Evaluation of Parents Views on An
Early Childhood Science Program
Including Activities in Out-of-School
Learning Environments
Gonca Uludağ,
Nefise Semra Erkan
1. Giresun University, Giresun, rkiye
2. İstanbul Gelişim University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Abstract: Young childrens instinctive curiosity is essential in early
childhood science education. Efficacious science education is asso-
ciated with the characteristics of a qualified science program and
an effective learning environment. The out-of-school learning envi-
ronments make it easier to achieve the aims of science education in
early childhood with their opportunities and advantages. This sin-
gle case study aimed to reveal the views of the parents of children
aged 60-72 months who participated in an early childhood science
program that included science activities in out-of-school learning
environments, in the classroom, and at home. The Program, which
included parent involvement activities in the classroom, out-of-
school learning environments and at home, was implemented for
seven weeks. After completing all activities of the Program, the da-
ta obtained from the interviews with the parents were analyzed. The
findings showed that parents were interested in science and sup-
ported their children regarding science subjects, spent time at home
on science activities, and visited out-of-school learning environ-
ments with their children. It was determined that the out-of-school
learning activities of the Program contributed a lot to the child, and
the studies of parent involvement at home contributed variously for
both the child and the parents. The Program was effective as a
whole and parents requested its implementation throughout the
school year. Based on these findings, in this research, we discussed
the importance of frequently including science activities in out-of-
school learning environments and classroom activities in early
childhood and the parents involvement in the science education
process as valuable stakeholders.
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1966
Science Insights Education Frontiers 2023; 14(1):1965-1989.
Doi: 10.15354/sief.23.or085
How to Cite: Uludağ, G., & Erkan, N.S. (2023). Evaluation of parents views
on an early childhood science program including activities in out-of-school
learning environments. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 14(1):1965-
Keywords: Out-of-School Learning Environment, Science Education, Early Child-
hood, Parent Involvement
About the Authors: Gonca Uludağ, Assistant Professor, PhD, Department of Early Childhood Education, Giresun
University, Giresun, Türkiye. E-mail: drgoncauludag@gmail.com
Nefise Semra Erkan, Professor, PhD, Department of Child Development, İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul,
rkiye. E-mail: nsemraerka[email protected]
Correspondence to: Assistant Professor Gonca Uludağ at Giresun University of Turkey.
Ethics: Ethics permission for the research was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Hacettepe University
(14.04.2015-76000869/433_1200). In addition, data collection permission was obtained from the local unit of the
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Education (12.05.2015-14588481-605.99-E.4942724).
Conflict of Interests: None
© 2023 Insights Publisher. All rights reserved.
Creative Commons NonCommercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
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the original work is attributed by the Insights Publisher.
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1967
WHAT is science? There is no doubt that there is no single answer to
this question. Paulu and Martin (1992) have defined science as observ-
ing whats happening, predicting what might happen, testing predic-
tions, and trying to make sense of our observations. Science is a body of
knowledge or a body of facts associated with particular disciplines such
as biology, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, psychology, information
and communication technology, and so on) (Johnston, 2005, p.10-11). Sci-
ence involves the process of trial, error and retries (Paulu & Martin, 1992),
and this process brings about discoveries. Therefore, science is a process of
research, discovery and understanding (Uludağ & Erkan, 2020). Uludağ and
Erkan (2020) defined science as acquiring knowledge about the world by
using the innate sense of curiosity, discovery and learning, and the ways of
reaching knowledge (p.3).
Science is an exciting topic that attracts young children. Because
children like to know how things are, and science encourages them to test
how things work. Science, which is highly related to other fields, provides
recognition and understanding of the world (Kelly, 2015). Young childrens
curiosity about their daily lives and the world around them improves scien-
tific concepts, knowledge, skills and attitudes. The equal development of
these scientific concepts, knowledge, skills and attitudes is essential for chil-
dren not to develop alternative conceptions or misconceptions and positive
scientific attitudes (Johnston, 2005).
Science Education in Early Childhood
The aim of science education in early childhood is to improve childrens
knowledge of the world and to help them learn the methods to be used in
discovering, evaluating, reviewing and communicating this information, and
to nurture, enrich and sustain their natural interest in scientific knowledge
(Klahr et al., 2011). In early childhood, science education should provide
active participation of children in the process with a qualified program, en-
able hands-on experiences, be child-centered, develop a positive attitude to-
wards science, include knowledge and skills that will form the basis for bet-
ter understanding of scientific concepts and future science learning, enable
acquiring knowledge and getting to know the world by using sensory organs,
and develop science process skills (Conezio & French, 2002; Hachey & But-
ler, 2009; Mantzicopoulos et al., 2008; OConnor & Rosicka, 2020; Pattison
& Dierking, 2019).
There are three main content areas of science education in early
childhood: life sciences, physical sciences, earth and space sciences
(Charlesworth & Lind, 2013; Lester, 2007). Children need to understand and
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1968
use these areas, focusing on science events, concepts, principles, theories and
models (National Research Council [NRC], 1996). Today, engineering,
technology and science applications are also included in the content (NRC,
2012). Characteristics, biology and ecosystems of living organisms in chil-
dren in the context of life sciences; properties of matter, sound, motion and
energy in the context of physical sciences; In the content of earth and space
sciences, it is aimed to structure the concepts of the Earths place in the uni-
verse and its systems, and the effects of human activities on these systems
(Vermont Early Learning Standards, 2015). A qualified science program and
an effective learning environment have a fundamental role in achieving the
goals of early childhood science education and in helping children learn sci-
ence content.
Out-of-School Learning Environment
The themes and key issues of 21st-century skills, emphasized in this century,
are built on four support systems, one of which is learning environments
(Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2019). It is known that appropriate
learning environments positively affect child development zbay-Karlıdağ,
2021). Learning experiences of young children are best realized in environ-
ments where they can use all their senses (Kostelnik et al., 2014). The out-
of-school learning environments (OSLE) appeal to childrens senses and
stimulate them.
Museums, botanical gardens, zoos, science centers and aquariums are
OSLE and associating activities in these environments with the curriculum
and achieving learning outcomes is defined as out-of-school learning (Laçin-
Şimşek & Öztuna-Kaplan, 2022). OSLE start with the school garden and
spread towards the immediate environment (Loxley et al., 2010). Using these
environments in science education is interesting for children, increases learn-
ing motivation, develops scientific and social skills, develops positive atti-
tudes towards science, and makes learning in the classroom permanent and
meaningful (Öcal & Uludağ, 2022; Guardino et al., 2019). Therefore, parents
use of these environments is as important as teachers use of these environ-
ments. Because one of the essential stakeholders in qualified science educa-
tion is parents.
Parents Role in Science Education
Young childrens first informal science experiences occur in their interaction
with their parents (Crowley et al., 2001). Parents may not have a strong sci-
ence infrastructure to experience science with their children, but there are
many opportunities to learn science in everyday life. For example, how long
it takes for a rose to bloom fully, to monitor and record changes in the Moon,
to monitor/track a kittens growth, to make cakes together, etc. (Paulu &
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1969
Martin, 1992). These informal experiences can also be transformed into a
more planned process with home-based and school-based parent involve-
ment activities when the child starts school.
Parent involvement refers to parents activities to support childrens
education (Camarero-Figuerola et al., 2020). Parent involvement is discussed
in two groups as participating in school and home activities (Martinez, 2015).
Parent involvement in science education is strongly recommended (The Na-
tional Science Teachers Association [NSTA], 1994). Parents encourage the
daily use of their childrens science concepts and process skills, helping
them develop the skills necessary for success. NSTA (1994) recommends
that parents give the child time to do science, listen to and talk to the childs
questions, not avoid saying what they dont know, and be eager to seek an-
swers to questions. Parents should also encourage the school to do science
activities and explore OSLE such as museums, airports and recycling centers
with the child.
Aim of the Research
The current research aimed to reveal the views of parents of children who
participated in an early childhood science program that included science ac-
tivities in OSLE, in the classroom, and at home. The following research
questions (RQ) were addressed with the study;
RQ1. Are parents interested in science, and how does the child answer ques-
tions about science?
RQ2. Do parents do science activities at home with child and visiting sci-
ence-related OSLE?
RQ3. According to the parents, what are the contributions of science-related
OSLE to the child?
RQ4. What are the parents views on the contribution of the Programs ac-
tivities in OSLE and parent involvement at home?
RQ5. According to the parents, what are the Programs contributions as a
whole to child?
RQ6. What are the parents interest in the Program and the reasons for their
Research Model
The research is a descriptive case study and has a holistic single-case design.
Descriptive case studies deal with the how of a situation. The holistic sin-
gle case design covers a single unit of analysis (such as individual, organiza-
tion, and program) and is used to investigate unique situations and topics that
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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have not been studied before (Yin, 2018). This research is about describing
the effects of a specific program.
Study Group
The research included the parents of 27 children aged 60-72 months who at-
tended an official kindergarten and participated in the Program (mother: 18,
father: 9). The demographic characteristics of the parents were as follows: 41%
of their mothers and 60% of their fathers were between the ages of 35-40. 74%
of mothers and 66% of fathers had bachelors degree. 37% of mothers and
48% of fathers were self-employed.
In the selection of the school where the Program was applied, the
physical facilities of the school, the willingness of the school administration,
parents and classroom teachers to participate in the research, and the absence
of children in any other research during the time period in which the research
will be conducted were taken into consideration. In addition, since science
activities were carried out in both classroom and OSLE, it was considered
that the school was in the city center for ease of transportation and more ef-
fective use of time. In order to carry out science activities in the school gar-
den, security measures were taken (being surrounded by fences etc.) and the
choice was made among the schools, the ground of which were not covered
with asphalt, with a garden with trees, soil and green areas.
Content and Implementation of the Program
The Program was prepared by the researchers in line with expert views to
support the science process skills of children aged 60-72 months (Ulud&
Erkan, in press). The Program consists of science activities in the classroom
and OSLE and parent involvement activities at home. In the Program, which
includes large and small group activities, there are 36 activities in total, 21 in
the classroom and 15 in OSLE. Based on the constructivist and science proc-
ess approach, the Program has seven gains and 24 indicators for observing,
comparing, classifying, measuring, data recording/communicating, inferring
and predicting skills. The Program includes life sciences, physical sciences,
earth and space sciences. The Programs table of specifications is presented
in Table 1 (Uludağ & Erkan, in press).
The Programs activities in the classroom and OSLE (Aquarium, In-
sect Festival School (IFS), Natural History Museum, Planetarium, Science
Center, Veterinary Anatomy Museum, school garden) were carried out by
the researcher for seven weeks, three days a week, in the classroom (Photo-
graph 1-2) for 45-50 minutes each, and OSLE for 2-3 hours once a week
(Photograph 3-8, taken by the researchers). In the evaluations made at
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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the end of the Program, it was determined that the Program positively af-
fected children’s science process skills (Uludağ & Erkan, in press).
Within the scope of the Program, complementary worksheets pre-
pared for the activities of the children during the week were delivered to the
parents by the teacher every Friday. These worksheets included activities
Table 1. The Program’s Table of Specifications.
**Shows the scientific process skills related to the activity in the school garden (LS=Life Sciences, PS=Physical Sciences,
ESS=Earth and Space Sciences)
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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Photograph 1. Classifing of Seashells.
Photograph 2. Recognize Non-Standard Measurement Tools.
Photograph 3-4. Museum of Veterinary Anatomy - Examination of Frozen Samples.
Photograph 5. Science Center-Milk Experiments Workshop (Structure of Milk).
Photograph 6. Natural History Museum- Examination of the Cave Model.
Photograph 7-8. Aquarium-Various Marine Animals and Snake Observations.
to reinforce childrens learning in the OSLE they visited and carried out ac-
tivities in the relevant week, activities to support science process skills, and
information notes about the OSLE to be visited the following week. These
worksheets aimed to increase the effect by repeating and reinforcing chil-
drens knowledge and involving parents in the process. Parents did the ac-
tivities on the worksheets with child and delivered the worksheets to the
teacher on the first school day of each week. For example, in the worksheets,
there were tasks such as chatting with children about the out-of-school learn-
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1973
Picture 1. A Drawing of the Aquarium Activities.
Child: “This is the tunnel we passed through, the stingrays were passing over us, here are they, I saw the
biggest stingray, I saw their eyes, this is the crocodile I drew. I never thought I’d see a real crocodile
(Laughs). It was moving very slowly, and I drew it here as moving slowly.
Picture 2. A Drawing of the Activities of the Natural History Mu-
Child: “I drew the jaguar that we saw, this is the cave that we entered, the voices echo in the cave, that is
the flying dinosaur, they are no longer alive, that’s the tree trunk that we saw. We know the age of the
trees from these lines. I also saw the fossils; I drew them all differently because there were slightly differ-
ent ones.
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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ing environment in which the activity was carried out in the relevant week,
asking children thought-provoking questions, asking children to draw the
objects/events they saw in the out-of-school learning environment and to ex-
plain their observations through these drawings (Picture 1-2), doing activi-
ties that support science process skills (comparing and sorting the cards
showing the life cycle of the chick, chatting about similar and different char-
acteristics of family members, conducting simple experiments and noting the
processes with the childs expressions, etc.). These worksheets from the par-
ents were filed in separate folders for each child, thus ensuring that the tasks
were performed.
The data were obtained through interviews using an open-ended
questionnaire prepared by the researchers. In the first part of the form, ques-
tions about the parents age, parent type (father-mother), education level and
profession were included; in the second part, questions about whether the
parent is interested in science, the status of childrens answering science
questions, the status of carrying out science activities with the child and vis-
iting OSLE, and their views about the contributions of science-related OSLE
to the child were included. The questions in the second part aimed to deter-
mine the parents views on science and on performing science activities with
their children; thus, it was aimed to obtain preliminary information for the
answers to the questions in the third part. In the third part, questions were
asked to determine their views on the Programs activities in OSLE, parent
involvement activities at home, their contributions in terms of children and
the request for implementation. The average duration of the interviews was
40 minutes.
Data Collection
The data were obtained immediately after the completion of the Programs
activities. Necessary ethical and official permissions were obtained before
data collection. Participants were told that participation in the research was
voluntary and that they had the right to withdraw at any time. Confidentiality
and anonymity were guaranteed. Some of the interviews were conducted
face-to-face, and the researchers noted the answers given in writing. It was
determined that some parents could not participate in the face-to-face inter-
view due to reasons such as their work life, the presence of another child/
other children in need of home care, and the lack of transportation to school.
In this case, the data collection tool was delivered to the parents by the
teacher in printed form, and phone calls were made to willing parents.
Data Analysis
The data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The content
analysis aims to reach concepts and relationships that explain the collected
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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data, and similar data are gathered and interpreted within the framework of
specific concepts and themes epni, 2014). In this respect, the data were
first read within the predetermined framework in the research. As a unit of
analysis, words were used, codings were made according to the concepts ex-
tracted from the data, and direct quotations that could be used in the mean-
time were also noted. Then, the similarities and differences between the
codes were reviewed, and the themes were obtained. The data organized in
this way were supported by direct quotations. Two researchers carried out
the analysis process independently, and the formula (reliability=number of
agreements/total number of agreements + disagreements) was used to reveal
the coder reliability (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p.64). As a result of the cal-
culation, the percentage of agreement between the coders was determined as
91%. It is recommended that the inter-coder reliability rate should be 90%
and above (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Codes assigned to parents for use in
reporting data and direct quotations were presented in the findings.
Parents Interest in Science and Answering the Childs
Science Questions
According to the findings obtained within the scope of RQ1, all parents
stated that they were interested in science and tried to clearly and under-
standably answer the childs questions about science. However, some of the
parents stated that they investigated the answer of the question with the child
(n=8), some tried to explain the answer to the childs question with examples
and practices (n=6), and some parents stated that they encouraged the child
to ask more questions (n=2). (n= the number of participants). The samples of
parents quotes follow:
Parent 1: I am interested in science. I am happy when I see my
childs desire to learn something. I explain it to him/her in a way
that he/she can understand and make him/her understand by giv-
ing examples.
Parent 3: Im interested in science. Because Im a chemist, my
daughter knows university life very well. Were going to the lab
with him, and he knows how to experiment. Since I work at home,
he has an interest in science subjects. I explain his questions in
the most detailed way and explain them with practices; we spend
time together this way.
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1976
Performing Science Activities at Home with Child and
Visiting Science-Related OSLE
According to the findings obtained within the scope of RQ2, some of the
parents stated that they did science activities at home with their child (n =
17), while some of the others stated that they could not do science activities
at home with their children because of lack of time (n = 5) and some of them
stated that they did not know what to do (n = 2). Three parents stated that
they did not do science activities with their children. However, they only did
science activities at home with children within the scope of the Programs
parent involvement activities. The samples of parents quotes follow:
Parent 9: Yes, sometimes we do. For example, we studied how
the seed became a plant. We planted seeds in the pots, growing
flowers, parsley and onions. We examined them.
Parent 4: No (we cant do the activity). Because we are working
very hard and we do not have time.
Twenty-four parents said they visited their childrens science-related
OSLE. The OSLE that parents visit with the child were the zoo (f = 15), the
greenhouse/botanical garden (f = 8), the aquarium (f = 5), the science center
(f = 3), the science museum (f = 2), the natural history museum (f = 2) and
nature (f = 2). Three parents stated that they could not make such visits due
to their busy working life [f = Frequency of code in data (raw count)].
The Contribution of Science-Related OSLE to Child
According to the findings obtained within the scope of RQ3, the codes and
frequencies related to the contribution of science-related OSLE to child are
presented in Table 2.
According to Table 2, parents thought that OSLE mostly aroused cu-
riosity in children and led them to explore. The samples of parents quotes
Parent 27: We visited many museums, science museums, bo-
tanical gardens and zoos. My son mostly asked why and how
questions in these places we visited. Many things attracted his at-
tention, and he remembered the information even after a long
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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Table 2. The Contribution of Science-Related OSLE to Child.
Arousing curiosity
Raising awareness for animal protection
Leading to discovery
Helping to overcome the animal phobia
Providing a permanent learning opportunity
Greenhouse/Botanical garden
Leading to discovery
Ensuring that child learns about plants
Science center/Science museum
Arousing curiosity
Providing concrete learning opportunity
Natural history museum
Leading to discovery and research
Providing a permanent learning opportunity
*: Frequency of code in data (raw count)
Table 3. The Contributions of the Program’s Activities in OSLE.
Learning process
Awakening the desire to learn
Making the learning process enjoyable
Providing new learning
Ensuring that learning is permanent
Making children want to go to school
Development of science process skills
Developing communication skills
Improving observing skills
Improving comparing skills
Developing predicting skills
Developing inferring skills
Science learning
Increasing interest in science/science subjects
Increasing the use of scientific terms and descriptions
Arousing interest in OSLE
Helping to reduce animal phobia
Increasing love for animal
Increasing self-confidence
*: Frequency of code in data (raw count)
Parent 24: We went to the zoo and aquarium. This place al-
lowed him to get to know animals and overcome his fear of ani-
mals a little bit. He began to wonder how the animals were fed
and how they were born.
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The Contributions of the Programs Activities in OSLE
and about Parent Involvement at Home
According to the findings obtained within the scope of RQ4, the themes,
codes and frequencies obtained from the views on the contribution of the
Programs activities in OSLE to children are presented in Table 3.
According to Table 3, the activities of the Program in OSLE contrib-
ute mostly to the childrens learning process. In addition, the parents stated
that the activities improved science process skills, increased their interest in
science-related subjects and positively affected their development. The sam-
ples of parents quotes follow:
Parent 5: He describes all events in detail. That his hair flew
electrically at the Science Center, he made experiments with
vinegar, everything. All the activities and trips made him go to
school excitedly. He studies everything he sees more and more in
detail now. He establishes cause-effect relationships.
Parent 10: He returned very happy from all his trips. When he
came home, he gave detailed information about the events he had
experienced that day. He fondly described the fish in the aquar-
ium, the skeletons in the natural (historical) museum, and so on.
He has started to make more observations; he is examining his
surroundings in more detail. He also wants scientific explana-
tions for any event. He thinks the word science is very important.
Its certainly easier for him to learn that way.
The contributions of the Programs activities about parent involve-
ment at home were grouped into two groups for child and parent. The themes,
codes and frequencies obtained from the views are presented in Table 4.
According to Table 4, the learning process is first in the category of
contributions for children. In this theme, it is seen that parents think that
their children enjoy working with them and learning the Program worksheets
at home and that this practice is educational and instructive for children.
However, some parents stated that their children started to be curious about
science and their interest increased. Some contributions are improving chil-
drens self-confidence and strengthening their communication skills. In addi-
tion, parents stated that the worksheets of the Program guided them in carry-
ing out science activities with children at home. The samples of parents
quotes follow:
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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Table 4. The Contributions of the Program’s Activities About Parent
Involvement at Home.
Learning process
That it is enjoyable
Being educational/instructive
Reinforcing learning
Improving vocabulary
Increasing curiosity/interest in science/science subjects
Increasing self-confidence
Strengthening communication skills
For Parents
Providing counselling in carrying out science activities
Offering the opportunity to follow up on the development of children
Facilitating communication with children
Providing the opportunity to get to know children
*: Frequency of code in data (raw count)
Table 5. The Contributions of the Program as A Whole to Child.
Science learning
Willing to learn about the science
Using scientific terms and making scientific explanations
Asking more questions on various science topics
Requesting science materials from the parents
Awakening the desire to be a scientist in children
Learning process
Willingness to research and discovery
Enjoying the learning process
Permanent learning
Willing to share learned information
Starting to like the school
Development of science process skills
Developing communication skills
Developing observation skills
Developing inference skills
*: Frequency of code in data (raw count)
Parent 9: As soon as he comes from school, he asks about these
activities. Mom, lets see whats going on- (on the worksheets).
Lets do it, he says. Hes started to be interested in everything.
When the activities are over, he says, Any more? So we started
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
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to do other experiments, activities, and research information
from the internet.
Parent 12: I think it reinforces everything he has learned and
more within the Program. He talks about it all the time. He
started talking more about science at home. He shared what he
saw and learned through these activities (on the worksheet).
These events have been a guide also for me. I have learned what
my child can understand and learn.
The Contributions of the Program as A Whole to Child
According to the findings obtained within the scope of RQ5, the themes,
codes and frequencies related to the contribution of the Program as a whole
to the child, according to parents views, are presented in Table 5.
According to Table 5, parents think that the curriculum contributes
mainly to the child in science learning; at the same time, it contributes vari-
ously to the development of the learning process and science process skills.
The samples of parents quotes follow:
Parent 11: He says he loves science. His attention and interest
in his environment increased. Hes questioning everything now.
He asks us why-how everything he sees is done, he wants to learn
more, and he is very happy.
Parent 8: My child has become a child who wants to experiment
thanks to the Program. Hes also waiting for a scientific explana-
tion for every incident. He thinks the word science is very impor-
tant. While watching cartoons at home, I observed that he started
to choose those content that includes experiments and describes
animals. And the questions he asks amaze me. Planets, day and
night formation, germination of seeds, the natural life of insects...
He explains many subjects in his own words and tries to teach us.
He also wants to know what he doesnt know.
Parent 27: His curiosity for science has increased, and he
wants to be a scientist. Actually, he always said he wanted to be a
painter. He questions the before and after of every event that
happens around him. He began to look for a reason as to why
this had happened. He draws pictures of how it rains. He tells the
lava of volcanos. He excitedly describes the science activities we
do at home to our family elders as a discovery, which makes us
very happy. This is spectacular.
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Parents Interest in the Program and the Reasons for Interest Accord-
ing to the findings obtained within the scope of RQ6, the implementation
period of the Program is seven weeks. However, all of the parents demanded
that the content of the Program be applied for one academic year. Because
according to parents, the Program is a program that is fun/instructive (f = 10),
effective/successful (f = 7), efficient/useful (f = 4), enjoyable/entertaining (f
= 4), engaging (f = 3), different (f = 3), allows parent involvement (f = 3),
supports the development of the child (f = 2), is loved by children and is
wanted to continue (f = 2). The samples of parents quotes follow:
Parent 13: I want it to continue. So does my daughter. He says
he wants to learn more and see new places.
Parent 26: I really want it to continue throughout the year. At
the beginning of this year, my daughter and I made a list of
places to visit. Places visited under this Program were also on
our list, and there were even more. This work seems like a mira-
cle to us. I think it supports his development, and he asked us for
a telescope as a gift on his birthday. We were very surprised.
Parent 4: (The Program) It should continue until the year ends.
I think this training is very useful. I would love for my child to be
interested in science. I think this training is the first step for him.
So we did things with our child that we never thought we would
do because of the busy schedule. We spent time with him. My son
learned new things, and I think it was very effective.
As a result of the research, it was determined that all parents were interested
in science, and they tried to answer the childs questions about science
clearly and understandably. The answers to the questions that were unknown
by some parents were investigated together with children, the answer to the
childs question was tried to be explained with examples and practices, and
the child was encouraged to ask more questions. Accordingly, it can be said
that parents find it essential to encounter science-related issues at an early
age and have a positive approach to encouraging the child to learn. Kıldan
and Pektaş (2009) determined that preschool teachers think parents are es-
sential in encouraging the childs curiosity about science-related issues. Par-
ents play a critical role in their childrens observation, discovery and re-
search of the world they live in (Zucker et al., 2021, p.3). However, the en-
thusiasm and courage of the parents can ignite the childs interest in science
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1982
(Paulu & Martin, 1992). Aktamis et al. (2008) concluded in their research
that parents interest in science helps children grasp the importance of sci-
ence in daily life.
It has been determined that many parents do various science activities
with their children at home; however, a few cannot do such activities due to
a lack of time and not knowing what to do. Some parents stated that they
only did science activities within the scope of the Programs activities about
parent involvement at home with the child. Accordingly, it can be said that
some situations prevent the realization of parent-child interaction in science,
and the Program plays a mediating role in performing science activities at
home. In the research conducted by Erkan et al. (2016), it was determined
that reasons such as lack of time, intensity of working life, intensity of
housework, lack of pedagogical knowledge are the factors that prevent
home-based parent involvement of parents whose children attend early
childhood education institutions. Directing parents to parent involvement
activities, the teachers guide for parents, and planning home-based partici-
pation are also important parts of the education process. According to
Mumpini et al.s (2021) research, parents already have a proper understand-
ing of early childhood science learning and can theoretically support the
Most parents stated that they visited OSLE with the child. The most
important of these environments are the zoo, greenhouse/botanical garden
and aquarium. Some parents point to busy work life as why these environ-
ments cannot be visited. Science and technology museums, anatomy muse-
ums, history museums, science centers, science camps, planetariums,
aquariums, national parks, zoos, botanical gardens, school gardens, farms,
nature centers (lake, river etc.), industrial establishments, hospitals, post of-
fices, digital environments, cinema and theatres, historical open areas, librar-
ies, educational environments of non-governmental organizations, camps
conducted within a specific program are OSLE (Cabello & Ferk Savec, 2018;
Çolakoğlu, 2019; Eshach, 2007; Laçin-Şimşek, 2020; Republic of rkiye
Ministry of National Education, 2019; Walsh & Straits, 2014). Although it is
pleasing for parents to visit these environments with their children, it is seen
that one of the reasons for not being able to participate in science activities at
home is the intense work life and, accordingly, not being able to spare time.
However, it is a fact that parents good planning of the balance and time
management between their work lives and the needs of their children plays
an essential role in the childs development.
Parents explained the contribution of OSLE for children, mostly
through the zoo and aquarium, and stated that OSLE arouse childrens curi-
osity and lead them to explore. In the research of İnce and Akcanca (2021),
parents stated that using OSLE in early childhood education provides many
advantages for childrens cognitive, affective, social and life skills. Ramey-
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1983
Gassert (1997) states that environments such as science centers, museums,
and zoos provide motivational, engaging, enjoyable, and non-threatening,
hands-on opportunities.
According to the parents, the Programs activities in OSLE contribute
various contributions to children in terms of the learning process, develop-
ment of science process skills, and science learning and development. At this
point, we would like to mention the importance of the planning and imple-
mentation process, one of the most critical dimensions of the activities to be
carried out in OSLE with preschool children. It can be predicted that taking
children out of school will raise parents concerns. İnce and Akcanca (2021)
determined that parents whose children continue early childhood education
experience various concerns about possible accidents and hazards in out-of-
school activities, high-class size, the structure of the OSLE and how to meet
the needs of the child. Uludağ (2021) determined that preschool teachers
face parent-based problems such as concerns about their childrens safety
and health problems, negative attitudes towards their childrens participation
in activities, finding these activities unnecessary, and not wanting to pay
transportation and entrance fees. Fear and anxiety about out-of-school activi-
ties are essential obstacles to realising these activities (Dillon et al., 2006).
However, a good planning process and appropriate practices in this direction
will reduce parents anxiety and ensure active use of the environment. As a
matter of fact, in the current research, parents were the supporters of the
process and stated the contribution of the activities.
It is obvious that the use of OSLE in science education in early
childhood is related to the perspectives of teachers and parents in these envi-
ronments. Teachers may be shy about carrying out activities in these envi-
ronments due to environmental opportunities, security problems, parental
problems and problems related to themselves (lack of knowledge and experi-
ence, etc.) (Uludağ, 2021). However, it is known that parents do not prefer
these environments for reasons such as costly use and security problems
(İnce & Akcanca, 2021; Uludağ, 2017). Each preschool setting will have its
unique possibilities and constraints for using science as a context for early
childhood learning. However, small actions by both preschool teachers and
parents can make a big difference in highlighting the joy and curiosity of
science (Raven & Wenner, 2022).
Parents stated that the Programs activities parent involvement at
home contribute to the child and themselves. Parents are an indispensable
part of early childhood education. However, parent involvement in early
childhood education is an important opportunity for children to learn. Powell
et al. (2010) found that parent involvement in early childhood education con-
tributes to childrens academic, cognitive and social development. In addi-
tion, parent involvement is also effective in developing childrens self-
esteem and self-efficacy skills (Graham & Kankpi, 2020; Mishra, 2012).
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1984
Parent involvement in science education positively affects childrens science
achievement and attitudes towards science (Fleer & Rillero, 1999; Reinhart
et al., 2016). According to Güler and Hazır Bıkmaz (2002), preschool teach-
ers think that cooperation with the family is essential for effective science
education and that the child should be given some responsibilities at home.
In line with this finding, it is seen that the Program is a science program that
contributes to both children and parents with the dimension of parent in-
volvement at home. It is known that many science programs/projects are im-
plemented in various countries related to science education in early child-
hood and parent involvement plays an essential role in them. Preschool
Pathways to Science, ScienceStart! are among these programs. Kefi (2020)
states that parent involvement is one of the most important strategies of early
childhood science education programs. Therefore, it is clear that the Pro-
grams parent involvement activities at home play an essential role in the
success of the Program. However, it can be said that parents interest in sci-
ence is also effective in the success of the Program. Sahin-Cakır and Uludag
(2022) determined that parents perceptions about science and participation
in science activities in early childhood were positive.
According to the parents, the program as a whole contributed to the
childs science learning, the development of the learning process, and sci-
ence process skills. It is known that OSLE has many benefits for K-12 chil-
dren (Anderson et al., 2000; Armağan, 2015; Attisano, 2021; Balçın & Ya-
vuz-Topaloğlu, 2019; Bamberger & Tal, 2008; Bozdoğan & Kavcı, 2016;
Dağal & Bayındır, 2016; DeMarie, 2001; Dohn, 2011; Erten & Taşçi, 2016;
Erentay, 2013; Gerber et al., 2001; Hoisington et al., 2010; Li, 2022; Neill,
2008; Sobel et al., 2022; Okur-Berberoglu et. al., 2013; Toprakkaya, 2016;
Uludağ & Erkan, in press; Ürey & Çepni, 2014). Civelek and Özyılmaz-
Akamca (2018) determined that preschool education supported with outdoor
activities improves the science process skills of preschool children and that
children find the activities enjoyable. However, the Program, which is a
seven-week program, has been a program with its content that all the parents
demanded to be implemented for an academic year. The reason for this re-
quest was explained as the Program being enjoyable/instructive, effec-
tive/successful, beneficial/useful, entertaining/enjoyable, engaging, different,
enabling parent involvement, supporting the childs development and being
loved and desired by children to continue. Accordingly, it is possible to say
that the Program serves its purpose.
Conclusion and Recommendations
According to the research results, parents are interested in science and try to
answer their childs questions about science clearly and understandably.
They usually spare time for science activities with children at home and visit
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1985
various OSLE with children. It has been determined that these environments
arouse curiosity in children and lead them to explore. The Programs activi-
ties carried out in OSLE contribute to childrens learning process, science
process skills, science learning and development, and the Programs parent
involvement studies have various contributions for both children and parents,
the Program generally contributes to children in terms of science learning,
learning process and science process skills. In addition, due to its many posi-
tive features, parents wanted the Program to be applied throughout the entire
academic year.
Early childhood science education is essential for children to know
and understand the world, develop science process skills, and form the basis
of further science learning. Considering that young children need concrete
materials, effective learning environments and real hands-on experiences for
learning, the active use of OSLE also gains importance. To achieve science
acquisitions in early childhood education, activities in OSLE, which are suit-
able for learning science and performing science activities, should also be
included as classroom activities. Based on this result, we suggest that the use
of this and similar content science programs should be widespread and that
the active use of OSLE should be included in early childhood education
policies. We also suggest making cooperation to benefit from OSLE with
systematic and planned practices in early childhood science education to
support parent involvement in early childhood science education.
The research has a limitation. The analysis is based on the experiences of
parents whose children participated in the Program and who are also a part
of parent involvement and their observations of changes/development in
their child. In future studies, studies can be conducted to determine the con-
tribution of this Program to science learning in later years (for example, pri-
mary school). It is possible to research with larger working groups. Mixed
method studies can be designed to compare results. Parents views could be
addressed in terms of various variables, but these were not the aim of this
research. This research aimed to reveal the effects of a program based on us-
ing OSLE in science education with parents evaluations. All the results are
considered an opportunity to construct subsequent relevant research on the
importance of using OSLE in early childhood science education.
We would like to thank the children who participated in the Program and the par-
ents who participated in this research. We also thank the reviewers for their criti-
cism and suggestions about the article. The research was presented as an oral
Uludağ & Erkan. (Türkiye). Parents’ Views on An Early Childhood Science Program.
SIEF, Vol.14, No.1, 2023 1986
presentation at the X. International Congress of Educational Research in Türkiye
(Nevsehir) on 27-30 April 2018.
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Received: 16 September 2022
Revised: 04 October 2022
Accepted: 27 October 2022