The Contemporary Tax Journal The Contemporary Tax Journal
Volume 10
Issue 2
The Contemporary Tax Journal Volume
10, No. 2 – Summer 2021
Article 7
Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Annette Nellen
San Jose State University
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Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Annette Nellen
This article was originally published in the December 17, 2020, issue of Tax Notes State; reprinted
with permission.
Annette Nellen is a professor at San Jose State University and director of the graduate tax
program. She is the past chair of the AICPA Tax Executive Committee and an active member of the
taxation sections of the AICPA, American Bar Association, and California Lawyers Association.
In this installment of Moving Forward?, Nellen offers suggestions for states to reduce borrowing
needs, reduce taxpayer frustration, lessen upcoming tax compliance issues, modernize tax
systems for the 21st century, and ensure the opportunity for lessons learned occurs, considering
the significant and uncommon challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Copyright 2020 Annette Nellen.
All rights reserved.
No doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic invaded our lives, creating substantial challenges to our well-
being in terms of health, finances, and societal interactions. The pandemic also delivered ongoing
tax system challenges, including how to get through a filing season severely interrupted by it. In
addition, tax and nontax law changes to provide financial assistance and filing relief created new
difficulties even when labeled as “relief.” Taxpayers and their advisers were conscripted into
quickly figuring out how new provisions operate while at the same time dealing with their own
challenges of sheltering in place and helping colleagues and clients. Lawmakers and tax agencies
had to gauge what assistance was most suitable for immediate relief while also considering the
likely adverse impact to state and local budgets and tax agency operations.
The word “endurance” is used in the title of this article as it reminds us that while tax and fiscal
systems were shocked in many ways by this pandemic, we must ensure that these systems have
“the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse
The pandemic causes us to reevaluate many activities of everyday living, including
access to necessities of life, how technology can improve many everyday transactions, and how
quickly we can react to drastic change. Pandemic-related tax changes highlight opportunities that
we should pursue to explore how to have more equitable, simpler, and technologically advanced
tax systems. Also, we should be sure we, as a society, consider what is needed to be best
prepared for the uncertain and unexpected because sadly, disaster — from tornado, hurricane,
fire, or widespread health dangers — can happen at any time. This article offers suggestions in the
following nine areas to help state tax policy endure and be stronger going forward:
x protection needed for revenues;
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
x certainty needed for tax law changes;
x creativity needed for effective assistance;
x openness needed for new nexus and sourcing issues because of sheltering in place and
remote work;
x compassion needed for reasonable tax mistakes;
x transparency needed for fiscal challenges;
x funds and plans needed for implementation of modern technology;
x strategy needed to address tax and related inequities exposed during the pandemic; and
x identify lessons learned and act on them.
I. Funding Sources Exist — Get the Money
By early March, about two months into the filing season for 2019 returns, it was becoming clearer
to everyone that life was about to change, bringing much bigger concerns than filing season tax
compliance. On March 13 President Donald Trump declared that the pandemic was “of sufficient
severity and magnitude to warrant an emergency declaration” throughout the country.
March 19 California became the first state to issue a shelter-in-place order for everyone other
than those in critical or essential infrastructure sectors defined by federal law with modifications.
California was one of the first states to address concerns about how tax returns and 2019 and
2020 income tax payments would be made with government offices closed, free tax preparation
sites closed, and tax advisers scrambling to provide services within the realm of social distancing
and new uses of technology. And with many people out of work or facing reduced business
revenue and new costs such as child care because of school closures, tax payments would be
problematic for those who owed for 2019 and those who make quarterly estimated tax payments
with the first one normally due April 15.
On March 13, the California Franchise Tax Board “announced special tax relief for California
taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Returns and payments due March 15 through
June 15 were extended to June 15, including the first quarter payment of 2020 income taxes. The
FTB also noted that these dates could be extended if the IRS granted a longer relief period.
states issued similar extensions either by legislation or by authority of the tax agency. Like the IRS
declarations extending filing and payment dates, the emphasis was on all individuals and most
businesses being granted the payment and filing extensions. For example, an executive order by
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) states
Strict compliance with rules and procedures under sections 315, 681, and 685 of the Income
Tax Act of 1967 (“Income Tax Act”), 1967 PA 281, as amended, MCL 206.315, 206.681, and
Federal Emergency Management Agency, “COVID-19 Emergency Declaration,” HQ-20-017-FactSheet (Mar. 13, 2020).
Executive Department, State of California, Executive Order N-33-20 (Mar. 19, 2020). This followed a proclamation of
a state of emergency in the state on Mar. 4, 2020.
See State of California Franchise Tax Board, “More Time to File, Pay For California Taxpayers Affected by the COVID-
19 Pandemic” (Mar. 13, 2020). This relief was later expanded to more returns and to July 15, 2020.
The Office of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Executive Order 2020-26 (COVID-19) (Mar. 27, 2020).
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206.685, is temporarily suspended so as to extend the deadline for all taxpayers required to
file an annual state income tax return in April 2020, as follows:
1. An annual state income tax return otherwise due on April 15, 2020 will instead be due
on July 15, 2020.
2. An annual state income tax return otherwise due on April 30, 2020 will instead be due
on July 31, 2020.
These tax relief measures are significant for states because they push 2019 tax deficiencies and
first, and perhaps second, quarter 2020 estimated tax payments into the next fiscal year.
are also broad in that not all taxpayers need additional time to make their tax payments. That is,
high-income taxpayers typically have resources available not only to address changes caused by
the pandemic but also to timely pay taxes. Individuals of any income level who continue to work
with little to no increased costs because of the pandemic are also likely able to pay on time. The
broad extension statements covering all taxpayers likely caused cash-wealthy taxpayers and those
with unchanged financial status — both individuals and businesses — to go with the July 15 date.
Federal pandemic relief also included $292 billion of recovery rebates (also known as economic
impact payments) for most individuals,
even if the recipient did not need the funds. Also, federal
tax changes allow for net operating losses for 2018, 2019, and 2020 to be carried back five years,
a measure that — if also followed at the state level — exacerbates state budget issues.
Despite filing and payment extensions and new tax breaks to help taxpayers with new financial
problems, there are funding sources that states should consider. Following are suggestions for
getting funds to help the state and to find alternative sources for some state spending or tax
A. Encourage Taxpayers With the Means to Pay to Do So at the Usual Time
The pandemic has not created economic hardship for everyone. Wealthy individuals and cash-rich
businesses and those perhaps even experiencing greater business activity during the pandemic
can still pay taxes on time. And it is these taxpayers that generally provide a considerable amount
of tax revenues. Federal and state messages that said everyone had until July 15 (in most states)
Not all states extended April 15 tax payments for 2019 and 2020. For example, in Arizona General Tax Notice GTN 20-
1, the Department of Revenue extended the filing and payment for 2019 returns from April 15 to July 15 but kept
the usual first and second quarter estimated tax payment dates for 2020 taxes. Arizona Department of Revenue,
GTN 20-1 (Apr. 1, 2020). For a complete list of state tax actions regarding due dates, see AICPA, State Tax Filing
Guidance for Coronavirus Pandemic.
The Joint Committee on Taxation, JCX-11R-20 (Apr. 23, 2020).
For example, Microsoft reported that for the quarter that ended Mar. 31, 2020, revenue increased 15 percent and
net income increased 22 percent. The company also reported that for this quarter, “COVID-19 had minimal impact
on the total company revenue.” “Microsoft Cloud Strength Drives Third Quarter Results
” (Apr. 29. 2020).
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
but to file earlier if getting a refund should have instead been worded to encourage those with
the means to pay before June 30 to do so to reduce borrowing needs and costs for states.
Statements about additional time to make tax payments for any disaster relief should always
include language that individuals and businesses who are able to pay timely are encouraged to do
so. Given the significant amount of revenue that comes from high-income individuals, that
phrasing sends a better message and reminder that governments also need funds during a
The first notice issued by the IRS to grant additional time to pay and file had dollar thresholds.
Notice 2020-17, 2020-15 IRB 590, postponed payments up to $1 million for individuals. This is not
an ideal approach though, because it related to pre-pandemic tax liabilities and required some
taxpayers to perform extra work to see how the extension applied (or did not apply) to them.
To help taxpayers understand the message to pay on time if possible, despite a broad grant of
authority to pay at a specified later date, governments should inform the public of their costs of
borrowing related to these extensions. This might better entice taxpayers with the means to pay
to do so earlier.
B. Ask Cash- and Property-Rich Taxpayers to Help Now and to Pay It Forward
To obtain needed funds today, encouraging taxpayers to prepay property and income taxes can
help. The downside is that the prepaid taxes will not be available in future years. Thus, states
might only permit a portion of future taxes to be paid early. While a discount could be offered,
with interest rates low and many people interested in helping, it should not be. These taxpayers
should be given assurance that the advance tax payments will be properly recorded; taxpayers
should keep good records as well.
Some people with the means to do so continued to pay their home cleaners, hairstylist, and
others during the pandemic even though they were not providing services. Why not also ask and
encourage people able to do so to pay their state and local governments the sales tax and
gasoline excise taxes that they would normally be paying — and more, if possible. To be sure that
people know of this opportunity, government agencies should promote it on websites and in
press releases.
C. Make it Easy for Taxpayers to Help Others Financially
Despite the severe blow to the economy and the finances of many households, many individuals
and businesses can help others. States should be ready to aid in the collection and effective
distribution of these donated funds. These funds include the federal economic impact payments
that were part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (P.L. 116-136), which
some recipients would like to transfer to those with greater needs.
An example of this type of transfer was a proposal in Pennsylvania for the Common Wealth Fund
managed by the Department of Revenue to enable individuals to contribute their economic
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impact payment to help those with a need greater than that of the recipient.
Those funds should
be created in a way that makes the contributions qualify as charitable deductions for federal and
state purposes. Another example is Silicon Valley Strong, a fund coordinated by Santa Clara
County and others to get money, food, and other supplies to individuals and nonprofit
organizations in need. This entity’s website ( explains how to both
get help and offer help.
D. Be Sure the Relief Available in Federal COVID-19 Legislation and FEMA is Fully Used
Federal COVID-19 legislation such as the CARES Act
includes several forms of financial assistance
for individuals, businesses, and others. Many eligible recipients might not be aware of the
assistance available to them, such as unemployment compensation for self-employed individuals,
economic impact payments even for nonfilers, disaster loans, paid leave from their employer, and
assistance for some farmers.
Some COVID-19 federal legislative changes were too complex, potentially causing the benefit to
go unused by the individual or business targeted by the relief. For example, the Families First
Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) (P.L. 116-127) required small employers with under 500
employees to pay up to two weeks of sick leave and up to 10 weeks of family leave if conditions
were met and documented by the employer and employees. The amounts paid translated into
fully refundable payroll tax credits. This law includes numerous requirements to meet and terms
to understand. Guidance from the relevant federal agency was also complex. For example, the
Department of Labor (DOL) issued over 100 FAQ on the paid leave credits, while the IRS issued
over 60 FAQ. The DOL also issued a temporary rule on the leave, which it later updated after
losing a challenge brought by the attorney general of New York about key aspects of its rule.
Many small businesses do not have ready access or cannot afford to hire legal counsel to assist
them in complying with new and existing laws. State and local officials should work together to
propose techniques to avoid that complexity for small businesses in the future.
Governments should also create resources to help constituents. For example, depending on the
expertise needed, employees (such as labor law attorneys working for the state employment or
labor department) could be designated to help individuals and small businesses during a disaster.
One or more state or local government agencies should be required to collect and regularly
update names and expertise of a volunteer corps able to assist for a myriad of possible needs
Memorandum of State Senator Anthony H. Williams, “Creating the ‘Pennsylvania Commonwealth Fund’” (Mar. 30,
Federal COVID-19 legislation with tax provisions: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) (P.L. 116-127); and
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (P.L. 116-136).
See, e.g., the U.S. Department of Agriculture website on several types of assistance for farmers.
State of New York v. Department of Labor, No. 20-CV-3020 (JPO) (S.D. N.Y. Aug. 3, 2020). Just over a month
afterwards, the DOL issued an updated temporary rule and FAQ 101 to 103 to address the issue it lost in this case.
See , “
U.S. Department of Labor Revises Regulations to Clarify Paid Leave Requirements under the Families First
Coronavirus Response Act” (Sept. 11, 2020); and Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Questions and Answers.
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
during a disaster or crisis. This is especially important when state and local laws may create special
considerations in how they interact with similar federal laws. For example, some cities and states
created new required sick leave laws that may have broadened the paid leave requirements of the
State and local governments should also help small and medium-size businesses with any
documentation required to obtain and support federal benefits. For example, the FFCRA requires
employers subject to the act’s paid leave provisions to obtain written documentation from
employees to show they were qualified for the sick or family leave that produced the employer’s
fully refundable payroll tax credits. This documentation can include proof that a child’s school was
closed, the relevant dates, and government isolation orders. Some employers might not realize
they need this proof or do not have all that is required until a future audit by the U.S. Department
of Labor or IRS. To help these employers and employees, state and local governments should
either require public schools to keep information about their closure on their website for at least
four years or consolidate all information on a state-level website.
Some federal funds might be available, such as from the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
because of the pandemic being declared a federal disaster on March 13, 2020.
And states might
be able to obtain additional FEMA assistance depending on need and the length of the
The federal disaster declaration also made IRC section 139, disaster relief payments,
available, which employers might want to use, if possible, to provide tax-free assistance, such as
technology resources for children of employees.
Providing lists of these federal and state resources on websites and to elected officials who
individuals and businesses often call for assistance should prove helpful for the duration of the
pandemic and beyond. Many taxpayers might not realize until months or years later that they
were eligible for financial or tax relief measures and will seek information on it, likely from
government agencies and elected officials.
E. Consider Tax System Oddities and Outdated Items That Can Generate Revenue
While not easy during difficult times, lawmakers should always be looking for tax loopholes to
close, outdated provisions to repeal, and inequities to fix or remove. The weakened budgets
following the pandemic can be helped by addressing these areas. Working to identify helpful tax
law changes annually is necessary.
For example, Los Angeles required all employers to provide employees with supplemental paid sick leave for
COVID-19 reasons (Ordinance No. 186590
). Some of the provisions of this ordinance, such as the maximum pay
level, tie to the FFCRA. Providing assistance to small businesses on how to comply with local, state, and federal sick
pay laws during the pandemic helps ensure that the rules are followed and any possible federal benefits are fully
FEMA, supra note 2. All states, the District of Columbia, and four territories were approved for major disaster
declarations. FEMA, COVID-19 Disaster Declarations.
For details on the federal disaster declaration process and state benefits for the pandemic, see Congressional
Research Service, “Stafford Act Declarations for COVID-19 FAQ
” (Apr. 22, 2020).
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Examples of problem areas to address include:
x tax breaks based on age rather than need (such as senior exemptions);
x outdated economic stimulus provisions;
x tax incentives that are no longer needed;
x a rate structure that can be more progressive;
x tax breaks that favor high-income taxpayers or those who do not need breaks (such as
credits for purchasing expensive electric cars and necessity-of-life sales tax exemptions
that benefit high-income consumers more than others
x conformity to federal tax breaks when state relief is not warranted; and
x negative externalities when significant costs are not compensated sufficiently or at all by
those creating the externality.
F. Push for More Federal Tax Relief
In addition to pushing Congress for more state and local government aid, lawmakers should help
the individuals and businesses in their state obtain needed federal support and relief. Legislators
and state agencies can find out from constituents and industry associations what additional relief
would help. For example, businesses could have used additional Paycheck Protection Program
funds and flexibility to obtain cancellation of the loans. Many taxpayers sought (and continue to
seek) guidance on how some provisions of the federal COVID-19 legislation work so they could
effectively and correctly use the provisions.
An example of requesting federal relief is a March 26 letter from the attorneys general of 24
states and the District of Columbia requesting that the U.S. Department of Education
“immediately implement emergency measures to protect federal student loan borrowers in the
wake of the COVID-19 crisis.”
II. Describing Relief Provisions — Focus on Certainty
While a lot of relief measures were undertaken quickly by all levels of government, a good deal of
them were drafted in terms difficult to understand. Given the immediate need for relief, these
provisions were typically effective within one or two weeks with little time to obtain clarification.
Certainty needs to be a goal of all laws,
but especially when there is a need to understand and
apply the rules quickly.
Annette Nellen, “Now Is a Good Time to Start Fixing the Sales Tax Base, Tax Notes State, Sept. 7, 2020, p. 987.
Letter from Letitia James, Attorney General of New York, to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Elisabeth
DeVos, “Re: Emergency Measures to Protect Student Loan Borrowers” (Mar. 26, 2020).
The tax principle of certainty is described by the AICPA as follows: “tax rules should clearly specify how the amount
of payment is determined, when payment of the tax should occur, and how payment is made.” AICPA, “Guiding
Principles of Good Tax Policy: A Framework for Evaluating Tax Proposals,” at 3 (2017).
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
For example, a California executive order issued April 23 on some federal aid under the CARES
includes the following language:
It shall be unlawful to collect any money in a manner inconsistent with Paragraph 1 or
Paragraph 2, or to retain any money so collected, including (but not limited to) any money
so collected prior to the date of this Order. Any money so collected shall be promptly
refunded without any further action (including, but not limited to, the filing of any claim of
any kind, or the payment of any fee or penalty of any kind) by the individual entitled to
that money under Paragraphs 1 and 2.
A press release accompanying the order mentions 90 days forbearance as a possible relief option
for some student loans. There is no explanation if the possible forbearance is a deferral of
payment or forgiveness and if the later, what tax treatment applies.
In contrast, within three weeks of enactment of the federal CARES Act, Wisconsin enacted A.B.
1038 (Chapter 185), which includes conformity to several of its code and non-code provisions.
While the legislative language, with reference to numerous section numbers of the CARES Act and
numerous other provisions, was confusing, the DOR provided in Guidance Document Number
100265 a summary of less than 300 words clearly listing what CARES Act provisions the state
conforms to. That guidance included a phone number and email address to use for questions and
It is a good example of the issuer considering what information users needed and
how to explain it simply. Following is an excerpt from that guidance:
These provisions apply for Wisconsin tax purposes at the same time as for federal income tax
x Section 1106 – relating to the exclusion from income for the cancellation of small
business loans
x Section 2202 – relating to the waiver of penalties for early withdrawals from qualified
retirement plans
x Section 2204 – relating to an above-the-line deduction for up to $300 of charitable
cash contributions
x Section 2205 – relating to increased limitations on charitable contribution deductions
x Section 2206 – relating to an exclusion from income for payments an employer makes
for an employee's student loans
x Section 2307 – relating to the classification of qualified improvement property for
depreciation purposes.
P.L. 116-136.
California Executive Order N-57-20 (Apr., 23, 2020).
Office of Gov. Gavin Newsom,Governor Newsom Announces Additional Relief for Californians Impacted by COVID-
19” (Apr. 23, 2020).
Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Guidance Document No. 100265, Wisconsin Adopts Tax Relief in the Federal
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Another good example of providing information that is simple and direct is the Nebraska DOR’s
release on its FAQ on income tax changes because of the pandemic. In under 130 words and in a
box highlighted with a dark blue background, the DOR explains that FAQ are only advisory but are
binding on the DOR, that they can change frequently, and that users can sign up to get updated
information emailed to them on topics of interest, with a link to sign up.
Following are suggestions to help ensure that both legislative and administrative tax guidance that
people need to understand quickly meet the tax principle of certainty.
x In drafting, focus on the needs of users who are stressed and pressed for time and need
assurance that they understand how to obtain the provided relief without risk of error and
possible loss of the relief. Test the language out with colleagues before passing the
legislation or posting administrative guidance. If possible and appropriate, be sure the
purpose and goal are provided to help in understanding. Consider the example set by
General Motors CEO Mary Barra, who reduced the company’s 10-page dress code to two
words: “dress appropriately.”
x For changes to existing statutes, provide a “track changes” version of the new legislation
so tax professionals already familiar with existing law can readily see the changes.
x Many of the federal COVID-19 tax changes were not made to the IRC (non-code
provisions), but instead are in the public law only. This leaves confusion in states with
rolling conformity as to whether any of these non-code provisions were automatically
conformed to. Provide the answer as soon after enactment of the federal legislation as
possible. Also, some tax preferences, such as the paid leave credits of the FFCRA, require
that the credit be added back to gross income to avoid a double benefit. States need to let
taxpayers know as soon as possible whether that adjustment also affects state taxable
income so that estimated tax payments can be computed correctly. Again, thinking about
the changes from the perspective of taxpayers and their advisers should help in achieving
x Tax agency websites need to be updated, ideally with a single site rather than spread
across multiple websites. Users need to know how to reach the agency, the status of
audits and collection activities already underway before shutdown orders, and what
deadlines are extended. All the information needs to be as clear as possible with no detail
overlooked that will cause confusion and perhaps costly mistakes and missed
opportunities for tax benefits. Include a link asking the reader to share additional
questions they have.
III. Think Broadly in Providing Assistance, but Consider Hidden Messages
Nebraska Department of Revenue, Frequently Asked Questions About the Income Tax Changes Due to the COVID-19
National Emergency.
Sam McEachern,How General Motors CEO Mary Barra Changed the Company’s Dress Code for the Better,” GM
Authority, June 17, 2020.
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
How can governments provide financial relief to distressed individuals and businesses at minimal
costs to current and future budgets? What creative techniques can be used to help taxpayers
satisfy tax liabilities when their financial needs may have drastically changed, such as no longer
needing all the physical space they once used? The following are suggestions for out-of-the-box
thinking for financial assistance. For many of these, it is important to consider any hidden
message, such as encouraging actions that may be risky to employee health.
A. Use Existing Tax Dollars Rather Than Create New Tax Breaks if Possible
Identifying how existing tax breaks can be accelerated is a good start in providing financial
assistance. For example, let taxpayers with credit carryforwards treat all or part of them as
refundable in the current year. Allow for some carryback of current year NOLs. While these efforts
will harm current year budgets, they are better for the long term relative to creating new tax
breaks. If the state does not allow for the sale of tax credits to other taxpayers, it should be
considered to help use existing tax breaks and provide immediate cash, rather than creating new
tax breaks.
B. Accountability
While it is hoped that all taxpayers will use tax relief wisely, clawbacks should be considered such
as when a company uses relief funds for a stock buyback.
Clawbacks and similar accountability
measures are needed for any direct aid or tax credits intended to reward desired pandemic
behavior such as employee retention, performing extra cleaning, and providing personal
protective equipment (PPE) to employees.
C. Allow for Tax Payments in Ways Other Than Cash
Some businesses may suffer significant losses because of curtailing operations and struggling to
meet fixed costs. Some businesses may find they have unneeded assets, such as office,
production, and retail space and vehicles, because of moving to more virtual and work-from-home
(WFH) operations during the pandemic and perhaps afterward.
Consider ways that taxpayers with unneeded assets might pay their income and other tax
liabilities with this property. State and local governments may find immediate needs for some of
the real property, such as for COVID-19 testing or treatment and for housing homeless individuals.
Some of the properties might be in better condition than existing government office space and
possibly reduce the need for future building upgrades. This transfer of property might be helpful
to some businesses unable to sell excess property because of the pandemic and uncertainty
For example, H.R. 6339 (116th Cong.) prohibits a corporate stock repurchase during the specified emergency period
and the following 120 days.
For example, H.R. 6827 (116th Cong.) requires corporations receiving federal COVID-19 financial aid to provide 14
days of paid leave to all workers, pay employees a minimum wage of $15 per hour and limit CEO and top executive
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DOI: 10.31979/2381-3679.2021.100207
potential buyers face. Taxpayers should be reminded of the tax consequences of using noncash
property to satisfy tax liabilities.
D. Design Any New Tax Breaks to Help Liquidity and COVID-19 Relief
Tax systems should be regularly reviewed to ensure they reflect how we live and do business and
meet principles of good tax policy. Some of the pandemic changes to how we work and do
business are temporary. One significant temporary change is the widespread need for PPE. Given
the importance of PPE and financial difficulties faced by so many individuals and businesses, as
well as governments, a temporary sales tax exclusion is an appropriate tax break. That exemption
also removes the cost and compliance complexity when taxpayers donate PPE. Indiana Executive
Order 10-05 (March 19, 2020) requires the DOR to not impose use tax on manufacturers who
donate medicine, medical supplies, and other goods to help fight COVID-19.
Any new tax breaks should be temporary and aim to reduce new costs of preventing and fighting
the pandemic. For example, A.B. 2496 introduced in California (but not enacted) would provide an
income tax credit for the purchase of cleaning and sanitizing supplies for use at business locations
to help prevent transmission of COVID-19.
Additional targeted relief can be provided to extend due dates of debts owed to the state (beyond
tax debts) and possibly also waive interest for a few months. Qualification for this relief should be
automatic or only require a simple, online form. For example, Indiana Executive Order 10-05
provided a 60-day waiver of penalties for property taxes due on May 11, 2020.
E. Watch for Dangers in New Tax Breaks
The $600-per-week federal unemployment benefit provided by the CARES Act helped many
individuals who lost their job when their employer had to shut down or reduce operations or
when telework was not a feasible option. This benefit though also served as a disincentive to
return to work. Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) offered one-time return-to-work bonuses of $1,500 to
full-time workers and $750 to part-time employees. The funds were distributed first come, first
served once the employee returned to work.
At the federal level, S. 4031, American Tax Rebate
and Incentive Program Act, proposed to compensate for some travel expenses of individuals
traveling more than 50 miles from their home via a refundable credit of up to $4,000 per taxpayer
plus $500 per child under age 17.
While these types of proposals are well intentioned and aim to help both workers and the
economy, they pose risks that might be more costly than the grant or tax credit. These proposals
can encourage behavior that is risky to the main party and those they encounter.
Idaho Office of the Governor, “Gov. Little to Offer Back-to-Work Cash Bonuses” (June 5, 2020).
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
In contrast, Sacramento, California, considered paying some infected workers $1,000 to stay
This can help both the worker and those who will not get exposed to the virus when the
worker shelters in place rather than goes to work. As noted in Section VIII of this article, the need
to provide a cash incentive for a sick person not to go to work highlights sick leave inequities that
exist in today’s workforce.
Certainly, caution and data are needed to help with predictions on what all might happen in
encouraging behavior that could further spread the virus. Needed resources include education on
COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors, where to get tested, and resources to help individuals who
cannot go to work because they are sick or exposed or at high risk of complications if they get
sick. Obviously, governments need to be clear on messaging, including direct messages and those
indirectly being made by some law changes, including tax laws.
F. Promote Use of Not-So-Obvious Resources
Governments should search broadly to find existing rules that can help individuals and businesses
but that might be overlooked. For example, reminding individuals about the CARES Act recovery
credit (referred to as economic impact payments by the IRS) and the earned income tax credit can
help. Also, encourage individuals and businesses to review unclaimed property lists for possible
assets to claim.
Promoting government aid programs and what local charities can provide will help
because many individuals and businesses are unaware of the resources available to them. For
example, the San Jose Community Development Block Grants Microenterprise Grant Program
offers awards up to $15,000 to microenterprises to help with COVID-19 expenses.
Also, some
companies, such as Facebook, offer grants to help small businesses.
There are also numerous websites such as Craigslist and FreeCycle that help people with
excess resources such as boxes, office supplies, and furniture sell them or give them to others.
These sites can be promoted by governments to help those in need, particularly when someone
might have face masks or other PPE. Governments should also consider creating or co-sponsoring
these types of websites as an efficient way to help those with extra resources get them to
community members who need them.
Tony Bizjak,Sacramento May Pay People $1,000 to Stay Home When Infected by Coronavirus,” The Sacramento
Bee, Aug. 25, 2020.
Many cities may have these funds through government or charitable organizations. For example, see information on
the San Jose Community Development Block Grants
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New systems are needed to better distribute assets so what one
person or business doesn’t need can easily be given to others
who need them rather than going to waste, particularly in times
of crisis.
IV. Sheltering in Place Restricts Activity —
But Tax Implications Should be Simple and Clear
The pandemic forced a growing trend of the past several years of remote work. According to one
pre-pandemic survey, remote work in the United States increased almost 8 percent from 2016 to
2017, while it increased 91 percent in the last 10 years.
Another study found that about 16
percent of employees will continue to WFH even after the pandemic ends.
Some companies, including Microsoft, Twitter, and Facebook, announced that WFH would be a
permanent change for much of their workforce. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg expects that by
2030, half of the company’s employees (about 22,000) will WFH, with new technologies used to
help build employee connections.
WFH might be for part of the work week for some employees
and permanent for others. WFH strategies have created new terms such as “remote first” to allow
most employees the option to work off-site or have a mix of office work and WFH.
A result many companies and employees faced with the shelter-in-place and WFH conditions is
that some employees were working in states other than where their normal workplace is located.
This raised tax issues both for employers and employees. Employers may have created nexus in
Beth Braccio Hering, “Remote Work Statistics: Shifting Norms and Expectations,” Flexjobs (Feb. 13, 2020).
Kristen Senz, “How Much Will Remote Work Continue After the Pandemic?” Harvard Business School (Aug. 24,
Jeff Horwitz, “Facebook to Shift Permanently Toward More Remote Work After Coronavirus,” The Wall Street
Journal, May 21, 2020. Also see Ben Gilbert, “Microsoft Will Let Employees Work From Home Permanently,” World
Economic Forum (Oct. 13, 2020).
See, e.g., Coinbase Inc. blog post by CEO Brian Armstrong, “Post COVID-19, Coinbase Will Be a Remote-First
Company” May 20, 2020.
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
states where they had not been subject to tax before. Employers also needed to register for
employment tax purposes if not already done.
Employees might have learned that their tax consequences changed so that they could be subject
to tax both in their WFH state and the state of their normal office location. Some of these
employees might not be aware of new tax consequences until they receive a notice of tax due. For
example, New Hampshire residents who normally work in Massachusetts discovered via
publication of a DOR final rule in October that if they worked for a Massachusetts employer while
working from home in New Hampshire, they still owed Massachusetts income tax under the
state’s sourcing rule.
That led Gov. Chris Sununu (R) of New Hampshire, a state without an
income tax, to suggest filing a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court opposing the action.
An October 2020 AICPA/Harris poll of remote workers found that 55 percent did not know about
the possible tax consequences of working from a new state. Also, almost half of those surveyed
did not know that the tax rules on remote work were not the same among all states.
among states increased during the pandemic as some states provided temporary relief in which,
for example, for a specified number of days, the remote worker would be treated as not having
changed their work location.
The details of state actions and varying treatment both before and during the pandemic are not
further discussed here. Tax Notes State has published several articles on how remote work affects
employers and employees among the states.
Suggestions for dealing with the sourcing and nexus issues for employers and employees and the
states include the following.
1. States need to issue clear guidance on what are usually complex rules for both
businesses and individuals. An explanation of the relevant rules, and any special rule
adopted for the pandemic, should be readily available on the DOR’s website. For
employers, the information needs to address the nexus threshold for each type of
tax imposed by the state. Possible tax credits and other preferences potentially
available to filers should be noted. Information for individuals must clearly explain
the filing obligation such as which return to use, filing thresholds, and if the state has
reciprocity agreements with other states.
2. States should work together to develop more consistent rules on when a remote
worker (employee or sole proprietor) has tax obligations in the state. Technology
830 Mass. Code Regs section 62.5A.3: Massachusetts Source Income of Non-Residents Telecommuting Due to the
COVID-19 Pandemic (Oct. 16, 2020).
, “NH To Challenge MA Taxation of NH Remote Workers in U.S. Supreme Court” (Oct. 16, 2020).
, “AICPA/Harris Poll Reveals Many Taxpayers Unaware of State Tax Liabilities Related to Working Remotely” (Nov. 5,
Various regularly updated lists of state actions are available, such as AICPA’s State Tax Filing Guidance for
Coronavirus Pandemic.
See, e.g., Kathleen K. Wright, “Tax Ramifications of Staying Home,” Tax Notes State, Apr. 27. 2020, p. 505.
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solutions should be considered to make determinations and e-filing as simple as
online banking or shopping. Congress has long-standing proposals for state-level
mobile workforce rules, as well as to address rules for the pandemic, such as the
Remote and Mobile Worker Relief Act of 2020.
States should be ready to provide
input to their elected officials on this type of legislation.
V. Tax Relief Needed This Year and Later — Be Forgiving
During the pandemic, all taxpayers have faced and will continue to face for some time, challenges
in tax compliance and controversy. New laws and guidance from all levels of government have
mostly been complex with guidance lacking and changing. Financial challenges mean that many
businesses do not have as many human resources to help understand new tax and nontax rules.
Also, financial challenges will result in outstanding tax debts for many taxpayers.
Tax agencies need to have a disaster mindset today and for years to come. That is, they cannot
forget the challenges taxpayers faced for most of 2020 despite the tendency that time often helps
us forget the panic, seriousness, and confusion that existed during the crisis. In a crisis, errors are
easily made, and financial decisions may have been driven more by emotion (such as helping a
relative or employee) than law (making sure legal obligations were satisfied by stated due dates).
Many businesses were dealing with myriad confusing rules during the pandemic, including state
laws on layoff, family, and sick leave, testing employees for COVID-19, and obtaining PPE that was
often difficult or impossible to obtain when needed.
In an April 2020 letter to the Tax Notes State editor, Kip Dellinger, CPA, described the challenges
and solution well by highlighting that the IRS should not try to return to “business as usual” for
This is also true for state tax agencies. Examination of 2020 tax returns are bound to
include errors because of the number of changes, confusion over federal-state conformity, and
lack of complete guidance. Reasonable cause for penalty relief should be a given in most cases.
Collection issues will also be around for years because of the financial crisis many individuals and
businesses faced with some businesses not surviving the pandemic.
To best help taxpayers, state lawmakers and tax agencies should say now that reasonable cause
will be the starting point for penalty waivers or for not assessing them in the first place.
Substantial compliance should be viewed liberally with state tax auditors regularly reminded for
years about the panic and confusion that accompanied most tax and other changes of 2020.
Collection actions should be extended, and as noted earlier, noncash assets no longer needed by
businesses should be accepted easily as allowable payment options.
VI. Tough Financial Times Ahead – Don’t Hide It, Be Transparent
Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., sponsor of S. 3995, stated reasons for the bill in an op. ed.: “State Taxes Shouldn’t Be
Another Pandemic Worry,” The Wall Street Journal, June 17, 2020.
Kip Dellinger, “Dear IRS: It Shouldn’t Be Business as Usual!Tax Notes State, Apr. 20, 2020, p. 409.
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
All levels of government were hit hard by the pandemic with reduced revenues for fiscal year
2020 and beyond, along with increased spending to address new and increased expenditures.
Governments faced increased costs for their employees to enable WFH, extra cleaning of facilities,
and greater use of sick and family leave. Rainy day funds were tapped in many states.
spending needs at the federal level with new expenditures and increased interest expense from
significant new borrowing means state and local governments might not get much more
assistance from the federal government.
As states seek to meet budget demands but are reluctant to increase taxes in difficult financial
times, budgets and rainy day funds will be severely challenged. Tax increases of some degree are
inevitable and, as noted in Section I, could come from closing loopholes and removing special
rules that are not required elements of some taxes (such as various sales tax exemptions for
personal consumption).
State and local governments should be transparent about their fiscal challenges to avoid surprises
and disappointment to resident individuals and businesses. People are keenly focused on their
own problems, so they are unlikely to have time to devote to figuring out on their own whether
their governments are experiencing problems and the degree of budget issues. Clearly laying out
the issues is prudent.
An example of that transparency is an April 4, 2020, press release by the California State
Association of Counties. It explains why counties could not delay the due date for property taxes.
While noting they would exercise their authority to waive penalties for those unable to pay, they
noted that the tax revenue is crucial to local governments including schools. Per the statement:
“Delaying the April 10 property tax payment would take tens of billions of dollars away from local
government, create cash flow problems, and cause some to default on their loans, which would
have significant long-term effects on all local agencies in California.”
Another transparency example — also from California — is a fiscal update from the Department of
Finance. In bullet points, it lays out that almost 478,000 unemployment claims were filed in the
first week of May and personal income tax collections are expected to be 9 percent lower than
originally projected. The document included a link to a 10-page presentation with pie charts
reviewing a normal budget and highlighting expected budget deficits because of the pandemic.
Will many people find the agency websites with documents that aim to make budget problems
more transparent? Likely not. Governments need to continue efforts to push information out via
social media, posting information on frequently visited sites such as for driver and vehicle license
renewals, and encouraging elected officials and schools to help in distributing information on their
See National Conference of State Legislatures, State Fiscal Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) (June 30, 2020).
Deficit spending increased from $984 billion in fiscal 2019 to $3.1 trillion in fiscal 2020. Congressional Budget Office,
Monthly Budget Review: Summary for Fiscal Year 2020” (Nov. 9, 2020).
, “Joint CSAC / CACTTC Statement on COVID-19 and the April 10 Property Tax Deadline” (Apr. 4, 2020).
California Department of Finance, “Fiscal Update” (May 7, 2020).
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websites. The information provided needs to be simple and direct with links to more details for
those who want them. The goal is to help people understand the fiscal issues and what is being
done, setting expectations for current and future budgets and being transparent about fiscal
VII. Embrace 21st Century Technologies
The pandemic forced tax agencies to embrace modern technologies that many taxpayers were
already accustomed to as some of these tools, such as digital signatures, originated in the last
A good deal of tax administration and compliance is paper based even with e-filing,
which has been around since the late 1990s. Yes, paper based! Consider how e-commerce does
not involve completing an electronic version of an order form, yet tax filing still requires
completion of what continues to be a paper-based form usually requiring input from other paper-
based forms such as Form W-2 and Forms 1099. Also, many federal and state tax forms cannot be
While many states have moved toward online taxpayer accounts, they tend to not be as robust or
easily navigable as online banking and e-commerce websites and apps. The IRS and likely all states
still use some forms that require a wet signature.
Online filing, document transfers, payments, and digital signatures allowed by the IRS and many
state tax agencies were quickly implemented during the pandemic but mostly on a temporary
Given the number of taxpayers engaged in online shopping, banking, and education, there
are many people eager for permanent online options for tax compliance.
New online and digital activities started or temporarily expanded during the pandemic by state
tax agencies need to move to a permanent basis post-pandemic. Lessons learned from these new
efforts must be considered in aiming to move to completely online systems.
In addition, to
benefit from economies of scale and compatible systems, states and the IRS must work together
to create the 21st century technology-based tools for modern tax compliance.
For example, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (P.L. 106-229) was enacted June 30,
2020. launched in 1994 and eBay in 1995.
The IRS national taxpayer advocate’s midyear report also notes the paper-based system: “Not all operations will
function seamlessly in a remote environment, but the IRS will be better positioned if it is not such a paper-based
organization. Accordingly, the National Taxpayer Advocate recommends that the IRS prioritize the modernization of
its technology as well as increase the use of digital communications and the electronic production of documents in
a secure environment.” National taxpayer advocate, “Fiscal Year 2021 Objectives Report to Congress
,” Systemic
Advocacy Objectives report, at 44 (2020).
For example, see Maryland Tax Alert 04-20, Temporary Acceptance of Digital Signatures. Also see Treasury
memorandum of June 12, 2020, on “implementing a temporary deviation” for approval to accept images of
signatures and digital signatures.
While compliance systems should be completely online, there will continue to be a need for other approaches
because not all taxpayers use 21st century technologies yet.
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
Online tax filing should consider other online systems that have replaced paper, such as those
used in banking. The focus should be on data and where it originates and how to get it in a digital
form that allows it to be efficiently and safely used to compute tax liabilities. For example, rather
than focus on the Form W-2, the data on the W-2 and its location should be the focal point. With
many workers being paid via automatic bank deposit, a digital file already exists. Many employees
also do not receive paper pay stubs from their employer but must instead access them
electronically. This digital data should be made available in a manner for taxpayers to easily access
it to feed into the tax preparation software they use. Similarly, business taxpayers should set up
their digital accounting records to be easily converted to a digital format that feeds into the tax
preparation software, with appropriate book-tax adjustments made by the software. These
systems would allow taxpayers to calculate income tax liabilities daily, and regularly ensure tax
liabilities are covered, such as with a direct link to their bank account or credit card. Due dates
would eventually not be necessary in this tech-driven system. Online taxpayer accounts should
also end the need to file amended returns. Instead, taxpayers access their secure account to make
necessary changes, which are then reviewed online by the tax agency to be accepted or declined.
Beyond eliminating the need for due dates for many filings, use of 21st century technology should
also end the issue of unclaimed tax refunds (such as from individuals not claiming overpaid taxes
from wage withholding) and missing mailed notices that either don’t get delivered or are sent to
an incorrect address.
A starting point beyond lessons learned from use of new technologies during the pandemic is to
also obtain information from taxpayers. A recent example of such an effort from the U.S.
Department of the Treasury is a request from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. It
seeks public input on specific questions to help ensure that regulatory frameworks enable “banks
to adapt to rapidly changing trends and technology developments in the financial marketplace to
meet customers’ evolving needs while continuing to operate in a safe and sound manner.”
Questions include ones on how new technologies such as the blockchain, artificial intelligence,
and payment systems can be used to improve banking operations.
VIII. The Pandemic Highlights Inequities — Plan to Remove These from Tax Systems
While millions of individuals sought unemployment compensation during the pandemic, others
continued to collect their regular pay, including in safe WFH environments. And some ultra-
wealthy became even wealthier. For example, about 40 million workers in the United States
sought unemployment compensation assistance, while billionaires experienced about a $500
billion increase in net worth.
Also see Nellen, “Change in Mindset Needed to Move Tax Compliance Into the Modern Era,” State Tax Notes, May
22, 2017, p. 785.
Treasury, Docket ID OCC–2019–0028 (July 7, 2020), F.R. 40827.
Hiatt Woods, “How Billionaires Saw Their Net Worth Increase by Half a Trillion Dollars During the Pandemic,”
Business Insider, Oct. 30, 2020.
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A crisis such as the pandemic can highlight long-standing problems, such as inequities regarding
insurance coverage, access to paid sick and family leave, wide and growing income and wealth
gaps, and access to affordable health care. Several of these inequities exist in our tax systems or
are exacerbated by existing tax rules. Now is a time to start discussing and addressing these issues
and not create greater inequalities by new tax law changes.
States should find tax system inequities and identify how to eliminate them. Existing data on tax
incidence by income quintiles, which most states likely gather for the U.S. Department of
and their own needs, is a good starting point. Hearings on the topic should help to
identify more inequities as well as solutions for eliminating them.
Tax inequities include income exclusions, such as for employer-provided health insurance, that
provide greater tax savings to higher-bracket individuals who also likely receive greater benefits
from their employers. The cost of this tax expenditure, likely one of the largest for each state,
could be reduced with the savings used to distribute health care subsidies more equitably to all
individuals, not just employees with employer-provided health insurance.
Homeowners with mortgages receive tax savings greater than what renters receive. This subsidy,
delivered via a deduction, is also upside down in providing greater savings to higher-bracket
taxpayers who are also likely to have a larger mortgage than lower-income individuals. Individuals
with the largest mortgages that can produce deductible interest are also least in need of this
subsidy. For example, those individuals can likely afford a $1 million dollar home even without the
mortgage interest deduction or if not, they can buy a slightly less expensive home and still live in a
manner not possible for the vast majority of individuals.
Similar inequities exist in the tax system with other tax preferences (tax expenditures) that
primarily benefit higher-income taxpayers and further increase their wealth. These special rules
include pension contributions and income deferral, not taxing capital gains at death, lower capital
gain rates used in some states, and exclusion for municipal bonds, gifts, life insurance, and various
fringe benefits beyond health insurance.
States should also look at special tax rules for all their taxes. For example, are charitable
organizations provided sales and property tax breaks even if they do not mostly aid local
communities? Do sales and use tax rules allow residents to avoid sales tax on expensive airplanes
and other vehicles through special provisions on how the vehicle is purchased or delivered?
Efforts should also be directed at addressing new inequities created by the pandemic that might
be further exacerbated by tax rules or that might hurt future tax collections. For example, many
high school and college graduates entering the workforce during the pandemic saw reduced
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Census Bureau provides a great deal of federal, state, and local tax data, see
U.S. Census Bureau, Government Taxes.
Also suggested in Nellen, “Looking Ahead: Supporting the Modern Workforce,” Tax Notes State, Dec. 16, 2019, p.
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
opportunities that might have long-term consequences to them and state revenues. Will new aid
programs help these individuals catch up?
State and local governments should also identify agencies beyond the DOR to help identify and
reduce tax system inequities. If Chicago’s 2019 creation of an Office of Equity and Racial Justice
led by a chief equity officer
becomes a trend in other state and local governments, tax inequities
should also be an agenda item for that office.
Beyond economic inequities in the tax system, recent attention has also been directed at racial
and gender inequities
tied to tax rules and government spending programs. That is, both direct
and indirect spending (such as through tax expenditures) should be evaluated as part of a state’s
efforts to improve tax systems by making them fairer and more equitable.
IX. Engage in Identifying and Actualizing Lessons Learned
From Tough Times
The IRS national taxpayer advocate’s midyear 2020 report summarized this topic well — ensuring
we identify and act upon lessons learned from the pandemic.
Once the IRS resumes normal operations, it is crucial to evaluate the challenges the agency
faced in providing taxpayer services and conducting mission-critical functions including
compliance initiatives during the COVID-19 crisis. The IRS must prepare for the next
national emergency, based on the lessons it learned from this crisis. While the
circumstances of the next incident will differ, the IRS can take actions now to ensure that
the agency’s core operations will continue in the face of similar challenges. This will
require each function taking a hard look at what worked and what did not in the face of
this unexpected and unprecedented event.
In preparation for post-pandemic analysis though, lots of notes must be taken now on what
worked and did not work, what could not be accomplished because of lack of resources, and what
was learned by other government agencies and businesses.
The evaluation and work on lessons learned and planning to put those lessons into action does
not have to wait until after the pandemic. For example, the Chicago Recovery Task Force issued a
104-page report in July. Per the report’s introduction, the mayor convened this thought
leadership group:
Nate Berg, “‘It’s Stressful, Lonely Work’: The Newest Job at City Hall is Also the Most Important,” Fast Company,
Aug. 3, 2020.
See, e.g., Tax Policy Center, “Racial Disparities and the Income Tax System” (Jan. 30, 2020); and Michelle Harding,
Grace Perez-Navarro, and Hannah Simon, “In Tax, Gender Blind is Not Gender Neutral: Why Tax Policy Responses to
COVID-19 Must Consider Women,” OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (June 1, 2020).
See “Fiscal Year 2021 Objectives Report to Congress,” supra note 46.
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to keep our city moving forward despite the far-ranging impacts of this disease. Our
objective was as bold as it was simple: Nothing less than the most breathtaking recovery
effort Chicago has ever seen. To succeed, we knew there could be no half measures and no
cutting corners. It would require bold, visionary action that would build on the efforts
already taken to expand equity and opportunity over the previous nine months.
A “lessons learned” endeavor must also consider how business and individual activities have
changed. For example, increased WFH efforts can easily result in empty office space and declined
property values and property tax collections. Fewer commuters means added pressure on mass
transit funding, reduced parking revenues on city-owned lots, and even reduced revenue from
traffic violations. With more employees working from home and fewer in business-owned
buildings, business license fees, particularly those tied to payroll or number of employees in the
city, may need to be reevaluated. College towns need to consider if populations will decrease with
more students permanently participating remotely and consequently adversely affecting local tax
The pandemic likely changed a variety of daily activities permanently. This includes how people
pay for goods and services such as with electronic funds and certainly with less tangible currency.
Those practices will be expected when people pay for government services. Similarly, many
people will expect to continue to interact with government employees virtually rather than in
person at a government office. Consideration should be given to how this affects tax agencies and
the work of their employees.
In looking ahead to be ready for the next disaster, governments should evaluate how rainy day
funds are replenished and if changes are needed. Since future emergencies are likely to involve
distribution of funds to residents such as for unemployment compensation or recovery rebates,
how can it be done efficiently via technology. What can be done now to provide access to funds
for individuals who are unbanked? How do new financial technologies help solve these
How can all levels of government share the lessons learned and be informed of actions of one
agency that will help another? Ideas for sharing information is crucial as innovations in one agency
can easily affect and help other agencies. In addition, governments will need to find and use
information gathered by businesses and others and obtain input from all stakeholder groups.
X. Conclusion
The pandemic challenged and continues to challenge us all in many ways. All government systems
from public health to education to transportation to taxes are affected. The severity and wide
reach of the pandemic will change our day-to-day activities and perspectives permanently in many
ways. Those changes, along with financial recovery post-pandemic, will affect tax systems and tax
City of Chicago, “Recovery Task Force Advisory Report: Forward Together Building a Stronger Chicago” (July 9,
Nellen: Suggestions for Pandemic State Tax Policy Endurance
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2021
policy. Endurance is a good focal point for tax considerations. Attention is needed now to deal
with numerous tax law changes that will linger on in audits and litigation for the next few years.
Many lessons are learned from the current crisis, and efforts are needed now and over the next
few years to be sure tax systems endure to reflect our changed economy, business practices, and
lifestyles. Hopefully, ideas laid out in this article will help policymakers and taxpayers in this
learning and endurance endeavor.
The Contemporary Tax Journal, Vol. 10, Iss. 2 [2021], Art. 7
DOI: 10.31979/2381-3679.2021.100207