The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop
New America
Elisabeth R. McClure
Lisa Guernsey
Douglas H. Clements
Susan Nall Bales
Jennifer Nichols
Nat Kendall-Taylor
Michael H. Levine
With contributions from
Peggy Ashbrook
Cindy Hoisington
Winter 2017
Grounding science, technology,
engineering, and math education
in early childhood
starts early
About the authors
Elisabeth R. McClure, PhD, is a research fellow at the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
She received her degree from Georgetown University’s Department of Psychology (Human
Development and Public Policy track), and conducts research on young children and digital media.
Lisa Guernsey, MA, is deputy director of the Education Policy program and director of the Learning
Technologies project at New America. A former staff writer for the New York Times and Chronicle
of Higher Education, she is dedicated to translating research for and communicating policy ideas
to general audiences. She is the author of Screen Time: How Electronic Media—From Baby Videos to
Educational Software—Affects Your Young Child (Basic Books, 2012), and the co-author with Michael
H. Levine of Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens (Jossey-Bass, 2015).
Douglas H. Clements, PhD, is the executive director of the Marsico Insitute of Early Learning and
Literacy at the University of Denver’s Morgridge College of Education. A former preschool and
kindergarten teacher, he has conducted decades of research on the learning and teaching of
early math and the use of technology to support early learning.
Susan Nall Bales, MA, is founder of and senior advisor to the FrameWorks Institute. She has
published widely on framing, science translation, and communications for social good, and is
a senior fellow at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
Jennifer Nichols, PhD, is senior associate and assistant director of research interpretation and
application at the FrameWorks Institute. She previously worked as a higher education policy
specialist and has studied how narratives in literature and lm affect public discourse on
important social and political matters.
Nat Kendall-Taylor, PhD, is chief executive ofcer at the FrameWorks Institute, where he leads
a multi-disciplinary team of social scientists and communications practitioners who investigate
ways to apply framing research methods to social issues.
Michael H. Levine, PhD, is the founder and executive director of the Joan Ganz Cooney Center
at Sesame Workshop, a non-prot research organization focused on advancing learning in our
digital age. Drawing on his expertise in research, policy, and communications, he serves on numerous
boards and appears frequently in the media. He is the co-author with Lisa Guernsey of Tap, Click,
Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens (Jossey-Bass, 2015).
A full-text PDF of this report is available as a free download from:
Suggested citation
McClure, E. R., Guernsey, L., Clements, D. H., Bales, S. N., Nichols, J., Kendall-Taylor, N., & Levine,
M. H. (2017). STEM starts early: Grounding science, technology, engineering, and math education in early
childhood. New York: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
STEM starts early is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1417878.
Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reect the views of the NSF.
I. executive summary
II. introduction
An ecological systems approach
III. the child at the center: what research tells
us about children and STEM
Early mathematics, early science, early technology, and engineering
Interdisciplinary connections
Specific populations
IV. the microsystem: teachers and parents as the
gateway to STEM
The importance of teachers
Teacher confidence
Child development and pedagogy
The power of family engagement in STEM learning
V. the mesosystem: interactions between home
and school environments
Higher order effects: workforce development
Connections between microsystem environments: parents and technology as bridges
VI. the exosystem: the importance of research
and policy in early STEM education
Education policy
Research and research funding
VII. the macrosystem
VIII. recommendations
appendix a: STEM in early childhood:
an analysis of NSF grant awards
appendix b: how reframing research can
enhance STEM support: a two-science approach
Watch a group of very young children engaged in planting
a community garden. What are they learning? They are
starting to grasp fundamental concepts about science and
the natural world—how much water is needed, what roots
are for, how a plant’s growth changes with the seasons, and
so forth. These are ideas that lay the groundwork for deeper
learning about environmental science and plant biology,
critical thinking skills, problem solving, and trial and error.
Whether it is gardening, building forts, stacking blocks,
playing at the water table, or lining up by height in the
classroom, children demonstrate a clear readiness to
engage in STEM learning early in life. And research from
several disciplines is converging to show the importance
of a new national commitment to early learning generally.
Brain and skills-building experiences early in life are
critical for child development, and high-quality early STEM
experiences can support childrens growth across areas as
diverse as executive function and literacy development.
In fact, just as the industrial revolution made it necessary for all children to learn to
read, the technology revolution has made it critical for all children to understand
STEM. To support the future of our nation, the seeds of STEM must be planted early,
along with and in support of the seeds of literacy. Together, these mutually enhancing,
interwoven strands of learning will grow well-informed, critical citizens prepared
for a digital tomorrow.
So why is science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) learning not woven more
seamlessly into early childhood education? An examination of the environments and
systems in which children live reveals that it is not due to a lack of interest or
enthusiasm on the part of children, teachers, or parents. The barriers to STEM
learning for young children are more complex, subtle, and pervasive than decision-
makers currently realize. For example, in December 2013, the National Science
Foundation (NSF), the Smithsonian Institution, and Education Development Center
cohosted a STEM Smart workshop to reach early childhood practitioners. Participants
were delighted to learn of evidence-based practices and tools, but many declared
that they felt too constrained by current school structures and policies to apply
what they were learning. They voiced concerns about the misapplication of new
I. executive summary
education standards, disconnects between preschool and elementary school practices,
and an underprepared workforce.
In response to these concerns and the growing scientic consensus about the
importance of early STEM learning, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop
and New America embarked on an exploratory project, funded by the NSF, to:
(a) better understand the challenges to and opportunities in STEM learning as
documented in a review of early childhood education research, policy, and practice;
(b) make recommendations to help stimulate research and policy agendas; and (c)
encourage collaboration between pivotal sectors to implement and sustain needed
changes. We also accounted for new research on widely held public assumptions
about what young children need and how they learn, assumptions that may be
barriers to progress. This report is the culmination of those efforts.
To gain perspectives from stakeholders in each of the early childhood areas—research,
policy, and practice—we invited their input. First, we interviewed prominent early
STEM researchers, policy makers, and teacher educators. Second, we conducted two
focus groups with teachers, one with child care and preschool educators and one
with early elementary school teachers. The insights we gained from the interviews
and focus groups shaped the focus of this report; quotes from them are featured
Third, we commissioned experts to contribute to an early draft of this
report, and their work is evident throughout this paper. Once a working draft of
the report was complete, we invited experts from research, policy, and practice to
discuss it and to help inform a national action agenda at a two-day meeting at New
America in Washington, DC.
The multiple perspectives that shape this report are a reminder that no child develops
in a vacuum. Children are affected by their home and school environments, the policies
and practices that inform those environments, the cultural values that scaffold
them, and the complex relationships between these factors. Many of the experts we
consulted during this project were eager to see these factors considered more often
in concert, and to see leaders from multiple sectors engaged in more consistent
dialogue and collaboration. For this reason, we have presented the evidence and our
recommendations using Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory.
Our examination of the STEM landscape and the players in it produced ve key ndings:
1. Both parents and teachers appear to be enthusiastic and capable of
supporting early STEM learning; however, they require additional
knowledge and support to do so effectively.
Many parents and teachers experience anxiety, low self-condence, and gendered
assumptions about STEM topics, which can transfer to their children and students.
Both groups can benet from reconsidering STEM in the context of
developmentally-informed, playful learning—like block play, gardening,
and exploring puzzles—which engages their own and their children’s curiosity
and wonder.
The names of interview and focus groups participants are not revealed in the report.
Teachers will benet especially from a greater understanding of children’s
developmental learning progressions, which they can use to tailor instruction.
Parents and teachers are receptive to high-quality training in these areas.
2. Teachers in early childhood environments need more robust training
and professional development to effectively engage young children in
developmentally appropriate STEM learning.
Pre- and in-service training must be substantive, interconnected, and ongoing,
and instruction must include STEM content, child developmental learning
progressions in STEM, and well-modeled and practiced pedagogy.
STEM learning is already present in classrooms and can be emphasized to
both teachers and students. Teachers should be trained to think of STEM as
mutually inclusive of their other teaching domains and encouraged to weave
STEM seamlessly into their existing curricula and play times.
To counter pre-existing anxiety and attitudes about STEM topics, teachers need
to experience the very same hands-on, engaging learning environments and
practices as we hope to see for America’s young children. Teacher educators should
encourage intrinsic curiosity and joy, and model sensitivity to developmental
trajectories and best pedagogical practices.
3. Parents and technology help connect school, home, and other learning
environments like libraries and museums to support early STEM learning.
Parents, teachers, technology, museums, and libraries create a web of charging
stations where children can power up and extend their STEM learning. Immersion
in this web of STEM learning leads to STEM uency.
Parents can help activate a child’s in-school learning by engaging in related
activities at home or outside the home.
Museums and other learning environments are effective engagement points for
both parents and children, and even brief parental instruction at these venues
can have an important impact on how parents support STEM learning.
High-quality educational media, like the Bedtime Math app and those created
by the PBS Ready to Learn initiative, can support and extend school learning
into the home and beyond. These tools provide an important scaffold for
parents who may experience anxiety about supporting STEM learning.
4. Research and public policies play a critical role in the presence
and quality of STEM learning in young childrens lives, and both
benefit from sustained dialogue with one another and with teachers
in the classroom.
Education policies must focus on greater alignment (the coherence of policy
expectations and instruments) and continuity (connections across grade levels)
across the early grades, starting with preschool.
Researcher-practitioner partnerships, in which practitioners are involved as
ongoing partners as early as the research design stage, play an essential role
in supporting the iterative process of education reform.
Current early STEM research funding appears to be skewed toward older children.
5. An empirically-tested, strategic communications effort is needed to
convey an accurate understanding of developmental science to the
public, leading to support for meaningful policy change around early
STEM learning.
The public holds misconceptions about STEM learning (i.e., it is for older students,
children should learn other topics rst, it is only important for those who
especially excel in these areas, that STEM and other learning topics must be
taught separately). When communicators do not carefully frame their messages,
they can inadvertently activate and strengthen these misconceptions.
The use of research-tested messages about early STEM learning makes a
statistically signicant, meaningful, and positive difference in the public’s
support for early STEM learning.
To successfully integrate STEM learning into early childhood education, we should
consider all the systems surrounding children: We must prioritize STEM learning,
while also engaging members across the child’s environments. Both small and large
steps can be taken, both sequentially and simultaneously, to move in the direction
of greater STEM learning in early childhood.
Engage parents: Support parent confidence
and efficacy as their childrens first and most
important STEM guides.
Parent educators, advocates, and researchers should reach out to parents about
early STEM learning where they are in engaging ways, through blogs, child care
centers, pediatricians, parenting magazines, and publications like Zero-to-Three
and Young Children.
Communicators should emphasize what early STEM learning actually looks like,
providing a variety of clear and accessible examples of early STEM exploration
(e.g., participating in a community garden, testing which bath toys oat and
sink) that make it clear that STEM can happen anytime, anywhere, even with
minimal resources.
Resources for parents should go beyond simple early STEM tip sheets for
parents; policy makers, community leaders, and media producers should work
to make comprehensive, long-term training on early parental STEM support
more accessible to more parents using mobile technology.
Support teachers: Improve training and institutional
support for teaching early STEM.
Education leaders should ensure that efforts to improve the workforce include
interconnected and ongoing STEM training and support, which is meaningfully
woven into teachers’ existing classroom practices.
Teacher preparation and training programs—both pre- and in-service—should
include, in interconnected and meaningful ways: STEM content, training in
children’s developmental learning progressions in STEM, and well-modeled
and practiced pedagogy situated in the classroom.
To counter existing attitudes towards STEM, preparation and training programs
should be designed to allow teachers to experience STEM learning in the same
ways that the children will. Teacher education should be driven by curiosity,
should allow for tinkering and exploration, and should help teachers weave a
holistic understanding of the topic areas so they can empathize and model this
learning for their students.
Researchers should disseminate ndings in formats accessible to teachers,
addressing teacher concerns (for an excellent example, see the new report
Early STEM Matters). Demonstrations of successful early STEM teaching should
be made more accessible, enabling educators to easily nd, understand, and
apply the lessons in their work.
Connect learning: Support and expand the web of STEM
learning “charging stations” available to children.
Leaders in museums, libraries, and community organizations should prioritize
early STEM in informal learning environments. Exhibits and interactive features
should engage children, and also provide direct instruction to parents on how to
engage with their children around STEM features and continue their learning
beyond that environment.
Education and technology leaders should ensure digital equity by providing access
to high-speed Internet and other Digital Age infrastructure for all families with
young children and the professionals who work with them.
Public and private funders should continue to fund initiatives like Ready to
Learn, which support family engagement in STEM learning.
Media ofcials should undertake projects that build public interest in early
STEM and form a bridge for home-school learning connections.
Transform early childhood education: Build a
sustainable and aligned system of high quality
early learning from birth through age 8.
All levels of government, along with state and community leaders, should apply
existing and new funding resources to improve general early childhood teaching
and quality.
Special attention should be paid to address professional preparation, staff
development, and continuing education, with attention to the vast disparities in
compensation, benets, and work conditions that exist between K–12 educators
and their counterparts in early learning settings.
Federal and state policy leaders should look to the recent report from the
Institutes of Medicine and the National Research Council, Transforming the
Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8, for 13 important recommendations
for creating the professional standards to support high quality early learning.
Reprioritize research: Improve the way early STEM
research is funded and conducted.
Leaders at the federal and state levels should take stock of what research is
being funded on early STEM learning across agencies and research organizations,
in order to identify knowledge gaps and form the basis for a government-wide
strategy to support early STEM learning research and development.
Program designers should encourage studies that enable a two-way street
between research and practice. Use insights from communications science
to build public will for integrating early STEM learning into early education.
National research agency leaders should establish an interagency and
interdisciplinary research program with emphasis on early learning and STEM.
Philanthropic organizations should continue to use their research grants and
convening power to engage policymakers, community leaders, and private
investors in early STEM efforts.
The National Science Foundation, an exemplary agency for early STEM funding,
should take the following steps to model changes for other funding organizations:
increase funding for research on STEM learning among very young children,
linking the preschool years to the early elementary school years; prioritize
cross-disciplinary research and dissemination on early learning; and reward
innovation in design and expand project funding for applied work.
Across all these recommended actions, use insights
from communications science to build public will for
and understanding of early STEM learning.
All stakeholders and advocates of early STEM, across all the child’s environments,
should use a unied communications plan to ensure that they do not activate
negative pre-existing cultural attitudes about early STEM. A one-page
Communications Guide is included on the nal page of this Executive Summary.
National, state, and local leaders should convene multi-sector summits on the
future of early learning and STEM to build awareness and maintain a cohesive
action plan across stakeholders.
The complete ndings and a more detailed set of recommendations can be found
in the full report.
Take a walk around a great neighborhood and you will nd America’s youngest
children learning through discovery. Enter a preschool classroom, where children
are splashing each other and giggling around a water table, learning about volume
and displacement. At the elementary school, a small group is taking a nature walk,
investigating the blossoms on a owering tree, while another group is measuring
the dimensions of a jungle gym and creating drawings of its construction. These
early learners are engaged in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM),
subjects that were once seen as too “hard” to teach young children but which are
now recognized as critical to weave into their growing understanding of the world.
Unfortunately, their experiences are not yet the norm for millions of young children
in the United States.
Research on the early childhood years has spotlighted how children’s environments
and interactions with adults are catalysts for their growth and development. This has
prompted policy makers, practitioners, and researchers to ask how those years can
be lled with opportunities for all children to explore, investigate, and see themselves
as learners. It is even more critical to provide vibrant learning environments for
children from underserved communities and in vulnerable families. What needs
to change to ensure that richer learning experiences are provided in all of today’s
child care settings, pre-K classrooms, and elementary schools? How can researchers,
policy makers, and practitioners work together to ensure that all young children
have access to high-quality instruction and learning environments?
II. introduction
When tilted toward the specic elds of STEM, these questions take on even more
signicance, and research is playing a signicant role in helping policymakers and
educators better support children’s needs and potential. Studies are pointing to the
importance of STEM for children’s success in school and in their ability to attain good
jobs as adults. Research also shows that STEM support should start early: children in
disadvantaged circumstances, especially, start school lacking the foundation for that
success. A 2016 study, for example, examined learning experiences in more than
7,750 children from kindergarten entry to the end of eighth grade, and found that
early acquisition of knowledge about the world was correlated with later science
success. Among children who entered kindergarten with low levels of general
knowledge, 62% were struggling in science in third grade and 54% were still
struggling in eighth grade.
Other lines of research are uncovering the major barriers teachers face, starting
with teacher training, that affect their ability to effectively teach STEM and promote
positive attitudes toward STEM learning. Teacher educators—the faculty in educational
schools and other institutions of higher education that prepare teachers—have
hurdles to overcome too. For example, the Center for the Study of Child Care
Employment has found that faculty members in California and Nebraska—the rst
states the center has studied—consider it less important to include early mathematics
than other domains in the preparation of early childhood teachers; they also say
that they themselves feel less prepared to teach math than they do other subjects.
Meanwhile, professional education organizations, policymakers, and multi-sector
collaborative groups like the Early Childhood STEM Working Group are starting to
prioritize STEM learning in their recommendations regarding stafng, standards,
and professional learning opportunities. Synthesizing and translating this new
The names of interview and focus groups participants are not revealed in the report.
A note on terminology
Throughout this report,
we use the words early childhood to describe the period from
birth through age 8. Today’s young children spend their days in a variety of settings
across these early years, including their homes and their relatives’ or neighbors’
homes, informal learning environments such as libraries and museums, child care
centers and home-based family care settings, pre-K classrooms, kindergarten
classrooms, and primary or elementary schools.
We use the terms
practitioners, teachers, and educators of young children to refer
to those who are paid to work with children across the birth-through-8 age span.
However, because there are many differences in compensation, training, and
standards between practitioners who work with children under 5 and those who
work in the K–3 grades, we have made an effort throughout this report to be explicit
about the ages being taught and to avoid confusion about whether research is
focused solely on K–3 educators, solely on pre-K educators, or spanning both.
Lastly, we use the term
pre-K to describe pre-kindergarten settings that employ
trained teachers to lead educational experiences in a classroom or learning center for
children who are a year or two away from kindergarten (usually ages 3 and 4). This
includes Head Start and many other private and public programs known as preschool.
research evidence is critical so that it can be applied in teacher preparation programs,
classrooms, and homes to help reduce disparities and help more children succeed.
To apply research ndings effectively,
STEM teaching must also be aligned with
developmentally informed approaches to
working with young children. In other
words, they need to be based on a solid
understanding of how young children
learn. Efforts to improve STEM learning
in the early years could help to erase the
false dichotomy often drawn between
children’s play and their cognitive, social,
intellectual, and academic development.
Children actively explore and investigate
the world using all their senses from the
moment they are born.
As toddlers and preschoolers they exhibit many of the
characteristics of young scientists and engineers in their play, including an almost
insatiable desire to take things apart, gure out how they work, and put them back
Studies show that skilled and knowledgeable teachers can facilitate children’s
emerging understanding of STEM concepts, practices, and habits of mind, while
harnessing their natural curiosity and fostering developmentally appropriate, STEM-
infused play.
Teachers can help children to question, explore, and reect on their ideas
about the world and how it works, all while getting their hands dirty digging for worms.
An ecological systems approach
Children grow and learn in a complex, intertwined web of relationships, experiences,
and environments, yet our research frameworks, educational policies, and assumptions
about what young children need do not always reect this simple truth. In 1977, Urie
Bronfenbrenner made an innovative and powerful argument: a full understanding
of human development requires us to go beyond the simple one-to-one relationships
between children and their immediate surroundings or caregivers. It demands that
we also examine the complex, interrelated environments in which they live and the
larger contexts that may affect them indirectly.
The ecological systems theory that
developed out of this proposition has become an important tool for researchers,
policy makers, and practitioners alike, inuencing everything from the frameworks
used by development scientists in their research
to the design of policy initiatives
like Head Start.
In education, the impact of multiple, interrelated environments and systems on the
child is considerable and affects everyone involved. Educators cannot successfully
teach without adequate training and resources, the support of their schools, and
parent engagement; researchers cannot produce relevant studies without the support
of available funds, the contribution and support of educators in the classroom, and an
understanding of the political systems in which their work will be applied; policy
makers cannot institute effective policies without the comprehension of the public,
the cooperation of teachers, and the support of solid research; and children cannot learn
at their full potential without the alignment of all these factors. For this reason, we have
chosen to present this report within the framework of the ecological systems model.
I’m trying to teach them
the scientific vision: You
look at that, so what do
you see? You touch it, so
what do you feel? And in
this way, the entire class
can be a science center.
—Pre-K Teacher
Bronfenbrenner suggested that children develop within nested systems of inuence.
Imagine a set of concentric circles, with the child at the center (see Figure 1). The
microsystem is the rst circle around the child, the environments in which he or
she is rooted. These include home, classroom, child care or after-school program,
and church or other local community settings—and, of course, the people and
experiences within those settings. The next circle is called the mesosystem, which
acknowledges the relationships between the microsystem environments. For example,
the ways that the child’s schooling affects his or her home life and vice versa, directly
or indirectly, or the ways that an adult’s training and level of stress could affect that
person’s ability to make a positive impact on the child would be included in this
system. The exosystem includes the societal structures and institutions that do not
directly contain the child but can directly or indirectly affect him or her—for example,
government policies and the research that spurs those policies. Finally, the outermost
circle, called the macrosystem, consists of the cultural frames, paradigms, values,
and models that shape the environment within which the child learns.
We begin our discussion with a brief review of the research that demonstrates the
ways in which STEM learning positively affects the child at the center of all these
systems. Then we move outward, through each of the ecological systems, laying out
the ways in which our current structures foster or limit STEM learning during early
childhood. Finally, we offer six recommendations based on these observations,
which we believe will help nurture the growth of America’s children by planting
STEM education deep in early childhood: a STEM with roots.
Figure 1: Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory
Attitudes & ideologies
of the culture
Church, library,
museums, after-school
Local school
Diagram adapted from
Takeuchi & Levine, 2014
Early math, science, technology, and engineering
Research shows that children can and should engage in
STEM learning, even in the earliest years of life. We now
know that very young children are much more capable of
learning about STEM concepts and practices than originally
thought, resulting in missed opportunities for early learning
when we wait to start STEM education until later. In fact, a
growing number of studies show a correlation between early
experiences with STEM subjects and later success in those
subjects or in school generally. The recent Transforming the
Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8 report even warned
that “without such education starting, and continuing,
throughout the early years, many children will be on a
trajectory in which they will have great difficulty catching
up to their peers.
Research on each of the four STEM
branches is demonstrating just how much is at stake in
early exposure to these areas of learning.
III. the child at the center:
what research tells us about
children and STEM
Early mathematics has become an area of intense
study over the past two decades, and the long-term
effects of early exposure are now becoming clear.
Math knowledge in preschool, for example, predicts
math achievement even into the high school
and preschool math skills predict later
academic achievement more consistently than
early reading or attention skills.
some studies show math to be integral to how
children learn to learn.
In other words, learning
early math is about more than simply learning
discrete skills such as naming numerals;
is about reasoning and discovery. Yet many
early childhood classrooms focus on extremely
limited objectives—for example, fostering the
memorization of the counting sequence, basic
addition facts, and shape names by rote—and,
as a result, have minimal impact on children’s
overall mathematical prociency.
educators can foster this prociency by providing
children with opportunities to reason and talk
about their mathematical thinking. For example,
preschoolers can line up acorns on a table to
take stock of what they have collected on the
playground (say, eight big acorns and two small
ones) and then determine whether they have
more or fewer of a particular size. With guidance
from a teacher, they can start solving problems
using mathematical reasoning, such as how
many more small acorns they would need in
order to show equal numbers of small and big
ones. Early introduction to this kind of math
“talk” helps children build STEM vocabularies
and acquire the knowledge necessary for deeper
understanding of STEM topics later.
In early science, as well, new research is shining a
light on the impact of experiences and interactions
in promoting children’s conceptual learning and
ability to engage in science inquiry. Children who
engage in scientic activities from an early age
develop positive attitudes toward science,
also correlate with later science achievement,
and they are more likely to pursue STEM expertise
and careers later on.
And there is now little
doubt that young children can meaningfully
participate in science activities. In 2014, the
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
summarized several national reports on science
learning this way: “young children have the
capacity for conceptual learning and the ability
to use the skills of reasoning and inquiry as they
investigate how the world works.
(For more on
principles from the NSTA, see box below.) An
emerging body of literature indicates that all
children, regardless of background, have the
capacity to learn science.
Multiple studies
suggest that when young children enter school,
they already have substantial knowledge of the
natural world, can think both concretely and
abstractly, use a range of reasoning processes
that represent the underpinnings of scientic
reasoning, and are eager, curious, and ready
to learn.
Science: Guidance from NSTA drawn from the
latest research
The board for the National Science Teachers
Association voted in 2014 to adopt a position
statement on science in early learning, defined
in this case as age 3 up through preschool.
The statement is based on findings from several
large summative studies of science learning
and endorsed by the National Association for
the Education of Young Children. The statement
identifies the following key principles to guide
the learning of science among young children:
Children have the capacity to engage in
scientific practices and develop understanding
at a conceptual level.
Adults play a central and important role in
helping young children learn science.
Young children need multiple and varied
opportunities to engage in science exploration
and discovery.
Young children develop science skills and
knowledge in both formal and informal settings.
Young children develop science skills and
knowledge over time.
Young children develop science skills and
learning by engaging in experiential learning.
Strengthening these abilities appears to be aided by
early educators’ use of and modeling of scientic
and engineering practices (including inquiry-
based teaching) while helping to guide children
to ask questions, make observations, collect and
record data, and generate explanations and ideas
based on evidence. Consider, for example, the
difference between using inquiry-based teaching
in an exploration of how caterpillars turn into
butteries, compared to reading children a book
about caterpillars and butteries. The book may
help teach new words and concepts; but if the book
is used in coordination with an inquiry-based
approach, children are introduced to new words
and concepts and they can reect on and make
meaning of their own buttery observations.
This experience helps them understand the
characteristics, needs, and life cycle of butteries,
and it prepares them to make predictions and
generate ideas about new insects they nd. An
inquiry-based practice, according to the NSTA
statement, gives children the basis for “seeing
patterns, forming theories, considering alternate
explanations, and building their knowledge.
The realms of early technology and engineering
are less well understood and have been called
“the missing T & E” in early childhood STEM.
Technology as a subject area is complicated by the
fact that many people assume that “technology in
early childhood” means using digital or electronic
technology, such as touch-screen tablets, in a
classroom. There are many studies demonstrating
the positive impact of well-designed digital
media when used thoughtfully and intentionally
to support early childhood learning.
However, it
is important to remember that using a particular
type of technology (whether a printed book,
a chalkboard, or a tablet) is not the same as helping
children gain technology literacy or teaching them
that technology is used to expand our knowledge
beyond what our senses can tell us, and to reect
on and share what we nd out. By the same token,
engineering is either missing or misunderstood
in early childhood. “Exploring engineering ideas
is rarely part of pre-K learning” and receives
“short shrift” in K–3 grades, according to a brief
published for the NSF’s STEM Smart meeting
in 2013.
But children are natural engineers,
wanting to build things and design solutions,
and this type of play can have benecial effects
in the long-term. For example, preschool block
building predicts math achievement as far out
as high school.
And yet, while engineering and technology are
less common as explicit subjects in the early years,
instances of both have been part of early childhood
classrooms for decades in the form of fort-building
and block play, and in explanations of how to use
tools as simple as spoons and scissors. Studies of
Ramps & Pathways, a curriculum that encourages
children to build structures of roller-coaster-like
ramps using simple wood trim, balls, and other
rolling objects, have shown that children are able
to gain an understanding of relationships between
the angle of the ramps and motion of the objects,
as well as the need to test, analyze, and rework
their designs.
Research is also beginning to
explore whether and how young children should
learn to use digital communications technology
in pre-K and early-grade classrooms, including how
tools such as Skype and other video-messaging
programs, if used carefully, can introduce children
to new ways of communicating and acquiring
background knowledge.
In fact, some
researchers are raising equity concerns regarding
access to technologies, pointing out that children
Young children are quite capable
of doing, at a developmentally
informed level, all of the scientific
practices that high schoolers can
do: they can make observations
and predictions, carry out simple
experiments and investigations,
collect data, and begin to make
sense of what they found. Having
a set of practices like these that
become routinized and internalized
is going to really help them learn
about their world.
from low-income families who have less access to
technology than their peers may be disadvantaged
because they have “fewer opportunities to learn,
explore, and communicate digitally.
Interdisciplinary connections
Although our knowledge of the STEM disciplines
is sometimes easiest to describe one topic at a
time, research is now showing the importance of
interdisciplinary connections for STEM learning.
The STEM acronym is more than an easy-to-
remember word; it also makes explicit that the
subjects under the STEM moniker—science,
technology, engineering, and math—are deeply
interconnected and can be taught effectively
in concert, with science and mathematics as
anchors. In fact, the acronym was once “SMET,
until Judith A. Ramaley, the former director of
the NSF’s Education and Human Resources
Division, changed the acronym to STEM, justifying
the change by explaining that science and
mathematics are often the bookends and
enablers for the applied subjects of technology
and engineering.
When understood in this
way, teaching STEM is different from teaching
the individual topics of science, technology,
engineering, and math because it emphasizes
their potential for integration and mutual
support. Research from the learning sciences
has demonstrated that children benet from
contextualized, integrated lessons,
integration often deepens understanding of
relevant concepts, promotes problem-solving,
and supports understanding of how concepts are
applied in the real world. For example, physical
science concepts like matter and force are brought
to life for children when engineering design
(e.g., building structures, creating systems to
move water, rolling and sliding objects on ramps)
is integrated into the lesson. Similarly, math
learning can be enhanced when it is supported by
well-designed, playful technologies (e.g., research-
based computer games).
Total integration is not
necessarily the answer, though—the integration
of engineering design may not enhance many
life sciences lessons, for example—and reviews
of fully integrated curricula reveal little evidence
that they are superior to traditional structures.
In other words, educators must be intentional as
they consider when and how the integration of
the STEM topics will best support learning.
Some of the newest research in early STEM
involves interdisciplinary connections between
children’s STEM skills and other important
outcomes, like reading and executive function
development. For example, a randomized study
of the Building Blocks math curriculum showed
that it led to higher scores on measures of early
language and literacy, such as the ability to
recognize letters and gain oral language skills like
expressing one’s knowledge and understanding
spoken words.
Evidence also exists for the reverse:
exposure to more spatial language during block
play in infancy and early childhood increases
children’s spatial abilities when they are older.
A longitudinal study of children ages 6 to 9 found
that language ability was associated with how
they performed three years later in geometry, as
well as data analysis and probability (though not
in arithmetic or algebra).
Learning scientists are
now grappling with questions of which comes
rst, what causes what, and what mechanisms
are at work. Experts have long recognized that
the practices associated with STEM invite children
to engage in many forms of literacy, not just the
learning of scientic vocabulary. STEM provides
a context for learning across the four English-
Language Arts strands identied in the Common
Core state standards: reading, writing, speaking
and listening, and language. Oral language in
particular is a strong part of STEM learning as
children gain skills to ask questions, describe
observations, identify problems, and generate
and share solutions.
Researchers are also examining the interplay
between children’s executive function or
self-regulation skills (e.g., self-control, sustained
attention, cognitive exibility) and their abilities
in STEM subjects. Executive function and
mathematics performance are strongly related
to one another; in fact, it has been suggested that
high-quality early math education may have the
dual benet of both supporting the math content
area and encouraging the development of
executive function.
Furthermore, executive
functioning skills, particularly the ability to
revise predictions based on observations, both
contribute to and are supported by high-quality
and facilitated early science experiences.
Specific populations
Questions of how girls and boys perceive STEM
subjects have been the focus of intense study in
the later grades and at the postsecondary level
for years, and they are becoming more routinely
asked in elementary school settings as well. For
example, a recent study of children in Singapore
showed that the more that young girls identied
with the stereotype that girls are not good at math,
the less well they performed on math tests.
Similar research in the U.S. has found that girls
internalize the stereotype as early as preschool.
These perceptions may affect many of the educators
of these young students as well, since the majority
of early childhood educators are women.
Language learners are another important
population to consider when building quality
STEM experiences in the U.S. STEM explorations
offer opportunities for communication and
complex reasoning, thus providing students a
concrete context for using language for a variety
of purposes and supporting their language
However, teachers may not
automatically recognize the signicance of, nor
have training in, integrating language learning
with STEM learning. In fact, in many schools,
STEM and English-language learning are
kept separate from each other because of the
misconception that children should learn English
prior to being exposed to STEM lessons.
initiatives are working to explore or change that
dynamic. One example, among many others,
is the Language Acquisition through Science Education
in Rural Schools (LASERS) project in California,
which is examining teachers’ beliefs about
the connections between STEM and language
Both the Exploratorium’s Institute for
and the Hartford-based project Literacy
and Academic Success for English Learners through
Science (similarly named LASErS), work with
educators and families to integrate STEM and
language learning for young children.
Microsystem: the environments in which the child is directly
involved, usually on a daily basis
As the most frequently and consistently present adults in
a child’s microsystem, educators and parents (or the other
adults who raise them) are the most direct gateway to STEM
learning for very young children. Many of them, however,
experience anxiety about STEM topics and believe that STEM
is only for older children, boys, and certain “types of kids,
attitudes and beliefs that are often transferred to their
children. Furthermore, many Americans believe that
STEM topics can only be taught successfully in formal
settings like schools (see Appendix B).
IV. the microsystem:
teachers and parents as
the gateway to STEM
The importance of teachers
Teachers do play a critical role in the development
of STEM engagement for young learners. Teachers
who are condent and enthusiastic about STEM
topics, and who engage their students in
developmentally tailored STEM activities, pass
that excitement to their students. However,
many early childhood teachers are not eager and
prepared to engage children in rich experiences
in domains other than literacy.
In fact, there is
widespread anxiety about topics like mathematics
among teachers of young children, which correlates
with the achievement of their students, particularly
Furthermore, many teachers do not know
how to adapt STEM instruction to suit the needs
of their students.
Teacher condence
Many teachers, who are unlikely to have
experienced engaging, inquiry-based STEM
learning in their own early and K–12 education,
may begin their training with negative
dispositions toward STEM and the persistent
science misconceptions common in our culture,
even among the highly educated.
In fact,
education has been called the most “STEM-phobic”
of any college major,
and many education
majors gravitate to early childhood or special
education at least partially because there are
minimal STEM course requirements and little
perceived demand for teaching STEM. Many
continue to hold negative feelings about math and
science even after graduation. In mathematics, for
example, these feelings lead to undervaluing the
teaching of math, avoiding or minimizing math
instruction, and teaching math in ineffective
Similar trends appear for science. One
report, which drew from a 2013 national survey
of science teachers, showed that only 19% of K–2
classes receive science instruction on a daily or
almost daily basis.
Furthermore, the strongest
predictor of preschoolers’ learning of mathematics
is their teachers’ belief that math education
was appropriate for that age.
we can effectively increase teachers’ STEM
content knowledge, as well as change negative
dispositions and beliefs, with high-quality
pre-service and professional development.
Child development and pedagogy
Even teachers who are condent STEM leaders
must also know how to gauge the understanding
and developing skills of their students, and use
this knowledge to plan and modify instruction
using research-based instructional strategies.
However, many early childhood educators lack
sufciently detailed knowledge of what experts
call learning trajectories or progressions, the paths
children take when learning STEM topics.
Understanding how to support children requires
an understanding of the three elements of a
learning trajectory: the learning goal (i.e., the
STEM content), the developmental progression
that enables children to reach that goal (i.e., a
sequence of levels of thinking), and the instruc-
tional activities and strategies that aid this
Consider the skill set for measuring length, critical
to all STEM topics. A typical goal is for children
to learn, by the end of second grade, to measure
the length of an object using appropriate tools,
relate the size of the object to the number of units,
and determine how much longer one object is
than another. Between pre-K and second grade,
children go through a series of levels of thinking
as they work up to achieving that measurement
A developmental progression for
measurement and length comparison looks like
this: around age 4, children tend to be able to
make gross comparisons between objects. For
example, in pre-K settings children can line up by
height, making comparisons among themselves.
Eventually they can compare two or more objects,
lining up the endpoints themselves. Next, they
are able to compare the length of two objects
indirectly by using a third object. For example,
they might cut a ribbon the length of their arm
and nd things in the classroom that are the
same length. Then they begin to measure length
by laying down multiple objects, or physical
units, end-to-end to ll the entire length.
We need to change habits of mind
for teachers, not just for kids.”
Teacher Educator
By age 7, they are typically able to measure by
repeatedly and carefully laying down a single
unit. Finally, they have mastered these basics
when they can measure and compare items,
accurately and with full understanding, by using
either physical units or a ruler.
When teachers are aware of children’s
developmental progressions in a topic area,
they are responsive to their students’ needs. The
activities demonstrated above, like lining up by
height in preschool or using ribbon to indirectly
measure length, offer a “sketch” of a curriculum,
a sequence of activities. The understanding of
learning trajectories also supports teachers’ use
of formative assessment, the ongoing monitoring of
student learning to inform and guide instruction.
In other words, teachers who understand learning
trajectories can adapt their instructional activities
to meet the needs of both the class and of
individuals or groups of students who may be at
different levels in the developmental progression.
Teachers who observe their students for evidence
of progressing ideas and thinking, and then
iterate their activities based on that data, build
effective learning environments.
The power of family engagement in
STEM learning
While school is the place most Americans
naturally associate with STEM learning, research
has demonstrated that there are ample opportu-
nities for STEM learning well before child care,
preschool, and kindergarten. In fact, children are
literally born scientists.
Even before one year
of age, babies have been shown to systematically
test physical hypotheses when they observe
objects behaving in unexpected ways.
example, when an 11-month-old sees a toy car
go off the side of a table and appear to oat, that
infant is likely to look longer at that car and also
try exploring and dropping the car to see if it will
continue to oat.
Parents watch their toddlers
push sippy cups, food, and utensils off the edge
of their high chairs—over and over and over
again—testing the limits of gravity. Children’s
curiosity about their surroundings becomes
clearer as they get older: preschoolers are eager
to understand why their clothes no longer t
(life sciences) and are obsessed with the fair
distribution of communal snacks (math). Children
are curious about and capable of learning STEM
starting the day they are born. Parents, who have
an earlier and more sustained presence in their
children’s lives than teachers (even once they
begin to attend school, children only spend about
10% of their time there
), consequently have an
enormous opportunity to help encourage, support,
and normalize early STEM learning.
Family engagement (i.e., when a child's parents
or family are actively involved in their learning)
is a powerful force. Across the research literature,
family engagement in the math and literacy
education of young children (3–8 years) has a
consistently positive effect on children’s learning
in those areas, and this relation is strongest when
that engagement takes place outside of school—
for example, when playing with shapes, puzzles,
or blocks together at home.
When parents are
actively involved, their children become more
successful learners, regardless of race, parental
education, or socioeconomic status, with greater
parent involvement resulting in greater condence
and engagement in their children.
parents from diverse backgrounds are capable of
becoming more engaged with their children in
these areas when they are given instruction, and
this increased engagement results in better child
As parents support their children’s
learning in this way, schools are able to be more
effective in building the knowledge, condence,
and skills of children,
creating a ripple of positive
effects. Parental and family engagement, therefore,
is a critical pivot point for changing the educational
trajectory of under-resourced young children.
Yet parents are subject to many of the same
gaps in knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes about
STEM that teachers are. Many of them may have
missed opportunities to learn STEM in a playful,
We need pedagogical approaches
that are responsive to children.
engaging way in early childhood, and may need
both knowledge and support to encourage this
exploration in their children. Furthermore, many
Americans believe that STEM is for older children
and is best taught formally in classrooms (see
Appendix B). Parents simply may not notice their
children’s early STEM curiosity, rendering it
difcult for them to support or encourage these
important moments. Even those parents who are
aware of their child’s ability to learn STEM at home
may not know how to provide developmentally
informed support for them. For example, such
parents may buy formal “STEM kits” or ashcards
for their babies and toddlers, rather than engaging
in developmentally appropriate activities like
stacking blocks together, playing with water in
the bathtub, or routinely counting snack items as
they hit the tray. As Allison Gopnick, a scientist
who studies early experimentation among
infants, aptly put it:
Everyday playing is a kind of experimentation
—its a way of experimenting with the world,
getting data the way that scientists do and
then using that data to draw new conclusions.
What we need to do to encourage these children
to learn is not to put them in the equivalent of
school, tell them things, or give them reading
drills or ash cards or so forth. What we need
to do is put them in a safe, rich environment
where these natural capacities for exploration,
for testing, for science, can get free rein.
Parents, like teachers, need to be supported as
they encourage the abilities of their young
children so they can help scaffold their learning
in developmentally appropriate ways.
A second potential limitation for parents is the
belief that math is more important for boys than
While the effect of parent perceptions has
not been well studied among very young chil-
dren, it has been strongly documented among
children generally. According to a 2012 literature
review in the journal Sex Roles, parents tend to
expect that their boys are more gifted in STEM
than their girls, even when their achievement
levels do not differ objectively,
and those beliefs
are passed along to their children in both implicit
and explicit ways. For example, parents are three
times more likely to explain science exhibits to
their preschool boys than girls when they visit
a museum.
Low-income mothers have been
shown to use a higher proportion of science
process talk with their boy than their girl children
during magnet play at 5 years of age, which was
associated with their later science reading
comprehension scores.
More explicitly, parents’
gendered attitudes toward math and science can
be communicated through the opportunities
they provide and the activities they encourage.
For example, they tend to purchase more math
and science toys for boys than for girls, one of
several parental math- and science-promoting
behaviors that have been linked to children’s
math and science involvement several years later.
A third potential limitation is a lack of parental
condence in the ability to support STEM learning.
According to a recent report by the National Parent
Teacher Association, even though parents believe
that they themselves play the biggest role in
inspiring their child’s interest in science, almost
one-third of them do not feel condent enough
in their own scientic knowledge to support
hands-on science activities,
and only 18% of
families with preschool-aged children report
having recently done a science activity at home.
While a great deal of research on parental support
in STEM has been conducted among older
very little has been done during the
early childhood period, perhaps because of the
belief that the parents’ role in promoting early
literacy and reading is more important than
promoting early STEM learning.
More work is
necessary in this important area.
Parental perceptions like the ones reviewed here
are of critical importance. In fact, parent beliefs
about a child’s math ability are a stronger predictor
of the child’s self-perception in math than the
child’s own previous math performance.
So when
parents believe that STEM is not for very young
children, that it is not learned well outside of
formal schooling environments, that it is more
important for boys than girls, or that they
themselves are underqualied to share in
STEM activities, there may be a very real and
persistent intergenerational problem for early
STEM education.
Some organizations, including the U.S. Department
of Education (ED)
and the NSTA,
have begun
to support children’s STEM learning at home by
offering recommendations and tip sheets for
parents. More needs to be done to reach parents
where they are in effective and engaging ways.
For example, these tips could be delivered via
daily text messages, an approach that is currently
being tested. Many of the tips and programs
available still need to be adapted for younger
children and STEM specically. Furthermore,
simply providing parents with information
may not be enough. For example, some family
engagement interventions that only offer
suggestions to parents for increasing natural
parent-child math interactions have not
found positive effects on children’s math
learning. However, interventions that include
comprehensive, long-term training for parents on
the same issues have demonstrated improvements
in children’s math skills.
It appears that many
parents are willing and able to make these
important changes, but they need both knowledge
and formal support to do so.
Mesosystem: the connections between the child’s microsystem
environments; and the experiences or people that directly affect
the adult-child relationship
Just as we cannot consider the child in a vacuum, we also
cannot consider the childs everyday environments, like home
and school, as though they exist independently of one another.
Experiences in each of his or her microsystem environments
affect the ways in which the child engages in his or her other
environments. For example, a child who experiences high
degrees of stress or support at home may behave differently
as a student; and a child who experiences bullying from peers or
strong support from a teacher may behave differently at home.
In addition, cross-environment interactions can include what
Bronfenbrenner called “higher-order effects,such as the
experiences or people that directly affect the adult-child
relationship within the microsystem. For example, a stressful
work environment can lead parents to vent frustrations or
behave in negative ways when speaking with their children,
leading children to feel stress in ways that affect their
capacity to learn and explore. Alternatively, children
experience positive interactions with adults when those adults
have been given high-quality training that prepares them to
carefully observe children, to recognize learning progressions,
and to engage in ways that enhance growth and learning.
V. the mesosystem:
interactions between home
and school environments
Higher order effects: Workforce development
To teach STEM effectively, early childhood
teachers need to understand: (a) the content they
are teaching, (b) the nature of children’s STEM
thinking/knowledge and how it develops, and (c)
best practices for ensuring that STEM instruction
meshes with children’s developmental needs
and level.
Yet many teachers of early STEM
have fundamental training needs in all three
of these critical areas. Much of this is related
to systemic issues, many of which are beyond
their control, including weaknesses in their own
education; ineffective professional development;
and a complex daily work environment that can
include diverse sets of learners and a lack of
resources and support.
Much is expected of early childhood teachers
today. The Early Childhood Generalist Standards,
for example, specify that an accomplished early
childhood teacher should be familiar with the
major concepts of life, earth, and physical sciences,
and should be capable of unifying themes across
Yet teachers rarely receive adequate
STEM education when they are initially trained.
A report from the National Academy of Science
found that only “36% of elementary science
teachers reported having completed courses in all
three of those areas, 38% had completed courses in
two of the three areas, and 20% had completed
courses in one area. At the other end of the
spectrum, 6% of elementary science teachers
indicated that they had taken no college science
Furthermore, few teachers receive intensive,
sustained, and content-focused professional
development in STEM.
Despite the existence
of learning standards and increased curricular
attention to mathematics and science, professional
development frequently does not focus on
scientic or mathematical content, development,
or pedagogy.
When it does, the focus is often on
simple facts or uncoordinated activities without
a clear rationale: there is a focus on how but
not why.
Inadequate training and professional
development produce few pre-service and
in-service teachers who have themselves
achieved prociency with elementary-level STEM
content, and who are consequently ill-equipped
to foster prociency in others.
However, simply increasing the quantity of courses
and training sessions available to early childhood
pre- and in-service teachers is insufcient.
Prospective and current teachers need to
experience substantive, connected instruction
regarding early childhood STEM learning, including
content, child development, and pedagogy.
In current pre-service education, this is rarely
the case. There is a lack of interdisciplinary
connection within teacher preparation programs
and the higher education institutions that house
them. For example, separate faculty members
from different departments often teach STEM
content, educational/developmental psychology,
and instructional methods independently as
distinct, uncoordinated courses. This leaves
teachers without an understanding of critical
developmental trajectories related to STEM
content knowledge, including the learning
sequences that come before and after the age or
grade they teach.
Teachers need to understand
common learning goals across grades, such as
those laid out by the Common Core, the Next
Generation Science Standards, and, in pre-K, their
states’ early learning standards and guidelines.
Furthermore, the STEM teaching method courses
that prospective teachers take are not, themselves,
a good example of best practices in pedagogy.
They are taught primarily in a lecture format,
and sometimes fail to focus on the rationale for
the best practices they teach. This approach does
not ultimately support teachers in the classroom,
Our main role is to teach kids how
to learn. That’s not going to look
the same in my classroom as in
another classroom, and we need
support to make that happen.
—Pre-K Teacher
where new teachers tend to adopt the methods
by which they were taught throughout their
lives as students.
In this way, there is an
“intergenerational” transmission of ineffective
practices across cohorts of teachers. Instead,
all teacher education and training should be
grounded in classroom practice. Pre-service
teachers gain substantially more from frequent
and high-quality opportunities to acquire
hands-on experience, explore teaching methods,
practice with curricula, and encounter situations
and challenges they are likely to see in the
classroom. In-service teachers benet from
one-on-one coaching, which situates training in
the classroom, evaluates delity of implementation,
and provides timely feedback and support.
Ultimately, pre- and in-service teachers need
(and deserve) the very same hands-on, engaging
learning environments and practices in their
own education as we hope to see for America’s
young children. When they feel intrinsic curiosity
and joy about STEM in their own learning,
and when their own instructors demonstrate
sensitivity to learning trajectories and best
practices, teachers see a model they can use.
Just as for child learners, STEM content courses
for teachers need to focus on fostering a deep
understanding of STEM knowledge, fostering
engagement through guided inquiry-based
learning. They should also emphasize the
relation of this understanding to teaching
practices by including coordinated instruction
across the domains of content, child development,
and pedagogy, taught by instructors who have
competence in all three areas and have experience
teaching young children STEM. High-quality,
specic teacher preparation and development has
been shown to be an effective way to improve the
knowledge and skills in the workforce. It is also
a strong predictor of student achievement.
Connections between microsystem
environments: parents and technology
as bridges
Many Americans view school learning as separate
and more important than out-of-school learning
(see Appendix B), yet learning is supported and
enriched when children’s formal learning is
meaningfully connected to experiences outside
school, in visits to libraries and museums, in
group activities with other children, and in other
moments in their everyday lives.
To bridge
informal and formal learning, educators and
caregivers can make use of two powerful tools:
parents and technology.
Parents, as long-term inuences in children’s
lives, can help them make connections between
in-school and out-of-school STEM learning, as
well as their learning experiences over time.
Parents can activate a child’s in-school learning
by engaging in related activities at home or
outside the home,
like taking trips to a STEM
museum or to a library with STEM resources, or
enrolling the child in STEM-relevant after-school
activities (e.g., Boy/Girl Scouts, Coding Club).
The teacher should be a learner,
and learning in the same way
that the child is learning.”
Family, friend, and neighbor child care providers
While our report focuses on early childhood
educators who work in schools and care centers,
it is also prudent to consider the education
and development of those who are sometimes
called the family, friend, and neighbor (FFN)
child care providers. These critical members
of the early childhood community make up
half of the workforce and yet are a silent and
often unseen community within education
reform discussions. FFN providers have
extremely diverse backgrounds, and more
research is desperately needed to explore
which training programs can effectively reach
and positively affect providers in this community.
Researchers and funders should work with
organizations like All Our Kin, which provides
training to FFN providers, to explore this
important and understudied population.
This kind of parental support has a strong,
positive effect on children’s participation in
math and science activities.
In supporting their children’s involvement in these
activities, parents expose them to the important
inuence of informal learning environments,
which have been shown to encourage excitement
and motivation to learn STEM, as well as to
promote children’s identication as STEM
Experiences like these not only
encourage science learning outside of school,
they also enrich science learning when children
return to school.
Institutions of informal
learning like museums and libraries also play a
crucial role in providing high-quality, engaging,
and socially supportive professional development
for STEM teachers, thus inuencing children
via multiple direct and indirect pathways.
More research is needed on how informal spaces,
especially libraries, can act as “hybrid spaces”
to pollinate young children’s STEM learning,
connecting their nascent STEM curiosity in
out-school settings to more formal learning
But it is evident from observing
interactions in these spaces that even a short
visit to a museum exhibit has the opportunity
to engage not only the child, but also the parent
in STEM learning. In one study at a museum,
giving families brief instruction in how to spark
STEM conversations resulted in parents asking
double the number of “Wh” questions (who,
what, when, where, why) to their children at a
STEM exhibit, and the effect did not differ by
ethnic background.
Technology, too, can be a bridge between learning
environments in a child’s life.
Digital media are
advancing into nearly every aspect of children’s
lives, even in their earliest years, and with the
help of informed adults, they can provide
opportunities for deeply connected learning.
For example, the Bedtime Math Foundation, using
the familiar model of a bedtime story, offers an
app to encourage families to incorporate fun
nightly math activities into their bedtime routine.
The presence of this app at home had an impact
at school: rst graders who used the app with
their parents (even as little as once a week) during
the school year were three months ahead of their
peers in math achievement by the end of the
year. The app was most effective for children
whose parents had greater math anxiety.
Some programs, like the PBS Ready to Learn
initiative, have used trans-media content (i.e.,
content that crosses multiple platforms, like
a Peg + Cat app that uses games to enhance
the content of the Peg + Cat television show)
to support and extend teacher-led workshops
for parents about preschool math engagement.
Teachers spent time each week discussing a
new math concept and providing activities that
parents could incorporate at home to support
learning with the help of the PBS app. This
intervention resulted in greater math knowledge,
understanding, and ability among students.
The mesosystem structure reminds us that
teachers in the classroom (including the pre-
and in-service training they receive), parents at
home, and educators of all kinds in out-of-school
settings mutually inuence one another and the
children they nurture together. Using parents and
technology as a bridge, each of these learning
environments—and the adults in them—can
support one another in the common effort to
encourage STEM interest and growth in children.
Exosystem: the societal structures and institutions that do not
directly contain the child but indirectly affect him or her
Shifts in both research and policy play a critical role in the
presence and quality of STEM learning in young childrens
lives. This role must not be overlooked, especially in light of
the latest international test scores, which show that students
in the U.S. continue to be outperformed in science and
mathematics by their peers around the world.
Yet, even
though differences in math performance between Americans
and their international counterparts begin to surface as early
as age 4 or 5,
the insights from publicly funded research
on how to help young children learn do not often find their
way into early childhood programs and practices. Richard
Elmore, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, writes
of the “deep, systemic incapacity of U.S. schoolsto develop,
incorporate, and extend new ideas about teaching and learning
in anything but a small fraction of schools and classrooms.
VI. the exosystem:
the importance of research and
policy in early STEM education
Education policy
While experts may disagree about the specic
educational policies that are most effective for
young learners, one important element is clear:
when policies for early learners and elementary
school children are not thoughtfully integrated,
they can work against one another. Studies show
a need to recognize the extent to which there
is policy alignment (the coherence of policy
expectations and instruments) and continuity
(connections across grade levels) in the early
grades. There is some evidence that lack of
alignment and continuity is at least partially
responsible for the “catching up” that happens
between children who do and do not experience
high-quality pre-K (a phenomenon sometimes
characterized as “fade out” of early gains from
Pre-K through third grade
teachers often use different curricular materials
and instructional strategies, and repeat material
that students already know.
Although much
is known about early learning and curricula,
disconnects between pre-K and early elementary
school can lead to uneven instructional practices,
which compromise student learning.
Many state and district policy makers are working
toward creating greater alignment and continuity
in elements of policy affecting pre-K and
elementary schools.
Policy efforts intended to
foster alignment typically attempt to ensure that
different elements of the instructional guidance
infrastructure—standards, curricula, assessment,
and professional development—promote similar
instructional approaches. Policies promoting
continuity seek to create more seamless pathways
from pre-K to elementary.
For example, efforts
may be made to ensure that (developmentally
adapted and appropriate) common curricula or
assessments are used in pre-K and elementary
classrooms, that the same administrator has
responsibility for both pre-K and elementary
levels, or that pre-K teachers are included in
professional development alongside elementary
school teachers. These efforts are well-founded:
professional development supporting curricular
continuity results in better induction experiences
for new teachers,
shared goals and instructional
strategies, and increased student performance.
Furthermore, the concept of learning trajectories
appears to be gaining attention in education
policy arenas. Several recent reports from
large-scale panels have stressed the importance
of teaching educators about them. For example,
the National Research Council report on early
is subtitled “Learning Paths Toward
Excellence and Equity;” the Early Numeracy
Research Project (ENRP) in Victoria, Australia,
was built around using “growth points” to inform
planning and teaching;
the Next Generation
Science Standards are built on the notion of
learning as a developmental progression;
the authors of the Common Core State Standards
started by writing learning trajectories for each
major topic. With the support of thoughtful
education policies and thoughtful teacher
education, there is hope that the important
frameworks of learning trajectories, policy
alignment, and curricular continuity can be
used to support early childhood STEM education.
Informing research funding priorities
When researchers conduct studies to determine
what is applicable and scalable in real-world
classrooms, they provide policymakers with the
evidence they need to implement more effective
However, it is rare that STEM researchers
develop a research program to inform or inuence
policy and practice in the pre-K through third
grade years. In fact, many conduct their studies
at a remove from the classroom, preferring clean,
controlled lab trials to explore learning and
development. This approach is critical to scientic
theory and progress, but it can also produce
results that are difcult to translate into effective
policy or, worse, not relevant to the needs of
teachers. One alternative is to involve teachers
as consultants and allies in the research process.
Several experts interviewed for this report pointed
to successes that arise when teachers are seen
as research partners and long-term collaborators
as early as the design stage. These research-practice
partnerships take advantage of the wisdom
and expertise of both educators and scholars,
and can play an essential role in supporting
the iterative process of education reform.
The NSF has been praised as particularly
supportive of research projects that require
the additional time and funding to include this
upfront collaboration and exploration.
Funding organizations, both governmental and
non-governmental, play an important role in
inuencing education policy.
The NSF is an
especially good example of this inuence: it
accounts for about 20% of federal support to
academic institutions for basic research,
has an annual $7 billion research budget, and
spends almost three times as much as the largest
philanthropy in the U.S.,
culling through tens
of thousands of research proposals each year.
The NSF, then, plays a very powerful role in
helping to set research, policy, and reform
agendas by steering funding toward particular
Furthermore, the NSF has made the
largest nancial investment in STEM education
of all the government agencies,
so its funding
priorities are of vital importance to the future of
early STEM learning.
In what ways do the priorities of funding
organizations support or hinder the development
of effective STEM learning in early childhood?
There is little research exploring this question,
so we performed a systematic (albeit limited)
search of NSF’s publicly available online award
abstracts database
to document its current
funding commitments to early STEM
learning. The detailed methods and ndings
of this analysis are available in Appendix A,
but briey, among the major research awards
associated with STEM education for children
between the ages of 0 and 10, we found that:
1. Younger children are not studied as often
as older children.
2. Support for the individual STEM topics is
distributed differently among younger and
older children.
3. There is a greater focus on children (e.g.,
assessing the development of math concepts
in 4-year-olds) in pre-K, and teachers (e.g.,
teacher training, professional development)
in K–5 classrooms.
The imbalances observed here signal where
there may be room for growth in research
support for early STEM learning.
It is, of course, unclear from this analysis whether
these imbalances are due to priority-setting by
the agency, the composition of its applicant pool,
or other reasons. We also recognize that a perfect
balance of studies and funding across all areas
may not be strategically wise or the intent of the
NSF. The agency awards grants to the proposals
with the greatest intellectual merit and potential
for broad impact. These observations do, however,
offer an opportunity to reect on the nature and
cause of each imbalance and to consider whether
they may be related to features of the macrosystem,
the broader cultural frames, paradigms, values,
and models about early STEM learning that shape
the child’s experience within all the other systems.
Teachers and children (who they
are; how they learn; what supports
they need) ought to be where we
start, not where we end up!
Teacher Educator
“Major” is defined here as awards of $500,000 or more. For more information, see Appendix A.
Macrosystem: the broader cultural frames, paradigms, values,
and models that shape the child’s engagement and relationships
in all the other systems
To understand how our culture is inhibiting the uptake of
STEM instruction, we need to understand the macrosystem,
a place where values and cultural frames can hold sway.
This is critical to consider because, as journalist Walter
Lippmann put it, “the pictures in peoples heads do not always
correspond with the world outside.
In the macrosystem,
policymakers and the public alike often hold assumptions
that run counter to efforts that would improve childrens
STEM opportunities. This situation is even more fraught in
early learning settings, where American cultural models—
deeply held understandings of what children can learn and
are able to do—have not caught up with scientific discoveries
about the critical importance of early childhood development.
VII. the macrosystem:
pivoting cultural frameworks to
support early childhood STEM
In fact, despite plentiful research documenting
the crucial importance of supportive early
childhood and family policies, the U.S. continues
to lag behind other developed countries. For
example, it is the only country out of 41 in the
database that does not have national
policies that mandate paid maternity leave.
While many other countries supplement or pay
entirely for the cost of child care, the annual
cost of child care in 28 states and the District
of Columbia is greater than a year’s tuition at a
four-year public college.
And while the majority
of early child care educators want to make a
long-term career of it, they see low pay as the
greatest challenge they face to staying in the
The median salary for a preschool
teacher is $28,570, compared to $51,640 for
kindergarten teachers,
and annual teacher
turnover in many child care settings remains
Libby Doggett, a noted expert on early
childhood programs and policy development,
remarks that “a teacher’s salary level reects
how the work is valued by society.
Views about early childhood have begun to change
in recent years. According to current polls, most
Americans (62%) recognize the period from birth
to age 5 as the most important time for developing
a child’s capacity to learn.
Voters overwhelmingly
support greater affordability and access to
high-quality early childhood education, and it is
a relatively non-partisan issue.
about three quarters of voters support investing
in voluntary home visiting and parent education
programs to help rst-time parents support their
child’s early learning, health, and emotional
As public support begins to grow around new
investments in early learning programs and
policies, it may be time to use the mounting
scientic consensus about early exposure to
the STEM disciplines to expand the national
conversation. However, a strategic communications
effort will be needed to ensure that an accurate
understanding of that science is conveyed when
it reaches the public, rather than reinforcing
problematic ways of thinking. Communications
work of this kind is testable, and the FrameWorks
Institute has taken up the mission of
understanding the intersection of research
communications and public support for effective
policies, using social science methods. The
institute’s recent work on the public’s perceptions
of STEM in early childhood (see Appendix B
for a detailed report) provides the foundation
for an effective communications plan to
support meaningful policy change around
early STEM learning.
The key elements of a national public engagement
strategy based on the FrameWorks Institute
research appear in the accompanying box (page
36). Clearly all of the pivotal sectors—research,
practice, policy, and other key leaders—will need
to embrace a new set of assumptions and values
about the enduring benets of seeding STEM
learning in the early years.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental economic body with 35
member countries. The OECD Family Database includes all OECD countries as well as members of the European Union,
for a total of 41 countries.
According to a series of qualitative and quantitative
research studies completed by the FrameWorks
Institute, many discrepancies exist between what
the public thinks and what research says about early
STEM. Strategies based in communication science
can help to change the pictures in people’s heads
and enable them to see the value of research-based
approaches. Here are some examples of how
communications science can help galvanize public
engagement and policy action to promote a shared
commitment to investing in early STEM learning.
See Appendix B for the detailed report.
Research says: Children are born scientists.
The public says: Some children are born scientists,
and others not. And then some are encouraged
or discouraged to pursue science by their family
cultures. Not every child can learn STEM subjects,
nor do they need to. Not every kid needs to be a
math or science kid.
Communications science suggests: Watch a
group of very young children who are engaged in
planning and planting a community garden. What
are they learning? The beginnings of environmental
science and plant biology, critical thinking skills,
problem solving, trial and error, and more. All
young children can be engaged at this level and
can begin to think of themselves as “math and
science kids” who can use their skills and
knowledge to put food on the lunch table.
Research says: Children who engage in scientific
activities from an early age develop positive
attitudes toward science.
The public says: Children need to learn the
“basics” first, before they are able to address
more complex STEM subjects. First come reading,
writing, and arithmetic. Then kids can decide
whether they are ready for STEM.
Communications science suggests: STEM
learning opportunities are like charging stations
that power up kids’ learning. Some kids live in
charging systems with lots of opportunities for
learning, while other kids have very few. If we
increase the number of STEM charging stations in
kids’ environments, we will see more interest and
fluency in STEM. Our current system is patchy;
this explains why some children never develop
STEM fluency, which has significant consequences
for their overall learning.
Research says: Early introduction to science and
math "talk" helps children build STEM vocabularies
and acquire the background or prior knowledge
they need for deeper understanding of STEM topics.
The public says: Children need to wait until they
can understand complicated scientific concepts.
Little kids should be focusing on learning their ABCs.
Communications science suggests: Just as
people need to be immersed in a language in
order to become fluent, children, too, need to
be given many opportunities in many different
settings to become fluent in STEM subjects.
They need real-world exposures to STEM
activities, like planning a community garden.
These types of activities help whet kids’ appetites
for STEM learning and build their skills. When we
give all children STEM opportunities, they learn
to speak fluent STEM.
Research says: Preschool math skills predict
later academic achievement more consistently
than early reading or attention skills.
The public says: Children who are motivated
will achieve. Not everyone can be good at math.
But everyone can read.
Communications science suggests: Developing
STEM skills is an integral part of weaving strong
skills ropes. As we learn new skills, our brain
weaves skill strands into ropes that we can use
to solve problems, meet challenges and, in turn,
acquire new skills. STEM skills are vital in many
different kinds of skills ropes. When kids have
opportunities to collect evidence and solve
scientific problems, they build strong ropes
that can be used in many ways later in life.
Using effective STEM communication to frame national dialogue
Today's preschoolers are tomorrow's inventors and problem
solvers. In high-quality early learning environments, we can
find these children playing with blocks and experimenting
at the water table. Yet by the time they leave high school, a
large percentage will have lost the confidence and motivation
to engage in STEM subjects as adults (or worse, never had
sustained opportunities to deepen their skills in the first
place). This represents not only a loss for individual students;
it is also a loss for our nation.
As the research here shows, advancing educational outcomes
for young children more generally, and for the STEM disciplines
specifically, will require urgent, well-coordinated, cross-sector
work. Fortunately, fertile groundwork has already been laid.
Important efforts are already underway to improve STEM
learning in public schools up through twelfth grade. Other
efforts are underway to build a more coherent, high-quality,
and sustainable system of early education from birth
through age 8.
VIII. recommendations
Related reports and recommendations
Our recommendations draw from authoritative
work from scientific panels and professional
associations, as well as our practitioner focus
groups and key informant surveys. They are
also informed by the April 2016 White House
Symposium on Early STEM and the June 2016
convening that the Joan Ganz Cooney Center and
New America led to draw together a national
action plan. Many of the recommendations are
adapted from reports published by the Institute
for Medicine and the National Research Council,
the U.S. Department of Education (including
the new STEM 2026 report), the American
Institutes for Research, the National Science
Foundation, the National Mathematics
Advisory Panel, the National Science Teachers
Association, the National Association of
Elementary School Principals Foundation,
and recent reviews of digital innovation and
professional development by New America
and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center.
In the six recommendations below, which start
in the child’s most proximate environments
and move outward to broader frameworks and
structures, we have borrowed from both streams
of work to create an action plan that brings
high-quality STEM education together with early
learning. We recommend providing stronger
support and education for parents and teachers;
a more aligned strategy across grade-levels
and between formal and informal learning
environments; a redoubling of efforts to
improve the early education system in general;
a new emphasis and direction for research
and development, and a new approach to
communicating and disseminating research
ndings. We recognize the need to engage
multi-sector actions across and within the
complex ecosystems in which children grow up.
Improve teacher professional learning on STEM
STEM starts early: Key recommendations
expand the
availability of STEM
“charging stations"
support parents
to be STEM guides
improve teacher
professional learning
build a sustainable and aligned system
of high-quality early learning from
birth through age 8
use communications science to
build public will and understanding
improve how
research is funded
and conducted
+ Engage parents: Support
parent confidence and
efficacy as their childrens
first and most important
STEM guides.
When parents have the understanding and
condence to support their children’s STEM
learning, they can have a powerful and lasting
impact. Parents are willing and able to skillfully
engage with their young children, but they need
both knowledge and formal support to do so.
Parent educators, advocates, and researchers
should reach out to parents about early STEM
learning where they are in engaging ways,
through blogs, child care centers, pediatricians,
parenting magazines, and publications like
Zero-to-Three and Young Children.
Communicators should emphasize what early
STEM learning actually looks like, providing
a variety of clear and accessible examples of
early STEM exploration (e.g., participating in
a community garden, testing which bath toys
oat and sink) that make it clear that STEM
learning can happen anytime, anywhere, even
with minimal resources.
Resources for parents do not have to be
limited to simple early STEM tip sheets;
policy makers, community leaders, and
media producers should work to make
comprehensive, long-term training on early
STEM learning and support more accessible
to parents using mobile technology.
+ Support teachers: Improve
training and institutional
support for teaching
early STEM.
STEM learning must be incorporated skillfully
into early learning environments. This is not
about simply adding in a new mathematics
curriculum or asking children to memorize
scientic vocabulary; it will take a concerted
effort to integrate STEM in ways that reect
the latest science on how children learn, how
teachers and early learning programs can
improve, and what families need. Teachers will
need high-quality preparation to do so successfully.
Education leaders should ensure that
efforts to improve the workforce include
interconnected and ongoing STEM training
and support, which is meaningfully woven
into teachers’ existing classroom practices.
Teacher preparation and training programs—
both pre- and in-service—should include, in
interconnected and meaningful ways: STEM
content, training in children’s developmental
learning progressions in STEM, and well-
modeled and practiced pedagogy situated
in the classroom.
Preparation and training programs should
be designed to allow teachers to experience
STEM learning in the same ways that
children will. Teacher education should be
driven by curiosity, allow for tinkering and
exploration, and help teachers weave a
holistic understanding of STEM topic areas
so they can empathize and model this
learning for their students.
Researchers should disseminate ndings in
formats accessible to teachers, addressing
teacher concerns (for an excellent example,
see the new report Early STEM Matters).
Demonstrations of successful early STEM
teaching should be made more accessible,
enabling educators to easily nd, understand,
and apply the lessons in their work.
+ Connect learning: Support
and expand the web of STEM
learning “charging stations”
available to children.
Parents, teachers, technology, museums, and
libraries create a web of charging stations where
children can power up and extend their STEM
learning. Immersion in this web of STEM learning
leads to STEM uency. Leaders must act together to
broaden this web of charging stations to ensure that
all children are capable of powering up their STEM
exposure and becoming uent STEM learners.
Leaders in museums, libraries, and community
organizations should prioritize early STEM in
informal learning environments. Exhibits and
interactive features should engage children,
and also provide direct instruction to parents
on how to engage with their children around
STEM features and continue their learning
beyond that environment. The Every Student
Succeeds Act (ESSA) authorizes new funds
that can be deployed in these efforts, and
national networks of 21st Century Community
Learning Centers can provide other signicant
community program opportunities and
funding for wider adoption of early STEM
Education and technology leaders should
ensure digital equity by providing access to
high-speed internet and other digital age
infrastructure for all families with young
children and the professionals who work
with them.
The president and cabinet should activate the
executive agencies, partnering with states and
cities to ensure that early STEM educators
have access to the internet to collaborate,
take professional-development courses, update
lessons, conduct assessments that inform
teaching, and provide age-appropriate digital
tools for documentation and analysis in the
classroom. Early educators and parents
also need access to the growing cadre of
professionals known as media mentors,
librarians and others trained in the use of
educational media with children, who can
ably promote the use of interactive media
for higher level STEM learning by working
directly with parents and caregivers.
Public and private funders should continue
to fund initiatives like Ready to Learn, which
support family engagement in STEM learning.
Media ofcials should undertake projects
that build public interest in early STEM and
form a bridge for home-school learning
+ Transform early childhood
education: Build a
sustainable and aligned
system of high quality early
learning through age 8
Strong STEM teaching in early childhood must be
integrated with efforts to support and expand more
effective public commitments to early childhood
teaching in general. All levels of government, along
with state and community leaders, should apply
existing and new resources to improve teaching.
All levels of government, along with state and
community leaders, should apply existing
and new funding resources to improve
general early childhood teaching and quality.
Frameworks produced by the National
Mathematics Panel Report on Preschool–
Grade 12 and by the National Science
Teachers Association are foundational
documents for states and districts to
adopt and use to build professional
development systems. The NSF Math
and Science Partnership (MSP) program,
a collaboration among institutions of higher
education and school districts, is one model
for further study and broader adoption.
Special attention should be paid to address
professional preparation, staff development,
and continuing education, with attention to
the vast disparities in compensation, benets,
and work conditions that exist between K–12
educators and their counterparts in early
learning settings.
Federal and state policy leaders should
look to the recent report from the Institutes
of Medicine and the National Research
Council, Transforming the Workforce for
Children Birth Through Age 8, for 13 important
recommendations for creating the professional
standards to support high quality early
It calls for the creation of higher
education professional preparation programs
to incorporate “an interdisciplinary foundation
in higher education for child development,
which can clearly be aligned with a new
commitment to teaching STEM.
+ Reprioritize research:
Improve the way early
STEM research is funded
and conducted.
Research agencies are not yet prioritizing early
STEM learning. Our review and others
that agencies currently prioritize investment in
older children and in training undergraduates
and graduate school students at a later stage of
the STEM pipeline (see Appendix A). Some early
STEM research is underway in the private sector
through product launches, such as apps and
educational products like Goldie Blox, Wonder
Workshop, Motion Math, and Bedtime Math.
In addition, signicant commitments to early
learning research come from the U.S. Department
of Education (ED), National Institutes of Health
(NIH), the Department of Defense, and the NSF,
and interagency mechanisms such as CoSTEM
(the White House-led Committee on Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math) have helped
to promote cohesion in STEM initiatives. But
efforts are fragmented and lack mechanisms to
foster inter-agency coordination and collaboration.
We suggest:
CoSTEM and the White House Ofce of Science
and Technology Policy should take stock
of what research is being funded on early
learning and STEM across the federal agencies
and research organizations. The information
gathered would allow the identication of
knowledge gaps and form the basis for a
government-wide strategy to support early
STEM learning R&D. A similar effort should
be initiated by governors and chief state
school ofcers at the state level.
Program designers should encourage studies
that enable a two-way street between research
and practice. For example, ED’s Institute for
Education Sciences (IES) recently announced
funds for a network of interdisciplinary
research teams exploring how early
elementary school science teaching can
improve education outcomes for children,
especially those from low-income backgrounds
and from communities underrepresented in
science professions. An expanded effort could
focus attention on the T, E, and M in STEM and
use teacher researchers to inform future
study designs.
Research agency leaders should establish an
interagency and interdisciplinary research
program with emphasis on early learning
and STEM. Such a program could collect and
synthesize evidence of effective pedagogy and
program designs to encourage early STEM
learning. Actors could include the NSF, IES,
and NIH, as well as ED, the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, and the
Institute for Museum and Library Services.
One powerful blueprint for modernizing
research-agency activities, the NSF-developed
report Fostering Learning in a Networked World:
the Cyberlearning Opportunity and Challenge,
outlines directions that could help focus
related activities at other research agencies.
Philanthropic organizations should continue
to use their research grants and convening
power to engage policymakers, community
leaders, and private investors in early STEM
efforts. Current commitments focused on
early STEM learning are coming from leaders
such as the Heising-Simons Foundation,
which is funding a particularly promising
interdisciplinary initiative called the
Development and Research in Early Math
Education (DREME) Network. Other forward-
thinking funders include the Overdeck Family
Foundation, the Bezos Family Foundation, and
PNC Bank. Organizations supporting STEM
innovation and equitable opportunities for
older learners should consider reframing
grant-making portfolios to include early
Spotlight on the role of the National Science Foundation
The differences between the U.S. and other countries’
performance in math and science remain significant
on international assessments measures such as
TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study) and PISA (Program for International
Student Assessment). As the research on the potency
of “learning trajectories” is better understood, there
is great interest among practitioners, researchers,
and policymakers in expanding NSF’s investments
in the early years. NSF, already a major catalyst in
this area, has a vital leadership role to play in
encouraging early STEM learning R&D: already, we
embrace the foundation’s priorities to drive equity
for underrepresented populations and to promote
human-centered research innovation as shown in
its five-year strategic plan.
Drawing from key
informant interviews and focus groups, as well as
the meetings held in April 2016 at the White House
and in June 2016 at New America, we recommend
that the NSF:
1. Increase funding in early learning STEM:
Direct 25% to 50% of Discovery Research
PreK–12 program funding to studies that
include at least one of the early childhood years
(birth through age 8). Those nine years repre-
sent half of children’s lives before they gradu-
ate from high school and the percentage of
research dollars should be commensurate.
Invest new resources to promote a more
equitable balance of studies and funding
between research on early childhood and
research on older age groups across all
funding streams.
2. Make cross-disciplinary research and
dissemination on early learning a priority:
Prioritize research that spans the pre-K to
elementary school transition.
Change the acronym of the Discovery Research
PreK–12 funding program from DRK–12 to
Require projects in the Division of Research on
Learning in Formal and Informal Environments
to include the target age range in research
abstracts and to include tags for types of
settings (home, museum, preschool, etc.).
Fund longitudinal research that tracks student
outcomes and the quality of instructional
settings from pre-K (and before pre-K where
applicable) through at least the third grade.
Continue to encourage educator-scholar
research partnerships in early childhood through
regular meetings and dissemination events.
3. Reward innovation in design and expand
project funding for applied work:
Include new measures of project impact the
NSF's awards RFPs and online database.
Encourage a wide range of dissemination
methods from grantees.
Expand support for projects with flexible and/or
innovative research designs and those based
in researcher-practitioner partnerships.
Support an expansion of research and
curriculum-based intervention programs
that can be scaled up.
Partner with other executive agencies to
promote the research-to-practice pipeline.
+ Communicate clearly:
Use insights from
communications science
to build public will for
integrating STEM learning
in early education.
Current agendas for action are misaligned with
the emerging scientic consensus on early STEM
learning: they are geared towards preparing older
children for careers with the goal of making the
national economy more competitive, and in
imparting specialty knowledge on a smaller
population of “capable” youth. What is more,
potential advocates for early STEM—such as
parents and even many educators—are often
wary of STEM in the early years, as shown by the
FrameWorks Institute analysis (see Appendix B).
However, many concerns fall away once early
STEM is explained in terms that accentuate the
benets of children as active, curious learners, or
when couched in terms of authentic learning
experiences. The FrameWorks Institute’s emphasis
on “two sciences”—communications science
and policy science—is a helpful guide to the
public engagement work needed to inform new
investments in early childhood learning. To help
launch a national conversation on the benets
of early learning and STEM using this two-
science approach, we recommend the following
action steps:
All stakeholders and advocates of early
STEM, across all the child’s environments,
should use a unied communications plan
to ensure that they do not activate negative
pre-existing cultural misconceptions about
early STEM. A brief Communications Guide is
provided on page 36 and is detailed further
in Appendix B.
National, state, and local leaders should
convene summits on the future of Early
Learning and STEM. The rst White House
Summit on Early Learning and STEM
April 2016 should be followed up on and
expanded by the next administration. The
White House, ED, governors, chief state school
ofcers, and business groups should organize
follow-up meetings to focus attention on R&D
priorities for early learning, and to recommend
new public and private investments by the
government and private sources, such as
non-prot organizations and market investors.
Public media ofcials should undertake
projects that build public interest in early
STEM and form a bridge for home-school
learning connections. Media assets developed
by highly trusted, research-based educational
media distribution organizations, such as
PBS, Sesame Workshop, WGBH, and WNET,
are often untapped and are no-cost resources
for parents, libraries, early educators, family
child care providers, and elementary schools.
ED’s Ready to Learn program, which creates,
distributes, and conducts research on the
impact of “trans-media” content for children
ages 3–8, is a valuable model.
To effectively seed STEM development for young
children, we must mobilize leaders from every
pivotal sector—research, practice, industry,
philanthropy, and policy—to work together.
Only then will America’s most precious asset—
its youngest children—grow and bloom in a world
where STEM learning is no longer a luxury but
a necessity.
For that convening, the White House and ED received over 200 submissions of innovative STEM work from leaders across
the country, representing state and local entities, foundations, non-profits, media organizations, technology companies,
research institutions, and museums. Many examples were rooted in stories of children’s exploration and confidence-building
that the FrameWorks analysis shows to be effective with the public. (
appendix a:
STEM in early childhood: an analysis of NSF grant awards
Elisabeth R. McClure
Joan Ganz Cooney Center
Funding organizations, both governmental and
non-governmental, play an important role in
inuencing education policy.
The National
Science Foundation (NSF), which accounts for
about 20% of federal support to academic
institutions for basic research,
has an annual
$7 billion research budget and spends almost
three times as much as the largest philanthropy
in the U.S.,
culling through tens of thousands
of research proposals each year.
The NSF has a
powerful role to play in helping to set the research,
policy, and reform agendas by targeting funding
toward particular topics.
Furthermore, the NSF
has made the largest nancial investment in STEM
education of all the government agencies,
so its
funding priorities are of vital importance to the
future of early STEM learning.
Not only is the NSF one of the largest funders of
STEM research in the United States, it is also seen
as having a model system and infrastructure for
supporting the kind of research that can be most
useful for the advancement of early STEM. In our
interviews with policy makers, researchers, and
teacher educators, the NSF was consistently cited
as being both a primary funder of early STEM
work, and also an ideal venue for support that is
exible enough to sustain innovative research
designs and long-term researcher-practitioner
partnership development. For this reason too,
then, an investigation of the NSF’s current funding
of projects related to early STEM is useful for
determining both where our national priorities
fall and where there are opportunities for growth.
To document the NSF’s present funding
commitment to the topic, we performed a
systematic search of its publicly available online
award abstracts database.
The database contains
hundreds of thousands of records of projects
funded since 1989, so it was necessary to set
certain boundaries on our search terms. We limited
our search to the Division for Research on Learning
in Formal and Informal Environments (DRL), under
which the Discovery Research PreK–12 (DRK–12)
program—which specically targets STEM teaching
and learning
—is housed. Because there was no
age lter available for the database and abstracts
did not consistently include typical age range
language, we used the search terms “STEM early
learning” and “STEM early childhood, combining
all the resulting abstracts and removing duplicates.
Since child age and learning topic were not
catalogued in the database, it was necessary to
code these characteristics manually by reading
each individual abstract; in order to control the
size of the eld, the search was further limited
to only major grants of $500,000 or more, as an
indicator of agency priority. All awards were
current (i.e., not expired) and awarded between
January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2015.
Under these conditions, the search returned 512
unique award abstracts. We then discarded 409
awards from the analysis because they were, in
most cases, intended for research on students
outside the age range of interest (i.e., they were for
research on students in middle school or older) or
because they did not specify the children’s ages.
The remaining 103 award abstracts described
research associated with science, technology,
engineering, and math education for children
between the ages of 0 and 10. We manually coded
the age of the children who were studied
(or, alternately, the age of the children being
taught by the teachers who were studied); the
learning topic (science, technology, engineering,
and/or math, as described in the abstracts);
whether the research was focused on teachers/
staff, students, or the overall school/organization;
whether the research had an emphasis on a
special population (e.g., low-income or minority
ethnicities); and whether the learning context
was a formal (e.g., school) or informal (e.g., zoo,
television) environment.
The average award amount across all age groups
and topic areas was $2,219,468.
There were
seven outliers (those whose awards were more
than two standard deviations greater than the
mean award), and when these were removed
the average award amount became $1,787,405.
Here are our ve main ndings:
1. Younger children are not studied as often
as older children.
Of the 103 awards we coded and reviewed, 23
included children in pre-kindergarten (pre-K)
or were described as being 4 years of age. The
number of awards that included each grade level
increased with age. It is important to note that
many of these awards fell into multiple age
categories. For example, if an award studied
kindergarten (K) through second grade students,
it was coded as falling into three age categories:
K, rst grade, and second grade.
48% of the grants that included pre-K children
also included kindergarten children, while
94% of the grants that included kindergarten
children also included rst grade children.
In other words, projects that study children
across the transition between pre-K and
kindergarten are not being funded as
often as those covering the transition from
kindergarten to rst grade.
20% of the awards cover the range of K to
fth grade, while only 3% of them cover
the entire range of pre-K to fth grade.
27% included K through second grade,
and 50% included third through fth grade.
Only two awards were given to projects
including children between 0 and 2 years
of age, and only six awards included 3-year-
olds. All eight of these awards studying
children between 0 and 3 also included
4-year-olds. In other words, no awards
were for the purpose of studying babies
and toddlers exclusively; they were included
in broader age ranges.
Of the seven outliers in award amount (those
awarded more than $6,125,615), only one
included pre-K, and two included kindergarten.
All others started with third grade or above.
Award amounts and durations (see table
below) were about the same for all awards
that included pre-K versus those that only
included children in kindergarten through
fth grade.
Average award amount and duration by age
Amount Amount Duration (yrs.)
w/o outliers
Pre-K $2,300,434 $1,950,454 4.35
K–5 $2,196,191 $1,738,931 4
Number of awards by age
# of awards
(4 years)
Grade 1
(6 years)
Grade 3
(8 years)
Grade 5
(10 years)
(5 years)
Grade 2
(7 years)
Grade 4
(9 years)
Only major awards, defined here as those granted $500,000 or more, were reviewed in this analysis.
2. Individual STEM topics are distributed
differently among younger and older
Both the number of projects devoted to each
topic and the amounts awarded for each topic
differ among older and younger children. Only
six of the awards for the K–5 group did not
include third grade or older, so here the awards
are separated by whether they included pre-K in
their studied age range or whether they studied
a kindergarten and older group exclusively.
A. Number of projects: Math favored in pre-K
Technology and engineering appear equally
often, both in the pre-K group and the K–5 group
of awards; however, they both occur less often
than the science and mathematics topics,
especially among preschoolers. While math and
science occur equally among K–5 awards, among
preschoolers math is very clearly the priority:
it is included in awarded projects 26% more often
than science.
B. Topic integration: Topics studied in greater
isolation among older children
The degree to which individual awards focused
on multiple topics was different across the pre-K
and the K–5 awards, with studies including pre-K
children being more likely to include math and
science together and technology and engineering
together in the same awards.
For the awards that included pre-K:
Technology and engineering were never studied
in isolation: all awards that included technology
or engineering included both topics.
Technology: No awards that included
technology studied it in isolation from the
other topics. It was most likely to be studied
with engineering (100%), but was often
studied with science (67%) and/or math (33%).
Engineering: No awards that included
engineering studied it in isolation from the
other topics. It was most likely to be studied
with technology (100%), but was often studied
with science (67%) and/or math (33%).
Science and math were more likely to be studied
in isolation than technology and engineering, with
math dominating as an isolated topic of study.
Math: 65% of all awards that included math
studied it in isolation from the other topics.
When it was studied with other topics, it was
most likely to be studied with science (35%).
It was very rarely studied with technology
(6%) and/or engineering (6%).
Science: 36% of all awards that included
science studied it in isolation from the other
topics. It was most likely to be studied with
math (55%), engineering (18%), and/or
technology (18%).
3% of all awards covered all four topics together.
STEM distribution by age group
Science Technology Engineering Math
13% 13%
For the awards that only included K–5:
Technology and engineering were more likely
to be studied in isolation for the older children,
but were still lumped together with other topics
most of the time.
Technology: 25% of all awards that included
technology studied it in isolation from the
other topics. It was most likely to be studied
with science (75%), but was often studied
with math (60%) and/or engineering (60%).
Engineering: 10% of all awards that included
engineering studied it in isolation from the
other topics. It was most likely to be studied
with science (85%), but was often studied
with math (65%) and/or technology (60%).
Science and math continued to be more
likely to be studied in isolation than technology
and engineering, with math continuing to
dominate as an isolated topic of study.
Math: 62% of all awards that included math
studied it in isolation from the other topics.
When it was studied with other topics, it was
most likely to be studied with science (36%),
but was sometimes studied with technology
(27%), and/or engineering (29%).
Science: 48% of all awards that included
science studied it in isolation from the other
topics. It was almost equally likely to be
studied with engineering (39%), math (36%),
and/or technology (34%).
14% of all awards covered all four topics together.
C. Funding Distribution: Science Favored in Pre-K,
Engineering in K–5
The funding distribution across topic areas
appeared to differ by age group.
Among the pre-K
awards, science was the most “valuable” topic to
include in a project: when studied in isolation,
it received more than twice the award amount
($4.37 million) as math studied in isolation ($1.98
million), and awards that included science
among other topics of study had the highest
award amounts (almost $1 million more than
the next runner up, math).
Among K–5 awards, the topics were valued more
equally; however, of these, engineering appeared
to be the most “valuable” topic to include in a
project: it received the highest award amount
when studied in isolation (by $788,000) and it
also produced the highest award amounts when
included on a project among other topics. This
is particularly striking when you consider that
engineering was very unlikely to be studied in
isolation, and was a less common topic of study
overall (25% of awards) than science (55%) and
math (56%). This contrast between the high award
value of engineering and the small number of
studies including it suggests that there may be a
stronger demand from the NSF for K–5 engineering
research than there are projects studying it.
Average awards amounts across topics studied
in isolation
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Pre-K $4,370,328 $1,977,728
K–5 $2,361,902 $1,440,199 $3,150,059 $1,834,759
In the following tables, recall that for pre-K
awards, technology and engineering always fall
under the same grants, so their awards amounts
will be the same. Engineering is almost always
studied along with other topics (particularly at
the K–5 level), especially science and math.
Average award amounts across topics overall
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Pre-K $2,783,829 $1,154,481 $1,154,481 $1,927,313
K–5 $2,484,567 $1,939,022 $2,719,522 $2,165,642
Of the seven outliers for award amount (those
awarded more than $6,125,615) in the sample,
six included science, ve included math, four
included engineering, and two included technology.
When these are removed, the distribution looks
as follows:
Average award amounts across topic areas,
without outliers
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Pre-K $2,062,212 $1,154,481 $1,154,481 $1,927,313
K–5 $1,797,170 $1,105,544 $1,367,656 $1,430,834
Only major awards, defined here as those granted $500,000 or more, were reviewed in this analysis.
3. There is an emphasis on children in
pre-K and on teachers in K–5.
The distribution of teacher/staff-focused (e.g.,
teacher training, professional development) and
child-focused (e.g., assessment of the development
of math concepts in 4-year-olds) differed for all
awards that included pre-K versus those that only
looked at K–5. In pre-K, the emphasis is heavily
on children, and in K–5, the emphasis is on
professional development and curricular design.
When interpreting these results, recall that
some awards focus on both teacher and child
Child vs. teacher emphasis across age groups
Teacher/Staff-focused Child-focused
Pre-K 43% 70%
K–5 66% 44%
4. There is a greater emphasis on formal
learning in K–5 than in pre-K.
The distribution of awards that focused on
formal versus informal learning environments
looks somewhat different for all awards that
include pre-K versus those that only look at K–5.
Both emphasize formal over informal learning,
but to different degrees. For awards that included
pre-K, looking at formal learning environments
was about twice as common as looking at
informal environments, whereas for awards that
only included K–5, formal learning was examined
more than three times as often. When interpreting
these results, recall that some awards look at
both formal and informal learning.
Formal vs. informal emphasis across age groups
Formal learning Informal learning
environment environment
Pre-K 65% 30%
K–5 86% 25%
5. The distribution of awards across
regions, institutions, and PI sex
differed across age groups.
A. Geographical Regions: South largely absent in
pre-K research
The geographical distribution of the awards,
as dened by the U.S. Census Bureau’s regional
differed for awards that included
pre-K and those that did not include pre-K.
Those that included pre-K were based in the
Northeast, Midwest, and West, with only one
in a Southern state. Eleven unique states were
represented, with Massachusetts and California
leading the way: ve in Massachusetts; four
in California; three in Illinois; two each in
Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Michigan; and
one each in New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, Virginia,
and Wisconsin.
Those that only considered K–5 were much
more evenly distributed across regions; however,
Massachusetts and California still represented
the highest number of awards by far. Twenty-
nine unique states were represented, but 13
awards were from California and 11 were from
Massachusetts, which is more than double the
awards from the next highest ranking state
(North Carolina, with ve awards).
Regional distribution of awards by age group
Northeast Midwest South West
Pre-K 8 8 1 6
K–5 20 16 22 22
B. Institutions: A third of K–5 awards granted to the
same institutions
Across both age groups, there were many
institutions that received multiple awards
for STEM in early childhood education. The
institutions that received the most awards were:
TERC (Technical Education Resource Centers)
(5), North Carolina State University (4), Tufts
University (4), Michigan State University (4),
and Vanderbilt University (3).
The degree of duplication differed across age
groups. Among the 23 awards that included
pre-K, there were 18 unique organizations
represented; four organizations (20%) received
more than one award. All four of the duplicate
organizations received two awards. They were:
Tufts University, Michigan State University,
University of Denver, and the Fred Rogers Company.
Among the 80 awards that included K–5 only,
there were 62 unique organizations represented;
18 organizations (29%) received more than one
award. They were: TERC (5), North Carolina State
(4), Vanderbilt University (3), Tufts University (2),
Michigan State University (2), Franklin Institute
Science Museum (2), University of Arizona (2),
University of California-Irvine (2), Northwestern
University (2), University of Missouri-Columbia (2),
New York University (2), and Stanford University (2).
C. Sex of principal investigator: More female
than male
Overall, there were slightly more female than
male PIs among all the early childhood awards.
The distribution of PI sex was similar across age
groups, favoring females in awards that included
pre-K. Awards that included pre-K had a 65%
female to 35% male ratio, while those that only
considered K through fth had a 59% female to
41% male ratio.
This awards analysis is meant to provide a rough
sketch of the NSF’s recent and current funding
priorities in the area of early childhood STEM
research. To accomplish this, we analyzed a small
sample of publicly available abstracts describing
awards related to STEM in early childhood. When
interpreting the results, it is important to recall
that we only considered a very limited sample of
the projects the NSF is supporting in this area:
major awards (those in excess of $500,000),
within a single division of the agency. This
analysis did not consider the potential impact
of each project, and it did not include the many
signicant STEM projects and activities that
the NSF is supporting outside of its grant
program, of which there are many.
It is unclear from this analysis whether the
observed imbalances are due to priority-setting
by the agency, the composition of its applicant
pool, or some other reason. We also recognize
that a perfect balance of studies and funding
across all areas may not be strategically wise or
the intent of the NSF. The agency awards grants
to the proposals with the greatest intellectual
merit and potential for broad impact.
Finally, this analysis did not use inferential
statistical techniques. As with all research
conducted on samples, these results must be
considered with caution. However, they do provide
a preliminary survey of the current funding
landscape and may provide nascent ideas for
how the NSF can continue to model and improve
its excellent support of STEM in early childhood.
appendix b:
how reframing research can enhance STEM support:
a two-science approach
Susan Nall Bales, Jennifer Nichols,
and Nat Kendall-Taylor
FrameWorks Institute
A strong body of evidence shows that young
learners benet tremendously from instruction
in the elds of science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM). Yet Americans are reluctant to
back education reforms that favor innovative
STEM learning. Why the disconnect? One key
reason is a complex web of education policies
that inhibit the widespread adoption of STEM
instruction into pre-K and primary schools.
Culture is largely to blame. Policies are the
product of politics, and politics is the product
of culture, as ex-Sen. Jim DeMint said. “Politics,
he quipped, “follows the culture.
To understand how our culture is inhibiting the
uptake of STEM instruction, and preventing the
next generation from fully contributing to our
nation’s prosperity, we need to understand what
journalist Walter Lippmann once called the
“pseudo-environment”—the place where
“the pictures in people’s heads do not always
correspond with the world outside. In this
pseudo-environment, legislators and civic
leaders who promote STEM learning often nd
themselves at odds with the public, as parents
inadvertently argue for approaches to learning
that undermine children’s ability to engage and
achieve in STEM subjects. This situation is even
more fraught in early learning settings, where
the public’s cultural models—deeply held ideas
about what children need and how learning
takes place—have not caught up with scientic
discoveries about early childhood development.
This paper will argue that efforts to delineate the
obstacles to full integration of STEM into early
childhood learning, and to devise evidence-based
approaches to overcome those obstacles, must
take into account the perceptions that people
hold about STEM and early learning. Doing so
requires a “two-science approach, in which policy
science is coupled with communications science.
This approach, used in the collaboration between
the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and
the FrameWorks Institute,
emphasizes using
social science to understand where ordinary
Americans part ways with experts, what this
means for public support of STEM policies, and
what kinds of narratives help people engage,
reconsider, and endorse meaningful policies.
The two-science approach promises to prepare
STEM proponents to infuse better narratives into
the public discourse. As psychologist Howard
Gardner has written, “over time and cultures,
the most robust and most effective form of
communication is the creation of a powerful
Importantly, this requires the
recognition that what we say matters to what
we ultimately do about any given policy issue.
This is more than media spin; it gets at the heart
of how ideas are encoded in our public lives.
Determining the narrative needed to engage
the public in the range of education reforms
required to foster STEM learning requires
research. A coherent narrative can only be
developed by mapping the cognitive terrain so
that communicators know which “pictures in
people’s heads” they wish to evoke and which
to bypass. To revisit DeMint’s observation, we
use “talk” as the audible manifestation of culture,
allowing us to predict what policy prescriptions
are likely to “t” people’s operative cultural models.
When people say, for example, that very young
children need to “learn the basics” before they
“graduate” to STEM subjects, they are articulating
a deep but widespread belief about hierarchies of
learning, a cultural model that, if unaddressed by
communicators, will marginalize active early
STEM learning and experimentation in favor of
rote memorization of basic content and concepts.
To map this terrain and determine how to
navigate it, FrameWorks uses a multi-method,
multi-disciplinary approach called Strategic Frame
Analysis. First, we use interviewing and analysis
techniques adapted from cognitive anthropology
to map the deeply held, patterned ways of
thinking that members of a culture widely share.
Understanding these default patterns of thinking
allows us to develop messaging recommendations
that prevent communicators from triggering
problematic ways of thinking and help them target
productive thought patterns instead. We then use
techniques from experimental psychology and
linguistics to test potential reframes with
thousands of research informants against a set
of specic dependent variables, policies that
experts and advocates want enacted.
Since its founding in 1999, FrameWorks has used
these techniques to understand how Americans
think about early child development, and we
have more than 75,000 participants in our
database on this issue.
We reprise the relevant
here to share with those operating at
the crossroads of early child learning and STEM.
In 2010, FrameWorks began a large, multi-faceted
project to create a Core Story of Education
explain concepts such as assessment, teacher
quality, skills acquisition, digital learning, and
disparities. For this project, we queried more than
28,000 participants about these and other aspects
of education. While this body of research is too
voluminous to address here, it is fundamental to
understanding how STEM is understood within a
broader cultural context and how specic educa-
tion reform proposals are heard and interpreted by
the public. We recommend it to communicators.
We wrote a new chapter to this Core Story
beginning in 2013, when the Noyce Foundation
supported an inquiry into how Americans think
about STEM education specically. During this
project, we added 6,350 participants to our
database and were able to dig deeply into public
thinking and framing strategies around STEM
and informal STEM learning. The ideas presented
here, therefore, reect patterns observed by
researchers across time and space and method.
As such, they are more reliable and durable than
recommendations gleaned from isolated polls or
focus groups, which, unfortunately, are often used
to drive communications recommendations.
I. Navigating “the pictures in people’s heads”
There are many ways that Americans think about
STEM and early learning. We describe four below
that present major communications challenges
or opportunities, and we compare the public
assessment with that of experts in the eld.
1. STEM is hands-on science…or maybe it is just
basic math. Americans are confused about the
full meaning of the acronym. People equate STEM
primarily with science, which they view as best
learned through active experimentation. Math
learning, which was somewhat less top-of-mind,
was understood to be learned most effectively by
rote memorization in traditional, book-based
classroom settings. When asked to think about
technology and engineering, people drew on a
cultural model that is both linear and hierarchical
(i.e., that math learning precedes science learning,
which, in turn, precedes technology and
engineering learning). These latter subjects were
viewed as appropriate for older students, and
not accessible to early learners. Experts, by
contrast, emphasize the importance of exposing
students to STEM subjects at an early age.
Moreover, experts emphasize that even young
learners can and should use hands-on approaches
to all STEM subjects.
2. STEM is not for everyone; it is only for certain
“kinds” of kids. Experts maintain that all children
benet from STEM programs—regardless of their
innate abilities or background. But members of
the public assume that advanced education
should be targeted at only those students who
are naturally gifted or driven in STEM subjects.
This cultural model infects debates about early
learning with questions about interest and
aptitude rather than exposure and access.
It also assigns STEM learning to later grades,
after children have had a chance to express their
preferences. Proponents of early STEM education
note that this learning promotes the kind of
critical thinking skills that are foundational to
higher-level learning. But the public sees STEM
as a set of discrete subjects that are disconnected
from other areas of learning. Americans do not
necessarily believe that STEM fosters higher-
level, transferable skills to students of any age,
young or old. At the same time, STEM skills are
often seen as innate, or held only by certain
kinds of kids. The public strongly believes that
“every child is different. Disparities in STEM
learning, by extension, are accounted for by a
child’s genetic or cultural predisposition or by
his or her intrinsic motivation, rather than by
structural inequities in the distribution of
educational benets.
3. The benets of strong STEM educational programs
accrue to individuals. The public believes that
STEM skills are important primarily because they
help individual students get “good” jobs and
achieve nancial success. When Americans
consider the collective benets of STEM education,
they tend to talk about global competition. This
way of thinking, though, actually depresses support
for addressing disparities in education within
the U.S.
Moreover, Americans are far less likely
to think about future career preferences for 3-
and 4-year-olds than they are for older children;
thus, the public’s focus on individual careers
further “ages up” the STEM conversation. Again,
the public’s inability to connect STEM learning
to foundational critical thinking skills impedes
appreciation for STEM’s contribution to the
nation’s overall workforce productivity and our
collective prosperity.
4. STEM in informal settings is not as important
as learning in formal settings. While experts are
eager to see young children exposed to STEM in
multiple settings, from science museums to
summer camps, Americans are largely ambivalent
about these options. For very young children,
they are likely to dismiss the importance of mere
“play” as an important learning process. Real
learning, they assert, happens through formal
classroom instruction. At the same time, many
adults hold a “rechargeable battery” model of
learning, which posits that children have only so
much attention they can give to learning before
they need to recharge by relaxing. Applied to very
young children, this cultural model is likely to
make people resistant to multiple STEM exposures
and sites of learning within communities. Too
much exposure to STEM activities, people might
think, will leave young children drained and
spent and thus unable to fully focus in the
formal settings that they see as being more
important for effective learning.
These strongly held, widely observed cultural
models about STEM learning for young children
pose important communications challenges.
Experts and advocates must overcome them to
build public and policymaker support for early
learning reforms that are consistent with STEM
education research.
II. Pushing and pulling concepts about STEM
The framing literature over the past two decades
is clear: understanding is frame-dependent. That
is, when communicators change the way a
problem of judgment is presented, they signal
what cultural model should be used to formulate
a response. As anthropologist Bradd Shore has
said, “the competition for the hearts and minds
of people in policy work is the competition for
restructuring salience by changing what cultural
models are in the foreground.
Put another way, when you tell the STEM story in
different ways, you get different outcomes: more
or less comprehension, more or less support
for policies, more or less engagement with the
issue. FrameWorks uses a number of frame cues
to inform its narratives: values, metaphors,
explanatory chains, exemplars, etc. Here we focus
on two elements—metaphor and exemplar—as
our research has shown that they signicantly
change the way people think about STEM and
early learning.
A. Metaphors for Rechanneling Thinking
Metaphors hold great promise for changing the
STEM conversation. By comparing an unfamiliar
concept or idea to a common and familiar one,
metaphors act as translation devices, making
complex ideas more accessible. FrameWorks
researchers designed a series of metaphors to
address specic aspects of the expert story about
STEM that was not transmitting to the public. We
then tested these metaphors, both qualitatively
and quantitatively, to verify and improve their
effects on policy preferences. Metaphors proved
particularly effective in getting people to see:
how children acquire skills, or the process
of learning;
how skills interconnect and are reinforced
in various learning environments and
why children need multiple exposures over
time and place.
Here we focus on the three metaphors that
helped in rechanneling thinking:
1. How do children learn? By weaving skills.
When it comes to STEM and other education-
related issues, Americans mistakenly think of
learning as a passive process and believe that
“real learning” does not happen until children
reach school age. Misperceptions like these have
implications for people’s support for education
policies that foster hands-on learning programs
and support early learning, including an early
introduction to STEM subjects. A metaphor
comparing the process of learning to that of
weaving a strong rope can help correct these
misperceptions. The metaphor can be conceived
as follows:
Learning is a process of weaving skills
together: no single strand can do all the
work and all need to be present, strong, and
integrated. As we learn new skills, our brains
weave these strands together into braided
skill ropes. We use these ropes to do all the
complex things that we need to be able to do
to function well in school and in life: solve
problems, work with others, formulate and
express our ideas, and make and learn from
mistakes as we grow. Solving problems using
data, and experimenting in science, technology,
engineering, and math, help us develop
strong strands that we can then use in
weaving many different kinds of skill ropes.
At every age, children need opportunities to
practice and learn how to weave these STEM
strands into different ropes, depending on
the needs of a given task or situation. When
kids have strong STEM strands, they can use
them for all kinds of things that they will
need to be able to do throughout their lives.
This metaphor prevents people from defaulting
to their baseline cultural models about learning
as a passive process. It also counters unproductive
cultural models about hierarchies of learning
and of disciplines.
In addition, it illustrates the
interplay between cognitive, emotional, and
social development, which opens the door for
conversations about how even young children
can benet from exposure to STEM learning
opportunities. It also demonstrates how learning,
like weaving a rope, is an active process that
demands engaged participation.
2. How are skills reinforced in various learning
environments? By providing opportunities to
practice STEM uency.
Dominant public default thinking about STEM
education harbors a disconnect between, on the
one hand, the kind of interactive, hands-on
learning that people expect from extracurricular
programs, and, on the other, the rote, “back-to-
basics” pedagogical practices they equate with
classroom learning. The perception is that
informal learning environments are a nice but
unnecessary supplement to “real” (i.e., classroom)
learning. To strengthen communications about
the need for applied, real-world STEM learning
opportunities, FrameWorks tested the following
metaphor, which compares hands-on STEM
education to foreign-language immersion:
Out-of-school learning helps children and
youth become uent in science, technology,
engineering, and math—the subjects called
“STEM. Just as people need to be immersed
in real-world situations to best acquire a
language, when children and youth explore
STEM in their lives outside of the classroom,
they can master these subjects. Giving
students the chance to practice what they
have learned in the classroom in contexts like
libraries, community centers, museums, and
afterschool programs builds understanding,
develops condence, and inspires a greater
willingness to take on challenges and even
risk the possibility of failure. This helps
children develop cognitive agility, which will
help them manage challenges throughout
their lives.
This metaphor proved potent. It generated
statistically signicant increases in public
support for out-of-school STEM programs; the
recognition that children can and should learn
all four STEM subjects at an early age; the
acknowledgement that all children can learn
STEM; and the attribution of responsibility
for STEM learning to society rather than to
Regardless of their level of educational attainment
or their foreign-language uency, Americans
recognize that immersion is the best way to
learn a language. Comparing STEM learning
to language acquisition invigorates their
understanding of the complimentary role that
formal and informal STEM experiences play in
improving students’ STEM learning outcomes
and skill development. This, in turn augments
support for policies and initiatives that support
immersive out-of-school STEM programming.
3. How can we improve the way that children learn?
By giving them access to multiple charging stations.
When reasoning about why some children
pursue and excel at STEM subjects and others
do not, the public attributes differences to innate
talent, motivation level, the degree of a family’s
commitment to education, cultural differences,
and other preconceived biases about specic
groups, rather than to disparities in access and
opportunity. To counter this dominant, individual-
focused narrative, FrameWorks researchers
recommend comparing access to STEM learning
opportunities to charging stations where
children can “charge up” their skills, brains,
and engagement, as exemplied here:
STEM learning opportunities are like charging
stations that power up kids’ learning. Some
students are in environments with lots of
opportunities to charge up STEM learning.
Everywhere they go, they can access and
benet from powerful charging stations,
such as libraries, museums, science centers,
and afterschool programs—places where
they can apply abstract concepts and turn
knowledge into skills. But other students are
in charging dead zones, places without many
high-quality learning opportunities they can
plug into. Our current system is patchy; it
provides fewer charging opportunities for
some of our nation’s children, leaving them
without access to multiple opportunities and
ways to interact with content necessary to
master STEM subjects. We need to build a
better charging system so that all students,
no matter where they are, have high-quality
opportunities to engage with STEM subjects.
The charging stations metaphor works by
steering people’s focus toward structural problems
within our education system that can be xed
by repairing the system. Because the metaphor
pertains to very young children, it affords a
narrative slot for discussing how to provide more
STEM instruction in pre-K programs. It also
debunks the belief that very young children get
“drained down” quickly and therefore cannot
endure the kind of exposure and engagement
that STEM subjects require. Finally, the metaphor’s
associations, such as the idea of replenishing (or
“powering up”) children’s learning, have the
added value of helping the public understand
that learning is a constant process that requires
resources beyond the classroom.
One additional frame element—powerful examples
—deserves discussion in this context. Confusion
over what STEM is and its utility can be powerfully
addressed by choosing the right examples.
B. What exactly is STEM? Provide an example.
Research suggests that Americans simply do
not have much exposure to STEM learning and
therefore struggle to understand why it matters
and how it works. Providing a clear illustration
of a STEM learning program—what participants
learn and how they learn it, with what goals and
outcomes—sketches a memorable picture that
can ll in cognitive gaps. FrameWorks tested
several concrete examples for their ability to
move people’s policy preferences. One especially
effective example was that of the community
garden. We have adapted the tested version to
address young children, as follows:
One way that very young children can be
engaged in STEM learning is in community
gardens. In these programs, children from
all backgrounds learn STEM by growing
their own fruits and vegetables. In doing
this, children are exposed to environmental
science and plant biology and begin to
develop critical thinking skills. When these
programs are in science centers or after-
school programs, they give children the
opportunity to meet STEM professionals
from local universities and botanic gardens.
Working in teams with these STEM experts,
even very young children can begin to
develop growing strategies, solve problems,
and learn to adjust their approach when
things do not go as expected. These programs
lay the foundation for later success in STEM,
helping children think of themselves as
“math and science kids” early on. The fruits
and vegetables that the children grow are
used in preparing school lunches, so they
can see the real-world benets of STEM
skills and knowledge.
This example, along with a number of others
that proved effective, had a dramatic impact on
various aspects of people’s STEM thinking. The
community garden example greatly enhanced
public recognition that STEM is for all kids. It
elevated support for applied learning and informal
STEM programs. And it also helped people prioritize
exploration and experimentation in learning (as
opposed to prioritizing only “the basics”) and to
support early introductions to STEM.
In sum, our communications research conducted
for the Core Story of Education and for specic
STEM projects yields numerous insights that can
be used to enhance communications practices
relating to STEM learning. Communications
science offers STEM experts and advocates an
important new perspective on what they are up
against in moving public support, and how they
can begin to mobilize this support.
III. How STEM communicators can use the
two-science approach
The public conversation rarely transforms
overnight. Most often, it requires the relentless,
orchestrated efforts of dedicated communicators
who are willing to become frame sponsors. As
political scientist Sanford Schram wrote in his
1995 book Words of Welfare, “postmodern policy
analysis…may be dened as those approaches
to examining policy that emphasize how the
initiation, contestation, adoption, implementation,
and evaluation of any policy are shaped in good
part by the discursive, narrative, symbolic,
and other socially constructed practices that
structure our understanding of that policy.
These efforts require a two-science approach:
we must know what will make a difference in
advancing effective STEM pedagogy for early
learners and also how to translate the vision
and needed education reforms so that ordinary
people can get on board.
To determine if this approach might aid your
efforts, consider this thought experiment: imagine
that you are addressing a group of teachers,
parents, or policymakers. Your job is to explain
why very young children should be involved in
STEM learning. Now, try to anticipate the questions
you will be asked and think about how you
might answer them.
Policy science says: Children are born scientists.
The public says: Some children are born
scientists, and others not. And then some are
encouraged or discouraged to pursue science
by their family cultures. Not every child can
learn STEM subjects, nor do they need to do so.
Not every kid needs to be a math or science kid.
Communications science suggests: Watch a
group of very young children who are engaged
in planning and planting a community garden.
What are they learning? The beginnings of
environmental science and plant biology,
critical thinking skills, problem solving,
trial and error, and more. Every young child
can be engaged at this level and can begin to
think of herself as a “math and science kid”
who can use her skills and knowledge to put
food on the lunch table.
Policy science says: Children who engage in
scientic activities from an early age develop
positive attitudes toward science.
The public says: Children need to learn the
“basics” rst, before they are able to address
more complex STEM subjects. First come
reading, writing, and arithmetic. Then kids
can decide whether they are ready for STEM.
Communications science suggests: Learning
opportunities are like charging stations that
power up kids’ learning. Some kids live in
charging systems with lots of opportunities
for learning, while other kids have very few.
If we increase the number of STEM charging
stations in kids’ environments, we will see
more interest and uency in STEM. Our
current system is patchy; this explains why
some children never develop STEM uency,
which has signicant consequences for their
overall learning.
Policy science says: Early introduction to
science and math “talk” helps children
build STEM vocabularies and acquire the
background or knowledge they need for
deeper understanding of STEM topics.
The public says: Children need to wait until
they can understand complicated scientic
concepts. Little kids should be focusing on
learning their ABCs.
Communications science suggests: Just as people
need to be immersed in a language in order
to become uent, children, too, need to be
given many opportunities in many different
settings to become uent in STEM subjects.
They need real-world exposure to STEM
activities, like working in a community
garden. These types of activities help whet
kids’ appetites for STEM learning and build
their skills. When we give all children STEM
opportunities, they learn to speak uent STEM.
Policy science says: Preschool math skills predict
later academic achievement more consistently
than early reading or attention skills.
The public says: Children who are motivated
will achieve. Not everyone can be good at
math. But everyone can read.
Communications science suggests: As we learn
new skills, our brain weaves skill strands
into ropes that we can use to solve problems,
meet challenges and, in turn, acquire new
skills. STEM skills are vital in many different
kinds of skill ropes. When kids have
opportunities to collect evidence and solve
scientic problems, they add strands to
these ropes, strengthening them to be
used in many ways later in life.
Without a two-science approach, STEM
communicators may lack the tools they need
to shape public opinion and build support for
their goals. They might have only a limited
understanding of widespread thought patterns
about STEM learning, and they might not have the
skills they need to avoid triggering unproductive
ways of thinking. Communicators who blast their
rhetorical horns—without rst understanding the
science behind their messages—often achieve
little more than personal satisfaction. We cannot
allow support for STEM policies and programs to
languish. The science of communications gives
advocates the instruments they need to cultivate
public support for rooting STEM deep in the early
years, thus nurturing children’s growth and
strengthening our society.
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Watch people reasoning with this metaphor in on-the-street interviews at http://www.frame
Watch people reasoning with this metaphor in on-the-street interviews at http://www.frame
Watch people reasoning with this metaphor in on-the-street interviews at http://www.frame
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and informal learning. Washington, DC: The FrameWorks Institute.
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Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
This work was a team effort. We are grateful to our current and former colleagues at the National
Science Foundation, especially our program ofcers, Catherine Eberbach and Andrés Henríquez.
Our colleague Lori Takeuchi, senior director and learning scientist at the Cooney Center, conceptualized
this project, wrote the grant proposal, and served as an important adviser throughout. Our national
advisory team, which included Susan Bales, Doug Clements, Sharon Lynn Kagan, Deborah Phillips,
Russ Shilling, Marshall (Mike) Smith, and Vivien Stewart provided instrumental guidance and support.
We would also like to thank the many researchers, teachers, teacher educators, and policy makers
who were interviewed for the report as well as the research, event, and communications teams
at New America and the Cooney Center for their tireless dedication to quality. Special thanks to
educators at the Child and Family Network Centers in Alexandria, VA and Laurel Ridge Elementary
School in Fairfax, VA, where we conducted focus groups. Finally, we owe a special debt to Janice Earle,
a true pioneer in promoting STEM capabilities for America’s youth. She passed away in March. Janice
encouraged and seeded our early learning and STEM work: we dedicate this report to her, in honor
of her remarkable legacy.
Managing Editor: Catherine Jhee
Copy Editor: Sabrina Detlef
Design: Jeff Jarvis
Illustrator: Marybeth Nelson
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center
1900 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
740 15th Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005