Title 17 District of Columbia Municipal Regulations
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7900 General Provisions
7901 Term of License
7902 Educational Requirements
7903 Clinical Fellowship Requirements
7904 Applicants Educated in Foreign Countries
7905 National Examination
7906 Continuing Education Requirements
7907 Continuing Education Programs and Activities
7908 Continuing Education Credits
7910 Licensure by Endorsement
7911 Waiver of Clinical Fellowship Requirements
7912 Practice of Speech-Language Pathology by Graduate Students
7913 Standards of Conduct
7999 Definitions
7900.1 This chapter shall apply to applicants for and holders of a license to practice
speech-language pathology.
7900.2 Chapters 40 (Health Occupations: General Rules), 41 (Health Occupations:
Administrative Procedures), 84 (Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Fellows),
and 102 (Speech-Language Pathology Assistants) of this title shall supplement
this chapter.
7901.1 Subject to § 7901.2, a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire at 12:00
midnight of December 31
of each even-numbered year.
7901.2 If the Director changes the renewal system pursuant to § 4006.3 of chapter 40 of
this title, a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire at 12:00 midnight
on the last day of the month of the birth of the holder of the license, or other date
established by the Director.
7902.1 To qualify for a license under this chapter, an applicant shall have graduated with
a Master’s or Doctoral Degree in speech-language pathology from a recognized
educational institution whose speech-language pathology program is accredited
by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language
Pathology or an equivalent accrediting body as determined by the Board.
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7903.1 To qualify for a license under this chapter, an applicant shall have completed a
clinical fellowship meeting the requirements of chapter 84 of this title.
7903.2 The Board may accept completion of the clinical fellowship required for the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Certificate of Clinical
Competence as meeting the requirements for clinical fellowship in this chapter
under § 7903.1.
7904.1 The Board may grant a license to practice speech-language pathology to an
applicant who completed an educational program in a college or university in a
foreign country which was not accredited in accordance with § 7902 if the
applicant meets the following requirements:
(a) Meets all requirements of this chapter except for § 7902.1; and
(b) Demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant’s education
and training are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this chapter
and the Act that the applicant is qualified to practice speech-language
pathology by submitting documentation required by § 7904.2 of this section.
7904.2 An applicant under this section shall, in lieu of meeting the requirements of §
7902.1, submit one of the following:
(a) Proof satisfactory to the Board that the applicant has received a Master’s
degree or higher from a foreign institution which was accredited, at the time
the degree was conferred, by an accrediting body recognized by the national
government of the country in which the institution is located; or
(b) A certification from a private education evaluation service approved by the
Board that the applicant’s foreign education is substantially equivalent to the
education provided in an accredited program.
7904.3 The Board may interview an applicant under this section to determine whether the
applicant’s education or training meets the requirements of the Act and this
7904.4 If a document required by this chapter is in a language other than English, an
applicant shall arrange for its translation into English by a translation service
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acceptable to the Board and shall submit a translation signed by the translator
attesting to its accuracy.
7905.1 To qualify for a license by examination, an applicant shall submit proof of
having obtained a score of 600 on the National Examination in Speech-
Language Pathology (PRAXIS II: Subject Assessment in Speech- Language
Pathology) within the five (5) years before applying for licensure.
7905.2 If an applicant for licensure took the National Examination in Speech-
Language Pathology more than 5 years ago, the applicant shall submit the
(a) Proof that the applicant has practiced speech-language pathology for a
total of three (3) years of the five (5) years before applying for licensure,
(b) Proof of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association certification or
that the applicant obtained a score of 600 on the National Examination in
Speech-Language Pathology.
7906.1 This section shall apply to applicants for a renewal, reinstatement, or reactivation
of a license and shall not apply to applicants for an initial license or applicants
seeking the renewal of a license for the first time after the initial grant of the
7906.2 To qualify for the renewal of a license, an applicant shall have completed, during
the two (2)-year period preceding the date the license expires, twenty (20) hours
of approved continuing education, which shall include the following:
(a) One (1) hour of ethics;
(b) Two (2) hours of LGBTQ continuing education; and
(c) Ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing education shall be in
the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the
District, which shall be duly published every five (5) years or as deemed
7906.3 Notwithstanding the requirement of §§ 7906.2 and 7808.2 of chapter 78 of this
title, an applicant for dual licensure renewal may qualify for the renewal of both
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licenses by completing thirty (30) hours of approved continuing education during
the two (2) year-period preceding the date the licenses expire, which shall
(a) One (1) hour of ethics;
(b) Two (2) hours of LGBTQ continuing education;
(c) Five (5) hours of each of the audiology and speech-language pathology
disciplines; and
(d) Ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing education shall be in
the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the
District, which shall be duly published every five (5) years or as deemed
7906.4 To qualify for the reinstatement of a license, an applicant shall have completed
twenty (20) hours of continuing education described in § 7906.2 during the two
(2) years preceding the submission of the reinstatement application.
7906.5 To qualify for the reactivation of a license in accordance with D.C. Official Code
§ 3-1205.11(c), the following applicants shall be deemed to meet the requirement
of D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.11(c)(2):
(a) An applicant who has been actively and lawfully practicing speech-
language pathology in another jurisdiction or territory of the United States;
(b) An applicant who has not been actively and lawfully practicing speech-
language pathology in another jurisdiction or territory of the United States,
seeks the reactivation of the license five (5) years or less after the last
expiration of the license, and has completed twenty (20) hours of
continuing education described in § 7906.2 during the two (2) years
preceding the submission of the reactivation application; or
(c) An applicant who has not been actively and lawfully practicing speech-
language pathology in another jurisdiction or territory of the United States
and seeks the reactivation of the license more than five (5) years after the
last expiration of the license who can demonstrate his or her current
competency to the Board’s satisfaction.
7906.6 The Board may conduct a random audit of at least ten percent (10%) of its active
licensees to determine continuing education compliance. Any licensee selected
for the audit shall provide proof of continuing education compliance to the Board
within thirty (30) days of receiving notification of the audit.
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7907.1 A continuing education hour shall be valid and granted credit only if it is part of a
program or activity approved by the Board as a program or activity that
contributes to the growth of professional competence in the practice of audiology
or speech-language pathology, is up to date in its subject matter, and is developed
and taught or conducted by qualified individual(s).
7907.2 Subject to § 7907.1, the Board may grant continuing education credit for
programs or activities offered or sponsored by the following organizations:
(a) The Speech-Language Hearing Association of the District of Columbia or
similar speech-language hearing association of another state;
(b) The American Academy of Audiology;
(c) The American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and
its approved continuing education providers;
(d) An accredited provider of The Accreditation Council on
Continuing Medical Education of the American Medical
Association offering Category I continuing medical education;
(e) The International Association of Continuing Education and Training
(IACET) and its authorized providers;
(f) A health care organization accredited by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO); or
(g) The International Hearing Society.
7907.3 Subject to § 7907.1, the Board may grant continuing education credit for the
following activities:
(a) Attendance and completion of:
(1) A course given at an accredited college or university;
(2) A seminar or workshop;
(3) An educational program given at a conference; or
(4) An in-service training;
(b) Serving as a presenter or speaker at a conference, seminar, workshop, or
in- service training; or
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(c) Publishing an article related to audiology or speech-language pathology in
a professional journal or authoring or co-authoring a book, a chapter in a
book or a book review related to audiology or speech-language pathology.
7907.4 The Board shall not grant credit for work done in the course of a requestor’s
normal occupation or incident to the performance of his or her regular duties, such
as teaching courses, research, or course preparation in the case of a teacher or
7907.5 A person seeking continuing education credits shall have the burden of verifying
whether a program is approved by the Board.
7907.6 Satisfactory proof of completion of a seminar, a workshop, or an educational
program given at a conference or an in-service training shall include:
(a) The name and address of the provider of the program;
(b) The name of the program, its location, a description of the subject matter
covered, and the names of the instructors;
(c) The dates on which the applicant attended the program;
(d) The hours of credit claimed; and
(e) Verification by the course provider or accreditor of completion, by
signature, stamp, or official transcript in the case of accreditors.
7908.1 For the purposes of this chapter, one (1) continuing education hour shall mean
sixty (60) minutes of learning time.
7908.2 The Board may grant ten (10) continuing education hours for completion of each
credit hour of an academic course offered at an accredited college or university
provided that the continuing education credit may only be granted for courses
completed during the licensure cycle for which credit is claimed.
7908.3 The Board may grant two (2) continuing education hours for the audit of a three
(3)-credit-hour academic course offered at an accredited college or university
provided that the continuing education credit may only be granted for courses
audited during the licensure cycle for which credit is claimed.
7908.4 A requestor may receive a maximum of six (6) continuing education hours for
attendance and completion of in-service training programs.
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7908.5 The Board may grant credit for serving as a presenter or speaker at a conference,
seminar, workshop, or in- service training, subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Hours granted pursuant to this section shall not exceed six (6) hours per
licensure cycle;
(b) If a requestor has previously received credit in connection with a
particular presentation, the Board shall not grant credit for a subsequent
presentation unless it involves either a different subject or substantial
additional research concerning the same subject;
(c) The presentation was completed during the licensure cycle for which
credit is claimed; and
(d) The maximum amount of credit which may be granted for preparation
time is twice the amount of the associated presentation time or twice the
amount of contact hours awarded to the participants.
7908.6 The Board may grant credit for publication of an article related to audiology or
speech-language pathology in a professional journal or publication of a book, a
chapter in a book or a book review related to audiology or speech-language
pathology, subject to the following restrictions as relevant:
(a) The Board may grant up to eight (8) continuing education hours per
licensure cycle to the author or sole editor of a published book if the book
was published or accepted for publication during the period for which
credit is claimed;
(b) The Board may grant four (4) continuing education hours per licensure
cycle to the sole author or a co-author of a peer-reviewed, published
original paper; or
(c) The Board may grant one (1) continuing education hour per licensure
cycle to the sole author of a published book review.
7910.1 The Board may issue a license by endorsement to a speech-language
pathologist who has a valid, unrestricted license in good standing from
another jurisdiction of the United States with standards which are, as
determined by the Board, substantially equivalent to the District of Columbia
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laws and regulations.
7910.2 To apply for licensure by endorsement, an applicant shall:
(a) Submit a completed application to the Board on the required forms and
i) The applicant’s social security number, or, if the applicant does not
have a social security number, a sworn affidavit, under penalty of
perjury, that the applicant does not have a social security number;
ii) Two (2) recent passport-type photos.
(b) Submit a copy of his or her current license with the application;
(c) Obtain licensure verification from the original state or territory of licensure
that the license is current and in good standing. The licensure verification
form must be sent directly to the Board by the verifying jurisdiction;
(d) Meet any other requirements set by the Board; and
Pay all required fees.
7911.1 The Board may waive the clinical fellowship requirements for applicants who:
(1) Provide proof of employment in the practice of speech language
pathology for at least ten (10) of the last fifteen (15) years immediately
preceding the effective date of these regulations;
(2) Meet all other requirements of these regulations; and
(3) Apply by December 31, 2009.
7912.1 A graduate student whose practice fulfills education requirements under §841 of
the Act, D.C. Official Code § 3-1208.41, may practice speech-language pathology
in accordance with this section 7912 only under the direct supervision of a
speech-language pathologist licensed in the District of Columbia.
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7912.2 A graduate student under supervision shall identify himself or herself as
such at all times when practicing speech-language pathology.
7912.3 Both the supervisor and the graduate student shall sign reports with their
full name and credentials.
7912.4 A student may sign only with the highest degree earned.
7912.5 The title or designation of “graduate student” shall be placed after the
student’s name in the report statement.
7912.6 If electronic records only accept one (1) signature, the supervisor shall sign.
7912.7 A supervisor shall not supervise more than two (2) full-time students per
day in off-site placements from a university.
79l2.8 A supervisor shall be personally responsible for each patient the student
evaluates and treats during the period of supervision and is subject to
disciplinary action for any violation of the Act or this chapter by the student.
7912.9 An individual serving as a supervisor for a graduate student in the District:
a) Shall hold a valid District of Columbia license in speech language
pathology; and
b) May not have been disciplined by a board within the previous five (5)
7912.10 Practice of speech-language pathology by graduate students in the District of
Columbia shall comply with the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association’s current Standards for Accreditation of Graduate Programs in
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.
7913.1 A licensee, graduate student, or clinical fellow shall adhere to the standards set
forth in the most current publication of the “Code of Ethics” as published by the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, as it may be republished from
time to time.
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7914.1 A speech-language pathologist may qualify to supervise a speech-language
pathology clinical fellow if he or she meets the requirement of § 8404.2 of this
7914.2 A speech-language pathologist supervising a clinical fellow shall comply with the
requirements set forth in chapter 84 of this title.
7915.1 A speech-language pathologist supervising a speech-language pathology assistant
shall retain full professional and ethical responsibility for the professional conduct
and performance of the speech-language pathology assistant and shall delegate
duties only as consistent with the training, experience, and ability of the speech-
language pathology assistant.
7915.2 A speech-language pathologist supervising a speech-language pathology assistant
shall comply with the requirements set forth in chapter 102 of this title.
7999.1 As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed:
Approved continuing education A continuing education program or activity that meets the
requirements of § 7907.
Board the Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, established by section
841 of the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Amendment Act of 2006, effective
March 6, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-219; D.C. Official Code § 3-1208.41 (2016 Repl.)).
Clinical fellow a person who is completing the clinical fellowship requirements set forth under
§ 7903 and chapter 84 of this title.
Clinical fellowship- the experience required by section 7903 and regulated under chapter 84 of
this title.
Direct supervision supervision in which the supervisor is immediately available on the
premises to the supervisee and within vocal communication of the supervisee either directly or
by a communication device.
Director - the Director of the Department of Health, or the Director’s designee.
Dual licensure renewal renewal of both an audiology and a speech-language pathology
license in the District of Columbia, within the same renewal period.
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General supervision supervision in which the supervisor is available to the person supervised,
either in person or by a communication device.
Good cause serious illness of the applicant, the death or serious illness of a member of the
applicant’s immediate family, or other cause sufficient to the Board.
Graduate student a person enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral degree program in speech-
language pathology.
LGBTQ continuing education continuing education on cultural competency or specialized
clinical training focusing on patients or clients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, gender nonconforming, queer, or question their sexual orientation or gender
identity and expression (“LGBTQ”) meeting the requirements of section 510(b)(5) of the Act
(D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.10 (b)(5)(2016 Repl.)).
Licensure cycle a two-year period between the January 1 of each odd-numbered year and
December 31 of each even-numbered year during which a license issued pursuant to this chapter
is valid in accordance with § 7901.1.
Practice of speech-language pathology means the application of principles, methods, or
procedures related to the development and disorders of human communication, including any
condition, whether of organic or non-organic origin, that impedes the normal process of human
communication including disorders and related disorders of speech, articulation, fluency, voice,
oral, or written language; auditory comprehension and processing; oral, pharyngeal or
laryngeal sensorimotor competencies; swallowing; auditory or visual processing; auditory or
visual memory or cognition; communication; and assisted augmentative communication
treatment and devices. The term “practice of speech language pathology” also includes the
planning, directing, supervising, and conducting of a habilitative and rehabilitative counseling
program for individuals or groups of individuals who have, or are suspected of having,
disorders of communication, and any service in speech-language pathology including
prevention, identification, evaluation, consultation, habilitation or rehabilitation, instruction or
research. The practice of speech-language pathology may include pure-tone air conduction
hearing screening, screening of tympanometry, and acoustic reflex screening, limited to a pass-
or- fail determination for the identification of individuals with other disorders of
communication and may also include aural habilitation or rehabilitation, which means the
provision of services and procedures for facilitating adequate auditory, speech, and language
skills in individuals with hearing impairment. The practice of speech-language pathology does
not include the practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine, or the performance of a task in
the normal practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine by a person to whom the task is
delegated by a licensed physician.
Reinstatement The reinstatement of a license in accordance with D.C. Official Code § 3-
Requestor a person seeking continuing education credits.
7999.2 The definitions in § 4099 of chapter 40 of this title are incorporated by reference
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into and are applicable to this chapter.