APA Format: Abstracts
This handout is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh
Edition, 2019.
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper (APA, 2019, p. 38). (In some
fields of study, this is called an executive summary.) Based on the abstract, readers often decide whether to
read the entire paper. The abstract must be brief (usually 250 words or fewer), but include all main points of
the paper. It reiterates the focus of the paper; it does not comment or evaluate on ideas of the paper. Its
organization generally mirrors the organization of the paper (to check, compare the abstract to the paper
Abstracts are NOT required in student papers unless specified by the instructor. If required, follow these
The abstract is on the second page of your document (after the title page and before the beginning of the
paper itself).
Title the page Abstract in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered, boldfaced, at the top of the page (below
the page number).
Type the abstract in a single paragraph (double-spaced) in block format (no indenting).
Do not cite references in the abstract, with one exception: If your study continues or replicates previous
research, you should note this in the abstract, and cite the author’s last name and the year of the original
Use active voice verbs whenever possible (but avoid personal pronouns, such as I or we).
Active voice: Laboratory technicians tabulated the results of the experiment.
Passive voice: The results of the experiment were tabulated by laboratory technicians.
Use present tense verbs when describing conclusions and results that are currently applicable; use past
tense verbs to describe primary research you conducted (e.g., the variables you manipulated or the outcomes
you measured.)
• Keywords are not required for student papers. (They do appear in professional abstracts.)
To keep the abstract concise:
Use digits for all numbers 10 and above, except those that begin a sentence. (Consider rewording a
sentence that begins with a number.)
Use abbreviations (e.g., CDC for Centers for Disease Control), but remember that all abbreviations
that need to be explained in the text must also be explained when used for the first time in the abstract.
Consult the Publication Manual p. 38 and pp. 7375 for detailed guidelines on abstracts for specific
types of papers:
Empirical study
• Literature review
Theory-oriented paper
• Methodological paper
• Meta-analysis
Revised 1/2020
The nursing profession recognizes the phenomenon of anxiety as a nursing diagnosis and has studied it
in depth. Anxiety is defined as a vague subjective feeling of apprehension stemming from an unknown
threat to an individual. Anxiety is divided into four stages: mild, moderate, severe, and panic. Sister
Callista Roy’s theory of adaptation approaches anxiety holistically, stressing the interconnectedness of
the mind, body, and spirit. Martha Rogers’ theory of energy fields explains anxiety as a phenomenon
that is capable of being transmitted between persons.