American Economic Association
Taking the Dogma out of Econometrics: Structural Modeling and Credible Inference
Author(s): Aviv Nevo and Michael D. Whinston
The Journal of Economic Perspectives
, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Spring 2010), pp. 69-81
Published by: American Economic Association
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Journal of Economic Perspectives
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Journal of Economic Perspectives?Volume 24, Number 2?Spring 2010?Pages 69-82
Taking the Dogma out of Econometrics:
Structural Modeling and Credible
Aviv Nevo and Michael D. Whinston
In an influential paper with a catchy title, Learner (1983) criticized the state
of applied econometric practice. In the 25 years or so that have passed since
the Learner article was published, empirical work in economics has changed
significantly. Without doubt, one of the major advances has been what Angrist
and Pischke in this journal call the "credibility revolution." Applied work today,
compared to 25 years ago, is based on more careful design, including both actual
and "natural," or "quasi-," experiments, yielding more credible estimates.
Empirical work has also changed in at least two other significant ways since
Learner's (1983) article. First, econometric methods have advanced on many
dimensions that allow for more robust inference. For example, nonparametric and
semiparametric estimation (Powell, 1994), robust standard errors (White, 1980), and
identification based on minimal assumptions (Manski, 2003; Tamer, forthcoming)
are methods aimed at improving the credibility and robustness of data analysis.
A second major development, and our main focus here, has been in the
improvement and increased use in data analysis of what are commonly called
"structural methods"; that is, in the use of models based in economic theory.
Structural modeling attempts to use data to identify the parameters of an
underlying economic model, based on models of individual choice or aggregate
Aviv Nevo is HSBC Research Professor of Economics and Michael D. Whinston is Robert E.
and Emily H. King Professor of Business Institutions, both in the Department of Economics,
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. They are both Research Associates at the
National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Their e-mail addresses
are ([email protected]) and ([email protected]), respectively.
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70 Journal of Economic Perspectives
relations derived from them.1 Structural estimation has a long tradition in
economics (for example, Marschak, 1953), but better and larger data sets,
more powerful computers, improved modeling methods, faster computational
techniques, and new econometric methods such as those mentioned above have
allowed researchers to make significant improvements. However, this develop
ment has been uneven across the various applied fields within economics. For
example, structural analysis appears today in a large fraction of (but still far from
all) empirical work in industrial organization, but is much less common in some
other fields, such as labor economics.
While Angrist and Pischke extol the successes of empirical work that estimates
"treatment effects" based on actual or quasi experiments, they are much less
sanguine about structural analysis and hold industrial organization (or as they put
it, industrial "disorganization") up as an example where "progress is less dramatic."
Indeed, reading their article one comes away with the impression that there is
only a single way to conduct credible empirical analysis. This seems to us a very
narrow and dogmatic approach to empirical work; credible analysis can come in
many guises, both structural and nonstructural, and for some questions structural
analysis offers important advantages.
In this comment on Angrist and Pischke's article, we address their criticism
of structural analysis and its use in industrial organization, and also offer some
thoughts on why empirical analysis in industrial organization differs in such
striking ways from that in fields such as labor, which have recently emphasized the
methods favored by Angrist and Pischke.
Credible Identification and Structural Analysis:
Complements, Not Substitutes
We firmly believe in the importance of credible inference, or "credible iden
tification," and applaud the ingenious approaches to generating or identifying
exogenous variation that often appear in the work using actual or quasi-exper
iments. Moreover, we don't think anyone (or, at least, anyone sensible) in more
structurally oriented fields, such as industrial organization, would disagree with
the importance of credible sources of identification. While authors of structural
papers are sometimes more focused on issues such as estimation and modeling
methods, this should not be taken to mean that they do not appreciate the need
for credible sources of identification. In the industrial organization seminars
and conferences we attend, discussions of identification and its credibility play a
1 By a structural model we do not mean the econometric textbook definition (Greene, 2003,
Chapter 15), but rather an economic behavioral model that defines the relationship between exog
enous and endogenous variables, both observed and unobserved by the researcher. For further
discussion, see Heckman (2000).
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Aviv Nevo and Michael D. Whinston 71
central role in the presentations and discussions, regardless of whether the paper's
approach is "structural" or not.
However, empirical analysis must deal not only with credible inference, but also
with what might be called "generalization," "extrapolation," or "external validity"
(to use the terminology of Deaton, 2009). This is where structural analysis comes in.
Structural analysis is not a substitute for credible inference. Quite to the contrary,
in general, structural analysis and credible identification are complements.
When sources of credible identification are available, structural modeling can
provide a way to extrapolate observed responses to environmental changes to predict
responses to other not-yet-observed changes. In an ideal research environment, this
would be unnecessary. Whenever we would be called upon to predict the effect of a
proposed policy or anticipated change in the economic environment, there would be
many prior events where the same change happened exogeneously (whether through
actual randomized trials or naturally occurring ones) and we could use these to
estimate a treatment effect. That is, as Angrist and Pischke note, past evidence
would then be rich enough to provide a "general picture." Unfortunately, the real
world is not always so ideal. The change we are interested in may literally never have
occurred before, and even if it has, it may have been in different circumstances, so
the previously observed effects may not provide a good prediction of the current one.
Structural analysis gives us a way to relate observations of responses to changes in the
past to predict the responses to different changes in the future.
It does so in two basic steps: First, it matches observed past behavior with a
theoretical model to recover fundamental parameters such as preferences and
technology. Then, the theoretical model is used to predict the responses to possible
environmental changes, including those that have never happened before, under
the assumption that the parameters are unchanged.
Another closely related use of structural modeling is to conduct welfare calcu
lations. In some cases, for example, we might be able to predict price changes due
to a proposed policy, but without an economic model we could not compute the
welfare implications of these changes. We may want to know the overall effect on
consumers if some prices go up and others down, or we may want to compare effects
on consumers with the changes in firms' profits. When changes in consumers'
well-being and firms' true economic profits are unobserved, estimation of treat
ment effects is not possible, but inferences about underlying preference or cost
parameters drawn from observed behavior can allow us to predict these welfare
changes. In fact, this use of structural models can again be seen as an example of
extrapolation. If we could see previous examples of consumers and firms choosing
between the "before" and "after" outcomes we would not need a model. Rather, we
could infer welfare changes based on which outcome they chose. But this is usually
impossible, so instead a model is used to extrapolate from observation of other
choices by consumers and firms to predict whether they would prefer the before or
the after outcome.
To illustrate these points, we focus on the example highlighted by Angrist and
Pischke from industrial organization: the analysis of mergers.
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72 Journal of Economic Perspectives
The Analysis of Mergers: Who Can You Trust When It Comes to
As an example of a field that does not fit their mold, Angrist and Pischke offer
industrial organization. In particular they discuss merger analysis and conclude
that industrial organization has got it wrong. The merger example is a good one,
but it demonstrates not the "disorganization" of industrial organization, but rather
the limitations of Angrist and Pischke's approach.
Angrist and Pischke contrast two possible approaches to merger analysis:
one that they describe as the "transparent analysis of past experience" (that is,
quasi-experimental analysis of treatment effects) and the other as the "complex,
simulation-based estimates coming out of the new empirical industrial organi
zation paradigm." To them, it is hard to see why one might favor the latter over
the former.
Consider the problem faced by an antitrust agency or a court confronted with
a proposed merger between two firms and charged with protecting consumer
welfare.2 Should the merger be allowed? For simplicity let's assume that the firms
both produce substitute varieties of the same differentiated product (that is, this
is a "horizontal" merger). Economic theory gives the basic tradeoffs. The merger
will cause the two firms to make pricing decisions jointly, internalizing the effect of
their price choices on each other's profits. This increase in "market power" will tend
to raise prices, although the precise amount depends on factors such as demand
substitution between the products of the two firms, the diversion of consumers to
rivals caused by a price increase, and the structure of costs. On the other hand,
the merger might result in some reductions in marginal cost that would offset the
incentive to increase prices. Indeed, with large enough efficiency gains, prices
might decrease as a result of the merger.
The key question facing the antitrust agency or court is which of these two
effects dominates. If prices go up, consumers will be harmed and the merger
should be blocked; if they go down, consumers will be better off and the merger
should be allowed.3 (When some prices rise and some fall, the overall impact on
consumer welfare would need to be assessed.)
2 This is basically the situation in the United States and many other countries. If the goal of the agency
or the court is different (for example, to maximize total welfare) then the details of the discussion that
follows would differ, but our basic points about the Angrist and Pischke thesis would be unchanged.
3 In fact, this prescription ignores a number of potentially complicating factors in the determination
of an optimal merger policy. For example, if market conditions may change in the future, a merger
that is good for consumers today might become bad for them in the future, and vice versa. More
over, today's decision might alter the set of future merger proposals, introducing another effect on
consumer welfare (Nocke and Whinston, 2008). In addition, even absent these dynamic effects, it may
be optimal to block certain types of mergers to encourage firms to propose other ones that would be
more beneficial for consumers (Lyons, 2002; Armstrong and Vickers, forthcoming; Nocke and Whin
ston, 2010). We simplify here to remain focused on the issues that Angrist and Pischke raise.
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Taking the Dogma out of Econometrics: Structural Modeling and Credible Inference 73
Extrapolation of Merger Treatment Effects
How do Angrist and Pischke propose to address this tradeoff? They propose to
look at outcomes in past mergers. Of course, simply looking at the average effect of
all previously consummated mergers is unlikely to provide a very useful prediction.
Angrist and Pischke never provide details, but apparently what they have in mind
when they suggest the use of "direct" evidence is some sort of predictive model
that averages over the outcomes in "similar" past mergers to predict the effects of
a current merger.
There are several problems with this approach. The most important problem,
in our view, is how to define "similar" mergers. Clearly, we would not want to predict
the effects of a merger, say, in the retail gasoline industry based on what happened
after, for example, a merger in the cereal industry. But it is also unclear whether we
would want to use a past merger in the gasoline industry to predict the effects of a
current proposed merger in the same industry. The circumstances of the industry
could have changed or the characteristics of the merging firms may differ from
those in the previous merger, and therefore the previous merger might not provide
a good prediction of what will happen.
As an example of a way to "trace a shorter route from facts to findings,"
Angrist and Pischke offer the analysis by Hastings (2004). Hastings analyzes the
price effects of the acquisition of Thrifty, a California gasoline retail chain selling
unbranded gasoline, by ARCO, a national branded and vertically integrated gaso
line chain. After the merger, ARCO re-branded the Thrifty stations with the ARCO
name and colors. Hastings studies how rivals' prices changed as a result of the
merger. To do so, she compares the differences in price change, before and after
the merger, between gas stations that were near a Thrifty station (the treatment
group) and those that were not (the control group). The circumstances of the
acquisition provide a reasonable basis to think that the merger can be considered
as exogenous to the local market; that is, it seems unlikely to be correlated with any
unobserved factors that would have changed prices in markets containing Thrifty
stations differently from prices in markets without them. She finds that gas stations
that were near a Thrifty station raised their prices after the merger more than
those that were not, indicating that the merger caused prices to increase.
Hastings's (2004) analysis is based on clever and careful design and sheds light
on an interesting question in an important industry. But does it allow us to predict
the effect of other possible mergers in this industry? What if two of the largest
branded firms in this market wanted to merge? Or if ARCO wanted to acquire a
small but branded gasoline retailer in this market (such as Citgo)? Or if ARCO
proposed doing this merger without rebranding the Thrifty stations? What if a
merger was proposed with convincing evidence of greater cost efficiencies than the
ARCO/Thrifty merger? What about a merger in a different part of the country?
And what if the acquiring firm in the merger was not vertically integrated?
Of course, if we had previous experiences with all possible types of mergers
(and could distinguish them), we could answer all these questions by looking at
past outcomes. But given the many possible circumstances of a merger, it seems
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74 Journal of Economic Perspectives
inevitable that many possible proposed mergers will not have been seen and
studied before. In that case, to use past mergers to predict future outcomes, one
needs a model. This model can be a statistical model or it can be an economic
model. A statistical model, Angrist and Pischke's preferred approach, would seek to
predict the outcome of a merger using either a group of not-too-dissimilar mergers
(perhaps all mergers in similarly concentrated industries resulting in similar
increases in concentration), or more generally fitting some prediction function
based on a set of observable merger attributes. The ARCO/Thrifty example makes
clear that this will often be a difficult task to do in a convincing manner, even when
some mergers have previously been observed in an industry.
There are other concerns with this approach, beyond the extrapolation issue.
One is the difficulty of defining a reasonable benchmark by which to judge the
outcomes of mergers.4 A naive approach would compare outcomes of the impacted
firms?the merging parties and their competitors?to unaffected firms. But it is
not obvious how to find firms that are good comparisons yet at the same time are
not affected by the merger. In Hastings (2004), for example, the use of the control
group relies on the assumption that stations further than one mile from a Thrifty
station will be unaffected by the merger. If consumers search for stations beyond
this distance, this assumption could fail, most likely leading to an underestimate
of the merger's effect. Fortunately, Hastings does examine the use of different
distances and finds no change in her results, and also documents that the control
and treatment group prices moved in parallel prior to the merger.
Finding such a control group is likely to be harder, however, in many other
industries. For example, Angrist and Pischke offer Ashenfelter and Hosken (2008)
as another example of direct evidence of mergers' effects. Ashenfelter and Hosken
examine the price effects of five national branded consumer product mergers
and use private-label products as a control group for the products of the merging
firms. However, retail prices of private-label products can be affected by a merger
of branded manufacturers if marginal costs are not constant, if private-label
producers are not perfectly competitive, or if retailers adjust retail margins of
private-label products in response to wholesale price changes.
A second difficulty is that the treatment effect approach requires that the
mergers effectively be exogenous events. But mergers are an endogenous choice of
firms that may be motivated, in part, by past, current, or anticipated future changes
in unobservable (to the researcher) market conditions. While we find Hastings'
(2004) argument for exogeneity reasonably convincing, we are more troubled by
Ashenfelter and Hosken's (2008) exogeneity assumption, which they adopt with
little discussion or justification. For example, one of the acquisitions they study
is the purchase of the Chex brand by General Mills. Ralston, which sold Chex to
General Mills, produces many private-label products and according to reports in
4 Absent such a benchmark, it would be necessary to include as explanatory variables all of the factors
that would explain prices absent a merger and which are correlated with the occurrence of the merger
(Ashenfelter, Hosken, and Weinberg, 2009).
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Aviv Nevo and Michael D. Whinston 75
the press was selling Chex to focus on its private-label business. Therefore, it seems
likely that this event could be related to unobserved changes in the demand for
private-label products.
Add to these concerns the fact that the merger treatment effect approach
cannot produce measures of welfare change and it becomes clear that it is far
from the simple solution to predicting merger effects that Angrist and Pischke
make it out to be.
Extrapolation Using an Economic Model
An alternative approach to predicting a merger's effect instead consists of
using economic theory to simulate what the effect of the merger is likely to be.
The basic idea is simple. Historical data are used to recover the structure of an
economic model that consists of demand, supply, and competition. Identification of
the fundamental parameters of this structure follows instrumental variable proce
dures similar to those in classical demand and supply estimation. Using the model,
one can then simulate the effect of the merger under a variety of assumptions. The
assumptions can include different models of post-merger competition and changes
in marginal cost. For example, one could ask what level of cost efficiencies are
needed, under the model, to assure that prices will not increase. This can lead
to some assessment of the likelihood that these efficiencies will be realized. The
typical exercise does not offer a single number, as Angrist and Pischke suggest, but
rather a range of numbers under different assumptions.
The data used to estimate the model also do not need to consist of past
mergers (although they could when mergers have occurred that can be considered
exogenous), which can be very helpful in industries where there have been no past
mergers. Moreover, because of this feature, a researcher is more able to use careful
design and credible inference to shed light on the likely effect of the merger.
In addition, the method makes calculation of welfare effects straightforward.
Just as before, a model is used to extrapolate from the past to infer the effect
of the merger. But while before it was a statistical model, now it is an economic
model. So we repeat the question that Angrist and Pischke ask: Who should we
trust when it comes to antitrust? A model grounded in economic theory, estimated
using careful design? Or a statistical model that is based on a few observations of
previous, quite different mergers, where exogeneity may be questionable?
Comparing the Two Approaches
To highlight the flaws in Angrist and Pischke's argument, we have so far
highlighted the problems with the treatment effect approach to predicting merger
effects and deliberately overemphasized the benefits of structural simulation anal
ysis. While one-sided comments may make good controversy, they probably don't
make for good economics.
We do in fact believe that the treatment effect approach will sometimes prove
useful for predicting a merger's effects. Even if it is unlikely that we will be able to
obtain credible evidence on a wide range of merger treatment effects given the
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76 Journal of Economic Perspectives
many possible circumstances of mergers, it may prove fruitful to focus efforts on
examining the effects of certain types of mergers. For example, Ashenfelter and
Hosken (2008) suggest focusing on mergers that are on the margin of current
enforcement practice, where evidence is likely to be most useful. Particular indus
tries with extensive merger histories and credible inference possibilities might also
be targeted.
We also believe that merger simulation has limitations. First, while in principle
the first step, demand estimation, can incorporate credible inference, in practice
a typical exercise may rely on less-than-ideal instrumental variables. For example,
following Hausman (1997), Nevo (2000) uses prices in other markets as instruments
for price when estimating demand. Angrist and Pischke refer to the assumptions
that justify these instruments as "arbitrary." While we are somewhat more posi
tive about the validity of these instruments, we are sympathetic to the concerns.5
These instruments are not the only ones used, or even the most popular, and the
validity of the assumptions justifying the instruments will vary on a case-by-case
basis. In general, we think it is fair to say that in many cases the instruments are less
than ideal. In our view, rather than invalidating the entire approach, this concern
merely highlights the importance of ongoing work that explores additional instru
ments and different inference methods. For example, Nevo and Rosen (2009) study
the above instrumental variables and propose a way to (set) identify the parameters
of interest even if the standard orthogonality conditions fail.
Second, one needs a good model of a variable's determination to predict accu
rately how a merger will change it. Thus, current merger simulations focus mostly
on predicting price changes holding the current set of products, firms, and pricing
behavior fixed. Effects on prices due to changes in long-run investments, research
and development, and entry are typically ignored at present, as are effects on avail
able product offerings. (This is one advantage of the treatment effect approach,
where it is feasible, since in principle it can capture some of these additional effects
of a merger.) In addition, merger simulation relies on assumptions about how the
merger will change behavior, often based on static Nash equilibrium before and
after the merger. Richer models of how behavior changes (for example, models of
collusion) have seen little use. These limitations are potentially serious, although
this is an active area of research and we expect economist's abilities on both fronts
to improve over time.
Another concern often raised with merger simulation and structural work
more generally is of an "elaborate superstructure," to use the words of Angrist and
Pischke. There is a feeling that results are driven by nontransparent complicated
models and not by data per se. This is a concern to be taken seriously, because
estimates driven by functional form rather than credible sources of identification
5 Nevo (2001) provides a discussion of these instruments, including cases where they might fail, and
shows that in a more limited model they yield results almost identical to those obtained from using
cost variation as the exogenous source of variation. In his full model, the cost variation cannot be
used as the sole source of exogenous variation due to a dimensionality problem: there are too many
parameters to estimate.
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Taking the Dogma out of Econometrics: Structural Modeling and Credible Inference 77
in the data are unlikely to produce useful predictions. Yet, while sometimes this
might be the case, often the so-called "complicated models" are introduced exactly
to relax the reliance on functional forms. For example, the "complicated" demand
model of Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995) relaxes some of the strong implica
tions of the much simpler multinomial logit model. More recent work that explores
nonparametric identification and estimation of this model (for example, Berry and
Haile, 2009) even further relaxes some of the imposed structure. We therefore
believe that these concerns are due at least in part to a lack of familiarity and
comfort with the models used in industrial organization.
In sum, both merger simulation and the merger treatment effect approach
seem likely to be useful in some cases and fail in others. Depending on the ques
tion being addressed, and the availability of data, one approach might dominate.
Other Uses of Retrospective Estimates of Merger Treatment Effects
While using estimates of merger treatment effects to predict the effect of a
given merger has some serious limitations, the estimates can be very useful for
addressing other questions. Indeed, we have been encouraging retrospective
merger studies for a while (for example, Nevo, 2000; Whinston, 2007a, b).
First, whatever methods are used for predicting the effects of mergers before
they occur, retrospective studies of merger effects can be useful forjudging the
accuracy of those methods. This use of retrospective studies is fairly recent.6 For
example, Peters (2006) examines structural merger simulation methods as applied
to a set of airline mergers in the 1980s. He finds that the merger simulations fail to
predict accurately the magnitude of price changes in several of the mergers. Peters
also explores the sources of the errors in his merger simulations (for example, post
merger changes in product offerings, shifts in demand, or changes in behavior).
Of course, the perhaps more relevant issue is how the simulation method does
compared to other possibilities, such as prediction based on treatment effects computed
from other past mergers. Indeed, we can imagine future studies comparing struc
tural merger simulation methods to the treatment effect approach championed by
Angrist and Pischke, as well as other methods. (Peters, for example, compares the
structural merger simulation predictions to the predictions from a reduced-form
regression with industry concentration as the independent variable and price as
the dependent variable.)
Second, the problem of optimal legal (and regulatory) review has one impor
tant feature we have not mentioned: the costliness of the proceedings makes it
optimal to have screens based on limited evidence. For example, there may be
"safe harbors" granting approval to certain mergers without a full review. (This
is in effect what happens when the U.S. antitrust agencies decide not to issue a
"second request" for additional information about mergers that are reported under
the Hart-Scott-Rodino merger filing law.) For this purpose, knowing the average
6 See the discussion in Nevo (2000, page 416) in the context of mergers, or Hausman and Leonard
(2002), who evaluate the ability of structural models to accurately predict the gains from new goods.
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78 Journal of Economic Perspectives
effect in a wide class of mergers (for example, those in industries with concentra
tion below some level) would be useful information.7 However, determining this
average effect is nontrivial: in particular, it will not equal the average treatment
effect of approved mergers because the sample of approved mergers is a selected
sample, where the selection is based on additional information that was at the
agency or court's disposal.
How and Why Are Industrial Organization and Labor Different?
Empirical work in industrial organization does differ in some striking ways
from that in labor (and other fields that emphasize estimation of treatment effects).
We have discussed extensively one important difference?the heavier reliance on
structural modeling (and greater attention to issues this raises) in industrial orga
nization?but this is not the only difference.
Empirical papers in industrial organization are also less likely than are
papers in labor to focus on pinning down a particular "number"?like an elas
ticity or a price effect. Many structural papers in industrial organization, for
example, are focused on showing that an approach to answering a question is
feasible. And even nonstructural "reduced form" papers whose methods resemble
the treatment effect approach often focus on testing a general prediction of a
class of theoretical models rather than producing an estimate of a treatment
effect. For example, Borenstein and Shepard (1996) study cyclical pricing in the
gasoline market, using what is clearly not a structural approach, yet their focus
is on providing evidence in support of collusive pricing and not recovering a
particular number. Indeed, even Hastings (2004) seems to focus as much or more
on the sign of the price effects arising from the ARCO/Thrifty merger and what
they imply about the structure of retail gasoline competition than on the exact
magnitude of those effects.
An interesting question is why these differences across fields exist. Several
possible explanations suggest themselves. As our discussion of merger analysis
illustrates, industrial organization economists seem far more concerned than labor
economists that environmental changes are heterogeneous, so that useful esti
mates of average treatment effects in similar situations are not likely to be available.
We are unsure whether the typical merger is more distinctive than is the typical
labor market or education policy intervention, but Angrist and Pischke's discussion
of class size studies suggests that this may be the case. In addition, Angrist and
Pischke's discussion also suggests that the data available to labor economists may
be more likely than that in industrial organization to contain many examples of
similar changes, as well as a richer set of directly observable controls. To the extent
that either of these differences is present, it creates good reason for industrial
7 Actually, knowing the full distribution of effects, as well as how those distributions would be narrowed
with more information, would also be helpful.
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Aviv Nevo and Michael D. Whinston 79
organization economists to rely more explicitly on theory to predict responses than
labor economists do.
Another factor may relate to differences between the data available to
researchers and the data available to policymakers in the two fields. For
example, when an antitrust agency examines a merger, it is likely to have much
more information than would the typical researcher studying the same issue.
In contrast, a policymaker approaching a labor question probably has no more
information than does an outside researcher. As a result, it may be most useful
for industrial organization economists to identify techniques for policymakers
to use, while labor economists are most useful when they estimate effects,
pinning down numbers such as the elasticity of labor supply or the effect of
smaller class sizes.
Still another difference may be related to the nature of the models used in the
different fields. In general, the models used by industrial organization economists
tend to be more complicated than those used by labor economists. Consider, for
example, demand analysis. A labor economist might study how technical change
(perhaps the advent of computers) affects the demand for skilled and unskilled
labor. Doing so involves a fairly simple demand system. In contrast, an industrial
organization economist looking at how a change in the price of gasoline affects
consumer demand for cars would often be concerned with estimating reasonable
elasticities for many different car models. This leads to a much more complicated
model and estimation problem, as in Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995). More
over, in many of the problems studied by industrial organization economists,
strategic interaction between agents is of first-order importance, requiring tools
beyond simple supply and demand analysis. There are, of course, subfields of labor
where more complicated theoretical models arise, such as in studying search, but
these represent a minority of current work in labor.
That said, we suspect that some of the differences in the styles of empirical
work may be due more to cultural differences than to the actual economic prob
lems, suggesting that the differences are greater than they should be. For example,
in the demand estimation problems discussed in the previous paragraph: Should
labor economists distinguish among many different types of skilled and unskilled
labor? Should industrial organization economists use simpler, more aggregated
demand structures for cars? It probably depends on the question, but cultural
differences may now be driving these choices to some degree.
Indeed, a typical scholar of industrial organization is exposed to theory earlier
and more often in his or her career than is the typical labor economist, and is
therefore more likely to want, and be able, to relate to economic theory in empirical
work. The industrial organization researcher may also be more concerned about
the exact circumstances surrounding a policy intervention or exogenous event,
having been trained to think they are likely to be important (recall the merger
versus class size discussion). The exposure to theory could also be driving a desire
to not just measure an effect but to understand the mechanism at work?even if
there is no policy relevance.
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80 Journal of Economic Perspectives
As this point and the discussion above suggest, we suspect that researchers
in industrial organization and those in fields where treatment effect methods are
dominant would both do well to ask themselves where adoption of each others'
approaches could prove useful, while respecting the fact that differences in the
markets, data, and questions considered in different fields will call for differing
Belaboring the Obvious
Our view is that the future of econometrics and applied microeconomic work
is in combining careful design, credible inference, robust estimation methods, and
thoughtful modeling. Therefore, any serious empirical researcher should build a
toolkit consisting of different methods, to be used according to the specifics of the
question being studied and the available data. That this should not be an either-or
proposition seems quite obvious to us.
We thank Liran Einav, Igal Hendel, Jon Levin, Charles Manski, Ariel Fakes, Rob Porter,
and attendees of the Center for Study of Industrial Organization Lunch for useful comments
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Taylor for comments on an earlier draft
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