The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) reminds Illinois Concealed Carry Permit
holders that they must comply with current wildlife code laws and regulations while hunting in
Illinois. Below are some common questions and answers to help guide Concealed Carry Permit
holders who hunt on or utilize IDNR properties
1) May a person possessing a valid Illinois Concealed Carry Permit carry a concealed firearm
when deer or turkey hunting?
Under the current regulations, Concealed Carry Permit holders are not allowed to possess any
firearm, including a concealed firearm, when deer or turkey hunting unless the firearm carried is
legal for taking the species being hunted. For example, an archery deer hunter would not be
able to carry any firearm, whether concealed or not, when archery deer hunting. However, if a
concealed carry permit holder is hunting deer during the legal firearm deer seasons, he/she
may carry a concealed firearm, but only if that firearm is of the legal type for firearm deer
hunting. It is not unlawful for a Concealed Carry Permit hunter to possess a concealed firearm in
their vehicle. The specifications for legal deer hunting handguns can be found on page 17 of the
2013-2014 Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations at the following link;
May an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holder, who is training or running hunting dogs during
the period when the hunting season is closed, carry a concealed firearm?
No. No person in any dog training party, during any period in which it is unlawful to take such
species being pursued (closed hunting season) shall be in possession of a firearm, including a
concealed firearm, unless such firearm is a pistol capable of firing only blank cartridges. In
addition, no person in the dog training party shall be in possession of live ammunition.
May an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holder be in possession of a concealed firearm when
hunting or trapping any species, with the exception of questions 1 and 2 above?
Yes. With the exception of deer, turkey, or dog training as explained in questions 1 and 2 above,
an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holder may possess a concealed firearm on their person or in
their motor vehicle while in the field hunting or trapping any species of wildlife, unless the
Concealed Carry Permit holder is in one of the prohibited areas listed in the Illinois Concealed
Carry Act. Trappers, who have a Concealed Carry Permit, may conceal carry their .22 while in a
vehicle or on an ATV
while checking traps.
May an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holder use his/her concealed firearm to shoot the
species which they are hunting?
Only if the concealed firearm carried is authorized by the Wildlife Code and IDNR
administrative rules to take (shoot) the particular species of wildlife being hunted.
5) On what IDNR properties may an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holder carry a concealed
Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holders may carry a concealed firearm on any IDNR real property
(including bike trails, trails, or any other designated public hunting area or building where
firearm possession is permitted by the IDNR) with the following exceptions: All IDNR Office
buildings, including but not limited to the Joel D. Brunsvold Building (IDNR Springfield
Headquarters Building), IDNR Regional Office buildings, IDNR State Museum buildings, and any
other IDNR building marked with the ISP-approved sign prohibiting firearms. All firearms,
including concealed firearms, are also prohibited on all IDNR State Refuge areas, IDNR Dedicated
Nature Preserves, and IDNR children playground areas. When visiting any of these locations,
Concealed Carry Permit holders are required to secure their concealed firearms in their vehicle
in accordance with the Illinois Concealed Carry Act.
6) Can an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit holder possess a concealed firearm on or in a
watercraft, off-highway vehicle, or snowmobile?
Yes, but only if the watercraft, off-highway vehicle, or snowmobile is operated in an area not
prohibited under the Concealed Carry Act.
More information regarding the Illinois Concealed Carry Act can be viewed on the Illinois State
Police web site at . For other questions regarding
the Illinois Concealed Carry Act related to activities regulated by the IDNR, persons may call the
IDNR Office of Law Enforcement at 217-782-6431.