IoT and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
Hamidreza Fereidouni
Department of Computer Science
and Operations Research
University of Montreal
Montreal, QC, Canada
Olga Fadeitcheva
Department of Computer Engineering
and Software Engineering
Polytechnique Montreal
Montreal, QC, Canada
olga.fadeitche[email protected]
Mehdi Zalai
Department of Computer Engineering
and Software Engineering
Polytechnique Montreal
Montreal, QC, Canada
Abstract—This paper provides an overview of the Internet of
Things (IoT) and its significance. It discusses the concept of Man-
in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks in detail, including their causes,
potential solutions, and challenges in detecting and preventing
such attacks. The paper also addresses the current issues related
to IoT security and explores future methods and facilities for
improving detection and prevention mechanisms against MitM.
Index Terms—IoT, Internet of Things, IoT Security, MitM,
Man-in-the-Middle, MitM Detection, MitM Prevention
Today, the internet plays a pivotal role in our lives. The
internet can be primitively considered a network of networks;
also, it is technically defined as a unified, interconnected
system of computer networks, from educational computer
networks to governmental ones, which operate on predefined,
accepted networking protocols [1]. Conventionally, we use the
internet to do our daily routines, from official correspondence
and private communications to buying goods and banking
operations. The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as a
network of physical objects comprising sensors and actuators,
and connections, which allows these things to connect and
trade data through the internet [2]. This concept, independent
of this name, has been around for more than two decades since
the unveiling of the internet publicly.
IoT has facilitated our modern life, from industries to
our personal life. For instance, a smart home utilizes IoT
to provide residents with a better experience of living. The
fundamental goal of IoT innovations is to provide connectivity
and improve the quality of life (QoL) for clients. On a hot
summer day, a smart home can determine if its resident is
returning home, check the temperature and lighting level, and
then make the home ready for the resident by turning on
the air conditioners and the necessary lamps. Therefore, it
can simply help us in energy saving and having a suitable
condition simultaneously. Given this example, we readily find
the term IoT as an augmented utility of the internet, which is
growing rapidly in numbers and applications. Regarding what
has hitherto been described, the world has been witness to
a burgeoning ecosystem of IoT in terms of economics and
the number of connected devices. Based on the IoT Analytics
reports, the global market size is predicted to grow 19% annu-
ally and reach around $483 billion in spending on enterprise
IoT technologies by 2027 [3]. Besides, IoT Analytics mentions
there will be 34.2 billion devices connected to the internet, of
which 21.5 billion will be IoT-based devices by 2025 [4]. This
might be a conservative prediction, whereas there are many
other predictions that show a significantly higher number of
connected devices.
Internet users are witnessing a remarkable increase in the
types and the number of security and privacy issues when
facing these emerging, fast-growing technologies. Due to the
number of connected devices and volume of data exchanged
among these devices, data leakage, authentication, and iden-
tification could be named as some of the major security
vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things. This matter becomes
substantial when security analysts realize that approximately
98% of all traffic among IoT devices is unencrypted [5].
Therefore, there are well-known threats and attacks, such as
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and Man-in-the-Middle
(MitM), which are commonly able to compromise IoT-based
systems. DDoS is the most popular attack because of ease of
launch and no need for complex, time-consuming exploitations
[6]. DDoS is a security threat that can mainly disturb the
availability of services. MitM can overshadow all security
and privacy facets of a system. MitM attacks are usually
more complex than other attacks and difficult to identify [7].
MitM generally includes a wide variety of attacks in which
a perpetrator is positioned in the middle of a communication
to take control of the communication channel and reorients
the original connection link (as shown in Figure 1) so as to
intercept and/or alter trading data between them [8].
Fig. 1. A General Schema of Man-in-the-Middle Attack
IoT and its innovative applications penetrate every facet of
arXiv:2308.02479v1 [cs.CR] 4 Aug 2023
human life, from industrial automation to novel medical tech-
nologies. Although IoT is a widely discussed and disruptive
concept in the current internet landscape, there is currently no
universally accepted security standard or framework among
most businesses, despite conventional security standards that
could be adapted for IoT-based environments [9]. However,
there are some proposed best practices such as OWASP [36],
[37], IoT Security Maturity Model (by Industry IoT Consor-
tium) [39], and NIST Cybersecurity for IoT Program [38].
This situation poses a significant challenge for ensuring the
security and privacy of IoT systems due to the heterogeneity of
devices and protocols, as well as the wide variety of use cases
that IoT-based systems can support. In these environments,
there are various types of machines, sensors, and actuators
with their authentic situation, protocol, and operation. These
define a network with so many different nodes trading numer-
ous transactions. This heterogeneous situation makes business
bodies vulnerable to many various threats.
Under NetCraft’s report, 95% of secured HTTP servers
are vulnerable even to primitive Man-in-the-Middle attacks
[10]. These kinds of reports increase the significance of
MitM attacks, mainly when they occur in IoT environments
where a large amount of sensitive data may be exchanged
among unsecured, heterogeneous devices. Also, in many cases,
MitM is intrinsically considered an Advanced Persistent Threat
(APT) because of the difficulty of detection. According to
this, many regular and commonly-used Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS) even cannot differentiate and identify MitM
properly [11]. Thus, Man-in-the-Middle can be practically
named one of the most dangerous threats in telecommunication
and computer networks, which influence both the security and
privacy sides of a system.
This paper explores proactive security measures and meth-
ods of identifying Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks in IoT
environments. It highlights important considerations to max-
imize the prevention of MitM in IoT systems. First, in the
second section, the paper provides a general overview of IoT
and MitM attacks. Second, in the fourth section, it delves into
the vulnerabilities in IoT environments, analyzes MitM attacks
in these settings, and examines current prevention techniques.
Finally, in the fifth section, the paper discusses future trends
and challenges in the field.
A. Description of IoT Devices and Architecture
The Internet of Things is characterized by connected devices
that can collect and transmit data. The Subscriber-Publisher
model, implemented in the Message Queuing Telemetry Trans-
port (MQTT) protocol [12], is a common approach in IoT.
Publishers, such as sensors, generate and send data to other
devices, while subscribers receive data from publishers and
can be devices like actuators or users. This model enables
efficient data exchange and communication between devices
in IoT applications, resulting in the main four types of devices
in IoT:
Sensors: IoT devices rely heavily on sensors to collect and
transmit data from the physical world, enabling monitor-
ing, control, automation, services, and application. IoT
sensors mostly transmit data wirelessly using protocols
like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee.
Actuators: IoT actuators convert digital commands into
physical actions, enabling IoT devices to interact with
the physical world.
Broker: An IoT broker or gateway serves as a mediator
between IoT devices and cloud-based services, perform-
ing tasks like data filtering, translation, security, and
storage. Brokers enable IoT devices to communicate with
cloud-based platforms and facilitate local processing and
analysis of IoT data.
Users’ devices: Users are individuals who interact with
an IoT system to access and control its services or
applications through different interfaces. They play a
crucial role in the successful adoption and operation of
IoT systems by providing feedback and insights.
Fig. 2. A General View of IoT Devices
Figure 2 illustrates the devices commonly found in an IoT
system, such as sensors (e.g., security cameras, smart home
sensors), actuators (e.g., the speaker), and brokers that connect
the elements. The figure also shows a router for internet
connectivity and a user interface for remote monitoring and
Another substantial subject in IoT is communication meth-
ods. IoT devices communicate with each other using network-
ing protocols across different layers. To comprehend the IoT
domain, it is essential to define the constituent layers and
elements of IoT and use them to delineate the potential IoT
architectures that are aligned with the requisite services and
fields. The IoT architecture is often divided into 3, 4, or 5
layers [13], but from a computer networking perspective, the
3-layer model is more relevant, consisting of the application
layer, network layer, and perception layer. Based on the inter-
networking TCP/IP protocol stack and OSI model, as shown
in Figure 3, IoT protocols can be categorized into four logical
layers [14].
Fig. 3. IoT Network Architecture Layers [14]
Hitherto, the types of devices and layers of protocols in
IoT have been briefly described. However, one crucial aspect
remains undefined. It is essential for security specialists to
understand the key differences between traditional networks
and IoT when dealing with IoT systems [15]. This knowledge
can help in designing secure IoT systems, as there are inherent
attributes and constraints in IoT that set it apart from tradi-
tional networks. Figure 4 illustrates some of the significant
differences between the two.
Fig. 4. Traditional Internet vs. Internet of Things [15]
The first three rows of the table above are particularly
crucial in an IoT system. This is due to the prevalence of
large data transactions, resulting in difficulties in detecting
anomalies amidst benign packets and connections. In ad-
dition, the heterogeneity of devices in IoT systems often
utilize various protocols and exhibit unique behaviors, making
it challenging to have a one-size-fits-all security standard.
Furthermore, constrained hardware, such as limited memory,
processor, and storage, along with limited power resources,
make many IoT devices incapable of having robust detection
and recovery functionalities.
B. Explanation of MitM attacks and their types
Man-in-the-Middle is a significant threat from a cyberse-
curity perspective. Before delving into the details of MitM
attacks, it’s important to understand the aspects affected by
this threat. A commonly used model to measure the facets
of a threat is the Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA)
Triad [35]. According to this triad, the impacts of threats
are categorized into three separate domains. As previously
mentioned, DDoS attacks directly affect the availability of a
system. However, MitM attacks directly affect all three sides of
the triad, namely availability, integrity, and confidentiality. The
triad also implicitly involves privacy, which encompasses not
only confidentiality but also authentication and authorization.
Therefore, as depicted in Figure 5, MitM is considered a direct
privacy-security threat.
Fig. 5. Privacy and Security Threats in IoT
In terms of assets, it is possible to classify security issues
into users, data, and infrastructure to examine the effects of
attacks on each of them in a system. As for MitM, this attack
has a direct influence on users, ranging from their privacy to
their physical and mental health. Furthermore, this attack does
not only impact data in motion directly, but it impacts data in
rest and data in use. In addition, MitM can disturb and ruin
network infrastructure, especially in IoT.
Fig. 6. Passive and Active Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
Overall, as shown in Figure 6, it is possible to divide MitM
attacks into two distinct categories, which are passive and
active attacks:
A passive man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack occurs when
an attacker does not change the communication actively.
Instead, the attacker covertly listens to the communication
to gain access to sensitive information. Even though the
attacker is not manipulating the communication, they
can still obtain sensitive information like usernames,
passwords, and other confidential data, as most traffic
is not encrypted properly, according to the introduction
section. Eavesdropping is a type of passive MitM.
An active man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack occurs when
an attacker intentionally intercepts and modifies the com-
munication between two entities. Once the attacker is
in the communication channel, they can manipulate the
communication by intercepting, changing, or inserting
new messages. Impersonation, spoofing attacks [30], and
data tampering are the most common types of active
One of the essential points that should be mentioned here
is that MitM is a multilayer threat [16], which means it
overshadows all architecture layers of the IoT. A spoofing
attack can prove this assertion. DNS Spoofing affects the
application layer, IP Spoofing influences the network layer, and
ARP Spoofing acts on the link layer. In addition, perpetrators
can implement Rogue Access Point attacks to intercept a
network on the physical layer.
Fig. 7. Some Techniques of Man-in-the-Middle
Alongside the types of Man-in-the-Middle attacks described
above, several techniques can be used to implement these
attacks. As shown in Figure 7, this part briefly explains the
common techniques of MitM [40] to shed light on the subject.
Sniffing refers to the interception and analysis of net-
work traffic to obtain sensitive information between two
devices. When it comes to IoT, attackers may utilize this
method to gain access to unencrypted data transmitted
among IoT devices and also between IoT devices and
cloud services. Wireshark [41] and Cain and Abel [42]
are two valuable tools to execute this technique.
Packet injection is a technique that permits attackers to
manipulate network traffic by adding harmful packets to
the network. In the realm of IoT, attackers may utilize this
technique to interfere with the communication between
IoT devices and cloud services or to inject commands
that can modify the behavior of the devices. Scapy [43]
and MITMf [44] are powerful tools for deploying this
Session hijacking is a method in which an attacker steals a
user’s session information, enabling them to impersonate
the user and access their data. In the realm of IoT, an
attacker may use session hijacking to gain access to
the user’s IoT devices and manipulate them remotely.
Bettercap [45] is one of the most used, powerful tools
to implement this technique.
SSL stripping is a technique that involves converting an
encrypted SSL connection to an unencrypted one. When
it comes to IoT, attackers can utilize SSL stripping to
intercept and alter data that is exchanged between IoT
devices and cloud services in a stealthy manner. SSLStrip
[46] is one of the well-known tools to perform this
C. How MitM target IoT devices and their impact
There are generally three major steps to execute a Man-in-
the-Middle attack in an IoT environment, ranging from simple
eavesdropping attacks to complex tampering attacks. The first
step involves the adversary entity conducting reconnaissance
of their target setting. The second step involves taking advan-
tage of potential vulnerabilities to intercept targets, and the
final step involves modifying trading data. These steps can be
carried out using respective tools.
1) Network scanning and targeting: To execute a MitM
attack on an IoT device, the attacker needs to first
discover the IP address of the target device by scanning
the network. This can be accomplished using tools like
Nmap [47] or search engines such as Shodan [48], which
can locate internet-connected devices.
2) Interception and traffic analysis: Once the target device
is found, the hacker can utilize network traffic analyzers
like MITMf, and Bettercap tools to intercept the com-
munication taking place between the devices. Following
that, they can inspect the traffic using packet-capturing
tools like Wireshark and Tcpdump [49] to identify
weaknesses in the communication protocol, such as un-
encrypted data, weak encryption, or other vulnerabilities
that may be susceptible to exploitation. Moreover, in IoT
settings, lightweight brokers such as Mosquitto Broker
[50] are available as open-source MQTT brokers. These
brokers can be utilized for MitM attacks, allowing the
attacker to intercept and modify MQTT messages before
sending them to their desired destination.
3) Data modification and vulnerability exploitation: Upon
identifying any vulnerabilities, the hacker can alter the
transmitted data using tools such as Mallory [51], which
could involve injecting malevolent code or stealing con-
fidential data. In the event that the hacker has effectively
tampered with the data, they can exploit the vulnerabil-
ities to gain illicit access to the device or to steal data
with the help of tools like Metasploit [52]. This step
describes active MitM attacks.
D. Examples of real-world MitM in IoT networks
Reviewing recent real-world Man-in-the-Middle attacks can
enable security specialists to gain a comprehensive understand-
ing of the drawbacks and potential methods to resolve the
issues. Therefore, the following are some recent and relatively
well-known MitM attacks that will be briefly discussed:
In late 2022, consumer brand Eufy came under public fire
as they failed to patch massive security vulnerabilities to their
cameras and lied about local-only video storage claims. It was
found that hackers could intercept the video feed and access
systems with privileges using buffer overflow or a MitM attack
[18], [19].
In March 2021, a MitM attack was performed on Verkada’s
security camera systems. The attackers, being part of the
hacker collective APT-69420, managed to put their hands on
credentials stored on a Jenkins server that allowed them to
infiltrate the customers’ cameras [20].
In another instance, the Equifax data breach incident in
2017 is a perfect example of a MitM attack. The credit
company neglected to renew a public key they were using
in their security systems, which ended up being detected by
hackers who took advantage and created multiple web shells,
ultimately luring a lot of Equifax customers into fake websites
In this section, the methodology that was utilized to locate
articles for this paper regarding man-in-the-middle attacks
in IoT networks, along with its challenges and solutions,
will be presented. The research question posed was, ”What
are the challenges and potential solutions for preventing and
mitigating man-in-the-middle attacks in IoT networks?”
A combination of search terms and databases was utilized
to retrieve articles relevant to the research question. This
involved identifying key concepts and creating a list of search
terms and synonyms for each concept, including ”man-in-the-
middle attacks, ”IoT security and privacy, ”IoT networks,
”prevention, ”security solutions, and others. Conceptually,
this paper is divided into three sections: statistical data (mostly
in the first section: Introduction), definitions (mostly in the
second section: Background and Theory), and challenges and
solutions (especially in the fourth and fifth sections). Reputable
institutes, companies, and scientific articles were used as
references. To locate scientific articles, we selected databases
such as IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Springer, Wiley Hindawi,
and MDPI. These databases were chosen based on their
reputation for providing high-quality research articles and
extensive coverage of the topic. The selection of articles
for this paper involved the application of specific criteria.
Mostly peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers
were considered, ensuring that experts had evaluated them. To
guarantee up-to-date and relevant information, our search was
limited to articles published within the past ten years. The
inclusion criteria for articles comprised English language and
online accessibility.
After compiling a list of possible articles, we assessed
their suitability for our paper by examining various factors
such as the author’s expertise, publication date, and source.
We also scrutinized each article’s abstract and introduction to
determine its relevance to our research question. Challenges
and limitations were encountered during the article search,
including a limited number of articles on the topic and non-
standardized terminology for describing man-in-the-middle
attacks in IoT networks.
The methodology used to find articles on man-in-the-middle
attacks in IoT networks involved identifying key concepts and
search terms, selecting relevant databases, evaluating articles,
and acknowledging challenges and limitations. Despite these
challenges, several high-quality articles were located that
provided valuable insights into preventing and mitigating man-
in-the-middle attacks in IoT networks.
A. Vulnerabilities of IoT devices
IoT devices, being composed of mainly three layers of
architecture as mentioned by [17], have different types of
vulnerabilities at each layer. The application layer is prone
to data access and authentication security issues, the network
layer is vulnerable to compatibility issues as well as privacy
and cluster security problems, and the link, physical and per-
ception layer is inclined to any node-related attack, such as war
driving, node capture, fake node, mass node authentication,
etc. Here is a list of some of these attacks, subdivided by
each layer:
1) Application Layer:
a) DNS spoofing attacks, as mentioned previously in
section II subsection B, is one of the most common
types of active MitM attacks. They consist of
intercepting the communication between a user and
the server, changing the IP address linked to the
domain name requested by the user, and providing
a fraudulent website instead. This attack will be
explained in detail in the following section.
b) Session hijacking is a cyber-attack where the at-
tacker takes control of a valid session between an
IoT device and its connected application or server,
allowing them to manipulate data or actions carried
out by the IoT device. [57] It is considered a variant
of a Man in the Middle Attack, but with a slightly
bigger severity because the attacker takes over the
application or the system instead of simply stealing
or modifying some internet packets.
2) Transport and Network Layer:
a) IP spoofing is an attack in which the source IP
address of an IoT device is falsified, creating the
illusion of a legitimate communication. It enables
interception, manipulation, or injection of mali-
cious data into the network. It can also lead to the
impersonation of a trusted entity in the communi-
cation between the IoT devices. This attack will be
explained in the following section.
b) Hello flooding is a type of DoS attack where
the attacker exhausts node resources by sending
multiple requests subsequently or at the same time.
[16] This specific attack takes advantage of the
routing protocols, which require nodes transmitting
the HELLO packets to communicate with their
neighboring nodes in the network. Therefore, when
an intruder impersonates a node in the system,
it can easily build communications with the rest
of the nodes by convincing them that it’s their
neighbor and proceeding with the flooding.
c) SSL stripping is a type of attack in which a
perpetrator intercepts the communication between
IoT devices that employ SSL or TLS encryption
and forcibly downgrades the connection to an
unencrypted version. [57]
d) Routing table poisoning is a form of attack in
which an adversary manipulates network layer ta-
bles to redirect communication between IoT de-
vices to a malicious destination, enabling intercep-
tion, modification, or blocking of communication.
It can result in unauthorized access, service disrup-
tion, or data leakage/disclosure.
3) Link, Physical and Perception Layer:
a) ARP poisoning is a cyber-attack in which an at-
tacker manipulates the ARP tables at the data link
layer of an IoT system. [30] This manipulation
involves associating the attackers’ MAC address
with the IP address of legitimate devices to deceive
and obtain unauthorized access. This attack will be
explained in the following section.
b) An exhaustion attack is a type of DoS attack where
by constantly attacking the network, the batteries of
the IoT devices get exhausted and deactivated. As
mentioned in [33], a collision between machines’
communications through MAC protocols results in
repeated attempts at re-transmission, which highly
drains the battery resources. This will cause the
devices’ batteries to die, leading to exhaustion in
the end nodes.
c) Hardware implants, sometimes called hardware
Trojans [59], are physical devices that attackers
can secretly plant in IoT devices. Such implants
enable the IoT devices to intercept, manipulate or
inject malicious content into their communications.
Implants can be concealed in different parts of a
device, such as cables, connectors, or even circuit
B. Analysis of MitM attacks on IoT devices
As the Man in the Middle Attack is a multi-layer threat [16],
and spoofing is considered the most common of the MitM
attacks [31], in this subsection, we will go over the various
spoofing attacks that exist at each layer:
1) Domain Name System (DNS) Spoofing is a MitM attack
at the application layer. The DNS server is responsible
for translating the commonly known domain name to
the numerical IP address. This IP address will create
a communication route between nodes to transfer the
requested information [61]. If the domain name doesn’t
create a direct link to the IP address, it will call another
server that might have that information, until it is able to
create a list of connected server names that will be able
to connect the initial domain name to the numerical IP
address. This list of translations will be cached on the
users’ computer in case the same address is evoked in
the near future. During a DNS MitM attack (as shown in
Figure 8), a hacker alternated the IP address related to
a domain name, thus providing false information to the
user who then proceeded to cache the fake DNS entry.
Fig. 8. Example of DNS Spoofing
2) IP Spoofing is a MitM attack at the network layer.
During an IP spoofing attack (as shown in Figure 9),
the hacker intercepts the transmission of a packet and
modifies the IP source address in the header of the
packet to convince the user that the packet arrives from
a legitimate source [62]. Once the connection is created
between the hacker and the victim’s IP address, the
communication channels are open for the hacker to
induce its victim to go on harmful and fake websites.
Fig. 9. Example of IP Spoofing
3) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Spoofing is a com-
mon MitM attack at the perception (or link) layer. ARP
is a stateless protocol that is used by a local machine to
map the MAC address of the local area network (LAN)
to the IP address of that network. This is a weak protocol
because it has no authentication method, making it a
prone environment for a MitM attack. Such an attack
is executed when the hacker sends an ARP reply with
the legitimate IP address of the host the machine is
trying to reach (as shown in Figure 10), but its own
MAC address instead of the actual address of the host.
Therefore, the victim will receive the ARP reply and
will contain the wrong information linking the right IP
address to the wrong MAC address [63]. For example,
in the case where the user of the local machine tries
to reach a host database, if a MitM attack occurs at the
ARP level, the user will end up sending its IP packets to
the attacker instead of the database. This is called ARP
poisoning. [30]
Fig. 10. Example of ARP Spoofing
C. Current prevention techniques
From protocols to machine learning, there are multiple
techniques being used to prevent attacks on IoT devices. First,
there are multiple standardized protocols already in place
that ensure basic security measures when implementing IoT
devices. Based on this survey [16], here are the main protocols
per each layer:
1) Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is an ultralight
application level protocol. It is mainly used in Machine-
to-Machine (M2M) applications on a low-power and
low-bandwidth constrained network.
2) The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) proto-
col is used at the transport layer for situations requir-
ing fast data transfer with short response times (such
as video or game rendering). This protocol secures
communication between clients and servers by using
certification-based authentication methods [64].
3) IPv6 is the main Internet key protocol for IoT devices
and has been considered the main Internet Standard
since 2017 [32]. This protocol is behind any commu-
nication at the network layer between IoT devices.
4) IEEE 802.15.4 is the protocol used in Bluetooth, WiFi,
or WLAN, which are common physical networks.
Nevertheless, these protocols are simply standard guides
directing the way communication should function through
networks. Such protocols should be followed to avoid being
intercepted by intruders, yet it doesn’t prevent all types of
attacks from happening. Therefore, here are different special-
ized prevention techniques that are used for the various attacks
listed in section IV subsection A:
1) Application Layer:
a) Using Domain Name System Security Extension
(DNSSEC) enhances DNS security with digital
signatures, verifying data integrity and authenticity
to prevent DNS spoofing attacks and malicious data
injection into DNS caches. [53]
b) Ensuring secure session management with unique
session IDs and regular password rotation can
prevent session hijacking attacks.
2) Transport and Network Layer:
a) Using TLS and HTTP Strict Transport Security
(HSTS) [60], which is a security feature that allows
a website to specify that it should only be accessed
over HTTPS and not over HTTP.
b) Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
to restrict user permissions within a network based
on roles (e.g. admin vs regular user), utilizing
encryption to safeguard stored data, and employ-
ing data integrity checks (e.g., checksums, hash
functions, digital signatures) to detect any data
c) Using specialized tools and techniques like Re-
verse Path Forwarding (RPF) and Unicast Reverse
Path Forwarding (uRPF) [54], as well as Net-
work Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
(NIDS/NIPS), to thwart IP spoofing attacks.
d) Using deep learning (DL) and optimization algo-
rithms can help mitigate Hello flooding attacks.
3) Link, Physical and Perception Layer:
a) An exhaustion attack can be avoided by using
timers or a rate limitation on the number of re-
quests sent to an IoT device. [16]
b) Enabling port security can limit MAC addresses,
preventing unauthorized devices from connecting
and protecting against ARP spoofing attacks. Also,
deploying network monitoring and intrusion de-
tection systems (IDS) to detect ARP spoofing by
reviewing logs and analyzing network traffic for
signs of ARP spoofing attempts.
c) Network monitoring detects suspicious network
traffic that may indicate hardware implants, such
as unusual data flows, anomalies, or unauthorized
access attempts. Hardware integrity verification
systems let us check components for unauthorized
modifications using techniques like hardware in-
tegrity checking, trusted platform modules (TPM),
or hardware security modules (HSM) [55].
d) Monitoring for suspicious activity using wire-
less intrusion detection and prevention systems
(WIDS/WIPS) [56] by reviewing logs and analyz-
ing network traffic to detect and alert unauthorized
devices or attempts to intercept wireless signals.
Using string encryption to ensure that all wire-
less communications are encrypted using robust
encryption algorithms. Also, utilizing MAC (Media
Access Control) address filtering allows one to
specify which devices can connect to a wireless
network based on their MAC addresses.
Finally, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)
are being leveraged to counter some security threats as well,
by building models that can predict which behaviors are
threatening. [24] In classifications made by an ML algorithm,
there is a chance of false positives and false negatives, making
this technique not perfect. Nevertheless, deep learning can be
used to determine the accuracy of every prediction, which
makes ML and DL together great tools to use for detecting
malicious attacks.
D. Current techniques to mitigate and manage MitM attacks
on IoT devices
Multiple prevention techniques exist to avoid MitM attacks
on IoT devices: multi-factor authentication, setting up VPNs,
using secure communication tools, making sure SSL certifi-
cates are secure and systems are updated, etc. On top of that,
ML can be leveraged to detect anomalies through unsupervised
and supervised learning, as seen in the paper [28]. Machine
Learning and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) can
help improve IoT infrastructure and prevent cybersecurity
attacks [29]. Here are some techniques used in the MitM
attacks described previously in section IV subsection B:
1) DNS Spoofing at the application layer: Deep Packet
Inspection (DPI) and Deep Flow Inspection (DFI) are
modules that analyze the traffic of a network and de-
termine if it has anomalies. [34] A DPI performs an
analysis of packets components, such as the header and
the payload. DFI analyzes packets features such as the
total bytes flow, the packet count flow, the duration
of flow, and the average packet bytes flow and flags
whenever there is an abnormal activity. DFI can also
support encrypted data, but DPI can’t.
2) IP Spoofing at the network layer: It is hard to determine
when an attack has happened at the network level, but
network monitoring tools can help determine when the
information in the response has been modified. Ingress
and egress filtering is one of the methods which can help
prevent IP spoofing.
3) ARP Spoofing at the link layer: There are multiple exist-
ing techniques that prevent ARP spoofing, ranging from
static ARP tables that map the right MAC addresses
to their corresponding IP addresses to switch security
checks which consist of checking each ARP message
and filter out messages that seem to be malicious
[24]. There are also Machine Learning algorithms being
developed to mitigate this attack. In the article [23],
the researchers use different classification algorithms to
detect an ARP spoofing MitM attack. They used two
different IoT devices, a voice recognition device SKT
NUGU (NU 100) and a wireless EZVIZ WiFi camera,
connected to a wireless network to which other devices
were connected as well. A variety of network packet files
(pcap) with multiple packets in each, were transmitted
on this network, where 6 out of the 42 raw pcap
files contained MitM attacks. Each pcap file contained
7 features: packet sequence number, its transmission
time, source IP address, destination address, the protocol
used, length in bytes and info containing additional
details. These packets features were used to train the
classification algorithms (Logistic Regression, Random
Forest, and Decision Tree), which were then used on the
test set, to determine which packets were compromised.
The MitM dataset used in this experiment contained
194184 observations, where 52.74% were attack packets,
and 47.53% were normal ones. The results for each
classification algorithm were extremely good, giving
99% precision, recall, and f1-score for the logistic
regression, and a 100% score for the same metrics for
the random forest and decision tree algorithms. Surely,
such high scores raise questions such as: what is the
quality of the data and how can we assess that it’s not
biased? Nevertheless, this experiment demonstrates how
ML algorithms can be leveraged to detect MitM ARP
spoofing attacks.
A. Challenges of prevention
The growth in the number of connected devices discussed
previously has led to the democratization of IoT devices. More
and more devices are available to end-users with technological
skills ranging from expert-level to tech-beginners. For the
latter, this means that the end-user who may not have the
technical knowledge or understanding of cybersecurity risks,
can become a potential risk. The end-user may inadvertently
introduce vulnerabilities into the network by failing to properly
secure their devices or failing to keep their software up to date.
For organizations, the deployment of a large number of IoT
devices can make them vulnerable to MitM attacks, where
attackers intercept and manipulate data sent between devices.
Active monitoring becomes a significant challenge, as plaintext
communication, open ports, and weak credentials used on
these devices can all be exploited by attackers to gain unautho-
rized access to the network and its large data volume. This is
particularly problematic when patching security cameras and
printers, where the sheer number of devices creates a window
of vulnerability if a security patch is not applied promptly.
Not only abundant, these devices are also the most vulnerable
ones in an enterprise network [5]. To prevent MitM attacks,
organizations must implement security policies that outline
how IoT devices are deployed, managed, and monitored, and
ensure that regular assessments are conducted to identify any
vulnerabilities that may exist.
While active monitoring is getting better and better with the
use of machine learning in IT security (a subject which will
be discussed in the next section), the recognition of malicious
patterns is mainly based on previous experience or available
datasets. However, generating such training data is quite
challenging as the IoT devices environment is itself constantly
changing [26]. Also, finding quality publicly available datasets
can be quite the task [16]. For all these reasons, the prevention
of attacks on these devices represents a major challenge that
requires a lot of effort from organizations, manufacturers, and
end-users, to try to mitigate security risks.
B. Emerging technologies for IoT security
The IoT security industry currently uses several commer-
cial technologies to secure networks, including asset man-
agement and Computerized Maintenance Management Sys-
tems (CMMS), Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM), Security Orchestration, Automation and Response
(SOAR), Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW), Network Ac-
cess Control (NAC), and wireless/network management solu-
tions [5]. While these technologies are effective, they may not
always detect sophisticated attacks. Emerging technologies in
IoT security, such as intrusion detection using deep learning,
show promise in addressing this limitation. Deep Learning
algorithms can analyze large volumes of data and identify
anomalous behavior patterns, which may indicate a potential
security breach. Traditional machine learning methods like Lo-
gistic Regression, Random Forest, or Decision Trees already
show nice results, as some researchers can get more than 98%
accuracy on a publicly available dataset [23]. It is important
to note that the said dataset is very simple and that such
precision is not to be expected in a real-world scenario, as
it is mostly used to compare different approaches. However,
Deep Learning is especially useful in detecting and respond-
ing to zero-day attacks, which exploit previously unknown
vulnerabilities in IoT devices [22]. Current Deep Learning
methods used and developed are using Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Long
Short Term Memory Neural Network (LSTM) for intrusion
detection, other classifiers are being discussed in the research
community, such as Genetic Algorithm and Bidirectional Short
Term Memory (BiLSTM), with the hope that they will increase
performance [22]. By leveraging emerging technologies such
as deep learning, organizations can strengthen their IoT secu-
rity posture and stay ahead of potential threats.
C. Future trends of MitM attacks and how to start preparing
for them
One of the prevention challenges previously discussed was
linked to the growth in the number of connected devices. This
has created a challenge due to the absence of a standard archi-
tecture for IoT. With billions of objects getting attached to the
traditional internet daily, it is essential to have an architecture
that is adequate for easy connectivity, communication, and
control. To ensure security in IoT, devices should contain an
Identity Manager [15]. Without it, the heterogeneity of the
environment gives MitM attackers a perfect ground to find
vulnerabilities. It is also much more difficult for the security
community as they would have to patch these on a device
MitM attacks on IoT devices that use Long Range Wide
Area Networks (LoRaWAN) have significantly increased.
Hackers can target these networks using a method called
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing, which sends
fake ARP messages over a LoRaWAN. ARP is a protocol used
to associate the network layer address (IPv4) with a physical
address, such as a Media Access Control (MAC) address.
During an ARP spoofing attack, an attacker sends forged
ARP messages to the target’s device or router, tricking it into
associating the attacker’s MAC address with the IP address of
the intended destination. As a result, any traffic intended for
the destination is sent to the attacker’s device instead. This
could allow the attacker to eavesdrop on the communication
between the two devices without being detected and can be
used to steal login credentials, redirect users to a fake website,
or launch other types of attacks. One way to prevent these is
to use Static ARP Tables. By having static addresses stored,
it ensures that any modification would need a manual update
of the tables by the user on all the hosts [24]. It is important
to note that this method isn’t applicable to particularly large
networks with many devices as the manual update would
require a great effort.
When faced with a MitM attack on a network, it can be
measurably observed that there is an unusual delay, caused
by the attacker’s information rerouting. This characteristic
can be used as a prevention and detection method. A tech-
nique called Hybrid Routing for Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)
Attack Detection in IoT Networks was developed to appoint
dedicated nodes to route IoT traffic. By selecting devices
with enough computational capabilities as nodes, traffic can
be routed through them to improve the stability of travel
times. Coupled with an inference Algorithm, this would make
anomaly detection much easier as a MitM attack would result
in an inconsistent transmission time [27]. By implementing
these network-wide techniques, the challenge brought on by
the heterogeneity of the IoT device landscape could be tackled
and could prepare users against potential attacks.
D. The potential impact of new technologies in IoT and MitM
New technologies in IoT have the potential to significantly
impact the security landscape. As more of them are becoming
interconnected, the risk of MitM attacks is increasing. To
mitigate this risk, it is essential that new IoT technologies
include robust security features that can not only detect, but
also prevent MitM attacks.
It is also important to keep in mind the impact of com-
patibility and scalability as the lack of standardization in the
IoT industry can create compatibility issues and security risks.
The development of new standards that ensure interoperability,
scalability, monitoring, and attack prevention is essential to
ensure the widespread adoption of new IoT technologies [25].
Regulation is also a critical consideration for the IoT
industry, as IoT devices collect and transmit sensitive data.
There is a need for regulations to ensure the security of IoT
devices and to protect users from potential harm caused by
breaches and leaks. The main issue is that the laws and public
guidelines are created and updated at a much slower pace
than the technologies they are governing. Reacting slowly to
innovation could have negative impacts on every party whether
it is on a consumer, an industrial member or even a whole state.
Overall, the development of new IoT technologies must
consider the potential impact on security and privacy, com-
patibility, and regulation to ensure the safe and widespread
adoption of IoT. By prioritizing these considerations, IoT can
continue to grow and expand, offering increased connectivity,
convenience, and efficiency in various applications.
IoT devices are gaining popularity amongst technology
professionals and regular individual end-users. Currently, the
security of such devices is crucial, but lacking. They are
subject to many MITM attack vectors due to the heterogeneity
of the IoT space. These attacks are considered direct privacy
and security threat. Many current methods are used to prevent
and combat such attacks but have some limitations. Some
of these limitations are the complexity brought on by the
increase in network size, the limited compute power and
battery capacity of IoT devices, and the simplicity of the
data sets used to train Machine Learning and Deep Learning
models, as they do not accurately mimic real-world use cases.
In the short-term future, techniques using Deep Learning
will be explored and used to detect intrusions. As for the
industry in general, it is important to prioritize security and
privacy, but also compatibility, regulation, and the integration
of emerging technologies to improve active monitoring and
detection of potential security breaches. In terms of future re-
search, Network Architecture Optimization or Standardization
for Hybrid Routing can be interesting to investigate to try
to adapt the technique to larger network sizes. Other broader
avenues would be to help other researchers with data set
creation to mimic larger size networks, and finally, the use
of blockchain/DLTs as an immutable decentralized database
can be explored.
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