Published March 2018
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Educator Materials
Central Dogma Card-Sorting Activity
Ever since the discovery of the structure of DNA, scientists have thought that diseases caused by mutations in
single genes could someday be treated by intervening in the steps that are carried out from DNA to RNA to
protein. This flow of information represents the way most genes are expressed in eukaryotic cells and is also
referred to as the central dogma of molecular biology.
In this activity, students will review the steps of eukaryotic gene expression and apply their knowledge of the
central dogma to propose new treatment strategies for certain genetic diseases. Next, students will explore a
Web-based interactive to learn about the cutting-edge research being done in the field of genetic medicine.
Genes are regions in the DNA that contain the instructions that code for the formation of proteins, which
carry out most of the work of cells.
In most cases, genetic information flows from DNA to mRNA to protein; genetic diseases can be treated at
different steps in this pathway.
The sequence of DNA determines the type and order of amino acids in a protein, which determines the
protein’s three-dimensional shape and its function.
es, including disease phenotypes,
are determined through protein activities.
New genetic biotechnologies can intervene at various steps from DN
A, to
RNA, to proteins, ultimately affecting
protein structure and function.
Identifying the mutation that causes a disease can provide a way of treating that disease.
Organize the steps of eukaryotic gene expression and identify the primary molecules involved in each step.
Analyze genetic disease information to predict possible intervention strategies.
Investigate cutting-edge technologies used in current research to develop intervention strategies for a
specific genetic disease.
Curriculum Connection
NGSS (2013)
HS-LS1-1, HS-LS3-1, HS-LS3-2
AP Bio (2015)
1.B.1, 3.A.1, 3.A.3, 3.B.1, 3.C.1, 4.A.1, SP1, SP6
IB Bio (2016)
2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 7.2, 7.3, B.4
Common Core (2010)
ELA.RST.9-12.4, WHST.9-12.9
Vision and Change (2009)
CC2, CC3, DP1
DNA, exon, gene expression, genetic medicine, genotype, intron, mRNA, mutation, phenotype, protein, RNA
splicing, transcription, translation
One 50-minute class period is required for the card-sorting activity and items 1-4.
An additional 50-minute class period is required for item 5 (the computer Click & Learn) and item 6.
See TEACHING TIPS below for alternative timing strategies.
Central Dogma Card-Sorting Activity
Published March 2018
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Educator Materials
High School Biology (General, AP/IB)
College-level general biology
Students should
know the steps of eukaryotic gene expression and the main molecules involved at each step.
understand the flow of information from DNA to RNA to protein and the connection to phenotype.
know what a genetic mutation is and how it can potentially impact the structure and function of a protein.
One set of cut-out cards per group
One copy of the student handout per student
Access to the Click & Learn “Central Dogma and Genetic Medicine
One copy of the Click & Learn student worksheet per student (optional)
A computer (with sound/headphones) for the Click & Learn
Consider having students work in pairs or small groups of up to 4 students to complete the card-sorting
activity, labeling, and analysis questions.
Two different classroom implementation strategies are outlined below in the “Implementation Suggestions
section, which also use the student worksheet that accompanies the Click & Learn.
Your students may have difficulty coming up with ways to treat the different diseases. If they are struggling,
offer them some feedback as you walk around the class. For question 3, you might suggest finding a way to
turn on fetal hemoglobin transcription and to think of the molecules involved in regulating transcription. For
question 4, offer the hint that you might want to block production of the abnormal protein and to think of the
molecules involved in translation and how you could prevent translation of that protein.
To use less class time, consider having students complete the Central Dogma and Genetic Medicine Click &
Learn as homework after completing the card-sorting activity and questions 1-4 on day 1. On day 2, the
student groups can reconvene to answer question 6 together, which should take approximately 10 minutes.
Consider laminating the central dogma card sets to use from class to class and year to year. The students
could also label them using Expo markers that can be erased easily.
The last question in the student worksheet that accompanies the Click & Learn is about a disease called
progeria. You may be familiar with a film about progeria called “Life according to Sam”; the main protagonist,
who unfortunately has since passed away, gave a Ted Talk
After completing the activity and Click & Learn, if you’d like to learn more about Genetic Medicine, watch the
HHMI BioInteractive short film Genes as Medicine
The table below provides two strategies for implementing the Central Dogma card-sorting activity, the Central
Dogma and Genetic Medicine Click & Learn, and associated worksheets in the classroom.
Central Dogma Card-Sorting Activity
Published March 2018
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Educator Materials
Implementation Suggestions
Strategy A: more appropriate for students who recently learned about the steps and molecules of gene
Strategy B: more appropriate for students who are reviewing the steps and molecules of gene expression
from previous years
Strategy B
Day 1 (50-min
class period)
Confirm card sorting and labeling with
Complete the card-sorting activity
questions 1-4.
Complete the card sorting (without labeling)
Start the Click & Learn. Review only the
Central Dogma tab to review the steps and
molecules of gene expression.
Complete the Click & Learn student
worksheet, questions 1-3.
Day 2 (50-min
class period)
card-sorting activity question 5.
Complete the Click & Learn student
worksheet, questions 1, 3, and 4 (omit 2).
: Consider jig-sawing items 3 and 4
within each student group, having each
student report out to the others.
Return to the card-sorting activity
Revisit the card-sorting activity, labeling the
steps and molecules on each card, and share
out with the group.
Complete card-sorting activity questions 2-4.
Return to the Click & Learn student
worksheet and complete question 4.
Reconvene groups, discuss answers to
questions 2-4 of the card-sorting activity,
and revise if necessary.
Future day
worksheet question 5 as a follow-up
Instructor uses Click & Learn student
worksheet question 5 as a follow-up
assessment question.
1. A genotype is the complete genetic makeup of an individual, whereas a phenotype is all observable
characteristics of the individual. Because genes direct the production of proteins and proteins are responsible
for an individual’s observable characteristics, genotypes control phenotypes. The final card in the series
shows a mature protein. Proteins can play several different cellular functions, as shown in the figure below.
Using prior knowledge, describe a specific role each type of protein performs for the cell and provide an
example. (Write your answer next to each picture.)
Structure: proteins that perform a structural role in a cell
or tissue by giving the cell its shape or support. Examples:
microfilaments, keratin, actin, collagen, and dystrophin.
Transport: proteins that move materials into, out of, or
throughout a cell, tissue, or organism. Examples:
hemoglobin, sodium-glucose co-transporter, ATP
synthase, and the sodium-potassium pump.
Enzymes: catalytic proteins that speed up chemical
reactions by lowering the activation energy required for
the reaction. Examples: pepsin, amylase, lactase, DNA
polymerase, and RNA polymerase.
Channels: proteins that allow the transport of specific
substances across a cell membrane. Examples: sodium
channels, calcium channels, and aquaporins.
Central Dogma Card-Sorting Activity
Published March 2018
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Educator Materials
2. Cystic fibrosis is a devastating illness that affects the lungs, pancreas, and intestines.
In 1989, researchers discovered that the disease is caused by a mutation in a gene that produces a protein
that channels chloride across cellular membranes. People with two copies (or alleles) of the mutated gene
have a buildup of mucus in the airways, intestines, and other organs due to nonfunctioning or absent channel
proteins. Suggest two ways you could intervene to treat the disease by targeting the DNA molecule and justify
why each approach could be effective.
Student answers will vary, but answers should be scientifically sound. One possible student answer isfix the gene by
changing the DNA sequence. If students have greater prior knowledge in this area, they might say “use CRISPR-Cas9
technology to edit the DNA sequence.” Another possibility isintroduce a nonmutated gene into the appropriate
cells.” Again, students might refer to this approach as gene therapy.
3. Like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive condition. It can be caused by mutations in the
gene for β-globin (HBB). HBB is one of the two subunits of adult hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen
in red blood cells. People who inherit two copies of the mutation produce abnormal hemoglobin, and their
tissues are starved of oxygen. One interesting finding is that some individuals with HBB mutations do not have
sickle cell anemia because they have another mutation that allows them to produce fetal hemoglobin
throughout their lives. Fetal hemoglobin production is normally turned off after birth. Based on this
knowledge, suggest two ways you could treat sickle cell anemia by targeting the transcription step of the fetal
hemoglobin gene and justify why each approach might be effective.
Student answers will vary, but answers should be scientifically sound. Depending on a student’s prior knowledge,
he/she might suggest introducing the necessary activators and transcription factors to begin transcription or a way
to remove any repressors that might be present keeping the transcription of the fetal hemoglobin gene off.
4. Another disease caused by a mutation in a single gene is Huntingtons disease (HD), an autosomal dominant
condition. It is caused by mutations in a gene required for normal nerve cell function. The mutations cause
abnormal proteins to be produced which sticktogether and accumulate in nerve cells, eventually
interfering with normal cell operations. Suggest two ways you could treat the disease by targeting the
translation step for the HD protein and justify why each approach might be effective.
Student answers will vary, but answers should be scientifically sound. A student might suggest blocking the mRNA
from being translated by the ribosome or destroying the mRNA so that it cannot be translated.
5. (Optional) For any genetic disease, several approaches for treating it at different steps of gene expression
could work. Complete the Click & LearnCentral Dogma and Genetic Medicine
,” paying particular attention to
the genetic medicines that have been developed or are in development for the diseases above. Were the
approaches you identified in this activity like the ones in the interactive? If so, how were they similar? If not,
how did they differ?
Student responses will vary.
6. Consider hemophilia again. Identify two ways the researcher could design an intervention to treat
hemophilia, provide a brief explanation of each, and justify why each approach might be effective.
Student answers will vary, but answers should be scientifically sound. Possible answers include: gene therapy
introducing a healthy gene into the proper blood cells that secrete the specific clotting factors; CRISPR-Cas9 to edit
the gene in the proper blood cells that secrete the specific clotting factors; or develop a small-molecule oral drug
that increases the concentration of clotting factors similar to the current infusions.
Ann Brokaw, Rocky River High School, OH
Reviewed by Paul Beardsley, PhD, Cal Poly Pomona; Sherry Annee, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Cards illustrated by Fabian deKok-Mercado, HHMI, and Heather McDonald, PhD, consultant