CLO equity: Where does it t
in investor allocations?
Classifying CLO equity – xed income, equity
or something else entirely
Allocating CLO equity to investment portfolios
by investor type, objectives and risk tolerance
CLO equity has garnered increasing levels of
investor interest, primarily due to the potential
for high returns driven by a robust yield prole.
Many investors view CLO equity as one of
the few remaining pockets of ineciency in
the nancial markets, since many otherwise-
sophisticated investors shun the asset class
due to perceived complexity, opacity, and
(erroneous) connections with the toxic CDOs
that became synonymous with the 2008 global
nancial crisis.
For investors able to move past these biases
and consider CLO equity as a viable investment
alternative, the next question is often: how
should CLO equity be classied? Is it a xed
income instrument? An equity investment, as
the name suggests? Or something else entirely?
Choosing the right “bucket” for CLO equity
is critical for investors seeking to optimize
portfolio allocations.
1. Fixed income: Since CLOs eectively
bundle together corporate loans into
diversied portfolios, they are closely linked
with the ups and downs of the leveraged
nance market, which is a subset of the
broader xed income space. CLO equity
also pays regular quarterly distributions
to investors, generating a yield-based
return prole similar to other xed
income instruments.
2. Equity: Although they are ultimately
composed of debt instruments, CLOs are
also securitization vehicles with their own
Choosing the right “bucket” for CLO equity
is critical for investors seeking to optimize
portfolio allocations.
CLO equity: Where does it t in investor allocations?
What is a CLO?
Collateralized loan obligations (CLO) are highly diversied, actively managed portfolios of
rst lien, senior secured loans with non-recourse, non-mark-to-market (MTM) leverage.
A CLO borrows money (liabilities), it invests in collateral (bank loan assets) and has residual
value (equity).
CLO equity investors prot from any gains on the CLO’s loan positions as well as from the cash
ow arbitrage, generated by the dierence between the yield on the collateral (loans) and cost of
nancing for the liabilities.
CLO liabilities & equity
AAA-rated notes:
63% of structure
AA-rated notes: 12%
A-rated notes: 6%
BBB-rated notes: 5%
BB-rated notes: 4%
CLO equity: 10%
CLO loan assets
portfolio of
senior loans
1 Some broadly syndicated loan CLOs may include up to 10% second lien senior secured loans. CLOs have credit event triggers that may have MTM impacts.
2 Illustrative CLO structure.
Principal &
Cash flows
Typical companies
held in a CLO portfolio
Source: Nuveen
capital structures consisting of rated debt
tranches all the way down to unrated equity.
Risk levels increase with every step down in
the capital structure, and when investor risk
appetite decreases, CLO equity valuations
often move in tandem with broader equity
markets. However, the underlying risk in
a CLO consists of senior secured loans to
corporations, eectively limiting downside
risk relative to “pure” equity markets
exposure. The quarterly distributions paid by
CLO equity tranches also serve to stabilize the
return prole relative to equities.
3. Alternatives: Alternatives are a “broad
brush” category which can refer to everything
from private equity funds to distressed debt to
opportunistic credit. CLO equity often falls into
this classication due to illiquidity, complexity
or other shared features with the universe of
alternative investment options.
CLO equity: Where does it t in investor allocations?
As a manager of CLOs since the early days of
the market, Nuveen has gathered input from
a wide universe of CLO equity investors, and
the answer is: it depends. The answer varies
based on investor type, portfolio objectives and
risk tolerance.
Option one: Idiosyncratic or
opportunistic credit
Many sophisticated institutional investors,
such as larger-scale ($10B+) pension investors,
consider CLO equity as an “idiosyncratic” credit
allocation, similar to specialty nance, distressed
investments, or esoteric ABS. This is motivated
by a number of factors.
Similar to other non-traditional credit betas,
CLO equity combines foundational credit
characteristics with other idiosyncratic factors
not typically found in “mainstream” asset classes.
In particular, CLO equity eectively contains an
embedded call option on credit spreads, driven
by the term nancing structure of CLO vehicles.
Although it may sound counter-intuitive, a CLO
equity investor can potentially benet from
periods of widening credit spreads — provided
they are invested with a CLO manager skilled
enough to minimize losses due to defaults. This
is because CLOs are actively managed vehicles
which can reinvest into new, higher-yielding
bank loans when spreads widen.
CLO equity investors can benet from an
improved arbitrage given that the liabilities
issued by a CLO (the CLO debt), is issued at
coupons which stay xed for the ~12-year life
of the CLO. The most powerful proof statement
of this phenomenon is the returns of CLOs
issued immediately prior to the GFC, which far
outstripped all other vintages of CLOs.
Option two: The alternatives bucket
Another popular destination for CLO equity is in
the alternatives bucket alongside private equity
vehicles, such as LBO funds, private capital
vehicles or venture capital funds. This tends
to be the favored approach with many family
oce investors as well as public pensions, for a
number of reasons.
Where does CLO equity t in a portfolio?
In June 2021, Nuveen hosted a discussion
with members of the institutional investor and
consultant communities exploring the role of
CLO equity in broader investment portfolios,
among other topics. During this discussion,
we held an informal survey asking participants
where they would consider allocating CLO
equity within their portfolios. Below is a
breakdown of the responses on this topic.
Survey was conducted informally and offered to internal Nuveen personnel as well
as non-Nuveen attendees on a fully anonymous basis on 29 Jun 2021. Due to the
survey’s informal nature and small sample size, no specic conclusions can be
drawn from the results and no representation is made as to the applicability of
these results.
Opportunistic credit 79%
Broad alternatives 14%
Fixed income 7%
Median equity IRRs of fully realized U.S. CLOs (%)
1.0 Med20132012201120072006200520042003
Data sources: Bank of America Global Research and Intex as of 11 Feb 2023. Past performance does
not guarantee future results.
CLO equity: Where does it t in investor allocations?
Firstly, these investors tend to view CLO equity
as a longer-term investment similar to traditional
private equity funds which have 5+ year return
horizons. CLO equity also tends to be considered
an illiquid investment similar to a closed-end
private fund. In addition, CLO equity typically
targets a mid-teens return prole similar to
alternative asset classes such as private equity –
checking another box in this classication
matrix. However, the return prole of CLO equity
diers from that of traditional private equity
investments due to its lack of J-curve. CLO
equity returns are driven by quarterly cashows
beginning shortly after inception, unlike private
equity funds, which can take multiple years to
begin returning capital to investors. From this
perspective, CLO equity can provide an attractive
pairing for these longer-dated investments, front-
loading cashows and serving to smooth out the
overall return prole of the broader alternatives
bucket. This is of particular importance to
pension-based investors who seek a consistent
stream of cashow-based returns in order to
meet the needs of their plan constituents.
Some investors allocating CLO equity to the PE
bucket point to an additional rationale, since
many of the debt instruments held by a CLO are
eectively loans to PE-backed companies. From
this perspective, it can be argued that the equity
tranche of a CLO eectively recreates the equity
exposure held by private equity funds, since they
are both eectively leveraged investments in
corporations. However, unlike the concentrated
portfolios of PE fund vehicles, CLOs are built
around diversied portfolios of anywhere
from 150 to 200+ underlying positions. Many
investors view this as an important source
of diversication in alternatives buckets,
particularly in investment programs seeking
to limit manager count or to reduce manager
concentration risk. As an added benet, the
underlying portfolios of CLOs consist of
relatively liquid bank loans which can be actively
managed, unlike traditional PE funds. Managers
have the exibility to reposition exposures based
on changing markets and risk appetites.
Option three: The xed income bucket
For other investors, CLO equity sits within
the xed income bucket, sometimes alongside
bank loans and high yield bonds or within a
securitized sub-allocation. This is often the
preferred approach of insurance-based investors,
particularly those entities that purchase CLO
equity directly rather than taking exposure via
commingled private fund vehicles. Insurance
entities, particularly reinsurance investors,
may also gain exposure to CLO equity via
non-payment insurance arrangements,
eectively insuring the risk of loss for a funding
counterparty in exchange for the return upside.
Investors who classify CLO equity within a
xed income allocation are often motivated by
longer-term objectives which are aligned with
the broader xed income universe, particularly
the theme of consistent income. And since CLO
equity is essentially a oating rate instrument
(given the oating rate nature of underlying CLO
portfolios), it can also serve to reduce overall
duration risk in a xed income portfolio – an
added benet for investors concerned about the
longer-term risk of rising rates.
Our intentions for the future shape
our decisions in the present; an
investor’s allocation decision with respect
to CLO equity is ultimately underpinned
by broader investment objectives. Since
CLO equity can bring multiple benets to
a diversied portfolio, investors are often
driven by a variety of objectives which in
turn lead to multiple allocation options.
For this reason, we nd that there are many
potential homes for CLO equity within
investor portfolios, underscoring the multi-
faceted nature of this enigmatic asset class.
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A word on risk
All investments carry a certain degree of risk, including loss of principal, and there is no assurance that an investment will provide positive performance over any period of
time. Any investment in collateralized loan obligations or other structured vehicles involves signicant risks not associated with more conventional investment alternatives. The
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Nuveen Asset Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser and an afliate of Nuveen, LLC.