1. Scope
The following UEFA EURO 2024 Ticketing Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) set
out the general conditions for requests, purchase and use of tickets available for UEFA EURO 2024.
The sale and use of such tickets are subject to the following Terms and Conditions and any other
applicable laws or regulations (as defined below under Applicable Laws and “Regulations”) pertaining
to access and usage of the Stadium (as defined below).
To prevent violence and criminal acts associated with attendance at the Stadium (as defined below), to
enforce stadium bans, to separate PNA Members and PNA Fans (both as defined below) from fans of
the competing teams during the Match (as defined below) and to prevent the unauthorised resale of
Tickets (as defined below) for UEFA EURO 2024, in particular to prevent price speculation on Tickets
(e.g. purchasing Tickets for the purpose of an outright resale above face value pursuant to Article
C.7.2.a.iii) and to maintain the greatest possible variety of fans with Tickets at socially compatible prices,
it is in the interests of both EURO 2024 GmbH and its customers and spectators, as well as in the
particular interest of spectator safety, to appropriately restrict the unauthorised resale of Tickets.
2. Definitions
Accessibility Ticket
one of the types of Ticket (as further described in Article
B.3.23) offered for sale on the Ticket Portal, being either an
Easy-Access Ticket or a Wheelchair Ticket for the relevant
Access Code
any access code (which, unless otherwise specified, can be
used for one Ticket purchase only) provided by EURO 2024
GmbH to i) a PNA for such PNA to disseminate to its PNA
Members to give such PNA Members priority to purchase
Tickets from the relevant PNA Allocation, or ii) a third party
authorised by EURO 2024 GmbH to disseminate to an
Applicant to give such Applicant priority to purchase Tickets
during the General Public Allocation Window.
Allocation Window(s)
collectively, the General Public Allocation Window(s) and PNA
Allocation Window(s).
the UEFA Mobile Tickets' app (or such other app as
communicated to the Successful Applicant by EURO 2024
GmbH) which will be made available by UEFA Parties or its
partners through the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and
any such other app store as notified by EURO 2024 GmbH.
Applicable Laws
means all laws, statutes, common law, regulations,
ordinances, codes, rules, guidelines, orders, permits, tariffs
and approvals, including those relating to the environment,
health and safety or sanitary measures, of any governmental
or local authority that apply to the Applicant, Successful
Applicant, Guest and/or Ticket Holder, or the subject matter of
these Terms and Conditions.
any natural person above 18 years of age with legal capacity
to enter into an agreement for the purchase of Tickets to UEFA
EURO 2024 in accordance with these Terms and
Companion Ticket
a complimentary Ticket issued with an Accessibility Ticket
pursuant to Article B.3.23 for the use of the personal
companion/assistant accompanying a disabled Ticket Holder.
Delayed Allocation
the allocation of any Ticket by EURO 2024 GmbH after a
Ticket Draw when there is a delay between the Request by
Applicants and payment for the Ticket(s) by Successful
Applicants in order to facilitate the Ticket Draw and identify the
Successful Applicant.
the wholly owned subsidiary of the Host Association, which is
appointed by the Host Association to carry out certain tasks
and obligations in relation to the Tournament, including to be
the “organiser” of the Tournament under Applicable Laws.
DFB Parties
the Host Association and DFB EURO GmbH.
Easy-Access Ticket
a Ticket for a disabled person who does not use a wheelchair
but requires seating with easy access that is close to
accessible amenities in the Stadium.
EURO 2024 GmbH
the entity with its business seat at Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6 in
60528 Frankfurt, Germany, which is a joint-venture company
established under German law by UEFA Events SA and DFB
EURO GmbH, and which is established for the planning,
preparation, staging, organisation and dismantling of the
FCFS Basis
where a Ticket is made available by EURO 2024 GmbH from
time to time on a first-come-first-served basis.
General Public Allocation
collectively, the Tickets allocated by EURO 2024 GmbH to the
general public which are on sale during the General Public
Allocation Window(s).
General Public Allocation
any window(s) specified by EURO 2024 GmbH in which an
Applicant may apply for a General Public Allocation Ticket via
the Ticket Portal in accordance with Article B.3.7.a.
Guest(s) (if applicable)
an individual accompanying the Successful Applicant to the
Match to whom Tickets may be transferred in accordance with
these Terms and Conditions.
Host Association
Deutscher Fußball-Bund eV (DFB), the German Football
Federation, DFB-Campus, Kennedyallee, 274, 60528
Frankfurt am Main Germany, the UEFA member association
appointed by UEFA to host and stage the Tournament.
Host Cities
the following cities in the Host Territory (or such other towns
or cities as notified by UEFA):
a) Berlin;
b) Cologne;
c) Dortmund;
d) Düsseldorf;
e) Frankfurt;
f) Gelsenkirchen;
g) Hamburg;
h) Leipzig;
i) Munich; and
j) Stuttgart.
Host Territory
the relevant UEFA EURO 2024 match(es).
a participating national association, being any UEFA national
association participating in UEFA EURO 2024.
PNA Allocation
collectively, the Tickets allocated by EURO 2024 GmbH to the
PNAs which are on sale during the PNA Allocation Window(s)
in accordance with Article B.3.7.b.
PNA Allocation Rules
a rule or set of rules defined and applied by the PNAs to
allocate Tickets to its supporters which may include the
requirement to be a PNA Member and/or possess an Access
Code (as communicated to the PNA Member by the relevant
PNA Allocation Window(s)
any window(s) specified by EURO 2024 GmbH in which an
Applicant may apply for a PNA Allocation Ticket via the Ticket
any Applicant who identifies themselves as a fan of the
applicable PNA but who does not have to be a PNA Member.
PNA Member
an official fan club member of a PNA as specified by the
applicable PNA.
Price Categories
the price categories of the Tickets from time to time as
determined by EURO 2024 GmbH (and Price Category
shall be construed accordingly).
Purchase Notification
the notification of the Request confirming the allocation of
such Ticket(s) indicated in such Purchase Notification, as sent
by EURO 2024 GmbH to the email address provided by the
Applicant during the purchase process on the Ticket Portal.
Purchase Price
the total purchase price for the Ticket(s) selected by the
Applicant, inclusive of all relevant taxes.
Refund Policy
the refund policy of EURO 2024 GmbH as applicable from
time to time which is available for review at:
without limitation, the terms of the following:
- Stadium Rules; and/or
- UEFA and the Host Association’s statutes and
regulations applicable for the Tournament.
Restricted View Ticket
one of the types of Tickets which may be offered for sale on
the Ticket Portal by EURO 2024 GmbH (at its discretion),
being a Ticket for the relevant Match which has a restricted
view of the pitch.
the offer, in the form required on the Ticket Portal, made by an
Applicant for Ticket(s) to a Match(es) in accordance with these
Terms and Conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, a Request
does not create a binding agreement between EURO 2024
GmbH and the Applicant unless the requested Ticket(s) have
been successfully allocated and the Request has been
accepted in accordance with Article 5.
Simultaneous Allocation
the allocation of any Ticket by EURO 2024 GmbH on a FCFS
Basis when there is no delay between the Request, the
identity of the Successful Applicant and payment for the
Standard Ticket
one of the types of Tickets offered for sale on the Ticket Portal,
being a Ticket for the relevant Match.
the entire premises of the relevant stadium at which the
relevant Match is played and any other areas which require a
Ticket (or other access device, if applicable) to gain access.
Stadium Owner
the owner of the relevant Stadium and any operator or lessee
of such Stadium.
Stadium Rules
the Stadium Rules as applicable to the Match which can be
accessed at:
Successful Applicant
any Applicant whose Request has been accepted by EURO
2024 GmbH in accordance with Article 5.
the electronic/mobile (or, in limited cases, paper) ticket(s)
provided by EURO 2024 GmbH to the Successful Applicant.
For the avoidance of doubt any mobile or other electronic
device which has the App, which in turn has an
electronic/mobile ticket assigned to it, shall be considered a
Ticket for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions.
Ticket Draw
any draw for Tickets held by EURO 2024 GmbH from time to
time whereby Successful Applicants are chosen randomly.
Ticket Holder
any person who is in actual and legitimate possession of a
Ticket including, without limitation, Successful Applicants and
their Guests (as applicable).
Ticket Portal
the Internet platform owned and managed by UEFA Parties
on which the Applicant can (subject to availability and these
Terms and Conditions) purchase Tickets, the specific URL of
which shall be notified to the Applicant via
www.euro2024.com/tickets or, if applicable, via the relevant
Ticket Type(s)
Standard Ticket(s), which may be Accessibility Ticket(s) or
Restricted View Ticket(s).
Union des associations européennes de football, whose
offices are located at Route de Genève 46, 1260 Nyon 2,
UEFA EURO 2024 /
the final tournament of the UEFA European Football
Championship 2022-2024 which is scheduled to be staged
in the Host Territory from 14 June 2024 until 14 July 2024, and
for which UEFA holds the relating rights of exploitation under
the terms of the national law of the Host Territory.
UEFA Events SA
UEFA Events SA of Route de Genève 46, 1260 Nyon 2,
Switzerland, the wholly owned subsidiary of UEFA.
UEFA Parties
UEFA, UEFA Events SA and EURO 2024 GmbH.
Wheelchair Ticket
a Ticket for a disabled person using a wheelchair within a
designated wheelchair space at the Stadium.
3. Buying Tickets on the Ticket Portal
3.1. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:
a. EURO 2024 GmbH is the seller of the Tickets and is responsible for the planning,
preparation, staging, organisation and dismantling of the Tournament;
b. UEFA is the owner of the commercial rights of UEFA EURO 2024;
c. UEFA Events SA carries out certain operational tasks in relation to the Tournament;
d. The Host Association is the UEFA member association appointed by UEFA to host and
stage the Tournament; and
e. DFB EURO GmbH carries out certain operational tasks for the Host Association and is
the organiser of the Tournament.
3.2. Subject to Ticket availability, the Ticket Portal will offer an Applicant the opportunity to submit a
Request for Tickets as follows in the remainder of this Article 3.
3.3. For each Allocation Window, the Ticket Portal will indicate whether the Tickets are being sold
on a FCFS Basis and/or whether a Ticket Draw will be held, which is at the sole discretion of
EURO 2024 GmbH.
3.4. Notwithstanding Article 3.2, EURO 2024 GmbH gives no warranty that the Ticket Portal will offer
an Applicant the opportunity to purchase Tickets for a Match.
3.5. Upon identifying Ticket(s) which they wish to purchase, the Applicant will notify EURO 2024
GmbH with an offer that the Applicant is willing to purchase the Tickets from EURO 2024 GmbH
for the Purchase Price by completing and submitting a Request on the Ticket Portal.
3.6. Any Request for Ticket(s) requires the prior registration of the Applicant on the Ticket Portal and
the Applicant must register on the Ticket Portal by following the procedure stipulated on the
Ticket Portal.
3.7. An Applicant can submit a Request via the Ticket Portal for:
a. General Public Allocation Tickets which will be open during the General Public Allocation
Window(s). EURO 2024 GmbH may elect to offer General Public Allocation Tickets on a
FCFS Basis and/or via a Ticket Draw; and
b. PNA Allocation Tickets which will be open during the PNA Allocation Window(s). In addition
to these Terms and Conditions, each PNA may, in addition and without being in conflict
with these Terms and Conditions, also impose its PNA Allocation Rules which each
Applicant applying for PNA Allocation Tickets must comply with. During the PNA Allocation
i. the applicable PNA may elect to offer priority to PNA Allocation Tickets to its PNA
Members on a FCFS Basis and/or via a Ticket Draw;
ii. the applicable PNA may elect to offer priority to its PNA Allocation Tickets to its
PNA Members (for example via an Access Code or by way of data validation) to
complete a purchase on a FCFS Basis; and
iii. if there are still PNA Allocation Tickets available after any PNA Member priority
window detailed in Articles 3.7.b.i and 3.7.b.ii has closed, these remaining Tickets
shall be available to PNA Fans via a Ticket Draw,
and the Ticket Portal will indicate at the relevant time which of the processes above are
3.8. The Applicant accepts and acknowledges that for all Allocation Windows:
i. where the Tickets are being offered via a Ticket Draw, the Applicant may access
the Ticket Portal at any time before closure of the applicable Allocation Window to
modify or cancel their Request;
ii. where the Tickets are being offered on a FCFS Basis, the Applicant may not, at
any time, modify or cancel their Request, once submitted;
iii. following closure of the Ticket Portal (on expiry of applicable Allocation Window),
no modification or cancellation of the Request will be permitted; and
iv. timely submission of a correctly filled-in Request, properly received by EURO 2024
GmbH constitutes a firm and non-revocable undertaking to purchase the Ticket(s)
indicated in the Request, which may be accepted by EURO 2024 GmbH in
accordance with Article 5.
3.9. EURO 2024 GmbH will notify the Applicant about the receipt of the Request via an email to the
address indicated by such Applicant in the Request. This email shall not be construed as an
acceptance of the Applicant's offer, but be subject to the availability of the Tickets requested,
the acceptance of the Applicant´s offer according to Article 5 below and the observance of
particular circumstances (e.g. safety or health aspects).
3.10. An Applicant cannot submit a Request for more Tickets for the relevant Match (including
Standard Tickets, Restricted View Tickets and Accessibility Tickets) than is permitted under
these Ticket Terms and Conditions or on the Ticket Portal by EURO 2024 GmbH and, with
respect to the PNA Allocation Tickets, under the relevant PNA Allocation Rules. Unless
otherwise specified on the Ticket Portal or under the relevant PNA Allocation Rules, and subject
to the remaining provisions of this Article 3.10, an Applicant can submit the Request for up to
four (4) Tickets per Match (including Standard Tickets, Restricted View Tickets and Accessibility
Tickets). Requests for more than (i) the maximum number of Tickets permitted pursuant to this
Article 3.10; (ii) more than one (1) Match played (or has the possibility to be played) on the same
day; and/or (iii) multiple applications by the Applicant for the same Match are not permitted and
will be rejected or cancelled.
3.11. Standard Tickets (including Restricted View Tickets) will be available in a maximum of five (5)
Price Categories, based on the location of the seat in the Stadium. The seat map indicating an
approximate location of the respective Price Categories will be displayed on the Ticket Portal.
3.12. Unless otherwise specified on the Ticket Portal, the Applicant will not be able to select specific
seats, either when making an application for Tickets that are allocated on a FCFS Basis or after
a Ticket Draw, which will be randomly allocated based on the Price Category, Ticket Type and
quantity of Tickets selected by the Applicant on the Ticket Portal and the PNA the Applicant
indicated that they supported.
3.13. Applicants whose applications were unsuccessful after a Ticket Draw will be informed by EURO
2024 GmbH by no later than the date indicated on the Ticket Portal via an email sent to the
address indicated by such Applicant in the Request.
3.14. Applicants and Successful Applicants shall provide true, accurate, correct and complete
information when required during the Ticket application process, further details of which
(including the method and deadlines for the provision of such information) shall be
communicated to them on the Ticket Portal or by such other method as determined by EURO
2024 GmbH (which may include by way of email) from time to time.
Applicants and Successful Applicants accept and acknowledge that any failure to provide the
required details within the timescales and deadlines communicated to Applicants and
Successful Applicants shall result in the Request being voided and/or cancellation of the Tickets
allocated to a Successful Applicant.
3.15. It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that:
a. the Request has been filled-in completely and accurately with all required details (in the
case of both Tickets sold on a FCFS Basis and via a Ticket Draw);
b. acceptance of these Terms and Conditions as required by EURO 2024 GmbH in the
purchase process is properly given by clicking the respective box(es) on the Ticket Portal;
c. the Applicant and each of their Guests understand how their personal data will be
processed as detailed in Article D.14, the Privacy Notification and the UEFA Privacy Policy
set out at http://www.uefa.com/privacypolicy/index.html. By submitting a Request
personally and on behalf of each Guest, each Applicant accepts and acknowledges the
foregoing (and confirms that each Guest accepts and acknowledges the foregoing);
d. the Request is properly submitted to EURO 2024 GmbH in accordance with the instructions
specified on the Ticket Portal; and
e. sufficient funds to cover the Purchase Price for the Ticket(s) in the case of both Tickets
sold on a FCFS Basis and via a Ticket Draw (and any Alipay+ account or credit or debit
card issuing bank fees referred to in Article 4.5) are available on the Alipay+ account or
credit or debit card indicated for payment at the point of payment.
Any failure to comply by the Applicant with the requirements detailed in this Article 3.15 will
result in the Request (and thus such Applicant’s offer to purchase Ticket(s)) being rejected.
3.16. The Applicant warrants that all information provided by them during the application process is
true and accurate. If the Applicant is subsequently found to be in breach of this Article 3.16
EURO 2024 GmbH shall be entitled to refuse their application or void their Ticket(s) (if it has/they
have been issued).
3.17. By completing and submitting the Request on the Ticket Portal, the Applicant acknowledges
that they have read, understood and agreed to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
3.18. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that all Ticket purchases made on the Ticket Portal
(either by Delayed Allocation or Simultaneous Allocation) are final and that (save for
circumstances where the Refund Policy applies) no cancellations will be permitted and/or
refunds or exchanges given following the closure of the applicable Allocation Window or the
Simultaneous Allocation.
3.19. With respect to Tickets sold via a Ticket Draw, in the event that Ticket(s) in the relevant Price
Category selected by the Applicant are no longer available, the Applicant may be allocated
Tickets in another Price Category provided that the Applicant has expressly authorised EURO
2024 GmbH to do so by clicking the respective field in the Request. The Applicant recognises
and accepts that by clicking the relevant field, the Applicant may have to pay a Purchase Price
corresponding to the Price Category directly lower or higher than the one originally requested,
thereby resulting in the payment of a lower or higher Purchase Price.
3.20. The Applicant accepts and acknowledges that any Request which results in the Applicant
exceeding the Ticket purchase limits identified in Article 3.9 or being allocated Tickets which
would result in a breach of Articles 3.24 or 3.25 shall be rejected or cancelled in full, regardless
of whether such Applicant has become a Successful Applicant.
3.21. Any Applicant who, in the reasonable opinion of EURO 2024 GmbH, purchases Ticket(s) using
any computer software which is designed to afford the Applicant with an increased chance of
being successful in the purchase of Tickets on the Ticket Portal or to avoid limitations on the
maximum number of Tickets permitted pursuant to Article 3.9 (such as bots or spiders) or any
Applicant who, for this purpose, together with other individuals, has been recruited or
incentivised to create multiple applications, shall have any Requests by them rejected or Tickets
purchased by them cancelled in full, regardless of whether the Applicant has become a
Successful Applicant. Any conduct referred to in this Article 3.21 entitles EURO 2024 GmbH to
impose a contractual penalty on the Applicant in accordance with Article C.11.
3.22. Whilst EURO 2024 GmbH will attempt to ensure that listings for Tickets on the Ticket Portal are
accurate, technical errors may occur. If EURO 2024 GmbH discovers that an error has occurred
which has resulted in an incorrect Request for Tickets or receipt of the email referred to in Article
3.9, EURO 2024 GmbH will inform the Applicant as soon as possible and reserves the right to
reject the Applicant´s Request or cancel the Applicant’s purchase. Where possible, EURO 2024
GmbH will give the Applicant the option of reconfirming their Request with the correct details or
cancelling their Request for a full refund (if a Purchase Notification in respect of such Request
has been received by the Applicant). If EURO 2024 GmbH is unable to contact the Applicant,
the Applicant agrees that EURO 2024 GmbH may treat the Applicant’s Request as rejected or
the Ticket purchase as cancelled without any liability to UEFA Parties and/or DFB Parties.
3.23. With respect to Accessibility Tickets:
a. a limited number of Accessibility Tickets (being either an Easy-Access Ticket or a
Wheelchair Ticket) will be available on the Ticket Portal, which will be delivered to a
Successful Applicant with a complimentary Companion Ticket. For enforcement purposes
under these Terms and Conditions where the Applicant is:
i. not the disabled spectator themselves, the disabled spectator will be considered
as the Guest;
ii. the disabled spectator, the personal companion/assistant will be considered as the
b. Accessibility Tickets can be located in various areas of the Stadium, depending on its
layout; and
c. an Applicant applying for Accessibility Tickets on the Ticket Portal will be required to
submit to EURO 2024 GmbH (in such form as communicated to the Applicant by EURO
2024 GmbH) a valid official document confirming their disability or the disability of the
Guest (whichever the case may be) as soon as requested to do so by EURO 2024 GmbH,
however, whenever such Applicant becomes a Successful Applicant at the latest. Any
such Applicant who does not submit the required document to EURO 2024 GmbH (within
the timescales communicated by EURO 2024 GmbH) upon becoming a Successful
Applicant shall have their Tickets cancelled without any liability to UEFA Parties and/or
DFB Parties.
3.24. Where an Applicant is permitted to purchase Tickets for Guests, Guests named in a Successful
Applicants application for Tickets cannot be named in multiple applications for Tickets for the
same Match, regardless of whether such Guest is the named Successful Applicant or the named
Guest of another Successful Applicant. Applications which result in the named Guest being
named on multiple applications (whether as a Guest or a Successful Applicant) are not permitted
and will be cancelled.
3.25. Any Successful Applicant who purchases or is allocated Tickets for the relevant Match via an
Allocation Window is not permitted to receive Tickets for such Match via any other Allocation
Window. Similarly, any Successful Applicant who purchases or is allocated Tickets for the
relevant Match via any other method are not permitted to receive Tickets pursuant to these
Terms and Conditions. Any Request for such Tickets will be rejected or any Ticket will be
cancelled, regardless of whether such Applicant becomes a Successful Applicant. Where the
Tickets have been cancelled by EURO 2024 GmbH pursuant to this Article 3.25, the Successful
Applicant will not be due a refund for such cancelled Tickets (as they have been obtained in
breach of these Terms and Conditions).
4. Payment
4.1. Payment for the Ticket(s) is possible via Alipay+ and via either: (i) a Mastercard or Visa credit
card; or (ii) a Mastercard or Visa debit card which is enabled for (and permits) internet payments.
The Applicant’s credit/debit card shall have an expiry date beyond the date indicated on the
Ticket Portal (which will depend on the applicable Allocation Window).
4.2. Following the selection of the Match, Ticket Type, Price Category, and quantity requested by
the Applicant, the Purchase Price for the Ticket(s) will be clearly indicated in the Request. The
Applicant acknowledges that by clicking the confirmation button/field on the Ticket Portal, the
Applicant agrees to make payment of the relevant Purchase Price in accordance with Article
4.34.3, provided the requested Ticket(s) are allocated by EURO 2024 GmbH to the Applicant
(the timing of such payment dependant on whether it is a Delayed Allocation or a Simultaneous
Allocation). The allocation of Ticket(s) constitutes acceptance of the Request by EURO 2024
GmbH, but is still subject to the conclusion of the purchase in accordance with Article 5.1.a.
4.3. Upon conclusion of the Request phase and following the allocation process of Tickets (either
on a FCFS Basis or after a Ticket Draw), Applicants shall be required to log into the Ticket Portal
in order to make payment of the Purchase Price within the timescales communicated by EURO
2024 GmbH (the timing of such payment dependant on whether it is a Delayed Allocation or a
Simultaneous Allocation).
4.4. All Purchase Prices are indicated on the Ticket Portal and in the Request and all payments will
be made in Euro currency (€). In case EURO 2024 GmbH decides (at its sole discretion) to offer
Tickets in combination with the right, which is subject to the Ticket having been obtained in
accordance with these Terms and Conditions, to use local public transport in a Host City in
relation to a Match, as will be announced by EURO 2024 GmbH to the Successful Applicant in
due time, the local public transport operator remains exclusively responsible for such transport
service. The price of the local public transport is included within the Purchase Price and is
charged irrespective of whether the Ticket Holder uses the public transport. There is no right to
a refund if the Ticket Holder does not use public transport.
In the event that the Applicant’s Request is accepted in accordance with Article 5, the Applicant
undertakes to log in to the Ticket Portal and make payment of the Purchase Price within the
timescales communicated by EURO 2024 GmbH (the timing of such payment dependant on
whether it is a Delayed Allocation or a Simultaneous Allocation) on the account corresponding
to the communicated Alipay+ account or credit or debit card.
The Applicant understands and agrees that their Request will be rejected and that their Tickets
will not be allocated in the event that the Applicant fails to make payment within the required
timescales or the Applicant’s bank rejects payment of the Purchase Price.
4.5. The Applicant’s Alipay+ account or credit or debit card issuing bank will apply its own currency
exchange rates (if applicable) and may levy additional fees or charges for such transaction.
Applicants shall contact Alipay+ or their respective credit or debit card issuing bank before
submitting the Request in order to enquire about the relevant exchange rates, charges or fees.
UEFA Parties and DFB Parties shall not be responsible for any such exchange rates, fees or
charges levied by the Successful Applicant’s Alipay+ account or credit or debit card issuing
5. Offer Acceptance
5.1. The agreement between EURO 2024 GmbH and the Successful Applicant for the purchase of
the Ticket(s) will be concluded and confirmed (under these Terms and Conditions) only after
a. successful processing of the Alipay+ or credit or debit card payment for the Ticket(s)
indicated in the Request, in accordance with Article 4; and
b. acceptance of the Applicant’s offer by EURO 2024 GmbH by way of submission of the
Purchase Notification to the Successful Applicant.
5.2. Successful Applicants are requested to review their Purchase Notification for any inaccuracies,
in particular with regards to their Ticket(s) quantity, Purchase Price, and Price Category. Any
inaccuracies shall be immediately notified to EURO 2024 GmbH in accordance with Article 19.
5.3. For the avoidance of doubt, even if Ticket(s) are offered via distance communication methods
within the meaning of Sec. 312c para. 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB), Successful Applicants
shall have no right of withdrawal pursuant to Sec. 312g para. 2 no. 9 of the German Civil Code
(BGB) when purchasing a Ticket (either within two weeks or otherwise). Consequently, every
agreement between EURO 2024 GmbH and a Successful Applicant for the purchase of the
Ticket(s) (as confirmed in accordance with Article 5.1) is binding on the Applicant and obliges
the Applicant to pay for, and accept, the ordered Ticket(s).
6. Delivery of Tickets
6.1. Tickets will be delivered to Successful Applicants in the following ways, with such method to be
determined at EURO 2024 GmbHs sole discretion and, if applicable for PNA Allocation Tickets,
following consultation with the relevant PNA:
a. by virtue of electronic “mobile phone tickets” (which shall be the default delivery method).
Where Tickets are remitted by virtue of electronic mobile phone tickets”, the Ticket
Holder is required to download the App on their mobile phone and the electronic Tickets
will need to be displayed on the mobile phone in order to enter the Stadium. Tickets are
remitted to the Successful Applicant for onward transmission to the Ticket Holder(s) and
it is the responsibility of the Successful Applicant to download the App on their mobile
phone and transfer the Ticket(s) to the Ticket Holder(s)). It is then the responsibility of the
Ticket Holder to download and install the App and to ensure that the Tickets are displayed
correctly on their mobile phone. In the event that the Successful Applicant and/or Ticket
Holder has problems with the installation of the App or the retrieval of the Tickets through
the App, the Successful Applicant must immediately inform EURO 2024 GmbH (via
https://support.tickets-euro2024.uefa.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) and in any event no
later than two (2) days prior to the day of the Match (provided that the Tickets have been
remitted to the Successful Applicant by such time). The Ticket Holder will be required to
provide, by such deadline as communicated by EURO 2024 GmbH, their surname, first
name, email address, mobile telephone number, date of birth and passport/ID issued by
country name, along with any other information required under Applicable Laws, when
downloading and registering within the App. The Applicant accepts and acknowledges
that any failure to provide the required personal details within the timescales and despite
the deadlines communicated to Applicants and Successful Applicants shall result in the
relevant Ticket(s) being cancelled, with no right to a refund;
b. in limited cases, including as part of the general effort aimed at maximising safety and
security for the Match and preventing the unauthorised resale of the Tickets, EURO 2024
GmbH may decide (at its reasonable discretion and, if applicable for PNA Allocation
Tickets, following consultation with the relevant PNA) to remit the Tickets personally to
the respective Successful Applicant during the official opening hours of the ticketing
centre point at the relevant Stadium (or in its vicinity) as further described in Article 6.3.
6.2. Successful Applicants will not be able to request: (i) a change to the delivery method by EURO
2024 GmbH (unless in exceptional circumstances, as determined by EURO 2024 GmbH);
and/or (ii) a refund of the Ticket(s) on the basis of the distribution method applicable to their
Ticket(s). For the avoidance of doubt, Successful Applicants will not receive a refund for any
Ticket(s) which they or a Ticket Holder to which they have transmitted a Ticket fail to download
using the App, or which the Successful Applicant or a Ticket Holder to which they have
transmitted a Ticket does not collect in accordance with Article 6.3.
6.3. In the event of that the Successful Applicant is required to collect their Tickets in accordance
with Article 6.1.b, the Successful Applicant, subject to Article 6.4, will be informed by email, no
later than 5 days prior to the Match, that their Ticket(s) can be collected during the opening
hours at the Ticket collection point. The email will provide the exact details of the Ticket(s)
collection point as well as the opening times during which the Ticket(s) can be collected. Such
location shall be in the vicinity of the Stadium or in the Host City centre. In order to collect such
Ticket(s), the Successful Applicant must show a personal identification document (passport or
national identity card) for them and their Guest(s) and the above-mentioned email either
electronically or as a print-out. The Guest(s) must be present at the Ticket collection point with
the Successful Applicant in order to collect the Tickets. For the avoidance of doubt, Tickets will
not be remitted to any Successful Applicant who fails to meet the identification requirements or
who is deemed to be an Excluded Person (as defined in Article D.13.2) pursuant to these Terms
and Conditions (including but not limited to any Successful Applicant who has acted in breach
of these Terms and Conditions). The Applicant acknowledges that notification under this Article
6.3 may be provided following receipt of an initial “mobile phone ticket” and that such “mobile
phone ticket” will then be deactivated by EURO 2024 GmbH.
6.4. The Applicant acknowledges that for PNA Allocation Tickets the relevant PNA may determine
that certain Tickets are to be distributed in accordance with Article 6.1.b. In the event that such
determination is made by the relevant PNA, the Successful Applicant will be informed as soon
as reasonably practicable of such requirement from the PNA, who will provide to the Successful
Applicant the details of the Ticket collection point and Ticket collection procedure. The Applicant
acknowledges that such notification may be provided following receipt of an initial “mobile phone
ticket” and that such “mobile phone ticket” will then be deactivated by EURO 2024 GmbH. UEFA
Parties do not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any such decision of the PNA
pursuant to this Article 6.4.
6.5. Tickets shall remain the property of EURO 2024 GmbH at all times.
6.6. Defective mobile phone Ticket(s) such as for example, Tickets not displayed in the App, Tickets
not being displayed due to defective mobile phone or insufficient battery, or with incorrect
personal information displayed on the Ticket, will be rejected at the entrance to the Stadium.
UEFA Parties, DFB Parties and the Stadium Owner shall not be responsible for defective, lost
or stolen Ticket(s) and will accept no obligation to reissue any such Ticket(s) provided that where
there is a defect of a mobile Ticket or other complications with regard to the access procedure
(including but not limited to with the functionality of the App) entirely or predominantly
attributable to EURO 2024 GmbH, EURO 2024 GmbH shall where reasonably possible and
subject to identification of the Ticket Holder's legitimacy in accordance with Article C.8.2.b either
rectify any defect or block the Ticket concerned after notification of the defect and issue a new
Ticket to the Successful Applicant upon provision of sufficient evidence from the Successful
7. Prohibited Use of the Ticket(s)
7.1. Except as expressly permitted in Articles 7.2 and 7.3, any resale, transfer of Ticket(s), offer or
advertisement of Ticket(s) for resale or transfer, whether for free or for consideration, is strictly
prohibited. This prohibition extends to providing access to the mobile (or other) device upon
which a Ticket is held/displayed, to providing login details for the App and to providing login
details for the Ticket Portal.
7.2. The Successful Applicant shall be permitted to:
a. (if applicable) transfer Tickets to their Guest(s) provided that (jointly):
i. save where the provisions of Article 7.3 apply, the Successful Applicant will attend
the relevant Match together with their Guest(s);
ii. the Tickets are for their personal use;
iii. such permitted transfer is free of any extra consideration over and above the face
value of the Ticket;
iv. if applicable, such transfer is carried out before the deadline expires for the
provision of Ticket Holder data as communicated to the Successful Applicant by
EURO 2024 GmbH;
v. Guests, by accepting the transfer of Tickets from the Successful Applicant, agree
to be subject to these Terms and Conditions; and
b. resell Tickets (in accordance with the relevant resale terms and conditions) solely via the
official ‘Ticket Resale Platform’ implemented and launched by EURO 2024 GmbH in
accordance with the time window, format and method foreseen for this purpose on the
official ‘Ticket Resale Platform’. Such resale platform will be managed by EURO 2024
GmbH as the only authorised platform for the resale of Tickets by Successful Applicants.
EURO 2024 GmbH or the relevant PNA may decide when and which Tickets can be resold
through the resale platform.
7.3. In the event that a Ticket Holder (which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes the Successful
Applicant and any Guest(s)) is unable to attend the relevant Match for personal reasons (for
example, illness or medical reasons), the Successful Applicant shall not be entitled to a refund
in respect of such Ticket but shall, subject to any PNA Allocation Rules to the contrary, be
entitled to transfer such Ticket to a friend or family member (who shall in turn become the Guest
for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions), provided that (i) such transfer is carried out in
compliance with, and subject to, Articles 7.1 and 7.2, (ii) such friend or family member
understands that the Ticket may be situated within a specific fan area of the Stadium and that
they are required to behave appropriately in any such specific fan area, (iii) such friend or family
member cannot ask to be moved to a seat in another area of the Stadium, (iv) the personal
details of such individual are provided in accordance with the procedure notified to the
Successful Applicant by EURO 2024 GmbH, and (v) if applicable, such transfer takes place
before the deadline expires for the provision of Ticket Holder data as communicated to the
Successful Applicant by EURO 2024 GmbH.
7.4. The Ticket(s) shall not be:
a. used for any promotion, advertising, fundraising, auction, raffle or any other similar
commercial or non-commercial purposes;
b. used as a prize (or part of a prize) in any contest, competition, (promotional) game of
chance, lottery or sweepstake;
c. combined with and sold as part of any package of goods or services; or
d. combined with and sold as part of any travel or hospitality package (for example
combining flights, hotels and the Ticket(s)).
7.5. Ticket Holders shall not:
a. run any advertisements or promotions relating to UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, UEFA
EURO 2024 or the Match;
b. advertise, promote, give away, distribute, sell or offer for sale any product or service from
any part of the Stadium or via the display of overt commercial messages on clothing worn
or items brought into the Stadium; or
c. exploit any marketing or promotional opportunities in relation to the Ticket(s).
For the avoidance of doubt, no branding, which may be aimed at promotional or marketing
purposes whatsoever, may be displayed by any Ticket Holder at the Stadium.
7.6. Ticket(s) acquired or used in breach of this Article 7 and/or Article D.13 of these Terms and
Conditions shall be void with no right to a refund and any person seeking to use such Ticket(s)
will be deemed a trespasser and will be refused entry or be evicted from the Stadium, and may
be liable to further legal action. Any unauthorised (re-) sale or transfer of the Ticket(s) may be
reported to the police or other security authorities.
7.7. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions, the PNA Allocation Rules, any Applicable Laws
and/or of any Regulations shall entitle EURO 2024 GmbH (and in respect of any breach of the
PNA Allocation Rules, at the request of the relevant PNA) to:
a. cancel and invalidate the Ticket and any other Tickets that have been purchased by the
Successful Applicant for the same or any other Match with no right to a refund; and
b. in cases of an unauthorised resale of Tickets pursuant to this Article 7,
i. impose a contractual penalty on the Ticket Holder in accordance with Article 11;
ii. to claim full or partial repayment from the Ticket Holder of any profit in excess of
the face value of the Ticket generated through the unauthorised resale of the Ticket
(whether and the extent as to which the afore-mentioned profit shall be
compensated shall be determined in accordance with the conditions set out in
Article 11.2).
8. Entrance to the Stadium
8.1. Access to the relevant Stadium will be permitted during such hours as specified on the Ticket
or as published on www.euro2024.com. Ticket Holders are obliged to ensure that they keep
themselves informed about possible alterations of the Match.
8.2. Entrance to the relevant Stadium shall be:
a. subject to compliance with:
i. these Terms and Conditions;
ii. the Stadium Rules;
iii. any sanitary measures or policies in place;
iv. all Applicable Laws (whether statutory or otherwise and including health and safety
requirements and any sanitary measures) governing access or presence at the
Stadium, attendance at the Match, use of the Tickets, general safety certificate and
any special safety certificate applying to the Stadium, issued by any authority that
has jurisdiction or authority in relation to the holding of the Match at the Stadium;
b. authorised upon presentation of a valid Ticket per person (regardless of age) and proof of
identity of the Ticket Holder with valid photograph (passport or national identity card); and
c. where the Applicable Laws of the Host City or Host Territory stipulate a minimum age for
attendance at football matches, authorised only to such persons who meet the minimum
age requirements.
8.3. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Applicant, Successful Applicant, Guest and/or
Ticket Holder (as applicable) shall result in the Ticket Holder being deemed a trespasser in case
of an entry to the Stadium and shall give UEFA Parties and/or DFB Parties the right to eject said
person from the Stadium.
8.4. Ticket Holders leaving the Stadium will not be re-admitted.
9. Conduct at the Stadium
9.1. For safety and security purposes, all persons attending the Match, if and when so requested by
stewards, safety personnel and/or any other legally authorised persons representing UEFA
Parties and/or DFB Parties, shall:
a. produce a valid Ticket together with proof of identity with valid photograph and signature
(passport or national identity card) in order to provide satisfactory evidence that the Ticket
Holder’s identity corresponds to that of the Ticket Holder whose details were provided to
EURO 2024 GmbH in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
b. submit to inspections, body checks and examinations including through the use of
technical equipment to ensure that they are not in possession of dangerous, prohibited
or unauthorised items. Safety personnel, stewards or police shall be entitled to search
any person’s clothing and their belongings;
c. comply with all instructions and guidelines issued by such persons;
d. comply with any sanitary measures and policies in place at the Stadium and follow any
and all instructions from safety personnel, stewards and/or police and/or any other duly
authorised persons at the Stadium in relation to sanitary and hygiene measures; and
e. be subject to additional safety controls inside the Stadium, as the case may arise.
9.2. It shall be strictly forbidden inside the Stadium to express, display or disseminate of any
insulting, discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, sexist, religious, political or other illegal/prohibited
9.3. The Stadium Rules contain detailed lists of prohibited items and conduct, and each Ticket
Holder shall fully comply with any restrictions contained therein. Abbreviated versions of these
Terms and Conditions and/or the Stadium Rules, or simple icons illustrating prohibited items or
conduct, may also be included on the Ticket and must be fully complied with by the Ticket
9.4. Without limitation, it is strictly forbidden to do any of the following inside the Stadium:
a. occupy or access areas which are closed to the public or for which access is unauthorised
in accordance with the relevant Ticket category held by the Ticket Holder;
b. restrict or loiter in areas open to traffic, footpaths and roadways, entrances and exits to
visitor areas and emergency exits;
c. occupy any seat other than that indicated on the Ticket; or
d. engage in any other conduct which may endanger any person at the Stadium.
The above list is not exhaustive. Ticket Holders should refer to the Stadium Rules for more
information on the required conduct.
9.5. Fans supporting the teams participating in the Match may not be segregated at the Stadium and
each Ticket Holder agrees to behave responsibly and in line with the Stadium Rules and any
other safety and security guidelines communicated by UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the PNA
and/or the Stadium Owner.
10. Sound and Image Recordings
10.1. Ticket Holders attending the Match at the Stadium, take note that their voice, image and likeness
recorded during their time in the Stadium (“Recordings”) may be used, free of charge, in any
image, sound and audiovisual material in connection with that Match or UEFA EURO 2024 in
general, either simultaneously or at a later date. The Stadium Authority (which, shall for the
purposes of this Article 10, mean the competent entitled authority) or third parties engaged or
otherwise authorised in each case (e.g., broadcasting, press) create Recordings for the purpose
and on the basis of their legitimate interest of public reporting and promotion of UEFA EURO
2024 in general and the respective Matches pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (1) lit. f of the GDPR.
Recordings may be processed, exploited and publicly reproduced by the Stadium Authority or
third parties authorised in each case (e.g., broadcasting, press) within the scope of the same
legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (1) lit. f of the GDPR.
10.2. Ticket Holders shall not collect, record, use or disseminate any sound, image, recording or
depiction of the Stadium or the Match (including any results, statistics, information or other data
about the match, in whole or in part) over the internet, radio, television or any other current or
future media or assist any other persons in doing so other than for private use. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Stadium Authority or other authorised third parties, as in particular
UEFA, are entitled to delete, or cause to be deleted, any images transmitted or publicly
displayed in breach of this provision, and to bring any other claim against the responsible person
(collecting, recording disseminating as described above) in a judicial or extrajudicial proceeding.
In addition, by disseminating any sound, image, recording or depiction in breach of the
preceding provisions of this Article, Ticket Holders shall grant UEFA Parties the irrevocable right
to use, reproduce and commercially exploit such disseminations including the intellectual
property rights, if any, in such disseminations. Ticket Holders further agree (if and whenever
required to do so by UEFA Parties) to promptly execute all instruments and do all things
necessary to vest the right, title and interest in such rights to UEFA absolutely and free of all
encumbrances and other charges.
10.3. To ensure the safety of the public and effective law enforcement, the Stadium and, in part, its
surroundings are monitored with a closed circuit television system in accordance with Art. 6
para. 1 (1) lit. f of the GDPR generally operated by the Stadium Authority regarding the Match.
The respective recordings are treated confidentially by the Stadium Authority but can serve as
evidence in particular in the event of suspicion and/or the occurrence of criminal offences; the
Stadium Authority may transfer their recordings to the competent public safety authorities in
these cases. In addition, the competent public safety authorities may also use video surveillance
equipment on match days on their own responsibility to avert danger and prosecute offenders
in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
10.4. If a Match is uneventful in respect of suspicion and/or the occurrence of criminal offences, the
recordings will be deleted in accordance with the applicable provisions of data protection law,
in particular the GDPR and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
11. Contractual Penalty
11.1. In case of a culpable breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Applicant or the Ticket Holder
(as applicable), in particular of Articles B.3.21 and 7, EURO 2024 GmbH is entitled, in addition
to the other measures and sanctions under these Terms and Conditions and without prejudice
to any further claims, to impose an appropriate contractual penalty of up to EUR 2,500 on the
Applicant or Ticket Holder (as applicable).
11.2. The amount of the contractual penalty shall be determined by the quantity and intensity of the
violations, the type and degree of culpability (intent or negligence), the efforts of the Applicant
or Ticket Holder (as applicable) in making restitution, whether there is a repeated infringement,
and, in case of unauthorised resale of Tickets, the quantity of Tickets offered, resold, as well as
any proceeds or profits generated by the resale.
12. Liability
12.1. Subject to Article 12.5, in the event that UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA and/or
the Stadium Owner is in breach of their obligations (under these Terms and Conditions or
otherwise), UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA and/or the Stadium Owner shall only
be responsible for such loss or damage suffered by the Ticket Holder which was reasonably
foreseeable as a result of the breach. UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA and/or the
Stadium Owner shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that is not reasonably
foreseeable or contemplated at the time the Successful Applicant entered into a contract
pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
12.2. Notwithstanding Article 12.1 and subject to Article 12.5, UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant
PNA and/or the Stadium Owner is not liable for any business losses and UEFA Parties, DFB
Parties, the relevant PNA and/or the Stadium Owner will have no liability to any Ticket Holder
for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
12.3. Subject to Article 12.5, in any event, to the maximum extent permitted by the Applicable Laws,
UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA and/or the Stadium Owner hereby exclude any
liability for loss, damage or injury to a Ticket Holder and/or their property, including (but not
limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or damage, including (but not limited to) loss of
enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs, regardless of whether the loss or damage: (a)
would arise in the ordinary course of events; (b) is reasonably foreseeable; or (c) is in the
contemplation of the parties, or otherwise.
12.4. Subject to Article 12.5, UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA and/or the Stadium Owner
shall not be responsible for any interruptions and/or restrictions to the view of the Match caused
by virtue of (i) the position of the seat and/or (ii) the actions of other spectators.
12.5. Notwithstanding any provision in these Terms and Conditions, UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the
relevant PNA and/or the Stadium Owner does not seek to exclude or limit their liability: (a) for
fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (b) for death or personal injury caused by UEFA Parties’,
DFB Parties’, the relevant PNA’s and/or the Stadium Owner’s negligence or the negligence of
any of their officers, employees or agents; or (c) for any other matter for which it is not possible
to exclude or limit liability by the Applicable Laws.
12.6. Nothing stated or implied in these Terms and Conditions will affect the Ticket Holder’s statutory
rights or any rights that cannot be excluded under the Applicable Laws of the Host Territory.
13. Unauthorised Spectators
13.1. Ticket Holders are permitted to attend the Match provided that:
a. they are not an Excluded Person;
b. the Ticket has been obtained in accordance with these Terms and Conditions; and
c. where the Ticket Holder travels to the Host Territory, they have complied with any
requirements which are in place regarding entry into the Host Territory (including but not
limited to any travel and entry requirements, including any requirement to obtain a valid
VISA, imposed under Applicable Laws).
For the avoidance of doubt, UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA and the Stadium
Owner shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by a Ticket Holder should they fail to
comply with the provisions of this Article 13.1 and/or, where required, fail to obtain the necessary
13.2. For the purpose of this Article 13,“Excluded Person” means:
a. any person banned by the Host Association from membership of the fan club for the
national football team (or banned from any equivalent official supporters club by a football
governing body in any jurisdiction in the World);
b. any person subject to an administrative or judicial football ban under the Applicable Laws
of the relevant Host City and/or Host Territory;
c. any person banned by UEFA, FIFA, any football governing body or otherwise, from
travelling to or attending an association football match;
d. any person banned by UEFA, the Host Association and/or the relevant Stadium Owner
from attending events at the Stadium;
e. any person who is deemed by the participating teams in the Match to be a person to
whom Tickets should not be allocated (including but not limited to persons who have been
issued with a stadium ban by the respective participating teams);
f. any person who is deemed by the relevant public authorities to be a person to whom
Tickets should not be allocated for safety and security reasons; and
g. any person who has breached or is in breach of these Terms and Conditions, in relation
to the relevant Ticket and/or any Ticket previously held by the Ticket Holder.
14. Processing of personal data
Personal data (including but not limited to first name(s) and, last name, date of birth, email
address, passport/ID issued by country name, address and telephone number, supported PNA,
PNA Member number) of Applicants and Guests are collected and processed in accordance
with the Privacy Notification.
15. Unforeseen Circumstances
15.1. UEFA Parties, DFB Parties and/or the Stadium Owner reserve the right to make alterations to
the time, date and location of the Match(es) due to unforeseen extraordinary circumstances:
force majeure, safety and/or security reasons or other decisions made by any competent
authority which have a major impact on the Match being played at the Stadium.
15.2. In the event of cancellation, abandonment, rescheduling or replaying of the Match, or in the
event of a change of venue, reduction of Stadium capacity or the playing of the relevant Match
behind closed doors, the Successful Applicant will be bound by the Refund Policy in respect of
any refunds of the Tickets purchased by the Successful Applicant provided however that:
a. any refunds may be made only to the Successful Applicant (and not to the Ticket Holder)
and only up to the Purchase Price paid by such Successful Applicant for the Ticket(s),
and shall not, for the avoidance of doubt, entitle the Applicant to a refund of any costs
and expenses incurred by the Successful Applicant or Guest(s) in relation to travel or
accommodation; and
b. subject to the foregoing and Article 12, UEFA Parties, DFB Parties, the relevant PNA
and/or the Stadium Owner will not have any liability to the Successful Applicant or any
Guest or Ticket Holder on account of any such cancellation, abandonment, rescheduling,
replay, reduction of Stadium capacity, change of venue or playing of the relevant Match
behind closed doors or other failure or deficiency in the conduct of the Match.
16. Severability and Amendment
16.1. EURO 2024 GmbH reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions if necessary to
ensure proper and safe staging of UEFA EURO 2024 and/or the relevant Match(es). EURO
2024 GmbH will notify each Applicant (or Successful Applicant, as the case may be) of any
material changes via an email sent to the address indicated by the Applicant (or Successful
Applicant, as the case may be) in the Request and the Applicant (or Successful Applicant, as
the case may be) will have the choice to consent to such changes or to withdraw their application
or withdraw from the agreement concluded with EURO 2024 GmbH in accordance with Article
5.1 (as applicable).
16.2. Should any provisions of these Terms and Conditions be declared void, ineffective, illegal or
unenforceable by any competent court, regulator or authority:
a. the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall remain in effect as if such void,
ineffective, illegal or unenforceable provision(s) had not been included; and
b. where required and/or permitted under Applicable Laws, EURO 2024 GmbH and the
Applicant (or Successful Applicant, as the case may be) shall replace the invalid provision
with a provision, which closely approximates the economic purpose of such invalid
provision in good faith.
17. Authentic Text
These Terms and Conditions have been drafted in the German language and translated into
English and are available on the Ticket Portal. Where permitted under Applicable Laws, in the
event of any discrepancy between the German and any translated version, the German version
shall prevail.
18. General
18.1. The Regulations (which shall be provided on request by EURO 2024 GmbH) shall be
incorporated into these Terms and Conditions and each Applicant, Successful Applicant, Ticket
Holder and Guest shall abide by the Regulations.
18.2. Each Applicant consents to these Terms and Conditions themselves and on behalf of their
Guest(s) (i.e. the Applicant shall ensure that their Guest(s) understand(s), agree(s) with and will
conform to these Terms and Conditions). If the Guest is under the age of 18 each Applicant
confirms that they have received proper consent to these Terms and Conditions from the
Guest(s)’s appropriate parent or guardian under the Applicable Laws of the Host Territory.
18.3. These Terms and Conditions must be incorporated into all agreements to (re)sell, transfer or
supply Ticket(s) and brought to the attention of any Ticket Holder (including Guests). All Ticket
Holders must comply with these Terms and Conditions at all times.
18.4. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and no party
shall have any claim or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, warranty or
undertaking, made by or on behalf of any other party in relation to these Terms and Conditions
which is not already set out in these Terms and Conditions.
18.5. The European Commission provides on its website the following link to the ODR platform:
https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. This platform shall be a point of entry for out-of-court
resolutions of disputes arising from online sales and service contracts concluded between
consumers and traders. EURO 2024 GmbH are neither obliged nor prepared to attend a dispute
settlement procedure before an alternative dispute resolution entity.
18.6. Save where precluded under any Applicable Laws, the laws of the Host Territory govern these
Terms and Conditions. The parties agree that, save where precluded under any Applicable
Laws, the courts of the relevant Host City shall have exclusive jurisdiction, save that if the
Successful Applicant is deemed to be a consumer for the purposes of any Applicable Laws, any
proceedings arising out of or in respect of these Terms and Conditions can be brought in the
courts of the place of residence of the domicile of such Successful Applicant.
19. Contact
Any information requests about the ticketing sales process should be addressed to the customer
service appointed by UEFA Parties in relation to the ticketing process for UEFA EURO 2024
and the Matches, through: https://support.tickets-euro2024.uefa.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.