Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
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Free-Response Question 6
Scoring Guidelines
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
AP® Biology 2023 Scoring Guidelines
© 2023 College Board
Question 6: Analyze Data 4 points
Housekeeping genes encode proteins involved in universally important processes such as transcription,
translation, and glycolysis. Because these genes appear to be expressed in all cells at constant levels, the
expression of housekeeping genes is often used as a control when comparing how the expression of other
genes varies under different conditions.
Researchers studying the effect of pesticides on declining bee populations wanted to determine whether the
expression of four housekeeping genes (GAPDH, RPL32, RPS5, and TBP-AF) was in fact constant in bees across
different variables. The researchers collected samples of mRNA for each of the four genes and compared
how their expression varied across the developmental stage of the bee, the sex of the bee, and the cell type
from which the sample was taken. The mRNA from the samples was reverse transcribed to produce DNA
copies of each gene. PCR was then used to amplify the DNA, and the Cq value was determined. The Cq value
is the number of PCR cycles needed to produce a specified number of DNA copies (Figure 1). A high Cq value
for a sample indicates the gene was expressed at a low level.
To analyze whether any of the examined variables affected expression of the housekeeping genes,
researchers examined the range of Cq values for each gene in response to each variable. Genes with a wide
range of Cq values were determined to be affected by the variable, while genes with a narrow range of Cq
values were determined to be unaffected by the variable.
Figure 1. The effect of developmental stage, sex, and cell type on the Cq value of four housekeeping genes
AP® Biology 2023 Scoring Guidelines
© 2023 College Board
Based on the data in Figure 1, identify the gene that had the lowest median Cq value
when bees of different developmental stages were compared.
1 point
The Cq value is inversely proportional to the amount of mRNA from that gene in the
starting sample. Based on the data in Figure 1, identify the gene that has the lowest level
of gene expression regardless of variable.
1 point
The scientists investigated the effect of pesticides on the expression of other genes in one
cell type of a group of bees containing males and females of the same developmental
stage. They hypothesized that TBP-AF would serve as the best control gene for this
experiment. Use the data to evaluate their hypothesis.
Their hypothesis is supported because TBP-AF has the smallest Cq range/most
constant expression (when comparing sexes).
1 point
Explain how expression of a gene such as GAPDH can vary from one cell type to another
within the same bee.
Different cell types contain different levels of/different transcription factors, and
therefore regulate the expression of genes in different ways.
1 point
Total for question 6
4 points
Q6 Sample A 1 of 1
Q6 Sample B 1 of 1
Q6 Sample C 1 of 1
Biology 2023 Scoring Commentary
© 2023 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 6
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
Question 6 described housekeeping genes that tend to be expressed at constant levels in all cells. The stimulus
also described an experiment designed to determine whether the expression of four specific housekeeping genes
was indeed constant across different developmental stages, sexes, and cell types of bees. Gene expression was
measured by collecting mRNA, performing reverse transcription, and then using PCR to amplify the DNA. This
process results in a
value, defined as “the number of PCR cycles needed to produce a specified number of
DNA copies.” Data from the experiment were presented in a box-and-whisker plot.
In part (a) students were asked to identify the gene that had the lowest median
value when comparing bees of
different developmental stages (Skill 4.B).
Part (b) explained that the
value is inversely proportional to the amount of mRNA collected. Students were
asked to identify the gene with the lowest level of gene expression (Skill 4.B; Learning Objectives [LOs]
IST-1.N, IST-2.A from the AP Biology Course and Exam Description [CED]).
Part (c) described an investigation into the effect of pesticides on gene expression in male and female bees of the
same developmental stage. Students were asked to use the data from the box-and-whisker plot to evaluate the
scientists’ hypothesis about the best control gene for the investigation (Skills 4.B and 5.D).
In part (d) students were asked to explain how expression of a specific gene can vary in different cell types of the
same bee (Skill 6D; LO IST-2.D).
Sample: 6A
Score: 4
The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying RPS5 as the gene with the lowest median
value. The
response earned 1 point in part (b) for identifying TBP-AF as the gene with the lowest level of gene expression. The
response earned 1 point in part (c) for correctly evaluating the hypothesis as being accurate because the TBP-AF
gene has the smallest range of
values.” The response earned 1 point in part (d) for explaining how different
levels of gene expression in different cells are due to transcription factors, and “[c]ells that have the correct
transcription factors will ... express the GAPDH gene.
Sample: 6B
Score: 3
The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying RPS5 as the gene with the lowest median
value. The
response earned 1 point in part (b) for identifying TBP-AF as the gene with the lowest level of gene expression. The
response earned 1 point in part (c) for correctly evaluating the hypothesis as being supported because TBP-AF has
the narrowest range of
values. The response did not earn a point in part (d) because it does not explain how
different levels of/different transcription factors in different cell types lead to different levels of gene expression.
Sample: 6C
Score: 2
The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying RPS5 as the gene with the lowest median
value. The
response earned 1 point in part (b) for identifying TBP-AF as the gene with the lowest level of gene expression. The
response did not earn a point in part (c) because, although it does state the hypothesis is supported, it does not
Biology 2023 Scoring Commentary
© 2023 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
correctly evaluate the hypothesis as being supported by TBP-AF having the smallest
range. The response did
not earn a point in part (d) because it does not explain how different levels of/different transcription factors in
different cell types lead to different levels of gene expression.