise or business activity designated by the Government Corporation Control
Act of 1945 (31 U.S.C. § 9101) or some other statute as a wholly-owned government
corporation. Each such corporation is required to submit an annual business-type
statement to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Wholly-owned
government corporations are audited by Government Accountability Office (GAO) as
required by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. § 9105),
and other laws. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is an example of a wholly-
owned government corporation. Budget concepts call for any corporation that is
wholly owned by the government to be included on-budget. (For distinctions, see
Government-Sponsored Enterprise; Mixed-Ownership Government Corporation; Off-
Working Capital Fund
A type of intragovernmental revolving fund that operates as a self-supporting entity
that conducts a regular cycle of businesslike activities. These funds function entirely
from the fees charged for the services they provide consistent with their statutory
authority. (See also Intragovernmental Revolving Fund Account under
Intragovernmental Fund Accounts under Federal Fund Accounts under Account in
the President’s Budget.)
Appendix I
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AppendixesOverview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Appendix I
The United States Constitution gives Congress the power to levy taxes, to finance
government operations through appropriations, and to prescribe the conditions
governing the use of those appropriations. This power is referred to as the
congressional “power of the purse.” The power derives from various provisions of the
particularly article I, section 9, clause 7, which provides that
“No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by
Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public
Money shall be published from time to time.”
Thus an agency may not draw money out of the Treasury to fund agency operations
unless Congress has appropriated the money to the agency.
At its most basic level,
this means that it is up to Congress to decide whether to provide funds for a
particular program or activity and to fix the level of that funding. Although the
Constitution does not provide detailed instructions on how Congress is to do so,
Congress has and continues to implement its power of the purse in two ways: through
the enactment of laws that raise revenue and appropriate funds, including annual
appropriations acts, and through the enactment of “fiscal statutes” that control and
manage federal revenue and appropriations (one such fiscal statute, the
Antideficiency Act, is explained in detail in phase 3).
A “budget,” in customary usage, is a plan for managing funds, setting levels of
spending, and financing that spending. For purposes of this overview, however, the
“federal budget” is used more broadly to include not only the planning through the
federal budget process, but also the end result of that plan after the fiscal effect of
spending and revenue laws in effect for any given fiscal year are calculated. Those
laws consist of permanent laws enacted in prior years, including any permanent
appropriations, and the appropriations acts enacted for that fiscal year.
Some examples of other provisions in the Constitution relating to the spending and control of funds are
those to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises; to borrow money on the credit of the United
States; to “pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;”
and to “make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing
Powers [listed in art. I, § 8], and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the
United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. These provisions are all found in article I, section
8, of the Constitution.
The budget process and the financial management process (i.e., ensuring that federal financial
management systems provide accurate, reliable, and timely financial management information to the
government’s managers, the President, and Congress) are closely related.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 103 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Beginning in 1921, Congress enacted laws that provide a framework of procedures for
coordinating and planning for federal spending and revenues. The Budget and
Accounting Act of 1921 requires the President to submit an annual budget proposal to
Congress and established the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) (formerly, the General Accounting Office).
In 1974, Congress enacted the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act,
which provides for the adoption of a budget resolution and established the House and
Senate Budget Committees and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). These laws
overlay the existing processes by which Congress enacts and the President signs into
law spending and revenue measures and have come to be known, collectively, as the
federal budget process.
The federal budget process provides the means for the federal government to make
informed decisions between competing national needs and policies, to determine
priorities, to allocate resources to those priorities, and to ensure the laws are
executed according to those priorities. The federal budget process can be broken
down into four phases: budget formulation, the congressional budget process (during
which Congress adopts its budget and enacts laws appropriating funds for the fiscal
year), budget execution and control, and audit and evaluation. The discussion that
follows describes in detail the four phases of the federal budget process.
Phase 1: Executive Budget Formulation
The federal government begins to assemble an annual federal budget in a long
administrative process of budget preparation and review. This process may well take
place several years before the budget for a particular fiscal year is ready to be
submitted to Congress. The primary participants in the process at this stage are the
agencies and individual organizational units, which review current operations,
program objectives, and future plans, and OMB, the office within the Executive Office
of the President charged with broad oversight, supervision, and responsibility for
coordinating and formulating a consolidated budget submission. (See fig. 1 in app.
By the first Monday in February, the President submits a budget request to Congress
for the fiscal year starting on the following October 1 (i.e., in February 2005 the
President submitted the budget request for fiscal year 2006, which runs from
October 1, 2005, through September 30, 2006). However, preparation of this particular
budget request began about 10 months before it was submitted to Congress. For
example, for the fiscal year 2006 budget request, transmitted to Congress in February
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 104 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
2005, the budget process began in the spring of 2004. Thus, federal agencies must deal
concurrently with 3 fiscal years: (1) the current year, that is, the fiscal year in
progress; (2) the coming fiscal year beginning October 1, for which they are seeking
funds (for purposes of formulation of the President’s budget request, this fiscal year is
known as the budget year); and (3) the following fiscal year, for which they are
preparing information and requests. OMB Circular No. A-11, Preparation,
Submission, and Execution of the Budget (revised annually), provides detailed
guidance to executive departments and establishments on preparing budget
submissions. The President’s budget, which is the sole single document with budget
information for the entire government, contains
a record of actual receipts and spending levels for the fiscal year just completed;
a record of current-year estimated receipts and spending; and
estimated receipts and spending for the upcoming fiscal year and 9 years beyond,
as proposed by the President.
Executive budget formulation, based upon proposals, evaluations, and policy
decisions, begins in agencies’ organizational units. During executive budget
formulation, federal agencies receive revenue estimates and economic projections
from the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), the Council of Economic Advisers
(CEA), and OMB.
Executive Budget Formulation Timetable
Spring–Summer: OMB Establishes Policy for the Next Budget Request
During this period, OMB and the executive branch agencies discuss budget issues and
options. OMB works with the agencies to identify major issues for the upcoming
budget request; to develop and analyze options for the upcoming reviews of agency
spending and program requests; and to plan for the analysis of issues that will need
decisions in the future. OMB issues policy directions and planning guidance to the
agencies for the upcoming budget request and detailed instructions for submitting
budget data and materials for the upcoming fiscal year and following 9 fiscal years.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 105 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
September–October: Agencies Submit Initial Budget Request Materials
By law, the President’s budget request must include information on all agencies of all
three branches of the federal government.
Executive branch departments, agencies
that are subject to executive branch review, and the District of Columbia must submit
their budget requests and other initial materials to OMB typically the first Monday
after Labor Day of the year prior to the start of the year that the budget request covers
(i.e., September 8, 2004, for fiscal year 2006, which started October 1, 2005). Agencies
not subject to executive branch review (e.g., the Federal Reserve Board) and the
legislative and judicial branches are required to submit their budget materials in fall
of the year prior to the year that the budget requests cover (e.g., in October 2004 for
fiscal year 2006).
October–December: OMB Performs Review and Makes Passback Decisions
OMB staff representatives conduct the fall review. OMB has informal discussions
with agencies about their budget proposals in light of presidential priorities, program
performance, and any budget constraints. OMB examiners prepare issues for the
Director’s review. The Director briefs the President and senior advisors on proposed
budget policies and recommends a complete set of budget proposals after a review of
all agency requests. The President considers the estimates and makes his decisions
on broad policies. In late November, OMB passes back budget decisions to the
agencies on their budget requests, the so-called passback. These decisions may
involve, among other things, funding levels, program policy changes, and personnel
ceilings. The agencies may appeal decisions with which they disagree. If OMB and an
agency cannot reach agreement, the issue may be taken to the President.
Final budget decisions will also reflect proposals for management and
program-delivery improvements resulting from agency and OMB reviews during the
executive budget formulation process. OMB not only assists in making individual
budget decisions, it also tracks the result of these decisions. OMB calculates the
effect of budget decisions on receipts, budget authority, and outlays. Once final
decisions on the budget requests are reached, agencies revise their budget
31 U.S.C. § 1105.
The budget requests for the legislative branch and the judicial branch and its related agencies must be
submitted to OMB in late fall of each year and included in the President’s budget request without change.
The budget requests of several executive branch agencies are not subject to review by OMB. See OMB
Circular No. A-11, sec. 25.1. Information on all three branches of government is included in the President’s
budget request so that Congress may review one submission that covers the entire government.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 106 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
submissions to conform to these decisions. These final estimates are transmitted to
Congress in the President’s budget request.
By the First Monday in February: President Submits Budget Request
In accordance with current law, the President must transmit the budget request to
Congress on or before the first Monday in February.
By July 15: President Submits Mid-Session Review Document to Congress
The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended, requires the President to submit
to Congress on or before July 15 a supplementary budget summary that provides data
to aid in evaluation of the President’s budget request.
This summary, referred to as
the mid-session review, includes updated presidential policy budget estimates,
summary updates to the information contained in the budget submission, and
budget-year baseline estimates.
Phase 2: The Congressional Budget Process
Once the President submits his budget request, the congressional phase begins. Since
the constitutional power of the purse is vested solely in Congress, the President’s
budget request is just that—a request. Congress, of course, may choose to adopt,
modify, or ignore the President’s budget proposals when adopting its budget
resolution and when enacting appropriations and other laws. (See fig. 2 in app. II.)
The Congressional Budget Act establishes the following key steps in the
congressional budget process.
January–February: CBO Submits Report to the Budget Committees and
Congress Receives the President’s Budget Request
Usually in late January, CBO submits to the Budget Committees its annual report,
entitled The Budget and Economic Outlook. The report contains CBO’s projection of
federal revenue and spending for the next 10 years, based on its current economic
31 U.S.C. § 1105(a).
31 U.S.C. § 1106.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 107 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
forecast and the general assumption that existing laws and policies remain
Congress receives the President’s budget request no later than the first Monday in
February. At the same time, the President transmits current services estimates to
Congress. The House and Senate Budget Committees, in preparation for drafting the
concurrent resolution on the budget, hold hearings to examine the President’s
economic assumptions and spending priorities. At the request of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, CBO prepares an analysis of the President’s request.
Committees Transmit the Views and Estimates Reports to Budget
While the Budget Committees examine aggregate budget levels and budget functions,
the other committees of Congress with jurisdiction over federal programs transmit to
the Budget Committees their views and estimates on spending and revenue levels for
programs under their jurisdiction. The Budget Committees use these reports on views
and estimates to develop the total revenue and spending estimates that they will
propose in the concurrent budget resolution. In conjunction with these views and
estimates reports, the Joint Economic Committee submits its recommendations
concerning fiscal policy to the Budget Committees.
March–April: Congress Adopts a Budget Resolution
Typically, during March, the Budget Committees mark-up and report to their
respective houses a budget plan in the form of a concurrent resolution on the budget.
This budget resolution is drafted using the Presidents budget request, information
from their own hearings, views and estimates reports from other committees, and
CBO’s reports. The budget resolution is required to set forth (for the upcoming fiscal
year and for each of at least the next 4 years) the total level of new budget authority,
outlays, revenues, the deficit or surplus, the public debt, and spending by functional
category. The budget resolution may include reconciliation instructions to the extent
necessary to meet the revenue or direct spending targets in the budget resolution.
The budget resolution is considered in each House under special procedures set forth
in the Congressional Budget Act. When the Senate and House have both adopted
their respective versions of the budget resolution, it is referred to a conference
committee to resolve the differences between the two versions. Each chamber must
then vote on the conference report. The Congressional Budget Act sets April 15 as the
date by which Congress should complete action on the budget resolution; however, in
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 108 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
practice, Congress may not meet this date.
For example, in 2005 Congress adopted
the budget resolution for fiscal year 2006 on April 28, 2005. In 1998 (for fiscal year
1999), in 2002 (for fiscal year 2003), and in 2004 (for fiscal year 2005) Congress did not
complete action on budget resolutions.
The joint explanatory statement accompanying a conference report on the budget
resolution includes an allocation of budget authority and outlays to the
Appropriations Committees (for discretionary spending) and to each authorizing
committee (for direct spending) of the House and Senate. The Appropriations
Committees subsequently subdivide their allocation among their subcommittees
according to jurisdiction.
The concurrent resolution on the budget does not become law; it is not signed by the
President. The aggregate levels of revenues, budget authority, and outlays and the
committee allocations are guidelines and targets against which subsequent fiscal
legislation—appropriation acts; authorizing legislation that provides budget
authority; revenue acts; and, if necessary, reconciliation acts (see below)—is
The Congressional Budget Act contains rules of the House and Senate that implement
the priorities agreed to and set in the concurrent resolution on the budget. These
rules generally prohibit the consideration of legislation that is not in compliance with
the committee allocations or the revenue or spending totals in the resolution.
Accordingly, if legislation is out of compliance, it is subject to a point of order and, if
Article I, section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution reserves to each House of Congress the authority to
determine the rules governing its procedures. The Budget Act contains several titles and sections that
affect the internal procedures of the House and Senate enacted under this constitutional rule-making
authority. Congress enacted the Budget Act with the full recognition that each House could change these
rules at any time and in a manner consistent with past practice. Rule changes are usually accomplished
upon adoption of either a simple resolution (for a change that affects one House) or a concurrent
resolution (for changes that may affect both houses). S. Rep. No. 105-67 (revised December 1998).
See Bill Heniff, Jr., Congressional Budget Resolutions: Selected Statistics and Information Guide
(Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Jan. 25, 2005).
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 109 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
the point of order is sustained, Congress is precluded from further consideration of
the legislation until it is brought into compliance.
If changing economic circumstances or policy requirements dictate, Congress may
revise its budget resolution during the fiscal year, thereby altering the spending and
revenue totals.
May–September: Congress Addresses Fiscal Legislation
Reconciliation Measure
When the concurrent resolution on the budget contains reconciliation instructions,
the committees must submit legislative language that changes laws in their
jurisdiction to the Budget Committee of their house on the date specified in the
instructions. The Budget Committees may make no substantive changes to the
submissions, but must report the submissions to the House or Senate as a single
reconciliation bill. If, however, a reconciled committee fails to meet the numerical
targets included in its reconciliation instruction, procedures exist to modify the bill
on the floor so that the targets are met. (If only one committee is instructed, that
committee reports its recommendations directly to the House or Senate.)
The reconciliation legislation is a unique vehicle through which Congress enforces its
budget plan for revenue and direct spending set forth in the budget resolution. Both
the House of Representatives and the Senate consider the reconciliation legislation
reported to them from their respective Budget Committees under special rules. (The
Appropriations Committees are not subject to reconciliation instructions.) Generally,
in the House, the legislation is considered under a special rule, a simple resolution
adopted by the House prior to consideration of the reconciliation legislation that
governs the debate and the amendments that are in order. In the Senate,
reconciliation legislation is considered under special procedures set forth in the
Congressional Budget Act, which limits the period of debate and the types of
amendments that are in order and subjects the legislation and amendments to the
Byrd Rule, which prohibits “extraneous material.” (See Byrd Rule for more detail.)
In fiscal year 1994, Congress began including overall limits on discretionary spending in the budget
resolution, known as spending caps or discretionary caps. Congress established these caps to manage its
internal budget process, while the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) statutory caps continued to govern for
sequestration purposes. The caps were enforceable in the Senate by a point of order that prohibited the
consideration of a budget resolution that exceeded the limits for that fiscal year. While the BEA limits
expired at the end of fiscal year 2002, Congress continues to use the budget resolution to establish and
enforce overall discretionary spending limits.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 110 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
The differences between the two houses are typically resolved in a conference
committee and the resulting legislation is passed by both houses and must be signed
by the President to become law.
Appropriations and Other Fiscal Legislation
Generally, throughout this period, Congress considers revenue legislation and
legislation affecting spending, including the regular appropriations acts.
legislation considered by Congress that affects revenue or spending must comply
with the committee allocations and the total levels of revenues and spending in the
concurrent resolution on the budget.
Appropriations bills are developed by the House and Senate Appropriations
Committees and their subcommittees.
Each subcommittee has jurisdiction over
specific federal agencies or programs and is responsible for one of the general
appropriations bills.
The Constitution requires that all revenue (tax) bills originate
in the House; by custom, the House also originates appropriations measures.
The Congressional Budget Act requires that the House and Senate Appropriations
Committees subdivide the amounts allocated to them under the budget resolution
Less than 40 percent of total budget authority is appropriated through the annual appropriations process.
The remainder of the budgetary resources spent by the federal government are provided by law other than
annual appropriations acts. (For further explanation, see the definitions of Backdoor Authority, Budget
Authority, Direct Spending, Obligational Authority, and Outlay.)
The rules of the House of Representatives also prohibit consideration of appropriations bills for
expenditures not previously authorized by law. See Rule XXI, Rules of the House of Representatives. A
similar, but more limited provision exists in Rule XVI, Standing Rules of the Senate. (See Point of Order.)
(Some agency programs or functions are reauthorized every year, while others are authorized for several
years or permanently.) The effect of such rules is that an appropriation bill is subject to a point of order if it
is not preceded by an authorization of appropriation.
As of March 2005, the House of Representatives has 10 appropriation subcommittees: Agriculture, Rural
Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; Defense; Energy and Water
Development, and Related Agencies; Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs;
Homeland Security; Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services,
Education, and Related Agencies; Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies;
Science, the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies; and Transportation,
Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, and the District of Columbia. The Senate has
12 appropriation subcommittees: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Commerce,
Justice, and Science; Defense; District of Columbia; Energy and Water; Homeland Security; Interior and
Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies; Legislative Branch;
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs; State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs; and
Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 111 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
among their subcommittees (Section 302(b) allocations).
Once the subcommittees
receive their allocations, the subcommittees begin drafting their appropriations bills
to fund discretionary spending programs. Proposed legislation that would cause the
section 302(b) allocations to be exceeded is subject to a point of order.
CBO prepares a cost estimate on each appropriations bill, just as it provides cost
estimates for any legislative measure reported by a committee of Congress. The
Budget Committees use this information to determine whether the legislation
complies with a committee’s allocation, a subcommittees suballocation, and the
budget totals in the budget resolution.
Congress must enact these regular appropriations bills by October 1 of each year. If
these regular bills are not enacted by the deadline (and they usually are not),
Congress must pass a continuing resolution prior to the beginning of each fiscal year
to fund government operations into the next fiscal year. When an agency does not
receive its new appropriation before its current appropriation expires, it must cease
ongoing, regular functions that are funded with annual appropriations, except for
those related to emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of
Phase 3: Budget Execution and Control
The body of enacted laws providing appropriations for a fiscal year becomes the
government’s financial plan for that fiscal year. The execution and control phase
refers generally to the period during which the budget authority made available by
appropriations remains available for obligation. An agencys task during this phase is
to spend the money Congress has given it to carry out the objectives of its program
legislation in accordance with fiscal statutes and appropriations, while at the same
time beginning phase 1 for the next budget.
The Antideficiency Act is one of these fiscal statutes. It is a funds control, financial
management statute, and it achieves this funds control objective through a system of
apportionments, allotments, suballotments, and allocation of funds. It requires that
agency heads prescribe, by regulation, a system of administrative control of funds.
The system is also called the funds control system, and the regulations are called
funds control regulations.
2 U.S.C. § 633.
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 112 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
OMB is responsible for apportioning appropriated amounts to the executive branch
agencies, thereby making funds in appropriation accounts (administered by
Treasury) available for obligation. The apportionment is intended to achieve an
effective and orderly use of available budget authority and ensure that obligations
and expenditures are made at a controlled rate to reduce the need for supplemental
appropriations, and prevent deficiencies from arising before the end of a fiscal year.
Once OMB apportions funds, it is the agency’s responsibility to allocate the funds in
accordance with its funds control system and regulations. The purpose of the funds
control system and regulations is (1) to prevent overobligations and expenditures and
(2) to fix accountability for obligations or expenditures. An obligation or expenditure
that exceeds the amount of the appropriation, the apportionment, or the allotment
violates the Antideficiency Act. For a more detailed explanation of these controls, see
GAO/OGC-92-13, Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, volume II, second
edition (available at www.gao.gov/legal.htm), and OMB Circular No. A-11, part 4,
Instructions on Budget Execution.
At various times, the executive branch has refused to execute appropriations laws,
that is, refused to spend money appropriated by Congress because the executive
branch disagreed with the use of the funds. Under the Impoundment Control Act of
1974 whenever the President, the Director of OMB, or an agency or other federal
government official does not make an appropriation or any part of an appropriation
available for obligation, that official is impounding funds. The act permits the
President, the Director of OMB, or an agency or other federal government official to
impound funds only for certain reasons and under certain circumstances. The act
also requires that impoundments be reported to Congress and the Comptroller
General of the United States. The act requires the Comptroller General to monitor the
performance of the executive branch in reporting proposed impoundments to
Congress. For more information on impoundments, see section D.3 (Budget
Execution and Control: Impoundment) in Principles of Federal Appropriations Law,
volume I, third edition,
GAO-04-261SP (available at
Phase 4: Audit and Evaluation
Individual agencies are responsible—through their own review and control
systems—for ensuring that the obligations they incur and the resulting outlays adhere
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 113 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
to the provisions in the authorizing and appropriations legislation as well as to other
laws and regulations governing the obligation and expenditure of funds. OMB
Circular No. A-11 provides extensive guidance to agencies on budget execution. In
addition, a series of federal laws are aimed at controlling and improving agency
financial management. The Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. No. 95–452 as
amended, established agency inspectors general to provide policy direction for and to
conduct, supervise, and coordinate audits and investigations relating to agency
programs and operations. The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 established agency
chief financial officers to oversee all financial management activities relating to
agency programs and operations. The Government Management Reform Act of 1994
requires the audit of agency financial statements and the preparation and audit of a
consolidated financial statement for the federal government. And the Federal
Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 directs auditors to report on
whether agency financial statements comply with federal financial management
systems requirements, federal accounting standards, and the U.S. Standard General
Ledger (SGL).
In 1993, Congress enacted the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) to
improve congressional spending decisions and agency oversight through
performance budgeting. GPRA holds federal agencies accountable for achieving
program results and requires agencies to clarify their missions, set program goals,
and measure performance toward achieving those goals. Among other things, the act
requires each agency, on an annual basis, to submit a performance plan and
performance report to OMB and Congress covering each program activity in the
agencys budget. The agency plan must establish goals that define the level of
performance to be achieved by a program activity and describe the operational
processes and resources required to achieve goals. The program performance reports
present the agency’s performance in comparison to the plan for the previous fiscal
OMB reviews program and financial reports and monitors agencies’ efforts to attain
program objectives. Congress exercises oversight over executive branch agencies
through the legislative process, formal hearings, and investigations. Congress uses
oversight hearings, for example, to evaluate the effectiveness of a program and
whether it is administered in a cost-effective manner, to determine whether the
agency is carrying out congressional intent, and to identify fraud or abuse.
GAO regularly audits, examines, and evaluates government programs. Its findings and
recommendations for corrective action are made to Congress, to OMB, and to the
agencies concerned. GAO also has the authority to settle all accounts of the United
Appendix I
Overview of the Development and
Execution of the Federal Budget
Page 114 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
States government and to issue legal decisions and opinions concerning the
availability and use of appropriated funds.
GAO develops government audit and
internal control standards. Government Auditing Standards (the “Yellow Book”)
contains standards for audits of government organizations, programs, activities, and
functions, and of government assistance received by contractors, nonprofit
organizations, and other nongovernmental organizations. These standards, often
referred to as U.S. generally accepted government auditing standards, are to be
followed by auditors and audit organizations when required by law, regulation,
agreement, contract, or policy. The internal control standards, Standards for Internal
Control in the Federal Government, provide the overall framework for establishing
and maintaining internal control and for identifying and addressing major
performance and management challenges and areas at greatest risk for fraud and
mismanagement. Also, as mentioned above, the Impoundment Control Act of 1974
requires the Comptroller General to monitor the performance of the executive branch
in reporting proposed impoundments to Congress.
31 U.S.C. §§ 3526, 3529.
Page 115 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Appendix II
Page 116 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Federal Budget Formulation and
Appropriation Processes
Appendix II
As described in appendix I, figure 1 shows the executive branch budget formulation
process, which starts when the President develops budget and fiscal policy and
concludes when the President sends the proposed budget to Congress by the first
Monday in February. Congress then starts the budget and appropriations process
illustrated in figure 2.
Appendix II
Federal Budget Formulation and
Appropriation Processes
Page 117 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Figure 1: Federal Budget Formulation Process
Agencies submit separate
Congressional justifications
and testify before
Congressional Committees.
(Spring, or after President’s
budget is submitted)
The President approves
budget proposal and
sends to Congress by first
Monday in February.
OMB meets with agencies
and reexamines economic
assumptions and fiscal
policies. (September)
OMB prepares budget
materials to be submitted to
the President. (January)
OMB analyzes requests and
holds Director’s reviews.
Source: Senate Budget Committee, December 1998, adapted by GAO.
The White House Agencies
Office of Management
and Budget
OMB provides policy
directions and planning
guidance to agencies for
budget year and beyond.
The President develops
budget and fiscal policy.
Agencies issue internal
instructions to prepare
budget estimates. (Spring)
Agencies support OMB’s
preparation of the President’s
Budget and prepare detailed
Congressional justifications.
Agencies’ components
submit budget requests to
department. Decisions made
for department budget.
(Late Spring-Summer)
Agencies transmit budget
requests to OMB.
The President reviews
budget requests and
decides on final budget
amounts and policy
Agencies receive OMB
passbacks. If OMB and
agency cannot reach
agreement, the issue may
be taken to the President.
The term “agency” refers to either the department, agency, or lower component levels, depending on the
level of decision being made. The budget submitted to OMB represents the budget decisions made at the
department or the highest organizational level.
Appendix II
Federal Budget Formulation and
Appropriation Processes
Page 118 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Figure 2: Federal Budget and Appropriation Process
House and Senate
Appropriations Subcommittees
• Hold hearings
The White House
President’s Budget
• Reestimates President’s budget
• Baseline
House and Senate
Appropriations Subcommittees
• Each holds a mark-up and reports
out appropriation legislation
House and Senate
Authorizing Committees
• Hold hearings
House and Senate
Authorizing Committees
• Each holds a markup and
reports out authorization
House and Senate Floors
• Consider amendments
Vote to pass each
authorization bill and send
to conference
House and Senate
Appropriations Committees
• Use views and estimates
• Make 302(b) suballocations
to their respective
House and Senate Floors
• Consider amendments
Vote to pass the budget resolution
House and Senate Budget
• Package reconciliation language
from authorizing committees
• Report out reconciliation bill
Budget Resolution Conference
• House and Senate vote to pass
conference report
• Conference report includes 302(a)
spending allocations and
reconciliation instructions
House and Senate Budget
• Hold hearings
House and Senate Budget
• Each holds a mark-up and reports
out the concurrent resolution on the
House and Senate Floors
• Consider amendments
• Pass reconciliation bill and send
to conference
Appropriations Bill Conference
• House and Senate vote to adopt
conference reports and send to
President for signature
House and Senate Floors
• Consider amendments
Vote to adopt appropriations bills
and send to conference
House Authorizing
Committees (17)
Senate Authorizing
Committees (17)
• Prepare views
and estimates
• Prepare language
in compliance
with reconciliation
• Draft authorization
• Prepare views
and estimates
• Prepare language
in compliance
with reconciliation
• Draft authorization
House and Senate
• Requires 2/3 vote
to override veto in
each chamber
White House
• Signed by
President or
allowed to
become law
House and
• Requires 2/3
vote to
override veto
in each
Reconciliation Bill Conference
• House and Senate vote to adopt
conference report and send to
President for signature
• Setting mandatory
levels/tax laws
• Setting levels
authorized to be
Executive Branch
Congressional Budget Office
Authorizing Committees
Budget Committees
Appropriations Committees
House and Senate
• Requires 2/3 vote to
override veto in each
White House
• Signed by
President or
allowed to become
law without
House and Senate
• Requires 2/3 vote to override veto in each
White House
• Vetoed by
• Bill returned
to House of
White House
Vetoed by
• Bill returned to
House of origin
White House
• Signed by
President or
allowed to become
law without
White House
Vetoed by
• Bill returned to
House of origin
Authorization Bill Conference
• House and Senate vote to adopt
conference report and send to
President for signature
CR Conference Committee
• House and Senate vote to adopt conference
report and send to President for signature
White House
• Signed by President
or allowed to become
law without signature
White House
Vetoed by President
• Bill returned to
House of origin
Continuing Resolution (CR) needed, if:
• Fail to pass appropriations bills
• Fail to overturn a veto
House and Senate Floors
• Consider amendments
Vote to pass the CR and send to conference
Source: Office of the Majority Leader, March 2005, adapted by GAO.
Appendix II
Federal Budget Formulation and
Appropriation Processes
Page 119 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Appendix III
Page 120 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
The Methods for Tracking Funds in the
Federal Government
Appendix III
The federal government uses two different but overlapping methods for tracking
funds. This reflects the fact that the federal government is made up of many different
entities and serves multiple constituencies. Financial information generated by
federal entities serves a range of purposes. For example, Congress seeks to monitor
the obligation and expenditure of federal funds it appropriates and evaluate the need
for additional funds; managers of federal entities seek to control the cost of
operations; and economists seek to understand the effects of federal operations and
financing on different markets.
The two methods for tracking funds are generally known as obligational accounting
and proprietary accounting. While each method involves different processes, people,
and information systems that rely on a given nomenclature, each system plays an
important part in ensuring the financial accountability of the government to the
American people, and agencies cannot overlook either of them.
Although the budget and budget process largely use obligational accounting, users of
this glossary should recognize that terms used in obligational accounting might have
different meanings when used in proprietary accounting.
The purpose of this
appendix is to describe, briefly, the two methods, their statutory bases, and the role
each plays in federal government financial accountability. This appendix also supplies
references for detailed information on each method. In its simplest form obligational
accounting means that an obligation must be recorded when an agency enters into a
contract for goods or services. In contrast, under proprietary or financial accounting
no transaction is recorded until the entity accepts the goods or services when an
“accounts payable” is recorded. The following paragraphs explain these two systems
Obligational accounting involves the accounting systems, processes, and people
involved in collecting financial information necessary to control, monitor, and report
on all funds made available to federal entities by legislation—including both
permanent, indefinite appropriations and appropriations enacted in annual and
supplemental appropriations laws that may be available for 1 or multiple fiscal years.
It is through obligational accounting that agencies ensure compliance with fiscal
Some, including OMB, refer to obligational accounting as budgetary accounting. Budgetary accounting,
however, more specifically refers to a bookkeeping refinement of obligational accounting. Obligational
accounting is also sometimes referred to as funds control accounting or appropriation accounting. See
Cornelius E. Tierney, Handbook of Federal Accounting Practices (Reading, Mass.: 1982). See also Senate
Committee on Government Operations, Financial Management in the Federal Government, S. Doc. No. 87-
11 at 85 (1961) (explaining new statute for recording obligations to support agency budget information).
Appendix III
The Methods for Tracking Funds in
the Federal Government
Page 121 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
laws, including the Antideficiency Act
and the “purpose” and “time” statutes.
Obligational accounting rests on the central concepts of the obligation and
disbursement of public funds, as those terms are defined in this glossary. The
Antideficiency Act and the “recording statute”
provide the fundamental components
of obligational accounting. The Antideficiency Act requires each agency head to
establish an administrative system of funds control designed to restrict obligations or
expenditures and to affix responsibility for obligations or expenditures. The
recording statute requires agencies to account for obligations as a key mechanism for
measuring compliance. The basic premise of obligational accounting is that if an
agency controls its obligations, it is unlikely to overspend, or improperly use, its
In obligational accounting, the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), in
collaboration with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), establishes federal
appropriations and fund accounts to record information on the amount and period of
availability of funding appropriated by acts of Congress. Imbedded in the information
fields and symbols assigned by Treasury to appropriations and fund accounts are the
same Treasury account symbols OMB assigns for budget accounts.
For additional
levels of control, OMB and federal entities subdivide the appropriations and fund
accounts, and then the entities record transactions in these accounts as they occur.
(See Apportionment.) Treasury publishes guidance in the Treasury Financial
Manual, available at www.fms.treas.gov/tfm/, for agencies to follow in accounting for
use of funds and in preparing financial reports on their accounts.
Reports on the
status of funds obligated and expended are periodically reported through Treasury’s
FACTS II and presented in a manner that is compatible with the federal budget. The
Comptroller General also has statutory authority to settle the accounts of the U.S.
Codified in part at 31 U.S.C. §§ 1341, 1514, and 1517.
The “purpose” statute states that “appropriations shall be applied only to the objects for which the
appropriations were made.” 31 U.S.C. § 1301(a). The “time” statutes relate to limits on the availability of
appropriations for more than a fiscal year for a definite appropriation. 31 U.S.C. §§ 1301(c) (limitation on
construing the availability of appropriations for more than a fiscal year); and 1502(a) (limitations on use of
funds appropriated for obligation during a definite period).
31 U.S.C. § 1501.
Three appropriation and fund accounts are excluded by law from the U.S. budget even though OMB
assigns each a budget account symbol (i.e., U.S. Postal Service Fund and the Social Security trust fund
accounts). Balances in these accounts are included as the “off-budget” component in the presentation of
the total receipts and expenditures of the federal government’s “unified budget.”
See 31 U.S.C. §§ 331 and 3513, and GAO’s Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal
Agencies, Title 7 – Fiscal Guidance, available at www.gao.gov.
Appendix III
The Methods for Tracking Funds in
the Federal Government
Page 122 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
government that involves the review and determination that obligations and
disbursements from an account were made in accordance with law.
Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, available at www.gao.gov, provides a
comprehensive discussion of the relevant statutes and case law, including
Comptroller General decisions and opinions applicable to obligational accounting.
Proprietary accounting, also referred to as financial accounting, involves federal
entities recording and accumulating financial information on transactions and
balances for purposes of reporting both internally to management and externally in
an entity’s financial statements in accordance with a comprehensive basis of
Proprietary accounting is usually based on generally accepted
accounting principles, which follow established conventions such as the recognition
of transactions on an accrual basis instead of recognition based on strict association
with the obligation or expenditure of appropriated funds. For example, in proprietary
accounting, the expense associated with a capital asset would be recognized over the
asset’s life as depreciation. In obligational or budgetary accounting, capital asset
costs are recognized as obligations when the commitment to purchase the asset is
made and as expenditures when cash is paid for the asset. Most federal entities are
subject to proprietary accounting standards promulgated through the Federal
Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB).
FASAB was established jointly by
GAO, Treasury, and OMB to promulgate accounting standards for the executive
branch. The Consolidated Financial Statements of the U.S. Government, required by
law to be prepared annually by Treasury and audited by GAO, are to be prepared in
accordance with FASAB accounting standards.
All executive agencies that are not
required by another provision of federal law to prepare audited financial statements
31 U.S.C. § 3526. See B-161457, August 1, 1969, for guidance on account settlement procedures.
In the private sector, the internal system of accounting within organizations to support planning (e.g.,
budgeting) and decision making by managers is also known as managerial accounting or managerial cost
accounting. While both systems of accounting used in the federal government contain elements of or may
support managerial accounting, the federal government generally does not use such a discrete system of
accounting. Federal agencies may also use other special types or applications of accounting for discrete
functions or purposes carried out under their cognizance. For example, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System publishes national economic data in its quarterly Flow of Funds Accounts of the
United States. See www.federalreserve.gov/releases/Z1. See also Statement of Federal Financial
Accounting Standards No. 4, Managerial Cost Accounting Standards.
See www.fasab.gov.
31 U.S.C. § 331(e).
Appendix III
The Methods for Tracking Funds in
the Federal Government
Page 123 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
are required by 31 U.S.C. § 3515 to prepare audited financial statements. Government
corporations are also required to prepare audited financial statements.
Most agencies and some government corporations follow FASAB accounting
standards. These agencies use accounts established in the Standard General Ledger
(SGL). The SGL accounts, established by Treasury and published in a chart of
accounts, record similar types of transactions and balances that aggregate to specific
classifications in the financial statements. The SGL accounts are structured
differently than, but integrate information from, appropriations and fund accounts.
Some federal entities, however, such as government corporations, may follow other
generally accepted proprietary accounting standards (such as those issued by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board) unless they chose to adopt FASAB standards
and the SGL. Other small federal entities, such as boards and commissions, and some
legislative and judicial branch entities may not engage in proprietary accounting.
The differences between obligational accounting and proprietary accounting are
most apparent in their application to federal entities’ transactions, as the following
hypothetical text illustrates:
When an agency official enters into a contract for goods or services, obligational
accounting rules dictate that the entity record an obligation of federal funds that
will be due for the expected payment. An expenditure is recorded when payment
is made (typically, after acceptance of the goods or services). Under proprietary
accounting, no transaction is recorded until the entity accepts the goods or
services, at which point an account payable and related expense will be recorded.
As illustrated above, each method of tracking funds serves a different purpose, and
users need to be cognizant of the different purposes and the different views that these
systems provide regarding federal entities’ status of funds and financial condition at
any given point in time.
31 U.S.C. §§ 9101 et seq.
Appendix IV
Page 124 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Budget Functional Classification Appendix IV
The functional classification system is a way of grouping budgetary resources so that
all budget authority and outlays of on-budget and off-budget federal entities and tax
expenditures can be presented according to the national needs being addressed.
National needs are grouped in 17 broad areas to provide a coherent and
comprehensive basis for analyzing and understanding the budget. Three additional
categories—Net Interest, Allowances, and Undistributed Offsetting Receipts—do not
address specific national needs but are included to cover the entire budget. A final
category, Multiple Functions, is used for accounts that involve two or more major
To the extent feasible, functional classifications are made without regard to agency or
organizational distinctions.
Each federal activity is placed in a single functional
classification that best defines the activity’s most important purpose even though
many activities serve more than one purpose. This is necessary so that the sum of the
functional categories equals the budget totals. The functional classifications are also
the categories that Congress uses in the concurrent resolutions on the budget,
pursuant to the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2
U.S.C. § 632). Different programs within a single function may fall under the
jurisdiction of different committees.
A function may be divided into one or more subfunctions, depending upon the
complexity of the national need addressed by that function. A three-digit code
represents each functional/subfunctional category. The functional codes also make
up the last three digits of the account identification code. (See app. V.)
The functional structure is relatively stable, but changes are made from time to time
to take into account changing conditions and requirements. As a rule, any changes in
this structure are made after the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) consults
with the Appropriations and Budget Committees of the Senate and House of
Table 1 outlines the functional classification structure as taken from the President’s
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2006. The definitions for the
subfunctional structure are from OMB’s technical staff paper, “The Functional
Classification in the Budget” (1979 Revision). Where necessary, these definitions have
For a graphic display of budget functions by agency and object class, see GAO, Federal Budget: Agency
Obligations by Budget Function and Object Classification for Fiscal Year 2003, GAO-04-834
(Washington, D.C.: June 25, 2004).
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 125 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
been updated to accommodate changes since issuance of that document. The three-
digit numbers listed under Code and the associated titles and definitions are for the
major functions. The three-digit numbers listed under Subcode and the associated
titles and definitions are for the subfunctions.
Tab le 1: Functional Classification Structure
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
050 National Defense
Common defense and security of the United States. It
encompasses the
raising, equipping, and maintaining of armed forces
(including civilian support activities), development and
utilization of weapons systems (including nuclear
weapons), and related programs;
direct compensation and benefits paid to active military
and civilian personnel and contributions to their
retirement, health, and life insurance funds;
defense research, development, testing, and evaluation;
procurement, construction, stockpiling, and other
activities undertaken to directly foster national security.
benefits or compensation to veterans and their
dependents and military and civil service retirees;
the peaceful conduct of foreign relations;
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 126 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
foreign military, economic, and humanitarian assistance;
subsidies to businesses by civilian agencies (such as
maritime subsidies) that may be partially justified as
promoting national security; and
research and operations of agencies (such as space
research) whose program missions are not directly
designed to promote national defense but could result in
some significant benefits to our national security.
051 Department of Defense—Military
With minor exceptions, entire agency is included in this
053 Atomic energy defense activities
Department of Energy programs devoted to national
defense, such as naval ship reactors and nuclear weapons.
054 Defense-related activities
Miscellaneous defense activities, such as the expenses
connected with selective services and with defense
stockpiles outside of the Departments of Defense and
150 International Affairs
Maintaining peaceful relations, commerce, and travel
between the United States and the rest of the world and
promoting international security and economic
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 127 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
development abroad. (Excludes outlays from domestic
programs that may tangentially affect foreign relations or
the citizens of other nations.)
151 International development and humanitarian assistance
Humanitarian assistance, development assistance, security
support assistance, grants to and investments in
international financial and development institutions, and
the budgetary costs associated with concessionary
agricultural exports.
152 International security assistance
The transfer of defense articles and services to foreign
governments, including grants, credit sales, and training.
Excludes the military sales trust fund, which is classified
under subfunction 155 (international financial programs).
153 Conduct of foreign affairs
Diplomatic and consular operations of the Department of
State, assessed contributions to international organizations,
and closely related activities in other agencies (such as the
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency).
154 Foreign information and exchange activities
Student and cultural exchange programs and foreign
library, radio, or other media information activities
designed to promote mutual understanding between the
people of the United States and other nations.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 128 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
155 International financial programs
Export credit, the military sales trust fund, international
commodity agreements, international monetary programs,
and other programs designed to improve the functioning of
the international financial system. For pre-1992 direct loans
or loan guarantees, includes the total cash flows on these
loans and guarantees. For loans or loan guarantees
obligated or committed after 1991, includes the credit
subsidy costs of the loans or guarantees.
250 General Science, Space, and Technology
Budget resources allocated to science and research
activities of the federal government that are not an integral
part of the programs conducted under any other function.
Includes the research conducted by the National Science
Foundation, all space programs conducted by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, and general science
research supported by the Department of Energy. Includes
research and technology programs that have diverse goals
and cannot readily be classified under one specific function
to avoid detailed splitting of accounts.
251 General science and basic research
Conducting the National Science Foundation programs and
the general science activities of the Department of Energy.
252 Space flight, research, and supporting activities
Development and operation of space transportation
systems, basic scientific research connected with outer
space, research and demonstrations designed to promote
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 129 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
terrestrial applications of technology developed through
space research, and development of new space
technologies for future flight missions. Also includes costs
of tracking and data relay support for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration space science and
applications for flight missions.
270 Energy
Promoting an adequate supply and appropriate use of
energy to serve the needs of the economy. Included are the
energy programs of the Department of Energy and its
predecessor agencies. Excludes atomic energy defense
activities and general science research not closely related
to energy.
271 Energy supply
Increasing the supply of energy through the development of
domestic resources and systems capable of using them.
Includes the costs of research and demonstration of supply
272 Energy conservation
Encouraging the prudent use of energy resources.
274 Emergency energy preparedness
Developing and maintaining a stockpile of energy resources
(currently confined to petroleum) to meet emergency needs
and associated contingency planning activities.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 130 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
276 Energy information, policy, and regulation
Unallocable overhead activities of the Department of
Energy plus the costs of energy information and regulation
300 Natural Resources and Environment
Developing, managing, and maintaining the nation’s natural
resources and environment. Excludes the outlays for
community water supply programs, basic sewer systems,
and waste treatment plants, all of which are part of a
community or regional development (rather than an
environmental enhancement) program or are part of the
cost of operating a federal facility (such as a military
301 Water resources
Water protection, conservation, irrigation, and related
activities, including the total costs of multipurpose water
projects where it is not feasible to separate the
transportation (navigation) or energy (power) segments of
these projects.
302 Conservation and land management
Maintaining the public domain and national forests,
encouraging conservation of private land, and reclaiming
surface mining areas.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 131 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
303 Recreational resources
Acquisition, improvement, and operation of recreational
lands and facilities, including fish, wildlife, and parks; also
preserving historic areas.
304 Pollution control and abatement
Controlling and reducing air, water, and land pollution, or
enhancing the environment. Excludes water resources
programs, water treatment plants, and similar programs
that are not funded as part of an environmental
enhancement activity.
306 Other natural resources
Miscellaneous natural resources programs, not classified
under other subfunctions, such as marine-, earth-, and
atmosphere-related research and geological surveys and
350 Agriculture
Promoting the economic stability of agriculture and the
nations capability to maintain and increase agricultural
production. Excludes programs that though related to rural
development, are not directly related to agriculture, such as
rural environmental and conservation programs classified
in the natural resources function. Also excludes
concessionary food export sales or food donations,
whether overseas or for domestic income support
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 132 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
351 Farm income stabilization
Subsidies and other payments to stabilize agricultural
prices at an equitable level. Includes acquiring and storing
agricultural commodity stockpiles, but does not include
foreign agricultural export losses (classified in the
international affairs function) or domestic donations of
food (part of an income support, rather than a farm price
support, program). Includes the total cash flows of farm
price support loans (that is, loans that can be repaid in cash
or by surrendering title to the crop used as security for the
loan), which are not subject to credit reform. For all other
agricultural loans and loan guarantees, includes either the
total cash flows (for pre-1992 loans and loan guarantees) or
the subsidy cost (for loans and loan guarantees subject to
credit reform).
352 Agricultural research and services
All other agricultural programs, such as agricultural
research and extension services.
370 Commerce and Housing Credit
Promotion and regulation of commerce and the housing
credit and deposit insurance industries, which pertain to
collection and dissemination of social and economic data
(unless they are an integral part of another function, such
as health);
general purpose subsidies to businesses, including credit
subsidies to the housing industry (for programs subject
to credit reform, includes only the credit subsidy costs of
loans and loan guarantees); and
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 133 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
the Postal Service fund and general fund subsidies of that
In general, includes credit and insurance programs;
however, if such programs are a means of achieving the
basic objectives of another function and are an integral part
of the programs of that function, they are classified under
the other function.
Excludes regional economic development programs, even if
they use credit or insurance to achieve a community
development objective. Also excludes other insurance or
loan programs (such as railroad loans) that are an integral
part of other functions.
371 Mortgage credit
Includes the cash transactions for homeownership and
related loan and insurance programs for pre-credit reform
activity; under credit reform, includes the credit subsidy
cost of any homeownership loans or guarantees.
372 Postal Service
Any net outlays of the Postal Service included in the budget
(or off-budget).
373 Deposit insurance
Insurance programs protecting deposits in certain financial
institutions; programs to resolve failed institutions. Deposit
insurance activities are not subject to credit reform, so the
budget records the cash flows for deposit insurance rather
than their subsidy values.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 134 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
376 Other advancement of commerce
Loan programs to aid specialized forms of business (such as
small business) that are not included elsewhere in the
functional structure. For such transactions undertaken
prior to credit reform, includes the total cash flows. For
activities under credit reform, includes the credit subsidy
cost of the loans or guarantees. Also includes collecting and
disseminating economic and demographic statistics (such
as census data) and regulating business.
400 Transportation
Providing for the transportation of the general public, its
property, or both, regardless of whether local or national
and regardless of the particular mode of transportation.
construction of facilities;
purchase of equipment;
research, testing, and evaluation;
provision of communications directly related to
transportation (for example, air traffic control by the
Federal Aviation Administration);
operating subsidies for transportation facilities (such as
airports) and industries (such as railroads); and
regulatory activities directed specifically toward the
transportation industry rather than toward business.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 135 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
moving personnel or equipment as part of the operation
of other government services;
foreign economic assistance that may involve assisting
transportation facilities or programs abroad;
the construction of roads or trails as an integral part of
the operation of public lands, parks, forests, or military
reservations, unless they are specifically funded as a part
of a broader transportation program;
the construction of roads or other transportation
facilities as an integral part of a broad community facility
or regional development program where the clear intent
of the program is regional development and the provision
of transportation facilities is only an incidental by-
product or means to attain the objective of regional
development; and
research and technology activities devoted to space
research (except aeronautical technology), even though
this research may eventually benefit general
401 Ground transportation
Aid, and/or regulation of both for the various components
of ground transportation, such as roads and highways,
railroads, and urban mass transit.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 136 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
402 Air transportation
Aid for and/or regulation of air transportation, including
aeronautical research conducted by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.
403 Water transportation
Aid for and/or regulation of maritime commerce.
407 Other transportation
General transportation programs and overhead not readily
allocable to any of the preceding subfunctions.
450 Community and Regional Development
Development of physical facilities or financial
infrastructures designed to promote viable community
economies. Includes transportation facilities developed as
an integral part of a community development program
(rather than a transportation program). Usually excludes
aids to businesses unless such aids promote the economic
development of depressed areas and are not designed to
promote particular lines of business for their own sake.
Usually excludes human development and services
451 Community development
Grants and related programs designed to aid largely urban
community development. Includes community
development block grants and predecessor activities, such
as the urban renewal and model cities programs. These
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 137 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
programs are generally carried out by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
452 Area and regional development
Grants, loans, subsidies, and related aids for the economic
development of depressed areas. For pre-credit reform
loans, includes the total cash flows of the loans; for loans
under credit reform, includes the credit subsidy cost of the
loans. All these aids are generally for rural areas or are
more regional than the community development programs.
Area and regional development programs are generally
carried out by agencies other than the Department of
Housing and Urban Development, such as the Farmers
Home Administration, Economic Development
Administration, and Bureau of Indian Affairs.
453 Disaster relief and insurance
Helping communities and families recover from natural
500 Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services
Promoting the extension of knowledge and skills,
enhancing employment and employment opportunities,
protecting workplace standards, and providing services to
the needy. Excludes education or training undertaken as an
integral part of the achievement of other functions (such as
training military personnel; veterans education, training,
and rehabilitation; or training of health workers in a health
program). Nutrition or food service programs funded
separately from social services or education are not part of
this function—they are classified as income security.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 138 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
501 Elementary, secondary, and vocational education
Preschool, elementary, secondary, and vocational education
502 Higher education
College and graduate school programs.
503 Research and general education aids
Education research and assistance for the arts, the
humanities, educational radio and television, public
libraries, and museums.
504 Training and employment
Job or skill training, employment services and placement,
and payments to employers to subsidize employment.
505 Other labor services
Aids to or regulation of the labor market, including
gathering labor statistics and mediation and conciliation
services; excludes employment and training programs and
occupational safety and health programs.
506 Social services
Programs that provide a broad range of services to
individuals to help them improve their vocational
capabilities (such as vocational rehabilitation) or family
status; services to the poor and elderly that are not
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 139 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
primarily for income support and that are not an integral
part of some other function (such as social services block
550 Health
Programs other than Medicare whose basic purpose is to
promote physical and mental health, including the
prevention of illness and accidents. Excludes the Medicare
program, the largest federal health program, which by law
is in a separate function (function 570). Also excludes
federal health care for military personnel (051) and
veterans (703). Also excludes general scientific research
that has medical applications (such as that conducted by
the National Science Foundation) and health programs
financed through foreign assistance programs.
551 Health care services
Medical services to individuals and families, whether such
services are provided directly by the federal government or
financed through grants, contracts, insurance, or
552 Health research and training
All research programs—whether basic or applied—that are
financed specifically as health or medical research.
Excludes research that is an integral part of other functions
(such as biomedical research in the space program).
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 140 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
554 Consumer and occupational health and safety
Meat and poultry inspection, food and drug inspection,
consumer product safety, and occupational health and
570 Medicare
Federal hospital insurance and federal supplementary
medical insurance, along with general fund subsidies of
these funds and associated offsetting receipts.
571 Medicare
Entire Medicare function.
600 Income Security
Support payments (including associated administrative
expenses) to persons for whom no current service is
rendered. Includes retirement, disability, unemployment,
welfare, and similar programs, except for Social Security
and income security for veterans, which are in other
functions. Also includes the Food Stamp, Special Milk, and
Child Nutrition programs (whether the benefits are in cash
or in kind); both federal and trust fund unemployment
compensation and workers’ compensation; public
assistance cash payments; benefits to the elderly and to
coal miners; and low- and moderate-income housing
Excludes (1) financial assistance for education, (2) medical
care (whether in cash or in kind), (3) subsidies to
businesses (such as farm price supports), and
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 141 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
(4) reimbursement for child care services, even though any
of these may end up as income to persons. Also excludes
income security programs included in the Social Security
function (function 650) and programs restricted to veterans
and their dependents.
601 General retirement and disability insurance (excluding
Social Security)
Non-needs-tested retirement and disability programs
composed mainly of the Railroad Retirement Fund and
special benefits for coal miners. Excludes programs
specifically restricted to federal employees.
602 Federal employee retirement and disability
All funded retirement and disability programs restricted to
federal employees. Includes military retirement benefits for
all years, not just the years since the military retirement
program began as a funded trust fund (1985). In cases
where retirement benefits are not funded (such as in the
case of Coast Guard retired pay), includes the cash benefits
where the employees were employed (in the Coast Guard
case, transportation), because otherwise those functions
would never be charged for the retirement costs of their
603 Unemployment compensation
Benefits not conditioned by needs tests for unemployed
workers. Excludes other benefits (such as food stamps)
that an unemployed person might be eligible for under
other programs.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 142 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
604 Housing assistance
Federal income support and related expenses that are
specifically for financing or providing housing for
individuals and families. Excludes loans, loan guarantees,
or insurance. (The distinction between the housing
assistance included in subfunction 604 and the mortgage
credit assistance in subfunction 371 is that the subfunction
604 payments focus on subsidies to increase beneficiaries’
effective income, whereas the credit subsidies in
subfunction 371 are primarily aimed at encouraging the
housing industry.)
605 Food and nutrition assistance
Providing food or nutritional assistance to individuals and
609 Other income security
Income security programs not included in any other
subfunction. Primarily either direct payments or grants-in-
aid to finance direct payments that constitute cash income
to low-income individuals and families. Also includes
refugee assistance and both administrative expenses and
offsetting collections in the income security function that
are not part of any other subfunction.
650 Social Security
Federal Old-Age and Survivors and Disability Insurance
Trust Funds, along with general fund subsidies of these
funds and associated offsetting collections.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 143 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
651 Social Security
Includes the entire Social Security function.
700 Veterans Benefits and Services
Programs providing benefits and services, the eligibility for
which is related to prior military service, but the financing
of which is not an integral part of the costs of national
defense. As a rule, the outlays in this function are similar to
those in the broader general purpose functions (such as
income security or health), but restricted to veterans, their
dependents, and their survivors. Excludes earned rights of
career military personnel that are a cost of the defense
budget (such as military retired pay or medical care).
701 Income security for veterans
Veterans’ compensation, life insurance, pensions, and burial
702 Veterans’ education, training, and rehabilitation
Composed primarily of the “G.I. Bill” readjustment,
vocational rehabilitation benefits, and related programs.
703 Hospital and medical care for veterans
Medical care and research financed by the Department of
Veterans Affairs.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 144 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
704 Veterans’ housing
Housing loan and guarantee programs for veterans and
dependents. Pre-1992 housing loans and guarantees are
recorded on a cash basis, whereas under credit reform
(post-1991), the budget records the credit subsidy cost of
the activity.
705 Other veterans benefits and services
Administrative expenses of the Department of Veterans
750 Administration of Justice
Programs to provide judicial services, police protection,
law enforcement (including civil rights), rehabilitation and
incarceration of criminals, and the general maintenance of
domestic order. Includes the provision of court-appointed
counsel or other legal services for individuals. Excludes the
cost of the legislative branch, the police or guard activities
to protect federal property, and activities that are an
integral part of a broader function (such as those for postal
inspectors, tax collection agents, and Park Service rangers).
The cost of National Guard personnel and military
personnel who are called upon occasionally to maintain
public safety and the cost of military police are included
under the national defense function rather than this
751 Federal law enforcement activities
The costs of operating the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 145 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
police and crime prevention activities in other programs.
Also includes the readily identifiable enforcement cost of
civil rights activities.
752 Federal litigative and judicial activities
The cost of the judiciary, the cost of prosecution, and
federal expenses connected with financing legal defense
753 Federal correctional activities
Covers the costs of incarceration, supervision, parole, and
rehabilitation of federal prisoners.
754 Criminal justice assistance
Grants to state and local governments to assist them in
operating and improving their law enforcement and justice
800 General Government
General overhead cost of the federal government, including
legislative and executive activities; provision of central
fiscal, personnel, and property activities; and provision of
services that cannot reasonably be classified in any other
major function. As a rule, all activities reasonably or closely
associated with other functions are included in those
functions rather than being listed as part of general
government. Also includes shared revenues and other
general purpose fiscal assistance.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 146 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
801 Legislative functions
Includes most of the legislative branch. However, the
Library of Congress (except the Congressional Research
Service), the Tax Court, the Government Printing Office
(except for congressional printing and binding), and the
Copyright Royalty Tribunal are classified in other
802 Executive direction and management
The Executive Office of the President (unless some major
grants or operating programs should be included in the
Office); occasionally some closely related spending outside
the Office is included.
803 Central fiscal operations
Covers the general tax collection and fiscal operations of
the Department of the Treasury.
804 General property and records management
Most of the operations of the General Services
Administration (net of reimbursements from other agencies
for services rendered).
805 Central personnel management
Most of the operating costs of the Office of Personnel
Management and related agencies (net of reimbursements
from other agencies for services rendered).
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 147 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
806 General purpose fiscal assistance
Federal aid to state, local, and territorial governments that
is available for general fiscal support. The transactions of
the now discontinued general revenue-sharing program are
included in the historical data for this subfunction. Also
includes grants for more restricted purposes when the
stipulated purposes cross two or more major budgetary
functions and the distribution among those functions is at
the discretion of the recipient jurisdiction rather than the
federal government. Includes payments in lieu of taxes,
broad-purpose shared revenues, and the federal payment to
the District of Columbia. Excludes payments specifically
for community development or social services programs.
808 Other general government
Miscellaneous other costs, such as federal costs of
territorial governments.
809 Deductions for offsetting receipts
Includes general government function offsetting receipts
that are not closely related to any other subfunction in this
900 Net Interest
Transactions that directly give rise to interest payments or
income (lending) and the general shortfall or excess of
outgo over income arising out of fiscal, monetary, and other
policy considerations and leading to the creation of
interest-bearing debt instruments (normally the public
debt). Includes interest paid on the public debt, on
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 148 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
uninvested funds, and on tax refunds, offset by interest
901 Interest on the Treasury debt securities (gross)
Outlays for interest on the public debt. (Where this interest
is paid to the public, it is on an accrual basis; all other
interest outlays in the budget are on a cash basis.)
902 Interest received by on-budget trust funds
Interfund interest collected by on-budget nonrevolving trust
funds. Most of this income derives from outlays included in
subfunction 901, but this subfunction also includes
offsetting receipts from investments in public debt
securities issued by the Federal Financing Bank (FFB).
903 Interest received by off-budget trust funds
Interfund interest collected by off-budget nonrevolving
trust funds. Normally, all of this income comes from outlays
included in subfunction 901.
908 Other interest
All other interest expenditures and offsetting receipts. The
principal expenditure in this subfunction normally is
interest on refunds of receipts. Since offsetting interest
receipts are included in this subfunction, the subfunction
totals are usually negative.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 149 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
909 Other investment income
The actual and estimated earnings on private securities of
the Railroad Retirement Investment Trust. The actual year
returns include interest, dividends, and capital gains and
losses on private equities and other securities. The trust’s
end-of-year balance reflects the current market value of
resources available to the government to finance benefits.
920 Allowances
A category that may be included in a budget to ensure that
the budget reflects the total estimated budget authority and
outlay requirements for future years.
In addition to the budget authority and outlays in each of
the functional classifications, the President’s budget
normally includes some budget authority and outlays
classified as allowances.
921-929 Contingencies for specific requirements
The specific line entries will vary from budget to budget,
depending on what projections are required.
950 Undistributed Offsetting Receipts
Most offsetting receipts are included as deductions from
outlays in the applicable functions and subfunctions.
However, there are five major categories of offsetting
receipts that are classified as undistributed offsetting
receipts rather than being included as offsets in any of the
other functions.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 150 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
951 Employer share, employee retirement (on-budget)
Employing agency payments to funded retirement systems
of federal employees are intragovernmental transactions
(that is, they are payments by government accounts
collected by other government accounts) and, hence, both
the payment and collection are included in federal outlays.
The payments are included in the various agency outlays,
while the offsets are undistributed.
Most federal employees are now covered by the Hospital
Insurance portion of the Medicare program. The employing
agency payments to the Hospital Insurance fund are also
offset in this subfunction.
952 Employer share, employee retirement (off-budget)
Includes collections similar in nature to those in
subfunction 951, except that the accounts collecting the
money are off-budget.
953 Rents and royalties on the outer continental shelf
Rents and royalties on the outer continental shelf constitute
a large source of nontax income that is largely a windfall to
the government. Since there are no major government
programs that give rise to this income, it would be
inappropriate to offset it against the outlays in any function.
Thus, the collections are undistributed.
954 Sale of major assets
On occasion, the government derives large returns from the
sale of major assets, and the proceeds of the sales are
recorded in this category rather than in any major function.
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix IV
Budget Functional Classification
Page 151 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Source: GAO.
For years prior to 1985, when the military retirement trust fund began, the historical data included
imputed accruals for retirement, with a matching imputed undistributed offsetting collection (subfunction
951). The cash retirement benefits for all years are included in the income security function.
The historical data for this category for years prior to 1985 include an offset equal to the imputed accrual
for military retirement that is included in subfunction 051. These imputations were calculated so that the
data for the years prior to the creation of the military retirement trust fund would be as comparable as
feasible with the subsequent years.
959 Other undistributed offsetting receipts
This category includes items such as collections for the
lease of federal lands for petroleum exploitation and a
proposal for the Federal Communications Commission to
conduct auctions.
Multifunction Account
999 Multifunction account (used for accounts that involve two
or more major functions).
Code Subcode Function or subfunction
Appendix V
Page 152 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Federal Budget Account Identification
Appendix V
Each account, or group of accounts in the President’s budget is assigned an account
identification code by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in consultation
with the Department of the Treasury (Treasury). These codes are used to store and
access data in the budget database, run computer reports, and identify accounts in
OMB and Treasury documents and computer reports. The budget schedules that are
included in the Budget Appendix volume of the President’s budget use an 11-digit
account identification code that is based on the following coding system (see table 2.)
Tab le 2: Federal Budget Account Identification Code
Digits Explanation
XX-xxxx-x-x-xxx Treasury agency code—The first two digits designate the
agency code as assigned by Treasury. The term “agency” refers
to departments, independent agencies, and instrumentalities
of the U.S. government.
xx-XXXX-x-x-xxx Account symbol—Each account has an agency-unique number
assigned by Treasury, or, in the case of merged or consolidated
accounts, by OMB, that corresponds to the fund type.
xx-xxxx-X-x-xxx Transmittal code—One-digit code that identifies the nature or
timing of the associated schedules, as follows:
0=Regular budget schedules
1=Supplemental proposals
2=Legislative proposals requiring authorizing legislation that
2=are not subject to pay-as-you-go (PAYGO)
3=Appropriations language to be transmitted later; used when
language for a significant policy proposal cannot be
transmitted in the budget
4=Legislative proposals requiring authorizing legislation that
have a PAYGO effect
5=Rescission proposal
9=Reserved for OMB use
Appendix V
Federal Budget Account
Identification Code
Page 153 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Source: GAO.
An alternate 13-digit identification code is also used by OMB to access data in the
budget database and generate computer reports. This code substitutes a 3-digit
agency code
and a 2-digit bureau code assigned by OMB for the 2-digit agency code
assigned by Treasury. (The bureau code is used to designate subordinate units within
a department or agency.) The alternate OMB code was developed to facilitate the
sequencing of information by agency and subordinate unit within the agency. (See
fig. 3.)
xx-xxxx-x-X-xxx Fund code—One-digit code that identifies the type of fund, as
1=General fund
2=Special fund
3=Public enterprise revolving fund
4=Intragovernmental revolving or management fund
7=Trust non-revolving fund
8=Trust revolving fund
xx-xxxx-x-x-XXX Subfunction code—Three-digit code that corresponds to the
account’s subfunctional classification. (See app. III for a
further explanation of subfunctions.)
OMB agency codes are not the same as Treasury agency codes.
(Continued From Previous Page)
Digits Explanation
Appendix V
Federal Budget Account
Identification Code
Page 154 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Figure 3: Federal Budget Account Identification Code Digits
Source: GAO representation of OMB data.
Department of Labor
agency code
Appendix VI
Page 155 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Program and Financing Schedule Appendix VI
The Program and Financing (P&F) schedule for each budget account appears in the
Appendix of the President’s budget (see example in fig. 4). In a standard format, it
provides basic information about obligations, budget authority, and outlays for the
account. Part A in figure 4 shows the information that precedes the P&F schedule.
The numbers on specific features mentioned in part A are explained below:
1. The account name and the President’s proposed language for the budget year’s
appropriation act (fiscal year 2006 in the example) related to the account appear
at the top.
2. The language of the previous year’s appropriation act is used as a base. Brackets
enclose material proposed for deletion.
3. Italic type indicates new proposed language. When a regular appropriation has
not been enacted at the time the budget is prepared, the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) may print only the language related to the fiscal year in
question, in italics with no brackets shown.
4. At the end of the final appropriation language paragraph, and printed in italics
within parentheses, are citations to relevant authorizing legislation and to the
appropriation act from which the basic text of the language is taken.
An 11-digit identification code, found at the top of the P&F schedule, facilitates
computer processing of budgetary information. (See app. VI.)
The P&F schedule, part B in figure 4, consists of eight sections. The numbered
sections contained in part B are described in detail after the figure.
Appendix VI
Program and Financing Schedule
Page 156 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Figure 4: Example of P&F Schedule Preceded by Appropriations Language
for National Flood Insurance Fund Account
Note: See
appendix V for
explanation of
(Continued on next page)
Appendix VI
Program and Financing Schedule
Page 157 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Source: GAO representation of OMB data.
(Continued from previous page)
Appendix VI
Program and Financing Schedule
Page 158 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
1. Obligations by program activity. Shows obligations for specific activities or
projects. To provide a meaningful presentation of information for the program
being financed, the activity structure is developed individually for each
appropriation or fund account. That structure is tailored to the individual account
and is not uniform across the government. According to OMB, the activities
should clearly indicate the services to be performed or the programs to be
conducted; finance no more than one strategic goal or objective; distinguish
investment, development, grant and subsidy, and operating programs; and relate
to administrative control and operation of the agency. The last entry, “total new
obligations,” indicates the minimum amount of budgetary resources that must be
available to the appropriation or fund account in that year.
2. Budgetary resources available for obligation. Lists detailed information on the
new budget authority in the account, the unobligated balances of budgetary
resources (that have not expired) brought forward from the end of the prior year,
and adjustments to those amounts. The end-of-year unobligated balance is
obtained by deducting new obligations and expiring amounts.
3. New budget authority (gross) detail. Indicates the type of budget authority (i.e.
appropriations, contract authority, and spending authority from offsetting
collections) and whether the authority is discretionary (controlled by
appropriations acts) or mandatory (controlled by other laws).
4. Change in obligated balances. Offers a bridge between the start and end of the
year’s obligated balances. In this section, new obligations are added to previous
years’ unliquidated obligations. Gross outlays are subtracted from this amount.
Adjustments such as transfers of obligated balances and changes in uncollected
customer payments from federal sources, are added or subtracted, as
appropriate, to determine the obligated balance at year-end. Transactions in
unexpired accounts as well as outlays from and adjustments in expired (but not
canceled) accounts are also reported.
5. Outlays (gross), detail. Shows the account’s gross outlays distributed on the
basis of the type of the budget authority that financed the outlay. This section
separately presents outlays from discretionary and mandatory budget authority
and outlays from new authority and carryover balances.
6. Offsets. Shows the offsets to gross budget authority and outlays used to arrive at
net budget authority and outlays for the account. Gross outlays are reduced by
cash collections (both unexpired and expired), while gross budget authority is
Appendix VI
Program and Financing Schedule
Page 159 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
reduced by cash collections (unexpired only) and orders from federal sources
that are not accompanied by cash. The offsets section indicates the source of the
offsetting collections (such as federal sources, interest on federal securities, and
nonfederal sources). The change in uncollected customer payments from federal
sources from the start to the end of the year is deducted from gross budget
authority only. Increases in uncollected customer payments from the start to the
end of the year increase the amount of the offset because the increase constitutes
an increase in gross budget authority. Decreases reduce the amount of the offset
because a decrease means that a portion of the offsetting collections (cash)
received has been applied to liquidate obligations for which an offset was already
counted. Only unexpired offsetting collections (cash) are offset from gross
budget authority because gross budget authority includes only unexpired
7. Net budget authority and outlays. Shows the amount available for new
obligation net of the offsetting collections attributable to unexpired offsets. Net
budget authority is equal to gross budget authority minus cash collections
(unexpired only) and orders from federal sources that are not accompanied by
cash. Net outlays are equal to gross outlays minus cash collections (both
unexpired and expired).
8. Memorandum (non-add) entries. May include obligations in excess of available
budgetary resources, investments in federal securities, and balances of contract
authority. The amounts are not added or deducted from the budget authority or
outlay amounts.
Appendix VII
Page 160 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Object Classification Appendix VII
Object classes are categories used in budget preparation to classify obligations by the
items or services purchased by the federal government. The major object classes and
their corresponding numbers are
10 – Personnel compensation and benefits
20 – Contractual services and supplies
30 – Acquisition of assets
40 – Grants and fixed charges
90 – Other
These object classes present obligations according to their initial purpose rather than
the result or service. For example, the wage obligations of a federal employee who is
paid to construct a building are classified as “Personnel compensation and benefits,”
but the contractual obligations for the purchase of a building are classified as
“Acquisition of assets.”
Obligations are recorded when the federal government places an order for an item or
a service, awards a contract, receives a service, or enters into transactions that will
require payments in the same or a future period. Obligations are also recorded when
an expenditure transfer is made between federal government accounts. Object class
information is mandated by law (31 U.S.C. § 1104(b)), which requires the President’s
budget to present obligations by object class for each account.
Object class information is reported whenever obligations are reported on a program
and financing schedule (except that object class information is not reported for credit
financing accounts). Therefore, obligations are reported by object class separately for
the regular budget requests, supplemental budget requests, rescission proposals, and
legislative proposals. Object class schedules also separately identify the following
types of obligations: direct and reimbursable obligations; obligations covered by
statutory limitations; and obligations for allocations between agencies.
Object classes are subdivided into smaller classes. (For an example, see fig. 5.) The
following table of object classification is taken from OMB Circular No. A-11:
10 Personnel Compensation and Benefits
11 Personnel compensation
11.1 Full-time permanent
Appendix VII
Object Classification
Page 161 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
11.3 Other than full-time permanent
11.5 Other personnel compensation
11.7 Military personnel
11.8 Special personal services payment
11.9 Total personnel compensation
12 Personnel benefits
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits
12.2 Military personnel benefits
13 Benefits of former personnel
20 Contractual Services and Supplies
21 Travel and transportation of persons
22 Transportation of things
23 Rent, communications, and utilities
23.1 Rental payments to the General Services Administration
23.2 Rental payments to others
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges
24 Printing and reproduction
25 Other contractual services
25.1 Advisory and assistance services
25.2 Other services
25.3 Other purchases of goods and services from government accounts
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities
25.5 Research and development contracts
25.6 Medical care
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment
25.8 Subsistence and support of persons
26 Supplies and materials
30 Acquisition of Assets
31 Equipment
32 Land and structures
33 Investments and loans
40 Grants and Fixed Charges
41 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
42 Insurance claims and indemnities
Appendix VII
Object Classification
Page 162 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
43 Interest and dividends
44 Refunds
90 Other
91 Unvouchered
92 Undistributed
93 Limitation on expenses
94 Financial transfers
99 Subtotal, obligations
99.5 Below reporting threshold
99.9 Total new obligations
Appendix VII
Object Classification
Page 163 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Figure 5: Example of Object Classification for Department of Defense
Source: GAO representation of OMB data.
Page 164 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Index of Terms
Account, 2
appropriation, 2
identification code, 61, 152
in the President’s Budget, 2
for purposes other than budget presentation, 5
listed in the Standard General Ledger, see Standard General Ledger Chart of
Accounts, 91
payable, 7
receivable, 7
accounting, 7
basis, 18
Administrative division or subdivision of funds, 8
Administrative expense, 49
appropriation, 8
funding, 8
payment, 9
Agency, 9
debt, 41
mission, 9
mission statement, 75
Allocation, 9
Allotment, 10
Allowance, 10
Act, 11, 111
Act violation, 12
Apportionment, 12
Appropriated entitlement, 13
account, 2
act, 13
rider, 14
Appropriations, 21
Asset, 14
sale, 14
Index of Terms
Page 165 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
committee, 15
legislation, 15
Availability for new obligations, 23
Backdoor authority/Backdoor spending, 16
Balanced Budget, 16
and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, 16
and Emergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act of 1987, 16
Baseline, 17
Bases of budgeting, 17
Benefit-cost analysis (Economics Term), see Cost-benefit analysis, 36
Biennial budget, 19
Borrowing authority, 21
Budget, 19
Act, 19
activity, 20
amendment, 20
and accounting Act of 1921, 20
authority, 20
deficit, 43
Enforcement Act (BEA), 23
estimates, 24
execution, 111
formulation, 103, 116
of the U.S. government, see President’s budget, 79
preparation, 104
process, 103, 116
receipts, see Governmental receipts under collections, 29
resolution, see Concurrent resolution on the budget, 33
surplus, 93
update, 25
year, 55
accounting, see obligational accounting, 71
accounts, see Standard General Ledger chart of accounts, 91
reserves, 25
resources, 26
Index of Terms
Page 166 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Budgeting in relation to totals, 18
Buyback, 40
Byrd Rule, 26
Capital, 26
budget, 27
lease, 27, 73
Cash accounting, 27
Cash or cash equivalent basis, 18
CBO baseline, 17
Chain price indexes (Economics Term), 28
Chained dollars (Economics Term), 28
Clearing accounts, 5
Closed (Canceled) account, 28
Cohort, 49
Collections, 28
Combined statement of receipts, outlays, and balances of the United States
Commitment, 32
Committee allocation, 32
Comparative statement of new budget authority, 33
Concurrent resolution on the budget, 33
budget, 34
Budget Act, 34
Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, 34
budget process, 106
budget, see unified budget, 99
financial statement, 34
working fund accounts, 4
Constant dollars (Economics Term), see Real dollar, 35
Consumer price index (CPI) (Economics Term), 35
Contingent liability, 35
Continuing appropriation/Continuing resolution (often referred to simply as “CR”),
35, 111
Contract authority, 21
Cost, 36
Index of Terms
Page 167 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Estimates, 37
Cost-benefit analysis (Economics Term), 36
Countercyclical policy (Economics Term), 37
Credit, see Federal credit, 49
program account, 51
reestimates, 49
reform, 50
Reform Act accounts, 51
subsidy cost, 51
authority, 22
dollar (Economics Term), 37
level estimate, 37
rate, 38
services estimates, 38
year, 55
Cyclical surplus/deficit (Economics Term), 39
Cyclically adjusted surplus or deficit (Economics Term), 39
Daily Treasury Statement (DTS), see Monthly Treasury Statement, 68
federal, 39
held by government accounts (intragovernmental debt), 40
held by the public, 40
service, 42
subject to statutory debt limit, 40
Deeming resolution, 42
Deferral of budget authority, 42
apportionment, 43
appropriation, 43
Deficit, 43
Definite authority, 23
Deflation (Economics Term), 44
Deflator (Economics Term), 44
Deobligation, 44
Deposit fund accounts, 5
Depreciation, 44
Index of Terms
Page 168 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Determination of amount, 23
loan, 52
loan obligation, 53
loan subsidy cost, 52
spending, 44
Disbursements, 45
Discount rate (Economics Term), 45
Discretionary, 46
Duration, 22
Earmarking, 46
Economy Act, 47
Emergency, 47
Enhanced rescission, 86
Entitlement authority, 47
Executive budget formulation, 103
Expedited rescission, 86
Expenditure, 48
transfer, 95
Expense, 48
Expired account, 48
Expired budget authority, 23
FASAB, see Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, 49
Accounting Standards Advisory Board, 49, 122
budget process, 102, 116
credit, 49
Credit Reform Act (FCRA), see Credit reform, 50
Financing Bank (FFB), 54
fund accounts, 3
Feeder account, 54
Index of Terms
Page 169 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
accounting, see Proprietary accounting, 81
statements, 54
Financing account, 51
policy (Economics Term), 55
year, 55
Fixed appropriation account, 56
Foreign currency fund accounts, 6
Forms of budget authority, 21
Forward funding, 56
Franchise fund, 56
FTE (full-time equivalent), 57
Full funding, 57
Functional classification, 57, 124
Fund accounting, 58
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (Economics Term), 58
GDP Price Index (Economics Term), 58
fund accounts, 3
fund expenditure account, 3
fund receipt account, 3
Generational accounting, 58
GNP (Gross National Product) (Economics Term), 59
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), 59
Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE), 59
Governmental receipts, 29
GPRA, see Government Performance and Results Act, 59
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings (GRH), 60
Grant, 60
Basis of budgeting, 18
Domestic Product, see GDP, 58
federal debt, 41
National Product, see GNP, 59
Guaranteed loan, 53
Guaranteed loan subsidy cost, 52
Index of Terms
Page 170 GAO-05-734SP Budget Glossary
Identification code, 61, 152
Implicit price deflator (Economics Term), 61
Impoundment, 61, 112
Incremental funding, 62
Indefinite authority, 23
Inflation (Economics Term), 62
Inflator (Economics Term), 62
Internal control, 62
debt, see Debt held by government accounts, 40
fund accounts, 3
revolving fund account, 3
transfers, 31
Joint resolution, 62
Justification, 63
Lease-purchase, 63
Liability, 63
Life-cycle costs, 64
Limitation, 64
item, 64
item veto, 65
account, 51
appropriation, 65
Loan guarantee commitment, 53
Lockbox, 65
Index of Terms
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Management fund account, 4
Mandatory, 66
Mark-up, 66
Means of financing, 66
Mid-session review of the budget, 67, 106
Mixed-ownership government corporation, 67
Monetary policy (Economics Term), 67
Money supply (Economics Term), 68
Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS), 68
Multiple-year authority (Multiyear), 22
Multiyear budget planning, 68
National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) (Economics Term), 69
Negative subsidy receipt account, 51
Basis of budgeting, 18
present value (Economics Term), 69
Nominal dollar (Economics Term), 69
Nonbudgetary, 69
Nonexpenditure transfer, 96
No-year authority, 22
Object classification, 70, 160
Obligated balance, 71
Obligation, 70
limitation, see Limitation, 70
accounting, 71
authority, 71
Obligations basis, 18
Off-budget, 72
Index of Terms
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collections, 29
governmental collections, 30
governmental receipts, 32
receipts, 30
receipts and collections, 22
OMB Circular No. A-11, 73
On-budget, 73
One-year authority, 22
budget, 73
lease, 73
Outcome measure, 75
Outlay, 73
rate, see Spendout rate/Outlay rate, 91
goal, 75
measure, 76
Outyear, 74
Oversight committee, 74
Passback, 105
Pay-as-you-go (PAYGO), 75
and Accountability Report (PAR), 76
budget, 76
budgeting, 75
goal, 76
measure/Performance indicator, 76
measurement, 78
plan, 77
report, 77
Permanent authority, 22
Point of order, 78
Present value (Economics Term), 79
President’s budget, 79
Prior year, 56
Program, 79
Index of Terms
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account, 79
activity, 77
and financing schedule, 79
evaluation, 80
year, 56
Project, or Activity (PPA), 80
Projections, 80
accounting, 81, 120
accounts, see Standard General Ledger chart of accounts, 91
receipts from the public, 31
Public debt, see Treasury debt/Public debt, 41
Public enterprise revolving fund account, 4
Public-private partnership, 81
dollar (Economics Term), 81
economic growth (Economics Term), 82
interest rate, 82
measures (Economics Term), 82
Reapportionment, 82
Reappropriation, 22
Reauthorization, 82
Receipts, see Governmental receipts under Collections, 29
Recession (Economics Term), 83
Reconciliation, 83
bill, 83
instruction, 83
resolution, 84
Reduction, 84
Refunds, 30, 84
Reimbursement, 84
Reimbursements, 30
Reobligation, 85
Reprogramming, 85
Rescission, 85
bill, 87
Index of Terms
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Results-based budgeting, see Performance budgeting, 75
Revenue, 87
Revolving fund, 88
Risk category, 50
Rollover, 88
Scorekeeping, 88
rules, 88
Scoring, see Scorekeeping, 89
Seasonal rate, 89
Seigniorage, 89
Separate enrollment, 89
Sequester, see Sequestration, 90
Sequestration (Budget Enforcement Act Term), 90
fund accounts, see Federal fund accounts under Accounts classified by fund
types, 4
fund expenditure account, 5
fund receipt account, 4
caps, 90
committee, 91
Spendout rate/Outlay rate, 91
Standard General Ledger (SGL) chart of accounts , 91
Standardized budget surplus/deficit, see structural/standardized budget
surplus/deficit, 92
Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS), 91
Statutory debt limit, 41
goal/Strategic objective, 77
plan, 77
Structural surplus/deficit (Economics Term), see Cyclically adjusted surplus or
deficit, 39
Structural/standardized budget surplus/deficit (Economics Term), 92
Subcommittee allocation, 92
Subfunction, 92
Subsidy, 92
cost, 93
Index of Terms
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Supplemental appropriation, 93
Surplus, 93
Suspense accounts, 6
Tax, 94
credit, 94
deduction, 94
expenditure, 94
Technical and economic assumptions, 95
302(a) allocation, 95
302(b) allocation, 95
Timing of legislative action, 22
deficit, see Unified deficit/Total deficit, 44
surplus, see Unified surplus/Total surplus, 93
Transfer, 95
appropriation (Allocation) accounts, 6
authority, 96
payment (Economics Term), 96
Transfers between federal and trust fund accounts, 30
bill, 97
bond, 97
debt/Public debt, 41
note, 97
security, 97
fund accounts, see President’s budget, 5
fund expenditure account, 5
fund receipt account, 5
revolving fund account, 5
Uncollected customer payments from federal sources, 97
Undelivered orders, 98
Undistributed offsetting receipts, 98
Index of Terms
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Unemployment rate (Economics Term), 98
Unexpended balance, 72
Unexpired budget authority, 23
Unfilled customer orders, 98
Unfunded mandate, 99
budget, 99
deficit/Total deficit, 44
surplus/Total surplus, 93
Unliquidated obligations, 99
Unobligated balance, 72
User fee/User charge, 100
Views and estimates report, 100
Warrant, 101
Wholly-owned government corporation, 101
Working capital fund, 101
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