Welcome to Dublin
Dublin 2023
General questions of[email protected]
Abstracts/workshops [email protected]
Registration [email protected]
EPH Conference Ofce
Director: Marieke Verschuuren, The Netherlands
Anthony Staines, Ireland
n The International Conference Council
Chair: Martin McKee, United Kingdom
n The International Scientic Committee
Chair: Regien Biesma-Blanco
n Local Support Committee
Chair: Anthony Staines, Ireland
Abstract submission 1 February to 1 May 2023
Registration opens 1 April 2023
@EPHconference #EPH2023
The EPH Conference is where over 2,000 public health
professionals convene, learn, network and engage with
colleagues to strengthen the profession of public health,
share the latest research and information, promote best
practices and advocate for public health issues and policies
grounded in research. The EPH conference is an initiative
of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), an
independent scientic organisation engaged to build
capacity and knowledge in the eld of public health.
16th European Public Health Conference
8 - 11 November 2023
Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD), Dublin, Ireland
Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth:
A Sustainable Future for Humanity
Dublin is a living museum with medieval castles and cathedrals
alongside 18th century Georgian architecture from the times
Dublin was the most handsome city of the British Empire.
A walk over the city’s cobbled streets should start at City Hall and
Dublin Castle, both located on bustling Dame Street. These buildings
are positively steeped in history; City Hall was once the Royal
Exchange for the city’s merchant class, while the gorgeous gardens
at Dublin Castle cover the original ‘black pool’ from which the city gets
its name: Dubhlinn, or Dublin. Dublin Castle was also the seat of British
rule in Ireland for over 800 years until independence in 1922. There
are some iconic churches along the walk too. Majestic Christ Church
Cathedral pretty much spans the city’s entire timeline, having been
founded around 1062 by the Viking King Sitric. Nearby St. Werburgh’s
Church dates back to the 12th century. It’s the place where Gulliver’s
Travels author Jonathan Swift was baptised in 1667. Pass through the
cobbled streets of Temple Bar. Today, it’s home to a vibrant selection
of trendy boutiques, vintage stores, cafés, restaurants and markets.
For more information about what to see and do in Dublin, visit
With hundreds of daily ights providing a huge range of options,
Dublin can easily be reached. Direct ights are available from
most major cities in Europe and several hubs in North America.
Dublin Airport has two terminals. Terminal 1 is the arrival and
departure point for airlines including Ryanair, Air France/KLM,
Iberia, Lufthansa, British Airways and SAS. Terminal 2 is the hub
for transatlantic ights from North America and Ireland’s national
airline, Aer Lingus.
Dublin Airport is 10km from the city. A range of transport options
connect directly with the city centre. Aircoach, Airlink and Dublin
Bus provide bus services from both terminals, and metered taxis are
also readily available. There is currently no direct rail link between
airport and city.
For more information about airlines and airport connections:
Wednesday 8 November
09:00-10:30 Pre-conferences
10:30-11:00 Coffee/tea break
11:00-12:30 Pre-conferences
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Pre-conferences
15:00-15:30 Coffee/tea break
15:30-17:00 Pre-conferences
Thursday 9 November
09:00-10:00 Parallel sessions
10:00-10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30-11:30 Parallel sessions
11:40-12:40 Opening Ceremony
Lunch/Lunch Symposiums
13:50-14:50 Plenary 1
15:00-16:00 Parallel sessions
16:00-16:30 Coffee/tea break
16:30-17:30 Parallel sessions
17:40-18:40 Plenary 2
Friday 10 November
09:00–10:00 Parallel sessions
10:00–10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30–11:30 Plenary 3
11:40–12:40 Parallel sessions
Lunch/Lunch Symposiums
14:00–15:00 Plenary 4
15:10–16:10 Parallel sessions
16:10–16:40 Coffee/tea break
16:40–17:40 Parallel sessions
Saturday 11 November
09:00-10:00 Parallel sessions
10:00-10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30-11:30 Plenary 5
11:40-12:40 Parallel sessions
Lunch/Lunch Symposiums
13:50-14:50 Parallel sessions
15:00-15:45 Closing Ceremony
16th European Public Health Conference
8 – 11 November 2023
Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD),
Dublin, Ireland
The main theme is:
‘Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth:
A Sustainable Future for Humanity’.
Subthemes are:
n Gender health at the margins
or the centre?
n Digital Health
n Workforce and Skills
n Climate Emergency
n Food policy, global health and the SDGs
The 16th EPH Conference is held from
8 to 11 November 2023 at the Convention
Centre Dublin (The CCD) in Dublin.
The Welcome Reception is held on Thursday
9 November. The Conference Dinner is held
on Friday 10 November. Venues will be
announcement later.
The conference language will be English.
Registration for Dublin 2023 opens 1 April
2023. Registration fees will be announced
early 2023. Registation is possible for the
full conference and pre-conferences. Daily
registration is also an option. Registration
fees include refreshments in morning and
afternoon, buffet lunches. Reduced rates
are available for EUPHA members, students,
and colleagues from Ireland. Possibilities of
funding (fellowships, travel grants) will be
announced on the website.
Accommodation at different price categories
in the city centre will be available on our
Increase your visibility and make new
contacts at the 16th EPH Conference.
Dublin 2023 offers exceptional networking
opportunities to raise your prole in the
public health community.
As partner, sponsor or exhibitor you can
share the expertise and demonstrate the
activities of your organisation. Get in
touch with public health professionals
and representatives from European and
international organisations.
We offer tailor-made exhibition and
sponsor packages to suit your needs.
More details about partnership,
sponsorship and exhibition possibilities
are available at www.ephconference.eu
or contact the EPH Conference ofce
Our organising team is ready to work with
you to examine the various options.
Be visible at Dublin 2023
Abstract submission for Dublin 2023
Participate at Dublin 2023 by sharing your work with colleagues. The EPH Conference offers excellent opportunities to learn
from the latest research and practice, to network with experts and colleagues and to expand your professional horizons.
Abstracts are invited for workshops and single presentations in all areas of public health research, practice, policy and
education. Abstract submission is open from 1 February to 1 May 2023. Abstracts are considered for oral, pitch and poster
presentations. Workshop proposals are considered for 60-minutes sessions. Do not miss the opportunity to share your work
at the largest public health event in Europe. For less experienced abstract submitters a Mentor programme is set-up.
Be recognised for your hard work. Detailed instructions can be found on www.ephconference.eu.
EPH Conference Foundation
European Observatory on Health
Systems and Policies
European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control
European Commission
WHO Regional Ofce for Europe
We originally planned this EPH Conference
for November 2021 in Dublin, but COVID-19,
prudence and public health dictated
otherwise. We ended up with a successful
virtual conference in 2021 but in November
2023, we will be back in person, in Dublin.
Over the next decade we will all make
choices which will determine the future
of our advanced technological society.
The COVID-19 and monkeypox pandemics,
through which the world is now living, are
as graphic an example as could be desired of
the instability of our model of life, and the
need for action on One Health. In Europe,
we have paid a high price for our belief that
we were safe from infection, that we could
dismantle our public health systems, and
get away with it. Other countries to whom
COVID-19 spread from Europe have suffered
more, and paid even higher prices.
We have now run out of road on climate
emergency. 2021 was the warmest year on
record, and 2022 and 2023 are likely to beat
that record. The global climate is changing
rapidly. Building a future, any kind of future,
for us and for our children, demands a new
attention to sustainability. It’s tempting to
despair, to give up. Let’s not.
This conference
hopes to open up part of this discussion,
with a focus on health, and health care. We
will look specically at gender and health,
at health care delivery generally, the use
of digital tools, and the necessary stafng
and skills to provide good care. We will, in
line with the overall conference theme,
look in depth at the climate emergency, and
very specically at the human food supply.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine poses serious
risks to global food security that will require
a range of responses from governments and
inter national organizations. The unfolding
crisis in Ukraine will push up already-high
food price ination, and have serious
consequences for low-income net-food
importing countries, many of which have
seen an increase in malnourishment rates
over the past few years in the face of
pandemic disruptions. The Ukraine conict
not only exposes the evil of the current
Russian government, but also our failure
to create a resilient sustainable global food
supply. We can do better, and we have to do
We look forward to seeing you all in person,
in Dublin. Dublin is well known as a literary
city, but our long history of public health
in Ireland is less well known. These two
elements of our history intersect strikingly
in one man, William Wilde, society doctor,
hospital founder, apprentice to Abraham
Colles, husband to Jane Elgee, herself
better known as ‘Speranza’, the poet of
revolution, father to Oscar Wilde, who needs
no introduction, and Willy, an alcoholic
and a journalist. Sir William, as he became
known, wrote extensively on eye surgery,
Irish antiquities, Irish folklore, and on the
health of the Irish population. You may
yet have a chance to discover his city, in
all its brightness and darkness, as well as
learning something more about making and
sustaining our futures.
Wednesday 8 November
09:00-10:30 Pre-conferences
10:30-11:00 Coffee/tea break
11:00-12:30 Pre-conferences
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Pre-conferences
15:00-15:30 Coffee/tea break
15:30-17:00 Pre-conferences
Thursday 9 November
09:00-10:00 Parallel sessions
10:00-10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30-11:30 Parallel sessions
11:40-12:40 Opening Ceremony
Lunch/Lunch Symposiums
13:50-14:50 Plenary 1
15:00-16:00 Parallel sessions
16:00-16:30 Coffee/tea break
16:30-17:30 Parallel sessions
17:40-18:40 Plenary 2
Friday 10 November
09:00–10:00 Parallel sessions
10:00–10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30–11:30 Plenary 3
11:40–12:40 Parallel sessions
Lunch/Lunch Symposiums
14:00–15:00 Plenary 4
15:10–16:10 Parallel sessions
16:10–16:40 Coffee/tea break
16:40–17:40 Parallel sessions
Saturday 11 November
09:00-10:00 Parallel sessions
10:00-10:30 Coffee/tea break
10:30-11:30 Plenary 5
11:40-12:40 Parallel sessions
Lunch/Lunch Symposiums
13:50-14:50 Parallel sessions
15:00-15:45 Closing Ceremony
16th European Public Health Conference
8 – 11 November 2023
Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD),
Dublin, Ireland
The main theme is:
‘Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth:
A Sustainable Future for Humanity’.
Subthemes are:
n Gender health at the margins
or the centre?
n Digital Health
n Workforce and Skills
n Climate Emergency
n Food policy, global health and the SDGs
The 16th EPH Conference is held from
8 to 11 November 2023 at the Convention
Centre Dublin (The CCD) in Dublin.
The Welcome Reception is held on Thursday
9 November. The Conference Dinner is held
on Friday 10 November. Venues will be
announcement later.
The conference language will be English.
Registration for Dublin 2023 opens 1 April
2023. Registration fees will be announced
early 2023. Registation is possible for the
full conference and pre-conferences. Daily
registration is also an option. Registration
fees include refreshments in morning and
afternoon, buffet lunches. Reduced rates
are available for EUPHA members, students,
and colleagues from Ireland. Possibilities of
funding (fellowships, travel grants) will be
announced on the website.
Accommodation at different price categories
in the city centre will be available on our
Increase your visibility and make new
contacts at the 16th EPH Conference.
Dublin 2023 offers exceptional networking
opportunities to raise your prole in the
public health community.
As partner, sponsor or exhibitor you can
share the expertise and demonstrate the
activities of your organisation. Get in
touch with public health professionals
and representatives from European and
international organisations.
We offer tailor-made exhibition and
sponsor packages to suit your needs.
More details about partnership,
sponsorship and exhibition possibilities
are available at www.ephconference.eu
or contact the EPH Conference ofce
Our organising team is ready to work with
you to examine the various options.
Be visible at Dublin 2023
Abstract submission for Dublin 2023
Participate at Dublin 2023 by sharing your work with colleagues. The EPH Conference offers excellent opportunities to learn
from the latest research and practice, to network with experts and colleagues and to expand your professional horizons.
Abstracts are invited for workshops and single presentations in all areas of public health research, practice, policy and
education. Abstract submission is open from 1 February to 1 May 2023. Abstracts are considered for oral, pitch and poster
presentations. Workshop proposals are considered for 60-minutes sessions. Do not miss the opportunity to share your work
at the largest public health event in Europe. For less experienced abstract submitters a Mentor programme is set-up.
Be recognised for your hard work. Detailed instructions can be found on www.ephconference.eu.
EPH Conference Foundation
European Observatory on Health
Systems and Policies
European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control
European Commission
WHO Regional Ofce for Europe
We originally planned this EPH Conference
for November 2021 in Dublin, but COVID-19,
prudence and public health dictated
otherwise. We ended up with a successful
virtual conference in 2021 but in November
2023, we will be back in person, in Dublin.
Over the next decade we will all make
choices which will determine the future
of our advanced technological society.
The COVID-19 and monkeypox pandemics,
through which the world is now living, are
as graphic an example as could be desired of
the instability of our model of life, and the
need for action on One Health. In Europe,
we have paid a high price for our belief that
we were safe from infection, that we could
dismantle our public health systems, and
get away with it. Other countries to whom
COVID-19 spread from Europe have suffered
more, and paid even higher prices.
We have now run out of road on climate
emergency. 2021 was the warmest year on
record, and 2022 and 2023 are likely to beat
that record. The global climate is changing
rapidly. Building a future, any kind of future,
for us and for our children, demands a new
attention to sustainability. It’s tempting to
despair, to give up. Let’s not.
This conference
hopes to open up part of this discussion,
with a focus on health, and health care. We
will look specically at gender and health,
at health care delivery generally, the use
of digital tools, and the necessary stafng
and skills to provide good care. We will, in
line with the overall conference theme,
look in depth at the climate emergency, and
very specically at the human food supply.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine poses serious
risks to global food security that will require
a range of responses from governments and
inter national organizations. The unfolding
crisis in Ukraine will push up already-high
food price ination, and have serious
consequences for low-income net-food
importing countries, many of which have
seen an increase in malnourishment rates
over the past few years in the face of
pandemic disruptions. The Ukraine conict
not only exposes the evil of the current
Russian government, but also our failure
to create a resilient sustainable global food
supply. We can do better, and we have to do
We look forward to seeing you all in person,
in Dublin. Dublin is well known as a literary
city, but our long history of public health
in Ireland is less well known. These two
elements of our history intersect strikingly
in one man, William Wilde, society doctor,
hospital founder, apprentice to Abraham
Colles, husband to Jane Elgee, herself
better known as ‘Speranza’, the poet of
revolution, father to Oscar Wilde, who needs
no introduction, and Willy, an alcoholic
and a journalist. Sir William, as he became
known, wrote extensively on eye surgery,
Irish antiquities, Irish folklore, and on the
health of the Irish population. You may
yet have a chance to discover his city, in
all its brightness and darkness, as well as
learning something more about making and
sustaining our futures.
Welcome to Dublin
Dublin 2023
General questions of[email protected]
Abstracts/workshops [email protected]
Registration [email protected]
EPH Conference Ofce
Director: Marieke Verschuuren, The Netherlands
Anthony Staines, Ireland
n The International Conference Council
Chair: Martin McKee, United Kingdom
n The International Scientic Committee
Chair: Regien Biesma-Blanco
n Local Support Committee
Chair: Anthony Staines, Ireland
Abstract submission 1 February to 1 May 2023
Registration opens 1 April 2023
@EPHconference #EPH2023
The EPH Conference is where over 2,000 public health
professionals convene, learn, network and engage with
colleagues to strengthen the profession of public health,
share the latest research and information, promote best
practices and advocate for public health issues and policies
grounded in research. The EPH conference is an initiative
of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), an
independent scientic organisation engaged to build
capacity and knowledge in the eld of public health.
16th European Public Health Conference
8 - 11 November 2023
Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD), Dublin, Ireland
Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth:
A Sustainable Future for Humanity
Dublin is a living museum with medieval castles and cathedrals
alongside 18th century Georgian architecture from the times
Dublin was the most handsome city of the British Empire.
A walk over the city’s cobbled streets should start at City Hall and
Dublin Castle, both located on bustling Dame Street. These buildings
are positively steeped in history; City Hall was once the Royal
Exchange for the city’s merchant class, while the gorgeous gardens
at Dublin Castle cover the original ‘black pool’ from which the city gets
its name: Dubhlinn, or Dublin. Dublin Castle was also the seat of British
rule in Ireland for over 800 years until independence in 1922. There
are some iconic churches along the walk too. Majestic Christ Church
Cathedral pretty much spans the city’s entire timeline, having been
founded around 1062 by the Viking King Sitric. Nearby St. Werburgh’s
Church dates back to the 12th century. It’s the place where Gulliver’s
Travels author Jonathan Swift was baptised in 1667. Pass through the
cobbled streets of Temple Bar. Today, it’s home to a vibrant selection
of trendy boutiques, vintage stores, cafés, restaurants and markets.
For more information about what to see and do in Dublin, visit
With hundreds of daily ights providing a huge range of options,
Dublin can easily be reached. Direct ights are available from
most major cities in Europe and several hubs in North America.
Dublin Airport has two terminals. Terminal 1 is the arrival and
departure point for airlines including Ryanair, Air France/KLM,
Iberia, Lufthansa, British Airways and SAS. Terminal 2 is the hub
for transatlantic ights from North America and Ireland’s national
airline, Aer Lingus.
Dublin Airport is 10km from the city. A range of transport options
connect directly with the city centre. Aircoach, Airlink and Dublin
Bus provide bus services from both terminals, and metered taxis are
also readily available. There is currently no direct rail link between
airport and city.
For more information about airlines and airport connections: