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1. Executive Summary
At the December 2011 NDIA SE Division Annual Planning Meeting, several architecture related
topics were raised. One of the topics came from the Navy, who asked: “Is the use of authoritative
DoDAF-like architectures critical for a successful systems integration effort?
Subsequently, a small working group was assembled and a number of issues related to DoDAF
were discussed, including: 1) industry and others who observed that use of DoDAF in the
acquisition and Joint Capability Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process could
become disjointed from program technical work and/or performed in duplication with a
programs' other systems engineering efforts. If performed improperly it could result in limited
utility of the DoDAF data and artifacts, such as traceability of systems engineering artifacts to
operational capability requirements; 2) appropriate application of DoDAF in conjunction with
bigger picture SE and System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) efforts is often misunderstood;
and 3) lack of documented, measurable benefits of a unified architecture framework and systems
engineering artifact and document standards and its applicability to future DoD program and
mission success. To address these questions, it was determined that we need to increase industry
and DoD awareness and understanding of how architecture and DoDAF are an integral part of
the systems engineering process to enable model based design, and define a path forward to
address possible current architecture and systems engineering governance improvements,
including their roles in acquisition, JCIDS, and PPBE. As all these issues are anecdotal, the
working group attempted to address them by applying their individual and collective experiences
having used the DoDAF for many years to address each issue raised.
A proposal was developed to: a) identify recommendations for adjustments needed to current
architecture and systems engineering paths including topics of governance processes, standards,
languages, tools, etc.; b) describe how architecture processes as represented by DoDAF should
be integrated into larger SoSE efforts, including SoS and capability-based test and evalution and
what DoD guidance is needed in this area; and c) recommend priorities for ongoing architecture
framework and systems engineering artifact and document standards (e.g., DODD 8270 (still in
DRAFT), 8310, DUSD (A&TL) Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems,
SECNAVINST 5000.2E, Mil-Std 498 DIDs, IDEAS Group, OMG UPDM, ISO 42010) and
innovations (e.g., Ontology working groups, INCOSE MBSE activities, capabilities based
acquisition and T&E, DoDAF "fit for purpose" via the DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) ontology).
A significant number of meetings and individual work proceeded to develop this report.
However, no significant independent data sources for the usage of DoDAF were found available.
Hence, only the results and conclusions that could be derived from work represent the best
attempt at determining the utility of DoDAF to date.
In December 2012 at the NDIA SE Division Annual Planning Meeting progress on this task was
reported. With changes in the principals who expressed the concerns about DoDAF, these
concerns were no longer deemed high priority; hence the task itself was not validated. As the
team who had been working this for many months believed that a summary of that work was
needed, this paper presents results of the working group’s investigation.
The conclusions include:
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1. DoDAF has begun to enhance systems integration across the Department by providing a
useful means of communications between the Uniformed Services, other US Government
Departments and Agencies, and coalition partners;
2. The use of DoDAF will enable greater reuse of architectures and the architectural
information for projects throughout the system acquisition process , particularly if that
work used model-based systems engineering (MBSE) techniques, processes, and tools to
capture the information in a reusable form;
3. Attempts to turn DoDAF into an all-encompassing methodology should be resisted and
instead the focus of the effort should be to support existing and new methodologies, such
as Systems Modeling Language (SysML), Lifecycle Modeling Language (LML), and
4. Continuing work is needed to define effective metrics for architectures and DoDAF;
5. A closer working relationship between the DoD CIO and DASD (SE) offices within OSD
needs to be fostered to reduce the potential for duplicative policies and procedures,
particularly between the System of Systems and early systems engineering efforts with
6. A survey is needed to quantify the benefits of the DoDAF 2.0 to DoD in the context of
providing benefits to the conduct of systems engineering.
2. Background
This section provides an overview of DoDAF 2.02, including its history and structure.
What is DoDAF 2?
DoDAF 2 provides an architecture framework that includes an ontology-based meta model
defining all of the key concepts and terms relevant to architecting various perspectives of a
problem and solution specific to DoD. The framework is general enough to be used outside of
the specific defense domain, but the primary focus of this whitepaper is the DoD application of
the framework. As an architecture framework, DoDAF in its current 2.02 form includes the
DoDAF 2.0 Meta Model (DM2) as three categories of model re-ification or realization:
Conceptual, Logical and Physical.
The DoDAF 2.02 specification has evolved to the point where the framework emphasizes more
of the underlying model than it does the specific products that are generated from the underlying
model. A set of viewpoints and related products have been defined as part of the baseline,
however, the current emphasis is on “fit for purpose” use of the underlying model elements for
the use of or presentation to the specific stakeholder in support of their decision making process.
Origin of DoDAF, original purpose and scope
As long ago as 1995, DoD components identified a lack of a single structure to define the
components’ or the DoD’s technical infrastructure. Disparate principles, assumptions, and
terminology which were in use for developing service/agency architectures, was identified as one
of the impediments to interoperable systems. Consequently, a DepSecDef Tasking Memo was
issued on October 10, 1995: “…I am directing the acceleration of the development of C4I
integration and architecture efforts through the creation of a DoD-wide C4I Integrated product
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Team.” The result was the publication of a C4ISR Architecture Framework (AF), which defined
a “minimal set of rules and guidance that will improve the development, integration, and
assessment of C4ISR architectures in context with joint/combined mission operations.” This
minimal set was derived from previously separate DoD efforts that grew out of the cancellation
of MIL-STD-490, 498 and 499 in 1994, in Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) (e.g., IDEF),
IT standards (e.g., TAFIM), and systems engineering. The merger of these resulted in the
Operational (BPR oriented), Systems View (SE oriented) and Technical (standard oriented). The
separation of operational architecture from the systems and technical part was originally intended
to better define the roles of the operational requirements community as distinguished from the
systems engineering / acquisition community (e.g., Joint staff versys SYSCOMS). One of the
major intents was to improve the requirement generation process and communications between
the operational and engineering communities. One off shoot of this was the establishment of the
JCIDS process in 2003 at the direction of the SECDEF. A DOD Software Engineering office
was also established, but only later became elevated to be the DoD Systems Engineering office.
C4ISR was intended to:
Provide the capability to leverage, compare, contrast, and integrate different architectures
Make architectures more understandable across the community and improve our
capability to create a joint, integrated C4ISR environment
Enable the use of architectures to improve operational effectiveness, interoperability,
efficiency, etc.
Follow on tasking resulting in the publication of DoDAF v1.0 in 2003, which was aimed to
expand the scope of architecture description from C4ISR systems to include all DoD systems:
“The Department of Defense (DoD) Architecture Framework (DoDAF), Version 1.0, defines a
common approach for DoD architecture description development, presentation, and integration
for both warfighting operations and business operations and processes. The Framework is
intended to ensure that architecture descriptions can be compared and related across
organizational boundaries, including Joint and multinational boundaries.”
The purpose of the Department of Defense (DoD) Architecture Framework (DoDAF), Version
1.0, was to provide guidance for describing architectures for both warfighting operations and
business operations and processes. The Framework provides the guidance, rules, and product
descriptions for developing and presenting architecture descriptions that ensure a common
denominator for understanding, comparing, and integrating Families of Systems (FOSs),
Systems of Systems (SoSs), and interoperating and interacting architectures.”
DoDAF v2.0 was published in 2009 and includes the statement: “The Department of Defense
Architecture Framework (DoDAF) serves as the overarching, comprehensive framework and
conceptual model enabling the development of architectures to facilitate the ability of
Department of Defense (DoD) managers at all levels to make key decisions through organized
information sharing across the Department, Joint Capability Areas (JCAs), Mission, Component,
and Program boundaries. DoD Components are expected to conform to DoDAF in development
of architectures within the Department. Conformance ensures that reuse of information,
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architecture artifacts, models, and viewpoints can be shared with common understanding.
” New
and expanded goals have evolved, probably to the point of total over scope or beyond what the
framework alone can support. Other branches of DoD and more standards need to be tailored to
more specific processes within DoD. In this regard, the DCMO has issued BPR instructions to
address standard business processes. The Joint Staff has issued JCAs, JCSFLs, Capability Test
Methodology based on Joint Mission Threads, etc. Also, different SYSCOMs and agencies have
also created architecture and SE handbooks related to DoDAF and various SE methodologies.
More effort is required to synchronize these efforts.
In summary, the scope of this DoD-defined framework has continued to expand. Future DoD
plans include defining a Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) that is jointly defined and
adopted by NATO, as well as Australia, Sweden, and Switzerland. The objective of the
participating countries is to move towards the use of a standard Architecture Framework to help
achieve system interoperability.
Systems Engineering as Defined by INCOSE
Systems Engineering (SE) as defined by the INCOSE in the “INCOSE Systems Engineering
Handbook v.3.2.2
” is defined as
“…an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of
successful systems. It focuses on defining customer needs and required
functionality early in the development cycle, documenting requirements, and then
proceeding with design synthesis and system validation while considering the
complete problem: operations, cost and schedule, performance, training and
support, test, manufacturing, and disposal. SE considers both the business and the
technical needs of all customers with the goal of providing a quality product that
meets the user needs. (INCOSE)”
The Systems Engineering “V” Model (see Figure 2-1) is used to visualize the systems
engineering focus throughout the life cycle stages (as defined by INCOSE) including Concept,
Development, Production, Utilization/Support and Retirement. Both the “V” Model and the
lifecycle stages create an important context for the discussion of architecting and in particular the
role of DoDAF in this end to end systems engineering life cycle.
As indicated in the INCOSE SE Handbook, the life cycle begins with early concept level
interaction and studies to understand stakeholder needs. A critical step in these early interactions
and studies is the development of a conceptual architecture and design to help explore the
stakeholder needs and identify early on and risk factors associated with cost, schedule,
performance, technology maturity, etc. The architecture helps the systems engineering team
generate early cost and schedule projections that can be assessed throughout the lifecycle.
INCOSE, Systems Engineering Handbook, October, 2011, v. 3.2.2
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Systems Architecting as Defined by Rechtin & Maier
Systems Architecting as discussed by Rechtin & Maier in their book “The Art of Systems
provides the following guidance for systems architecting,
“…taking a systems approach means paying close attention to results, the reasons
we build a system. Architecture must be grounded in the client’s/user’s/
customer’s purpose. Architecture is not just about the structure of components.
One of the essential distinguishing features of architectural design versus other
sorts of engineering design is the degree to which architectural design embraces
results from the perspective of the client/user/customer. The architect does not
assume some particular problem formulation, as “requirements” is fixed. The
architect engages in joint exploration, ideally directly with the
client/user/customer, of what system attributes will yield results worth paying
Maier, Mark; Rechtin, Eberhardt; “The Art of Systems Architecting”; Third Edition
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Systems Architecting can begin with a set of requirements “as a formal characterization of a
systems functional and non-functional characteristics, but also includes the process of validating
these “constraints” as early as possible. This early validation helps provide the subsequent
engineering stages with a better understanding of the customer’s intent and needs that are not
always adequately represented by a set of textual requirements.
DoDAF structure
Views (levels of abstraction), DoDAF Viewpoints and Models
DoDAF v2.0 defines several viewpoints. Each viewpoint has a particular purpose. However, it
should be emphasized that DoDAF is fundamentally about creating a coherent model of the
enterprise to enable effective decision-making. DoDAF v2.0 defines the following viewpoints:
Figure 2-1. Systems Engineering “V” Lifecycle Model from the INCOSE SE Handbook
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The All Viewpoint describes the overarching aspects of architecture context that relate to
all viewpoints.
The Capability Viewpoint articulates the capability requirements, the delivery timing, and
the deployed capability.
The Data and Information Viewpoint articulates the data relationships and alignment
structures in the architecture content for the capability and operational requirements,
system engineering processes, and systems and services.
The Operational Viewpoint includes the operational scenarios, activities, and
requirements that support capabilities.
The Project Viewpoint describes the relationships between operational and capability
requirements and the various projects being implemented. The Project Viewpoint also
details dependencies among capability and operational requirements, system engineering
processes, systems design, and services design within the Defense Acquisition System
process. An example is the Vcharts in Chapter 4 of the Defense Acquisition Guide.
The Services Viewpoint is the design for solutions articulating the Performers, Activities,
Services, and their Exchanges, providing for or supporting operational and capability
The Standards Viewpoint articulates the applicable operational, business, technical, and
industry policies, standards, guidance, constraints, and forecasts that apply to capability
and operational requirements, system engineering processes, and systems and services.
The Systems Viewpoint, for Legacy support, is the design for solutions articulating the
systems, their composition, interconnectivity, and context providing for or supporting
operational and capability functions.
Key elements and relationships - who, what, where, when, and how
DoDAF defines adequate coverage for the six interrogatives: Who, What, Why, When, Where,
How, as shown in Figure 2-2.
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Data View
Six interrogatives
(Goals, Effects)
Business Model
System Model
Model (Physical)
for DoDAF)
Operational Views
Computation Independent Model (CIM)
Services Views
Platform Independent Model (PIM)
System Of Systems +
Technical Views
Platform Specific Model (PSM)
Hardware and Software Component Views
Figure 2-2. DoDAF Views and the Zachman Framework
Currently DoDAF does not have separate security viewpoints, human interface viewpoints, or
hardware and software component viewpoints. These do not represent an inadequacy in the
DoDAF, as there are as many potential ways to adapt viewpoints for these purposes. Since the
goal of DoDAF now is “Fit-for-Purpose” views, then from the information captured by the
architecture development process, the user of the information can form as many views as needed
to address the concerns of the stakeholders. Continuing to add viewpoints may only add
confusion to the vast majority of the stakeholders, many of whom feel overwhelmed by the large
number of views already in the DoDAF.
Distinguishing DoDAF from techniques, processes, tools
Over the years, a wide range of techniques, processes, and tools have been developed around the
DoDAF as a framework. Each of these approaches have been derived from existing Systems,
Software and Hardware engineering techniques, processes, and tools and adapted those to the
DoDAF viewpoints. Each follow the guidelines of the DoDAF Viewpoints, but model the
structures, relationships, behaviors and constraints in different ways using different ontologies
and visualizations. This abundance of approaches to DoDAF has raised some of the key concerns
related to sharing and exchanging architecture descriptions, comparing and contrasting
architectures and measuring the goodness of specific architecture descriptions. Many of the
critiques of DoDAF have actually focused more on the tool implementations of DoDAF rather
than the current DoDAF specification itself.
Distinguishing DoDAF from tool/language “implementations” of DoDAF e.g.
UPDM, IBM SA, etc.
A couple of examples of the tool/language implementation and or standards specifications
include the IBM System Architect functional toolset and the OMG based Unified Profile for
DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM) standards specification based on a combination of UML (Unified
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Modeling Language) and SysML (Systems Modeling Language) modeling language standards.
Each of these implementations represents attempts to reduce the DoDAF specification to practice
within the context of the systems, software and hardware engineering modeling community
standards. Definitely one of the key drivers of the UPDM specification was the need to enable
the transition of DoDAF-based architecture descriptions to various engineering language
standards to provide a more efficient and reliable translation of DoDAF specifications into
systems, software and hardware specification models.
DoDAF was purposely designed to enable views that were developed in these different
languages. The original C4ISR Architecture Framework looked at a number of structured
analysis techniques (IDEF, Yourdon, etc.) and decided that the information content was most
important, not the specific language. With the advent of object-oriented techniques, such as
UML and SysML, it became more important that the DoDAF remain language independent.
Otherwise, DoDAF would limit its ability to evolve with other emerging standards, such as the
Lifecycle Modeling Language (LML) open standard that incorporates both structured analysis
and object-oriented analysis visualizations, similar to the emerging software languages that use
both types of analysis. DoD should avoid selecting one technique, detailed process, or tool as it
will reduce the flexibility of the Government and contractor personnel in providing the best
support possible. It would also increase costs to the Department, as the lack of competition
always does.
3. What are the perceived benefits from the application of DoDAF?
This section addresses the perceived benefits related to the application of DoDAF in Systems
Development projects. The word “perceived” is used only in recognition that the information
provided is anecdotal in nature and does not necessarily reflect an unbiased or comprehensive
assessment. The context and scope of the use of DoDAF as part of the JCIDS and other DoD
core processes, as well as subsequent solution development by the engineering community is
established as a baseline. The specific focus of DoDAF is defined and contrasted with broader
architecting methodologies that include well defined processes, methods, tools, etc. The
distinction between DoDAF as a framework specification and the implementation of the
framework in various techniques, languages, tools and environments is also summarized. The
specific perceived benefits of DoDAF are itemized and discussed.
The “Context and Scope” for a benefits discussion
The context and scope of DoDAF for the purposes of a benefits discussion should take into
account the full lifecycle stages in which various DoDAF viewpoints are used. From a DoD
perspective, several processes are relevant including: a) the JCIDS process and the various
decision points prior to each of the milestones; and b) the DOTMLPF considerations as part of
the acquisition and capability portfolio discussions are directly relevant. JCIDS provides the pre-
milestone A, B, C decision making processes focused on the need for specific capabilities given
the projected global environment and expected threats. The ability of current defensive and
offensive capabilities are assessed and decisions made to proceed to the next level of analysis to
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determine if existing or new capabilities are needed to address future operations. Finally, as the
based decisions are made and a materiel solution is deemed necessary the process
proceeds to the acquisition and development of specific solution sets through collaboration or
government and industry resources. Each of these decision points sets the stage for specific
DoDAF benefits discussion.
For example, during pre-Milestone A decision making, what are the benefits of DoDAF
Capability and Project Viewpoints; during pre-Milestone B decision making, what are the
benefits of operational concepts and the representation of those concepts in the Operational
Viewpoints; finally during pre-Milestone C and beyond decision making what are the benefits of
the project, systems, services, standards, data and information viewpoints.
DoDAF Perceived Benefits as an Architecture Framework
DoDAF was defined and evolved within in the context of many contemporary architecture
frameworks including the RM-ODP (Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing), the
Zachman Framework, the FEAF (Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework), the TOGAF (The
Open Group Architecture Framework), variants of DoDAF itself including the UK MOD
MODAF and the NATO NAF to just name a few. Several successful attempts have been made to
map the various DoDAF viewpoints into, for example, the Zachman framework’s perspective
rows and interrogative columns, the FEAF reference models and the TOGAF Architecture
Development Method (see Figure 2-1 above for an example).
A key benefit of the DoDAF is the definition and standardization of key terms, the use of
perspectives or viewpoints, the recognition of various architectural stakeholders and their
unique interests and views and the recognition of the need to show the linkage or mapping
among each of the stakeholder perspectives.
Common Vocabulary, Semantics and Viewpoints
The use of a formal ontology based approach to the DoDAF Meta Model has resulted in a better
definition of what had been very amorphous terms, such as Node, Capability, etc. The ontology
approach provides a rigorous semantic approach to classifying and defining terms across a
relative diverse set of stakeholders. The DM2 also provides mechanisms to extend the scope of
the vocabulary using rigorous and consistent methods.
Support for Architecture Model Orientation (Conceptual, Logical, Physical)
As discussed previously, the DM2 defines three levels of abstraction: Conceptual, Logical and
Physical). The Conceptual Model is ontology-based and it defines and categorizes each of the
DoDAF terms as they are used within the framework context. The Logical model maps these
concepts into a form that can be translated into various modeling languages such as UML,
SysML, BPMN, IDEF, LML, etc supported by a wide range of toolsets. The Physical Model
defines the representation of the Logical Model elements in a form that can be exchanged
between architecture modeling tools, registries and repositories.
DOTMLPF stands for Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities
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Support for DoD Acquisition Phase Decision Making (JCIDS)
Each of the DoDAF Viewpoints and the “fit for purpose” extensibility approach support each of
the JCIDS milestone decision making processes through use of the various DoDAF viewpoints:
Capability, Operational, Systems, Services, Data & Information, Project and Standards.
Emphasis on Architecture related DOTMLPF Concerns
The DOTMLPF concerns are addressed in each of the DoDAF viewpoints as follows:
Doctrine Capability Viewpoint
Organization Operational Viewpoint
Training Operational, Systems and Services Viewpoints
Materiel Systems, Services, Data & Information, Project and Standards Viewpoints
Leadership Operational Viewpoint
Personnel Operational Viewpoint
Facilities Operational and Systems Viewpoints
Emphasis on Operational/Business Concerns
The DoDAF Operational Viewpoint specifically addresses the concerns of the Operational or
Business Concerns. Higher level business oriented capabilities and related Information content
are addressed in the Capability and Data & Information Viewpoints respectively.
Emphasis on Standards
The DoDAF Standards Viewpoint specifically focuses on the current and forecast technical
standards as they apply to each of the other Viewpoint model elements.
Emphasis on Data and Information
The DoDAF Data and Information Viewpoint specifically focuses on the data and information
relevant to each of the other viewpoints and provides for definitions, entity/object content and
entity/object relationships.
Emphasis on traceability among viewpoint elements (e.g. Capabilities, Operational Activities
and System Functions)
Each of the DoDAF Viewpoints includes mapping mechanisms and matrices to ensure
completeness in representation across each of the viewpoints. For example, capabilities,
operational activities, system functions and services all have mapping matrices associated with
them. These mapping tables support the completeness and consistency analysis conducted as part
of the architecture description process. The ability to provide traceability is key to using
architectures in an MBSE approach.
4. What are the perceived limitations to the application of DoDAF?
The DoDAF application limitations described in this section are derived from a variety of
sources including whitepapers, briefings, e-mails, and anecdotal statements at conferences and
meetings. Often the issues arise from an incomplete instantiation of DoDAF in a particular tool.
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Some of the limitations were identified in a previous 2009 NDIA study “DoDAF Satisfaction of
Systems Engineering Needs.”
The “Context and Scope” for a limitations discussion
In many cases, managers develop DoDAF products as a result of a directive, instruction or guide
thatin effect—mandates DoDAF usage. Thus products are developed to “check off the box.”
Ideally, we would hope that program or acquisition managers would want to employ
architectures as a desired best practice and value-added part of their work to achieve tangible
benefits such as improve performance, facilitate interoperability, save resources, and reduce lead
times. But, in many instances, DoDAF is not fully used in this manner. Why?
To better understand DoDAF usage, a survey
was conducted in 2008 (pre-DODAF 2.0) of 18
organizations, many overseeing multiple projects. The results are shown in Figure 4-1. Albeit a
small sample size, the results do indicate that certain DoDAF views have become pervasive such
as the OV-1 High-Level Operation Concept graphic, AV-1 Overview and Summary, OV-5
Operational Activity Model (a process flow and hierarchical model), AV-2 Integrated Dictionary
(definitions), OV-2/OV-3/SV-6 effectively Information Exchange Requirements (IERs), SV-
1/SV-2 system interface/wiring diagrams, and StdV-1 Standards View. Certainly generation of
these types of products, within any design framework, make sense. But, not surprisingly, the
results indicate that many other types of views are not widely used. It is also not clear how many
artifacts were originally developed using non-DoDAF methods that were later tailored to meet a
DoDAF “check-off-the-boxrequirement. More recent surveys to provide statistics on DoDAF
2.0, especially related to DM2 usage, have not been conducted, but would be desirable.
Relationship with Solution Development and System Engineering
There exists a perceived disconnect between enterprise architecture and solution development.
The belief is that those who develop architecture frameworks are in one world while system
engineers reside in another. There appears to be a lack of understanding in industry of how
architecture is an integral part of the systems engineering process to enable model based design.
Appropriate application of DoDAF in conjunction with system engineering efforts is often
misunderstood, especially in relating DoDAF to widely-used Model-Based System Engineering
(MBSE). Historically much work has been done showing the inter-relationships of DoDAF
views, but not as much to show how views and data relate to specific systems engineering
techniques and acquisition procedures.
However, DoDAF is referenced and used as part of the
Systems and Software Engineering Defense Acquisition Program Support Methodology, Version
2.0, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Systems
and Software Engineering.
“DoDAF Satisfaction of Systems Engineering Needs,” Analysis Conclusions, and Recommendations of the Architecture
Frameworks Working Group, Systems Engineering Division, National Defense Industrial Association, 6 November 2009
DODAF Product Development Questionnaire Analysis Report and New Product Recommendations Report, Arlington,
VA, 5 May 2008 Version 4
For one example of where DoDAF and system engineering have been linked see DoD Architecture Framework A Guide
to Applying System Engineering to Develop Integrated, Executable Architectures, Steven H. Dam, Ph.D., 2006
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Development Frequency
DoDAF Product
Project Count
OV-5 Node Tree
OV-5 Activity Model
Figure 4-1: Survey Results of DODAF Artifact Usage in 2008
The apparent disconnect between architecture and system engineering is evident in examining
the front-end of the technical portion of the Defense Acquisition System as shown in Figure 4-2.
Connection points between DoDAF and classical system engineering “V” activities are not
obvious. This also extends to INCOSE system engineering representations. Figure 4-3 shows an
attempt to relate architecture products to the system engineering process, but little documentation
exists to describe the details of the relationships. This extends to architectural data that might be
useful in a SRR, PDR or CDR. The obvious concern is that architecture and systems engineering
can take sometimes duplicative or parallel paths. DoDAF needs to evolve, as does the DoD SE
processes, to from tighter linkages between the two; i.e., so that DoDAF architectural activities,
views and data constructs can become more relevant to the SE process, and so that the DoD SE
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process can better leverage the DoDAF activities, views and data. Additionally, the MBSE
industry community needs to define its interrelationship with DoDAF.
In times of shrinking budgets, the challenge is for project and acquisition managers to prudently
balance resources between funds spent on architectures models versus solution engineering.
Figure 4-2: Initial Phases of System Engineering Process from the Defense Acquisition University Integrated
Defense Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics Life Cycle Management Framework.
DAU "Integrated Defense Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics Life Cycle Management Framework” Version 5.4, 2010.
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Figure 4-3: Relationship of DoDAF Views to Systems Engineering “V” Process
(from January 2012 DoDAF Plenary Conference)
Relationship with JCIDS, Net-Ready KPP, and Requirements Traceability
The CJCSI 6212.01F, “Net Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR KPP)”
further tightens the
relationship of DoDAF views and data into the JCIDS process with the goal of improved
interoperability, supportability, modularity and reuse. Figure 4-4 shows the required,
recommended and optional DoDAF products. However, concerns remain:
a. Anywhere from 26 to 33 views are required arguably diminishing “fit for purpose”
b. Unclear as to the specific data being sought from the architecture as required input to
the JCIDS process.
c. DoDAF does not have a separate viewpoint for requirements or Use Cases per se.
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction, Net Ready Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP), CJCSI6212.01F 21
March 2012
Note that “requirements” can exist in a number of the viewpoints. However, if a set of originating requirements in text
form is presented there are no specific models and viewpoints for that kind of information. Use cases can be captured in OV-5
and OV-6 views, but neither of these correspond well to the UML Use Case diagram. However, the architect can add them as part
of the fit-for purpose tailoring.
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Figure 2-4: DoDAF Products Required, Recommended or Optional in JCIDS Process (from CJCSI 6212.01F)
Despite all the mandates to use DoDAF, one perspective was stated as:
“The view that the world needs ‘one framework’ does not make sense; this is like
saying the world (or DoD) needs one programming language. Projects can be
equally (or more) successfully using other available approaches”
An extension to this argument is that having a common language to share information among
disparate frameworks and methodologies may be possible.
A concern is that governance not emphasized sufficiently in DODAF and that the DoDAF 6-step
architecture development methodology may not be sufficient. In earlier versions of DoDAF, this
six-step process along with the DM2 constitutes a methodology. While that may be correct by
the definition of methodology, these two elements of DoDAF do not provide the in-depth
techniques, processes and tools needed to have a complete methodology, nor is it advocated that
DoD try to make DoDAF into a complete methodology. Many DoDAF practitioners have
incorporated other architecture development methods to complement the DoDAF specification.
For example, the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) is used internationally as a
respected architecture standard and complements the DoDAF specification quite well. The
interoperability aspect of the DoDAF-based architecture descriptions is independent of the
methods used as long as the core baseline set of standard architecture model elements is used
within whichever method is chosen.
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Data Model & Semantics
Customers, PMs, engineers, and tool vendors have been slow to embrace DM2 and the many
additional DODAF 2.0 views, even format though DODAF 2 was released over 3 years ago.
Program managers and engineers generally have either not accepted or are slow to accept the
new terminology and syntax of DoDAF 2.0. User communities have developed and are using
standard architecture elements, many of whose semantics are not apparent in the meta-model.
The data-centric focus of DoDAF 2.0 may not be applicable for many programs. Voiced several
times at the DoDAF Plenary is a frustration with actually implementing DM2. For some, there is
a perceived disconnect between the DM2 and the data needed for system development. The DM2
meta-model semantics differ from the more popular UML/SysML although UPDM is attempting
to bridge the gap. The current DM2 v2.02 metamodel has many completeness, consistency,
quality issues that are intended to be fixed in v2.03
Updates and Temporal Considerations
Current DoDAF framework methods or tools don't emphasize or easily support the concept of
simultaneous existence of “as-is,” “to-be,” phases in-between, or versioning. A frequent problem
is that architectures are not updated after initial development due to maintenance costs. These
concerns may be more of a behavior, culture, governance, management or tool limitation issue.
There is a lack of measurable benefits for using an architecture framework and related
applicability to DoD program and mission success. Metrics do not exist that prove the
architecture effort and expense achieved original goals. Metrics are typically not sufficient to
perform analysis of alternatives (AoA). Effective measures for comparing and contrasting
architecture descriptions in general and DoDAF description in particular is a critical gap in the
architecting community. Several professional organizations, including INCOSE, NDIA, OMG
have taken on the challenge recently and the expectation is that the resulting metrics will be
applicable to DoDAF architecture descriptions.
There exists a general disparity between the managers’ and users’ understanding of DoDAF.
This problem is especially true of very high-level DoD officials. Even among architects and
engineers there may not be a complete understanding of DoDAF. Certification classes and
expanded training will obviously help address this issue, but no certification standard has been
developed by OSD/DoD CIO. Certifications are provided by independent organizations, often
from Universities, but those courses are not certified by the owners of the DoDAF, so no one
knows what these certifications mean.
Executable Architectures
DoDAF 2.0 does not include explicit simulation views. However, the architect can use
executable techniques to provide simulation development and execution. DM2 contains time
elements, which show at the logical and physical levels of the data model, thus implying that
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time is not in DM2. Some of the DoDAF architecture modeling tools include support for the
“dynamic” aspects of the DoDAF architecture models. In some cases the dynamic visualization
is a simple animation of sequence diagrams and in other cases, the tools provide an export and
bridging mechanism into third party simulation tools. This latter feature allows the architecture
specification to be translated into a physics based or discrete event simulation of the architecture
structure and end to end behaviors. Other tools have simulators built into the tool.
Relationships to other frameworks and methods
In cases where DoD systems interoperate with Federal systems, there is uncertainty about the
relationships established between DODAF and the Federal Enterprise Architecture Consolidated
Reference Models and Methodologies. The DoD CIO office is working with the Office of
Management and Budget to bring the two frameworks together, an effort that should be
The UPDM specification includes a standardized mapping of the DODAF MetaModel onto both
the UML profile and the UML profile extensions defined for SysML. Several tool vendors have
implemented the UPDM specification and it is available for use and evaluation.
Tools & Integration
Most enterprise architecture tools don’t integrate, which limits reuse of products. The community
depends on non-standard, proprietary approaches to link the DoDAF models to more dynamic
simulations, animations and 3-D photo realistic renderings of the structure and behavior of the
underlying architecture. Certainly UPDM begins to address some of these issues but tool vendors
will need financial motivation to fully implement DoDAF and agree on an exchange mechanism.
The widely used OV-1 view can be too limiting in conveying meaning and understanding of the
architecture’s purpose, especially showing performance and resource benefits over existing “as-
is” systems.
With DoDAF now containing 52 views, it can be daunting for some to understand when, where
and how the views are to be applied. Although “fit for purpose” is intended to allow the
practitioner to use a fewer number, the JCIDS process seems to mandate up to 26 products. Even
given all the views, there may be some that are lacking;
a. Requirement Views
b. Use Case and/or Scenario Views
c. Policy and guidance Views either at a system, enterprise, or governance level.
d. Security Views - Duplication of efforts in areas such as security accreditation and
certification which uses separately generated data that could be found in a DoDAF
and vice versa.
Obviously a reasonable balance must be struck between addressing architectural content versus
creation of an architecture framework so complex that few will want to use it.
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Lack of predefined architecture framework templates
The DoDAF 2.02 framework specification does not include domain specific templates for use by
the various DoD services or Communities of Interest. However, the framework is flexible
enough to accommodate new viewpoints. The use of model libraries, architecture patterns,
design templates has been spearheaded by several DoDAF tool vendors. Whether a standard
approach for these templates should be developed and included in the DoDAF specification is
still under debate and should be coordinated with the OSD offices that own the applicable
Lack of common “sub-domain” viewpoints (e.g. C2, Effects, Communications,
Cyber, etc.)
The DoDAF specification was intended as a DoD wide specification and as such was
intentionally abstract and general in content. The “fit for purpose” and viewpoint extensibility
guidelines, however, should make it relatively easy for specific DoD services and/or
Communities of Interest to develop their own standardized viewpoints.
Lack of emphasis on Quality Attributes (e.g. ATAM)
Many DoDAF architecture practitioners incorporate the CMU SEI ATAM (Architecture
Tradeoff Analysis Method) as part of their architecture development processes. The Quality
Attributes can be mapped as scenarios, tactics or constraints onto the underlying architecture
model element within the context of each of the DoDAF viewpoints. However, the DoDAF
viewpoints don’t readily present the key quality attributes, the trade off, and the tactics used.
This information can be embedded and scattered throughout the viewpoints as model elements,
but it is hard to get an aggregated view.
5. DoDAF Usage in DoD?
DoDAF belongs to the class of architecture frameworks that provide guidance for developing
architecture descriptions, where an architecture description is defined by ISO/IEC/IEEE as: “a
work product which models the architecture of a system-of-interest. Architecture descriptions are
the “blueprints” used by architects and others for planning, analysis, construction, evolution and
coordination throughout the development and operating lifetimes of an enterprise or system.” An
architecture framework is specified to include: “a) information identifying the architecture
framework; b) the identification of one or more concerns (per 5.3); c) the identification of one or
more stakeholders having those concerns (per 5.3); d) one or more architecture viewpoints that
frame those concerns (per 7); e) any correspondence rules (per 5.7). The verb include when used
in this paragraph indicates that either the information is present in the architecture framework or
reference to that information is provided therein.”
“Systems and software engineering Architecture Description”, ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, December 2011,
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Similarly, the Zachman Framework
defines six perspectives or views: Planner, Owner,
Designer, Builder, Subcontractor, and User. The second dimension of Zachman’s Framework
deals with the six basic questions: what, how, where, who, when and why. The framework does
not provide guidance on sequence, process, or implementation, but rather focuses on ensuring
that all views are well established, ensuring a complete system regardless of the order in which
they were established.
Other established architecture frameworks may describe an architecture methodology such as
“A key element of TOGAF is Architecture Development Method (ADM) that
specifies a process for developing enterprise architecture”. Others still are more concerned with
building systems that adhere to a specific system architecture. For example, The Open
Distributed Processing Reference Model (RM-ODP)
is based on precise concepts and the use
of formal description techniques for specification of the architecture of a distributed system.
Implementation in tools
Proprietary implementations of DODAF abound and cannot be listed here exhaustively. A short
list of vendors who offer DoDAF modeling and repository tools (most participated at the last
DOD EA conference 2012 include):
Atego, Casewise, Enterprise Elements, Future Tech Systems, Inc., IBM, In2itiv, SPEC
Innovations, Metadata Management, No Magic, QualiWare, Software AG, and Sparx.
6. What are the alternatives to DoDAF?
As discussed above, there are a number of other Frameworks that have been developed. Many
have detailed methodologies associated with them (e.g., TOGAF). In addition, there are a
number of systems engineering techniques (e.g., SysML, LML, etc.) that could form the basis for
an alternative to the DoDAF. However, the DoDAF has become an international and USG
standard. Its planned transition to the UAF and use in the key DoD policies means that
alternatives would be very impractical. Acceptance has grown over time and to adopt some other
Framework or technique would be very costly to the Department. The transition from DoDAF to
another Framework would also cause great confusion, particularly now amongst allies and other
USG Departments and Agencies. Therefore, at this time there does not seem to be a viable
ISO/IEC 10746-1:1998, Information technology Open Distributed Processing Reference model: Overview
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alternative to the DoDAF. As such, we need to recommend better integration at the policy level
between the DoDAF and DoD systems engineering. This recommendation requires greater
coordination between the organizations (OSD/DoD CIO and DASD/SE). Mr. Okon, from the
CIO’s office and who currently manages the DoDAF development, has been participating in the
NDIA SE Meetings. Participation by DASD (SE) personnel in the DoDAF Plenary and other
meetings would be advisable to enhance this communication.
7. Recommendations
Our recommendations were presented in the previous sections, as identified in italics and
summarized here for convenience. The recommendations include:
1. Continue to evolve the DoDAF to support DoD’s acquisition policies and enhance
systems integration across the Department by using it to communicate between the Uniformed
Services, other US Government Departments and Agencies, and coalition partners;
2. Support DoDAF for reuse of architectures and the architectural information for projects
throughout the system acquisition process by ensuring that SE policy include model-based
systems engineering (MBSE) techniques, processes, and tools to capture the information in a
reusable form with DoDAF views as products of MBSE;
3. Do not turn DoDAF into an all-encompassing methodology;
4. Develop effective metrics for architectures and DoDAF;
5. Develop a closer working relationship between the DoD CIO and DASD (SE) offices
within OSD to reduce the potential for duplicative policies and procedures, particularly between
the System of Systems and early systems engineering efforts with DoDAF;
6. Conduct a survey to quantify the benefits of the DoDAF 2.0 to DoD, in context of
providing benefits to the conduct of Systems Engineering.
These recommendations require in-depth analysis and review by the principals of both the CIO
and DASD (SE) offices to validate them.
The PSM material entitled, “New Opportunities for Architecture Measurement” written by Ronald S. Carson and Paul Kohl,
provides a starting point on this topic, particularly in a table entitled, “Summary of Proposed Architecture Measures and Metrics”
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Appendix A. Architecture Working Group Members
The following participants in the working group provided the information for this report.
Barbara Sheeley, The Boeing Company, Architecture Committee Chair
Dr. Steven Dam, SPEC Innovations, Editor and Architecture Committee Co-Chair
Kevin Agee, Army Research Laboratory
Alex Bocast, Silver Bullet Solutions
Bruce Brown, Northrop Grumman
Fatma Dandashi, MITRE
Dave McDaniel, Silver Bullet Solutions
Raschid Muller, DISA
Tom Murphy, Silver Bullet Solutions
John Palmer, The Boeing Company
Ron Williamson, Raytheon
Jack Zavin, OSD/CIO
We also want to thank Mr. Walt Okon for his presentations and support.