1. Tickets for individual matches are issued by Juventus Football Club S.p.A., event organiser, with head offices in Turin in Via Druento
175 10151 Turin, VAT no. 00470470014.
2. Tickets are non-transferable and entitle holders to watch, from the seats allocated to the tickets, Home Matches (hereafter also known
as “sports event” or “event”) of the First Team of Juventus Football Club S.p.A. (“Club” or “Juventus”) in the competitions to which tickets
refer, in accordance with the match schedules, dates, times and venues established by the competition organiser, subject to any possible
The ticket purchaser recognises and accepts that the Home Match may be played at a time fixed by Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie
A between the date of the so-called advance and that of so-called postponement (according to the "match windows" established by the
competition organiser) and those changes will be published promptly by the Club, through its official channels, following the official press
release of Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A. Changes concerning advancements and postponements relating to each calendar day
established and communicated by the competent sports organisations do not give the right to a refund or compensation. Changes outside
the "match window" will only give the purchaser the right to reimbursement of the cost of the ticket, subject to the correct and complete
implementation of the reimbursement procedure that is periodically indicated on the website www.juventus.com.
3. The purchase and use of tickets requires the review and acceptance of these conditions of sale and use of tickets for the individual
matches (hereafter "Terms and Conditions"), of the Code Regulating the Sale of Tickets to football events applied by Juventus FC S.p.A.
(hereafter "Code of Conduct"), and the Stadium Regulation, in the versions in effect at the time, as well as any other provision, rule, code
or regulation applicable to those entering the stadium to watch the match, adopted by Juventus in compliance with any supervening
legislation and published on the website www.juventus.com.
4. The ticket is named: the “Ticket Holder” is the person who, duly identified, obtains the issuance of the ticket in their name.
5.The Ticket Holder may not use the ticket for trading and/or speculative purposes or put on sale or resell their seat, even as part of a
complementary service/product offering, including even just some of the services, to be sold, resold or transferred to third parties.
Therefore, any ticket touting, sale or purchase of the ticket through unofficial channels or online sale platforms that fuel the secondary
ticketing phenomenon (by way of example but not limited to: Ticket4football, Ticketbis, Viagogo, etc.) is expressly prohibited.Juventus
reserves the right to take action, in order to protect its interests, against the Holder and/or user and/or anyone who has provided the ticket
in breach of this article and will have the right, at its sole discretion, to prohibit access to the Stadium, with automatic and immediate
recalling of the ticket from anyone in possession of it, without the right to reimbursement or compensation, and without prejudice to
additional losses that may be suffered.
6. If the ticket is used by a person other than the Ticket Holder, the change of holder, where permitted, must be reported via the Club’s
online system. The change of holder is immediately effective except in the event of malfunctioning of the Internet connection giving
access to the website or other causes for which Juventus cannot be held responsible. Tickets may not be transferred and therefore the
names cannot be changed, for purposes of sale and/or resale which are specifically prohibited pursuant to the preceding art. 5, and the
right to transfer tickets is subject to restrictions which may be imposed at the time by the competent administrative authorities and/or by
Juventus. Any unauthorised sale of tickets, or transfer not carried out through the name change procedure, constitutes illegal use. Tickets
transferred illegally are invalid or in any case unusable if used by persons other than their Holders.
Juventus reserves the right to refuse the change of name on free tickets and/or those tickets that have been purchased or issued by virtue
of a particular right of pre-emption or by persons entitled to enjoy a special rate.
7. Tickets may only be purchased via authorised sales channels (physical or online), and in accordance with the procedures established
by the Club. Juventus declines responsibility for losses or damages suffered by persons purchasing tickets via channels other than the
authorised channels.
8. Entry to the stadium without a valid ticket and/or with a ticket bearing a name not corresponding to your identity is prohibited. It is also
prohibited to enter into different sectors from the sector indicated on the ticket. To access the Stadium, the Holder must submit a legible
paper copy of the ticket and his/her valid identity document. The steward staff allocated to the sports facilities will verify, in compliance
with the requirements, that the name on the ticket matches the name of the person submitting that ticket, as identified through his/her
identity document, and entry may be denied to persons who do not have the aforementioned documents or in case of discrepancies.
Furthermore, access to the sport facilities may involve mandatory personal and safety searches of the person concerned and on his/her
bags and other belongings he/she is carrying along, with the sole aim of preventing anyone from carrying illegal objects or illegal
substances inside the stadium, which are prohibited or which encourage or provoke acts of violence. The Holder expressly agrees to be
subject to such checks.
9. Reduced-price and free tickets (under 16, disabled, etc.) are issued until all available seats allocated by the Club have been filled. Minors
aged under 14 may not enter the stadium unless they are accompanied by an adult; they must in any case hold a ticket entitling them to
the seat in the sector to which the ticket refers.
10. The ticket may not be issued or may be withdrawn or made unusable:
(i) if the IT system indicated in the Decree of the Minister of the Interior dated 15 August 2009, ascertains “impeding reasons”, i.e.
- individuals who are subject to a DASPO ban (Divieto di Accedere alle manifestazioni Sportive, a measure preventing access to sporting
events), or one of the measures envisaged by the Italian law no. 1423 of 27/12/56 (so-called "prevention measures"), or
- individuals who have been convicted, even at first instance, for crimes related to sports events in stadiums.
(ii) in the other cases provided by the law or applicable provisions.
The ticket Holder and/or user declares and warrants that they are not subject to any of the impeding reasons referred to in points (i) and
(ii) above.
The impeding reasons are verified by sending personal data to the police headquarters, by the methods indicated by Decree of the Ministry
of the Interior dated 15 August 2009, including the data protection security measures.
Furthermore, the ticket is cancelled or otherwise made unusable if the Holder or user is a person not authorised to enter sports facilities
in accordance with Italian Law no. 41/2007, or if it is used by a person other than the Holder or in the event of violations of the Stadium
Regulation published on the website www.juventus.com and affixed at the Allianz Stadium or the Code of Conduct published on the
website www.juventus.com. The purchaser and/or Holder, or user, are informed and acknowledge that use of the ticket is conditional
upon the approval of the Club, as regulated in the Code of Conduct.
The aforementioned restrictions will apply automatically, without entitlement to refund or compensation for unused tickets.
11. For matches deemed to be “at risk”, the public safety authorities may order prohibitions and/or restrictions on the sale and issuance
of tickets.
12. As provided under the rules of Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A F.I.G.C., if a match is abandoned after the beginning of the
second half, the ticket will not be valid for the rescheduled match.
If the sector of the stadium in which the Holder's seat is located is closed, the Holder - provided that he/she has not contributed to causing
the liability, even objective, of the Club - will be entitled to a refund of the price, except where the Club provides a replacement ticket stub
to watch the match in another sector of the stadium.
If the authorities require the match to be played at a neutral ground or behind closed doors, the Holder - provided that he/she has not
contributed to causing the liability, even objective, of the Club - will be entitled to a refund of the price or, at his/her choice, to a replacement
ticket stub to watch the match in the other stadium (subject to availability).
Except in the case of culpable breach by the Club, any compensation for damages and travel expenses is excluded, even where the
authorities require the match to be played on neutral ground; entry tickets are charged to the purchasers.
The Club may assign a different seat from that indicated on the ticket for reasons of force majeure, act of God, public order, safety, works
in progress or at the order of the Public Safety Authority, Lega Nazionale Professionisti, Osservatorio, CASMS or any other competent
body. In that circumstance, the assigned seat will be of equal or greater value than the one purchased.
If a refund is to be provided, the only accepted methods will be those communicated at the time on the Club's official website, subject to
applying the legislation applicable at the time.
13. The Ticket must be used and therefore the Stadium must be accessed in conformity with these Terms and Conditions, the provisions
of the Stadium Regulation (hereafter ”Regulation") and the Code of Conduct, in the versions in force at the time, which are affixed inside
the stadium and on the website www.juventus.com, as well as any other provision, rule, code or regulation applicable to those entering
the stadium to watch the match, adopted by Juventus and published from time to time on the website www.juventus.com or at the
stadium.http://www.juventus.com/http://www.juventus.com/ Compliance with such provisions is an
indispensable requirement for spectators to enter and stay inside the stadium. Failure to comply with the aforementioned provisions will
result in the immediate termination of the contract, with the consequent removal of the offender from the stadium, without the Holder
and/or third-party user of the ticket being entitled to any compensation and/or reimbursement for improperly used tickets, and shall be
subject to the fines stipulated in the Regulations and/or in the Code of Conduct and any additional legal sanctions, where required.
14. Ticket Holders and/or users will be held liable for any damage they cause to the stadium, to personnel and/or to other people present
in the stadium.
15. The ticket Holder and/or user, also in accordance with the Code of Conduct, is required to behave in a manner that does not cause a
disturbance to other spectators and not to perform any acts that denigrate, offend or challenge impolitely persons, authorities and public
and/or private institutions, as well as the Club and the away team and the respective employees and/or representatives, security staff,
stewards and hostesses, or fans of the opposing team. The Club therefore has the right to immediately expel the spectator from the
stadium, with the ticket Holder and/or user having nothing to claim for any reason or right from Juventus.16 The ticket Holder and/or user
who watches the match acknowledges and accepts that photographs and/or audio and video recordings may be taken inside the Stadium
and to that end they consent to being photographed, recorded or filmed by Juventus and/or by any third parties employed by the same.
Juventus will have the right to use, modify, alter, transmit, publish, broadcast, transfer and grant on licence, without territorial or time
limits, all photographic and/or audio and/or video recordings concerning the voice, image, figure and/or portrait of the ticket Holder and/or
user within the Stadium, with freedom of use for any purpose, on any format or medium used to take those recordings currently known
(by way of example but without limitation: audio, video, photo, film, multimedia, digital, television, magnetic medium or any other
technological medium, including television, radio, internet and/or other online network) or that is invented in future.
Those recordings may be used, modified, altered, broadcast, published, disseminated, transferred and granted on licence, in all methods,
without limitation, for any purpose and aim - by way of example but without limitation:
i. editorial uses in relation to publishing initiatives implemented by the official communication bodies of Juventus (published in
any language),
ii. broadcasting (in any part of the world, live or recorded) of those recordings (alone and/or in other programmes and/or
materials) on radio and/or television - public, private and pay-per-view - via the Internet and/or mobile applications, in cinemas and on any
other media,
iii. for archiving purposes,
iv. for the provision of services offered for any reason to the public,
v. for use for promo-advertising and commercial purposes,
all in respect of the rights relating to honour, reputation and decorum and within the limits established by the legislation in force.
17. The use of the ticket does not determine any right or authorisation to copy or use the trademarks owned by Juventus or by third
parties, or to record and copy, transfer, disseminate or use, in any way, the sounds and/or images of the stadium and home matches.
18. In accordance with Art. 59, section n) of Italian Legislative Decree no. 21/2014, even when purchased off-premises, tickets do not
qualify for the right of withdrawal provided under Art. 52 of that Decree, as they concern leisure-related services which involve a specific
period or date of performance. Therefore, the price paid for the ticket will not be refunded, if the purchaser waives the right to use it.
19. These Terms and Conditions are governed by Italian law and by the Italian Consumer Code, where applicable, as amended and
supplemented. Disputes concerning the validity, application, interpretation, performance or termination of these Conditions shall fall under
the exclusive and binding jurisdiction of the Court of Turin or the court of the place of residence or elective domicile of the customer,
where the latter qualifies as a consumer under Italian Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 as amended and supplemented. The Holder,
providing the latter is considered a Consumer, has the right to attempt an out-of-court settlement of disputes relating to consumer
contracts via the procedures pursuant to Part V, Title II bis of the Consumer Code (ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution). With reference
to possible alternative dispute resolution instruments, it is noted that a European platform has been established for the online resolution
of consumer disputes (so-called ODR platform). The ODR platform is accessible at the following address
https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main. Via the ODR platform, the Holder can consult the list of ADR bodies, find the link to the website
of each of them and start an on-line settlement of their dispute.
Further details about alternative/online procedures for settling disputes may found at the following link:
This is in any case without prejudice to the rights of the Member to apply to the competent ordinary court for disputes arising from the
season ticket contract, whatever the outcome of the out-of-court settlement procedure.
20. The personal data of the ticket purchaser and Holder and/or user will be processed by Juventus Football Club S.p.A., based in Via
Druento 175 - 10151 Turin, in the capacity of data controller, even using electronic tools, in respect of applicable regulations on personal
data processing and protection, according to what is specified in the privacy policy published in the privacy section of the website:
21. The ticket Holder and/or user undertakes to respect the legislation in force on the prevention of Covid-19 as well as the provisions
and specific rules aimed at containing the spread of Covid-19 (Covid-19-Specific Regulations) adopted by Juventus from time to time and
published on the website www.juventus.com, in respect of the anti-Covid-19 legislation in force, whereby anti-Covid-19 legislation means
any law, measure, circular, protocol, guideline in relation to containing and managing Covid-19, issued and/or being issued by the
competent Authorities. Any breach of the prevention rules listed above and/or failure to respect the instructions of the stewards in charge
of supervising respect of the same constitutes “Relevant Conduct” that may be sanctioned with the “institution of non-acceptance” in
accordance with the Code of Conduct.
JPC Stands Addendum
1. The following terms and conditions (hereafter “Addendum”) supplement the Conditions of sale and use of tickets for individual
matches and apply exclusively to tickets for the stands of the Allianz Stadium known as Club Gianni and Umberto Agnelli, Stand 100, Club
Giampiero Boniperti, Club Omar Sivori (hereafter, overall, the “JPC Stands”)
2. If permitted by the regulations in force on preventing the spread of Covid-19, the ticket holder and/or user for the JPC Stand
may enjoy the accessory restaurant, catering or aperitif service described below which is understood to be included in the ticket purchase
price. The holder is informed and accepts that those services may not be provided or may be provided in different ways based upon the
anti-Covid-19 Regulations in force:
Club Gianni and Umberto Agnelli Stand:
Catering service with full meal with table service or by another method (lunch or dinner) in the pre-match period with à la carte menu
of dishes prepared in the show kitchen at the Club Gianni and Umberto Agnell hospitality lounge;
Stand 100:
catering service with buffet meal (lunch or dinner) in the pre-match period offered inside the Stand 100 hospitality lounge;
Club Giampiero Boniperti Stand:
catering service with buffet meal (lunch or dinner) in the pre-match period offered inside the Club Giampiero Boniperti Stand hospitality
Club Omar Sivori Stand:
aperitif service offered in the Club Omar Sivori hospitality lounge in the pre-match period.
3. For safety reasons, in order to enter and use the accessory restaurant, catering or aperitif services in the hospitality lounges,
ticket holders must collect from the desk inside the hall of honour the identity bracelet for the hospitality lounge corresponding to the
purchased JPC Stand and show this when requested by the stewards and/or hostesses in the corridor leading into the aforementioned
lounge. If the bracelet is not produced, Juventus may prohibit entry to the lounge and the ticket holder and/or user will have nothing to
claim from Juventus for any reason, without prejudice to all additional rights of Juventus pursuant to this Addendum.
4. The ticket holder and/or user must behave in such a way that does not cause disturbance to other spectators and must not
engage in behaviours that are offensive, slanderous or openly challenging of other persons, public and/or private authorities and
institutions, or the Club or the away team and the respective employees and/or representatives and/or collaborators, including stewards
and hostesses, the security staff and supporters of the away team. Ticket holders and/or users must always behave in a manner that
suits the tradition, aplomb and exclusiveness of the stand and the hospitality lounge (merely by way of example but without limitation:
wear appropriate clothing, do not abuse alcohol, if permitted, so as not to cause a disturbance and/or a nuisance to third parties). Any
conduct contrary to the values of sport are also censured, along with those acts that, in their expression, amount to racial, territorial, ethnic
or religious or gender discrimination against the members and fans of the away team, institutions or civil society, and any conduct that is
in contrast with the principles of loyalty, integrity and fairness, inciting violence in any form.
5. In case of behaviour in breach of the contractual obligations described above in articles 3 and 4 of this Addendum, identified
by those responsible for controlling and ensuring the safety of the facility, or by other Juventus staff, or by the police, or using the images
captured by the video surveillance system, or other open sources, Juventus will have the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately expel
the spectator culpable of such behaviour, with the ticket holder and/or user having nothing to claim for any reason or right from Juventus.
6. For safety and accessibility reasons, specific positions are reserved for disabled fans in other sectors of the Stadium, suited to
the particular requirements of wheelchair access and for persons with motor difficulties. The JPC Stands do not have specific positions
for fans with reduced mobility and the ticket for the JPC Stand does not provide entry for wheelchair users.
7. Only children aged under 4 accompanied by an adult in possession of a ticket for the JPC Stand may be admitted free of charge
to the JPC Stand, without being assigned with a seat in the stand and at the table of the lounge. The above-indicated children must be
carried and will not be entitled to use the restaurant, catering or aperitif service in the hospitality lounge.