“Victory in Every Classroom
OUR VISION .................................................................................................................................................... 6
OUR MISSION .................................................................................................................................................. 6
WE BELIEVE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 8
AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT ................................................................................................................................ 8
CALL CENTER .............................................................................................................................................. 8
CONDUCTING PERSONAL BUSINESS .............................................................................................................. 8
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK ................................................................................................................... 8
DRUG-FREE WORK PLACE ........................................................................................................................... 8
EMERGENCY CONTACTS .............................................................................................................................. 9
EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES ................................................................................................... 9
EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 9
EMPLOYEE DRESS CODE ............................................................................................................................. 9
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................... 9
CERTIFIED PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................ 9
CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL ......................................................................................................................... 10
EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION CARDS AND BADGES ......................................................................................... 10
FAIR DISMISSAL ACT .................................................................................................................................. 10
HIRING ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 10
INTERVIEWING ........................................................................................................................................... 10
JOB POSTING ............................................................................................................................................ 10
NEPOTISM ................................................................................................................................................. 10
OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT .............................................................................................................................. 10
PATS APPLICATION PROCESS ................................................................................................................... 11
PATS SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 11
REFERENCES ON PATS ............................................................................................................................. 11
PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL POSITIONS ................................................................. 11
EXTERNAL APPLICANTS AND NON-INSTRUCTIONAL POSITIONS .................................................................. 12
REASSIGNMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 12
RECRUITMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 12
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF) ....................................................................................................................... 12
RESIGNATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 12
REPORT OF SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT ................................................................................... 12
SEXUAL HARASSMENT ............................................................................................................................... 13
SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................................................................... 13
UBFINDER ............................................................................................................................................... 13
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 13
TRANSFERS ............................................................................................................................................... 14
TRANSFER PROCEDURES AND TIMELINES ................................................................................................ 14
TUTORING ................................................................................................................................................. 14
WORK CALENDAR ...................................................................................................................................... 14
WORK HOURS ........................................................................................................................................... 15
BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................................... 16
STATE HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS .................................................................................................................. 16
STATE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLANS ................................................................. 16
OTHER AVAILABLE BENEFITS TO DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ............................................................................... 16
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ................................................................................................................. 16
BOARD TAX SHELTERED ANNUITY .............................................................................................................. 16
COBRA .................................................................................................................................................... 17
CREDIT UNION ........................................................................................................................................... 17
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ............................................................................................................ 17
HOLIDAYS .................................................................................................................................................. 17
LONG-TERM DISABILITY ............................................................................................................................. 17
MEDICARE ................................................................................................................................................. 17
PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM .................................................................................... 17
SHORT-TERM DISABILITY ........................................................................................................................... 18
SICK LEAVE BANK ...................................................................................................................................... 18
SOCIAL SECURITY ...................................................................................................................................... 18
TEACHERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 18
WORKERS COMPENSATION ....................................................................................................................... 19
CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 20
ADDING A FIELD TO AN EXISTING CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................ 20
ALTERNATIVE TEACHER CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 20
CERTIFICATE CATEGORIES ......................................................................................................................... 20
CERTIFICATE LEVELS ................................................................................................................................. 20
CERTIFICATE UPGRADES ............................................................................................................................ 21
HIGHLY QUALIFIED PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................. 21
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT (ESEA) ............................................................................ 21
PARENTS RIGHT TO KNOW ...................................................................................................................... 21
NON-HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER LETTERS ............................................................................................ 21
RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEAR RENEWABLE CERTIFICATES .............................................................. 21
SUBJECT AREA CONTENT ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................... 22
COMPENSATION AND CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................ 23
BREAK PERIODS ........................................................................................................................................ 23
CONTRACTS .............................................................................................................................................. 23
NEW HIRE .............................................................................................................................................. 23
ANNUAL ................................................................................................................................................. 23
CONTRACT RELEASE PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................ 23
COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS AND STEP INCREASES ................................................................................ 24
DUTY-FREE LUNCH FOR NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES IN A SCHOOL SETTING .................................................. 24
UTY-FREE LUNCH FOR TEACHERS (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-218) ........................................................................ 24
EXPERIENCE VERIFICATION FOR SALARY PLACEMENT ................................................................................. 24
FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT .................................................................................................................... 25
MILITARY EXPERIENCE AND SALARY PLACEMENT ........................................................................................ 25
NON-EXEMPT OR EXEMPT .......................................................................................................................... 25
OVERTIME PROTOCOL AND APPROVAL PROCESS ........................................................................................ 25
PAY CHECKS ............................................................................................................................................. 25
PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 25
POSITION SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 25
RETIREES RETURNING TO WORK ................................................................................................................ 25
SALARY INCREASE FOR ADVANCED DEGREE ............................................................................................... 26
SALARY PLACEMENT FOR CERTIFIED EMPLOYEES ....................................................................................... 26
SALARY PLACEMENT FOR CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES ..................................................................................... 26
SALARY SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 26
SALARY SUPPLEMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 26
/SIGN-OUT SHEET ......................................................................................................................... 26
VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT .................................................................................................................. 26
VOLUNTEER WORK PROHIBITION ................................................................................................................ 27
LEAVES AND ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................... 28
ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 28
BEREAVEMENT/RELIGIOUS LEAVE............................................................................................................... 28
EXTENDED MEDICAL LEAVE ......................................................................................................................... 28
FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ...................................................................................................................... 28
JOB PROTECTION UPON RETURN FROM LEAVE ............................................................................................ 29
JURY AND WITNESS LEAVE ......................................................................................................................... 29
LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY .............................................................................................................. 29
MILITARY LEAVE ........................................................................................................................................ 29
PERSONAL LEAVE ...................................................................................................................................... 29
PROFESSIONAL LEAVE (SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE) .................................................................................... 30
PROFESSIONAL LEAVE (GRADUATE STUDY WITHOUT PAY) ........................................................................... 30
SICK LEAVE ............................................................................................................................................... 31
VACATION LEAVE ....................................................................................................................................... 31
PERSONNEL RECORDS ........................................................................................................................... 32
ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILE ..................................................................................................................... 32
FINANCIAL DATA/LEGAL PROCESSING ......................................................................................................... 32
NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGES .................................................................................................................. 32
REPORTING CHANGES IN THE PERSONNEL FILE........................................................................................... 33
REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FROM THE PERSONNEL FILE ............................................................................ 33
Greetings from the Chief of Human Resources
Hello DeKalb County School Family:
The Division of Human Resources is pleased to provide the information outlined in this
Employee Handbook. The District made a number of changes, which became effective with the
2012-13 school year. In the massive overhaul of our job classification and salary development
process, we reduced 380+ job titles to 17 classifications, refined in 2-3 levels. We have
converted from 91 salary schedules to one central office salary structure with delineating
conversion charts. We are committed to continuous improvement, which will ensure more equity
and benefits to our students and staff.
This handbook provides information on employment services, benefits, certification,
compensation and classification, leaves and attendance, and personnel records. The content listed
herein supersedes all previous handbooks, pamphlets, manuals, statements, or other
representations (written or oral) regarding the term, conditions, and nature of a person’s
employment with the District. Nothing in this handbook or in the District’s policy manual shall
be deemed to constitute an expressed or implied contract of employment.
This handbook and any policies, procedures, and benefits to which it refers may be modified,
altered, or discontinued at any time by the District at the discretion of the Board and/or
No handbook can include or anticipate every issue, question, or concern that may arise;
therefore, employees are encouraged to check the District’s webpage and complete listing of
policies for any updates to personnel information, forms, procedures, and practices. This
handbook is not intended to replace the policies established by the DeKalb County Board of
Education (“Board”) or the District administration. Employees have a responsibility to
familiarize themselves with and abide by the complete policies and procedures of the Board to
carry out their assigned responsibilities with conscientious concern and professional behavior. A
complete listing of Board policies can be located at the following link:
All employees are responsible for understanding the contents contained in this handbook as well
as all polices and administrative regulations of the District.
Keeping children first,
Dr. Tekshia Ward-Smith
Chief Human Resource Officer
The DeKalb County School District is one of the leading, high-performing, metropolitan school
systems in the United States in preparing students to lead and succeed in a rapidly changing
Our mission is to prepare 21st century students to thrive and succeed in a diverse and ever-
changing world through a partnership of homes, schools, and communities.
The District’s 21
century students will demonstrate:
Flexibility and adaptability
Initiative and self-direction
Social and cross-cultural interaction
Productivity and accountability
Leadership and responsibility
Information and technology literacy
Critical thinking and problem solving
Creativity and innovation
Our overarching goal is to transform the District into a School District of Excellence. Every
child in our community will have access to a quality education, one that provides each student
the opportunity to reach his/her highest potential and become a productive citizen. This is our
sole mission, and all of our actions and decisions will be based on reaching this goal.
To realize our mission, the District, with participation from parents, teachers, administrators,
staff, and community, has begun creating a five-year strategic plan, which articulates our core
values and presents an overall plan to turn around the District.
Working together, we can truly achieve Victory in Every Classroom and make every child a
Our core business is student achievement and preparedness for post-secondary education,
careers, or service
Learning is a shared responsibility of schools, parents, and communities for which we are all
All students will learn and must be challenged and supported to achieve at their highest
Schools should be safe, nurturing, and supportive environments
A culture of accountability and transparency with appropriate checks and balances is
necessary for our District to deliver exceptional customer service and to achieve operational
Diversity is an asset that we embrace and promote
Effective teaching and strong instructional leadership have a profound impact on student
potential and are vital to the success of our community
Every school is unique and must have quality resources that are aligned to teaching and
An effective teacher is equipped with instructional knowledge and research-based practices
and is committed to continuous professional learning
All District employees should be appropriately recognized and celebrated for their impact on
our students and their success
To make victory in our classrooms a reality, we must make all schools places where learning has
no limits. The graduating class of 2017, along with all classes before and after, will be ready to
take its rightful place among the leaders of its time.
It is the policy of the Board not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion,
national origin, or disability in its educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Employment Services is dedicated to staffing the District’s schools and centers with the most
qualified individuals. Our mission is to provide a highly qualified teacher for each classroom,
qualified support staff for each position, and exceptional customer service to support the
educational process.
Georgia recognizes the doctrine of
employment at will. Thus, unless issued a
Board-approved employment contract, all
District employees may be terminated at the
will of the employer.
The District’s Call Center is available
Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
to assist and provide support for all inquiries
regarding the District. Individuals requiring
assistance should direct all inquires to 678-
The established hours of duty may not be
used for conducting personal business.
Violators will be addressed accordingly.
A criminal background check will be
conducted at or prior to employment for
every individual who is employed by the
Board to fill either a full-time or a part-time
position with the District.
For initial hiring purposes, personnel
employed by the District shall be
fingerprinted and have a criminal
background check as required by O.C.G.A.
§ 20-2-211.1(c). A clearance certificate
verifying a satisfactory criminal background
check may be required based on the
requirements of state law and the rules of the
Professional Standards Commission.
Subsequent criminal background checks
shall be conducted on all personnel.
Certified personnel, whose employment is
continued with the District, shall be subject
to a criminal background check upon any
certificate renewal application to the
Professional Standards Commission.
All other employees of the District, whose
employment is continued and who are not
certificated personnel, shall be subject to
subsequent criminal background checks on a
periodic basis determined by procedures and
schedules established by the Superintendent
or his/her designee. The period between
criminal background checks shall not exceed
a maximum of five years.
At the discretion of the Board, fees required
for a criminal background checks shall be
paid by the Board, the individual seeking
employment, or the employee.
In accordance with the Drug-Free
Workplace Act of 1988 the Board hereby
declares that, with respect to all DCSD
employees, the manufacture, distribution,
dispensing, possession, use or being Under
the Influence of a Controlled Substance is
strictly prohibited in the workplace, while
on DCSD property, while in or operating
DCSD vehicles, or in private vehicles on
DCSD properties or work sites. Moreover,
for all DCSD employees, the purchase,
possession or ingestion of, or being Under
the Influence of Alcohol while in the
workplace, while on DCSD property, while
in or operating DCSD vehicles or pieces of
heavy equipment or in private vehicles on
DCSD properties or work sites is also
strictly prohibited. Entities contracting with
the Board shall ensure a drug-free
workplace, as a condition of the contract.
A completed Employee Information Data
Sheet is required to be on file from each
staff member. Changes in emergency data
should be reported promptly to your
supervisor or designee.
All certified employees shall have the right
to present and resolve complaints relating to
certain matters affecting the employment
relationship at the lowest organizational
level possible. The DeKalb County Board of
Education encourages all employees to
resolve complaints informally in a spirit of
collegiality whenever possible. Please refer
to Board Policy GAE for a complete
description of the Employee Complaints and
Grievances Policy.
Employees are assigned to positions based
on the needs of the District and the
employee’s certification, qualifications, and
training. The Superintendent shall have the
authority to reassign any employee for the
efficient operation or for the best interest of
the District.
All District employees shall dress in a
professional manner and style in accordance
with the dress of other professionals within
the community. Employees are expected to
be clean, neat, and appropriately dressed at
all times during the employee’s regular
hours of work.
The Superintendent, Principals, and Site
Administrators have the authority to
interpret the dress code and make a case-by-
case determination of the appropriateness of
dress and appearance.
Any employee whose attire or dress is not
professional in the opinion of the
Superintendent, Principal, or Site
Administrator shall be directed to conform
to the dress code. An employee, who is
inappropriately dressed, may be sent home
and required to return to work in acceptable
attire. The employee shall not be paid for
time away from work.
All certified leadership teaching, and service
personnel will be evaluated annually for
performance appraisal and professional
development purposes.
The annual written evaluation will be based
on performance and the job description for
the position. The appropriate Board
approved evaluation instruments shall be
used to assess the performance of
professional personnel.
Prior to April 1 of each school year, an
opportunity must be provided for the
evaluator(s) and the evaluatee(s) to discuss
the results of the evaluation.
All classified personnel employed by the
Board shall be evaluated at least once each
year. The process and the frequency of the
evaluations, the instruments used, and the
training of the evaluators shall be
established by the Superintendent. All
evaluations shall be discussed confidentially
with the employee.
In order to ensure the safety and security of
both staff and students, District ID Badges
should be clearly visible at all times.
Additionally, employees will be issued a key
access card to their location. Please contact
your supervisor as soon you discover your
access card is missing. The access card
must be deactivated and new card will be
issued. The cost is $10.00 to replace the
access card and $5.00 for a new employee
I.D. card. Employees should contact the
Department of Public Safety at 678-676-
1810 to secure a new I.D. card.
Teachers and other contractual personnel
shall be demoted, relieved from duty, have
contracts terminated, or have contracts
non-renewed in accordance with due process
procedures provided under the Fair
Dismissal Act of Georgia. Please refer to
O.C.G.A. 20-2-940 for additional
The Superintendent shall have the authority
to place personnel in accordance with Board
policies, adopted job classifications and
salary schedules, and in such numbers
authorized by the Board, provided that,
placements at the level of executive director
or above must be approved by the Board.
In case of an emergency school closure or
schedule change, staff reporting instructions
are issued via FirstClass or on the District’s
website. Additionally, employees may call
678-676-1200 for additional information
when a school day is canceled because of
inclement weather or other emergency
conditions, the Superintendent shall have
authority to reschedule the day within the
annual period of time scheduled for the
work calendar.
Human Resources and/or the supervisor of
the position(s) will interview the most
qualified applicants. Human Resources will
extend the offer of employment based on the
recommendation of the supervisor for the
position provided the applicant has met all
qualifications and requirements of the
Announcements of job vacancies will be
posted electronically via the District’s
website at www.pats.dekalb.k12.ga.us. Job
vacancies will be posted for a minimum of
five business days or until filled.
Employees cannot recommend for
employment as a direct report, supervise or
evaluate members of their immediate family.
Employees may, during the times not
required of them to fulfill assigned duties,
engage in other employment, provided such
employment does not violate any pertinent
section of this policy, Board Policy “Code of
Ethics,” Descriptor Code “GBU,” or any
contract the employee has with the District.
Whether on pre-approved, scheduled or
unpaid leave of absence status, approved by
the Superintendent, District employees are
reminded that their job assignments within
the District are their first obligation and, if
outside employment is taking time or energy
from this position or affecting their
performance, they will be asked to choose
one or the other.
Additionally, employees are required to
disclose, in writing, to the District if they are
employed by a vendor approved to do
business with the District. This notification
should be sent to Chief Human Resources
Officer. Failure to disclose this information
may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including, termination.
Applicants may apply for positions of
interest using the Paperless Application
Tracking System (PATS) at
www.pats.dekalb.k12.ga.us. Applicants will
receive email notifications regarding the
status of their application. Additionally, an
applicant may check his/her online portfolio
in order to see the status of the application,
the arrival of documents, and the postings
for which he/she has applied.
Completed instructional applications will
remain in the PATS database for a period of
12 months, beginning with the day the
application was submitted. Thirty (30) days
prior to application’s expiration date, the
applicant will be notified by email to renew
the application. Please note that applications
are only allowed to be renewed once. If not
renewed, the application will be removed
from the system. A new application will be
required to be considered for additional
employment opportunities.
Completed non-instructional applications
will remain in the PATS database for a
period of 6 months, beginning with the day
the application was submitted. Thirty days
prior to the application’s expiration date, the
applicant will be notified by email to renew
the application. Please note that applications
are only allowed to be renewed once. If not
renewed, the application will be removed
from the system. A new application will be
required to be considered for additional
employment opportunities.
Human Resources is available to assist and
provide technical support to applicants
regarding the PATS application process, and
position requirements. Individuals requiring
assistance should direct all inquires to 678-
Satisfactory references are required for each
prospective employee, as well as for current
employees applying for promotions.
References are valid for only one year.
Personal references will not be accepted.
If an applicant has less than two years of
teaching experience, reference forms should
be provided from those directly involved in
his/her student teaching experience, i.e.,
school principal, cooperating teacher, and/or
college supervisor. If an applicant has one
or more years of teaching experience,
reference forms should be provided from all
principals and/or school administrators
under whose authority they taught.
One reference form must be completed by
the applicant’s current supervisor. The
remaining reference forms must be
completed by the applicant’s former
supervisors from two previous places of
employment. If the applicant has limited or
no previous work experience, reference
forms should be completed by individuals
who can provide the most accurate
information regarding the applicant’s work
Employees may be reassigned by the
Superintendent to meet the needs of the
District. Reasons for reassignment may
include, but are not limited to,
reorganization, certification, opening and
closing of schools, and changes in
attendance zones, approved programs, or
student enrollment.
The District’s active recruitment process is
designed to attract and retain competent and
qualified personnel. A current list of
employment opportunities is available on
PATS. Employment opportunities are also
posted with various career centers at
colleges and universities, advertisement
venues, websites, and media outlets
including newspapers, magazines, and
journals. Human Resources representatives
also actively recruit by attending career fairs
and interview sessions across the United
The Board will make every effort to avoid
exercising Reduction-in-Force (RIF)
procedures through planned management
techniques. However, the Board recognizes
that a RIF may be necessary when
overstaffing occurs due to the reasons
specified in Board Policy GBKA:
Professional Personnel Lay-Off.
The Superintendent or Designee shall have
authority to accept on behalf of the Board,
an employee's resignation. If the
Superintendent does not accept a
resignation, it may be submitted directly to
the Board for final disposition.
Non-contractual employees are requested to
submit a letter of resignation as soon as
possible, but at least two weeks prior to the
expected date for leaving the District.
Contractual employees should provide a
30-day advance notice. Additionally, please
contact the Division of Human Resources
regarding contract release stipulations and
Any school employee who has knowledge or
reasonable cause to believe that a student
has been a victim of physical abuse, sexual
misconduct or other forms of harassment by
another school employee, shall report such
abuse or misconduct to the appropriate
school administrator immediately. Please
refer to your school administrator regarding
protocols for reporting child abuse or
All employees of the DeKalb County School
District are entitled to a work environment
free from sexual harassment and all other
forms of discrimination.
Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct,
which undermines the integrity of the
employment relationship. No employee,
male or female, shall be subject to
unsolicited and unwelcomed sexual
overtures or conduct of a verbal or physical
nature. Please refer to Board Policy
regarding Sexual Harassment complaint
Substitute employees are defined as those
employed for a daily, half-day, or hourly
period to replace an employee who is absent
from duty. The hours per day and days per
week are based on the needs of the District.
Substitute employees are paid at an hourly,
daily or unit rate of pay on a semi-monthly
payroll schedule. All substitute employees
are subject to Medicare tax.
The SubFinder system automates teacher
absence reporting and substitute teacher
placement. Teachers, substitutes, and
administrators may call SubFinder at 678-
874-SUBS. All teacher absences must be
entered into the SubFinder system. Failure
to enter the absence will result in a payment
delay for the substitute employee. Teachers
and substitutes should use their Employee
Identification Number (EID) for
In addition to the telephone system,
teachers, substitutes, and administrators may
access SubFinder through WebConnect.
Teachers and substitutes should use their last
name in the name field and Employee
Identification Number (EID) in the
password field for identification. For more
information, please visit the SubFinder
website at subfinder.dekalb.k12.ga.us.
The DeKalb County School District
provides technologies, networks, and
Internet access to support the educational
mission of the District and to enhance the
curriculum and learning opportunities for
students and District employees. These
technology resources may be used only in
support of education and research and
consistent with the educational objectives of
the District.
All guidelines set forth in policy and any
relevant regulations or rules are applicable
to all telecommunication services and
equipment provided by the District
including, but not limited to, the following:
Computer workstations and notebook
Smart phones, tablets, e-readers, and
other mobile devices;
Internet services;
Telephone services; and
Cellular telephone services.
Acceptable use agreements must be signed
by all users of District technologies or
District-provided access must be used in a
responsible, efficient, ethical and legal
manner. Failure to adhere to the District’s
policies and guidelines for the use of
telecommunication resources may result in
suspending or revoking the right to access
these resources.
It is also important to remember that all
electronic communications are subject to
public records laws. Unacceptable uses of
the network include: violating the conditions
of the Educators Code of Ethics dealing with
students’ rights to privacy, using profanity,
obscenity, or other offensive language,
reposting personal communications without
the author’s prior consent, copying
commercial software in violation of
copyright law, copying other copyright
protected material and using the network for
financial gain or for any commercial or
illegal activity.
Employees are eligible to apply for a
transfer to another work location after
completing two (2) years of service at their
current work location. Current satisfactory
evaluations are required.
1. Eligible employees must submit a
completed Transfer Request Form to
their current Principal/Director for
verification of eligibility.
2. If the employee is eligible for a
transfer, the Principal/Director must
sign the Transfer Request Form to
verify eligibility.
3. Employees must submit a signed copy
of their Transfer Request Form to all
schools/centers where they wish to be
considered for a transfer. Principals
and/or Directors must send the
Transfer Request Form to Human
Resources no later than stated deadline
on the form.
4. Employees who are eligible for a
transfer may be considered for a lateral
vacancy by the stated deadline on the
5. Principals/Directors should interview
lateral transfer candidates and make a
recommendation to Human Resources.
6. Principals/Directors who wish to fill a
vacancy with a transfer applicant must
notify Human Resources by
completing Section III of the Transfer
Request Form and submitting the
signed form to the appropriate Human
Resources Staffing Manager. All
recommendations will be reviewed,
and if approved, the Staffing Manager
will notify the employee, the current
principal, and the receiving principal
of the new assignment.
NOTE: Final decisions for staffing will be
based on the availability of earned
Except as provided for in District-sponsored
programs: (1) no employee shall provide
tutoring on District property for which
compensation that is in addition to the
employee’s District salary is received; and
(2) no employee shall tutor, for
compensation, either during the school year
or summer, any student who is currently
assigned to the employee.
The DeKalb County Board of Education
shall adopt a calendar for each school year.
The Superintendent is authorized to develop
a calendar, which will satisfy the legal
requirements and the policies of the State
Board of Education and the accrediting
agencies. Plans should be made to avoid
conflict with the work calendar whenever
The supervisor of each school/department
has the authority to set work hours. Work
hours are subject to change to meet the
needs of the school District. Personal
activities should be arranged by each staff
member to assure them of being available
for work during their scheduled hours of
duty. Changes in work schedules will be
arranged as far in advance as possible.
A comprehensive benefits package is offered to full-time employees. Coverage will be effective
on the first of the month following thirty (30) days of service and an insurance premium will be
deducted the month prior to the effective date of coverage.
If an employee is transferring to the District from another Georgia public school system or
educational facility, the employee shall advise Insurance Services when enrolling so that medical
premiums may be coordinated appropriately. Once the initial selection of benefits is made,
changes may only be made during Open Enrollment or for a qualifying event as defined in
Section 125 of the IRS code.
Benefits Options Available for Employees:
The District offers an array of health plans
that include major medical and pharmacy
benefits. Options include:
Health Maintenance Organization
Health Reimbursement Account
(HRA) Health Plans
High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)
The District offers the following optional
benefit plans:
Legal Insurance
Employee Optional Group Term Life
and AD&D Insurance
Spouse and Children Term Life
Dependent Care Spending Accounts
Health Care Spending Accounts
Short-Term Disability - Replaces up to
60% of salary
Long-Term Care Insurance
Specified Illness Insurance
****All health and flexible benefits
provided are at a rate significantly reduced
from that available if the individual were
not an employee of the District ****
Optional Tax Sheltered Annuity
Direct Deposit of Paychecks
Credit Union Membership
Sick Leave Bank
The Board of Education provides a $10,000
term life insurance and a $1,000 accidental-
death-and-dismemberment insurance for all
benefit-eligible employees.
The Board of Education does not contribute
to Social Security. The Board TSA plan
provides employees with saving for
retirement with pre-tax contributions that
grow tax-deferred. Currently, contributions
are suspended for employees covered under
TRS. For employees covered under the
Public Schools Employees’ Retirement
System (PSERS), the Board contributes
8% of PSERS-eligible gross salary to the
employee’s Board TSA through Fidelity
If an employee or dependents become
ineligible for coverage under the District’s
medical, dental, or vision program, the
employee may be eligible to extend
coverage under the federal COBRA
program. This allows the employee and/or
dependents to continue receiving insurance
coverage by self-paid premiums.
All employees of the District are provided
access to the services of the Georgia United
Credit Union.
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
provides confidential counseling to help
employees with any issues that can cause
distress and interfere with their ability to do
their job well. Full-time employees and
their families can call 1-877-327-5832 or
visit www.AetnaEAP.com then enter
EAP4LIFE as the login ID.
The District recognizes the following
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Holiday
Winter Holiday/Break
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
Presidents’ Day
Spring Holiday/Break
Memorial Day
All District employees are covered by long-
term disability insurance. Long-term
disability will provide the employee with up
to 60% of their annual salary. Benefits
premiums must be paid directly to the State
Health Benefit Plan and Georgia Breeze.
Benefits will begin after the employee has
been disabled for 180 calendar days.
Questions regarding short-term disability
and long-term disability insurance should be
addressed to The Standard Insurance
Company. This company administers the
plan for District employees and will discuss
all issues regarding disability insurance. The
Standard Insurance Company can be
reached at 1-888-641-7186.
All employees who were initially employed
or reemployed after March 31, 1986, are
required by federal law to pay Medicare
tax. The Medicare employer contributions
must be charged against the Alternative Plan
to Social Security.
All employees who are eligible to participate
in the Public School Employees Retirement
System of Georgia are required, under the
provisions of O.C.G.A. § 47-4-40, to
become members when employed by the
Bus drivers, food service employees, some
non-supervisory maintenance and custodial
personnel, and other employees not eligible
for membership in TRS are eligible for
membership in PSERS. For additional
information on PSERS, please contact the
Public School Retirement System of
Georgia (PSERS) (404) 350-6300 or
Short-term disability insurance provides
compensation during a leave of absence.
When choosing to use short-term disability
insurance instead of sick leave, it is
important to note that using sick leave will
provide the employee with 100% of pay,
contributions to TRS, and premiums to
cover benefits. Short-term disability will
provide the employee with 60% of pay, no
contributions to TRS, and benefits premiums
must be paid directly to the State Health
Benefit Plan and Georgia Breeze/Hewitt.
Benefits deductions are not taken out of
Short-term disability payments.
A portion of the application for short-term
disability must be completed by the
employer (school or department).
Employees should see the Facility Insurance
Coordinator for assistance with the form and
instructions on forwarding the form directly
to The Standard Insurance Company.
Employees who hold short-term disability
insurance may use the coverage while on
Family Medical Leave.
The Sick Leave Bank (SLB) was established
to provide additional sick leave to SLB
members that have catastrophic or
debilitating personal health conditions or
Employees may enroll in the SLB during
open enrollment. If a SLB member
experiences a condition that is medically
debilitating or catastrophic to the employee
and exhausts all personal sick leave days,
they may request days from the SLB. The
application for leave may be retrieved from
the DCSD Website or in the Department of
Staff Services in Human Resources.
SLB is for the employee only and may not
be used for family members. Applicants
may request up to 45 days per calendar year.
If the applicant misses a paycheck or is
docked and receives SLB benefits
afterwards, they will be retroactively
reimbursed for the time and funds.
Employees receiving funds from Worker’s
Compensation or Short Term Disability are
not eligible for SLB benefits. For specific
information, please review the SLB
guidelines. Contact the Division of Human
Resources for a copy of the guidelines.
Eligible part-time and substitute employees
may participate in the Social Security
Program and, when required under the
provisions of federal law, may pay
contributions to FICA when employed by
the Board.
All employees, pursuant to applicable
statute, who are eligible to participate in the
Teachers Retirement System of Georgia
(TRS), are required, under the provisions of
the law, to become members of TRS when
employed by the DeKalb County Board of
Education. The state and the Board shall
contribute their portions of the funds as
required by law, and the employee's portion
shall be deducted from the employee's salary
as required by law. All covered
compensation paid by the Board to eligible,
full-time employees shall be reported to
Eligible members of TRS are required to
contribute 6% of their salary. The District
contributes 11.41% of the employee’s
salary. For additional information, please
visit www.trsga.com. The following
positions are covered under TRS: teachers,
administrators, supervisors, teacher aides,
secretaries, paraprofessionals, public school
nurses, employees of the Agricultural
Extension Service. For additional
information on TRS, please contact the
Teachers Retirement System of Georgia
(TRS) (404) 352-6500 or www.trsga.com.
Employees may be entitled to workers’
compensation benefits if injured on the job.
The injury must arise out of and in the
course of employment. The injured
employee must provide notice, either in
person or in writing, of the injury
immediately, but not later than 30 days after
the accident, to the employee’s immediate
supervisor. Failure to do so may result in the
loss of benefits. The injured employee may
select a medical care provider from the
panel of approved physicians. Only those
providers listed are authorized to provide
medical care for a work-related injury.
Generally, employees are not eligible for
workers’ compensation benefits for injuries
sustained going to or coming from work,
during deviations from the scope of
employment (e.g., a person making a
delivery drives to a place unconnected to the
employee assignment), as a consequence of
imported danger (e.g., an employee’s own
attire or a personal weapon causes injury to
the employee, when an employee engages in
a prohibited act, when the employee engages
in horseplay, during recreational or social
activities, or during times in which the
employee is not subject to the employer’s
control (e.g., not on the premises, not during
the regularly scheduled work day). Any
questions should be addressed to your
immediate supervisor or a Legal Affairs
The Certification Unit ensures that all educators in the District adhere to the certification rules
and guidelines set forth by the State of Georgia and the Georgia Professional Standards
Commission (PSC).
It is the responsibility of all professionally certified employees to obtain and maintain Georgia
certification. Certification forms and information are available on the PSC’s website at
To add a field to an established professional
certificate at the bachelor’s degree level or
higher, an applicant must either: (1) pass the
appropriate content assessment(s) in the new
field; or (2) complete a state-approved
program in the new field and be
recommended by the program for
certification in the appropriate field.
Teachers must complete the certification
application and submit documentation to the
Certification Unit. Once all documents have
been received, the packet will be submitted
by the Certification Unit via the
ExpressLane portal to the PSC.
Teacher Academy for Preparation and
Pedagogy (TAPP)
The TAPP Program is designed to provide
an untraditional, non-degree, preparation
route to teacher certification. The required
coursework will be completed through a
blend of online and face-to-face coursework.
The teacher candidate has up to three (3)
years to complete the program. Certification
requirements and information are available
on the District’s website at
Certificates are grouped under two major
categories: Renewable and Non-renewable.
Renewable certificates are valid for five (5)
years, during which time the educator must
satisfy standard renewal requirements. Non-
renewable certificates are valid for three (3)
years. During the three (3) year validity
period, the educator must satisfy specified
requirements to convert the non-renewable
certificate to a clear renewable certificate.
The level assigned to a certificate indicates
the highest degree level recognized by the
PSC that has been awarded to the certificate
holder. College hours beyond a degree are
not used to assign the level. Only the highest
degree awarded on an official transcript
from a PSC accepted accredited institution is
used to determine the single level that is
assigned to all certificate fields held by that
educator. The assignment of a certification
level to various degrees is contingent on a
valid certificate field being held and the
degree being awarded on an official
transcript from a PSC–accepted accredited
Requests for upgrades of clear renewable
certificates, based on receipt of a master’s,
specialist’s, or doctoral degree, must be
made in writing by submitting the
certification application and a SEALED
copy of the official transcript showing the
degree completion date to the Certification
Unit. Once the completed packet has been
received, the Certification Unit will forward
the documentation to the PSC.
NOTE: For compensation purposes, the
effective date a certificate upgrade is based
on the date recorded on the certificate
received in the current fiscal year of the
Certificated staff must hold a valid Georgia
certificate in the field to which they are
assigned. Any teacher who does not teach in
the field for which he/she was properly
certified 100 percent of the day will not be
considered “highly qualified.” Failure to
maintain the status of “highly qualified”
may result in termination or non-renewal of
an employee’s contract.
Under the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act, school districts that receive
Federal Title I funding must notify parents
of their right to know the professional
qualifications of the teachers and
paraprofessionals who instruct their child.
An additional provision of the ESEA
requires that the District notify parents if
their child is assigned to a teacher for four or
more consecutive weeks who is not "highly
qualified." A Non-Highly Qualified letter
must be sent for teachers in core area fields
only. Core area fields include Reading,
Language Arts, Math, Social Studies,
Science, Fine Arts, and Foreign Languages.
Educators should not allow their educator’s
certificates to expire. Failure to maintain a
valid certificate at all times may be
considered grounds for termination or non-
renewal of an employee’s contract.
Requirements for renewal include
1. A criminal record check must be done
through the Department of Public Safety
during the school year in which the
certificate expires; and
2. A completed teacher certification
Once all requirements have been satisfied,
the applicant documents (application and the
Criminal Background Check form) should
be submitted to the Certification Unit.
Georgia Assessments for the Certification of
Educators (GACE) test are fully aligned
with national standards, Georgia educator
certification requirements, Georgia educator
preparation standards, and the Georgia
Performance Standards (GPS). Two GACE
assessments types are required for all
professional certificates in the State of
Georgia (Basic Skills Assessment and
Content Assessments).
The Compensation and Classification Unit in the Division of Human Resources is responsible
for determining salary placement for all District employees, review and process, experience
verification forms, issues contracts, processes sick leave transfers, issue and maintain salary
supplements for extracurricular activities. Additionally the Unit is responsible the implementing
salary changes due to certification upgrades, promotions, maintaining position specifications for
all positions, conducting salary history research, and determining the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA) status for positions.
The Federal FLSA guidelines do not
require breaks be given to employees. All
non-exempt employees will be paid for
hours worked. The District permits the
reasonable use of rest periods of short
duration (for example, five to ten minutes)
to help an employee work more
efficiently. Any time taken as a break
during work hours is paid time.
Supervisors are asked to practice flexibility
and empathy when personal needs for short
breaks arise. This will require thorough
administrative oversight, and if the use of
break periods is abused by staff,
administration has the right to refuse break
time or to make any appropriate
modifications or limitations necessary.
At the time of hire, a certified employee will
be issued a standard, annual contract, which
is valid for the current school year.
In May of each school year, the Board will
issue new contracts for the upcoming school
year to all eligible, professional personnel
recommended for contract renewal.
Employees who have resigned, been
terminated, or have not been recommended
for contract renewal will be notified in
The Board considers a signed contract to be
a legally binding document; therefore, an
employee’s request to be released from a
contract will only be granted for one of the
following reasons:
Documented personal health problems
that require the contracted employee’s
full-time care and attention;
Family situation change that requires a
one-way commuting distance in excess
of 50 miles of the contracted position.
Supporting documentation must be
provided in writing and must include a
change of address that occurred after the
current employment contract was signed;
A documented spousal transfer and
relocation that requires a one-way
commuting distance in excess of 50
miles of the contracted position;
A documented promotion within the
field of education or the acceptance of a
position with a college or university, an
educational consulting company, or an
educational opportunity overseas.
Each request will be reviewed, on a case-
by-case basis.
Salary increases will be awarded for Cost of
Living Adjustments (COLA) when approved
by the Board.
For certificated employees who receive
satisfactory annual evaluations, step
increases are given when approved by the
Board. A step increase may be denied to a
certificated employee if he/she receives an
unsatisfactory annual evaluation in a given
school year.
Non-exempt employees in a central office
setting are to work a 9-hour day with a 1
hour unpaid and uninterrupted lunch
period. This will equate to physically
working 8 hours per day. If they are
needed to stay after work for meetings,
training, or additional work, the work
schedule must be adjusted to
accommodate a 40-hour workweek. They
should leave immediately after the work
schedule time is completed.
Non-exempt employees in a school setting
are to work an 8.5-hour day with a 30
minute unpaid and uninterrupted lunch
period. This will equate to physically
working 8 hours per day. If such
employees are needed to stay after school
for meetings, training, or to perform
additional work, the work schedule must
be adjusted to accommodate a 40-hour
workweek. They should leave immediately
after the work schedule time is completed.
Non-exempt employees should have a 30-
minute period of uninterrupted time, which
is referred to as “lunch” even if he/she
decides not to eat at that time. The
employee should sign in and out for this
lunch. While the non-exempt employee is
on the 30-minute period of uninterrupted
time, he/she is not to be asked to perform
any work-related duties. If a non-exempt
employee is assigned “cafeteria duty” and
is required to monitor students at that
time, he/she should not be eating lunch
with the students if he/she plans to take the
30 minutes of uninterrupted time later
during the day or had taken it before the
“cafeteria duty.”
(O.C.G.A. § 20-2-218)
Every teacher who is employed in grades
Kindergarten through five (K - 5) for a
period of time of more than one-half of the
class periods of the regular school day
shall be provided a daily lunch period of
not less than 30 consecutive minutes, and
such employee shall not be assigned any
responsibilities during this lunch period.
Experience used to determine salary
placement must be related to the position in
which the employee is assigned and must be
verified using the appropriate experience
verification form. For experience to be
considered for the current year’s salary, the
experience verification form must be
received in Human Resources no later than
June 30 of that work year.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a
federal labor law governing overtime,
minimum wage, child labor, and equal
pay. It requires employers to keep records
of all hours worked by non-exempt
Military experience will be granted for each
year of service, up to a maximum of three
years. The official DD-214 document is
Under the FLSA, District employees are
classified as “non-exempt” or “exempt.”
Non-exempt employees are entitled to
overtime pay; exempt employees are not.
For non-exempt employees, the FLSA
requires overtime pay (at time and one-
half) for all hours worked over 40 in a
No District employee shall work overtime
unless the time has been pre-approved by
the Superintendent or Deputy or Chief
Administrator. Any employee who works
overtime without such pre-approval may
receive consequences up to and including
a recommendation for termination.
Employees are paid semi-monthly.
Paychecks are distributed to employees
through direct deposit or a Chase PAYTM
Payroll Card. Payroll statements or stubs
are available online through Web Pay. To
access WebPay visit the following link
Each employee’s paycheck will have
specific deductions as required by law,
District regulation(s), and/or at the
employee’s request. Examples of required
deductions include, but are not limited to,
federal and state income taxes and
retirement contributions (e.g., Teachers
Retirement System (TRS) or Public School
Employees Retirement System (PSERS).
Examples of optional deductions include,
but are not limited to, credit union savings
or loan payments, insurance premiums, and
charitable contributions.
Specifications for all positions are
maintained in the Division of Human
Resources by the Compensation and
Classification Unit. A position specification
shall be developed for each new position
prior to staffing the position. An updated
position specification is required for a
position if there is a significant change in the
duties and responsibilities assigned to the
position. The specification for each position
vacated shall be reviewed and updated by
the immediate supervisor before the position
is re-staffed.
A retiree from the District or another
Georgia school system will be employed in
accordance with TRS and Board guidelines
and procedures.
Employee may receive a salary increase, if
placed on a salary schedule, which
recognizes a salary increase for an advanced
degree. Due to changes instituted by the
Professional Standard Commission (PSC)
regarding degree upgrades and the District’s
compensation structure, employees should
contact the Certification or Compensation
and Classification Unit prior to enrolling
into a program to inquire about a salary
increase for an advanced degree. This is the
employee’s responsibility.
Salaries for certificated employees are
determined by the Georgia teaching
certificate that they hold and the years of
experience that have been verified. Salary
placement for a certified employee will be
administered in accordance with Georgia
Code: GBA (5)160-5-2-05, “Experience for
Salary Purposes.”
For classified employees, salary placement
is determined based on the appropriate
verification of experience.
Classified employees will not receive
additional salary compensation for education
that is beyond what is required for the
The annual compensation for employees
will be based on the salary schedule adopted
by the Board. Upon request, salary
schedules are available for review through
the Compensation & Classification Unit.
Salary supplements are given to employees
who are hired to perform extracurricular
duties. Salary supplements are
recommended by the school administrator to
the Department of Employment Services.
Non-exempt employees are required to
sign in at the start of their workday, sign
out for lunch, sign in after lunch, and sign
out at the end of the day.
School based exempt employees should
sign in at the beginning of the day and out
at the end of the day. Exempt employees
are not required to sign in and out for
lunch; however, each school or department
may establish its own accountability
protocol for presence at the worksite and
other routine visits.
The District’s verification procedures are
intended to protect the privacy of current
and former employees. All requests for
employment verification and experience
verifications should be forwarded to the
Division of Human Resources or faxed to
678-676-0187, which is a secured fax line.
The Verification Unit can verbally verify
employment, dates of employment, and
position titles over the telephone. To make
a verbal request for employment
verification, the requesting party must have
the employee’s name and social security
number. Inquiries regarding salary and
experience must be submitted in letterform
with the identified employee's authorized
The District is prohibited from asking a
non-exempt employee, under any
circumstances, to “volunteer” to perform
services. Non-exempt employees, in turn,
are prohibited from performing any
volunteer work that is the same type of
work for which the employee is usually
Under the FLSA, an overtime-eligible
employee cannot volunteer or be asked to
volunteer to do extra work if payment
would otherwise be required in order to
get the work accomplished. The FLSA
states that an employee may volunteer and
not receive compensation if and only if the
employee (1) performs hours of service for
a public agency for civic, charitable, or
humanitarian reasons, without expectation
of compensation; (2) offers services freely
and without pressure or coercion; and (3)
is not otherwise employed by the same
school district to perform the same type of
services as those for which the individual
proposes to volunteer. Therefore, for
example, principals cannot ask a non-
exempt employee to “volunteer” a day and
to perform duties for which they would
usually be compensated.
To ensure the stability of a competent work force and job security for employees, the Board
provides leave of absence benefits to eligible employees. Please refer to Board Policy GBRI:
Professional Personnel Personal Leaves and Absences, for a complete listing of all employee
leave provisions.
All employees are expected to be at work on
time, every day. Late or absent employees
must call the principal/school designee or
the department supervisor as soon as
possible in advance of time to report. When
calling, the employee must speak to the
supervisor or designee. Leaving a voice
mail is not permitted. Following this
process will allow the employee the option
of choosing time from vacation or
sick/personal leave to ensure payment for
the time absent; however, if the employee
does not call and speak to the supervisor or
designee, their pay will be docked for time
Failure to call in when absent for any reason
other than approved vacation or personal
leave will be considered an unauthorized
absence. Only in an emergency shall
someone other than the employee call the
principal/school designee to report an
An employee may use up to a maximum of
three (3) days of accumulated sick leave
and/or up to three (3) days of personal leave
as religious or bereavement leave in the
event of the death of a relative. Relative is
defined as the following: spouse, child,
sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, and
corresponding step and in-law relations. If
the employee desires to take leave in excess
of the days provided under this policy, the
employee may take unpaid leave.
Employees who have exhausted the leave
provisions under the FMLA may apply for
an extended medical leave. The extended
medical leave may not exceed a period of
one year. After one year, if the employee
does not return to the District, the employee
will be separated from the District.
The District fully complies with the Family
and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) as adopted
by the U. S. Congress on February 5, 1993.
Employees who have been employed by the
District for at least 12 months and have
worked at least 1,250 hours for the District
in the previous 12-month period, are eligible
to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the
following: (a) because of the birth of a son
or daughter of the employee and in order to
care for such son or daughter; (b) because of
the placement of a son or daughter with the
employee for adoption or foster care; (c) in
order to care for the spouse, or a son,
daughter, or parent, of the employee, if such
spouse, son, daughter, or parent has a
serious health condition; (d) because of a
serious health condition that makes the
employee unable to perform the functions of
the position of such employee; or (e)
because of any qualifying exigency arising
out of the fact that the spouse, or a son,
daughter, or parent of the employee is on
covered active duty (or has been notified of
an impending call or order to covered active
duty) in the Armed Forces. All leave shall
be taken in accordance with the FMLA.
The Human Resources Division will make
every effort to find a position for
reemployment for eligible employees
returning from leave of absence. Employees
returning from FMLA leave will be returned
to the same or equivalent position and
location, as defined under the FMLA.
Employees returning from an approved
Extended Leave of Absence may be
considered for reinstatement in accordance
with the Administrative Regulation
associated with Board Policy GBRI.
Employees subpoenaed either for jury duty
or as a witness to testify before a court of
law in a case arising out of the employee’s
duties as a District employee shall be
allowed a leave of absence without loss of
pay. An employee, who serves as a juror or
a witness, as described herein, shall not have
the leave deducted from sick, personal, or
professional leave. No employee utilizing
witness leave shall be required to pay the
cost of employing a substitute employee to
serve during the employee’s absence on
such witness leave.
All requests for a leave of absence without
pay must be approved. Any employee who
takes a leave of absence, for any reason,
without approval from the Division of
Human Resources will be placed on leave
without pay. The Division of Human
Resources will notify the employee of the
unapproved leave, with a request to return to
work. If the employee fails to respond to the
notification and/or to return to work, the
employee may be recommended to the
Superintendent for termination from the
District for abandonment of his/her assigned
Full-time employees of the District shall be
entitled to paid military leave not to exceed
eighteen days in any federal fiscal year for
the purpose of complying with ordered
military duty with the Armed Forces of the
United States or the State of Georgia,
including duty as a voluntary member of the
militia or the reserve component. Employees
are also entitled to paid leave not exceeding
thirty days in any one federal fiscal year if
ordered to duty as a result of the declaration
of any emergency by the governor or the
appropriate officials of the United States
Armed Forces.
Full-time employees of the District shall be
entitled to military leave for long-term,
ordered military duty, with full employment
and reinstatement rights as provided by law.
The employee subject to such military duty
must provide the Division of Human
Resources with a copy of the official
military orders, along with the request for
such leave.
During a school year, employees may utilize
up to a maximum of three (3) days of any
accumulated sick leave, if prior approval of
the absence has been given by the
employee’s immediate supervisor and if the
presence of the employee requesting the
absence is not essential for effective school
operation. Employee attendance on certain
days, designated critical days, is crucial for
effective school operation.
Personal/vacation leave may not be
authorized during the following designated
critical days for any personnel: pre-planning,
post planning, the first five (5) days of the
school year, or the last five (5) days of the
school year. Any exceptions must be
approved by the Superintendent or designee.
Further, personal/vacation leave may not be
authorized for school-based employees
during either the first two (2) days prior to a
school holiday period or a work calendar
reduction day, or the two (2) days following
a school holiday period or a work calendar
reduction day. Nor may personal/vacation
leave be authorized for school-based
employees during any federal or state
standardized assessments administered by
the District.
All requests for personal leave must be
submitted in writing to the employee’s
principal or supervisor at least three (3) days
prior to the requested leave date. Any days
missed for personal reasons in excess of
three (3) days are unauthorized absences and
will result in loss of pay charged at the
employee’s daily rate of pay. An employee
is not required to indicate specific reasons
for personal leave. The employee’s
principal or supervisor has the right to
approve or deny the employee’s request for
personal leave.
Annually, each school will be allotted
professional leave days, which will not be
charged against an employee’s personal
leave allotment when used as specified by
this policy. Each school will be allotted one
day for each seven, full-time, certificated
employees. An employee desiring to use
one or more of these days to attend a
professional meeting should submit a
written request to the principal at least three
weeks prior to the meeting date. Principals
are responsible for developing and
maintaining an equitable system for
distributing allotted professional leave days
among teachers of different departments and
Full-time personnel who have been
employed with the District for at least
twelve (12) months and wish to pursue
graduate degrees in education that are
related to the employee’s position with the
District, may request an unpaid leave of
absence to complete a residence degree
program, student teaching assignment, or
other internship as required by the attending
The employee must submit an application
for professional leave at least six weeks
prior to the leave event. Once an employee
is granted professional leave, the employee
may take up to one (1) year of unpaid leave
to complete the course requirements. Only
one professional leave may be granted for
each employee within a two-year cycle.
Any employee wishing to complete non-
degree programs are not eligible for
professional leave. The Division of Human
Resources has the right to deny the request
for professional leave. Reasonable efforts
will be made to reassign an employee who
returns from professional leave within the
allotted time, but not necessarily to the same
position previously held.
Ten-month employees earn 12.5 sick-leave
days per year. Twelve-month employees
earn 15 sick-leave days per year. An
employee may utilize sick leave upon the
approval of the Superintendent or her
designee for absence(s) due to illness or
injury or necessitated by exposure to
contagious disease or to illness or the death
of the employee’s relative, defined as the
following: spouse, child, sibling, parent,
grandparent, grandchild, and corresponding
step and in-law relations.
Full-time, 12-month employees who have
completed a minimum of ninety (90) days of
service in the District will earn ten (10) days
of vacation per year during the first five (5)
years of continuous employment. During
each additional one-year period of
continuous service, the employee earns one
more day of vacation than that earned the
preceding year, not to exceed twenty (20)
days of vacation per year. Unused vacation
days may be accumulated, up to a maximum
of thirty (30) days in addition to vacation
earned during the current year of service, but
no more than one-half of the earned but
unused vacation of the previous year may be
All requests for vacation leave must be
submitted, in writing, to the employee’s
principal or supervisor at least two weeks
prior to the requested leave date. The
employee’s principal or supervisor has the
right to approve or deny the employee’s
request for vacation leave.
The Records Center is responsible for maintaining permanent personnel files and records for all
District employees. Records assist with filing, scanning, and verifying all employment
documents. When an employee has accepted an offer of employment within the District, files are
established to maintain a history of employment.
These records are retained in the Division of Human Resources. Personnel records dating back
from the establishment of the District in 1946 through February 2001 are currently in hard-copy
paper file. Since March 1, 2001, all personnel who secured, or have attempted to secure, a
position within the District have an electronic file stored though the Paperless Applicant
Tracking System.
There is only one official personnel file for each employee. Each employee’s file is maintained
in a secured area in the Division of Human Resources. Confidentiality of all files is maintained
and anonymous material is not placed in the official personnel file of employees. Information or
records in an employee’s personnel file may be subject to disclosure to the public under the Open
Records Act.
An employee shall have access to her
personnel file during normal operating hours
of the Division of Human Resources three
times during a calendar year. To assure
access, employees should coordinate with
the Division of Human Resources. An
employee who wants to review their
personnel file may make a written request to
the Division of Human Resources or call
The Division of Human Resources will
schedule an appointment for the employee to
access the records within five days of the
request. Under no circumstances shall the
official personnel file be removed from the
office by the employee, and access to the
file will only be given in the presence of a
Human Resources Manager. Valid
identification must be presented by the
employee. The employee will have the right
to rebut or to present matters of extenuating
circumstances, but the employee shall not
have the right to remove any material from
the file.
Child support, tax levies, and bankruptcy
and garnishment transactions are processed
according to applicable state and federal
Each employee of the District has the
responsibility to notify the Department of
Staff Services of changes to their current
mailing address and/or telephone number. In
order to change a name on personnel
records, it is necessary for the employee to
request and complete a name-change packet.
Additionally, all certificated employees who
choose to change their name on their
educator’s certificate must complete and
submit a name change application to the
Certification Unit.
Keeping the personnel file up-to-date is
important with regard to pay, deductions,
benefits, and other matters. It is the
responsibility of employee to inform Human
Resources when there are changes in:
Legal name
Home address
Home telephone number
Marital status
Driving record or status of driver's
Military or draft status
Federal or state tax withholding
Required training certificates
Required professional license(s).
It is important to be aware of the person
named as beneficiary of the employee’s life
insurance and retirement plans and to notify
the Employee Benefits Unit should a change
in beneficiary be desired. The District will
not be responsible for non-receipt of any
official communication sent to an employee
if the employee has failed to file a change of
address notice with the Division of Human
Resources. Should an employee need to
change the number of dependents or
allowances listed for income tax purposes, it
will be necessary for the employee to secure,
complete, and return Forms W-4 or G-4 to
the Employee Benefits Section.
Personnel files are the property of the
District and access to information is
restricted. Information contained in an
employee’s personnel file is not made
available to others except as may be
required by law, when requested by the
employee, or when requested by school
officials with a need to know in an official
capacity. Otherwise, requests for
information not specifically approved by the
employee will be referred to the Office of
Legal Affairs. Georgia’s Open Records Act
lists certain records that are protected from
public disclosure. Among those listed are
medical records, home address information,
Social Security Numbers, and confidential
evaluations. The District will release, with
written approval from the employee,
information about the employee’s current
salary, dates of employment, job title, and
work location.
The employee may make a request for the
reproduction of documents from personnel
files, by submitting a Personnel Records
Request Form. A copy of the form may be
found in First Class/DeKalb Discussions
/DCSD Staff Services/Personnel Records
Request Form.