ne Saturday evening many years ago, I happened to be casually strolling
through the local video rental store looking for something interesting to
watch. In my usual fashion I skipped the romance and drama section and
went straight to the outdoors section in hopes of finding the latest and greatest Bass
fishing tape. Little did I know that this was a day that would change my life forever.
You see I just happened to stumble onto a set of videotapes about build-
ing your own fishing rod by a man named Dale Clemens. Although I was
a starving college student at the time, the tapes had me excited enough
about building my own rod that I managed to scrape up enough cash to
buy a blank and some basic components. After several weeks of studying
Dale’s videos and books, I managed to wade my way through the learn-
ing curve and finally ended up with a fishing rod that I had built myself.
Now it might not have been the prettiest thing ever to hit the water, but
boy did it fish good. Needless to say from then on I was addicted!
My guess is that my experience is not all that different from many of
yours. In fact, I would bet that Dale Clemens has introduced more people
to the craft of rodbuilding than everyone else on the planet combined.
Throughout the seventies and eighties, Dale Clemens both literally and
figuratively wrote the book, or should I say books on the subject of rod-
building. Dale has what probably amounts to the top three rodbuilding
publications of all time to his credit: Fiberglass Rod Making, Advanced
Custom Rod Building and Custom Rod Thread Art. Each one has become
a “must have” for any serious Rodbuilder’s collection. Dale also started
what would become one of the foremost and most innovative component
supply businesses in the industry, Clemens Custom Tackle. And if that
wasn’t enough, he was also the man who formed the organization known
as RodCrafters, who thr
ough its mission of “knowledge through sharing”
literally caused the participation in our craft to grow exponentially
Through his work with various OEMs and specialty manufacturers,
Dale helped develop many of the specialty pr
oducts and services that vir
tually every Rodmaker today takes for granted. Whether it be rod blanks,
reel seats, guides, thread finishes or handle materials, chances are that Dale
had a hand in designing it and making it accessible to the general public.
Being part fisherman, part teacher, part rodbuilder and part business-
man gave Dale the perfect combination of traits to become one of the most
successful rodbuilders of all time. Ultimately though it was his generosity
and never ending desire to share his knowledge with others that truly
solidified his status as an icon in this industry.
Last year I was planning a fishing trip down to the Gulf Coast of my
home state of T
exas and I decided to take along that very first r
od that I had ever built.
It was while fishing with this rod that it dawned on me that all of the great memories
I have of catching fish on that r
od ar
e due in lar
ge part to Dale Clemens. I decided
right then and there that it was time that we paid tribute to the legacy that he has left
on this craft. Thank you, Dale, for helping all of us cr
eate not only gr
eat r
ods, but
great memories as well.
14 RodMaker
The ConsummateRodCrafter
by Andy Dear
This article originally appeared in the Volume 6 #3 issue of RodMaker Magazine
RodMaker 15
AD: I was wondering if you could tell me a little about your
ound as a fisherman and how you got started building
fishing r
ell, I started fishing at an early age, with fly rods. In
fact, I fished fly rods before I fished flies. We stood in the
middle of a str
eam and steered a worm downstream. So
my early familiarity was with fly rods. Later, I think in
high school, I became very interested in spinning rods
when they became available in this country. It was a very
exciting way to fish, and most of the rods and reels came
from France and Europe.
On the building end, I first tied my own flies. Rod
building came along a bit later. I thought, “Gee, wouldn’t
it be fun to build your own rod,” but I was put off, actual-
ly intimidated by it. At that time, Reed Tackle and Hille’s,
two of the fly tying material supply houses, also sold a
very limited line of rod building supplies. They sold kits
where the handle assembly was already fitted and I
thought it must be a horrendous task to fit a shaped cork
grip to a tapered blank. That delayed me because I’m
rather poor mechanically. However, I finally took the
plunge and found that it wasn’t very difficult at all! I fell in
love with it the very first time I tried it.
AD: About how old were you when you built your first rod?
DC: Oh goodness, I don’t know, probably early college.
Up to that time I thought catching a fish on a fly you tied
yourself was pretty terrific. But I found, as many have
since, that catching a fish on a rod that you built was by far
the greatest thrill. To me, it was heaven and I was hooked!
It was kind of crazy how years later I found myself
writing a book and then subsequently selling the compo-
nents. At that time I was buying supplies from Finney
Sports and a new company that was coming along called
Cabela’s. I would call them often to order components
because I was building r
ods for myself and for other peo
ple. One day when I called, one of the brothers that owned
the company talked to me. He said they wer
e getting fr
quent requests for information on rod building, but that
they didn’t know much about it. They just sold the parts.
He asked me if I could put together a pamphlet that they
could send to people. I said, “Well, let me think about it”.
I was very flatter
ed. I did think about it. Being very task
oriented, I carried a little notebook in my pocket and jotted
down ideas whenever they came to me. When I or
my thoughts a couple of weeks later, I saw that it was a
book, not a pamphlet. So I wr
ote “Fiber
glass Rod
Making.” That title was selected by the publisher to distin-
guish it from Bamboo rod making, the historical approach.
AD: So this was around the early 1970s?
DC: I wrote it in ‘73 and it came out in ‘74.
AD: There wasn’t the variety of components or technology with
things like guides and finishes like there is today.
DC: NO! That is a whole separate topic, actually, which is
very inter
esting. After my book came out I was very for-
tunate; it was picked by Field and Str
eam for their Book of
the Month Club, and it sold like crazy
. We got into selling
parts and supplies about the same time and the business
ospered. During those initial couple of years, the com-
ponent market was tiny. The manufacturers wrongly
thought it was infinitesimal. Custom rod builders were
considered very much an aftermarket. In other words, we
got whatever was left over from what was sold to the rod
companies. No one ever conceived the idea of manufactur-
ing some components of a higher quality for custom rod-
AD: Specifically for that market.
DC: No! We were fighting a real uphill battle and it was
an education battle, but it didn’t take long, surprisingly. I
remember one of the first companies I pointed it out to was
Varmac. They were then the preeminent reel seat manu-
facturer in the country, and one of the top guide makers
along with Mildrum and a few others. I had reached the
point in my business where I was buying more of their
product to resell to custom rodbuilders than they were
selling to many small rod companies! I finally pointed this
out to them at dinner at an AFTMA show. I laid out some
of these figures of which they weren’t aware up to this
point. To say they were surprised was putting it mildly.
They went “Holy Cow!” I said, you guys have a real mar-
ket here, and it’s time you started paying some attention to
it. You need to examine what you make for this market
and what you charge. Things, then, started to fall into
line, and for a while custom rod building was the fastest
growing segment of the fishing tackle industry. New spe-
cialty manufacturers appeared. Fortunately, I did a lot of
consulting work with the various manufacturers.
Fenwick, under the dir
ection of Phil Clock, Pr
esident, was
one of the top rod manufacturers in the world. I served
as a consultant to him r
ding this market, and wr
ote a
small booklet for them, “How To Build Your Own Fishing
Rod With A Fenwick Blank.” Their first printing was
50,000 copies and within a year they printed another
25,000. The other prominent blank manufacturer was
Lamiglas. Fr
om their education I wrote a 20 page explana-
tory booklet titled “Graphite” that they distributed to cus-
tom r
od builders. I did some consulting for Gudebrod,
Varmac, Loomis and various other companies. I mention
this to point out how the custom r
od building market r
ly blossomed.
Of all the companies I was privileged to work with,
Fuji was by far the most responsive. It was never neces-
sary to convince them of the market. They considered cus-
tom rod building the cutting edge of fishing rod develop-
ment. They believed their success was due to making a bet-
ter product and that philosophy dovetailed beautifully
with what custom rod builders were seeking. After I got to
16 RodMaker
meet Mr. Omura and got to know him a little bit, he saw
what we (the custom rod builders) were trying to do. Each
year after the AFTMA show he would come to Allentown
to visit for two or three days. He was keenly interested in
what we as a group had discovered or uncovered in the
past year
. At that time Fuji was way ahead technological-
ly in their industry, so it was a perfect meld. Mr. Omura
even took part of my second book and had parts of that
translated into Japanese, printed and sold in Japan.
AD: No kidding?
DC: Oh yeah, that was a real ego trip for me! (Laughter).
Custom rodbuilders were doing much more experiment-
ing than the rod companies were. Most of the American
companies sat back and did what they had always done.
Mr. Omura always wanted to know what we wanted and
what we needed in the way of components. He was not
afraid to say no, and he was very candid. Whenever he felt
there would be a production problem he’d say, “No, let’s
not go down that avenue.” Otherwise he would bend over
backwards. One of the people in his entourage was an
artist. He would use this guy to sketch out ideas. For
example, if we described what we wanted in a particular
reel seat, he would draw it. Depending on the input from
us or Mr. Omura, the artist would redraw it as many times
as necessary until everyone was satisfied. Those were
some pretty exciting years and he was a very very exciting
guy. His son is the same way. There are actually three gen-
erations in that family that have owned Fuji. They did a
great deal for custom rod building.
Earlier I mentioned specialty manufacturers for our
market. One of the first was Struble Reel Seats. The late
Glenn Struble made the first seats for us that were not on
commercial fishing rods. They were a higher quality for
custom rods, and we put our own name on them. Glenn
had a small machine shop with only three employees, but
everything was automated and computerized, and he was
simply miles ahead of anyone else. Just fantastic.
AD: So Clemens (the company) was just an outgr
owth of you
selling components on the side?
ell, I guess the book r
eally made the dif
Although I had been helping friends who wanted to try
building a rod, get components, I was just buying them
from somebody else and I wasn’t making any money at it.
When I wrote that first book a whole world opened up. I
learned more after writing the book than I ever knew
before. It was like floodgates opened. I was getting letters
everyday in the mail. Guys telling me “Y
eah, I’ve been
building rods for two years or five years, but I do this a dif-
ent way
,” or “Y
ou say do it this way, but have you ever
tried this? I think it’s better.” I really learned a lot more
after the book than I ever knew before!
You see, what it showed me was that there was an
obvious need to share. You had a whole bunch of people
sitting around the country re-inventing the wheel. That’s
what all of us were doing. We were operating in a vacu-
um, all of us. Then the book showed us we weren’t alone.
It became very obvious that we needed a method of shar-
ing so we could learn more and learn faster. “The
RodCrafters Journal” had its inception as a newsletter for
sharing. My printer convinced me it should be a small for-
mat, simple magazine. W
e never had any ambitions to be
a magazine like “Rodmaker
,” which is super.
“RodCrafters Journal” had a different agenda at the time.
It came at a different time in the whole evolution of rod
AD: What year did the first journal come out?
DC: Well my book came out in early ‘74 and Rodcrafters
got formed later the same year. I was still swamped with
mail and people started saying, “Wouldn’t it be great if we
could get together and share some of this.” So we had our
first seminar in 1975. There were about 15 people there. It
was a one-day deal on a Saturday. Two people came from
as far away as Michigan, a fellow from Massachusetts, and
some guys from down around Virginia. We couldn’t stop
talking! We had some demos that we did, and some guys
called home and said, “I’m staying another day!” We did-
n’t have a seminar the next day, so we just went back into
the hotel and continued in somebody’s hotel room! The
following year we had about 60 attendees in Allentown,
and we had seminars in a few other cities. Those were
exciting times. They really were.
AD: I would venture to say that the formation of RodCrafters
was certainly one of the most important influences on the craft
of rodbuilding in the past 30 years. I don’t think that the craft
would have advanced nearly as quickly as it did had you not
come along and formed a catalyst for the sharing and dissemina-
tion of all that information.
DC: I think you’re right, and I certainly wouldn’t take
edit myself for that. I mean I was part of it, that’s all. I
was very lucky because we got into doing seminars
around the country. When I say, “Lucky,” I mean because I
became a conduit. I would go out to California and hold a
seminar and then maybe I would hold a seminar in
Michigan. Two different groups with everybody being
very open and sharing. I was fortunate to be able to take
this information from one place to another, learn it all, and
then write it up in the journal. I always made a big big
point of trying to give people credit. Because most of the
ideas didn’t originate with me, I’d say “RodCrafter John
Doe does this or that.” In fact with the second book some-
body criticized me by saying, “Gosh, every time you pr
ent an idea you say RodCrafter so and so does this.”
However, I felt it was very important to give credit to those
who were sharing, because if you gave credit, then it
would make other people want to share.
RodMaker 17
AD: Well you know, like most people who start building rods,
one of my first purchases was “Advanced Custom Rod Building”
and one of the things that I noticed was that you always gave
credit to guys who were innovating things in different parts of
the country around that time.
DC: Right!
AD: So that was in ‘75 when RodCrafters formed and then your
second book, Advanced Custom Rod Building came out in ‘78?
DC: Yes, in ‘78 and then the period following right after
that was what I would say was the greatest growth spurt,
about ‘79, ‘80 and ‘81.
AD: How much interaction did you get to have with the various
rod manufacturing companies, were they coming to you for con-
sulting work and advice on how to improve the performance of
their rods?
DC: Well, the rod manufacturers didn’t beat down my
door. It was those of them who made their own blanks and
who wanted to sell to the custom rod building market. For
those I either ended up writing something for them, or
helped them identify their spot in that market. As men-
tioned earlier, a lot goes back to Fenwick and Lamiglas,
the big two. In retrospect, it’s also interesting what grew
out of those blank companies. They each had different
design philosophies. The blank manager at Fenwick was
Don Green, who subsequently started Sage. At Lamiglas,
blank design was done by Gary Loomis who built one of
the most successful blank and rod companies. Practically
everything in graphite design and development came from
those original companies. It was exciting for me to be even
remotely involved.
AD: I’d like to, if we could, change the subject a little bit. From
all of the years of experience that you have in rodbuilding, I’d like
to know what criteria you use or what facets of the craft you look
for when you are judging the execution of the construction of a
custom fishing r
DC: (Pauses) That’s a very dif
ficult question. But it’s a
good question, because it can lead me in so very many
ways. It’s dif
ficult though. One ar
ea would be the quality
of workmanship. Everyone attending a seminar had to
bring some samples of their work. Among other things,
this fostered very valuable one-on-one discussions
between rod builders. As people were putting rods out I
was frequently asked, “What do you think of this?” As I
examined the craftsmanship in the rods I noted that older
guys usually had mor
e gaps in their thread and their
threadwork wasn’t as good. I learned this was most often
due to poor lighting and a lack of magnification. They
never saw the gaps in the thread.
A lot of those over 40 needed to use drugstore-magni-
fying eyeglasses and some better lighting on their work.
So, the quality of workmanship, such as threadwork and
finish, is one comparatively easy criteria to judge.
Beyond that it would be very difficult to apply a judg-
ment because it is a custom rod. I might pick it up and
think that it would not cast very well. Yet the person for
whom it was made might feel it was as close to perfect as
it gets. That is the difference in a custom rod! It’s built for
a particular person, his physical build, his style of casting,
the fishing intended, his expectations. To each of us those
things ar
e different to varying degrees, hence the need for
a true custom rod.
Some people say, “I build custom rods” but really
what they build are handmade rods where the buyer can
pick the color of the thread and maybe a buttwrap of their
choosing. The builder, basically, has different models for
different kinds of fishing. Where I live now there is a big
difference between spinning rods for snook fishing meant
to be used with live bait vs. artificials, from a boat or from
the beach, under dock lights at night vs. from a bridge and
that’s not taking into account the person fishing the rod.
True custom rodbuilding is fitting a rod to the angler all
the way. I have always had a big bone to pick with that
and you hit it!
AD: Before you started Clemens Tackle did you ever have a cus-
tom rod building business where you built rods for a clientele?
DC: No, no I didn’t.
AD: So it was mostly building for friends and family?
DC: Right. Only the occasional sale.
AD: Once you got Clemens started were you able to work with
clients one on one, or did you focus strictly on the component
sales and consulting?
DC: I did work some one on one and built custom rods,
but my big passion however was getting guys to build
their own rods. I wanted to educate them on how they
could build a better r
od than they could buy
, for all the
various reasons. I worked with all kinds of groups, such
as bass clubs, flyfishing gr
oups, saltwater clubs, etc. As a
speaker I could spend the whole time talking about why a
person could build a better rod than he could buy.
, I r
ecognized my need to build r
ods for other
people if I was going to try to teach. You can’t be just all
talk. You have to do the thing yourself, and so I did.
I would say my forte wasn’t in the craftsmanship or in
the assembly of the rod, I was no better than the average
good rod builder and there were individuals that were cer-
tainly better than me. My strength was talking with a
client and spending hours, if need be, in helping him
define what he really wanted and needed in a rod. Once
that was all worked thr
ough, then it was just a matter of
putting the rod together. I felt that maybe I did the “defin-
ing” part better than others did. Part of this is psycholog-
ical, too, because once you have taken a person through
that complete process and he has examined all the aspects
he in essence has designed his rod, he is in love with it
18 RodMaker
before it’s made! Then again maybe it was just my old
salesmanship experience!
AD: Having seen the fishing rod move through fiberglass and
several generations of carbon fiber, how do you feel about the cur-
rent state of blank technology and design?
DC: Well, let me share my thoughts on that with you,
which may be all old fashioned. I don’t know (laughter).
Concerning the subject of blanks, I would tell people that
certainly today’s graphite is the best material out there.
But if you happen to have a fiberglass blank that truly does
what you want to do, by all means use it! That’s it. That’s
the blank for you! The same is true if you compare a third
generation graphite blank that has a phenomenal modulus
and strain rate with an older first generation technology
blank where the numbers are not nearly as impressive.
Likewise, I don’t care if the price is $500 or $75. The blank
that performs the best for you, for what you want it to do,
is the blank that you should use. Some people just can’t
see that.
AD: While we are on the subject of blanks, one of the things that
interested me that I never had the opportunity to experience was
that line of solid tipped blanks that Clemens sold for a while.
DC: Yes, the Apogee. Fantastic! The plant that made those
very, very thin tips for us in Japan burned down, and we
were never able to find a replacement. We used a number
of people’s technology to join the short, thin, solid tip to
regular hollow graphite to make the rod’s tip section while
maintaining a smooth dynamic transition.
The rest of the rod was made for us by Gary Loomis,
and Gary tried making the tiny tips, but it just was not eco-
nomically feasible for him, or us, to do so. It was definite-
ly a product for the custom builder and not a finished rod
company who wanted to sell rods for each line weight.
e sold a lot of them, but not in the huge numbers needed
for the tooling costs. The Japanese company had original-
ly done their tooling with another purpose in mind. Then
we came acr
oss them and they wer
e failing in the other
venture. We said “Could you do this for us?” and the
Japanese looked into it and said “Y
es.” Personally
, I think
the blanks are fantastic! A lot of people still do not believe
that you can build a flyrod that will cast a very wide range
of fly line weights, but you can.
AD: Was that your idea, the solid tipped design?
Yes, that was my idea. Multiple weight rods had been
tried years before using the so-called “magnum taper”
. This concept used a very stif
f butt with the mid
section less stiff, and a light, soft tip. The idea was that
using just the light tip you could cast a light weight. As
you increased the weight of the fly line (or lure) the mid
section would flex more, load, and take over the casting.
Finally, when a heavy weight was cast, the butt section
would do the work. Supposedly you could progressively
increase the weight to be cast and the rod would load and
do the casting. It sounded good, but nobody was ever able
to make it work. You could get the tip to cast fine, but as
you increased the line or lure weight and the mid section
came into play, the tip was overpowered, flopped around,
and actually destroyed the casting action. An extremely
small diameter solid graphite section substituted for the
top portion of the blank’s tip section did work. Its profile
was thin enough to reduce air resistance enabling it to be
more responsive, yet it possessed enough strength that it
was not easily overcome and be an impediment with heav-
ier lure weights (it didn’t flop around). A lot more went
into the design, but that is the essence.
The apogee, how can I say this, required a certain
amount of time and dedication to learn how to use it. Not
a great deal, but you had to break some other habits. A
buyer of a custom rod would be willing to do this. The fin-
ished rod companies didn’t think the average customer
would make the transition as easily.
AD: As far as casting techniques?
DC: Yes. A good example was when we first developed it.
I took it to the show in San Francisco. They had one of the
first real tackle shows that wasn’t just people walking
around mindlessly with bags filled with literature. They
demonstrated things and had a number of casting pools.
When I asked a local fly casting guru who everyone was
watching to try the new Apogee, I requested he look over
his shoulder during the back cast for about 10 to 15 min-
utes in order to adjust his timing to the new rod. He calm-
ly told me “I never look at my back cast.” I said that I did-
n’t either while fishing but if he did so, now, it would be a
big help to me, and was the quickest way to develop the
necessary timing. He didn’t do it at first, and had some
problems. Finally, he did as requested and in about five
minutes was doing fine. I then put on a r
eel with a line two
sizes heavier
. He continued to watch his back cast and did
beautifully. Ultimately he cast four different line weights
with that one r
od. W
ith a little attention to timing detail,
anyone could make the Apogee sing.
AD: And that rod would cast how wide a variety of line
DC: After we had the Apogee on the market, I took one
with me on a motor home trip thr
ough New England to
the Maritime Provinces and Eastern Canada and up-state
ork. I caught smallmouth bass in Maine,
Salmon in Nova Scotia, trout in Quebec, and largemouth
bass and perch all on the same rod while comfortably cast-
ing line weights from 6 to 9. There were no record fish. I
just wanted to see if it could be done. I wanted to make
sure I wasn’t kidding myself.
AD: Were there a lot of products that you guys developed that
never saw the retail market?
DC: Oh sure. One was a color sealant that we developed
called Tru-Brite that we could never get some of the glitch-
es worked out of, so we had to take that one off the mar-
ket. We sold it one year, but then we replaced it with
We also did a lot of work with the various foam grip
materials. Hypalon was a DuPont product that was very
rugged but very heavy. In an attempt to use it for fresh
water rods, more air was blown in during the extrusion
process. It still was too heavy. We were the only company
that developed a lightweight grip material that rod
builders could shape themselves. We called it Customgrip.
Someone came out with a light material but it was softer
and very subject to cutting. In fact, monofilament pulled
tightly across it would slice it. I don’t know what all is out
there now, because when I left Clemens, I took with me
enough Customgrip to last me for a lifetime! (Laughter).
AD: When you were building back in the seventies and eighties,
who were some of the rodbuilders that you worked closely with?
DC: Jack Justis and I became very good friends. He was
extremely creative and very good with his hands in every
aspect of building. When weaves first came on the scene,
via the late Bill Heckman, Jack jumped on the idea and was
exceptionally good. Gil Rowe in California and I became
very close. In fact, for a few years the California rod
builders were ahead of the rest of the country in thread
work, but they shared so much and we all learned from
them. B. D. Ehler wasn’t from California, but he definitely
was ahead of the pack. So many rod builders contributed
that it would be impossible to list all their names here.
AD: So do you still build r
ods at all?
DC: Oh sur
e, you know
, when I need a rod, or if I want
something different, I build it. I don’t make any rods for
sale. I don’t build a lot of r
ods. I’m age 70, now
, and I’m
sure that if you examined some of my wraps you might
find a telltale gap. I need a lot of light and a lot of magni-
fication! (Laughter) I have taught a few rod building
classes that I have gotten a kick out of. It’s averaged out to
about one every three years since I have left the business.
I taught one this past year. Small, I won’t do more than 10
guys. Usually it’s the fly club that I belong to her
e and
down in the keys. That has been fun, sort of an opportuni-
ty for me to go back and r
evisit those earlier years.
AD: It sounds like the teaching and sharing part of the craft has
been the most fulfilling part of it for you.
DC: Oh sure, oh yes, definitely. That was the best part of
a seminar for everybody! You could go one on one with
another guy at seminars. I usually didn’t get much sleep
because I’d be up at night in somebody’s hotel room. A
bunch of us would always be at it, sharing and talking. It
was great, I always learned so much. It was impossible not
to! I was more fortunate than most because I got to go
around to different parts of the country and meet different
custom rod builders. They were a wonderful group of
AD: Obviously you have left quite a footprint on the world of
DC: Oh you’re very flattering. This is good for my ego,
can we do this every week? (Laughter)
AD: I would say that a lot of people have become interest-
ed in this craft and associate you with it because of your
books and the organization of RodCrafters. Out of all your
accomplishments, what would you say that you are most
proud of?
DC: Of having done that! I have been blessed Andy, put it
that simply, that I was able to do that. I don’t know how
to say it without making it sound religious or corny. I am
70, and when I look back, I say my God, what a privilege!
How lucky I was, I had my own company and it was suc-
cessful. Here I am sitting in vacationland Florida right on
the water with my flats boat out back on my canal. I mean
how fortunate can you be and I got here by doing what I
liked to do and having fun. And the fact that people looked
up to me. WOW! I mean it still blows my mind!
AD: That was a great answer! (Laughter)
DC: I had a thrill two weeks ago now. A guy contacted me
on the telephone who lives in Arizona. He said “I have
been building rods since you first got started and I have
every one of your books.” I got to thinking the other night
that I have these books and wouldn’t it be neat to have
them signed. If I sent them in to you would sign them and
send them back, I’ll pay the shipping?” I mean geez. I said
that would be wonderful! He not only sent me the books
and I signed them with a little note on each one, but he sent
me some flies that he tied and some pictures of some rods
that he built. So stuff like that you can’t put a price tag on
AD: Well Like I said, I really feel that you have certainly left a
big footprint on the world of Rodbuilding and the community as
a whole owes you a big thanks for all you have done. Without
your development of all of the equipment and chemistry and
componentry, I don’t know that the industry would be as far
advanced as it is had guys like you not come along and helped
shape it.
DC: No, Andy, the thanks comes from my end, really. -
RodMaker 19