To be included in our
lottery, all applications
must be submitted by
April 1, 2022.
Instructions: The items marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be submitted in order to apply to
this charter school. Any items not marked by an (*) are optional. If you choose not to respond to the
optional items, that fact alone will not disqualify the applicant from admission to the school.
Signed applications must be received by 4:00 p.m., Thursday, April 1, 2022 to be eligible for the
lottery. Applications received after 4:00 p.m. on April 1, 2022 will be placed on the waiting list in the
order in which they were received.
The dates for DREAM’s lotteries
are as follows:
DREAM East Harlem: April 4, 2022
DREAM Mott Haven: April5, 2022
DREAM Highbridge: April6, 2022
Please choose the school(s) to which you
are applying. You may apply to more than
one location.
p DREAM East Harlem (Grades Pre-K - 8) 1991 2nd
Avenue, New York, NY 10029
p DREAM Mott Haven* (Grades K - 3 and 6 - 7) 411
Wales Avenue,
Mott Haven, Bronx, NY 10454
p DREAM Charter High School (Grades 9 - 12) 439
East 115th Street, New York, NY 10029
p DREAM Highbridge* (Kindergarten) - Address
*DREAM Mott Haven
and Highbridge will each grow by one grade
per year.
Student Information
p Pre-K
p 4th Grade
p 9th Grade
p Kindergarten
p 5th Grade
p 10th Grade
p 1st Grade
p 6th Grade
p 11th Grade
p 2nd Grade
p 7th Grade
p 12th Grade
p 3rd Grade
p 8th Grade
Children must turn four (4) by December 31, 2022 to be eligible for Pre-K.
A separate application must be submitted
for each applying student.
Parent/Guardian Information
First name* __________________________________________________ Last name* __________________________________________________
Primary phone* (xxx-xxx-xxxx) _________________________________ Additional phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) _________________________________
Email address ([email protected]) _________________________________ Additional email address ([email protected]) _________________________
Relationship to child:*
p Mother p Father p Legal Guardian p Other __________________________________
Application Preferences
At all DREAM locations, lottery preferences are offered for returning students, siblings of current students, and children of current staff, as well as for
students covered under the McKinney-Vento Act. Location-specific preferences are as follows:
DREAM East Harlem and High School:
Special preference will be given to incoming students who live in NYCHA housing in
Community School
District (CSD) 4. Preference will be given to incoming students residing in New York City’s CSD 4.
DREAM Mott Haven:
Special preference will be given to incoming students who live in NYCHA housing in Community School District (CSD) 7.
Preference will be given to incoming students who reside in New York City’s CSD 7.
DREAM Highbridge: Special preferencewill be given to incoming students who reside in New York City's CSD 9.
Sibling Preference
Does the applicant have a sibling who is CURRENTLY ENROLLED at DREAM?* p Yes p No
Sibling name ________________________________ Sibling grade ________ Current school _______________________ Date of birth ___/___/___
Does the applicant have a sibling who is CURRENTLY APPLYING to DREAM?* p Yes p No
Sibling name ________________________________ Sibling grade ________ Current school _______________________ Date of birth ___/___/___
NYCHA Preference
Children of Staff Preference
McKinney-Vento Preference
Do you live in a NYCHA development?
p Yes p No
Name of NYCHA development ________________________________________
Does the student have a parent currently working at any DREAM location?
p Yes p No
Parent name ________________________________________ Work location __________________________
Does the applicant currently live in a shelter, temporarily live with family/friends due to lack of
adequate housing or economic hardship, etc.? p Yes p No
Is the applicant a current DREAM program participant? Yes No
DREAM Mott Haven is still accepting applications for the current
school year for Grades K-2 and 6. Please check this box ONLY if
you wish to be considered for the current school year (2021-22).
DREAM Program Participant
Child’s name* __________________________________________________________
Date of birth* ____/____/____
Gender p Male p Female Nonbinary Prefer not to answer
Home address* ________________________________________ Apt # ___________
City* ___________________________ State* ________ Zip* ____________________
Grade entering in Fall 2022:*
Additional Information
Answers to the following questions are optional and will not affect your child’s
chances in DREAM’s lottery.
How did you hear about DREAM? Check all that apply.
p Internet search results (Google, Yahoo, etc.)
p Referral by DREAM staff member
p Referral by current DREAM family
p DREAM afterschool or summer programming
p Received a postcard in the mail
p Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
p Bus shelter / outdoor ads
p Newspaper / magazine article or ad
p Flyer in community/housing development/small business
p Community event/school fair
Instructions: The items marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be submitted in order to apply to this charter school. Any items not
marked by an (*) are optional. If you choose not to respond to the optional items, that fact alone will not disqualify the applicant from
admission to the school.
For office use only
Received by _______________________________ Date received ___________________ (mm/dd/yyyy)
How to Apply
Apply online at or drop off your application at any DREAM
For more information, call (347) 941-1601 or email [email protected].
Non-discrimination Statement and Parent Signature
Statement of non-discrimination: A charter school shall not discriminate against any student or limit the admission of any student on the basis
of ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, race, creed, religion or
ancestry or any other ground that would be unlawful if done by a school. A school may not require any action by a student or family (such as an
admissions test, interview, essay, attendance at an information session, etc.) in order for an applicant to either receive or submit an application
for admission to that school.
I agree that the school records of the student for whom I am submitting this application may be used for studies of this charter school. In these
studies, only aggregate outcomes, not individual students’ outcomes, will be reported.
Parent/guardian name _______________________________________ Parent/guardian signature _______________________________________
If your child is currently attending
another school, what grade are they in?
Current grade, if applicable: ________________