miniPCR bio
Learning Lab
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab
: Central Dogma
Instructor’s and Student’s Guide
Version: 1.2
Release: July 2020
© 2020 by miniPCR bio™
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Overview P.03
Materials needed P.04
Preparatory activities P.05
Student’s Guide P.06
Backgroundandsignicance P.07
Today’s lab P.11
Laboratory guide P.13
Study questions P.20
Expected results P.25
Additional supports and extension activities P.30
Teachers notes and placement in unit P.38
Learning goals and skills developed P.39
Standards alignment P.40
Ordering information P.41
About miniPCR bio
Learning Labs and the BioBits
system P.42
Guide Contents
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Preparatory activities
Class-time activities
Portion DNA, water,
kanamycin and BioBits
pellets for each group
10 min.
A. Setup of BioBits® reactions
10 min.
B. Incubation and initial observations
20 min.
C. Final observation
10 min.
At a glance
With minimal equipment requirements and a quick and straightforward protocol, students will use
reactions to visualize the flow of genetic information and monitor transcription and translation
in real-time through fluorescence. This activity serves as an excellent interactive tool for learning the
central dogma of molecular biology and exposes students to cutting-edge synthetic biology.
cell-free reactions are tiny molecular factories that can create a variety of proteins, from brightly
colored fluorescent proteins to functional enzymes, without the need for cell culture. When dry, BioBits
pellets are dormant, but they can be activated by simply adding water. Researchers have been using cell-
free reactions in their laboratories for years, with applications ranging from novel therapeutic discovery
to field diagnostics. Now the BioBits
cell-free system makes this cutting-edge technology accessible
anywhere to anyone interested in learning molecular biology and is an excellent teaching tool to enhance
biology education both within and beyond the classroom.
Cell-free protein
Two class periods:
A. Initial set up and observations:
30 minutes.
B. Final observations: 10 minutes.
Period B should be conducted
Central dogma of
molecular biology
Protein synthesis
and translation
Gene expression
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
and supplies
in kit
per lab
pellets in PCR strip
• Keep BioBits
in the
as long as possible
Four 8-tube strips
to be broken into
strips of 4 tubes
1 strip of
four tubes
Nuclease-Free Water 200 µl 20 µl
DNA A 150 µl 15 µl
DNA B 100 µl 10 µl
Kanamycin 100 µl 10 µl
Plastic tubes: to aliquot reagents
37°C heat source
• e.g., miniPCR
incubator, water bath
• Body heat works as well
can also
be shared
P51™ molecular uorescence
viewer or other blue light
e.g., blueGel™ or blueBox™.
The illuminator needs to have an
can also
be shared
Micropipettes: 2-20μlare
Disposable micropipette tips
Other supplies:
• Disposable laboratory gloves
• Protective eyewear
• Permanent marker
• Optional: tube rack
Materials needed
Supplied in kitSupplied by teacher
Storage notes: Pellets can be stored for up to 6 months and DNA and kanamycin for 12 months from date of
receipt when stored at -20 °C. Store any unused pellets in an airtight bag with the supplied orange desiccant card.
to three months from the date of receipt when stored in the fridge. DNA and kanamycin can be stored for up to
six months when kept in the fridge.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Preparatory activities
Distributing reagents and supplies
• For each lab group, label and dispense in separate microtubes:
- DNA A Label as “A 15 μL
- DNA B Label as “B” 10 μL
-Water(Nuclease-Free) Labelas“W” 20μL
- Kanamycin Label as “K” 10 μL
• Each lab group will additionally need the following supplies:
- 1 strip of 4 tubes of BioBits
pellets. Separate each strip of 8-tubes in half to
create 4-tube strips.
• Recommended method is by razor blade to cleanly cut the strip in half.
Scissors will also work.
dispose of them.
- Access to a P51
molecular fluorescence viewer or other blue light illuminator
(withanorange—not yellow—filter).
The following activities should be carried out by the instructor ahead of class.
Student’s Guide
Backgroundandsignicance P.07
Today’s lab P.11
Laboratory guide P.13
Study questions P.20
Guide Contents
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Background and significance
Today, you will be using cutting-edge BioBits
cell-free technology to explore the world of synthetic
biology. Each BioBits
pellet contains all the necessary reagents and cellular components required
to perform transcription and translation without cells —all you need to do is simply add water and
your DNA of interest. Researchers use these kinds of cell-free reactions to develop new therapeutics,
medical diagnostics, and more. The BioBits
cell-system allows anyone interested in tinkering with
biology to make proteins anywhere.
In today’s activity you will use the BioBits
cell-free system to visualize the flow of genetic
information and monitor the processes of transcription and translation in real time.
Protein synthesis is usually carried out inside living cells, but BioBits
pellets allow this process to be
carried out without cells. Using DNA that encodes for green and red fluorescent markers, you will be
able to observe both the production of RNA and of protein as they occur in real time. You will also
explore ways to interrupt specific steps in the molecular flow of information from DNA
to protein.
The central dogma of molecular biology
influenced how biologists think about genetic information and molecular biology in general. It was
only four years after the discovery of DNA structure, but it was already well accepted that DNA was
the molecule of heredity. Yet the details of how DNA actually encoded genetic information and what
framework for how the system most likely functions based on the little data that was available then.
Crick called this framework the central dogma of molecular biology.
Dogma is a term typically used to convey an idea that is so fundamental to a field that its truth is
undebatable. Crick chose this word because he felt so strongly that his central idea must be correct,
even though the evidence available at the time was scant. When we use the term central dogma
today, we do not mean to imply that this framework must be accepted unquestioningly. Instead,
dogma conveys that this idea is so fundamental to understanding life and heredity that, in order to
understand molecular biology, one must first comprehend this central principle.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
What was this realization that is now so central to
the understanding of all molecular biology? Crick
outlined the process by which the instructions
contained in DNA are transformed into cellular
function. Simply stated, the central dogma of
molecular biology explains the flow of genetic
information whereby DNA is able to code for
RNA and RNA is able to code for protein. More
specifically, it says that DNA and RNA can both
store and transfer genetic information needed to
make proteins, whereas protein cannot store the
In Crick’s words, “the main function of the genetic
Figure 1: One schematic representation of the central
dogma of molecular biology. DNA information can be
transferred to RNA and used to make proteins, but
proteins cannot store the information needed to make
DNA, RNA or protein.
material is to control … the synthesis of proteins”. And “once information has got into a protein,
it can’t get out again.” These predictions were strikingly accurate —to the point that his lecture
even accurately predicted the existence of yet undiscovered molecules necessary to turn genetic
information into functional products.
Scientists have since discovered the molecules involved in the flow of genetic information, and have
worked out in great detail how the information in DNA is processed by the cell. But still, more than
sixty years later, as modern research continues to shed new light on the flow of genetic information
within a cell, the central dogma remains the foundation for understanding the relationships between
DNA, RNA and protein.
Proteins: the tools of life
A large number of the molecules carrying out most of life’s essential functions are proteins. As Crick
argued, the major role of DNA is to provide the instructions on how to produce these proteins.
Proteins are made by linking smaller building blocks called amino acids together in a long chain. That
chain then folds into a unique three-dimensional structure. What makes one protein different from
another —whether it breaks down the starches that you eat like amylase does, provides structure to
your cells like tubulin, or moves your muscles like actin and myosin —is the order of the amino acids
in that chain. The main information stored by DNA is simply the order of those amino acids for each
unique protein. The cellular machinery has the ability to read DNA, transfer DNA information into
RNA, and to build the correct amino acid sequences, but cannot reverse the process to read protein
to produce a DNA or RNA sequence.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
How to make a protein
We now think of the flow of information from DNA to protein as a two-step process: transcription
—the production of RNA from a DNA sequence, and translation — the production of protein from an
RNA sequence.
Like protein, DNA consists of building blocks arranged in a long chain. The four building blocks
These nucleotides are arranged in a specific order and connected into a long double helix. Within
this double helix are sequences of nucleotides that contain the information to make different
proteins. The exact structure of this information can vary across classes of organisms, but there
are some commonalities throughout: a promoter sequence that tells the cellular machinery where
the information begins, a protein coding sequence that contains the information that determines
the order of the amino acids, and finally a signal that marks where the transcribed information
ends. In prokaryotic systems, like the one you will be working with in this lab, we call this signal the
terminator sequence.
Figure 2: Transcription —the process of copying information from DNA to RNA.
RNA polymerase moves down the DNA sequence and joins ribonucleotides
together into mRNA.
To start the process, the genetic
information stored in DNA is
first transferred into a temporary
copy called messenger RNA
or mRNA. We call the process
of copying DNA to RNA
transcription. Transcription
starts when the RNA polymerase
recognizes a promoter. The
RNA polymerase binds to
the promoter sequence and
begins moving down the DNA,
unwinding the double helix as
it goes. As the RNA polymerase
travels, it joins the building
blocks of RNA into a long strand
(U),guanine(G)andcytosine(C).Theribonucleotides are structurally similar to DNA nucleotides
and their correct order is determined by pairing the ribonucleotides to their complementary DNA
sequence. RNA polymerase links together the unbound ribonucleotides to the growing single strand
of RNA with energy from ATP driving the reaction.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
The information now stored in the mRNA will
next be read to make a protein in a process
called translation. Reading the information
encoded in the mRNA takes place at the
ribosome. The mRNA binds to and starts
being fed through the ribosome. As the mRNA
moves through the ribosome, the order of
nucleotides is read in groups of three known as
codons you can think of the nucleotides as
letters, and the codons as words made up of
three nucleotide letters. The start of the protein
coding sequence is marked by a special order
of three nucleotides known as the start codon.
To read the coding sequence in the mRNA,
a different kind of RNA called transfer RNA
or tRNA, binds to the mRNA. On one end of
the tRNA are three nucleotides that pair with
the codon on the mRNA by the rules of base
pairing. On the other end of the tRNA is the
amino acid that is specific to the codon on
that tRNA. As the tRNAs bind to and translate
the information in the mRNA, the ribosome
links the corresponding amino acid to the one
before it, creating the chain that will become
the protein. Just like in transcription, translation
Figure 3: Translation —the process of making proteins from RNA
information. At the ribosome, the mRNA is read by complementary
tRNAs and each tRNAs corresponding amino acid is linked into the
growing protein chain.
The end of the protein coding sequence is
marked by a stop codon; upon reaching this
codon, the ribosome will release the newly
formed amino acid chain, which will continue
to fold into its final three-dimensional structure.
This new protein may do any of countless
functions depending on its sequence of
amino acids. But regardless of what protein is
Transcription and translation analogy
• When you are copying something word for word,
like writing down an exact quote from an interview,
you are transcribing that information. The process
of transcribing is known as transcription. When RNA
is produced, the order of the bases in the RNA will
resemble an exact copy of one of the DNA strands the
RNA was copied from. For this reason, scientists call this
process transcription. The main difference between the
RNA transcript and the original DNA is that RNA uses
ribonucleotides, where the base uracil is substituted for
the structurally similar thymine.
• When you are copying something in one language into
another, say from English to Spanish, you say you are
translating that information. The process of translating
is known as translation. At the ribosome, mRNA
nucleotides are read to make a sequence of amino
acids, the building blocks of protein. You can think of it
as the language of nucleotides being translated into the
language of amino acids. For this reason, scientists call
this process translation.
made or what organism the process occurs in, whether it be a bacterium or a whale, an amoeba or an oak tree,
the same basic process is followed. DNA is transcribed into RNA by RNA polymerase using ribonucleotides as
building blocks and ATP as an energy source. RNA is then translated at the ribosome, with tRNAs deciphering
the genetic code, bringing amino acids that are joined together into a chain, again with ATP fueling the reaction.
Despite all the complexities that have been discovered in modern molecular biology there is no evidence that the
process can start with protein and go the other way, just as Crick predicted.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Today’s lab
Transcription and translation without cells
Lab setup
In this lab, you will use DNA that encodes the information for making a fluorescent protein.
when exposed to a specific wavelength of light, usually blue or UV light. In nature, it is hypothesized
that organisms use fluorescent proteins to ward off predators or attract prey. In research, scientists
use these same fluorescent proteins as visual markers or signals that illuminate what is happening
in their experiments. Similarly, today you will be using fluorescence to track the flow of genetic
information as the DNA is transcribed to RNA, and the RNA is translated to protein.
You will be given a sample of DNA containing a gene with the information to make a red fluorescent
protein. When the gene is transcribed and then translated, you will be able to visually confirm the
presence of the protein by observing red fluorescence. However, observing the presence of mRNA
after transcription is usually more difficult because mRNA is not typically visible to the naked eye.
For this lab, we will be able to visualize mRNA with a unique genetic feature built into this gene.
Just upstream of the coding sequence the gene encodes an aptamer, a specially designed sequence
of nucleotides that has the ability to selectively bind to other molecules when transcribed. BioBits
pellets contain a specific chemical that this aptamer will bind to, and when it does, it will emit
Figure 4: Essential cellular machinery can be
extracted from cells and supplemented with
molecular building blocks and energy to create
a cell-free system that is still capable of carrying
out transcription and translation.
Transcription and translation typically happen
inside the cells of living organisms. But it is possible
to perform these processes in a synthetic system
without cells. The BioBits
system you will be using
today is an example of such a system. BioBits
contain all of the necessary cellular components, such
as RNA polymerases for transcription and ribosomes
for translation. They also contain the required
building blocks —the nucleotides to build mRNA
and the amino acids to build proteins. Furthermore,
they contain ATP, the energy source that powers the
structured protein-coding gene that is added to
the system will result in the synthesis of the protein
encoded by the DNA. In this way,
we can make proteins quickly and easily without any
of the difficulties of culturing live organisms.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
green fluorescence. Hence, green fluorescence will signal transcription, the synthesis of mRNA
from DNA. In this way, using both the green RNA aptamer and the red fluorescent protein as visual
readouts, you will know that you have successfully transcribed DNA to RNA when you see the
green fluorescence and that you have successfully translated RNA to protein when you see the red
Figure 5: The structure of the DNA sequence you will be using in this lab, including the aptamer sequence for the green
RNA signal and the protein coding sequence for the red fluorescent protein.
You will perform four reactions that allow you to investigate the central dogma. The first reaction
will serve as a negative control, where you will add water instead of DNA. To your second reaction,
you will add the DNA sample described and shown above. You will add this same DNA to your third
reaction, but you will also add kanamycin, an antibiotic drug that interferes with ribosome function.
In your fourth reaction, you will add a different DNA sample. Your job, based on your knowledge of
the central dogma, is to predict what you will observe in the first three reactions and then deduce
what occurred in the fourth reaction based on your observations.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4
none 5μlDNAA(A) 5μlDNAA(A) 5μlDNAB(B)
Laboratory guide
A. Setup of BioBits® reactions
You will investigate three samples and one negative control using the BioBits
cell-free system.
1. Label each tube in your strip of four BioBits® pellets on the side, not cap, of the tube
• Label the tubes 1 through 4
• Tube 1 will be for your negative control
• Tube 2 will be for your reference reaction
• Tube 3 and 4 will be for your experimental reactions
- You will know what you added to tube 3 and will have to predict the result.
- You will not know what you added to tube 4 and will have to deduce what
you added based on the result.
2. Uncapping BioBits® strip tubes
• Gently tap tubes on the table to collect pellets at the bottom.
• To open tubes, CAREFULLY remove each cap in the strip one at a time,
taking care not to dislodge BioBits
3. Add DNA to each BioBits® pellet in the strip. Use a new tip for each sample.
• Use a micropipette to add the DNA solution to dissolve the pellet.
- Do not use the second stop on the pipette.
- Do not yet add liquid to tube 1.
- Add 5 μlofDNAA(A)totubes2and3.
- Add 5 μlofDNAB(B)totube4.
Do not touch your pipette tip to the pellet or the pellet may get stuck inside
the tip. Instead, it may help to touch the pipette tip to the side of the tube so
the DNA is added down the side of the tube, and then to tap the tube so the liquid collects
at the bottom of the tube and dissolves the pellet.
Because the reaction volumes are so small, you want to avoid bubble formation.
We advise against using the second stop on your micropipette, and also against pipetting
up and down to mix.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
4. Pipette the additional reagents to each tube. Use a new tip for each sample.
• Add 2 μLofkanamycin(K)totube3.
• Add 2 μLofwater(W)totubes2and4.
• Use a micropipette to add the reagents. Do not use the second stop on the pipette.
Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4
(W) 2μlwater(W)
5. Close the caps on the tubes.
• You should feel the caps “click” into place if they are closed correctly.
• Make sure all the liquid volume has dissolved the pellet and collects at the bottom of the
• If necessary, shake down with a flick of the wrist or spin briefly in a microcentrifuge.
6. Immediately observe your tubes in the P51™ viewer or other blue light illuminator.
• Make sure the blue light is on and that an orange filter is in place.
• Dim ambient lights as needed for proper observation.
• Record your observations in Table 2(page18)inthe“Time0“row.
P. 10
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
B. Incubation and initial observations
1. Place the tubes at 37°C.
• If you have not yet done so, predict what you will see in Table 1(page17)belowduringthe15
minutes of incubation. You can also complete the pre-lab activity and questions in the Study
2. After 15 minutes, observe your tubes in the P51™ viewer or other blue light illuminator.
• Make sure an orange filter is in place.
• Dim ambient lights as needed for proper observation.
• Recording your observations in Table 2 (page18)inthe“15minutes”row.
3. Store tubes at room temperature.
• The rest of the reaction will occur overnight at room temperature.
• You can leave the tubes in a tube rack or laying flat on the lab bench or table.
• If you have a longer class period, you can continue observing your tubes at additional
time points and record your observations.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
C. Final observation
1. The next class time, observe your tubes in the P51™ viewer or other blue light illuminator.
• Day 2 observation is usually done at approximately 24 hours after Day 1, but can be
• Make sure the blue light is filtered out with an orange filter.
• Dim ambient lights as needed for proper observation.
• Record your observations in Table 2(page18)inthe“Day2”row.
• In Table 3(page18),compareyourTable1predictionsandTable2observations.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Observation tables and questions
While you are waiting for your tubes to incubate, predict the colors of the reaction in tubes 1 through
3 and explain your thinking in one or two sentences. Tube 4 will be analyzed separately after you
make your observations. Use the Background section of this lab and your concept map forhelp(page20).
Table 1: Predictions
Time 0
15 minutes
Day 2
Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
happened in each of the tubes 1-4. Then explain whether this conclusion agrees with your initial
predictions. If it does not, can you think of a reason that it may not?
Transcription? Translation? Do your conclusions match your
predictions from Table 1?
Table 3: What processes occured?
Time 0
15 minutes
Day 2
Note the color of the reaction in each tube at each observation time point.
Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4
Table 2: Observations
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
CER Table
Fill in the table based on your results from the lab.
What do you think is the most likely explanation for your observations in tube 4?
Make a clear statement
that answers the above question
make this tube different from the
Provide data from the lab
that supports your claim
Explain clealry why the data you
presented supports your claim.
principles that link your evidence
to your claim
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Study questions
Questions before experiment
Concept map: Processes and components involved in the central dogma
Using the provided word bank, fill in the blanks on this concept map to show the correct flow of
genetic information and the processes involved. Then, use the table below to list the molecular
every row of each table. Some words may be used more than once.
Component ComponentRole Role
Word bank:
DNA Transcription Translation RNA Polymerase Ribonucleotides mRNA
Ribosome Amino acids Protein ATP tRNAs
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Structure of the gene used in today’s lab
Think about the processes of transcription and translation and how they relate to the gene structure
shown below.
1. Look at the diagram above. If your only goal were to design a sequence that could be transcribed
Which parts could you get rid of and still have transcription occur? Justify your answer.
2. Refer to the diagram again. Draw a similar diagram here showing what the mRNA would look like.
Only include those features that you think would be transcribed to the mRNA.
Most important
Which features of the original diagram did you not include in your diagram of mRNA?
Explain why you did not include them.
Could get rid of
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Questions for after the experiment
1. In this experiment, tube 1 was a negative control. Why is having a negative control important for
your experiment?
2. If tube 1 was not included in this lab, what incorrect conclusions could a person make?
3. The central dogma states that genetic information can be passed from DNA to protein, but not
information was passed from DNA to protein? Explain your answer using evidence from the lab.
4. You added kanamycin, an antibiotic, to tube 3. In bacteria, kanamycin interferes with the ribosomes
and causes mistranslation of proteins. Do your results support this? Explain why or why not.
3. In today’s lab, we have visual markers to know if transcription and translation have occurred.
a. mRNA is not usually fluorescent. Explain how in this lab green fluorescence indicates
transcription has occurred. Include a small drawing or diagram in your answer.
b. Explain how red fluorescence indicates that translation has occurred. Include a small
drawing or diagram in your answer.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
a. The presence of a promoter and terminator sequea. The presence of a promoter and terminator sequence means nce means
the mRNA would be produced correctly, but without the mRNA would be produced correctly, but without a start codon a start codon
the ribosome would never start translation properlthe ribosome would never start translation properly.y.
5. For each of the following statements, predict what you think might happen. For each statement
justify your answer in 1-2 sentences. Refer back to the gene structure below to help guide your
answers. You may not know for sure what will happen in each situation, but give the answer you
think is most likely. The first one has been done for you.
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
Advanced questions
1. This lab was performed in a cell-free BioBits
reaction. Both aptamers and fluorescent proteins can
be used in living cells as well. What parts of this activity do you think would be much more difficult
in a live cell system?
2. Can you think of anything that could be easier in a live cell system that may be more difficult or is
not possible in this cell-free system?
3. mRNA as an intermediary between DNA and protein.
a. What might be the advantages of using mRNA as an intermediary between DNA and
b. Imagine a system in which DNA could be translated directly into protein. Can you think of
any advantages of a system that did not use an intermediate molecule? If so, what might they be?
4. Scientists believe the earliest forms of life did not have both DNA and RNA, but they were able
to make proteins. Based on the processes described here, which do you think evolved first, DNA or
RNA? In other words, which molecule could you more easily imagine a cell living without and still
being able to make protein?
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Student’s Guide
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Expected Results
Expected results
Listed below are expected results for each reaction accompanied by a brief explanation. Note that
exact timing of results may differ based on incubation temperature or other factors, but the overall
trends should not change. You may also observe small differences in brightness across different
groups which can arise from variability in micropipetting and sample handling.
Tube 1 (Negative control):
Students added only water with no DNA to tube 1, so no green or red fluorescence is expected
throughout the course of the experiment. Students may detect low levels of autofluorescence, as
the components in BioBits
pellets will show low levels of fluorescence on their own. This low level
of autofluorescence can be used to demonstrate the importance of including negative controls in
experiments. Absent a negative control, baseline levels of autofluorescence may be mistaken for a
true reaction product.
Tube 2 (Reference reaction):
Students added DNA A, encoding both the RNA aptamer sequence and the coding sequence for a
red fluorescent protein. Students can expect observable green fluorescence after ~15-30 minutes,
arising from the RNA aptamer and indicating the presence of messenger RNA. Red fluorescence,
indicating the presence of red fluorescent protein, should become visible after three to four hours
and reach full fluorescence after approximately eight hours. The red fluorescent protein will remain
visible for at least 1-2 weeks.
Tube 3 (Experimental reaction - students predict the result):
Students added DNA A, encoding both the RNA aptamer sequence and the coding sequence for a
red fluorescent protein. They then added the translational inhibitor kanamycin. Students can expect
and will not be visible the following day. This is because RNA is typically transient and degrades
Students are not expected to observe any red fluorescence. This is because kanamycin will interfere
with translation by binding to the ribosome, causing misalignment of the mRNA during translation.
This will result in non-functional mistranslated protein, or no protein at all.
Tube 4 (Experimental reaction)
Students added DNA B to tube 4. DNA B contains a promoter sequence, the RNA aptamer
sequence, and a transcription termination sequence. DNA B does not contain a protein coding
sequence. Students should observe green fluorescence after ~15-30 minutes, indicating the presence
miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Expected Results
visible when viewed the following day. This is because RNA is typically not stable in solution and is
any red fluorescence as no protein is being translated.
Students should be able to reach the conclusion that there has been some change to the coding
sequence of the DNA, but they will not have enough information to definitively conclude that the
coding sequence is missing entirely. Other reasonable explanations that students may suggest for
what occurred in tube 4 include but are not limited to:
• DNA B has a mutation in the protein coding sequence that makes the protein non-functional.
• DNA B is missing either start codon or a stop codon.
• DNA B has a mutation that introduces a premature stop codon.
Additional observations and explanations
Observations concerning green fluorescence:
minutes, but will begin to fade after a few hours and will no longer be visible the next day. This is
because messenger RNA is not stable and will begin to break down in solution over time, likely due
to the action of RNases present in the BioBits
pellet. Furthermore, the fluorescent RNA aptamer is
before initially viewing the green fluorescence. Changing the temperature of the reaction may affect
the function of the RNA aptamer, thus reducing fluorescence, independent of RNA degradation.
Students may additionally observe that the amount of green fluorescence varies over time across
the three different tubes. This is true even though all three tubes are producing mRNA.
For tube 2, fading of the green fluorescence may not be observed, as the green fluorescence fades
orange fluorescence will occur when both the green fluorescent aptamer and the red fluorescent
protein are expressed simultaneously. Eventually, the green fluorescence from the aptamer will fade,
as the red fluorescent protein reaches its peak brightness, leaving only the red fluorescence visible
at around 8 hours.
For tube 3, fading of the green fluorescence is typically observed after three to four hours.
For tube 4, the green fluorescence may appear brighter than tubes 2 or 3 and the fading of the
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Expected Results
green fluorescence is not observed until around hour five to six. This brighter, longer lasting green
fluorescence may be due to the fact that DNA B does not contain a protein coding sequence or
ribosomal binding site, thus extending the effective life of the RNA aptamer. Using this fact, you may
invite your students to offer plausible hypotheses that would explain this observation.
Observations concerning red fluorescence:
In tube 2, it typically takes approximately 8 hours for full red fluorescence to be observed. This may
seem longer than would typically be expected for most proteins to be expressed; theoretically, a
protein of the size made in this lab should be able to be fully translated and folded within just a few
minutes of the start of transcription. However, fluorescent proteins undergo a post-translational
process called maturation. Maturation involves the spontaneous rearrangement of amino acids at
expressed, this process can take as little as under ten minutes or as long as several hours. The red
fluorescent protein used in this lab has a long maturation time. This means that even though the first
mRNAs are likely translated within minutes, it takes several hours for enough fluorescent proteins to
complete maturation to be visible.
Optional extension questions
If you would like to explore these ideas and explanation with your students, here are optional
relevant questions that can be used to inspire classroom discussions.
is the same as the baseline negative control the next day. Propose an explanation of why you
believe this green fluorescence disappears.
yellow fluorescence in tube 2, even though no orange or yellow fluorescent molecules or
fluorescence came from and why they “disappeared” over time.
tube 3 no longer had visible green fluorescence, tube 4 still had green fluorescence, which
explanation of why DNA B may result in a longer visible green fluorescence than DNA A.
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Expected Results
3-4 hours and does not reach full fluorescence until around hour 8. Research typical rates of
transcription and translation. Do the times observed here match typical protein expression
rates? Investigate the steps involved in the expression of fluorescent proteins specifically. Using
this information, can you propose an explanation for the fluorescence times you observed in
this reaction?
Student’s Guide
Overview P.31
Extension: RNA aptamers P.32
Study questions P.35
Student Supports
and Extension
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
The activities in this section are provided as optional activities to do in conjunction with this
lab. These activities are not included in the Students Guide.
Additional supports
The following optional supports are to help provide additional scaffolding for students who need it.
Micropipetting 101 – Students performing this lab should be familiar with proper micropipette
technique and be able accurately to pipette volumes in the 2-5 μL range. This introductory pipetting
activity will introduce students to proper pipetting technique and have them practice pipetting a
variety of volumes. (
Alternatively, have students practice pipetting small volumes of food coloring beforehand.
Extension activities
This BioBits
dogma lab is just one example of many uses that FD-CF has in education and in scientific research.
For students curious about the different applications of FD-CF technology, we encourage them to
read through these extension activities and answer the study questions to learn more about how
FD-CF reactions work and how they are used by scientists in real-world scenarios.
2. RNA aptamers: The green signal associated with RNA and
transcription in this lab is made possible with a structure called an RNA aptamer. If students are curious
about how RNA aptamers work and the role they played in the lab, this activity will have the students
read more about RNA aptamers and answer study questions about them.
3. Crick and the central dogma: Read more about about the history of Francis Crick’s lecture in this
60th anniversary article from PLoS Biology. Article is available for free download at the link below, or
1. Cell-free protein synthesis: This BioBits
lab uses cell-free protein
synthesis technology to create a low-cost and easy-to-use hands-on
activity. Read more about how cell-free reactions work and its different
real-world applications. DNAdots include articles and study questions.
Browse free articles at:
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Extension: RNA aptamers
What they are and how they work
In this lab, BioBits
reactions use fluorescence as a tool to observe the production of both RNA and
protein. Without the use of these fluorescent markers, a BioBits
reaction would look like a clear
liquid before, during, and after transcription and translation. This is because DNA and RNA are trans
parent in solution and proteins frequently are as well. In this lab, however, we were able to observe
RNA as fluorescent green and protein as fluorescent red.
To visualize protein production, this lab used a red fluorescent protein. Fluorescent proteins come
visualizing cellular structures and processes. The fluorescent proteins used in laboratories are
derived from those found in nature, with modifications made by scientists to make these proteins
brighter and more stable. Through genetic engineering, scientists have adapted these naturally
occurring proteins for biotechnology uses.
To visualize RNA, this lab used an RNA aptamer. An aptamer is a sequence of DNA or RNA that
is capable of binding to a specific molecule. While there are some aptamers that occur in natural
systems, most aptamers used in biotechnology, unlike fluorescent proteins, are purely synthetic—
that is, they are designed from scratch by scientists for a specific purpose.
We normally think of DNA and RNA as long linear molecules. But in solution, these molecules
actually twist and fold to make complex three-dimensional structures. This is because the
bonds and other electrostatic interactions when in solution. These nucleotides bind to each other
according to the rules of base pairing — C to G and A to T or U, which is why DNA forms a double
helix and how RNA is transcribed from DNA. But this binding potential also means that long RNA
molecules are typically more stable as twisted, folded structures, binding to themselves and even
other molecules for stability. If you are familiar with the structure of tRNAs or with the fact that the
ribosome contains both RNA and protein bound to each other, you are already familiar with this
Synthetic biologists have taken advantage of this property of nucleic acids and have designed
specific nucleotide sequences that will fold into three-dimensional structures which then fit and bind
to a specific molecule of interest. They call these sequences aptamers from the Latin root aptus,
which means “to fit”.
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
difference is that antibodies are made of protein, while aptamers are comprised of nucleic acids. This
gives aptamers some unique properties. They can be added on to longer nucleic acid sequences
much like protein tags can be added to protein sequences. They also tend to be significantly smaller
than antibodies, and so in some cases, can better infiltrate tissues and cells for scientists to visual
ize these components. The bonds formed by aptamers tend to be weaker and more susceptible to
changes in temperature, which is the main reason why you incubated the BioBits
reactions at or
relatively quickly in cells, and so RNA aptamers often have a much shorter lifespan once introduced
to the cellular environment.
In this lab, a sequence was added to the DNA so that when it is transcribed, the RNA will form an
aptamer. This aptamer binds to a fluorescent molecule very similar to the chromophore found in
greenfluorescentprotein(GFP).Attheheartofanyfluorescentproteinisthechromophore, a small
molecular structure that gives the protein its color. In the case of GFP, three amino acids in the
center of the protein are modified after translation to make the chromophore. The rest of the protein
structure stabilizes the chromophore and creates the correct molecular environment for it to
Figure 1. The chromophore used in this
lab closely resembles the chromophore
found in GFP proteins.
Scientists have made a synthetic version of the GFP chromo-
pellet. The chromophore alone however is not fluorescent in
solution; to fluoresce, it requires a stabilizing structure that will
reaction does not fluoresce green immediately when
oped an RNA aptamer to do just that. When this aptamer is
transcribed from DNA to RNA, it will fold up on itself and make
a specific three-dimensional structure that holds the chromo
phore in just the right way to allow it to fluoresce brightly.
Because the chromophore that this aptamer binds to will fluoresce green, the aptamer was given the
name Broccoli. By inserting the Broccoli sequence between the promoter and the start codon of a
coding sequence, when that particular mRNA is transcribed, the aptamer sequence will fold up and
bind to the chromophore if it is present. The rest of the RNA is unchanged and will function
normally. In the case of this lab it will go on to be translated by the ribosome, producing the red
fluorescent protein you observed. To make the RNA fluoresce even brighter, two broccoli aptamers
in a row are present in the RNA sequence.
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
The Broccoli aptamer was developed as a tool for scientists to image RNA in living cells. By adding
the Broccoli aptamer to a DNA sequence of interest, researchers can visually establish exactly when
that DNA sequence is transcribed, and even trace where in the cell the RNA goes. In this way, the use
of the Broccoli aptamer in BioBits
reactions mirrors the way researchers are using it in the lab, but
put in your hands using simple tools.
Figure 2. A single RNA strand folds into a double stranded structure. The circled regions will each bind to a chromophore in
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: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Study questions
1. How is an RNA aptamer similar to a protein? How is it different?
2. Why do you think it would be important for scientists to track the RNA in cells, instead of tracking
3. If you looked at your freeze-dried BioBits
you would see the green signal. Why do you think this might be?
4. The green fluorescence from the RNA aptamer was likely gone when you viewed your sample the
next day. But the fluorescent protein that was made will last for weeks? Can you suggest why that
may be using information from the text?
5. RNA is generally considered a single-stranded molecule. How would you describe the structure in
Figure 2?
The sequence below is the aptamer sequence as it exists in the DNA that you added to your tubes.
Use the sequence and the diagram of the aptamer sequence from the text to answer the questions
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
strand does the RNA polymerase use as a template? Add a 5’ and 3’ label to each strand of DNA if
you are able.
Circle the parts of the sequence that are part of a broccoli unit. Label each circle either A or B to
indicate which Broccoli unit it belongs to.
8. This structure can be described as a stem-loop, also sometimes called a hairpin. Draw a vertical
line in your sequence indicating where the sequence folds over to bind to itself.
9. Is the line in your sequence in the exact middle of the sequence? If not, explain how the point
where the sequence folds to bind to itself is not in the middle. Mark on the sequence with an
Student’s Guide
Teachers notes and placement in unit P.38
Learning goals and skills developed P.39
Standards alignment P.40
Ordering information P.41
About miniPCR bio™ Learning Labs P.42
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: Central Dogma
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miniPCR bio
Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Teachers notes and placement
in unit
Teacher’s notes
• Basic competence using a micropipette
• Basic understanding of DNA, RNA and protein
• Understanding of proteins and their synthesis
See the additional supports section of this lab for ways to scaffold this assignment for students who
may be less comfortable with the above skills.
This lab is designed to be performed in classes ranging from introductory life science to advanced
biotechnology classes. For more introductory classes, focus most strongly on the order of colors
that you will observe and what those colors represent. For more advanced classes, dive deeper into
the molecular processes and specific molecules that are active in each step of the reaction, as well
the cell-free technology used in the activity.
Placement in unit
Transcription and translation
This lab is designed for students to experiment with transcription and translation in an authentic and
meaningful way. Use this lab to reinforce concepts at the end of your transcription and translation unit
or at the beginning of a unit as a way to introduce the concepts and important biological molecules
Biotechnology and synthetic biology
This lab uses cutting-edge freeze-dried cell-free technology. Use this lab to introduce students to
the field of synthetic biology, focusing on the potential uses of cell-free technology. As part of this
approach follow this lab up by reading more about cell-free technology in DNAdots™, a free resource
technology used in this lab in the included extension.
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Learning goals and skills developed
Student Learning Goals – students will:
• Distinguish between individual steps of the central dogma of molecular biology
• Describe the function of each step of the central dogma and their relationship to each other
• Predict how manipulating different steps in the central dogma will affect observations
• Analyze and construct an explanation based on the results of an unknown reaction
Scientific Inquiry Skills – students should be able to:
• Formulate hypotheses and predict results
• Compare results to their predictions and draw conclusions based on hypotheses
• Identify potential sources of experimental error and their impact
Molecular Biology Skills:
• Micropipetting
• Use of fluorescence to identify nucleic acids and proteins
• Cell-free protein synthesis
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Standards alignment
Next Generation Science Standards alignment
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure
of proteins which carry out the essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells.
Ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions
for characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring.
Science and Engineering
Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
• Developing and Using Models
• Planning and Carrying Out
• Analyzing and Interpreting Data
• Constructing Explanations and
Designing Solutions
• Engaging in Argument from
• Obtaining, Evaluating, and
Communicating Information
LS1.A: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures
and Processes
•All cells contain genetic information in the form of
DNA molecules. Genes are regions in the DNA that
contain the instructions that code for the formation
of proteins, which carry out most of the work of
LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits
• Each chromosome consists of a single very long
DNA molecule, and each gene on the chromosome
is a particular segment of that DNA. The instructions
for forming species’ characteristics are carried in
DNA. All cells in an organism have the same genetic
may be regulated in different ways. Not all DNA
codes for a protein; some segments of DNA are
involved in regulatory or structural functions, and
• Patterns
• Cause and Effect
• Systems and System Models
• Energy and Matter
• Structure and Function
• Stability and Change
• Interdependence of Science,
Engineering, and Technology
Technology, and Science on
Society and the Natural World
Common Core ELA/Literacy Standards
RST.9-10.1 Citespecictextualevidencetosupportanalysisofscienceandtechnicaltexts,attendingtothe
precise details of explanations or descriptions.
RST.9-10.3 Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements,
RST.9-10.4 Determinethemeaningofsymbols,keyterms,andotherdomain-specicwordsandphrasesastheyare
RST.9-10.5 Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key
RST.9-10.9 Compareandcontrastndingspresentedinatexttothosefromothersources(includingtheirown
WHST.9-10.1 Writeargumentsfocusedondiscipline-speciccontent.
WHST.9-10.2 Writeinformative/explanatorytexts,includingthenarrationofhistoricalevents,scienticprocedures/
experiments, or technical processes.
WHST.9-10.9 Drawevidencefrominformationaltextstosupportanalysis,reection,andresearch.
*For simplicity, this activity has been aligned to high school NGSS and grades 9-10 Common Core standards. This lab is easily
aligned to other grade levels as well.
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
Ordering information
To request miniPCR bio
Learning Labs reagent kits, you can:
email us at
BioBits® Central Dogma kit (catalog no. KT-1910-01) contains the following reagents:
• 32 BioBits
pellets in 8-tube PCR strips
• DNA Samples
• Nuclease-Free Water
• Kanamycin
Materials are sufficient for 8 lab groups, or 32 students.
Storage notes
* Pellets are viable for up to six months from the date of receipt when properly stored in the freezer
* Once opened, store unused pellets in the freezer in an airtight bag with the supplied orange
desiccant card.
are viable for up to three months from the date of receipt when stored in the fridge. DNA and
kanamycin can be stored for up to six months when kept in the fridge.
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Learning Lab. BioBits
: Central Dogma
Version: 1.2 - Release July 2020 - © 2020 by miniPCR bio™
Instructor’s Guide
About miniPCR bio
Learning Labs
and the BioBits®
This Learning Lab was developed by the miniPCR bio
team in an effort to help more students
understand concepts in molecular biology and to gain hands-on experience in real biology and
biotechnology experimentation.
We believe, based on our direct involvement working in educational settings, that it is possible for
these experiences to have a real impact in students’ lives. Our goal is to increase everyone’s love of
DNA science, scientific inquiry, and STEM. We develop miniPCR bio
Learning Labs to help achieve
these goals, working closely with educators, students, academic researchers, and others committed
to science education.
The BioBits
cell-free system was developed after realizing that the advantages of freeze-dried,
cell-free technology, such as simplicity of use, minimal equipment needs, and low cost, would
be ideal for a classroom setting to illustrate biomolecular concepts to students and teach basic
laboratory techniques. Researchers have been using cell-free reactions in their laboratories for years,
and the BioBits
system now makes this cutting-edge technology accessible anywhere to anyone
interested in learning molecular biology as an excellent teaching tool to enhance biology education
both within and beyond the classroom.
The guiding premise for this lab is that a simple freeze-dried, cell-free-based experiment can visually
and provide the right balance between intellectual engagement, inquiry, and discussion.
Starting on a modest scale working with Massachusetts public schools, miniPCR bio™ Learning
Labs have been well received, and their use is growing rapidly through academic and outreach
collaborations across the world.