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Fill in the Blank With Correct Homophone.
1] The Police tried to …….. information from the bootlegger who sells…….. liquor.
(A) illicit, elicit
(B) illegible, legible
(C) elucidate, illicit
(D) elicit, illicit
Here ‘elicit’ means bring out & ‘illicit’ means illegal
So, the right explanation for the above homophone is given below,
The Police tried to bring out information from the bootlegger who sells illegal liquor.
2] Fill in the blanks with correct homophone.
In Japan even_____stores are not_____, for they float in boats.
(A) stationery, stationary
(B) stationery, stationed
(C) stationary, stationery
(D) stationed, stationary
Here ‘stationery’ means writing or other office materials. Likewise, ‘stationary’ means
motionless (or) not moving.
3] Fill in the blank with correct Homophone.
The Palace was—–
(A) Species
(B) Spacecious
(C) Spacious
(D) Space
The word spacious means capacious (or) large (or) big (or) roomy.
Other options gives different meaning, which is irrelevant to the given question.
4] Choose the correct pair of homophones to complete the following sentence:
The thief broke open the ——— almirah to ———- the jewels.
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(A) lone -loan
(B) steel steal
(C) bear-bare
(D) role roll
Here the word ‘steel’ means alloy of iron with carbon & other elements. The word ‘steal
means loot (or) thieve (or) abscond with.
5] Alliteration is the use of the same ——- or ——- at the beginning of words that are close
(A) Vowels or consonants
(B) Letters or sound
(C) Syllables or nouns
(D) Sounds or syllables
Here no explanation actually needed because it’s definition for Alliteration.
Ex: She sells seashells.
It sounds similar and beginning letter ‘s’ are same.
6] Add the correct vowel pair to complete the word given :
Str—–m (a small river).
(A) ae
(B) oe
(C) ie
(D) ea
As per given clue, it connects with the word ‘stream’, whereas the vowel ea is used in-mid.
Other similar words against small river are follows, brook, creek, rivulet & rill, etc
7] Match the following homophones with their related meanings and select the answer from
the codes given below :
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(a) Counsel
1. route
(b) Council
2. rough
(c) Course
3. advice
(d) Coarse
4. administrative body
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 2 1
(B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 2 1 4 3
The word ‘counsel’ means advice that given formally.
The word ‘council’ means advisory body of people.
The word ‘Course’ means way, route, track, path,etc
It has another meaning too, which indicates dish (or) menu items.
The word ‘Coarse’ means harsh in texture (or) rough (or) shaggy (or) scratchy, etc
8] Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word from the options.
They have got a—— at Taj Residency.
(A) suit
(B) suite
(C) sweet
(D) sweat
The word ‘suite’ means set of rooms (or) luxurious rooms
9] Identify the word pair which is different in pronunciation in British English and American
English usage :
British English
American English
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(A) cheque
(B) metre
(C) schedule
(D) licence
The pronunciation and spelling will vary in both. It’s quite easy to identify.
10] Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word from the options. ·
She held the ——in her hand.
(A) reigns
(B) rains
(C) rems
(D) ra1gns
The suitable word which fits exactly is reigns, whereas it gives the meaning --- rule, be in power,
sit on the throne, be monarch, etc.
‘She held the rule in her hand’.
11] Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the options :
We will have to find—– sources of energy in the future.
(A) alternate
(B) altered
(C) alternative
(D) adulterated
The word ‘alternative’ means choice (or) other possibility (or) replacement (or) substitute.
‘We will have to find other possible sources of energy in the future.
12] Fill in the blanks with the correct homophones.
I paid the ——to go to the ——.
(A) fare, fair
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(B) fair, fire
(C) fare, fear
(D) fair, fare
The word ‘fare’ means price (or) fee (or) cost (or) charge (or) levy (or) payment. Likewise the
word ‘fair’ means honourable (or) trust-worthy (or) open-minded (or) honest.
Another meaning of fair is exhibition (or) display of certain material or things.
‘I paid the fee to go to the exhibition/ entertaining place like book fair.
13] Fill in the blanks with correct word of Homophone from the options given below :
The old man couldn’t bear the pain walking ——- on the rugged road after the rains.
(A) bore
(B) bare
(C) beer
(D) bar
The meaning for the word #bear is tolerate (or)) fetch (or) carry, etc
The word #bare means covered (or) naked (or) undressed (or) exposed (or) undraped, etc
‘The old man couldn’t bear the pain walking exposed on the rugged road after the rains.
14] Match the following homophones with their related meanings and select the answer from
the codes given below :
(a) Piece
1. Calm, undisturbed
(b) Peace
2. Light in colour
(c) Pail
3. A portion of an object
(d) Pale
4. A bucket
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(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 1 3 4 2
(C) 4 1 3 2
(D) 2 1 4 3
The word ‘piece’ means a portion of an object bit (or) section (or) segment (or) lump, etc.
The word ‘peace’ means quiet(or) calm (or) silence (or) stillness (or) restfulness, etc.
Pail means a bucket
The word pale means light-toned (or) muted (or) neutral, etc.
15] Choose the correct option that contains the appropriate words in the right sequence :
They do the English exercises —— because they think English is an —— subject.
(A) hardly, hard
(B) slow, slowly
(C) easily, easy
(D) eagerly, eager
Option c suits well for the above question, whereas other option doesn’t fit perfectly in the
given blank.
16] Choose the correct option with the right words in sequence :
You can —— see the mountains on a —— sunny day.
(A) prettily, pretty
(B) clearly, clear
(C) bright, brightly
(D) true, truly
Here the word clearly used because it represents the vision of the mountain or mountain view.
Also the word pretty denotes pleasant, but the word clear denotes transparent sun (sunny) . So
the option B is correct. Other options doesn’t suit.
17] Choose the option that contains the right word suiting the context of the sentence :
As the —— is too tight, I cannot untie the rope.
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(A) naught
(B) nought
(C) not
(D) knot
The word ‘knot’ means tie (or) twist (or) loop (or) bow (or) fastening, etc
18] Fill in the blank with the suitable word.
He tried to —— votes by showing the leaders portrait.
(A) Canvas
(B) Canvass
(C) Confess
(D) Converse
The word canvass means campaign, electioneer, support, etc. you might get confused with
canvas. The word canvas means ‘an oil painting’.
‘He tried to campaign votes by showing the leaders portrait.
19] Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
They had dates for ——.
(A) Desert
(B) Desart
(C) Dessert
(D) Deserrt
Dessert means sweet (or) pudding (or) last course after meal.
20] Choose the appropriate sentence with correct HOMOPHONE
(A) The politician stayed in a luxurious suite
(B) The politician stayed in a luxurious suit
(C) The politician stayed in a luxurious suet
(D) None
Option A is correct answer, whereas the word suite gives the meaning luxurious room.
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21] The mechanic tried to fix the broken 1 only in 2.
(A) Vane and Vain
(B) Wane and Vane
(C) Vain and Vein
(D) Vane and Wane
The word vane means blade of a fan, propeller, windmill (or) turbine.
The word vain means self-loving, self-admiring,conceited, etc
Another meaning of vain is useless,futile, worthless, etc.. here the second meaning apt well.
The mechanic tried to fix the broken blade of fan/propeller/turbine only in futile’.
22] The family looked for a double bedroom —— for three days.
(A) soot
(B) suite
(C) suit
(D) sweet
The word ‘suite’ means set of rooms (or) luxurious rooms .
The homophone word ‘suite’ is repeated question.
The family looked for a double bedroom room for three days.
23] Fill in the lank with the right word :
I feared I would have to carry the —— of infamy with me till my death.
(A) wait
(B) white
(C) weight
(D) wheat
Here the word weight gives the meaning burden.
24] Fill in the blank with the right word:
The —— field was overgrown with weeds.
(A) fellow
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(B) follow
(C) flow
(D) fallow
The homophonic word fallow means unplanted, uncultivated, unploughed, unsown, bare, etc.
‘The uncultivated field was overgrown with weeds.
25] Fill in the blanks choosing the right pair of words in order :
The woman wearing a (1) went to the hotel to have (2) for dinner.
(1) and (2)
(A) wail and veal
(B) veal and veil
(C) vile and wail
(D) veil and veal
The word veil means cloth for covering face, purdah, mantilla, etc
The word veal means flesh of a young calf.
‘The woman wearing a purdah went to the hotel to have young calf as food for dinner’.
26] Fill in the Blanks with correct homophones.
It’s very hard to say—— to a person whom you—— very well.
(A) Know, No
(B) Known, Knew
(C) No, Know
(D) Know, Known
The word No gives the meaning disagree (or) negative, never, no indeed, etc
The word Know gives the meaning aware, realize, be conscious,etc.
‘It’s very hard to disagree to a person whom you aware very well.
27] Fill in the blanks with correct Homophones.
My mother received the —— which was —— from Bombay for her birthday.
(A) Sent, scent
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(B) Scent, sent
(C) Send, sent
(D) Sent, send
The word scent means perfume, fragrance, aroma, odour, etc
The word sent means dispatch, post, forward, redirect, etc.
‘My mother received the perfume which was dispatched from Bombay for her birthday.