Natural Resources Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, September 2006 (
DOI: 10.1007/s11053-006-9018-1
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural
Resources: Australia as an Example
Albert A. Bartlett
Received 5 April 2006; accepted 18 May 2006
Published online: 29 November 2006
This paper examines the implications of statements by Australia’s Minister of... Resources
that Australia’s exports of coal are growing rapidly and that Australia’s coal will last “110
years at current rates of production.” If one assumes that coal production P(t), follows a
Gaussian curve (similar to a Hubbert curve) one can construct a family of Gaussian curves
showing possible future paths of P(t) which are consistent with the cited “110 years.” Each
curve reaches a maximum after which P(t) declines toward zero. Knowledge of the present
value of dP/dt allows one member of the family to be identified as the most probable fu-
ture path of P(t). Families of curves and tabular data are presented for resource quantities
that would last 50, 100 and 200 years “at current rates of production.” If, instead, Australia’s
P(t) follows a declining exponential curve (exp( kt)) with k = (1/110) per year, the stated
quantity of coal will allow production to continue forever, with P(t) declining with a half life
of 76 y. This and more rapidly declining exponential paths are the only paths that can be
said to be sustainable. The envelope of the family of Gaussian curves divides the (P, t) plane
into “allowed” and “forbidden” areas. The declining exponential curve divides the “allowed”
area into an upper area that is “terminal” and a lower area that is “sustainable.” These facts,
coupled with Australia’s expectations of rapid growth of its population, suggest that Aus-
tralia’s present resource policies are “anti-sustainable” and that the people of Australia need
to rethink their present policy of rapidly exporting their fossil fuels.
KEY WORDS: Australia, energy policy, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, Hubbert curve, population.
The Australian Minister of Industry, Tourism,
and Resources recently wrote:
“Australia is the world’s largest exporter of coal...
Our demonstrated recoverable economic resource
for black coal is estimated to be more than 39 bil-
lion tones, or more than 110 years’ worth of supply
at current rales of production... The Australian ex-
port coal industry... has expanded production at the
rate of around 5 per cent per annum over the last
20 years... In 2003, Australia was the fourth-largest
liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter in the Asia-
Pacific region and the seventh-largest in the world,
Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
80309-0390, USA.
To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: albert.
exporting 8 million tonnes of LNG. Australia’s LNG
export capacity could potentially rise further to
more than 50 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) by
early next decade...The reserve-to-production ratio
[for LNG] in Australia delivers an expected resource
lifetime of approximately 77 years. (All emphasis
has been added) (Macfarlane, 2005)
This quotation is representative of the optimistic
view of the future of Australia and its energy re-
sources as expressed by the Minister. The editor
of the journal in which the Minister’s article ap-
peared wrote: The Minister’s “focus is the growth and
sustainability of Australian industries... (emphasis
The goal of this paper is to make a mathe-
matical examination of the hypothetical possible
future paths of the rate of production vs. time of
2006 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
152 Bartlett
a nonrenewable resource to see if the Minister’s
optimism is warranted by the facts.
We define needed quantities:
t = time in years; the present time is designated as
t = 0.
R(i) = the quantity of the resource initially available
before any of it was extracted.
R(0) = the quantity of the resource remaining at
time t = 0 in units such as tonnes. The value of
R(0) for specific resources is debatable and cannot
be known exactly.
R(t) = an estimate of the quantity of the resource
remaining as a function of time, in units such as
P(t) = the annual rate of production of the resource
as a function of time in units such as tonnes/y
P(0) = the annual rate of production at the time
t = 0 in tonnes/y.
k = the fractional annual growth rate of P(t) in units
of t
; if k is positive and constant, one has expo-
nential growth. If k is negative and constant one
has exponential decay.
t(E) = is the abrupt expiration time of the reserves
R(0), “at current rates of production.”
σ = the standard deviation of the Gaussian Error
R/P = is the reserves to production ratio (R/P ra-
tio). It is the hypothetical estimate of the life-
expectancy (years) of the reserves of a resource “at
current rates of production.” The ratio will change
as resources are consumed or as new reserves be-
come available.
R(0)/P(0) = the value of the R/P ratio at time t = 0
R(0)/P(0) = t(E)
When people wish to convey an idea of the life
expectancy of reserves of nonrenewable resources
they may give the life expectancy of the reserves “at
current rates of production” which is determined by
dividing the current estimate of the reserves R(0) (in
tonnes) by the current rate of production P(0) (in
tonnes/y). This is termed the “Reserve-to-Production
Ratio,” R/P which has the units of time (years).
The life expectancy given by the R/P ratio is what
one would calculate if P(t) remains unchanged from
its present value P(0) until R(0) is completely con-
sumed (Bartlett, 1978). If P(t) is growing, the life-
expectancy of a resource will be less than it would be
if P(t) continued unchanged “at current rates of pro-
duction.” Yet even when
P(t) is growing, this “zero
growth” parameter, R/P, is frequently cited and ac-
cepted as the life-expectancy of a resource. When
P(t) is growing, this use of the R/P ratio conveys
the optimistic expectation of a life-expectancy that
is longer than is warranted by the facts. This serious
misrepresentation of the facts is widespread. It gives
rise to unwarranted optimism on the part of political
leaders, journalists and others.
For given values of R(0)/P(0) of a resource, we
want to examine, in generic terms, the limited scenar-
iosoftheP(t)vs.t that are allowed by the numbers,
and the even more limited scenarios that are sustain-
M. King Hubbert observed that the long-term
history of the production P(t) (tonnes/y) of a re-
source vs. time starts at zero, rises to one or more
maxima, and then returns to zero. Hubbert (1974)
The area under the complete curve represents R(i)
the total tonnes of the resource before any of it was
extracted. Hubbert used the derivative of the Logis-
tic function as a model for the rise and fall of P(t). In
a curve-fitting analysis of U.S. and world oil produc-
tion data, Bartlett (2000) reported:
“The analysis... was done with both curves (the
derivative of the Logistic curve and the Gaussian
curve) to allow comparison of the results. The dif-
ferences in the results were smaller than the root
mean square deviations of the fits, so that the results
did not indicate a clear preference for either curve.
Both curves are widely understood, but the Gaus-
sian curve was used because the analysis seemed
simpler in execution and interpretation.”
Technically then, only the derivative of the Lo-
gistic function should be termed a Hubbert curve.
Because the two curves are indistinguishable at the
level of precision of the analysis of typical production
data, the Gaussian curve is a good approximation to
a Hubbert curve and is used here.
The results of calculations will be presented
numerically and graphically for three represen-
tative values, 50, 100, and 200 years, of the R/P
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Australia as an Example 153
life expectancy of resources “at current rates of
production.” Interpolation or extrapolation then can
be done to estimate the hypothetical future scenarios
of P(t) for resources for which the current value of
R/P has been estimated, including the two examples
from Australia.
We assume that the Gaussian Error Curve is
a reasonable approximate scenario for the curve of
P(t)vs.t for finite nonrenewable resources. We will
refer to the Gaussian scenarios as the “business as
usual” scenarios. For each of the three assumed val-
ues of the R(0)/P(0) ratio (50, 100, and 200 years) a
generic family of Gaussian curves of differing widths
is created which all start with P(0) = 100 tonnes per
year at the present time, t = 0. Each curve rises to
a maximum and then declines toward P(t) = 0. The
curves differ from one another by having different
standard deviations, σ, (widths). The area under the
curve of P(t)vs.t from t = 0 to t approaching
is the quantity of the resource remaining at t = 0,
so all members of a family of curves must have the
same area between t = 0 and t =∞. Each mem-
ber of a family of curves has its own fractional rate of
growth; k = ((1/P)dP/dt), at t = 0. From the family,
one picks the curve whose initial value of k equals the
reported current fractional rate of increase of P(t).
This curve then can be considered to be the best esti-
mate of the probable future path of P(t) for the given
(0)/P(0) ratio and for the “business as usual” sce-
nario (Gaussian Curve).
The scenarios are modeled on an Excel spread-
sheet which was used for all of the calculations and
The largest uncertainty in these results arises
from the uncertainty of our knowledge of the value
of R(0). Smaller uncertainties arise from the good-
ness of the fit of a Gaussian Curve to data for P
from the real world. As an example, using data for
the P(t)vs.t of U.S. petroleum production, the root
mean square (RMS) deviation between the data and
the best-fit Gaussian was 3.2% of the height of the
Gaussian maximum. (Bartlett, 2000)
“At the current rate of production” implies the
unrealistic scenario of k = 0, in which P(t) = P(0)
until the last tonne of the resource is produced,
whereupon P(t) falls abruptly to zero at the time t(E)
which is equal to the ratio R(0)/P(0). The graph of
the P(t) vs. time is a rectangle whose height is P(0);
whose length is R(0)/P(0) and whose area is R(0).
However, if the rate of production P(t)isgrow-
ing at some fractional rate k > 0, such as 5% per
year, P(t) = P(0) exp(kt), then it is enlightening to
see what happens if one assumes that the fractional
growth continues at an unchanged rate until all of
the reserves R(0) have been consumed at an expira-
tion time t(k), whereupon P(t
) falls abruptly to zero.
This also is an unrealistic scenario, but it must be ex-
amined because our national and global economies
are predicated on unending steady growth of our
economies and of our rates of consumption of re-
sources. The expiration time t(k) is given by Robis-
coe (1973),
t(k) = (1/k)ln((kR(0)/P(0)) +1) (1)
At the peak, just before expiration, the rate of
production P(t) is larger than the initial rate P(0) by
a factor:
P(t(k))/P(0) = ((kR(0)/P(0)) +1) (2)
Representative expiration times for five val-
ues of R(0)/P(0) and for different constant rates of
growth of P(t) are given in Table 1.ForP(0) = 100
tonnes/y, the corresponding peak heights just before
expiration are given in Table 2. For example, if a re-
source would last 200 years at present rates of pro-
duction, Table 1 shows that with a constant growth
of 5% per year, the resource will expire in 48 years.
Table 2 shows that just before the resource expires
P(t)is11timesP(0). Several such scenarios P(t)vs.t
for R(0)/P(0) = 200 y are shown in Figure 1
On the subject of LNG, the Minister writes op-
timistically that the R(0)/P(0) ratio for Australia’s
(LNG) gives an “expected resource lifetime of ap-
proximately 77 years,” and he reports that LNG ex-
ports are expected to grow from 8 million tonnes/y
to 50 million tonnes/y by early in the next decade. If
one assumes the expected growth takes place over a
period of 10 years, then the average rate of growth
of exports of LNG projected by the Minister is:
(Bartlett, 1993)
k = (1/10) ln(50/8) = 0.18 or 18% per year (3)
154 Bartlett
Table 1. Expiration Times of a Nonrenewable Resource, Ex-
pressed in Years, for a Series of Reserve to Production Ra-
tios, R(0)/P(0), for Each of Several Constant Annual Growth
Rates from 1 to 10% per Year, in Accord with the Patterns
of Figure 1 and Equation (1)
Annual Percent Growth Rates
(Years) 1 3 5 7 10
10 9.5 8.7 8.1 7.6 6.9
20 18.2 15.7 13.9 12.5 11.0
30 26.2 21.4 18.3 16.2 13.9
50 40.5 30.5 25.1 21.5 17.9
70 53.1 37.7 30.1 25.4 20.8
100 69.3 46.2 35.8 29.7 24.0
200 109.9 64.9 48.0 38.7 30.4
300 138.6 76.8 55.5 44.2 34.3
500 179.2 92.4 65.2 51.2 39.3
If one imagined that this growth rate could be
continued until the cited amount of Australia’s nat-
ural gas was completely extracted, Equations (1) and
(2) show that the resource would expire in 15 years
rather than 77 years cited by the Minister, and the
peak production P(t) would be 15 times P(0).
Even though it is consistent with accepted eco-
nomic goals, it is unrealistic to imagine that an econ-
omy could maintain a constant unchanging P(t) until
the last bit of a resource has been extracted. To be
more realistic we note that positive rates of growth of
P(t) will cause the graph of P(t) vs. t to pass through
the maximum after which P(t) will decline and ap-
Table 2. Peak Heights as Multiples of P(0) for a Series Re-
serve to Production Ratios, R(0)/P(0), for Each of Several
Steady Annual Growth Rates from 1 to 10% per Year from
Equation (2) and Figure 1
Annual Percent Growth Rates
(Years) 1 3 5 7 10
10 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0
20 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0
30 1.3 1.9 2.5 3.1 4.0
50 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 6.0
70 1.7 3.1 4.5 5.9 8.0
100 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 11.0
200 3.0 7.0 11.0 15.0 21.0
300 4.0 10.0 16.0 22.0 31.0
500 6.0 16.0 26.0 36.0 51.0
proach zero. We can model this behavior mathemat-
ically by assuming that P(t) follows a Gaussian and
that dP/dt > 0att = 0 so that the maximum is in the
future. The curve of P(t)vs.tisassumedtobegiven
P = P(0)exp(0.5(t)
where P(0) will be assumed to be 100 tonnes/y, the
time t is expressed in years, and σ is the standard de-
viation of the Gaussian curve in years.
In order to provide a basis for applying these re-
sults to a variety of resource situations, families of
Gaussian curves for values of R(0)/P(0) = 50 y, 100
y, and 200 y are shown respectively in Figures 24.
In addition to the family of curves, each figure has
a rectangular curve that ends at the year R(0)/P(0)
which represents P continuing “at current rates of
production,” i.e. k = 0. The individual members of
each family of curves are characterized by different
standard deviations σ, and each curve in a given fam-
ily has its own initial rate of growth of P(t)att = 0.
All of the curves have the same area, R(0) which is
equal to 100(R(0)/P(0)) tonnes. Data from the calcu-
lations for each of these situations are summarized in
Tables 38.
For the situation of R(0)/P(0) = 200 y, Figure
4 shows the family of curves of P(t)vs.t. The pa-
rameters of these curves are summarized in Tables
7 and 8.Forσ = 30 y, Table 7 shows that at t = 0,
P(t) is growing 4.8 percent per year, the peak will be
reached in year 44 and its height will be 2.86 times
P(0). In year 87, P(t) will have fallen to its initial
value of 100 tonnes/y and by symmetry, it will be
falling at 4.8 percent per year. Table 8 shows that for
σ = 30 years, it will take 47 years to consume 50%
of R(0). At the peak of the curve, the R/P ratio for
the then remaining resource will be 38 years and in
year 87 when P has dropped to its initial value of 100
tonnes/y, the R/P ratio will be 16 years. This exam-
ple describes a rapid extraction and depletion of the
Now let’s find a curve that approximately fits
the data given for Australia’s LNG: R(0)/P(0) = 77
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Australia as an Example 155
Figure 1. Generic graph of rate of production P(t)vs.t. For all curves initial production
at time t = 0 is 100 tonnes/y. If Reserves to Production ratio R(0)/P(0) = 200 years, then
implied graph of P(t) vs. time is given by lower horizontal line graph labeled “0%.” If rate
of growth of P(t) is constant 5% per year until resource is consumed completely, then P(t)
vs. time is shown by sharply rising upper curve where peak rate of production is 11 times
initial P(0), and P(t) then falls abruptly to zero in just under 50 years. Similar scenarios are
shown for steady growth of P(t) of 2% and 1% per year. Four curves all have same area of
20,000 tonnes. Data from these curves are included in Tables 1 and 2. These scenarios are
illustrative but completely unrealistic.
Figure 2. Generic graph of curves of P(t)invs.t for R(0)/P(0) = 50 years. Horizontal
straightline shows a constant P(t) of 100 tonnes/y for 50 years at which point the resource
is consumed completely and P(t) falls abruptly to zero. Other curves are “business as
usual” Gaussian scenarios with values of the standard deviation σ of curves of (from top
to bottom) 10 y, 15 y, 20 y, 25 y, and 30 y. Curves all have same area of R(0) = 5000
tonnes. Numerical data from this family of curves are given in Tables 3 and 4.
156 Bartlett
Figure 3. Generic graph of curves for P(t) vs. t for case of R(0)/P(0) = 100 years. Horizontal
curve shows constant P(t) of 100 tonnes/y for 100 years at which point resource is consumed
completely and P(t) falls abruptly to zero. Other curves are “business as usual” Gaussian
scenarios for values of standard deviation σ of curves of (from top to bottom) 10 y, 15 y, 20 y,
30 y, 40 y, 50 y, and 60 y. Curves all have same area of R(0) = 10,000 tonnes. Numerical data
from this family of curves are given in Tables 5 and 6.
years and ((1/P)dP/dt) = 18% per year. An approx-
imate estimate of the future production scenario can
be determined by using Figure 3 and Tables 5 and 6
which are for the R(0)/P(0) of 100 years. In Table 5
we will use the numbers for σ = 10 y (initial slope =
20 percent per year) in place of the 18 percent per
year from the Minister’s statement. The tables in-
dicate the following approximate results: the peak
Figure 4. Generic graph of curves of P(t) vs. t for case of R(0)/P(0) = 200 years. Horizontal
curve shows constant P(t) of 100 tonnes/y for 200 years at which point resource is consumed
completely and P(t) falls abruptly to zero. Other curves are “business as usual” Gaussian sce-
narios for values of standard deviation σ of curves of (from top to bottom) 10 y, 15 y, 20 y, 30 y,
40 y, 50 y, 60 y, 70 y, and 80 y. Curves all have same area of R(0) = 20,000 tonnes. Numerical
data from these curves are given in Tables 7 and 8.
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Australia as an Example 157
Table 3. For the Initial Reserve to Production Ratio, R(0)/P(0)
of 50 Years, and P(0) = 100 Tonnes/y, as Shown in Figure 2,This
Table Gives the Expected Values of Four Features of the Gaussian
Curves that Represent the “Business as Usual” Scenarios of P(t)
vs. t for Different Values of σ
σ Sigma
in Years
Slope at
t = 0% Per
Year (%)
Year of
Height of
Year of
Return to
P(0) 100
10 14.3 13 220 25
15 6.8 14 158 29
20 3.7 14 129 29
25 2.1 13 114 25
30 1.1 10 105 19
35 0.42 5 101 10
For example, for σ = 20 years, the initial slope (1/P)dP/dt =
+3.7% per year. The Gaussian peak will be reached in 14 years
at which time P(14) = 129 tonnes/y. At t = 29 y, P(29) = 100
tonnes/y and by symmetry (1/P)dP/dt =−3.7% per year.
for Australian LNG would be reached in 17 years at
which time P would be 4.16 P(0) and the R/P ratio
would then be 13 years. In 34 years P would fall to
its initial value of 100 tonnes/y at which time the R/P
ratio would be about 5.2 years. The curve for σ = 10
years in Figure 3 is a graphic portrayal of the approx-
imate expected “business as usual” scenario for the
future production of Australia’s LNG, based on the
numbers given by the Minister.
The R/P ratio can be calculated as a function of
time for every point on each of the Gaussian curves
Table 4. For the Reserve to Production Ratio R(0)/P(0) = 50
Years, as shown in Figure 2, This Table Gives, for Several Values
of σ, the Number of Years Needed to Consume Half of R(0), the
R/P Ratio at the Peak of the Gaussian Curve, the R/P Ratio after
the Peak has been Passed and P(t) has Declined Back to its Initial
Value of 100 Tonnes/Year
σ Sigma in
Years to
Consume Half
of R(0)
R/P in Years
at Peak
R/P at in
Years When
P(t) = P(0)
10 14 12.6 6.32
15 18 19.7 10.6
20 21 26.1 16.0
25 23 31.9 22.9
30 25 38.1 30.7
35 26 44.9 40.3
Table 5. For the Initial Reserve to Production Ratio, R(0)/P(0) of
100 Years, and P(0) = 100 Tonnes/y, as Shown in Figure 3,This
Table Gives the Expected Values of Four Features of the Gaussian
Curves that Represent the “Business as Usual” Scenarios of P(t)
vs. t for Different Values of σ
σ Sigma in
Slope at
t = 0% Per
Year (%)
Year of
Height of
Year of
Return to
Rate of
10 20.1 17 416 34
15 10.7 22 286 44
20 6.72 25 221 50
30 3.32 29 159 58
40 1.84 29 130 58
50 1.04 26 114 51
60 0.55 20 106 39
70 0.23 11 101 23
For example: for σ = 20 years, the initial slope
(1/P)dP/dt =+6.72% per year. The Gaussian peak will be
reached in 25 years at which time P(25) = 221 tonnes/y. At t = 50
y, P(50) = 100 tonnes/y and by symmetry (1/P)dP/dt =−6.72%
per year.
of P(t)vs.t and, as expected, the R/P ratio, based on
the current estimate of R(0), decreases continuously
with increasing time as is shown in Figure 5 for the
case of R(0)/P(0) = 200 years. These curves are sim-
ilar to those shown by Bartlett (2000, p. 14) for the
curves for the R/P vs. time for Gaussian curves for
world oil. The reasonableness of the values of R/P is
indicated by the fact that the current R/P for world
oil is often stated to be approximately 40 years which
is in good agreement with the value from Bartlett’s
R/P curve for R(i) = 2 × E(12) barrels.
Table 6. For the Reserve to Production Ratio R(0)/P(0) = 100
Years, as Shown in Figure 3, This Table Gives, for Several Values
of σ, the Number of Years Needed to Consume Half of R(0), the
R/P Ratio at the Peak of the Gaussian Curve, and the R/P Ratio
After the Peak Has Been Passed and P(t) Has Declined Back to
its Initial Value of 100 Tonnes/Year
σ Sigma in
Years to
Consume Half
of R(0)
R/P in Years
at Peak
R/P in Years
P(t) = P(0)
10 18 13 5.2
15 23 19 8.5
20 28 26 12
30 35 38 21
40 41 51 31
50 45 63 44
60 49 75 59
70 51 88 77
158 Bartlett
Table 7. For the Initial Reserve to Production Ratio, R(0)/P(0) of
200 Years, and P(0) = 100 Tonnes/y, as Shown in Figure 4,This
Table Gives the Expected Values of Four Features of the Gaussian
Curves that Represent the “Business as Usual” Scenarios of P(t)
vs. t for Different Values of σ
σ Sigma in
Slope at
t = 0%
Per Year
Year of
Height of
Peak in
Year of
Return to
10 20.5 20 812 41
15 12.3 28 548 55
20 8.4 34 417 68
30 4.8 44 286 87
40 3.2 51 222 101
50 2.2 55 184 110
60 1.6 58 159 116
70 1.2 59 142 117
For example: for σ = 20 years, the initial slope
(1/P)dP/dt =+8.4% per year. The Gaussian peak will be
reached in 34 years at which time P(34) = 417 tonnes/y. At t = 68
y, P(68) = 100 tonnes/y and by symmetry (1/P)dP/dt =−8.4%
per year.
On each of the Figures 24, a smooth enve-
lope curve tangent to the right sides of the family
of peaks can be drawn. Such an envelope curve for
R(0)/P(0) = 200 years is shown in Figure 6 as the up-
per curve AA. Similar curves BB and CC are shown
for R(0)/P(0) values respectively of 100 years and 50
years. All of the Gaussian (business as usual) tra-
jectories of P(t)vs.t for a given R(0)/P(0) are con-
Table 8. For the Reserve to Production Ratio R(0)/P(0) = 200
Years, as Shown in Figure 4, This Table Gives, for Several Values
of σ, the Number of Years Needed to Consume Half of R(0), the
R/P Ratio at the Peak of the Gaussian Curve, and the R/P Ratio
After the Peak Has Been Passed and P(t) has Declined Back to its
Initial Value of 100 Tonnes/Year
σ Sigma in
Years to
Consume Half
of R(0)
R/P in Years
at Peak
R/P in Years
P(t) = P(0)
10 21 13.5 4.65
15 29 19 7.28
20 35 25.4 9.94
30 47 38.1 16.3
40 56 50.5 23.5
50 64 63.4 31.7
60 71 71.8 40.5
70 77 88 50.6
fined to the region below the appropriate envelope
curve. The envelope curve divides the plane of the
graph into two areas, an “allowed” area below and
the “forbidden” area above the envelope curve. The
separation of the graph into two areas is not absolute.
One could gerrymander a hypothetical curve of P(t)
vs. time, such as those shown in Figure 1, that rises
rapidly and suddenly collapses to zero. Such a curve
could rise briefly into the forbidden area, but the
“business as usual curves” won’t have any excursions
above the envelope curve. For example, one can look
at the envelope curve in Figure 6 and say that for
R(0)/P(0) = 200 years (curve AA), the “business as
usual scenarios” will not permit the resource to be
produced at a rate of 200 tonnes/y at t = 100 years.
The definition of sustainable development (sus-
tainability) is taken from Bruntdland (1987):
Sustainable development is development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own
Sustainability has to imply “for periods of time
long compared to a human lifetime.” It is clear that
nonrenewable resources that we consume today will
not be available for the use of future generations.
This has the clear consequence that consumption of
nonrenewable resources is not sustainable, a fact that
is rarely acknowledged by sustainability “experts.”
Figure 1 shows that steady growth in the rate of pro-
duction of a resource is not sustainable. It follows
that when one is dealing with real material things
the term sustainable growth”isanoxymoron.Itis
clear from Figures 24 that the scenario of produc-
ing the resource “at the present rates of production”
is not sustainable. It is also clear from Figures 24
that the “business as usual” scenarios of P(t)vs. t all
rapidly approach zero asymptotically, so these sce-
narios leave little production for future generations.
Is there any way we can consume resources to-
day without seriously compromising the ability of fu-
ture generations to meet their own needs? Can we
eat our cake and have it too?
The mathematics provides a qualified “yes.”
Suppose P(t) declines steadily according to the rela-
P(t) = P(0) exp(kt). (5)
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Australia as an Example 159
Figure 5. Graph showing evolution with time of Reserve to Production ratio, R/P, for scenario
“at current rates of production” (declining straightline) and “business as usual” hypothetical
Gaussian curves, for values of standard deviation σ of (from top to bottom) 80 y, 60 y, 40 y, 20
y, and 10y, all for initial value of R(0)/P(0) = 200 years. The smaller the value of sigma, the
higher and narrower is the Gaussian peak and the more rapid is the decline of the R/P Ratio.
The total quantity of the resource remaining at
t = 0isR(0) which must be equal to all the resource
that will be extracted in all future time. All future
consumption is given by the integral from zero to in-
finity P(0)
exp(kt) dt. This integral has the value
P(0)/k which must equal R(0). From this we can de-
fine the “sustainability coefficient” k(s) to have the
k(s) = P(0)/R(0) (6)
Figure 6. Curves showing envelopes of “business as usual” Gaussian curves for three values
of ratio R(0)/P(0), 50, 100, and 200 y. For given value of R(0)/P(0) area above corresponding
curve is “Forbidden” and area below curve is “Allowed.” Looking at curves one can say that
if present value of R(0)/P(0) is 100 years, then “business as usual” scenarios can not produce
a rate of production of 200 tonnes/y 50 years from now but could produce 100 tonnes/y.
160 Bartlett
The sustainability coefficient k(s)isthein-
verse of the R(0)/P(0) ratio. When P(t) declines ac-
cording to Equation (5) with k having the value
given by Equation (6), P(t) can continue forever
on this constantly declining curve! For example, if
R(0)/P(0) = 200 years, then the sustainability coef-
ficient k(s) = P(0)/R(0) = 1/200 = 0.005 per year
(half a percent per year). If R(0)/P(0) = 100 years,
then a curve of P(t) that declines 1% per year is suf-
ficient to allow the resource to last forever! If P(t)
declines more rapidly than given by this sustainabil-
ity coefficient, then P(t) can continue forever without
consuming all of the resource.
If a resource will last R(0)/P(0) years at present rates
of production, and if the rate of production of the re-
source follows the curve that starts at P(0) and has
a constant fractional decrease per unit time whose
magnitude is greater than or equal to P(0)/R(0) per
year, then the production can be truly said to be sus-
This is probably as close as it is possible to come
to the Brundtland definition of sustainability for the
use of a nonrenewable resource. This path provides a
measure of real, but declining, intergenerational eq-
uity in the use of finite reserves of nonrenewable re-
sources for all future generations.
This concept has been given the name “Sus-
tained Availability” (Bartlett, 1986) and it has other
interesting characteristics:
(1) At the time R(0)/P(0), the rate of pro-
duction has declined to 1/e = 0.368...
of its initial value P(0). For example, for
R(0)/P(0) = 200 years, P would decline to
36.8% of its initial value in 200 years.
(2) For any current value of R(0)/P(0) one can
calculate the sustainability coefficient k(s)
needed to define the sustainable curve from
that point forward. If changes are made in
R(0) through new discoveries or through cor-
rections of earlier estimates of R(0), one can
calculate the new value of k(s) and thereafter
proceed down the new declining exponential
(3) At all points on a declining exponential
curve, the R/P ratio is unchanged from its ini-
tial value of R(0)/P(0).
The mathematics of this curve and the options
it presents for a producing country that consumes
part of its production and exports the balance of its
production, have been explored in detail (Bartlett,
We now can add the declining exponential curve
to the graph of Figure 6 as is shown in Figure 7 for the
case of R(0)/P(0) = 100 years. The two lines divide
the plot into three areas. The area in the upper right
above the curve AA is F for “forbidden,” because
the “business as usual” scenarios of P(t)vs.t cannot
appear in this area. Between the envelope curve AA
and the declining exponential curve BB is an area la-
beled T for “terminal,” in which all of the “business
as usual” Gaussian scenarios of P(t) vs. t are possible
but they approach zero more rapidly than the declin-
ing exponential curves, BB, and hence are effectively
terminal. Below the curve BB is the area S for “sus-
tainable.” Any scenario of P(t) vs. t that starts at P(0)
and stays below curve BB is sustainable.
Figure 7 shows that the options for sustainability
are limited. This fact is not appreciated by govern-
mental, industrial, educational, scientific, environ-
mental, and policy leaders, many of whom seem to
be dedicated to unending economic growth and sus-
tainability, hoping perhaps that marvels of technol-
ogy will arrive in time to remove the limits dictated
by nature that are outlined here. Indeed, a friend told
me of attending an international conference on sus-
tainability where he heard people saying words to the
effect that “We’re tired of hearing of limits. We’re
going to grow the limits!”
A number of troubling things come to mind
when one reads the article written by the Australia’s
Minister of Industry, Tourism and Resources from
which the opening statement was taken.
(1) The Minister’s optimistic assessment of
Australia’s energy situation is based on the
Government’s major long-range energy plan.
Thus, the misrepresentations set forth by the
Minister and cited here, are probably built
into Australia’s National Energy Plan.
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Australia as an Example 161
Figure 7. (P, t) plane is divided into three areas by two lines, AA and BB as shown here for
R(0)/P(0) = 100 years. Line BB is curve of sustainability in which P(t) decreases at constant
fractional rate of 1% per year. If P(t) starts at 100 tonnes/y and stays on or below this curve,
resource can be produced theoretically at declining rates forever. Line AA is envelope of
“business as usual” Gaussian curves. Region above line AA is “F” for “forbidden.” Region
between lines is “T” for “terminal” region. All “business as usual” Gaussian curves of P(t)vs.
t whose initial slope is positive will start in T” region and will ultimately fall below line BB
and will approach zero more rapidly than “sustainable” declining exponential curve BB.
(2) The Minister made no mention of the growth
of Australia’s population. This suggests that
the Government’s long-range energy plan
does not concern itself with the size of
Australia’s population or with its rate of
growth. If this is the situation, the omis-
sion dooms the Government’s entire plan.
Any responsible governmental policy for
“Australia’s long-term development, secu-
rity and environmental needs as they relate
to energy” has to take full account of Aus-
tralia’s continuing population growth and of
the predictable effects this growth will have
in forcing the future growth of Australia’s
domestic energy consumption. In the face
of the acknowledged finite nature of fos-
sil fuels and the predictable growing do-
mestic demand for energy, the Minister re-
counts with pride that Australia is export-
ing its fossil fuels as rapidly as possible, pre-
sumably in accord with the Government’s
“I am expecting and planning for Australia to fur-
ther expand its energy export base over the coming
decade and beyond.”
It is probable that before mid-century the people
of Australia will be needing the fossil fuels that their
government is so eagerly exporting.
(3) In something like a century Australia’s pop-
ulation has increased by a factor of 5 from
about 4 million to 20 million. Equation (3)
shows that this enormous increase repre-
sents an average growth rate of only 1.6%
per year! Another century of 1.6% per year
growth would cause Australia’s population
to increase by another factor of 5 to 100 mil-
(4) Malkin (2005) describes the City of Cities
plan for the City of Sydney, reporting that
in the next 25 years Sydney will construct
447,000 new dwellings and create almost
300,000 new jobs. Even though this projected
growth violates the Laws of Sustainability
(Bartlett, 1994), Sydney’s Planning Minister
makes the amazing suggestion that this will
be done carefully “to ensure the city grows
in a sustainable way.” Other Australian cities
may have similarly plans for enormous pop-
ulation expansions.
(5) Contemporary reports tell of the shortage
of potable water in Australian cities which
162 Bartlett
has led to plans to build large plants for
the desalination of sea water. These plants
are just one of the many predictable costly
infrastructure developments that will be
needed to accommodate the projected large
increases in population, all of which will re-
quire substantial annual consumption of en-
ergy. Here is a Greek tragedy unfolding. The
Government’s policy is one of getting rid of
(exporting) the nation’s fossil fuels as rapidly
as possible and at the same time the Govern-
ment seems to be promoting, or accepting,
long-term rapid growth of Australia’s popu-
lation. Any conservative plan for Australia’s
future would recognize that this projected
population growth will require the fossil fuels
that now are being exported. Yet the Minis-
ter writes that the “government’s white paper
on energy” from which these policies flow,
“is a substantive and forward-thinking doc-
ument that allows us to maintain some of the
world’s lowest energy costs while also reduc-
ing our greenhouse signature.” This policy is
not “forward-thinking” for the reason that it
ignores the simple confluence of the arith-
metic of population growth and the arith-
metic of resource reserves and consump-
tion. The Government’s policy is not even
“backward-thinking” because it ignores the
recent history which makes clear the grow-
ing magnitude of the quantitative problems
that flow from continued population growth.
And, as is shown here, the policies described
by the Minister do not decrease Australia’s
“greenhouse signature,” they increase it.
(6) The Minister opens his article by accepting
the premise that. “The demand for world en-
ergy is growing and will continue to grow
for the foreseeable future.” Demand may
grow, but there are many indications that the
world’s fossil fuel resources will, in the near
future, fall short of meeting this growing de-
mand. This raises a fundamental question: Is
it the obligation of countries that presently
have reserves of fossil fuels, to export these
fuels to the importing countries where the
demand is already larger than the importing
countries can meet from their own domestic
(7) The title of the Minister’s article, “A
Growing Role for Australia in Meeting
the World’s Energy Needs” suggests that
Australia is accepting an obligation to export
its fossil fuels as rapidly as possible. This vi-
olates the Brundtland statement of sustain-
ability because it is clear that this cannot
be done without “compromising the ability
of future generations of Australians to meet
their own needs.” The Government’s policy
set forth by the Minister is not sustainable;
quite the opposite, it’s “anti-sustainable.”
The policy is the equivalent of shooting your-
self in the foot.
(8) The life-expectancy of Australian coal of
110 years “at current rates of production”
is alarmingly short compared to the life-
expectancy of a major nation. A thoughtful
response to this datum by the Government
would be alarm, coupled with a call for mea-
sures to reduce the rate of production of Aus-
tralian coal well below the present level so that
reserves of the resource will be available for
Australians beyond 110 years. A responsible
government policy would be to call for a halt
to the export of Australian energy resources
so that the coming generations of Australians
will be able to have the benefits of the use of
these precious resources.
(9) The Minister is proud to boast of how long
the resources would last “at current rates of
production,” but it makes clear that the Gov-
ernment’s policies are not to maintain the
“current rates of production” but rather to
have rapid growth of the rates of production.
This is misleading in the extreme.
(10) There seems to be no recognition of the ob-
vious, but inconvenient, truth that growth
of the rates of production reduces the life-
expectancy of finite reserves of nonrenew-
able resources far below the figure given by
the frequently cited R(0)/P(0) ratio.
(11) The Government professes a devotion to sus-
tainability but its policies violate the First
and Second Laws of Sustainability:
First Law: “Population growth and/or growth in the
rates of consumption of resources cannot be sus-
Second Law: “In a society with a growing pop-
ulation and/or growing rates of consumption of re-
sources, the larger the population and/or the larger
the rates of consumption of resources, the more dif-
ficult it will be to transform the society to the condi-
tion of sustainability.” (Bartlett, 1994)
A Depletion Protocol for Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Australia as an Example 163
On two counts, it is simply not true that the Gov-
ernment’s policies are “reducing our greenhouse sig-
nature.” By accepting domestic population growth,
Australia will almost certainly be increasing its domes-
tic production of greenhouse gases. By exporting coal
and LNG to be burned in other countries, Australia
is making a significant further contribution to the in-
crease of global atmospheric greenhouse gases.
This raises a fundamental policy question. If
country A annually exports a quantity of fossil fuels
which are burned in country B to produce C tonnes
of greenhouse gases, which country should be held
responsible for the introduction of these C tonnes
of greenhouse gases into the Earth’s atmosphere? A
good case can be made for holding each country re-
sponsible for the full amount of C. Affirmative deci-
sions are required by both countries A and B in order
to introduce the greenhouse gases into the global at-
mosphere. Country A can decide not to export the
fossil fuels, and country B can decide not to import
them. Consequently, both countries A and B should
be held responsible for the C tonnes/y of greenhouse
Politicians live for the short term, and one can
see on Figures 24 that for a decade or two it will
be possible to have Australia’s production of fossil
fuels follow the growth curves that make business
people and politicians happy. In business and gov-
ernmental circles, growth is the universally accepted
measure of success, and for this reason politicians can
follow the “business as usual” scenarios in these early
growth periods and can later claim that they have had
great success in boosting the growth of their coun-
try’s economy. But governmental leaders seem not
to recognize that in the near future, growth will lead
to the peak of the rate of production. Government ac-
tions can delay the peak but there are no governmental
actions that can eliminate or avoid the peak. After the
peak, there will be hardships.
Although the example cited here is from
Australia, similar examples abound in all of the
industrialized nations of the world. Breathtaking
innumeracy is an integral part of governmental
planning and actions throughout the “educated”
world. Journalists rarely point out this innumeracy
because, for the most part, they too are innumerate.
International trade agreements are supported
ardently by the governments of the developed na-
tions which largely have consumed their domestic
fuels and which are consequently dependent on im-
ports of fossil fuels. One can reasonably presume that
a major motivation for these currently popular inter-
national trade agreements is to let the developed na-
tions get their hands on other nations’ resources be-
fore the people of the other nations develop to the
point of needing their own resources. This contempo-
rary colonialism has led to widespread environmen-
tal degradation and it has contributed to the grow-
ing economic disparity between the rich and the poor
(Eherenfeld, 2005). These trade agreements need to
be re-examined. The international trade agreements
are an impediment to sustainability if they prohibit a
nation from following the conservative steps of tak-
ing its exportable natural resources off of the interna-
tional market to save the resources for future domestic
It is essential that the people of Australia and of
other nations similarly situated;
(1) Stop their population growth and encourage
their populations to decline to sustainable
(2) Stop the export of their nonrenewable natu-
ral resources, especially fossil fuels;
(3) Put the production of domestic resources
on the declining exponential “sustainability
(4) Improve the efficiency with which all re-
sources are used;
(5) Develop their domestic renewable energy re-
sources as rapidly as possible.
All of these policy recommendations should
be central to any governmental plan that pur-
ports to “Secure [the] Energy Future” of its
164 Bartlett
The author wishes to thank Alison (Pete)
Palmer. Robert Ristinen. Walter Youngquist and
anonymous reviewers for many constructive sugges-
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