Todd Alexander Litman © 2006-2023
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Parking Management
Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
31 March 2023
Todd Litman
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking management refers to various policies and programs that result in more efficient
use of parking resources. This report summarizes the book, Parking Management Best
Practices (Planners Press, 2006), which describes and evaluates more than two-dozen
such strategies. It investigates problems with current parking planning, discusses the
costs of parking facilities and potential savings from improved management, describes
specific parking management strategies and how they can be implemented, discusses
planning and evaluation issues, and describes how to develop optimal parking
management in a particular situation. Cost-effective parking management programs can
usually reduce parking requirements by 20-40% compared with conventional planning
requirements, providing many economic, social and environmental benefits.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2
Examples ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Paradigm Shift ............................................................................................................................. 7
How Much Is Optimal? .................................................................................................... 9
Alternative Ways To Determine How Much Parking To Supply ................................................ 10
Parking Facility Costs .................................................................................................... 11
Parking Management Strategies ................................................................................... 12
Shared Parking .......................................................................................................................... 12
Parking Regulation .................................................................................................................... 13
More Accurate and Flexible Standards ..................................................................................... 14
Reduce Residential Street Width Requirements ....................................................................... 15
Parking Maximums .................................................................................................................... 15
Remote Parking and Shuttle Service ........................................................................................ 15
Smart Growth ............................................................................................................................ 16
Walking and Cycling Improvements .......................................................................................... 16
Increase Capacity of Existing Parking Facilities ....................................................................... 17
Mobility Management ................................................................................................................ 18
Efficient Parking Pricing ............................................................................................................ 19
Improve Parking Pricing Methods ............................................................................................. 19
Financial Incentives ................................................................................................................... 20
Unbundle Parking ...................................................................................................................... 20
Parking Tax Reform .................................................................................................................. 21
Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities ................................................................................... 21
Improve User Information and Marketing .................................................................................. 21
Improve Enforcement and Control ............................................................................................ 21
Transportation Management Associations and Parking Brokerage .......................................... 21
Overflow Parking Plans ............................................................................................................. 21
Address Spillover Problems ...................................................................................................... 21
Improve Parking Facility Design and Operation ........................................................................ 22
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 23
Developing an Integrated Parking Plan ......................................................................... 25
Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 26
References and Resources for More Information .......................................................... 27
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking is an essential component of the transportation system. Vehicles must park at every
destination. A typical automobile is parked 23 hours each day, and uses several parking spaces
each week. Parking convenience affects the ease of reaching destinations and therefore affects
overall accessibility.
Parking facilities are a major cost to society, and parking conflicts are among the most common
problems facing designers, operators, planners and other officials. Such problems can be often
defined either in terms of supply (too few spaces are available, somebody must build more) or in
terms of management (available facilities are used inefficiently and should be better managed).
Management solutions tend to be better than expanding supply because they support more
strategic planning objectives:
Reduced development costs and increased affordability.
More compact, multi-modal community planning (smart growth).
Encourage use of alternative modes and reduce motor vehicle use (thereby reducing traffic
congestion, accidents and pollution).
Improved user options and quality of service, particularly for non-drivers.
Improved design flexibility, creating more functional and attractive communities.
Ability to accommodate new uses and respond to new demands.
Reduced impervious surface and related environmental and aesthetic benefits.
Parking management refers to policies and programs that result in more efficient use of parking
resources. Parking management includes several specific strategies; nearly two dozen are
described in this report. When appropriately applied parking management can significantly
reduce the number of parking spaces required in a particular situation, providing a variety of
economic, social and environmental benefits. When all impacts are considered, improved
management is often the best solution to parking problems.
Parking Management Principles
These ten general principles can help guide planning decision to support parking management.
1. Consumer choice. People should have viable parking and travel options.
2. User information. Motorists should have information on their parking and travel options.
3. Sharing. Parking facilities should serve multiple users and destinations.
4. Efficient utilization. Parking facilities should be sized and managed so spaces are frequently occupied.
5. Flexibility. Parking plans should accommodate uncertainty and change.
6. Prioritization. The most desirable spaces should be managed to favor higher-priority uses.
7. Pricing. As much as possible, users should pay directly for the parking facilities they use.
8. Peak management. Special efforts should be made to deal with peak-demand.
9. Quality vs. quantity. Parking facility quality should be considered as important as quantity, including
aesthetics, security, accessibility and user information.
10. Comprehensive analysis. All significant costs and benefits should be considered in parking planning.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking Management Benefits
Facility cost savings. Reduces costs to governments, businesses, developers and consumers.
Improved quality of service. Many strategies improve user quality of service by providing better
information, increasing consumer options, reducing congestion and creating more attractive facilities.
More flexible facility location and design. Parking management gives architects, designers and planners
more ways to address parking requirements.
Revenue generation. Some management strategies generate revenues that can fund parking facilities,
transportation improvements, or other important projects.
Reduces land consumption. Parking management can reduce land requirements and so helps to
preserve greenspace and other valuable ecological, historic and cultural resources.
Supports mobility management. Parking management is an important component of efforts to
encourage more efficient transportation patterns, which helps reduce problems such as traffic
congestion, roadway costs, pollution emissions, energy consumption and traffic accidents.
Supports Smart Growth. Parking management helps create more accessible and efficient land use
patterns, and support other land use planning objectives.
Improved walkability. By allowing more clustered development and buildings located closer to
sidewalks and streets, parking management helps create more walkable communities.
Supports transit. Parking management supports transit oriented development and transit use.
Reduced stormwater management costs, water pollution and heat island effects. Parking management
can reduce total pavement area and incorporate design features such as landscaping and shading that
reduce stormwater flow, water pollution and solar heat gain.
Supports equity objectives. Management strategies can reduce the need for parking subsidies, improve
travel options for non-drivers, provide financial savings to lower-income households, and increase
housing affordability.
More livable communities. Parking management can help create more attractive and efficient urban
environments by reducing total paved areas, allowing more flexible building design, increasing
walkability and improving parking facility design.
This report describes various parking management strategies, how to evaluate these strategies
and develop an integrated parking plan, plus examples and resources for more information.
Most parking management strategies have been described in previous publications but no
existing document describes them all or provides guidance on planning and implementing a
comprehensive parking management program. This report summarizes the book Parking
Management Best Practices, published by Planners Press in 2006. If you find this report useful,
please purchase the book for more information.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Below are three illustrative examples of parking management programs.
Reducing Building Development Costs
A mixed-use building is being constructed in an urban or suburban area that will contain 100
housing units and 10,000 square feet of commercial space. By conventional standards this
requires 200 parking spaces (1.6 spaces per housing unit plus 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of
commercial space), costing from $2 million for surface parking (about 9% of the total
development costs), up to $6 million for underground parking (about 25% of total development
costs). However, because the building is in a relatively accessible location (on a street that has
sidewalks, with retail business and public transit services located nearby) and on-street parking
is available nearby to accommodate occasional overflows, the building owners argue that a
lower standard should be applied, such as 1.2 parking spaces per housing unit and 3 spaces per
1,000 square feet of commercial space, reducing total requirements to 150 spaces. To further
reduce parking requirements the developer proposes the following:
Unbundle parking, so parking spaces are rented separately from building space. For
example, rather than paying $1,000 per month for an apartment with two parking spaces
renters pay $800 per month for the apartment and $100 per month for each parking space.
This typically reduces parking requirements by 20%.
Encourage businesses to implement commute trip reduction programs for their employees,
including cashing out free parking (employees are offered $50 per month if they don’t use a
parking space). This typically reduces automobile commuting by 20%.
Regulate the most convenient parking spaces to favor higher-priority uses, including delivery
vehicles and short errands, and handicapped users.
Include four carshare vehicles in the building. Each typically substitutes for 5 personal
vehicles, reducing 4 parking spaces.
Incorporate excellent walking facilities, including sidewalk upgrades if needed to allow
convenient access to nearby destinations, overflow parking facilities and transit stops.
Incorporate bicycle parking and changing facilities into the building.
Provide information to resident, employees and visitors about transit, rideshare and taxi
services, bicycling facilities, and overflow parking options.
Develop a contingency-based overflow parking plan that indicates where is available nearby
if on-site facilities are full, and how and spillover impacts will be addressed. For example,
identify where additional parking spaces can be rented if needed.
This management program allows total parking requirements to be reduced to 100 spaces,
providing $100,000 to $500,000 in annualized parking facility capital and operating cost savings
(compared with $20,000-$50,000 in additional expenses for implementing these strategies), as
well as providing improved options to users and reduced vehicle traffic.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Increasing Office Building Profits and Benefits
An office building has 100 employees and 120 surface parking spaces, providing one space per
employee plus 20 visitor spaces. The building earns $1,000,000 annually in rent, of which
$900,000 is spent on debt servicing and operating expenses, leaving $100,000 annual net profit.
Parking management begins when a nearby restaurant arranges to use 20 spaces for staff
parking during evenings and weekends for $50 per month per space, providing $12,000 in
additional annual revenue. After subtracting $2,000 for walkway improvements between the
sites, and additional operating costs, this increases profits 10%. Later a nearby church arranges
to use 50 parking spaces Sunday mornings for $500 per month, providing $6,000 in annual
revenue. After subtracting $1,000 for additional operating costs, this increases profits by
another 5%. Next, a commercial parking operator arranges to rent the building’s unused parking
to general public during evenings and weekends. This provides $10,000 in net annual revenue,
an additional 10% profit.
Inspired, the building manager develops a comprehensive management plan to take full
advantage of the parking facility’s value. Rather than giving each employee a reserved space,
spaces are shared, so 80 spaces can easily serve the 100 employees. A commute trip reduction
program is implemented with a $40 per month cash-out option, which reduces parking
requirements by another 20 spaces. As a result, employees only need 60 parking spaces. The
extra 40 parking spaces are leased to nearby businesses for $80 per month, providing $32,000 in
annual revenue, $9,600 of which is used to fund cash-out payments and $2,400 to cover
additional costs, leaving $20,000 net profits.
Because business is growing, the tenant wants additional building space for 30 more employees.
Purchasing land for another building would cost approximately $1 million, and result in two
separate work locations, an undesirable arrangement. Instead, the building manager stops
leasing daytime parking and raises the cash-out rate to $50 per month, which causes an
additional 10 percentage point reduction in automobile commuting. With these management
strategies, 87 parking spaces are adequate to serve 130 employees plus visitors, leaving the land
currently used by 33 parking spaces available for a building site. To address concerns that this
parking supply may be insufficient sometime in the future, a contingency plan is developed
which identifies what will be done if more parking is needed, which might involve an overflow
parking plan, providing additional commuter incentives during peak periods, leasing nearly
parking, or building structured parking if necessary.
This parking management plan saves $1 million in land costs, a $50,000 annualized value.
Parking spaces can still be rented on weekends and evenings, bringing in an additional $25,000.
These parking management strategies increased total building profits about 75%, allow a
business to locate entirely at one location, and provide parking to additional users during off-
peak periods. Other benefits include increased income and travel options for employees,
reduced traffic congestion and air pollution, and reduced stormwater runoff.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Downtown Addressing Parking Problems
A growing downtown is experiencing parking problems. Most downtown parking is unpriced,
with 2-hour limits for on-street parking. During peak periods 90% of core-area parking spaces
are occupied, although there is virtually always parking available a few blocks away, and many
of the core spaces are used by commuters or long-term visitors, who moved their vehicles every
two hours to avoid citations.
Local businesses asked the city to build a $5 million parking structure, which would either
require about $500,000 in annual subsidies or would require user charges. Experience in similar
downtowns indicates that if most public parking is unpriced, few motorists will pay for parking
so the structure would be underutilized and do little to alleviate parking problems. Local officials
decide to first implement a management program, to defer or avoid the need for a parking
structure. Parking surveys are performed regularly to track utilization and turnover rates, in
order to identify problems. The program’s objectives are to encourage efficient use of parking
facilities, insure that parking is convenient for priority uses (deliveries, customers and short
errands), and maintain parking utilization at about 85%. It includes the following strategies:
Increase enforcement of regulations, particularly during busy periods, but insure that
enforcement is friendly and fair.
Reduce on-street time limits (e.g., 2-hours to 90 minutes) where needed to increase turnover.
Expand core area boundaries to increase the number of spaces managed for short-term use.
Encourage businesses to share parking, so for example, a restaurant allows its parking spaces to
be used by an office building during the weekdays in exchange for using the office parking during
evenings and weekends.
Encourage use of alternative modes. The city may partner with the downtown business
organization to support commute trip reduction programs and downtown shuttle service.
Develop special regulations as needed, such as for disabled access, delivery and loading areas, or
to accommodate other particular land uses.
Implement a residential parking permit program if needed to address spillover problems in
nearby residential areas, but accommodate non-residential users as much as possible.
Provide signs and maps showing motorists where they may park.
Have an overflow parking plan for occasionally special events that attract large crowds.
Establish high standards for parking facility design, including aesthetic and safety features, to
enhance the downtown environment.
Price parking, using convenient pricing methods. Apply the following principles:
o Adjust rates as needed to maintain optional utilization (i.e., 85% peak occupancy).
o Structure rates to favor short-term uses in core areas and encourage longer-term parkers to shift
to other locations.
o Provide special rates to serve appropriate uses, such as for evening and weekend events.
o Use revenues to improve enforcement, security, facility maintenance, marketing, and mobility
management programs that encourage use of alternative modes.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Paradigm Shift
Parking planning is undergoing a paradigm shift, a fundamental change in how a problem is
perceived and solutions evaluated. The old paradigm assumes that parking should be abundant
and free at most destinations. It strives to maximize supply and minimize price. The old
paradigm assumes that parking lots should almost never fill, that parking facility costs should be
incorporated into the costs of buildings or subsidized by governments, and that every
destination should satisfy its own parking needs.
The new paradigm strives to provide optimal parking supply and price. It considers too much
supply as harmful as too little, and prices that are too low as harmful as those that are too high.
The new paradigm strives to use parking facilities efficiently. It considers full lots to be
acceptable, provided that additional parking is available nearby, and that any spillover problems
are addressed. It emphasizes sharing of parking facilities between different destinations. It
favors charging parking facility costs directly to users, and providing financial rewards to people
who reduce their parking demand.
The old paradigm tends to resist change. It places a heavy burden of proof on innovation. The
new paradigm recognizes that transport and land use conditions evolve so parking planning
practices need frequent adjustment. It shifts the burden of proof, allowing new approached to
be tried until their effectiveness (or lack thereof) is proven. Table 1 compares the old and new
parking paradigms.
Table 1 Old and New Parking Paradigms Compared
Old Parking Paradigm
“Parking problem” means inadequate parking supply.
Abundant parking supply is always desirable.
Parking should generally be provided free, funded
indirectly, through rents and taxes.
Parking should be available on a first-come basis.
Parking requirements should be applied rigidly,
without exception or variation.
Innovation faces a high burden of proof and should
only be applied if proven and widely accepted.
Parking management is a last resort, to be applied
only if increasing supply is infeasible.
“Transportation” means driving. Land use dispersion
(sprawl) is acceptable or even desirable.
Parking management changes the way parking problems are defined and solutions evaluated.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
The old paradigm results in predict and provide planning, in which past trends are extrapolated
to predict future demand, which planners then try to satisfy. This often creates a self-fulfilling
prophecy, since abundant parking supply increases vehicle use and urban sprawl, causing
parking demand and parking supply to ratchet further upward, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Cycle of Automobile Dependency
Generous parking supply is part of a cycle that leads to increased automobile dependency.
Parking management can help break this cycle.
It is important to define parking problems carefully. For example, if people complain about a
parking problem, it is important to determine exactly what type of problem, and where, when
and to whom it occurs. Increasing supply helps reduce parking congestion and spillover
problems but increases most other problems. Management solutions tend to reduce most
problems, providing a greater range of benefits and so are supported by more comprehensive
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
How Much Is Optimal?
Optimal parking supply is the amount that motorists would purchase if they paid all costs
directly and had good parking and transport options. But conventional planning practices reflect
an assumption that it is desirable to maximize parking supply and minimize user charges. They
consider parking management a measure of last resort, to be applied only where it is infeasible
to expand supply.
Conventional planning determines how much parking to provide at a particular site planners
based on recommended minimum parking standards published by various professional
organizations. This provides an index or parking ratio used to calculate the number of spaces to
supply at a particular location. These are unconstrained and unadjusted values, which generally
reflect the maximum supply that could be needed.
These standards are often excessive and can usually be adjusted significantly downward. To
appreciate why it is helpful to know a little about how parking standards are developed.
Conventional parking standards are based on parking demand surveys, the results of which are
collected and published in technical reports such as ITE’s Parking Generation. This process
implies a higher degree of accuracy than is actually justified. Fewer than a dozen demand
surveys are used to set standards for many land use categories. The analysis does not usually
take into account geographic, demographic and economic factors that can affect parking
demand, such as whether a site is urban or suburban, and whether parking is free or priced.
These standards err toward oversupply in many ways. They are derived from parking demand
studies that were mostly performed in automobile-dependent locations. They are generally
based on 85
percentile demand curves (which means that 85 out of 100 sites will have
unoccupied parking spaces even during peak periods), an 85
occupancy rate (a parking facility
is considered full if 85% of spaces are occupied) and a 10
design hour (parking facilities are
sized to fill only ten hours per year). Applying these standards results in far more parking supply
than is usually needed at most destinations, particularly where land use is mixed, there are good
travel options, parking is managed for efficiency or priced.
Most people planning apply parking standards have little understanding of the biases and errors
they contain, and the problems created by excessive parking supply. The application of generous
and inflexible parking standards is often defended as being conservative, implying that this
approach is cautious and responsible. Use of the word conservative in this context is confusing
because it results in the opposite of what is implied. Excessive parking requirements waste
resources, both directly, by increasing the money and land devoted to parking facilities, in
indirectly, by increasing automobile use and sprawl. Better parking management actually tends
to be more conservative overall.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Alternative Ways to Determine Optimal Parking Supply
There are better ways to determine how much parking to supply at a particular site. Efficiency-
based standards size facilities for optimal utilization. This means that most parking lots are
allowed to fill, provided that management strategies can insure user convenience and address
any problems. For example, parking facilities at a store can be sized to fill daily or weekly,
provided that overflow parking is available nearby, motorists have information about available
parking options, and regulations are adequately enforced to address any spillover problems that
Efficiency-based standards take into account geographic, demographic and economic factors
that affect parking demand. They also reflect the relative costs and benefits of different options,
so less parking is supplied where parking supply is relatively costly to provide or where
management programs easy to implement. Efficiency-based standards should also reflect
strategic planning objectives such as a desire for more compact development, or to reduce
Because it is not possible to predict exact parking demand and management program
effectiveness, efficiency-based standards rely on contingency-based planning, which means that
planners identify solutions that can be deployed if needed in the future. For example, if a new
building is predicted to need 60 to 100 parking spaces, the conventional approach is to supply
either the middle value (80 spaces), or the maximum value (100 spaces). With contingency-
based planning, the lower-bound value (60 spaces) is initially supplied, conditions are
monitored, and various strategies are identified for implementation if needed. This may include
banking land for additional parking supply and various parking management programs. This
allows planners to use lower parking standards with the confidence that any resulting problems
can be easily solved.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking Facility Costs
A major benefit of parking management is its ability to reduce parking facility costs. Parking
facilities are expensive and their costs are usually borne indirectly through higher taxes, rents
and prices for other goods, so most people have little idea of parking facility costs and the
potential savings from more efficient management.
A typical parking space is 8-10 feet (2.4-3.0 meters) wide and 18-20 feet (5.5-6.0 meter) deep,
totaling 144-200 square feet (13-19 sq. meters). Off-street parking requires driveways and
access lanes, and so typically requires 300-400 square feet (28-37 square meters) per space,
allowing 100-150 spaces per acre (250-370 per hectare). Parking covers a major portion of urban
land (Kisin 2022).
Figure 2 Typical Parking Facility Land Use (“Parking Evaluation,” VTPI, 2005)
On-Street Compact, Urban, Off-
Full-size, Urban, Off-
Full-size, suburban,
Square Feet Per Parking Space
Access Lane
Land requirements per parking space vary depending on type and size. Off-street spaces require
driveways and access lanes. Landscaping typically adds 10-15% to parking lot area.
Considering land, construction and operating expenses, the annualized cost of a parking space
typically ranges from about $500 per space if otherwise unused land is available, and
construction and operating costs are minimal, to more than $3,000 for structured parking with
attendants (Litman 2023). On-street parking requires less land per space than off-street parking,
since they do not require access lanes, but their opportunity costs can be high if they use road
space needed for traffic lanes or sidewalks. The Parking Cost, Pricing and Revenue Calculator
(www.vtpi.org/parking.xls) can be used to calculate these costs for a particular situation.
In addition to these direct costs, parking facilities impose indirect costs, including increased
stormwater management costs and heat island effects, plus increased vehicle traffic and sprawl.
Put more positively, parking management can help solve a variety of economic, social and
environmental problems, increase economic productivity, and make consumers better off
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking Management Strategies
This section describes various parking management strategies. For more information see Gies,
Hertel and Tully (2021); ITDP (2021); Litman (2020); MTC (2021); Pressl and Rye (2020); and
Shared Parking
Shared Parking means that a parking facility serves multiple users or destinations (“Shared
Parking,” VTPI, 2005). This is most successful if destinations have different peak periods, or if
they share patrons so motorists park at one facility and walk to multiple destinations. Parking
facilities can be shared in several ways.
Shared Rather Than Reserved Spaces. Motorists share parking rather than being assigned
reserved spaces. For example, 100 employees can usually share 60-80 spaces, since at any time
some are on leave, in the field, commuting by alternative modes or working another shift.
Hotels, apartments, and dormitories can share parking spaces among several units, since the
number of vehicles per unit varies over time. Sharing can be optional, so for example, motorists
could choose between $60 per month for a shared space or $100 for a reserved space.
Share Parking Among Destinations. Parking can be shared among multiple destinations. For
example, an office building can share parking with a restaurant or theater, since peak demand
for offices occurs during weekdays, and on weekend evenings for restaurants and theaters, as
indicated in Table 2. Sharing can involve mixing land uses on single site, such as a mall or
campus, or by creating a sharing arrangement between sites located suitably close together.
Table 2 Typical Peak Parking Periods For Various Land Uses
Banks and public services
Offices and other worksites
Park & Ride facilities
Schools, daycare centers and colleges
Factories and distribution centers
Medical clinics
Professional services
Bars and dance halls
Meeting halls
Religious institutions
Shops and malls
This table indicates peak parking demand for different land use types. Parking can be shared
efficiently by land uses with different peaks.
Public Parking Facilities. Public parking, including on-street, municipal off-street, and commercial
(for profit) facilities generally serve multiple destinations. Converting from free, single-use to
paid, public parking allows more efficient, shared use.
In Lieu Fees. “In lieu feesmean that developers help fund public parking facilities instead of
providing private facilities serving a single destination. This tends to be more cost effective and
efficient. It can be mandated or optional.
Special Parking Assessment. Businesses in an area can be assessed a special assessment or tax to
fund parking facilities in their area, as an alternative to each business supplying its own facilities.
This is often implemented through a downtown business improvement district.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking Regulation
Parking regulations control who, when and how long vehicles may park at a particular location,
in order to prioritize parking facility use. The table below describes common regulations and the
type of parking activity they favor.
Table 3 Common Parking Regulations
Favored Activity
User or vehicle
Spaces dedicated to loading, service, taxis, customers,
rideshare vehicles, disabled users, buses and trucks.
As specified.
Limit parking duration (5-minute loading zones, 30-minutes
adjacent to shop entrances, 1- or 2-hour limits).
Short-term users, such as deliveries,
customers and errands.
Time period
Prohibit occupancy at certain times, such as before 10 am,
to discourage employee use, or between 10 pm and 5 am to
discourage resident use.
Depends on restrictions.
Require or encourage employees to use less convenient
parking spaces.
Customers, deliveries and errands.
Special events
Have special parking regulations during special events.
Depends on restrictions.
short-term users.
Provide options for vehicles that make numerous short
stops, such as special parking passes.
Delivery and service vehicles.
Residential parking
Use Residential Parking Permits (RPPs) to give area
residents priority use of parking near their homes.
Options for special
Establish a system that allows specific parking spaces to be
reserved for service and construction vehicles.
Vehicles used for special activities.
Restrict overnight
Prohibit overnight parking to discourage use by residents
and campers.
Shorter-term parkers
Street cleaning
Regulations that prohibit parking on a particular street one
day of the week to allow street sweeping.
Street cleaning. Insures motorists
move their vehicles occasionally.
Large vehicle
Limit on-street parking of large vehicles, such as freight
trucks and trailers.
Normal-size vehicles
Arterial lanes
Prohibit on-street parking on arterials during peak periods,
to increase traffic lanes.
Vehicle traffic over parking.
Have a system to identify and remove abandoned vehicles
from public parking facilities.
Operating vehicles.
Various regulations can increase parking efficient and prevent problems.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
More Accurate and Flexible Standards
More accurate and flexible standards means that parking requirements at a particular location
are adjusted to account for factors such as those in Table 4.
Table 4 Parking Requirement Adjustment Factors
Typical Adjustments
Vehicle ownership and use rates in
an area.
Adjust parking requirements to reflect variations identified in
census and travel survey data.
Number of residents or housing
units per acre/hectare.
Reduce requirements 1% for each resident per acre: Reduce
requirements 15% where there are 15 residents per acre, and
30% if there are 30 residents per acre.
Number of employees per acre.
Reduce requirements 10-15% in areas with 50 or more
employees per gross acre.
Land Use Mix
Range of land uses located within
convenient walking distance.
Reduce requirements 5-10% in mixed-use developments.
Additional reductions with shared parking.
Nearby transit service frequency
and quality.
Reduce requirements 10% for housing and employment within
¼ mile of frequent bus service, and 20% for housing and
employment within ¼ mile of a rail transit station.
Whether a carsharing service is
located nearby.
Reduce residential requirements 5-10% if a carsharing service is
located nearby, or reduce 4-8 parking spaces for each carshare
vehicle in a residential building.
Walking environment quality.
Reduce requirements 5-15% in walkable communities, and
more if walkability allow more shared and off-site parking.
Age and physical ability of
residents or commuters.
Reduce requirements 20-40% for housing for young (under 30)
elderly (over 65) or disabled people.
Average income of residents or
Reduce requirements 10-20% for the 20% lowest income
households, and 20-30% for the lowest 10%.
Whether housing are owned or
Reduce requirements 20-40% for rental versus owner occupied
Parking that is priced, unbundled
or cashed out.
Reduce requirements 10-30% for cost-recovery pricing (i.e.
parking priced to pay the full cost of parking facilities).
Parking sold or rented separately
from building space.
Unbundling parking typically reduces vehicle ownership and
parking demand 10-20%.
Parking &
Parking and mobility management
programs are implemented at a
Reduce requirements 10-40% at worksites with effective
parking and mobility management programs.
Design Hour
Number of allowable annual hours
a parking facility may fill.
Reduce requirements 10-20% if a 10
annual design hour is
replaced by a 30
annual peak hour. Requires overflow plan.
Use lower-bound requirements,
and implement additional
strategies if needed.
Reduce requirements 10-30%, and more if a comprehensive
parking management program is implemented.
This table summarizes various factors that affect parking demand and optimal parking supply.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Reduce Residential Street Width Requirements
Most jurisdictions require wide residential streets in order to provide on-street parking. This
practice is not justified for safety or by consumer demands, since many households would not
choose to pay for parking if it were unbundled, and so represents a hidden subsidy of
automobile ownership and use (Guo, et al. 2012). Reducing minimum residential street widths in
municipal zoning codes and development policies allows developers to build new urbanist
communities with narrower streets and less parking, and rely more on efficient parking
Parking Maximums
Parking Maximums means that an upper limit is placed on parking supply, either at individual
sites or in an area. Area-wide limits are called Parking Caps. These can be in addition to or
instead of minimum parking requirements. Excessive parking supply can also be discouraged by
reducing public parking supplies, imposing a special parking tax, and by enforcing regulations
that limit temporary parking facilities. Maximums often apply only to certain types of parking,
such as long-term, single-use, free, or surface parking, depending on planning objectives.
Remote Parking and Shuttle Service
Remote Parking (also called Satellite Parking) refers to the use of off-site parking facilities. This
often involves shared facilities, such as office workers parking at a restaurant parking lot during
the day, in exchange for restaurant employees using the office parking lot evenings and
weekends. It can involve use of public facilities, such as commercial parking lots. Remote parking
can also involve use of parking facilities located at the periphery of a business district or other
activity center, and use of overflow parking during a special event that attracts large crowds.
Special shuttle buses or free transit service may be provided to connect destinations with
remote parking facilities, allowing them to be farther apart than would otherwise be acceptable.
Another type of remote parking is use of Park & Ride facilities, often located at the urban fringe
where parking is free or significantly less expensive than in urban centers.
Figure 3 Overflow Parking Sign
Remote parking requires providing adequate
use information and incentives to encourage
motorists to use more distant facilities. For
example, signs and maps should indicate the
location of peripheral parking facilities, and
they should be significantly cheaper to use
than in the core. Without such incentives,
peripheral parking facilities are often
underused while core parking is congested.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Smart Growth
Smart growth (also called New Urbanism, Location Efficient Development and Transit Oriented
Development) is a general term for development policies that result in more efficient
transportation and land use patterns, by creating more compact, development with multi-modal
transportation systems (“Smart Growth,” VTPI 2005).
Smart growth supports and is supported by parking management. Parking management reduces
the amount of land required for parking facilities, reduces automobile use and increases infill
affordability. These land use patterns, in turn, tend to reduce vehicle ownership and use, and so
reduce parking requirements. They allow more sharing of parking facilities, shifts to alternative
modes, and various types of parking pricing. Smart growth usually incorporates specific parking
management strategies, as indicated in Table 5. Effective parking management is a key
component of smart growth.
Table 5 Conventional and Smart Growth Parking Policies
Conventional Parking Policies
Managed only for motorist convenience
Maximum parking supply
Prefers free parking
Dedicated parking facilities
Favors lower-density, dispersed development
Walking and Cycling Improvements
Walking and Cycling (together called Non-motorized, Active or Human Powered transport)
improvements support parking management strategies in several ways (“Walking and Cycling
Improvements,” VTPI 2005):
Improving walkability (the quality of walking conditions) expands the range of parking
facilities that serve a destination. It increases the feasibility of sharing parking facilities and
use of remote parking facilities.
Improving walkability increases “park once” trips, that is, parking in one location and walking
rather than driving to other destinations, which reduces vehicle trips and the amount of
parking required at each destination.
Walking and cycling improvements allow these modes to substitute for some automobile
Walking and cycling improvements encourage transit use, since most transit trips involve
walking or cycling links.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Increase Capacity of Existing Parking Facilities
Increase capacity of existing parking facilities means that parking supply increases without using
more land or major construction. There are various ways to do this:
Use currently wasted areas (corners, edges, undeveloped land, etc.). This can be particularly
appropriate for small car spaces, motorcycle and bicycle parking.
Where there is adequate street width, change from parallel to angled on-street parking.
Maximize the number of on-street parking spaces, for example, by using a curb lane for
parking rather than traffic during off-peak periods, and designating undersized spaces for
small cars or motorcycles.
Provide special, small parking spaces for motorcycles. Allow and encourage motorcycles to
share parking spaces when possible.
Reduce parking space size. Shorter-term parking requires larger spaces, but employee and
residential parking spaces can be somewhat smaller. A portion of spaces can be sized for
compact vehicles, which require about 20% less space than full-size stalls.
Use car stackers and mechanical garages. These can significantly increase the number of
vehicles parked in an area. However, they are only suitable for certain applications. They
generally require an attendant to move lower-level vehicles when needed to access upper-
level vehicles, and stackers may be unable to accommodate larger vehicles such as SUV,
vans and trucks.
Use valet parking, particularly during busy periods. This can increase parking capacity by 20-
40% compared with users parking their vehicles. Commercial lots often have attendants
park vehicles during busy periods, but not off-peak.
Remove or consolidate non-operating vehicles, equipment, material and junk stored in
parking facilities, particularly in prime locations.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Mobility Management
Mobility Management (also called Transportation Demand Management or TDM) is a general
term for strategies that increase transportation system efficiency by changing travel behavior
(VTPI 2005). It may affect travel frequency, mode, destination or timing (for example, shifting
from peak to off-peak). There are many different mobility management strategies, as
summarized in the table below.
Table 6 Mobility Management Strategies (VTPI 2003)
Improved Transport
Incentives to Shift
Land Use
Policies and Programs
Alternative Work
Bicycle Improvements
Bike/Transit Integration
Guaranteed Ride Home
Security Improvements
Park & Ride
Pedestrian Improvements
Shuttle Services
Improved Taxi Service
Traffic Calming
Transit Improvements
Bicycle and Pedestrian
Congestion Pricing
Distance-Based Pricing
Commuter Financial
Fuel Tax Increases
High Occupant Vehicle
(HOV) Priority
Parking Pricing
Road Pricing
Vehicle Use Restrictions
Car-Free Districts
Compact Land Use
Location Efficient
New Urbanism
Smart Growth
Transit Oriented
Development (TOD)
Street Reclaiming
Access Management
Campus Transport
Data Collection and
Commute Trip Reduction
Freight Transport
Marketing Programs
School Trip Management
Special Event Management
Tourist Transport
Transport Market Reforms
Mobility management includes numerous strategies that affect vehicle travel behavior. Many affect
parking demand.
Mobility management both supports and is supported by parking management. Mobility
management programs often reduce parking demand, and many parking management
strategies help reduce vehicle traffic create more accessible land use patterns or support other
mobility management objectives.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Efficient Parking Pricing
Parking Pricing means that motorists pay directly for using parking facilities, with prices that
vary to reflect facility and parking congestion costs (Shoup 2005). This may be implemented as a
parking management strategy (to reduce parking problems), as a mobility management strategy
(to reduce transport problems), to recover parking facility costs, or to raise revenue for any
purpose. It is often intended to achieve a combination of objectives.
Currently, most parking is inefficiently priced; it is provided free, significantly subsidized, or
bundled (automatically included) with building purchases and rents, forcing consumers to pay
for parking facilities regardless of whether or not they want it. When motorists do pay directly
for parking, it is often a flat annual or monthly fee, providing little incentive to use an alternative
mode occasionally. Rates should be set to optimize parking facility use, called performance-
based pricing, which means that about 15% of parking spaces are vacant and available at any
time (King County 2018; Shoup 2006). Efficient pricing can include (Litman 2017):
Expand when and where municipal parking is priced, including meters and permits required
for on-street parking.
Parking cash out means that non-drivers receive the cash equivalent of parking subsidies
provided to motorists.
Parking unbundling, which means that parking is rented separately from building space, so
rather than paying $2,500 per month to rent an apartment with a parking space occupants
pay $2,250 for the apartment and $250 for each parking space they use, so car-free
households are no longer forced to pay for costly parking facilities they don’t use.
Shorter payment periods, such as charging buy the hour rather than the day, or the day
rather than month or year (Gutman 2017).
Improve Parking Pricing Methods
Much of the resistance to parking pricing results from inconvenient pricing methods. They often
require payment in specific denominations (coins or bills), charge flat fees for long time periods,
are unable to adjust prices to reflect conditions, are confusing or slow to use, have high
operating costs and have arbitrary or excessive enforcement.
Better payment methods are available. Newer electronic systems are more convenient,
accurate, flexible, and increasingly cost effective. They can accommodate various payment
methods (coins, bills, credit and debit cards, and by cellular telephone or the Internet), charge
only for the amount of time parked, incorporate multiple rates and discounts, automatically vary
rates by day and time, and are convenient to use. Some can be integrated with payment
systems for other public services such as transit, roads tolls, and telephone use. Some employ
contactless technology which automatically deducts payment. Newer systems also produce
printed receipts and record data for auditing, which prevents fraud and increases convenience
for customers, operators and local governments. They can also automatically record data on
utilization and turnover, which improves planning and administration.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Financial Incentives
Financial Incentives means that travelers (particularly commuters) are offered financial benefits
for reducing their automobile trips (“Commuter Financial Incentives,” VTPI, 2005). These
benefits represent the cost savings that result from reduced parking demand. There are various
types of incentives. Parking cash-out means that commuters who are offered subsidized parking
can choose cash instead. Transit benefits means that employees receive a subsidized transit
pass. Universal transit passes means that a group purchases discounted, bulk transit passes for
all members. Another incentive is to provide discounted or preferential parking for rideshare
(carpool and vanpool) vehicles. Consumers value these options because they provide positive
rewards for those who reduce vehicle trips and parking demand.
Financial incentives such as transit benefits and parking cash-out typically reduce automobile
travel 10-30%, depending on the value of the incentive, and various factors. In urban areas
commuters tend to shift to walking and transit. In suburban areas they tend to shift to cycling
and ridesharing. These programs have been particularly successful at college and university
Unbundle Parking
Unbundling means that parking is rented or sold separately, rather than automatically included
with building space. For example, rather than renting an apartment with two parking spaces for
$1,000 per month, the apartment would rent for $800 per month, plus $100 per month for each
parking space. This is more equitable and efficient, since occupants only pay for parking they
Parking can be unbundled in several ways:
Facility managers can unbundle parking when renting building space.
Developers can make some or all parking optional when selling buildings.
In some cases it may be easier to offer a discount to renters who use fewer than average
parking spaces, rather than charging an additional fee. For example, an office or apartment
might rent for $1,000 per month with two “free” parking spaces, but renters who only use
one space receive a $75 monthly discount.
Parking costs can be itemized in lease agreements to help renters understand the parking
costs they bear, and to help them negotiate reductions.
Informal unbundling can be encouraged by helping to create a secondary market for
available spaces. For example, office, apartment and condominium managers can maintain a
list of residents who have excess parking spaces that are available for rent.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Parking Tax Reform
Parking tax reform includes various tax policies that support parking management, including
commercial parking taxes (a special tax on parking rental transactions) and per-space parking
levies (a special property tax applied to parking facilities). These can help reduce parking supply
and increase parking prices, as well as providing revenues for public programs.
Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities
Bicycle parking and changing facilities increase the convenience and security of bicycle
transportation (“Bicycle Parking,” VTPI 2005). In some situations, bicycle parking facilities can
substitute for a portion of automobile parking, particularly if implemented as part of a
comprehensive bicycle improvement and encouragement program. Optimal bicycle parking
supply depends on the level of cycling that occurs in that community and the type of
destination. Some destinations, such as schools, campuses and recreation centers have 10-20%
of visitors arrive by bicycle, at least during fair weather.
Improve User Information and Marketing
User information refers to information for travelers about parking availability, regulations and
price, and about travel options, such as walking, ridesharing and transit. Many parking problems
result in part from inadequate user information. User information can be provided by signs,
maps, brochures, websites, and electronic guidance systems. It is particularly useful if there is a
perceived parking shortage, although space are actually available in an area.
Improve Enforcement and Control
Improve Enforcement and Control means that parking regulations and pricing requirements are
enforced more frequently, more effectively and more considerately. Evading parking regulations
is a folk crime. Many otherwise upstanding citizens who otherwise never steal will proudly
ignore parking regulations and evade payments, reducing their effectiveness. Improving
enforcement and control supports parking management by increasing regulatory and pricing
effectiveness. As parking management activities expand, so too should enforcement activities.
Transportation Management Associations and Parking Brokerage
Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) are private, non-profit, member-controlled
organizations that provide transportation and parking management services in a particular area,
such as a commercial district, mall or medical center (“Transportation Management
Associations,” VTPI 2005). TMAs can be an effective way to implement parking management
programs. TMAs are typically funded through dues paid by member businesses, and local
government grants.
Overflow Parking Plans
Overflow parking plans describe the management strategies that will be applied when parking
facilities fill, for example, during special events, peak shopping periods, or temporary reductions
in parking supply. Because most parking facilities are sized to accommodate peak demands that
seldom occur, an overflow parking plan can significantly reduce the amount of parking needed,
and provide reassurance that reduced supply will not create problems.
Address Spillover Problems
Spillover parking problems refers to the undesirable use of offsite parking facilities, such as
when business customers and employees park on nearby residential streets or use another
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
businesses’ parking lot. Concerns about spillover impacts are used to justify excessive parking
requirements and opposition to management solutions. Addressing spillover problems can
increase parking management program acceptability and effectiveness. There are several ways
to address spillover parking problems.
Provide information indicating where motorists may and may not park.
Use regulations to control spillover impacts, such as time limits and permit programs on
residential streets near activity centers.
Use pricing to control spillover impacts, such as charging non-residents for parking on
residential streets near activity centers, and businesses charging non-customers for using in
their parking facilities.
Create Parking Benefit Districts in areas that experience parking spillover problems, so on-
street parking is priced (residents can be exempt).
Compensate people who bear spillover parking impacts. For example, a high school can send
complementary sport event tickets to residents of nearby streets who experience spillover
parking problems.
Establish a monitoring program to identify where parking spillover is a problem. This may
include surveys to identify who is parking where, and ways for residents and businesses to
report spillover problems.
Improve Parking Facility Design and Operation
Parking facility design and operation refers to physical layout, construction and day-to-day
management. Improved design and operation can better integrate parking facilities into
communities, improve the quality of service experienced by users, support parking
management, and help address specific problems.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
The table below summarizes potential parking management strategies and their impacts.
Table 7 Parking Management Strategies
Shared Parking
Parking spaces serve multiple users and destinations.
Parking Regulations
Regulations favor higher-value uses such as service vehicles, deliveries,
customers, quick errands, and people with special needs.
More Accurate and
Flexible Standards
Adjust parking standards to more accurately reflect demand in a
particular situation.
Parking Maximums
Establish maximum parking standards.
Remote Parking
Provide off-site or urban fringe parking facilities.
Smart Growth
Encourage more compact, mixed, multi-modal development to allow
more parking sharing and use of alternative modes.
Walking and Cycling
Improve walking and cycling conditions to expand the range of
destinations serviced by a parking facility.
Increase Capacity of
Existing Facilities
Increase parking supply by using otherwise wasted space, smaller stalls,
car stackers and valet parking.
Mobility Management
Encourage more efficient travel patterns, including changes in mode,
timing, destination and vehicle trip frequency.
Parking Pricing
Charge motorists directly and efficiently for using parking facilities.
Improve Pricing Methods
Use better charging techniques to make pricing more convenient and
cost effective.
Financial Incentives
Provide financial incentives to shift mode such as parking cash out.
Unbundle Parking
Rent or sell parking facilities separately from building space.
Parking Tax Reform
Change tax policies to support parking management objectives.
Bicycle Facilities
Provide bicycle storage and changing facilities.
Improve Information and
Provide convenient and accurate information on parking availability and
price, using maps, signs, brochures and the Internet.
Improve Enforcement
Insure that regulation enforcement is efficient, considerate and fair.
Transport Management
Establish member-controlled organizations that provide transport and
parking management services in a particular area.
Overflow Parking Plans
Establish plans to manage occasional peak parking demands.
Address Spillover
Use management, enforcement and pricing to address spillover
Parking Facility Design and
Improve parking facility design and operations to help solve problems
and support parking management.
This table summarizes the parking management strategies described in this report. It indicates the typical reduction in
the amount of parking required at a destination, and whether a strategy helps reduce vehicle traffic, and so also
provides congestion, accident and pollution reduction benefits.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Not every strategy is appropriate in every situation. Actual impacts vary depending on
geographic and demographic factors, how a strategy is implemented and other factors. Below
are some general guidelines.
Impacts are higher where there are more parking and travel options. For example, parking
pricing will have greater demand reduction impacts if implemented in conjunction with
improvements in rideshare and public transit services.
Financial incentives tend to have greater impacts on lower-income consumers.
Some strategies are complementary. For example, shared parking becomes more effective if
implemented with suitable regulations, pricing and walkability improvements.
Impacts generally increase over time as programs mature. A Low value may be appropriate
the first year, but increases to Medium after two or three years, and High after five or ten
Special care is needed when predicting the impacts of a program that includes multiple parking
management strategies. Be careful to take into account strategies with overlapping impacts. For
example, Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) provide an institutional framework
for implementing strategies that directly affect parking requirements. While it would be true to
say that a TMA can reduce parking requirements by 10-30% compared with not having such an
organization, it would be incorrect to add the demand reductions of the TMA to the impacts of
the individual strategies it helps implement.
Total impacts are multiplicative not additive. Shared parking reduces the parking requirements
by 10%, to 90% of the original level. The 10% reduction of Parking Pricing reduces this further to
81% of the original level, and another 10% reduction from Mobility Management results in 73%
of the original level, a 27% reduction, somewhat less than the 30% reduction that would be
calculated by adding three 10% reductions.
Some combinations of strategies have synergistic effects (total impacts are greater than the sum
of their individual impacts), and so become more effective if implemented together. For
example, sharing parking and walkability improvements may each reduce parking requirements
just 10% if implemented alone, but 25% if implemented together because they are
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Developing An Integrated Parking Plan
Below are recommendations for integrated parking planning. This should be adjusted to reflect
the needs of a particular situation.
Define Scope
Define the geographic scope of analysis, such as the site, street, district/neighborhood and
regional scale. It is desirable to plan for a walkable area, such as a business district or
neighborhood, since this is the functional scale of parking activities.
Define Problems
Carefully define parking problems. For example, if people complain of inadequate parking it is
important to determine where, when and to whom this occurs, and for what types of trips
(deliveries, commuting, shoppers, tourists, etc.).
Strategic Planning Context
Parking planning should be coordinated with a community’s overall strategic vision. This helps
insure that individual decisions reflect broader community objectives.
Establish Evaluation Framework
Develop a comprehensive evaluation framework. This provides the basic structure for analyzing
options, insuring that critical impacts are not overlooked and different situations are evaluated
consistently. A framework identifies:
Perspective and scope, the geographic range and time-scale of impacts to consider.
Goals (desired outcomes to be achieved) and objectives (ways to achieve goals).
Evaluation criteria, including costs, benefits and equity impacts to be considered.
Evaluation method, how impacts are to be evaluated, such as benefit/cost analysis.
Performance indicators, practical ways to measure progress toward objectives.
Base Case definition, that is, what would happen without the policy or program.
How results are presented, so results of different evaluations can be compared.
Survey Conditions
Survey parking supply (the number of parking spaces available in an area) and demand (the
number of parking spaces occupied during peak periods) in the study area.
Identify and Evaluate Options
Develop a list of potential solutions using ideas from this report and stakeholder ideas. Evaluate
each option with respect to evaluation criteria.
Develop an Implementation Plan
Once the components of a parking management plan are selected, the next step is to develop
an implementation plan. This may include various phases and contingency-based options. For
example, some strategies will be implemented the first year, others within three years, and a
third set will only be implemented if necessary, based on performance indicators such as
excessive parking congestion or spillover problems.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Current parking planning practices are inefficient, resulting in economically excessive parking
supply, increased automobile traffic, and more dispersed destinations, contributing to various
economic, social and environmental problems. There are many reasons to use management
strategies that result in more efficient use of parking resources, in order to address parking
problems without expanding supply.
Parking facilities that serve multiple destinations and are efficiently regulated or priced to favor
higher value users (for example, delivery vehicles and customers over commuters and residents)
tend to be efficiently used. On-street metered parking and commercial parking are particularly
suitable for this type of management, and so should be favored over unpriced, off-street parking
that serves a single destination.
This report describes more than two-dozen management strategies that result in more efficient
use of parking resources. These strategies are technically feasible, cost effective, and can
provide many benefits to users and communities. Although all of these strategies have been
implemented successfully in some situations, they are not being implemented as much as
economically justified, due to various institutional barriers. Parking management
implementation requires changing the way we think about parking problems and expanding the
range of options and impacts considered during planning.
Most parking management strategies have modest individual impacts, typically reducing parking
requirements by 5-15%, but their impacts are cumulative and synergistic. A comprehensive
parking management program that includes an appropriate combination of cost-effective
strategies can usually reduce the amount of parking required at a destination by 20-40%, while
providing additional social and economic benefits.
Management solutions represent a change from current practices and so various obstacles must
be overcome for parking management to be implemented as much as optimal. Current planning
practices are based on the assumption that parking should be abundant and provided free, with
costs borne indirectly, incorporated into building construction costs or subsidized by
governments. Current parking standards tend to be applied inflexibly, with little consideration of
demographic, geographic and management practices that may affect parking requirements.
Parking management requires changing current development, zoning and design practices. This
requires that public officials, planners and the public change the way they think about parking
problems and solutions, and become familiar with the full menu of parking management
strategies available and the benefits they can provide. It requires an institutions and
relationships, such as transportation management associations, and activities to improve
enforcement and addressing potential spillover impacts.
This report summarizes the book Parking Management Best Practices, by Todd Litman,
published by Planners Press in 2006. If you find this report useful, please purchase the book,
which contains more detailed information.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
References and Resources for More Information
AF (2022), D.C.’s “Parking Cash-Out” Law: Your Choices Impact Employees, Action Figure
(https://actionfigure.ai); at https://actionfigure.ai/blog/dc-parking-cash-out-law-employees.
Bruce Belmore (2019), “Rethinking Parking Minimums,ITE Journal, Vol. 89, No. 2, p. 4
(www.ite.org); at https://bit.ly/2DZULvE.
Petter Christiansen, et al. (2017), “Parking Facilities and the Built Environment: Impacts on Travel
Behaviour,” Transportation Research A, Vo. 95, pp. 198-206, (doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2016.10.025).
CNU (2008), Parking Requirements and Affordable Housing, Congress for the New Urbanism
(www.cnu.org); at www.cnu.org/node/2241.
Joshua Engel-Yan and Dylan Passmore (2010), “Assessing Alternative Approaches to Setting
Parking Requirements,” ITE Journal (www.ite.org), Vo. 80, No. 12, December, 30-25.
Jürgen Gies, Martina Hertel and Susan Tully (2021), Parking Standards as a Steering Instrument
in Urban and Mobility, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (https://park4sump.eu); at
Zhan Guo, et al. (2012), Amenity or Necessity? Street Standards as Parking Policy, Mineta
Transportation Institute (http://transweb.sjsu.edu); at http://bit.ly/25oAFE6.
Green Values Calculator (http://greenvalues.cnt.org) automatically evaluates the economic and
hydrological impact of green versus conventional stormwater management.
David Gutman (2017), The Not-so-Secret Trick to Cutting Solo Car Commutes: Charge for
Parking by the Day,” Seattle Times, at https://bit.ly/2iLwp0R.
ITDP (2021), On-Street Parking Pricing: A Guide to Management, Enforcement, and Evaluation,
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (www.itdp.org); at https://bit.ly/3hXm68h.
ITE (2023), Multimodal Transportation Impact; Analysis for Site Development, ITE Transportation
Planning Council (www.ite.org); at https://bit.ly/3lIBRSb.
Evan Kindler (2023), Parking Benefit Districts, Parking Reform Networks
(https://parkingreform.org); at https://parkingreform.org/playbook/pbd.
Katya Kisin (2022), Every Parking Lot in the U.S., KatWorld (http://kat.world); at
http://kat.world/map.html. Described in, Less Parking, More People Space, Strong Towns
King County (2018), Right Size Parking Project and Calculator; at https://rightsizeparking.org.
Todd Litman (2006), Parking Management Best Practices, Planners Press (www.planning.org);
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Todd Litman (2017), Parking Pricing Implementation Guidelines: How More Efficient Pricing Can
Help Solve Parking Problems, Increase Revenue, and Achieve Other Planning Objectives, Victoria
Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org); at www.vtpi.org/parkpricing.pdf.
Todd Litman (2017), Parking Requirement Impacts on Housing Affordability, Victoria Transport
Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org); at www.vtpi.org/park-hou.pdf.
Todd Litman (2018), Pavement Busters Guide, Victoria Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org);
at www.vtpi.org/pavbust.pdf.
Todd Litman (2019), “Parking Costs,” Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis: Techniques,
Estimates and Implications, Victoria Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org); at
Todd Litman (2020), Parking Management: Comprehensive Implementation Guide, Victoria
Transport Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org); at www.vtpi.org/park_man_comp.pdf.
Todd Litman (2023), Comprehensive Parking Supply, Cost and Pricing Analysis, Victoria Transport
Policy Institute (www.vtpi.org); at www.vtpi.org/pscp.pdf.
MTC (2021), Parking Policy Playbook, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
(http://mtc.ca.gov); at https://abag.ca.gov/technical-assistance/parking-policy-playbook.
Vinit Mukhija and Donald Shoup (2006), “Quantity Versus Quality in Off-Street Parking
Requirements,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 72, No. 3, Summer, pp. 296-
308; at http://shoup.bol.ucla.edu/QuantityVersusQualityInOff-StreetParkingRequirements.pdf.
National Parking Institute (www.parking.org) is an organization for parking professionals.
Nelson/Nygaard (2022), The New Transportation Demand Management: An Implementation
Guide for City Officials, Natural Resources Defense Council (www.nrdc.org); at
NEMO Project (www.nemo.uconn.edu) addresses impervious surface impacts.
Parking Reform Network (www.parkingreform.org) promotes various reforms, particularly
parking pricing with revenues returned to local communities.
PRN (2022), Progress on Parking Mandates Map, Parking Reform Network
(www.parkingreform.org); at https://parkingreform.org/resources/mandates-map.
Robert Pressl and Tom Rye (2020), Good Reasons and Principles for Parking Management,
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (https://park4sump.eu); at https://bit.ly/3pNTw84.
Park4SUMP (https://park4sump.eu) aims to help cities integrate innovative parking
management solutions into Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.
Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Push and Pull (www.europeanparking.eu/en/activities/push-pull ) aims to improve urban
mobility through more efficient parking and mobility management.
Reinventing Parking (www.reinventingparking.org) provides information concerning why and
how to implement parking policy reforms.
Martha Roskowski (2021), Ideas to Accelerate Parking Reform in the United States, Institute for
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Summarizes King County Right Size Parking Project results
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