TO: Applicants and Designers for State and Federal Projects
FROM: Sediment and Stormwater Plan Review Division, Water and Science Administration
DATE: July 17, 2018
SUBJECT: Stormwater Management Spreadsheets – Instructions and Definitions of Terms
The Sediment and Stormwater Plan Review Division has developed computational spreadsheets for
State and federal applicants and their designers to calculate a project’s stormwater management
requirements. These spreadsheets follow the process presented in Technical Memorandum #10
Stormwater Management Overview. The purpose of the spreadsheets is to reduce the time and
money spent by both designers and reviewers assessing a project’s requirements and to “get
everyone on the same page.” Every attempt was made to simplify the process while adhering to
regulatory requirements. Unfortunately, the very issues that have given cause for question and
resulted in varying interpretations of the stormwater regulations have also produced multifaceted
computations, which upon first glance, may appear overly complicated. Please understand that
many of the nuances addressed by the spreadsheets will not apply to the majority of projects and are
easily skipped over, but the steps and computations are built-in regardless, for use with the
complicated projects – the ones with dozens of points of investigation, shifts in drainage areas,
existing management, loss of existing water quality, partial waivers, etc.
All projects, except those exclusively eligible for a waiver in accordance with Section 3.3.A of the
Guidelines, will be required to use these spreadsheets. Projects that are exclusively MS4 restoration
only need to use the Provided Treatment Summary. Projects that are exclusively demolition only
need to use the Water Quality Summary Sheet. There will be a three month grandfathering
period for this requirement from issuance of this memorandum. Electronic copies of the
spreadsheets are available on MDE’s website at
Instructions and definitions of terms are provided herein for four spreadsheets:
I. Stormwater Management (SWM) Calculator…………………………………pages 2 - 9
II. Environmental Site Design Summary Sheet (ESDSS)………………….......pages 10 - 14
III. Water Quality Summary Sheet (WQSS)……………………………………pages 15 - 19
IV. Provided Treatment: Achieved P
, Treated ESDv, and Treated Re
…...…...…page 20
For reference,
BMP is best management practice.
ESD is environmental site design.
ESDv is ESD volume.
IART is impervious area requiring treatment.
LOD is limit of disturbance.
POI is point of investigation/ LOI is line of investigation.
SWM is stormwater management.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 2 of 21
I. SWM Calculator Instructions and Definitions of Terms
The SWM Calculator is to be completed for each point of investigation (POI), line of investigation,
or sub-drainage area identified in the SWM report (i.e. one spreadsheet per POI/LOI). Print outs
should be included in the concept design report and then updated for the final design report.
This spreadsheet was made compatible for Microsoft Excel 97-2003 and newer. It was created in
Microsoft Excel 2016 and tested in multiple versions. It utilizes macros to eliminate the need for
repetitive calculations and formatting by the user. When opening the file, a message will appear
below the tool bar that reads “Security Warning Macros have been disabled. Options…” Click on
“Options” and then “Enable this content.”
The SWM Calculator has two sheets: the Development Category Sheet and the ESDv Sheet. The
development category needs to be determined first. Depending on level of existing imperviousness,
the point of investigation will be categorized as either “redevelopment” or “new development”. This
classification affects the level of management required for reconstruction activities and decides
which set of calculations will be used by the ESDv Sheet to determine the stormwater management
requirements. It is important to note that a both sheets need to be completed for each POI and that
care be taken not to skip the Development Category Sheet.
A. Development Category Sheet (establishes development classification)
1. The turquoise cells in the Development Category Sheet serve as a user guide by providing
instructions and defining terms used within the sheet. These cells, along with the “Clear Input
Cells” and “Re/New Development ESDv” button, will not print. The yellow cells are input
cells to be completed by the designer. To clear all input cells, click the “Clear Input Cells
2. “Project Description”, “Point of Investigation”, “Job #”, “Contract #”, “Date”, and “Designed
by” are to be completed by the designer.
3. “MDE #” will be assigned by the MDE reviewer. After the initial submittal this number
should be typed in by the designer following the 00-SF-0000 format.
4. “Reviewed by” is written in by the MDE reviewer.
5. The entries for “Project Description”, “Point of Investigation”, “Job #”, “Contract #”, “Date”,
“Designed by”, “MDE #”, and “Reviewed by” will automatically carry over to the ESDv
6. “County” is chosen from the drop down provided. This data is for informational purpose and
does not affect calculations.
7. SWM Study Area, A
” is the boundary area for determining the development classification.
It typically corresponds to the LOD draining to the point of investigation under existing
conditions but could also be the property area, the site area, or the right-of-way. Refer to
Technical Memorandum #10 for a detailed discussion on the SWM Study Area.
8. Existing Impervious Surface Area, A
is the pre-development impervious area within
the corresponding SWM Study Area.
9. Percent Existing Imperviousness, %Iis calculated by the spreadsheet. This percentage
is used to asses on which side of the 40% threshold the POI falls. If I>40%, then the
reconstructed areas are considered “redevelopment.” If I≤40%, then the reconstructed areas
are considered “new development” and need to be managed accordingly. “Development
Classification for Reconstruction” will auto populate based on the %I, and the reconstruction
will be classified as either “re-development” or “new development.” Record this value in
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 3 of 21
Column D of the Water Quality Summary Sheet (WQSS).
10. Once data is input on this sheet, proceed to the ESDv Sheet by clicking the purple “Re/New
Development ESD
” button located on the right. Make sure that the development
classification is determined before clicking the button. The spreadsheet will then navigate to
the calculations for the respective development category. If revisions are made to the
Development Category Sheet after the ESDv Sheet has been completed, steps 1-10 of the
ESDv Sheet will update accordingly. It is possible to toggle between sheets without losing
the input.
B. ESDv Sheet (calculates the IART and the ESDv requirements for the POI)
The entries for “Project Description”, “Point of Investigation”, “Job #”, “Contract #”, “Date”,
“Designed by”, “MDE #”, and “Reviewed by” will automatically carry over to the ESDv sheet.
The yellow cells are input cells to be completed by the designer. To clear all input cells, click the
“Clear Input Cells” button on the Development Category Sheet. Calculations that do not apply
for the respective development category are made inactive, struck through, or printed with a
result of 0. All Steps within this tab will print.
Step 1 – Site/ Drainage Area Data. The user inputs the data as follows:
Existing Condition Drainage Area - A
: the area that comprises the total drainage
area to the POI in pre-development conditions. This data is for informational
purposes and does not affect calculations.
Proposed Condition Drainage Area - A
: the area that comprises the total drainage
area to the POI in post-development conditions. This data is for informational
purposes and does not affect calculations.
Existing Impervious Area within LOD - A
: the pre-development impervious area
within the LOD within the existing drainage area to the POI. This includes all
pavement and roof-top including maintenance and access areas in A
. Record this
value in Column B of the WQSS.
Proposed Impervious Area within LOD - A
: the post-development impervious
area within the LOD within the proposed drainage area to the POI. This includes all
pavement and roof-top including maintenance and access areas in A
. Alternative
surfaces should be included in this value. They will also need to be listed as
treatment practices. This way they can be tracked. Record this value in Column C of
the WQSS.
Note: A
is based on the existing drainage area, and A
is based on the proposed
drainage area. This will allow a correct assessment of management requirements
should the drainage area divide shift from existing to proposed conditions. However,
if the drainage area shift involves impervious area outside the LOD, it needs to be
accounted for in A
Area for which WQ is Not Required (i.e. 3.3.A Waiver) - A
: any impervious
surface within the LOD for which management is not required. This includes existing
impervious areas that are considered maintenance or that qualify for a 3.3.A waiver.
It may also include impervious surfaces shown within the LOD that are part of the
work area but are being left intact or are generally not considered to be a disturbance.
Examples of this include milling/resurfacing areas as well as taxiways, roads, or
parking lots being traversed for access or used for staging. Any area included in this
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 4 of 21
column must also be included in A
and A
. Record this value in Column E of the
Loss of Existing Water Quality (Area) - A
: the existing impervious area that is
losing water quality benefits due to the removal of an existing water quality BMP or
other water quality feature, such as an alternative surface or non-structural practice,
previously approved by MDE or due to the removal of an existing pond with water
quality features as described in Chapter 5 of the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design
Manual. Lost water quality must be re-cooped. Therefore, this deficit is added to the
IART. Record this value in Column F of the WQSS.
(1) If the treated P
is less than 1.0 inch, this value must be pro-rated to reflect the
effective treatment area. For example, a BMP that treats 0.5 acres of impervious for a
of 0.7 inch has an effective impervious treatment area of 0.35 acre.
(2) If previously treated impervious area is removed along with the water quality
feature, the result is considered a “wash”. If previously treated impervious area is
removed, but the water quality feature or BMP is not physically being removed, the
result is also considered a “wash” because the treatment is effectively lost since there
is no impervious area to be treated. These equivalent scenarios can be reflected by
recording the impervious area that was previously treated and is now being removed
in both A
and A
Loss of Existing ESD
(Volume) - ESD
V Loss
: the ESD volume lost due to the
removal of an existing water quality BMP, alternative surface, or non-structural
practice previously approved by MDE or the removal of a pond that provides water
quality features as described in Chapter 5 of the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design
Manual. If the previously treated impervious area is removed along with the water
quality feature, there is no loss of existing ESDv. The designer needs to provide
separate computations supporting this volume.
Loss of Existing Recharge
(Volume) - Re
: the recharge volume lost due to the
removal of an existing water quality BMP, alternative surface, or non-structural
practice previously approved by MDE or the removal of a pond that provides water
quality features as described in Chapter 5 of the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design
Manual. If the previously treated impervious area is removed along with the water
quality feature, there is no loss of existing Re
. The designer needs to provide
separate computations supporting this volume.
Reconstructed Impervious Area Already Treated
(Area) - A
: the existing
impervious area within the LOD that in existing conditions drains to a functioning
water quality practice. A value in this box indicates that the treatment practice will
remain operative and will continue to treat the specified amount impervious area after
the area has been reconstructed. The entered value reflects the full treated acreage
without any adjustments for redevelopment. The IART is reduced by either 50% or
100% of this value depending on whether the development is classified as
redevelopment or new development. Record this value in Column G of the WQSS.
(1) If previously treated impervious areas are being removed, those areas need to be
included in A
as well A
(2) If the treated P
is less than 1.0 inch, this value must be pro-rated to reflect the
effective treatment area. For example, a BMP that treats 0.5 acres of impervious for a
of 0.7 inch has an effective impervious treatment area of 0.35 acre.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 5 of 21
(3) There is a potential for overlapping areas in A
and A
. If maintenance or
utility work is being performed on an existing impervious surface that already has
water quality treatment, include this area only in A
Existing Impervious Area outside of LOD Shifted in/out of POI - A
: the
impervious area outside of the LOD that is shifted into or out of the POI from existing
to proposed conditions. This can occur when a storm drain system that collects
runoff from outside the LOD is modified as a result of the proposed project. A
positive number indicates impervious area shifted into the POI from existing to
proposed conditions, and a negative number indicates impervious area shifted out of
the POI from existing to proposed conditions.
Will POI Qualify for Cp
Waiver under Section 3.3.B of the Guidelines? - Cp
This is a YES/NO input. It is set to a default value of “NO” and requires user input to
change the field if the POI qualifies for a 3.3.B waiver. ESD volume requirements
are reduced to a P
of 1.0 inch when the POI qualifies for a 3.3.B waiver. “YES”
should also be selected if a variance from Cpv has been requested and granted by
MDE. For POIs that are classified as redevelopment and have ΔA
≤ 0, this box is
Step 2 – Determine the Impervious Area Requiring Treatment (IART):
This step calculates the IART based on the development classification and the input
from Step 1. Many projects involve a combination of redevelopment and new
development. The portion of IART that comes from redevelopment and the portion
that comes from new development are calculated and then totaled.
IART from Redevelopment (IART
When the POI is classified as redevelopment, IART
is calculated based on the
equation shown and the input from Step 1.
When the POI is classified as new development, IART
will be inactive and set
to a value of zero.
Record this value in Column 1 of the ESDSS. This value should match Column I of the
IART from New Development (IART
When the POI is classified as redevelopment, IART
is calculated based on the
equation shown and the input from Step 1.
When the POI is classified as new development, IART
is calculated based on the
equation shown and the input from Step 1.
Record this value in Column 3 of the ESDSS. This value should match Column J of the
Total IART:
The total IART is the sum of IART
and IART
and A
This value should match Column K of the WQSS.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 6 of 21
Steps 3 through 8 calculate the required ESDv. There is an ESDv requirement for the project
and an ESDv requirement for the POI. The ESDv for the project is calculated by the ESDSS
based the SWM Calculator’s step-by-step breakdown of each POI. The required ESDv for the
project is the sum of the ESDv from redevelopment and the ESDv from new development with
adjustments made as necessary for 3.3.B waivers, shifts in drainage areas, and loss of existing
water quality.
When the reconstruction is classified as redevelopment (Redevelopment POI) and there is a
decrease in impervious area (ΔAi<0), the computational structure is as follows:
When the reconstruction is classified as redevelopment (Redevelopment POI) and there is an
increase in impervious area (ΔAi≥0), the computational structure is as follows:
When the reconstruction is classified as new development (New Development POI), the
computational structure is as follows:
The required ESDv for the POI is a function of the amount of new development proposed within
the respective POI only. The Regulations require that new development be managed for channel
protection volume (Cpv), and channel projection volume, like other forms of quantity
management, can only be managed within the impacted drainage area and POI. The required
ESDv for the POI also takes into consideration whether the POI qualifies for a 3.3.B waiver, has
a shift in drainage area from outside the LOD, or experiences a loss of existing water quality.
Step-by-step instructions continue below:
based on
and P
=1.0 in
(step 3)
based on
and P
=1.0 in
*negative number
(step 4)
ESDv for
area shifted
into/out of
POI from
outside the
(step 6)
ESDv from
loss of
(step 7)
based on
and P
=1.0 in
(step 3)
based on
and P
=2.0 to
2.6 in or in case
of 3.3.B waiver
=1.0 in
(step 5)
ESDv for
area shifted
into/out of
POI from
outside the
(step 6)
from loss
of existing
(step 7)
based on
and P
=2.0 to
2.6 in or in case
of 3.3.B waiver
=1.0 in
(step 5)
ESDv for
area shifted
into/out of
POI from
outside the
(step 6)
ESDv from
loss of
(step 7)
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 7 of 21
Step 3 – Determine the Required Environmental Site Design Volume for treating
Redevelopment (ESD
This step calculates the portion of the required ESDv that is attributed to the
redevelopment portion of the proposed development. The rainfall depth, P
, required to
be treated for redevelopment is 1.0 inch. The required area to be treated is the IART
. Because IART
is 100% impervious, Rv is always 0.95.
When the POI is classified as new development, ESDv
will be inactive and set
to a value of zero.
Record this value in Column 3 of the ESDSS.
Step 4 – Determine the Environmental Site Design Volume Reduction from Decreasing
Impervious Area (ESDv
) for Redevelopment Classification when ΔA
< 0):
This step is active only when the POI is classified as redevelopment and there is a
reduction of impervious area from existing to proposed conditions (Ai<0). This
volume (which is equivalent to a negative IART
and ESDv
) is calculated
separately to illustrate the ESDv reduction that results from removing impervious area
as well as to allow appropriate assessment of the ESDv required at the POI. For POIs
that experience strictly impervious reduction, there is no ESDv requirement at the POI.
However, impervious reduction within the LOD can be accompanied by a shift in
drainage area from outside the LOD and/or a loss of existing water quality. The
reduction in impervious area can be used to offset the ESDv required from a shifted
drainage area or a loss of existing water quality. Therefore, the reduction, based on a
of 2.6 inches, represents the maximum offset available from the impervious
reduction. To simplify calculations and eliminate debates between designers and
reviewers, 2.6 inches is being used regardless of soil type.
Step 4.1 - Determine the ESD
V reduced Ai
Applied to Project:
This step calculates the ESD volume reduction based on 1.0 inch of P
and Ai
). This is always a negative volume and is credited towards the ESD volume
requirement at the project level. Record this value in Column 4a of the ESDSS.
Step 4.2 - Determine the ESD
V reduced Ai
Applied to POI:
This step calculates the ESD volume reduction based on 2.6 inch of P
and Ai
). This is always a negative volume and is credited towards the ESD volume
requirement at the POI level. Record this value in Column 4b of the ESDSS.
Step 5 Determine the Required Environmental Site Design Volume for treating New
Development (ESD
) for POI:
This step calculates the portion of the required ESDv that is attributed to the new
development portion of the proposed development. The rainfall depth, P
, required to
be treated for new development ranges from 2.0 to 2.6 inches depending on the soils.
The required area to be treated is the IART
. Because IART
is 100%
impervious, Rv is always 0.95. For POIs that qualify for a 3.3.B waiver, the required
is reduced to 1.0 inch.
Step 5.1 - Determine the ESD
for 3.3.B Waiver:
This step is active only when the POI qualifies for a 3.3.B waiver and a value of “YES
is selected for “Cp
” in Step 1. This step calculates the required ESD
for a 3.3B
waiver based on the IART
and a P
= 1.0 inch. This value contributes to project
level ESDv requirements.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 8 of 21
If this step is active then Steps 5.2 and 5.3 will be inactive. Record this value in Column
5.a of the ESDSS.
Step 5.2 Determine Weighted P
This step is active when IART
> 0 and a 3.3.B waiver does not apply. This step
calculates the weighted P
to be used in Step 5.3. Input by the user is required in the
column of the Weighted P
table. IART
entries should be representative
of the predominant Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) within the LOD or the actual soil
breakup within the LOD. Where selection between two HSGs is required, use the more
conservative option. The user should enter the area on the respective row or rows. The
total IART
must equal the IART
calculated in Step 2.
Step 5.3 Determine the ESD
for No Waiver or No Impervious Reduction
≥ 0):
This step is active when IART
> 0 and a 3.3.B waiver does not apply. This step
calculates the ESD volume requirement based on the IART
and the weighted P
from Step 5.2. This value contributes to both the project and POI level ESDv
requirements. Record this value in Column 5.b of the ESDSS.
Note: If ?????” is shown in the ESD
box, return to Step 5.2 to correct the
inconsistency in IART
between Step 5.2 and Step 2.
Step 6 - Determine the Required Environmental Site Design Volume for the Shifted
Impervious Area (ESD
) in/out of POI:
This volume can be a positive or negative value. A positive number reflects the
required ESDv for the impervious area shifted into the POI from outside the LOD. A
negative number reflects the ESDv off-set for the impervious area shifted out of the
POI from outside the LOD. This value contributes to the ESDv requirements at both
the POI level and the project level. At the POI level, a positive value reflects the
required ESDv. At the project level, the required ESDv is
for all the
POIs. If an equivalent amount of impervious area is shifted both in and out for the
project, there will be no overall ESD
requirement for the project.
If a POI has shifted impervious area into the POI, but the POI qualifies for a Cpv
waiver (despite the shift), the ESD
is also waived, and this step will be inactive.
Record this value in Column 6 of the ESDSS.
Note: The net contribution of the ESD
from all the POIs should be zero at the
project level if there are no Cpv waivers at any POI.
Step 7 - Determine the Required Environmental Site Design Volume from Loss of Existing
V Loss
No calculations are performed in this step. The value shown here is the ESD
V Loss
reported in Step 1 and based on separate computations by the designer supporting this
volume. It is a positive number and reflects the ESDv requirement due to the loss of an
existing water quality BMP or water quality feature. This value contributes to both the
project and POI level ESDv requirements. This step is always active. If there was no
input to the ESD
field in Step 1, this step
will report a value of zero. Record this
value in Column 7 of the ESDSS.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 9 of 21
Step 8 - Determine the Required Environmental Site Design Volume for the POI
This step calculates the total ESDv requirement for the POI. This spreadsheet only
calculates the required ESDv; treated ESDv is recorded on the ESDSS. This step is
always active. Record this value in Column 8 of the ESDSS.
(1) This SWM Calculator only considers impervious area when calculating ESDv
requirements. Therefore, when there is an increase in the overall drainage area to the
POI from existing to proposed conditions, MDE will also require that the 1-year
discharge rate for proposed conditions not exceed the rate for existing conditions. This
will not be in an issue for minor increases in drainage area, but in the case of shifted
drainage area divides could necessitate additional management. When A
> A
, an
advisory message is given that reads, If (A
) > 0, provide separate calculations
demonstrating that the Proposed Condition 1-Year Discharge Rate (Q
) <= the
Existing Condition 1-Year Discharge Rate (Q
(2) Apart from the requirements of this SWM Calculator for ESDv, the user is
reminded that the overbank and extreme flood protection management requirements
must also be met at the POI, namely 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year management as set
forth by the local approval authority. The necessary calculations are to be included in
the SWM report.
(3) A negative value results when there is a decrease in impervious area. When the
results of the SWM Calculator are entered into the ESDSS, Column 8 will re-calculate
the required ESDv for the POI and, if negative, will show value as zero.
Step 9 - Determine the Required Recharge Volume (Re
This step calculates the recharge volume requirement based on the Soil Specific
Recharge Factor and the IART
as well as any loss in existing recharge. This
recharge volume shall be satisfied at the project level.
Step 9.1 – Determine Weighted Soil Specific Recharge Factor (S):
The Weighted Soil Specific Recharge Factor Table will populate based on entries to the
Weighted P
Table in Step 5.2. This step is active when IART
> 0.
Step 9.2 – Determine the Required Recharge Volume (Re
) for New
This step calculates the recharge volume requirement based on the Soil Specific
Recharge Factor from step 9.1 and the IART
. This step is active when IART
Step 9.3 – Determine Loss of Existing Recharge Volume (Re
V Loss
This step calculates the recharge volume requirement due to the loss of existing
recharge volume. This step is always active. If there was no input to the Re
v Loss
field in
Step 1, this step
will report a value of 0.0.
Step 9.4 – Determine Total Recharge Volume (Re
This step calculates the total recharge volume requirement that shall be satisfied at the
project level. This step is always active. If Steps 9.1 and 9.2 are inactive, and Re
v Loss
0, Re
will report a value of 0.0. Record this value in Column 10 of the ESDSS.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 10 of 21
Step 10 – Designer’s Notes:
This step is for any designer’s notes, including assumptions or descriptions of unusual
design circumstances. The maximum character limit is 600 characters.
Last Step SAVE FILE!
The standard format of the SWM Calculator requires a separate file for each POI.
Avoid data loss by saving the Excel file under a name with POI number before entering
data for succeeding POIs. The condensed format spreadsheet records data for more
than one POI.
The SWM Calculator is available in standard format and condensed format. Both spreadsheets are
available on MDE’s website. The standard format is recommended for designers unfamiliar with the
SWM Calculator or for projects with only a few POIs. The condensed format uses the same process,
but rather than entering data from top to bottom through explained steps, data is entered from left to
right in a tabular format, resulting in a single sheet of data for multiple POIs.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 11 of 21
II. Environmental Site Design Summary Sheet (ESDSS) Instructions
One ESDSS is to be completed per project or per 6-digit watershed in the case of projects that span
multiple watersheds. A print out should be included in the concept design report and then updated
for the final design report. The ESDSS is a compilation of the stormwater management
requirements for all the POIs based on the results of the SWM Calculator and is used to calculate the
overall ESDv requirement for the project. Additionally, it presents a summary of the proposed
This spreadsheet was made compatible for Microsoft Excel 97-2003 and newer. It was created in
Microsoft Excel 2016 and tested in multiple versions. It utilizes macros to eliminate the need for
repetitive calculations and formatting by the user. When opening the file, a message will appear
below the tool bar that reads “Security Warning Macros have been disabled. Options…” Click on
“Options” and then “Enable this content.”
User Instructions:
1. A maximum of twenty POI entries are permissible in the spreadsheet. If the project consists
of more than twenty POIs, please contact the Plan Review Division for an appended
spreadsheet. Calculations are performed at the top of the spreadsheet so for projects having
fewer POIs, set the print area to exclude the blank POI fields. The spreadsheet is set up with
five rows per POI for water quality practices, but BMP rows can be deleted or added as
necessary by moving cursor to left hand column with row numbers and right clicking.
2. All user entries must be entered sequentially, working from the left to the right of the
3. All yellow cells in the spreadsheet are the input cells. Cells will turn grey when they do not
4. Data validations are present within this spreadsheet. If data entry is not consistent with data
entry provided in the spreadsheet, an error message will appear and alert the user about the
inconsistency is causing the error.
ESDVSS Column Descriptions and Instructions
Required ESD Management
Point of Investigation
Enter the number associated with the POI, LOI, or sub-drainage area in the SWM report. A
given POI will require more than one row if there are multiple treatment practices in the
associated drainage area.
Column 1 - IART
Enter the IART from Redevelopment as computed in Step 2 of the SWM Calculator. The
spreadsheet calculates the total IART
for the project at the top of the column.
Column 2 - IART
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 12 of 21
Enter the IART from New Development as computed in Step 2 of the SWM Calculator.
Note that if IART
> 0, then column 4a and 4b will be grayed out and unavailable for
input. The spreadsheet calculates the total IART
for the project at the top of the column.
Column 3 - ESD
= 1.0 in)
Enter the Required ESD Volume for Treating Redevelopment as computed in Step 3 of the
SWM Calculator. This value is based on 1.0 inch of P
and IART
. The spreadsheet
calculates the total Required ESDv
for the project at the top of the column.
Column 4a - ESD
V reducedAi
Reduction Applied to Project (P
= 1.0 in)
Enter the ESDv Reduction Applied to the Project from Decreasing Impervious Area as
computed in Step 4.1 of the SWM Calculator. This value represents the ESD volume
reduction based on 1.0 inch of P
and Ai (IART
). It is always a negative number and is
credited towards the ESD volume requirement at the project level. The spreadsheet
calculates the total ESD
V reducedAi
Reduction for the project at the top of the column.
Column 4b - ESD
V reducedAi
Reduction Applied to POI (P
= 2.6 in)
Enter the ESDv Reduction Applied to the POI from Decreasing Impervious Area as
computed in Step 4.2 of the SWM Calculator. This value represents the ESD volume
reduction based on 2.6 inch of P
and Ai (IART
). It is always a negative number and is
credited towards the ESD volume requirement at the POI level.
Column 5a - ESD
for 3.3.B Waiver (P
= 1.0 in)
Enter the Required ESDv for Treating New Development when the POI qualifies for a 3.3.B
Waiver as computed in Step 5.1 of the SWM Calculator. This value is based on 1.0 inch of
and IART
. This value contributes to the required ESDv at the project level. Note that
if there is an entry in this field then there cannot be an entry in Column 5b. The spreadsheet
calculates the total required ESD
for 3.3.B waivers for the project at the top of the
Column 5b - ESD
= 2.0 to 2.6 in)
Enter the Required ESDv for Treating New Development when there is No Waiver or No
Impervious Reduction as computed in Step 5.3 of the SWM Calculator. This value is based
on a weighted P
ranging from 2.0 inches to 2.6 inches and IART
. This value contributes
to the required ESDv at the POI level. Note that for there to be an entry in this field, Column
2 must be greater than zero and Column 5a cannot have an entry. The spreadsheet calculates
the total required ESD
for the project at the top of the column.
Column 6 - ESD
= 2.6 in)
Enter the ESD Volume for the Shifted Impervious Area in/out of POI from outside the LOD
as computed in Step 6 of the SWM Calculator. This value is based on the impervious area
shifted into or out of the drainage area to the POI and a P
of 2.6 inches. A positive number
reflects existing impervious shifted into the POI, a negative value reflects existing
impervious shifted out of POI. This value contributes to the required ESDv at both the POI
and project levels. The spreadsheet calculates the total ESD
for the project at the top
of the column.
Column 7 - ESD
V Loss
Enter ESD Volume from Loss of Existing SWM as computed in Step 7 of the SWM
Calculator. It is a positive number and contributes to the required ESDv at both the POI and
project levels. The spreadsheet calculates the total ESD
V Loss
for the project at the top of the
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 13 of 21
Column 8Required ESD
for POI
This column is calculated by the spreadsheet and is the sum of the corresponding fields in
Columns 4b, 5b, 6, and 7. It should be the same value as the Required ESDv for the POI as
computed in Step 8 of the SWM Calculator. If the result of Step 8 is a negative value, there
is no POI level requirement and zero will be recorded. If the values do not match Step 8 of
the SWM Calculator, check for input errors in the ESDSS.
Column 9Required ESD
for the Project
This field is calculated by the spreadsheet and is the sum of Columns 3, 4a, 5a, 5b, 6, and 7.
This is the total ESD volume requirement for the project resulting from the work proposed in
all the POIs collectively. The project requirement will govern the needed level of
management when quality management is provided outside the POI for POIs that have no
quantity management requirements because there is redevelopment or a 3.3.B waiver.
Column 10 – Required Re
Enter the Required Recharge Volume as computed in Step 9.4 of the SWM Calculator. This
is a positive number and is a function of IART
and any loss of existing Re
. The
spreadsheet calculates the total Required Re
for the project at the top of the column.
Provided ESD Management
Column 11 – Type of Practice
From the fly down, select the type of SWM practice being proposed. This can include
alternative surfaces, non-structural practices, and micro-scale practices from Chapter 5 of the
SWM Manual as well as various types of Chapter 3 practices and innovative technologies as
allowed by MDE. A given POI/LOI will require more than one row if multiple treatment
practices are being proposed within the associated drainage area. The spreadsheet is set up
with five rows per POI for water quality practices, but BMP rows can be deleted or added
as necessary.
Column 12 – BMP number
Enter the BMP identification number as assigned by the designer or the applicant.
Column 13 – P
Treated by Practice
Enter the amount of rainfall (P
) treated by the practice listed in Column 11. This value
should be calculated using MDE’s spreadsheet Provided Treatment: Achieved P
Treated ESDv” or an equivalent. Any value other than 1.0 inch will automatically update to
a text color of red. This value is limited to the rainfall level for the 1-year storm in the
respective county and the spreadsheet will not accept a value larger than 3.0 inches.
Column 14 – Provided ESD
Enter the ESD volume that the respective practice is treating. This value should be
calculated using MDE’s template spreadsheet Provided Treatment: Achieved P
Treated ESDv or an equivalent. This value is governed by either the drainage area to the
facility or the physical storage provided within the facility, whichever is more limiting. For
ESD filtering practices that are required to store only 75% of the ESDv, the treated ESDv is
the provided surface storage divided by 0.75 (assuming physical storage, not drainage area, is
the limiting parameter). The spreadsheet calculates the total Provided ESD
for the project at
the top of the column.
Note that if it is not practicable to provide the entire ESD volume in ESD practices and
instead structural practices are used to provide Cpv (i.e. for P
above 1 inch), the designer
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 14 of 21
needs to demonstrate how Cpv management is being met. If the structural practice is a
Chapter 3 water quality enhancing practice, the practice can use the remaining required ESD
volume as the design water quality volume. If the proposed structural practice is without
water quality features (i.e. dry extended detention), the designer must demonstrate through
separate calculations that Cpv management is being met in accordance with Appendix D.11
of the SWM Manual.
Column 15 – ESDv from WQ Bank Debit
For projects that are satisfying water quality and IART by debiting the Water Quality Bank,
the associated ESDv may be credited towards meeting the ESDv requirement at the project
level. The WQ Bank may not be used to meet ESDv requirement at the POI level. This
entry requires that the WQSS first be completed. If a debit is not being made to the WQ
Bank, input either zero or leave cell blank. Otherwise, calculate the input value as ESDv
= (1.0 in)(0.95)(debit in acres)(43,560 sf/ac)/12 in/ft.
Column 16 – Provided Re
Enter the recharge volume that the respective practice is providing. The spreadsheet
calculates the total Provided Re
for the project at the top of the column.
and Re
ESDv Project Requirement and Provided ESD
This check is calculated by the spreadsheet. If the ESD
provided at the project level > the
required at the project level, a “CHECK: OK” will print. If the ESD
provided at the
project level < the ESD
required at the project level, a “CHECK: FAIL” will print and a red
ALERT will be given that additional management is necessary. If a variance is being granted
by MDE for the POI or project due to exceptional circumstances, additional management
may not be necessary.
Project Requirement and Provided Re
This check is calculated by the spreadsheet. If the Re
provided at the project level > the Re
required at the project level, a “CHECK: OK” will print. If the Re
provided at the project
level < the Re
required at the project level, a “CHECK: FAIL” will print and a red ALERT
will be given that additional management is necessary. If a variance is being granted by
MDE for the POI or project due to exceptional circumstances, additional management may
not be necessary.
Is the POI Requirement met?
This check is calculated by the spreadsheet. If the ESD
provided at the POI level > the
required at the POI level, a “Provided ESD
at POI x cf >= y cf” and “YES” will
populate this field. If the ESD
provided at the POI level < the ESD
required at the POI
level, a “Provided ESD
at POI x cf < y cf” and “NO” will populate this field. Also, a red
ALERT will be given if additional management at the POI is necessary. If a variance is being
granted by MDE for the POI due to exceptional circumstances, additional management may
not be necessary.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 15 of 21
III. Water Quality Summary Sheet (WQSS) Instructions
The WQSS was originally developed as an accounting ledger for the Water Quality Bank and was
previously only required for projects that were crediting or debiting the Bank.
As part of this new
initiative, every project (except 3.3.A waivers and MS4 restoration projects) will need to complete a
WQSS. One WQSS is to be completed per project or per 6-digit watershed in the case of projects
that span multiple watersheds. Note that for applicants with multiple banks based on watershed, a
separate water quality summary sheet is required for each watershed affected by the project. A print
out should be included in the concept design report and then updated for the final design report.
The WQSS is a compilation of the water quality requirements for all the POIs based on the results of
the SWM Calculator and is used to calculate the overall IART requirement for the project (or
watershed). Additionally, it presents a summary of the proposed BMPs.
This spreadsheet was created in Microsoft Excel 2007 and tested in multiple versions. It utilizes
macros to eliminate the need for repetitive calculations and formatting by the user. When opening
the file, a message will appear below the tool bar that reads “Security Warning Macros have been
disabled. Options…” Click on “Options” and then “Enable this content.”
The yellow cells are input cells to be completed by the designer. To clear all input cells, click the
“Clear Input Cells” button. All Steps within this tab will print.
User Instructions:
1. The spreadsheet is configured for a maximum of eighty rows of data. Please use multiple
spreadsheets if the project requires more than eighty rows. Entry rows can be shown or
hidden by clicking on the (+) or (-) along the left hand column. Calculations are performed
at the top of the spreadsheet so for projects using fewer rows, set the print area to exclude the
blank rows.
2. Either POI data or BMP data can be entered on a row. The POI entry should be the top row
with the BMPs listed below the respective POI. The first BMP in the group can be entered
on the same row as the POI data. Repeat this for all the POIs. The format should mirror the
3. All user entries must be entered sequentially, working from the left to the right of the
4. All yellow cells in the spreadsheet are the input cells.
In the early 1990s, the Plan Review Division developed a banking system for the State Highway
Administration in which the currency was impervious area. In the decade that followed, banks were
established for other State and federal applicants through a formal Memorandum of Agreement.
Additionally, MDE has been operating informal banks with some applicants. At present twelve
federal installations and twelve state institutions have water quality banks. For more information on
the Water Quality Bank and the terms of the banking agreement, contact Amanda Malcolm
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 16 of 21
WQSS Column Instructions and Descriptions
Column APOI
Enter the number associated with the POI, LOI, or sub-drainage area in the SWM report.
A given POI will require more than one row if there are multiple treatment practices in the
associated drainage area.
Column B - Existing Impervious Area within LOD (acres), A
Enter A
from Step 1 of the SWM Calculator. This value includes all pavement and roof-
top including maintenance and access areas recorded in Column E as A
Column C - Proposed Impervious Area (acres) within LOD, A
Enter A
from Step 1 of the SWM Calculator. This value includes all pavement and roof-
top including maintenance and access areas recorded in Column E as A
. Alternative
surfaces need to be included in this column and also listed as treatment practices in Columns
L - R.
Column D – Existing Imperviousness within SWM Study Area (0 to 100), %I
Enter %I from the Development Category Sheet of the SWM Calculator. This value ranges
from 0 to 100. It is not the same %I used to determine the P
Column E - Area for which WQ is Not Required (acres), A
Enter A
from Step 1 of the SWM Calculator. Any area included in this column must also
be included in Columns B and C.
Column F - Loss of Existing Water Quality (acres), A
Enter A
from Step 1 of the SWM Calculator. This value represents the effective
impervious area previously treated and is pro-rated for partial treatment. (A treated P
inch is considered full treatment. A treated P
< 1.0 is pro-rated linearly. For example, P
0.1 inch is considered 10% treatment.)
Notes: If previously treated impervious area is removed along with the water quality feature,
the result is considered a “wash”. If previously treated impervious area is removed, but the
water quality feature or BMP is not physically being removed, the result is also considered a
“wash” because the treatment is effectively lost since there is no impervious area to be
treated. These equivalent scenarios can be reflected by entering the impervious area that was
previously treated and is now being removed in both Columns F and G.
Column GReconstructed Impervious Area Already Treated (acres), A
Enter A
from Step 1 of the SWM Calculator. This value represents the effective
impervious area previously treated and is pro-rated for partial treatment. (A treated P
inch is considered full treatment. A treated P
< 1.0 is pro-rated linearly. For example, P
0.1 inch is considered 10% treatment.)
Note: If previously treated impervious areas are being removed, those areas need to be
included in this column as well as Column F. There is a potential for overlapping areas in
Column E and G. If maintenance or utility work is being performed on an existing
impervious surface that already has water quality treatment, include this area only in Column
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 17 of 21
Water Quality Required
Column H - Net Increase in Impervious (acres), ∆Ai
This column is calculated by the spreadsheet and equals the net change in impervious area
from existing to proposed conditions. H = C-B. A positive number reflects an increase in
impervious area, and a negative number reflects a decrease in impervious area.
Column I - IART from Redevelopment (acres), IART
This column is calculated by the spreadsheet and equals the portion of the proposed
development that must meet redevelopment requirements (i.e. 50% management). For POIs
where the existing impervious area exceeds 40%, this equals fifty percent of the existing
impervious area less the maintenance areas and the already treated impervious areas within
the LOD. For POIs where the existing impervious area is less than or equal to 40%, this
value is zero because the existing impervious must meet new development requirements and
as such is accounted for in Column J. If D > 40%, then I = 0.5(B-E-G). If D ≤ 40%, then
I = 0.
This value should be the same value as the IART
as computed in Step 2 of the SWM
Calculator. If the values do not match, check both the SWM Calculator and the WQSS
for input errors. The spreadsheet calculates the total IART
for the project at the top
of the column.
Column J - IART from New Development (acres), IART
This column is calculated by the spreadsheet and equals the portion of the proposed
development that must meet new development requirements (i.e. 100% management). For
POIs where the existing impervious area exceeds 40%, this equals the net increase in
impervious area. For POIs where the existing impervious area is less than or equal to 40%,
the entire LOD must meet the new development requirements (i.e. 100% management) and
this equals the proposed impervious area, less the maintenance areas and the already treated
impervious areas. If D > 40%, then J = H. If D ≤ 40%, then J = C-E-G.
This value should be the same value as the IART
as computed in Step 2 of the SWM
Calculator. If the values do not match, check both the SWM Calculator and the WQSS
for input errors. The spreadsheet calculates the total IART
for the project at the top of
the column.
Column K - TOTAL IART (acres), IART
This column is calculated by the spreadsheet and equals the impervious area requiring water
quality treatment for a P
of 1 inch. The total IART equals the IART from redevelopment
plus the IART from new development. Any loss of existing water quality recorded in
Column F is added to the IART. K = I+J=F. The spreadsheet calculates the total IART for
the project at the top of the column.
Water Quality Provided
Column L - Type of Treatment
List all proposed water quality practices located within the drainage area to the respective
POI. This includes the various types of alternative surfaces, non-structural practices, and
micro-scale practices from Chapter 5 of the SWM Manual as well as Chapter 3 practices and
innovative technologies proscribed in the Banking Terms or otherwise accepted by MDE. A
given POI/LOI will require more than one row if multiple treatment practices are being
proposed within the associated drainage area.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 18 of 21
Column M - BMP Tracking Number or Practice ID
List the unique number assigned by the applicant/designer to the stormwater treatment
Column NTreatment Already Provided by Existing BMP (acres)
Enter the reconstructed impervious area already treated. This will be the same value reported
in Column G if the treated area is also in the LOD. This value represents the effective
impervious area treated and before entering needs to be pro-rated for partial treatment. (A
treated P
≥1.0 inch is considered full treatment. A treated P
< 1.0 is pro-rated linearly. For
example, P
= 0.1 inch is considered 10% treatment.) This column is not used by
spreadsheet to calculate the Impervious Area Treated; its purpose is to help distinguish
between existing treatment and proposed treatment within an existing/retrofit BMP.
For example, a new inflow pipe is being added to an existing BMP that provides water
quality for 1 acre in existing conditions. The BMP is being enlarged and will provide water
quality for 3 acres in proposed conditions. Column N will be 1 acre, and Column O will be 2
Column O - Treated Impervious Area from on-site or inside the ROW (acres)
Enter the amount of on-site impervious area within the drainage area to the treatment facility.
If the BMP is existing or a retrofit of an existing BMP, the previously treated impervious
area from Columns G and N is not included here. “On-site” refers to area that is within the
applicant’s property. Whether this area is located inside or outside the project’s LOD is
irrelevant. The IART does not have to be treated in the POI for which it was generated; it
can be treated anywhere in the defined Watershed.
Column P - Treated Impervious Area from off-site or outside the ROW (acres)
Enter the amount of off-site impervious area within the drainage area to the treatment
facility. If the BMP is existing or a retrofit of an existing BMP, the previously treated
impervious area from Columns G and N is not included here. “Off-site” refers to area owned
by an entity other than the applicant. Whether this area is located inside or outside the
project’s LOD is irrelevant. A 50% efficiency rate is applied to this area to compensate for
the applicant’s lack of control over property owned by others.
Column Q - P
Treated by Practice (inches)
Enter the total amount of rainfall (P
) treated by the water quality practice listed in Column
L. This value should be calculated using MDE’s spreadsheet Provided Treatment:
Achieved P
and Treated ESDv or an equivalent. For water quality banking purposes, the
required treatment is P
= 1 inch for the 1-year storm. One inch corresponds to the “first
flush” and is the water quality component of the target P
. Any treatment provided in excess
of 1.0 inch (for meeting ESDv) will not receive additional water quality credit. Water quality
credit is limited to 1.0 inch. Partial credit will be given for practices that provide less than
1.0 inch of treatment. Enter the total P
treated by the practice for the 1-year storm; Column
P will automatically limit the effective P
to 1.0 inch.
Column R - Effective Impervious Area Treated (acres)
This column is calculated by the spreadsheet and represents the equivalent amount of
impervious area receiving full treatment by pro-rating partial treatment (i.e. P
<1 inch) and
discounting off-site treatment areas by 50%. If P
≥ 1.0 inch, R = O+ 0.5P. If P
< 1.0
inch, R = (Q/1 inch)(O + 0.5P). The spreadsheet calculates the total Effective Impervious
Area Treated for the project at the top of the column.
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 19 of 21
Column S - Water Quality Summary Excess/Deficit (acres)
The box at the top of this column is calculated by the spreadsheet and summarizes the
resulting water quality required or provided for a given POI and/or treatment practice. S =
ΣR ΣK. A positive number indicates excess treatment, and a negative number indicates a
deficit in treatment. The spreadsheet calculates the total excess/deficit water quality for the
project at the top of the column. A positive number indicates an excess/credit, and a negative
number indicates a deficit/debit. If there is a deficit, additional water quality treatment needs
to be provided or the scope needs to be modified to be commensurate with the proposed
treatment. Alternatively, for applicants having a Water Quality Bank with MDE, a debit may
be withdrawn from the bank, subject to the approval of the applicant’s bank keeper. For
projects resulting in a debit to the Water Quality Bank, the amount of the debit needs to be
entered in Column 15 of the ESDVSS.
Excess water quality will be credited to the Water Quality Bank for the respective watershed.
MDE “charges” a 15% banking fee. The banking fee is the price the applicant pays for
having the latitude to provide WQv management at a selective location outside the project
limits. The fee is applied to credits before they are deposited in the bank. However, no fee is
applied to credits, or portions thereof, that result from impervious removal. Also, a fee is not
applied when the applicant has an approved institutional management plan (e.g. BWI,
UMBC). A banking fee is not applied to debits.
If ΣS > 0, there is a credit and the banking fee = 15% (ΣR)*
* The banking fee is only applied to excess treatment and not to any impervious removal.
If ΣS = 0, there is a “wash” and the banking fee = 0
If ΣS < 0, there is a debit and the banking fee = 0
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 20 of 21
IV. Provided Treatment: Achieved P
, Treated ESDv, and Treated Re
The previous three spreadsheets focus on SWM design requirements. This spreadsheet, on the other
hand, calculates the SWM treatment provided by the proposed BMPs. It is unprotected and intended
to be used as a template for correctly calculating the provided ESDv, achieved P
, and provided Re
If the user edits the formatting, please assure that the printed version include the SWM report shows
the equations used in the calculations as well as an explanation.
Questions about this information or other items relating to sediment and stormwater plans for State
and federal projects can be directed to Amanda Malcolm
July 2018 Technical Memo #11 Page 21 of 21
(Note this is a simplistic representation using 1.0 acre for all values in order to illustrate the
loss of
Previously untreated
impervious area is being
1.0 ac 1.0 ac >40% 0 0 0.5 ac credit
Previously treated
impervious area is being
reconstructed, and BMP
1.0 ac 1.0 ac
0 1.0 ac
(requirement met)
Previously treated
impervious area and
BMP are being removed.
1.0 ac 0
1.0 ac 1.0 ac*
Previously treated
impervious area is being
removed, and BMP
remains (to possibly be
used in future or not).
1.0 ac 0
1.0 ac* 1.0 ac*
Previously treated
impervious area is being
reconstructed, and BMP
is being removed.
1.0 ac 1.0 ac
1.0 ac 1.0 ac*
IART = 1.0
(treatment needs to
be re-cooped for A
New impervious area is
added in drainage area to
BMP with available WQ
treatment capacity.
0 1.0 ac
0 0
1.0 ac of treatment
required and 1.0
acre of treatment
provided by
previously unused
capacity as new
treatment in Column
O or P.
* Need to enter it this way to get the correct result.
Note that removal of treated impervious area does not result in a WQ credit regardless of whether
corresponding BMP is left in the ground or removed. From a SWM development regulatory
standpoint, impervious area treated by a BMP is considered to be equivalent with undeveloped
pervious area (although in reality the best BMP is pavement removal).