+ 32 (0) 491 25 15 15
Joseph II-steet 20
1000 Brussel,
Alexsandro, 18 years old
Rio de Janeiro - KIYO partner SER
“Social circus is about giving youth like me
a voice. When I found Se Essa Rua Fosse
Minha (SER), something changed in my life:
I found my own voice, I dared to dream, and
I found work as an artist. At SER, it doesn’t
matter who you are, they embrace you for
who you are.
Embracing diversity and gender equality
in Rio de Janeiro through social circus
For many youth, especially afro-Brazilian and LGBTIQ+, discrimination is a daily
reality. These youth feel unsafe on the streets, are confronted with racial proling by
the police and with unequal opportunities when looking for work. There is also a high
level of unemployment among the youth, making them vulnerable for illegal markets,
exploitation, drug use and crime. However, these youth are bursting with talent and
have the potential to actively contribute to the human, economic and social develop-
ment of their country, if only they are given the necessary opportunities to do so.
Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha
DGD Programme 22-26 ‘Empowering youth together globally’ with the support of
Providing a safe space for youth who face discrimination on a daily basis that will support
them to stand up for their rights.
Guiding social circus groups in using social circus with youth as a means to develop
important life skills such as self-expression, to trigger debates around relevant social
themes such as gender-based inequalities and racism, and to raise awareness
on these issues with the broader public through art.
Supporting schools in developing an inclusive school culture where
childrens rights are respected and where students nd sucient
opportunities to develop themselves and actively participate in
shaping their school environment.
KIYO and Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha (SER), which translates as ‘If this were
my street’, have been partners since 2017. KIYO and SER learn from each
other’s work with youth, as well as from other KIYO partners through KIYO’s
overall programme. In the DGD 2022-2026 programme, KIYO and SER will focus
together on:
Check out the video to know more about SER!