Deep Freeze 1
Ice Cream Lab & Application
Have you ever wondered what it is about throwing salt on ice that makes it melt? And just why does it
melt? Where does the heat come from to melt the water? Why does it freeze again on the road at night?
These questions and many more about freezing and thawing will be looked at in this lab.
To start you off though let’s talk about how energy flows in any system. When you studied the air and
weather you found that things always flow from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower
concentration. This automatic transfer of energy and material will always work to balance the amount
of energy and material. This is a natural law. From this we can deduce that heat energy will always
flow from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature. Knowing this simple rule, let’s
look at a very tasty application of it.
2 quart size Ziploc Freezer bags
1 pint of whole milk
12 ice cubes
2 teaspoons of coarse salt
1 thermometer
2 clean plastic spoons
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Paper towels
3-4 ounce cups for final product
: 2 teaspoons chocolate syrup
2 Deep Freeze
1. Place ice cubes in one Ziploc bag and place thermometer among the cubes. Leave 30 seconds.
Record temperature of ice in data table.
2. Place milk in second Ziploc bag and record temperature. Add flavoring and record temperature.
3. Add 2 teaspoons of salt in bag with ice. Seal and shake gently for 30 to 45 seconds. Record
temperature of results. Record temperature and observations in the data table.
4. Empty most of air from bag with milk in it. Carefully seal this bag and place it inside the bag with
the ice mixture. Seal the outer bag tightly to prevent leaks.
5. Gently shake the sealed baggies back and forth in your hands to make sure that the ice mixture coats
the entire surface of the milk bag. Shake for 1 minute and then carefully open the two bags and take
the temperature of the inner bag (milk) only. Seal both bags. Keep shaking back and forth for 3 to
10 minutes, recording the milk temperature every minute until a solid product forms. Record final
time and temperature.
6. Carefully remove the inner bag and place on paper towels. Wipe salty water from around opening.
Open baggie and squeeze solid product into two cups for final test.
7. Taste your product!
8. Be sure to dispose of the ice mixture and left over product as well as spoons and paper towels
according to your instructor’s directions.
9. Wash your hands and work area before leaving the lab.
Deep Freeze 3
Data Chart
Procedure Step Description Measurement
1 Temperature of ice in Ziploc bag
2 Temperature of milk
3 Temperature of flavor plus milk
4 Temperature of ice with salt added
5 Temperature of milk after shaking 1 minute
6 2 minutes
7 3 minutes
8 4 minutes
9 5 minutes
10 6 minutes
11 7 minutes
12 8 minutes
13 9 minutes
14 10 minutes
4 Deep Freeze
Analysis & Application
1. What happened shortly after you added the salt to the ice cubes? Was the temperature above or
below the freezing temperature for water?
2. What is the only factor that could have caused the changes shown in question 1? What does this tell
you about the freezing point temperature of salt water compared to fresh water?
3. Heat energy is needed to change phase from a solid to a liquid. List the possible sources of the heat
needed for this phase change in your baggie. Which source do you think is the best possibility and
4. In looking at the temperature changes shown on your data table, explain how the energy flow of the
baggie system resulted in your tasty treat for an end product. Where is the energy flowing from and
where is it going to?
5. In the radiator of your car you put a combination of antifreeze and water to keep your car engine
cool in the summer and prevent the radiator from freezing in the winter. Explain how you think this
works in terms of what you saw in the experiment you just did.
Deep Freeze 5
Teacher Resource Sheet for
Ice Cream Lab
Answers for Analysis & Application Questions
1. What happened shortly after you added the salt to the ice cubes? Was the temperature above or
below the freezing temperature for water? (The ice started to melt as the salt ions broke apart and
interfered with the crystal lattice of the water molecules bonds. The ice water that is formed is
actually below freezing: super-cooled.)
2. What is the only factor that could have caused the changes shown in question 1? What does this tell
you about the freezing point temperature of salt water compared to fresh water? (The breaking of
bonds requires an addition of energy which comes from the ice. The ionic compound breaking down
during the addition of the salt and ice. The freezing point temperature of salt water is less than that
of fresh water.)
3. Heat energy is needed to change phase from a solid to a liquid. List the possible sources of the heat
needed for this phase change in your baggie. Which source do you think is the best possibility and
why? (The ice, the milk, the salt, the air in the baggie, the heat from your hands. The milk is the
best source of heat energy for the melting process because it is a liquid and stores more energy for
the phase change than the air or salt do. Your hands do not touch enough area to be effective
sources of heat.)
4. In looking at the temperature changes shown on your data table, explain how the energy flow of the
baggie system resulted in your tasty treat for an end product. Where is the energy flowing from and
where is it going to? (The energy flows from the milk to the ice. This removes enough energy to
bring about a phase change from liquid to solid.)
5. In the radiator of your car you put a combination of antifreeze and water to keep your car engine
cool in the summer and prevent the radiator from freezing in the winter. Explain how you think this
works in terms of what you saw in the experiment you just did. (The material added in the
antifreeze to the water in radiators interferes with the bonding of water molecules and the formation
of the solid crystal lattice for ice. This will allow the water to stay in a liquid form to circulate
through the engine and absorb the heat from the engine. In the summer, the same material raises
the boiling point of the water and keeps the very hot water from going to a vapor phase. This allows
the water to circulate and absorb even more heat energy from the engine – cooling your motor.)