Ergonomic laptop desk for college students
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
Redesign and Fabrication of a Folding
Ergonomic Laptop Desk for College Students
Mojtaba Jafarvand
, MSc;
Saeid Ahmadi
, PhD; Ali
Safari Variani
, PhD; Sakineh
, PhD
Department of Occupational
Health Engineering, Faculty of Health,
Qazvin University of Medical Sciences,
Qazvin, Iran
Department of Occupational Health
Engineering, Social Determinants
Health Research Center and Research
Institute for Prevention of Non-
Communicable Diseases, Faculty of
Health, Qazvin University of Medical
Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Sakineh Varmazyar, PhD;
Department of Occupational Health
Engineering, Social Determinants
Health Research Center and Research
Institute for Prevention of Non-
Communicable Diseases, Faculty of
Health, Qazvin University of Medical
Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Tel: +98 28 33359501, Int. 3737;
Received: 20 July 2022
Revised: 14 August 2022
Accepted: 17 September 2022
Original article
Background: Awkward posture during work is one of the most
critical risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. A laptop
desk tting with usersbody dimensions plays a crucial role
in maintaining proper posture and reducing musculoskeletal
disorders. This study aimed to redesign and fabricate a folding
ergonomic laptop desk for college students.
Methods: In this experimental applied study, two hundred and
seven college students were considered participants to design an
ergonomic laptop desk and fty students for posture evaluation.
Six anthropometric dimensions were measured: height, the height
of elbows in the sitting position, elbow-elbow breadth, the length
and height of both knees in the cross-legged sitting posture, and
the length of the elbow-ngers. Then, two best-selling laptop
desks were selected and the RULA method assessed laptop users
posture. Finally, using students’ anthropometric dimensions
(n=207), a new laptop desk was designed and built in 2017.
Results: The height of our designed laptop desk is adjustable
(range of 20-28 cm), with a variable inclination of the desk (0- 34
degrees). It is possible to shorten or lengthen desk legs (48-72
cm), and a special plate of the mouse (146 cm) supports both
elbows on the sides of the desk. RULA method showed action
level 3, which required early change in desks 1 and 2.
Conclusion: Applying user›s and expert opinions, measuring
users body dimensions, and applying those dimensions in design
and construction can play a signicant role in improving and
correcting the laptops desks so that it could result in suitable
posture in students.
Please cite this article as: Jafarvand M, Ahmadi S, Safari Variani A, Varmazyar
S. Redesign and Fabrication of a Folding Ergonomic Laptop Desk for College
Students. J Health Sci Surveillance Sys. 2022;10(4):471-479.
Keywords: Anthropometry, Desk, Design posture, RULA, Student
Nowadays, with increasing development in all scientific
and research fields, it is not possible to carry out many
tasks without the aid of a computer. Furthermore,
advancements in technology and micro-processes,
battery technology, and improvement in storage capacity
have resulted in the creation of portable computers,
which are also referred to as laptops.
1, 2
Given the nature
of the laptop in terms of its portability, lightweight, and
processing capabilities similar to desktop computers, it
has become popular among people, especially students
in recent years.
A study conducted on 154 students in
the United States indicated that 88% of people preferred
laptops to desktop computers to perform their tasks.
Students frequently prefer to sit on the floor rather than
behind a desk or office chair habitually because it would
be more convenient to use the laptop in various positions.
Such people maintain an inappropriate physical posture
while using a laptoplying on the floor and placing the
laptop on their legs or other objects. The study carried
out by Rafiei et al. on 300 students in Tehran confirms
the mentioned statement.
Thus, awkward postures
cause discomfort in stressed organs and lead to chronic
disorders in long time exposure.
6, 7
Bubric reported that
over 53% of participants experienced musculoskeletal
Jafarvand M, Ahmadi S, Safari Variani A, Varmazyar S
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
discomfort while using a laptop computer.
In addition,
previous studies on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
in students who used laptops indicated the greatest
discomfort in the students’ neck, shoulders, and wrists.
Also, results showed a high prevalence of neck pain
(69.19%) due to laptop use among students.
with a laptop without using a desk can increase neck
discomfort (25-50%) and back pain (15-30%).
So, there
was a positive correlation between differential patterns
of laptop use and musculoskeletal discomfort.
A study by Moet et al. demonstrated that a
workstation is one of the factors aecting physical
variables of the body, so people who used laptops
on their legs reported more musculoskeletal pain
than those who sat behind a desk.
incompatibility of the bodily dimensions of students
with laptop desks in the position of cross-legged
sitting will aggravate musculoskeletal disorders in
the limbs involved while working with their laptops.
The product must be appropriately designed to be
suitable for all people, considering its adjustability and
sizes. In order to optimize such decisions, we require
anthropometric characteristics of the user population
to create an eective match between the product and
the user.
Inappropriateness between technology and
users has negatively impacted work eciency and
resulted in a high rate of musculoskeletal disorders
in workplaces.
The tools and facilities could
be designed and applied safely for the whole life
considering anthropometry science.
14, 15
Therefore, it
is essential to pay attention to user features in order to
design ergonomically friendly products and decrease
musculoskeletal disorders.
An awkward posture is one of the most important
MSDs risk factors in workstations.
RULA features
in assessing posture, force, and repetitive movements
identify MSDs risk factors in the upper extremities
during work.
The main issue in obtaining a proper design is
that human beings are signicantly dierent from
one another in terms of various biological aspects
such as their physical dimensions, mentality, and
19, 20
Mostly, designers and engineers must
ensure comfort, safety, eciency, and health of users
during products design It should be better to consider
capabilities and limitations of the human physical and
mental abilities in the design and production of such
Therefore, this study aims to redesign and
fabricate a folding ergonomic laptop desk for college
students. So, the innovation of the present study is to
discover the problems of existing laptop desks from the
perspective of students and professionals and use their
opinion in the construction of an adjustable and folding
laptop desk which would be usable by both hands
based on anthropometric dimensions of students.
The university ethics committee has authenticated
this experimental applied study under the code of
IR.QUMS.REC.1395.186. This study was carried out
on students living in Qazvin University of Medical
Sciences dormitories in 2017. After informing the
students, those who showed their willingness to
cooperate entered the study by obtaining verbal
consent. Based on the previous studies,
the sample
size was estimated at 185 participants, considering
the 95% condence interval and standard deviation
of 0.347 mm. The subjects were selected by simple
classification-randomization among students.
Regarding the studentsinterest in participating in
the study, 207 people were analyzed.
Also, Based on the previous studies
, the sample
size to evaluate students’ posture while using laptop
desks was estimated to be 48 participants, taking into
account the 90% condence interval and prevalence of
77%. In order to obtain more accurate data, two more
participants were added to the estimated samples. So,
the nal sample was about 50 participants. The sample
data was collected in dormitory by simple random
Measurement of Anthropometric Dimensions in
Students (n=207)
In this study, six anthropometric dimensions of
the students were measured including height, elbow
height while sitting, the width of elbows, length of
both knees in a cross-legged sitting posture, the
height of both knees in a cross-legged sitting posture,
and the elbow-ngertip length (Figure 1).
12, 22-24
Anthropometric dimensions were measured using
tape or static anthropometer device (Two vertical
rectangular plates with a horizontal oor that the
length and width of each plate was 135 cm and 200 cm,
respectively with accurately measured 1 millimeter,
and an adjustable chair), digital calipers, Marcal 18
EWR, with a movable jaw (with measuring range
0-500 mm and 0-1000 mm with resolution 0.01 mm),
a goniometer with an accuracy of one degree, and a
special scale for weight. At the time of measurement,
the individuals had minimal clothing and were
assessed in a sitting position with their heads resting
on the anthropometer plate.
Ergonomic laptop desk for college students
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
Determining the Dimensions of Current Laptop Desks
and Examination of Their Problems
The dimensions of the current best-selling desks
on the market (Figure 2) were measured, which
include the total length and width of the surface on the
desk, the longitudinal distance of the desk legs from
each other, adjustable desk height from the level on the
desk and adjustable desk height from the level under
the table. Appropriate percentiles were considered to
compare students’ anthropometric dimensions with
the current desks’ dimensions (Table 1).
In the next stage, the ergonomic issues of laptop
desks used in cross-legged sitting positions were
identied by the researcher, a group of ergonomics and
occupational health experts, and industrial designers.
Then, the ergonomic suggestions from students
were gathered fora better design of existing laptop
desks. Furthermore, ergonomic issues and students’
suggestions were discussed in a symposium with a
group of well-known experts, and the initial design
was drawn.
Posture Analysis While Utilizing Current and
Designed Laptop Desks (n=50)
According to Tirgar’s study, students usually
spend more than one hour working on computer
Therefore, all laptop desks were
used at least one hour before analyzing participants’
postures by RULA: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment
method. RULA method assesses the posture of the
dierent regions of the body, especially in the upper
extremities, force or load, and muscle activity (static
posture or repetitive movements).
Generally, it is common to classify and assess all
the body parts in two groups by the RULA method.
These groups include group A (upper limbs including
shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands) and group B
(neck, trunk, and legs).
Each group was analyzed and
scored separately based on the table method. Following
that, repetition and force scores were considered to
calculate the nal RULA score (Figure 3).
The priority level of corrective action of the RULA
method is demonstrated in Table 2.
Design and Fabrication
Experts’ and students corrective suggestions
were applied to design a new desk in the VISIO
Microsoft Oce environment. First, the initial sketch
was drawn according to an appropriate percentile of
anthropometric dimensions in Table 1. Then, the
prototype of the laptop desk was made using double-
layer cartons and wood.
Following that, based on the expert groups
decision and troubleshooting, the wooden laptop desk
was constructed.
Figure 1: Measured anthropometric dimensions
Figure 2: The current best-selling desks on the market
Jafarvand M, Ahmadi S, Safari Variani A, Varmazyar S
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
Demographic Characteristics
The results showed that the mean and standard
deviation of the age for the students who participated
in anthropometric dimensions measurement (n=207)
and those who used laptops to evaluate posture (n=50)
as 20.82±1.56 and 21.72±2.38 years, respectively.
Other demographic characteristics of the subjects
have been presented in Table 3.
Current Laptop Desks Problems
Our study showed that there were major problems
in the rst current laptop desk, including lack of a
paper holder, lack of adjustability of desk legs, no
special mouse plate, Lack of ability to adjust the
inclination of the laptop and mouse plate separately,
having sharp edges on the desk, and no elbow support
for the rest when typing or working with the mouse.
In addition to the problems mentioned above, there
were other problems in the second current laptop desk
such as xed special mouse plate, lack of special mouse
plate for left-handed operators, adjustable laptop plate
in just two inclinations of 0 and 27 degrees and of its
failure to attract operators who like having desks with
adjustable height.
Anthropometric Dimensions of Fabricated Laptop
The anthropometric dimensions regarding the
length of both knees in the posture of cross-legged
sitting have the 5
percentile of 48.85 cm and the 95
percentile of 70.26 cm. Other characteristics regarding
the anthropometric dimensions have been presented
in Table 4.
According to Figure 4, the total surface length
of the constructed table was measured to be 90 cm.
In addition, this table features 9 inclinations with
Table 1: Properties percentile for each anthropometric dimension in designing the laptop desk
Desk parameterProperties percentileDimension of the body
Longitudinal distance of the desk legs from each other5-95Length of both knees in the cross-legged posture
Adjustable desk height from the level under the table5-95Height of both knees in the cross-legged posture
Adjustable desk height from the level on the desk5-95Height of the elbows in the sitting position
The total length of the desk95Elbow-elbow breadth
Width of mouse handles95Length of the elbow- ngers
Table 2: Interpretation of the nal score in the rapid upper limb assessment method
The nal score The priority level of corrective action Interpretation
1-2 1 Acceptable posture
3-4 2 Further investigations, changes may be needed
5-6 3 Further investigations, change soon
7 4 Investigate and implement change
Figure 3: Scoring by the RULA method
Ergonomic laptop desk for college students
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
Table 3: Demographic characteristics of the participants (n=207) and current laptop desks users (n=50 )
Laptop users (n=50)Participants (n=207) Variable
or Percent
or Percent
21.72±2.385020.82±1.56207Age (year)
168.92±8.3750168.14±9.01207Height (cm)
63.58±11.165062.78±11.45207Weight (Kg)
341739.682Male Sex
849.720Operation room Field of
221121.344Occupational health
848.217Environmental Health
217.215Public health
428.217Laboratory sciences
2110.121Medical emergencies
22119.720Healthcare management
Table 4: Anthropometric dimensions in the students (Cm)
95ile50ile5ileMaximumMinimumMean±SDAnthropometry Dimension
70.2658.2048.858141.3558.17±6.44Length of both knees in the cross-legged posture
2823.5020331523.72±2.50Height of both knees in the cross-legged posture
2924.5019.20361724.50±2.84Height of elbows in the sitting position
51.0940.9235.1756.1525.5341.59±4.80Elbow-elbow breadth
49.7644.1539.3052.3634.2044.37±3.23Length of the elbow-ngers
ile: Percentile
Figure 4: Laptop desk designed and built (from a dierent perspective)
Jafarvand M, Ahmadi S, Safari Variani A, Varmazyar S
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
intervals of 4.25 degrees. The other dimensions of
the constructed table have been presented in Table 5
and Figure 4.
Comparison of Fit between Students’ Anthropometric
Dimensions with Current and Fabricated Laptop
The results of matching the anthropometric
dimensions of students with the dimensions of the
desks showed that the length of both knees in the
cross-legged posture with the longitudinal distance
of the desk legs from each other in desks 1, 2, and
fabricated ones were 32.4%, 61.8%, and 95.7% t,
However, two types of the most common laptop
desks on the market had anthropometric proportions of
about 32% in only three anthropometric dimensions,
and our fabricated laptop desk had a proportion of
more than 70% in four anthropometric dimensions
(Figure 5).
The Corrective Action Priority Level of Various
Laptop Desks
The level of corrective action 2 showed that further
investigation and changes may be needed in desks 1,
2 and fabricated desks with a rate of 82%, 92%, and
74%, respectively, which means that the fabricated
desk has a more suitable posture for users (Figure 6).
Using laptops has resulted in musculoskeletal disorders
in users, especially among students. On the other hand,
designing a new product or rectifying the design of a
product is mostly based on a clear understanding of
users’ needs and the demands of operators. Furthermore,
one of the ways to improve the design and increase user
health and satisfaction is to identify, collect, and solve
the problems of existing desks used by users. Therefore,
the present study has tried to identify the problems of
best-selling laptop desks used in the cross-legged sitting
posture through students’ and experts’ opinions. In
Table 5: Dimensions of laptop desk designed and built and current laptop desks (Desk 1 and 2)
Dimensions of the laptop desk Size (Cm or Degree)
Made desk Desk 1 Desk 2
The total length of the surface on the desk 90 61 63
The total width of the surface on the desk 46 34 35
Longitudinal distance of the desk legs from each other Min 48 54.5 60
Max 72 54.5 60
Adjustable desk height from the level on the desk Min 28 20 26
Max 36 31 26
Adjustable desk height from the level under the table Min 20 18 18
Max 28 29 18
Adjustable laptop plate inclination Min 0 2.6 0
Max 34 7.8 27
Adjustable mouse plate inclination
(Left and right)
Min 0 2.6 0
Max 0 7.8 0
Laptop plate dimensions Length 50 - 46
Width 34 - 35
Mouse plate dimensions
(Left and right)
Length 19 - 17
Width 46 - 35
Figure 5: Percentage of t of anthropometric dimensions of students with the dimensions of laptop desks
Ergonomic laptop desk for college students
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
addition, anthropometric dimensions of students have
been used to optimize a laptop desk ergonomically to
improve students’ posture in cross-legged sitting.
In this study, the problems of purchasing two
desks such as lack of adjustability in desk legs , no
special mouse plate, lack of paper holder, lack of
adjustability in the inclination of the laptop and mouse
plates separately, the sharp edges of the desk surface,
not-being foldable and not-being portable showed
that it would be necessary to consider and solve the
problems above in new laptop desk design. Our study
is similar to the Purnomo study, which designed a
student laptop desk to identify the problem, nd
ideas and recommendations, implement, and evaluate
recommended solutions.
The results of students
posture evaluation when using desks 1 and 2 showed
that the problems in the desks mentioned above, lead
to awkward posture in the neck, trunk, arm, and wrist.
So, further investigation and change may be needed
(action level 2), or a change soon (action level 3) is
required. This result is in good agreement with the
Gautam ndings
and Kaur’s, which is supported by
RULA scores ranging from 36 (action level 2, 3),
indicating risk at the workstation.
Users, professors, and experts’ opinions
concerning our new fabricated desk led to a more
acceptable level of corrective action (action level
3=change soon 0%) compared with existing desks.
So, the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders
and fatigue would be decreased with eliminating
previously mentioned problems in existing desks, and
operators’ posture would be improved while using the
new laptop desk.
Few studies have been carried out on the design and
fabrication of laptop desks in the cross-legged sitting
position based on the anthropometric dimensions of
students in Iran or other parts of the world. Therefore,
it was hardly ever possible to compare the results of
the present study with other similar studies.
In the present study, the anthropometric dimensions
of male and female students according to the 5th
and 95th percentiles were used to design dierent
parts of the laptop desk in the cross-legged sitting
posture, which is very close to the anthropometric
data of Mououdi et al. So, it indicates the accuracy of
measuring dimensions among students in this study.
Studying the proportionality of students’
anthropometric dimensions with the dimensions of
desks showed that the longitudinal distance of the
desk legs from each other in desks 1 and 2 t about
one-third to two-thirds, respectively. It means these
desks could not be easily used on average by almost
half of the users in the cross-legged posture. On the
other hand, participants could easily operate our new
fabricated desk due to the adjustability of the desk
legs from each other. Moreover, in desk number 2,
the space under the desk for the knees is suitable for
almost 1% of people due to the xed height of the
desk. In contrast to the existing desks, the fabricated
one would be more applicable to most users, as it is
possible to adjust the knee space, which is in line with
the range of accommodation distance between the
desk bases in the study conducted by Mououdi
et al.
In the dimension of the height of both knees in
the cross-legged sitting posture, desk 2 had the least
adaptation to the anthropometric dimensions. In
contrast, our fabricated desk has a lot of matching,
consistent with the study of Mououdi
et al.
Musculoskeletal pain, including neck and upper back
pain, can be reported during laptop use when working
at the unsuitable -height table.
There was no good t between the height of the
upper surface of the fabricated desk and the height
of the users’ elbows such that t proportionality was
measured to be one-ve. Moreover, it should be noted
that this proportion in the new laptop desk was less
Figure 6: Frequency of RULA method corrective action level on laptop desks
Jafarvand M, Ahmadi S, Safari Variani A, Varmazyar S
J Health Sci Surveillance Sys October 2022; Vol 10; No 4
than other existing desks. The reason behind this
nding is that the distance between the upper and
lower surface of the fabricated desk was thicker, about
8 cm, in order to fold legs and special mouse plates
from the two sides of the desk in such a manner that
it could be handled as a portable desk.
The lowest proportion percentage was measured
between the minimum length of students’ elbow-
ngertip with the width of best-selling existing desks
numbers 1 and 2. However, this proportionality was
remarkably increased in the newly built desk.
The built of a laptop desk is considered superior
to laptop desks available on the market as opinions of
students and professionals were taken into account.
The fact that it has features such as being adjustable
(in terms of the desk height, the distance between the
desk legs, and the special laptop plate) enabled working
with the mouse with both hands, having elbow support,
being equipped with a paper holder during typing,
reducing neck disorders, and easy and convenient
movement in a bag. A study carried out by the rst
author and colleagues evaluated student satisfaction
rate with the best-selling laptop desks indicated that
laptop desks that are close in design and capabilities to
this constructed desk are more satisfactory.
As far as the design and construction elements allow, the
present laptop desk is made based on the 5th and 95th
percentile anthropometric dimensions (length, width,
and height) so that the final product provides more
strength and durability. It seems that using our fabricate
desk might be effective in reducing MSDs and their
long-time complaints among students. Thus, it would
be recommended to consider a broad age group with
different working postures in future studies to provide
more comprehensive results that could be generalized to
wider society. Furthermore, the existing shortcomings
can be modified by considering the ergonomic
suggestions of designers and users, so the laptop desk
would be improved ergonomically. As a result, students
postures would be maintained in a suitable position.
Advantages and Limitations of This Study
One of the advantages of the present study was to use
the opinions of students and ergonomics experts to
eliminate the shortcomings of existing laptop desks and
use their suggestions to improve the design of the built
laptop desk. In addition, using students’ anthropometric
features in designing desk dimensions, adjustable and
folding parts of the table, and making them usable for
left-handed and right-handed users are other advantages
of the present study. On the other hand, the limitation
of the study included using few available laptop desks
and the lack of research among all people (with different
ages) who use laptop desks.
Conflicts of interest: None declared.
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