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Management Department Faculty Publications Management Department
(e Link Between Diversity and Equality
Management Practice Bundles and Racial Diversity
in the Managerial Ranks: Does Firm Size Ma)er?
Orlando C. Richard
University of Texas at Dallas,
Hyuntak Roh
Yonsei University, Seoul,
Jenna R. Pieper
University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
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Richard, Orlando C.; Roh, Hyuntak; and Pieper, Jenna R., "<e Link Between Diversity and Equality Management Practice Bundles
and Racial Diversity in the Managerial Ranks: Does Firm Size Ma=er?" (2013). Management Department Faculty Publications. 109.
ince the passage of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, diversity and equality manage-
ment (DEM) has been an enduring issue
for organizations. While the DEM con-
cept has historically been associated with
mere legal compliance, the concept has advanced
from armative action (AA) and equal employ-
ment opportunity (EEO) to assume the view of a
competitive resource for organizations above and
beyond traditional high-performance work sys-
tems (Armstrong, Flood, Guthrie, Liu, MacCurtain,
& Mkamwa, 2010; Cox & Blake, 1991). Importantly,
many business leaders recognize the inherent
value in a diverse workforce and its boom-line
Published in Human Resource Management 52:2
(March–April 2013), pp. 215–242; doi: 10.1002/hrm.21528
Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Used by permission.
The Link Between Diversity
and Equality Management
Practice Bundles and Racial
Diversity in the Managerial
Ranks: Does Firm Size Maer?
Orlando C. Richard, Hyuntak Roh, and Jenna R. Pieper
Invoking strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory and tenets of the
resource-based view of the rm, we explore how two bundles of diversity and
equality management (DEM) practices inuence racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks. By considering the conceptualization of DEM practices and the mod-
erating role of rm size, our study disentangles subtle nuances in the DEM prac-
tices–racial diversity in managerial ranks relationship. Based on a sample of 137
Fortune 1,000 rms over a two-year period, our results suggest that minority op-
portunity-based DEM practices and manager accountability DEM practices posi-
tively relate to racial diversity in managerial ranks, and these relationships are
stronger in smaller companies than large ones. Theoretical and practical impli-
cations for a strategic perspective on future diversity management research are
Keywords: diversity and equality management practices, racial diversity, rm
Corresponding author — Orlando C. Richard, Organizations, Strategy, and International Management Area, School of Management, University of
Texas at Dallas, Box 830688, Richardson, TX, 75083; ph 972 883-4073, email [email protected]
216 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
impact on the viability of their organizations. Ev-
idence of this recognition can be seen in the sub-
stantial growth in corporate investments in DEM
practices designed to create greater inclusion of all
organizational stakeholders. For instance, nearly
95 percent of Fortune 1,000 companies have diver-
sity training initiatives in place (Chavez & Weis-
inger, 2008; Grensing-Pophal, 2002), and DEM is
an eight-billion-dollar industry, with diversity con-
sultants generating annual revenues estimated to
be just under $600 million (Hansen, 2003).
Research on the outcomes of workplace di-
versity has also grown exponentially during this
time (e.g., Harrison & Klein, 2007;
Jackson, Joshi, & Erhardt, 2003;
Milliken & Martins, 1996; Rich-
ard, Barne, Dwyer, & Chad-
wick, 2004; Van Knippenberg &
Schippers, 2007; Webber & Dona-
hue, 2001; Williams & O’Reilly,
1998). Given the value placed
on diversity by both academ-
ics and practitioners, an evalua-
tion of the extent to which DEM
practices create a more diverse
set of stakeholders would seem
essential (Gilbert, Stead, & Iv-
ancevich, 1999; Yang & Konrad,
2011). However, there have been
few eorts to measure their ef-
fectiveness (Cox, 1991; Cox &
Blake, 1991; Ellis & Sonnenfeld,
1994; Konrad & Linnehan, 1995;
Na & Kellough, 2003; Rich-
ard & Johnson, 1999). Rather, ev-
idence regarding the ecacy of
DEM practices in creating a di-
verse workplace has been im-
plied through the workplace
diversity–rm performance link, research examin-
ing DEM practices as key factors empowering the
degree to which a diverse workforce is more (or
less) eective (e.g., Cunningham, 2009; Kochan et
al., 2003; Kossek, Lobel, & Brown, 2006; Yang &
Konrad, 2011), and organization stratication re-
search (e.g., Goodman, Fields, & Blum, 2003; Ka-
lev, Dobbin, & Kelly, 2006; Reskin & McBrier, 2000)
studying the association between broad-based
HR practices (e.g., recruitment) and percentages
of women and minority groups in organizations.
In turn, the focus of our article is to investigate
the overall racial diversity (or variety; Harrison &
Klein, 2007) in rms’ managerial ranks, as (a) race
is a major component of diversity in rms (Rich-
ard, 2000) and (b) managers inuence strategic de-
cision making and implementation of strategic pol-
icies (e.g., Burgelman, 1994; Dwyer, Richard, &
Chadwick, 2003; Floyd & Wooldridge, 1997), both
of which aect a rm’s boom line.
Based on a sample of 137 Fortune 1,000 rms
over two years, the results of our article oer
three contributions to the literature and speak
to numerous constituencies directly concerned
with the impact of DEM practices. First, we theo-
rize about and empirically test whether two bun-
dles of DEM practices are associated with greater
overall representation of racial minorities in the
managerial ranks, which we operationalize us-
ing Blau’s (1977) index of heterogeneity. Invoking
theory from strategic human resource manage-
ment (SHRM), we examine minority-opportunity-
based DEM practices (i.e., mentoring and net-
works, management tracks for minorities) and
DEM practices aimed at increasing manager ac-
countability for racial diversity (i.e., bonuses and
performance appraisals tied to meeting diversity
goals). Such a dimensional approach (similar to
“bundles” in SHRM) lends to a beer theoretical
and practical understanding of those DEM prac-
tices associated with increased levels of racial di-
versity in the managerial ranks.
The second major contribution of our article
is to provide a more clear understanding of the
boundary conditions stipulating when the ear-
lier mentioned DEM practice bundles are strongly
(weakly) related to a rm’s level of racial diversity
in managerial ranks. Given the lack of in-depth
knowledge of this relationship, plus the likelihood
that developments in such knowledge will beer
expose how rms can create greater levels of di-
versity to stimulate their performance, the practi-
cal and conceptual payo to uncovering such sub-
Given the value
placed on diversity
by both academics
and practitioners,
an evaluation of
the extent to which
DEM practices
create a more
diverse set of
stakeholders would
seem essential.
However, there
have been few
efforts to measure
their effectiveness.
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 217
tle nuances is great. To this end, we theorize about
and empirically examine how rm size moderates
the value of DEM practices.
Our third contribution reects the inclusion of
multiple racial minority groups to investigate DEM
practice eects on not only broad-based diversity
indices (i.e., Blau’s index of heterogeneity), but also
specic minority groups. Going beyond previous
research, which has narrowly focused on African
American mobility into management, we consider
other often disenfranchised minority subgroups
such as Hispanics and Asians. Hence, our ndings
provide detailed insight into how DEM practices
aect managerial representation across a multitude
of racial minority subgroups.
Theoretical Development and Hypotheses
A signicant body of research in the area of stra-
tegic human resource management (SHRM) pur-
ports that human resource practices can be aligned
with rm business strategy and contribute to or-
ganizational performance goals (Delery & Doty,
1996; Huselid, 1995). These practices (e.g., rigor-
ous selection procedures, group-based pay, merit-
based promotion, high levels of training, and self-
managed teams) are touted as “high-performance”
work practices (HPWPs) or “strategic” HR prac-
tices. In a comprehensive review of 92 studies,
Combs, Liu, Hall, and Ketchen (2006) found that
HPWPs have a moderately positive (r = .20) eect
on rm performance. Based on SHRM theory, such
practices operate by increasing employees’ human
capital, empowering employees with the opportu-
nity to act, and motivating employees to behave in
ways conducive to meeting organizational goals
(Becker & Huselid, 1998; Becker, Huselid, Pickus,
& Spra, 1997; Gerhart, 2007).
Some researchers have argued that DEM prac-
tices also fall into this framework and are likely to
provide rms with a competitive advantage (e.g.,
Armstrong et al., 2010; Kossek et al., 2006; Richard
& Johnson, 1999). Specically, diversity manage-
ment has been dened as a strategy that rms use
to more eciently capitalize on the opportunities
that diversity oers (Society for Human Resource
Management, 2008) and goes beyond Armative
Action and EEO-based programs (R. R. Thomas,
1991). Under this broad denition, rms adopt a
number of practices, including increasing aware-
ness through training, mentoring and network-
ing programs, management tracks for minorities,
and so on. Indeed, in a recent study of 241 rms
in Ireland, Armstrong and colleagues (2010) found
that a diversity and equality management system
predicted rms’ labor productiv-
ity, workplace innovation, and
employee voluntary turnover
rates and uniquely accounted for
an additional 2–2.5 percent of the
variance in these outcomes above
traditional HPWPs.
A predominant theoretical per-
spective in the area of SHRM use-
ful to understanding how DEM
practices lead to a competitive
advantage is the resource-based
view of the rm (Barney, 1991;
Conner, 1991; Wright & McMa-
han, 1992). The theory has been
applied to shed light on how HR
practices shape a rm’s human
capital pool to provide a com-
petitive advantage for the rm
(Pfeer, 1998; Schuler & MacMil-
lan, 1984; Ulrich, 1991; Wright &
McMahan, 1992). These researchers have consid-
ered four criteria by which human resource prac-
tices can add competitive advantage for the rm:
human resource practices must add value to the
rm, be rare, be inimitable, and not have substi-
tutes (Wright & McMahan, 1992).
Extending these perspectives, some research-
ers have proposed that by broadening the talent
pool, providing access to diverse perspectives, in-
creasing the diversity of the customer base, en-
hancing the cultural competence of employees, and
increasing the inclusion of diverse groups, DEM
practices can provide rms with a sustained com-
petitive advantage (Cox, 1991; Cox & Blake, 1991;
Yang & Konrad, 2011). Under the RBV, DEM prac-
A predominant the-
oretical perspec-
tive in the area of
SHRM useful to un-
derstanding how
DEM practices
lead to a compet-
itive advantage is
the resource-based
view of the rm.
218 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
tices can also be characterized as a rm capability,
as they are designed to heighten workplace diver-
sity (Yang & Konrad, 2011). As we noted earlier, al-
though a majority of rms have adopted a num-
ber of diversity practices (e.g., in 2010, 68 percent
of rms indicated that they had
practices in place to address
workplace diversity; SHRM,
2010), there is limited empiri-
cal evidence to support the con-
tention that these practices do
in fact constitute an important
rm capability in terms of facil-
itating greater diversity. Apply-
ing the RBV perspective, we con-
sider how specic DEM practices
can be a source of competitive ad-
vantage by enabling rms to meet
an important eectiveness goal
of increasing racial diversity in
managerial ranks, which has im-
plications for enhanced rm per-
formance (Richard et al., 2004).
In addition, invoking an
SHRM perspective suggests that
single DEM practices alone may
not constitute a source of compet-
itive advantage; rather, the “bun-
dling” of dierent DEM practices
together provides for unique ar-
rangements of DEM practices that
are dicult for competitors to im-
itate, leading to stronger eects
on rm outcomes than individ-
ual HR practices (cf. Combs et al.,
2006). Proponents of HR “bun-
dles” (e.g., Appelbaum, Bailey,
Berg, & Kalleberg, 2000; Gerhart,
Trevor, & Graham, 1996; Ichnio-
wski, Shaw, & Prennushi, 1997;
MacDue, 1995) and “congurations” (Delery &
Doty, 1996) argue that an array of internally co-
herent HR practices creates “reinforcing eects”
or “synergy” that maximizes rm eectiveness. In
turn, we expand upon DEM practices conceptual-
ization to include two bundles of DEM practices
that have been designed to facilitate greater lev-
els of racial diversity in managerial ranks and are
widely adopted in US workplaces (SHRM, 2010).
The individual DEM practices, and their corre-
sponding umbrella dimensions, are deemed race-
related DEM practices because they are specically
designed to address racial diversity in organiza-
tions, not other dimensions of diversity (e.g., gen-
der and age).
Minority Opportunity-Based DEM Practices
Targeted Toward Racial Minorities
In this section, we discuss DEM practices that are
used to promote minority retention and develop-
ment and those DEM practices that theoretically
enhance rms’ racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks. We use the term minority opportunity-
based DEM practices to describe the following bun-
dle of DEM practices: racial minority mentoring
programs, racial minority network groups, in-
ternships for racial minorities, and career tracks
for racial minorities with high potential as future
managers. These DEM practices correspond to
the identity-conscious HRM structures discussed
by Konrad and Linnehan (1995) that are aimed
at remedying current racial discrimination in the
workplace, addressing past inequity, and achiev-
ing fair representation for various racial minor-
ity groups within managerial levels. Together, as
a bundle, these DEM practices aimed at provid-
ing the necessary opportunity structures for ra-
cial minorities to achieve advancement operate by
increasing racial minorities’ social resources nec-
essary to succeed, increasing organization eorts
to identify and promote high-potential minority
managers, and enhancing developmental opportu-
nities for minorities.
Formal network programs and mentoring are
viewed as essential elements of an organization’s
eorts to improve the social environment for ra-
cial minorities in rms. Minorities are often ex-
cluded from informal social networks in rms,
and this can have a detrimental impact on their
career success and retention (Blake-Beard, Mur-
rell, & Thomas, 2007; Ibarra, 1993). Indeed, re-
Invoking an SHRM
suggests that single
DEM practices
alone may not
constitute a source
of competitive
advantage; rather,
the “bundling”
of different DEM
practices together
provides for unique
arrangements of
DEM practices that
are difcult for
competitors to
imitate, leading
to stronger effects
on rm outcomes
than individual HR
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 219
search involving social networks has provided ev-
idence that individuals with more social ties or “in
the thick of things” are less likely to leave the or-
ganization (Feeley, 2000; Feeley, Hwang, & Barne,
2008; Mossholder, Seoon, & Henagan, 2005). The
social exclusion of minorities from informal net-
works in organizations has been aributed to the
tendency of individuals to engage in homophilous
interactions (i.e., interactions with similar others)
that tend to facilitate greater acceptance, trust, and
predictability. When minorities are represented in
small numbers, they tend to be excluded from so-
cial interactions and lose out on developmental op-
portunities (Ibarra, 1992, 1993; Kanter, 1977; Miller,
Lincoln, & Olson, 1981).
More specically, formal network groups are as-
sociations of minority employees that exist within
organizations to remedy social isolation and exclu-
sion in organizations. Common activities within
these groups include sharing information about
happenings within the company, providing so-
cial support to members, and providing oppor-
tunities to interact with other minorities (Fried-
man & Holtom, 2002). The earliest network groups
were formed by African American sales employ-
ees at Xerox in the late 1960s, and subsequently
several rms have adopted ethnicity-based net-
work groups to aract and retain qualied minor-
ity managers (Friedman & Deinard, 1991). Fried-
man (1996) identies the following characteristics
that distinguish formal network groups from other
types of employee associations: these groups are
organized based on social identity, such as com-
mon ethnicity; these groups are intra-organiza-
tional entities, organized by members rather than
managers; and these groups are publicly recog-
nized or formally organized. Although network
groups are fairly ubiquitous in organizations, there
is limited empirical evidence to test their eective-
ness (Blake-Beard et al., 2007). Based on data from
the National Black MBA Association, Friedman
(1996) found that those managers who worked
in organizations with network groups were more
aware of the importance of networks, less likely to
be kept out of informal networks, and more likely
to have mentors in organizations. More recent re-
search shows that networking had modest benets
in terms of increasing the representation of white
women and a negative eect on the representation
of black men (Kalev et al., 2006).
The positive eects of mentoring programs on
career outcomes are more widely documented
(e.g., Allen, Eby, Poteet, Len, & Lima, 2004; Eby,
Allen, Evans, Ng, & DuBois, 2008). In particu-
lar, mentoring is seen as a powerful tool facilitat-
ing employees’ career progression up the organi-
zation ladder (Blake-Beard, 1999; Murrell, Crosby,
& Ely, 1999; D. A. Thomas & Gabarro, 1999). Men-
toring programs tend to be formalized at the dy-
adic level with a matching between senior man-
agers and their junior counterparts, with the two
parties meeting regularly for ca-
reer counseling and informal ad-
vice (Kram & Hall, 1991; Ragins,
1995). DiTomaso, Thompson, and
Blake (1988) noted that a lack of
mentors is seen by managers as
the most important roadblock to
career success. Cox and Nkomo
(1991), in a study of 729 black and
white MBAs, found that black
MBAs were less likely to report
having access to a mentor than
their white counterparts. R. R.
Thomas (1991) notes that even
when black managers do have
mentors, they still need to proac-
tively cultivate multiple social re-
lationships with black and white
mentors to maximize the instru-
mental career and social support
needed to succeed. These nd-
ings suggest that although minor-
ity mentoring can have benecial
consequences in organizations,
there are challenges to fully
realizing these benets. Nevertheless, empiri-
cal evidence shows a positive impact of mentor-
ing programs for increasing representation of black
women in management (Kalev et al., 2006).
While networking and mentoring programs
provide opportunity structures by reducing so-
The earliest
network groups
were formed by
African American
sales employees
at Xerox in the
late 1960s, and
several rms have
adopted ethnicity-
based network
groups to attract
and retain qualied
minority managers.
220 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
cial isolation, internships and career tracks for mi-
norities reduce barriers by improving the access
that minorities have to higher-level jobs in organi-
zations (Konrad & Linnehan, 1995). Although the
specic impact of these types of practices has re-
ceived almost no prior research aention, related
personnel practices (such as armative action
plans) have been found to have the most imme-
diate direct impact on increasing racial minority
group representation in the management ranks
(Kalev et al., 2006; Leonard, 1984). At the manage-
rial level, we would also like to note that minority
internships and career tracks for employees may
make rms more aractive to qualied minority
applicants. Thus, these practices could improve
the araction and retention of minority managers
in rms and contribute to racial diversity in man-
agerial ranks.
Hypothesis 1: Race-based minority opportunity-
based DEM practices will be positively related to ra-
cial diversity in the managerial ranks.
Manager Accountability DEM Practices
The second bundle of DEM practices we discuss in-
clude those practices aimed at increasing manage-
rial diversity by directly motivating actions and be-
havior of managers through performance appraisal
and reward systems. Such practices, which we la-
bel manager accountability DEM practices, include
providing managers with incentive pay when they
meet organizational diversity goals and evaluating
managers on diversity-related tasks or outcomes
(e.g., establishing a positive diversity climate, pro-
moting an equal opportunity environment, retain-
ing minorities, and so forth) in the performance
appraisal process. Importantly, lile empirical re-
search to date has evaluated the impact of these di-
versity practices on racial diversity within rms—a
gap that we note may be due to the low incidence
of such practices in rms (e.g., a 2010 SHRM sur-
vey nds that only 47 percent of surveyed rms
evaluate managers on diversity-related goals and
even fewer, 10 percent, tie managers’ pay-for-per-
formance to diversity goals). However, there is rel-
evant theory suggesting that increasing account-
ability through formalized personnel practices can
improve the representation of women and minor-
ities in organizations (e.g., DiMaggio & Powell,
1983; Edelman, 1992). Morrison (1992) proposes
enhancing accountability for increasing diversity
through the inclusion of diversity goals in manag-
ers’ performance appraisals and in the determina-
tion of bonuses. In fact, Fortune companies such
as Hya and Denny’s oer strong incentives (e.g.,
15 percent bonuses) for meeting diversity goals
and benchmarks (Brathwaite, 2002; Prince, 2005).
At Colgate- Palmolive, for example, when reten-
tion levels for high-potential minorities fall below
90 percent, senior executives lose money (Greer &
Virick, 2008).
These accountability practices provide the or-
ganization with tools to communicate the value
it places on improving managerial racial diver-
sity, thus fostering competitiveness (Prince, 2005).
Nevertheless, organizations encounter dicul-
ties dening and measuring specic behaviors
that are directed at improving diversity or the di-
versity climate in the rm and, alternatively, may
choose to make evaluative and reward decisions
based on the extent to which managers are able
to change the demographic prole of their direct
reports (Greer & Virick, 2008). Limited evidence
suggests that adoption of diversity-related per-
formance evaluation improves the representation
of white women but not black men (Kalev et al.,
2006). In our study, we focus only on accountabil-
ity practices aimed at increasing racial diversity
in the managerial ranks (not the representation of
Hypothesis 2: Manager accountability DEM prac-
tices will be positively related to racial diversity in
the managerial ranks.
The Moderating Role of Firm Size
Organization theorists have greatly elaborated
factors that moderate the relationship between
organizational features and their eectiveness
(Lawrence, 1993; Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967). Like-
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 221
wise, a major focus of SHRM research is to iden-
tify the relevant organizational characteristics
that shape the ecacy of HR practices (Schuler &
Jackson, 1989). Accordingly, we next turn our at-
tention to one of the more dominant contextual
factors used in the sociological and organiza-
tional theory literatures (Haveman, 1993)— rm
size—to provide a more nuanced understanding
of the ecacy of our two DEM practice bundles
in inuencing racial diversity in the managerial
ranks. We discuss the relevant logics concerning
the importance of rm size, predicting that while
larger rms adopt more DEM practices, DEM
practices are more important in smaller compa-
nies in terms of inuencing diversity eective-
ness goals.
First, while rm size is often associated with
the adoption of human resource policies (Mat-
lay & Addis, 2002; van Eerde, Tang, & Talbot,
2008) and diversity practices specically (Konrad
& Linnehan, 1995; Rynes & Rosen, 1995), it also
has implications for the implementation phase
of DEM practices. Specically, the implementa-
tion of DEM practices should be more eective
in smaller rms for reasons such as greater rm
exibility and reduced inertia, both of which af-
fect a rm’s ability to compete in dynamic and
competitive environments. Larger rms are more
likely to have formalized routines, policies, and
structures in place that impede implementation
of HRM practices. In fact, smaller rms have
been found to be more exible (Fiegenbaum
& Karnani, 1991; Levy & Powell, 1998) and ex-
perience less inertia (Hannan & Freeman, 1984)
than larger rms. Further supporting our notion,
Garrison (2009) found that organization size im-
peded organizational response capability on the
early adoption of disruptive technology, with
larger rms having fewer early adoptions. Such
ndings translate to more eective implementa-
tion of DEM practices in smaller rms, as well
as the mere ability for small rms to adapt and
change the demographic composition of man-
agement levels through their DEM practices. In
large organizations, on the contrary, we expect
higher levels of inertia to hinder the eective-
ness of diversity practices intended to change the
composition of the workforce.
Second, Goodman et al. (2003) suggested that
smaller rms may be more resource-dependent
and experience heightened pressure to remove the
glass ceiling for minorities. In turn, the amount
of DEM practices in place within small rms will
prove to be more valuable in comparison to the
same amount of DEM practices operating in larger
rms. For instance, smaller rms often have a more
dicult time recruiting and hiring minorities than
larger ones ( Carrington, McCue, & Pierce, 2000;
Chay, 1998; Holzer, 1998). Given a greater resource
need, the DEM practices that small rms imple-
ment should be even more critical for them to
achieve their diversity eectiveness goals.
Third, research conducted by Sels, De Winne,
Maes, Faems, Delmoe, and Forrier (2003) found
that the adoption of HRM best practices was prof-
itable for smaller organizations. Their results re-
vealed that while the adoption of HRM best prac-
tices was low in small rms relative to large rms,
the intense use of HR practices was more positively
related to productivity and protability in smaller
rms. Thus, there is evidence that HRM best prac-
tices confer rm value for smaller organizations
(Klein, 2004). In summary, we surmise that similar
to HRM best practices, our DEM practices will be
most benecial for smaller organizations.
Hypothesis 3: Firm size will moderate the race-
based minority opportunity-based DEM practices–
racial diversity in the managerial ranks relationship.
Race-based minority opportunity-based DEM prac-
tices will have a stronger positive relationship with
racial diversity in the managerial ranks in small ver-
sus large organizations.
Hypothesis 4: Firm size will moderate the manager
accountability DEM practices–racial diversity in the
managerial ranks relationship. Manager accountabil-
ity DEM practices will have a stronger positive rela-
tionship with racial diversity in the managerial ranks
in small versus large organizations.
222 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
Our dataset merges data from two unique sources
for two consecutive years (i.e., 2002– 2003). First,
information on rms’ demographic composition
and DEM practices came from a sample of US
rms participating in Fortune magazine’s manag-
ing diversity questionnaire. The sampling frame
represents a wide cross-section of Fortune 1,000
rms and the largest 200 privately held US compa-
nies spanning numerous industrial sectors; on av-
erage, a response rate of 14 percent was reported
(e.g., Hickman, Tkaczyk, Florian, Stemple, & Vazquez,
2003). Fortune magazine, in conjunction with the
Council on Economic Priorities
(CEP; a nonprot research orga-
nization that has evaluated cor-
porate diversity since 1971), col-
lected data on the demographic
proles of the participating orga-
nizations (both gender and race)
and surveyed rms’ DEM prac-
tices, especially with regard to ra-
cial diversity in the managerial
ranks. Our sample was selected
because (1) detailed demographic
data on rms’ racial composition
was available across ve racial
categories and (2) the rms went
through an extensive, rigorous
evaluation process that required
them to disclose their diver-
sity practices at the headquarters
level. Next, we utilized COMPU-
STAT to acquire the nancial vari-
ables (e.g., industry-level control
measures) in our study and to
cross-check the nancial data re-
ported in the Fortune survey. We
used a conservative approach to
test our hypotheses, including
those cases where all data were
available for both years; as a result, our sample of
rms was varied from 68 to 137 depending on the
model specication.
It is important to highlight that our sample in-
cluded rms that were listed in the Diversity Elite
list (50 Best Companies for Minorities). However,
about 60 percent of the rms in our sample (ap-
proximately 87 of the 137 rms) were not a part of
the 50 companies that compose the Diversity Elite,
further increasing our condence that our sample
consisted of rms with varying levels of racial di-
versity and DEM practices. For example, the range
on the racial diversity in the managerial ranks in-
dex was from .02 (practically no diversity) to .60
(high levels of diversity), providing evidence of
variation in our dependent variable.
To check whether response bias existed, we also
compared our sample of respondents to nonre-
sponding Fortune 500 companies in terms of reve-
nue, total assets, and total number of workers. Fol-
lowing the work of Osterman (1994) and Delery
and Doty (1996), we employed a logistical regres-
sion analysis, where the dependent variable was
dened as a dummy variable coded 1 for respon-
dents and 0 for nonrespondents. No signicant dif-
ferences were detected from the analysis, indicat-
ing that response bias was not a serious problem in
the current dataset.
Dependent Measure
The dependent variable representing DEM prac-
tice eectiveness in our study was racial diversity
in the managerial ranks. Blau’s (1977) index of het-
erogeneity was used to develop the measure of ra-
cial diversity in the managerial ranks. The index
is calculated as follows: racial diversity index = (1
), where P
is the proportion of group mem-
bers in a category i. The Fortune survey assessed
the percentage of ve categories of managers’ race
in rms (i.e., white, black [i.e., African American],
Hispanic, Asian, and Native American [i.e., Amer-
ican Indian]). For ve categories, Blau’s index
takes on a range from 0 to 0.80. An index of zero
suggests only one category of employees, while
a value of 0.80 implies that all ve categories are
equally represented in the organization. Racial di-
versity in managerial ranks in our study ranged
About 60 percent
of the rms
in our sample
(approximately 87
of the 137 rms)
were not a part of
the 50 companies
that compose the
Diversity Elite,
further increasing
our condence
that our sample
consisted of rms
with varying levels
of racial diversity
and DEM practices.
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 223
from .02 (practically no diversity) to .60 (high lev-
els of diversity).
We also provided supplemental analyses using
the proportion of each racial minority category in
the managerial ranks (i.e., the proportion of man-
agers in each racial category among total number
of managers). While the index of racial diversity in
the managerial ranks captured the overall level of
diversity, examining the eects of DEM practices
on individual racial categories provided for more
detailed analyses. Such an approach yielded ne-
grained information highlighting the drivers of
overall racial diversity. Because we did not observe
adequate variation across the proportional mea-
sure for Native American (which we believe to be
due to the low incidence of rms employing Na-
tive American managers), we excluded this cate-
gory from the detailed analyses.
Independent Variables
We selected two types of DEM practice bundles
as antecedents to racial diversity in managerial
ranks: minority opportunity-based DEM practices
and manager accountability DEM practices. Minor-
ity opportunity-based DEM practices was the sum-
mate of several items that tapped into the pres-
ence (yes/no responses) of racial minority specic
practices, including internships for racial minor-
ities, racial minority mentoring programs, net-
work groups, and career tracks for high-potential
racial minority managers. Manager accountability
DEM practices represented diversity practices that
(1) evaluate managers on diversity-related goals
and (2) tie managers’ rewards (bonuses) to racial
diversity goals. Managers’ performance appraisal
was the proportion of managers with apprais-
als tied to racial diversity goal accomplishment,
while managers’ bonus was the proportion of
managers with their bonuses tied to racial diver-
sity goal achievement. These two DEM practices
were averaged to represent manager accountabil-
ity DEM practices.
To assess and conrm the factor structure asso-
ciated with these practice bundles, we factor-ana-
lyzed each practice’s standard score using princi-
pal component extraction with Varimax rotation.
As expected, two factors emerged from the analy-
sis (minority opportunity-based and manager ac-
countability DEM practices). Table I shows these
Other Measures
We included rm size as a moderator variable in
the model and operationalized this variable as the
Table I. Factor Analysis Results
Factor Loading
DEM Practices 1 2
Minority opportunity-based DEM practices
Internship for racial minorities 0.68 0.08
Racial minority mentoring program 0.82 −0.01
Network groups for racial minorities 0.66 −0.03
Career tracks for high-potential racial minorities 0.72 0.21
Manager accountability DEM practices
Performance appraisal tied to diversity goals 0.16 0.90
Managers’ bonus tied to diversity goals −0.04 0.91
Eigenvalue 2.06 1.47
Percentage of variance explained 34.37 24.47
Alpha 0.69 0.80
Factor loadings for the correct category are shown in bold type.
N = 146 rm year observations.
224 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
logged value of a rm’s total assets in billions of
dollars for the given year.
We also included two
rm-level control variables that may have a direct
eect on racial diversity in managerial ranks—to-
tal number of managers (logarithm) and gender diver-
sity in the managerial ranks (Blau’s index of hetero-
geneity applied to the rms’ gender composition
in the managerial ranks). We also included several
environmental- level control variables that may in-
uence racial diversity (cf. Richard, Murthi, & Is-
mail, 2007). Using each rm’s standard industrial
classication (SIC) code, industry type was coded as
a dummy variable representing 0 for rms in the
manufacturing industry (SIC code = 0 from 2,000 to
3,999) and 1 for rms in the service industry (SIC
code = 1 if less than 2,000 and greater than 3,999)
(Gomez-Mejia, Larraza-Kintana, & Makri, 2003).
We calculated industry growth (municence) as the
percentage change in industry revenues from the
previous year (Ferrier, 2001). Industry revenue was
the logged value of total revenues of each industry.
Industry concentration (power) was measured as the
percentage of sales generated by the top four rms
relative to total industry sales (Berman, Wicks, Ko-
tha, & Jones, 1999).
Analytical Approach
The data were cross-sectional (across rms) and
time series (over years) in nature; thus, we ad-
opted a panel data methodology. The use of panel
data has become increasingly popular in studies of
rm-level management research and has a number
of advantages (Hi, Gimeno, & Hoskisson, 1998).
For example, panel data and the associated meth-
ods allow researchers to control for unobserved
heterogeneity, improve statistical estimates by en-
larging the sample size (in our case, we could in-
clude multiple-year observations from rms), and
capture both between- and within-unit eects of an
entire sample (Kmenta, 1996). However, care must
be taken when conducting statistical tests on panel
data (Dielman, 1983; Neter, Kutner, Wasserman,
& Nachtsheim, 1996). The main problems include
cross-sectional heteroskedasticity and within-unit
serial correlation. When these are present, the or-
dinary least squares (OLS) assumptions of constant
variance and uncorrelated error terms are violated,
rendering OLS inappropriate. To correct for het-
eroskedasticity and autocorrelated error terms, we
used the generalized least squares (GLS) procedure
(Kmenta, 1996; Sayrs, 1989).
Among the conventional panel data model
specications (xed- and random-eects mod-
els), we utilized random-eects (RE) estimators in
our analyses. Although xed-eects (FE) models
are commonly preferred (Greene, 2003), a major
drawback of the FE model is its inability to esti-
mate variables that are stable over time. Our in-
dependent variables varied lile over time in our
sample rms and, thus, resulted in a large reduc-
tion in available observations when applying the
standard FE model (xed on rms in our study)—
a common problem when there are relatively few
observations per cross-sectional unit (Greene,
2003). In turn, we deemed the FE model inappro-
priate and used RE models, which assume that
the unobserved xed eects are uncorrelated with
the explanatory variables. A Hausman test (Haus-
man, 1978) revealed no signicant correlations be-
tween independent variables and the rm-level
xed eects. In the RE specication, the intercept
α is assumed to consist of a deterministic compo-
nent (α) and a random component u
, which is as-
sumed to be distributed according to a normal
distribution (i.e., α = α + u
). Therefore, the model
is given by:
= α + β X
+ u
+ ε
Table II shows descriptive statistics and correla-
tions among the variables used in the study. Mean
racial diversity in the management ranks in the
rms in our sample was .32 (SD = .12). In addition,
the correlations between the variables do not sug-
gest the potential for multicollinearity (high level
of correlations among independent measures) in
the multivariate regression analyses.
Table III presents the results of the multivari-
ate analyses used to test our hypotheses regard-
ing the eects of DEM practice bundles on racial
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 225
Table II. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations
Variables Nobs Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Minority 272 3.05 1.20
DEM practices
2. Manager practices 146 58.95 36.80 0.15
accountability DEM
3. Number of 272 8.10 1.16 0.40*** −0.16*
4. Gender diversity 272 0.41 0.09 0.15* −0.06 0.33***
in the managerial
5. Service industry 244 0.61 0.49 −0.16* −0.35*** 0.11 0.27***
6. Industry growth 240 0.03 0.12 −0.08 −0.06 0.06 0.19** 0.09
7. Industry revenue
255 25.65 0.89 0.10 −0.06 0.15* 0.01 0.19** 0.17**
8. Power 253 0.60 0.20 0.11 −0.02 0.35*** 0.18** −0.23*** −0.12 −0.30***
9. Firm size 221 23.96 1.45 0.27*** −0.05 0.49*** 0.27*** 0.21** 0.06 0.45*** 0.11
(total assets
10. Racial diversity in 272 0.32 0.12 0.07 −0.13 0.36*** 0.35*** 0.28*** −0.12 −0.11 0.19** 0.12
the managerial ranks
11. African American 272 0.08 0.04 0.22*** −0.14 0.39*** 0.31*** 0.34*** 0.09 −0.01 0.20** 0.24*** 0.53***
managers (%)
12. Asian managers (%) 272 0.05 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.08 0.20** −0.14* −0.27*** −0.08 0.20** 0.12 0.52*** −0.09
13. Hispanic managers (%) 272 0.06 0.05 −0.09 −0.19* 0.11 0.16** −0.29*** −0.04 −0.19** −0.09 −0.15* 0.68*** 0.18** 0.14*
14. Native American 272 0.01 0.01 −0.16** −0.15 0.09 −0.06 0.13 −0.02 0.08 0.03 −0.03 0.28*** −0.10 −0.10 0.05
managers (%)
Correlations are based on pairwise deletion.
a. Logarithm.
* p < .05 ; ** p < .01 ; *** p < .001
226 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
diversity in the managerial ranks and the moder-
ating inuence of rm size. The baseline model
(Model 1) indicated that of the control measures
included, total number of managers, gender di-
versity in the managerial ranks, and industry type
(i.e., service industry) were positively and signif-
icantly associated with rms’ racial diversity in
the managerial ranks. The eects of gender diver-
Table III. Results of Random-Effects GLS Regression Analysis on Racial Diversity in the Managerial Ranks
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Constant 0.229 0.344* 0.739** 0.808**
(0.180) (0.189) (0.302) (0.293)
Number of managers
0.018** 0.011 0.012 0.012
(0.007) (0.01) (0.009) (0.009)
Gender diversity in the managerial ranks 0.412*** 0.360** 0.283* 0.229*
(0.089) (0.120) (0.130) (0.129)
Service industry 0.046* 0.076** 0.074*** 0.080***
(0.020) (0.024) (0.023) (0.023)
Industry growth −0.023 −0.031 −0.032 −0.026
(0.015) (0.019) (0.021) (0.020)
Industry revenuea −0.010 −0.012* −0.028** −0.030**
(0.007) (0.007) (0.012) (0.011)
Power 0.003 0.014 0.030 0.022
(0.032) (0.042) (0.042) (0.041)
Main effects
Minority opportunity-based DEM practices
0.006 0.017* 0.020**
(0.007) (0.009) (0.009)
Manager accountability DEM practices
0.013*** 0.013*** 0.014***
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Firm size (total assets
) 0.006 0.021*
(0.009) (0.010)
Minority opportunity-based DEM practices × rm size
Manager accountability DEM practices ×  rm size
Number of observations 219 124 108 108
Number of rms 137 79 68 68
0.228 0.255 0.287 0.327
Unstandardized regression coefcients (b) reported; standard errors are in parentheses.
a. Logarithm.
b. Variables standardized prior to running the analyses.
* p < .05 ; ** p < .01 ; *** p < .001 (one-tailed test)
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 227
sity in the managerial ranks and service industry
on racial diversity in the managerial ranks were
robust across all models. Models 2, 3, and 4 de-
tail the results of Hypotheses 1–4. Hypothesis 1
predicted that the presence of minority oppor-
tunity-based DEM practices would be positively
related to rms’ racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks. As expected, we found a signicant
and positive eect of minority opportunity-based
DEM practices on racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks (b = .017, p < .05 in Model 3 and b = .02,
p < .01 in Model 4), indicating that managerial ra-
cial diversity index can be increased by .017–.02
for each standard deviation increase (SD = 1.20)
in minority opportunity-based DEM practices, or
roughly an adoption of 1 additional practice. For
rms with average racial diversity in the mana-
gerial ranks (.32 based on Table II) and who im-
plement an additional practice, this translates
to a 5–6 percent racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks increase. Consistent with Hypothesis 2,
which predicted that the proportion of managers
held accountable for or receiving incentive pay
for meeting diversity goals would be positively
related to racial diversity in the managerial ranks,
manager accountability DEM practices also had
a signicant and positive eect on rms’ overall
racial diversity in the managerial ranks. The re-
sults indicated that about a .013 point increase in
the racial diversity index (or 4 percent increase
for rms with an average level of racial diversity)
can be expected when there is a one standard de-
viation increase (SD = 36.8 percentage points) in
the proportion of managers held accountable for
or receiving incentive pay for meeting diversity
goals. This paern of ndings was robust across
all models presented in Table III (b = .013, p < .001
in Models 2 and 3; b = .014, p < .001 in Model 4).
Hypotheses 3 and 4 stated that rm size mod-
erates the relationship between the DEM prac-
tice bundles and racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks (Model 4). Supporting Hypothesis 3, we
found a moderating inuence of rm size on the
eect of minority opportunity-based DEM prac-
tices—that is, the positive eect of these practices
on racial diversity was stronger in smaller rms
but not in larger rms (b = −.016, p < .05). This in-
teractive eect is illustrated in Figure 1, which
shows that smaller rms (one standard devia-
tion below the mean in terms of logged value of
total assets) have a strong, positive relationship
between the use of minority opportunity-based
DEM practices and racial diversity in the mana-
gerial ranks, whereas the relationship was weak
in larger rms (one standard deviation above the
mean). Thus, small rms with an average level of
racial diversity in the managerial ranks (.32) will
increase their racial diversity by approximately
11.25 percent with each standard-deviation in-
crease in minority opportunity-based DEM prac-
tices, whereas large rms with the same level of
racial diversity will expect only
a 1.25 percent increase. We also
found support for Hypothesis 4
regarding the moderating role
of rm size on the relationship
between manager accountabil-
ity DEM practices and racial di-
versity in the managerial ranks
(b = −.009, p < .05). As shown in
Figure 2, the relationship be-
tween manager accountability
DEM practices and racial diver-
sity in the managerial ranks was
positive and stronger in small
rms (one standard deviation be-
low the mean), but the paern
was less apparent in large rms
(one standard deviation above
the mean level). More specically, small rms
with average racial diversity in the managerial
ranks will increase their diversity by about 7.18
percent if they increase their manager account-
ability DEM practices by 36.8 percentage points
(1 SD), whereas large rms will receive a smaller
increase of roughly 1.56 percent for the same in-
crease in manager accountability DEM practices.
Together, the fully specied model with the in-
teraction terms (Model 4) accounted for an addi-
tional 4 percent of the variation in racial diversity
in managerial ranks above the main eects model
only (Model 3).
The effects of
gender diversity
in the managerial
ranks and service
industry on racial
diversity in the
managerial ranks
were robust across
all models.
228 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
Figure 1. Interactive Effect of Firm Size and Minority Opportunity-Based DEM Practices on Racial Diversity in the
Managerial Ranks
Figure 2. Interactive Effect of Firm Size and Manager Accountability DEM Practices on Racial Diversity in the Man-
agerial Ranks
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 229
Supplemental Analyses
Table IV presents the results of supplemental anal-
yses employed to beer understand which ra-
cial groups’ overall representation in rms’ man-
agerial ranks our bundles of DEM practices were
more likely to inuence. Specically, we exam-
ined the eects of the two DEM practice bundles
on the proportion of each racial minority category
in the managerial ranks (the percentage of manag-
ers in each racial category among the total num-
ber of managers, excluding Native American man-
agers due rms employing few Native American
managers in our sample). Interestingly, we ob-
served that increasing the amount of minority op-
portunity-based DEM practices was positively
and signicantly related to the proportion of Afri-
can American managers in rms (b = .009, p < .01
in Model 4), indicating that a rm’s adoption of
one minority opportunity-based DEM practice ap-
proximately leads to about a 1 percent increase of
African American manager representation in the
managerial ranks, while manager accountabil-
ity DEM practices had no eects. In contrast to the
ndings for African American managers, the pro-
portion of Asian managers was positively and sig-
nicantly aected by the use of manager account-
ability DEM practices (b = .008, p < .001 in Model
8), indicating that the representation of Asian man-
agers increases about 1 percent as the percentage
of managers are held accountable for or receive in-
centive pay for meeting diversity goals increases
one standard deviation (or 36.8 percentage points),
while no eects were found from the use of minor-
ity opportunity-based DEM practices. We found
no statistically signicant eects of DEM practice
bundles on the proportion of Hispanic managers
(Models 10–12).
The interaction between minority opportu-
nity- based DEM practices and rm size was sig-
nicant and negative for the proportion of Afri-
can American managers (b = −.006, p < .01, Model
4), indicating that the positive eect of minority
opportunity-based DEM practices on the propor-
tion of African American managers was stronger
in smaller rms than large rms (Figure 3 graph-
ically illustrates this interaction). Specically,
small rms with an average African American
manager representation, or 8 percent, can expect
about an 18.75 percent increase in this minor-
ity subgroups representation in the managerial
ranks for each minority op-
portunity-based DEM practice
they adopt. In turn, larger rms
adopting an additional practice
will only expect about a 1.75 per-
cent increase. Signicant interac-
tions with rm size were also ev-
ident for the proportion of Asian
managers. As shown in Model 8,
the eects of the two DEM prac-
tice bundles on rms’ proportion
of Asian managers were both
qualied by a signicant and
negative interaction with rm
size (b = −.006, p < .001 for mi-
nority opportunity-based DEM
practices; b = −.006, p < .001 for
manager accountability DEM
practices). These interactions in-
dicate that eects of the DEM
practice bundles on the propor-
tion of Asian managers were
stronger in smaller rms than
large rms (see Figures 4 and 5
for illustrations of these interac-
tions). In particular, small rms
with an average Asian manager
representation of 5 percent will
see about a 16–28 percent in-
crease in this minority group
Over the past several decades, research on work-
place diversity has grown dramatically. While or-
ganizations spend millions of dollars annually on
various DEM practices, the benet of these pro-
grams to increased workplace diversity is rarely
documented. Our research recties this gap by fo-
cusing on the eects of specic bundles of DEM
practices on racial diversity in the managerial
The interaction
between minority
DEM practices
and rm size was
signicant and
negative for the
proportion of
African American
( b = –.006,
p < .01, Model
4), indicating
that the positive
effect of minority
DEM practices on
the proportion of
African American
managers was
stronger in smaller
rms than large
230 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
Table IV. Results of Random-Effects GLS Regression Analysis on the Proportion of Each Racial Minority Category in the Managerial Ranks
African American Managers Asian Managers Hispanic Managers
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10 Model 11 Model 12
Constant −0.043 −0.020 −0.030 −0.029 0.038 0.019 0.119 0.180* 0.161** 0.113* 0.288** 0.294**
(0.060) (0.069) (0.117) (0.116) (0.073) (0.070) (0.104) (0.100) (0.064) (0.061) (0.092) (0.094)
Number of 0.005* 0.001 −0.000 −0.001 −0.000 0.000 −0.001 −0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007* 0.007**
(0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
Gender 0.116*** 0.069 0.027 0.015 0.097** 0.101** 0.092* 0.081* 0.073* 0.065 0.083* 0.074*
diversity in the (0.030) (0.044) (0.052) (0.052) (0.034) (0.035) (0.040) (0.040) (0.034) (0.044) (0.043) (0.044)
managerial ranks
Service 0.022** 0.033*** 0.031*** 0.032*** −0.018** −0.002 −0.004 −0.001 0.023** 0.026** 0.024** 0.025**
industry (0.007) (0.009) (0.010) (0.009) (0.01) (0.006) (0.007) (0.007) (0.008) (0.010) (0.008) (0.008)
Industry 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.005 −0.010 −0.027** −0.030** −0.024** −0.005 −0.007 −0.007 −0.007
growth (0.005) (0.007) (0.007) (0.007) (0.007) (0.009) (0.010) (0.008) (0.005) (0.006) (0.005) (0.006)
Industry 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 −0.001 −0.001 −0.004 −0.007* −0.006** −0.005** −0.013*** −0.013***
(0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004) (0.002) (0.002) (0.004) (0.004)
Power 0.009 0.032* 0.032* 0.034* 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.004 −0.021 −0.009 −0.014 −0.015
(0.011) (0.015) (0.016) (0.016) (0.013) (0.014) (0.015) (0.014) (0.012) (0.014) (0.013) (0.013)
Main effects
Minority 0.007** 0.008** 0.009** −0.000 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.002
opportunity- (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003)
based DEM
Manager 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.006*** 0.007*** 0.008*** −0.001 −0.000 0.000
accountability (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
DEM practices
Firm size 0.002 0.005 0.008** 0.013*** −0.004 −0.003
(total assets
) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.003)
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 231
African American Managers Asian Managers Hispanic Managers
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10 Model 11 Model 12
Minority −0.006* −0.006* −0.001
opportunity-based (0.003) (0.003) (0.002)
DEM practices
× rm size
Manager 0.001 −0.006***
accountability (0.002) (0.002)
DEM practices
× rm size
Number of 219 124 108 108 219 124 108 108 219 124 108 108
Number of rms 137 79 68 68 137 79 68 68 137 79 68 68
0.217 0.276 0.257 0.279 0.101 0.178 0.244 0.244 0.149 0.144 0.270 0.275
Unstandardized regression coefcients (b) reported; standard errors are in parentheses.
a. Logarithm.
b. Variables standardized prior to running the analyses.
* p < .05 ; ** p < .01 ; *** p < .001 (one-tailed test)
232 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
Figure 3. Interactive Effect of Firm Size and Minority Opportunity-Based DEM Practices on the Proportion of Afri-
can American Managers
Figure 4. Interactive Effect of Firm Size and Minority Opportunity-Based DEM Practices on the Proportion of Asian
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 233
Our results suggest that rms with greater lev-
els of the two bundles of DEM practices—minor-
ity opportunity-based DEM practices and man-
ager accountability DEM practices—have higher
levels of racial diversity in their managerial ranks
(approximately 4–6 percent higher levels). The
practical eect of such increases can be further
seen when considering the racial diversity in man-
agerial ranks–rm performance link. Andrevski,
Richard, Shaw, and Ferrier (in press) found that
a .01 unit increase in racial diversity in the man-
agerial ranks led to about a .0032 percent market
share gain (i.e., the positive year-to-year change in
the proportion of total sales in the focal rm’s pri-
mary industry that its sales represented). Combin-
ing our ndings (Table III’s Model 4) with those
of Andrevski et al., rms increasing either of their
DEM bundle practices by 1 unit each will poten-
tially see a .0051 to .0064 percent market share
gain, as these increases were associated with .014–
.02 higher levels of racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks in our study.
Furthermore, the results of our supplemental
analyses indicated that a more nuanced approach
to understanding the eects of these DEM practices
on the representation of various racial groups in
managerial ranks across rms is warranted. While
minority opportunity-based DEM practices had a
positive eect on overall racial diversity in manage-
rial ranks, it appears that this eect was robust on
the percentage of African American managers and
Asian Americans only. Minority opportunity-based
DEM practices are aimed at providing internships,
management tracks, networking, and mentoring
to minority employees. Our ndings suggest that
these DEM practices, which are designed to cre-
ate opportunities and a socially inclusive climate in
an organization, may be more valuable for the ad-
vancement of African American managers. Given
that African Americans frequently experience “ac-
cess to management” discrimination due to prej-
udice, stereotypes, and from having a “black”-
sounding name (Bendick, Jackson, & Reinoso, 1994;
Fryer & Levi, 2004), it is a noteworthy nding that
Figure 5. Interactive Effect of Firm Size and Manager Accountability DEM Practices on the Proportion of Asian
234 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
minority opportunity-based DEM practices result
in more access for them.
In addition, the eect of manager accountabil-
ity DEM practices on racial diversity in manage-
rial ranks was most robust for Asian managers.
Manager accountability DEM practices are aimed
at increasing racial diversity in managerial ranks
by directly motivating the actions and behavior
of managers to meet diversity goals through per-
formance appraisal and reward systems. So why
would senior managers, when held accountable
for diversifying their management ranks, select
Asian managers compared to African Americans
and Hispanics? In the face of pressures to en-
hance diversity, it is possible that senior managers
promote or hire Asian managers
as opposed to other racial groups,
as this demographic group may
be more represented in the tal-
ent pool. For example, research
suggests that Asian Americans,
more than any other minority
subgroup, are recognized by the
dominant group for their com-
mitment to educational achieve-
ment and overall success (An-
derson, 1992). In fact, whites
see Asians as the most success-
fully assimilated minority group
in American society, and evi-
dence shows that whites and
Asians have the highest within-
group participation rates (13.1
percent and 8.3 percent, respec-
tively) in management (Equal
Employment Opportunity Com-
mission, 2012; Jo, 2004). Not only
are Asians viewed favorably by
whites because of their academic
and nancial success, but they are also viewed pos-
itively because of perceptions related to their co-
operative group behavior. They are motivated to
nd a way to t in with relevant others (Markus &
Kitayama, 1991). It could be that these aributes,
whether perceived or actual, explain why man-
ager accountability DEM practices have a modest
impact on Asian representation in management.
Interestingly, we did not nd any eects on the
percentage of Hispanic managers in the managerial
ranks. Such results compound the importance of
distinguishing among various racial/ethnic groups
across various contexts. In fact, the Hispanic sub-
group is much broader relative to the other racial
categories, so there may be something unique to
the Hispanic subgroup that warrants special con-
sideration. Such research is needed given that re-
search reveals that whites also report less arac-
tion to diversity consisting of Latinos whether it be
living in communities with them or working with
them (Bendick, Jackson, Reinoso, & Hodges, 1991;
Brief, Umphress, Die, Bu, & Scholten, 2005).
Thus, we propose that future research examine the
eects of other contextual variables on the eects
of DEM practices across a variety of racial/ethnic
managerial groups.
We also examined the moderating role of rm
size to disentangle the subtle nuances explaining
when the bundles of DEM practices are valuable
to rms. We argued that smaller rms are more
exible and experience less inertia, leading to
more eective implementation of DEM practices
as well as a greater ability to adapt and change
the demographic composition of management. In
addition, we argued that while larger rms adopt
more DEM practices, the eect of DEM practices
in smaller rms would be stronger given their
greater resource dependency on these practices
and greater exibility in implementing them. Our
ndings suggest that both of our DEM practice
bundles had stronger positive eects on overall
racial diversity in the managerial ranks in small
rms relative to large rms. The eect of minor-
ity opportunity-based DEM practices was further
accentuated by small rm size when considering
the proportion of black managers as an outcome
measure. This nding is particularly valuable for
small enterprises given that research has shown
that small companies tend to hire a much smaller
proportion of African Americans than larger ones
(Holzer, 1998). A similar paern of ndings was
revealed for the interaction eects of both DEM
practice bundles and rm size on the proportion
of Asian managers. These ndings provide sup-
port for the notion that structural contextual fac-
The results of
our supplemental
analyses indicated
that a more
nuanced approach
to understanding
the effects of these
DEM practices on
the representation
of various
racial groups in
managerial ranks
across rms is
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 235
tors shape the eects of DEM practices on diver-
sity outcomes.
Limitations and Directions for Future
Our study has several limitations, which, in turn,
oer future research opportunities. First, our
DEM practices are limited to minority opportu-
nity-based practices and manager accountability
practices. Other diversity practices warrant aen-
tion. For example, minority recruitment should
indirectly impact the proportion of racial minor-
ities in management by contributing to a more
diverse pool of applicants to be eventually se-
lected for promotion. Also, various types of di-
versity training may or may not be useful in in-
creasing representation of racial minorities in
Second, measurement of DEM practices should
be advanced. Our typology assessed either the ab-
sence or presence of a diversity practice or the
proportion of managers exposed to certain prac-
tices. Future research might account for how long
the practice has been adopted and the frequency
in which a practice is utilized. Fine-grained mea-
sures of minority opportunity-based DEM prac-
tices could also provide more in-depth comprehen-
sion related to their eects on overall diversity and
minority representation. For example, is corporate
mentoring for minority employees more eective
when the minority protégés are assigned to minor-
ity or majority mentors, mentors inside or outside
their immediate department, or when they receive
more career or psychosocial support? Future re-
search should welcome the opportunity to go more
in depth into each DEM practice’s frequency, in-
tensity, and formulation.
Third, we were unable to draw solid inference
on how our measures impacted the percentage of
managers who were Native Americans. Although
our percentage of Native Americans seems compa-
rable to that in the general US population, which
is less than 1 percent (, the lack of
representation in our sample made it dicult for
us to derive statistical signicance. One way to
overcome this problem involves targeting regions
or states with higher proportions of Native Amer-
icans in the general population (e.g., New Mex-
ico and Arizona). Nevertheless, we met the call
for previous research that called for distinguish-
ing among minority groups (i.e., African Ameri-
can, Hispanic American, Asian American, and Na-
tive American). Future research should investigate
how DEM practices inuence other types of diver-
sity such as religion, national culture, gender, and
For example, companies often adopt opportu-
nity-based DEM practices targeted toward women,
which should theoretically impact the level of gen-
der diversity in the managerial ranks. Qualitative
research will also be helpful in
understanding specic employ-
ment experiences of diverse
groups of individuals undergo-
ing diversity training as well as
other diversity initiatives. Indeed,
it would be delightful to gain in-
sight into the creative, commu-
nication, and conict processes
utilizing a qualitative method-
ological framework.
Fourth, ner-grained measures
of racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks would be valuable. Spe-
cically, we tapped into overall
racial diversity in the managerial
ranks that included top manag-
ers, middle managers, and lower-
level managers. Future research might obtain data
at all three levels of management at both the cor-
porate level and the business unit level. We con-
cur with Konrad and Linnehan (1995) when they
stated such measures seem ideal for identifying the
presence or absence of “glass ceilings” or “glass
Fifth, the issue of causality between diversity
practices and outcomes warrants aention. It is
quite possible that companies with more racial di-
versity in the managerial ranks are more likely to
implement such DEM practices. We believe several
factors lend support to our condence in the nd-
ings reported here. First, from a theoretical stand-
Future research
should welcome the
opportunity to go
more in depth into
each DEM practice’s
intensity, and
236 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
point, DEM practices are adopted to meet specic
goals of increasing racial diversity in manage-
ment, improving nancial performance, promot-
ing goodwill, or reducing employee turnover. In
general, these DEM practices are implemented at
Time A and their eectiveness is assessed at Time
B. Although over a small span of time, our panel
data did allow us to investigate time invariant ef-
fects, revealing that time was not a signicant fac-
tor. While the presence of a practice in the previous
year did not signicantly predict the dependent
measures in subsequent years (within rm eects),
there were signicant ndings between rms.
Notwithstanding, the mere fact
that the measures behaved along
theoretical lines supports the va-
lidity of our research methodol-
ogy (Konrad & Linnehan, 1995).
Additionally, by introducing rm
size as a moderator, we were able
to investigate the impact of the
DEM practices in dierent con-
texts. For example, although rm
size was signicantly correlated
to racial diversity in the manage-
rial ranks (p < .05), DEM practices
were not as valuable in aect-
ing racial diversity in managerial
ranks for large rms relative to
small rms (see Figure 1). In sum,
we feel condent that our con-
structs are consistent with theory.
Finally, although rm size ap-
pears to be a key moderator be-
tween DEM practices and ra-
cial diversity in the managerial
ranks, other constructs that mod-
erate the impact of DEM prac-
tices on a broad array of eec-
tiveness measures should be
explored. For instance, organizational culture
may play an integral role in the DEM practice-to-
eectiveness relationship. We argue that a clan-
oriented culture that emphasizes group cohesion,
acceptance, and inclusiveness represents a fer-
tile ground for DEM practices to have desired ef-
fects. In addition, a decentralized organizational
structure that entails participative decision mak-
ing and less hierarchy and status dierentials
seems complementary to DEM practices. Such
an environment promotes organizational justice
and pay equality, which we believe to be essen-
tial components to reducing discrimination, ste-
reotypes, glass ceilings, women and minority mo-
bility, and other impediments, thereby allowing
certain DEM practices to bring out the creativity
of diverse organizational members. Top manage-
ment team commitment may also inuence the ef-
cacy of DEM practices, as it has been shown to
be critical to the eectiveness of human resource
and diversity-related initiatives (Konrad & Linne-
han, 1995). Future research should explore the in-
tervening role of top management team members
in both the adoption and eectiveness of various
diversity practices. Finally, a DEM practice bun-
dle will be more eective if it is integrated with
and complements the overall human resource sys-
tem (Armstrong et al., 2010). High-performance
work systems (Huselid, 1995) seem ideal for di-
versity eorts to have a strong impact on organi-
zational outcomes.
Implications for Applied Research and
Diversity Management Practice
As we have already noted, despite the growing
investments in DEM practices, there has been lit-
tle systematic eort to see whether the presence of
these practices is associated with important mark-
ers of diversity practice eectiveness. The SHRM
framework we oer in this article provides us
with a strong rationale to argue that while rms
may adopt these practices to enhance their com-
petitive advantage, they also need to examine
which of these practices are more likely to yield
optimal results in terms of improving racial di-
versity in the managerial ranks. Our study sug-
gests that rms may also undertake a cost-benet
analysis to determine which DEM practice is most
likely to yield maximum benets (i.e., ROI) to o-
set the costs of implementing and running each
DEM practice. In evaluating DEM practices, rms
Although rm size
appears to be a
key moderator
between DEM
practices and racial
diversity in the
managerial ranks,
other constructs
that moderate
the impact of
DEM practices
on a broad array
of effectiveness
measures should be
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 237
must carefully choose which evaluation criteria
are more important from the standpoint of exter-
nal and internal stakeholders. In sum, our nd-
ings complement the SHRM framework that rests
on the notion that our diversity practices can be
valued within the resource-based view paradigm.
Additionally, it appears that certain DEM prac-
tices might dier in the impact they have in inu-
encing one racial subgroup compared to others.
For example, a company with goals of increasing
the representation of African Americans in man-
agement might benet more from implementing
minority opportunity-based DEM practices. These
same practices might be less eective for increas-
ing the proportion of Asian Americans possibly
because of the low participation rates of Asians in
such initiatives, as well as the well-known “model
minority” perception that these practices are
not necessary for such a well-regarded minority
group. This perception could explain why man-
ager accountability DEM practices have a substan-
tial impact on Asian American representation in
management. It could be that when given a choice
on which minority to hire, senior managers have a
natural inclination to select Asian Americans be-
cause of their “model minority” bias or their ac-
tual higher levels of educational aainment, prac-
tical experience, and other knowledge, skills, and
abilities. A combination of qualitative and quanti-
tative research might shed light on the dynamics
that account for why particular DEM practices re-
lated to some racial subgroup representations but
not others.
Concluding Remarks
In a nutshell, our ndings oer evidence that bun-
dles of DEM practices aect rms’ racial diver-
sity in managerial ranks in unique ways and vary
in strength in small versus large rms. Further-
more, our results add an exclamation point to the
notion that minority subgroups with under-rep-
resentation should be addressed distinctly. Inter-
estingly, DEM practices have a notable impact not
only on African American representation in man-
agerial ranks but on the proportion of Asians in
management, and more informatively so, as this
minority subgroup is seldom included in studies
of racial minorities in management. Companies
should not use a “one size ts all” approach to
their DEM practices and initiatives because each
entity is dierent based on specic internal fac-
tors as well as the external environment that im-
pacts them (Chavez & Weisinger, 2008). We con-
clude that those companies desiring a competitive
advantage should develop diversity program ef-
fectiveness metrics, distinguish among the vari-
ous minority subgroups they desire to target, and
consider contextual factors that will act as a hin-
drance or impediment in enabling them to meet
their diversity program eectiveness goals.
1. We considered other potential measures of rm size
such as total number of employees (e.g., Welbourne
& Cyr, 1999), but we decided not to use this measure
due to its high correlation with another size-related
measure in the model (i.e., total number of manag-
ers as a control) (cf. Haleblian & Finkelstein, 1993).
When included in the model, the total number of em-
ployees yielded a similar but slightly weaker paern
of moderating relationships compared to the results
of total assets that we report here.
2. In analyses not shown here, we conducted supple-
mental analyses on the specic racial categories by
gender and found no signicant eects of the two
DEM practice bundles on minority group represen-
tation in management of women or men.
238 Ri c h a R d , R o h , & Pi e P e R i n H u m a n R e s o u R c e m a n a g e m e n t 5 2 ( 2 0 1 3 )
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Orlando C. Richard (PhD, University of Kentucky; postdoctorate, MIT Sloan School of Manage-
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source management practices and organizational justice.
Hyuntak Roh is an assistant professor of management at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.
He received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He conducts re-
search in the area of workgroup diversity, group and interpersonal dynamics, social networks,
and human resource management practices.
Jenna R. Pieper is an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She received
her PhD in management and human resources from the University of Wisconsin– Madison and
MA in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Tulsa. Her research inter-
ests include strategic human resource management and workplace diversity. She studies the
inuence of HR practices and diversity factors on employee outcomes at three points in time
throughout the employment relationship: entry, employment, and exit.
di v e R s i t y a n d e q u a l i t y Ma n a g e M e n t P R a c t i c e B u n d l e s a n d F i R M s i z e 239
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