Floodplain Management
Requirements for Agricultural
Structures and Accessory Structures
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
July 2020
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
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FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. The National Flood Insurance Program ......................................................................... 4
1.2. Statute, Regulations, and Published Guidance that are Clarified and Refined by the
Policy and this Bulletin ................................................................................................... 4
2. Definitions of Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures .......................................... 6
2.1. Key Definitions and Terms ............................................................................................. 6
2.1.1. Base Flood Elevation (BFE) ............................................................................................ 6
2.1.2. Development ................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3. Dry Floodproofing ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4. Low Damage Potential .................................................................................................... 7
2.1.5. Lowest Floor .................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.6. Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) ................................................................................. 7
2.1.7. Structure .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.8. Wet Floodproofing ........................................................................................................... 8
2.1.9. Floodway .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.10. Variance ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.11. Repetitive Loss Structures (RLS) ................................................................................... 9
2.1.12. Substantial Damage (SD) and Substantial Improvement ............................................ 9
2.2. Definition of Agricultural Structure for Floodplain Management Purposes ................ 9
2.2.1. Agricultural Structures .................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2. Agricultural Commodities ............................................................................................. 10
2.2.3. Agricultural Purposes or Uses (“Exclusive Use”) ......................................................... 10
2.2.4. Non-Agricultural Structures .......................................................................................... 10
2.3. Applying the Definition for Agricultural Structures ...................................................... 11
2.3.1. Examples of Agricultural Structures............................................................................. 11
Silos and Grain Elevators ............................................................................................................. 12
Fuel, Gas, and Liquid Storage Tanks .......................................................................................... 13
2.3.2. Examples of Aquaculture Structures ........................................................................... 14
2.3.3. Examples of Non-Agricultural Structures ..................................................................... 15
2.3.4. Examples of Agricultural and Aquaculture Development ........................................... 17
2.3.5. Greenhouses ................................................................................................................. 18
2.4. Definition of Accessory Structure for Floodplain Management Purposes ................ 19
2.4.1. Accessory Structures .................................................................................................... 19
2.4.2. Structures That Are Not Accessory Structures ............................................................ 20
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
2.5. Applying the Definition for Accessory Structure .......................................................... 20
2.5.1. Examples of Accessory Structures ............................................................................... 21
2.5.2. Examples of Non-Accessory Structures and Development ........................................ 22
2.6. Differences and Similarities Between Agricultural Structures and Accessory
Structures ...................................................................................................................... 23
3. Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures
................................................................................................................................. 25
3.1. Basic Design and Construction Requirements Based on Flood Zone ....................... 26
3.1.1. Silos and Grain Elevators ............................................................................................. 29
3.1.2. Fuel, Gas, and Liquid Storage Tanks ........................................................................... 30
3.2. Construction Requirements for Wet Floodproofing .................................................... 31
3.3. Combining Elevation with Wet or Dry Floodproofing .................................................. 33
3.4. Requirements for Development Other than Structures ............................................. 34
4. Options to Authorize Wet Floodproofing of Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures
................................................................................................................................. 36
4.1. Ensuring Compliance and Maintaining Records ......................................................... 37
4.2. Issuing Permits for Certain Accessory Structures ....................................................... 38
4.3. Considering Variances and Granting Variances.......................................................... 38
4.3.1. Administrative Responsibilities for Variances ............................................................. 42
4.3.2. Agricultural Structures that Pose a Danger to Public Health, Safety, and Welfare .. 42
4.4. Community-Wide Exceptions ........................................................................................ 43
4.4.1. FEMA Review of Community-Wide Exception Requests ............................................. 45
4.5. Repair and Restoration of Substantially Flood Damaged and Repetitive Loss
Agricultural Structures .................................................................................................. 45
5. NFIP Flood Insurance Considerations ............................................................................... 49
Appendix A: FEMA Policy #104-008-03: Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural
Structures and Accessory Structures ......................................................................... 52
Appendix B: FEMA Guidance, Statute, and NFIP Regulations Clarified and Refined by this
Bulletin ..................................................................................................................... 53
Appendix C: Model Ordinance Language to Allow Wet Floodproofed Agricultural Structures and
Accessory Structures ................................................................................................. 57
General instructions for amending local regulations .............................................................. 58
C.1 Model Definitions .......................................................................................................... 58
C.2 Model Ordinance Language for Small Accessory Structures by Permit (Instead of by
Variance) ........................................................................................................................ 59
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
C.3 Typical Standard Variance Provisions.......................................................................... 59
C.4 Model Ordinance Language for Variances for Individual Agricultural Structures and
Accessory Structures .................................................................................................... 62
Instructions for tailoring model ordinance language for individual communities................... 62
C.5 Model Ordinance Language for Permits for Certain Flood-Damaged Agricultural
Structures ...................................................................................................................... 63
Instructions for tailoring model ordinance language for individual communities................... 64
Appendix D: References and Photograph Sources ................................................................... 66
References ................................................................................................................................. 66
Appendix E: Acronym List ......................................................................................................... 68
List of Figures
Figure 1: Determining When A Proposed Project Is an Agricultural Structure....................................... 11
Figure 2: Agricultural Structure for Equipment and Storage, with Flood Openings .............................. 12
Figure 3: Horse Barn with Storage............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 4: Welded-Seam Silo (Left) May Be Watertight; Bolted-Plate Silo (Right) Is Not Watertight ..... 13
Figure 5: Buoyancy Forces Dislodged Two 10,000-Gallon Underground Fuel Tanks ........................... 14
Figure 6: Agricultural Structure Housing Aquaculture Tanks and Equipment ....................................... 15
Figure 7: Agricultural Equipment and Supply Store ................................................................................ 16
Figure 8: Apple Farm, Cider Mill, and Farm Goods Store Open to the Public ........................................ 16
Figure 9: Winery Building with Tasting Room Used for Entertainment Purposes ................................. 17
Figure 10: Structure Used for Processing Nuts ....................................................................................... 17
Figure 11: Round, Unroofed Manure Storage.......................................................................................... 18
Figure 12: Pole Barn Without Walls .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13: Greenhouse with Flexible Sides and Removable “Roof” ...................................................... 19
Figure 14: Determining When a Proposed Project Is an Accessory Structure....................................... 21
Figure 15: Storage Shed, with Flood Openings ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 16: Elevated Accessory Residential Structure, with Enclosure ................................................... 22
Figure 17: Accessory Development; Gazebo with Roof but No Walls .................................................... 23
Figure 18: Differences and Similarities Between Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures .. 24
Figure 19: Example FIRM Showing Riverine Flood Zone Terminology ................................................... 26
Figure 20: Example FIRM Showing Coastal Flood Zone Terminology .................................................... 27
Figure 21: Three-Car Garage Elevated on Fill .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 22: Hog Farm Houses Elevated on Fill .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 23: Options to Install Tanks Above and Below Grade.................................................................. 31
Figure 24: Elevated Electric Service and Equipment .............................................................................. 33
Figure 25: Combining Elevation with Wet Or Dry Floodproofing (Access Ramps Not Shown).............. 34
Figure 26: Key Steps for Evaluating Variance Requests for Wet Floodproofed Agricultural Structures
.................................................................................................................................................................... 40
List of Tables
Table 1: Eligibility of Structures for Wet Floodproofing ............................................................................. 2
Table 2: Local Regulation Changes .......................................................................................................... 36
Table 3: Clarifications and Refinements in the Policy and this Bulletin ................................................ 53
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
1. Introduction
This floodplain management bulletin clarifies and refines the requirements that apply to certain
agricultural structures and accessory structures proposed to be located in Special Flood Hazard
Areas (SFHAs). These requirements are set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) in FEMA Policy #104-008-03: Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural
Structures and Accessory Structures (referred to in this bulletin as “the Policy”). The Policy is
included in Appendix A. This bulletin is a reference for floodplain managers and those involved in
regulating, planning, designing, and constructing agricultural structures and accessory structures in
The regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) form the basis for floodplain
management regulations adopted by communities that elect to participate in the program.
Communities adopt floodplain management regulations to safeguard public health, safety, and
general welfare and to minimize public and private losses caused by flooding.
The NFIP regulations specify requirements that apply to new construction, substantial improvement
of structures, and repair of substantially damaged structures. The requirements for non-residential
structures specify that those buildings must be properly elevated or dry floodproofed to or above the
Base Flood Elevation (BFE). All residential structures must be elevated to or above the BFE.
The NFIP regulations do not provide explicit requirements for agricultural structures and accessory
structures. Therefore, those structures are regulated as non-residential structures. However, FEMA
recognizes that the inherent design and function of some agricultural structures and accessory
structures may mean the structures have low damage potential and, as such, methods of flood
protection other than elevation and dry floodproofing may be appropriate in some circumstances.
The NFIP regulations define community to include any state or area or political subdivision
thereof, or any Indian tribe or authorized Tribal organization, or Alaska Native village or
authorized native organization, which has authority to adopt and enforce floodplain management
regulations for the areas within its jurisdiction.
The terms agricultural structure and accessory structure, and some other terms used in the
bulletin, are defined in Chapter 2.
This bulletin helps readers identify agricultural structures and accessory structures for floodplain
management purposes, by:
Describing the design and construction measures that are required when new construction and
substantially improved structures are wet floodproofed rather than elevated or dry floodproofed.
Laying out the limitations on use of wet floodproofing for agricultural structures and accessory
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Defining the mechanisms available to communities that elect to allow wet floodproofed
agricultural structures and accessory structures are defined.
Providing information about NFIP flood insurance coverage for agricultural structures and
accessory structures.
This bulletin primarily addresses floodplain management requirements of planning, designing,
constructing, and regulating agricultural structures and accessory structures. To fully understand the
impacts of the various design options, property owners and farm operators should consult with:
Local floodplain managers and building code officials
Local planning and zoning board or officials
Professional engineers, architects, and land surveyors
State, tribal, and territorial NFIP coordinators
FEMA regional offices.
Table 1 provides a “big picture” snapshot of the contents of this bulletin.
Table 1: Eligibility of Structures for Wet Floodproofing
Structure Type
Other Structures,
Structures, and Other
Residential structures
Pole barns, hoop
houses, gazebos,
shade structures
Manure-holding ponds
and lagoons
Ponds, aquaria, and
raceways without
walls and roofs
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Structure Type
Structures and
Accessory Structures
Not used exclusively
for agricultural
Places of employment
or entertainment
(workshop, wine
tasting, farm store)
More than low
damage potential
(physical damage,
contents damage, loss
of function)
Accessory Structures
(Small, Low Damage
Potential) ELIGIBLE
for Wet Floodproofing
Garden and storage
One-story two-car
garages (A zones)
100 square feet (V
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Structure Type
Agriculture Structures
and Accessory
Structures ELIGIBLE
for Wet
Walled and roofed
agricultural structures
used exclusively for
agricultural purposes
Accessory structures
larger than
recommended size
Agricultural and
accessory structures
that have low damage
Agricultural and
accessory structures
that do not pose risks
to public health,
safety, and welfare
(no manure storage or
any volatile, toxic, or
*Or by permit, if community applies for and FEMA approves Community-Wide Exception, in which
case communities must adopt regulations
1.1. The National Flood Insurance Program
The National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), as amended (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] §§ 4001 et
seq.), and 44 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Parts 5960 establish general rules regarding
community eligibility and participation in the NFIP, community management of development in
floodplains, and the availability of Federal flood insurance. A fundamental requirement is that
communities must “require permits for all proposed construction or other development” to
determine whether the proposed activities are within floodprone areas (44 C.F.R. § 60.3(a)(1)).
Those authorities also establish the minimum design and construction standards for all structures
and development in SFHAs in communities that participate in the NFIP.
1.2. Statute, Regulations, and Published Guidance that are Clarified and
Refined by the Policy and this Bulletin
FEMA guidance that was published before the release of the Policy and this bulletin did not fully
account for the wide range of uses and types of agricultural structures and the specificities of the
agricultural industry as it has changed over the past 25 years. The Policy and the guidance in this
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Give greater clarity on how to identify agricultural structures and accessory structures that may
be approved under specific conditions to be wet floodproofed instead of requiring those
structures to be elevated or dry floodproofed.
Provide guidance on construction methods and requirements when wet floodproofing is allowed.
Describe options available to communities to authorize wet floodproofing of agricultural
structures and accessory structures, including issuing permits (only small accessory structures);
granting variances on a case by case basis; or by seeking FEMA approval of a community-wide
exception that allows issuing permits rather than case-by-case variances.
Following the guidance in this bulletin and FEMA Policy #104-008-03 satisfies only the NFIP
floodplain management requirements.
Credits or reductions in NFIP flood insurance premiums may not be provided when agricultural
structures and accessory structures are wet floodproofed in accordance with this guidance.
Appendix B includes a table that briefly describes some of the FEMA guidance documents cited in
this bulletin, the NFIP statute, and pertinent NFIP regulations as they relate to agricultural structures
and accessory structures. The table describes clarifications and refinements embodied in the Policy
and this bulletin. This reference will assist those who want to compare previous guidance to the
guidance in this bulletin. Appendix D lists full titles and links to download referenced publications.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
2. Definitions of Agricultural Structures and Accessory
This chapter provides key definitions and terms used in this bulletin and the Policy. Specific
definitions for agricultural structures and accessory structures for floodplain management purposes
are included, along with examples and decision charts to help floodplain managers and others apply
the definitions. Differences and similarities between agricultural structures and accessory structures
are illustrated.
2.1. Key Definitions and Terms
The NFIP regulations (44 C.F.R. § 59.1) define many terms, while various FEMA guidance
publications define and describe other terms. Key definitions and terms used in this bulletin are
defined and described in this section; the definition for “agricultural structure” is in Section 2.1.9;
and the definition for “accessory structure” is in Section 2.4.
The BFE is the computed elevation to which floodwater is anticipated to rise during the Base Flood.
The Base Flood is the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given
Where FEMA has performed detailed studies, flood insurance studies include detailed
information and flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) show BFEs.
Where FEMA has not performed detailed studies, FIRMs do not show BFEs and communities
must determine whether they can use information from other sources to regulate development in
For floodplain management purposes, development means any manmade change to improved or
unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging,
filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials. NFIP
communities are required to regulate development in SFHAs. The term includes structures and
buildings. Many construction projects associated with agriculture and aquaculture are development,
even if they do not meet the definition of “structure” shown below; examples include livestock pens,
open fish tanks and raceways, temporary tents or shade structures, and pole barns.
Dry floodproofing is a combination of measures that results in structures, including attendant utilities
and equipment, being watertight with all elements substantially impermeable to the entrance of
floodwater and with structural components having the capacity to resist flood loads.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
FEMA does not establish a precise definition of the term “low damage potential.” Property owners,
farm operators, and local officials should consider various elements that contribute to damage
potential when evaluating whether wet floodproofing measures are acceptable for new agricultural
structures and accessory structures, and substantial improvement or repair of substantial damage of
those structures, instead of elevation and dry floodproofing. At least three elements of flood-related
damage should be considered:
Physical Damage. In general, the amount of physical damage incurred by a structure increases
as the depth of floodwater increases. Similarly, the amount and type of damage incurred
increases when floodwater is fast moving (high velocity) or has waves. Flooding also saturates
building materials, which may mean materials have to be replaced. Inundated mechanical and
electrical equipment may not be easily repaired. Another component of physical damage is
caused by floodborne debris impacts, which also increase as velocity increases and when waves
are breaking waves. A damaged wet-floodproofed building might contribute debris to floodwater,
which could damage nearby buildings. In general, the greater the replacement cost of the portion
of a structure that is exposed to flooding, the greater the cost to repair or replace damaged
Contents Damage. The value/type of content is another element to consider when evaluating
damage potential. Structures permitted to be wet floodproofed are designed to flood, which
means contents of those structures will get wet unless owners take action to relocate the
contents before the onset of flooding.
Loss of Function. Two additional elements to consider when evaluating damage potential is how
a structure is used and how long it may be out of service if damaged by flooding.
The lowest floor means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area of a structure, including a
basement. Any NFIP-compliant unfinished or flood-resistant enclosure below an elevated building
that is used solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage (in an area other than a
basement) is not considered the lowest floor. The most obvious NFIP requirements for buildings in
SFHAs are raising lowest floors to or above the BFE in flood zones identified as A zones (A, AE, A1-30,
AH, AO, A99, and AR) and elevating the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the
lowest floor to or above the BFE in flood zones identified as V zones (V, VE, V1 30, and VO). In A
zones, non-residential buildings may be dry floodproofed to or above the BFE. Flood zones are
described in Section 3.1.
The SFHA is the land in the floodplain that is subject to a flood that has a one percent or greater
chance of flooding in any given year, called the Base Flood. SFHAs shown on FIRMs are areas where
NFIP floodplain management regulations must be enforced and the Federal requirement for federally
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
regulated and insured lenders to require purchase of flood insurance applies. “SFHA” and
“floodplain” are used interchangeably in this bulletin. Examples of FIRMs and flood zone
designations are shown in Section 3.1.
For floodplain management purposes, a structure is a walled and roofed building that is principally
above ground, where walled is considered “two or more outside rigid walls” and roofed is “a fully
secured roof.” The term includes gas and liquid storage tanks and manufactured homes. The terms
“structure” and “building” are used interchangeably in the NFIP regulations and this bulletin.
Floodplain managers must use professional judgement to determine which proposed development
projects are “walled and roofed,” and thus regulated as structures, and which proposed projects are
regulated as development. Examples of walled and roofed structures are shown in Section 2.3, and
examples of development including structures that do not have walls and structure that do not have
roofs are included in Section 2.5.
Wet floodproofing is the use of flood damage resistant materials and construction techniques to
minimize flood damage to structures by intentionally allowing floodwater to enter and exit
automatically (without human intervention) to minimize unequal pressure of water on walls (called
hydrostatic load or pressure). Wet floodproofing also requires structures to be anchored to resist
flooding, have mechanical and utility equipment elevated or protected, and have flood openings
installed in walls. Construction requirements for wet floodproofing are outlined in Section 3.2.
Use of wet floodproofing measures for flood protection is limited to:
Enclosures used solely for parking, building access, or storage below elevated buildings
Historic structures and functionally dependent uses (both defined by the NFIP), when
authorized by variances
Agricultural structures and accessory structures when communities authorize those
structures in accordance with this bulletin.
The floodway is the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be
reserved to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation of
the base flood by more than a designated height.
In general, floodwater is deeper and flows faster in floodways than in adjacent floodway fringe areas.
When feasible, development and structures should be located outside of floodways.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
2.1.10. VARIANCE
The NFIP regulations define variance as a grant of relief by a community from the terms of a
floodplain management regulation.
Repetitive loss structure is a structure covered by an NFIP flood insurance policy that has incurred
flood-related damage on two occasions during a 10-year period ending on the date of the event for
which the second claim is made, in which the cost of repair, on average, equaled or exceeded 25
percent of the value of the structure at the time of each flood event.
Substantial damage is damage of any origin whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-
damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the
damage occurred. Structures that incur substantial damage must be brought into compliance with
the requirements for new construction.
Substantial improvement is any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a
structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before
the start of construction of the improvement. Structures that are substantially improved must be
brought into compliance with the requirements for new construction.
2.2. Definition of Agricultural Structure for Floodplain Management
For floodplain management purposes, “agricultural structures” are structures that are used
exclusively for agricultural purposes or uses in connection with the production, harvesting, storage,
raising, or drying of agricultural commodities and livestock. Some structures used for aquaculture
are considered agricultural structures (see Section 2.3.2). Structures used for human habitation and
those that are places of employment or entertainment, and structures with multiple or mixed
purposes, do not satisfy the “exclusive use” requirement described below and are not agricultural
Section 2.3 includes a decision chart and examples to help floodplain managers and others
determine whether proposed projects qualify as agricultural structures. Structures that are not
agricultural structures (or accessory structures, see Section 2.4) must be designed and constructed
to meet or exceed the NFIP requirements for structures in SFHAs. The differences and similarities
between agricultural structures and accessory structures are illustrated in Section 2.6.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
For the purposes of this bulletin, the term “agricultural commodities” means agricultural goods,
products, commodities, and livestock. Examples of agricultural commodities include, but are not
limited to, harvested crops, aquaculture products, livestock, and animal products. Floodplain
managers should use professional judgment when deciding whether contents of agricultural
structures are agricultural commodities.
For the purposes of this bulletin, the term “agricultural purposes or uses” refers to using agricultural
structures exclusively in connection with the production, harvesting, storage, raising, or drying of
agricultural commodities and livestock. Structures that house tools or equipment used in connection
with these purposes or uses are also considered to have agricultural purposes or uses.
Because agriculture is an industry and therefore farms are places of work, it is understood that entry
into agricultural structures is necessary. The “exclusive use” limitation is satisfied when the principal
use of an agricultural structure does include occupation by people over extended periods of time
(e.g., office or communal area for farm workers). Processing and production of agricultural
commodities outside of harvesting, storage, raising, or drying are not considered agricultural
purposes or uses, Examples of other processing and production activities include distilling, brewing
or fermenting beverages, baking or cooking, leather tanning, packaging, and similar production
processes. Structures used for those processes are places of employment and are not agricultural
structures for the purposes of this bulletin.
Human habitation, such as a permanent or temporary residence or seasonal living quarters for
workers, is not considered an agricultural purpose or use.
Some buildings and structures are related to agricultural purposes and uses, but do not meet all the
criteria to be considered agricultural structures for floodplain management purposes. This bulletin
refers to structures that are not agricultural structures as “non-agricultural structures.” Section 2.3
includes a decision chart and examples to help floodplain managers and others determine whether
proposed projects are non-agricultural structures or agricultural structures. Non-agricultural
structures must be designed and constructed to meet the NFIP requirements for structures in the
SFHA, briefly described in Section 3.1.
Structures with mixed uses, where one or more use is not exclusively agricultural, are not
agricultural structures for floodplain management purposes.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
2.3. Applying the Definition for Agricultural Structures
This section applies the definition for agricultural structure and related terms, described in Section
2.1.9, to illustrate examples of agricultural structures, non-agricultural structures, and agricultural
development. Figure 1 is a decision chart to help floodplain managers and others determine whether
proposed projects qualify as agricultural structures. Chapter 4 describes options communities have
for considering and granting variances with specific conditions to allow wet floodproofed agricultural
structures without requiring compliance with the elevation or dry floodproofing requirements.
Figure 1: Determining When A Proposed Project Is an Agricultural Structure
The structures shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 are examples of agricultural structures that are within
the scope of this bulletin, because they are walled and roofed and are used exclusively in connection
with agricultural purposes. Whether these agricultural structures may be wet floodproofed depends
on other factors, described in Section 4.3. Structures that are not agricultural structures are subject
to the floodplain management requirements described in Section 3.1, and the requirements for
development in SFHAs are described in Section 3.4.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 2: Agricultural Structure for Equipment and Storage, with Flood Openings (Source: Steve
Samuelson, Kansas NFIP Coordinator)
Figure 3: Horse Barn with Storage
Silos and Grain Elevators
Silos are towers that store grain and silage, and grain elevators are towers with interior mechanisms
to move grain. For floodplain management purposes, silos and grain elevators are agricultural
structures with rigid walls and roofs (see Figure 4). A variety of materials and construction methods
are used for these structures. Section 3.1 describes several factors to consider when determining
how best to protect silos and grain elevators and their contents from flood damage.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 4: Welded-Seam Silo (Left) May Be Watertight; Bolted-Plate Silo (Right) Is Not Watertight
Fuel, Gas, and Liquid Storage Tanks
Aboveground and underground fuel, gas, and liquid storage tanks exposed to flooding may be
dislodged if they are not installed to account for flood forces (see Figure 5). Options for installing
tanks in SFHAs are described in Section 3.1.
Because of risks to public health, safety, and welfare, locate tanks used to store fuel, gas, and
water-reactive or hazardous chemicals outside of SFHAs where feasible. Otherwise, design tanks
with extra precautions to minimize risks, such as elevating higher than the BFE.
Gas and liquid storage tanks are not insurable structures under NFIP flood insurance policies.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 5: Buoyancy Forces Dislodged Two 10,000-Gallon Underground Fuel Tanks
Aquaculture involves the cultivation of aquatic organisms, such as fish, shellfish, plants, and algae,
in all types of water under controlled or semi-controlled conditions. For floodplain management
purposes, FEMA considers aquaculture to be farming that is conducted in water. Therefore, the
definition for agricultural structures includes aquaculture structures.
Figure 6 shows aquaculture taking place on land, with tanks and related equipment in a walled and
roofed structure. This type of structure meets the definition for agricultural structure and thus is
subject to the same requirements applied to agricultural structures.
Processing facilities for aquaculture products are places of employment and are not agricultural
structures for floodplain management purposes and this bulletin. Processing facilities must be
elevated or dry floodproofed to meet the NFIP minimum requirements for non-residential structures
based on flood zone (see Section 3.1).
Other structures and development associated with aquaculture, such as fabric tents, covers, and
enclosures; ponds and open aquaculture tanks/pools, aquaria, and raceways; and other structures
without walls and roofs, are development and subject to the floodplain management requirements
described in Section 3.4.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 6: Agricultural Structure Housing Aquaculture Tanks and Equipment (Source: USDA
Agricultural Research Service)
Non-agricultural structures are structures that may be related to agriculture or located on farms but
do not meet the definition of agricultural structure for the purposes of floodplain management and
therefore are not eligible for wet floodproofing. The structures shown in Figure 7 through Figure 10
are examples of non-agricultural structures. When proposed to be located in SFHAs, these and
similar non-agricultural structures must be elevated or dry floodproofed (see Section 3.1). Examples
Structures that relate to agricultural purposes or uses but are not used exclusively for
agricultural purposes
Structures with mixed uses where one or more uses are not purely agricultural, such as a barrel
storage room that is also used as a tasting room or a barn that has office space or is used for
entertainment or private parties
Structures that are places of employment
Dwellings and other structures used for human habitation, including worker dormitories.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 7: Agricultural Equipment and Supply Store
Figure 8: Apple Farm, Cider Mill, and Farm Goods Store Open to the Public
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 9: Winery Building with Tasting Room Used for Entertainment Purposes
Figure 10: Structure Used for Processing Nuts
Structures that are related to agricultural uses but are not agricultural structures for floodplain
management purposes are regulated as development (defined in Section 2.1). Examples include
livestock pens (may be walled but not roofed), pole barns and livestock shelters (roofed but not
walled), and holding ponds or lagoons. Similarly, structures that are related to aquaculture uses but
are not agricultural structures are regulated as development.
Figure 11 and Figure 12 show examples of agricultural development. The NFIP requirements for
development other than buildings and structures are summarized in Section 3.4. Farmers and farm
operators planning to pursue agricultural development in SFHAs, and owners and operators of
aquaculture facilities planning to pursue aquaculture development in SFHAs, should consult with
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
local floodplain managers and appropriate state, tribal, or territorial authorities to discuss
Figure 11: Round, Unroofed Manure Storage (Source: Tim McCabe, USDA National Agricultural
Library 2011)
Figure 12: Pole Barn Without Walls (Source: USDA Agricultural Research Service)
Greenhouses may be made with a variety of materials, including glass roofs and walls, light-
transmitting rigid plastic or fiberglass roofs and walls, framing with transparent coverings, or
combinations of those materials. When proposed to be located in SFHAs, greenhouses with flexible
material forming the sides (see Figure 13) and those that are not walled and roofed are not
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
considered structures for floodplain management purposes related to wet floodproofing
requirements. However, they are floodplain development and must meet NFIP development
requirements (see Section 3.4).
Greenhouses with rigid walls should be elevated, dry floodproofed, or wet floodproofed in
accordance with the requirements applicable to agricultural structures described in Section 3.2.
Figure 13: Greenhouse with Flexible Sides and Removable “Roof”
2.4. Definition of Accessory Structure for Floodplain Management
For floodplain management purposes, accessory structures are structures that are on the same
parcel of property as a principal structure, the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal
structure. For floodplain management purposes, accessory structures must be used for parking or
storage, be small and represent a minimal investment by owners, and have low damage potential
(described in Section 2.1). FEMA considers size limits based on flood zone, where “small” means not
larger than a one-story two-car garage in flood zones identified as A zones (A, AE, A1-30, AH, AO, A99,
and AR) and not larger than 100 square feet in flood zones identified as V zones (V, VE, V1 30, and
VO). Examples of small accessory structures include, but are not limited to, detached garages,
storage and tool sheds, and small boathouses.
Structure Size. The footprint of a typical two-car garage is about 600 square feet in area.
Limited Storage. Contents stored in wet floodproofed structures will get wet during flooding.
Some communities specify “limited storage.”
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Many structures that may be considered accessory in nature under local zoning ordinances and
other regulations are not accessory structures for floodplain management purposes because they
are not used only for parking or storage. Development or structures that are not accessory structures
for floodplain management purposes must be designed and constructed to meet or exceed the NFIP
requirements for development or buildings in SFHAs (see Section 3.4 and Section 3.1, respectively).
Examples of structures and development that are accessory in nature but are not accessory
structures for floodplain management purposes include:
Structures for which any part is used for human habitation
Detached garages and carriage houses with a portion used as an apartment or a guest house
(whether as a permanent residence or temporary living quarters)
Structures used for employment and those accessible by the public
Structures used for entertainment (such as workshops, recreational rooms, or game rooms)
Gazebos, pergolas, and carports that are not walled and roofed.
The differences and similarities between agricultural structures and accessory structures are
illustrated in Section 2.6.
Structures that are not accessory structures as defined in this section must be designed and
constructed to meet the NFIP requirements for structures in SFHAs (briefly described in Section 3.1).
When a parcel of land has only one structure, that structure is the principal structure, even if it would
otherwise meet the definition for accessory structure based on size and use. In these cases, the
structures must be elevated or dry floodproofed, unless owners apply for and are granted variances
to allow the structures to be wet floodproofed.
2.5. Applying the Definition for Accessory Structure
This section applies the definition for accessory structure and related terms to several examples to
illustrate the difference between accessory structures, structures that are not accessory structures,
and development. The decision chart in Figure 14 may help floodplain managers and others
determine whether proposed projects qualify as accessory structures. Chapter 4 describes options
communities have for issuing permits for small wet floodproofed accessory structures and for
granting variances with specific conditions to allow larger wet floodproofed accessory structures,
rather than requiring compliance with the elevation or dry floodproofing requirements.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 14: Determining When a Proposed Project Is an Accessory Structure
The structure shown in Figure 15 is an accessory structure because it is walled and roofed; located
on the same parcel of property as a principal structure and is incidental the principal structure; small
with low damage potential; and used for storage or parking.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 15: Storage Shed, with Flood Openings (Source: Kevin Wagner, Maryland Department of
the Environment)
Some structures are incidental or related to the primary structure on a parcel, but are not accessory
structures for floodplain management purposes (defined in Section 2.4). These structures must be
designed and constructed in accordance with floodplain management requirements based on
whether the structure is residential, non-residential, or development (not walled and roofed).
The structure shown in Figure 16 is not an accessory structure as defined in this bulletin.
Figure 16: Elevated Accessory Residential Structure, with Enclosure
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
When an accessory dwelling is proposed, it must be regulated as a residential structure, and
enclosures below the elevated dwelling must comply with the use limitations and construction
requirements for enclosures. Figure 17 shows an example of development that is not walled and
Figure 17: Accessory Development; Gazebo with Roof but No Walls
2.6. Differences and Similarities Between Agricultural Structures and
Accessory Structures
An agricultural structure may be an accessory structure, and an accessory structure may be an
agricultural structure. The differences and similarities between agricultural structures and accessory
structures are illustrated in Figure 18. Other than use, the most significant difference is that
agricultural structures are not required to be located on the same parcel of land as a principal
structure. Some agricultural structures may be the principal structure or only structure on the parcel.
If a proposed project meets the definitions and use requirements of both agricultural structures and
accessory structures, local officials may choose whether to regulate the structure as an agricultural
structure or an accessory structure.
For floodplain management purposes, agricultural structures and accessory structures have
separate definitions (see Section 2.1.9 and Section 2.4), but they are not mutually exclusive. A
structure could be agricultural, accessory, or both.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 18: Differences and Similarities Between Agricultural Structures and Accessory
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
3. Floodplain Management Requirements for
Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures
Communities that participate in the NFIP agree to regulate development in SFHAs and require
permits for that development. Those communities have adopted floodplain management regulations
that meet or exceed the minimum requirements outlined in NFIP regulations (44 C.F.R. § 60.3).
Specific requirements for structures depend on the flood zone and whether structures are residential
or non-residential. Agricultural structures and accessory structures are regulated as non-residential
Some states exempt agricultural structures or structures on farms from state and local building
and zoning codes. This exemption does not exempt agricultural structures from floodplain
management regulations administered by communities that participate in the NFIP.
FEMA recognizes that the types of construction and materials used to build many agricultural
structures and accessory structures mean some of those structures inherently have low damage
potential (described in Section 2.1). This differentiates these structures from other non-residential
structures, such as factories, churches, retail and office buildings, and schools. Notably, post-flood
recovery for most agricultural structures and accessory structures typically requires only cleaning,
minor repairs, and repairs to put mechanical and electric equipment back in service.
State or local requirements that are more restrictive or stringent than the minimum
requirements of the NFIP take precedence. This bulletin and other FEMA publications provide
guidance on the minimum NFIP requirements and describe best practices.
Design professionals, builders, and property owners should contact local officials to determine
whether more restrictive requirements apply to buildings or sites in question. All other applicable
requirements of state or local building codes must also be met for buildings in SFHAs.
This chapter describes the requirements that apply to structures and development in SFHAs based
on the minimum NFIP regulations and the Policy. Specifically:
Section 3.1 summarizes the basic NFIP design and construction requirements for buildings and
structures, based on flood zone, including elevation and dry floodproofing.
Section 3.2 describes the construction requirements for wet floodproofing.
Section 3.3 describes combining elevation with wet or dry floodproofing.
Section 3.4 summarizes requirements for development other than buildings.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
3.1. Basic Design and Construction Requirements Based on Flood Zone
FIRMs produced by FEMA depict SFHAs and insurance risk premium zones. Figure 19 and Figure 20
show examples of FIRMs with flood zone terminology:
Areas identified as Zones A, AE, A1 30, AH, AO, A99, and AR are collectively are called Zone A or
A zones.
Areas identified as Zones V, VE, V1 30, and VO are coastal high-hazard areas that collectively are
called Zone V or V zones.
Areas identified as Zone X (shaded and unshaded, formerly identified as Zones B and C) are
outside of SFHAs and not subject to floodplain management regulations.
A Flood Insurance Study (FIS) or Flood Elevation Study (FES) is an examination, evaluation, and
determination of flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations.
Figure 19: Example FIRM Showing Riverine Flood Zone Terminology
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 20: Example FIRM Showing Coastal Flood Zone Terminology
Substantial damage is damage of any origin whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its
before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the
structure before the damage occurred.
Substantial improvement is any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other
improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market
value of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement.
Substantially damaged and substantially improved structures must be brought into compliance
with the requirements for new construction.
The basic requirements for new construction in SFHAs for substantially improved structures and
when structures incur substantial damage by any cause include:
Foundations must resist flood forces.
Flood-damage-resistant materials must be used below the BFE.
Equipment and machinery, including electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air
conditioning equipment and other service facilities, must be elevated, dry floodproofed, or
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
specifically designed to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components
during flooding.
Lowest floors must be elevated to or above the BFE or flood depth in all A zones (A, AE, A1-30,
AH, AO, A99, and AR) (see Figure 21 and Figure 22). In all V zones (V, VE, V1 30, and VO), the
bottom of lowest horizontal structural members of lowest floors must be elevated to or above the
In all A zones, non-residential structures may be designed to be watertight (dry floodproofed) if
properly designed and certified by registered professional engineers or architects. FEMA P-936,
Floodproofing Non-Residential Buildings, provides guidance and design specifications for dry
Two standards produced by the American Society of Civil Engineers and referenced by building
codes are useful:
ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, a standard of practice accepted by FEMA
ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures,
the standard of practice for determining loads, including flood loads
In all V zones, foundation design and elevation requirements are more stringent because of the
added forces of wave action, and designs must be certified by registered professional engineers
or architects.
Enclosures below elevated structures must be used only for parking, storage, and building
access and must have flood openings (in all A zones) or breakaway walls (in all V zones).
If located in floodways, documentation must be provided to show the floodway encroachment
provisions of the NFIP and local floodplain management regulations are satisfied.
The floodway is the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that
must be reserved to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface
elevation of the base flood by more than a designated height.
In general, floodwater is deeper and flows faster in floodways than in adjacent floodway fringe
areas. When feasible, development and structures should be located outside of floodways.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 21: Three-Car Garage Elevated on Fill
Figure 22: Hog Farm Houses Elevated on Fill (Source: Waterkeeper Alliance)
For floodplain management purposes, silos and grain elevators are agricultural structures with rigid
walls and roofs. Several factors should be considered when determining how best to protect silos
and grain elevators, and their contents, from flood damage:
Silos that are designed to contain silage without leaking may also be watertight under flood
conditions. Communities should require applications for dry floodproofed silos to include
documentation prepared by registered professional engineers or architects certifying the silos
will be watertight during conditions of flooding.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Silos and grain elevators for storing grain typically are not designed to be watertight. To protect
both the towers and contents, the structures must either be elevated or modified to be watertight
(dry floodproofed), or a combination of those methods.
Another option, sometimes called “component protection,” is to install silos and grain elevators
inside areas designed to be substantially impermeable to flooding. This technique is described in
FEMA P-348, Protecting Building Utility Systems from Flood Damage, where it is suggested as a
method to protect equipment or groups of equipment that serve non-residential buildings.
Silos and grain elevators that are not watertight may be wet floodproofed to minimize structure
damage (see Section 3.2). In general, this option is not viable because of the nature and value of
the stored materials.
Controls for electrified equipment should be elevated and electric service should be supplied by
branch circuits that have ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection or are otherwise
protected from flooding.
Figure 23 illustrates options for installing tanks in SFHAs, which vary by flood zone. Where allowed
above ground, tanks can be installed on grade or elevated on platforms or fill. Underground tanks
must be installed and anchored to account for saturation of surrounding soils and scour and erosion
during flooding. Tanks that are above ground but not fully elevated are allowed only in A zones (A, AE,
A1-30, AH, AO, A99, and AR), in which case they must be anchored to resist flood forces. Another
option allowed only in A zones, sometimes called “component protection,” is to install tanks inside
enclosures or vaults that are designed to be substantially impermeable to flooding. This technique is
described in FEMA P-348, Protecting Building Utility Systems from Flood Damage, where it is
suggested as a method to protect equipment or groups of equipment that serve non-residential
Protecting other elements of tanks must also be considered:
Fill openings, outlets, vents, and cleanouts must either be elevated above the BFE or designed to
prevent the entry of floodwater and the loss of contents during flooding.
Controls for electrified equipment should be elevated above the BFE and electric service must be
supplied by branch circuits that have GFCI protection.
Tank design and options for tanks associated with non-residential uses are described in more
detail in FEMA P-348, Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 23: Options to Install Tanks Above and Below Grade
3.2. Construction Requirements for Wet Floodproofing
Wet floodproofing involves use of materials and construction techniques that allow structures or
portions of structures to intentionally flood. The same wet floodproofing requirements apply to
enclosures below elevated structures where the use of the enclosures is limited solely to vehicle
parking, storage, and building access. Allowing floodwater to enter these areas counteracts
hydrostatic pressure on walls and buoyancy from hydrostatic uplift forces. Although enclosure
interiors and contents get wet, the risk of structural damage is reduced.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
The NFIP minimum requirements for wet floodproofing structures are similar to the NFIP
requirements for enclosures below elevated buildings:
Wet floodproofed structures must be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral
movement. During flooding, structures can be dislodged and cause damage to other
buildings or block downstream culverts and bridges.
Portions of structures below the BFE must be constructed of flood-damage-resistant
materials. FEMA Technical Bulletin 2, Flood Damage Resistant Materials, includes guidance
and tables that classify typical construction materials as acceptable or unacceptable for use
below the BFE.
Flood-damage-resistant materials are any construction materials capable of withstanding direct
and prolonged contact with floodwater without sustaining damage that requires more than
cosmetic repair. Cosmetic repair includes cleaning, sanitizing, and resurfacing of the material.
Enclosed areas must have measures that equalize hydrostatic forces on exterior walls by
allowing the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. This is accomplished by installing at
least two flood openings in the walls of each enclosed area. FEMA Technical Bulletin 1,
Requirements for Flood Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures, includes
detailed guidance, examples and illustrations of flood opening installations, non-engineered
openings, engineered openings, and measures that are not acceptable as flood openings.
Installing doors, panels, or covers that must be opened before the onset of flooding does not
satisfy the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters criterion because human intervention is
Basements, which are areas below grade on all sides, are not permitted. To avoid being
basements, the interior floor of wet floodproofed enclosed areas must be at or above the
exterior grade across an entire side and there must be positive surface drainage away from
the structure.
Mechanical and utility equipment, including electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air
conditioning equipment and other service facilities, must be elevated (example shown in
Figure 24), dry floodproofed, or specifically designed to prevent water from entering or
accumulating within the components during flooding. For additional guidance, see FEMA
P-348, Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage.
Communities should consider implementing two best practices when approving wet
floodproofing of agricultural structures and accessory structures in accordance with this bulletin:
Limit what is stored in wet floodproofed areas and structures. Because contents will get wet
during flooding, contents should be low-value items. Some communities specify the types of
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
contents that can be stored, and some prohibit the storage of hazardous materials or
Require nonconversion agreements as part of approving wet floodproofed areas and
structures. These agreements, signed by applicants and property owners, affirm that owners
agree not to convert or modify in any manner that is inconsistent with the approved permit
(and variance conditions, when applicable). Specifically, owners agree not to convert the
space to uses other than approved uses. Communities typically require nonconversion
agreements to be recorded on property deeds to notify future owners.
Many communities apply these practices to enclosures below elevated buildings, which are
allowed if used solely for parking, storage, and building access and if constructed in accordance
with specific requirements (outlined in Section 3.1).
Figure 24: Elevated Electric Service and Equipment
3.3. Combining Elevation with Wet or Dry Floodproofing
Local floodplain management regulations for considering variances include a specific provision that
variances must only be issued after the community’s variance review board determines a variance is
the minimum necessary to afford relief, considering the flood hazard (44 C.F.R. § 60.6(a)(4)). For
example, requests to vary the elevation requirements to allow wet floodproofing should be examined
to determine whether a combination of measures is feasible (sometimes called “mixed mitigation”).
Elevating a structure to the maximum extent feasible and then wet floodproofing or dry floodproofing
up to the BFE would provide some degree of protection while minimizing the negative impacts of the
variance. Figure 25 illustrates some examples of using partial elevation achieved by combining
elevation with wet or dry floodproofing, which protects structures and contents during frequent,
low-level flood events.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 25: Combining Elevation with Wet Or Dry Floodproofing (Access Ramps Not Shown)
3.4. Requirements for Development Other than Structures
Communities must evaluate development in SFHAs in accordance with their floodplain management
regulations. The general requirements that apply to development other than buildings include:
Meet encroachment limitations if located in regulated floodways
Be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement resulting from hydrostatic loads,
including the effects of buoyancy, during conditions of flooding
Be constructed of flood-damage-resistant materials
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Have mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems elevated or designed to prevent water from
entering or accumulating within the components during flooding.
Development activities that change the land in ways that may increase flood risk include mining,
dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, drilling operations, storage of equipment and materials,
and roads. Agricultural practices such as tilling, discing, planting, spraying, fertilizing, and harvesting
are not considered development for floodplain management purposes. However, installing irrigation
ditches and wells, fences and berms, pond embankments, and other activities that alter the land or
could obstruct flood flows are regulated as development.
Another important consideration when evaluating development proposals is whether the activity will
encroach into floodways. Communities must require engineering analyses to examine the effect of
floodway encroachments to determine whether flood depths would be increased if the development
is allowed. In riverine floodplains where no floodway has been designated, communities must
consider the cumulative effect of the proposed development, combined with all other existing and
anticipated development, to ensure flood levels will not increase more than a foot at any point in the
community. If a community determines it is in the public interest to allow development that increases
flood heights more than the allowable amount, the community or applicant must apply to FEMA for
conditional approval of such action and FEMA must issue a conditional approval before a permit can
be issued. Then, after the project is completed, documentation must be submitted to FEMA so the
flood maps can be updated to reflect the change in flood hazard.
Communities may determine that some projects in floodways are too small to warrant
engineering analyses. For example, barbed wire and electrified wire fences do not block the flow
of water, but board, woven wire, and other more solid fencing can obstruct flow and cause water
to back up and rise higher than if the fences were not present.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
4. Options to Authorize Wet Floodproofing of
Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures
Communities should consider the acceptable options described in this chapter for authorizing wet
floodproofing of agricultural structures and accessory structures, as those structures are defined in
the bulletin (see Table 2). Each community should determine which option works best, given
community-specific needs. In all cases when those structures are not elevated or dry floodproofed,
they must be wet floodproofed in compliance with the requirements described in Section 3.2. Model
ordinance language for most options is included in Appendix C.
Table 2: Local Regulation Changes
Action Taken
Update Ordinance
PERMITS for small accessory structures, wet floodproofed
VARIANCES for agricultural structures and accessory structures, wet
COMMUNITY-WIDE exception for agricultural and accessory structures
(only with FEMA approval)
PERMITS for repair or restoration of certain flood-damaged agricultural
structures to pre-damage condition
For wet floodproofed accessory structures, communities must choose from the following options for
administration of the requirements:
Issue permits for small accessory structures (described in Section 4.2). FEMA considers
accessory structures to be small if less than or equal to a one story two car garage (all A zones)
and less than or equal to 100 square feet (all V zones).
Grant variances on a case-by-case basis for accessory structures that are larger than the sizes
allowed to be approved permit (described in Section 4.3).
Issue permits for accessory structures, but only after obtaining FEMA approval of a community-
wide exception (described in Section 0).
For wet floodproofed agricultural structures, communities must choose from one of the following
options for administration of the requirements:
Grant variances on a case-by-case basis (described in Section 4.3).
Issue permits for agricultural structures, but only after obtaining FEMA approval of a community
wide exception (described in Section 0).
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Issue permits for repair and restoration of certain previously flooded agricultural structures, but
only after adopting regulations approved by FEMA (described in Section 4.5).
4.1. Ensuring Compliance and Maintaining Records
While FEMA regional offices, state, tribal, and territorial NFIP coordinators, and communities all have
roles in ensuring local floodplain management regulations are properly administered and enforced,
the ultimate responsibility for maintaining NFIP compliance lies with communities. Communities
must maintain adequate records of permits issued and variances granted, including the supporting
documentation and justification for variances.
Refer to FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-993, Variances and the National Insurance
Program, for guidance on variances and record keeping.
Communities must enforce the requirements of local floodplain management regulations and the
conditions of permits and variances. FEMA regional offices and state, tribal, and territorial NFIP
coordinators monitor and evaluate community compliance and provide technical assistance to help
communities remain in good standing with the NFIP.
Communities that follow FEMA’s policy and guidance for granting variances will not jeopardize their
standing with the NFIP. And, specific to agricultural structures and accessory structures,
communities that follow the guidance in this bulletin will remain in good standing. If FEMA
determines that a community is granting variances and permitting exceptions inconsistent with
policies and guidance, the community will be expected to correct all violations and deficiencies to the
maximum extent practicable or risk probation or suspension from the NFIP.
Communities that participate in the NFIP must have adequate procedures for reviewing applications,
processing requests for variances, inspecting structures and development approved by permits or
variances, and maintaining records. Communities that are approved by FEMA for community-wide
exceptions for agricultural structures and accessory structures (see Section 0) must be especially
careful to maintain detailed records, including copies of notices given to owners stating the
increased risks to life and property and the potential for increased flood insurance rates. FEMA
recommends that the findings, conditions, and authorizations for variances be recorded in deed
records to permanently notify prospective buyers and future owners of the terms of the variances.
The NFIP regulations for variances provide that FEMA may review a community’s findings that
justify granting variances and may place a community on probation if the review indicates a
pattern inconsistent with the objectives of sound floodplain management (44 CFR § 60.6(a)).
Variances issued in accordance with and this bulletin are consistent with the objectives of sound
floodplain management.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
4.2. Issuing Permits for Certain Accessory Structures
Communities must follow standard procedures to review applications and issue permits for
accessory structures that will be elevated or dry floodproofed in accordance with the NFIP
requirements in local floodplain management regulations. Section 3.1 briefly summarizes those
Communities must follow standard procedures to review applications and issue permits for wet
floodproofed accessory structures that are smaller than the size limits suggested by FEMA.
Communities should adopt explicit provisions in local regulations (see model ordinance language in
Appendix C, Section C.2). Before adopting changes to local regulations, proposed changes should be
reviewed by state NFIP coordinators or FEMA regional offices.
Documentation of lowest-floor elevations and dry floodproofing designs must be submitted by
applicants and permit holders when structures are elevated or dry floodproofed. Communities
should document compliance with wet floodproofing requirements when agricultural structures
and accessory structures are approved to be wet floodproofed.
Before issuing permits for small accessory structures, communities must verify:
Use is limited to parking of vehicles or storage
Size is less than or equal to the suggested limits based on flood zone (for example, one-story
two-car garage in A zones, 100 square feet in V zones, or other size limit approved by FEMA)
The structures have low damage potential
The structures comply with the wet floodproofing requirements outlined in Section 3.2.
4.3. Considering Variances and Granting Variances
Every community that participates in the NFIP adopts regulations that include the general
requirements for consideration of variance requests in the NFIP regulations at 44 C.F.R. § 60.6(a).
When a request is received, floodplain management staff should review the request against the
regulations, determine completeness of the submitted documentation, and make recommendations
for consideration by the community’s variance review board. Documenting the staff review in a staff
report is a good practice and provides a record of the community’s action.
The NFIP regulations define variance as a grant of relief by a community from the terms of a
floodplain management regulation.
In addition to the typical standard provisions for variances (summarized in Appendix C, Section C.3),
when communities receive requests to allow agricultural structures or accessory structures to be
constructed in ways that vary from the strict floodplain management requirements for elevation and
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
dry floodproofing, additional factors must be considered. Communities should adopt explicit
provisions in local regulations (see model ordinance language in Appendix C, Section C.4).
Key steps for evaluating requests for variances for agricultural structures are illustrated in Figure 26.
Similar steps apply to requests for variances for accessory structures.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Figure 26: Key Steps for Evaluating Variance Requests for Wet Floodproofed Agricultural
Additional factors to consider and determine include:
Variances must be for individual agricultural structures or accessory structures.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Justification must be on a case-by-case basis.
The communities must:
o Document the floodway encroachment provisions in local floodplain management
regulations are satisfied when structures are proposed to be located in floodways.
o Confirm that proposed:
Accessory structures are small, represent minimal investment, and have low damage
Agricultural structures have low damage potential, meet the exclusive use requirement,
and will be restricted to such exclusive uses.
o Verify the proposed structures will meet the following wet floodproofing design and
construction requirements (see Section 3.2), including:
Anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement
Flood-damage-resistant materials below the BFE
Mechanical and utility equipment elevated or dry floodproofed to or above the BFE
Measures to protect structures from hydrostatic pressure in accordance with the NFIP
standards for flood openings to allow the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters without
manual operation or the presence of a person or persons.
o Verify that applicants include descriptions of the exceptional hardships they would
experience if variances are denied.
o Document that variances provide the minimum relief necessary, and if feasible, require
consideration of combining elevation with wet floodproofing or dry floodproofing (see Section
Increased risks to the public. FEMA does not recommend variances for wet floodproofing instead
of elevation or dry floodproofing when:
o Agricultural structures would be located in V zones (V, VE, V1 30, and VO)
o Agricultural structures and accessory structures that, if flooded, would create threats to
public health, safety, and welfare, including but not limited to release of concentrated animal
waste or highly volatile, toxic, and water-reactive materials (described in Section 4.3.2).
Communities that participate in the NFIP Community Rating System and receive credits for
freeboard (elevation or protection to a higher level than the minimum NFIP requirement)
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
should be aware that granting variances that allow lowest floors to be below the BFE may
result in reduction of credits for freeboard.
Floodplain management regulations adopted by many communities give variance review
boards the authority to attach additional conditions to variances when deemed necessary to
further safeguard public health, safety, and general welfare and to minimize public and
private losses caused by flooding.
As part of fulfilling their responsibilities to the NFIP, communities must have mechanisms to ensure
compliance with their floodplain management regulations. Permits are required for agricultural
structures and accessory structures, even those authorized by variance. Communities that anticipate
a large number of variance requests should include the additional factors listed above in their
floodplain management regulations. Typical model ordinance language is included in Appendix C,
C.4. Before adopting changes to local regulations, proposed changes should be reviewed by state
NFIP coordinators or FEMA regional offices.
FEMA recommends that communities develop written procedures for evaluating requests for
variances to satisfy all general requirements and the specific additional factors listed in the
introduction to Section 4.3. Having written procedures also leads to uniform treatment of all variance
requests. Communities that grant variances for agricultural structures and accessory structures will
preserve their standing with the NFIP by following written procedures that are consistent with 44
C.F.R. § 60.6(a) and FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-993, Variances and the National Flood
Insurance Program, and this bulletin. Communities can request additional guidance for variance
procedures from state, tribal, and territorial NFIP coordinators and FEMA regional offices.
FEMA also recommends that communities develop a formal variance application or checklist to help
applicants understand the variance process, provide the necessary technical justifications, and
demonstrate that they meet the requirements for variances.
Modification of local regulations to add specific requirements is required when:
FEMA approves requests for community-wide exceptions, described in Section 4.4
Communities intend to issue permits for repair and restoration to pre-damaged condition
when agricultural structures are substantially damaged by flood or are designated by the
NFIP as repetitive loss structures, described in Section 4.5
Communities should carefully examine requests for variances to determine whether granting the
requests would increase risks and pose a danger to public health, safety, and welfare. Variances to
allow wet floodproofing should not be granted when flooding of an agricultural structure and its
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
contents would increase those risks. Structures that could increase risks and dangers during
flooding include those used for manure storage, livestock confinement operations, liquefied natural
gas terminals, and production and storage of highly volatile, toxic, or water-reactive materials. Where
feasible, such structures and uses should be located outside of SFHAs. If they must be located in
SFHAs, these structures should be elevated or dry floodproofed to minimize risks and dangers during
4.4. Community-Wide Exceptions
All communities that participate in the NFIP are required to adopt and enforce floodplain
management regulations that meet or exceed minimum NFIP regulations. FEMA recognizes that in
some instances, due to extraordinary circumstances or local conditions, applying the NFIP
requirements for elevation or dry floodproofing to agricultural structures or accessory structures
could cause hardship or inequity. In these cases, and in accordance with 44 C.F.R. § 60.6(b) and the
Policy, FEMA may approve requests submitted by communities for an exception to specific
requirements. The “community-wide exception” mechanism described in this section only applies to
agricultural structures or accessory structures, as both terms are defined in this bulletin (see
Chapter 2) and in the Policy. If approved, community-wide exceptions allow communities to deviate
from minimum standards under specific conditions without having to process individual variance
As part of considering whether to seek FEMA approval for community-wide exceptions for
accessory structures, communities should evaluate whether the size limits described in Section
4.2 are reasonable, in which case permits may be issued without variances. Requests for larger
accessory structures and for agricultural structures can be handled as individual variance
requests, described in Section 4.3.
It is very important for communities with approved community wide exceptions to realize the same
care and attention given to requests for variances must be directed to the review of applications for
agricultural structures and accessory structures in accordance with the FEMA approval. FEMA
recommends that communities develop written procedures for evaluating requests to ensure all
general requirements and specific requirements are satisfied. When FEMA approves a community’s
request for a community-wide exception, FEMA regional offices will monitor the community’s
compliance with the specific provisions of the approval.
Communities must submit requests for community-wide exceptions in writing to the appropriate
FEMA regional office. Consistent with the Policy, requests must include the following:
1. A description of the nature, extent of, and reasons for the exception request. The “nature” of the
exception request refers to the specific minimum NFIP requirement(s) from which an exception is
requested and the community’s proposed alternative to the minimum requirements. The “extent”
of the exception describes any limitations or specific characteristics that will be used to apply
and administer the exception. Descriptions of the “reasons” must state the reasons the
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
community is requesting the exception. Communities must specify which types of structures are
within the scope of the request and must detail criteria proposed for evaluating requests.
When communities include accessory structures in requests for community-wide exceptions,
they must determine the appropriate size limits that are consistent with the Policy and this
bulletin and specify the size limits in their requests.
2. A description of the extraordinary circumstances and local conditions that would cause hardship
or inequity if the minimum elevation and dry floodproofing requirements are enforced.
Descriptions should address factors that contribute to hardship or inequity if the minimum
elevation and dry floodproofing requirements are enforced. The goal of floodplain management
regulations is to reduce future damage, which may not be achieved when agricultural structures
or accessory structures are allowed without requiring full compliance.
3. Supporting justification. Justifications should include factors relevant to the community, including
community-wide economic impacts; environmental, topographic, and hydrologic and hydraulic
conditions and data; other scientific and technical data; and information demonstrating the
impact on public health, safety, and welfare and the environment. Communities could propose
limitations based on flood conditions, for example, when base flood depths are greater than five
feet and velocities are higher than five feet per second. The objective is to demonstrate that a
community-wide exception to allow wet floodproofing of certain agricultural structures or
accessory structures will not have adverse impacts.
4. Supporting information regarding other planning considerations and factors that justify wet
floodproofing as an appropriate alternative mitigation design. The request should include
supporting information to demonstrate that communities have considered other planning and
engineering factors in determining that the requested exception to allow wet floodproofing is a
practicable alternative that provides the minimum relief necessary. Factors might include
proximity to land outside of mapped SFHAs; available warning time before the onset of flooding;
frequency of flooding; depth of water, velocity and duration under base flood conditions; safety
and access; emergency operations plans; protection of contents and equipment; and any other
conditions, requirements, or restrictions proposed by the community.
5. Proposed ordinance language to allow certain agricultural structures or accessory structures to
be wet floodproofed and to effectively administer and enforce the conditions of the community-
wide exception. Communities should consult with their FEMA regional office to develop proposed
ordinance language that is consistent with the Policy and this bulletin. The ordinance language
must outline the specific criteria and requirements for determining whether to issue permits for
wet floodproofed agricultural structures or accessory structures. Communities should provide
evidence that their existing variance provisions are consistent with the minimum NFIP variance
requirements and conditions and evidence that implementing a community-wide exception does
not conflict with other state, tribal, or territorial laws and regulations. The proposed ordinance
language must, at a minimum, include the additional factors to consider and determine that are
listed in Section 4.3.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Communities requesting community-wide exceptions must not modify floodplain management
regulations or make regulations effective until after FEMA approves the requests.
FEMA considers and approves requests for community-wide exceptions on a community-by-
community basis. The general process for FEMA’s review and approval of requests for community-
wide exceptions is outlined below:
The community submits an exception request, including all supporting documents and technical
data, to the appropriate FEMA regional office.
The FEMA regional office will complete an initial review and evaluation of the request and work
with the community to ensure sufficient documentation and justification is included. The regional
office will confirm with the state, tribal, or territorial NFIP coordinator that the community’s
proposed ordinance language is consistent with applicable laws and regulations. After confirming
the request has sufficient documentation and justification, the regional office will forward the
request to FEMA Headquarters for final review and action.
FEMA Headquarters will review the request package and prepare a special environmental
clearance to determine whether the proposed community-wide exception will have a significant
impact on the human environment. The decision to prepare an environmental impact statement
or other environmental documentation will be made in accordance with the NFIP regulations (44
C.F.R. § 60.6(b)(2)) and FEMA Directive 108-1 and Instruction 108-1-1. This will be part of
FEMA’s assessment of how applicable environmental and historic preservation laws, regulations,
Executive Orders, and agency policy apply to proposed Federal actions.
Upon completion of the final review by FEMA Headquarters and completion of the environmental
impact evaluation, the regional office will notify the community of the outcome. If the request is
denied, an explanation for the denial will be provided. If the request is approved, the regional
office will provide technical assistance, if necessary, to ensure the community’s proposed
ordinance language is sufficient and consistent with the requirements of the approved
community-wide exception.
4.5. Repair and Restoration of Substantially Flood Damaged and
Repetitive Loss Agricultural Structures
Communities that participate in the NFIP must adopt and enforce regulations that apply when
structures in SFHAs incur substantial damage by any cause and when owners propose to
substantially improve structures in SFHAs. When structures are substantially damaged or will be
substantially improved, communities must require that the structures be brought into compliance
with all requirements for new construction.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Because the NFIP repetitive loss structure designation is based on insurance claims paid over a
10-year period, the list of designated structures changes over time. When communities adopt
the necessary regulations to allow repair and restoration of repetitive loss agricultural structures
to pre-damage condition, after each flood event, local officials should contact the FEMA regional
office to determine whether specific flood-damaged agricultural structures have been
The NFIP statute provides that communities may adopt regulations to allow agricultural structures
that are substantially damaged by flooding, and agricultural structures that are designated by the
NFIP as repetitive loss structures, to be repaired or restored to pre damaged conditions [42 U.S.C. §
4022(a)(2), enacted by NFIA Section 1315(a)(2)]. The statute also establishes that agricultural
structures repaired or restored in accordance with this provision:
Will not be eligible for disaster relief under any program administered by FEMA or any other
Federal agency
Will have NFIP flood insurance premiums rated based on a structure’s risk, although the NFIP is
not required to provide flood insurance coverage unless repairs include wet floodproofing
Repetitive loss structure is a structure covered by an NFIP flood insurance policy that has
incurred flood-related damage on two occasions during a 10-year period ending on the date
of the event for which the second claim is made, in which the cost of repair, on average,
equaled or exceeded 25 percent of the value of the structure at the time of each flood event.
Substantial damage is damage of any origin whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its
before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the
structure before the damage occurred. Structures that incur substantial damage must be
brought into compliance with the requirements for new construction.
Substantial improvement is any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other
improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market
value of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement. Structures that
are substantially improved must be brought into compliance with the requirements for new
When communities adopt the appropriate regulations, permits may be issued to authorize repair and
restoration of agricultural structures substantially damaged by flooding, and those that are repetitive
loss structures, without requiring the structures to be brought into full compliance with the elevation
or dry floodproofing requirements that would otherwise apply (see Section 3.1). Changes to local
floodplain management regulations must be adopted to implement this approach, and the draft
changes must be reviewed and approved by FEMA before adoption.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Communities considering this option should review the model ordinance language in Appendix C,
Section C.5. Because FEMA must review and approve proposed ordinance language, communities
should request assistance from FEMA regional offices to finalize the draft changes well in advance of
scheduling adoption.
Local floodplain management regulations to allow certain flood-damaged agricultural structures to
be repaired or restored to pre-damage condition must specify:
Only the cost to repair damage caused by flooding to pre-damage condition must be used to
make the substantial damage determination for the purpose of deciding whether an agricultural
structure can be repaired or restored without being brought into full compliance.
o If damage was caused by a combination of flooding and another cause, then the cost to
repair damage by that other cause must not be used to make the substantial damage
o If the flood damage alone is determined to not be substantial damage, but if damage by all
causes is determined substantial damage, then the agricultural structure must be brought
into compliance with the requirements for new construction. However, owners may request
variances to allow wet floodproofing instead of elevation or dry floodproofing, which
communities must consider in accordance with variance provisions described in Section 4.3.
The work authorized by permits must be limited to only the work necessary to repair and restore
agricultural structures to pre-damaged conditions. If any additional work or improvements are
proposed at the same time, the combined repair and improvements constitute substantial
improvement and communities must require the structures to be brought into compliance.
However, owners may request variances to allow wet floodproofing instead of elevation or dry
floodproofing, which communities must consider in accordance with variance provisions
described in Section 4.3.
Owners seeking relief to allow certain flood-damaged agricultural structures to be repaired or
restored to pre-damaged condition should be aware of these restrictions set forth in the NFIP
The structures will not qualify for Federal disaster assistance
The structures may be denied NFIP flood insurance policies unless repairs include wet
floodproofing measures.
FEMA recommends that communities considering adopting regulations to implement this option for
flood-damaged agricultural structures also consider requiring the structures to be retrofitted with wet
floodproofing measures as part of repair and restoration. Wet floodproofing measures, described in
Section 3.2, reduce the potential for future flood damage. In addition, the NFIP may deny NFIP flood
insurance policies unless wet floodproofing measures are included. When communities decide to
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
require retrofitted wet floodproofing, the costs of those measures should not be counted in the initial
determination as to whether the damage by flooding is substantial damage.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
5. NFIP Flood Insurance Considerations
Property owners and farm operators should carefully consider the economic consequences of
implementing wet floodproofing in accordance with this bulletin. Although wet floodproofing
measures will reduce physical damage to structures, contents are exposed to flooding. Also, owners
and operators should consult with their insurance agents to learn how NFIP flood insurance
premiums differ when agricultural structures and accessory structures are wet floodproofed rather
than elevated or dry floodproofed.
The NFIP takes into consideration several factors when determining premiums for buildings and
contents covered by NFIP flood insurance policies:
When buildings are elevated, the elevation of the lowest floor compared to the BFE or flood
depth is a significant factor (provided that enclosures, if any, are compliant).
Elevating or protecting buildings to one foot or higher above the BFE reduces the exposure of
buildings and contents to future flooding and results in lower NFIP flood insurance premiums.
When non-residential buildings are dry floodproofed, the height of the dry floodproofing
measures compared to the BFE or flood depth is a significant factor in how insurance policies
are rated. Dry floodproofing must extend at least one foot above the BFE to be rated equivalent
to a building elevated to the BFE. The measures must be designed and certified by registered
professional engineers or architects and approved by FEMA as part of writing insurance
When agricultural structures and accessory structures are approved to be wet floodproofed,
whether by permit, variance, or if the community has a FEMA-approved community-wide
exception, that approval does not influence how the NFIP determines insurance premiums.
Structures with lowest floors below the BFE will be more costly to insure than those that are
elevated or dry floodproofed.
Property owners and farm operators should consult with their insurance agents to discuss
possible impacts of using wet floodproofing measures instead of elevation or dry floodproofing.
The NFIP only insures contents that are located in buildings that are eligible for building
coverage. Some self-propelled vehicles and machines not licensed for use on public roads are
insurable, as are contents in silos and grain storage buildings.
The NFIP uses a definition of building or structure for flood insurance purposes that is distinct
from the definition used for floodplain management purposes. Property owners and farm
operators should be aware that structures that meet the definition for floodplain management
purposes may not fit the insurance definition and vice versa.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
For insurance purposes, the NFIP considers a building as:
A structure with two or more outside rigid walls and a fully secured roof, that is affixed to a
permanent site; or
A manufactured home (“a manufactured home,” also known as a mobile home, is a structure
built on a permanent chassis, transported to its site in one or more sections, and affixed to a
permanent foundation); or
A travel trailer without wheels, built on a chassis and affixed to a permanent foundation, that
is regulated under the community’s floodplain management and building ordinances or laws.
“Building” does not mean a gas or liquid storage tank or a recreational vehicle, park trailer, or
other similar vehicle.
Property owners and farm operators should consider the following implications for NFIP flood
insurance when planning and constructing agricultural structures and accessory structures in SFHAs:
The NFIP is authorized to deny individual property owners flood insurance coverage if structures
and development in SFHAs are in violation of local floodplain management regulations and the
owners refuse to bring the structures into compliance (NFIA Section 1316).
Insurance agents may be required to use the NFIP’s specific rating guidelines when a structure’s
lowest floor is below the BFE. In some cases, agents may submit documentation to the NFIP
specifically to rate individual structures, including documentation of variances granted to allow
the structures below the BFE.
The contents of some agricultural structures may be more valuable than the structures. When
agricultural structures are insurable, owners may consider contents-only flood insurance policies,
although coverage is limited (consult with insurance agents to learn which contents are
insurable). Lenders may still require flood insurance coverage for structures.
Lenders making or servicing federally backed loans will usually require owners to purchase flood
insurance coverage for insurable structures, regardless of the structure’s value, nature or value
of contents, and how the buildings are constructed.
When detached garages are located on the same lots as single-family and two- to four-family
dwellings that are covered by NFIP flood insurance policies, the garages are included in the
policies, but coverage is limited to no more than 10 percent of the limit of liability on the
dwellings. Accessory structures used for storage are not included in the coverage, but may be
insured by separate policies.
Accessory structures on the same lots as non-residential structures and residential structures
other than single-family and two- to four-family dwellings may be insured by separate policies.
Section 4.5 describes an option for communities to adopt regulations to allow agricultural structures
that are substantially damaged by flooding, and those that are designated by the NFIP as repetitive
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
loss structures, to be repaired or restored to pre-damaged conditions. The NFIP is authorized to rate
flood insurance policies on those agricultural structures based on the lowest floor elevation.
However, the NFIP is not required to provide flood insurance policies unless repaired or restored
agricultural structures are wet floodproofed (NFIA Section 1315(a)(2)).
Learn more about NFIP flood insurance online at https://www.FloodSmart.gov/ or by calling
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Appendix A: FEMA Policy #104-008-03: Floodplain
Management Requirements for Agricultural Structures
and Accessory Structures
The Floodplain Management policy (FEMA Policy #104-008-03, effective February 2020),
Floodplain Management Requirements for Agriculture Structures and Accessory Structures, can
be found on FEMA.gov at the following link: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-08/
You can also access the document through the main Glossary or NFIP Terminology Index by
searching for “Accessory Structures” or “Agricultural Structures.”
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Appendix B: FEMA Guidance, Statute, and NFIP
Regulations Clarified and Refined by this Bulletin
This table briefly describes some of the FEMA guidance documents cited in this bulletin, the statute,
and pertinent NFIP regulations as they relate to agricultural structures and accessory structures.
Readers should be aware that some guidance documents predate FEMA Policy #104-008-03.
The table describes clarifications and refinements embodied in the Policy and this bulletin. This
reference will assist those who want to compare previous guidance to the guidance in this bulletin.
Appendix D lists full titles and links to download referenced publications.
Table 3: Clarifications and Refinements in the Policy and this Bulletin
Brief Description
How the Policy and this Bulletin
Clarify and Refine Guidance,
Regulations, and Statute
NFIP Technical
Bulletin 1
(2008 and
2020 editions)
Provides guidance for meeting the NFIP
requirements for flood openings in
foundation walls and walls of enclosures.
Detached garages and detached
accessory structures used only for
parking and storage may be permitted in
Zone A without requiring them to be
elevated when the structures comply
with measures described as wet
floodproofing, including flood openings.
Technical Bulletin 1 does not explicitly
address agricultural structures.
Explain when it is appropriate to
allow accessory structures in A
Zones to be wet floodproofed.
Indicates the size FEMA considers
to be “small” accessory structures
in Zone A (e.g., one-story two-car
garage) for approval by permit
(larger sizes may be authorized by
Establish parameters by which
communities may seek FEMA
approval for community-wide
exceptions to allow issuance of
permits for agricultural structures
and accessory structures, rather
than by granting variances on a
case-by-case basis.
NFIP Technical
Bulletin 5
(2008 and
2020 editions)
Provides guidance for meeting the NFIP
free of obstruction requirements for
development in Zone V. Accessory
storage structures in Zone V should be
limited to low-cost and small structures
that are “disposable.” Small means less
than or equal to 100 square feet in size.
Detached garages are “too large” to
allow below the BFE. The 2008 edition
states that low cost” means $1,000 or
less, while the 2020 edition does not
identify a dollar amount.
Technical Bulletin 5 does not explicitly
address agricultural structures.
Explain when it is appropriate to
allow accessory structures in
A Zones to be wet floodproofed.
Indicates the size FEMA considers
to be “small” accessory structures
in Zone V (100 square feet) for
approval by permit (larger sizes
may be authorized by variance).
Does not recommend variances
for wet floodproofing of
agricultural structures in V Zones
because of increased risks to
public safety.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Brief Description
How the Policy and this Bulletin
Clarify and Refine Guidance,
Regulations, and Statute
NFIP Technical
Bulletin 7
(1993 edition)
Provides guidance for planning and
engineering (construction)
considerations for the use of wet
floodproofing measures, including:
Accessory structures used for parking
(two-car detached garage or smaller)
or storage (small, low-cost sheds) may
be approved by variance.
Certain agricultural structures (farm
storage structures, grain bins, corn
cribs, and general-purpose barns)
located in “wide, expansive
floodplains” and used “exclusively in
connection with the production,
harvesting, storage, drying, or raising
of agricultural commodities, including
the raising of livestock” may be
approved by variance.
Refine and expand definitions for
“agricultural structure” and
“accessory structure” for
floodplain management purposes.
Explain the requirements for wet
floodproofing and establish limits
for when agricultural structures
can be wet floodproofed (low
damage potential) and when
accessory structures can be wet
Establish specific criteria for
authorizing certain agricultural
structures and accessory
structures by variance.
Establish parameters by which
communities may seek FEMA
approval for community-wide
exceptions to allow issuance of
issue permits for agricultural
structures and accessory
structures, rather than by granting
variances on a case-by-case
Bulletin P-993:
Variances and
the National
Provides guidance on variance
procedures in accordance with the NFIP
regulations at 44 C.F.R. § 60.6.
Describes conditions that may be placed
on accessory structures and detached
garages authorized by variance. A limit
on size of accessory structures in Zone A
is not specified. Accessory structures in
Zone V should be prohibited or allowed
only if “very low value, ‘disposable’
storage sheds.”
FEMA P-993 does not explicitly address
agricultural structures.
Describe conditions that allow
communities to approve:
o Accessory structures by permit
if “low damage potential” and
small, rather than requiring all
accessory structures to be
handled by variance.
Communities must use
variances to approve
accessory structures that are
larger than approved size
o Agricultural structures by
variance, if “low damage
o Agricultural structures and
accessory structures by permit,
when FEMA has approved
“community-wide exceptions”
in those communities that
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Brief Description
How the Policy and this Bulletin
Clarify and Refine Guidance,
Regulations, and Statute
submit requests and
documentation for such
NFIA Section
(42 U.S.C.
§ 4022(a)(2))
Provides that communities may adopt
regulations to allow the repair and
restoration to pre-damage condition of
agricultural structures that are
“repetitive loss structures” (defined in
statute) or are substantially damaged by
flood related damage.
Specifies flood insurance provided for
such structures must be based on
“chargeable premium rates” and that the
NFIP is not required to provide insurance
coverage unless such structures are “wet
floodproofed through permanent or
contingent measures applied to the
structure or its contents that prevent or
provide resistance to damage from
flooding by allowing flood waters to pass
through the structure.
Specifies that such structures are not
eligible for disaster relief assistance
under any program administered by
FEMA or any other Federal agency.
Describe requirements
communities may adopt, with
FEMA concurrence, to allow repair
and restoration to pre-damage
condition when agricultural
structures are substantially
damaged by flooding and when
agricultural structures are
designated by the NFIP as
“repetitive loss structures.”
Encourages communities
considering allowing repair and
restoration of those agricultural
structures to consider requiring
owners to incorporate wet
floodproofing as part of repairs, to
reduce future flood damage and
maintain eligibility for NFIP flood
insurance coverage.
44 C.F.R.
§ 60.6(a)
Variances and
Sets forth procedures for granting
variances and factors that communities
must consider. Communities must grant
variances only upon specific findings
(listed in the regulation), and only if they
determine variances are the minimum
necessary to afford relief.
Provides that FEMA may review a
community’s findings justifying granting
variances and may take action to place a
community on probation if the review
indicates a pattern inconsistent with the
objectives of sound floodplain
Explain specifically how the
variance process can be used by
communities to approve wet
floodproofing of agricultural
structures and accessory
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Brief Description
How the Policy and this Bulletin
Clarify and Refine Guidance,
Regulations, and Statute
44 C.F.R.
§ 60.6(b)
Variances and
Acknowledges that “certain exceptions”
from the minimum floodplain
management standards in 44 C.F.R.
§ 60.3 may be permitted by FEMA
Explain how community wide
exceptions, if approved by FEMA,
can be used by communities to
approve wet floodproofing to
mitigate agricultural structures
and accessory structures.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Appendix C: Model Ordinance Language to Allow Wet
Floodproofed Agricultural Structures and Accessory
This appendix offers model ordinance language that can be used by NFIP communities, with
guidance and assistance from state, tribal, and territorial NFIP coordinators and FEMA regional
The model ordinance language addresses wet floodproofing of agricultural structures and accessory
structures in conformance with the Policy and this bulletin.
Before making changes to the model language in this appendix, other than to adjust to fit within
local floodplain management regulations, check with the FEMA regional office or the state, tribal,
or territorial NFIP coordinator.
Unless approved, changes to this model language could make the provisions no longer
consistent with the Policy and the bulletin.
This appendix includes the following sections:
Section C.1 includes definitions for accessory structure, agricultural structure, and repetitive loss
agricultural structure.
Section C.2 includes sample ordinance language to allow communities to issue permits (instead
of granting variances) for small accessory structures based on specific size limits and if
compliant with specific construction requirements. Refer to Section 4.2 of this bulletin.
Section C.3 includes an example of typical standard variance provisions that include the NFIP
minimum procedures, including specific determinations and actions that must be taken by
communities and community variance boards when considering requests for variances (see 44
C.F.R. § 60.6(a)). Similar provisions are adopted by every community that participates in the
Section C.4 includes sample ordinance language that can be incorporated into standard variance
provisions to specifically outline criteria that communities must evaluate when considering and
granting variances with specific conditions to allow agricultural structures and accessory
structures to be wet floodproofed. These criteria are in addition to the standard variance
provisions shown in Section C.3. Refer to Section 4.3 of this bulletin.
Section C.5 includes sample ordinance language that can be incorporated into local floodplain
management regulations to allow certain flood-damaged agricultural structures to be repaired or
restored to pre-damage condition without bringing the structures into compliance. FEMA must
review and approve a community’s proposed draft regulations before adoption. Refer to Section
4.5 of this bulletin.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
General instructions for amending local regulations
The model ordinance language shown in this appendix is consistent with the Policy and this
Communities may be more restrictive than the model provisions shown in in this appendix.
Communities must ensure the model ordinance language is formatted to be compatible with
existing regulations and numbered to fit into the appropriate sections. Where italicized notes
appear [in brackets], each community must insert the appropriate cross-referenced section
number where the referenced provisions are specified in that community’s existing regulations.
Before adoption, proposed changes to local regulations should be reviewed by state, tribal, and
territorial NFIP coordinators or FEMA regional offices.
C.1 Model Definitions
Communities should select the appropriate definition(s) to pair with the provision(s) they will adopt.
For example, if a community decides to amend local regulations to only address accessory
structures, there would be no need to adopt definitions for agricultural structure and repetitive loss
agricultural structure. Communities should include the definition for repetitive loss agricultural
structure only when they adopt specific provisions applicable to those structures (see Section 4.5
and Section C.5). Communities in states that define agricultural structures or farm structures should
contact the state NFIP coordinators for guidance before amending the definition for agricultural
structure shown below.
The definitions shown below are consistent with the Policy.
Model definitions
Accessory Structure a structure on the same parcel of property as a principal
structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure. For
floodplain management purposes, the term includes only accessory structures used for
parking and storage.
Agricultural Structure for floodplain management purposes, a walled and roofed
structure used exclusively for agricultural purposes or uses in connection with the
production, harvesting, storage, raising, or drying of agricultural commodities and
livestock, including aquatic organisms. Structures that house tools or equipment used in
connection with these purposes or uses are also considered to have agricultural
purposes or uses.
Repetitive Loss Agricultural Structure an agricultural structure covered by a
National Flood Insurance Program contract for flood insurance that has incurred flood-
related damage on two (2) separate occasions in which the cost of repair, on the
average, equaled or exceeded 25 percent of the value of the structure at the time of each
such flood event. The floodplain administrator should contact the FEMA regional office
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
to determine whether specific flood-damaged agricultural structures have been
designated repetitive loss structures.
C.2 Model Ordinance Language for Small Accessory Structures by Permit
(Instead of by Variance)
The following model ordinance language establishes clear limits and requirements for communities
to issue permits for certain small accessory structures to allow wet floodproofing instead of requiring
compliance with the minimum elevation or dry floodproofing requirements for non-residential
buildings. To qualify for approval by permit instead of by variance, wet floodproofed accessory
structures must be small, represent minimal investment, and have low damage potential (refer to
Section 4.2 of this bulletin). Larger accessory structures may be wet floodproofed, but must be
considered under the variance provisions. Communities may decide to require variances for all
accessory structures, regardless of size (see Section C.3).
Model ordinance language for detached accessory structures
Detached accessory structures used only for parking of vehicles and storage are permitted
at grade if:
(1) In special flood hazard areas other than coastal high hazard areas (Zones A, AE, AH, AO,
and A1-30), not larger than a one-story two-car garage and walls have flood openings
in compliance with the requirements of [insert section number where flood opening
requirements are specified].
(2) In coastal high hazard areas (Zones V, VE, V1 30, and VO), not larger than 100 sq. ft. in
(3) Anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement.
(4) Flood damage-resistant materials used below the base flood elevation comply with the
requirements of [insert section number where flood damage-resistant material
requirements are specified].
(5) Mechanical, electrical, and utility equipment comply with the requirements of [insert
section number where requirements for equipment and utilities are specified].
C.3 Typical Standard Variance Provisions
The NFIP regulations for variances state that FEMA does not set forth absolute criteria for
communities to use when considering granting variances from the minimum requirements for
development in SFHAs (44 C.F.R. § 60.6). However, the regulations do establish minimum
procedures that require communities to make specific determinations and take specific actions.
Communities must approve or deny requests for variances, after examining documentation
submitted by applicants.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
The example of typical standard variance provisions shown below is included because review and
evaluation of requests for variances for agricultural structures and accessory structures must be
processed in the context of these standard provisions. Most communities adopt local regulations
based on model ordinances developed by each state and territory. Having minor differences between
provisions in existing local regulations and the sample provisions shown here does not mean
communities must modify their regulations to match. Communities should contact the FEMA regional
office or the state, tribal, or territorial NFIP coordinator for guidance on the standard variance
provisions and how best to incorporate desired changes to be able to consider variances for
agricultural structures and accessory structures.
Model ordinance language for standard variance provisions
SECTION [community-specific number] VARIANCES.
A. General. The [community-specific entity designated as the community’s variance review
board] shall hear and decide requests for variances. The [variance review board] has the
right to attach such conditions to variances as it deems necessary to further the purposes
and objectives of these regulations. The [variance review board] shall base its
determinations on:
(1) Technical justifications submitted by the applicant.
(2) The staff report, comments, and recommendations submitted by the floodplain
(3) The limitations, considerations, and conditions set forth in this section.
B. Records. The floodplain administrator shall maintain a permanent record of all variance
actions, including justification for issuance.
C. Historic structures. A variance is authorized to be issued for the repair or rehabilitation
of a historic structure upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will
not preclude the structure's continued designation as a historic structure, and the variance
is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure.
Exception: Within flood hazard areas, historic structures that are not:
(1) Listed or preliminarily determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places; or
(2) Determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior as contributing to
the historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily
determined to qualify as an historic district; or
(3) Designated as historic under a state or local historic preservation program that is
approved by the Department of the Interior.
D. Functionally dependent uses. A variance is authorized to be issued for the construction
or substantial improvement of a functionally dependent use provided the variance is the
minimum necessary to allow the construction or substantial improvement, and that all due
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
consideration has been given to methods and materials that minimize flood damage during
the base flood and create no additional threats to public safety.
E. Restrictions in floodways. A variance shall not be issued for any proposed development
in a floodway if any increase in flood levels would result during the base flood discharge.
F. Considerations for review. In reviewing applications for variances, all technical
evaluations, all relevant factors, all other portions of these regulations, and the following
shall be considered:
(1) The danger that materials and debris may be swept onto other lands resulting in
further injury or damage.
(2) The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage.
(3) The susceptibility of the proposed development, including contents, to flood damage
and the effect of such damage on current and future owners.
(4) The importance of the services provided by the proposed development to the
(5) The availability of alternate locations for the proposed development that are not
subject to flooding or erosion.
(6) The compatibility of the proposed development with existing and anticipated
(7) The relationship of the proposed development to the comprehensive plan and
floodplain management program for that area.
(8) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency
(9) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and debris and sediment transport
of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site.
(10) The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions,
including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas,
electrical and water systems, streets, and bridges.
G. Conditions for issuance. Variances shall only be issued upon:
(1) A showing of good and sufficient cause that the unique characteristics of the size,
configuration, or topography of the site renders the elevation standards inappropriate.
(2) A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship
by rendering the lot undevelopable.
(3) A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood
heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, nor create
nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public or conflict with existing local
laws or ordinances.
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
(4) A determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood
hazard, to afford relief.
(5) Notification to the applicant in writing over the signature of the floodplain
administrator that the issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base
flood level will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as
high as $25 for $100 of insurance coverage, and that such construction below the base
flood level increases risks to life and property.
C.4 Model Ordinance Language for Variances for Individual Agricultural
Structures and Accessory Structures
The following model ordinance language establishes clear limits and requirements that must be
considered before granting variances with specific conditions for individual agricultural structures
and accessory structures to allow wet floodproofing instead of requiring compliance with the
minimum elevation or dry floodproofing requirements for non-residential buildings (see Section 4.3
of this bulletin).
Where italicized notes appear [in brackets], insert the appropriate cross-referenced section
number where the described provisions are specified in the community’s existing regulations.
The model ordinance language may be modified to include only accessory structures or only
agricultural structures
Communities may decide to require all wet floodproofed accessory structures to be approved
under the variance provisions, rather than distinguish based on size. In this case, remove the
size limit in paragraph H(1) b.
Model ordinance language for standard variance provisions
H. Accessory structures and agricultural structures. A variance is authorized to be
issued for the construction or substantial improvement of accessory structures and
agricultural structures provided the requirements of this section and the following are
(1) Accessory structures. A determination that the proposed accessory structure:
a. Represents minimal investment and has low damage potential (amount of physical
damage, contents damage, and loss of function).
b. Is larger than the size limits specified in [insert section number where requirements for
accessory structures, including size limits, are specified].
c. Complies with the wet floodproofing construction requirements of paragraph H(3)
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
(2) Agricultural structures. A determination that the proposed agricultural structure:
a. Is used exclusively in connection with the production, harvesting, storage, raising, or
drying of agricultural commodities and livestock, or storage of tools or equipment used
in connection with these purposes or uses, and will be restricted to such exclusive uses.
b. Has low damage potential (amount of physical damage, contents damage, and loss of
c. Does not increase risks and pose a danger to public health, safety, and welfare if
flooded and contents are released, including but not limited to the effects of flooding on
manure storage, livestock confinement operations, liquified natural gas terminals, and
production and storage of highly volatile, toxic, or water-reactive materials.
d. Is an aquaculture structure that is dependent on proximity to water if located in a
coastal high-hazard area (Zones V, VE, V1 30, and VO).
e. Complies with the wet floodproofing construction requirements of paragraph H(3)
(3) Wet floodproofing construction requirements. Wet floodproofed structures shall:
a. Be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement.
b. Have flood damage-resistant materials below the base flood elevation in compliance
with the requirements of [insert section number where flood damage-resistant material
requirements are specified].
c. Have mechanical, electrical, and utility equipment in compliance with the requirements
of [insert section number where requirements for equipment and utilities are specified].
d. In special flood hazard areas other than coastal high hazard areas, have flood openings
in compliance with the requirements of [insert section number where flood opening
requirements are specified].
C.5 Model Ordinance Language for Permits for Certain Flood-Damaged
Agricultural Structures
The following model ordinance language establishes clear limits and requirements for communities
to consider before issuing permits to allow certain flood-damaged agricultural structures to be
repaired or restored to pre-damage condition without bringing the structures into compliance. To be
eligible, the agricultural structures must be determined to have been substantially damaged by
flooding only (even if damage was caused by flooding and another cause), or have been designated
repetitive loss agricultural structures by the NFIP (refer to Section 4.4 of this bulletin).
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Where italicized notes appear [in brackets], insert the appropriate new section number and the
cross-referenced section number where the described provisions are specified in the community’s
existing regulations.
Model ordinance language to a new section where requirements for buildings are
Agricultural structures that are substantially damaged by flooding and agricultural
structures that are repetitive loss structures are permitted to be repaired or restored to
pre-damage condition, provided the following are satisfied:
(1) If substantially damaged, the substantial damage determination is based only on the
cost to repair damage caused by flooding to pre-damage conditions.
(2) The proposed repair or restoration does not change the size of the structure and does
not significantly alter the nature of the building. With the exception of costs associated
with wet floodproofing in accordance with paragraph (5) below, proposals that include
work beyond or in addition to that necessary to repair or restore the structure to pre-
damage condition must be regulated as substantial improvements.
(3) The repaired or restored structure will continue to be an agricultural structure, as
defined in these regulations.
(4) Owners are notified, in writing, that agricultural structures approved under this
a. Will not be eligible for disaster relief under any program administered by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency or any other Federal agency.
b. Will have National Flood Insurance Program flood insurance policies rated based on
the structure’s risk.
c. May be denied National Flood Insurance Program flood insurance policies if repairs do
not include the wet floodproofing construction requirements of paragraph (5) below.
(5) Wet floodproofing construction requirements. When owners elect to wet floodproof
flood-damaged agricultural structures as part of repair or restoration to pre-damage
condition, the structure shall:
a. Be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement.
b. Have flood damage-resistant materials below the base flood elevation in compliance
with the requirements of [insert section number where flood damage-resistant material
requirements are specified].
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
c. Have mechanical, electrical, and utility equipment in compliance with the requirements
of [insert section number where requirements for equipment and utilities are specified].
d. In special flood hazard areas other than coastal high hazard areas, have flood openings
in compliance with the requirements of [insert section number where flood opening
requirements are specified].
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Appendix D: References and Photograph Sources
42 U.S.C. Chapter 50 National Flood Insurance [National Flood Insurance Act, as amended),
§§ 4001 et seq. Available at
44 C.F.R. Part 59 General Provisions and Part 60 Criteria for Land Management and Use).
Available at https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/CFR-2011-title44-vol1/CFR-2011-title44-vol1-
part59 and https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/CFR-2011-title44-vol1/CFR-2011-title44-vol1-
o 44 C.F.R. § 59.1 Definitions
o 44 C.F.R. § 60.3 Flood Plain Management Criteria for Flood Prone Areas
o 44 C.F.R. § 60.6 Variances and Exceptions
ASCE. 2017. ASCE 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other
Structures. Available for purchase from ASCE at https://www.asce.org/.
ASCE. 2015. ASCE 24-14, Flood Resistant Design and Construction. Available for purchase from
ASCE at https://www.asce.org/.
FEMA. Various dates. NFIP Technical Bulletins. Current editions available at
o Technical Bulletin 0, Users Guide to Technical Bulletins
o Technical Bulletin 1, Requirements for Flood Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of
o Technical Bulletin 2, Flood-Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements
o Technical Bulletin 3, Non-Residential Floodproofing Requirements and Certification
o Technical Bulletin 4, Elevator Installation
o Technical Bulletin 5, Free-of-Obstruction Requirements for Buildings Located in Coastal High-
Hazard Areas
o Technical Bulletin 6, Below-Grade Parking Requirements
o Technical Bulletin 7, Wet Floodproofing Requirements
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
o Technical Bulletin 8, Corrosion Protection for Metal Connectors and Fasteners in Coastal
o Technical Bulletin 9, Design and Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls Below Elevated
Buildings Located in Coastal High Hazard Areas
o Technical Bulletin 10, Ensuring that Structures Built on Fill in or near Special Flood Hazard
Areas Are Reasonably Safe from Flooding
o Technical Bulletin 11, Crawlspace Construction for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard
Areas (Interim Guidance)
FEMA. 2010. FEMA P-758. Substantial Damage/Substantial Improvement Desk Reference.
Available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/18562
FEMA. 2013. FEMA P-936. Floodproofing Non-Residential Buildings. Available at
FEMA. 2014. FEMA P-993. Floodplain Management Bulletin: Variances and the National Flood
Insurance Program. Available at https://www.fema.gov/media-
FEMA. 2016. FEMA Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Responsibilities and
Requirements (FEMA Directive 108-1 and Instruction 108-1-1). Available at
FEMA. 2017. FEMA P-348, Protecting Building Utility Systems from Flood Damage. Available at
FEMA Floodplain Management Bulletin P-2140
Appendix E: Acronym List
ARS Agricultural Research Service
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
BFE Base Flood Elevation
C.F.R. Code of Federal Regulations
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map
FIS Flood Insurance Study
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
LiMWA Limit of Moderate Wave Action
NFIA National Flood Insurance Act
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program
SFHA Special Flood Hazard Area
U.S.C. United States Code
USDA United States Department of Agriculture