Annex 2
Consumer Relief
Eligibility: The Consumer Relief eligibility criteria shall reflect only the terms set forth below and the
following principles and conditions: (1) Consumer Relief will not be implemented through any policy
that violates the Fair Housing Act or the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; (2) Consumer Relief will not be
conditioned on a waiver or release by a borrower, provided that waivers and releases shall be permitted
in the case of a contested claim where the borrower would not otherwise have received as favorable
terms or consideration; and (3) Eligible modifications may be made under the Making Home Affordable
Program (including the Home Affordable Modification Program and the Housing Finance Agency
Hardest Hit Fund) and any proprietary or other modification program. Nothing herein shall preclude the
implementation of pilot programs in particular geographic areas that do not violate the Fair Housing Act,
the Equal Opportunity Credit Act, or any other federal or state civil rights law.
Annex 2
Menu Item
Credit Towards Settlement Minimum/Cap
1. Modification -
Menu Item 1 Minimum =
$1.28 Billion Credit
A. First Lien - Principal
$1.00 Forgiveness = $1.00 Credit
150% Enhanced Early Incentive Credit
Start date of crediting is November 1, 2015 (based on first payment date for completed modifications and
other actions under this Menu). Consumer Relief to be completed no later than January 31, 2021. No
Credit will be provided for a modification if payments are required unless the borrower makes the first
three scheduled payments under the modification (including trial period payments). With respect to
earned forgiveness principal reduction modifications, Credit can be immediate, provided the borrower
makes the required payments (to include any trial payments) and the earned forgiveness period is a
maximum of 3 years. If a borrower receives more than one form of Consumer Relief, Credit shall be
provided for each form of relief, provided that the forms of relief must be segregated for purposes of
determining Credit. Credit can be earned for all forms of relief in the 50 states, the District of Columbia,
and the U.S. territories.
Credit will be provided for any Consumer Relief completed by any subservicer pursuant to this Annex
and for loans sold to other servicers (including sales of servicing rights) where a modification is
completed by the deadline set forth in footnote 1 for Goldman Sachs to complete its Consumer Relief
obligations, and provided that the agreement providing for such sale of servicing allows for the tracking
and reporting of such subsequent Consumer Relief to the satisfaction of the Monitor.
For Menu Item 1.A, eligibility is limited to non-performing loans, loans in imminent default (as defined
by HAMP), high LTV loans, loans with rates substantially above Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage
Market Survey (PMMS) and loans with troubled loan history. High LTV Loans are defined as loans at or
above 100% LTV. Loans with troubled loan history are defined as loans where the borrower has missed
two or more payments during the term of the loan. With respect to all other categories, Credit is available
for Consumer Relief provided to all borrowers unless otherwise limited under the Menu.
With respect to Credits achieved under Menu Items 1.A, 1.B and 1.C, modifications must be for loans
with an unpaid principal balance prior to capitalization at or below the local GSE conforming loan limit
cap as of January 1, 2016.
As used in this Menu, “LTV” shall refer to loan-to-value ratio. Subject to any applicable investor or
contractual requirements, the property value used to calculate the LTV under this Menu shall be based
upon a property valuation meeting the standards acceptable under the Making Home Affordable programs
received within three months of the transaction. Credit will be provided for forgiveness of amounts
capitalized prior to or as part of a modification pursuant to this Annex.
Enhanced Early Incentive Credit applies to all Consumer Relief activity under Menu Item 1.A offered or
completed by November 30, 2016 (based upon the first payment date, excluding trial payments, for
(footnote continued)
Annex 2
Menu Item
Credit Towards Settlement Minimum/Cap
115% Early Incentive Credit
115% Credit for incremental LTV
reduction below 100%
Credit limited to principal reduction that
reduces LTVs to equal to or less than
B. Principal Forgiveness of
$1.00 Forgiveness = $1.00 Credit
115% Early Incentive Credit
115% Credit for incremental LTV
reduction below 100%
Credit limited to principal reduction that
reduces LTVs to equal to or less than
C. First Lien - Forbearance
(Payment Forgiveness)
$Forgiveness = Pre Mod Rate x Forborne
UPB x Avg Life
115% Early Incentive Credit
Credit limited to forbearance that reduces
LTVs to equal to or less than 100%
(footnote continued)
modifications requiring a payment), provided that no Enhanced Early Incentive Credit will be provided
for a modification if payments are required unless the borrower makes the first three scheduled payments
under the modification (including trial period payments). Enhanced Early Incentive Credit and other
Credits are cumulative (e.g., $1.00 of principal forgiveness in an amount below 100% LTV completed
prior to November 30, 2016 would receive $1.725 Credit), except that no Early Incentive Credit applies to
consumer relief activity receiving Enhanced Early Incentive Credit.
Early Incentive Credit applies to all Consumer Relief activity offered or completed by June 30, 2017.
Early Incentive Credit and other Credits are cumulative (e.g., $1.00 of principal forgiveness completed
prior to June 30, 2017 in a Participating State (as described below under “State-Specific Consumer
Relief”) where Goldman Sachs has already met its state-specific minimum in an amount beyond that
state-specific minimum would receive $1.3225 Credit).
Based on an average life of 10 years.
Annex 2
Menu Item
Credit Towards Settlement Minimum/Cap
D. Second Lien
Performing (90 days or less past due on
the related Second Lien)
$1.00 Forgiveness = $1.00 Credit
115% Early Incentive Credit
Seriously Delinquent & Non-
Performing (>90 days past due on the
related Second Lien):
$1.00 Forgiveness = $0.40 Credit
115% Early Incentive Credit
Menu Items 1.D + 1.E Cap
= $630 Million Credit
E. Junior Liens (Liens less
than Second Lien
Outstanding Unsecured
Mortgage Debt Principal
$1.00 Forgiveness = $0.40 Credit
115% Early Incentive Credit
Goldman Sachs may not earn Credit under Menu Items 1.D and 1.E for extinguishment of a second lien,
junior lien, or unsecured mortgage debt where Goldman Sachs owns or services the first lien and
Goldman Sachs initiates or prosecutes a foreclosure with respect to the first lien within 6 months of the
extinguishment of the second lien. Goldman Sachs may not earn Credit under Menu Items 1.D and 1.E
for debt that has become unenforceable by operation of state law (e.g., California Code of Civil Procedure
sections 580b and 580d). To the extent that any form of relief under Menu Items 1.D or 1.E is offered on
an opt-out basis, the opt-out period must be at least 90 days in length.
Eligibility under Menu Items 1.D and 1.E is limited to borrowers with second lien UPBs at or below
$208,500 nationwide with the exception of Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and Virgin Islands, where eligibility is
limited to borrowers with second lien UPBs at or below $312,750. Credit can only be earned under Menu
Items 1.D and 1.E for extinguishment of second liens, junior liens, or unsecured mortgage debt.
For purposes of this section, the term “delinquent” shall have the meaning provided by the Mortgage
Bankers Association definition of delinquency.
Annex 2
2. Affordable Rental and For-
Sale Housing
Financing and/or donations to
fund affordable rental and for-
sale housing
For Critical Need Family Housing
developments: $1.00
= $3.75 Credit
For other developments: $1.00
Loss/Donation = $3.25 Credit
115% Early Incentive Credit
Credits for Critical Need Family
Housing rental developments and for
other rental developments will be given
for developments that are equivalent to
Menu Item 2 Minimum =
$240 Million Credit
With respect to Menu
Item 2, at least 50% of
units generating Credit
must be in Critical Need
Family Housing
125% Credit for
Losses/Donations incurred
with respect to units in
“Critical Need Family Housing” is defined as affordable low-income rental housing developments or
affordable low- or moderate-income for-sale housing developments selected by Goldman Sachs that
(i) are located within Small Area DDAs or State-Defined High Opportunity/Low Poverty Areas, and
(ii) none of the units have age restrictions for any of the occupants. For these purposes, “Small Area
DDAs” are Small Area Difficult Development Areas defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development as set forth in 78 Fed. Reg. 69,113 (Nov. 18, 2013), and “State-Defined High
Opportunity/Low Poverty Areas” refers to “high opportunity” or “low poverty” areas as defined in State
Qualified Allocation Plans (for those states that use such designations). The list of Small Area DDAs for
2016 is available on the HUD website at The list
of Small Area DDAs for subsequent years will also be available on HUD’s website.
“Loss” for a subordinated loan made to facilitate the construction, rehabilitation or preservation of
affordable low-income rental housing or affordable low- or moderate-income for-sale housing is based on
the estimated expected recoveries at the time of loan commitment. Loss is measured as the difference
between the amount provided to the borrower and the estimated future cash flows from the loan,
discounted at the prevailing interest rate for similar risk profiles, as reflected on the books and records of
Goldman Sachs on the origination date of the loan. The future cash flows from the loan will be Goldman
Sachs’ best estimate using all reasonable and supportable assumptions and projections. Origination date
is defined as the date the commitment to lend is issued. For crediting purposes, origination date is the
determinative date for crediting as described above. In evaluating crediting under this section, the
independent Monitor will verify the reasonableness of the loss calculation, including (but not limited to)
verification of the reasonableness of the discount rate applied and the calculation on estimated future cash
flows. If Goldman Sachs’ Loss is substantially reversed within 3 years due to circumstances such as
cancellation of the project during the term of this Annex, Goldman Sachs’ Credit shall be calculated on
the actual Loss incurred. Credit will only be given up to $100,000 per affordable rental housing unit and
$150,000 per affordable for-sale housing unit. Credit for Critical Need Family Housing developments
shall be reduced to $3.25 for $1.00 Loss if the location of the project is moved outside a Small Area DDA
or State-Defined High Opportunity/Low Poverty Area.
Credit limited to donations of cash or liquid assets that may be converted to cash. For donations of assets
to fund developments, Credit is measured based on the fair value of the asset being donated at the time of
the donation.
Annex 2
affordable rental housing developed
through LIHTC. For example, rental
developments eligible for Credits
(i) must have at least 20% of the
residential units affordable up to 50%
AMI or at least 40% of the units
affordable up to 60% AMI, (ii) must
have a Land Use Restriction
Agreement for at least 30 years, and
(iii) must agree to accept Housing
Choice vouchers. Other features also
must be equivalent to affordable rental
housing developed through LIHTC.
Credits for Critical Need Family
Housing for-sale developments and for
other for-sale developments will be
given for projects that are developed in
partnership with a municipal or
government housing agency. For-sale
developments eligible for Credits
(i) must have at least 20% of the units
affordable up to 80% AMI (or up to
120% AMI in High Cost areas, as
defined by HUD), and (ii) must have a
Land Use Restriction Agreement for at
least 15 years.
Critical Need Family
Housing developments
beyond the minimum of
50% of units generating
Credit in Critical Need
Family Housing.
Each year, at least 40% of
all units generating Credit
in Critical Need Family
Housing developments
must have 2 or more
bedrooms. Each year, at
least 10% of all units
generating Credit in
Critical Need Family
Housing developments
must have 3 or more
To earn Credit,
developments must meet
the same affirmative
marketing standards as are
set forth in 24 C.F.R.
§ 200.620. The process by
which individuals and
families apply and are
selected for eligible
affordable rental or for-sale
units will be administered
by municipal or
government housing
agencies or by the
developer, in accordance
with the typical practices
for each type of
Total Credit (Menu Items
1+2) = $1.520 Billion
Annex 2
State-Specific Consumer Relief
Minimum Credit must be earned in the following Participating States and denominations (which shall be
known as the “Participating State Minimum Amounts”): $200 million for New York
, $30 million for
and $16 million for Illinois.
115% Additional Credit (which shall be known as “Participating State Additional Credit”) for Credit
Amounts in Menu Items 1 and 2 in excess of the Participating State Minimum Amounts for each
Participating State.
Additional Parameters
Goldman Sachs shall not be responsible for any tax consequences to borrowers of the Consumer Relief
described in this Annex, but Goldman Sachs is required to clearly disclose to borrowers the potential tax
consequences of any relief offered or provided, and recommend that borrowers seek appropriate counsel
as needed.
Required Outreach
Goldman Sachs will prepare a short, plain-language document (translated into Spanish, Chinese,
Tagalog, Vietnamese and Korean), available online, that can be distributed by third parties to explain the
forms of relief available under the terms of this Annex. Goldman Sachs shall translate this document
into other languages as appropriate on a best efforts basis.
Goldman Sachs agrees to hold three outreach events each year until Goldman Sachs has satisfied the
Consumer Relief obligations set forth in this Annex. Goldman Sachs will hold these events in
geographically dispersed locations, with priority given to the Participating States. In preparation for
each event, Goldman Sachs will conduct targeted borrower outreach through personalized invitational
letters, emails and/or outbound phone calls with eligible borrowers. As part of this preparation,
Goldman Sachs will notify the respective State Attorneys General, the independent Monitor and other
individuals or entities that Goldman Sachs deems appropriate of the schedule of events to build further
awareness and encourage increased participation. These events will involve a presentation informing
attendees about Goldman Sachs’ efforts and obligations under this Annex. This outreach will be
conducted in English and Spanish, and, on a best efforts basis, other languages to encourage eligible
Within New York, the following minimums also apply (which shall be referred to as the “New York-
Specific Minimum Amounts”): Menu Item 1.A Credit Minimum = $150 Million; and Menu Item 2
Credit Minimum = $50 Million. Participating State Additional Credit can be earned in New York only
once the New York-Specific Minimum Amount has been reached.
Goldman Sachs will utilize its best efforts to endeavor to earn a total of at least $10 Million of Credit in
the following counties in the Eastern District of California: Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El
Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San
Joaquin, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba.
Annex 2
borrowers to make appointments in advance. Multilingual translation and interpretation services for
Spanish and, on a best efforts basis, other languages will be offered and available to customers
requesting such support.
Credit Minimums, Reporting Requirements, and Liquidated Damages
Goldman Sachs shall endeavor to satisfy the Consumer Relief obligations set forth in this Annex by
January 31, 2020, but shall have until January 31, 2021 to complete all Consumer Relief obligations set
forth in this Annex. An independent Monitor acceptable to the parties and paid for by Goldman Sachs
shall be appointed to publicly: (1) report progress towards completion of Consumer Relief, including
reporting on overall progress on a quarterly basis commencing no later than 180 days after the date of
this Agreement; (2) report on Credits earned as promptly as practicable following the date the Monitor
has confirmed the methodology for validation of Credits under this Menu (including a description of the
distribution of Credits at the census block level for Menu Item 1); and (3) ultimately determine and
certify Goldman Sachs’ compliance with the terms of this Annex. If the Monitor determines that a
shortfall in any of the Consumer Relief obligations remains as of January 31, 2021, the outstanding
amount of any such Consumer Relief obligation shall begin to increase at a rate of 5% per annum,
ending upon Goldman Sachs’ satisfaction of the outstanding Consumer Relief obligation (the “Interest
Provision”). Goldman Sachs’ obligations under the Interest Provision shall be the sole remedy for any
failure to complete the Consumer Relief. The calculations regarding the Credit Minimums shall be
performed by the Monitor and the Monitor shall determine at the end of the period whether there is a
shortfall in any of the Consumer Relief obligations, and if so, shall apply the Interest Provision.
In the event that Goldman Sachs is unable to satisfy the Credit Minimums set forth in this Menu despite
using its best efforts (as confirmed by the Monitor) to solicit every eligible borrower, barring any legal
limitations on its ability to contact a given borrower, for the applicable consumer relief program,
Goldman Sachs may apply any Credits earned in excess of any of the Credit Minimums or any Credit
earned in any Menu Item as to which neither a Credit Minimum nor a Credit Cap applies to offset any
deficiency in respect of any of the other Menu Items to which a Credit Minimum applies.
The Monitor shall provide Goldman Sachs with flexibility on the evidencing requirements for loans not
serviced by Goldman Sachs where the standard evidence is unavailable and Goldman Sachs is able to
provide alternative evidence that enables the Monitor to satisfactorily carry out his duties under this
Annex. For example, the Monitor may (but is not required to) determine that balance forgiveness may
be evidenced by transaction screenshots, before and after statements and/or 1099C statements.
For Menu Item 1, Goldman Sachs is required to report data to the Monitor at the census block level. For
Menu Item 1, Goldman Sachs is required to provide the Monitor with a copy of the Internal Revenue
Service (“IRS”) Form 1099C issued to each individual for each item of relief provided. Credit will not
be given for any item of relief provided pursuant to this Menu where the Monitor determines that
Goldman Sachs has failed to satisfactorily report data (including census block level data) for that relief
as required in this Annex.