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DODAF Architectures in UML
Bruce Powel Douglass, PhD
What is DODAF?
The DODAF Architecture Framework is a semantic framework for developing,
representing, and integrating architectures in a consistent way for the Department of
Defense applications [1] DoD Architectural Framework Version 1.0: Deskbook DoD
Architectural Framework Working Group . The DoDAF specification is a recent upgrade
to the 1997 C
ISR-AF specification. It was conceived as a way of providing a common
means to specify systems for the Department of Defense (DoD) in its many facets and
programs. The DODAF specification defines architecture to be:
An architecture description is a representation of a defined domain, as of a
current or future point in time, in terms of its component parts, what those
parts do, how the parts relate to each other, and the rules and constraints
under which the parts function. What constitutes each of the elements of
this definition depends on the degree of detail of interest. For example,
domains can be at any level, from DoD as a whole down to individual
functional areas or groups of functional areas. Component parts can be
anything from “U.S. Air Force” as a component of DoD, down to a “satellite
ground station” as a component part of a communications network, or
“workstation A” as a component part of system “x.” What those parts do
can be as general as their high- level operational concept or as specific as
the lowest- level action they perform. How the parts relate to each other
can be as general as how organizations fit into a very high- level
command structure or as specific as what frequency one unit uses in
communicating with another. The rules and constraints under which they
work can be as general as high- level doctrine or as specific as the e-mail
standard they must use.
The term architecture is generally used both to refer to an architecture description
and an architecture implementation. Hereafter in this document, the term
architecture will be used as a shortened reference to architecture description.
Occasionally the term architecture description is used for emphasis. References to
architecture implementations will use the term architecture implementation. An
architecture description is a representation of a current or postulated “real-world”
configuration of resources, rules, and relationships. Once the representation enters
the design, development, and acquisition portion of the system development life-
cycle process, the architecture description is transformed into a real implementation
of capabilities and assets in the field. The Framework itself does not address this
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representation-to-implementation transformation process but references policies
that are relevant to that process.
The changes implemented in the creation of the DODAF specification include:
Inclusion of comments and suggestions from the development community
Reorganization into three sections:
o Volume 1 includes guidelines
o Volume 2 include product (artifact) definitions
o Deskbook contains supplementary information
Product descriptions have been revamped and suggestions for UML
representations have been included in Volume 2
Processes and techniques for representing architectures have been included
Analytic techniques for using the architectural products to support DoD
processes are included in the Deskguide, including:
o Air Force’s Task Force capability-based analysis
o Navy’s Mission Capability Package analysis approach
o Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information
Integration/J6 Key Interface process for addressing interoperability at
o Architecture input to C4I Support Plans
o The role of architectures in Capital Planning and Investment Control
The purpose of the DODAF is to provide assistance in the specification of architectures.
Architecture itself has a number of definitions. The DODAF uses the definition of IEEE
610.12[2] IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, 1990, IEEE
STD 610.12-1990, Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
The structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and
guidelines governing their design and evolution over time.
Architectures in the DODAF have three fundamental views – operational,
systems, and technical. The emphasis in each of these views is, of course,
different and distinct, but they overlap to a significant degree.
The operational view is a description of the tasks and activities, operational elements,
and information flows required to accomplish or support a military operation. This view
includes doctrine (which in another environment might be called “business rules”),
activities, assignment of these activities to operational elements, as well as the
sequences and time frames of the execution of the activities. Operational architectures
are usually independent of the systems used to implement them.
The systems view is a description of the systems and their interconnections providing
for, or supporting, warfighting functions. The systems view includes the large-scale
elements and objects that interact to achieve the operational goals as well as their
locations, interconnections, etc. The systems involved may include key nodes (including
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material), networks (as well as interconnections and interfaces), war fighting platforms,
weapons systems, and so on, as well as their various qualities of service such as
MTBF, maintainability, speed, capacity, availability, etc. Systems described in the
systems view can be used to achieve many different operational architectures,
organizations and missions. The systems view does depend on the underlying
technology described in the technical view and are constrained by their limitations.
The technical view provides the minimal set of rules governing the arrangement,
interaction, and interdependence of system parts or elements, whose purpose is to
ensure that a conforming system satisfies a specified set of requirements. The technical
view provides the basis for engineering specification of the systems in the systems view
and includes technical standards. In other words, the technical view is the engineering
infrastructure that supports the systems view. Figure 1 shows the high-level
relationships between the three architectural views.
Figure 1: Relationships Between the Views
Within each of these architectural areas, the standard defines work products. The list of
these products is given in Table 1. Each of these products will be discussed and in most
cases a UML view that meets both the needs and intent of the product will be shown.
The products shown in shaded background are “required for an integrated architecture.”
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Framework Product Name
General Description
All Views
AV-1 Overview and Summary
Scope, purpose, intended users, environment depicted,
analytical findings
All Views
AV-2 Integrated Dictionary Data repository with definitions of all terms used in all products
OV-1 High-Level Operational
Concept Graphic
High-level graphical/ textual description of operational concept
OV-2 Operational Node
Connectivity Description
Operational nodes, operational activities performed at each
node, connectivity and information exchange needlines
between nodes
OV-3 Operational Information
Exchange Matrix
Information exchanged between nodes and the relevant
attributes of that exchange
OV-4 Organizational Relationships
Organizational, role, or other relationships among
OV-5 Operational Activity Model Operational Activities, relationships among activities, inputs
and outputs. Overlays can show cost, performing nodes, or
other pertinent information.
OV-6a Operational Rules Model One of the three products used to describe operational activity
sequence and timing - identifies business rules that constrain
OV-6b Operational State Transition
One of three products used to describe operational activity
sequence and timing - identifies business process responses
to events
OV-6c Operational Event-Trace
One of three products used to describe operational activity
sequence and timing - traces actions in a scenario or
sequence of events and specifies timing of events
OV-7 Logical Data Model Documentation of the data requirements and structural
business process rules of the Operational View.
SV-1 Systems Interface
Identification of systems and system components and their
interconnections, within and between nodes
SV-2 Systems Communications
Systems nodes and their related communications lay-downs
SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix Relationships among systems in a given architecture; can be
designed to show relationships of interest, e.g., system-type
interfaces, planned vs. existing interfaces, etc.
SV-4 Systems Functionality
Functions performed by systems and the information flow
among system functions
SV-5 Operational Activity to
Systems Function
Traceability Matrix
Mapping of systems back to operational capabilities or of
system functions back to operational activities
SV-6 Systems Data Exchange
Provides details of systems data being exchanged between
SV-7 Systems Performance
Parameters Matrix
Performance characteristics of each system(s) hardware and
software elements, for the appropriate timeframe(s)
SV-8 Systems Evolution
Planned incremental steps toward migrating a suite of systems
to a more efficient suite, or toward evolving a current system to
a future implementation
SV-9 Systems Technology
Emerging technologies and software/hardware products that
are expected to be available in a given set of timeframes, and
that will affect future development of the architecture
SV-10a Systems Rules Model One of three products used to describe systems activity
sequence and timing—Constraints that are imposed on
systems functionality due to some aspect of systems design or
SV-10b Systems State Transition
One of three products used to describe systems activity
sequence and timing—Responses of a system to events
SV-10c Systems Event-Trace
One of three products used to describe systems activity
sequence and timing -- System-specific refinements of critical
sequences of events and the timing of these events
SV-11 Physical Schema Physical implementation of the information of the Logical Data
Model, e.g., message formats, file structures, physical schema
TV-1 Technical Standards Profile Extraction of standards that apply to the given architecture
TV-2 Technical Standards
Description of emerging standards that are expected to apply
to the given architecture, within an appropriate set of
Table 1: DODAF Work Products
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[6] Real-Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems Douglass, Bruce
Powel; Addison-Wesley, 2004 discusses the specification of C4ISR and DODAF
products with the UML. That information is summarized here.
Products of DODAF
The DODAF identifies a large number of artifacts, called products that are used in the
description of the various architecture views. Some of these are required for compliance
to the DODAF but most are optional and can be used when appropriate. These are
referred to as “supporting products.” In this section, we will discuss the required
products from Table 1.
AV-1 Overview and Summary Information
The Overview and Summary Information product is an essential artifact for projects to
be compliant with the DODAF. [1] DoD Architectural Framework Version 1.0: Deskbook
DoD Architectural Framework Working Group provides a list of the required contents of
this artifact as well as a sample format. This information may be directly entered into the
model in the model description field as shown in Figure 2, or may be entered in a
separate textual document and a hyperlink to that document may be placed in the
Rhapsody model.
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Figure 2: Report on Model for AV-1 Overview
AV-2 Integrated Dictionary
The Integrated Dictionary product defines the metadata of the product and is normally
provided in a textual output. This metadata is maintained for you automatically by
Rhapsody and may be viewed in the Rhapsody Browser or may be used to generate
reports of various kinds and desired details, as illustrated in Figure 3. Besides the built-
in “report on model” which can generate reports, Rhapsody has a powerful reporting
facility known as ReporterPLUS that allows reports to be generated in customizable
formats and templates.
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Figure 3: AV-2 Integrated Dictionary
OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic
This is a very general architectural picture of the architecture-description products. It is
used to facilitate human-human communication, especially high-level decision makers.
Commonly, it graphically depicts the coordinated deployment of systems to achieve the
operational objectives. This is easily done in a class or deployment diagram, using
stereotypes to identify the various kinds of systems involved in the operational concept.
Figure 4 shows an example operational concept diagram as a class diagram using
standard UML elements – classes with appropriate stereotypes and dependency
relations among them.
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Figure 4: OV-1 Operation Concept Diagram with Standard Notation
Figure 5 shows the very same diagram but using meaningful bitmap icons to represent
the operational elements. This is very simple to do with Rhapsody and simplifies the
interpretation of the graphic.
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Figure 5: OV-1 Operational Concept Diagram in Rhapsody with Icons
OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity Description
The Operation Node Connectivity Description identifies the operational nodes, their
connections, and the information shared among them. In the UML, operational nodes
may be represented as classes on class diagrams or as nodes on deployment
diagrams. In Figure 6
, operational nodes and subnodes are shown as classes; the
interfaces among the operational nodes are mediated via the associations. The actual
information content transmitted along these associations is captured in constraints (the
notes with the curly braces), and supporting information is shown in either free text or
comments within note boxes.
The example is taken from [1] and recast into UML notation and semantics.
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Figure 6: OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity with Classes
The same information is shown in the following diagram, except that the operational
nodes are instead shown as nodes on a deployment diagram. In general, classes have
richer semantics than nodes on deployment diagrams, and are usually preferred for that
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Figure 7: OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity with Deployment Diagram
OV-3 Operational Information Exchange Matrix
The Operational Information Exchange Matrix expresses the relationship between
activities, operational elements and information flow, focusing on the latter. The UML
doesn’t have a “matrix” notation, but this can be cast as a specialized format of a report
constructed from the model repository held by Rhapsody.
Alternatively, the data flow notation of the UML 2.0 can easily depict the information
exchange among operational elements. In the UML diagram in Figure 8, icons are used
to represent operational elements (modeled with UML classes) with information flows
among these elements.
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Figure 8: OV-3 Data Information Exchange
OV-4 Command Relationships Chart
The OV-4 diagram is used primarily as the command structure of some unit or units of
battle. The UML view for this is a class diagram, using aggregation to show “ownership.”
Other relations may be added; for significant communications between subunits or
individuals, associations should be used. For less obvious relations, dependencies may
be used. Figure 9 shows a relation set including ownership but also assignment
relations, when a person is assigned to one unit or individual but commanded by
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Figure 9: OV-4 Command Relationship Chart
OV-5 Operational Activity Model
OV-5, the Operational Activity Model specifies the flow of execution among activities,
possibly with the generation of artifacts such as reports and OP Orders. Figure 10
shows a simple model that uses the UML Activity Diagram to show the primary activities
and their sub-activities to achieve a Joint Force Targeting activity. The nesting depicts
the whole-part nature of the activities (i.e. activities that can be divided into smaller sub-
activities). The arrows depict the flow of execution as the activities complete over time.
The bars indicate forks or joins; a fork indicates a branching into concurrent
(simultaneously executing) activities, while a join indicates a merging together of
previously concurrent activities.
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Figure 10: OV-5 Operational Activity Model
Often, activities are performed by a set of operational or system elements collaborating
together. This can be indicated using swimlanes to divide the activities into activities
done by a single operational or systems entity. An abstract example is shown in Figure
11, with swimlanes for External Elements, Special Ops, CIC, Batallion Commander, and
Air Support. This diagram shows forks and joins as well as branch points (indicated with
a diamond). A fork differs from a branch in that all transitions from a fork become
simultaneously active while only a single transition from a branch is taken.
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Figure 11: OV-5 Operational Activity Model with Swimlanes
The next figure shows a concrete example. Two entities, OTC CWC and FLTCINC are
shown, executing a set of activities. The structure of their collaboration becomes clear in
this diagram. Diagram connectors are used to beautify the diagram.
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Figure 12: OV-5 Operational Activity Model with Two Agencies
OV-6a Operational Rules Model, SV-10a Systems
Rules Model
The operational rules model shows the relationship among the activities. This can be
done using any of the behavioral diagrams of the UML:
- An activity diagram is preferred when the activities flow from one to the next upon
completion, but may have forks and joins (concurrently executing activities),
branching (alternatives), or may be assigned to different system or operational
elements (via swimlanes).
- A statechart is preferred when the states or conditions of existence persist until
some event of interest occurs, such as an incoming asynchronous event (e.g.
hostile missile launch), a synchronous service request (e.g. the requester waits
until the service is completed before moving forward), or a timeout (e.g. “At
23:00, launch attack”). Behaviors are executed during the change of state or
within a state when such an event is received.
- A sequence diagram is preferred when a particular operational scenario is to be
shown – i.e. a collaborative behavior of system or operational elements,
beginning with specific preconditions and with a specific event sequence,
ignoring other possibilities.
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In this case, we will show only a class diagram for the “logical data model” and describe
some business rules. In the later OV-6 diagrams we’ll present a statechart for the OV-
6b example and a sequence diagram for OV-6c example.
Figure 13: OV-6a Logical Data Model for Operational Rules
Business rules can be applied to the logical data model (taken from [1] DoD
Architectural Framework Version 1.0: Deskbook DoD Architectural Framework Working
Group :
For Each MISSILE TRACK entity instance
If MISSILE TRACK boost phase code > 0,
Then MISSILE TRACK acceleration rate is non-null
Else MISSILE TRACK drag effect rate is non-null
There Exists a MISSILE TRACK POINT entity instance Such
End If
End For
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OV-6b Operational State Transition Description, SV-
10b Systems State Transition Description
The Operational State Transition is best described using a statechart. In Figure 14, the
AIDSystem shows the states it goes through in acquiring and destroying a target.
Figure 14: OV-6b Statechart for Operation State Transition Description
OV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description, SV-10c
Systems Event Trace Description
OV-6c is the Event Trace Description, and is used to show specific flow or sequence of
messages and events during a very specific scenario or example execution of the
system. Branch points are typically not shown. Emphasis is on a specific execution
given a specific set of preconditions and a specific sequencing of incoming events and
messages. It is common to produce dozens of such operational scenarios, each on a
separate diagram for the purpose of exploring variations of system behavior.
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Figure 15: OV-5c Event-Trace Description with Sequence Diagram
OV-7 Logical Data Model
The logical data model focuses on the information known to, or processed by, the
system during its execution. In the UML, this is modeled with class diagrams. Class
diagrams can depict system structure as well as information content, so to achieve the
OV-7 goals, the class diagrams used focus instead on the informational content of the
system and the relationships among those data, and not on the processing of this
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Figure 16: OV-7 Logical Data Model
SV-1 System Interface Description
The System Interface Description shows the structural elements of the systems
architecture and the informational interfaces among them.
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Figure 17: SV-1 System Interface Description
Sometimes it is important to show the large-scale deployment of the elements into the
systems rather than their categories, as is shown in Figure 17. The next figure, Figure
18 shows the deployed systems as structured classes with the internal subsystems as
classes. These elements may have stereotypes attached, if desired. This more detailed
view shows the subsystems and their interconnections within the systems as well as
between systems.
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Figure 18: SV-1 Intrasystem perspective
In UML 2.0 and Rhapsody 5, it is possible to represent explicit connection points (ports)
that are typed by a set of synchronous and asynchronous services (interfaces). This
offers a very clear way to specify exactly how systems interconnect and collaborate.
Figure 19 shows how this works for an aircraft guidance and control system.
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Figure 19: SV-1 With System Interfaces and Ports
SV-2 Systems Communications Description
The Systems Communications Description depicts the communications “lay downs” –
the nodes, links and connections among the systems in the system architecture. The
physical media that supports the interfaces described in SV-1 are emphasized in SV-2.
The more common UML depiction is with a deployment diagram. Figure 20 shows such
a deployment diagram.
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Figure 20: SV-2 Systems Communication Description
SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix
The systems-systems view is to show the relationships among the set of large-scale
entities (systems). As mentioned previously, the UML does not have a matrix view.
However, the information can be shown easily on a class diagram (also a two-
dimensional view), as shown in Figure 21. It is also possible to construct a matrix from
the data held in the model repository.
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Figure 21: SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix with Class Diagram
SV-4 Systems Functionality Description
Systems functionality (SV-4) is to show the functionality of a system or set of systems at
a high-level view. The natural view in the UML is the Use Case diagram. Of course, just
the names of the use cases are insufficient, so Rhapsody has description fields that can
hold text (and/or hyperlinks to other documents in other tools such as Word or
Framemaker) to more fully explain the functionality represented by the use case. It is
common to “detail” the use case with a combination of text, statecharts, activity
diagrams, and sequence diagrams. Figure 22 shows a use case diagram with the
description field for one of the use cases.
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Figure 22: SV-4 Systems Functionality Description
SV-5 Operational Activity to Systems Function
Traceability Matrix
The purpose of SV-5 is to allow mapping from operational activities defined in OV-5,
OV-6a, PV-6b, and OV-6c into systems functions. This can be done in UML using
dependencies if desired, but the most common way in the UML to achieve this goal is
with the swim lanes in the activity diagrams. The swimlanes can represent system
elements or functions while the activities in the diagram represent the operational
activities. See Figure 11 and Figure 12 for examples.
Another common approach to traceability is the use of third party requirements
traceability tools, such as DOORS, to define the mapping between the operational
activities and the system use cases or system elements.
SV-6 Systems Data Exchange Matrix
SV-6 shows how information is exchanged among system elements. Although the name
of the product includes the word “matrix”, it may be met by any visualization that shows
the information flow among system elements. The most natural view in the UML is to
show the system elements as classes connected with data flows, as defined in the UML
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2.0 specification. Figure 23 shows elements of an aircraft weapons management
system with information flows among the elements. An information flow is shown as a
«flow» stereotype of dependency, with information items attached. These information
items may be rich and complex, and so may themselves be classes with their structure
depicted on the diagram(s).
Figure 23: SV-6 Data Flow on Class Diagram
SV-7 Systems Performance Parameters Matrix
Performance is, of course, a crucial aspect of military and other real-time and
embedded systems. In the UML, performance is a rather large subclass of the more
general concept of Quality of Service (QoS). Performance-related QoS properties
include worst-case execution time, throughput, average execution time, capacity, and
so on. The OMG provides a standard set of performance-related property tags in [5]
UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance and Time ptc2003-03-02, Object
Management Group. In the UML, QoS properties may be attached to just about any
element. However, whether or not these “standard” properties or custom properties are
used, the usage model is the same. The system elements are stereotyped to have the
appropriate properties and then these properties are assigned values in constraints.
These constraints can be shown on the class diagrams with the elements they
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constrain, such as in Figure 24 or they may be view in the model browser and in
reports, as shown in Figure 25.
Figure 24: SV-7 Systems Performance on Class Diagram
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Figure 25: SV-7 Systems Performance in Reports and Browser
SV-8 Systems Evolution Description
SV-8, Systems Evolution Description, is a map of development activities leading to
successive releases and versions of one or more systems. The UML activity diagram
represents such processes clearly and distinctly. In Figure 26, the development
activities are shown in the rounded rectangles while the artifacts are shown in the
rectangles. Such evolution descriptions may be as complex as needed to describe the
development plans for any system element or set of system elements.
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Figure 26: SV-8 Systems Evolution Description
SV-9 Systems Technology Forecast
As with TV-2, SV-9 is almost exclusively a textual document. There is no UML
representation although text can be represented in the description fields of a tool such
as Rhapsody. Additionally, external documents may be linked to with hyperlinks in
Rhapsody so that selecting them executes the appropriate application to read, view or
modify the document.
SV-11 Physical Schema
The Physical Schema shows how the Logical Data Model (OV-7) is to be physically
realized – that is, how the information maps onto artifacts, devices and other elements
in the systems architecture view. This is most commonly done with a deployment
diagram where the nodes represent the hardware devices and the components
represent the software or informational elements. It can also be done in a component
diagram in which the logical elements (classes) are mapped into the components. A
class diagram is yet another possibility, where some classes represent the physical
items and others represent the logical elements.
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Figure 27 shows the mapping of components onto the deployment nodes (hardware
elements) using a standard UML deployment diagram.
Figure 27: SV-11 Physical Schema with Deployment
Physical schema may also refer entirely to the organization of software elements into
component artifacts, such as documents, link libraries, executables and so on. Figure
28 shows an example of this. The stereotypes «Executable», «Library», and
«Hardware» show the kind of component being represented.
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Figure 28: SV-11 Physical Schema with Components
TV-1 Technical Architecture Profile
The Technical Architecture Profile is a description of the technologies to be included in
the system, normally as references to application standards documents, such as [1]
DoD Architectural Framework Version 1.0: Deskbook DoD Architectural Framework
Working Group or the POSIX standard, for example. These are most commonly
specified in a textual document or they may be added as constraints to the model
TV-2 Technical Standards Forecast
The Technical Standards Forecast identifies expected changes and evolutions of the
standards and conventions identified in the TV-1 standard. This is also a textual
specification and has no direct UML representation.
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The DODAF standard defines a number of work products, some of which are identified
as required for a system to be compliant, others are identified as supporting and are
recommended but not required. The 1997 C4ISR standard came out at about the same
time as the UML standard and therefore doesn’t take advantage of the rich semantics
and clear notation provided by the UML. Since then, the UML has been widely adopted
in the specification of software and systems within the DoD and other environments.
Additionally, the new DODAF standard provides recommended representations of the
DODAF products using UML notation and semantics. This paper discusses each
product required by the DODAF and shows how standard UML views and semantics
can be used to represent them. Clearly, the unifying nature of the UML meets the needs
of the DODAF very well, now and into the future.
The aircraft weapon systems diagrams were taken or adapted from the ADMS model by
Andy Lapping, of I-Logix. Some of the other examples were adapted from [1] DoD
Architectural Framework Version 1.0: Deskbook DoD Architectural Framework Working
Group .
[1] DoD Architectural Framework Version 1.0: Deskbook DoD Architectural Framework
Working Group
[2] IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, 1990, IEEE STD
610.12-1990, Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
[3] DoD Architecture Framework: Volume I: Definitions and Guidelines Version 1.0, DoD
Architecture Framework Working Group
[4] DoD Architecture Framework: Volume II: Product Description Version 1.0, DoD
Architecture Framework Working Group
[5] UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance and Time ptc2003-03-02, Object
Management Group
[6] Real-Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems Douglass, Bruce
Powel; Addison-Wesley, 2004
About the Author
Bruce Powel Douglass has over 20 years experience designing safety-critical real-time
applications in a variety of hard real-time environments. He has designed and taught
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courses in object-orientation, real-time, and safety-critical systems development. He is
an advisory board member for the Embedded Systems Conference, UML World
Conference, and Software Development magazine. He is a co-chair for the Real-Time
Analysis and Design Working Group in the OMG standards organization. He is the Chief
Evangelist at I-Logix, a leading real-time object-oriented and structured systems design
automation tool vendor. He can be reached at bpd@ilogix.com.